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Submitted to Fulfill
One of Requirements
To Obtain a Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

NIM. 2188203032

NIDN. 2088203015



TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................i

LIST OF TABLE...................................................................................................ii

LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................iii

LIST OF APPENDIX...........................................................................................iv

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION............................................................................1

A. Background of the Research.........................................................................1

B. Identification of the Research.......................................................................6

C. Limitation of the Research............................................................................6

D. Formulation of the problem..........................................................................6

E. Purpose of the Research................................................................................6

F. Significance of the Research.........................................................................6

G. Definition of The Key Terms..........................................................................7

CHAPTER II..........................................................................................................8

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...........................................................8

A. Review of Related Theories........................................................................8

B. Review of the Related Findings................................................................19

C. Conceptual Framework............................................................................23

CHAPTER III......................................................................................................24

RESEARCH METHOD......................................................................................24

A. Type of Research.......................................................................................24

B. Research Setting........................................................................................25

C. Population and sample.............................................................................25

D. Technique of Collecting Data...................................................................26

E. Technique of Data Analysis......................................................................27




3.1 The Population of English Education Students in Faculty of Education and

Vocational Studies, UniversitasLancangKuning

3.2 Blue Print of Questionnaire


2.1 Defining the dimensions of hybrid learning

2.2 Conceptual Framework


Appendix 1. Instrument



A. Background of the Research

As time goes by, the development of increasingly sophisticated
technology has a major impact on the progress of the nation today and has the
potential to affect people's lives. Especially in the education sector, it is necessary
to focus on creating quality graduates. However, it needs to be recognized that
technological advances also bring negative impacts, such as reduced interest in
reading the younger generation today, becoming challenges that need to be
overcome.(Mamu, M., Pelleng, F. A., & Kelles, 2012). The development of
communication technology to the emergence of "new media" or new media,
which we currently know as the internet or digital media, has passed a long phase
of development.This journey began in the spoken era, then continued to the
written era when humans began to recognize symbols and read. Furthermore,
technology developed into the printing era with the creation of newspapers and
the like. Then, came the telegraph, telephone, radio, television, and most recently,
the internet.The development of this technology basically aims to facilitate human
life in various aspects, including industry and communication. In the context of
communication, technology not only functions as a medium or tool that helps
interaction between humans, but also becomes an extension of human abilities
themselves.(Pramesti & Irwansyah, 2021)Reading is the essence of education, and
today, the ability to read alone is not sufficient if it is not balanced with the
tradition of reading. Reading is not only a skill, but it is also a major necessity in
everyday life, as almost every aspect of life involves the ability to read. Therefore,
the ability to read is a must in the reality of human daily life.(Anita Rahmawati,
2022). Reading is one of the most important language skills, especially for
elementary school students. Through reading, students can access a variety of
information that they may not have known before, and the more they read, the

more information they get.That reading skills have an important and strategic
position in language skills, because reading allows a person to understand the
words conveyed by others. Reading is a basic ability that must be possessed by
every individual, especially in the context of education. The ability to read makes
it easier for students to understand the subject matter taught in the learning
process, and has a significant effect on their success in school.From the above
definition, to form a reading habit, interest becomes a key factor. "Interest is a
liking or interest in something or activity without anyone telling us to." Interests
play an important and significant role in student learning processes and outcomes.
Student interest arises when they feel like getting information or understanding
the content of the reading. This interest then develops into a habit.High interest, as
reflected in attention, pleasure, indulgence, and satisfaction, becomes the impetus
for one's actions and behavior.(Aptensi et al., 2018)
The digital age is one of technological progress, including technology in
learning for students because in the digital age learning for students uses
technology a lot such as for learning reading, listening, etc. As described
According to McKnight (2016), access to technology is an important first step in
the digital conversion of school systems: however, for the conversion to be
successful, it is critical to move the focus beyond the technology itself to how
technology enables teaching and learning.[13.39, 21/11/2023] Adilla Dewi
Mustika: Reading is an important activity y of human in order order to gain the
information from the schoolbooks which can help students to understand or to
solve the problems that they found in learning. However, it is easier to understand
the reading material that is written in the mother tongue or first language more
than to understand reading material which is written in other languages, such as
In this case, Indonesia is one of countries which using English as foreign
language and English is put in the curriculum of schools in Indonesia as a major
subject. Some difficulties which are faced by some of students in learning English
is that they do not only must to understand the meaning of the content, but they
must face the new vocabularies and the word orders that is totally different with

the word orders in Indonesian. Fortunately, not all of students in Indonesia must
to read English everyday at school, since English is not the first or the second
language in this country. But, there are some educational environments which
applies English in the learning subject which mean they face reading in English in
teaching and learning process. The activity of reading is regarded as a habit when
it is repeatedly carried out. It measureable teams reading habnit is often
considered in terms of the amount of materials being read, the frequency opf
reading as well as the avarage time spent on reading (Wagner, 2002), and this
habit can be cultivated (Wijesuriya, 1995). Reading which is a long term habit
starting with the very early ages is the prominent gateway to the knowledge
room.In this sense, reading habit is the important tools for the development of
personalities and mental capacities of individuals. In addition to pesonal and
mental development, reading is an acces to social, economic and civic life (Clark
and Rumbold, 2006). Moreover, all reading patterns in terms of emotional
responce enhance emotional satisfaction of individuals.The level of literacy in
Indonesia is still worrying, as revealed by a survey from the Program for
International Student Assessment (PISA) issued by the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2019. The survey results
show that Indonesia is ranked 62 out of 70 countries,placing it in the bottom 10
with a low literacy rate. This low literacy is a serious problem that we need to face
together, because it has a negative impact on the quality of education in Indonesia.

Research also shows that the low interest in reading in Indonesia is caused
by many people who prefer to watch television or play with gadgets rather than
reading books. If this trend continues, the earning potential of qualified young
people in Indonesia will be even more limited.To overcome literacy problems,
especially among millennials, creating a digital library can be one of the relevant
solutions. Digital libraries are innovations that are in accordance with the current
era of globalization, where libraries need to keep up with technological
developments and an increasingly modern human mindset. (Dewi et al., 2021).
Today, especially for students from primary to tertiary level, reading is extremely

rare, which complicates their learning process. The ability to read is very
important for students, because later it will be used to understand various
information.The general public is also expected to read well, given that
information can enhance their insight. Interest in reading has a huge impact on
reading habits, because if students read without interest, they will not do it
wholeheartedly. If students read of their own accord, they will do so with full
dedication.Once students get used to reading, the habit will continue consistently.
In addition, the love of reading has a positive impact on students, because high
interest in reading also increases interest in learning. Students who love to read
will have a broad knowledge of the books they read.Unfortunately, if students
don't like to read or their reading interest is low, their knowledge is limited.

Therefore, cooperation between teachers, parents, and related parties, as

well as creating appropriate and educative activities is expected to build and
increase interest in reading among school students.(Ruslan & Wibayanti, 2019).
Interest in learning has a huge influence on the learning process because it affects
student motivation, engagement, and achievement.Motivation : interest in learning
is the main source of intrinsic motivation, which is the drive from within students
to learn. When students have a high interest in a particular subject or topics, they
tend to feel more motivated to dig deeper, understand, and master the material.
This motivation encourages them to overcome obstacles and challenges in the
learning process.Involvement: Students who have a high interest in learning tend
to be more active and involved in the learning process. They prefer to seek out
additional information, participate in class discussions, and conduct further
research. This involvement helps them to better understand the material because
they are actively involved in the learning process. Deep Understanding: Interest in
learning helps students to achieve a deeper understanding of the material. Not
only do they remember the information for the test, but they truly understand the
underlying concepts. This is because high interest motivates them to explore the
topic more deeply and connect it to existing knowledge.Creativity and Initiative:
Interest in learning also encourages student creativity and initiative. They tend to
try new approaches, explore related topics, and look for creative solutions to

problems encountered in learning. This helps them develop critical thinking and
problem-solving skills. Higher Achievement: Students with a high interest in
learning have the potential to achieve higher achievement in learning. They tend
to achieve better grades on tests and assignments, because they are naturally
motivated to work hard and do their best.Personal Satisfaction and Satisfaction:
Interest in learning gives personal satisfaction to students. When they successfully
understand a concept or achieve a learning goal, it gives them a sense of
accomplishment and happiness that can maintain their interest in learning long-

In this sense, reading habit is the important tools for the development of
personalities and mental capacities of individuals. In addition to pesonal and
mental development, reading is an acces to social, economic and civic life (Clark
and Rumbold, 2006). Moreover, all reading patterns in terms of emotional
responce enhance emotional satisfaction of individuals.In addition, promoting
reading habits nowadays is important, especially among the students, since
reading besides to increase the intellectual of a person; this activity has beenlisted
as the requirement to determine the status of a country. A country is called as
developed and developing country when the population or community has a high
interest with evident from the number of books published and the number of
libraries in the country, means that the people in that country have high interested
in doing reading activity. In fact, Indonesia, as a developing country even listed as
the country which has low reading habits among its society.

Therefore, interest in learning is a key factor in creating an effective

learning environment. Teachers and educational institutions need to identify ways
to arouse students' interest in learning and provide opportunities for them to
pursue their interests in learning contexts. In this way, the learning process can
become more meaningful and productive for each student.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher aims to conduct research to

determine student perceptions. This further research is based on a research gap,
namely the lack of interest in reading in the digital era, which influences interest

in learning and decreases student achievement. So further research needs to be
done to understand the perception of students' reading habits. Therefore,
researchers will carry out a more in-depth project regarding student responses to
reading habituation methods in the digital era at SMPN 19 Pekanbaru in grade 8.
Therefore, researchers will investigate this with research entitled "Optimizing
Reading Habits in the Digital Era at SMPN 19 Pekanbaru Grade 8”

B. Identification of the Research

Based on the background above, the problem formulation in this
research is:

1. "What factors contribute to the challenges of developing and maintaining

optimal reading habits in the digital era?"
2. "How do digital distractions influence individuals' reading behaviors, and
what strategies can be employed to mitigate their impact on reading

C. Limitation of the Research

In this research, the author limits the scope of the problem to the
level of participation of students interested in reading in this digital era. So
researchers focus more on examining reading habits.

D. Formulation of the problem

Refers to the limitations above, then this research can be formulated “How
do you maximize students' interest in reading at SMPN 19 Pekanbaru in this
digital era?”
E. Purpose of the Research
This research aims to find out that interest in reading greatly influences
student achievement, so it is necessary to optimize students' interest in reading.

F. Significance of the Research
There are several significances highlights of this research:
1. Theoretical context. For educators, this research can be used as references
on how to implement hybrid learning in language classrooms by looking
into the benefits and weaknesses.
2. Theoretical contributions. Further research, it can add input or suggestions
in the form of information to develop or generating new theories regarding
students’ perceptions of hybrid learning to improve quality and experience
in the learning process.

G. Definition of The Key Terms

1. 1. Reading
Reading is a way to get information from something written.
Reading involves recognizing the symbols that make up a languages.
Farris (Rouf, 2009) defines reading as the processing of words, concepts,
information and ideas put forward by the author which are related to initial
knowledge and experience reader. Thus, understanding is obtained if the
reader has previous knowledge or experience with what is contained in the
reading. (Helwig et al., n.d.)
2. Habit
Habit is a series of actions that are repeated by someone for the
same thing and take place without a thought process (Siagian, 2015).
Habit, when linked to learning, is oriented and can be understood as a
series of behaviors carried out consistently/repeatedly by students in their
learning activities. In other words, learning habits are student behavior that
is demonstrated repeatedly without thinking again in the learning activities
they carry out. The term learning refers to the activities and roles of
students in receiving a lesson or learning, which means an activity that
aims to acquire knowledge or skills about a job which can be achieved
through a thinking process or with practice.(Mifta et al., n.d.)

3. Reading Habbit
Refers to behavior which expresses the likeness of reading of
individual types of reading and tastes of reading.
4. Era Digital
The digital era is where technological developments are
increasingly rapid in accordance with the times. Technological tools are
not rare tools to find. Almost all activities related to education, social,
cultural, sports, economics and politics always utilize sophisticated
technology to search for information and help carry out each activity in
solving a problem.



A. Review of Related Theories

1. Perception
The internet has been popular in the world, and people use it to support
their everyday activities and needs fulfillment. The exponential recent
growth of technologies connected to the internet has led to drastic
changes in almost all life aspects, particularly the industrial, trading and
educational sectors. Through the internet which has been globally
interconnected to computers provides various benefits, including access
to information from faraway documents and databases that can be read
and studied to corroborate knowledge. Due to technological
advancement, people are now living in the world of digital accentuated
that technological ubiquity in the sector of education has inundated the
teaching and learning process with digital tools. (Bana, 2020)
The revolution of technology plays a role of unpredictable changes and
pervasive effect that has transformed the society nowadays. Literally,
this situation is referring to the digital era that has completely
dominating the world today. The digital era has brought new
technologies, tactics and organizations to support action. Consequently,
the digital era has totally brought large and rapid changes occurring in
the development of the industry in this world.
As the world becomes technologically advanced, many people
nowadays have changed their culture and environment on reading by
looking for the digital sources of reading materials. Abdul Karim &
Hasan (2007) had earlier reported that the trend may have shifted to a
digital reading habit, which is completely different from the traditional
definition of reading. Even though the reading habits have literally
changed, we need to be disciplined and committed in order to cultivate

lifelong reading habits in our society. There have several issues on
reading habit problems among students and a key issue is the
emergence of various applications and social media has neglected the
time of the students. The tremendous advancement in data innovation
that consequently have made understudies to peruse books less and get
more associated with sitting in front of the television, chatting and
getting all the more profoundly fascinated in the activities in the social.
Generally, the advancement of digital technology has affected many
other spheres of our lives and indirectly hit our reading habits. It is
significant to explore the impact of digital era towards reading habits
since it is an important to identify the trends and behaviours among
students nowadays. With the availability of various gadgets and
widespread use of social media, students are more interested in
spending their time reading through the phone or laptop. Furthermore, it
clearly shows that the main reason of the changes of this trends and
behaviours on reading habits are related to the ubiquity and
advancement of technology. Particularly, this study is performed to
explore the impact of digital era on reading habits and behaviours
among students. (Abang Yusof, 2021)

1.1 Definition
a. Definitions of Reading Habit
Reading habits are well-planned and deliberate pattern of study which
has attained a form of consistency on the part of students toward
understanding academic subjects and passing at examinations. Reading
habits determine the academic achievements of students to a great
extent. Both reading and academic achievements are interrelated and
dependent on each other. Students often come from different
environments and localities with different levels of academic
achievement. Therefore, they differ in the pattern of reading habits.
While some students have good reading habits, others tend to exhibit

poor reading habits. Academic achievement means how much
knowledge the individual has acquired from the school, effective
reading is important avenue of effective learning and reading is
interrelated with the total educational process and hence, educational
success requires successful reading habit.. It requires identification and
comprehension. Comprehension skills help the learner to understand the
meaning of words in isolation and in context. Before the advent of the
television, both the young and the old found enough time to read. Apart
from teachers, other professionals used to spend their leisure time in
reading both English and vernacular literature. English medium schools
almost always demanded extra reading from their students. But all these
have become a thing of the past.

b. Purposes of Reading Habit:

reading habit is someone’s behavior which does not need much
thinking process or repeated activity which is done regularly by him
then does continuously as a result it becomes a habit. If reading is a
habit, a student would like to get into of course there are a number of
ways to cultivate it. The student will realize that reading is highly
enjoyable if he or she reads his or her interests. On the other side, if a
student has to read a lousy material or an extremely difficult one then
he or she is forcing himself through it then it will seem like a chore. If
this happens for several times, consider abandoning the material and
finding one that he or she likes best. To acquire the habit of reading is
to construct you a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.

c. Factors of Reading Habit

Habit cannot come instantly since it needs a long process to be built.
Factors influencing habit such as: interests, motivation, and
environment. The factors are integrated so that is they cannot be
separated. To build a reading habit, for instance, if someone wants to

read, he can start reading by choosing interesting and knowledgeable
resources such as book, article, newspaper or magazine he/she will try
to spend his/her time to read. If this activity is done regularly,
automatically, a reading habit can be achieved. s that habits are our
emotional regulators or comforters. Our thinking and behavior follow
the grooves in our minds. In this case the researcher states that reading
habit is behavior to read which is done regularly to understand
information and get entertainment from written material. Reading can
be obtain from fiction, nonfiction, book, magazine, newspaper, reading
also useful for getting knowledge. (Suhana & Haryudin, n.d.)

Review of the Related Findings

The following are the results of previous research on student perceptions
of hybrid learning methods:
First, the research conducted by (Nurlela et al., 2023) which is entitled
“Upaya Meningkatkan Minta Baca Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1
Pagaden Barat” the aim to find alternatives to increase students' interest in
reading, especially among SMPN 1 Pagaden Barat. Interest in reading is a big
influence for students. Efforts to increase students' reading interest at SMPN 1
Pagaden Barat are a shared responsibility, between the students themselves,
teachers and parents. However, the low reading interest of students at SMPN 1
Pagaden Barat is one of the obstacles, the lack of desire and willingness from the
students themselves, the teacher also does not require students to read books when
learning is being taught to students. In an effort to increase students' interest in
reading at SMPN 1 Pagaden Barat, it is best if students are given support so that
interest in reading emerges from students and is introduced to reading material so
that these students are accustomed to reading, therefore the habit of reading in
junior high school students will foster a high interest in reading. until students
grow up. This research was conducted by formulating a research problem looking
for references from relevant and similar journals to analyze the data, journals were
collected by searching the internet through Google Chendikia and/or Google

Scholar. The data obtained were analyzed and compared with this research
method using a descriptive research type with a quantitative approach. From the
results of the analysis it can increase students' interest in reading at SMPN 1
Pagaden Barat.
Second, the research conducted by (Sultan et al., 2023) which is entitled
“The Reading Behavior of High-Grade Elementary School Students in the
Internet Age” which aims to to explain the reading behavior of high school and
elementary school students in the internet era. The research was designed with a
quantitative-comparative descriptive approach. The data source is elementary
school students at SD Islam Athirah Bukit Baruga, Makassar City. Data collection
is done through a questionnaire. Research data analysis was carried out through
the stages: data management, data analysis, and interpretation of the results. The
results of the study show that: (1) the presence of the internet has changed reading
behavior from print to online. Reading activity is not a priority activity for
students to do when using the internet, (2) gender has an influence on reading
behavior. Male and female students differ in their use of the internet, their interest
in reading topics of fiction and non-fiction, and their efforts to obtain reading
materials. Third, the research conducted by (Taluk, 2022) which is entitled
Reading Habbit in Digital Era – a Study With Specific Reference To College
Students of Pollachi Taluk, Tamilnadu. Reading has a significant number of
benefits and the effects of reading practice have been proven in most developed
countries. The revolution of technology plays a significant role of unpredictable
changes and pervasive effect that has transformed the society nowadays. Reading
and reading habit are two aspects that have received increasing attention in recent
years. In the evolving knowledge society, reading is considered crucial for gaining
the necessary information and insights, which prepare a person to face the diverse
challenges of modern times. With this notion, the present study has been
undertaken with the objective of determining the reading habits of college
students studying residing in Pollachi Taluk, Tamilnadu. To attain the objective, a
well structured questionnaire has been issued to 110 students. According to the

data obtained in the study, it has been determined that students in Pollachi Taluk
preferred to read motivational books through online.
Fourth, the research conducted by (Virgiyanti & Wahyu, 2023) which is
entitled Digital Technology and It’s Impact on Students’ Reading Habbit which
aims to to analyze and describe the phenomena of students’ reading habits in
digital era and it focused in analyzing and describing the reading habit of students
in pesantren based university. The subject of this study were the English
Department students of Universitas Darussalam Gontor from first, third, fifth, and
seventh semester with total number 18 students. Qualitative study was applied in
this paper. The researcher used questionnaire and interview as the research
instrument. The result of this study revealed that the emergence of digital
technology has big impact for students’ reading habit including in pesantren based
university environment.
Fifth, the research conducted by (Tanjung et al., 2017) which is
entitled Reading Habits in Digital Era: A Research on the Students in Borneo
University aims to explore the current reading habits of university students.
Moreover, it aims to determine the effects of widespread use of the internet and
other digital resources in reading habits and to give some possible
recommendation to improve students' reading habits in the digital era. The
research design was descriptive survey research. The instrument of the research
was questionnaire, which is based on Akarsu and Dariyemez (2014) and Chauhan
and Lal (2012). The participants of the research were 320 students studying in six
majors in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at Borneo University. They
were selected through the cluster random sampling. The questionnaire involved
six categories, namely demographic information, frequency of items read,
contents of online reading, online activities, content first clicked when online, and
techniques to develop reading abits. All research data was analyzed using SPSS
Statistics 22 program.
Sixth, the research conducted by (Bunok et al., 2022) which is entitled
Negeri 1 Tabukan Utara) this study aims to o find out how students’ reading

behavior in this digital era, especially during Covid 19 pandemic by assessing
SMA students’ preference for online materials, their preferred language when
reading online materials, the online reading habits of the students, and the amount
of time they spend in reading online every day. The study was a survey that
involved 44 tenth graders at SMA Negeri 1 Tabukan Utara in Likungan, Sangihe.
The data were collected using a questionnaire adapted from Abidin, Pour-
Mohammadi, & Jesmin (2011). The data collected were analyzed in percentages.
Results of the analysis indicated that (1) the most common activities they are
interested in are chatting, surfing the internet, and games, (2) concerning online
reading materials, they prefer reading e-books, e-mail, stories, or novels, and
comic strips/jokes. The majority of the respondents 89% prefer reading online
reading materials in Indonesia, and (3) male respondents read more news, emails,
and comic strips/jokes. Female respondents, on the other hand, preferred reading
e-magazines, e-books, and movie reviews, and (4) the highest percentage of
respondents (43%) spent 1-3 hours online daily reading. It is concluded that
female respondents spent more time on online reading compared to their male
Based on the relevant research above, it can be seen that there are
similarities and differences from previous research. The similarities in previous
studies are in the research limitations, namely perception and hybrid learning. The
gap in previous research in this study will analyze the perceptions of students in
English class towards hybrid learning methods.

B. Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework


Tanda panah
Tanda panah

Reading Attitudes Motivation to Read Cognitive skill of Reading Technology Media On Reading

Tanda panah

Based on the conceptual framework above, the researcher focuses this study on
SMPN 19 Pekanbaru. Many studies have been carried out and found that reading
habbit influence student performance, especially in their academic performance.
This conceptual framework will be aimed to focus the research on students'



In this chapter, the researcher will explain about the research method. This
chapter will consist of the type of research, data and data sources, data collection
techniques, data verification techniques and data analysis.

A. Type of Research
This research uses quantitative methods. Quantitative research methods are
concerned with the collection and analysis of data that is structured and can be
represented numerically, (Allen et al., 2013). The objective of quantitative
research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories, and/or
hypotheses pertaining to phenomena, (Wu & Little, 2011). Quantitative research
explains phenomena by collecting numerical unchanging detailed data thatare
analyzed using mathematically based methods, in particular statistics that pose
questions of who, what,when, where, how much, how many, and how, (Mohajan,
2020). In short, quantitative research is research used to examine certain
populations/samples using research instruments that can be classified concretely
and measured through numerical data.
The research design in the study used a survey. According to (Indu, P. V.,
2020)(Indu, P. V., 2020)(Indu, P. V., 2020)(Indu, P. V., 2020)Indu&Vidhukumar
(2020) research design refers to the overall strategy that is chosen to
integrate the different components of a study in a coherent and logical manner
to ensure that the research problem is addressed effectively.A survey is the
systematic collection of information from respondents for the purpose of
understanding and predicting some aspects of the behavior of a population of
interest, (Mohajan, 2020). Survey designs are procedures in quantitative research

in which youadminister a survey or questionnaire to a small group of people
(called the sample) toidentify trends in attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or
characteristics of a large group of people(called the population), (Creswell, 2012).
Thus, this method requires careful planning, appropriate sampling, and careful
data analysis.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that survey research
is a method used in quantitative research that aims to answer hypotheses about
problems, behavior, or phenomena that are presented numerically. Of course, this
research must pay attention to careful planning, appropriate sampling and
instruments, and careful data analysis. Therefore, this is related to this research
which focuses on student perceptions.

B. Research Setting
This research will be conducted at UniversitasLancangKuning which is
located at Jalan YosSudarso No.KM. 8, Umban Sari, Kec. Rumbai, Pekanbaru,
Riau. This research will be conducted from November to December 2023.

C. Population and sample

Determining the population and sample is a very important thing to do in a
study.A population is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic,
(Creswell, 2012). The population in this study were English Education students in
semester 3, 5, and 7 of the Faculty of Education and Vocational Studies,
UniversitasLancangKuning with a total of 148 students.
This research involves the experience of students who take English classes
with hybrid learning methods. Specifically, the participants of this study were
limited to English students in semester 3, 5, and 7, Faculty of Education and
Vocational Studies at UniversitasLancangKuning who had experience in
participating in hybrid learning. The researcher selected the subjects using
sampling technique in accordance with the research criteria

Table 3.1. The Population of English Education Students in Faculty of
Education and Vocational Studies, UniversitasLancangKuning
No Class Population
1. 3.1 (Regular) 24
After the researcher
2. 3.2 (Regular) 24
determines the population, the
3. 3.3 (Nonregular) 4
researcher can then select a
4. 5.1 (Regular) 24
sample to get the data needed.A
5. 5.2 (Regular) 21
sampleis a subgroup of the
6. 5.3 (Nonregular) 7
target population that the
7. 7.1 (Regular) 17
researcher plans to study for
8. 7.2 (Regular) 17
9. 7.3 (Nonregular) 10
Total Population 148
generalizingabout the target population, (Creswell, 2012).
Therefore, in determining the sample, the researcher used a random
sampling technique.In simple random sampling, the researcher selects participants
(or units, such as schools) for the sample so that any individual has an equal
probability of being selected from the population, (Creswell, 2012). The sample of
this study will be randomly selected by the researcher, with a sample of 105
students based on a 5% significant error table.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In a research, questionnaire will be used to collect the data to answer the
questions of the study. Researcher will use a set of questionnaire as a tool to
collect data on students’ perceptions of hybrid learning.In a research, a
scientifically and systematically designed tool is needed that is used to collect,
measure, and analyze data related to the interests and alignments of the research,

(Oben, 2021). The number of items in questionnaire will be drawn from the
number of hybrid learning dimensions according toNorrmén-smith & Winters
(2022). Before the items are used to collect the data, it will be piloted to a number
of students in different classes or universities to get the standard value of validity
and reliability with Cronbach Alpha value.
Table 3.2 Blue Print of Questionnaire


google form untukmendapatkan data. Setelah itu,
mahasiswamenjawabkoesionerberdasarkan4 skalalikert (Strongly agree, agree,
disagree, and strongly disagree)

E. Technique of Data Analysis

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