Azizah Umaydah (18050004) English Research Seminar
Azizah Umaydah (18050004) English Research Seminar
Azizah Umaydah (18050004) English Research Seminar
Azizah Umaydah
NPM : 18050004
1. Advisor Commitee
Advisor Co-Advisor
COVER ................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL .............................................................................................. ii
A. Background Of The Problem ........................................................... 1
d. Learning module components ............................................ 18
4. Learning Materials................................................................... 21
a. Transportation.................................................................... 21
of life and people's lives. The process of education is and develops with the
development of human life and life, even both are one process. School as a
have a very important value in the learning process. It can even be said that
goals are an important factor in learning. In order for the learning process to
to many learners who are bored with the learning system, because it is felt
very monotonous and less interactive. So that science and technology in the
learning techniques so as to obtain maximum learning results in accordance
expected that educators and students will be easier to determine with what
and how to get the right information and so that the teaching and learning
Communication and Technology (ICT) has developed very rapidly and has
of relations between nations and between countries in virtual matters that can
facilitate the operation of today's digital era by internet access in all aspects of
information, the event or discovery in a part of the world will be easily known
accessing various information such as text, images, video and sound. The
existence of these technologies can create learning media for the process of
learning interaction in the classroom. This means that each pillar of the
education. Learning media will be one of the learning resources and good
learning resources are learning resources that can serve the activities of
students, but not all educational institutions and educators can make optimal
impact teaching and learning activities, the use of teaching materials that are
more visible varied and not only focus on printed teaching materials, but
students also get a firsthand look at the process of analysis and problem
because of its attractive appearance in terms of color, sound, images, and also
video. So that students are able to involve many senses in the teaching and
learning activities.
But in reality the learning media used is still limited to printed books. The
less optimal teaching and learning process in the midst of the development of
the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, where all information can be accessed
media that suits the needs and technological advances that are developing
today. Especially for elementary school students who tend to still need an
English is now the most widely spoken language in the world. Learning
the provision of learning media that suits their needs and can present learning
learning medium in the form of digital module based on Smart Apps Creator
(SAC), so that with the existence of digital module based on Smart Apps
Creator (SAC) can help students to more easily overcome the difficulties of
and can make a more effective learning system both education in the school
or education outside the school. Therefore researchers raised the study with
the title " Use Of Smart App Creator ( SAC) In The Form Of Digital Module
Based on the limitations of the problem that has been presented, the
1. How is the development of Digital module based on Smart Apps Creator
1. Develop Digital module based on Smart Apps Creator (SAC) which is use
2. To find out how the feasibility of Digital module based on Smart Apps
and transportation.
date. This research also helps teachers in teaching English in an easy way
c. For the other researcher
developed for further studies. The researcher hopes that other researchers
evaluate, revise, reconstruct, or modify this research and write studies for
1. Theoretical
2. Practical
a. For educators
b. For students
English learning.
c. For schools
materials, especially in English language learning. In addition, the
d. For researchers
To find out if the learning media in the form of digital module based on
There are some researchers related to this study. Firstly the research done by
expected that the objectives and targets of this Community Service activity
can be applied continuously and monitored. Thus it can be concluded that the
Thirdly Research conducted by Avin Wimar in the journal Scientific
based system recognition application using Smart Apps Creator. The results
showed that this recognition application is very fun and not boring so that the
So the research from these previous studies, the research discussed about
decided to “Use of Smart App Creator ( SAC) in the form of Digital Module
1. Learning Media
Learning media comes from two words namely media and learning. The
term medium, which is the plural form of the word medium, literally
Learning is an individual interaction activity that is active to the
process can be done with the help of an educator and can be done
It can be concluded from the explanation above, that learning media is a
used in the learning process also requires good planning in order to use
chooses and uses the media without any prior planning. Media selection
From the above statement, it can be known that the selection and
influence the implementation of learning that occurs in the classroom so
(3) Audio,
(6) Games,
(7) Reality.
based learning.
(Distance learning).
2. Digital Module
The P2M LPPM UNS team states that the electronic module is a tool or
development can be drafted a development design in this study with
explanation as follows:
1) Analysis
2) Design
next process.
3) Development
the design level has been designed to use neW models/methods that
4) Implementation
At this stage, the design and methods that have been developed in
5) Evaluation
The evaluation stage is conducted to measure the achievement of
1) Self Instructional
learning materials.
d) Display training questions, tasks and the like that allow the user
e) Contextual materials presented related to the atmosphere or
of material mastery.
material learning.
2) Self Contained
3) Stand Alone
other media to learn and or work on a task on the module. If you are
using and depending on other media module used, the media is not
4) Adaptive
5) User Friendly
Modules include:
complete modules, lesson tools to be used, and evaluation
worksheet answer keys, test sheets, and test sheet answers. So that
text, images, video, audio or animation that can help increase the interest
without being constrained by space and time because of its flexible nature.
Mobile learning provides opportunities for students to do learning
learning that is user friendly which means it is easy to use, with open
Mobile learning also has a tool that is fast and easy to understand, so it can
4. Learning Materials
a. Transportation
Vocabulary of transportation:
1. Car = Mobil
2. Bicycle = Sepeda
3. Bus = Bis
4. School Bus = Bis Sekolah
5. Motorcycle = Sepeda Motor
6. Pedicab = Becak
7. Taxi = Taksi
8. Truck = Truk
9. Train = Kereta
10. Plane = Pesawat Terbang
11. Ship = Kapal
12. Helicopter = Helikopter
13. Hot Air Balloon = Balon Terbang
14. Cruiser Ship = Kapal Pesiar
15. Ambulance = Ambulans
16. Scooter = Skuter
17. Boat = Kapal
18. Rocket = Roket
19. Warship = Kapal Perang
20. Tractor = Traktor
b. Jobs or Profession
Vocabulary of jobs
1. teacher = guru
2. doctor = dokter
3. author = penulis
4. architect = arsitek
5. actrees = aktris
6. actor = aktorbutcher = tukang daging
7. mechanic = mekanik
8. labor = buruh
9. cashier = kasir
10. chef = koki masak
11. barber = tukang cukur
12. coach = pelatih
13. pilot = pilot
14. journalist = wartawan
15. fisherman = nelayan
16. dentist = dokter gigi
17. engineer = teknisi
18. sailor = pelaut
19. lawyer = pengacara
20. manager = manajer
21. driver = sopir
(Apa pekerjaan kakak (laki-laki) kamu?
5. What does your sister do?
(Apa pekerjaan kakak (perempuan) kamu?
Example Sentence
(Pak Dirga adalah seorang tukang kayu. Dia membuat meja dan
Yes, he is (Ya)
(Ibu Melani merancang gambar sebuah rumah. Dia adalah seorang
A. Research Design
This exploration will arrange into Research and Development (R&D) that
adjusted the system of creating English learning materials by Gall and Borg
(2003). The researcher attempt to make new items relate with the points of
the examination itself. Innovative work is a cycle use to create and approve
instructive items. The means of this interaction are normally alluded to as the
discoveries, field testing it in the setting where it will be utilize in the long
run, and updating it to address the inadequacies find in the document testing
the item. It very well may be utilize suitably in an instructive program (Borg,
2002: 772).
a specific item, and test the viability of the item. A specific item utilize for
subjective strategy and to test the adequacy of the item consequently need a
test or subjective technique for this technique to test the viability of the item.
quantitative way to deal with draw the examination and gather the
B. Research Setting
The research setting will conduct on Elementary School One Pandan surat.
C. Research Subject
The subjects of this research are the Fifth Grade students of Elementary
School One Pandan surat. Each class consists of 40 students. All of the
student‘s dominan are female and male. The research subjects are limit for
D. Research Procedure
Dick and Carey in Borg, Gall and Gall (2003: 571). Therefore, in designing
adapting Borg & Gall (1983: 775) developed 10 deep stages developing
Need Analysis Planning
Dissemination and
Final Product Revision Implementation
Figure 3.1
Bog and Gall step scheme
Research and Development (R & D) will be a methodology utilized will
create Furthermore accept instructive items. The steps of this transform are
testing it in the setting the place it will be utilized eventually, and changing
it should right these deficiencies find in the field testing stage. In show that
Borg Also nerve model comprises about ten significant steps. They are as
questionnaire information gathered Also broke down from these class. For
as recommended toward principle field test effect. Next, to venture 8
And the most recent venture alternately venture 10 includes spread Also
Borg Also nerve advancement model. This model incorporates ten steps, yet
the analyst Exactly took nine steps and the specialist finished researcher this
is best nine steps, Since in this exploration In light of set occasion when and
1. Needs Analysis
Include in the step These include literature studies relate to the issues
learning needs. The data are analysis as the basis for digital online
2. Planning
Designing materials and based on the syllabus. Each section follows the
Before the reseacher will do testing the product the reseacher will
evaluation the draft whether the developed material will appropriate for
judgment they are two experts will evaluation the materials, there are
the English teacher and the lecturer. The experts are also provide with
questionnaire consists of content, pressed, language features and
language features, and graphics. After that the reseacher will did test
researcher will create. The suggestion from the expert judgment from
judgment agree with the product, the researcher not revise the product.
The first draft that had be evaluation by the experts will revised by
results. The revision are based on some categories such as the content,
the language, the presentation, and the layout. After being revised, the
be done more than once, in accordance with the results shown in the
limit trial, to obtain a ready-made main product draft. The results of the
6. Main field testing (Tryout the product)
After the researcher get some suggestion from the expert‘s judgment.
One Pandan surat. There is 40 in one class. The purpose from tryout is
of the product.
This step improves the results of the broader test, the researchers revise
the product based on the results of the tryout and suggestions from the
grade 5 of Elementary School One Pandan surat, will get the final
9. Final Product Revision
The data collection technique employed in this research will the use data
and quantitative data, the qualitative data will gained by giving description
process, while the quantitative data will take from the score of students
Margono (2010: 158) reveal that the use of appropriate data collection
1. Interview
obtain product trial data. This final interview will conduct to one student
Digital Module.
2. Questionnaire
out what media will need by to find out information from students relate to
3. Interview
Interview techniques I did to find out what media teachers want to help the
Data analysis is a stage that is done after the data from all respondents are
collect. Activities carry out at this stage include: (1) grouping data by
from all respondents, (3) presenting data according to the variables studied,
1. Qualitative Data Analysis
is take from the need analysis of students and teachers, with need
analysis can be known that students and teachers need quantitative data
analysis media
Quantitative data comes from the assessment of two experts and a grade
II teacher in the validation process in the form of numbers. The data will
The score that will be obtained is converted into a value with a scale of
Figure 3.7 Conversion of Five Scale Values by PAP (Sukardjo,
2005: 53)
x = Actual score
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