Azizah Umaydah (18050004) English Research Seminar

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Azizah Umaydah








Name : Azizah Umaydah

NPM : 18050004

Major : Language and Art Education

Study Program : English Education Department


1. Advisor Commitee

Advisor Co-Advisor

Fitri Wulandari, M.Pd. Novita Eka Tristiana, M.Pd.

NIDN 0225078103 NIDN 0213118602

2. Chairperson of English Education Study Program

Fitri Wulandari, M.Pd.

NIDN 0225078103


COVER ................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL .............................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................... iii

A. Background Of The Problem ........................................................... 1

B. Formulation Of The Problem ........................................................... 4

C. Objective Of The Research ............................................................... 5

D. Significant Of The Research ............................................................. 5

E. Benefits Of The Research ............................................................. 6


A. PREVIOUS STUDY ....................................................................... 8

B. LITERATURE OF REVIEW .......................................................... 9

1. Learning Media ........................................................................ 9

a. The definition of Learning Media ........................................ 9

b. Selection and Utilization of Learning Media ...................... 11

c. Various Learning Media .................................................... 12

2. Digital Module ...................................................................... 13

a. The definition of digital module ......................................... 13

b. The definition of digital module development .................... 13

c. Characteristics of learning module ..................................... 16

d. Learning module components ............................................ 18

3. Smart App Creator ................................................................... 20

4. Learning Materials................................................................... 21

a. Transportation.................................................................... 21

b. Jobs or Profession .............................................................. 23


A. Research Design ............................................................................ 26

B. Research Setting ............................................................................ 27

C. Research Subject ........................................................................... 27

D. Research Procedure ....................................................................... 27

E. Data Collecting Technique ............................................................ 34

F. Data Analysis Technique ............................................................... 35




A. Background Of The Problem

Education for every human being is a necessity in living life in the world.

However, education is not just a public school because in reality many of us

do not formally attend education. Education is also in the form of religious

education that is outside the auspices of formal schools. Education is a matter

of life and people's lives. The process of education is and develops with the

development of human life and life, even both are one process. School as a

formal educational institution, systematically has a purpose in learning. Goals

have a very important value in the learning process. It can even be said that

goals are an important factor in learning. In order for the learning process to

succeed, it requires an interesting and easy to understand process by the

students. Students should be given real illustrations and demonstrations for a

particular topic. Educators in this learning are expected to optimize the

available facilities to achieve the objectives of the learning process.

The education system, especially conducted in Indonesia, is still done

manually using conventional media such as paper and whiteboards. The

media is considered to be less interested in learning learners because it began

to many learners who are bored with the learning system, because it is felt

very monotonous and less interactive. So that science and technology in the

21st century has encouraged a change in the world of education. Following

the development of technology that has great potential in changing the

learning system and also educators have the opportunity in developing

learning techniques so as to obtain maximum learning results in accordance

with the learning objectives. With the development of technology, it is

expected that educators and students will be easier to determine with what

and how to get the right information and so that the teaching and learning

process will be more efficient.

Technological advances have encouraged us to conduct a better educational

process so as to produce more qualified human resources. Education itself is

an effort made to prepare students actively in developing their potential,

abilities and talents through learning activities. Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) and often we know the term Information

Communication and Technology (ICT) has developed very rapidly and has

helped various activities carried out by humans. In entering the Era of

Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is characterized by the widespread openness

of relations between nations and between countries in virtual matters that can

facilitate the operation of today's digital era by internet access in all aspects of

life including educational institutions. In such circumstances such

information, the event or discovery in a part of the world will be easily known

immediately spread to other worlds.

This can have a huge impact on the field of education by utilizing in

accessing various information such as text, images, video and sound. The

existence of these technologies can create learning media for the process of

learning interaction in the classroom. This means that each pillar of the

institution makes changes in accordance with technology that plays an

important role in regulating participation in an important role in the world of

education. Learning media will be one of the learning resources and good

learning resources are learning resources that can serve the activities of

students, but not all educational institutions and educators can make optimal

use of it because of a number of obstacles including time and cost.

The use of educational technology used as a learning medium will greatly

impact teaching and learning activities, the use of teaching materials that are

more visible varied and not only focus on printed teaching materials, but

students also get a firsthand look at the process of analysis and problem

solving by using technological advances in the world of education such as

animation or moving images. Can be understood as a professional educator

must be able to transfer knowledge to students well. Nowadays, the use of

information and communication technology is one of the learning alternatives

because of its attractive appearance in terms of color, sound, images, and also

video. So that students are able to involve many senses in the teaching and

learning activities.

But in reality the learning media used is still limited to printed books. The

lack of use of technology as a learning medium used by students, can result in

less optimal teaching and learning process in the midst of the development of

the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, where all information can be accessed

easily through the internet. Therefore, it is necessary to develop learning

media that suits the needs and technological advances that are developing

today. Especially for elementary school students who tend to still need an

interesting learning medium that can be used at any time.

English is now the most widely spoken language in the world. Learning

English early is expected to make students better understand English.

However, English is one of the subjects feared by the majority of shiva.

Learning English is considered difficult because of its complex pronunciation

and reading. Therefore, it is expected that there is an effective and efficient

new thing to be used as a medium of Learning English that attracts students

and facilitates students in learning English.

Based on the description above, the researchers try to provide alternatives in

the provision of learning media that suits their needs and can present learning

materials that are more interesting and accessible to students which is a

learning medium in the form of digital module based on Smart Apps Creator

(SAC), so that with the existence of digital module based on Smart Apps

Creator (SAC) can help students to more easily overcome the difficulties of

learners in learn English materials and gain wider knowledge independently

and can make a more effective learning system both education in the school

or education outside the school. Therefore researchers raised the study with

the title " Use Of Smart App Creator ( SAC) In The Form Of Digital Module

For English Learning In Fifth Grade Of Elementary School.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

Based on the limitations of the problem that has been presented, the

formulation of the problem to this research and development is as follows:

1. How is the development of Digital module based on Smart Apps Creator

(SAC) which is used as a medium of Learning English about

transportation and work in grade 5 elementary students?

2. How is the feasibility of Digital module based on Smart Apps Creator

(SAC) as a medium of English language learning in the 5th grade of

Elementary School English learning?

C. Objective Of The Research

1. Develop Digital module based on Smart Apps Creator (SAC) which is use

as a medium of English learning job or profession and transportation.

2. To find out how the feasibility of Digital module based on Smart Apps

Creator (SAC) is use as a medium of Learning English jobs or profession

and transportation.

D. Significant Of The Research

It is expected that this research can be useful for the students, for the teachers

and other researcher.

a. For the students

This research can be used to learn English in a more interesting way in

addition it can also be used to improve the ability to learn English.

b. For the teachers

This research can be used by teachers as a new learning media and up to

date. This research also helps teachers in teaching English in an easy way

so that students can learn well.

c. For the other researcher

This research is expected to give information, model, or reference to be

developed for further studies. The researcher hopes that other researchers

evaluate, revise, reconstruct, or modify this research and write studies for

other levels and objectives.

E. Benefits of the Research

1. Theoretical

This research can be used as a reference material or comparison in the

creation of English learning media in the form of digital module based on

Smart Apps Creator (SAC).

2. Practical

a. For educators

The benefit for educators is to increase insights or knowledge about

online digital media modules so that it is expected that later can be an

additional choice of learning media in teaching and learning activities.

b. For students

As a new experience in physics learning that uses digital learning media

online module with the development of information and communication

technology that eventually fosters interest and motivates to prefer

English learning.

c. For schools

The development of digital module is expected to be able to improve

the quality of education and be effective and efficient in the delivery of

materials, especially in English language learning. In addition, the

development of digital module is also used as one of the references to

the manufacture of teaching materials by adjusting the potential in


d. For researchers

To find out if the learning media in the form of digital module based on

Smart Apps Creator (SAC) can be used as an effective learning media.




There are some researchers related to this study. Firstly the research done by

Honest Ummi Kaltsum (2017) from Muhammadiyah Magelang University

entitles Pemanfaatan Alat Peraga Edukatif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar. From research findings, it can be concluded

that researcher as the sustainability of the Community Service program that

has been conducted, further communication is held in the form of monitoring

and evaluation of activities. By monitoring and evaluating activities, it is

expected that the objectives and targets of this Community Service activity

can be applied continuously and monitored. Thus it can be concluded that the

activities of community service in the form of Improving Teacher

Professionalism through Media Utilization Training and Educational Primary

School English, will be more optimal if continuously monitored for


Secondly, Research conducted by Siti Muyaroah, et al. in the journal

Innovative Journal Of Curriculum And Education Technology in 2017 with

the title of development of Android-based learning media using Adobe flash

CS 6 application in Biology subjects. The results of the study showed that

"The effectiveness of the use of android-based learning media with the

success of efforts designed to engage students actively and independently in


Thirdly Research conducted by Avin Wimar in the journal Scientific

Information Technology Systems in 2020 with the title of making android-

based system recognition application using Smart Apps Creator. The results

showed that this recognition application is very fun and not boring so that the

material can be received by students well.

So the research from these previous studies, the research discussed about

material to increase students’ knowledge about English especially about jobs

and transportations to fifth grade of elementary school. So, the researcher

decided to “Use of Smart App Creator ( SAC) in the form of Digital Module

for English Learning in fifth grade of Elementary School”.


1. Learning Media

a. The Definition of Learning Media

Learning media comes from two words namely media and learning. The

term medium, which is the plural form of the word medium, literally

means intermediary or delivery. Media according to AECT

(Association of Education and Communication Technology) is a form

and channel for the process of transmitting information. According to

Olson, media is a medium as a technology to present, record, divide,

and distribute funds information through sensory stimuli accompanied

by the structuring of information13. Useful media helps the delivery of

information in the form of learning from the source to the audience.

Learning is an individual interaction activity that is active to the

environment so that behavior changes occur. Learning is the provision

of conditions that result in the learning process in students. The learning

process can be done with the help of an educator and can be done

individually. The relationship between the interaction of teachers,

students and learning resources in the form of learning media can

synergize in the learning process.

Media is any form and channel that can be used in a process of

presenting information. Medium or commonly called media is

something that carries information between the source (source) and

receiver (receiver) information. Kemp and Dayton (1985), suggested

that the role of the media in the communication process is as a means of

sending (transfer) that transmits messages from the sender (sander) to

the recipient of the message or information (receiver). The term media

here is seen in terms of usage, as well as special benefits and functions

in the teaching and learning activities/ processes. Learning media

includes all tools or objects used in teaching and learning activities,

with the intention to convey the message or learning information from

the learning resources (educators) to the recipient (Learners). Messages

or information delivered through the media, in the form of content or

teaching materials must be acceptable to learners, using one or a

combination of some of their sensory tools. Even better if all sensory

tools owned can be able to receive the content of messages delivered by

educators through the learning media that has been created.

It can be concluded from the explanation above, that learning media is a

means or a device that serves as an intermediary or channel to convey

information in a communication process between educators and

students. As educators who facilitate the availability of learning media

should be able to provide benefits, namely providing a conceptual

framework for learning materials that will be studied by learners and

contextual (in accordance with the current circumstances), so as to help

learners understand learning materials more easily.

b. Selection and Utilization of Learning Media

Good learning requires systematic planning. Choosing the media to be

used in the learning process also requires good planning in order to use

it effectively. In fact, in the field, a person who is an educator often

chooses and uses the media without any prior planning. Media selection

should also pay attention to the foundation of learning theory. In the

theory of learning there are several psychological principle conditions

that need to be considered in choosing and utilizing learning media,

namely motivational principles, individual differences, learning

objectives, organization, preparation before learning, emotions,

participation, feedback, reinforcement, exercise and repetition and


From the above statement, it can be known that the selection and

utilization of media in accordance with the characteristics of the needs

of learners will further help the success of educators in the delivery of

materials in the teaching and learning process, and also greatly

influence the implementation of learning that occurs in the classroom so

as to create a conducive and effective learning atmosphere.

c. Various Learning Media

Seels & Glasgow divides media based on the development of

technology, namely media with traditional technology and media with

cutting-edge technology. Media with traditional technology include;

(1) Still visuals are projected in the form of invisibility projections,

(2) Unprojected visuals in the form of images, posters, photographs;

(3) Audio,

(4) Dynamic Visuals,

(5) Print media,

(6) Games,

(7) Reality.

While the media with the latest technology is distinguished into;

(1) Telecommunication-based media include teleconfence and distance

learning, (2) Microprocessor-based media consists of CAI and web19-

based learning.

From the various learning media mentioned above, researchers develop

learning media that belongs to telecommunication-based media

(Distance learning).

2. Digital Module

a. The definition of Digital Module

The P2M LPPM UNS team states that the electronic module is a tool or

learning facilities that contain materials, methods, limitations, and ways

systematically and attractively designed to achieve expected

competency. One form of presentation of learning materials in digital

format or the e-book. An e-book or e-book is an electronic version of a

printed book, read using an electronic device and specialized software.

E-books encourage the fusion of print technology with computer

technology in learning activities. Various media printing, one of which

is a module that can be changed to in electronic form, resulting in the

term electronic module or known as e-module. This, an electronic

module can be defined as a form of presentation of self-learning

materials that are systematically organized into in the learning unit to

achieve certain learning objectives presented in electronic format.

b. Definition of Digital Module Development

The development of electronic modules is a process of designing

materials Systematically arranged in electronic format for certain

learning objectives. Development model used for development is quite

diverse. ADDIE model developed to design a learning system (Endang

Mulyatiningsih, 2014:200-201). The ADDIE model is a development

step consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and

Evaluation. Based on the step order and schema of ADDIE model

development can be drafted a development design in this study with

explanation as follows:

1) Analysis

At this stage is analyzing product development. Development

product begins with a problem in the learning model/method that

has been implemented. Problems may occur because of

models/methods existing learning is no longer relevant to the needs

of learning environment, technology, student characteristics and

Etc. This analysis is done by gathering information and identifying

to make products that will be developed according to the needs of

reviewed from observations and interviews that include curriculum

analysis used, the conditions of learning activities and the use of

teaching materials. So as to obtain a customized product

development picture conditions and needs.

2) Design

At the design stage has similarities to designing learning activities

teach. This activity is a systematic process that starts from set

learning goals, design scenarios or learning activities teaching,

designing learning devices, designing learning materials and

learning outcome evaluation tools. Design of this learning

model/method still conceptual and will underlie the development

next process.

3) Development

In this stage contains activities realization of product design. In

stages design, has been prepared conceptual framework of

application of models / methods new learning. The conceptual

framework is realizedbe a ready-to-implement product. When at

the design level has been designed to use neW models/methods that

are still conceptual, so at the stage of development prepared or

made learning tools with the new models/methods such as RPP,

media and subject matter.

4) Implementation

At this stage, the design and methods that have been developed in

real situations. During implementation, the designs of the

developed products are applied to the actual conditions.

Furthermore, an initial evaluation is carried out at the

implementation stage to provide feedback.

5) Evaluation

The evaluation stage is conducted to measure the achievement of

the objectives development. Evaluation results are used to provide

feedback to user parties. Revisions are made in accordance with the

evaluation results or needs that cannot be fulfilled.

c. Characteristics of Learning Module

According to Cepi &Rudi (2008:127-129) to produce modules that

increase the motivation and effectiveness of learners' learning

outcomes, then in development should pay attention to the following


1) Self Instructional

Students use modules to be able to learn independently so that not

dependent on others. To meet the character of self-instructional then

in the module must be :

a) Contains a clear purpose.

b) Contains learning materials packaged into specific small units

making it easier to learn thoroughly.

c) Provide examples and illustrations that support clarity of exposure

learning materials.

d) Display training questions, tasks and the like that allow the user

responds an measure of his mastery level.

e) Contextual materials presented related to the atmosphere or

context of the task and its user environment.

f) Using simple and communicative language.

g) There is a summary of the learning materials.

h) There are assessment instruments.

i) There is feedback on the assessment, so that the user knows level

of material mastery.

j) There is information about references/references that support the

material learning.

2) Self Contained

Self-contained is all learning materials from one competency or

subcomperations studied are contained in one module in its entirety.

The purpose of this concept is to provide students with opportunities

study the learning materials thoroughly, because the material is

packed with into one whole.

3) Stand Alone

Stand alone or stand alone is module developed is not depending on

other media or should not be used together with other learning

media. By using modules, students do not dependent and must use

other media to learn and or work on a task on the module. If you are

using and depending on other media module used, the media is not

categorized as a stand-alone medium.

4) Adaptive

It is said to be adaptive if the module can adjust the development of

science knowledge and technology, as well as flexible use. By

paying attention to the acceleration of the development of science

and technology module development multimedia should remain "up

to date". An adaptive module is if the contents of the learning

materials can be used for up to a certain period of time.

5) User Friendly

Modules should be friendly with the wearer. Any instructions and

exposure to information that appears helpful and friendly with

including the ease of the user in responding, accessing according to

your wishes. Simple, easy to use language understandable and use of

commonly used terms is one of the one form of user friendly.

d. Learning Module Components

According to Sudjana &Ahmad Rivai (2007: 134), the components

Modules include:

1) Teacher guidelines, containing instructions for teachers to explain

about types of activities that must be performed by learners, time for

complete modules, lesson tools to be used, and evaluation


2) Student activity sheet, containing lessons that must be mastered by

students. Arrangement of materials with instructional purposes to be

achieved, arranged step by step so as to make it easier for

participants to students. In the activity sheet are listed activities that

are must be done by learners such as conducting experiments, read


3) Worksheets, accompanying the student activity sheet used to answer

or work on tasks or problems that must be solved.

4) Lock the worksheet, serves to evaluate or correct the results of his

work, the learners re-spawned his work.

5) The test sheet is an evaluation tool for the success of formulated in

the module. Test sheet contains questions to assess the success of

students by studying materials that are presented in the module.

6) The key test sheet is a corrective tool against the assessment

implemented by the students themselves.

Based on the opinion of experts, it can be concluded that the

components of the module components are instructions / guidelines

of teachers, activity sheets of participants’ students, worksheets,

worksheet answer keys, test sheets, and test sheet answers. So that

students really learn independently unaccompanied by the teacher.

3. Smart App Creator

Mobile learning can be defined as a facility or service that can provide

electronic information in general to learners and educational content that

helps achieve knowledge regardless of location and time. Mobile learning

is part of electronic learning (e-Learning) so that mobile learning (m-

Learning) is also part of distance learning (d-Learning).

Mobile Learning is one of the learning media that uses smartphones as a

medium of conveying information about learning materials to support the

learning process. This system can facilitate the learning process, by

changing face-to-face learning in class or very conventional lecture

methods, into independent learning conducted by students by using

Android-based learning media that is equipped with various features of

text, images, video, audio or animation that can help increase the interest

and motivation of learners in the learning process.

The use of smartphones is not only used as a means of communication but

can also be used in the process of learning activities. Mobile learning is

used as a learning medium that can be accessed anywhere and anytime

without being constrained by space and time because of its flexible nature.

Mobile learning provides opportunities for students to do learning

independently or self-understanding that can be done outside the school.

Mobile learning cannot replace traditional classes but can be used as a

complement to the classroom learning process.

Mobile learning based on Smart Apps Creator is one of the mobile

learning that is user friendly which means it is easy to use, with open

source code without having to know the html programming language.

Mobile learning also has a tool that is fast and easy to understand, so it can

insert a variety of vides, animations, images, simulations to quizzes with

feedback not found in printed materials in general.

4. Learning Materials

a. Transportation

Transportation or in Indonesian language is transportation / vehicle.

Transportation materials are part of the most basic or Basic English

vocabulary, usually taught in elementary school or kindergarten.

Vocabulary of transportation:

1. Car = Mobil
2. Bicycle = Sepeda
3. Bus = Bis
4. School Bus = Bis Sekolah
5. Motorcycle = Sepeda Motor

6. Pedicab = Becak
7. Taxi = Taksi
8. Truck = Truk
9. Train = Kereta
10. Plane = Pesawat Terbang
11. Ship = Kapal
12. Helicopter = Helikopter
13. Hot Air Balloon = Balon Terbang
14. Cruiser Ship = Kapal Pesiar
15. Ambulance = Ambulans
16. Scooter = Skuter
17. Boat = Kapal
18. Rocket = Roket
19. Warship = Kapal Perang
20. Tractor = Traktor

Example Sentences using Transportation

1. I go to school by school bus (aku pergi ke sekolah naik bis sekolah)
2. We go to the zoo by train (kami pergi ke kebun binatang naik
3. My father go to his office by motorcycle (ayahku ke kantornya naik
4. My uncle go to Jakarta by car (pamanku pergi ke jakarta naik
5. The ambulance color is white (ambulans berwarna putih)
6. The truck color is yellow (truk berwarna kuning)
7. The train color is blue (kereta berwarna biru)

b. Jobs or Profession
Vocabulary of jobs
1. teacher = guru
2. doctor = dokter
3. author = penulis
4. architect = arsitek
5. actrees = aktris
6. actor = aktorbutcher = tukang daging
7. mechanic = mekanik
8. labor = buruh
9. cashier = kasir
10. chef = koki masak
11. barber = tukang cukur
12. coach = pelatih
13. pilot = pilot
14. journalist = wartawan
15. fisherman = nelayan
16. dentist = dokter gigi
17. engineer = teknisi
18. sailor = pelaut
19. lawyer = pengacara
20. manager = manajer
21. driver = sopir

To ask others about work, use the following sentence:

1. What are you?
(Apa pekerjaan kamu?)
2. What is your mother?
(Apa pekerjaan ibu kamu?)
3. What is your father?
(Apa pekerjaan Bapak kamu?)
4. What does your brother do?

(Apa pekerjaan kakak (laki-laki) kamu?
5. What does your sister do?
(Apa pekerjaan kakak (perempuan) kamu?

Example Sentence

1. Ms. Yuli is a teacher. She works in a school.

(Ibu Yuli adalah seorang guru. Dia bekerja di sekolah.)

2. Mr. Hong is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

(Tuan Hong adalah seorang dokter. Dia bekerja di rumah sakit.

3. A nurse helps a doctor in a hospital.

(Seorang suster membantu dokter di rumah sakit.)

4. Mr. Karya is a farmer. He plans paddy in the rice field.

(Pak Karya adalah seorang petani. Dia menanam padi di sawah.)

5. Mr. Dirga is a carpenter. He makes table and chair.

(Pak Dirga adalah seorang tukang kayu. Dia membuat meja dan


6. Is your uncle a barber?

(Apakah paman kamu seorang tukang cukur?)

Yes, he is (Ya)

No, he isn't (Bukan)

7. Are your sister a secretary?

(Apakah kakak (perempuan) kamu seorang sekretaris?

Yes, she is (Ya)

No, she isn't (bukan)

8. Ms. Melani designs a house. She is an architect.

(Ibu Melani merancang gambar sebuah rumah. Dia adalah seorang


9. Mr.Jack drives a bus. He is a driver.

(Pak Jack mengendarai bus. Dia adalah seorang sopir.)

10. Mr. Akram leads a school. He is a headmaster.

(Pak Akram memimpin sebuah sekolah. Dia adalah seorang kepala




A. Research Design

This exploration will arrange into Research and Development (R&D) that

adjusted the system of creating English learning materials by Gall and Borg

(2003). The researcher attempt to make new items relate with the points of

the examination itself. Innovative work is a cycle use to create and approve

instructive items. The means of this interaction are normally alluded to as the

R and D cycle, which comprises of contemplating research discoveries

relevant to the item to be create, fostering the items dependent on these

discoveries, field testing it in the setting where it will be utilize in the long

run, and updating it to address the inadequacies find in the document testing

stage. Consequently, this examination will arrange a Research and

Development (R&D), in light of the fact that it expects to foster a complete

the item. It very well may be utilize suitably in an instructive program (Borg,

2002: 772).

Research and Development (R and D) is an exploration strategy use to deliver

a specific item, and test the viability of the item. A specific item utilize for

this examination which is necessities investigation and it utilize overview or

subjective strategy and to test the adequacy of the item consequently need a

test or subjective technique for this technique to test the viability of the item.

Research and Development (R&D) is utilizing both subjective and

quantitative way to deal with draw the examination and gather the

information. Research and Development (R&D) as a cycle that use to create

item in instructive. Close to, Borg and Gall (1989) expresses that Research

and Development (R&D) is a cycle to create and approve instructive item.

B. Research Setting

The research setting will conduct on Elementary School One Pandan surat.

Elementary School One Pandan surat is one of Elementary School in

Sukoharjo, regency Pringsewu. This school will facilitate canteen, mosque,

school yard, library, and UKS.

C. Research Subject

The subjects of this research are the Fifth Grade students of Elementary

School One Pandan surat. Each class consists of 40 students. All of the

student‘s dominan are female and male. The research subjects are limit for

only one class.

D. Research Procedure

The procedure of this research to the system approach model proposed by

Dick and Carey in Borg, Gall and Gall (2003: 571). Therefore, in designing

the model, the researcher uses Research and Development approach by

adapting Borg & Gall (1983: 775) developed 10 deep stages developing

models. The procedures of the research are described as follows:

Need Analysis Planning

Develop Preliminary Form

Preliminary Field Testing
of Product

Main Product Revision Main Field Testing

Operational Field Testing Revision of Product

Dissemination and
Final Product Revision Implementation

Figure 3.1
Bog and Gall step scheme

Research and Development (R & D) will be a methodology utilized will

create Furthermore accept instructive items. The steps of this transform are

generally alluded on Similarly as the r & d cycle, which comprises from

claiming mulling over examination discoveries apropos of the result to a

chance to be developed, Creating these item In view of these finding, field

testing it in the setting the place it will be utilized eventually, and changing

it should right these deficiencies find in the field testing stage. In show that

item meets it’s behaviorally characterize targets.

Borg Also nerve model comprises about ten significant steps. They are as

takes after: venture 1 includes exploration Furthermore data gathering or

necessity dissection. It incorporates survey from claiming literature,

classroom observations, and Furthermore preparation for report card from

claiming state of the symbolization. Step 2 and 3 comprises of arranging

Also create preliminary structure about item.

Arranging incorporates characterizing skills, expressing targets figuring out

course sequence, and little scale possibility trying. Create preliminary

manifestation from claiming item incorporates preparation from claiming

guidelines materials, handbooks, Furthermore assessing devises. That point

step 4 includes preliminary field trying. It finishes up interview,

questionnaire information gathered Also broke down from these class. For

step 5 Also 6 direct fundamental item amendment Furthermore principle

field trying. Principle item amendment utilization quantitative information

looking into subjects ‘span similarly as assessment. Operational item

amendment may be happened on venture 7, amendment from claiming item

as recommended toward principle field test effect. Next, to venture 8

Furthermore 9 includes operational field trying and last item amendment.

And the most recent venture alternately venture 10 includes spread Also

usage. It is a report card around item during professional gathering

Furthermore diaries. Fill in for publisher who accepts business circulation.

Screen appropriation with furnish caliber control.

However, on simplicity Furthermore settle on shorter the methodology from

claiming planning the product, these specialist breaking points the

improvement exactly will nine steps. Besides, the analyst additionally

adjusts the transform with these needs of improvement. The graph

demonstrate around the system for improvement may be dependent upon

Borg Also nerve advancement model. This model incorporates ten steps, yet

the analyst Exactly took nine steps and the specialist finished researcher this

is best nine steps, Since in this exploration In light of set occasion when and


Organization of the Research procedure

1. Needs Analysis

Include in the step These include literature studies relate to the issues

study, needs measurement, small-scale research, and preparation to

formulate research frameworks. The research this is purpose of the

needs analysis is to gather the information of learners‘needs and

learning needs. The data are analysis as the basis for digital online

module in Elementary School One Pandan surat.

2. Planning

Including in this step a research plan that includes formulating skills

and expertise relate to the problem, determining the objectives to be

achieve at each stage, design or research steps and if possible /

necessary to conduct a feasibility study on a limit basis.

3. Designing the Materials

Designing materials and based on the syllabus. Each section follows the

scientific, method, which is; observation, questioning,

experimenting/collecting, data/information, analyzing, communicating

and creating. Which develops the initial form of the product to be

produce. Include in this step is the preparation of supporting

components, preparing guidelines and manuals, and evaluating the

feasibility of supporting tools. Examples of development of learning

materials, learning process and evaluation instruments.

4. First validation product (Preliminary field testing)

Before the reseacher will do testing the product the reseacher will

checked the product to expert judgment. The experts judgment to

evaluation the draft whether the developed material will appropriate for

the students or not by distributing evaluation questionnaires. Expert

judgment they are two experts will evaluation the materials, there are

the English teacher and the lecturer. The experts are also provide with

some open-ended questions to write their opinions or suggestions about

the product. Expert judgment will evaluation the product by using a

questionnaire that will be provided by the researcher, then the

questionnaire consists of content, pressed, language features and

graphics. Expert judgments are evaluation on content, presentation,

language features, and graphics. After that the reseacher will did test

conducting initial field trials on a limit scale, with 1 to 2 schools or 1

school having different class, with 6 to 12 subjects. Therefore, The

expert juggment given score in each component in the woorksheet that

researcher will create. The suggestion from the expert judgment from

questionare will be input to researcher to make the materials more

appropriate to students, if the product will appropriate and the expert

judgment agree with the product, the researcher not revise the product.

5. Main product revision

The first draft that had be evaluation by the experts will revised by

referring to the comments and suggestions given by the experts. This is

make improvements to the initial product produced based on initial test

results. The revision are based on some categories such as the content,

the language, the presentation, and the layout. After being revised, the

product will consider as appropriate English vocabulary materials for

fifth grade of Elementary School. This improvement is more likely to

be done more than once, in accordance with the results shown in the

limit trial, to obtain a ready-made main product draft. The results of the

expert judgment questionnaire are analysis and revise by researcher, the

researcher revise the materials evaluation by an expert judgment to

make materials appropriate with the suggestion from expert.

6. Main field testing (Tryout the product)

After the researcher get some suggestion from the expert‘s judgment.

The researchers do the tryout in grade 5 students of Elementary School

One Pandan surat. There is 40 in one class. The purpose from tryout is

to know validity and reliability from each questionnaire in the

guidebook. In this step is usually called a field trial to get an evaluation

of the product.

7. Operational product revision

This step improves the results of the broader test, the researchers revise

the product based on the results of the tryout and suggestions from the

expert judgment, so that the developed product is already a design

operational model that is ready to be validated. So the product will

reach the planned goal.

8. Operational Field Testing (Implementing)

In this step the researcher apply the product of research and

development to the students. Steps 7 have done revision after being

checked by expert judgment. After all of the material will be explain by

the English teacher, the implication will be done in grade 5 students

grade 5 of Elementary School One Pandan surat, will get the final

conclusion, Whether the book made by the researcher can be

understood by students and whether the material is made in accordance

with what is needed by students.

9. Final Product Revision

This step to make final improvements to the model developed to

produce the final product.

E. Data Collecting Technique

The data collection technique employed in this research will the use data

triangulation. There are two types of questionnaires employed in this

research which are needs analysis questionnaire and evaluation or expert

judgment questionnaire. The data of the research is the forms of qualitative

and quantitative data, the qualitative data will gained by giving description

of the situation during implementing the product in learning and teaching

process, while the quantitative data will take from the score of students

when they used the product.

Margono (2010: 158) reveal that the use of appropriate data collection

techniques and tools allows researchers to obtain objective data. In this

development research, the data collection techniques used are as follows:

1. Interview

Interview is one form of non-test type evaluation tool conduct through

conversations and Q&A, either directly or indirectly with students (Arifin,

2010: 157-158). Interviews are conduct by researchers to students to

obtain product trial data. This final interview will conduct to one student

of SD N 1 Pandansurat to find out what students think about the Online

Digital Module.

2. Questionnaire

Data collection techniques through questionnaires conducted by

researchers to obtain data analysis needs at the beginning of the study.

Questionnaire is a tool to collect and record data or information, opinions,

and understanding in casual relationships (Arifin, 2010: 166).

Questionnaires will conduct to 35 children at SD N 1 Pandansurat to find

out what media will need by to find out information from students relate to

Digital Online Module about jobs and transportations.

In addition to obtaining data analysis of the initial needs of research, data

collection through questionnaires is also carried out at the time of

validation of the develop product. The questionnaire aims to assess the

quality of the storybook. Through the questionnaire researchers are also

assisted in making product revisions.

3. Interview

Interview techniques I did to find out what media teachers want to help the

learning process during the class.

F. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis is a stage that is done after the data from all respondents are

collect. Activities carry out at this stage include: (1) grouping data by

variables and types of respondents, (2) tabulating data based on variables

from all respondents, (3) presenting data according to the variables studied,

(4) doing calculations to answer problem formulations, and (5) doing

calculations to test research hypotheses (Sugiyono, 2013: 207).

1. Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data is obtain from the results of character analysis

questionnaires that need to be taught by teachers and the results of

information questionnaires from students related to traffic sign

storybooks. The results of teacher interviews and student questionnaire

results are described according to the questions asked. Furthermore, this

is take from the need analysis of students and teachers, with need

analysis can be known that students and teachers need quantitative data

analysis media

Quantitative data comes from the assessment of two experts and a grade

II teacher in the validation process in the form of numbers. The data will

obtained from questionnaire sheets created by researchers using the

Likert scale and analysis descriptively, with the following steps.

a. Rough data collection

b. Scoring for quantitative analysis

The score that will be obtained is converted into a value with a scale of

five using the conversion reference on the PAP (Benchmark Reference

Assessment) approach as follows.

Figure 3.7 Conversion of Five Scale Values by PAP (Sukardjo,
2005: 53)

Category Score interval

Very good 𝑥 > Xi + 1,80 Sbi

Good Xi + 0,60 SBi < 𝑥 ≤ Xi + 1,80

Passable Xi - 0,60 SBi < 𝑥 ≤ Xi + 0,60
Poor Xi - 1,80 SBi < 𝑥 ≤ Xi - 0,60
Not very good 𝑥 ≤ Xi – 1,80 Sbi


Ideal average (Xi) = 1 (ideal maximum score +

minimum score
2 ideal)

Ideal standard deviation (Sbi) = 1 (ideal maximum

score – minimum score ideal).

x = Actual score


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