Chapter 3

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This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher

in conducting the study which includes the research design, setting of the study, subject

of the study, procedure of study, sources of data, sampling data, sampling technique,

data gathering procedure.

Research Method and Design

Setting of the Study

This study is located at Angono National High School. The choice of Angono

National High School as the research site can be explained by a combination of

practical and research-related factors. Firstly, the school's location is convenient for the

researchers, making it easier to conduct the study within the available time and

resources. Furthermore, the presence of a Cookery Strand at the school is a significant

factor. This aligns well with the research's culinary focus because it provides a group of

students with the right expertise to effectively assess the taro noodles.
School Map
Subjects of the Study

The respondents for this research will be the students in the Cookery Students of

Angono National High School. The choice to involve cookery students in this research

study is due to their unique expertise in the culinary domain. Cookery students possess

a deep understanding of food preparation, various cooking techniques, and the

intricacies of flavor profiles. This background knowledge equips them to offer not only

informed but also insightful feedback regarding the taste, texture, and overall quality of

the noodles. This kind of feedback is crucial for gauging how well the product is

received and whether it meets culinary standards.

Procedure of the Study

Data Gathering

During the data gathering phase for the School Year 2023-2024, the researcher

will begin by drafting a comprehensive survey-questionnaire. This document was then

submitted to the Teachers of Angono National High School for review and approval.

Following this, a formal letter was crafted requesting permission to conduct surveys

within specific sections and courses/strands.

Upon obtaining the approved questionnaires, the researchers proceeded with the

data collection process. They meticulously crafted a tally sheet to systematically record

the responses garnered. The collected data was then meticulously organized and

structured into tables for efficient analysis.

Utilizing various statistical treatments, the researchers embarked on the thorough

analysis of the gathered information. This involved employing statistical methods and

tools to derive meaningful insights and trends from the acquired data. Subsequently, the

team focused on preparing a detailed presentation of their findings.

The process also involved an in-depth interpretation of the statistical results,

delving into the implications and significance of the discovered patterns. This

interpretation phase aimed to elucidate the practical implications of the data analysis,

providing valuable insights and recommendations based on the research outcomes.

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