PR1 Methodology Group 3

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Chapter III


This part of the research contains the validity and reliability of the instruments, locale

of the study, respondents of the study, research design, sampling design and procedure,

research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Locale of the Study

The locale of the study is in Ibajay Integrated School, situated in Colong-colong,

Ibajay, Aklan.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are HUMSS students from Ibajay Integrated School,

providing valuable insights and perspectives on the research topic. Their participation

contributes significantly to understanding the subject matter within the context of their

academic environment.

Research Design

The researcher will employ a descriptive research design to explore the information

collected and its characteristics. This approach involves describing behaviors or conditions as

they naturally occur, without interference from the researcher. Descriptive research seeks to

paint a detailed picture of the subject under study, giving insights into its various aspects.

The study will be done to investigate the irregular sleep patterns among HUMSS

students. It seeks to understand the disparities and disruptions in their sleep routines.

Sampling Design and Procedure

The researcher utilizes a snowball sampling technique to gather information from

students. This method involves starting with a few participants who meet certain criteria and
then expanding the sample through referrals from those initial participants. The snowball

technique is useful for collecting information because it helps reach a wider range of people

by using their social connections.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher uses survey questionnaires to gather information from

participants, of which each answer being crucial for understanding the topic. Every response

helps reveal patterns and insights, giving a deeper understanding of people's perspectives and

experiences. By carefully analyzing each answer, researchers can find connections which

contribute to the study's findings. So, every response matters in building a clear and thorough

picture of the research topic.

Data Gathering Procedure

The survey will be focused on the HUMSS students of Ibajay Integrated School

whose answers will be more credible and accurate. The researcher will gather the data

through snowball sampling technique. The researcher will prepare the survey questionnaires

and will give them time to answer each, and another allotted time to address the possible

issues or clarifications raised regarding the process. This ata gathering procedures help

researchers collect information in an organized way, making sure they get reliable and

consistent data. This makes it easier for them to analyze the information and draw meaningful


Data Analysis

The researchers will use qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is used to gain and

understand underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. Qualitative analysis is a type of

research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems (Tenny et al.,

2018). Quantitative analysis can provide structured insights and numerical data, aiding in the

interpretation and validation of gathered information. The researcher will conduct survey
questionnaires to gain subjective data. The survey seeks to find out the impacts of

unbalanced sleep to their academic performance.

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