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Accutronix MX Maintenance & 130-12000

Revision A 12/99
Spare Parts Manual Web Revision 8/00

Valve Actuators
Accutronix MX Maintenance &
Spare Parts Manual

Valve Actuators

Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual

©2000 Copyright Limitorque Corporation. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.


No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written
permission of Limitorque. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this
book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability
assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
This document is the proprietary information of Limitorque Corporation, furnished for
customer use ONLY. No other uses are authorized without written permission from
Limitorque Corporation.
Limitorque Corporation reserves the right to make changes, without notice, to this docu-
ment and the products it describes. Limitorque Corporation shall not be liable for technical
or editorial errors or omissions made herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this document.
This manual contains information that is correct to the best of Limitorque’s knowledge. It
is intended to be a guide and should not be considered as a sole source of technical
instruction, replacing good technical judgment, since all possible situations cannot be antici-
pated. If there is any doubt as to exact installation, configuration, and/or use, call Limitorque
Corporation‚ at (804) 528-4400.
The choice of system components is the responsibility of the buyer, and how they are used
cannot be the liability of Limitorque Corporation. However, Limitorque’s sales team and
application engineers are always available to assist you in making your decision. The latest
revisions to this document are available online at http://www.limitorque.com

IV Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Series
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 Premise 1-1
1.2 Important Notes & Warning Statements 1-1
1.3 Procedure Emphasis 1-1
1.4 Reference Documents 1-2

2 Accutronix MX Actuator Subassembly 2-1

2.1 MX Actuator Subassembly Components 2-1
2.2 Product Information 2-2
2.2.1 Product Description 2-2
2.2.2 Storage 2-2
2.2.3 Unit Weights 2-2
2.3 Product Identification 2-3
2.3.1 Initial Inspection & Recording Suggestions 2-3
2.4 Maintenance 2-3
2.4.1 Recommended Maintenance 2-3
2.4.2 Unit Lubrication 2-3
2.4.3 O-Ring & Lubrication 2-5
2.5 Subassembly Removal & Remounting Procedures 2-5
2.6 How to Order Replacement Subassemblies 2-5
2.6.1 Replacement Parts 2-5
2.6.2 Return Procedure 2-6

3 Remove Actuator from Mounting Adapter 3-1

3.1 Actuator Removal with Type B1/B4/B4E Base (Torque) 3-1
3.1.1 Removal (Type B1/B4/B4E Base) 3-1
3.1.2 Remounting (Type B1/B4/B4E) 3-2
3.2 Actuator Removal with Type A1/A1E Base (Thrust) 3-3
3.2.1 Removal (Type A1/A1E Base) 3-3
3.2.2 Remounting (Type A1/A1E Base) 3-4
3.2.3 Removal (Type A1/A1E Base) 3-6
3.2.4 Remounting (Type A1/A1E Base) 3-7

4 Mechanical Assemblies 4-1

4.1 Motor (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-1
4.1.1 Removal 4-1
4.1.2 Remounting 4-2
4.2 Declutch (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-4
4.2.1 Removal 4-5
4.2.2 Remounting 4-7
4.3 Top-Mounted Handwheel (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-9
4.3.1 Removal 4-9
4.3.2 Remounting 4-10
4.4 Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-10 & 20) 4-11
4.4.1 Removal 4-12
4.4.2 Remounting 4-13

V Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Table of Contents

4.5 Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-40) 4-14

4.5.1 Removal 4-15
4.5.2 Remounting 4-17
4.6 Converting Top-Mounted Handwheel to Side-Mounted Handwheel
(MX-10, 20, & 40) 4-19
4.6.1 Removing Top-Mounted Handwheel 4-19
4.6.2 Installing Side-Mounted Handwheel 4-20
4.7 Thrust Base Type A1/A1E 4-22
4.7.1 Removal 4-24
4.7.2 Remounting 4-24
4.8 Torque Base Type B1 4-25
4.8.1 Removal 4-26
4.8.2 Remounting 4-26
4.9 Baseplate Type B4 (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-27
4.9.1 Removal 4-28
4.9.2 Remounting 4-28
4.10 Worm Shaft (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-29
4.10.1 Removal 4-30
4.10.2 Remounting 4-30
4.11 Drive Sleeve (MX-05 & 10) 4-32
4.11.1 Removal 4-33
4.11.2 Remounting 4-33
4.12 Drive Sleeve (MX-20 & 40) 4-34
4.12.1 Removal 4-35
4.12.2 Remounting 4-36
4.13 Handwheel Adapter (MX-05) 4-37
4.13.1 Removal 4-38
4.13.2 Remounting 4-39
4.14 Handwheel Adapter/Handwheel Worm Gear (MX-10, 20, & 40) 4-41
4.14.1 Removal 4-43
4.14.2 Remounting 4-44
4.15 Clutch & Clutch Ring Components (MX-20 & 40) 4-46
4.15.1 Removal 4-47
4.15.2 Remounting 4-48

5 Electronic Assemblies 5-1

5.1 Accutronix Control Panel (ACP) (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 5-1
5.1.1 Removal 5-2
5.1.2 Remounting 5-3
5.2 Control Module (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 5-4
5.2.1 Removal 5-5
5.2.2 Remounting 5-8
5.2.3 Fuse Replacement 5-12
5.2.4 Control Module Return Options 5-12
5.2.5 EPROM Care & Replacement 5-14 EPROM Storage & Handling 5-16 EPROM Removal 5-16 EPROM Installation 5-16
5.3 Terminal Block (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 5-17
5.3.1 Removal 5-18
5.3.2 Remounting 5-20
5.4 Control Module—Contactor Module (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 5-22

VI Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Table of Series

5.4.1 Removal 5-23

5.4.2 Remounting 5-24
5.5 Encoder (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 5-26
5.5.1 Removal 5-27
5.5.2 Remounting 5-28
5.6 Encoder Drive Cartridge (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 5-29
5.6.1 Removal 5-30
5.6.2 Remounting 5-30

6 Spare & Replacement Parts 6-1

6.1 Guidelines for Recommended Spare Parts 6-1
6.1.1 Wear Components 6-1
6.1.2 Bearings, O-Rings, & Seals 6-1
6.1.3 Critical Components 6-1
6.2 Recommended Spare Parts 6-2
6.2.1 Commissioning & Startup 6-2
6.2.2 Short-Term Duty 6-2
6.2.3 Long-Term Duty 6-2
6.2.4 Severe Duty 6-2
6.3 Other Concerns 6-3

7 Regulatory Information 7-1


Figure 2.1 – Accutronix MX-05 Actuator 2-1

Figure 2.2 – Accutronix MX Nameplate 2-3
Figure 2.3 – Oil Fill/Plug Locations for Side-Mounted & Top-Mounted Handwheels 2-4
Figure 4.1 – Motor (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-1
Figure 4.2 – Declutch (MX-05 & 10) 4-4
Figure 4.3 – Declutch (MX-20 & 40) 4-5
Figure 4.4 – Top-Mounted Handwheel (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-9
Figure 4.5 – Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-10 & 20) 4-11
Figure 4.6 – Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-40) 4-14
Figure 4.7 – Type A1 Thrust Base (MX-05) 4-22
Figure 4.8 – Type A1 Thrust Base (MX-10, 20, & 40) 4-23
Figure 4.9 – Type B1 Torque Base (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-25
Figure 4.10 – Type B4 Baseplate (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-27
Figure 4.11 – Worm Shaft (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-29
Figure 4.12 – Drive Sleeve (MX-05 & 10) 4-32
Figure 4.13 – Drive Sleeve (MX-20 & 40) 4-34
Figure 4.14 – Handwheel Adapter (MX-05) 4-37
Figure 4.15 – Handwheel (MX-05) 4-38
Figure 4.16 – Handwheel Adapter Assembly 4-41
Figure 4.17 – Handwheel Worm Gear Assembly 4-42
Figure 4.18 – Clutch & Clutch Ring Components 4-46
Figure 5.1 – Accutronix Control Panel 5-1

VII Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Figures/Tables WTR Series

Figure 5.2 – Control Module 5-4

Figure 5.3 – Location of fuses and voltage jumper 5-12
Figure 5.4 – Standard Board Set 5-12
Figure 5.5 – Standard Board Set with DDC Option 5-13
Figure 5.6 – Standard Board Set with I/O Option 5-13
Figure 5.7 – Standard Board Set with DDC & I/O Option 5-13
Figure 5.8 – LCS Board 5-14
Figure 5.9 – Main CPU Board 5-14
Figure 5.10 – Power Board 5-15
Figure 5.11 – DDC Board 5-15
Figure 5.12 – Terminal Block 5-17
Figure 5.13 – Control Module – Contactor Assembly 5-22
Figure 5.14 – Encoder 5-26
Figure 5.15 – Encoder Drive Cartridge 5-29


Table 2.1 – Unit weights 2-2

Table 2.2 – MX-05 & 10 Oil Capacities when using Oil Fill/Plug Ports 2-4
Table 2.3 – MX-20 Oil Capacities when using Oil Fill/Plug Ports 2-4
Table 2.4 – MX-40 Oil Capacities when using Oil Fill/Plug Ports 2-5
Table 4.1 – Motor Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-1
Table 4.2 – Declutch Parts List (MX-05 & 10) 4-4
Table 4.3 – Declutch Parts List (MX-20 & 40) 4-5
Table 4.4 – Top-Mounted Handwheel Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-9
Table 4.5 – Side-Mounted Handwheel Parts List (MX-10 & 20) 4-11
Table 4.6 – Side-Mounted Handwheel Parts List (MX-40) 4-14
Table 4.7 – Type A1 Thrust Base Parts List (MX-05) 4-22
Table 4.8 – Type A1 Thrust Base Parts List (MX-10, 20, & 40) 4-23
Table 4.9 – Type B1 Torque Base Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-25
Table 4.10 – Type B4 Baseplate Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-27
Table 4.11 – Worm Shaft Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40) 4-29
Table 4.12 – Drive Sleeve Parts List (MX-05 & 10) 4-32
Table 4.13 – Drive Sleeve Parts List (MX-20 & 40) 4-34
Table 4.14 – Handwheel Adapter Parts List (MX-05) 4-37
Table 4.15 – Handwheel Adapter Assembly Parts List 4-41
Table 4.16 – Handwheel Worm Gear Assembly Parts List 4-42
Table 4.17 – Clutch & Clutch Ring Components Parts List 4-46
Table 5.1 – Accutronix Control Panel Parts List 5-1
Table 5.2 – Control Module Parts List 5-4
Table 5.3 – Terminal Block Parts List 5-17
Table 5.4 –Control Module – Contactor Assembly Parts List 5-22
Table 5.5 – Encoder Parts List 5-26
Table 5.6 – Encoder Drive Sleeve Speed 5-26
Table 5.7 – Encoder Drive Cartridge Parts List 5-29
Table 5.8 – Encoder Drive Cartridge Drive Sleeve Speed 5-29

VIII Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Premise

The MX actuator components are separated into subassembly groupings. This manual covers
the Removal and Remounting procedures for each subassembly group. Use these
instructions when disassembly is required for servicing, maintenance, or parts replacement.

1.2 Important Notes & Warning Statements

Please read this Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual carefully and completely before attempt-
ing to store or perform maintenance on your Limitorque valve actuator. Further installation,
setup, and operation instructions are available in the Installation & Operation manual (130-
11000) located in the actuator terminal compartment at shipment.

a WARNING: Be aware of electrical hazards within the actuator and high-pressure hazards of
the attached valve or other actuated device when installing or performing maintenance on your
MX actuator. Failure to observe these precautions could result in serious bodily injury, damage
to the equipment, or operational difficulty.

a WARNING: Do not manually operate actuator with devices other than installed handwheel
and declutch lever. Using additive force devices (cheater bars, wheel wrenches, pipe wrenches, or
other devices of this nature) on the actuator handwheel or declutch lever may cause serious personal
injury and/or damage to the actuator or valve.

1.3 Procedure Emphasis

Please refer to the following methods used to emphasize text throughout this manual. Safety
warnings, cautions, and notes present material that is important to user-safety. Be sure to read
any safety notices you see as they could prevent equipment damage, personal injury, or even
death to you or a co-worker.

Safety notices are presented in this manual in three forms:

a WARNING: Refers to personal safety. Alerts the user to potential danger. Failure to follow
warning notices could result in personal injury or death.

CAUTION: Directs the user’s attention to general precautions that, if not followed, could
result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.

NOTE: Highlights information critical to the user’s understanding of the procedure.

Bold text stresses attention to the details of the procedure.

1-1 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00

1.4 Reference Documents

• Accutronix Protection, Control & Monitoring features of MX Electric Actuators (Bulletin

• Accutronix MX Control, Performance & Value in Multi-turn Electric Valve Actuators
(Bulletin 130-10500)
• Accutronix MX Installation Manual (Bulletin 130-11000)

1-2 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Accutronix MX Actuator Series

2 Accutronix MX Actuator Subassembly

Figure 2.1 – Accutronix MX-05 Actuator

1 & 13



10 11 14 8
2.1 MX Actuator Subassembly Components

1. Top-mounted handwheel 11. Baseplate-type B4 with stem nut options

2. Drive sleeve type:
3. Worm shaft • B4 = stem nut with variable bore and key
4. Motor • B4E = extended-reach stem nut with vari-
5. Declutch Lever able bore and key
6. Encoder • BL = splined stem nut (BL6 = 6 splines,
7. Accutronix Control Panel (ACP) BL38 = 38 splines)
8. Control module 12. Handwheel adapter/handwheel worm gear
10. Optional bases 13. Side-mounted handwheel (not shown)
Torque Base type: 14. Encoder drive cartridge
• B1 = ISO 5210 base (fixed bore & key) 15. Terminal block
Thrust Base type:
• A1 = Standard thrust base
• A1E = Entended-reach thrust base

2-1 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Accutronix MX Actuator Subassembly

2.2 Product Information

2.2.1 Product Description

Your MX actuator controls the opening and closing travel of valves and other actuated
devices. OPEN and CLOSED limits are protected by an absolute encoder that provides
optical sensing of valve position and measures valve position in both motor and handwheel
operation. No battery or backup power supply is required. Output torque is derived from
motor speed, temperature, and voltage. If the preset torque is exceeded, the motor shuts off.
As a result of this reliable and advanced protection technology, all valve and other actuated
devices are protected from potential damage from overload, improper seating, and foreign
A range of control and network options are available and very simply added to the control
capabilities already available on a standard actuator. Contact your local Limitorque distribu-
tor or Limitorque sales office for further information.

2.2.2 Storage

Storage Recommendations
Your MX actuator is double-sealed and weatherproof as shipped providing all compartment
covers and cable entry plugs are left intact. Actuators should be stored in a clean, dry, protect-
ed warehouse until ready for wire-up. If actuators must be stored outdoors, they should be
stored off the ground, high enough to prevent being immersed in water or buried in snow.
If your unit incorporates a rising stem application, it may be shipped with a plastic cap
over the drive sleeve. If so, install a pipe plug or protective stem cover to protect the drive
sleeve from possible corrosion.

Preferred Storage Orientation

Your MX actuator should be stored with the motor and terminal compartment in the
horizontal position to obtain optimum service life.

2.2.3 Unit Weights

Table 2.1 – Unit weights

Unit Lbs Kg
MX-05 52 24
MX-10 65 29
MX-20 109 49
MX-40 133 60

NOTE: Weights include stem nut and lubricant.

2-2 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Accutronix MX Actuator Series

2.3 Product Identification

2.3.1 Initial Inspection & Recording Suggestions

Upon receipt of the actuator, several steps should be initially followed to ensure condition of
equipment and to establish proper record keeping.
1. After removing the actuator from the shipping carton or skid, thoroughly examine it for
any physical damage which may have occurred during shipment. If you note any damage,
immediately report the damage to the transport company and call Limitorque for further
2. A nameplate with important information is attached to each actuator. Record the
following information for use when you need to contact Limitorque with any questions
about your actuator:
• Unit type/size
• Limitorque order number
• Serial number

Figure 2.2 – Accutronix MX Nameplate

order no.

2.4 Maintenance

2.4.1 Recommended Maintenance

Under normal operating conditions, the MX is a maintenance-free actuator. Therefore, for

normal applications, no formal actuator maintenance is required; although visual inspection
for oil leakage and excessive noise is recommended every 1 million drive sleeve turns or every
3000 cycles. When conditions are severe, due to frequent operation or high temperatures,
inspect the oil level and oil quality more often. Replace any seals that permit oil leakage or
water ingress. When installing pipe plugs, use Teflon® tape or paste to achieve a proper seal.

2.4.2 Unit Lubrication

Check for proper oil level every 1 million drive sleeve turns (reference Installation & Oper-
ation Manual - Diagnostics Section to learn how to view drive sleeve turns data). Change oil
every 6000 unit cycles or if water or other foreign material is found during oil inspection.

Oil Level Inspection & Fill Criteria

(Reference Lubrication Data tables on page 2-4 for oil capacities when mounted in varying

2-3 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Accutronix MX Actuator Subassembly

• Actuator viewed in upright position (top-mounted handwheel up)

Oil level should be approximately 1 inch (25.4 mm) below the outer surface of the housing
at the oil fill port.
NOTE: Do not overfill with oil because oil will expand during actuator operation.
Actuators are shipped with an oil volume suitable for any mounting position. When
checking the factory-supplied oil level, excess oil may drain from the highest oil fill port due
to the various mounting orientations of each application.

• Actuator viewed in side-mounted position (terminal compartment up)

Oil level should be up to the bottom of the oil fill plug.

• Actuator viewed in all other positions than described previously should have the oil
capacities maintained. Fill through the highest oil fill port until the oil is at a level that will
contact the bottom of the pipe plug when installed in oil fill port.

Figure 2.3 – Oil Fill/Plug Locations

• MX-20, 40 side-mounted
handwheel oil check/oil fill

• Oil drain (all units)

• MX-05 top-mounted • MX-10, 20, 40 top-mounted
handwheel oil check/oil fill handwheel oil check/oil fill
• MX-10 side-mounted
handwheel oil check/oil fill

Lubrication Data
• Oil Specifications
MX actuators are oil-filled using Exxon Teresstic SHP 320, which is a synthetic oil suitable
for ambient temperatures of -20˚F to 250˚F (-30˚C to 120˚C). For extreme low temperature
conditions, alternative lubricants are available – consult factory for further information.

Table 2.2 – MX-05 & 10 Oil Capacities when using Oil Fill/Plug Ports
Nominal Oil Capacities oz. liters
MX-05 10 0.3
MX-10 16 0.5

Table 2.3 – MX-20 Oil Capacities when using Oil Fill/Plug Ports
Nominal Oil Capacities oz. liters
Top-mounted handwheel with
handwheel up 38 1.1
Top-mounted handwheel with
terminal compartment up 47 1.4
Side-mounted handwheel with
terminal compartment up 43 1.3

2-4 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Accutronix MX Actuator Series

Table 2.4 – MX-40 Oil Capacities when using Oil Fill/Plug Ports
Nominal Oil Capacities oz. liters
Top & side-mounted handwheel
with handwheel up 40 1.2
Top-mounted handwheel with
terminal compartment up 53 1.6
Side-mounted handwheel with
terminal compartment up 53 1.6

2.4.3 O-Ring & Lubrication

O-rings and seals should be replaced anytime an actuator is disassembled. Lubricate with a
substance that is compatible with Buna N seals.

2.5 Subassembly Removal & Remounting Procedures

This manual divides each MX actuator subassembly into a Removal and Remounting proce-
dure. Use the following procedures to remove subassemblies for inspection, repair or
replacement. Some subassemblies require prior subassembly removal before allowing the
desired subassembly removal. Note the First Remove instructions at the beginning of each
subassembly removal procedure. Remove these subassemblies first, then remove the desired
subassembly according to the instructions. Once removed, evaluate subassembly components
to determine requirement for a new subassembly. If a new subassembly is required, see
Section 2.6, How to Order Replacement Subassemblies. Once components have been
identified and replaced, remount following the appropriate Remounting procedures.

2.6 How to Order Replacement Subassemblies

2.6.1 Replacement Parts

Replacement parts are sold in modular subassemblies; therefore, when part replacement is re-
quired, order parts at the subassembly levels as shown in this manual. Parts may be ordered
from your local Limitorque representative (see web site at http://www.limitorque.com) or
direct from the factory:
Telephone 1-804-528-4400
Fax 1-804-845-9736

Please have the following information, found on the actuator nameplate, available to help us
facilitate your order:
• Unit type/size
• Limitorque order number
• Serial number

2-5 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Accutronix MX Actuator Subassembly

2.6.2 Return Procedure

When parts are identified for warranty or other component replacement, a Return Material
Authorization (RMA) must be obtained from Limitorque. All returned parts must be
accompanied by documentation with the following information to obtain credit for
returned goods:
• Return Material Tracking (RMT) number
• Unit type/size
• Limitorque order number
• Serial number
Return parts to the address listed below:
5114 Woodall Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502

2-6 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Remove Actuator fromWTR Series
Mounting Adapter

3 Remove Actuator from Mounting Adapter

3.1 Actuator Removal with Type B1/B4/B4E Base (Torque)

3.1.1 Removal (Type B1/B4/B4E Base)

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing actuator from
mounting plate. Power sources may include: Main power
or control power. If necessary, disconnect incoming
power leads L1, L2, L3, and control wiring from the
terminal block.

Remove the bolts that secure the actuator to the

mounting adapter. If type B1 or B4E base is used in
addition to the standard type B4 baseplate, you may
leave the B1 base attached to the mounting adapter and
remove the actuator only. Or if required, you may
remove the bolts that mount type B1 base to mounting
adapter. This will allow actuator removal along with
optional B1 base.

Step 2 2
a Warning Potential high pressure vessel! Before disas-
sembling your actuator, ensure that the valve or other
actuated device is isolated and is not under pressure.

Lift actuator from mounting adapter.

3-1 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Remove Actuator from Mounting Adapter

3.1.2 Remounting (Type B1/B4/B4E Base)

Step 3 3
Ensure stem nut (#1-22) is secured inside actuator
drive sleeve with retaining ring (#1-23). Lower actuator
onto the mating component, making sure to align stem
nut key and keyway with mating component.

1-23 1-22

Step 4 4
Ensure that the actuator and mounting adapter flange
mating holes are aligned correctly.

Steps 5 5
a Warning: Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources before rewiring incoming power leads L1, L2, L3,
and control wiring in the terminal block.

Secure the actuator to the mounting adapter with

mounting bolts.

Steps 6
Reconnect incoming power leads L1, L2, L3, and
control wiring to the terminal block. Restore power
source when ready for operation.

3-2 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Remove Actuator fromWTR Series
Mounting Adapter

3.2 Actuator Removal with Type A1/A1E Base (Thrust)

NOTE: Two procedure options are available for removing the actuator and thrust base:
1. Remove actuator from thrust base, leaving thrust base mounted to mounting flange or removing thrust
base separately.
2. Remove actuator and thrust base as a unit from mounting flange.

3.2.1 Removal (Type A1/A1E Base)—Actuator removal separate from thrust base

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing actuator from
mounting plate. Power sources may include main power
or control power. If necessary, disconnect incoming
power leads L1, L2, L3, and control wiring from the
terminal block. 10

Remove the bolts (#10-10) that secure the actuator to

the thrust base assembly (#10).

Step 2 2
a Warning Potential high-pressure vessel! Before disas-
sembling your actuator, ensure that the valve or other
actuated device is isolated and is not under pressure.

Lift actuator from thrust base assembly (#10).


3-3 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Remove Actuator from Mounting Adapter

Step 3 3
a Warning Potential for actuated device to change
position! The thrust base will maintain position only if
non-backdriving thread lead is used. Ensure proper
thread lead is used in your application before allowing
thrust base to be used for maintaining position when
actuator is removed.

Thrust base removal (if required)

The valve position will be maintained if a locking thread
lead is used on the valve stem. If thrust base removal is
required, use the following removal procedure.

Remove the bolts that secure the thrust base to the

mounting adapter.

Step 4 4
Rotate the thrust base (#10) until it feeds off the
threaded stem.


3.2.2 Remounting (Type A1/A1E Base)—Actuator remounting separate from

thrust base

Step 5 5
Thrust base remounting (if required)
Ensure the thrust base stem nut has the two lugs posi-
tioned upward to engage with the drive sleeve slots when
actuator is reinstalled onto thrust base. Thread thrust
base back onto mounting adapter.

3-4 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Remove Actuator fromWTR Series
Mounting Adapter

Step 6 6
Secure thrust base to mounting adapter with
mounting bolts.

Step 7 7
Actuator remounting
Lower the actuator onto the thrust base, making sure
thrust nut lugs align and properly engage with drive
sleeve slots.

Step 8 8
Install bolts (#10-10) to secure the actuator to the
thrust base assembly (#10).

Step 9
a Warning: Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources before rewiring incoming power leads L1, L2, L3,
and control wiring in the terminal block.

Reconnect incoming power leads L1, L2, L3, and

control wiring to the terminal block. Restore power
source when ready for operation.

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Remove Actuator from Mounting Adapter WTR Series

3.2.3 Removal (Type A1/A1E Base)—Actuator & thrust base as a unit

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing actuator from
mounting plate. Power sources may include main power
or control power. If necessary, disconnect incoming
power leads L1, L2, L3, and control wiring from the
terminal block.

Actuator + thrust base removal

Remove the bolts that secure the actuator and thrust
base (#10) to the mounting adapter.

Step 2 2
a Warning Potential high-pressure vessel! Before disas-
sembling your actuator, ensure that the valve or other
actuated device is isolated and is not under pressure.

Declutch the actuator to manual mode.

Step 3 3
Rotate the handwheel until the actuator lifts off the
threaded stem.

3-6 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Remove Actuator from Mounting Adapter

3.2.4 Remounting (Type A1/A1E Base)—Actuator & thrust base as a unit

Step 4 4
Actuator + thrust base remounting
Declutch the actuator to manual mode. Lift actuator
up to the threaded stem and carefully align threads with
thrust base threaded stem nut.

Step 5 5
Rotate the handwheel to lower the actuator along the
threaded stem and onto the mounting adapter plate.

Step 6 6
Install the mounting bolts to secure the actuator and
thrust base (#10) to the mounting adapter.

Step 7
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources before rewiring incoming power leads L1, L2, L3,
and control wiring in the terminal block.

Reconnect incoming power leads L1, L2, L3, and

control wiring to the terminal block. Restore power
source when ready for operation.

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WTR Series

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Mechanical Assemblies

4 Mechanical Assemblies

4.1 Motor (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

NOTE: Proper motor testing is required when replacing motor. Consult your Limitorque
representative or the Limitorque factory to replace with correct motor.

Table 4.1 – Motor Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)
Part Number Description Qty.
4-1 Motor Cover 1
4-2 Stator 1
4-3 Rotor Assembly 1
4-4 Bearing 1
4-8 Bearing Preload Spring 1
4-9 Setscrew 1

Figure 4.1 – Motor (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Assembly must have
rotation of rotor as shown.
4-3 Phase connections are:
T1-Phase 'A'
T2-Phase 'B'
4-8 T3-Phase 'C'
View A 4-9

4.1.1 Removal

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing motor assembly.
Power sources may include main power or control power.

Using an M8 hex key, remove the four M8 screws

(#1-14) that mount the motor assembly to the actuator.


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Mechanical Assemblies

Step 2 2
Caution The rotor is not connected to the motor
housing; when removing the motor, ensure the rotor is
carefully removed and not dropped from the motor

Withdraw the complete motor (subassembly #4),

including the rotor (#4-3), until the wiring harness is
accessible. Note the O-ring (#1-15) on the spigot/pilot of 4-3
the motor assembly; replace at remounting. 1-15

Step 3 3
Disconnect the motor power plug from the motor
power socket connector.

4.1.2 Remounting

Step 4 4
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing motor assembly.
Power sources may include main power or control power.

Lightly lubricate o-ring (#1-15) that is installed around

the motor spigot/pilot (subassembly #4).


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WTR Series Mechanical Assemblies

Step 5 5
Hold the motor assembly (housing/stator/rotor) close to
the actuator housing and reconnect the motor power
plug to the motor power socket connector.
Motor Power

Motor Power

Step 6 6
Coil the spiral-wrapped motor power wiring inside the
motor cavity and around the motor bearing housing to
ensure that it does not come into contact with the rotor

Step 7 7
Push the rotor shaft onto the protruding worm shaft,
aligning the rotor shaft slots with the worm shaft pin.
Slide the motor housing spigot/pilot into the actuator

Step 8 8
Fit the four screws (#1-14) into the motor subassembly
mounting holes and tighten.


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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.2 Declutch (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 4.2 – Declutch Parts List (MX-05 & 10)

Part Number Description Qty.
5-1 Declutch Cover 1
5-2 Declutch Shaft 1
5-3 Declutch Cam 1
5-4 Declutch Spring 1
5-5 Cam Spring 1
5-6 Declutch Latch 1
5-7 Latch Spring 1
5-8 Cam Plate 1
5-9 Retaining Ring 2
5-10 Socket Head Cap Screw 1
5-11 O-Ring 1
5-12 Socket Head Cap Screw 2
5-13 Dowel Pin 1
5-14 Roll Pin 1
5-15 O-Ring 1

Figure 4.2 – Declutch (MX-05 & 10)



5-4 5-14

5-3 5-13


5-8 5-6

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

Table 4.3 – Declutch Parts List (MX-20 & 40)

Part Number Description Qty.
5-1 Declutch Cover 1
5-2 Declutch Shaft 1
5-3 Declutch Cam 1
5-4 Declutch Spring 1
5-5 Cam Spring 1
5-6 Declutch Latch 1
5-7 Latch Spring 1
5-8 Cam Plate 1
5-9 Retaining Ring 2
5-10 Socket Head Cap Screw 1
5-11 O-Ring 1
5-12 Socket Head Cap Screw 2
5-13 Dowel Pin 1
5-14 Roll Pin 1
5-15 O-Ring 1
5-16 Dowel Pin 1

Figure 4.3 – Declutch (MX-20 & 40)

PC. NO. 5-5


PC. NO. 5-4

spring, declutch shaft
5-1 5-13 5-14
5-12 5-2
5-15 5-11



5-9 5-3

4.2.1 Removal

NOTE: (MX-05 &10) The MX-05 and 10 declutch assembly may be removed and remounted without other
subassembly removal.
NOTE: (MX-20 & 40) The MX-20 and 40 declutch assembly may be removed without other subassembly
removal, but remounting requires removing the following subassemblies:
1. Handwheel (Subassembly #13)
2. Handwheel adapter (Subassembly #12)
3. Clutch and clutch ring (Subassembly #16)

4-5 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Series
Mechanical Assemblies

Step 1 1 Oil Plug Drains

a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing side-mounted and top-
mounted handwheel assembly. Power sources may
include: main power or control power.

Drain oil from actuator using the lowest of 3 plugs in

your application mounting orientation.

NOTE: Oil removal is not necessary if actuator is

mounted on valve or other device with the drive sleeve in
a vertical position.

Step 2 2
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing declutch assembly. Power
sources may include: main power or control power.

Using a 5 mm (MX-05 & 10) or 6 mm (MX-20 & 40)

hex key, remove the two M6 (MX-05 & 10) screws (#5-
12) or M8 (MX-20 & 40) screws that retain the declutch 5-1
assembly cover (#5-1) on the actuator housing.

Step 3 3
Withdraw the complete declutch assembly, slightly
twisting, if necessary, to remove. Note the o-ring (#5-15)
with the declutch assembly cover (#5-1). Replace at

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

4.2.2 Remounting

Step 4 4
(MX-20 & 40 only) Remove the following subassemblies
before remounting the declutch assembly. (See
corresponding referenced sections for removal
1. Handwheel (subassembly #13). (See Section 4.3.1.)
2. Handwheel adapter (subassembly #12). (See Section
3. Clutch and clutch ring (subassembly #16). (See
Section 4.15.1.) 5-15

Lightly lubricate the o-ring (#5-15) and fit it to the

inner ace of the declutch cover (#5-1).

Step 5 5a Cam latch & worm

gear shoulder
Caution (MX-20 & 40 only) To create proper mating
between the cam latch (#5-6) and the shoulder on the
worm gear, ensure cam latch is positioned below the
worm gear shoulder (see Picture 5a).

Tip: (MX-20 and 40 only) – Picture 5a shows proper

alignment between the cam latch (#5-6) and the
shoulder on the worm gear.

Tip (MX-20 & 40 only) Picture 5b shows improper

alignment between the cam latch (#5-6) and the
shoulder on the worm gear. Improper alignment could 5b Cam latch & worm
gear shoulder
cause the cam latch to be broken off by the worm gear
improper alignment

Fit the complete declutch assembly into the actuator

housing, slightly twisting, if necessary, to remount into


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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 6 (MX-20 & 40 only)

Remount the following subassemblies after remounting
the declutch assembly. (See corresponding referenced
sections for remounting information.)
1. Handwheel (subassembly #13). (See Section 4.3.2.)
2. Handwheel adapter (subassembly #12). (See Section
4.14.2, 4.4.2, and 4.5.2.)
3. Clutch and clutch ring (subassembly #16). (See
Section 4.15.2.)

Step 7 7
Fit the two M6 (MX-05 & 10) screws (#5-12) or M8
(MX-20 & 40) screws to retain the declutch assembly
cover (#5-1) on the housing. Tighten using a 5 mm
(MX-05 & 10) or 6 mm (MX-20 & 40) hex key.

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

4.3 Top-Mounted Handwheel (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 4.4 – Top-Mounted Handwheel Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)
Part Number Description Qty.
1-8 Handwheel 1
1-11 Socket Head Cap Screw 4

Figure 4.4 – Top-Mounted Handwheel (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

1-9 (MX-05 only) Handwheel Spacer (1)

1-10 Wave Spring (1)

4.3.1 Removal

Step 1 1 1-11
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing top-mounted handwheel
assembly. Power sources may include: main power or
control power.
Using a 6 mm (MX-05 & 10) hex key or 8 mm (MX-
20 & 40) hex key, remove the four screws (#1-11) that
secure the handwheel (#1-8) to the handwheel adapter
assembly (#1-1).

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 2 2
Lift the handwheel (#1-8) off the handwheel adapter

4.3.2 Remounting

Step 3 3
Install handwheel (#1-8) onto handwheel adapter
assembly (#1-1). 1-8

Step 4 4
Align the handwheel slots with the mounting holes. Fit
the four screws (#1-11) in handwheel mounting holes
and tighten.

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

4.4 Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-10 & 20)

Table 4.5 – Side-Mounted Handwheel Parts List (MX-10 & 20)

Part Number Description Qty.
13-1 Handwheel Wormshaft 1
13-2 Handwheel Worm Cap 1
13-3 Ball Bearing 1
13-4 Quad Ring 1
13-5 Seal Retainer 1
13-6 O-Ring 1
13-7 Roll Pin 1
13-8 Ball Bearing 1
13-9 Socket Head Cap Screw 2 (MX-10), 4 (MX-20)
13-10 Side-Mounted Handwheel 1

Figure 4.5 – Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-10 & 20)






13-8 13-6

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.4.1 Removal

Step 1 1 Oil Plug Drains

a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing side-mounted handwheel
assembly. Power sources may include: main power or
control power.

Drain oil from actuator using the lowest of 3 plugs in

your application mounting orientation.

NOTE: Oil removal is not necessary if the actuator is

mounted on valve or other device with the drive sleeve in
a vertical position.

Step 2 2
Caution Be aware of inner bearing (#13-8) when 13-9
removing the side-mounted handwheel. It may stay in
the actuator housing or come out with the side-mounted
handwheel assembly. Ensure it is inserted back in
actuator housing before remounting side-mounted hand-
wheel assembly.

Using a 6 mm hex key, remove the M8 screws (#13-9) 13-2

from the handwheel worm shaft cap (#13-2).

Step 3 3
Rotate the handwheel assembly clockwise (CW) to
withdraw the complete subassembly (#13) from the actu-
ator housing.

clockwise (cw)

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

4.4.2 Remounting

Step 4 4
Check that bearing (#13-8) is correctly in place in the
actuator housing.

Step 5 5
Insert the complete subassembly into the actuator
housing, rotating counterclockwise (CCW) to properly Rotate
mesh the gearing. Ensure the end of the worm shaft is counter clockwise
seated in the inner bearing (#13-8). (ccw)

Step 6 6
Position the worm shaft cap (#13-2) back on the actu-
ator housing. Using a 6 mm hex key, fit the (#13-9)
screws onto the worm shaft cap to secure side-mounted
assembly to the actuator housing.

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.5 Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-40)

Table 4.6 – Side-Mounted Handwheel Parts List (MX-40)

Part Number Description Qty.
13-1 Handwheel Worm Shaft 1
13-2 Spur Adapter Plate 1
13-3 Ball Bearing 1
13-6 O-Ring 1
13-7 Roll Pin 1
13-8 Ball Bearing 1
13-9 Socket Head Cap Screw M8x25 4
13-10 Side-Mounted Handwheel 1
13-11 Needle Bearing 3
13-12 Handwheel Input Gear 1
13-13 Spur Adapter Cap 1
13-14 Handwheel Input Pinion 1
13-15 Quad Ring 1
13-16 O-Ring Spacer 1
13-17 Dowel Pin 1
13-18 Roll Pin 1
13-19 O-Ring 1
13-20 Socket Head Cap Screw M8x20 4

Figure 4.6 – Side-Mounted Handwheel (MX-40)


13-17 13-11


13-20 13-3

13-13 13-11 13-7


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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

4.5.1 Removal

Step 1 1 Oil Plug Drains

a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing side-mounted handwheel
assembly. Power sources may include: main power or
control power.

Drain oil from actuator using the lowest of 3 plugs in

your application orientation.

NOTE: Oil removal is not necessary if the actuator is

mounted on valve or other device with the drive sleeve in
a vertical position.

Step 2 2 13-20
Caution Be aware of inner bearing (#13-8) when
removing the side-mounted handwheel. It may stay in
the actuator housing or come out with the side-mounted
handwheel assembly. Ensure it is inserted back in
actuator housing before remounting side-mounted hand-
wheel assembly.

Remove the four screws (#13-20) from the handwheel

spur gear cap (#13-13).

Step 3 3
Remove handwheel spur gear cap assembly. Note when
assembly is removed, the spur gear (#13-12) is loose in
spur gear cap. Remove spur gear.


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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 4 4 13-9
Remove the four M6 screws (#13-9) from the worm
shaft plate (#13-2).


Step 5 5
NOTE: When removing the side-mounted handwheel,
the inner bearing (#13-8) should remain in place in the

Rotate the handwheel assembly clockwise (CW) to

withdraw the complete worm shaft plate subassembly.

Step 6 6
If needed, remove the handwheel worm gear assembly
(#12). (See Section 4.14.1 for removal procedure.)

Handwheel Worm
Gear Adpt. (12-1)

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

4.5.2 Remounting

Step 7 7
Check that bearing (#13-8) is correctly in place in the 13-8
actuator housing.

Step 8 8
If previously removed, install handwheel worm gear
assembly (#12). (See Section 4.14.2 for remounting

Handwheel Worm
Gear Adpt. (12-1)

Step 9 9
Ensure o-ring (#13-6) is in place on worm shaft plate
(#13-2). Insert the complete worm shaft plate assembly
into actuator housing. Rotate assembly in counterclock-
wise (CCW) direction to properly mate with handwheel 13-6
worm gear assembly (#12).


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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 10 10
Secure with four M6 screws (#13-9) to secure the 13-9
worm shaft plate (#13-2).


Step 11 11
Fit gear (#13-12) onto end of worm shaft (#13-1). 13-1
Ensure gear slot is fitted into pin (#13-7).



Step 12 12 13-2
Ensure o-ring (#13-19) is in place on worm shaft plate


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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

Step 13 13
Install handwheel spur gear assembly. Secure with
screws (#13-20).

4.6 Converting Top-Mounted Handwheel to Side-Mounted

Handwheel (MX-10, 20, & 40)

4.6.1 Removing Top-Mounted Handwheel

Step 1 1 Oil plug drain

a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing side-mounted and top-
mounted handwheel assembly. Power sources may
include: main power or control power.

Drain oil from actuator using the lowest of 3 plugs in

your application mounting orientation.

NOTE: Oil removal is not necessary if actuator is

mounted on valve or other device with the drive sleeve in
a vertical position.

Step 2 2
Remove top-mounted handwheel assembly (#1) and
handwheel adapter assembly (#12) using disassembly
instructions detailed in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.13.1

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 3 3 13-9
Using a 6 mm hex key, remove the M8 screws (#13-9)
from the handwheel worm shaft cap (#13-2).

4.6.2 Installing Side-Mounted Handwheel

Step 4 4 13-8
Install bearing (#13-8) from side-mounted handwheel
adapter kit into the actuator housing.

Step 5 5
Replace the handwheel adapter (#12) with the hand-
wheel worm gear (#12) that is included in the Worm Gear
side-mounted handwheel adapter kit. Adapter (12)

4-20 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

Step 6 (MX-20 & 40 only) 6

Place o-ring (#12-4) around handwheel adapter;
pressing the o-ring into the slot between the handwheel
worm gear adapter assembly (#12) and the actuator
housing (approximately every 15˚ to 30˚ until o-ring
seats into slot). 12-4

Step 7 7
Place the retainer plate (#1-32) on the top of the actu- 1-32
ator housing. Align the mounting taps and secure with
screws (#1-33).

Step 8
Complete the remounting procedure for side-mounted
handwheel assembly #13A (MX-10 & 20) or #13B (MX-
40) as detailed in Section 4.4.2 or Section 4.5.2.

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.7 Thrust Base Type A1/A1E

Table 4.7 – Type A1 Thrust Base Parts List (MX-05)

Part Number Description Qty. (MX-05) Qty. (MX-10)
10-1 Thrust Base Housing 1 1
10-2 Thrust Pilot 1 1
10-3 Thrust Nut (A1 or A1E) 1 1
10-4 Bearing 1 1
10-5 Bearing Retainer 1 1
10-6 Socket Head Cap Screw 1 1
10-7 Washer 1 1
10-8 Pipe Plug 1 1
10-9 Socket Head Setscrew 1 1
10-10 Socket Head Cap Screw 4 4

Figure 4.7 – Type A1 Thrust Base (MX-05)



10-3 10-1


10-7 10-8





NOTE: The MX-05 A1/A1E thrust base uses sealed bearings, lubrication is not required.

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WTR Assemblies
Mechanical Series

Table 4.8 – Type A1 Thrust Base Parts List (MX-10, 20, & 40)
Part Number Description Qty. (MX-20) Qty. (MX-40)
10-1 Thrust Base Housing 1 1
10-2 Thrust Pilot (Threaded on MX-40) 1 1
10-3 Thrust Nut (A1 or A1E) 1 1
10-6 Socket Head Cap Screw 1 N/A
10-7 Washer 1 N/A
10-10 Socket Head Cap Screw 4 4
10-11 Grease Fitting 1 1
10-12 Thrust Bearing 2 2
10-13 Thrust Washer 4 4
10-14 Quad Ring 1 N/A
10-15 O-Ring 1 1
10-16 Quad Ring 1 1
10-17 Gasket N/A 1

Figure 4.8 – Type A1 Thrust Base (MX-10, 20, & 40)

10-7 10-17
10-6 MX-40 gasket
10-13 and quad ring
not shown
10-3 10-11





CAUTION: The MX-10 through 40 A1/A1E thrust base contains lubrication. Ensure that
Exxon Nebula EPØ lubrication is replaced when reassembling a thrust base.

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.7.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing thrust base assembly. Power
sources may include: main power or control power.

Remove the four screws (#10-10) and pull the thrust

base assembly off the actuator.

4.7.2 Remounting

Step 2 2
Secure the thrust base with the four screws (#10-10).

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WTR Assemblies
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4.8 Torque Base Type B1

Table 4.9 – Type B1 Torque Base Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)
Part Number Description Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty.
MX-05 MX-10 MX-20 MX-40
10-1 Torque Housing 1 1 1 1
10-2 Torque/Thrust Pilot 1 1 1 1
10-3 Torque Nut (B1) 1 1 1 1
10-6 Socket Head Cap Screw 1 1 1 N/A
10-7 Washer 1 1 1 N/A
10-8 Pipe Plug 2 2 N/A N/A
10-10 Socket Head Cap Screw 4 4 4 4
10-11 Grease Fitting 1 1 1 1
10-14 O-Ring 2 2 1 N/A
10-15 O-Ring 1 1 1 1
10-16 O-Ring N/A N/A 1 1
10-17 Gasket N/A N/A N/A 1

Figure 4.9 – Type B1 Torque Base (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

10-17 (MX-40 only)
gasket not shown




10-15 10-11

10-6 10-7

10-14 (MX-05 & 10)

10-16 (MX-20 & 40)


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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.8.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing torque base assembly. Power
sources may include: main power or control power.

Remove the four screws (#10-1) and pull the torque

base assembly off the actuator.

4.8.2 Remounting

Step 2 2
Secure the torque base with the four screws (#10-1).

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4.9 Baseplate Type B4 (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 4.10 – Type B4 Baseplate Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)
Part Number Description Qty.
11-1 Baseplate 1
11-2 Pilot 1
11-3 Quad Ring 1
11-4 O-Ring 1
11-5 Socket Head Cap Screw 4

Figure 4.10 – Type B4 Baseplate (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)






Stem Nuts (B4, B4E, and BL) Various stem nuts are
used with the B4 baseplate:
1. B4 stem nut with variable bore and key
2. B4E stem nut for extended reach and variable bore and
3. BL stem nut (6 or 36 splines)
The B4 stem nut is secured by a snap ring and the B4E and
BL stem nuts are secured by a spiral-wound ring. Reference
the MX Installation Manual 130-11000 for more informa-
tion about stem nut options.

Typical MX actuator with standard B4 stem

nut and snap ring

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.9.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.
2. Drain oil.
3. Remove thrust base (subassembly #10) - if fitted.
4. Remove stem nut.

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing base plate assembly. Power
sources may include: main power or control power.
Using a hex key, remove the four screws (#11-5).

Step 2 2
Pull the baseplate (#11-1) off the drive sleeve.


4.9.2 Remounting

Step 3 3
Caution To ensure actuator is fully secured on
mounting plate, ensure baseplate (#11-1) is tightened
with the following torque values on mounting screws
MX-05 and 10 = 12 ft. lbs. (16 Nm)
MX-20 and 40 = 24 ft. lbs. (32 Nm)
Lightly lubricate the outside of the drive sleeve, the
quad ring (#11-3), and o-ring (#11-4) before remounting

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Mechanical Series

Step 4 4
NOTE: (MX-20 only) Match outer bosses of baseplate
with outer bosses of actuator housing before mounting
baseplate assembly.

Carefully push the baseplate assembly onto the end of

the drive sleeve, ensuring that the quad ring (#11-3) is
not damaged. Align the mounting holes and secure the
baseplate with the four screws (#11-5).

4.10 Worm Shaft (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 4.11 – Worm Shaft Parts List (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)
Part Number Description Qty.
3-1 Worm 1
3-2 Worm Shaft Cap 1
3-3 Ball Bearing 1
3-4 Ball Bearing 1
3-5 Ball Bearing 1
3-6 Oil Seal 1
3-7 O-Ring 1
3-8 Pin 1
3-9 Socket Head Cap Screw 4

Figure 4.11 – Worm Shaft (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)





3-4 (MX-05, 20 & 40)
3-5 (MX-10)



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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

4.10.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.
2. Drain oil.
3. Remove motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.1.)

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing worm shaft assembly. Power 3-2
sources may include: main power or control power. 3-9

Remove the four screws (#3-9) that secure the worm

shaft cap (#3-2) to the actuator housing.

Step 2 2
NOTE: The inboard bearing (#3-4 for MX-05, 20, &
40, or #3-5 for MX-10), at the end of the worm shaft
3-4 (MX-05, 20,
(#3-1) should remain in the actuator housing. If it falls & 40)
out while removing the worm shaft assembly, ensure it is 3-5 (MX-10)
replaced during remounting process.

Withdraw the complete worm shaft assembly from the 3-7

actuator housing, turning/rotating it if necessary to free (located
the worm from the worm gear. Note the o-ring (#3-7) flange)
that is on the worm shaft assembly. Replace at

4.10.2 Remounting

Step 3 3
Check that the bearing (#3-4 for MX-05, 20, & 40, or
#3-5 for MX-10) is seated firmly in the actuator housing.

3-4 (MX-05,
20, & 40)
3-5 (MX-10)

4-30 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Mechanical Series

Step 4 4
NOTE: Lightly lubricate o-ring (#3-7) before 3-7
remounting worm shaft (subassembly #3).

Lightly lubricate o-ring (#3-7) on the worm shaft

(subassembly #3). Push the complete worm shaft
assembly into the actuator housing until the worm
contacts the worm gear. Turn the worm so it engages the
worm gear and continue rotating until the end of the
worm shaft is isolated in the inboard bearing (#3-4 for
MX-05, 20, & 40, or #3-5 for MX-10).

Step 5 5
Using a 5 mm hex key, fit the four M6 screws (#3-9)
into worm shaft cap (#3-2) mounting holes and tighten.


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4.11 Drive Sleeve (MX-05 & 10)

Table 4.12 – Drive Sleeve Parts List (MX-05 & 10)

Part Number Description Qty.
2-1 Drive Sleeve 1
2-2 Worm Gear 1
2-3 Encoder Drive Gear 1
2-4 Ball Bearing 1
2-5 Retaining Ring 1
2-6 Drive Sleeve Key 1
2-7 Clutch 1
2-8 Clutch Spring 1
2-9 Retaining Ring 1

Figure 4.12 – Drive Sleeve (MX-05 & 10)

2-4 2-5





2-8 2-1


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Mechanical Series

4.11.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.
2. Drain oil.
3. Remove thrust base (subassembly #10) - if fitted.
4. Remove motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.1.)
5. Remove worm shaft (subassembly #3). (See Section 4.10.1.)
6. Remove base plate (subassembly #11). (See Section 4.9.1.)

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing drive sleeve assembly. Power
sources may include: main power or control power.

Once all other subassemblies are removed, pull out the 2-4
drive sleeve assembly (#2) until the lower bearing (#2-4)
is released from the actuator housing. Remove drive
sleeve assembly from actuator.

4.11.2 Remounting

Step 2 2
Caution The drive sleeve surface serves as an oil sealing
surface. Use caution not to scratch the drive sleeve while
completing removal and remounting.

Lightly lubricate the top and bottom of the drive sleeve

assembly as shown.


Step 3 3
Insert the drive sleeve assembly into the actuator
housing base until the lower bearing (#2-4) is fully
engaged in the housing (seated on actuator shoulder). If 2-1
the bearing is a tight fit, gently tap the bottom of drive
sleeve (#2-1) with a mallet to properly seat.

4-33 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 4
Remount all removed subassemblies according to their
remounting instructions in the following order:
1. Base plate (subassembly #11). (See Section 4.9.2.)
2. Worm shaft (subassembly #3). (See Section 4.10.2.)
3. Motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.2.)
4. Thrust base (subassembly #10) - if fitted. (See Section

4.12 Drive Sleeve (MX-20 & 40)

Table 4.13 – Drive Sleeve Parts List (MX-20 & 40)

Part Number Description Qty.
2-1 Drive Sleeve 1
2-2 Worm Gear 1
2-3 Encoder Drive Gear 1
2-4 Ball Bearing 1
2-5 Retaining Ring 1
2-6 Drive Sleeve Key 1

Figure 4.13 – Drive Sleeve (MX-20 & 40)






4-34 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Mechanical Series

4.12.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.
2. Drain oil.
3. Remove thrust base (subassembly #10) - if fitted. (See Section 4.8.1.)
4. Remove motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.1.)
5. Remove worm shaft (subassembly #3). (See Section 4.10.1.)
6. Remove top-mounted handwheel (#1-8) or side-mounted handwheel (subassembly #16). (See Section
4.3.1 or 4.4.1.)
7. Remove handwheel adapter (subassembly #12). (See Section 4.14.1.)
8. Remove clutch and clutch ring (subassembly #16). (See Section 4.15.1.)
9. Remove handwheel declutch (subassembly #5). (See Section 4.2.1.)
10. Remove base plate (subassembly #11). (See Section 4.9.1.)

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing drive sleeve assembly. Power
sources may include: main power or control power.

Once all other subassemblies are removed, pull out the

drive sleeve assembly (#2) until the lower bearing (#2-4)
is released from the actuator housing. Remove drive
sleeve assembly from actuator.

Step 2 (viewed from baseplate side of actuator) 2

Caution The drive sleeve surface serves as an oil sealing
surface. Use caution not to scratch the drive sleeve while
completing removal and remounting. Worm
Tip To avoid interference between drive sleeve assembly flat
and encoder drive cartridge (subassembly #14), turn flat Encoder
on worm gear to be parallel and on same side as encoder cartridge
bevel gear. (14)

4-35 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 3 (viewed from top-mounted handwheel side of actuator) 3

Caution (MX-20 & 40 only) When removing or
remounting drive sleeve assembly, take precaution not to
bump drive sleeve assembly against encoder drive
cartridge (subassembly #14). Worm
gear flat
Tip Worm gear flat turned parallel with encoder drive drive
cartridge (subassembly #14) to permit drive sleeve cartridge
assembly removal.

4.12.2 Remounting

Step 4 4 Lubricate areas

NOTE: Before remounting drive sleeve assembly, ensure between lines
that bearing (#3-5) is in place in the actuator housing.
(Refer to motor subassembly #3 Step 1 for details.)

Lightly lubricate the top and bottom of the drive sleeve

assembly as shown.

Step 5 5
Caution (MX-20 & 40 only) When removing or
remounting drive sleeve assembly, take precaution not to 2-4
bump drive sleeve assembly against encoder drive
cartridge (subassembly #14). 2-1

Push the drive sleeve assembly into the base of the actu-
ator housing until the lower bearing (#2-4) is fully
engaged in the housing up to the shoulder. If the bearing
is a tight fit, gently tap the bottom of the drive sleeve
(#2-1) with a mallet to properly seat.

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Mechanical Series

Step 6
Remount all removed subassemblies according to their
remounting instructions in the following order:
1. Base plate (subassembly #11). (See Section 4.9.2.)
2. Worm shaft (subassembly #3). (See Section 4.10.2.)
3. Handwheel declutch (subassembly #5). (See Section
4. Clutch and clutch ring (subassembly #16). (See
Section 4.15.2.)
5. Handwheel adapter (subassembly #12). (See Section
6. Top-mounted handwheel (subassembly #1-8) or side-
mounted handwheel (subassembly #13). (See Section
4.3.2 or 4.4.2.)
7. Motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.2.)
8. Thrust base (subassembly #10) - if fitted. (See Section

4.13 Handwheel Adapter (MX-05)

Table 4.14 – Handwheel Adapter Parts List (MX-05)

Part Number Description Qty.
12-1 Handwheel Adapter 1
12-2 Needle Bearing 1
12-3 Quad Ring 1
12-4 O-Ring 1

Figure 4.14 – Handwheel Adapter (MX-05)





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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Figure 4.15 – Handwheel (MX-05)

1-9 (MX-05 only) Handwheel Spacer (1)

1-10 Wave Spring (1)

4.13.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove actuator from mounting adapter.
2. Drain oil.
3. Remove top-mounted handwheel (#1-8). (See Section 4.3.1.)
4. Remove motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.1.)
5. Remove worm shaft (subassembly #3). (See Section 4.10.1.)
6. Remove base plate (subassembly #11). (See Section 4.9.1.)
7. Remove drive sleeve (subassembly #2). (See Section 4.11.1.)

Step 1 1 1-9
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing handwheel adapter assembly.
Power sources may include: main power or control

Remove handwheel spacer (#1-9).

4-38 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Mechanical Series

Step 2 2
Unwind wave spring (#1-10) and remove.


Step 3 3
NOTE: The handwheel adapter for the MX-05 is
removed and introduced from the base of the actuator

Push adapter assembly (#12) from the top of the actu-

ator out through the bottom of the actuator housing.

adapter assy 12

4.13.2 Remounting

Step 4 4
NOTE: Lightly lubricate quad rings/o-rings before Handwheel adapt.
remounting subassemblies. screw taps

With handwheel screw taps facing toward the nameplate

side of the actuator, slide handwheel adapter assembly
(#12) into the actuator housing’s drive sleeve bore. Use
hammer handle or similar device to push handwheel
adapter assembly against shoulder inside actuator housing.

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 5 5
Once handwheel adapter assembly is installed in actuator
housing, wind wave spring (#1-10) into groove on the
handwheel adapter.


Step 6 6
Slide handwheel spacer (#1-9) over handwheel adapter
assembly, ensuring wave spring (#1-10) is seated in groove
of the handwheel spacer. 1-9


Step 7
Remount all removed subassemblies according to the
remounting instructions in the following order:
1. Drive sleeve (subassembly #2). (See Section 4.11.2.)
2. Base plate (subassembly. #11). (See Section 4.9.2.)
3. Worm shaft (subassembly. #3). (See Section 4.10.2.)
4. Motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.2.)
5. Top-mounted handwheel (#1-8). (See Section 4.3.2.)

NOTE: After completing handwheel assembly procedure,

turn handwheel enough to ensure wave spring is not
pinched between actuator housing and handwheel spacer.
If it is pinched, remove handwheel (#1-8) and handwheel
spacer (#1-9) to reseat the wave spring (#1-10) into the
grove on the handwheel spacer. Install handwheel.

6. Add oil.

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Mechanical Series

4.14 Handwheel Adapter/Handwheel Worm Gear

(MX-10, 20, & 40)

Table 4.15 – Handwheel Adapter Assembly Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
12-1 Handwheel Adapter 1
12-2 Ball Bearing 1
12-3 Quad Ring 1
12-4 O-Ring 1

Figure 4.16 – Handwheel Adapter Assembly




Unique to MX-20 handwheel
adapter only (retains quad ring 12-3)

4-41 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Table 4.16 – Handwheel Worm Gear Assembly Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
12-1 Handwheel Worm Gear 1
12-2 Ball Bearing 1
12-3 Quad Ring 1
12-4 O-Ring 1

Figure 4.17 – Handwheel Worm Gear Assembly





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Mechanical Series

4.14.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Top-mounted handwheel (#1-8) or side-mounted handwheel (subassembly #13).
(See Section 4.3.1 or 4.4.1.)

NOTE: Before removing handwheel and handwheel adapter assembly, turn handwheel approximately 45˚ to
permit declutch lever to fully engage therefore making handwheel assembly easy to remove.

The Handwheel Adapter Assembly and the Handwheel

Worm Gear Assembly procedures are interchangeable. The
parts within the assembly are the same with exception to the
Handwheel Adapter (#12-1) and the Handwheel Worm Gear
Adapter (#12-1). The Handwheel Adapter Assembly is used
when the handwheel is top-mounted. The Handwheel Worm
Gear Assembly is used when the handwheel is side-mounted.
Handwheel Worm Handwheel
Gear Adpt. (12-1) Adapter (12-1)

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to 1-33
actuator before removing handwheel adapter assembly.
Power sources may include: main power or control
power. 1-32

Remove the four screws (#1-33) from the retainer plate


Step 2 2
Lift off the retainer plate (#1-32).

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Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 3 3
Pull the handwheel adapter assembly (#12) out of the
actuator housing.

Step 4 (MX-10 only) 4

Lift out wave spring (#1-10) from actuator housing.

4.14.2 Remounting

Step 5 (MX-10 only) 5

Insert the wave spring (#1-10) onto the shoulder of the
actuator housing.


4-44 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Mechanical Series

Step 6 6 Quad ring (12-3)

located inside
NOTE: Lightly lubricate quad rings/o-rings before re- handwheel
mounting subassemblies. adapter

Fit the handwheel adapter assembly (#12) into the top of

the actuator housing. Slowly rotate the assembly as it ap-
proaches its lower position in the actuator; this will allow
the quad ring (#12-3) to ease over the end of the drive 12
sleeve avoiding damage to the quad ring.

Step 7 (MX-20 & 40 only) 7

Place o-ring (#12-4) around handwheel adapter;
pressing the o-ring into the slot between the handwheel
adapter assembly (#12) and the actuator housing (approx-
imately every 15˚ to 30˚ until o-ring seats into slot).


Step 8 8
NOTE: (MX-10 only) Retainer plate (#1-32) sets slightly
above actuator housing until screws are retightened.

Place the retainer plate (#1-32) on the top of the actu- 1-32
ator housing. Align the mounting taps, and secure with
screws (#1-33).

Step 9 9
Install handwheel (#1-8) onto handwheel adapter
assembly (#12), align the handwheel with screw holes and
tighten the 4 socket head cap screws (#1-11).
Install side-mounted handwheel (subassembly #13)
according to remounting instructions detailed in Section

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4.15 Clutch & Clutch Ring Components (MX-20 & 40)

Table 4.17 – Clutch & Clutch Ring Components Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
1-38 Clutch 1
1-37 Clutch Ring 1

Figure 4.18 – Clutch & Clutch Ring Components



drive sleeve

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Mechanical Series

4.15.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Drain oil.
2. Remove top-mounted handwheel (#1-8) or side-mounted handwheel (subassembly #13). (See Section
4.3.1, Section 4.4.1 [MX-20], or Section 4.5.1 [MX-40].)
3. Remove handwheel adapter (subassembly #12). (See Section 4.14.1.)

Step 1 1
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing clutch and clutch ring compo-
nents. Power sources may include: main power or control

Remove spring spacer (#1-40).

Step 2 2 1-39
Remove clutch spring (#1-39) that is positioned over
the drive sleeve assembly (#2).

Step 3 3
Remove clutch (#1-38).


4-47 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Mechanical Assemblies WTR Series

Step 4 4
Remove clutch ring (#1-37). 1-37

4.15.2 Remounting

Step 5 5
a Warning Potential to operate while dangerous
mechanical parts are exposed during subassembly
removal. To prevent injury, turn off all power sources to
actuator before removing clutch and clutch ring compo-
nents. Power sources may include: main power or control

Fit the clutch ring (#1-37) over the drive sleeve with the Clutch tangs
on clutch
tangs (forked protrusion) facing down. Seat tangs over ring (1-37)
declutch cam (see Figures 5a and 5b at right).

5a 5b

Declutch cam Tangs

Step 6 6
Slide clutch (#1-38) over drive sleeve assembly.


4-48 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Mechanical Series

Step 7 7
Slide spring (#1-39) over drive sleeve assembly.

Step 8 8 1-40
Slide spring spacer (#1-40) over drive sleeve assembly.

Step 9
Remount removed subassemblies according to their
remounting instructions in the following order:
1. Handwheel adapter assembly (subassembly #12). (See
Section 4.14.2.)
2. Top-mounted handwheel (#1-8) or side-mounted
handwheel (subassembly #13). (See Section 4.3.2 or
Section 4.4.2 [MX-20], or Section 4.5.2 [MX-40].

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WTR Series

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WTR Assemblies
Electronic Series

5 Electronic Assemblies

5.1 Accutronix Control Panel (ACP) (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 5.1 – Accutronix Control Panel Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
7-3 OPEN/CLOSE Knob 1
7-5 Knob Pin 2
7-6 E-Clip 2
7-7 Black Knob Cap 1
7-8 Roll Pin 1
7-9 Spring 1
7-10 Ball 1
7-11 LCS Neodymium Magnet 2
7-12 LCS Torsion Spring 1
7-13 PC Board Shield 1
7-14 Red Knob Cap 1
7-21 O-Ring 1
7-23 Controls Cover 1
7-24 Window 1
7-25 Window Retainer 1
7-26 O-Ring 1
7-27 Socket Head Cap Screw 4
7-28 LCS Nameplate 2
7-29 Self-Tapping Screw (M3x5) 4
7-30 Pan Head Machine Screw (M4x6) 2

Figure 5.1 – Accutronix Control Panel

7-67-6 7-6
7-29 7-7


7-9 7-11

7-10 7-5
7-5 7-5





5-1 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.1.1 Removal

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing ACP assembly.
Power sources may include main power or control power.

Caution Potential to cause electrostatic damage to

electronic components. Before handling electronic
components, ensure that you are discharged of static
electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object. 7-27

Remove the four M8 screws (#7-27) using a 6mm hex


Step 2 2
Caution Be careful not to drop cover. Weatherproof
(WP) covers have a short spigot/pilot. Be careful when
removing screws not to let cover drop off the actuator.

Withdraw the ACP cover until the ribbon cables are ac-
cessible. Notice the o-ring (#7-21) on the ACP cover
spigot/pilot. Replace at remounting.

Step 3 3
Caution Careful not to jam cover. Explosionproof covers
have a long spigot/pilot. Remove with caution; careful not
to tilt when removing from actuator housing. Tilting
cover too far to one side or the other could cause it to
bind in the actuator housing.

Disconnect the 2 ribbon cables inside the ACP cover

(#7-23) from the connectors P1 and P3 on the ACP P1 P3

5-2 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Electronic Series

5.1.2 Remounting

Step 4 4
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before remounting ACP assembly.
Power sources may include main power or control power.

NOTE: The Accutronix MX control cover (ACP panel)

contains a Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor mounted to the
inside of the control cover. This VCI prohibits excessive 8-26
moisture from collecting in the controls compartment.
Limitorque recommends the removal of the P1
compromised VCI and replacement with a new VCI
when the controls cover is removed and the controls
compartment exposed to the ambient environment. The
VCI part number is J2F-A-HCI-1DV. Failure to replace
this device can lead to excessive moisture collecting within
the compartment and eventual corrosion.
The VCI is supplied with every new ACP panel and
controls set.

Ensure o-ring (#7-21) is intact on the ACP spigot/pilot.

Hold the ACP in front of the control module assembly
and connect 20-pin ribbon connector plug (#8-26) to
connector P1 on the ACP board. This ribbon cable is
always connected to the main processor board and also the
I/O option board, if included in package.

Step 5 5 P3
Caution Potential to pinch ribbon cables. When re-
mounting ACP cover, take special care not to pinch
ribbon cables.

NOTE: To ensure 10-pin ribbon cable is properly secured

and out of the way of the cover, run cable along semicir-
cular slots on electronic boards.

Connect the 10-pin ribbon connector plug to connector

P3 on the ACP board (the 10-pin connector is connected
to the encoder subassembly #6).

Step 6 6
NOTE: The face of the ACP may be installed in any one
of four 90˚ incremental positions. When changing ACP
position, avoid over-twisting the ribbon cable.

Rotate the ACP until the display orientation of the

front face is correct for normal viewing, then slide the
ACP assembly into the actuator housing.

5-3 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

Step 7 7
Secure the ACP with the four M8 screws (#7-27) using
a 6mm hex key.

5.2 Control Module (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 5.2 – Control Module Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
8-1 Controls Chassis Plate 1
8-3 Power Board 1
8-4 Main Processor Board 1
8-5 Phillips Pan Head Mach 4
8-7 Socket Head Cap Screw (M4x10) 3
8-8 Chassis Assembly 1
8-9 DDC Board (Network Board) - Optional 1
8-10 PC Board, (I/O Board) - Optional 1
8-24 PC Board, Local Control Station 1
8-25 Socket Head Cap Screw (M4x6) 4
8-26 Ribbon Cable Assembly 1

Figure 5.2 – Control Module

(Ribbon cable shown
connected to boards)

8-24 8-25
ACP Board
(mounted 8-5
inside ACP
8-3 cover)
(Power 8-9 8-10
Board) (DDC (I/O Board
Board optional)
8-4 optional)

Board) 8-10

8-9 optional


8-1 8-8

5-4 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Electronic Series

5.2.1 Removal

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing control module
assembly. Power sources may include main power or
control power. P3

Caution Potential to cause electrostatic damage to
electronic components. Before handling electronic
components, ensure that you are discharged of static
electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object.

If the I/O option board is installed, disconnect wire

harness plug P3 and P4.

Step 2 2
If DDC board is installed, disconnect wire harness
plug P2.


Step 3 3 P4
Disconnect wire harness plug P1 and P4 from the
main processor board.


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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

Step 4 4
Disconnect wire harness plugs P1 and P2 from the P2
main power board.


Step 5 5
Using a 3 mm hex key, loosen the three M4 mounting 8-7
plate screws (#8-7) located at the back of the controls
compartment. Slightly rotate the complete control
module assembly in a counterclockwise (CCW) direction,
until the keyhole slots in the baseplate (#8-1) allow the
heads of the screws to pass through.

Step 6 6
Disconnect the AMP® power connector from the fuse
section of the main power board.

AMP Plug

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Electronic Series

Step 7 7
Remove the control module assembly from actuator
housing (leave 20-pin ribbon cable connected to control
module boards). Take control module assembly to work
area to perform maintenance as required.


If control module assembly return is required for

repair/replacement, remove the ACP board from inside the
ACP cover as follows:

Step 8 8
Using a 3 mm hex key, remove the four M4 screws (#8-
25) that retain the ACP board inside the ACP cover. 8-25

Step 9 9
Lift the ACP board out of the ACP cover.

(See Section 5.2.3 for fuse replacement.)

(See Section 5.2.4 for control module return options.)
(See Section 5.2.5 for EPROM care and replacement.)

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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.2.2 Remounting

If the standard board set was separated from the DDC and/or I/O option boards, reassemble boards back
together as a complete unit before remounting the control module back into the actuator.

Step 10 10
Caution Ensure the voltage jumper on power board
a (see Figure 5.3) is located in the proper slot for the
nameplate and motor voltage!

a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power

sources to actuator before remounting ACP assembly.
Power sources may include main power or control power.

Caution Potential to cause electrostatic damage to

electronic components. Before handling electronic
components, ensure that you are discharged of static
electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object.

Position control module subassembly over the three

mounting screw heads (#8-7). Rotate the subassembly in
clockwise (CW) direction until all three screws are seated
in the key slots. (The keyhole slots in the mounting plate
[#8-1] are spaced in such a way that the control module
assembly will mount in only one position).

Step 11 11 8-7
Tighten the three screws (#8-7) with a 3 mm hex key.

Step 12 12
NOTE: Ensure wiring harness bundle routes through the P2
semicircular slots on the printed circuit boards.

Connect the 6-pin Molex® wire harness to plug P1 and

14-pin Molex® harness to plug P2 on main power board.


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Step 13 13
Connect the AMP® power connector to the fuse
section on the main power board.

AMP Plug

Step 14 14
Connect the 20-pin Molex® harness to plug P1 on the
main processor board.


Step 15 15
Connect the 4-pin Molex® harness to plug P4 on the
main processor board.


Step 16 16
If DDC board is installed, connect 10-pin Molex®
harness to plug P2 on DDC board (network processor


5-9 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

Step 17 17
If I/O option board is installed, connect 24-pin Molex®
harness to plug P3,

Step 18 18
and connect 2-pin Molex® harness to plug P4 on I/O
option board.


If control module assembly return was required for

repair/replacement, remount the ACP board back inside the
ACP cover as follows:

Step 19 19
Using a 3 mm hex key, install the four M4 screws (#8-
25) to retain the ACP board inside the ACP cover.

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Electronic Series

Step 20 20
Ensure control harness wiring bundle is routed through
the control module mounting plate notch and along elec-
tronic board semicircular slot. This will help prevent
pinching the wiring when ACP cover is installed.

Controls harness

Step 21
Reference ACP (subassembly #7) to reconnect plugs
and install ACP cover.

NOTE: The Accutronix MX control cover (ACP panel)

contains a Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor mounted to the
inside of the control cover. This VCI prohibits excessive
moisture from collecting in the controls compartment.
Limitorque recommends the removal of the
compromised VCI and replacement with a new VCI
when the controls cover is removed and the controls
compartment exposed to the ambient environment. The
VCI part number is J2F-A-HCI-1DV. Failure to replace
this device can lead to excessive moisture collecting within
the compartment and eventual corrosion.
The VCI is supplied with every new ACP panel and
controls set.

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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.2.3 Fuse Replacement Figure 5.3 – Location of fuses and voltage

NOTE: If fuses need to be replaced, they can be found on the
Secondary Primary
power board (#8-3). There are two primary fuses (1 Amp, 600 Fuses
V) on the part of the power board that is perpendicular to the
main processor board. There is also one secondary fuse (0.1
Amp, 250 V) on the part of the power board that is parallel to
the main processor board. Remove plastic covers to replace
the fuses. Removal of the steel chassis assembly (#8-8) may be
necessary to access the secondary fuse. The view to the right
shows the control module with the chassis assembly removed.


5.2.4 Control Module Return Options

There are four options to consider when returning control

module components for repair/replacement. When returning,
use the Return Material Authorization (RMA) outlined in
Section 2.6.2. Use the following guidelines to determine
your return process based on your existing control module

If your actuator is configured with:

A. Standard board set Figure 5.4 – Standard Board Set
The standard board set control module includes the Power
board (#8-3), Main Processor board (#8-4), and Accutronix 8-26
Control Panel board (ACP board) (#8-24). If your MX is cable shown
configured with the standard board set control module, connected
return the complete control module using the RMA proce- to boards)
dure in Section 2.6.2.

(Power 8-4 8-5 8-24
Board) (Main ACP Board
Processor (mounted
Board) inside ACP

5-12 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Assemblies
Electronic Series

B. Standard board set + DDC option Figure 5.5 – Standard Board Set with DDC
This control module includes the standard board set and the Option
DDC board (#8-9). If your MX is configured with standard 8-26
board set + DDC board and you have isolated a problem (Ribbon
cable shown
with the DDC board only, remove screw (#8-5) to remove
the DDC board (#8-9). Return the DDC board using RMA to boards)
procedure. If you have not isolated the problem to the DDC
board only, then return the standard board set with the DDC
board left intact on the control module. Return the complete
control module using the RMA procedure in Section 2.6.2.
8-4 8-24
(Main ACP Board
Processor (mounted
Board) 8-9 inside ACP)

C. Standard board set + I/O option Figure 5.6 – Standard Board Set with I/O
This set includes the standard board set and the I/O board Option
(#8-10). If your MX is configured with standard board set + 8-26
I/O board, return the complete control module using the (Ribbon
cable shown
RMA procedure in Section 2.6.2. connected
to boards)

8-5 8-24
8-3 ACP Board
(Power 8-4 8-10 (mounted
Board) (Main (I/O Board inside ACP
Processor optional) cover)

D. Standard board set + DDC & I/O option Figure 5.7 –Standard Board Set with DDC
This set includes the standard board set with DDC board and I/O Option
(#8-9) & I/O option board (#8-10). If your MX is config- 8-26
ured with standard board set + DDC board & I/O board and (Ribbon
you have isolated a problem with the DDC board only, cable shown
remove screw (#8-5) to remove the DDC board (#8-9). to boards)
Return the DDC board using RMA procedure. If you have
not isolated the problem to the DDC board only, then return
the standard board set with the DDC board & I/O board left
intact on the control module. Return the complete control 8-5 8-24
8-3 ACP Board
module using the RMA procedure in Section 2.6.2. (Power (mounted
8-9 8-10
Board) (DDC (I/O Board inside ACP
Board optional) cover)
8-4 optional)

5-13 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.2.5 EPROM Care & Replacement

There are four EPROMs in the MX Control Module. These are located on the LCS board, on the main
processor board, on the Power Board, and on the DDC option board. Under normal circumstances, these
EPROMs should nor require replacement. Kits including the EPROMs for the DDC, Main, and LCD board
are available for unit upgrades.
NOTE: DDC firmware and Mainboard firmware must be the same revision level.

The location of the LCS EPROM is shown in Figure 5.8. Figure 5.8 – LCS Board


Figure 5.9 shows the location of the Main CPU Board Figure 5.9 – Main CPU Board
NOTE: Remove and replace tie wrap.

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Electronic Series

Figure 5.10 shows the location of the EPROM on the Figure 5.10 – Power Board
Power Board.

NOTE: Power board EPROM is not included in

replacement kit. This EPROM should not be replaced
in field.

Figure 5.11 shows the location of the DDC EPROM on the Figure 5.11 – DDC Board
DDC Option Board.


5-15 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Electronic Assemblies WTR Series EPROM Storage & Handling

MX control modules contain EPROMs that are fragile and static-sensitive integrated circuits.
Care should be taken in the storage and handling of the EPROMs.
Do not ship or store EPROMs near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic, magnetic, or
radioactive fields.
Do not remove labels from EPROMs.
Store EPROMs in static-free containers with care to prevent breakage from shock or
damage to pins.
Always use an ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) wristwrap and proper grounding techniques
when removing or installing EPROMs. Limitorque provides a kit which contains an ESD
wristwrap with proper grounding instructions; P/N 102424. Please contact Limitorque
service at (804)528-4400 for purchase. EPROM Removal

It is recommended that an IC (Integrated Circuit) insertion/extraction tool be used to

remove EPROMs from the socket. Limitorque provides a kit which contains an EPROM
removal tool; P/N 102424. EPROM Installation

It is recommended that an IC insertion/extraction tool be used to hold the EPROM for

installation. Limitorque provides a kit which contains an EPROM removal tool; P/N
102424. To insert a replacement EPROM, use the following procedure:
The notch at one end of the EPROM must be lined up with the notch at one end of the
socket. If the EPROM notch is not matched to the socket notch, the EPROM will be
damaged when the unit is powered. Gently place the pins of one side of the EPROM into the
socket holes in the correct side of the socket.
Roll the EPROM over until the pins on the other side are each lined up with the socket
holes. You may have to use slight pressure to line up the pins. When you are sure all pins are
in line with the socket holes, firmly push down on top of the EPROM until the pins are well
seated in the socket.

NOTE: A problem that can frequently occur when inserting ICs into sockets is if one or
more pins are misaligned, missing the intended socket hole. In this case, the affected pins do
not make contact. The problem is difficult to see because the pins can appear to be in the
socket hole. After installing the EPROM or other IC, always examine both rows of pins very
carefully to ensure that the pins are aligned correctly with the IC.

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WTR Assemblies
Electronic Series

5.3 Terminal Block (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 5.3 – Terminal Block Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
1-20 O-Ring 1
1-21 Retaining Ring 1
1-43 Pan Head (M3x4) Plastic Screw 2
8-15 Terminal Block 1
8-16 Self-Lock Combo Head Screw (M3x5) 48
8-17 Self-Lock Combo Head Screw (M5x8) 3
8-18 Cover Plate 1
8-19 Pan Head Self-Tapping Screw 2
8-20 Control Wiring Harness 1

Figure 5.12 – Terminal Block







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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.3.1 Removal

Caution Potential to cause electrostatic damage to electronic components. Before handling electronic compo-
nents, ensure that you are discharged of static electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object.

First Remove
1. Accutronix control panel (subassembly #7). (See Section 5.1.1.)
2. Control module (subassembly #8). (See Section 5.2.1.)

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing terminal block
assembly. Power sources may include main power or
control power.

Using an M6 hex key, remove the four M8 screws (#8-

14) that mount the terminal compartment cover to the

Step 2 2
If actuator is already in service, disconnect incoming
power leads L1, L2, and L3 (and control wiring from the
terminal block if terminal block replacement is required).

Step 3 3
Using a flat head screwdriver, insert the screwdriver
blade underneath the edge of the snap ring (#1-21) and
work the blade around the back of the snap ring to
remove it from the groove, thus allowing terminal block

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Electronic Series

Step 4 4
Remove terminal block assembly.
block assy.

Step 5 5
Disconnect leads L1, L2, and L3 from back of terminal

Step 6 6
Feed the terminal block harness plugs over the contactor
assembly (in the control module compartment) while re-
moving the terminal block from the terminal block 1-20
compartment. Notice an o-ring (#1-20) is included with
the terminal block assembly. Ensure you retain or replace
the o-ring at remounting.

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5.3.2 Remounting

Step 7 7
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before remounting terminal block 8-28
assembly. Power sources may include main power or
control power.

If necessary, to allow terminal block wiring bundle to pass

across the end of the contactor and into the controls com-
partment, use a M3 hex key to loosen the two 4 mm
contactor screws (#8-28). Pull contactor assembly off the
screws and lower assembly to create extra space for the
wire harness to pass over the contactor and into the
controls compartment.

Step 8 8 1-20
Plug power leads L1, L2, and L3 from contactor
assembly into terminal connectors L1, L2, and L3 on
back of terminal block. Verify that o-ring (#1-20) is
installed on back of terminal block. Lightly lubricate o-
ring before installing terminal block.


Step 9 9
Insert terminal block into terminal block mounting

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Electronic Series

Step 10 10
Insert retaining ring (#1-21) into retaining ring groove –
snap retaining ring into groove by working a flat blade
screwdriver around the edge of the retaining ring until it
seats into groove.

Step 11 11
If contactor assembly was loosened in Step 7, then
remount contactor on screws (#8-28). Retighten with M3
hex key.

Step 12 & 13 12, 13

Connect incoming power leads and control wiring
according to application wiring diagram if terminal block
has been replaced.

Install the terminal compartment cover and secure with

four M8 screws using a 6 mm hex key.

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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.4 Control Module—Contactor Assembly

(MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 5.4 – Control Module – Contactor Assembly Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
8-27 Contactor Bracket 1
8-28 Socket Head Cap Screw (M4x8) 2
5-29 Contactor Assembly 1

Figure 5.13 – Control Module – Contactor Assembly

(Contactor with
wiring bundle shown
in illustration below)



Connector No. 1
5-pin amp mate-n-lock

plug housing

Amp shur-
To power board
plug L1
(P3 & P1)
6-pin Molex
1 3 5 21 A1 1 3 5 21 A1
L1 L2 L3 NC L1 L2 L3 NC
Connector No. 2
Contactor Assembly To option board (P4)
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 1 2-pin Molex
2 4 6 22 A2 2 4 6 22 A2
Connector No. 3

To motor P1
6-pin amp mate-n-lock
Plug housing
Connector No. 4

To main processor
board (P4)
4-pin Molex


Connector No. 5

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Electronic Series

5.4.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Remove motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.1.)
2. Remove Accutronix control panel (subassembly #7). (See Section 5.1.1.)
3. Remove control module (subassembly #8). (See Section 5.2.1.)
4. Remove terminal block (subassembly #15). (See Section 5.3.1.)

Step 1 1
Using an M3 hex key, loosen the two 4 mm screws (#8-
28) that mount the contactor assembly to the actuator.

Step 2 2
Lift contactor assembly until the keyhole slots in the
contactor mounting plate allow the heads of the M4
screws to pass through.

Step 3 3
Remove the contactor assembly while threading the
motor power socket out of the motor compartment.

Motor power

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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.4.2 Remounting

Step 4 4
Insert contactor assembly into control module cavity.

Step 5 5 Motor power plug

Feed the motor power plug through the housing to the
Motor Cavity
motor cavity. Also route leads L1, L2, and L3 (input
power) to the terminal block cavity.

Terminal block

Step 6 6
Leave contactor assembly unmounted in control
module compartment to allow space for terminal block
harness plug bundle to be threaded over the top of the
contactor assembly and pulled into the control module

Step 7 7 Terminal block

wiring bundle
Reference Terminal Block Assembly procedures to
remount terminal block assembly into actuator. (See
Section 5.3.2.)

Before mounting the contactor assembly, ensure the

terminal block wiring harness bundle is positioned across
the end of the contactor.

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Electronic Series

Step 8 8
Position the contactor assembly so that the keyhole slots
in the contactor mounting plate allow the M4 screw heads
to pass through; shift the contactor assembly until the
screw heads seat in the key slots. Tighten screws using 3
mm hex key to secure assembly.

Step 9
Remount all removed subassemblies according to the
remounting instructions in the following order:
1. Terminal block (subassembly #15). (See Section 5.3.2.)
2. Control module (subassembly #8). (See Section 5.2.2.)
3. Accutronix control panel (subassembly #7). (See
Section 5.1.2.)
4. Motor (subassembly #4). (See Section 4.1.2.) If the
motor voltage has changed, please see Section 5.2.3.,
Step 10 to ensure the voltage jumper on the power
board is located in the proper slot.

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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.5 Encoder (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 5.5 – Encoder Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
1-6 Encoder Assembly 1
1-36 Socket Head Cap Screw (M4x16) 3
6-11 Input Gear, 78-tooth (I.D. 3 through 8) 1
6-24 Input Gear, 69-tooth (I.D. 1 or 2) 1

Figure 5.14 – Encoder


(MX units with Drive
Speed I.D. 3 thru 8 require
standard input gear).
Reference table below
to determine your actuator

(MX units with Drive
Speed I.D. 1 or 2 require
optional input gear).
Reference table below
to determine your actuator

Table 5.6 – Encoder Drive Sleeve Speed

Drive Sleeve Speed I.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
50 Hz. RPM 15 22 33 43 65 84 127 165
60 Hz. RPM 18 26 40 52 77 100 155 200

NOTE: MX units with Drive Speed I.D. 1 or 2 require an optional input gear. Reference the
Output RPM block located on the MX nameplate and cross-reference in table above to
determine the unit Drive Speed I.D.

5-26 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
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Electronic Series

5.5.1 Removal

First Remove
Caution Potential to cause electrostatic damage to
electronic components. Before handling electronic compo-
nents, ensure that you are discharged of static electricity by
briefly touching a grounded metal object.
1. Remove Accutronix control panel (subassembly #7). (See Section 5.1.1.)
2. Remove control module (subassembly #8). (See Section 5.2.1.)

NOTE: The encoder is a sealed assembly of high-precision components and not suitable for repair. Should the
encoder fail, it will be necessary to install a factory replacement.

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing encoder assembly.
Power sources may include main power or control power.

Caution To avoid accidental oil leakage when removing

encoder screws (#1-36), be careful not to remove the
encoder cartridge mounting screw (#14-8). The encoder
cartridge screw is located near one of the encoder
mounting screws. Accidentally removing the encoder
cartridge mounting screw could cause oil leakage into the
control compartment. (See Picture 1a.)
1a 1-36
Remove the encoder by locating and removing the three
M4 screws (#1-36) that mount the encoder to the
actuator housing. Use a 3 mm hex key to remove the
screws. (Reference Picture 1a to locate screws (#1-36);
note important cautionary statement discussed with
Step 1 and 1a).


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Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

Step 2 2
Pull the complete encoder straight out of the mounting
holes to disengage the gear drive from the encoder drive
cartridge pinion.

5.5.2 Remounting

Step 3 3
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before remounting encoder assembly.
Power sources may include main power.

If actuator uses drive sleeve speed I.D. 1 or 2, ensure

optional encoder input gear (#6-24) is installed on
encoder (see NOTE on page 5-24 for details). Align the
three encoder mounting holes with the matching holes in
the actuator housing and push the encoder straight on to
the mounting boss, carefully positioning the encoder to
ensure correct meshing with the encoder drive cartridge
pinion. If needed to align gearing, declutch actuator and
turn handwheel until encoder gear engages with drive
cartridge pinion). Fit the three M4 screws (#1-36) and
tighten using a 3 mm hex key. Do not overtighten.

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5.6 Encoder Drive Cartridge (MX-05, 10, 20, & 40)

Table 5.7 – Encoder Drive Cartridge Parts List

Part Number Description Qty.
14-1 Encoder Drive Cartridge 1
14-2 Encoder Drive Shaft 1
14-3 Encoder Pinion 1
14-4 Ball Bearing 2
14-5 Oil Seal 1
14-6 Retaining Ring 1
14-7 Roll Pin 1
14-8 Socket Head Cap Screw 1
14-9 O-Ring 1
6-25 Input Gear, 19-tooth 1

Table 5.8 – Encoder Drive Cartridge Drive Sleeve Speed

Drive Sleeve Speed I.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
50 Hz. RPM 15 22 33 43 65 84 127 165
60 Hz. RPM 18 26 40 52 77 100 155 200

NOTE: Reference the Output RPM block located on the MX nameplate and cross-reference
in table above to determine the unit Drive Speed I.D.

Figure 5.15 – Encoder Drive Cartridge


6-25 (MX units with Drive

Speed I.D. 1 or 2 require
additional spur gear).
Reference table above.




5-29 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Electronic Assemblies WTR Series

5.6.1 Removal

First Remove
1. Drain oil.
2. Remove ACP cover (subassembly #7). (See Section 5.1.1.)
3. Remove control module (subassembly #8). (See Section 5.2.1.)
4. Remove encoder (subassembly #6). (See Section 5.5.1.)

Step 1 1
a Warning Hazardous Voltage! Turn off all power
sources to actuator before removing encoder drive
cartridge. Power sources may include main power or
control power.

Remove the M4 screw (#14-8) using a 3 mm hex key. 14-8

Step 2 2
Withdraw the complete encoder drive cartridge from
the actuator housing.

5.6.2 Remounting

Step 3 3
If actuator uses drive sleeve speed I.D. 1 or 2, ensure
input gear (#6-25) is installed on encoder (see NOTE on
page 5-27 for details). Fit the encoder drive cartridge into
the actuator housing.

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Electronic Series

Step 4 4
Using a 3 mm hex key, fit the M4 screw (#14-8) into the
actuator housing to secure the encoder cartridge.

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WTR Series

This page is intentionally blank.

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Spare & WTR Series
Replacement Parts

6 Spare & Replacement Parts

6.1 Guidelines for Recommended Spare Parts

Since every Limitorque actuator is designed to meet a specific application, the recommended
spare parts needed to support the actuator will vary for every project. The following
guidelines are provided to assist in determining the specific spare parts requirements for your
Limitorque MX actuators.

6.1.1 Wear Components

The following components will eventually wear under normal use and should therefore be
planned as spares. The expected lifetime of these parts will vary from application to applica-
tion. They are listed in order of most frequent to least frequent replacement. Limitorque
recommends stock levels of between 5% and 10% of the total population of each part with a
minimum of 1 of each in order to support the product for life.
1. Stem Nut
2. Worm Shaft subassembly
3. Drive Sleeve subassembly

6.1.2 Bearings, O-Rings, & Seals

All bearings should be replaced any time an actuator is refurbished. Therefore, all bearings
should be planned for stock for any scheduled refurbishment. In addition, any o-ring or seals
should be replaced anytime an actuator is disassembled. Complete actuator seal kits are avail-
able for the MX-05/10 and the MX-20/40. Limitorque recommends stock levels for seal kits
of 10% of the total population of each actuator model and size. Also, an adequate supply of
Limitorque approved oil (Exxon Teresstic SHP 320) should be maintained in stock to
support any necessary maintenance or refurbishment.

6.1.3 Critical Components

The following parts are not subject to wear but are still recommended for stock due to their
critical nature. Limitorque recommends stock levels of between 5% and 10% of the total
population of each part with a minimum of 1 of each in order to support the product for life.
1. Motor
2. Encoder
3. Control Module

6-1 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Spare & Replacement Parts WTR Series

6.2 Recommended Spare Parts for MX Actuators

6.2.1 Commissioning & Startup

No additional spare parts are required. All necessary spares are included in the end-user bag.

6.2.2 Short-Term Duty

This is defined as up to 3000 seats or up to 1 million drive sleeve turns, whichever occurs
sooner. There are no spare parts required for the actuator during short-term duty.

6.2.3 Long-Term Duty

This is defined as service beyond short-term duty but less than 6000 seats and less than 1.5
million drive sleeve turns. The spares suggested for long-term duty are as follows:

• Quad rings at the top and bottom of the drive sleeve

• Drive sleeve assembly which includes the Worm Gear
• Wormshaft assembly
• Encoder Cartridge assembly
• Motor assembly
• Fuse (Controls, quantity 1)
• Fuses (Power, quantity 2)
• Encoder assembly
• Reversing Starter/Contactor with harness
• Control Module (includes PCB-power, main, ACP, and optional DDC and I/O boards)
• Bronze drive sleeve for thrust base
• Quad rings in thrust base (MX-20/40 only)
• Quad rings in B1 base

NOTE: Oil should be changed every 6000 seats or sooner if the oil has been contaminated
with water or other foreign material.

6.2.4 Severe Duty

This is defined as open/close service when run loads exceed 30% of the unit rating. This also
includes all modulating applications.

NOTE: Oil should be changed every 3000 seats for open close service, or sooner if the oil has
been contaminated.

The spares suggested for severe duty are identical to the long-term duty spares.

6-2 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Spare & WTR Series
Replacement Parts

6.3 Other Concerns

There are other unique application requirements that may result in additional parts being
added to the list of recommended spares. Some additional issues or requirements that should
be considered when determining required spare parts include (but are not limited to):
1. Maintenance Program
2. Frequency of operation
3. Modulating duty
4. Frequent operation by handwheel
5. Regular testing
6. Stall/overload condition
Limitorque strongly recommends using OEM parts to support and maintain your
Limitorque actuator. Installing parts other than genuine Limitorque parts could cause prema-
ture failure of your Limitorque actuator.
The above guidelines are provided to assist you in determining your unique spare parts
needs. Please contact your local Limitorque Sales Office or local Authorized Stocking
Distributor for additional help in evaluating your needs.

6-3 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Series

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6-4 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
WTR Information
Regulatory Series

7 Regulatory Information

Declaration of Conformity
Application of Council Directive(s)
89/336/EEC; EMC Directive
98/37/EEC; Machinery Directive
Standard(s) to which Conformity is Declared
Machinery; EN 60204 EMC
• Emissions; EN 50081-1&2, EN 55011, CFR 47
• Immunity; EN 50082-1&2, IEC 801-3 & IEC 801-6 ESD; IEC 801-2
• EFT/Bursts; IEC 801-4
• Surge Immunity; IEC 801-5, ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Mains (power)
• Harmonics; MIL-STD-462, Method CSO1 & CSO2
Manufacturer’s Name
Limitorque, an Invensys Company
Manufacturer’s Address
5114 Woodall Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Importer’s Name
Limitorque, an Invensys Company
Importer’s Address
Trinity House
Kennet Side
Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5EH
Type & Description of Equipment
Valve Actuators
Model Number
MX Series
Tested with Limitorque products only
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above
Directive(s) and Standard(s). List as follows:


Barry Morse
(Full Name)

Internal Sales Manager


Newbury, England

November 1, 1999

7-1 Accutronix MX Maintenance & Spare Parts Manual 130-12000 • Rev A 12/99 • Web Rev 8/00
Limitorque Limitorque International Limitorque India, Ltd.
5114 Woodall Road Trinity House E-45/2, Okhla Industrial Area
P.O. Box 11318 Kennet Side Phase II
Lynchburg, VA 24506-1318 Newbury New Delhi 110 020, India
Phone (804) 528-4400 Berkshire, RG14 5EH, England Phone 91-129-277135
Fax (804) 845-9736 Phone 44-1-635-46999 Fax 91-11-683-9329
Fax 44-1-635-36034
Limitorque Australia, Ltd.
Limitorque Nippon Gear Co., Ltd. Division of Invensys
Tennoz Central Tower 2-2-24, Flow Control Australasia, Pty., Ltd.
Higashi-Shinagawa, 17 Scoresby Road
Shinagawa-Ku Bayswater, Victoria 3153,
Tokyo 140, Japan Australia
Phone 81-3-5460-7516 Phone 613-9729-0555
Fax 81-3-5460-8396 Fax 613-9729-8225

Limitorque Asia Pte.,Ltd.

48A Loyang Way
Singapore 508741
Phone 65-214-2120
Fax 65-214-2125

Information in this publication is believed to be accurate. Limitorque reserves the

right to modify published information to reflect product improvements or
changes. Please contact Limitorque if certified data is required. Products sold and
licensed by Limitorque are covered by the warranty appearing in its standard
terms and conditions of sale.
Limitorque is a registered trademark of Limitorque Corporation, an Invensys
company. The latest revisions to this document are available online from Limitorque
Limitorque’s web site. 5114 Woodall Road
P.O. Box 11318
130-12000 Rev A 12/99 Web Rev 8/00 Lynchburg, VA 24506-1318
© Copyright 2000 Printed in U.S.A. http://www.limitorque.com

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