User's Manual For Digital Leakage Tester

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User’s Manual for

Air Duct Leakage Tester

Diiggiittaall vveerrssiioonn –– w
wiitthhoouutt pprriinntteerr))

Srr.. N
Noo.. P
Paarrttss // C
mppoonneennttss Q
11 BBlloowweerr aasssseem mbbllyy ((ccoonnssiissttss ooff ttrroollleeyy,, hhiigghh ssppeeeedd bblloow weerr,, 11 N
ccoonniiccaall bblloow e r in le t a n d c o
wer inlet and control panel) n t ro l p a n e l)
22 DDiiggiittaall C
Coonnttrrooll P
Paanneell ((wwiitthh oorr w wiitthhoouutt pprriinntteerr ooppttiioonn)) 11 N
33.. P
Prriinntteerr w
wiitthh cchhoorrdd ((oonnllyy ffoorr pprriinntteerr ooppttiioonn m
mooddeell)) 11 sseett
44.. P
C ttuubbee -- ¼
¼”” ddiiaa ((G
Grreeyy)) 55 m
55.. P
C ttuubbee –– ¼
¼”” ddiiaa ((TTrraannssppaarreenntt)) 11 m
66.. P
Prreessss--ffiitt iinnlleett nnoozzzzllee G
G 11 N
77.. P
Prreessss--ffiitt iinnlleett nnoozzzzllee FF 11 N
88.. FFlleexxiibbllee hhoossee –– 44”” ddiiaa.. 55 m
99.. H
Hoossee ccllaam
mppss 22 N
1100.. D
Duucctt aaddaapptteerrss 22 N
1111.. S
Seett ooff cceerrttiiffiiccaatteess &
&UUsseerr’’ss m
maannuuaall 11 N

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A leakage test rig from Rolastar makes it easy to measure duct system leakage. We offer it as a kit
mounted on a portable mobile trolley. A standard leakage test kit contains essentially the following

1. Calibrated Flow Nozzles H, G & F.

2. Variable Speed Blower.
3. Digital control panel – With or without printer option.
4. Vinyle Tubing.
5. 5 mtr. long Flexible duct, adapter and hose clamps.

The flow nozzles are calibrated at FCRI (Fluid Control Research Institute).
FCRI: A specialized facility for design and development of flow products / measurements
techniques is the first of its kind in South East Asia. It is established by the Government of India
(Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public enterprise in 1988). FCRI is accredited by NABL in the
field of Fluid flow measurements (Calibration & testing) and Mechanical Measurements.


FLOW LABS, such as-

• National Engineering Laboratory (NEL), U.K.

• Danish Technological Institute (DTI), Denmark.
• Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, The Netherlands.

The instrumentation consists of an Electronic differential pressure transmitter (0-2500Pa) which

measures the static pressure of the duct. Another electronic differential pressure transmitter (0-
1000Pa) measures the suction pressure (Velocity Pressure) at the conical inlet nozzle (to
determine the flow rate).Various sizes of inlet nozzles are provided to cover the flow range for the
required accuracy of measurement.

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Air performance at maximum Fan

Maximum Flow Rate 100 Litres per sec / 212 CFM
Maximum static pressure 10” W.G. / 2500 Pa
Conforming leakage standards SMACNA
DW 143
Conical inlet nozzle details F (15 mm Dia.) - 7.1 l/s
G (28.5 mm Dia) - 26.1 l/s
H (56 mm Dia.) - 100 l/s
Motor data 2/3 H.P., 7000 rpm maximum speed brush motor
Flow & Pressure control Electronic Speed Control
Supply 230VAC, 1 Ph, 50 Hz
Overall Size 750mm x 350mm x 450mm
Weight 25 Kgs.
Pressure measuring instruments Electronic differential pressure transmitters
0-1000 Pa – For measuring suction pressure
0-2500 Pa – For measuring duct static pressure
Printer (only for with printer Serial port Thermal printer
model) Power:- 24V DC (must be used with an AC adapter)
Printer size (in mm) 174.8 X 218.5 X 132.2
Paper size (in mm) 76.2 width x 76.2 dia. Thermal paper
Print width: 63.5mm (42 Characters per line)
Weight: 1.65 Kgs




Pressure measuring instruments are already supplied with valid calibration certificates. But if a fault
or the calibration is suspected, the unit should be recalibrated to any of NABL accredited
laboratories (preferably) or it can be returned to Rolastar for repair or recalibration. In any event, it
is good practice to have the unit calibrated at least once in a year.

If the unit is not working correctly or requires recalibration, contact the nearest Rolastar factory.

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1. Fixed nozzle –H:- this is directly connected to conical blower inlet (not removable) and is
used for large flow measurements.
2. Changeable nozzles ‘F’ (small) and ‘G’ (medium) shown can be slide in to the large inlet
nozzle ‘H’ for use at reduced flow levels.
3. Digital control panel- kept on top of the motor guard.
4. Printer
5. Duct adapter plate and flexible hose - This connects the leakage tester fan outlet spigot to
the duct. The duct plate adapter is fitted with a pressure tapping point for connection to
the Electronic differential pressure transmitter (0-2500Pa) by means of PVC tubing. The
flexible hose length is 5 meters long when fully extended.
6. Fan impeller casing.
7. Motor housing
8. Tapered inlet / fan transition duct.
9. 5 metre long PVC tubing to connect the duct pressure tapping point on the duct plate
adapter fitted to the ductwork under test.
10. Another short PVC tubing to connect the inlet nozzle pressure connection to the electronic
differential pressure transmitter (0-1000Pa).

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Initial steps:
Unpack the leakage tester and check that no damage has occurred during the transit. If there is
any damage, please do not use the equipment and immediately report to Rolastar factory.

Check the power supply labels first on the leakage tester.

Read the instructions carefully before starting any work.

1. Use the correct Power Supply as indicated in the tester ID plate.
2. Beware of touching the motor control box or fan casing if the fan
has been operating, as these parts are liable to become hot.
3. Do not run the HVLT tester at higher speed for a long period, as this
will cause premature wear of the motor brushes.

Operating Instructions:

1. Select a length of duct work to be tested in accordance with HVAC document such that
the leakage rate does not exceed the capacity of the tester as shown in specifications.

2. Blank off and seal all apertures in the selected length of duct. Inspect carefully to ensure
that no opening has been overlooked.

3. Place the Leakage tester on level ground adjacent to the duct selected under test. Attach
the duct Adapter Plate to the duct and connect the flexible hose to the duct adapter plate
and fan outlet spigot, using hose clamps & duct tape. Ensure that the aperture in the duct
is at least the nominal diameter of the hose.

CAUTION: Keep the flexible hose as straight as possible to avoid kinks.

4. Place the Digital control panel on top of the motor guard (as seen in the photograph).
5. Connect tapping of gauges as shown in the schematic diagram.
6. Select the fixed inlet nozzle ‘H’ to start with.
7. Switch the tester powers supply ON by means of its power supply using POWER ON/OFF
switch provided on control panel.
8. SLOWLY increase & adjust the leakage tester pressure control until the required duct
static pressure is obtained in Electronic differential pressure transmitter (0-2500Pa);
provided the corresponding leakage flow rate is within the capacity of the fan (refer to
9. Carefully inspect the ductwork for any leaks.
10. Check the test under pressure for about 10-15 minutes to get accurate & stable result.
11. Set the Electronic differential pressure transmitter (0-1000Pa) reading (refer control
solution for leakage tester).
12. On no account allow any smoke to enter the inlet of the leakage tester as this will cause
damage to the fan and measurement instrumentation.

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13. Do not run the tester at a high speed for long period, as this will cause premature wear of
the motor brushes.

14. Change of Inlet: When the duct is properly sealed and the required pressure has been
established in the duct, it is likely that leakage flow rate will be below the minimum
specified for the fixed inlet nozzle and to maintain the specified accuracy a smaller conical
nozzles must be installed.
If the leakage pressure for a duct is below 25 Pa for a particular flow nozzle, use the
immediate smaller size of the flow nozzle.

a. Take the required nozzle from the Kit provided.

b. Slide the nozzle into the fixed (H) inlet nozzle until its ‘O’ Ring is firmly secured into
place. As the two nozzles G & F are made push-in type to fit into nozzle H, with a
very tight tolerance for measurement accuracy, apply a little quantity of light oil on
the outer surface of push-fit nozzles (G & F) if that does not go easily.
c. Disconnect the PVC tubing from nozzle H and connect it to nozzle fitted in.

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Fault Remedy
Fan motor will not run. Check the incoming supply voltage.
Check whether the tester circuit breaker has
operated and reset, if necessary. If the circuit
breaker immediately trips again, do not use the
tester. Report to Rolastar.
Recommended performance not being Check the incoming supply voltage. If low,
obtained. check whether it is being loaded by other
Normal leakage flow rate observed but duct Check that the duct plate adapter pressure
pressure stuck very low or at zero. connection has an unobstructed connection
through to the internal duct space under test.
Check that the PVC tubing is free from Kinks.
Required duct pressure cannot be obtained with Check the differential pressure transmitter and
control settings at maximum(Duct leakage inlet port connections are correct (ref. fig. Pg.8)
high/over range) Check for excessive duct leakage using soap
bubble or smoke test.
Flow reading stuck at zero Check inlet port connection (ref. fig. Pg.8)
Duct pressure readings normal(+ve)

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Electronic differential Electronic differential
pressure transmitter pressure transmitter
(0-2500 Pa) (0-1000 Pa)

Duct under test

PVC tubings

Air In

Interchangeable High performance

inlet nozzles centrifugal fan
Duct adapter


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Table -1
Reference: Table-31 Air Leakage Rates, DW/143

pressure Maximum leakage of ductwork
differential Low pressure Medium pressure
Class A Class B High pressure
Class C Class D
Leakage Factor F (Lit/sec/m2 of surface area)
100 0.54 0.18
200 0.84 0.28
300 1.10 0.37
400 1.32 0.44
500 1.53 0.54
600 0.58 0.19
700 0.64 0.21
800 0.69 0.23
900 0.75 0.25
1000 0.80 0.27
1200 0.30
1300 0.32
1400 0.33
1500 0.35 0.120
1600 0.36 0.125
1700 0.38 0.130
1800 0.39 0.135
1900 0.40 0.140
2000 0.42
2100 0.144
2200 Leakage Factor 0.149
2300 F = 0.027 x P 0.65 – for Class A 0.153
2400 0.009 x P 0.65 – for Class B 0.157
2500 0.003 x P 0.65 – for Class C 0.162
0.001 x P 0.65 – for Class D

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Table - 2
Reference: Table 4.1 Applicable Leakage Classes,
HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual – SMACNA

Duct Class ½”, 1”, 2” W.G. 3” W.G. 4”, 6”. 10” W.G.
Seal Class C B A
Sealing Applicable Transverse Joints only Transverse Joints and Joints, Seams and all
seams wall penetrations
Leakage Class
Rectangular Metal 24 12 6
Round Metal 12 6 3

Table – 3
Leakage Factor F in CFM/100 Sq. Ft. of Duct
(Reference: Appendix E, HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual – SMACNA)

Pressure Leakage Class (CL)

P Class 3 Class 6 Class 12 Class 24 Unsealed
w.g. Class 48
½ 1.9 3.8 7.6 15.3 30.6
1 3 6 12 24 48
2 4.7 9.4 18.8 37.7 75.4
3 6.1 12.2 24.5 49.0 98.0
4 7.4 14.8 29.5 59.0 118.1
5 8.6 17.1
6 9.6 19.2
7 10.6 21.2 Leakage Factor
8 11.6 23.2 F = CL x P 0.65
9 12.5 25.6
10 13.4 26.8

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Control solution for Leakage Tester
1. Display terminal: The controller has built-in LCD display of 4x20 characters & 6

Keys are used for 2 purposes 1) Scroll though the screens & 2) To
increment or decrement the parameters. When the curser is at Left uppermost
position of any screen the arrow keys are used to scroll through the screens .Also
when the curser is at any input parameter same keys serve the purpose of
increment & decrement that particular parameter.

Left uppermost +--------------------+

position ---------+> |
| |
| |
| |

key is used to enter the displayed parameter in CPU memory & the curser
moves to next field.

2. Key functions:-
+--------------------+ This screen is displayed only at every power up for 10s while
| Rolastar Pvt. Ltd. | analog input values get stabilized.
| High Velocity |
| Air Leakage Tester |
| |
| Rect L00000 A0000|
|B0000 | This is a default screen i.e. if is pressed from any
| Sq.ft.| screen an operator return on this screen.
|Area 000.00 0000.0| Functionally this screen is meant for Area calculation. After
+--------------------+ entering the screen at first Enter key stroke operator

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reaches selection for type of duct whose area is to be
calculated. There are 6 options
1. Manual - this option is valid when calculated area(in
sq.meter) has to be inserted. In this case area should be
inserted with actual area X 100 i.e. when 320 sq. meter is the
area to be inserted operator should feed 32000
2. Rect - this should be selected when duct is rectangular.
3. Elbow - this should be selected when duct is elbow
4. ShoePi. - this should be selected when duct is in shape of
shoe piece.
5. Taper - this should be selected when duct is taper shaped.
6. CloSh - this should be selected when area of closing sheet
has to be found out.
Depending upon the selected option corresponding input
parameters (e.g. L, A, B, C, D) will appear.
After inserting values to these corresponding parameters
controller in turn does the calculation with corresponding
formula & gives out the area in both units e.g. sq.meter &
+--------------------+ This screen is meant for compound area calculation i.e. when
| Area Sq.ft.| area of a duct having different units like rectangular, elbow
|ofUnit 000.00 0000. | etc. has to be found out. After calculating area for every
| Value | single unit operator should come to this screen. The already
|Total 000.00 0000. | calculated area appears in this screen also. After pressing
key curser goes to “Value” at this position with arrow
keys operator can choose 2 options
1)"Add this to total" 2)"Clear".
First option adds recently calculated area to the earlier total.
Even if the duct has single unit operator has to add the area
to total because the total area is taken for further calculation
of permissible leakage.
Once the total area & leakage is calculated then before
starting area calculation for new duct operator has to Clear
earlier area calculation with the 2nd option.
+--------------------+ This screen is for finding out permissible leakage as per
| DW/143 Calculation| DW143 standard. in this calculation controller takes the
|Pre None Pas ClassA | recently calculated total area to calculated permissible
|Leak fact ---- | leakage. Operator has to select the pressure & the class.
|Permis. Leak 000.00 | At first stroke curser moves to pre.(pressure) with
Up/Down arrow different possibilities (i.e.125, 250, 500,
750, 1000, 1250…2500) at required pressure value operator
should again press to enter that value & curser moves to
Class option where again with Up/Down arrow keys
possibilities are "A","B","C","D" After entering the class

Page 12 of 17
controller displays Leak factor for that pressure, class & also
calculate permissible leakage for given area, pressure &
+--------------------+ This is a similar screen as DW calculation but meant for
| SMACNA Calculation | permissible leakage calculations as per SMACNA standards.
|Pre None Type Rect | For this calculation also controller takes recently calculated
|Leak fact ----- | area ,same pressure as selected for DW calculations (displays
|Permis. Leak 000.00 | in inches of water column) Only selection that the operator
+--------------------+ has to make is the type of duct (Rect or Round) Depending
upon this selection controller gives out leakage factor &
permissible leakage as per SMACNA standard.
+--------------------+ Duct static pressure sensed by differential pressure
| | transmitter is displayed on this screen. This screen gets
|DUCT STATIC PRESSURURE| stabilized after 10-15 minutes time. Till then, little fine
| 00000 Pa | tuning of the blower speed is needed.
| |
+--------------------+ After calculating permissible leakage & setting duct static
| Nozzle F 00000| pressure, this screen allows operator to calculate actual
|00000 Value00000Pa | leakage.
| 00.00 lit/s | Initially operator has to enter selected nozzle("F","G" or
| 000.00 cfm/sqft| "H") After entering this the curser moves to “Value” at this
+--------------------+ position with Up/Down arrow 2 options are provided "Enter"
& "Clear"
On left side of “Value” actual reading from pressure
transducer is displayed which is transferred to the controller
if "Enter" is selected & key is pressed. controller takes
the instantaneous value so operator should press the key
only when the correct value is being displayed. For better
stability filtered value is also provided i.e. the value which
remains constant for 1 s or more is displayed at right most
corner of uppermost line.
Once this value is entered by operator controller calculates
actual leakage depending upon nozzle type & pressure value.
+--------------------+ After all permissible & actual calculations these 3 pages are
| Summary | kind of summery pages which only display the all recently
|Area 000.00 sq.mts.| calculated values.
| 0000. sq.ft. | At the end of third page controller provides facility to save
|Pressure None Pa | all the data displayed on these 3 pages as a set of values.
+--------------------+ Operator has to provide identification number (Index) to
+--------------------+ every set from 1 to 11 (i.e. storage capacity is of 11 such
| DW Leak fact 0.000| sets)
| Per 000.00 lit/s|
After entering Index & pressing key enters the Index
| Act 00.00 lit/s|
no. & moves the curser to All Data At this position with
| Nozzle F |
Up/Down arrow controller gives option to save the complete

Page 13 of 17
+--------------------+ set with “save” selected if key is pressed the complete
|SMACNA LeakFac000.00| set of values is stored at index no. as a reference.
| Per 000.00 cfm/sqft|
| Act 000.00 cfm/sqft|
| Index 1 All Data |
+--------------------+ Last one is a kind of report screen which gives final result
| According to | for most recent calculation in terms of whether the duct is
|DW/143 Duct Accepted| accepted/rejected as per respective standard.
|SMACNA Duct Accepted|
| |

3. Data storage:- As we have seen that the controller program provides facility to store
the complete set of selected & calculated values for single duct with reference index no.
After saving these values if operator wish to refer them again there is set screens called

“Retrieve screens” To access these screens operator has to press key from any
screen & he will reach following screens.

+--------------------+ After coming to the first of these screens operator needs to

|Data backup Index1 | select the reference index no. to which the set of values is
|Area 000.00 m2 | connected while saving them.
| 0000.0 ft2 | When the curser is at “Index”, with Up/Down arrows
|Pressure 750 Pa | operator can choose the index no. again from 1to 11 to
+--------------------+ review the connected set of data. The set of selected data is
+--------------------+ displayed in selection screen & following 2 more screens.
| DW Leak fact 0.000|
| Per 000.00 lit/s| At the end of 3rd screen there is a possibility to clear all the
| Act 00.00 lit/s| memory storage area (i.e. all 11 sets).When curser is at “All
| Nozzle F | data” with Up/Down arrow operator can select “Clear” &
press .( ! This command will completely deletes all
stored data sets so the operator needs to be careful. ! )
|SMACNA LeakFac000.00|
| Per 000.00 cfm/sqft|
| Act 000.00 cfm/sqft|
| All data 000 |

4. Change of configurations:- There is one more screen which is meant for the
configuration of pressure transmitters. This same screen is used for printing of reports
too. This screen is to be used very carefully as any incorrect value entered in this
screen will give incorrect reading of pressure. The only thing operator will need to
change is the offset value (this will be also very rare case). To access this screen operator

Page 14 of 17
needs to press keys & together. Controller screen will ask for password
which is 9999 by default and can be changed.
| | Press key, scroll down the value to 9999 and again
| 0000 | press key to enter this password. Next screen will
| | appear as under.
Value in front of “Value” is the actual value read by the
+--------------------+ transducer. Parameter
|Suc press probe 0-40| “Suction pressure probe” should be selected “0-40”
|En Yes Type 4-20 mA | “En” should be selected “Yes”
|Off 000 Min 00000| “Type” should be selected “4-20 mA”
|Val 00000 Max 00000| These 3 values have to be as they are specified above for
+--------------------+ correct performance of transducers (both suction and static
pressure probes).
+--------------------+ Only offset can be changed by operator only if required.
|StaticPres prob 0-40| With no load connected to the transducer ideally “Value”
|En Yes Type 4-20 mA | should display 0000. If with no load transducer is showing
|Off 000 Min 00000| some positive value or a value in the range of 65200 (i.e.
|Val 00000 Max 00000| negative value in 16 bit representation) then operator should
+--------------------+ put offset value of reverse polarity (e.g. if no load value is
positive then offset has to be negative) so as to make no
load value zero.

5. Print-out reports:- To get the print reports, press the keys & together.
Controller will ask for the password which is set 9999 by default and can be changed.

+--------------------+ Press key, scroll down the value to 9999 and again
| |
|ENTER CONFI PASSWORD| press key to enter this password. Enter the controller
| 0000 | configuration and scroll down through the screens without
| | changing their values till the print option selection screen
+--------------------+ appears as below.

+--------------------+ In this screen, there is an option for printing, i.e. whether

|SELECT PRINT OPTION | you would like to print the report of either SMACNA or
| | DW standard. Press key to go enter the screen, select
| SMACNA LEAK FACT | the option out of “SMACNA LEAK FACT” or “DW LEAK
| |
FACT”, again press key and move to the next screen.

Page 15 of 17
+--------------------+ In this screen, press key to go to the default option
|Do U want | “No”, change it to “Yes”. “Yes” will appear on the screen
| to print? | for 2-3 secs and again it will turn “No” and the printer will
| No | print the report as per the standard selected in earlier step.
| |

6. Change of password:- To set the new configuration set-up password, follow the steps
+--------------------+ On giving the print command, the cursor will move back to
|Do U want | the extreme left position. On scrolling down further, next
| to print? | screen will appear from which the default system password
| No | can be changed as per your requirement.
| |

Press key and enter the new password by scrolling
| |
|NEW CONFIG PASSWORD | down or up. Set new password using key.
| 0000 |
| |

At any point of set-up, to move out of this set-up screen, simply press key and the
controller default screen will appear.

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Corporate Office: 210, Kshamalaya,

37, New Marine Lines,
Mumbai – 400 020
Ph. +91 22 66370351 / 2
Fax +91 22 66370353

Western Region: A-2/5, G.I.D.C., Antalia,

Bilimora – 396 325
Ph. +91 2634 284182 / 282141
Fax +91 2634 289534

Northern Region: Near Wilhelm Textile Industries,

Behrampur Road, Village Khandsa,
Gurgaon – 120 001
Ph. +91 124 4035498 / 598
Fax +91 124 4035698

Southern Region: No.64, H.D. Pura, Dasanapura Hobli,

Golden Palms & Spa Road, Alur Post,
Bangalore – 562 123
Ph. +91 80 23715621 / 2
Fax +91 80 23715623

Visit our website:-

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