325L 2psi Lever Acting Design

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5th Edition

Service and installation must be performed by a trained/experienced service technician.

All products used with combustible gas must be installed and used strictly in accordance
with the instructions of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and with all
applicable government codes and regulations, e.g. plumbing, mechanical, and electrical
codes and practices. Maxitrol products should be installed and operated in accordance
with Maxitrol Safety Warning Instructions.

Maxitrol Company is NOT responsible for any errors or omissions in reliance by anyone of
any information set forth in this catalog without additional reference to local requirements
and applicable ordinances or codes.

Other worldwide approvals and certifications available upon inquiry.


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Lever Acting Design for 2 psi Piping Systems
M axitrol’s 325-L series line pressure regulators are for 2 psi
piping systems. 325 series regulators are for use on residential,
commercial, and industrial applications.

The 325 series features a high leverage linkage assembly to

deliver dead-end lockup (see page 63). The regulators are capable
of precise regulating control from full flow down to pilot flow.
Pipe Sizes ..................................3/8” to 3” threaded connections with NPT or ISO7-1 threads.
Optional....................................1/8” NPT outlet pressure taps on 325-7, 325-9, and 325-11.

Housing Material ......................325-3L, 325-5L, 325-7AL, 325-9L, 325-11L: aluminum.

Mounting ..................................All models with the exception of the 325-11L are suitable for multi-positional mounting.
The 325-11L is to be mounted in a horizontal upright position only. If a ®
is installed, mount in an upright horizontal position only.

NOTE: All Maxitrol gas pressure regulators should be installed and operated in accordance
with Maxitrol Safety Warning Instructions (see GPR_CSA_2PSI_MI_EN.FR).

Certifications ..............................325-3L, 325-5L, 325-7AL, 325-9L, 325-11L: ANSI Z21.80/CSA 6.22 Line Pressure Regulators.

Gas Types ..................................Suitable for natural, manufactured, mixed gases, liquefied petroleum gases, and LP
gas-air mixtures.

Rated Inlet Pressure ..................CSA Certified: 2 psi (13.8 kPa)

Maxitrol Tested..........................10 psi (69 kPa)

Emergency Exposure Limits .......65 psi (450 kPa) (inlet side only)

Maximum Individual Load ........Largest single appliance served by the regulator

325-3L: 140,000 Btu/h;
325-5L: 425,000 Btu/h;
325-7AL: 1,250,000 Btu/h;
325-9L: 2,250,000 Btu/h;
325-11: 4,450,000 Btu/h

Capacity ....................................Total load of multiple appliances combined

325-3L (3/8”, 1/2”): 250,000 Btu/h;
325-5L (1/2”): 500,000 Btu/h; 325-5L (3/4”, 1”): 600,000 Btu/h;
325-7AL (1 1/4”, 1 1/2”): 1,250,000 Btu/h;
325-9L (1 1/2”, 2”): 2,250,000 Btu/h;
325-11L (2”, 2 1/2”, 3”): 4,500,000 Btu/h

NOTE: Capacities are used to determine the maximum multiple appliance load. The largest
single appliance served by the regulator should not exceed the maximum individual
load specified above.

Ambient Temperature Ranges....-40 to 205°F (-40 to 96°C)

Minimum Regulation.................Suitable for pilot flow applications. (Circle P) (0.15 CFH NG).

Imblue Technology™.................325-3L, 325-5L, 325-7AL, 325-9L models may be ordered with Imblue Technology™.
ImblueTechnology™ increases corrosion resistance and provides extra protection against
the elements for regulators used in outdoor applications. Add suffix letter “B” to model
number when ordering.
46 © 2022, Maxitrol Company. All Rights Reserved.

Capacities expressed in CFH (m3/h) @ 0.64 sp gr gas

Operating Inlet Pressure

Outlet Pressure
Model Pipe Size .5 psi .75 psi 1 psi 1.5 psi 2 psi
Set Point
(3.4 kPa) (5.2 kPa) (6.9 kPa) (10.3 kPa) (13.8 kPa)
7.0” w.c. 145 200 250 250 250
3/8” x 3/8” (1.7 kPa) (4.1) (5.7) (7.1) (7.1) (7.1)
1/2” x 1/2” 10.0” w.c. 110 180 230 250 250
(2.5 kPa) (3.1) (5.1) (6.5) (7.1) (7.1)
7.0” w.c. 360 485 500 500 500
(1.7 kPa) (10.2) (13.7) (14.2) (14.2) (14.2)
325-5L 1/2” x 1/2”
10.0” w.c. 275 475 500 500 500
(2.5 kPa) (7.8) (13.5) (14.2) (14.2) (14.2)
7.0” w.c. 370 520 600 600 600
3/4” x 3/4” (1.7 kPa) (10.5) (14.7) (17.0) (17.0) (17.0)
1” x 1” 10.0” w.c. 275 450 570 600 600
(2.5 kPa) (7.8) (12.7) (16.1) (17.0) (17.0)
7.0” w.c. 750 1000 1250 1250 1250
1 1/4” x 1 1/4” (1.7 kPa) (21.2) (28.3) (35.4) (35.4) (35.4)
1 1/2” x 1 1/2” 10.0” w.c. 525 900 1125 1250 1250
(2.5 kPa) (14.9) (25.5) (31.9) (35.4) (35.4)
7.0” w.c. 1390 2080 2250 2250 2250
1 1/2” x 1 1/2” (1.7 kPa) (39.4) (58.9) (63.7) (63.7) (63.7)
2” x 2” 10.0” w.c. 1050 1660 2090 2250 2250
(2.5 kPa) (29.7) (47.0) (59.2) (63.7) (63.7)
7.0” w.c. 3000 3900 4500 4500 4500
2” x 2” (1.7 kPa) (85.0) (110.4) (127.4) (127.4) (127.4)
325-11L 2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
3” x 3” 10.0” w.c. 1890 2770 3600 4500 4500
(2.5 kPa) (53.5) (78.4) (101.9) (127.4) (127.4)

NOTE: See pages 58-59 for Regulator Sizing Requirements and Examples.

Pressure Drop: expressed in CFH (m3/h) @ 0.64 sp gr gas

Model Number 7.0” w.c. (1.7 kPa) .5 psi (3.4 kPa) .75 psi (5 kPa)
325-3L 145 (4.0) 204 (5.8) 250 (7.0)
325-5L 400 (11.3) 550 (15.6) 670 (19.0)
325-7AL 815 (23.1) 1149 (32.5) 1405 (39.8)
325-9L 1360 (38.5) 2113 (59.8) 2557 (72.4)
325-11L 3000 (85.0) 4220 (119.5) 5170 (146.4)

Spring Selection
Outlet Pressure Range (all models)

Certified Spring ............................. 7” to 11” w.c. (1.7 to 2.7 kPa)

NOTE: See to pages 56-57 for complete Spring Selection Chart.

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Lever Acting Design for 2 psi Piping Systems

Vent Dimensions
Model Pipe Size Swing Radius
Connection A B C
3” 3.5” 4.2” 3.9”
325-3L 3/8”, 1/2” 1/8” NPT
(76 mm) (89 mm) (108 mm) (98 mm)
4.9” 5.3” 5.9” 5.4”
325-5L 1/2”, 3/4”, 1” 3/8” NPT
(124 mm) (133 mm) (149 mm) (138 mm)
6.1” 7.3” 8” 7”
325-7AL 1 1/4”, 1 1/2” 1/2” NPT
(156 mm) (184 mm) (203 mm) (178 mm)
7.8” 9.4” 10.8” 9.1”
325-9L 1 1/2”, 2” 1/2” NPT
(198 mm) (239 mm) (274 mm) (231 mm)
11.0” 13.1” 16.1” 13.5”
325-11L 2”, 2 1/2”, 3” 3/4” NPT
(279 mm) (333 mm) (409 mm) (343 mm)

NOTE: Dimensions are maximums and to be used only as an aid in designing clearance for the valve.
Actual production dimensions may vary somewhat from those shown.

325-3L 325-5L

48 © 2022, Maxitrol Company. All Rights Reserved.



325-7AL A 325-9L

Lever Acting Design
1 Seal Cap

2 Stack
1 3 Top Housing
7 4 Rubber Valve

5 Valve Seat

9 6 Seal Cap Gasket

7 Adjusting Screw
3 10
8 Spring
4 9 Vent Connection

5 10 Diaphragm
11 Diaphragm Plates

12 Bottom Housing

NOTE: Diagrams are graphical representations only and may differ from actual product.
© 2022, Maxitrol Company. All Rights Reserved. 49
See www.maxitrol.com for our Regulator Sizing Program. Please contact Maxitrol directly for more information on sizing a regulator.

System Requirements

When sizing a regulator the following must be known:

• Gas Type
• Available Inlet Pressure
• Desired Outlet Pressure
• Zero Governor Application (indicated by model number ending in “Z”)
• Will the regulator control main burner and pilot load OR main burner only?
• Required minimum and maximum flow rate in cfh or m3/h or Btu/h
• Pipe Size

In most cases, the manifold pipe size has already been selected on the basis of good engineering practice, and the regulator
pipe size should conform to this size.

The capacity of any regulator is not an absolute value but will vary with the application depending on the prevailing
differential pressure.

Service and installation must be performed by a trained/experienced service technician.

All products used with combustible gas must be installed and used strictly in accordance with the instructions of the Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and with all applicable government codes and regulations, e.g. plumbing, mechanical, and
electrical codes and practices. These instructions do NOT supersede OEM’s installation or operating instructions.

All Maxitrol products should be installed and operated in accordance with Maxitrol Safety Warning Instructions.


LP Applications - When using natural gas pressure drop chart to determine LP pressure drop in terms of Btu/h, multiply NAT
Btu/h by 1.61; in terms of CFH multiply NAT CFH by 0.645.

Formula: P2 = P1 x (Q2/Q1) 2

P2 = Pressure drop at desired flow rate Q2 = Desired flow rate

P1 = Known pressure drop Q1 = Known flow rate

A. Check Capacity Chart, ensuring regulator has ample range B. Know the minimum encountered inlet pressure.
of regulation and individual load capacities (for use with pilot) MINIMUM INLET PRESSURE MINUS “P2” MUST
Solve for “P2” using the formula above.
(See examples on page 59.)

58 © 2022, Maxitrol Company. All Rights Reserved.


Sizing Examples


For main burner and pilot load applications.
Example: To select an RV type regulator:
• Known: Single 150,000 Btu/h main burner; pipe size 1/2”; inlet pressure 7” w.c.; outlet pressure 4” w.c.
• Solution: The RV48 (1/2”) has a maximum capacity of 230,000 Bth/h and a maximum individual load of
160,000 Btu/h. The pressure drop at a flow rate of 150,000 Btu/h is 0.4” w.c., well below the available differential
of 3” w.c. The RV48 (without “L” fixed orifice) is the correct regulator to use for the application.

For main burner only applications not requiring a lockup type regulator. When sizing the S-T-F series, it is recommended
that pressure drop not exceed 1/2 of available differential pressure.

Example: To select an RV type regulator:

• Known: Flow rate 2,000,000 Btu/h; pipe size 1 1/4”; inlet pressure 9” w.c.; outlet pressure 5” w.c.
• Solution: The RV81(1 1/4”) has a maximum capacity of 2,500,000 Btu/h. The pressure drop at a flow of
2,000,000 Btu/h is 0.66” w.c. The RV81 (1 1/4”) is the correct regulator to use with this application. The
pressure drop of the RV61 (1 1/4”) at a flow rate of 2,000,000 Btu/h is 2.64” w.c. This is within the available
differential but exceeds the recommended 50% maximum.

For main burner and pilot load application requiring positive dead-end lockup (see Definitions page 63).

Example: To select a 325 series regulator:

• Known: Single 145,000 Btu/h burner; pipe size 1/2”; inlet pressure 2 psi; outlet pressure 7” w.c.
• Solution: The 325-3’s pressure drop at a flow rate of 145,000 Btu/h is 7” w.c., well below the available
differential of 1 3/4 psi. However, the Maximum Individual Load for th 325-3 is only 100,000 Btu/h. The 325-5
(1/2”) is the correct regulator to use with this application.

For main burner and pilot load application requiring a lockup type regulator or zero governor usage (see Definitions page 63).

Example: To select a 210 or R/RS series regulator:

• Known: Desired flow rate 6,000,000 Btu/h; pipe size 1 1/2”; inlet pressure 1 psi; outlet pressure 9” w.c.
• Solution: The 210E (1 1/2”) has a maximum capacity of 10,000,000 Btu/h. The 210D (1 1/2”) has a capacity of
6,000,000 Btu/h. Therefore, the 210E (1 1/2”) will give you the desired outlet pressure of 9” w.c. and is the
correct regulator to use for the application.

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North America
Maxitrol Company, Inc.
23555 Telegraph Rd., PO Box 2230
Southfield, MI 48037-2230
Tel: +1 248-356-1400
Fax: +1 248-356-0829

Maxitrol GmbH & Co. KG
Warnstedter Str. 3
06502 Thale
Tel: + 49 3947 400-0
Fax: + 49 3947 400-200


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