Halteman 2023-2024 CV
Halteman 2023-2024 CV
Halteman 2023-2024 CV
Matthew C. Halteman
Professor, Calvin University (September 2018—present)
Fellow, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics (June 2008—present)
Associate Professor with tenure, Calvin College (September 2011—August 2018)
Assistant Professor, Calvin College (January 2004—August 2011)
Instructor, Calvin College (September 2003—December 2003)
Giles Anderson, Anderson Literary Agency, New York, New York
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame (Philosophy), January 2004
B.A. summa cum laude, Wheaton College (Philosophy, Literature), May 1995
Areas of Specialization
Animal Ethics, Food Ethics, 20th Century European Philosophy, Philosophy as a Way of Life
Trade Monograph
Hungry Beautiful Animals: The Joyful Case for Going Vegan, New York: Basic Books,
forthcoming in November 2024.
Edited Volume
Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments about the Ethics of Eating (co-edited with Andrew
Chignell and Terence Cuneo), New York: Routledge, 2016.
Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation, Washington, D.C., The Humane Society of the
United States, 2008; Second Print Edition, 2010.
Articles, Book Chapters, and Online Writing
“The Roadhouse and Mindful Alienation: On Fearlessly Losing Hope in Twin Peaks’ House
Away from Home,” Supernatural Studies: Twin Peaks Special Edition, guest-edited by Marisa
C. Hayes and Frank Boulègue, forthcoming in 2024.
“Imagining Creation as a Christian Vegan,” Sarx: For All God’s Creatures (animal advocacy
charity in London, UK), May 2021, online at https://sarx.org.uk/articles/christianity-and-
“Beyond Stewardship: Reimagining Our Kinship with Animals” (with Megan Halteman Zwart),
in Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care, David Paul Warners and Matthew
Kuperus Heun, eds., Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin College Press, 2019, 121-134.
“Against Inefficacy Objections: The Real Economic Impact of Individual Consumer Choice on
Animal Agriculture” (with Steven McMullen), Food Ethics, Vol. 2, Issue 2-3, 2019, 93-110.
“Meat and Evil,” in Evil: A History of the Concept, Andrew Chignell, ed., Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2019.
“We Are All Noah: Tom Regan’s Olive Branch to Religious Animal Ethics,” Between the
Species, Vol. 21 (1), Tom Regan: In Memoriam, 2018, 151-177.
“Eating Toward Shalom: Why Food Ethics Matters for the 21st-Century Church,” The Banner,
March 2018 (online February 2018). https://www.thebanner.org/features/2018/02/eating-toward-
“Food and Religion” (with Tyler Doggett), in Food, Ethics, and Society: An Introductory Text
with Readings, Anne Barnhill, Mark Budolfson, and Tyler Doggett, eds., Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2016.
“Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation,” in Food, Ethics, and Society: An Introductory Text
with Readings, Anne Barnhill, Mark Budolfson, and Tyler Doggett, eds., Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2016.
“Introduction to Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments about the Ethics of Eating” (with
Terence Cuneo and Andrew Chignell), New York: Routledge, 2016.
“Philosophy as Therapy for Recovering (Unrestrained) Omnivores” (with Megan Halteman
Zwart), in Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments over the Ethics of Eating, New York:
Routledge, 2016.
“Knowing the Standard American Diet By Its Fruits: Is Unrestrained Omnivorism Spiritually
Beneficial?,” Interpretation 67 (4), 383-395, October 2013.
“Religion and the Sublime” (with Andrew Chignell) in The Sublime: From Antiquity to the
Present, ed. Timothy M. Costelloe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Varieties of Harm to Animals in Industrial Farming,” The Journal of Animal Ethics, 1 (2): 122-
131, Fall 2011. (Anthologized in Animal Ethics for Veterinarians, 2017.)
“Food for Thought: Practical Advice for Peaceful Eating,” Washington, D.C., The Humane
Society of the United States, 2009.
“Reading the Fine Print: Ontological Transcendence and Tremors of the Turn in the 1929
Footnotes to “On the Essence of Ground,” in Heidegger Circle Proceedings, Volume 40: 160-
172, 2006.
“On the Problematic Origin of the Forms: Plotinus, Derrida, and the Neoplatonic Subtext of
Deconstruction’s Critique of Ontology,” Continental Philosophy Review, November 2006.
Review of David McPherson’s Spirituality and the Good Life: Philosophical Approaches, Notre
Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2018.10.26, https://ndpr.nd.edu/news/spirituality-and-the-good-
Review of Judith Wolfe’s Heidegger and Theology, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,
2015.11.02, https://ndpr.nd.edu/news/62097-heidegger-and-theology.
Review of Paul Waldau and Kimberly Patton’s A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion,
Science and Ethics, The Christian Century, April 6, 2010.
“Anticipating Arrival: Notes on Garcia and Wolpa’s Death Will Come,” in Exquisite History
Volume Two, Charlottesville: University of Virginia (The Printmakers Left), 2009.
Review of James Bernauer and Jeremy Carrette’s Michel Foucault and Theology: The Politics of
Religious Experience, Scottish Journal of Theology, Volume 61, Issue 3, 2008.
Review of Mark Dooley and Liam Kavanagh’s The Philosophy of Derrida, Notre Dame
Philosophical Reviews, 2008.04.07, http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=12843.
Review of Paul Edwards’ Heidegger’s Confusions, Philosophical Review, April 2007.
“Agent Provocateur: Richard Rorty’s Truth and Progress” (co-authored with Andrew Chignell),
in Books and Culture, July/August 2000.
The Problem of Transcendence in Heidegger and Derrida
Advisor: Stephen H. Watson
Committee: Karl Ameriks, Gary Gutting, Gretchen Reydams-Schils
Earth-Honoring Faith Lecture, St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Chatham, MA (March 2023)
“Eating as an Act of Justice: From Religious Food Ethics to Climate Action”
Jackson Family Center for Ethics and Values, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC
(October 2022)
“The Vegan Imagination: Why Vegans Aren’t as Bad as You Thought”
University of California Irvine Religious Studies and Producing Alternate Futures Series
co-sponsored by Calvin University Animals the Kingdom of God Lecture Series and University
of San Diego Food Studies Initiative (May 2022)
Session panelist, Carol J. Adams, “Feminism, Religion, Animals: The Interweaving of
Life and Theory”
Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church LIFT Series, Grand Rapids, MI (April 2022)
A Conversation on “Beyond Stewardship: Reimagining our Kinship with Animals”
Social Justice and the Common Good Seminar, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN (April
“Animals and Food Justice” (via Zoom)
Saint Mary’s College Center for Spirituality, Notre Dame, IN (November 2021)
“Eating as an Act of Justice: From Religious Food Ethics to Climate Action”
“It is In Our House Now:” The First Twin Peaks Online International Conference, Zoom and
YouTube (Sponsored by Lynchland and Unwrapping the Plastic) (June 2021)
“The Roadhouse and Mindful Alienation: On Fearlessly Losing Hope in Twin Peaks’
House Away from Home” (via Zoom)
Keynote Presentation: “The PROTOCOL for Conscious Leadership: Science-backed,
Evidence-based, and Radically Effective…Self-Help?!” (via Zoom)
Religion, Ethics, and Animals (A. Chignell, S. Marmon), Princeton University, NJ (March 2021)
“Beyond Stewardship to Shalom: From Compassionate Eating to All-Species Kinship”
Food and Philosophy Seminar (J. Gordon), Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL (March 2021)
“Animal Ethics: Welfare or Abolition? (via Zoom)
Ethics, Justice, and Social Justice (N. Nobis), Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA (January 2021)
“Eating as an Act of Justice: A Conversation on Religious Food Ethics, Climate Action,
and Black Veganism” (via Zoom)
Development Brunch and Learn, The Good Food Institute, Washington DC (January 2021)
“The Vegan Imagination: On Aspiring to Live Toward a Good, True, and Beautiful
Vegan World” (via Zoom)
Ethics of Eating Seminar (A. Chignell), Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (October 2020)
“Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation: Conversation with the Author” (via Zoom)
Orientation Rev 21.5 Session, Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI (August 2019)
“Eating Toward Shalom: Why Food Ethics Matters for the 21st-Century Church”
Mellon Philosophy as a Way of Life Workshop, University of Notre Dame, IN (June 2019)
“Philosophy as a Way of Life at Institutions with Religious Missions”
“Eating Toward Shalom: Why Food Ethics Matters for the 21st-Century Church”
Mad Farmer Food Festival, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (May 2018)
Workshop: “The Vegan Imagination”
Animals and the Kingdom of God Tenth Anniversary Celebration, Grand Rapids (April 2017)
Conference organizer
Session panelist, “Animal Ethics and Christianity” (with Nekeisha Alayna Alexis,
Andrew Chignell, David Clough, Bob Fischer, Sarah Withrow King, Candace
Laughinghouse, and Steve McMullen)
Frederick Meijer Honors College, Grand Valley State University (November 2016)
“Who Cares About Animals?! Animal Ethics in Theory and Practice”
“Who Cares About Animals?! Animal Ethics in Theory and Practice” (University of
Vermont First Year Seminar Series, Professor Tyler Doggett)
“Real, Relevant, Reforming: Food and Faith,” Calvin Orientation Series (September 2017)
“Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation”
Summer School on Eating Animals, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, St. Stephen’s House,
Oxford, England (July 2016)
1. “Philosophy as Therapy for Conflicted Carnivores” (with Megan Halteman Zwart)
2. “Against Causal Inefficacy Objections: The Real Economic Impact of Individual
Consumer Choices on Animal Agriculture” (with Steven McMullen)
Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, Michigan (December 2015)
Session Panelist: “A Public Conversation of Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,”
West Michigan Environmental Action Council’s Documentary Series at UICA
Church of the Servant Education Series, Grand Rapids, Michigan (November 2015)
“Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation: Animal Welfare, Environmental
Sustainability, and Human Flourishing”
Westminster Presbyterian Church Education Series, Grand Rapids, Michigan (October 2015)
1. “Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation: Animal Welfare, Environmental
Sustainability, and Human Flourishing”
2. “Practical Advice for Peaceful Eating”
Animals and the Kingdom of God Faculty Development Workshop, Calvin College and Trinity
Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (June 2015)
Inaugural Session on “Divine Goodness, Animal Suffering, and Human Ethics” (a three-
day workshop with Marilyn McCord Adams, Rebecca Chan, Andrew Chignell, Trent
Dougherty, Aaron Griffith, Beth Seacord, and John Schneider)
Adult Education Hour, Trinity Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan (June 2015)
“Eating as an Act of Justice: Animal Welfare, Environmental Sustainability, and Human
Workshop on Food Justice, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (May 2015)
“Philosophy as Therapy for Recovering (Unrestrained) Omnivores” (with Megan
Halteman Zwart)
Moral Cultures of Food Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas (April 2015)
“Philosophy as Therapy for Recovering (Unrestrained) Omnivores” (with Megan
Halteman Zwart)
Calvin Academy of Lifelong Learning, Grand Rapids, MI (May 2014 and September 2014)
“Animal Ethics for Good Eating”
St. Peter Claver Catholic Worker House, South Bend, IN (April 2014)
“Eating as an Act of Justice”
McElmurry Ethics & Society Lecture, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI (October 2013)
“Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation”
American Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, Invited Panel on “Art, Religion, and the
Sublime,” St. Louis, MO (October 2012)
“Religion and the Sublime” (co-authored with Andrew Chignell, presented in absentia by
Timothy Costelloe, respondents: Anne Eaton and Lambert Zuidervaart)
Society for Continental Philosophy and Theology 2012 Annual Conference, Creation,
Creatureliness, and Creativity: The Human Place in the Natural World,” Loyola Marymount
University, Los Angeles, CA (April 2012)
“Eating Animals and Ecological Crisis: Continental Epiphanies for Revaluing
Animal Suffering and the Problem of Evil, Notre Dame Center for Philosophy of Religion (April
Invited participant (funded by Templeton Grant on Animal Pain)
Tom Regan: A Celebration, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (April 2011)
“We Are All Noah: Tom Regan’s Olive Branch to Religious Animal Ethics”
Belstra Milling Farm Managers Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI (November 2009)
“Animal Welfare and Contemporary Animal Advocacy”
Calvin College Quest Program (Invited Address to the Class of 2013) (September 2009)
“The Opportunity of a Lifetime: Christian Liberal Arts as Liturgy for Living”
Social Justice Committee, Sherman Street Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids,
MI (March 2009)
“Eating as an Act of Justice: Food Systems and Global Hunger”
Focus the Nation “Teach-In” at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (January 2008)
“Food and the Future: Industrial Animal Agriculture and Global Warming”
Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning Conference on “Reimagining Educational
Excellence,” Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (October 2007)
“Peaceable Pedagogy: Teaching Compassion for Animals as Creation Care”
Center For Applied Christian Ethics Annual Conference on “Environment, Economic, and
Equity,” Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL (February 2007)
1. Public Lecture: “Animal Rights and Christian Responsibility”
2. Keynote Address: “Compassionate Eating as Care of Creation”
Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture Annual Conference (December 2006)
“Eating After Anthropocentrism: The Moral and Spiritual Prospects of Vegetarianism”
(with Terence Cuneo and Stephen Webb)
“Reflections on Veganism as a Spiritual Exercise”
International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (June 2006)
“Neoplatonism at the Margin of Fundamental Ontology: Inklings of Ascent “Beyond
Being” in Heidegger’s “On the Essence of Ground” (presented in absentia)
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Annual Meeting, Loyola University,
Chicago, IL (October 2002)
“Thinking Faith as Praxis: Responsibility, Edification, and Discipline in ‘Continental’
Reflections on Religion”
Congress on Continental Philosophy of Religion, St. Martin’s College, Lancaster, England (July
“Calculating the Incalculable: Derrida’s “Religion” of Radical Responsibility and the
Task of Articulating a “Continental” Philosophy of Religion”
International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Vanderbilt University, TN (May 1999)
“Similar Spaces: Plotinus and Derrida on Matter and Khora”
Courses Taught
Calvin University (as Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor):
Phil 153: Fundamental Questions in Philosophy
Phil 153-S: Fundamental Questions in Philosophy (Sustainability)
Phil 223: Peaceable Kingdom: Transforming Our Relationships with Animals
Phil 233: Philosophical Transformation
Phil 252: History of Modern Western Philosophy
Phil 340: Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Phil 390: Heidegger’s Being and Time; Heidegger After Fundamental Ontology
Phil 396: Historical and Contemporary Prospects for Philosophy as a Way of Life
Phil W10: Peaceable Kingdom: Transforming our Relationships with Animals (Interim)
Power, and Sexual Misconduct, Calvin College (Spring 2012-Fall 2013)
Co-leader (with Chris Smit and Steve McMullen) of Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship
Working Group on “Eating as an Act of Justice” (Academic Year 2011-2012)
Area Expert in Animal Welfare, Rights, and Protection, Philanthropedia (Summer 2011-present)
Participant, Philosophical Reflections on Liturgy, Calvin Seminars in Christian Scholarship,
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (Summer 2009)
Board of Directors, Farm Kind, New York (Spring 2007-Spring 2011)
Co-Founder and Convener, Wake Up Weekend Annual Conference (January 2006-June 2014)
Faculty Advisor, Calvin College Philosophy Symposium (Fall 2003-Spring 2009, 2012-present)
Faculty Advisor, Students for Compassionate Living (Spring 2005-Spring 2018)
Member, Student Life Committee, Calvin College (Fall 2005-Spring 2008)