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Which of the following is subset of Machine Learning C

A Numpy B Pandas
C Deep Learning D Sklearn
002. What kind of learning algorithm for Future stock prices or currency exchange rates? B
A Recognizing anomalies B Prediction
C Generating patterns D Recognizing patterns
003. What is Machine Learning? D
A The selective acquisition of B The selective acquisition of
knowledge through the use of manual knowledge through the use of
programs computer programs
C The autonomous acquisition of D The autonomous acquisition of
knowledge through the use of manual knowledge through the use of
programs computer programs
004. Artificial Intelligence is about_____ B
A Playing a game on Computer B Making a machine Intelligent
C Programming on Machine with your D Putting your intelligence in Machine
Own Intelligence
005. Who is known as the -Father of AI"? C
A Fisher Ada B Alan Turing
C John McCarthy D Allen Newell
006. Identify the model which is trained with data in only a single batch C
A Online learning B Offline learning
C Batch learning D Group learning
007. Identify the type of learning in which labeled training data is used A
A Supervised learning B Unsupervised learning
C Reinforcement learning D Semi unsupervised learning
008. Identify the kind of learning algorithm for facial identities for facial expressions B
A Predictions B Recognition patterns
C Recognizing anomalies D Generating patterns
009. Fraud detection are application of B
A Unsupervised learning: clustering B Supervised learning: classification
C Reinforcement Learning D Unsupervised learning: Regression
010. Among the following options identify the one which is false regarding regression D
A It is used for the prediction B It is used for the interpretation
C It relates inputs to outputs D It discovers casual relationships
011. What is unsupervised learning? C
A Number of groups may be known B Features of the groups explicitly
C Neither features nor number of D It has labeled data
groups known
012. The father of machine learning is _____________ A
A Geoffrey Everest Hinton B Geoffrey Hill
C Geoffrey Chaucer D Geoffrey Ritchie
013. What is the term known as on which the machine learning algorithms build a model B
based on sample data?
A Data training B Training data
C Transfer data D Testing data
014. Machine learning is a subset of which of the following A
A Artificial intelligence B Deep learning
C Data learning D Online learning
015. In __________ learning, the training data is unlabeled B
A Supervised B Unsupervised
C Reinforcement D Semi supervised
016. Which of the following is not an unsupervised learning algorithm D
A k-Means B Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
C Apriori D Classification
017. What is the most common issue when using Machine Learning? A
A Poor Data Quality B Lack of skilled resources
C Inadequate Infrastructure D Cost of Software
018. What is another name for an input attribute? D
A Predictive variable B Estimated variable
C Dependent variable D Independent variable
019. What is the output of training process in machine learning? C
A Null B Accuracy
C Machine learning model D Machine learning algorithm
020. In supervised learning _________ B
A Classed are not predefined B Classes are predefined
C Classes are not required D Classification is not done
021. Which of the following are categorical features? C
A Height of a person B Price of petroleum
C Mother tongue of person D Amount of rainfall in a day
022. Which of the following is not a method to handle missing or corrupted data in a D
A Drop missing rows or columns B Assign a unique category to missing
C Replace missing values with D Change the feature name
023. In statistics ______ is the entire set of items from which you draw data for a statistical A
A Population B Sampling
C Simpling D Dataset
024. The_____error is an error from erroneous assumptions in the learningalgorithm A
A Bias B Variance
C Accuracy D Precision
025. _____________ processes the uncategorized data and divides them into different A
A Clustering algorithm B Regression algorithm
C Classification algorithm D Reinforcement algorithm
026. Machine learning gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly A
programmed said by _______
A Arthur Samuel B Tom Mitchell
C Alan Turing D Mc. Karthi
027. Branch of Engineering student is a _____________ type feature C
A Continuous B Ordinal
C Nominal D String
028. In which of the following type of learning the teacher returns reward and punishment to B
the learner?
A Active learning B Reinforcement learning
C Supervised learning D Unsupervised learning
029. Which of the following is unsupervised task? A
A Grouping images of footwear and B Learning to play chess
caps separately for a given set of
C Predicting if an edible item is sweet or D Prediction of house pricing
spicy based on the information of the
ingredients and their quantities
030. In ______ learning, you train the system incrementally by feeding it data instances A
sequentially, either individually or by small groups.
A Online B Offline
C Batch D Single
031. ________ occurs when data is unable to establish an accurate relationship between A
input and output variables
A Under fitting B Over fitting
C Best fitting D General fitting
032. Which of the following is not a category in unsupervised learning D
A Clustering B Visualization and dimensionality
C Association rule learning D Regression
033. What is the application of machine learning methods to a large database called? C
A Big data computing B Internet of things
C Data mining D Artificial intelligence
034. Which of the following statement is true about prediction problems? D
A The output attribute must be numeric. B The output attribute must be
C The resultant model is designed to D The resultant model is designed to
determine future outcomes classify current behavior
035. The frequency distribution of individual data points in the original dataset is called A
A Data distribution B Data plotting
C Sampling D Visualizing
036. Which of the following does not include different learning methods? B
A Analogy B Introduction
C Memorization D Deduction
037. The_______is an error from sensitivity to small fluctuations in the training set B
A Bias B Variance
038. Under fitting can be tackled by using ______ D
A Analyzing the data with the utmost B Use data augmentation technique
level of perfection
C Remove outliers in the training set D Maximize the training time
039. A sample is defined as a smaller and more manageable representation of a larger B
A Population B Sampling
C Simpling D Dataset
040. _______________ is used for visualization of data distribution A
A Histogram B Barplot
C Scatterplot D Heatmap
041. Which of the factors affect the performance of the learner system does not include? A
A Good data structures B Representation scheme used
C Training scenario D Type of feedback
042. Which of the following is incorrect D
A High model complexity tends to have B High model complexity tends to have
a low bias a high variance
C High bias may cause to underfitting D Low variance may cause to overfitting
043. In ________ learning there are normally no parameters to tune, the system is normally A
hard-coded with priors in the form of fixed weights
A Instance-based B Model-based
C Online D Batch
044. Overfitting can be tackled by using ______ D
A Enhance the complexity of the model B Add more features to the data
C Reduce regular parameters D Select a model with lesser features
045. Which of the following is a supervised learning problem? i) Predicting the outcome of a D
cricket match as a win or loss based on historical data ii) Recommending a movie to an
existing user on a website like IMDB based on the search history iii) Predicting the
gender of a person iv) Predicting the classes of articles
046. Which of the followings are classification tasks? i) Find the gender of a person by C
analyzing his writing style ii) Predicting the price of a house based on the floor area,
the number of roomsiii) Predict whether there will be abnormally heavy rainfall next
year iv) Predict the number of copies of a book that will be sold this month
047. What is Machine Learning? i) Artificial Intelligence ii) Deep Learning iii) Data Statistics C
A Only i B Only ii
C i and ii D i and iii
048. Regression algorithms are used topredict the ______________ values A
A Continuous B Discrete
C Categorical D Continuous and categorical
049. Which supervised learning technique can process both numeric and categorical input B
A Bayes classifier B Linear regression
C Logistic regression D Support vector classifier
050. Logistic regression is a ________________ technique B
A Regression B Classification
C Clustering D Bagging
051. Missing data items are ........................ with Bayes classifier C
A Ignored B Treated as equal compares
C Treated as unequal compares. D Replaced with a default value.
052. Which of the following is not a supervised learning? B
A Naive Bayesian B PCA
C Linear Regression D Decision Tree
053. SVM chooses the extreme points/vectors that help in creating the hyperplane. These B
extreme cases are called
A support machine B support vectors
C support points D support line
054. Which of the following is not a valid SVM type? C
A Linear SVM B Non-linear SVM
C Multiple SVM D Kernel SVM
055. Data used to optimize the parameter settings of a supervised learner model is called C
A Test B Training
C Validation D Verification
056. Regression trees are often used to model which data? A
A Linear B Nonlinear
C Categorical D Ordinal
057. What is called the average squared difference between classifier predicted output and B
actual output?
A Mean relative error B Mean squared error
C Mean absolute error D Root mean squared error
058. ____________ defines how far the line is shifted during each step, based on the C
information from the previous training step
A Training rate B Testing rate
C Learning rate D Predicting rate
059. ____________ is an extreme value that greatly differs from the other values B
A Missing values B Outliers
C Non scaled values D Dummy values
060. Random forest is a well-known machine learning algorithm that uses.. A
A Supervised learning B Unsupervised learning
C Hybrid learning D Semi-supervised learning
061. Which of the following is not a type of nave bayes model? D
A Gaussian B Multinomial
C Bernoulli D Polynomial
062. A regression model in which more than one independent variable is used to predict the B
dependent variable is called .
A A simple linear regression B A multiple regression
C An independent model D A dependent model
063. _____ is used to minimize the MSE by minimizing the cost function value in linear A
A Gradient descent B Euclidian
C Bernoulli D Elbow method
064. Explained variation/total variation is a formula for D
C R Score D R2 Score
065. The distance between the actual value and predicted values is called _____ C
A Outliers B Anomalies
C Residuals D Bias
066. _____________ in regression analysis occurs when two or more independent D
variables are closely related to each other
A Under-fitting B Over-fitting
C Appropriate-fitting D Multicollinearity
067. High variance is cause to _____________ D
A Under-fitting B Over-fitting
C Appropriate-fitting D Multicollinearity
068. _____ is a metric to measure the impurity in a given attribute, used in decision tree B
A pruning B Entropy
C Mean D Standard deviation
069. Which of the following algorithm works based on ensemble learning? D
A Linear regression B SVM
C KNN D Random forest
070. While implementing a Decision tree, the main issue arises that how to select the best A
attribute for the root node and for sub-nodes. So, to solve such problems there is a
technique which is called as ASM, stands for ____________
A Attribute selection measure B Automatic selection measure
C Attribute separation measure D Automatic separation measure
071. In order to build a tree in decision tree algorithm, we use the CART algorithm, which A
stands for ____________
A Classification and Regression Tree B Continuous and Regression Tree
algorithm algorithm
C Classification and Rooted Tree D Continuous and Rooted Tree
algorithm algorithm
072. ______________ is the process of removing the unwanted branches from the tree. B
A Shrinking B Pruning
C Dropping D Truncate
073. The _______ matrix is a matrix used to determine the performance of the classification A
models for a given set of test data
A Confusion B Creative
C Correlation D Regression
074. Model has given prediction No, and the real or actual value was also No. then it is B
termed as __________
A True positive B True negative
C False positive D False negative
075. Which shape of graph we can find in logistic algorithm? B
076. Which of the following algorithm gives the probabilistic values which lie between 0 and D
C Linear Regression D Logistic Regression
077. In logistic regression which is used as a cost function? D
C MAE D Sigmoid function
078. The Bayes rule can be used in ................ D
A Solving queries B Increasing complexity
C Decreasing complexity D Answering probabilistic query
079. Choose a disadvantage of decision trees among the following. C
A Decision trees are robust to outliers B Factor analysis
C Decision trees are prone to be overfit D Decision trees are prone to be
080. Among the following identify the one in which dimensionality reduction reduces. D
A Performance B Entropy
C Stochastics D Collinearity
081. Which of the following machine learning algorithm is based upon the idea of bagging? B
A Decision tree B Random forest
C Classification D Regression
082. Which of the following in not an example of Nave Bayes Algorithm D
A Spam filtration, B Sentimental analysis
C Classifying articles. D Customer segmentation
083. ____________ algorithm stores all available data and classifies a new data point A
based on its similarity to the existing data.
A Nave bayes B KNN
C Decision tree D SVM
084. In SVM we need to find out the best decision boundary that helps to classify the data B
points. This best boundary is known
A Hyperbola B Hyperplane
C Gausian boundary D Elbow boundary
085. KNN algorithm is also called . A
A lazy learner algorithm B Easy learner algorithm
C Crazy learner algorithm D Middle level algorithm
086. In Decision Tree, Decision Nodes are represented by ____________ B
A Disks B Squares
C Circles D Triangles
087. Which of the following machine learning algorithms has both training and test phases? B
A k-Nearest Neighbor B Linear regression
C Case-based reasoning D All machine learning algorithms
088. Given a kNN classifier, which one of the following statements is true? B
A The more examples are used for B The more attributes we use to
classifying an example, the higher describe the examples the more
accuracy we obtain difficult is to obtain high accuracy
C The costliest part of this method is to D We can use KNN for classification
learn the model only
089. What is the way to ensemble multiple classifications or regression? D
A Bagging B Blending
C Boosting D Stacking
090. What strategies can help reduce overfitting in decision trees? i) Enforce a maximum D
depth for the tree ii) Enforce a minimum number of samples in leaf nodes iii) Pruning
iv) Make sure each leaf node is one pure class
A i and ii B ii and iii
C iii and iv D i, ii and iii
091. Logistic regression is a ........... regression technique that is used to model data having C
a ............ outcome.
A Linear, binary B Linear, numeric
C Nonlinear, binary D Nonlinear, numeric
092. Accuracy is one of the important parameters to determine the accuracy of the A
classification problems. The formula used to find it is
093. The ______ is a graph displaying a classifier &#39s performance for all possible B
thresholds. The graph is plotted between the true positive rate (on the Y-axis) and the
false Positive rate (on the x-axis).
C Counting plot D Scatter plot
094. Entropy(S)-[(WeightedAvg)*Entropy (eachfeature), is a formula used in decision tree A
algorithm to find out ...
A Information gain B Gini index
C Depth of the tree D Height of the tree
095. Mathematically, we can represent a linear regression as y= a0+a1x+ . Hear indicates D
A Dependent Variable B Independent Variable
C intercept of the line D random error

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