Unit-2-Learning-Plan Math 9
Unit-2-Learning-Plan Math 9
Unit-2-Learning-Plan Math 9
Consider this (essential) question: How are rational algebraic equations used to
model real-life situations?
Let the class explore rational algebraic equations using the KWL organizer
through a small group discussion. Allow each group a couple of minutes to present
their output. Then, consolidate the results. Take note of the results. Use these as a
guide to determine the points of emphasis in teaching unit.
Process Questions:
1. How did you recognize equations that involve rational expressions?
2. How did you come up with the check process?
Instruction: Fill-out the self-assessment form below as you progress with your
scaffold activity. Please be honest enough to assess your skills as seen in the leftmost
column. Just put a check on the box that corresponds to your self- assessment.
Topic: Rational Algebraic Equations.
Process Questions:
1. Assume uniformity in the performance of work. What part of the work is done
in 1 hour if:
a) Cheche works alone?
b) Bureche works alone?
c) Cheche and Bureche will work together?
2. What part of the work is done in 2 hours if:
a) Cheche works alone?
b) Bureche works alone?
c) Cheche and Bureche will work together?
3. What part of the work is done in n hours if:
a) Cheche works alone?
b) Bureche works alone?
c) Cheche and Bureche will work together?
n n
4. Interpret the rational algebraic expression + in relation to the given problem.
3 4
n n
5. Ask the class to work in pain in solving the equation + =1
3 4
LC4: Use equations
involving rational Activity 4:
equations including Solve the following problems in pair.
those in real-life 1. Two pipes fill a swimming pool in 9 hours. If the larger pipe fills the pool three
situations. times faster than the smaller pipe, how long will it take the smaller pipe to fill
the pool alone?
Learning Targets: 2. A tank can be filled in 30 minutes with two identical faucets open. If one faucet
I can use equations runs twice as fast as the second faucet, how long will it take faucet to fill the
involving rational tank alone?
equations including
those in real-life Process Questions:
situations. 1. What is being asked in the problem?
2. How did you come up with the proper technique to be used in solving the
Guided Generalization
Instructions: Read, analyze and solve the following:
C-E-R Questions:
1. How did you solve the problem?
2. Which method did you apply?
3. Why did you use such?
Values Integration:
The concept of rational algebraic expressions is used in various situations
involving water flow. Integrate values to learn during emergency situations like
flooding or drought.
“We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge so
many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.”
PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to
STANDARD: independently use their learning to deal with daily-life situations or problems that
The learner is able to can be solved using the concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities, and functions
investigate thoroughly with ease and confidence.
relationships in PERFORMANCE TASK- One Product
various situations;
formulate real-life One of the tasks of Human Resource Management (HRM) team is to
problems involving determine the number of personnel in performing a specific work in the shortest
quadratic equations, period of time. You are the head of HRM department and you task is to assign the
inequalities, and most efficient and effective group of workers to specific tasks. You need to produce
functions; and solve a “workers’ assignment scheme” which to your judgment will provide efficient and
them using a variety of effective group of workers at the least cost on the part of the company. Then, you
strategies. will make an oral presentation of your proposed scheme including the salary scheme
and all the computations involved in the formulation of the scheme to other
department heads who belong to the management team and convince them to adopt
your proposal. Remember that the proposed “workers’ assignment scheme” must be
LC8: Create a appropriate and practical; beneficial to both workers and the employer; and equations
“worker’s and computations used are based to the concepts learned on rational algebraic
assignment scheme”. expressions/equations.
1. Goal. Your task is to assign the most efficient and effective group of workers
to specific tasks.
Learning Targets:
I can assign the most 2. Role. You are the head of HRM department.
efficient and effective
group of workers to 3. Audience. Department heads who belong to the management team.
specific tasks. 4. Situation. You need to produce a “workers’ assignment scheme” which to
your judgment will provide efficient and effective group of workers at the
least cost on the part of the company.
Analytic Rubric:
4 3 2 1
In this portion, your task is to make a written explanation and justification regarding
the situation or difficulty you’ve encountered while doing the performance task.
1. How did you find the given performance task?
2. How did the task help you understand the real-world situation?
Description: Fill-in the learned, affirmed, challenged cards given below to evaluate
what you`ve learned about quadratic equations.
What new realizations What new connections What questions do you still
and learning do you have you made? Which have? Which areas seem
have about the topic? of your old ideas have difficult for you? Which do
been affirmed/ you want to explore?
1. confirmed?
2. 1.
3. 1. 2.
2. 3.