Dynasty 350, 700-Maxstar 350, 700 Owner Manual 2015
Dynasty 350, 700-Maxstar 350, 700 Owner Manual 2015
Dynasty 350, 700-Maxstar 350, 700 Owner Manual 2015
TIG (GTAW) Welding
MILLER Electric Mfg. Co., 1635 Spencer Street, Appleton, WI 54914 U.S.A. declares that the
product(s) identified in this declaration conform to the essential requirements and provisions of
the stated Council Directive(s) and Standard(s).
Product/Apparatus Identification:
Council Directives:
• 2014/35/EU Low Voltage
• 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility
• 2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment
• IEC 60974-1: 2012 Arc Welding Equipment – Part 1: Welding Power Sources
• IEC 60974-3: 2007 Arc Welding Equipment – Part 3: Arc Striking and Stabilizing Devices
• IEC 60974-10: 2007 Arc Welding Equipment – Part 10: Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements
_____________________________________ ___________________________________________
David A. Werba Date of Declaration
Protect yourself and others from injury — read, follow, and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.
Welding or cutting equipment produces fumes or gases This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to
which contain chemicals known to the State of California to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other
cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California reproductive harm. Wash hands after use.
Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.)
Pour écarter les risques de blessure pour vous−même et pour autrui — lire, appliquer et ranger en lieu sûr ces consignes relatives
aux précautions de sécurité et au mode opératoire.
DANGER! − Indique une situation dangereuse qui si on . Indique des instructions spécifiques.
l’évite pas peut donner la mort ou des blessures graves.
Les dangers possibles sont montrés par les symboles
joints ou sont expliqués dans le texte.
Indique une situation dangereuse qui si on l’évite pas
peut donner la mort ou des blessures graves. Les dan-
gers possibles sont montrés par les symboles joints ou Ce groupe de symboles veut dire Avertissement! Attention! DANGER
sont expliqués dans le texte. DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE, PIECES EN MOUVEMENT, et PIECES
CHAUDES. Consulter les symboles et les instructions ci-dessous y
NOTE − Indique des déclarations pas en relation avec des blessures
afférant pour les actions nécessaires afin d’éviter le danger.
D À l’intérieur, ventiler la zone et/ou utiliser une ventilation forcée au D Surveiller tout déclenchement d’incendie et tenir un extincteur à
niveau de l’arc pour l’évacuation des fumées et des gaz de proximité.
soudage. Pour déterminer la bonne ventilation, il est recommandé D Le soudage effectué sur un plafond, plancher, paroi ou séparation
de procéder à un prélèvement pour la composition et la quantité peut déclencher un incendie de l’autre côté.
de fumées et de gaz auxquels est exposé le personnel.
D Ne pas effectuer le soudage sur des conteneurs fermés tels que
D Si la ventilation est médiocre, porter un respirateur anti-vapeurs des réservoirs, tambours, ou conduites, à moins qu’ils n’aient été
approuvé. préparés correctement conformément à AWS F4.1 et AWS A6.0
D Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les instruc- (voir les Normes de Sécurité).
tions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements, les D Ne soudez pas si l’air ambiant est chargé de particules, gaz, ou va-
nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidissement, les peurs inflammables (vapeur d’essence, par exemple).
dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux.
D Brancher le câble de masse sur la pièce le plus près possible de la
D Travailler dans un espace fermé seulement s’il est bien ventilé ou zone de soudage pour éviter le transport du courant sur une
en portant un respirateur à alimentation d’air. Demander toujours à longue distance par des chemins inconnus éventuels en provo-
un surveillant dûment formé de se tenir à proximité. Des fumées et quant des risques d’électrocution, d’étincelles et d’incendie.
des gaz de soudage peuvent déplacer l’air et abaisser le niveau
d’oxygène provoquant des blessures ou des accidents mortels. D Ne pas utiliser le poste de soudage pour dégeler des conduites ge-
S’assurer que l’air de respiration ne présente aucun danger. lées.
D Ne pas souder dans des endroits situés à proximité d’opérations D En cas de non utilisation, enlever la baguette d’électrode du porte-
de dégraissage, de nettoyage ou de pulvérisation. La chaleur et électrode ou couper le fil à la pointe de contact.
les rayons de l’arc peuvent réagir en présence de vapeurs et for- D Porter un équipement de protection pour le corps fait d’un matériau
mer des gaz hautement toxiques et irritants. résistant et ignifuge (cuir, coton robuste, laine). La protection du
D Ne pas souder des métaux munis d’un revêtement, tels que l’acier corps comporte des vêtements sans huile comme par ex. des
galvanisé, plaqué en plomb ou au cadmium à moins que le revête- gants de cuir, une chemise solide, des pantalons sans revers, des
ment n’ait été enlevé dans la zone de soudure, que l’endroit soit chaussures hautes et une casquette.
bien ventilé, et en portant un respirateur à alimentation d’air. Les D Avant de souder, retirer toute substance combustible de vos po-
revêtements et tous les métaux renfermant ces éléments peuvent ches telles qu’un allumeur au butane ou des allumettes.
dégager des fumées toxiques en cas de soudage.
D Une fois le travail achevé, assurez−vous qu’il ne reste aucune
LES RAYONS DE L’ARC peuvent trace d’étincelles incandescentes ni de flammes.
provoquer des brûlures dans les D Utiliser exclusivement des fusibles ou coupe−circuits appropriés.
yeux et sur la peau. Ne pas augmenter leur puissance; ne pas les ponter.
Le rayonnement de l’arc du procédé de soudage D Une fois le travail achevé, assurez−vous qu’il ne reste aucune
génère des rayons visibles et invisibles intenses trace d’étincelles incandescentes ni de flammes.
(ultraviolets et infrarouges) susceptibles de provoquer des brûlures D Utiliser exclusivement des fusibles ou coupe−circuits appropriés.
dans les yeux et sur la peau. Des étincelles sont projetées pendant le Ne pas augmenter leur puissance; ne pas les ponter.
D Suivre les recommandations dans OSHA 1910.252(a)(2)(iv) et
D Porter un casque de soudage approuvé muni de verres filtrants NFPA 51B pour les travaux à chaud et avoir de la surveillance et un
approprié pour protéger visage et yeux pour protéger votre visage extincteur à proximité.
et vos yeux pendant le soudage ou pour regarder (voir ANSI Z49.1 D Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les instruc-
et Z87.1 énuméré dans les normes de sécurité).
tions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements, les
D Porter des lunettes de sécurité avec écrans latéraux même sous nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidissement,
votre casque. les dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux.
OM-216 869 Page 6
SALETES peuvent provoquer des si elles sont endommagées.
blessures dans les yeux. Les bouteilles de gaz comprimé contiennent du gaz
sous haute pression. Si une bouteille est
D Le soudage, l’écaillement, le passage de la endommagée, elle peut exploser. Du fait que les
pièce à la brosse en fil de fer, et le meulage gé- bouteilles de gaz font normalement partie du
nèrent des étincelles et des particules procédé de soudage, les manipuler avec
métalliques volantes. Pendant la période de précaution.
refroidissement des soudures, elles risquent D Protéger les bouteilles de gaz comprimé d’une chaleur excessi-
de projeter du laitier. ve, des chocs mécaniques, des dommages physiques, du lai-
D Porter des lunettes de sécurité avec écrans latéraux ou un écran tier, des flammes ouvertes, des étincelles et des arcs.
facial. D Placer les bouteilles debout en les fixant dans un support sta-
tionnaire ou dans un porte-bouteilles pour les empêcher de tom-
ber ou de se renverser.
LES ACCUMULATIONS DE GAZ D Tenir les bouteilles éloignées des circuits de soudage ou autres
risquent de provoquer des blessures circuits électriques.
ou même la mort. D Ne jamais placer une torche de soudage sur une bouteille à gaz.
D Fermer l’alimentation du gaz comprimé en cas D Une électrode de soudage ne doit jamais entrer en contact avec
de non utilisation. une bouteille.
D Veiller toujours à bien aérer les espaces confi- D Ne jamais souder une bouteille pressurisée − risque d’explosion.
nés ou se servir d’un respirateur d’adduction
d’air homologué. D Utiliser seulement des bouteilles de gaz comprimé, régulateurs,
tuyaux et raccords convenables pour cette application
Les CHAMPS ÉLECTROMAGNÉTIQUES spécifique; les maintenir ainsi que les éléments associés en bon
(CEM) peuvent affecter les implants mé-
D Tourner le dos à la sortie de vanne lors de l’ouverture de la vanne
dicaux. de la bouteille. Ne pas se tenir devant ou derrière le régulateur
lors de l’ouverture de la vanne.
D Les porteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques et
autres implants médicaux doivent rester à D Le couvercle du détendeur doit toujours être en place, sauf lors-
distance. que la bouteille est utilisée ou qu’elle est reliée pour usage ulté-
D Les porteurs d’implants médicaux doivent consulter leur
D Utiliser les équipements corrects, les bonnes procédures et suf-
médecin et le fabricant du dispositif avant de s’approcher de la
fisamment de personnes pour soulever et déplacer les bouteil-
zone où se déroule du soudage à l’arc, du soudage par points, du les.
gougeage, de la découpe plasma ou une opération de chauffage
par induction. D Lire et suivre les instructions sur les bouteilles de gaz comprimé,
l’équipement connexe et le dépliant P-1 de la CGA (Compressed
Gas Association) mentionné dans les principales normes de sé-
LE BRUIT peut endommager l’ouïe. curité.
Les équipements de soudage et de coupage produisent des Ce produit contient des produits chimiques, notamment du
fumées et des gaz qui contiennent des produits chimiques plomb, dont l’État de Californie reconnaît qu’ils provoquent
dont l’État de Californie reconnaît qu’ils provoquent des mal- des cancers, des malformations congénitales ou d’autres
formations congénitales et, dans certains cas, des cancers. problèmes de procréation. Se laver les mains après
(Code de santé et de sécurité de Californie, chapitre 25249.5 utilisation.
et suivants)
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Safe1 2012−05
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Safe2 2012−05
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Safe3 2012−05
Safe5 2012−05
Safe6 2012−05
Safe8 2012−05
Safe10 2012−05
Safe12 2012−05
Welding sparks can cause fires. Have a fire extinguisher nearby, and have a watchperson ready to use it.
Safe14 2012−05
Safe16 2012−05
Safe20 2012−05
Safe30 2012−05
When power is applied failed parts can explode or cause other parts to explode.
Safe26 2012−05
Always wear long sleeves and button your collar when servicing unit.
Safe28 2012−05
Safe29 2012−05
Safe31 2012−05
= < 60° Always lift and support unit using both handles. Keep angle of lifting
device less than 60 degrees.
Use a proper cart to move unit.
Safe44 2012−05
Safe40 2012−05
Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear protection and button shirt
collar. Use welding helmet with correct shade of filter. Wear complete
body protection.
Safe38 2012−05
I2 Rated Welding
Current Final Slope
Shielded Metal
Arc Welding Direct Current Pulse Percent
(SMAW) On Time
Input Conventional
3 Phase Static
U2 Load Voltage
AC Waveshape
U1 Primary Voltage
Output IP Degree Of
Protection EP Amperage
Protector I1max Rated Maximum
Supply Current Pulse Frequency
Remote I1eff Effective Supply
Current Work
On Remote 2T Hold
Off Gas/DIG Control Amperage
Positive Percent
f AC Frequency
Water (Coolant)
Hz Hertz Input
Circulating Unit
Gas Input Arc Force (DIG) With Coolant
4-1. Serial Number And Rating Label Location
The serial number and rating information for the power source is located on the front of the machine. Use the rating labels to determine input power
requirements and/or rated output. For future reference, write serial number in space provided on back cover of this manual.
4-2. Specifications
A. Dynasty 350 Models
. Do not use information in unit specifications table to determine electrical service requirements. See Sections 5-14A and 5-15A or B for information
on connecting input power.
Amper- Open- Rated Peak Amperes Input at Rated Load Output 50/60 Hz
age Circuit Striking
Rated Welding Range Voltage Voltage (Up) 208 V 230 V 380 V 400 V 460 V 575 V KVA KW
Power Output DC (Uo)
250 A @ 30 Volts, 29 26 16 15 13 10 10.3 9.9
100% Duty Cycle *(.06)
Three 75∇ 15 KV**
Phase 300 A @ 32 Volts, 10−15♦ 36 32 19 18 16 13 12.7 12.1
60% Duty Cycle *(.06)
Amper- Rated Peak
Open- Amperes Input at Rated Load Output 50/60 Hz
age Striking
Rated Welding Range Voltage 208 V 230 V 380 V 400 V 460 V 575 V KVA KW
Input Voltage
Power Output DC (Uo)
250 A @ 30 Volts, 27 24 15 14 12 9 9.7 9.3
100% Duty Cycle *(.06)
Three 75∇ 15 KV**
Phase 300 A @ 32 Volts, 10−15♦ 33 30 18 17 15 12 12 11.5
60% Duty Cycle *(.06)
Amper- Rated Peak
Open- Amperes Input at Rated Load Output 50/60 Hz
age Striking
Rated Welding Range voltage 208 V 230 V 380 V 400 V 460 V 575 V KVA KW
Input Voltage
Power Output DC (Uo)
500 A @ 40 Volts, 75 68 41 39 34 27 27 26
100% Duty Cycle *(.08)
Three 75∇
5−700 15 KV **
Phase 600 A @ 44 Volts, 10−15♦ 98 88 53 51 43 33 35 34
60% Duty Cycle *(.08)
360 A @ 34 Volts, 82 74 −− −− 37 30 17 16
Amper- Open- Rated Peak Amperes Input at Rated Load Output 50/60 Hz
age Circuit Striking
Input Rated Welding Range Voltage Voltage (Up) 208 V 230 V 380 V 400 V 460 V 575 V KVA KW
Power Output DC (Uo)
500 A @ 40 Volts, 67 60 36 35 30 24 24 23
100% Duty Cycle *(.08)
Three 75∇
5−700 15 KV**
Phase 600 A @ 44 Volts, 10−15♦ 89 80 49 46 40 31 32 31
60% Duty Cycle *(.08)
360 A @ 34 Volts, 77 70 −− −− 35 28 16 15
. This unit is equipped with Auto-Linet. Auto-Line is an internal inverter power source circuit that automatically links the power source to any
primary input voltage from 190 to 625 volts, single-or-three-phase, 50 or 60 hertz. Also adjusts for voltage spikes within the entire range.
803 914-A
135.5 lb (61.5 kg) 198 lb (89.8 kg)
B 23-1/8 in. (587 mm)
C 41-3/4 in. (1060 mm)
804 642-C
! This equipment shall not be used by the general public as the EMF limits for the general public might be exceeded during welding.
This equipment is built in accordance with EN 60974−1 and is intended to be used only in an occupational environment (where the general public
access is prohibited or regulated in such a way as to be similar to occupational use) by an expert or an instructed person.
Wire feeders and ancillary equipment (such as torches, liquid cooling systems and arc striking and stabilizing devices) as part of the welding
circuit may not be a major contributor to the EMF. See the Owner’s Manuals for all components of the welding circuit for additional EMF exposure
S At a distance of 1 meter the EMF exposure values were less than 20% of the permissible values.
The weld cable occupational exposure assessment was performed at the center of a radius of a curved weld cable under worst-case conditions.
The following special conditions apply to the operation of this equipment:
S Use mechanized welding operations when welding with AC or pulsed DC processes and power source settings are above 350 A.
ce-emf 2 2010-10
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There can be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to con-
ducted as well as radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC61000-3-11 and IEC 61000−3−12 and can be connected to public low-voltage systems provided that the public
low-voltage system impedance Zmax at the point of common coupling is less than 38.63mW (or the short−circuit power Ssc is greater than
4.1MVA). It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if neces-
sary, that the system impedance complies with the impedance restrictions.
ce-emc 1 2014-07
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There can be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to con-
ducted as well as radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC61000-3-11 and IEC 61000−3−12 and can be connected to public low-voltage systems provided that the public
low-voltage system impedance Zmax at the point of common coupling is less than 119.38mW (or the short−circuit power Ssc is greater than
1.3MVA). It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if neces-
sary, that the system impedance complies with the impedance restrictions.
ce-emc 1 2014-07
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There can be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to con-
ducted as well as radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC61000-3-11 and IEC 61000−3−12 and can be connected to public low-voltage systems provided that the public
low-voltage system impedance Zmax at the point of common coupling is less than 17.03mW (or the short−circuit power Ssc is greater than
9.4MVA). It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if neces-
sary, that the system impedance complies with the impedance restrictions.
ce-emc 1 2014-07
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There can be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to con-
ducted as well as radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC61000-3-11 and IEC 61000−3−12 and can be connected to public low-voltage systems provided that the public
low-voltage system impedance Zmax at the point of common coupling is less than 49.09mW (or the short−circuit power Ssc is greater than
3.3MVA). It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator if neces-
sary, that the system impedance complies with the impedance restrictions.
ce-emc 1 2014-07
700 3 Phase
Output Amperes
700 1 Phase
350 3 Phase
350 1 Phase
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
%Duty Cycle
0 A or V
Minutes Reduce Duty Cycle
40 Stick Max
DIG Min 70 TIG Min
60 Stick Max
20 Stick Min DIG Max
AC Volts
50 Stick Min
215 138-A 40
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 30 TIG Max
DC Amperes
Maxstar 350 DC 10
215 139-A
80 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
70 Stick Max
DIG Max AC Amperes
Stick Min DIG Max
Dynasty 700 AC
20 100
10 224 527-A
0 80
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 70
Stick Max
AC Volts
Dynasty 700 DC 50 TIG Min
40 TIG Max
80 30 Stick Min
70 20
60 10
DC Volts
50 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
40 AC Amperes
30 Stick Max 213 344-A
20 Stick Min DIG Max Maxstar 700 DC
10 TIG Min
TIG Max 213 342-A 70
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 60
DC Amperes
DC Volts
Stick Min DIG Max Stick Max
0 TIG Max
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
DC Amperes 215 126-A
! Do not move or operate unit
where it could tip.
18 in.
(460 mm)
Weld Cable Size** and Total Cable (Copper) Length in Weld Circuit Not Exceeding
150 ft 200 ft
100 ft (30 m) or Less****
(45 m) (60 m)
10 − 60% Duty Cycle 60 − 100% Duty Cycle 10 − 100% Duty Cycle
Welding Amperes***
AWG (mm2) AWG (mm2) AWG (mm2)
100 4 (20) 4 (20) 4 (20) 3 (30)
* This chart is a general guideline and may not suit all applications. If cable overheats, use next size larger cable.
**Weld cable size (AWG) is based on either a 4 volts or less drop or a current density of at least 300 circular mils per ampere.
( ) = mm2 for metric use
*** Select weld cable size for pulsing application at peak amperage value.
****For distances longer than 100 ft (30 m) and up to 200 ft (60 m), use direct current (DC) output only. For distances longer than those shown
in this guide, call a factory applications rep. at 920-735-4505 (Miller) or 1-800-332-3281 (Hobart).
Ref. S-0007-L 2015−02 (TIG)
803 900-B
3 2 1
8 7 6 5 4
14 13 12 11 10 9
20 19 18 17 16 15
25 24 23 22 21
28 27 26
Pin Pin Information For 28-Pin Receptacle RC28
1 Input Start/Stop = Maintained connection to pin 8 starts the weld cycle. Opening connection stops weld cycle. For moment-
ary closure operation, set unit to 2T, A momentary closure greater than 100 ms, but less than 3/4 of a second starts and
stops weld output.
3 Input Gas Control = This input is used to control the gas flow outside the settings of the preflow and/or postflow set on the
machine. Connection to pin 8 turns on gas.
4 Output Valid Arc Indication = Paired with Pin 9. This output is used to signal external fixtures that the machine has detected a
valid arc. Pin is closed to pin 9 when the output is on and there is less than 65 load volts. Electrical specifications:
Open collector transistor maximum values 27volts DC peak @ 75mA. (See Section 5-7 for typical application).
5 Output Scaled Actual Welding Voltage = +1 volt DC per 10 volts of output w/reference to pin 11.
6 Output Scaled Actual Welding Amperage = +1 volt DC per 100 amperes of output w/reference to pin 11.
8 Output Reference PIN = This pin is the signal reference for pins 1,2,3,10,15,16
9 Output Valid Arc Indication Reference = Paired with Pin 4. Connect to user’s external voltage supply common. (See Section
5-7 for typical application).
10 Input Memory Select = Used to select between memory numbers. Used in conjunction with pin 15 and 16. (See Sections
4-14 and 5-14. )
11 Output Amperage Control Reference = for pins 5,6,7,17 and 18. (Pin D of 14 pin)
12 Output Welders Chassis = Earth ground. Connected only if common potentials are needed between user equipment and the
13 Output Arc Length Control Lockout = Paired with Pin 14. Used to send signal to an automatic voltage control to ignore the
voltage during certain situations. Pin is closed to pin 14 when weld cycle is in Initial Amperage, Initial Slope, Final
Slope, Final Amperage, and Pulsed Background time. Electrical specifications: Open collector transistor maximum val-
ues 27 volts DC peak @ 75mA. (See Section 5-7 for typical application)
14 Output Arc Length Control Lockout Reference = Paired with Pin 13. Connect to user’s external voltage supply common
(See Section 4-17 for typical application).
15 Input Memory Select = Used to select between memory numbers. Used in conjunction with pin 10 and 16.(See Sections 4-15
and 5-14.)
16 Input Memory Select = Used to select between memory numbers. Used in conjunction with pin 10 and 15.(See Sections
4-15 and 5-14.)
17 Input Amperage Control = 0 to +10 volts DC with respect to pin 11. The 10 volts represents the amperage value set on ma-
chines meter. (Pin E of 14 pin)
Continued on next page
3 2 1
8 7 6 5 4
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28 27 26
Pin Pin Information For 28-Pin Receptacle RC28
1 Input Start/Stop = Maintained connection to pin 8 starts the weld cycle. Opening connection stops weld cycle. For moment-
ary closure operation, set unit to 2T. A momentary closure greater than 100 ms, but less than 3/4 of a second starts and
stops weld output.
2 Input Emergency Weld Stop = Used to remotely stop the weld outside the normal welding cycle (i.e. light curtains or external
E-Stop). Connection to pin 8 must be maintained at all times. If the connection is broken, output stops, Postflow begins,
and AUTO STOP will be displayed on the meters.
3 Input Gas Control = This input is used to control the gas flow outside the settings of the preflow and/or postflow set on the
machine. Connection to pin 8 turns on gas.
4 Output Valid Arc Indication = Paired with Pin 9. This output is used to signal external fixtures that the machine has detected a
valid arc. Pin is closed to pin 9 when the output is on and there is less than 65 load volts. Electrical specifications:
Open collector transistor maximum values 27 volts DC peak @ 75mA. (See Section 5-7 for typical application).
5 Output Scaled Actual Welding Voltage = +1 volt DC per 10 volts of output w/reference to pin 11.
6 Output Scaled Actual Welding Amperage = +1 volt DC per 100 amperes of output w/reference to pin 11.
8 Output Reference PIN= This pin is the signal reference for pins 1,2,3,10,15,16
9 Output Valid Arc Indication Reference = Paired with Pin 4. Connect to user’s external voltage supply common. (See Section
5-7 for typical application).
10 Input Memory Select = Used to select between memory numbers. Used in conjunction with pins 15 and 16. (See Sections
4-14 and 5-14. )
11 Output Amperage Control Reference = for pins 5,6,7,17 and 18. (Pin D of 14 pin)
12 Output Welders Chassis = Earth ground. Connected only if common potentials are needed between user equipment and the
13 Output Arc Length Control Lockout = Paired with Pin 14. Used to send signal to an automatic voltage control to ignore the
voltage during certain situations. Pin is closed to pin 14 when the weld cycle is in Initial Amperage, Initial Slope, Final
Slope, Final Amperage, and Pulsed Background time. Electrical specifications: Open collector transistor maximum val-
ues 27volts DC peak @ 75mA. (See Section 5-7 for typical application)
Continued on next page
OM-216 869 Page 25
. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
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28 27 26
Pin Pin Information For 28-Pin Receptacle RC28
1 Input Start/Stop = Maintained connection to pin 8 starts the weld cycle. Opening connection stops weld cycle. For momentary
closure operation, set unit to 2T. A momentary closure greater than 100 ms, but less than 3/4 of a second starts and
stops weld output.
2 Input Emergency Weld Stop = Used to remotely stop the weld outside the normal welding cycle (i.e. light curtains or extern-
al E-Stop). Connection to pin 8 must be maintained at all times. If the connection is broken, output stops, Postflow be-
gins, and AUTO STOP will be displayed on the meters.
3 Input Gas Control = This input is used to control the gas flow outside the settings of the preflow and/or postflow set on the
machine. Connection to pin 8 turns on gas.
4 Output Valid Arc Indication = Paired with Pin 9. This output is used to signal external fixtures that the machine has detected a
valid arc. Pin is closed to pin 9 when the output is on and there is less than 65 load volts. Electrical specifications:
Open collector transistor maximum values 27 volts DC peak @ 75mA. (See Section 5-7 for typical application).
5 Output Scaled Actual Welding Voltage = +1 volt DC per 10 volts of output w/reference to pin 11.
6 Output Scaled Actual Welding Amperage = +1 volt DC per 100 amperes of output w/reference to pin 11.
8 Output Reference PIN = This pin is the signal reference for pins 1,2,3,10,15,16
9 Output Valid Arc Indication Reference = Paired with Pin 4. Connect to user’s external voltage supply common. (See Section
5-7 for typical application).
Continued on next page
OM-216 869 Page 26
. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
25 Input User Controlled Automation Select = Connect to pin 8 to active this mode.
26 Input Isolated EP Amperage Command (Dynasty models only) = Paired with Pin 27. Sets EP(cleaning) output amperage
value. Value should be between .3 to 10 volts corresponding to the minimum to maximum of the machine.
27 Input Isolated EP Amperage Common (Dynasty models only) = Paired with Pin 26.
28 Input AC waveform Generation (Dynasty models only) - User controlled polarity(EN or EP), frequency (20-400 HZ) and
balance of an AC waveform. When this pin is not connected to pin 8 the weld output is EN. When this pin is connected to
pin 8 the weld output is EP. Alternating between connection and disconnection at different intervals creates the fre-
quency and balance of the waveform.
All other pins not used.
3 1 Function 10 16 15
8 4
Off 0 0 0
14 9
Memory 1 0 0 1
25 Memory 2 0 1 0
28 26 Memory 3 0 1 1
Memory 4 1 0 0
Memory 5 1 0 1
Memory 6 1 1 0
Memory 7 1 1 1
5-7. Typical Automation Application For Valid Arc Length Control Lockout And Final
Slope Indication
Pins 9, 14, 24
5-8. 115 Volts AC Cooler Receptacle, Supplementary Protector CB1, And Power Switch
1 AC Cooler Receptacle
Receptacle RC2 supplies 115 V 10
A of single-phase power.
803 901-A
Tools Needed:
11/16, 1-1/8 in.
803 901-A
1 4 Remote 14 Receptacle
If desired, connect remote con-
trol to Remote 14 receptacle
(see Section 5-4).
5 Gas In Connection
Connect gas hose from gas sup-
ply to gas in fitting (see Section
2 Tools Needed:
11/16 in. (21 mm for CE units)
803 915-B
804 753-C
Tools Needed:
803 916-C
803 916-C
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
CE-marked equipment shall only be used on a supply network that is a three-phase, four-wire system with an earthed neutral.
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 380 400 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 300 amps @ 32 volts 36 32 19 18 16 13
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 40 35 20 20 20 15
Normal Operating Fuses3 50 45 30 25 25 20
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 10 10 12 14 14 14
88 107 177 127 168 262
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(27) (33) (54) (39) (51) (80)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 10 10 12 14 14 14
Reference: 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)
1 If a circuit breaker is used in place of a fuse, choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to the recommended fuse.
2 “Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” . See UL 248.
3 “Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amps), and UL class “H” ( 65 amps and
4 Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table
310.15(B)(16). If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 225 amps @ 29 volts 47 43 21 16
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 50 50 25 20
Normal Operating Fuses3 70 60 30 25
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 8 8 12 14
88 108 172 174
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(27) (33) (52) (53)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 8 10 12 14
Reference: 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)
1 If a circuit breaker is used in place of a fuse, choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to the recommended fuse.
2 “Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” . See UL 248.
3 “Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amps), and UL class “H” ( 65 amps and
4 Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table
310.15(B)(16). If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable
OM-216 869 Page 32
. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
B. Maxstar 350 Models
. Actual input voltage should not be 10% less than minimum (5% for 380 volt CE models) and/or 10% more than maximum input voltages listed
in table. If actual input voltage is outside this range, output may not be be available.
NOTICE − INCORRECT INPUT POWER can damage this welding power source. Phase to ground voltage shall not exceed +10% of rated input
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
CE-marked equipment shall only be used on a supply network that is a three-phase, four-wire system with an earthed neutral.
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 380 400 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 300 amps @ 32 volts 33 30 18 17 15 12
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 40 35 20 20 15 15
Normal Operating Fuses3 50 45 25 25 20 20
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 10 10 14 14 14 14
93 113 121 134 177 276
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(28) (35) (37) (41) (54) (84)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 10 10 14 14 14 14
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 225 amps @ 29 volts 43 39 19 14
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 50 45 20 15
Normal Operating Fuses3 60 60 30 20
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 8 10 14 14
99 79 124 194
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(30) (24) (38) (59)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 10 10 14 14
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
CE-marked equipment shall only be used on a supply network that is a three-phase, four-wire system with an earthed neutral.
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 380 400 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 600 amps @ 44 volts 98 88 53 51 44 33
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 110 100 60 60 50 40
Normal Operating Fuses3 150 125 80 80 70 50
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 4 4 8 8 8 10
118 144 160 177 235 240
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(36) (44) (49) (54) (72) (73)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 6 6 8 8 8 10
Reference: 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)
1 If a circuit breaker is used in place of a fuse, choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to the recommended fuse.
2 “Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” . See UL 248.
3 “Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amps), and UL class “H” ( 65 amps and
4 Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table
310.15(B)(16). If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 450 amps @ 38 volts 119 105 50 38
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 125 125 60 50
Normal Operating Fuses3 175 150 80 60
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 3 4 8 8
107 107 178 279
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(33) (33) (54) (85)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 6 6 8 10
Reference: 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)
1 If a circuit breaker is used in place of a fuse, choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to the recommended fuse.
2 “Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” . See UL 248.
3 “Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amps), and UL class “H” ( 65 amps and
4 Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table
310.15(B)(16). If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable
OM-216 869 Page 34
. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
D. Maxstar 700 Models
. Actual input voltage should not be 10% less than minimum (5% for 380 volt CE models) and/or 10% more than maximum input voltages listed
in table. If actual input voltage is outside this range, output may not be be available.
NOTICE − INCORRECT INPUT POWER can damage this welding power source. Phase to ground voltage shall not exceed +10% of rated input volt-
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
CE-marked equipment shall only be used on a supply network that is a three-phase, four-wire system with an earthed neutral.
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 380 400 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 600 amps @ 44 volts 89 80 49 46 40 31
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 110 100 60 50 50 40
Normal Operating Fuses3 125 125 70 70 60 50
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 4 6 8 8 8 10
129 101 175 194 257 263
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(39) (31) (53) (59) (78) (80)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 6 6 8 8 10 10
Reference: 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)
1 If a circuit breaker is used in place of a fuse, choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to the recommended fuse.
2 “Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” . See UL 248.
3 “Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amps), and UL class “H” ( 65 amps and
4 Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table
310.15(B)(16). If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These recommenda-
tions are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
Input Voltage (V) 208 230 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output - 450 amps @ 38 volts 108 95 45 35
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 125 110 50 45
Normal Operating Fuses3 150 150 70 60
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG4 4 4 8 10
94 115 189 194
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters)
(29) (35) (58) (59)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG4 6 6 8 10
Reference: 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) (including article 630)
1 If a circuit breaker is used in place of a fuse, choose a circuit breaker with time-current curves comparable to the recommended fuse.
2 “Time-Delay” fuses are UL class “RK5” . See UL 248.
3 “Normal Operating” (general purpose - no intentional delay) fuses are UL class “K5” (up to and including 60 amps), and UL class “H” ( 65 amps and
4 Conductor data in this section specifies conductor size (excluding flexible cord or cable) between the panelboard and the equipment per NEC Table
310.15(B)(16). If a flexible cord or cable is used, minimum conductor size may increase. See NEC Table 400.5(A) for flexible cord and cable
OM-216 869 Page 35
. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
Tools Needed:
Tools Needed:
6-1. Controls
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rear Panel
. For all front panel switch pad controls: 4 Polarity Control (Dynasty Only) 10 AC Waveshape (Dynasty Only)
press switch pad to turn on light and en- See Section 6-5. See Section 6-12.
able normal function. 5 Process Controls 11 Amperage And Spot Time Control
. Green on nameplate indicates a TIG See Section 6-6. For Amperage Control see Section 6-3.
function, Gray indicates a normal Stick 6 Output Controls
For Spot Time Control see Section 7-7.
function. See Section 6-8.
12 Memory
1 Encoder Control 7 Pulser Controls
See Section 6-13.
2 Ammeter And Parameter Display See Section 6-9.
8 Sequencer Controls 13 Memory Display
See Section 6-4.
3 Voltmeter And Selected Parameter See Section 6-10. Displays active memory.
Display 9 Gas/DIG Controls 14 Power Switch
See Section 6-4. See Section 6-11. Use switch to turn unit On/Off.
6-4. Ammeter And Parameter Display And Voltmeter And Selected Parameter Display
1 Ammeter
2 1
Ammeter displays actual amperage
while welding. It also displays ad-
justable parameters for all functions
2 Volt Meter
Displays output or open circuit volt-
age. Also displays word abbrevia-
tions for selected parameters.
1 Output Control NOTE: If an On/Off type trigger is used, it Mini Logic control See Sections 7-4C,
must be a maintained switch. All Sequenc- D, E, or F)
Press switch pad until desired parameter er functions become active, and must be
LED is illuminated. set by the operator. ON
RMT STD (Remote Standard) RMT 2T HOLD Output will energize two seconds after be-
Application: Use Remote Trigger Hold ing selected.
Application: Use Remote Trigger (Stan- (2T) for long extended welds.
dard) with a foot pedal or finger amperage Application: Use Output On for Stick
If a foot or finger current control is con- (SMAW) welding, or for Lift-Arc without the
control (see Section 7-47-4A).
nected to the welding power source, only use of a remote control (see Section
. When a foot or finger remote current trigger input is functional (see Section
control is connected, initial amps, ini-
tial slope, final slope, and final amps . This switch function can be reconfi- 2 On LED
are controlled by the remote control. gured for 3T, 4T, 4T Momentary, or Blue On LED is lit whenever Output is on.
. Polarity And AC Waveshape Controls Are Available On Dynasty Models Only.
AC And
Memory Locations
TIG (HF or Lift)
DC And
For Dynasty Models, each memory location (1 thru 9) can store parameters
for both polarities (AC and DC), and each polarity can store parameters for
both process (TIG and Stick) for a total of 36 programs.
For Maxstar Models, each memory location (1 thru 9) can store parameters
for both process (TIG and Stick) for a total of 18 programs.
6-14. Factory Parameter Defaults And Range And Resolution For 350 Models
Parameter Default Range And Resolution
MEMORY 1 1−9
PROCESS TIG HF Impulse TIG HF Impulse / TIG Lift / Stick
**RMT 2T 2T RMT 2T can be reconfigured for: 2T / 3T / 4T / Mini Logic
/ 4T Momentary (see Section 7-4)
(DYNASTY ONLY) AC TIG 150 A 3 − 350 Amps
(DYNASTY ONLY) AC STICK 110 A 3− 350 Amps
DC TIG 150 A 3 − 350 Amps
DC STICK 110 A 3 − 350 Amps
*Spot Time 0T 0 − 999 Seconds
**Weld Time 0T 0 − 999 Seconds
PPS 100 Hz DC: 0.1 - 5000 PPS
AC: 0.1 − 500 PPS
Factory Parameter Defaults And Range And Resolution For 350 Models (Continued)
*TIG Start parameters for each program (1-9)
*Tungsten .094 GEN, .020, .040, .062, .094, .125, .156, .187
***Polarity (DYNASTY ONLY) EN EP / EN
***Amperage 60 A 3 − 200 Amps
***Time 1 ms 1 − 200 Milliseconds
***Start Slope Time 40 ms 0 − 250 Milliseconds
***Preset Amperage Minimum 5A 3 − 25 Amps
*Tungsten .094 GEN, .020, .040, .062, .094, .125, .156, .187
***Polarity EP EP / EN
***Amperage 130 A 3 − 200 Amps
***Time 20 ms 1 − 200 Milliseconds
***Start Slope Time 20 ms 0 − 250 Milliseconds
***Preset Amperage Minimum 5A 3 − 25 Amps
*TIG Start parameters for Advanced Automation
**Amperage 50 A 3 − 200 Amps
**Time 30 ms 10 − 200 Milliseconds
**Amperage 30 A 3 − 200 Amps
**Time 30 ms 10 − 200 Milliseconds
* Parameter adjusted using an Advanced Function configuration only (See Section 7).
** Parameter used with the automation option only.
*** Parameter adjust in GEN setting only (see Section 7-2).
6-15. Factory Parameter Defaults And Range And Resolution For 700 Models
Factory Parameter Defaults And Range And Resolution For 700 Models (Continued)
INITIAL A 20 A 5 − 700 Amps
**Initial Time 0 T 0.0 − 25.0 Seconds
INITIAL SLOPE t 0T 0.0 − 50.0 Seconds
FINAL SLOPE t 0T 0.0 − 50.0 Seconds
FINAL A 5A 5 − 700 Amps
**Final Time 0T 0.0 − 25.0 Seconds
PREFLOW 0.2 T 0.0 − 25.0 Seconds
POST FLOW Auto Auto 1 − 50.0 Seconds @ 1 Second Resolution
DIG 30% 0 − 100 Percent
*Waveform Soft Square Soft Square, Advanced Square, Sine, Triangle
EN Amps 500A 5 - 700 Amps
EP Amps 500A 5 - 700 Amps
BALANCE 75% 30 − 99 Percent
FREQUENCY 120 Hz 20 − 400 Hertz
*EN/EP Independent Same/Independent
*TIG Start parameters for each program (1-9)
*Tungsten .094 GEN, .040, .062, .094, .125, .156, .187, .250
***Polarity (DYNASTY ONLY) EN EP / EN
***Amperage 60 A 5 − 200 Amps
***Time 1 ms 1 − 200 Milliseconds
**Start Slope Time 40 ms 0 − 250 Milliseconds
***Preset Amperage Minimum 5A 5 − 25 Amps
*Tungsten .094 GEN, .040, .062, .094, .125, .156, .187, .250
***Polarity EP EP / EN
***Amperage 130 A 5 − 200 Amps
***Time 20 ms 1 − 200 Milliseconds
***Start Slope Time 20 ms 0 − 250 Milliseconds
***Preset Amperage Minimum 5 ms 5 − 25 Amps
*TIG Start parameters for Advanced Automation
**Amperage 50 A 5 − 200 Amps
**Time 30 ms 10 − 200 Milliseconds
**Amperage 30 A 5 − 200 Amps
Time 30 ms 10 − 200 Milliseconds
* Parameter adjusted using an Advanced Function configuration only (See Section 7).
** Parameter used with the automation option only
*** Parameter adjust in GEN setting only (see Section 7-2).
1 2 3
Rear Panel
2 Rear Panel
1234 Hour
Rear Panel
1 Amperage Switch Pad or Mini Logic • Stick Stuck Check Selection (See Sec-
2 Gas/Dig tion 7-9) − With Stick Stuck Check on and
• AC Waveshape Selection with Dynasty the welding electrode (rod) stuck, output
3 Encoder Control models only (see Section 7-5) − Allows is turned off in an attempt to save the rod
To access the advanced functions, press you to set a soft, sine, triangle, or ad- for reuse.
and hold the Amperage (A) switch pad and vanced AC waveshape for each memory
• Lockout Functions (see Section 7-10) −
then press the Gas/Dig switch pad. To location if desired.
Allows you to turn the lockout function on
scroll through the advanced functions,
press and release the Gas/Dig switch pad. • Independent Amplitude Selection with and off and adjust the lockout levels.
Use the Encoder control to change param- Dynasty models only (see Section 7-6) − • Meter Displays (see Section 7-11) − Al-
eters for each function. Allows you to set the amplitude of the AC lows you to set meters to display weld
waveshape equal for both the positive voltage and amperage, or blank meters
Advanced Functions: and negative half of the weld cycle, or while pulse welding. Also allows you to
• Programmable TIG Start Parameters have independent settings. select amperage preset of peak or aver-
(see Section 7-2 or 7-3) − Allows you to age amperage for DC TIG pulse.
• Spot Enable (see Section 7-7) − Allows
set tungsten size, amps, time, polarity, • DC Meter Calibration (See Section 7-12)
and preset amperage minimum to cus- you to turn the spot function on and be
− Allows voltage/amperage calibration of
tomize arc starts for different tungstens. available for all programs.
DC meter.
• Output Remote Hold And Trigger Func- • Stick OCV Selection (see Section 7-8) − To exit advanced functions, press and hold
tions (see Section 7-4) − For reconfigur- Allows you to select either low or normal the Amperage (A) switch pad and then
ing RMT 2T Hold for 3T, 4T Momentary, OCV (open circuit voltage). press the Gas/Dig switch pad.
Current (A) 3
Start Amperage
TUNG .094
Preset Amperage
Minimum 1
Start Time
Start Slope
1 Amperage Switch Pad (1/16 in.), .094 (3/32 in.), or .125 (1/8 in.), for AC and DC (to select polarity see Sec-
2 Encoder Control .156 (5/32 in.), .187 (3/16 in.), [.250 (1/4 in.) tion C).
700 Models only], (.094 is the default). If it is necessary or desired to manually set
3 Amps Meter When one of the listed tungsten sizes is se- the TIG starting parameters, turn the en-
Preset TIG Start Parameters lected, the following TIG starting paramet- coder until GEN is displayed on the amps
ers are preset: Amperage, Start Time, Start meter and Amperage (A) switch pad LED
Use Encoder control to select a tungsten Slope Time, and Preset Amperage Minim- turns on (see Section B).
size from the following: .020, .040, .062 um. There are a separate set of parameters
B. Selecting GEN
GEN Default AC TIG Start Parameter Relationships
Current (A)
Start Amperage
120 Amps
40 ms
Start Slope Time
1 Encoder Control a .094 tungsten are the default, and for AC 1 ms, Start Slope Time = 40 ms, Preset Min-
2 Amps Meter polarity they are: Start Polarity = EP, Start imum Amps = 5 A. These parameters can
Amperage = 120 A, Start Time = 20 ms, Start be manually changed by pressing the Am-
3 Amperage Switch Pad Slope Time = 10 ms, Preset Minimum Amps perage switch pad to step through each ad-
If [GEn] is selected and displayed on the = 5 A. For DC polarity they are: Start Polarity justable parameter. To change parameters,
amps meter, the TIG starting parameters for = EN, Start Amperage = 60 A, Start Time = see Sections C, D, E, F, and G.
Current (A)
1 Amperage Switch Pad lows: justed (see Section 6-14) by turning the En-
2 Encoder Control coder control.
Press Amperage switch pad until the cur-
3 Amps Meter rent Start Polarity, (SEL] [E−] or [SEL] [EP] To change Start Amperage, proceed to
To adjust TIG Start Polarity proceed as fol- is displayed on meters, and can be ad- Section D.
Current (A)
1 Amperage Switch Pad To adjust TIG Start Amperage proceed as amps meter, and can be adjusted (see Sec-
follows: tion 6-14) by turning the Encoder control.
2 Encoder Control
Press Amperage switch pad until the cur- To change Start Time, proceed to Section
3 Amps Meter rent Start Amperage is displayed on the D.
Current (A)
TIME 10m
Start Time
1 Amperage Switch Pad ceed as follows: turning the Encoder control (see Section
2 Encoder Control 6-14).
Press Amperage switch pad until the cur-
3 Amps Meter rent Start Time is displayed in milliseconds To change Start Slope Time, proceed to
To adjust Programmable Start Time pro- on the amps meter, and can be adjusted by Section F.
SSLP 20m
1 Amperage Switch Pad lows: Section 6-14) by turning the Encoder con-
2 Encoder Control trol.
Press Amperage switch pad until the Start
3 Amps Meter Slope Time is displayed in milliseconds on To change Preset Amperage Minimum,
To adjust Start Slope Time proceed as fol- the amps meter, and can be adjusted (see proceed to Section G.
1 Amperage Switch Pad Press Amperage switch pad until the Pre-
set Minimum Amperage is displayed on the
. Whatever amperage is selected as the
2 Encoder Control preset amperage minimum, is the min-
amps meter, and can be adjusted (see Sec-
3 Amps Meter imum amperage that the machine will
tion 6-14) by turning the Encoder control. provide in either AC or DC.
To adjust Preset Amperage Minimum pro- The preset amperage minimum can be in-
ceed as follows: dependently set for AC and DC.
7-3. Programmable TIG Start Parameters For Models With Advanced Automation
A. OFF/ON (Start Amperage And Time) For Models W/Advanced Automation Capabilities
Current (A)
Start Amperage
Start Time
When pin 25 of the 28-pin automation con- mation receptacle where EP (electrode Preset Advanced Automation TIG Start
nection receptacle (see Section 5-5) is se- positive = AC, and EN (electrode negative) Parameters
lected, Advanced Automation TIG Start = DC Default values for Advanced Automation
Amperage and Start Time may be turned TIG Start Amperage and Start Time are as
1 Amperage Switch Pad
on. follows: AC Start Amperage = 50A, AC
2 Encoder Control Start Time = 30ms. DC Start Amperage =
Off is the default setting. Use Encoder con-
trol to select On. When On is selected, the 3 Amps Meter 30A and DC Start Time = 30ms.
Amperage switch pad LED turns on. If it is necessary or desired to change the
Advanced Automation TIG Start Amperage
Dynasty models have a separate set of
and Start Time values from the default val-
parameters for AC and DC.
ues, press the amperage switch pad to step
The AC and DC parameters are selected through each adjustable parameter (see
remotely through pin 28 of the 28-pin auto- Sections B and C).
B. Changing Programmable TIG Start Amperage For Models With Advanced Automation Capabilities
Current (A)
Start 1
1 Amperage Switch Pad follows: amps meter, and can be adjusted (see Sec-
2 Encoder Control tion 6-14) by turning the Encoder control.
Press Amperage switch pad until the cur-
3 Amps Meter rent start amperage is displayed. The cur- To change Start Time, proceed to Section
To adjust TIG Start Amperage proceed as rent Start Amperage is displayed on the C.
C. Changing Programmable Start Time For Models With Advanced Automation Capabilities
Current (A) 3
TIME 10m
1 Amperage Switch Pad To adjust Programmable Start Time pro- Start Time is displayed in milliseconds on
ceed as follows: the amps meter, and can be adjusted by
2 Encoder Control
Press Amperage switch pad until the cur- turning the Encoder control (see Section
3 Amps Meter rent start time is displayed. The current 6-14).
Current (A)
Main Amps
Initial Amps
Final Amps
Preflow Postflow
. When a foot or finger remote current control is connected to the welding power source, initial amps, initial slope, final slope and
final amps are controlled by the remote control.
Current (A)
Main Amps
Initial Amps
Final Amps
Preflow Postflow
P/R = Push trigger and release. . If torch trigger is held more than 3 seconds, operation reverts to RMT STD (Remote Standard) mode.
OM-216 869 Page 60
. A complete Parts List is available at www.MillerWelds.com
Current (A)
Remote Trigger Operation RMT 3T = 3T
* *
Preflow Initial Amps/Initial Slope Main Amps Final Slope/Final Amps Postflow
* Arc can be extinguished at any time by pressing and releasing both initial and final switches, or by lifting the torch and breaking the arc.
P/H = Push and hold trigger; R = Release trigger; P/R = Push trigger and release in less than 3/4 seconds
* * *
Preflow Postflow
P/H = Push and hold trigger; R = Release trigger; P/R = Push trigger and release in less than 3/4 seconds
* = Arc can be extinguished at final slope rate at any time by pushing and holding trigger
F. 4T Momentary Operation
Initial Amps
Final Amps
Preflow Postflow
P/R = Push and release trigger; * = Push and releasing during final slope will break the arc and go to postflow
. For first torch trigger push & release, if trigger is held more than 3 seconds, trigger cycle ends.
Voltage (V)
2 Sec
Current (A)
Touch Stick
Electrode Lift Stick
Current (A)
Main Amperage
*Final Slope
Initial Amperage Initial Slope
Touch Current
*Final Amperage
Touch Tungsten
Lift Tungsten Lift Tungsten
1 AC Soft
1 Memory Switch Pad triangle wave [TRI]. Application: Use advance squarewave
when a more focused arc is required for
Each memory location can select any of better directional control. Use soft square-
four wave shapes. . During normal operation, when EN or wave when a softer arc with a more fluid
2 Encoder EP Amperage is selected, the left pa- puddle is desired. Use sine wave to simu-
rameter screen will display the active late a conventional power source. Use
Use the Encoder, at any of the nine memory waveshape [ADVS],, [Soft], [Sine], or triangular waveshape when the effects of
locations, to select between advanced [TRI] and the independent amplitude peak amperage with reduced overall heat
squarewave [ADVS], soft squarewave selection (see Section 7-6) as a re- input is required to help control distortion on
[SOFT] (default), sine wave [Sine], or minder. thin materials.
1 Encoder Control played on the meters. Application: For most Stick applications
When Stick low OCV is selected, open-cir- use low open-circuit voltage. Use normal
2 Meter Display
cuit voltage is between 9 and 14 volts. open-circuit voltage for hard to start Stick
Turn Encoder to change between low OCV When Stick normal OCV is selected, open- electrodes, or if required for your particular
and normal OCV. Active selection is dis- circuit voltage is approximately 72 volts. application.
2 1
1 Encoder Control Application: For most Stick applications, when this function is desired.
2 Ammeter Parameters Select Display use Stick Stuck Check off. With Stick
Stuck Check on and the welding electrode
Turn Encoder to change between Stick (rod) stuck, output is turned off in an at- . Some applications may require Stick
Stuck Check [ON and [OFF] meter display. tempt to save the rod for reuse. This allows Stuck Check to be turned off. For ex-
When Stick Stuck Check is on and the the operator time to un-stick the rod, or dis- ample: Large stick electrodes operat-
welding electrode (rod) is stuck, output is connect the rod holder from the rod without ing at high amperages would require
turned off. arc occurring. Turn Stick Stuck Check on Stick Stuck Check to be turned off.
See Section 6-1 for explanation of controls referred to in all of thru [999]. IMPORTANT: remember this code number, as you will
Section 7-10. need it to turn the lockout feature off.
There are four (1−4) different lockout levels. Each successive level Toggle Amperage (A) switch pad until lock is displayed. You may now
allows the operator more flexibility. select a lockout level.
. Before activating lockout levels, be sure that all procedures and There are four lockout levels available. Turn Encoder control to se-
parameters are established. Parameter adjustment is limited lect a lockout level (see Sections 7-10B for lockout level descrip-
while lockout levels are active. tions).
To turn On the lockout feature, proceed as follows: Once the desired three digits have been entered and a lockout level
selected, exit advanced functions mode (see Section 7-1).
1 Encoder Control
2 Amperage (A) Switch Pad To turn Off the lockout feature, proceed as follows:
Press Amperage (A) switch pad to toggle between the lock and code Use Encoder control to enter the same code number that was used
displays. Toggle switch pad until code is displayed. to turn on the lockout feature.
Turn Encoder control to select a lockout code number. The code Press the Amperage (A) switch pad. The amperage (right) meter dis-
number will appear on the amp meter. Select any number from [1] play will change to [OFF]. The lockout feature is now off.
L2 L2 L1 L3
Level 4
2 1
2 1
1 Encoder Control MachineMeter LoadBankMeter SetMCAL To calibrate the machine’s voltage meter to a
2 Ammeter Parameters Select Display Amps load bank’s voltage meter, add or subtract the
100 A 105 A +5 A difference between the voltage found on the
Amperage Calibration: 100 A 95 A −5 A machine’s voltage meter and the voltage me-
3 Amperage Switch Pad ter on the load bank. For example:
The amperage calibration range is ±10 amps. MachineMeter LoadBankMeter SetMCAL
4 Voltage Parameters Select Display
To calibrate the machine’s amperage meter to Volts
Voltage Calibration: 10.0 V 10.5 V +0.5 V
a load bank’s amperage meter, add or subtract
the difference between the amperage found The voltage calibration range is ±9.9 volts. 10.0 V 9.5 V −0.5 V
on the machine’s amperage meter and the am- To calibrate voltage, press the Amperage
perage meter on the load bank. For example: switch pad and [MCAL] [OV] will be displayed.
~ Weld Terminals
nl Labels n l Gas Hoses
B. Cooler
n = Check Z = Change ~ = Clean Δ = Repair l = Replace
* To be done by Factory Authorized Service Agent
3 ~ Blow out heat exchanger fins.
Months ~Coolant Strainer, nCheck coolant level. Top off with
durning heavy service, distilled or deionized water if necessary.
clean more frequently.
nlHoses nl Labels
ZReplace coolant.
803 900-B
Tools Needed:
m30 Torx
804 649-A / Ref. 801 194
8-4. Troubleshooting
. All directions are in reference to the w Help 32 Display w Help 20 Display
front of the unit. All circuitry referred to Indicates a short or open in the thermal
is located inside the unit. protection circuitry located on the left side of Indicates that the power supplies for the pri-
the unit. Contact a Factory Authorized Ser- mary drives have failed. Contact a Factory
1 Typical Voltmeter/Ammeter vice Agent if this display is shown. Authorized Service Agent if this display is
Numbered Help Displays - 30 w Help 34 Display
Numbers are for 350 Models Or Indicates a short or open in the thermal
Top Engine Of 700 Models. 40 w Help 21 Display
protection circuitry located on the right side
Numbers Are For Bottom Engine of the unit. Contact a Factory Authorized
Of 700 Models. Indicates voltage or current feedback has
Service Agent if this display is shown. been detected with contactor off. Contact a
w Help 8 Display Factory Authorized Service Agent if this
w Help 30 Display
Indicates a malfunction in the secondary display is shown.
power circuit of the unit. There is a high
Indicates a short or open in the thermal w Help 22 Display
open circuit condition. Contact a Factory
protection circuitry located in the input in-
Authorized Service Agent if this display is
ductor of the unit. Contact a Factory Autho- Voltage and current not present with con-
rized Service Agent if this display is shown. tactor on. Contact a Factory Authorized
w Help 14 Display
Service Agent if this display is shown.
w Help 31 Display Unit not ready. Primary circuit bus not up to
full power.
w Help 24 Display
Indicates a malfunction in the primary pow- w Help 16 Display
er circuit caused by an overcurrent condi- Secondary clamp voltage too high. Indicates a power supply to the control and
tion in the primary IGBT switching circuit. Straighten out or shorten weld cables. If this interface board PC6 failure. Possible cause
Contact a Factory Authorized Service does not correct the problem, contact a is a short in Pin A or Pin B of the remote
Agent if this display is shown. Factory Authorized Service Agent. control.
B. Troubleshooting Table
Trouble Remedy
No weld output; unit completely Place line disconnect switch in On position (see Section 5-15).
Check and replace line fuse(s), if necessary, or reset circuit breaker (see Section 5-15).
No weld output; meter display On. If using remote control, be sure correct process is enabled to provide output control at Remote 14
receptacle (see Sections 6-1 and 5-4).
Unit overheated and [Over][Temp] is displayed. Allow unit to cool with fan On (see Section 4-5).
Erratic or improper weld output. Use proper size and type of weld cable (see Section 5-2).
No 115 volts AC output at cooler Reset circuit breaker CB1 (see Section 5-8).
Fan not operating. Fan only runs when Check for and remove anything blocking fan movement.
cooling is necessary.
Tungsten electrode oxidizing and not re- Shield weld zone from drafts.
maining bright after conclusion of weld.
Increase postflow time (see Section 6-11).
Figure 10-1. Circuit Diagram For Dynasty 350 Models 243 217-D
Weld Zone
11, 12
50 ft
(15 m)
9 14
13 2
4 5 6
Best Practices
Not Followed
Weld Zone 7
3 50 ft
(15 m)
50 ft
(15 m)
Ground all metal ob-
jects and all wiring in
welding zone using
#12 AWG wire.
workpiece if
required by
Building codes.
Best Practices Followed
Metal Building
1 High-Frequency Source (welding 5 Conduit Joint Bonding and Grounding Metal Building Requirements
power source with built-in HF or
Electrically join (bond) all conduit sections 9 Metal Building Panel Bonding
separate HF unit)
using copper straps or braided wire. Methods
Ground metal machine case (clean paint
Ground conduit every 50 ft (15 m). Bolt or weld building panels together, install
from around hole in case, and use case
screw), work output terminal, line discon- 6 Water Pipes and Fixtures copper straps or braided wire across
nect device, input supply, and worktable. seams, and ground frame.
2 Center Point of Welding Zone Ground water pipes every 50 ft (15 m).
10 Windows and Doorways
Midpoint between high-frequency source 7 External Power or Telephone Lines Cover all windows and doorways with
and welding torch. grounded copper screen of not more than
3 Welding Zone Locate high-frequency source at least 50 ft
(15 m) away from power and phone lines. 1/4 in (6.4 mm) mesh.
A circle 50 ft (15 m) from center point in all 11 Overhead Door Track
directions. 8 Grounding Rod
4 Weld Output Cables Ground the track.
Consult the National Electrical Code for
Keep cables short and close together. specifications.
Whenever possible and practical, use DC weld output instead of AC weld output.
12-1. Selecting Tungsten Electrode (Wear Clean Gloves To Prevent Contamination Of Tungsten )
. Not all tungsten electrode manufacturers use the same colors to identify tungsten type. Contact the tungsten electrode manufacturer or reference
the product packaging to identify the tungsten you are using.
♦Typical argon shielding gas flow rates are 11 to 35 CFH (cubic feet per hour).
Figures listed are a guide and are a composite of recommendations from American Welding Society (AWS) and electrode manufacturers.
State Zip
For Service
Contact the Delivering Carrier to: File a claim for loss or damage during
For assistance in filing or settling claims, contact
your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s
Transportation Department.
ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS − PRINTED IN USA © 2015 Miller Electric Mfg. Co. 2015−01