DB RPG Half-Orc 02
DB RPG Half-Orc 02
DB RPG Half-Orc 02
Half-orcs are quite common in Valerna, especially Size. Half-orcs are slightly taller and more
in the southern realm of Sabaar, where most of the muscular than humans. Your size is Medium.
population are obakkar orcs and there are several Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
human towns under their rule.
Darkvision. Your orcish blood gives you the
They are also present, though less common, in ability to see in dim light within 60 feet as if it was
the Gellanor League of the Frozen Wastes, which is bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light.
in fact ruled by Yrl Siegard, the half-orc scion of an You can’t see color in darkness, only shades of gray.
orc winter witch and a human knight.
Impressive. You gain proficiency in one
The customs and culture of half-orcs tend to Charisma skill of your choice.
depend on their orc parent (see the Orc section,
below), although some fully adapt to human life. Warrior Aptitude. You gain proficiency with
This means they are not innately brutal or savage, the battleaxe, greataxe, greatsword and longsword.
since all Valernian orc nations are wise, honorable Orcish Legacy. When you take a short rest and
and holistic. They remain fearsome warriors, consume food or drink, you may dedicate your
though, which reflects into their half-orc kin. meal according to your people’s orcish rituals.
Choose one skill from Athletics, History and
APPEARANCE Insight. You gain advantage on all ability checks
Half-orcs have hairy white, hairless pale or golden- using the chosen skill until your next short rest.
tan skin depending on their orc parent, with Orcish Endurance. Your mixed blood grants
some individuals having no body hair and others you enhanced endurance. You gain advantage on
displaying long black or reddish manes. saving throws against becoming Exhausted.
Their smallish tusks are no more than sharp Languages.You speak Common and two other
fangs or chin protrusions, which only become languages of your choice.
obvious when they snarl or smile. Both humans
and orcs tend to consider half-orcs especially
attractive, because of their toned, muscular builds
and their confident demeanor.
Half-orcs use the naming customs of their orc or
human parent, depending where and how they
were raised. See the corresponding sections for
human and orc names.
Many half-orcs show the cultural traits of the orc
tribe they belong to, but many others live among
humans, heedless of their legacy.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength,
Constitution and Charisma scores increase by 1
point each.
Age. Half-orcs age faster than humans, living up
to 70 years and considered adults by 14 years.
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