Cibwbc2013 Submission 445
Cibwbc2013 Submission 445
Cibwbc2013 Submission 445
David Mitchell1
This paper looks critically at where BIM implementation is on the pathway and sets out the
opportunities that arise when 5D (the linking of cost information to a 3D model) is
considered to be more than just a quantity take-off exercise. It proposes a methodology,
from a practitioner’s perspective, for applying 5D BIM to the design and construction of
projects with the goal of delivering better buildings with cost certainty. A fundamental of the
methodology is to use existing, proven technologies to overcome the problems that exist
when the onus is on the BIM author to code model objects in a fashion that estimators can
understand. The purpose and intention of this paper is simply to provide context and to start
the discussion on what 5D BIM is with a view to developing a mainstream methodology that
can be included within a BIM execution plan for a project.
To date, a lot of the focus on Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation has simply
been about design firms learning how parametric 3D modeling software works.
Design firms have been learning about the capabilities of their chosen BIM authoring tool,
gauging the benefits to the firm, achieving a level of confidence in an isolated way and
exploring collaborative work flows where information is exchanged in two directions.
Working against an even more collaborative approach is a belief that BIM can only add value
to large projects and when Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is the preferred delivery system.
Whilst integration is the long term outcome, industry is currently grappling with the issues
surrounding collaboration and is now starting to solve the stumbling blocks of liability,
ownership and protection of data and intellectual property. The development of BIM guides
and execution plans have made it possible to define expectations and clearly specify design
deliverables at the various design stages.
While these developments have been extremely encouraging in the area of 3D design very
little development has happened in the fields of 4D - linking time and scheduling data; and
Partner & 5D Quantity Surveyor; Mitchell Brandtman; 29 Woodstock Road Toowong Qld 4066
5D - linking cost data to the 3D model. For instance the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) BIM guide
simply refers to a “4D BIM - phasing plan” and the “discretionary additional use” of “5D -
Material take-offs and cost estimating”.
For BIM to be truly successful in providing better buildings then all of the D’s need to be
embraced. This paper will concentrate on 5D and what it can do, so that open discussion
can occur and as an industry we can shift to practicing 5D and shaping it as a standard
practice for the future.
Change and reform in the construction industry is long overdue, the catalysts for change are
here and these will be the accelerators that drive the BIM process to become the industry
norm rather than the exception.
The Global Financial Crisis and world events have made development and construction
uncertain. World thinking has changed our behaviours. For the first time in decades people
are saving, credit cards are being avoided and there is a growing sense of frugality.
When a consumer decides to spend, it seems that a “saved” dollar is more valuable than a
“borrowed” dollar and that a “saved” dollar won’t be wasted. Today’s consumers are
extremely well researched and won’t be rushed because there is no compelling reason to
buy. There is no fear that prices will rise because competition is rife, in fact delaying the
purchase may mean that the product gets cheaper.
So it makes sense to take the time, to be certain that the product is reasonably priced, is of
the highest quality and is supported with a strong level of service.
Previously this delay or slowness to purchase was seen as a lack of confidence in the future
– something that will pass but now there is a growing realisation that structural change is
occurring and that these conditions are here to stay. There is a new paradigm in play.
For the development and construction industry it is particularly difficult to meet this paradigm
because past experience tells us that construction is expensive and it is uncertain. Often a
customer does not really visualise what is being built until it is built and there is an
expectation that there will be delays and cost increases.
Successful building is about creating certainty - in design, buildability and cost. Wisdom,
intelligence and technology can create certainty by getting back to basics and making
grounded decisions based on facts.
At present projects can confidently be managed using a staged and independent process of
inputting data into independent models with the parties collaborating but not integrating to
use the software in a beneficial way. For example, architects can set their design, engineers
can create the structural framework and air-conditioning contractors can submit their
components all independent of each other using different authoring tools. Software, like
Navisworks and Solibri, are then used to bring each model together to deliver a coordinated
Andrew Gutteridge worked with the Australian Institute of Architects to champion the BIM
pathway to provide a logical learning curve for the industry to move from working in isolation
to collaboration. The culmination of their work was production of a diagram “Towards
Integration” which was later included within the CRC Construction Innovation publication -
National Guidelines for Digital Modelling.
Using this diagram as a reference and applying it to the Australian industry, it was found that
the mainstream uses 3D modeling in an isolated way (1B) and the cutting edge design
teams are acting in a collaborative way (2A one-way and 2B two-way collaboration). Rather
than spending time judging whether what is being done now is BIM or not BIM, it is far more
important to acknowledge that industry is practicing and improving and that this is just part of
the BIM pathway.
Industry design professionals are mostly engaged in the use of parametric modeling in one
form or another but sceptics have a lack of trust in the software’s intelligent design to fully
integrate the model for each element.
Construction professionals also perceive a lack of protection of the input of information and
data, if and when it is changed, by who and how it is tracked. What is important to remember
is that even at 2A and B the duties and working practices for two dimensional work remain
the same for three dimensional work.
At this point on the pathway it doesn’t matter how you relate to parties throughout design,
but rather that you do and that the obligations and design outcomes are clear.
Developing certainty in cost, design and buildability reduces risk and creates better projects
with sustainable profits. We know that 3D modeling and strong design coordination creates
certainty in what is being built and that the 5th Dimension, or 5D, is all about cost. While
there is considerable discussion and collaboration between different design partners often
5D is reduced to just the simple one liner of “Quantity Take Off” and attention is placed on
coding by the designer with an expectation that later the costing process will be made
1. The costs are not known until the model reaches LOD 300 or greater.
2. The design itself is not tested at an early stage for functional efficiency or benchmarked
against known elemental costs.
3. There is no integrated cost plan and the design team is not provided with real-time cost
feedback as the design progresses.
An alternative and better approach is for the cost planner to push accurate cost codes into
the model information and then to extract all of the information that is needed to complete a
thorough cost estimate via a 5D BIM authoring tool. Part of this approach includes making
allowances for work that has not yet or will not be modeled.
This approach means that all of the “missed opportunities” will be delivered and the result is
a better building because the available money can be targeted at the most important
features of the building design in a transparent way that builds trust amongst all project
The modern QS is taking the traditional QS role to the next level, utilising models to provide
detailed and accurate 5D estimates and living cost plans. This assistance is provided to
projects at any phase from concept design through to construction and completion.
The ability to complete a series of estimates for various designs at the early phase of a
project is paramount because this is when the dye is set, planning evolves and cost overruns
are avoided. If the scope of a project matches the budget at the outset then constant
redesign is avoided and the priority features of the project are included.
It is well established that early decisions have the highest level of influence on project
outcomes at the least cost. This is because redesign, construction delay and disruption,
change order and rework costs are avoided.
The technique is simple, basically an estimate is done, then its elemental costs are
benchmarked and the functional performance of the design is analysed and tested against
competing projects. The QS then provides feedback to the concept designers, a new
scheme is produced and the process is completed again.
Once the project design passes this budget test and proving up phase then the Cost Plan is
established for the project and this recipe becomes the basis for managing and monitoring
the fluctuating construction costs during design.
The traditional process is to complete the design to a particular stage i.e. schematic design,
developed design, etc.; then freeze further design until an estimate is completed and
permission is granted to proceed to the next design stage.
Today there are modern techniques for the 5D QS to use within the traditional frameworks to
set cost strategies and a 5D Cost Plan (or Living Cost Plan). These techniques can be
blended within the traditional design and construction phases as follows:
At the feasibility and concept design phase, a cost strategy is set that considers all aspects
of the project, the client’s brief, the designer’s vision and the site constraints. The strategy is
developed after first completing a concept estimate and then testing its elemental costs by
benchmarking and the design efficiency by analysing its functional performance.
The initial concept estimate is a fast and effective way to determine the cost of a project and
allow decisions to be made quickly and with certainty.
Working with the overall massing model (AIA LOD 100) in Sketchup, Revit or an IFC format,
the 5D QS prepares a concept estimate that is presented in an elemental format and sets
out each elemental unit rate and quantity. It is understood that not everything is modeled and
the 5D QS uses experience to ensure that the total project is included within the estimate.
This is done by supplementing the model information with 2D on screen measurement
where necessary.
This concept estimate becomes the basis for recompiling the estimate to consider alternative
designs during the proving phase of the concept design.
6.2 Elemental Cost Benchmarking
The 5D QS uses cost intelligence from past experience and actual project cost data to
critique, review and compare the elemental costs contained in the initial concept estimate to
other similar or competing projects. This exercise identifies inefficiencies and highlights
opportunities that will benefit the project bottom line. Cost benchmarking is done on an
elemental basis because this provides the most consistent results; examples of building
elements include substructure, columns, upper floors, staircases, roof, external walls, etc
and are fairly consistent around the globe. Some of the different elemental formats include
UniFormat II (USA), UniClass (UK) or ACMM (AUS).
By way of example a concept estimate containing a rate of $354.90 per m2 for columns and
upper floors would exceed the actual average costs of $279.09 per m2. If the design is made
more efficient a cost saving of 3.6% against the estimated total building rate of $2,078.57 per
m2 is achieved.
In Table 1, the example concept design for a planned apartment building contains 36
apartments with an average area of 168.9 m2. This exceeds the completed project average
of 101.9 m2. It is also apparent that much of the inefficiency is occurring within the common
spaces and car park areas which are not income producing. Correction of these
inefficiencies would improve the building cost performance by 20% without effecting the
saleable area and income.
Planned Actual
Project Completed
Concept Projects
Design (Average)
At detailed design, the goal of the 5D QS is to produce a schematic design estimate with
dynamic links to the model information that will form the foundation for the living cost plan
that is used for developed design and bidding. The living cost plan becomes the basis for
providing updated estimates every time the model information is changed that can be used
for forecast final cost, budget variances, value management, finance, funding and final
investment decisions or in negotiations with a contractor.
Working with the schematic design model (AIA LOD 200) in Revit or IFC format, the 5D QS
prepares a sketch design cost plan that is presented in an elemental format stating the
generic construction materials, finishes and services specifications.
The 5D QS maps the model and adds an elemental pricing code to the model information. It
is helpful if the author has included UniFormat II (USA), UniClass (UK) or ACMM (AUS)
codes in the model information but often it is much quicker and more accurate if the 5D QS
adds the preferred codes for the task.
Dynamic links are then created between the generic architectural and structural model
elements, the 5D QS elemental rate library and the selected project template that is
contained within the 5D BIM authoring tool such as CostX.
It is understood that not everything is modeled and the 5D QS ensures that all of the work is
estimated by supplementing with 2D on screen measurement where necessary. Trust and
transparency is supported by providing a fully functioning and executable CostX reader
version of the sketch design cost plan that is easily interrogated because of the dynamic
links between the models, elemental areas and rate library. This executable file becomes the
basis for the living cost plan which can be recompiled to consider alternative designs,
different construction methods, materials and generic engineering systems during
development of the schematic design and any time the model information is revised.
Working with the developed design model (AIA LOD 300) in Revit or IFC format, the 5D QS
prepares developed design cost plans that are presented on a sub-elemental and trade
basis, stating the specific construction materials, finishes and services specifications. The
final estimate states each sub-elemental unit rate and quantity.
At this stage an extra level of costing detail is added to the model information. This can be
done via an instance parameter and then the model is re-mapped where necessary to create
further dynamic links between the specific model assemblies (including architectural,
structural, civil and MEP), the detailed rate library and the selected project template that is
contained within the 5D BIM authoring tool. Again the model information is supplemented
with 2D on screen measurement and the executable file continues to be the living cost plan
This detailed information can factor into the different stages of the design and construction
process and helps to consider in detail the labour, materials, equipment, and subcontractor
costs for each building element.
7.3 Coding
In circulation today there are a number of different coding systems but there is not a
published industry code that is suitable for becoming a price code which will automatically
link a rate to a specific system or assembly. UniFormat II is one example and while it is close
to achieving this goal it has insufficient levels to specifically identify the material and fixing
condition. For these reasons the 5D QS uses its own specific code for the material and fixing
conditions which is pushed into a model as an instance parameter.
For design, bid, build procurement the rate library is removed from the executable file so that
what remains is a bill of quantities that is easily interrogated by contractors and
subcontractors because the dynamic links allow each quantity to be viewed in the model.
The file is also recompiled in a trade format so that the quantities reflect the scope for each
subcontract. Often the building information comprises individual models and the 5D QS uses
tools like Navisworks and Solibri to coordinate visually. MEP forms approximately 30% of the
total project cost so special care is needed during this phase to ensure that quantities for
mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, fire and transportation services are actively coordinated
with the building trades.
Working with the construction model (AIA LOD 300) in Revit or IFC format, at the
commencement of construction, the 5D QS attaches the contractor’s offered rates and
prices to the executable file. The contractors priced bill of quantities is presented on a trade
and zone basis and states the description for each item (including the specific construction
materials, finishes and services specifications), the quantity and the offered rate. In some
instances re-mapping of the model is necessary to create further dynamic links between the
model zones and specific assemblies.
The dynamic links mean that variations and change orders can be calculated reliably, easily
and quickly every time a change occurs in the model information. Progress payments are
also calculated from the executable file by isolating the completed zones by trade and
recompiling the quantities to produce a progress payment calculation that is transparent and
easily interrogated. During construction the model will evolve from LOD 300 to LOD 400 as
changes occur on site and shop drawings are developed. The 5D QS continually coordinates
the construction model with the contractors priced bill of quantities and provides cost
updates, budget performance and variances through each stage of construction.
Once validation and synchronization is completed between the as-built (AIA LOD 400 or
500) Model and the FM system, The 5D QS pushes the project as-built cost data into the
Model instance parameters. The as-built cost data packet usually comprises several different
pieces of information including the replacement cost at the base date, manufacturers
expected life for replacement, effective life for depreciation and estimated running cost for
operating budgets. Care is taken to omit construction costs that will not be incurred again
such as demolition of pre-existing buildings.
This as-built cost information is then ready to be integrated into the Facility Maintenance
System and FM database for use throughout the life cycle of the project.
The 5D QS has developed specialist technology skills which compliment traditional cost
planning techniques that set strategies from preliminary designs when plans evolve and cost
overruns are prevented. 5D BIM provides the ability generate savings and efficiencies and to
drive costs for buildings, infrastructure, heavy engineering or land development in the
direction that is wanted. When negotiating with contractors and subcontractors the ability to
visualise quantities creates trust and is relied upon.
5D BIM is here and finally there is traction to make 5D an integral part of the QS tool kit and
every project to create cost certainty. It is one thing to use the technology but on its own it
will not generate the certainty that customer’s desire.
This requires the wisdom and intelligence of a 5D QS and cost planner. So while it’s the way
of the future and a must for all projects going forward, it is critical to work with people who
know what they are doing and know how to leverage it to get the best results for the building
from initial concept through to procurement and on-going management of post construction.
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