Cape Caribbean Studies Ia Themes

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The Environment
(i) Pollution.
(ii) Sewage and Solid Waste Management.
(iii) Coming to terms with Natural and Human Disasters.
(iv) Housing and growing populations.
(v) Protection of Parks and the National Heritage.
(vi) Toxic Waste Disposal.
(vii) Renewable and non-renewable resources of the Caribbean.

The Mass Media

(i) Impact of selected media on cultural expressions and values.
(ii) Issues arising from the control of information by extra-regional media organisations.
(iii) Issues surrounding censorship and freedom of information.
(iv) Effects of media messages on the economies of Caribbean countries.
(v) The effects of new technologies on the growing influence of the mass media in the

Gender Issues in the Caribbean

(i) Changing male-female relationships in the Caribbean - causes and characteristic features.
(ii) Gender issues in education.
(iii) Gender relations in the workplace.
(iv) Gender issues in the mass media.
(v) Gender issues and the law.

The Productive Sector and Development

(i) Farming practices and land tenure.
(ii) Development of appropriate technologies.
(iii) Impact of new technologies.
(iv) Foreign dominance of the productive sectors.
(v) Tourism.
(vi) Agro-industries.
(i) Changing patterns of disease.
(ii) The impact of cultural habits and value systems.
(iii) Traditional/modern medicine.
(iv) Health care and the economy.
(v) Sexual and reproductive health - social, economic, ethical and legal issues.

Crime in the Caribbean

(i) Crime as a function of changing social structures and technologies.
(ii) Trade in illicit narcotics.
(iii) Impact of crime on the economy and on the political structure.
(iv) Effects of crime on the society.
(v) Impact on the physical well-being of individuals of the region.
(vi) International relations in the control of crime.

(i) Effect of identified policies on the development of sports.
(ii) Physical benefits.
(iii) Sports and the regional/national economy.
(iv) Impact of developing technologies on performance in sports.
(v) Changing patterns of interest and involvement.

The Work Place

(i) Patterns of unemployment; causes and effects of unemployment.
(ii) Impact of changing technologies.
(iii) Challenges of entrepreneurial activity in the Caribbean.
(iv) Changing role of labour unions.
(v) Industrial Law in the work place.
(vi) Providing education for the world of work.
The Languages of the Caribbean
(i) Historical and social factors shaping Caribbean Creoles.
(ii) Implications for maintaining European languages as the official languages of the region.
(iii) Roles and functions of Creole languages within Caribbean societies.
(iv) Oral traditions within the culture.

(a) Emergence and persistence of folk forms of worship.
(b) Religion and education in the region.
(c) Impact of modernisation on religion in the Caribbean.
(d) Religion and alternative forms of medicine.
(e) Religion and social change in the region.
(f) Impact of religion on family values.

Literary, Performing, Theatre and Visual Arts

(i) Factors affecting the evolution of identified art forms (for example, history, inter- culturation,
new technologies).
(ii) Existing and potential roles for the literary, performing, theatre and visual arts in the
development of countries within the Caribbean.
(iii) Ethical and legal issues (copyright, censorship).
(iv) Impact of globalisation.

(i) Education as a function of changing social structure.
(ii) The provision of education for citizens.
(iii) Effects of male underachievement.
(iv) Impact of education on society.
(v) Impact of emerging technologies in education.
(i) Social factors shaping music in the Caribbean.
(ii) Development and promotion of the Caribbean music industry.
(iii) Impact of dancehall music in society.
(iv) Types of music in Caribbean society: reggae, calypso, chutney, soca, zouk, steelpan.
(v) Impact of technology on the development of music in the region.

Caribbean Festivals
(i) Concepts of secular and religious festivals.
(ii) Community traditions and celebrations.
(iii) Carnivals; masquerade.
(iv) Caribbean Festival of Arts (CARIFESTA).
(v) Caribbean Diasporic Festivals.

Technology and Globalisation

(i) Types of technologies that drive globalisation.
(ii) Evaluation of policies that promote the use and development of global technologies in the
(iii) The extent to which global technologies impact on economic development in the
(iv) The positive and negative impacts of global technologies on Caribbean society.

Migration and Diaspora

(i) Concept of homeland: The idea of belonging, separation, ancestral home.
(ii) Dispersal, migration and human settlement.
(iii) Causes and consequences of migration: push vs. pull factors (voluntary and involuntary
migration, the lived experience in the diaspora), economics, family re-unification, religious
(iv) Defining a Caribbean Diaspora: The issue of double consciousness.
Length of the report
 The length of the report should be between 2000 and 2500 words, not including
bibliography, appropriate quotations, sources, charts, graphs, tables, pictures, references
and appendices.

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