Business Oxford Unit 1
Business Oxford Unit 1
Business Oxford Unit 1
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Dynamic business
• Businesses operate in a dynamic business world and so they have to
respond appropriately to the changes.
• Businesses need to be aware of what competitors are doing and try
to stay ahead of them.
• For example, a business will need to change its prices and make new
offers to consumers in response to a competitor bringing out new
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- Privately businesses / private sector : are businesses that are owned by individuals
or groups of owners rather than by the government.
Examples, Sole traders, partnerships and companies.
- Public businesses / public sector: are government owned businesses.
Sole traders:
Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to set up; doesn’t require special Unlimited liability which puts personal
paperwork possessions at risk
Can start with a small amount of start- Difficult to raise finance
up capital
Quick decision making as few people Cannot benefit from economies of scale
are involved in decision making
Personal attention can be given to Prices are often higher than larger
business affairs organizations
Special services can be offered to Ill health and holidays may affect the
customers running of the business
Close contact with customers so can Narrow range of skills as owned by only
quickly respond to needs of customers one person
Profits are not shared No colleagues to give advice so
mistakes may occur
Secrecy of business matters
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- is a business association between two to twenty owners of an enterprise.
- it involves creating a legal agreement between the partners.
Advantages Disadvantages
More capital is available than a sole Unlimited liability except for sleeping
trader partners (a person who invests in the
business but doesn’t take part in
decision making)
Larger scale than sole traders Disagreement between partners
Members of family can join Laws may restrict the number of
partners to twenty
Business affairs can be kept private No continuity of the business.
partnership needs to be re-formed if
one partner dies
Responsibilities of running the business Profits are shared
are shared – absence of one partner will
not cause problems.
Reduced workload for each partner as
responsibilities are shared
Better decisions than sole trader as they It is difficult to raise finance for
are shared between partners expansion
Losses are shared by partners Consulting all partners is time
Easy to set up. They only sign
partnership agreement which sets out
the rights and obligations of each
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Advantages Disadvantages
shareholders benefit from limited liability. This Complicated legal matters needed to register the
means that should the business gets into financial company and requirement to produce annual
difficulty, shareholders will lose the assets of the reports
business only and not their private possessions.
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No restrictions on trading of shares Original owners will lose control over their
business as they cannot keep majority of
shares to themselves
Divorce between ownership and control of the
The business has high status which encourages There is a risk that the company will be taken
suppliers to sell on credit to them. Banks are also over by a competing business
willing to lend them. Customers may also be
attracted to buy from large companies.
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• A franchise is a business based upon the use of the brand names, promotional
logos and trading methods of an existing successful business. The franchisee
buys the license to operate this business from the franchisor.
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Joint venture
• It is when two or more companies agree to start a new project together
sharing the capital, the risks, and the profits.
• It can take the form of an incorporated business or a partnership.
• It is commonly used when a business from one country wants to enter a new
country but prefers to do so with a local partner.
Non-profit organizations
- Non-profit organizations are organizations that have objectives other than making
profit for their owners. For example, Amnesty international which has the objective
to protect human rights worldwide.
- Money made by a non-for-profit organization is used to keep it running and to
meet its objectives.
- In many countries it is free of gov. taxes. Money could be earned from selling
goods and services and from donations.
- In non-profit organizations excess income overspending is called surplus and not
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- The protection of limited liability therefore makes it possible for companies across
the globe to raise large sums of money.
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• The gov. raises money from taxpayers to provide service to locations where it
is not economical to provide them. For example, provide water supplies to
remote areas where there is shortage of water.
• Government involvement in a particular industry can reduce wasteful
competition. For example, providing water supply saves wasteful duplication
of pipelines.
• Nationalization: when the government takes over a business that used to
operate in the private sector.
• Privatization: is selling a public corporation to shareholders.
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Business objectives:
1. Growth:
Growth is obtained if the customers are satisfied with the products or
services provided by the business. It is usually measured in terms of sales
value or output or increase number of employees. Example: increase sales by
20% by 2020
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Benefits of growth:
a. More secure jobs for employees
b. Increase salaries and status of managers
c. Open up new possibilities and help to spread the risk of the business by
moving into new products and new markets
d. Obtain a higher market share from growth of sales
e. Obtain economies of scale
2. Profit: It is the total income of a business (sales revenue) less total cost. All
private sector businesses aim for profits. Example: increase operating profits
by 5% per year for the next 5 years.
Benefits of profit:
a. Pay a return for the owners of the business for the capital invested and
the risk taken
b. Provide finance for further expansion of the business
c. Businesses should be profitable to stay competitive and to make
Consequences of raising prices to increase profits:
a. Some consumers will stop buying the product
b. New competitors may enter the market which will reduce the
profits in the long run for the original business
c. Paying too much taxes to the government
2. Market share:
The proportion of total market sales achieved by one business.
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
Market share % = × 100
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
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• Businesses will be able to avoid the risk of bad publicity and possible legal
action taken by pressure groups which could have affected the reputation,
sales, revenue and profits of a business.
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In any of these cases, the managers will feel threatened and would lower
prices in order to survive though the profit on each item sold will be reduced.
Other objectives of private sector businesses include:
- building a strong brand reputation
- winning customer loyalty
- coming up with exciting new ideas and innovations
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1.4 Stakeholders
1.4.1 stakeholders and their different objectives
A stakeholder: is any person or group with a direct interest in the performance and
activities of a business because they are affected by its activities and decisions.
Internal stakeholders: they are part-owners or they work within the business
External stakeholders: individuals or groups other than the owners and employees
who have direct interest in the performance of the business.
Internal Stakeholder groups and their objectives:
- Owners
a. Owners are sole traders, partners and / or shareholders. Without them
the business would not exist.
b. Interested to know if a business is profitable or not. Profit / dividend is
the reward for owners for risking their investment in the business.
c. Growth of the business and profits so that market value of shares is likely
to rise. Shareholders will gain from selling their shares for a higher price
than they paid for them.
- Managers
a. The company provides managers a living.
b. Growth of the business which will give them higher status and power.
c. higher salaries and bonuses
d. Secure jobs and promotions
- Workers / employees
a. The company provides managers a living.
b. receiving their payments regularly
c. having a contract of employment
d. job security and a chance of receiving higher pay
e. job satisfaction and motivation
f. profit sharing schemes
g. promotion
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know if the business has enough assets that can serve as collateral (security)
against any lending.
2. Suppliers
a. they want to feel valued by the company that they supply.
b. They want to know if the business has enough cash and will be able to pay
them on time for goods they have supplied to the business on credit.
c. the more successful a business is, the more successful its supplier will be as if
the business is expanding then will order more inventories. This will increase
the sales and potential profits of the business.
d. However, if the business buys greater quantities of inventories, then they
may ask for discounts which will reduce the profit margins of suppliers.
3. Customers
a. safe and reliable products
b. reasonable prices if the business expands and benefits from economies of
c. well-designed and good quality products
d. reliability of service and maintenance
e. better variety of goods
4. Government
a. Success of the business in order to pay taxes which will increase the
revenues paid to the government. Then the government can use this
money to spend on social services like education and healthcare.
b. Employ workers and thus reduce unemployment. The government pays
less unemployment benefits.
c. increase a country’s output
d. having all firms comply with laws
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6. Pressure groups
• Are organized groups with interests and points of view. For example, the
Greenpeace who see themselves as defending the environment.
7. Trade unions
• Represent the interests of groups of employees. For example, seeking secure
high wages, better working conditions.
8. Employers’ associations
• Are employer’s equivalent of trade unions; these associations represent the
interests of groups of employers.
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- Transport costs
o If the industry is ‘bulk increasing’ it is better to locate near to the
market to cut transport cost. Example, beverage production.
o If the industry is ‘bulk decreasing’ it is better to locate near to the
sources of raw materials to cut on transport cost. For example, copper
- Availability of labor
o if a business wants a large pool of cheap labor, they might set up in
areas with high unemployment.
o If a business wants skilled labor, they will set up where they are most
likely to find those skills. For example, western companies locate in
India where there are large numbers of highly educated people with
IT skills and where wage costs are relatively low.
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- Safety
o It is wise for some industries to locate their premises away from
heavily populated areas to avoid danger to the public. For example,
nuclear power stations & chemical companies.
- Utilities
o A business must consider a location where gas, electricity, water,
disposal of waste and drainage are available.
o Industries such as food preparation and paper production use large
quantities of water so they have to locate in an area where water is
- Communications
o Some businesses need to locate in areas where communication are
clear and reliable to facilitate their operations as they may require
strong core of IT communication systems.
o Cities with excellent wireless and broadband facilities are strong
attraction for new businesses.
- Regional factors
o Some businesses may consider locating in the same area where
similar businesses, suppliers and markets are available.
o The quality of local schools, housing and leisure facilities can also help
toe encourage high-quality staff to join and stay with the business.
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Revenue 0 16000
The factory can produce a maximum output of 2000 pairs of shoes per year
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External growth
- External growth involves the takeover of another business, or
merger with another business.
- Merger: is where two businesses combine to form a single
company. The existing shareholders of both businesses retain a
shared interest in the new business.
- Takeover: is where a business buys majority of shareholding or all
the shares in the business. It can take place by investing in new
products or selling more of existing products or opening new
branches of the business.
- An acquisition: occurs when one business gains control of part of
another business. A business may sell off one of tis divisions that
it no longer wishes to keep.
Benefits of external growth:
- Business buy new and exciting brands where sales are likely to be
- Acquire new inventions and new technologies
- Break into new markers in other countries
- It enables more rapid expansion and enables a business to gain
skills and knowledge that it may not possess internally.
- It is risky as the existing business may be joining with others that it
has little knowledge of.
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- Slow decision making : It will take a long time for the decision made by
managers to reach all groups of workers and would take longer time for
workers to respond and act upon managers’ decisions.
- Also managers will be too busy to have contact with customers of the firm
and they could become too removed from the products and markets the firm
operates in.