Mphil CV Fanny 1
Mphil CV Fanny 1
Mphil CV Fanny 1
Personal Information
Name: MA Man Ting, Fanny (馬敏婷)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 26th December, 1986
Address: Flat G, 5/F, Hoi Kwun Mansion, Riviera Garden, Tsuen Wan, New Territories,
Hong Kong.
Contact: (Home) 24062482 (Mobile) 61594787
Bachelor of Science in Biology (Human Biology), Minor in Translation (2005-2008)
Overall GPA (out of 4) Major GPA (out of 4)
Year 1 (sem. 1) 3.17 3.10
Year 1 (sem. 2) 3.00 2.80
Year 2 (sem. 1) 3.08 2.86
Year 2 (sem. 2) 3.02 2.73
Year 3 (sem. 1) 3.47 3.70
Cumulative 3.23 3.02
International Conferences:
1. K.K. Leung, M.T. Ma and P.S. Leung. Involvement of the Renin-Angiotensin System
in the Growth and Differentiation of Human Pancreatic Progenitor Cells. Gordon
Research Conferences – Angiotensin. 24-29 February, 2008. Ventura, CA, United
States. (accepted for poster).
Research Techniques
1. Cell Culture (Primary culture);
2. PCR;
3. Real-time PCR;
4. Western-blot;
6. Immunocytochemistry;
Native speaker of Cantonese and proficient in spoken and written English;
Proficient in general Putonghua;
Work Experience
Period Position and responsibilities
2005 – 2007 Research helper of the Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, CUHK
to assist in data collection and to questionnaire Primary school
students and Chinese restaurant cooks about their respiratory
health condition
2005 Education tutor in Riviera Garden Lutheran Children & Youth Centre
to handle P.4 – P.6 students on their studies
Academic Awards
Period Organization Awards
1998 - 2005 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Second in Science Class
Pik College (PLKLSP) (01-02)
Second in Form
(98-99) (00-01)
First in form in English Language
(00-01) (01-02) (02-03)
First in Chinese Language and Culture
First in form in Biology
Service awards
Period Organization Awards
1998 - 2005 Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Best Service award (Peer Counselor)
Pik College (PLKLSP) (00-01)(01-02)
Best Service award (Civil Education)
2002 Department of Education, Service award (Camp Leader)
English Language Camp
for Primary 4 Students
Extracurricular activities