*Corresponding author
The present investigation is concerned with the dynamic seismic response of subway station built in loess site
by a series of shaking table tests. Firstly, according to the Bockingham π theorem, the scale ratio is determined
and then the model system is designed. Then, based on the geological environment and seismological
background of Xi’an, the input ground motions and loading scheme are determined. On the basis of the test
data, the acceleration responses of model system, strain response characteristics of the structure, distribution
of dynamic soil pressure between loess and structure, the settlement of model ground and the seismic
damage mode of model system are analyzed systematically. The results show that the peak accelerations in
model soil increase gradually from the bottom to the top of the soil. The peak tensile strains measured at the
top and bottom of the center columns are larger than those obtained at the side walls, while the peak tensile
strains in the floor slab are the smallest. Moreover, the relationship between structure uplift and soil pressure
difference can be fitted by exponential function.
Shaking table test; Soil-structure interaction; Subway station; Loess area; Seismic response
Graphical Abstract
Received: March 29, 2020. In Revised Form: May 20, 2020. Accepted: May 20, 2020. Available online: June 12, 2020
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures. ISSN 1679-7825. Copyright © 2020. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 17(5), e282 1/17
Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the number of subway projects in loess area, such as Xi’an,
Lanzhou, Taiyuan et al (Quan et al., 2016), is increasing gradually. Thus, the seismic response and safety evaluation of
underground subway structures in loess areas has become a major concern (Quan et al., 2015). Generally, earthquake
disaster is more serious in loess area than in other types of soil condition due to the special characteristics of loess such
as columnar joint structure, macropores, weak cementation and the special sensitivity to water (Wang et al., 2010).
The seismic subsidence, compaction and collapsible deformation of loess are induced by dynamic action, static force and
soaking process respectively, and the magnitude of seismic subsidence has a close relation to the infliction sequence
between dynamic action and other processes. Therefore, the dynamic behavior of loess is more sensitive to earthquake
action. Accordingly, it is of great significance to investigate seismic response of underground subway structures built in
loess site by carrying out shaking table tests.
In the last few years, seismic response characteristics of underground structures have been deeply and extensively
studied by shaking and centrifuge table tests to check current design and analysis methods (Such as: Cilingir and
Madabhushi, 2011; Varghese and Madhavi Latha, 2014; Baziar et al., 2014; Dashti et al., 2016; Rabeti Moghadam and
Baziar, 2016; Farahi et al., 2018; Ritesh et al., 2019). Tamari and Towhata (2003) launched a series of shaking table tests
on a flexible rectangular cross-section structure in liquefiable ground. The results showed that the soil-structure
interaction of model system was significantly influenced by natural vibration period of ground and swelling
characteristics of backfill. Ma et al. (2017) conducted shaking table tests on subway station joint structure to investigate
the seismic response of the joint structure in soft soil. Jafarzadeh et al. (2010) carried out shaking table tests on buried
pipeline in liquefiable ground, and found that the internal force of buried pipeline was significantly affected by the peak
acceleration of input ground motion and soil conditions. Several researchers have conducted centrifuge shaking table
tests on one-story and three-span subway stations, circular tunnels and one-story and two-span subway stations
respectively, and the disaster mechanism of underground subway structures during earthquake was revealed by the
series model tests (Han, 2011; Ling et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013). Tsinidis et al. (2013) analyzed the seismic response of
square section tunnel in sandy soil by centrifuge shaking table model tests, which indicated the swaying movement
pattern of the tunnel in earthquake. In addition, some researches have been conducted to investigate the upward
movement of model structure buried in liquefiable sand soil by centrifuge shaking table tests (e.g., Koseki et al., 1997;
Sasaki et al., 1999; Adalier et al., 2003; Tobita et al., 2011; Chian and Madabhushi, 2012; Lanzano et al., 2012; Kang et al.,
2014). Chen et al. (2007, 2013, 2015) conducted a series of large-scale shaking table tests on underground subway
structures with various cross sections in liquefiable ground. Based on the substantial amount of data recorded during
tests including acceleration of model system, excess pore pressure, ground settlement, strains of the model structure
and dynamic soil pressure, the seismic response and failure characteristics of underground subway structures were
analyzed systematically. Liu et al. (2017, 2018) carried out series of shaking table tests to reveal the seismic response of
an active ground fissure and failure mechanism of subway tunnel crossing the fissure. Hamayoon et al. (2018) studied
the effect of partial ground improvement (PGI) as a seismic countermeasure for the existing box culverts and proposed
the optimum pattern of PGI. Zhuang et al. (2019) conducted shaking table tests to study the seismic response of the
connecting part between a subway station and a running tunnel located under a slightly inclined liquefiable ground.
The results show apparent asymmetric liquefaction distribution characteristics in the surrounding soil on both sides of
the subway station. These researches revealed the seismic performance of underground structures under different soil
conditions, provided a reference to some extent for the design and construction of underground structures under the
corresponding geological conditions.
However, these studies mentioned above only focused on the behaviors of underground structures located in sandy
soil, soft soil or other liquefiable soil. Few experimental results or numerical simulations (e.g., Qin, 2010; Liu et al., 2017
& 2018) are available in the literature on seismic performance of underground structures located in loess site. In this
research, a series of shaking table tests on a scaled model of subway stations in loess site are designed and conducted.
The main purpose of the series of shaking table model tests is to better understand the seismic response characteristics
of underground structures in loess, such as the acceleration response of structures, the strain distribution of structures,
the vertical settlement of loess site, and the dynamic soil pressures between loess and structure. The results can provide
scientific basis for the seismic design of subway station in loess areas in some extent.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
2.2 The design of the model structure and the model soil
The prototype structure of the shaking table tests is Feitian Road Station of Xi’an Metro Line 4, which is built in the
loess tableland and designed as typical section of two-story and two-span. The micro-concrete and the galvanized steel wire
are used to simulate the concrete and steel rebar of the prototype structure, respectively. Before the shaking table tests,
the mix proportion and compressive yield strength of micro-concrete have been obtained through compression tests on
the micro-concrete specimen with a size of 70.7 mm × 70.7 mm × 70.7 mm. In addition, the elastic modulus of micro
concrete specimen with the size of 70.7 mm × 70.7 mm × 210 mm has been tested, and the elastic modulus of micro
concrete has been obtained. The tensile yield strength of micro-concrete, estimated by the code for designing concrete in
China (GB50010-2010), is generally equal to 1/10th compressive yield strength. The mix proportion and mechanical
properties of the micro-concrete are shown in Table 2. The tensile yield strength and elasticity modulus of galvanized steel
are approximately 1.19 GPa and 200 GPa, respectively. In order to satisfy the similarity ratios of model structure, the
rectangle lead blocks with the three-dimensional size of 7 cm × 14 cm × 3 cm are uniformly placed on the model structure.
Because the total additional mass of the lead blocks is 465 kg, i.e., 41.5% of the full artificial mass, it can realize 3 times
equivalent density. To avoid the surrounding soil falling into the model structure, the ends of model structure were sealed
with Plexiglas plate of 10 mm thickness. The manufacturing process of model structure is shown in Fig. 1.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
Inner and exterior formword Assembling reinforcement Concreting and concrete curing
In order to simulate the dynamic characteristics of loess sites, the model soil is collected from foundation pit
excavation of Feitian Road Station (Xi’an Metro Line 4). After some simple treatment, the soil is placed in the laminar
shear model box layer by layer. In order to avoid the model soil becoming too dry due to water loss and ensure that the
water content of the model soil is basically the same as the natural water content of the original site, the model soil
needs to be humidified. According to the difference between the water content of model soil and the natural water
content, as well as the measured total mass and water content of model soil, the total amount of water needed to be
added can be estimated. The water is added to the model soil in several times by a watering can. After each quick mixing
with water, the model soil was covered with plastic cloth immediately, and the side of the filling box was sealed. Then, it
is left standing for 72 hours, and the water content of the model soil need to be tested after the water in the model soil
is fully diffused and uniform. In this way, when the soil sample water content is slightly higher than the natural water
content of the prototype site, water addition will be stopped, considering the moisture loss in the process of model soil
In the process of making model soil, the model soil is layered into the model box, and wooden boards are placed on
the top of each newly filled loose soil layer for human power trampling and compaction. In order to ensure that the
density of the model soil is the same as the natural density of the original site, the thickness of each newly filled layer of
loose soil should not be greater than 200 mm. The expected thickness of soil layer after compaction can be calculated
according to the weight of the filled soil and the natural density of soil in the original site, which is used as the compaction
control index. The compaction effect is controlled by testing the thickness and density of soil layer. At the same time, in
order to ensure a good bonding performance between adjacent soil layers, the top surface of each layer of model soil is
roughed after compaction. After preparation, the model soil has been standing for 7 days in its natural state in the
laboratory. The properties of the loess used in the test are measured by conventional soil tests, shown in Table 3.
The manufacturing process of model soil is shown in Fig. 2.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
Laminar shear model box Loading soil and hoisting structure Completion of model soil
Figure 3: Observation sections and sensor layout of the shaking table tests.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
The points An (n=[1, 26]) in Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c) represent accelerometers, which are located in 26 test points.
The points A3, A4 and A5 are fixed in primary observation section of model structure. The points A20, A21 and A22 are
fixed in No. 2 secondary observation section with the same layout as A3, A4 and A5 in primary observation section.
The point A23 is placed in No. 3 secondary observation section with the same location as A5 in primary observation
section. The rest of accelerometers are embedded in the model soil, as shown in Fig.3(c). The other types of sensors fixed
in model system are also shown in Fig. 3(c) and Fig. 3(d), which includes forty-four strain gauges, seven soil pressure
transducers, five displacement transducers and two laser sensors (used for settlement measuring), denoted as S, P,
L and G, respectively. Sensors used in the shaking table tests are shown in Fig. 4.
The peak acceleration, fault distance and duration of original Taft ground motion, recorded at the Taft seismologic
recording station (No. 1095) during the Ms7.7 Kern County earthquake on 21 July 1952 in California, USA, are
175.9 cm/s2, 43.5 km and 54 s, respectively. The corresponding parameters of original Songpan ground motion, recorded
at 51SPT seismologic recording station during the Ms 8.0 WenChuan earthquake on 12 May 2008 in Sichuan Province,
China, are 40.2 cm/s2, 122 km and 213s, respectively. Xi’an artificial wave is synthesized according to characteristic of
the loess site with probability analysis method. The peak acceleration and duration of artificial wave are 200.6 cm/s2 and
60 s, respectively. Based on the original seismic records and artificial wave, the peak ground accelerations (PGA) of input
motions are adjusted to 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1.2 g gradually during the shaking table tests. The test
schemes are shown in Table 4.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
(a) Results during Xi’an wave (b) Results for PGA=0.1g (c) Results for PGA=0.8g
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
(a) Results during Xi’an wave (b) Results for PGA=0.1g (c) Results for PGA=0.8g
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
When the PGA of input motion is less than 0.4 g, the model structure mainly exhibits elastic deformation
characteristics. Due to the higher stiffness and the larger bending moment induced in the top plate, the strain amplitudes
on the top of central column (S4) are larger than those on the bottom of central column (S3) in the upper storey of model
structure. On the contrary, the strain amplitudes on the top of central column (S2) are smaller than those on the bottom
of central column (S1) in the lower storey of model structure owing to the lesser stiffness and lower bending moment
induced in the middle plate. During the tests, the dynamic soil-structure interaction in the upper storey is stronger, which
results in the greater shear deformation between the top and middle plate. Accordingly, the strain amplitudes on the
top of central pillars in the upper storey (S4) are larger than those on the bottom of central column in the lower storey
(S1). From the results, it is observed that the strain amplitude of the joint between the side wall and the bottom plate
(S13) is significantly larger than that of the joint between the side wall and the middle plate (S14 or S15)))), while slightly
smaller than that of the joint between the side wall and the top plate (S16). This is because that the thickness of the
middle plate in the subway station structure is relatively thinner, which means that the section stiffness is significantly
smaller than that of the top plate and the bottom plate. As a result, the additional bending moment at the joint between
the side wall and the middle plate is the smallest, which shows that the strain amplitude is the smallest. In addition, due
to the large peak acceleration of the soil around the upper storey as well as the large shear deformation of the soil layer,
the shear deformation of the lower storey (between the middle plate and the bottom plate) is smaller than that of the
upper storey (between the top plate and the middle plate), resulting in the aboved result. Furthermore, the strain
amplitudes in the plates nearby the side walls (S19, S18 or S17) are larger than those nearby the central columns
(S22, S21 or S20) due to the higher stiffness and larger bending moment induced in side walls.
As the PGA of input motions increase, the dynamic soil-structure interaction becomes more intense gradually during
the shaking table tests. When the PGA of input motions exceeds 0.4 g, the dynamic damages of structural members are
generated and the strain response of the structure has a great change. In the bottom plate, the compressive strain
amplitudes of left end in the left span (S17) and left end in the right span (S23) increase dramatically and the tension
strain amplitudes of right end in the left span (S20) and right end in the right span (S26) have an evident growth.
It illustrates that the clockwise torsion and unrecoverable shear deformation occur in No. 2 secondary observation
section of the structure during strong interacting between the model soil and structure. The similar phenomena can be
observed in the top plate. From the working condition of SP5 (Songpan ground motions with PGA=0.6 g), the tensile
damage of the junctions between the top plate and central column appears and the internal forces in the central column
are redistributed. As a result, the bending moment and tension strain amplitudes on the top of central column (S4) are
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
less than those on the bottom of central column (S3) in the upper storey. In the same way, from the case of SP6 (Songpan
ground motions with PGA=0.8 g), the compressive strain amplitudes on the top of central column (S4) are less than those
on the bottom of central column (S3) in the upper storey. For the lower storey, the tension strain amplitudes on the
bottom of central column (S1) are less than those on the top of central column (S2). The tension strain amplitudes on
the left end of top plate (S19) decrease observably. The reason for these above phenomena in the working condition of
SP6 is because of the partial damage appearance in the model structure.
The strain amplitudes of model structure under input motions with different frequency spectrum are shown in
Table 6. The results indicate that the strain amplitudes induced by the Xi’an artificial waves are generally greater than
those induced by the Songpan and Taft ground motions in all of strain test points. It can be concluded that the strain
response of the model structure is more sensitive to input motions with larger low frequency components for the same
Table 6 Strain amplitudes of primary observation section under different input motions
No: SP3 No: TF3 No: XA3 No: SP4 No: TF4 No: XA4
Position Schematic diagram
C* T C T C T C T C T C T
Central S4 -125 62 -169 64 -212 66 -330 136 -359 143 -645 337 S4
column S3 -38 27 -52 44 -56 44 -175 111 -201 139 -476 331 S3
S2 -29 26 -32 28 -44 32 -127 33 -128 22 -44 59
S1 -86 58 -86 57 -73 59 -143 103 -172 106 -253 176
Side wall S16 -105 84 -118 90 -194 120 -359 326 -322 399 -494 707 S16
S15 -26 34 -41 35 -29 43 -44 70 -87 11 -51 18 S15
S14 -26 0 -36 14 -11 11 -18 26 -29 26 -22 18
S13 -100 76 -90 78 -110 90 -244 122 -310 127 -419 408
Top plate S19 -24 23 -29 26 -42 33 -51 120 -50 126 -51 132 S19 S22 S25 S28
S22 -22 13 -25 13 -40 20 -18 23 -44 27 -26 34
S25 -18 22 -14 22 -19 22 -18 73 -24 40 -22 73
Middle S18 -93 112 -95 116 -158 126 -266 421 -126 949 -69 1146
plate S21 -40 15 -55 27 -59 66 -187 179 -201 190 -407 355 S18 S21 S24 S27
S24 -29 26 -61 31 -148 39 -449 304 -505 333 -894 498
S27 -102 109 -92 111 -341 114 -542 530 -598 679 -617 935
Bottom S17 -14 19 -14 15 -37 23 -51 37 -99 42 -66 51
plate S20 -5 12 -5 10 -9 19 -7 32 -20 38 -24 49
S23 -4 11 -11 12 -18 10 -29 4 -29 4 -51 0
S17 S20 S23 S26
S26 -15 17 -14 17 -19 20 -31 34 -41 44 -55 64
* C means compressive strain; T means tension strain; The unit is με.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
The dynamic soil-pressure increments, as shown in Fig. 8, measured in different working conditions of tests are
given in Table 7. It can be seen from the Table that the dynamic soil-pressure increments on the interface between loess
and subway station have a certain regularity in the process of soil-structure interaction. First, the dynamic soil-pressure
increments in side wall gradually increase with the PGA of input motions increase. Under input ground motions with
different frequency spectrum, most of the dynamic soil-pressure increments induced by the Xi’an artificial waves are
larger than those induced by Songpan and Taft ground motions because that the low frequency components of Xi’an
artificial waves are more plentiful than other ground motions. Second, the dynamic soil-pressure increments on the top
of side wall are significantly greater than those on other parts of side wall while the dynamic soil-pressure increments on the
bottom of side wall are slightly less than those in the middle of side wall for most of test cases. It indicates that the soil-structure
interaction on the top of structure is more intense during the shaking table tests. Third, the dynamic soil-pressure increments
generated beneath the bottom plate (P4) are observably larger than those over the top plate (P5) due to the bottom plate
bearing the gravity of the structure and the covering soil simultaneously.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
Table 7 Dynamic soil-pressure increments on the interface between loess and subway station
Dynamic soil-pressure increments under different PGA (kPa)
Input ground motions Position Schematic diagram
0.05g 0.1g 0.2g 0.4g 0.6g 0.8g
Songpan P1 0.020 0.034 0.053 0.097 0.172 0.462 P5
P2 0.025 0.027 0.107 0.219 0.355 0.485 P3
P3 0.167 0.183 1.916 2.933 3.083 3.333
P4 1.025 2.406 3.958 5.245 4.850 4.916 P2
P5 0.007 0.001 0.019 0.139 0.099 0.419
Taft P1 0.027 0.029 0.061 0.135 0.172 0.505
P2 0.025 0.030 0.065 0.344 0.364 0.534
P3 0.250 0.275 2.000 3.508 3.667 4.083
P4 1.428 2.675 4.238 5.241 4.083 4.389
P5 0.008 0.008 0.049 0.239 0.304 0.439
Xi’an artificial wave P1 0.028 0.030 0.070 0.168 0.361 0.569
P2 0.016 0.018 0.133 0.359 0.370 0.581
P3 0.917 3.667 5.500 7.333 8.248 12.666
P4 1.964 3.046 4.612 13.238 10.332 8.471
P5 0.004 0.014 0.076 0.234 0.370 0.486
The uplift of model structure can be used to denote the difference values of the surface settlements between
G1 and G2 in the tests (see Table 8). For the test cases with a lower PGA (e.g., PGA=0.05 g, 0.1 g or 0.2 g), the uplift of
model structure increase gradually as the PGA of input motions raise. However, the uplift of model structure have an
obvious reduction for a higher PGA (e.g., PGA=0.6g or 0.8g). When PGA=0.4 g, the uplift of model structure reached the
Fig. 9 shows the uplift of model structure as well as the difference of dynamic soil-pressure increments. It can be
found that the difference values of dynamic soil-pressure increments between P4 (on the upper surface of top plate) and
P5 (on the lower surface of bottom plate) have a similar variation law with the uplift of model structure. As the PGA of
input motions raise, the difference values of dynamic soil-pressure increments increase when the PGA less-than 0.4g
while decrease when the PGA greater than 0.4 g. It reaches the maximum when the PGA of input motions being equal to
0.4g. Hence, it is reasonably deduced that the ascending motions of model structure during the tests are powered by the
difference values of dynamic soil-pressure increments between P4 and P5.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
(a) Fitted curve under Songpan wave (b) Fitted curve under Taft wave (c) Fitted curve under Xi’an wave
Figure 9 Difference of dynamic soil-pressure increments and uplift of model structure
(a) Fitted curve under Songpan wave (b) Fitted curve under Taft wave (c) Fitted curve under Xi’an wave
Figure 10 Relationship between the uplift of model structure and difference of dynamic soil-pressure increments
Furthermore, the nonlinear fitting method is used to quantitatively analyze the correlation between the uplift of
model structure and the difference values of dynamic soil-pressure increments. The results of nonlinear fitting are shown
in Fig. 10. It can be seen from the figure that an exponential relationship exists between the uplift of model structure
and the difference values of dynamic soil-pressure increments.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
In this paper, the seismic responses and damage characteristics of subway structure in loess ground are investigated
through a series of shaking table tests on a large-scale structure model. From the test results, the following conclusions
can be obtained:
1. The peak accelerations of model soil at the same depth increase observably with the increasing of the PGA of input
motions. For the most of test cases, the peak acceleration increases gradually from the bottom to the top of model
soil because of the amplification effect. The peak acceleration induced by the Xi’an artificial waves under a strong
ground motion is greater than that induced by the Songpan and Taft ground motions due to the larger low frequency
components in Xi’an artificial waves.
2. The gravity distribution of model structure has an important influence on its seismic response characteristics in the
incongruous movement. So it is necessary to consider the influence of the gravity distribution on the seismic action
of structural members during the seismic design of underground structure in loess area.
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Experimental study on seismic response of subway station built in loess Dengzhou Quan et al.
3. From the overall perspective, the strain amplitudes in the top and bottom plate are smaller than those in side walls
which are smaller than those in central columns because of the gravity and stiffness distribution of model structure.
The strain amplitudes on the top of central columns are larger than those on the bottom of central column in the
upper storey. On the contrary, in the lower storey, the result is reversed.
4. The dynamic soil-pressure increments in side wall gradually increase with the increasing of the PGA of input motions.
Due to the soil-structure interaction on the top of structure being more intense during the shaking table tests, the
dynamic soil-pressure increments on the top of side wall are greater than those on the other parts of side wall.
The dynamic soil-pressure increments induced by the Xi’an artificial waves are generally larger than those induced
by the Songpan and Taft ground motions because of more plentiful low-frequency components in the Xi’an artificial
5. During the shaking table tests, the model structure is lifted relatively and the uplift of model structure have a similar
variation law with the difference values of dynamic soil-pressure increments between P4 (over the top plate) and
P5 (below the bottom plate). Further studies indicate that an exponential relationship exists between the uplift and
the difference values.
6. After the shaking table tests, the typical shear compression failure and obvious vertical cracks occur in the central
columns of the upper storey. Plenty of concrete is desquamated and many longitudinal stress reinforcements are
exposed in the central columns of the lower storey. Junctions between the central columns and the top or bottom
plate of model structure are damaged most seriously. Therefore, the effective seismic fortification measures should
be adopted to insure the safety of the junctions during earthquake in loess area.
Acknowledgements :
This work was supported by the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province (No. 2020JM-234 and
No. 2019JQ-689), the Science and Technology Plan of Xi’an Construction Committee (No. SZJJ2019-19) and the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, CHD (No. 300102280105).
The authors sincerely thank the staff at Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation, attached to the Nanjing University of Technology.
Author’s Contribuitions: Conceptualization, D Quan, S Chen and Y Wang; Methodology, D Quan, S Chai, S Chen and Y
Wang; Investigation, D Quan and Y Wang; Writing original draft, D Quan and S Chai; Writing - review & editing, S Chai
and D Quan; Funding acquisition, D quan, S Chai, Y Wang; Resources, S Chen and Y Wang; Supervision, Y Wang.
Editor: Marcílio Alves.
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