Y2 - Module 1 - Processing Fish by THERMAL APPLICATION

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This module deals with the skills, knowledge and attitudes

required to process fish by salting, curing and smoking. It also involves
preparing the needed equipment, tools and materials, preparing
ingredients and materials, preparing salting and curing solutions, curing
the fish, finishing the cured products and preparing production reports.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

1. prepare equipment, tools, materials and utensils;

2. prepare raw materials;
3. prepare salting and curing solutions and mixture;
4. cure the fish;
5. finish the cured fish; and
6. prepare production report.




This lesson deals on how to prepare equipment, tools, materials

and utensils needed in salting, curing and smoking. This includes
lessons on checking, sanitizing and calibrating the tools used in
acquiring the said competencies.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to :

1. prepare equipment and tools for salting, curing and smoking fish
and other fishery products in accordance with manufacturer’s
2. check, sanitize and calibrate equipment for fish processing
methods in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications;
3. make ready and sanitize kitchen utensils for fish curing methods
in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications;
4. prepare materials/supplies needed in fish curing in accordance
with approved specifications by the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (BFAR); and
5. observe accuracy, cleanliness, sanitation and proper care of tools
and equipment.


Let’s find out how much you already know about preparing the
equipment, tools and materials for salting, curing and smoking.


A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the questions below. Select the correct
answer from the letter of your choice on your answer sheet. Do not write
anything on the module.

1. Which of the following equipment is used to measure brine strength?

a. Salinometer c. Thermometer
b. Refractometer d. all of the above

2. What is the purpose of sanitizing the tools/utensils before they are
a. To kill bacteria
b. To get rid of dirt
c. To improve the quality of the product
d. To avoid accident

3. Your teacher instructed you to prepare the measuring device you will
use in measuring salt and water you will prepare into a brine solution,
which of these measuring devices will you prepare?
a. weighing scale
b. measuring cup for liquid and solid ingredients
c. table spoon
d. Erlen Meyer flask

4. The following are the steps in preparing equipment ready for

processing except ONE.
a. checking
b. sanitizing
c. calibrating
d. storing

5. Your teacher instructed you to make ready and sanitize kitchen

utensils you will use in curing fish, which of the options below will serve
as your guide or basis in doing the assigned task?
a. manufacturer’s specifications
b. product requirements
c. industry requirements
d. approved specifications by BFAR

B. Checklist

Direction: Given below is a five item checklist. On your answer sheet,

put a check (√) before item that you can do competently and an (X) for
before item that you can’t.

Can you…
__________ 1. Assemble equipment & tools for salting & curing?
__________ 2. Assemble equipment & tools for smoking fish?
__________ 3. Calibrate a weighing scale?
__________ 4. prepare a sanitizing solution for kitchen utensils?
__________ 5. prepare materials needed in curing fish?


Let us define

Calibrate - to indicate a scale on a measuring instrument.

Fish curing - a method of preserving fish by salting, drying and smoking.

Preservatives - substances added to food to inhibit spoilage organisms

Raw materials - include fish and other ingredients like spices etc.

Salting - the application of salt to the fish.

Smoking - the application of smoke to the fish.

Equipment, tools, materials and utensils are important aspects to

consider in the processing of fish by salting, curing and smoking.
Without them, difficulty in the preparation may arise. Hence, proper
usage is necessary.

Equipment and Tools for Salting, Curing and Smoking to Be

Assembled According to Manufacturer’s Specifications

For Salting and Curing

Chiller/freezer/refrigerator - necessary in maintaining the

freshness of fish.

Freezer Refrigerator

Gas range/oven- source of heat.

Salinometer - an instrument used to measure brine strength.

-------------------------- the salinometer is inside

the graduated cylinder

Weighing scales of varying capacities – devices used to measure the

weight of fish/raw materials and ingredients needed in fish/food

Beaker- a device used to measure liquid ingredients.

Measuring cup - used to measure dry ingredients.

Measuring spoon - used to measure small amount of solid and


Cutting board - used to protect the table when slicing or cutting


Cutting implements/knives - used for cutting fish and other raw


Basin – use in the preparation of brine or curing mixture.

Kitchen scissor – used in trimming-off the fins of a fish.

Food tong - used to turn or lift food

For Smoking Fish (Refer to the function as described in

salting/curing fish)

1. Chiller/freezer/refrigerator
2. Salinometer
3. Cutting implements
4. Measuring spoon and cups
5. Beaker/graduated cylinder
6. Smokehouse—an airtight container where smoke is

Cabinet type smokehouse oil drum type

Smoking tray – where fish to be smoked is placed

Soaking/container- used for the preparation of brine or where fish are

soaked for a required time

Checking, Sanitizing and Calibrating of Tools for Fish Processing


Procedure in checking, sanitizing and calibrating of equipment and

tools for fish processing methods are necessary in the preparation of
tools needed in processing.

Checking salinometer

Checking of Tools

Have all the equipment checked for any defects. Discard those that
are defective. Repair if necessary. Continuous maintenance on the use
of equipment must be practiced and checked every after each use based
on the maintenance schedule for every equipment.


Sanitizing rids or reduces the number of microorganisms on the

surface where food comes in contact with. It cannot be accomplished
until the surface, where foods are processed, are cleaned.

Sanitizing tools/utensils Preparing sanitizing solution

The Recommended Use Levels for Sanitizers to Consider when


In preparing a sanitizing agent from 5.25% sodium hypochloride

diluted with water, consider the following:

Area to be sanitized volume of desired solution Remarks

with recommended 1 liter (1000ml) 1 gallon 5 gallons Dilute the amount
chlorine concentration volume of sodium hypochloride of sodium hypochloride
required up to the

Hand dip (30 ppm) 0.57 ml 216 ml 108 ml volume of desired Footbath
( 350 ppm) 6.67 ml 25 ml 125 ml solution as indicated
Floor ( 350 ppm) 6.67 ml 25 ml 125 ml in each corresponding
Equipment column to obtain the
(150 ppm) 2.86 ml 10.8 ml 54 ml needed concentrated
(200 ppm) 3.81 ml 14.4 ml 72 ml on of chlorinated water

water for food processing

(75 ppm) for washing vegetables
dressed chicken, etc.) 1.43 ml 5.40 ml 27 ml

To sanitize the equipment, prepare a solution as prescribed on the

recommended dosage. Wash the equipment with soap and water. Scrub
or brush if necessary. Rinse with water then sanitize and allow draining
or rinsing with 5ppm chlorinated water.

Calibrating Equipment

Calibrating equipment is necessary to test for the accuracy of
certain device or to indicate the scale. An example of equipment to
be calibrated is the weighing scale. To calibrate, have the reading
of the weighing scale pointed or set at 0. Refer to Fig. 1 below.

Fig.1 Calibrating a Weighing Scale

To calibrate a salinometer, have the brine solution poured

into the graduated cylinder, and dip the salinometer to get the
reading (Fig. 2) Allow the instrument to float in the brine solution
and get the reading.

_____________________ salinometer

Figure 2. Calibrating a Salinometer

Kitchen Utensils For Fish Curing To Be Made Ready And Sanitized

According To Manufacturer’s Specification

1. Cutting implements like knives

2. Cutting board
3. Kitchen scissors
4. Tongs
5. Basin/bowl

Fig. 3 Washing/Sanitizing kitchen utensils

Sanitizing Kitchen Utensils

Flush all surfaces with water. Scrub or brush to remove loosely

adhering dirt if necessary. Dissolve adequate amount of detergent in
water with the scrubbing pad or brush, clean also surfaces of each
utensils with detergent. Give particular attention to corners, flaps, edges
and cracks where dirt is likely to accumulate. Rinse thoroughly with tap
water. Sanitize by soaking processing implements in 150-200 ppm
chlorinated water or (refer to recommended use\age for sanitizing
solution. After 2 minutes, rinse with 5 ppm chlorinated water or tap

Ingredients and Raw Materials to be Prepared for Fish Curing

For salting
1. Fresh Fish

For Smoking

1. Fresh Fish
2. Salt
3. Fuels for smoking- smoke producing materials preferably saw
dust or wood shavings from hard wood or sugar cane bagasse.
Avoid using soft wood because it contains high quality of soot.

Procedure in Preparing Supplies and Materials for Salting, Curing

and Smoking

1. Have all the supplies and materials ready.

2. check for the freshness of materials like fish
3. Prepare all the ingredients needed in salting, curing and


1. All equipment, tools and materials needed in fish curing must

be properly checked, prepared and sanitized.
2. Calibrate tools for accuracy of measurements or weights.
3. Sanitize the equipment/utensils to get rid of dirt that may
contaminate food leading to food spoilage.
4. Always observe care, cleanliness and sanitary practices in using
equipment and utensils in processing fish.
5. Observe accuracy in doing work and in using tools and


Post Test

A. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and understand the questions below. Select the correct
answer by writing the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following equipment is used to measure brine strength?

a. Salinometer c. Thermometer
b. Refractometer d. all of the above

2. What is the purpose of sanitizing the tools and utensils before they
are used?
a. To kill bacteria
b. To get rid of dirt
c. To improve the quality of the product
d. To avoid accident

3. Your teacher instructed you to prepare the measuring device you will
use in measuring salt and water you will prepare into a brine solution,
which of these measuring devices will you prepare?
a. weighing scale
b. measuring cup for liquid and solid ingredients
c. table spoon
d. Erlen Meyer flask

4. The following are the steps in preparing equipment ready for

processing except one. Which one is not?
a. checking
b. sanitizing
c. calibrating
d. storing

5. Your teacher instructed you to make ready and sanitize kitchen

utensils you will use in curing fish, which of these will serve as your
guide or basis in doing the assigned task?
a. manufacturer’s specifications
b. product requirements
c. industry requirements
d. approved specifications by - (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

B. Checklist

Directions: Given below is a five-item checklist. On your answer sheet,

put a check (√) mark for each item that you can do competently and an
(X) for each item that you cannot.

Can you…
__________ 1 Assemble equipment and tools for salting and curing?
__________ 2. Assemble equipment and tools for smoking fish?
__________ 3. Calibrate a weighing scale?
__________ 4. Prepare a sanitizing solution for kitchen utensils?
__________ 5. Prepare materials needed in fish curing?

C. Observation and Oral Questioning

1. Correctly identify the tools and equipment needed in fish curing
placed in each station.
2. Answer these questions:
a. What are the uses of each tool and equipment you


Demonstration Method

1. Prepare a sanitizing solution and apply the steps in sanitizing

equipment and utensils.

2. Calibrate a weighing scale and a Salinometer. Be sure to do it


Test for Valuing

Explain why you must always observe accuracy and cleanliness in

using different equipment, tools and utensils for salting and curing fish?


The following resources are needed:

1. Equipment, Tools, Utensils and Materials

a. Smokehouse
b. Polysealer
c. Soaking vats
d. Chiller/refrigerator/freezer
e. Oven
f. Bottles
g. Salinometer
h. Weighing scales of varying capacities and sensitivities
i. Cutting implements like knives, slicers, peelers
j. Measuring tools like measuring cups and spoons
k. Fuel for smoking like wood, wood shavings, saw dust, half-
dried leaves, coconut husks and shells, rice hulls, corn cobs

2. Learning guides

a. Module
b. CD Rom
c. Activity sheets
d. Manual on Occupational Health and Safety Requirements in
Preparing Supplies and Materials

1. Personal computer (PC)

2. LCD screen and projector



Avery, Arthur. Fish Processing Handbook of the Philippines

Bardey, Catherine, Secrets of the Spas, Blac

Bauer, W.W.MD, Health for All, 1967

Calmorin, Laurentina P., Calmorin, Melchor A., Tinaypan, Alfredo

S.. (1990). Introduction to Fishery Technology, Manila,
Philippines. National Bookstore Inc.

Calmorin, Laurentina P., Post Harvest Fisheries. Manila,

Philippines: national Bookstore, Inc. 2000.

Cortez, Lourdes A., Processing and Preservation of Freshwater

Fish., Manila, Philippines ., National Bookstore Inc.,1990

Dagoon, Jesse D. Exploratory Fishery Arts. Manila, Philippines:

Rex Bookstore, 1985.

Espejo, Jasmin. Fish Processing Handbook of the Philippines

Hermes-Espejo, Jasmin. Fish Processing Technology in the

Tropics, Quezon City, Philippines, Tawid Publications, 1998.

Hand- outs and Pamphlets on Fish Processing.

Lagna, Rosalinda T. Food Preservation for Filipinos, 1977

Maharajh, Christina “20 Amazing Ways to Use Salt”

Mendoza, Leonarda. Fishery Arts for Secondary Schools

Exploratory, 1987

Photo Researchers, Inc./Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Science Source

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft

Training Regulation for Food Processing NC II, TESDA, Metro


Food Safety and Sanitation, A paper presented at Foresight on
Food Safety, International Food Safety Seminar at Seoul,
Korea on April 24, 2006

Other Sources











This lesson deals on sorting and grading raw materials, cleaning

and washing fish, eviscerating, descaling, deboning, filleting and
weighing cleaned raw materials.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. sort and grade raw materials in accordance with Bureau of

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) specifications;
2. clean and wash fish in accordance with approved BFAR standard
3. eviscerate and wash fish in accordance with the product
4. descale and eviscerate fish and other marine products fully without
damage to the meat;
5. debone fish in accordance with the product requirements without
damage in the flesh;
6. fillet fish in accordance with product specifications;
7. weigh cleaned raw materials in accordance with BFAR approved
specifications; and
8. observe accuracy in preparing raw materials in accordance with
BFAR and product specifications.


A. Multiple Choice

Directions: In your Test Booklet, write the letter that corresponds to your
answer in the following items:

1. Fish has bulging eyes, red gills and a firm body. What can you say
about the fish?
a. The fish is fresh
b. The fish is stale
c. The fish is partially fresh
d. The fish is undergoing rigor mortis

2. The fishes you graded have slightly sunken eyes with grayish pupil;
the flesh and backbone are slightly soft and with a slightly sour
odor. To what grade will you assign them?
a. Grade I c. Grade III
b. Grade II d. Off-grade

3. Why must raw materials like fishes be eviscerated before salting,

curing or smoking them?
a. To remove the internal organs which contain spoilage
b. To improve the odor of the fish
c. To thoroughly clean the fish
d. To prevent spoilage of the fish

4. When descaling a fish like tilapia or bangus, why should you use a
blunt knife?
a. To prevent injuring the fish flesh
b. To hasten the removal of scales
c. To maintain firmness of the fish flesh
d. To prevent damaging the scales

5. When washing fish with clean water, why must you soak it first in
a 10% brine?
a. To improve the appearance of the fish
b. To hasten protein coagulation
c. To leach-out the blood and improve texture of the fish flesh
d. To improve the odor and taste of the fish

6. If you are assigned to debone a fish like bangus, which of the steps
below will you do first?
a. Remove the backbone
b. Split fish along its dorsal side
c. Make superficial cuts along the dorsal side of the fish
d. Remove the rib bones

7. Your teacher instructed you to remove the Y-shaped spines

embedded in the flesh of the fish, which of these will you do?
a. Remove the spines near the caudal fin
b. Remove the spines along the dorsal side
c. Remove the spines along the lateral line
d. Remove the rib bones

8. The product specifications require removing the meaty section of

the fish from the backbone and ribs of the fish. Which of these will
you do?
a. Cut the fish into steaks
b. Dress the fish
c. Debone the fish

d. Fillet the fish

9. If you are going to fillet a fish, which of these will you do first?
a. Split fish along the dorsal side from the head to the tail
b. Lay the fish on its side. Cut from just behind base of
pectoral fin round the back of the head
c. Cut fish across its body with a thickness of 1-2 cm.
d. Eviscerate the fish

10. To have an accurate data on the weight of the fish, which of these
will you do?
a. Weigh the fish using standard weighing devices
b. Weigh the fish using improvised weighing devices
c. Weigh the fish before and after cleaning
d. Estimate the weight of the fish then record

B. Test for Valuing

Explain why there is a need to observe accuracy in preparing raw

materials in accordance with BFAR and product specifications.


Let us define

Scales - the protective covering on the body of a fish attached to the skin
Operculum - a plate-like shape that covers the gills
Belly walls - the underside skin of the fish body
Flabby - the texture of fish flesh when it lacks stiffness or vitality
Caudal peduncle - part of the fish connecting the body and the caudal fin
Guts - the viscera or internal organs of a fish
Fillets - the meaty section of a fish removed from the backbone and ribs
Mosquito forcep - a nickel plated or stainless steel tool, measuring 5-6”
long with pointed ends for penetration in fish muscles
Superficial cut - a shallow cut on the surface of the fish flesh
Backbone - the biggest bone of the fish which is situated in the
middlemost portion.
Fresh fish - a newly caught fish from unpolluted waters exhibiting normal
quality requirements and which has not undergone processing.
Organdeptic characteristics –the characteristics of a fish evaluated using
the sense of sight, smell, touch such as appearance, color and

Raw materials refer to fresh fishes newly caught, chilled or frozen

that are not yet subjected to the treatment with preservatives like salt,
vinegar and smoke. They are used during salting, curing and smoking.

Prior to processing of fish, the raw materials must be efficiently
prepared to achieve top quality processed products, maximum yield and
highest possible profits.
The method of fish preparation depends on the size of the raw
materials, market demands and product specifications. Very small
species of fish like anchovies and wily slipmouth are simply washed.
Medium-sized fishes like roundscad and common slipmouth are gutted to
lessen bacterial load. Some are splitted to hasten drying process. Big
sized fishes are splitted, skinned, filleted, etc. Bony and spiny fishes like
milk fish (bangus) are deboned while scaly fishes are descaled. However,
before all these are done, raw materials are first sorted and graded.


Raw materials are classified/grouped according to:

a. Quality – fresh, stale or spoiled, damaged

b. Species – example : tuna, mackerel, milkfish
c. Sizes – small, medium and big with sizes ranging from 6 cm. - 54

Characteristics of a Fresh and Spoiled Fish

Fresh Fish Spoiled Fish

Odor fresh fishy odor stale sour or putrid

Eyes bright and bulging, dull, wrinkled and

pupil is velvet black, sunken pupil is dull
cornea is transparent black cornea is opaque

Gills bright red, covered with dull brown or gray with

slime odor under gill cloudy slime, odor
cover is fresh under gill cover is sour
and offensive

Body color bright faded

Flesh firm stiff body, finger soft and flabby, finger

impressions do not impressions remain

Belly walls intact often ruptured, viscera


Muscle tissue white pinkish especially

around the backbone

Vent pink, not protruding brown, protruding

Sorting fish according to their quality is done with the organoleptic
evaluatin of their condition based on the characteristics of a fresh and a
stale fish.

Below are the descriptions of the specific characteristics of a fresh


1. A fish with clear bright eyes have eyes with a convex shiny black
pupil and translucent cornea.
2. A fish with bright colored gills have gills which are shiny red or
pink, not dull brown or gray.
3. The odor of a fresh fish is similar to that of a newly gathered
4. A fresh fish has a firm flesh characterized by a stiff body and
texture elastic to slight pressure.
5. A fresh fish with intact belly walls have no protruding viscera and
the walls are not soft or ruptured but firm and springy.
6. The fish with a bright body color has a glossy appearance, with
body color typical of the species.
7. The slime present in a fresh fish must be clear, colorless and
transparent in normal quantities at the gills and body.

A stale fish has the following specific characteristics:

1. Discoloration which is a discernible abnormal color changes in

some parts characterized by varying degrees of spoilage.
2. Damage is a defect in the fish which materially detracts from the
appearance or edible or shipping quality of the fish. It includes
loose scales, bruises and abrasions due to mishandling affecting
more than 5% of the body of the fish, cuts and punctures made by
tools used in catching or transporting fish that expose the flesh
with a length of one-tenth of the length of the fish or excessively
3. The stale fish is considered to have loose scales when the scales
have been removed from the skin over more than 5% of the surface
area of the fish or when scales are easily rubbed off because of
bacterial decomposition.
4. The eyes are considered slightly sunken if the eyes are not bulging,
or are slightly depressed.
5. The milky slime in stale fish appears cloudy white and is slightly
6. Slightly discolored gills have abnormal color change from bright red
or pink to dull gray or brown.
7. A fish with a slightly soft flesh has a texture which is not elastic
and leaves a dent or mark to slight pressure.

Another aspect involved in grading fish is to sort them according to
their species as shown below:

Classification of Fish According to Species

a. Roundscad or galunggong

b. Mackerels such as hasa-hasa and alumahan

short-bodied mackerel- Hasa-has Kastrelliger brachyosomus

(Blecker) Average length 20 centimeters.

c. Sardines and herrings such as tamban and tunsoy

d. Slipmouth such as sapsap and dalupani

e. Long-tailed Nemipterids or bisugo

Sapsap Dalupami

f. Anchovies such as dilis and tuakang

Fishes are also classified according to their weight as shown below:

Classification of Fish According to Weight

Fish Small Medium Large

Milkfish less than 250 gr 250-500 gr. more than 500 gr.

Mackerels less than 4.5 gr. 4.5-6 gr. more than 6 gr.

Nemipterids less than 4.5 gr. 4.5-6 gr. more than 6 gr.

Roundscad less than 4.5 gr. 4.5-6 gr. more than 6 gr.

Sardines/herrings less than 4.5 gr. 4.5-6 gr. more than 6 gr.

Slipmouths less than 1.5 gr. 1.5-2.5 gr. more than 2.5 gr.

Anchovies less than 1.5 gr. 1.5-2.5 gr. More than 2.5 gr.

How to Get the Estimated Size of a Fish

Measurement which is done by ocular estimation is calculated

from the tip of the snout to the tip of the caudal fin. It can be measured
using a measuring device like a foot ruler.

The size of a fish is also obtained by getting its total length. Total
length refers to the length from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail
of a fish.

Snout Fin

Guide for Determining the Size of a Fish

(Based on Total Length in Centimeters)
Source: Philippine Fish Classification
(Food Terminal Inc.)

Extra Average
Species Large Medium Small
Large Length
1. Alumahan - - 25 - 29 20 - 24 25 – 35
2. Apahap 50 or more 40 – 49 30 – 39 20 – 24 20 – 50
3. Asohos - - 20 or more 20 – 29 20
4. Ayungin - - 10 or more 15 – 19 10
5. Bagaong - - 20 or more 6–9 20
6. Bangos 50 or more 40 – 49 30 – 39 15 – 19 30 – 100
7. Baracuda - - 25 or more 20 – 29 25
8. Biya 50 or more 30 – 39 25 – 29 20 – 24 30 – 40
9. Bisugo - - 20 or more 20 – 24 20
10. Dalag 50 or more 40 – 49 30 – 39 15 – 19 30 – 40
11. Dalagang - - 30 or more 25 – 29 30

12. Dilis - - - 6 – 10 8
13. Galong- - - 15 or more 10 – 14 20
14. Hasa-hasa - - 20 or more 15 – 19 20
15. Hito 45 or more 35 – 44 24 – 34 20 – 24 20 – 45
16. Kabasi - - 20 or more 15 – 19 15 – 20
17. Kanduli 50 or more 40 – 49 30 – 39 20 – 29 50 – 75
18. Kalaso - - 20 or more 15 – 19 20
19. Kitang - - 20 or more 15 – 19 20
20. Labahita - 35 or more 30 – 34 30
21. Lapad - - 20 or more 15 – 19 15 – 18
22. Lapu-lapu 50 or more 40 – 49 30 – 39 25 – 29 40
23. Martiniko - - 20 or more 10 – 19 10 – 20
24. Matang - 35 or more 25 – 34 18 – 24 20 – 30
25. Maya- - - 25 or more 15 – 24 20
26. Mayang - - 30 or more 20 – 29 20 – 30
27. Salay- - 35 or more 25 – 34 20 – 24 25 – 35
28. Samaral - - 30 or more 25 – 29 30
29. Sapsap - - 25 or more 15 – 24 30
30. Talakitok 50 or more 40 – 49 30 – 39 25 – 29 40 – 60
31. Talilong - - 20 or more 15 – 19 20
32. Talimosak - - 10 or more 6–9 10
33. Tamban - - 20 or more 15 – 19 20
34. Tanigi 75 or more 65 – 74 55 – 64 45 – 54 50 – 100
35. Tuna 75 or more 65 – 74 5 – 64 45 – 54 100
36. Tunsoy - - 20 or more 13 – 19 15 – 18


Evaluating the raw materials based on their organoleptic characteristics

such as appearance, color, odor and texture.

Grading of Fishery Products

The grading of fishery products is based on the organoleptic
characteristics as shown in the grading of tuna. Organoleptic
characteristics refer to the characteristics of a fish obtained through the
use of the sense organs like the color, odor, texture, etc.

Grading of Tuna

The prescribed standards for tuna:

Grade I. This consists of strictly fresh fish possessing the following


a. Eyes, clear, and bright

b. Gills, bright red-colored
c. Fresh odor
d. Firm flesh and intact belly walls
e. Color of the body must be bright
f. Absence of discoloration, loose scales, bruises, abrasions,
cuts, punctures or other injuries

Grade II. This consists of chilled or frozen (quick or sharp) fish

which failed to meet the requirements for Grade I.

a. Eyes, clear, and bright

b. Gills, bright red-colored
c. Fresh odor
d. Firm flesh and intact belly walls
e. Normal body color characteristics of the species
f. Absence of discoloration, loose scales, bruises, abrasions,
cuts, punctures or other injuries

Grade III. This consists of fish which failed to meet the

requirements of Grades I and II, but which has the following

a. Eyes, slightly sunken; pupil, grayish

b. Gills, slightly discolored and shiny
c. Body, covered with somewhat milky slime
d. Abdomen and belly walls, slightly soft
e. Flesh and backbone, slightly soft
f. Odor, slightly sour and somewhat like bread or weak acetic

Off – Grade. This consists of fish which failed to meet the

requirements of Grade III and therefore must be


Removal of the scales from a fish using a blunt knife. A sharp
knife is not used because it might injure the fish.

The scales of a fish can be removed using the following:

1. Knife
2. Metal Scaler
3. Electric Scaler

Prepare the fish for scaling in the following way:

a. Hold the fish firmly with one hand in the caudal peduncle. Hold
the knife almost vertical to the fish.
b. Remove the scales by scraping motion.

NOTE: Use blunt knife in scaling the fish. Sharp knife might injure fish skin.

c. Wash off the scales with clean water.


Removal of the internal organs, viscera or guts through the


Gut scaled or unscaled fish:


Cleaning the scaled and eviscerated fish is done by:

a. Soaking or tank washing

Wash fish by soaking them in a basin or cemented tank with a

10% brine solution to leach out blood before finally washing them
in clean tap water.

b. Washing by agitation

Fish are washed with a 10% brine in a tank with agitator before
finally washed with fresh clean water.

c. Spray washing

Fish are washed using running water from a faucet or with

strong jets of water from a water sprayer.


Some fishes like bangus and gizzard shad are turned down by
some consumers even if they have a nice flavor due to their numerous
numbers of spines. Their inter-muscular spines are annoying and cause
difficulty when lodged in the throat while eating.

A process, called deboning, has been devised to avoid such

annoyance and danger of eating spiny fishes. The spines from the
different portions of a fish like bangus can be removed with the use of a
mosquito forcep. Deboning improves the acceptability of the product.

The bangus is deboned using the following procedure:

1. WASHING – wash fish upon arrival from the market. Scales may
or may not be removed.

2. SPLITTING – split fish on the dorsal side starting from the tail to
the head by running the edge of the knife along the backbone.

3. REMOVAL OF INTERNAL ORGANS – lay fish open like butterfly

fillet. Remove gills and internal organs. Wash fish to remove blood
and dirt. The black membrane covering the belly cavity may or
may not be removed depending upon the consumers choice. Wash
fish in running water.

4. REMOVAL OF BACKBONE and DORSAL FIN – remove backbone

by laying fish flat on the cutting board with the skin down. Hold
the knife in a horizontal/slanting position and cut in with the tip of
the blade along the backbone from head to tail.
Trim off the dorsal fin.

5. DEBONING It is important to know the exact location of the spines
most especially the intermuscular spines.

The Spine Location in a Milkfish

Place fish in a shallow tray. With the aid of mosquito forceps, start
removing the spines.

A. RIB BONES – the rib bones are located in the belly cavity. They are
visible and are superficially embedded thus easy to pull out.

B. DORSAL INTERMUSCULAR SPINES – make a superficial slit from
head to tail along the dent of dorsal muscle. Pull out the embedded
intermuscular spines one at a time.

The spines on the head portion are branched spines while the rest
are unbranched. The spines on the tail portion are very much attached
to the muscle tendon, making it difficult to remove. It is necessary to
make a horizontal slit on this portion for easier removal of these spines.

C. LATERAL INTERMUSCULAR SPINES – are located in-between the

dorsal and ventral muscles. Pull out first the large arch-shaped spines at
the base of the operculum. Proceed pulling out the Y-shaped spines up
to the mid-portion of the body ending with 3 single delicate spines.

D. VENTRAL INTERMUSCULAR SPINES – make a shallow slit along the
dent between the muscle segments of the ventral side from the mid-
portion of the body to the tip of the muscle in the tail. Pull out the first 2
very fine and delicate spines found in the mid-body which is the start of
the spines located in this portion. Proceed to the tail region.


A process of preparing fish into fillets with the use of a sharp thin

The kinds of fillets are:

a. Block fillets (butterfly fillet, cutlet, double fillet). These are the
flesh from both sides of a single fish, usually joined along the

b. Cross-cut fillets. These are fillets from flat fish, i.e. sole fish,
the flesh from each side is removed as a single piece.

c. Quarter-cut fillets. These are fillets from flat fish, the flesh
from each side is taken off in two pieces.

d. Single fillet. This is the flesh from one side of the fish.

The Kinds of Fillets

Butterfly fillet

Single fillet

Block fillets

Procedure in Filleting Fish

1. Lay fish on side. Cut from just behind base of pectoral fin round the
back of the head.

2. Cut towards tail along the line of the dorsal fin. The cut should only
penetrate as far as the backbone.

3. Cut forward to clear fillet from the ribs. The knife should be held
parallel to the rib bones, cut through the “pin” (small rib) bones.

4. Cut over the edge of the ribs towards the tail, flatten knife on to the
backbone after finishing cutting over the ribs and remove fillet. The
fillet should be trimmed to remove any belly flap or fin.

5. Turn fish over. Cut just behind base of pectoral fin and round the
back of the head.

6. Cut from tail as close to backbone as possible into the corner at the
back of the neck. Note the angle at which the head is held. This
keeps the backbone flat on the board.

7. Cut forward parallel to angle of the rib bones cutting through the “pin”
bones and open cut fillets.

8. Cut from behind head over the ends of ribs towards tail, knife should
be held at an angle to remove flesh from the center of fish without
cutting off fins. On large fish, two cuts may be required if a short-
bladed knife is used. Trim fillet to remove any belly flap or fin. Below
are trimmed single fillets:


To get the exact mass of the prepared raw materials for future
references especially in the preparation of the production report, the
weight must be taken with the use of standard weighing devices like the
beam balance or any other weighing device. The weights are properly

Procedure in weighing

1. Place the material to be weighed on the weighing scale.

2. Weigh the material accurately.
3. Record the obtained weight.


Raw materials refer to fresh fishes newly caught or frozen that are
not yet subjected to the treatment with preservatives like salt, vinegar
and smoke. They are used during salting, curing and smoking.

Raw materials must be prepared in accordance with product

specifications and approved BFAR specifications.

In preparing raw materials for salting, curing and smoking

accuracy and correct performance of given procedures must be strictly
followed in order to produced cured products with excellent quality.


Post Test

Oral interview

1. If you are assigned to grade the raw materials, how will you sort or
classify them? Explain.

2. Given the following situation, describe how to grade fish from the
highest to the lowest grade.
5 kilograms of bangus for deboning with varying sizes and
degree of freshness were given to you to grade.

Computer/Paper-based Written Test

Directions: In your Test Booklet, write the letter that corresponds to your
answer in the following items:

1. What refers to a fish with bulging eyes, red gills and a firm body is
a. fresh
b. stale
c. partially fresh
d. undergoing rigor mortis

2. The fishes you graded have slightly sunken eyes with grayish pupil;
the flesh and backbone are slightly soft and with a slightly sour
odor. To what grade will you assign them?
a. Grade I
b. Grade II
c. Grade III
d. Off-grade

3. Why must raw materials like fishes be eviscerated before salting,

curing or smoking them?
a. To remove the internal organs which contain spoilage
b. To improve the odor of the fish
c. To thoroughly clean the fish
d. To prevent spoilage of the fish
4. When descaling a fish like tilapia or bangus, why should you use a
blunt knife?
a. To prevent injuring the fish flesh
b. To hasten the removal of scales
c. To maintain firmness of the fish flesh
d. To prevent damaging the scales
5. When washing fish with clean water, why must you soak it first in
a 10% brine?
a. To improve the appearance of the fish
b. To hasten protein coagulation
c. To leach-out the blood and improve texture of the fish
d. To improve the odor and taste of the fish
6. If you are assigned to debone a fish like bangus, which of the steps
below will you do first?

a. Remove the backbone
b. Split fish along its dorsal side
c. Make superficial cuts along the dorsal side of the fish
d. Remove the rib bones
7. Your teacher instructed you to remove the Y-shaped spines
embedded in the flesh of the fish, which of these will you do?
a. Remove the spines near the caudal fin
b. Remove the spines along the dorsal side
c. Remove the spines along the lateral line
d. Remove the rib bones
8. The product specifications require removing the meaty section of
the fish from the backbone and ribs of the fish. Which of these will
you do?
a. Cut the fish into steaks
b. Dress the fish
c. Debone the fish
d. Fillet the fish
9. If you are going to fillet a fish, which of these will you do first?
a. Split fish along the dorsal side from the head to the tail
b. Lay the fish on its side. Cut from just behind base of
pectoral fin round the back of the head
c. Cut fish across its body with a thickness of 1-2 cm.
d. Eviscerate the fish

10. To have an accurate data on the weight of the fish, which of

these will you do?
a. Weigh the fish using standard weighing devices
b. Weigh the fish using improvised weighing devices
c. Weigh the fish before and after cleaning
d. Estimate the weight of the fish then record

Practical Demonstration

Directions: Perform the task of deboning bangus.

Sub-tasks Completed
Removed the indicated number of spines (95%)
from the different portions of the bangus with the
use of a mosquito forcep
a. rib bones (all)
b. epaxial/intermuscular spines (at least 77)
c. hypaxial intermuscular spines (at least 40)
d. Y-shaped spines (at least 36)

Rating Pass

Note: You must be able to perform all the tasks to pass. If not, you have to
repeat the lesson.


Prepare the different kinds of fillets using the correct procedure.
Be sure to properly wash, scale and weigh the prepared fillets.

Test for Valuing:

How can you show that you value accuracy in doing your assigned
tasks? Why is accuracy in doing your work important? Explain.

The following resources are needed:

1. Tools and equipment
a. Descaling knife
b. Cutting board
c. Filleting knife
d. Mosquito forceps
e. Kitchen knife
f. Weighing scale
g. Aluminum trays and basins

2. Materials

a. Potable water
b. Fresh fish with scales like tilapia and bangus
c. Fresh fish for deboning like bangus

3. Personal protective equipment

a. Rubberized hand gloves

b. Apron
c. Headband

4. Learning guides

a. Module
b. CD - Rom
c. Manual for grading, scaling, deboning and filleting fish

5. PC with LCD projector and screen


1. Philippine Handbook on Fish Processing Technology by Jasmin M.

2. Fish Processing Handbook for the Philippines

3. Fish Cookery by Jasmin Espejo and Alberta Tumonde
4. Learning Element for Preparing Raw Materials by CDC, BTVE
5. Learning Element for Grading and Classifying of Fish by CDC, BTVE
6. Learning Element for Bangus Deboning by CDC, BTVE
7. Hand-outs on Deboning Fish produced by BFAR Region I

Other Sources:







This lesson deals on preparing salting and curing solutions and

mixtures. It includes a study of the kinds of salt, properties and
composition of salt and the ingredients in curing fish. It also covers the
procedure in preparing brine and curing solutions and Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) specifications for salt and curing ingredients.


At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

1. measure and weigh required salt and other ingredients for

salting and curing in line with approved specifications and
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements;
2. measure and weigh required ingredients for salting and curing
in line with approved Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources (BFAR) and Bureau of Food and Drugs
Administration (BFAD) specifications; and

3. practice accuracy in measuring and weighing ingredients of
salting and curing solutions and mixtures.



A. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and analyze the questions below. Select the correct
answer from the options given. Write the letter of your choice on your
answer sheet.
1. Which of the following mixtures would you use if you are instructed to
prepare 10% brine solution. How will you measure it?

a. 1 part salt, 8 parts water c. 1 part salt, 9 parts water

b. 1 part salt, 7 parts water d. 1 part salt, 5 parts water

2. How many grams of salt is applied to 700 grams of fish in Kench

salting using the ratio 1:7 by weight?
a. 100 grams of salt c. 200 grams of salt
b. 150 grams of salt d. 250 grams of salt

3. In preparing curing solution, the following are measured EXCEPT ONE

a. vinegar c. sugar
b. salt d. oil

4. How many cups of salt is added to 27 cups of fish for curing using 1:3
a. 10 cups c. 8 cups
b. 9 cups d. 7 cups

5. If you are asked to prepare a brine with a concentration of 20%, what

is its equivalent in terms of ratio?
a. 1:4 c. 1:5
b. 1:7 d. 1:9

6. Which of the following consist the preparation of a 25% brine solution,

with a 1:5 ratio meaning it consists of:
a. 1 part salt, 5parts water c. 1 part water, 5 parts fish
b. 1 part salt, 5 parts fish d. 1 part fish, 5 parts salt

7. How many volumes of water is added to salt to make a solution of 1:4

if the salt weighs 250 grams/cup?
a. 1,000 ml of water c. 500 ml of water
b. 800 ml of water d. 900 ml of water

8. Which among the concentration of salt given below is required to kill

most species of unwanted bacteria?
a. 10% c. 20%

b. 25% d. !5%

9. If the ratio of preparing brine is 1:9, what is the volume of water to

dissolve 250 grams of salt?
a. 2250 ml of water c. 1500 ml of water
b. 2500 ml of water d. 2000 ml of water

10. In using a salinometer to test for brine strength, at what

concentration is 20º S brine?
a. 250 grams of salt, 800 ml of water
b. 200 grams of salt, 800 ml of water
c. 250 grams of salt, 750 ml of water
d. 200 grams of salt, 750 ml of water

Test for Valuing

Explain briefly the importance of accurate weights and

measurement of ingredients for salting and curing solutions and


Let us define

Agitation - refers to constant stirring of the brine.

Brine solution - the mixture of salt and water.

Curing - refers to the method of preservation and flavoring processes in

meat and fish by the combination of salt, sugar and nitrate or

Iodized salt - a kind of table salt that contains small amount of

potassium iodide and dextrose as a dietary supplement to prevent
thyroid disease.

Osmosis - the flow of a substance from a region of lesser to a greater

concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.

Preservatives - substances added to food to prevent or inhibit the growth

of spoilage organisms.

Salinity - refers to the degree of saltiness

Salinometer - an instrument used in measuring salinity

Salt - a white crystalline combination of acid and base

Saturated solution - a solution where there is an equal amount of salt

dissolved in small amount of water

Sea salt - made from ocean or sea water that contains trace minerals not
found in the mined salt.

Solute - a substance dissolved in another substance.

Table salt - a mined salt usually dissolved in water to create brine.

Unrefined salt are commonly used as ingredients in bathing additives

Salt and Other Ingredients for Salting and Curing to be Measured

and Weighed in Line with Approved Specifications and
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Requirements

Curing fish includes the application of dry salt, brine or pickle or

smoke, which in a wider sense, applies to any saline or acid preservative
solution with some modifications.

Salting involves the application of salt to the fish whereby the

moisture content in the fish is lowered to the point where bacterial and
enzymatic activities are retarded.

Functions of Salting and Curing Ingredients

1. Salt. The essential ingredient in salting is salt. It draws moisture

from the muscle cells and at the same time enters the cells by

Salt-Too high salt content reduces protein solubility and results to a

firm product, while too low concentration yields otherwise.

Curing salt- consists of 94% refined salt and 6%


2. This is needed in the preparation of a brine

solution. The water must be potable, clean
and fresh.

3. Vinegar gives flavor, makes the product firm and also acts as a

4. Sugar acts as a preservative mainly by

increasing the thickness of the cured
pickling solution which lowers the water
activity. It also adds sweetness to the
product. (Lagua et al,1977

5. Spices The most common spices are

black pepper onions, garlic etc. The
spices used may also have some
preservative action but it is more
probable that they mask the color
and odor rather than inhibit

 Preservatives like nitrate or nitrite will not only help kill

bacteria, but also produce a characteristic flavor and give
meat a pink or red color. Nitrite in the form of either sodium
nitrate or potassium nitrate is used as a source for nitrite.
The nitrite further breaks down the meat into nitric oxide
which then binds o the iron atom in the center of
myoglobin’s heme group, preventing oxidation.

Measuring and Weighing Required Salt for Salting and Curing

Approved by the Bureau of Foods and Drugs (BFAD)

A. For Salting

Measuring and weighing the required salt for salting varies on

the methods of salting to be applied to the fish namely:

1. Kench Salting or Dry Salting produces a product locally called

Binuro. Fish are heavily salted in a ratio 1:7 ( one part fish to
seven parts water).

The weight of salt depends on the volume or weight of fish to

be salted.

Example: If the volume of fish to be salted is 700 grams,
applying the Ratio 1:7, the amount of salt to be used is 100

2. Dry Salting to Make Brine produces a product locally known as

Tinabal to the Cebuanos. Fish are salted and the liquid is
allowed to cover the fish. The ratio of salt to fish is 1: 4 ( 1 part
salt to 4 parts fish or 20% by weight.

3. Brine Salting involves the immersion of fish in brine. The

amount of salt depends on the volume of water. Mix salt with
the fish in a proportion of 20% to 25% by weight. To prepare a
brine of certain concentration, a known weight of salt is
dissolved in a known volume of water.

Brine Preparation

To prepare brine or salt solution, consider using the different


a. 10% (1:9 ratio)

b. 20% (1:4 ratio)
c. 25 % (1:3 ratio)

Fig. Measuring the amount of salt needed in preparing brine solution

1. 10% brine consists of 1 part salt and 9 parts water.

If 1 cup of salt is 250 grams, then for 9 cups of water is 2,250
grams or millimeters of water.
To weigh the solution dissolve 250 grams of salt in 2250 g/ml
of water, therefore the weight of solution is 2,500 ml.
2. To measure 20% (1:4 ratio) 1 part salt to 4 parts water.
If 1 cup of salt is 250 grams, then 4 cups of water is 1000 ml
3. To measure 25% ( 1 part salt to 3 parts water) 1 cup of
salt=250 grams added to 750 ml of water would give 1000 ml
4. To weigh the solution, dissolve 250 grams salt to 1000 ml of
water, therefore the weight of the solution is 1,250 ml.

Fig. Weighing the solution using

A weighing scale or simply a

Note* A concentration of salt up to 20% is required to kill most of

unwanted bacteria.
Salt concentration is measured with a salinometer and expressed
in terms of degree salinity. This instrument is allowed to float in a brine
solution with a temperature ranging from 0º to 35º. The highest ream is
at the weighted end of the salinometer spindle. Maximum degree
salinometer is based on the saturation of water with 25% sodium
chloride at room temperature. This point is referred to as 10º salinity.
Plain water will read 0º salinity.
(Refer to Fig. Lesson 1 in calibrating a salinometer)

Preparation (measuring and weighing) of salt depends on

composition, characteristics, impurities and kind of salt. The purer the
salt, the faster the salt penetration; the more impurities, the slower the
salt penetration

The Properties and Characteristics of Salt

1. It is a colorless or white crystalline compound known chemically as

Sodium chloride (NaCl).
2. Sources: sea water, salt wells, salt spring, lakes and underground
3. Composition: it is composed of 39.39% sodium chloride,
constitutes about 2.6% water.
4. It has antiseptic properties.
5. It melts at 14.21 º F or 77.2 º C and vaporizes rapidly in heat.
6. Pure sodium chloride is slightly hydroscopic/hygroscopic.

7. Pure salt is a white, lustrous solid material which generally
crystallizes into cubes.
8. It has a bitter brackish taste.

Impurities in Salt

The quality of finished salted or cured products depends on the

application of salt and its action. Salt penetration into the fish is faster
when relatively pure sodium chloride is used than when impurities are
present. A pure salt contains 100 % Sodium Chloride (NaCl). An impure
salt contains impurities like:

1. Physical –insoluble materials that go with the solar salt such as

sand, silt, bits of shells or tiny pieces of woods.
2. Microbial - like the halophilic bacteria which thrives very well in
salt concentration.
3. Chemical- the main chemical impurities are calcium and
magnesium chloride.

Factors Affecting Salt Penetration

1. Types/kinds of salt

Table salt unrefined salt

refined salt pepper corn

Sea salt sea salt

2. Brine temperature

The rate of salt penetration is affected by temperature. At 0 º C,

salt penetration is slower, but is faster at 15 º C and fastest at 30 º C at
identical periods of observation.

3. Salt concentration

A difference in salt concentration between the fish and the brine

results in gradual diffusion of salt into the fish. The higher the salt
concentration, the rapid the salt penetration.
Salt concentration may be:

a. Saturated solution – there is an equal amount of salt dissolved

in small amount of water
b. Super saturated- great amount of salt dissolved in small
amount of water
c. Unsaturated- - less amount of salt dissolved in more amount
of water

4. Brine volume

A small volume of brine in proportion to the fish affects results in a

small concentration of salt.

5. Agitation of the brine

If the brine is occasionally stirred while it surrounds the fish, salt

diffusion into the fish is hastened.

For Curing

Fish may either be dry-cured or pickle cured. The amount of salt

in both methods is generally the same; ¼ of the total weight or 1/3 of the
total volume of the fish.

Dry salt curing is a process where each fish is rubbed thoroughly

with salt and then stacked in rows in appropriate containers, scattering a
little salt between the layer and around the pieces.

Pickle cure method is a process where fish is packed in vats and

barrels and other appropriate containers.

In dry salt curing the average amount of salt is 1 to 4 parts by

weight of the fish.

In pickle cure method, a concentrated solution is poured ( 1 part to

3 parts water and the fish is completely immersed in brine.

Measuring/Weighing the Ingredients of the Curing Solution

To prepare a curing solution, the quantity depends on the type of

cure, individual preferences and processing requirements stated in the
procedure. Measure the amount of ingredient using the required
measuring tools.

Measuring curing ingredient Preparing curing mixture

Occupational Health and Safety Requirements on the Use of Salt and

Other Curing Ingredients

1. Some advocate that sea salt or manufactured salt is healthier than

refined salt. Sea salt is better due to its magnesium and calcium
compounds. However, it doesn’t contain iodine to prevent iodine
2. Salt when combined with other ingredients are used for healing
and therapeutic effects.
3. Iodized salt contains a minute amount of potassium iodide and
sodium iodide to help reduce the chance of iodine deficiency in
humans like thyroid gland problems or goiter.
4. Unrefined salt contains 4 electrolytes (sodium, potassium,
magnesium and calcium).
5. Too much or too little salt in the diet can lead to muscle cramps,
dizziness or even electrolytes disturbance which can cause severe,
even fatal, neurological problems.
6. Drinking too much water with insufficient salt intake, puts a
person at risk of water intoxication (hyponatremia).
7. Salt is even used sometimes as a health aid, such as in treatment
of dysautonomia.
8. Too much preservatives like sodium nitrate or nitrite is harmful to
one’s health because they are carcinogenic.

The information cited above will guide a food processor in selecting

the best kind of salt appropriate in curing the food like fish or meat
which is not hazardous to ones’ health.

Bureau of Foods and Drugs (BFAD) Specification on the Use of Curing


1. The Food Standard Agency (counterpart of BFAD) defines the level

usage of salt in foods as follows:

a. High is more than 1.5 g salt pe 100 g. ( or 0.6 g sodium)

b. Low is 0.3 g salt or less per 100 g. ( 0.1 g sodium)

If the amount of salt per 100 g is in between these figures, then

that is the medium level of salt.

2. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Labeling Guide

stipulates whether a food be labeled as “free”, “low” or
“reduced/less” in respect of sodium.
3. Other health claims are made about a food (e.g low in fat, calories
etc), a disclosure statement is required if the food exceeds 480 mg
of sodium per serving.
4. Recommended usage to some is 6 g. of salt per day

5. Recommended level for iodized salt usage is 150 micrograms of
iodine per day for both man and woman.
6. Recommended use level for curing salt—1/2 tsp/kg of meat, 0.2 %
of weight of fish or 2 grams per kg of finished product, 125 ppm
sodium nitrite.


1. All ingredients in salting and curing must be properly measured

and weighed in accordance with OHS and BFAD requirements
2. The quality of salted/cured products depends on the proper
measurements/weights of salt and curing ingredients. Inaccurate
measurements of ingredients will result to defective products.
3. Curing mixtures especially preservatives must be used in tolerable
amounts. Using more than what is allowed is damaging to the
4. Amount of salt needed for fish depends on the type of cure or
method of salting you are going to apply to the fish.
5. Observe accuracy on the measurement of ingredients in salting
and curing.
6. Be cautious/careful in measuring ingredients for salting and
curing, solutions and mixtures.


Post Test

A. Written Test
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the questions below. Select the correct
answer from the options given. Write the letter of your choice on your
answer sheet.

1. Which of the following mixture would you use if you are instructed to
prepare 10% brine solution. How will you measure it?
a. 1 part salt, 8 parts water c. 1 part salt, 9 parts water
b. 1 part salt, 7 parts water d. 1 part salt, 5 parts water

2. How many grams of salt is applied to 700 grams of fish in Kench

salting using the the ratio 1:7 by weight?
a. 100 grams of salt c. 200 grams of salt
b. 150 grams of salt d. 250 grams of salt

3. In preparing curing solution, the following are measured EXCEPT ONE

a. vinegar c. sugar
b. salt d. oil

4. How many cups of salt is added to 27 cups of fish for curing using 1:3

a. 10 cups c. 8 cups
b. 9 cups d. 7 cups

5. If you are asked to prepare a brine with a concentration of 20%, what

is its equivalent in terms of ratio?
a. 1:4 c. 1:5
b. 1:7 d. 1:9

6. Which of the following consist the preparation of a 25% brine solution,

with a 1:5 ratio meaning it consists of:
a. 1 part salt, 5parts water c. 1 part water, 5 parts fish
b. 1 part salt, 5 parts fish d. 1 part fish, 5 parts salt

7. How many volumes of water is added to salt to make a solution of 1:4

if the salt weighs 250 grams/cup?
a. 1,000 ml of water c. 500 ml of water
b. 800 ml of water d. 900 ml of water

8. Which among the concentration of salt given below is required to kill

most species of unwanted bacteria?
a. 10% c. 20%
b. 25% d. !5%

9. In the ratio of preparing brine 1:9, what is the weight of the solution
dissolved in 250 grams of salt?
a. 2250 ml of water c. 1500 ml of water
b. 2500 ml of water d. 2000 ml of water

10. In using a salinometer to test for brine strength, at what

concentration is 20º S brine?
a. 250 grams of salt, 800 ml of water
b. 200 grams of salt, 800 ml of water
c. 250 grams of salt, 750 ml of water
d. 200 grams of salt, 750 ml of water

B. Oral Questioning/Interview

1. Can you prepare a brine solution of different concentrations

using a salinometer? How will you do it?.

2. Can you measure in terms of cups the amount of salt to be

dissolved in a solution 1000ml of water?

C. Problem Solving
How many grams of water will you use to dissolve 250 grams of salt
to produce a 10% brine?


Perform the following:

a. Kench Curing
1. Compute for the weight of salt to be added/applied to fish
in kench salting if the weight of fish is 700 grams using
3:7 ratio by weight.
2. Demonstrate how you will cure the fish with the salt you

b. Prepare a brine solution of different concentrations;

1. 10%
2. 20 %
3. 25 %

Note: Points will be based on the accuracy of your computation for the
given concentrations.

Test on valuing

Why do you have to observe accurate measurement of ingredients

used for salting and curing? What would be its effect to health if it
exceeds more than the required limit? Explain briefly.


The following resources are needed:

1. Learning guides

a. Module
b. Manual for preparing brine and curing solutions
c. Handouts on OHS indicators

2. Equipment, tools for preparing brine and curing solutions

a. Measuring cups and spoons

b. Mixing bowls
c. Wooden ladle
d. Salinometer
e. Basins

3. Materials

a. Potable water

b. Rock salt/table salt


Avery, Arthur. Fish Processing Handbook of the Philippines

Bardey, Catherine, Secrets of the Spas, Blac

Bauer, W.W.MD, Health for All, 1967

Calmorin, Laurentina P., Calmorin, Melchor A., Tinaypan, Alfredo S..

(1990). Introduction to Fishery Technology, Manila, Philippines.
National Bookstore Inc.

Calmorin, Laurentina P., Post Harvest Fisheries. Manila, Philippines:

national Bookstore, Inc. 2000.

Cortez, Lourdes A., Processing and Preservation of Freshwater Fish.,

Manila, Philippines ., National Bookstore Inc.,1990

Dagoon, Jesse D. Exploratory Fishery Arts. Manila, Philippines: Rex

Bookstore, 1985.

Espejo, Jasmin. Fish Processing Handbook of the Philippines

Hermes-Espejo, Jasmin. Fish Processing Technology in the Tropics,

Quezon City, Philippines, Tawid Publications, 1998.

Hand- outs and Pamphlets on Fish Processing.

Lagna, Rosalinda T. Food Preservation for Filipinos, 1977

Maharajh, Christina “20 Amazing Ways to Use Salt”

Mendoza, Leonarda. Fishery Arts for Secondary Schools Exploratory,


Photo Researchers, Inc./Dr. Jeremy Burgess/Science Source

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft

Training Regulation for Food Processing NC II, TESDA, Metro Manila

Food Safety and Sanitation, A paper presented at Foresight on Food

Safety, International Food Safety Seminar at Seoul, Korea on April
24, 2006

Other Sources











The lesson deals on how to cure the fish by salting and smoking.
This includes the procedure in curing fish, methods of storing fish while
curing, ideal temperature for storing fish while curing and importance of
submerging fish in the curing solution.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. mix the prepared materials for curing solution in accordance with

approved Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
specifications and enterprise requirements;
2. store cured fish at room or refrigerating temperature for appropriate
number of days in accordance with approved BFAR specifications; and
3. keep or submerge the fish to be cured in the curing solution to obtain
even distribution/penetration of solution in line with approved BFAR
and Bureau of Foods and Drugs (BFAD) specifications; and
4. appreciate the importance of properly practicing the curing the fish for
salting and smoking.


Multiple Choice: Directions: Choose the correct answer from the options
given. Write only the letter of your choice in your test booklet. Do not
write anything on the module.
1. You are curing fish by salting them through the Kench or dry
salting method. Why do you need to remove the internal organs
before curing with salt?
a. To remove the enzymes and microorganisms present in the
b. To improve the appearance of the fish
c. To lengthen the storage life of the fish
d. To improve the texture of the fish
2. What method of curing fish with the use of salt starts with rubbing
the fish with dry salt granules before packing them to allow the
formation of brine?
a. dry salting
b. brine salting
c. dry salting to make brine
d. fermentation

3. When smoking fish, why do you need to treat the fish with salt
prior to smoking?
a. to reduce moisture content through osmosis
b. to improve texture and taste of fish
c. to destroy microorganisms through plasmolysis of microbial
d. all of these

4. One of the steps involved in smoking fish is drying the pre-cooked

fish for 1 – 3 hours. Why is it done?
a. to slightly dry the fish
b. to slightly harden the fish
c. to facilitate formation of pellicle
d. to kill the microorganisms

5. Why are drying and dehydration considered as a curing method of

preserving fish?
a. because the fish is first treated with salt before drying
naturally or artificially
b. drying and dehydration involves the removal of moisture
from the fish
c. because the fish muscles harden and cannot be acted upon
by enzymes and microorganisms
d. none of these

6. While curing the fish with brine, why do you need to cover the
curing container?
a. to shorten curing time
b. to prevent contamination with germs and microorganisms
from the air and flies
c. to hasten the curing process
d. to prevent adulteration

7. Why is it important to keep the fish being cured at room

temperature or at a low temperature?
a. to slow down microbial activity
b. to maintain the good condition of the fish being cured
c. both a and b
d. to harden the fish while curing

8. Fish being cured with the curing solution like brine be must be
thoroughly submerged into the brine __________.
a. to keep the flies from coming in contact with the fish
b. in order for the fish to be thoroughly cured with the curing
c. to prevent contamination of fish while curing
d. to thoroughly preserve the fish

9. What happens if the fish being cured are kept in a place with a
poor ventilation or quite hot?
a. the fish will not be thoroughly cured
b. the quality of fish will deteriorate due to microbial action
c. microbial activity increases resulting to spoilage
d. both a and b

10. To keep the fish submerged in the curing solution, which of the
following will you do?
a. cover with a ‘panakip’
b. cover with banana leaves
c. cover with a metal basin
d. cover with old newspapers

Test for Valuing

Complete the statement:

If I am going to cure fish through salting and smoking, I will practice

correct curing procedure because______________________________.


Let us define

Autolysis - the self digestion of the fish due to enzymes naturally present
in the digestive tract of the fish resulting to partial liquefaction and
softening of the fish flesh.

Contaminant - a substance that makes other substances like air, water,

or food impure. They include germs and microorganisms that
infect the food.

Contamination - a state of being infected with germs or microorganisms

or made impure with contaminants.

Curing solution - a mixture of salt and water which is used to cure or

treat fish.

Drying - a method of curing in which moisture is removed through

natural or artificial means. Drying involves exposure to natural air
currents and humidity is regulated by climatic condition. Artificial
drying or dehydration involves the use of a mechanical device
which controls relative humidity as in the use of oven, kiln or

Dry salted fish - a fishery product which is dried first before it is salted as
in dry salting of alamang or small shrimp.

Fermenting - a method suitable for small fishes with fish paste (bagoong)
and fish sauce (patis) as end products.

Fish Curing - a method of preserving fish and other fishery products by

means of salting, drying and dehydration, smoking and pickling.
Isthmus - the part that joins the lower jaw of the mouth of a fish and the
breast which is located at the lower end of the operculum.

Kench salted fish - refers to a heavily salted fish locally known as binuro.

Osmosis - the process whereby moisture from the fish is removed while
salt enters it through the skin as semi – permeable membrane.

Pellicle - a glossy film substance imparted to the fish that aids in giving
the fish desirable smoke color.

Plasmolysis - the shrinking of the protoplasm of a living cell like a

bacterial cell due to the loss of water by osmosis.

Salting - a curing fish which is integrated in almost all methods of

preserving fish with salt as the chief preservative.

Smoking - a smoke – curing method of preserving fish by the application

of smoke with the aid of salting, drying and heat treatment.

Submerge - means to place under water or cover with water.

In developing countries like the Philippines, fish curing is still the

principal method of processing fish and other fishery products. Many fish
processors prefer to engage in producing cured fishery products like
salted fish (binuro, tinabal, guinamos and bagoong), smoked fish (tinapa)
and dried fish in whole form like the dried small fishes (dilis and
slipmouth) and the dried splitted fish (daeng) because most Filipinos
prefer to eat these products rather than the canned, iced or frozen ones.

In preparing cured fishery products, the methods used are salting,

smoking, drying and dehydration.

Procedure in Curing Fish

A. Salting

Salting is one of the fish curing methods wherein salt is the chief
preservative. It preserves fish by lowering its moisture content through
the process of osmosis. During osmosis, the bacterial cells undergo
plasmolysis as a result of osmotic pressure thus destroying the bacteria.

Salt – The Chief Preservative in Curing Fish through Salting and Smoking

There are five methods of salting fish as follows:

1. Kench or Dry salting involves heavily salting the fish with dried salt
granules with a ratio of 1:7 ( 1 part fish to 7 parts salt). The salted
product prepared through this method is referred to as binuro.

The species of fish commonly kench-salted are:

1. Indian sardine (tamban tuloy)

2. Fimbriated herring (tunsoy)
3. Short – bodied mackerel (hasa – hasa)
4. Striped mackerel (alumahan)
5. Yellow – striped crevalle (salay – salay)


a. Weigh the fish

b. Eviscerate and wash them with fresh water. The scales may or
may not be removed.

c. Soak in a 10% brine, (1 part salt to 9 parts water), for 30

minutes to leach out the blood.

d. Half dry the fish for two hours.

e. Salt them with the ratio of 1:7 (1 part fish to 7 parts salt) by

Concrete Tank for Brine - Salting of Fish

f. Pack the fish in newspaper for home consumption and pack in

wooden boxes for commercial purposes.

Wooden Boxes for Packing Cured Fish

2. Dry salting. In this method, the fishery product is dried first before it
is salted as in dry salting of alamang (small shrimps) or anchovies.
Also, fresh small herrings are dried first before they are salted.

The steps in preparing salted alamang are as follows:

a. Remove the adhering foreign materials from small shrimps.

b. Wash then dry the small shrimps under the sun for one day.
c. Pound the dried small shrimps with the use of mortar and
d. Add salt to pounded shrimps. The ratio is 1:5 (1 part salt to
5 parts pound shrimps).
e. Add little washed sugar to salted pounded shrimps. The
ratio is 1:32 (1 part washed sugar to 32 parts salted pounded
shrimps). Blend them thoroughly.
f. After mixing, form them into paste ready for sale.

3. Dry salting to make brine. It involves curing the fish with dry salt
granules before they are packed in containers so that brine will be
allowed to form. The product prepared through this method is known
locally by the Cebuanos as tinabal. The species of fish commonly
cured through dry salting to make brine are short-bodied mackerel,
striped mackerel, yellow striped crevalle and yellow tuna or albacora.

The steps in salting fish through dry salting to make brine are as follows:

a. Weigh the fish

b. Eviscerate them and if their flesh are thick, make a gash on
c. Wash them with freshwater and pack in 10% brine for 30
minutes to leach out the blood.
d. Drain the fish for one hour.
e. Rub thoroughly each fish with salt so that all surfaces will be
f. Pack the fish in layers in big plastic or glass containers with salt
sprinkled between layers so that brine formed will cover the
fish. The ratio of salt to fish is 1:4 (1 part salt to 4 parts fish) or
20% by weight. Pack also the fish in 25% brine with the ratio of
1:3 (1part salt to 3 parts fish) by weight.

4. Brine salting is curing the fish with the brine formed after letting the
mixture of salt and fish stand for 24 hours. The product produced
through this method is locally known as ginamos by the Cebuanos.
The brine salted fish are stored for one month or two months and
usually eaten uncooked with calamansi juice or vinegar. The brine of
this salted product is called una, which is used as seasoning for broth
and vegetables. Fish commonly brine - salted are anchovy and

The steps in brining the fish are as follows:

a. Weigh the fish and wash them in fresh water.

b. Mix salt with the fish in a proportion of 1:4 or 1:5 by weight.
c. Let the mixture stand for 24 hours.
d. Decant the brine formed.
e. Boil the brine formed together with the saturated brine for 30
minutes and let it cool.
f. Pack the salted fish in big plastic or glass container.
g. Pour the boiled brine into the salted fish.
h. Cover the container and store in a cool place.

5. Fermenting is a method of salting fish which is done by dry salting the

fish and left to ferment so that protein hydrolyzes to produce paste
and sauce. This method has two products, namely fish paste or
bagoong and fish sauce or patis.

Some fish processors apply papain to make the fermentation

period shorter and faster. Anchovy, sardine, herring, shad,
silverside and slipmouth are common species fermented.

The steps in fermenting fish are as follows:

a. Weigh the fish.

b. Cut into small pieces if fish are large.
c. Wash the fish and drain for 30 minutes.
d. Mix salt thoroughly with the fish in a ratio of 1:4 (1 part salt
to 4 parts fish) by weight or 20%. If 25% is used, the ratio is
1:3 (1 part salt to 3 parts fish) by weight.
e. Add papain to shorten the fermentation period (optional).
f. Pack the fish in plastic or glass containers.
g. Store the fermented fish for a month to a year for it to
develop the aroma caused by the breakdown of fish proteins.
h. Separate the fish sauce from the fish paste.
i. Extract the fish sauce and pack in bottles.

Containers for Fermenting Fish

B. Smoking

Smoking or smoke-curing is a method of preserving fish by the

application of smoke with the aid of salting, drying and heat treatment.
Smoked fish is locally known as tinapa. The two types of smoking are
hot smoking and cold smoking.

Hot smoking is a slow type of broiling wherein fish is placed near

the fire at smoke temperatures ranging from 66˚C to 88˚C. Smoking lasts
for one hour to 3 hours depending upon the size of the fish. The fish are
cooked in addition to being saturated with smoke. This is also referred to
as barbecue smoking. There are two hot smoking methods namely:

1. boiling
2. pressure cooking

Below are some types of not smoke house for not smoking:

Native Pot Type Drum Type

Cold smoking is done by placing the fish far away from the fish at a
distance of almost two meters away from the source of smoke with a
temperature ranging from 32˚C to 43˚C. Below are examples of
Smokehouse used in cold smoking:

Cabinet Type Smokehouse

Differences Between Hot Smoking and Cold Smoking

Differences Hot Smoking Cold Smoking

1. Distance of fish Close proximity to the 2 meters away from
from source of heat fire the source of fire
2. Temperature 66˚C to 88˚C 32˚C to 43˚C
3. Length of smoking 1 – 3 hours 1 to 2 weeks
4. Finished product Little bit moist and Dry and lighter in
heavier in weight weight
5. Shelf - life 3 days to a week More than a month

Procedure in Hot Smoking Fish

Boiling Method of Hot Smoking

a. Weigh the fish and wash them with freshwater.

b. Remove the internal organs by ripping out the gills, making
sure the isthmus is not destroyed. The removal of viscera
eradicates the enzymes that cause autolysis and reduces the
microorganisms present.
c. Rewash the fish with freshwater.
d. Soak the fish in saturated brine for two hours.
e. Boil the fish in 10% brine solution for 10 minutes till the
eyes of fish become white.
f. Dry the boiled fish in a cool, shady and breezy place for 1 to
3 hours or until a thin slimy skin or pellicle is formed on the
g. Hot-smoke the fish at temperatures ranging from 66 OC to
88OC for 1 to 3 hours depending upon the size of the fish.

Pressure-Cooking of Hot Smoking

a. Weigh the fish and wash with freshwater.

b. Remove the viscera by ripping out gills through the
operculum. The removal of viscera leads to the destruction
of enzymes and reduction of microorganisms present in the
fish. Be sure the isthmus is not destroyed.
c. Rewash the fish with freshwater.
d. Soak the fish in saturated brine solution for two hours.
e. Pressure- cook the fish at temperature of 240 OF or 10
pounds, pressure per square inch gauge for 90 minutes for
milkfish; 70 minutes for short-bodied and striped mackerel;
and 60 minutes for herring and sardines.
f. The pressure-cooked fish are dried in a cool, shady and
breezy place for 20 to 30 minutes or until a thin slimy skin
or pellicle is formed on the surface.
g. The fish are hot-smoked at temperature ranging from 66 OC
to 88OC for 1 to 3 hours depending upon the size of the fish.
h. The smoked products are weighed and packed in waxed
paper ready for the market.

Procedure in Cold Smoking Fish

a. Weigh the fish and wash with freshwater.

b. Remove the viscera by ripping out the gills through the
operculum. Be sure the isthmus is not destroyed.
c. Rewash the fish with freshwater.
d. Soak the fish in saturated brine solution for two hours.
e. Pressure-cook or brine-cook the fish following the
instructions in letter e procedure of hot smoking.

f. The pre-cooked fish are laid on bamboo racks and dried in a
shady place for 1 to 3 hours or until the pellicle forms on the
g. Cold-smoke the fish at temperatures ranging from 32 OC to
43OC for 7 to 14 days. Thin smoke is applied during the first
two days and thick smoke for the remaining days.
h. Weigh and pack the smoked products in waxed paper ready
for the market.

Methods of Storing Fish While Curing

When curing fish with salt prior to drying or salting it is important

that the fish being cured must be properly stored in order to prevent
deterioration of the fish as a result of contamination due to careless
handling during storage and improper storage practices. While curing,
the fish must be protected from possible contamination so the salting
trough, curing tank or wooden vessel with fish and curing solution must
be covered to prevent contaminated air, flies and other carriers of germs
and microbes from coming in contact with the fish. The processor must
see to it that the fish being cured are stored in a cool place.

Below are some methods of storing fish while curing:

1. Dry storage method involves storing the fish being cured in an area
with a moderate room temperature of 10˚C (50˚F) to 21˚C (70˚F) and a
relative humidity of 50% to 60% to maintain the freshness or good
condition of the fish. Sunlight must be prevented from getting into the
room because it generates heat resulting to an increase in the
temperature which is conducive for microbial growth and activity.

Dry Storage Medium for Cured Smoked Fish

2. Refrigerated storage method is done when storing the fish being cured
in storage areas with refrigerators. This method slows down microbial
growth and preserves the good quality of the fish while curing it. With a
refrigerator, a temperature of 3˚C (38˚F) is maintained. The processor
must make sure that the fish being cured are kept at an ambient
temperature if this method is done.

A Refrigerator for the Refrigerated Storage of Fish while Curing

Temperatures Ideal for Storing Fish While Curing

Temperature is a vital factor to consider when storing fish while

curing because it greatly affects the maintenance of the good quality of
the fish. Spoilage organisms like the bacteria become more active at
higher temperatures hence the need to keep the fish in a low
temperature. Low temperatures slow down microbial activity thus
delaying or preventing the onset of spoilage. Fishes being cured with salt
can be kept at a normal room temperature of about 35˚C. Below are
other ideal temperatures for keeping fish while curing:

1. moderate room temperature of 10˚C (50˚F) to 21˚C (70˚F)

2. a refrigerated temperature of 3˚C (38˚F)

A Fish Cooling Device

It must be noted that all bacteria do not have the same

temperature requirements for growth. A knowledge on this will help a
processor determine the ideal temperature most appropriate for storing a
particular kind of cured fishery product.

Below are the classification of bacteria and their temperature
growth range:

1. Psychrophilic bacteria grow within a temperature range of 0˚C

(32˚F) to 21˚C (70˚F). These the troublesome microorganisms
because they are capable of multiplying at both refrigerated and
room temperatures. Most are spoilage organisms.
2. Mesophilic (middle range) bacteria grow at temperatures between
21˚C (70˚F) to 43C (110F), with most rapid growth at a temperature
of 37˚C (98.6˚F).
3. Thermophilic organisms are heat – loving and grow best at
temperatures above 43˚C (110˚F). All thermophiles are spoilage

Importance of Submerging the Fish in the Curing Solution while


The salt used in curing the fish to be salted, dried or smoked

preserves the fish by lowering the moisture content through the process
of osmosis, whereby the moisture in the body of fish is removed while salt
enters it through the skin as semi - permeable membrane. The flow of
water is from a lesser to greater concentration. Thus, when fish is
soaked in a concentrated brine solution, the water inside flows out
rapidly through the skin. Eventually, when the concentration of the
solution inside the cell walls into the protoplasm equals that of the brine,
the salting process is completed and the fish is said to be thoroughly

Submerging the fish in the curing solution will facilitate a thorough

exposure of the fish muscles to the curing solution thereby hastening the
removal of moisture from the fish and the penetration of salt into the
cells of the fish. If the fish are kept submerged all through out the curing
period, the fish will be completely salted. To make sure that the fish are
completely submerged in the curing solution, they must be covered with
a woven bamboo cover known as panakip.


Fish curing is still the principal method of processing fish and

other fishery products commonly used by Filipinos. This can be done
through salting, drying, smoking and pickling. It is popular among
Filipinos because its application is simple, easy and economical. It
involves the use of salt as the chief preservative. When preserving fish
through drying or smoking, they are first cured with a brine solution to
lower the moisture content, improve the texture, and impart a desirable
salty taste.


Post Test

Multiple Choice: Directions: Choose the correct answer from the options
given. Write only the letter of your choice in your test booklet.

1. You are curing fish by salting them through the Kench or dry
salting method. Why do you need to remove the internal organs
before curing with salt?
a. To remove the enzymes and microorganisms present in the
b. To improve the appearance of the fish
c. To lengthen the storage life of the fish
d. To improve the texture of the fish

2. What method of curing fish with salt starts with rubbing the fish
with dry salt granules before packing them to allow the formation
of brine?
a. dry salting
b. brine salting
c. dry salting to make brine
d. fermentation

3. When smoking fish, why do you need to treat the fish with salt
prior to smoking?
a. to reduce moisture content through osmosis
b. to improve texture and taste of fish
c. to destroy microorganisms through plasmolysis of microbial
d. all of these

4. One of the steps involved in smoking fish is drying the pre-cooked

fish for 1 – 3 hours. Why is it done?
a. to slightly dry the fish
b. to slightly harden the fish
c. to facilitate formation of pellicle
d. to kill the microorganisms

5. Why are drying and dehydration considered as a curing method of

preserving fish?
a. because the fish is first treated with salt before drying
naturally or artificially
b. drying and dehydration involves the removal of moisture
from the fish
c. because the fish muscles harden and cannot be acted upon
by enzymes and microorganisms
d. none of these

6. While curing the fish with brine, why do you need to cover the
curing container?
a. to shorten curing time
b. to prevent contamination with germs and microorganisms
from the air and flies
c. to hasten the curing process
d. to prevent adulteration

7. Why is it important to keep the fish being cured at room

temperature or at a low temperature?
a. to slow down microbial activity
b. to maintain the good condition of the fish being cured
c. both a and b
d. to harden the fish while curing

8. Fish being cured with the curing solution like brine must be
thoroughly submerged into the brine __________.
a. to keep the flies from coming in contact with the fish
b. in order for the fish to be thoroughly cured with the curing
c. to prevent contamination of fish while curing
d. to thoroughly preserve the fish

9. What happens if the fish being cured are kept in a place with a
poor ventilation or quite hot?
a. the fish will not be thoroughly cured
b. the quality of fish will deteriorate due to microbial action
c. microbial activity increases resulting to spoilage
d. both a and b

10. To keep the fish submerged in the curing solution, which of the
following will you do?
a. cover with a ‘panakip’
b. cover with banana leaves
c. cover with a metal basin
d. cover with old newspapers

Practical Demonstration with Oral Interview:

Demonstrate these tasks:

1. Hot smoking of fish

2. Dry storage method of storing fish while curing


Performance Test

Perform the actual curing of fish by kench salting. You will

be rated using the following criteria:

Accuracy Speed Workmanship Quality of Work Habits

10% 10% 40% 30% 10%

Test for Valuing

Explain briefly why it is important to observe accuracy in curing fish to

be salted, dried or smoked.


The following resources are needed:

1. Learning guides

a. Module
b. Computer based activity guides
c. Activity sheets

2. Equipment, tools and utensils

a. Mixing bowls
b. Salting/curing vats
c. Wooden ladle/stirrer
d. Freezer
e. Food tongs
f. Salinometer

3. Materials

a. Rock salt/table salt

b. Potable water

4. Personal protective equipment

a. Apron
b. Rubberized hand gloves
c. Headband


Essentials of Food Safety and Sanitation, Third Edition by David

McSwane, H.S.S., Nancy Rue, Ph. D. and Richard Linton, Ph. D.

Post Harvest Fisheries by : Laurentina –Paler Calmorin, 2006





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The lesson deals on finishing the cured fish like draining the brine-
cured fish. This also includes drying cured fish in appropriate equipment
and medium; packing cured fish using appropriate medium; cooking fish
in brine using appropriate cooking equipment and medium; smoking the
cooked fish; cooling the smoked fish and packing the smoked fish.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. drain brine cured fish;

2. dry cured fish using appropriate equipment and medium;
3. pack cured fish using appropriate packing medium;
4. store packed cured fish in appropriate storage medium;
5. cook fish in brine using appropriate cooking equipment;
6. smoke cooked fish;
7. pack smoked fish; and
8. appreciate the importance of properly finishing the cured fish.



Multiple Choice – Directions: Let’s find out how much you already know
about finishing the cured fish. Read and understand the questions
below. Select the best answer and write the letter in your test booklet.

1. Why do you need to drain the brine cured fish?

a. to remove excess moisture
b. to let the fish oil drip away from the fish
c. to harden the fish
d. to facilitate pellicle formation

2. What method of drying the salted fish will you do if the product
specification requires you to naturally dry it?
a. artificial drying
b. drying with a dehydrator
c. sun drying
d. dry inside an oven

3. You are going to dry salted splitted fish. Which one will you do?
a. split the fish before salting
b. clean and wash the fish
c. cure fish with salt
d. spread fish on drying trays and dry

4. Your teacher assigned you to prepare the tools you will use in
drying salted fish, which of these will you prepare?
a. salting vat, wooden stirrer and aluminum trays
b. knife, forcep and wooden vat
c. bamboo trays
d. basin and mixing bowl

5. How will you properly package a smoked fish?

a. Pack them in metal containers.
b. Pack them in glass jars.
c. Pack the fish in polyethylene bags.
d. Wrap the fish with banana leaves.

6. Why do you need to drain the fish after washing?

a. to remove excess water
b. to let the oil drip
c. to improve texture of the fish
d. to dry the fish

7. Which of the following will you do if you are instructed to brine the
a. Prepare a brine.
b. Soak the fish in the brine.
c. both a and b
d. none of these

8. If you are going to pre-cook a fish before smoking, which of the

following will you do?
a. prepare a saturated brine
b. dip fish into the boiling saturated brine
c. drain the brined fish
d. boil the fish in plain water

9. How will you properly cool the fish after smoking?

a. place inside a freezer
b. aerate with an electric fan
c. place inside the setting cabinet for cooling
d. expose to natural air

10. Why do you need to properly package smoked fish?

a. to prevent contamination of the product
b. to improve the salability of the product
c. to improve product appearance
d. to improve texture of the smoked fish


Let us define

Brine - a mixture of salt and water.

Dehydrator - a mechanical device used to lower the moisture content of

the fish under controlled conditions.

Preservative - refers to a substance added to food to prevent its spoilage

and maintain its freshness. Example: Salt, vinegar and smoke.

Salted fish - a product prepared from whole, eviscerated or splitted fish

treated with salt.

Saturated - loaded to capacity.

Smoked fish - a product prepared from whole, eviscerated or splitted fish

treated with salt and subjected to smoke produced by combustion
of wood or other smoking materials.

Enzymes - endogenic bio – proteins which are naturally present in the

digestive tract of living organisms that hasten digestion.

Microorganisms - minute living organisms like bacteria, yeasts and molds

which cause spoilage of the fish.

Moisture - refers to the water content of a fish.

Packing - filling the cured fish into a packaging material.

Osmosis - the flow of substances from a lower concentration to a higher

concentration through a semi – permeable membrane until a state
of equilibrium is established.

Salt - a colorless or white crystalline compound known chemically as

Sodium chloride (NaCl) occurring abundantly in nature, both in
solid or liquid form.

A cured fish has been treated with preservatives like salt and
smoke. This is to prevent spoilage and thereby lengthen the storage life
of the product. Curing a fish is done through drying, smoking or salting.

Drying as a preservation method which is integrated in salting and

smoking is based on the following principles:

a. Microorganisms cannot live without water.

b. The action of microbial enzymes on food requires water.

Smoking involves the treatment of fish with smoke. The
production of smoke implies fire and generation of heat. When fish is
smoked, it is also dried and is also slightly cooked. Cooking destroys the
action of enzymes and kills many microorganisms because of the high
temperature. Chemicals in the smoke also destroy microorganisms.
Smoke contains a substance called creosote which acts as a preservative

Salting, on the other hand, preserves the fish through treatment

with salt. It reduces the moisture content of the fish through osmosis.
Common salt (Sodium Chloride), if present in the fish flesh in sufficient
quantities, will slow down or prevent microbial action. Salting fish is
done through dry salting or Kench curing, dry salting to make brine,
brine salting and fermentation.

When salt is added to the fish before it is dried, less water needs to
be removed from the cured product to achieve preservation. A product
with a water content of 34% - 35% depending on the amount of salt
present, is often dry enough to inhibit the action of microbes.

When drying salted fish, these methods are used:

1. Sun drying – natural dehydration of fish through exposure to

sunlight until the moisture content of the fish is lowered to a point
unfavorable for microbial growth.

2. Artificial dehydration – the use of mechanical devices to provide

artificial heat for the purpose of lowering the moisture content of
the fish to inactivate microorganisms and other spoilage agents.

Dehydrators are used in the artificial removal of moisture from the fish

Procedures in Drying Fish

Sun Drying of Fish

The following are the general steps in sun drying:

1. Wash fish thoroughly in running water

2. Soak fish in a 10% brine for half an hour to leach out the blood.

3. Remove the viscera by opening and squeezing the belly cavity.

4. Soak the fish in a concentrated brine solution for 3 to 6 hours
to partially extract the moisture content of fish.

Salting Troughs for Brining Fish

5. Arrange the salted fish on coarsely woven bamboo trays/racks

and dry under the sun for a few days depending on the size of
the fish.

6. When thoroughly dried, place the fish in clean baskets or boxes,

ready for market distribution.

Artificial Dehydration of Fish

Follow these steps when using the artificial dehydration method of

preserving fish:

1. Wash fish thoroughly in running water.

2. Soak fish in a 10% brine for half an hour to leach out the blood.
3. Remove the viscera by opening and squeezing the belly cavity.
4. Soak the fish in a concentrated brine solution for 3 to 6 hours
to partially extract the water content of the fish.
5. Precook the fish for a short period of time depending upon its
6. Arrange the precooked fish on trays and racks. Place the fish in
an oven or artificial dehydrator to dry under a controlled

7. When thoroughly dried, remove and collect the fish from the
tray and pack them in boxes, ready for market distribution.

Equipment and Materials Used in Drying

The following equipment and materials are important in drying

salted fish:

1. Anemometer - an instrument used in determining the

velocity of the wind in sun drying.

2. Bamboo trays - woven bamboo slats used for holding fish for
drying. Drying trays out of fine – meshed wire screen can
also be used for drying fish.

Bamboo tray

3. Drying platforms - surfaces used to hold trays and racks

when drying fish.

4. Interval timer - a gadget used to note the exact interval of
time in the drying process.

5. Oven or Dehydrator - a device that is used for artificial



6. Psychrometer - an instrument used to measure the relative

humidity of the air when sun drying. The psychrometer is a
hygrometer that utilizes two thermometers—one wet-bulb
and one dry-bulb—to determine humidity through

Digital Sling Psychrometer
7. Thermoguide - an instrument used for recording the daily
temperature in order to establish a drying pattern.

8. Salinometer – used to determine the salinity of the brine to

be used in curing the fish before drying.

9. Drying sheds – night covers commonly used to protect dried

fish from the rain.

Packaging Materials

Packaging is a container. It is a system or means of protecting

goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing and end-use. It also
serves as an important marketing tool for enhancing product market

Below are the illustrations of some packaging materials:

Polyethylene Packaging Materials

Kinds of Packaging Materials for Dried and Smoked Fish

1. Polyester – polyethylene (PET/PE) for local and foreign

distribution of dried fish at ambient and refrigerated conditions,
and of smoked fish at refrigerated condition.

2. Polyethylene (0.002 inch thick) for local and foreign

distribution at refrigerated conditions

3. Traditional packaging materials like wooden boxes, baskets,

used cartons, jute sacks, etc. These need to be improved to ensure
product hygiene and safety.

Packing Cured Fish

The packing procedure depends on whether the cured fish are to be

delivered at once to fish traders or will be kept in cold storage for future
distribution. If they are to be delivered at once to fish traders, they are
packed in boxes containing approximately 50 kg of dried fish.

Procedure in Packing Cured Fish in a Wooden Box

1. Line fish box with old newspaper followed by wax paper.

Provide an extra flap of newspaper for covering the fish.
2. Pack the cured fish in the box, cover with extra wax paper,
flap top with several newspapers.
3. Nail the cover of the box. The dried fish are ready for
delivery to fish traders or to public market.

Retail Packaging

The use of polyethylene films 0.001-0.002 inch thickness is

recommended for retail packaging of smoked product. Other packaging
materials such as laminator or combination of two or more flexible
packaging materials may also be used but these are rather more

Procedure for Retail Packaging of Cured Fish:

1. Sort cured fish according to size.

2. Pack cured fish in plastic bags at retail weight of 250g, 500g
or 1000g per pack.
3. Seal filled packs by using a portable or fast sealer.
4. Transfer the packed products in bulk packaging material,
seal and store preferably at refrigeration temperature to maintain
the quality of the smoked fish.

Storing Cured Fish

Cured fish remain in sound and edible condition only over a short
period of time. Smoked fish contain a high percentage of moisture
making them highly susceptible to spoilage. Hence, they should be
distributed or sold as soon as possible, while being kept chilled or
refrigerated if possible. Smoked fish remain good for 3 days at room
temperature and up to 2 weeks when refrigerated.

During the dry season and peak season for fish, cured fish are
produced in bulk and stored in cold storage for future distribution. They
are packed and stored as follows:

1. Line an improvised basket made from coarsely woven bamboo slats

with several layers of thick wax papers.
2. Pack the fish inside the baskets, cover with wax papers, and tie
with straw cords. Each fish basket weighs 40-50 kilograms.
3. Keep the fish inside the cold storage with a temperature of 40 OF –
50OF until final distribution.

Cured fish are stored at ambient and refrigerated conditions.

The new Fish model keeps

contents at -1°/+1°C and has a
cooling system which is specially
designed to prevent the surface
of the fish from drying. It holds
seven fish boxes, with a
maximum load of 198kg.

Storage medium for smoked fish


Draining facilitates removal of excess moisture from a fish

previously washed or soaked in a brine or curing solution.

Steps in Draining Fish

1. Arrange fish inside a colander or on bamboo trays.

2. Let the excess water drip-off from the fish. Draining
takes 30 minutes to one (1) hour depending upon the size of the

The colander is an important device in draining fish.


Brining or brine salting involves curing fish by soaking it in a

mixture of salt and water for 30 minutes to 1 hour depending upon the
size of the fish. Brining is integrated in drying and smoking of fish. This
is also one of the four methods of curing fish through salting using a salt
concentration of 20% to 25%.

Brining fish prior to drying or smoking is done to leach out the

blood and slime, to improve the texture of the, to remove some of the
moisture content of the fish through osmosis, and to impart a desirable
salty taste.

Below are some materials and devices used in brining:

Salt spreader Table salt

Procedure in Brining a Fresh Fish

1. Weigh fish and wash with fresh clean water.

2. Mix salt with the fish in a proportion of 20% or 25% by
3. Let the mixture stand for 24 hours.
4. Decant the brine formed.
5. Pack the salted fish in oil cans. Seal.

Procedure in Brining Fish for Drying and Smoking

1. Weigh the fish. Record the obtained weight.

2. Clean and wash fish.

3. Let it stand for 30 minutes to drain.
4. Soak in a 20% brine (1 part salt to 4 parts fish) or 25%
(one part salt to 3 parts fish by weight).
5. Drain for one hour.

Pre-Cooking Fish

The fish to be cured with smoke is pre - cooked in a 20% brine for
10 minutes or more depending upon the size of the fish.

In pre-cooking fish, follow these steps:

1. Arrange the fish on small bamboo trays.

2. Dip the bamboo trays with fish into the boiling brine for 10
minutes or more depending upon the size of the fish or until
the eyes turn white and opaque.
3. Remove pre-cooked fish from the brine.

Packaging of Smoked Fish

Smoked fish is packed either in bulk or in retail packaging


Bulk packaging refers to those intended for wholesale or

institutional distribution.

Retail packs contain the product until it reaches the ultimate

end-user or consumer.

Procedure for Bulk Packaging

1. Sort cooled smoked fish according to size.

2. Pack or transfer smoked fish in bulk packaging materials by
arranging the fish in a manner that heads and tails are in
uniform position.
3. When the packaging material is nearly full, weigh the whole
pack (container and smoked fish) to check product weight
attained. Total weight minus weight of container will give the
weight of the smoked fish.
4. Close or seal the pack and store at refrigeration temperature
(3OC to 5OC) or in a cold storage.

Procedure for Retail Packaging

1. Sort smoked fish according to size.

2. Pack smoked fish in plastic bags at retail weights of 250g.,
500g, or 1,000g per pack.
3. Seal the filled packs by using a portable or fast sealer.
4. Transfer the packed products in bulk packaging materials;
seal and store preferably at refrigeration temperature to
maintain the quality of the smoked fish.


A cured fish is treated with preservatives and subjected to physical

factors that lower the moisture content of a fish to a point where the
growth and multiplication of organisms are inhibited. The preservatives
usually used in treating cured fish are salt, smoke and vinegar. Salt is
used in curing fish during salting and drying while smoke is used to cure
a smoked fish. When curing fish or meat through pickling, salt and
vinegar are used. The activities involved in finishing the cured fish
depend on the kind of product produced and the method of curing done.
However, all cured products need to be properly packed either whole sale
or retail packaging.



Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and understand the questions below. Select the best
answer and write the letter only in your test booklet.

1. Why do you need to drain the brine cured fish?

a. to remove excess moisture
b. to let the fish oil drip away from the fish
c. to harden the fish
d. to facilitate pellicle formation

2. What method of drying the salted fish will you do if the product
specification requires you to naturally dry it?
a. artificial drying
b. drying with a dehydrator
c. sun drying
d. dry inside an oven

3. You are going to dry salted splitted fish. Which one will you do?
a. split the fish before salting
b. clean and wash the fish
c. cure fish with salt
d. spread fish on drying trays and dry

4. Your teacher assigned you to prepare the tools you will use
in drying salted fish, which of these will you prepare?

a. salting vat, wooden stirrer and aluminum trays
b. knife, forcep and wooden vat
c. bamboo trays
d. basin and mixing bowl

5. How will you properly package a smoked fish?

a. Pack them in metal containers.
b. Pack them in glass jars.
c. Pack the fish in polyethylene bags.
d. Wrap the fish with banana leaves.

6. Why do you need to drain the fish after washing?

a. to remove excess water
b. to let the oil drip
c. to improve texture of the fish
d. to dry the fish

7. Which of these will you do if you are instructed to brine the

a. Prepare a brine.
b. Soak the fish in the brine.
c. both a and b
d. none of these

8. If you are going to pre-cook a fish before smoking, which of

the following will you do?
a. prepare a saturated brine
b. dip fish into the boiling saturated brine
c. drain the brined fish
d. boil the fish in plain water

9. How will you properly cool the fish after smoking?

a. place inside a freezer
b. aerate with an electric fan
c. place inside the setting cabinet for cooling
d. expose to natural air

10. Why do you need to properly package smoked fish?

a. to prevent contamination of the product
b. to improve the salability of the product
c. to improve product appearance
d. to improve texture of the smoked fish

Practical Demonstration with Oral Interview

Demonstrate the proper way of brining and draining fish to be


You brined and drained fish to be cured, why is it important to do

it properly and accurately?


Performance Test

A. Perform Salting, Drying, Packing and Storing of Cured Fish

Task: Salting, Drying, Packing and Storing of Cured Fish


1. Brine the fish

2. Drain the fish
3. Dry fish using appropriate equipment and
4. Wash fish for smoking
5. Pre-cook fish
6. Smoke the fish
7. Cool the smoked fish
8. Pack the smoked and salted fish
9. Store the packed cured fish

Result :

Note : You have to complete all nine sub-tasks in order to pass this
lesson, or else you have to go over this once more.
B. Prepare the different kinds of fillets using the correct procedure.
Be sure to properly wash, scale and weigh the prepared

How do you show that you value accuracy in doing your assigned
tasks? Why is accuracy in doing your work important? Explain.


The following resources are needed:

1. Learning guides

a. Module
b. Laboratory Manual/Activity sheet

2. Equipment and tools

a. Drying trays
b. Polysealer
c. Cooking vat
d. Metal ladle
e. Plastic bags
f. Bamboo baskets
g. Draining trays
h. Freezer
i. Wooden ladle
j. Gas stove
k. Food tongs
3. Personal protective equipment
a. Pot holders
b. Headband
c. Apron

THE III. Agriculture and Fishery Technology, SEDP Series,
Department of Education
Processing and Preservation of Freshwater Fish by Lourdes A.
Learning Element for Drying, Packing and Storing of Fish, CDD,

Fish Smoking prepared by : Technology Development Institute of


Learning Element for Distinguishing Salting, Drying and Smoking,
Philippine Handbook on Fish Processing by Jasmin M. Espejo

Other Sources





http://www. image.google.com




This lesson deals on how to prepare production report. This

includes the importance of recording and documenting production input,
procedure in recording and documenting production input and format of
a production report.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. note and document daily production input in accordance with
basic accounting procedures;
2. record and present all production data in accordance with basic
accounting procedures; and
3. practice accuracy in preparing production report.



Multiple Choice - Directions: Choose the correct answer among the

options a, b, c and d. Write the letter only on the answer sheet provide
for you.

1. Something that enters a process from the outside and is acted

a. input c. yield
b. output d. none of the above

2. Which of the following will you prepare to have systematic

procedure of keeping a record for reference?
a. presentation c. documentation
b. input d. none of the above

3. Input output relationship is important in the production. Which

of the following would you prepare to show this?
a. documentation c. production report
b. input d. none of the above

4. A word meaning amount produced is:

a. input c. emulsion
b. output d. all of the above

5. How many grams is four kilos of mangoes?
a. one thousand grams c. three thousand grams
b. four thousand grams d. all of the above

Test for Valuing

Briefly explain the importance of accuracy in preparing a

production report.


Let us define

Documentation - a systematic procedure of keeping a record for


Emulsion - a suspension of liquid with another liquid.

Input - means something that enters a process from the outside and
is acted upon.

Output - the amount produce and yielded from a process.

Production report - refers to a written record showing the

input/output relationship in determining the yield from a certain

Importance of Recording and Documenting Production Input

1. To have a reference data on the materials used and their

2. To determine the economic viability of the product.

Procedure in Recording and Documenting Production Report

1. Have a complete list of the materials used for a certain

2. Determine the weight and cost of each material.
3. Determine and record the total yield per production.

Format of a Production Report

Production Data Sheet

Product Name: ______________________

Product Date: _______________________
Description of Materials:
Other Ingredients:
Weight of _____________
Weight of _____________
Weight of _____________

Production Input _________________________

Weight of Spoiled Materials ________________
Production Output ________________________
Percentage of Yield _______________________
Number of Yield _________________________
Problem Encountered _____________________

Example of Production Report

Production Name : Smoked Fish

Production Date : May 31, 2007
Materials/ Ingredients:
Bangus = 220 grams
Salt = 500 grams
Production Input = 720 grams
Weight of Spoiled Materials = - 50 grams
Production Output = 670 grams
Percentage of yield = Production Output x 100%
Production Input
Percentage of yield = 670 grams x 100%
720 grams
Percentage of yield = .93 x 100%
Percentage of yield = 93%
Number of yield = Production Output
Weight of the product
Number of yield = 4 pieces


Production report needs proper and correct noting,

documenting, recording and presenting of data based on the basic
accounting procedure. Accuracy in report preparation must always
be observed in order to have ready record for future use or


Post Test

Multiple Choice - Directions: Choose the correct answer among the

options a, b, c and d. Write the letter only on the answer sheet provided
for you.

1. Something that enters a process from the outside and is acted

a. input c. yield
b. output d. none of the above
2. A systematic procedure of keeping a record for reference.
a. presentation c. documentation
b. input d. none of the above
3. A written record showing the input-output relationship.
a. documentation c. production report
b. input d. none of the above
4. A word meaning amount produced is:
a. input c. emulsion
b. output d. all of the above
5. How many grams is four kilos of mangoes?
a. one thousand grams
b. four thousand grams
c. three thousand grams
d. all of the above



1. Make production report based on the given data:

Smoked Milkfish
Milkfish = 200 grams
Salt = 500 grams
Water = 1,600 ml.
Internal organs = 50 grams
Output = 150 grams

Test for Valuing:

1. Why is it important to observe accuracy in preparing production

2. What happens if the production report you prepared is


The following resources are needed:

 Learning guides

o Module
o Computer based activity instructions
o Sample production report

 Materials

o Ledgers
o Bond papers
o Rulers
o Pencil
o Ball pen
o Calculator


Handouts from TESDA Centrex (CVS)


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