The 5S Housekeeping System
The 5S Housekeeping System
The 5S Housekeeping System
5S is the name of the workplace organization methodology that uses a list of five Japanese
words which are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke. Translated into English, they are all start
with letter “S”. It is synonymous with standardized clean up. The list describes how items are stored
and how the new order is maintained. The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue
about standardization which builds a clear understanding among employees of how work should be
done. It also instills ownership of the process in each employee.
Seiri (Sort)
Taking out and disposing of unnecessary items
Unneeded items are thrown away or disposed
Refers to the practice of sorting and through all the tools, materials, etc., in
the work area are keeping only essential items. Everything else stored or
discarded. This leads to fewer hazards and less clutter to interfere with
productive work.
Note: Things that clutter the workplace that are not needed should be taken
out. They usually occupy space and restrict physical movement.
Seiton (Systematize)
ORDERLINESS. Tools, equipment and materials must be systematically
arranged for the easiest and most efficient access.
Arrangement/Organization of unnecessary items in good order.
Assign a place for everything. The most often used item be nearest and
ergonomically situated, meaning- there should be little effort required in
accessing, using and returning the equipment, tools and parts, even
documents. There must be a place for everything, and everything must be in
Seiso (Sweep)
CLEANLINESS: Cleaning even things are not DIRTY. A regular cleaning
schedule prevents things from getting too dirty that it would be difficult to
making it clean and span.
Indicates the needs to keep the workplace clean as well as neat. Cleaning in
Japanese companies is a daily activity. At the end of each shift, the work area
is cleaned up and everything restored to its place.
Seiketsu (Standardize)
STANDARDS: Maintaining the workplace in high standard housekeeping.
Allows for control and consistency. Basic housekeeping standard apply
everywhere in the facility. Everyone knows exactly what his or her
responsibilities are. Housekeeping duties are part of regular work routines.
Prepare Housekeeping Standard Checklist. Checklist should be very detailed
and stringent. Remember that thoroughness is a requirement for
EVALUATE work station according to the Housekeeping Standard
IMPLEMENT a periodic clean-up schedule; and an award and sanction
Shitsuke (Self-Discipline)
SUSTAINING DISCIPLINE: Doing things spontaneously without having to
be told.
“ Teach by doing”
It is good discipline to leave the workplace cleaner than when it is found.
Refers to maintaining standards and keeping the facility in safe and efficient
order day after day, year after year.