English Grammer and Composition 9-10

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Reviewed by: Prof. (Rtd.) Javaid Azad Malakwal

Consultant: Ms Nida Nayyar

Ms Farida Sadiq
Ms Anjum Wasif

Sameira Ismail
1. Vocabulary 01
2. Forms of verb 09
Table of Question Words 09
Some More Weak Verbs 18
3. Tenses 20
Paragraphs 89
4. Parts of Speech 100
Pair of words 128
5. Story Writing 133
Introduction 133
Story Planner 134
Specimen 135
1. A Farmer and His Sons 136
2. The Kindness of Rasoolullah ( ) 136
3. Robbers Turn into Good Citizens 137
4. The Muslim Brotherhood 137
5. A Foolish Stag 137
6. The Donkey Trapped in His Own Trick 138
7. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed 138
8. A Faithful Friend 139
9. A Big Reward 139
10. The Tailor and the Elephant 139
11. The Boy Who Cried “Wolf ” 140
12. The Jester and the King 140
Exercise 141
6. Letters, Applications and Invitations 143
Letter Writing 143
t 145

7. 156

8. 160
Here are some solved example. 160
Exercises 166
9. Paragraph Writing 174
1. My School 175
2. Girl Guides 175
3. A Visit to Muesum 175
4. A River in Flood 176
5. A Pleasant Dream 176
6. How to Keep Our Town Clean? 176
7. An Industrial Exhabition 177
8. My Neighbour 177
9. Kitchen Gardening, A Hobby 178
10. Pakistani Women 178
11. Computers 178
Exercises with Hints 179
i. A Fortune-teller 180
ii. A Picnic 180
iii. A Street Quarrel 180
iv. A Visit to a Historical Place 180
v. A Visit to a Zoo 180
vi. Allama Iqbal 180
vii. The Teacher I Like the Best 181
viii. A House on Fire 181
10. Writing an Essay 182
xvii. Tolerance 191
xviii. 192

Topics for Grade 9

Vocabulary, Forms of Verb, Tenses (Translation), Parts of Speech ((Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Articles,
Preposition, Verb, Conjunction, Interjection, Active and Passive Voice), Story Writing, Letters,
Application and Invitations, Dialogue Writing, Comprehension Passages

Topics for Grade 10

Forms of Verbs, Writing an Essay/Paragraph Writing, Tenses (Translation of Urdu Paragraphs into
English), Pair of Words, Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Articles, Preposition, Verb,
Conjunction, Interjection, Direct and Indirect Speech, Pair of Words)

1 Vocabulary
(Oblique lines (/) indicate syllables)
A. Animals, Beasts, Birds, Reptiles, etc.
ant croc/o/dile moth ‫وا‬
ape ‫ر‬ cuck/oo mule
bat ‫دڑ‬ deer ‫ن‬ night/in/gale
bear ‫ر‬ dove par/tridge
buf/fa/lo duck pea/cock ‫ر‬
bug ea/gle ‫ب‬ pi/geon
bull fire/fly quail
but/ter/fly flea ُّ ِ scor/pion
calf ‫ا‬ goose spar/row
ca/mel ‫اُو‬ grass/hop/per ‫ا‬ spi/der ‫ى‬
chick/en ‫زہ‬ kid / ، ‫ى‬ squi/rrel ‫ى‬
cob/ra ‫گ‬ kit/ten stag ‫رہ‬
cock ‫غ‬ leach swal/low ‫ا‬
colt ‫ڑى‬ leop/ard tor/toise ‫ا‬
crab ‫ا‬ liz/ard vul/ture ‫ھ‬
crick/et lo/cust wasp
louse ‫ں‬

B. Buildings
‫رٹ‬ ‫ا‬،‫ا اڈا‬ clin/ic   ho/tel  
a/sy/lum cloak/room ‫نر ا‬ inn  ‫ ا‬
au/di/to/rium  ‫ال‬ con/vent   ‫ہ‬ jail  
‫ ں ر‬،‫رك‬ court   ‫ا‬ kitch/en  ‫ور‬
bath/room  fac/to/ry   ‫ر‬ lab/or/at/ory  ‫ر ى‬
bed/room  ‫ہ‬ fort   li/bra/ry ‫ى‬
bridge  go/down  ‫دام‬ mint ‫ل‬
cas/tle  guest/house  ‫ن‬ mon/as/tery  ‫ہ‬
church ، hos/pi/tal  ‫ل‬ 
cin/e/ma  hos/tel  ‫م ہ‬ 

mu/se/um port ‫ر ہ‬ shrine ‫در ہ‬
nurs/er/y ‫ ں ل‬post/of/fice ‫ڈا‬ sta/dium ‫ان‬ ‫ں‬
ob/ser/va/to/ry ‫ ر ہ‬pres/i/den/cy ‫ہ‬ ‫ر ر‬ tem/ple ‫ دت ہ‬،‫ر‬
or/phan/age pris/on ، the/a/tre
pal/ace rest/house ‫آرا م ہ‬ u/ni/ver/sity ‫ر‬
play/ground ‫ان‬ res/tau/rant ‫م ہ‬ zoo
po/lice/sta/tion san/a/to/ri/um ‫ہ‬

C. Kitchen Utensils and Household Articles

bed/sheet ‫در‬ spoon mir/ror ‫آ‬
blan/ket strai/ner nail/cut/ter ‫اش‬
cup/board ‫ا رى‬ tea/pot ‫دا‬ nee/dle
ward/robe ‫وں ا رى‬ ash/tray ‫را ان‬ peg
cook/er ‫د‬ bas/ket ‫ى‬ pil/low
fork broom ‫ڑو‬ pil/low/case ‫ف‬
fry/ing/pan ‫ا‬ buck/et quilt ‫ر‬
grate ‫ا‬ car/pet ra/zor ‫اُ ا‬
jar ‫ن‬ cos/met/ics ‫ِنآرا‬ ro/sa/ry
ket/tle couch rug
la/dle cra/dle scis/sors
lid ‫ش‬ ، ‫ڈ‬ cur/tain ‫دہ‬ tap
sto/ve cush/ion ‫ى‬ tel/e/vi/sion ‫و ن‬
re/frig/er/a/tor ‫ر‬ door/mat ‫ان‬ tongs
sau/cer ‫ى‬ dress/ing/table ‫ر‬ to/wel
sponge ‫ا‬ lan/tern tweez/ers
mat/tress ‫د‬،‫ا‬ vase ‫ان‬
wash/ba/sin ‫د‬ ،
D. Tools
ar/row dag/ger lathe ‫اد‬
axe ‫ ڑا‬drill ‫وا آ‬ mill
bel/lows ‫ د‬file ‫ر‬ pick/axe ،‫ال‬
bow ‫ ن‬ham/mer ‫ڑا‬ plane ‫ر ہ‬
car/tridge ‫ ر س‬hand/saw ‫آرى‬ plough
chis/el hatch/et ‫ڑى‬ saw ‫آرہ‬
com/pass hoe

scales/balance ‫ازو‬ sol/der ‫د ت‬ spud ‫ر‬
sc/rew/dri/ver ‫وا آ‬ thim/ble ‫درزى ا‬
shield ‫ ڈ ل‬spade whet/stone ‫وا‬ ‫د ر‬
sic/kle ‫ درا‬span/ner ‫وا آ‬

E. Fruits, Vegetables and Spices

al/mond ‫دام‬ car/da/mom ‫ا‬ pep/per ‫ہ چ‬
an/i/seed car/rot pine/ap/ple ‫ا س‬
a/rum ‫اروى‬ cau/li/flower ‫ل‬ pis/ta/chi/o
ap/ri/cot gar/lic plum ‫آ‬
ba/na/na gin/ger ‫ادرك‬ pome/gran/ate ‫ار‬
beans gua/va ‫ا دو‬ pop/py/seed ‫ش‬
‫ ں‬،
beet/root la/dy fin/ger ‫ى‬ pump/kin ‫و‬
brin/jal me/lon ‫زہ‬ rad/ish
cab/bage mint ‫د‬ rai/sin ،
mul/ber/ry ‫ت‬ rasp/berry ‫رس ى‬
mus/tard ‫را‬ spin/ach
cin/na/mon ‫دار‬
o/live ‫ز ن‬ tam/a/rind ‫ا‬
cit/ron ‫ہ‬
on/ion ‫ز‬ tur/me/ric ‫ى‬
peach ‫آڑو‬ tur/nip
co/ri/an/der ‫د‬
pear vin/e/gar
cu/cum/ber ‫ا‬
peas wal/nut ‫ا وٹ‬
cu/min ‫ز ہ‬
water/melon ‫ز‬
F. Diseases
bruise ‫اش‬ di/a/be/tes ‫ذ‬ pal/pi/ta/tion ‫ا ج‬
can/cer ‫ن‬ dy/sen/try par/al/y/sis
chol/er/a gout ‫ ڑوں درد‬، plague ‫ن‬
cold ‫زم‬ head/ache ‫درد‬ pneu/mo/nia
con/sti/pa/tion jaun/dice ‫ن‬ small/pox
cough ma/lar/i/a ‫ر‬ tooth/ache ‫دا درد‬
cramp ‫ا ن‬ mea/sles ‫ہ‬ ty/phoid ‫دى ر‬
G. Parts of Human Body
an/kle bow/els ‫آ‬ col/lar/bone
arm/pit calf el/bow ُ
back/bone ‫ ر ھ ى‬chin ‫ڑى‬ eye/brows
eye/lash/es mole / ِ sole ‫ؤں‬
eye/lids nail sp/leen
gall/blad/der ِّ na/vel ‫ف‬ tem/ple
gums ‫ڑ‬ nerve thigh ‫ران‬
hip nos/tril vein ‫ن‬ ،‫رگ‬
kid/ney ‫دہ‬ pal/ate waist
liv/er palm wrist
lung pu/pil ُ ‫آ‬

H. Geographical Terms
Au/tumn ‫اں‬ dew pe/nin/su/la ‫ہ‬
breeze ‫ا‬ ، driz/zle ‫ا ى‬ plain ‫ان‬
ca/nal earth/quake ‫ز‬ sea/son
cave ‫ ر‬ec/lipse Spring ‫ر‬
cli/mate ‫ آبو ا‬flood ‫ب‬ spring
cloud ‫ دل‬fog ‫ُد‬ u/ni/verse ‫ت‬
com/et ‫ ُدمدا ر رہ‬gulf val/ley ‫وادى‬
con/ti/nent ‫ ا‬hail ‫او‬ vol/ca/no ‫ں ڑ‬ ‫آ‬
cre/scent ‫ ل‬o/cean ،‫ر‬
I. Geographical Names
Ab/ys/sin/ia Far/East ‫ق‬ Pa/ci/fic O/cean ‫ا‬
A/ra/bia ‫ب‬ Greece ‫ن‬ Pole/Star ‫رہ‬
A/ra/bian Sea ‫ہ ب‬ Ind/ia ‫ و ن‬،‫رت‬ poles
At/lan/tic ‫او س‬ Ind/ian O/cean Por/tu/gal ‫ل‬
Bri/tain Jor/dan ‫ اردن‬South/Pole
Chi/na Mars Spain
Cy/prus ‫ص‬ Mid/dle East ٰ ٰ ‫ققو‬ Con/stan/ti/no/ple
E/gypt Mo/ro/cco ‫ا‬ Sy/ria ‫م‬
e/qua/tor ‫ا ا‬ North/Pole Da/mas/cus
J. Trades and Professions
ac/tor ‫ ادا ر‬ba/ker but/cher
a/gent ‫د ل‬،‫ہ‬ black/smith ‫ر‬ but/ler ‫ں‬
as/trol/o/ger ، book/bind/er ‫د ى‬،‫ز‬ cob/bler
ath/lete ‫ڑى‬ bro/ker ‫دل‬ dar/ner ‫ر‬
dra/per ‫از‬ mid/wife ‫ دا‬grave dig/ger ‫ر‬
phar/ma/cist ‫دوا وش‬ pi/lot ‫ ا ز‬sol/dier
dy/er ‫ر ر‬ por/ter sta/tion/er ‫وا‬ ‫ى‬ ،‫وش‬
e/lec/tri/cian ‫م وا‬ pot/ter ‫ر‬ sweep/er
gold/smith ‫ اف‬،‫ر‬ sail/or ‫ ح‬turn/er ‫ادى‬
green/gro/cer ‫ى وش‬ seam/stress ‫ درزن‬weav/er
me/chan/ic ‫ى‬ tea/cher /

K. Some Expressive Words and Phrases

(a) Idiomatic Comparisons
bitter as gall
black as coal, crow, night
blind as bar
bold as lion
bright as day
brittle as glass
busy as bee
clear as crystal
cold as ice
dry as bone, dust
firm as rock
green as grass
hard as flint, stone
heavy as lead
hot as fire
loud as thunder
pale as ghost
quick as lightning
red as rose, cherry
smooth as velvet
soft as butter, wax
still as grave, death
stupid as donkey
sure as death
sweet as honey
ugly as toad
warm as wool
white as snow

b) Words Denoting Collectivities/Collective Nouns
assembly of people
brood of chickens, hens
board of directors
bunch of flowers, grapes, keys
bundle of hay, sticks
choir of singers
clump of trees
cluster of trees, stars
crew of sailors
fleet of ships
flight of birds, stairs, locusts
flock of geese, sheep
gallery of pictures
gang of labourers, robbers, thieves
herd of cattle, swine
hive of bees
hoard of gold
horde of savages
host of men
litter of puppies
pack of hounds, wolves
pair of glasses, scissors, shoes, tongs
quiver of arrows
range of hills, mountains
sheaf of arrows, corn, grain, wheat
shoal of fish
shower of rain
stack of arms, corn, hay, wood
string of camels
stud of horses
suit of clothes
suite of rooms
team of oxen, players
troupe of actors
yoke of oxen
c) Words Indicative of Sounds
dogs bark
bulls bellow
goats, kids bleat
bugles, trumpets blow
donkeys bray
flies,bees buzz
geese cackle
crows, rooks caw
monkeys, teeth chatter
arms clang
hens cluck
doves, pigeons coo
frogs, ravens croak
cocks crow
apes gibber
bears, tigers growl
camel grunt
serpents, snakes hiss
owls hoot
jackals, wolves howl
humming bird hum
bells, coins jingle
babies lisp/coo/babble
cattle moo/bellow
cats mew
horses neigh
ducks quack
bells ring
lions, guns roar
eagles, hawks, vultures scream
owls screech
birds, crickets, nightingale sing
mice squeak
parrots talk
elephants trumpet
birds, sparrows twitter
dog, foxes, puppies yelp

L. Words often Mis-spelled
A list of words is given below. These words are often wrongly spelled by students.
Teachers should frequently dictate these words for reinforcement.

absence fiery occasion

acknowledge fifth parallel
across foreign privilege
address forty prove
already fourth quiet
altogether goddess quite
amongst government receive
article grammar seize
beginning guard separate
believe height success
benefitted interest surprise
breathe knowledge thorough
business laboratory trouble
conquer length truly
certain library until
coarse marriage usually
coming minute Wednesday
describe necessary whether
divine neither writing
either niece written
excellent ninety
February ninth


2 Forms of Verbs

Table of Question Words

We use the following words for making questions:
What How
Which ‫ن‬ How much (‫) ار‬
Who ‫ن‬ How many
Whose How long ( )
Whom How often ‫د‬
Where ‫ں‬
Why ‫ں‬

Three Forms of Verbs

st nd rd
I form Meanings 2 form 3 form
awake awoke/awake awoken/awaken
beat ، ‫ب‬ beat beaten
become became become
begin ‫وع‬ began begun
bend ، bent bent
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed ‫ن‬ bled bled
blow ‫ا‬ blew blown
break ‫ڑ‬ broke broken
bring brought brought
burn burnt burnt
buy bought bought
catch caught caught

st nd rd
I form Meanings 2 form 3 form
choose ‫ا ب‬ chose chosen
cling clung clung
come ‫آ‬ came come
deal ‫ رو ر‬، dealt dealt
dig ‫د‬ dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive ‫ڑى‬ drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel ‫س‬ felt felt
find ، ‫ش‬ found found
flee fled fled
fly ‫اُڑا‬، ‫اُڑ‬ flew flown
forget ‫ل‬ forgot forgotten
freeze froze frozen
get got got / gotten
give ‫د‬ gave given
go went gone
grind ground ground
grow ، ‫ ُا‬، ُ‫ا‬ grew grown
hold ، held held
know knew known
lead ‫را‬ led led
lend ‫اُد رد‬ lent lent
lie lay lain
lose ‫د‬ lost lost
make made made
mistake mistook mistaken

st nd rd
I form Meanings 2 form 3 form
ride ‫ارى‬ rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise ‫او آ‬، ‫ا‬ rose risen
run ‫دوڑ‬ ran run
see ‫د‬ saw seen
sell sold sold
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shrink shrank shrunk
sing sang sung
sink ‫ق‬ sank sunk
sit sat sat
smell smelt smelt
speak spoke spoken
spring ُ‫ا‬ sprang sprung
stand ‫ا‬ stood stood
steal stole stolen
strike ‫ب‬ struck struck
swear swore sworn
take took taken
tear ‫ڑ‬ tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weep ‫رو‬ wept wept
wind ‫د‬ wound wound
write wrote written

st nd rd
I form Meanings 2 form and 3 form
add added
allow ‫ا زت د‬ allowed
ask asked
absent absented
abuse ‫د‬ abused
accept ‫ل‬ accepted
accuse ‫ا ام‬ accused
act acted
admire admired
admit ، ‫دا‬ admitted
adopt ‫ا ر‬ adopted
advise advised
agree ‫ا ق‬ agreed
aid ‫د‬، ‫د‬ aided
answer ‫ابد‬ answered
appear ‫دار‬ appeared
apply ‫در ا د‬ applied
arrange ‫د‬ arranged
arrest ‫ر‬ arrested
attack attacked
attempt attempted
bake baked
beg begged
behave ‫ك‬ behaved
believe believed
belong belonged
blame ‫ا ا مد‬ blamed
borrow ‫ض‬ borrowed
bury ‫د‬ buried
call called
cause ، ‫ا‬ caused
chase chased

st nd rd
I form Meanings 2 form and 3 form
claim ‫د ٰى‬ claimed
clap clapped
climb climbed
connect ‫ڑ‬ connected
consist consisted
copy copied
create ‫ا‬ created
crush crushed
cure ‫ب‬ cured
dare ‫ٔات‬ dared
deceive ‫د د‬ deceived
declare ‫ا ن‬ declared
defeat ‫د‬ defeated
depend ‫ا ر‬، depended
describe ‫ن‬ described
destroy ‫ہ‬ destroyed
disappear disappeared
disappoint ‫س‬ disappointed
discover ‫در‬ discovered
discuss ‫ت‬، discussed
dive dived
drag dragged
drown ‫ڈو‬ drowned
earn earned
educate ‫د‬ educated
employ ‫زم ر‬ employed
enable enabled
engage ، ‫ل‬ engaged
enlarge ‫ا‬ enlarged
enter ‫دا‬ entered
escape escaped
excite ‫ش آ‬ excited

st nd rd
I form Meanings 2 form and 3 form
excuse ‫ف‬ excused
fade ‫د‬ faded
finish finished
flash ‫رو د‬ flashed
flatter flattered
fold folded
found ‫در‬ founded
gain ُ‫ہا‬ gained
gamble ‫ا‬ gambled
gather ‫ا‬ gathered
graze grazed
greet ‫م‬ greeted
grip gripped
guess ‫ا ازہ‬ guessed
guide ‫را‬ guided
hammer ‫ب‬ hammered
hang hung / hanged
harm ‫ن‬ harmed
harvest harvested
hatch ‫ا ے‬ hatched
hate ‫ت‬ hated
heal ‫ز‬ healed
heap ‫ڈ‬ heaped
hire ‫ا‬ hired
hunt ‫ر‬ hunted
import ‫در آ‬ imported
impress impressed
improve ‫ا ح‬ improved
increase ‫ز دہ‬ increased
include included
inform ‫ا ع‬ informed
inherit ‫ور‬ inherited

st rd
I form Meanings 2nd form and 3 form
injure injured
inquire inquired
inspect inspected
insist ‫ا ار‬ insisted
invent ‫ا د‬ invented
invite ‫د تد‬ invited
involve ‫ث‬ involved
irrigate ‫آ‬ irrigated
joke ‫اق‬ joked
join joined
kick kicked
knit ُ ‫ں‬ knitted
knock ‫د د‬ knocked
lay ‫ا اد‬، ‫ر‬ laid
level ‫ار‬ leveled
listen listened
lock locked
lose lost
loose ‫ڈ‬ loosed/loosen
march marched
measure measured
melt melted
migrate ‫ت‬ migrated
miss ‫رہ‬، ‫ٹ‬ missed
mix mixed
motion / ‫ا رہ‬ motioned
mount ‫ار‬ mounted
mourn mourned
note ‫د‬ noted
obey obeyed
object ‫ا اض‬ objected
occupy occupied
offer offered
st rd
I form Meanings 2nd form and 3 form
operate operated
oppose opposed
organise organised
owe ‫ز ر‬ owed
pack ‫ن‬ packed
pardon ‫ف‬ pardoned
participate participated
pass ‫ر‬ passed
pay ‫ادا‬ paid
perform ‫د‬ performed
permit ‫ا زت د‬ permitted
preach preached
pretend pretended
print printed
progress progressed
prohibit prohibited
protect protected
protest ‫ا ج‬ protested
publish published
punish ‫اد‬ punished
quarrel ، quarrelled
question ‫ال‬ questioned
qualify ‫ر را ُا‬ qualified
recognise recognised
recover ‫ل‬ recovered
reduce reduced
refuse ‫ا ر‬ refused
reject ‫ر‬ rejected
remember ‫در‬ remembered
remind ‫دد‬ reminded
remove ‫د‬ removed
represent represented

st rd
I form Meanings 2nd form and 3 form
rescue rescued
resign ‫ٰد‬ ‫ا‬ resigned
roar roared
rob robbed
satisfy satisfied
scream screamed
shiver shivered
stock ‫ذ ہ‬ stocked
shout shouted
talk talked
test ‫آز‬ tested
transfer ، ‫م‬ transferred
transport transported
try tried
tremble trembled
trouble ‫د‬ troubled
torture ‫اذ د‬ tortured
unite united
urge ‫آ دہ‬، ُ‫ا‬ urged
vacate vacated
vomit vomitted
vote ‫را د‬ voted
wander wandered
want wanted
waste wasted
watch watched
weigh ‫وزن‬ weighed

All the three forms of the following verbs are alike:
bet, burst, cast, cost, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, set, shed, shut, spread, sweat, thrust
Some More Weak Verbs
bend ،‫ڑ‬ bent bent
bite bit bitten
bleed ‫ن‬ bled bled
breed ‫ا‬ bred bred
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
catch caught caught
clothe ‫ے‬ clothed clothed
creep ‫ر‬ crept crept
cure ‫ج‬ cured cured
dare ‫ٔات‬ dared dared
deal ‫ك‬ dealt dealt
dream ‫ابد‬ dreamt dreamt
dip ‫ڈ‬ dipped dipped
feed fed fed
feel ‫س‬ felt felt
fall fell fallen
flee ‫گ‬ fled fled
gird girded / girt girded / girt
has / have ‫ر‬ had had
hear ُ heard heard
keep ‫ر‬ kept kept
kneel ‫ں‬ knelt knelt
lay ‫ر‬ laid laid
lead ‫دت‬ led led
leap leapt leapt
learn ‫د‬ learnt learnt
leave ‫ڑ‬ left left
lick licked licked

lie ‫ٹ‬ lied lied
light ‫رو‬ lit / lighted lit / lighted
like liked liked
load ‫د‬ loaded loaded
lose ‫د‬ lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
melt melted melted
pay ‫ادا‬ paid paid
pick ُ‫ا‬، ُ picked picked
pluck ‫ڑ‬ plucked plucked
pray ‫ُد‬ prayed prayed
prove proved proved/proven
praise praised praised
say said said
seek ‫ش‬ sought sought
sell ‫و‬ sold sold
send sent sent
sew / sewed sewn
shoe shoed shoed
show ‫د‬ showed shown
sleep slept slept
smell smelt smelt
sow sowed sown
spend ‫چ‬ spent spent
spill spilt spilt
sweep ‫ڑود‬ swept swept
swell ‫ج‬ swelled swelled / swollen
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
treat ‫ك‬ treated treated
trust ‫ا د‬ trusted trusted
weep ‫رو‬ wept wept
work ‫م‬ worked worked

3 Tenses

5. chest



(Present tense)

Have you ever climbed a tree?

(Past tense)

to take aim to suggest

without reason 0

spend lavishly to

The chicks are running.


to to take a rest
to to to to

The r

a noise ‫ر‬


making tea.

to to


injecting the



a snake




waiting for

to to


Luggage is




The charity has been collected.

The race has been started.

sent to me.

went to the festival.

12. to set fire

historical places

In negative sentences, we use ‘not’ between ‘was’ or ‘were’ and the present
participle i.e. verb with ‘ing’.


followed by the
first form



clerk deceiving ‫ك‬

to exhibit


20. 20


12. to stand by 13. to travel

In translating interrogative sentences

the namaz
The patient¢s



vixen 3. to herself


4 Parts of Speech

The words used in a sentence are divided into different kinds or classes according to
the work they do in the sentence. These kinds or classes are called PARTS OF SPEECH.
They are eight in number.
1. Noun 2. Pronoun 3. Adjective 4. Preposition 5. Verb 6. Adverb 7. Conjunction
8. Interjection
Noun is a word we use to name a person, a place or a thing we can see, touch, smell,
hear, taste or think of. For example:
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great leader.
The Indus is the longest river in Pakistan.
Please don't make a noise.
Naela is suffering from fever.
Children drink milk.
Always speak the truth.
Silence is a virtue.
The Noun: Number
There are two numbers in English, Singular and Plural. The Singular number
denotes one person, animal or thing and the Plural is for more than one person, animal or
Some Nouns and their Plurals
Singular Plural Singular Plural
boy boys girl girls
toy toys book books
pen pens chair chairs
table tables desk desks
night nights day days
cow cows monkey monkeys
donkey donkeys horse horses
friend friends poet poets
dog dogs cat cats
arm arms leg legs
hand hands ticket tickets
cap caps flower flowers
plant plants tree trees
bird birds bat bats
racket rackets pin pins
bangle bangles calf calves
shirt shirts locket lockets
house houses room rooms
roof roofs wall walls
kitchen kitchens door doors
window windows chief chiefs
hoof hoofs dwarf dwarfs\ dwarves
proof proofs gulf gulfs
thief thieves wolf wolves
leaf leaves knife knives
life lives bench benches
class classes brush brushes
watch watches tax taxes
dish dishes bush bushes
box boxes wife wives
match matches mango mangoes
kiss kisses volcano volcanoes
buffalo buffaloes hero heroes
potato potatoes dynamo dynamos
piano pianos duty duties
bamboo bamboos baby babies
city cities lady ladies
army armies story stories
fly flies pony ponies
man men woman women
foot feet tooth teeth
goose geese mouse mice
cuckoo cuckoos
child children brother brothers
ox oxen sister sisters

Singular Plural Singular Plural

brother-in-law brothers-in-law stepbrother stepbrothers

sister-in-law sisters-in-law stepsister stepsisters
father-in-law fathers-in-law court martial courts martial
mother-in-law mothers-in-law hanger-on hangers-on
son-in-law sons-in-law looker-on lookers-on
daughter-in-law daughters-in-law passer-by passers-by
stepfather stepfathers Mr. Messrs
stepmother stepmothers Miss Misses
stepson stepsons Mrs. Mesdames
stepdaughter stepdaughters

Some nouns are used only in the plural:

trousers   jeans   riches   spectacles
tidings   scissors   socks

Some nouns are used only in the singular:

news    physics  innings   politics
mathematics   mechanics

The Noun: Gender

Gender shows the difference of sex. It is of four kinds.
A noun that denotes a male is said to be of Masculine Gender e.g. boy, lion, Adnan, etc.
A noun that denotes female is said to be of Feminine Gender e.g. girl, lioness, Alia, etc.
A noun that denotes either sex is said to be of Common Gender e.g. cousin, baby, friend,

A noun that denotes lifeless thing is said to be of Neuter Gender e.g. apple, book,
knife, etc.
Some common nouns and their feminine genders:

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine

boy girl brother sister
bull cow cock hen
dog bitch father mother
horse mare husband wife
man woman nephew niece
papa mama son daughter
uncle aunt giant giantess
author authoress host hostess
heir heiress manager manageress
lion lioness shepherd shepherdess
poet poetess conductor conductress
actor actress instructor instructress
hunter huntress tiger tigress

traitor traitress waiter waitress
Some common verbs and their nouns:

Verb Noun Verb Noun

achieve achievement drip drop
add addition draw drawer
admit admission drive driver
advise advisor/advice elect election
agree agreement employ employment
allot allotment enjoy enjoyment
appoint appointment feed food
approve approval float fleet
arrange arrangement flow flood
arrive arrival give gift
astonish astonishment go gait
bathe bath grieve grief

bear birth grow growth
begin beginning invite invitation
behave behaviour laugh laughter
believe belief live life
bleed blood lose loss
bless blessing marry marriage
breathe breath meet meeting
busy business move movement
bury burial object objection
choose choice propose proposal
clothe cloth prove proof
collect collection punish punishment
congratulate congratulation remove removal
connect connection run race
decide decision see sight
destroy destruction sing song
develop development sit seat
die death solve solution
dine dinner speak speech
divide division strengthen strength
strike stroke thieve theft
succeed success think thought
tell tale translate translation

A pronoun is a word, used instead of a noun. It is generally used to avoid repetition of
the noun. For example:
Afshan was absent because she was ill.
Razzaq did not play because he was injured. My parents arrived yesterday. They
arrived a day too late.
You are a doctor.
I am a teacher.
It will be seen that a pronoun is of the same number, person and gender as the noun
for which it stands.
There are seven kinds of pronouns:
1. Personal pronoun 2. Relative pronoun

5. Demonstrative pronoun 6. Interrogative pronoun
7. Distributive pronoun
We shall discuss only the first two because they are more important and more widely
used kinds of pronouns.
Stands for three persons:
1.  The person speaking, (i.e. First person)
2.  The person spoken to, (i.e. The second person)
3.  The person spoken of, (i.e. The third person)
Different forms of the personal pronouns are given below:
Singular Plural
Nominative I we
Possessive my, mine our, ours
Accusative me us
 Singular Plural
Nominative you you
Possessive your, yours your, yours
Accusative you you
 Singular Plural
Nominative he, she, it they
Possessive his, her, hers, it, its their, theirs
Accusative him, her, its them
First Person
I am young.  We are young.
This is my book. This is our book.
This book is mine. This book is ours.
He was talking of me. He was talking of us.
Second Person
You are young.  You are young.
This is your book.  This is your book.
This book is yours.  This book is yours.
He was talking of you. He was talking of you.
Third Person
He / She / It is young.  They are young.
This is his / her book. These are their books.
This book is his / hers.  These books are theirs.
He was talking of him / her / it. He was talking of them.
A relative pronoun is a word that works as a conjunction as well as a pronoun.
These words are:
who, whose, whom, which, that
He is the young man who saved my life.
He is a boy whose father is a lawyer.
She is the girl whom I met in Lahore.
The story, which appeared in the daily Dawn, was written by Aslam.
This is the only thing that I can do for you.
Write the correct form of personal pronoun in the following sentences.
1.  Naureen and ______ were present. (I, me)
2.  It was Salma _______ called on you. (who, whom)
3. It might have been ______. (he, him)
4.  You are taller than ________. (he, him)
5.  He is a better batsman than _________. (we, us)
6.  Is that Shilla? Yes, it is ________. (she, her)
7.  Nobody but ________ was absent. (she, her)
8.  She and ________ are good friends. (I, me)

9.  Your pen writes better than _______. (her, hers)
10.  These books are not ________. (her, hers)
11.  He lost his bat and we _________. (our, ours)
12.  The bike which has been stolen is not ________. (his, him)
An adjective is a word used to add to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun. It describes
or points out a person, an animal, a place or a thing which the noun names or tells.
She is a pretty girl. He is a lazy boy.
I gave her two pencils. The team has had enough practice.
They showed much patience. He did not eat any bread.
Most Pakistanis like cricket. This is a Pakistani cloth.
Supply suitable adjectives in the following sentences.
1.  The ________man does not have a place to live.
2.  He is a/an ______child.
3.  This is a /an_______book.
4.  Karachi is a/an _______city.
5.  A hand has _________fingers.
6. __________men must die.
7.  I have not eaten _________ meat.
8.  There are not ________ plates on the table.
9. __________ mangoes are sour.
10.  I like _________ jersies.
Some adjectives describe the quality of an object in three different ways:
1.  The positive degree 2.  The comparative degree
3.  The superlative degree
The Positive Degree
The positive degree shows the quality of an object without reference to any other, e.g:
< He is a rich man. < He is a bad man. < He is an honest man.
The Comparative Degree
The comparative degree compares the degree of the quality of an object with the
degree of the same quality of another, e.g:
< He is richer than his brother. < He is worse than his brother.
< He is more honest than his brother.
The Superlative Degree
The superlative degree shows the highest degree of the quality with reference to all
other things of the same class, e.g:
< He is the richest man in the family. < He is the worst man in the family.
< He is the most honest man in the family.
Use the correct form of the adjective in the following sentences.
1. She is __________ than I. (pretty)
2.  My father is __________ than Ali’s father. (old)
3.  My father is the __________ man in town. (rich)
4.  Your composition is the __________ of all. (bad)
5.  She is __________ than her sister. (beautiful)
6.  This is the __________ tree in the garden. (tall)
7.  He was carrying the __________ load of all. (heavy)
8. The water of this well is __________. (sweet)
9.  She is a __________woman. (wise)
10.  This is the __________ question of all. (difficult)
11.  Prevention is __________ than cure. (good)
12.  She is __________ than her elder sister. (wise)
13.  He is the __________ of all the brothers. (tall)
14.  She is the __________ girl I have ever seen. (sweet)
There are some comparatives which are followed by to instead of than:
1.  She is senior to me. 2.  I am junior to her.
3.  This pen is superior to that. 4.  This painting is inferior to that.
The Correct Use of Some Adjectives
some, any:  Some is used to express quantity or degree in affirmative sentences and any
in negative or interrogative sentences.

1.  You have bought some apples. 2. You have not bought any apples.
3.  Have you bought any apples?
each, every: Each is used in speaking of two or more things when the number is limited
and definite. Every is used only in speaking of more than two when the number is indefinite.
1.  I stayed in Naran for three days, and it rained each day.
2.  Each of the two sisters has pens. 3.  This magazine is published every year.
little, a little, the little: Little means hardly any therefore, it has a negative meaning.
A little means some, though not much. It has a positive meaning. The little means not much,
but all that is.
1.  Naureen has little chance of recovery. (hardly any)
2.  Her mother has a little chance of recovery.
3.  The doctors must avail themselves of the little chance of recovery that he has.
few, a few, the few: Few means hardly any. It has a negative meaning. A few means some.
It has a positive meaning. The few means not many, but all these are.
1.  I am unlucky that I have few friends. (i.e. hardly any)
2. She is lucky as she has a few friends.
3.  The few friends she has, are very influential.
A, an and the are called articles. Articles are of two kinds:
The Indefinite Article
A and an are the two indefinite articles. A is used before the word beginning with a
consonant sound, and an with the word beginning with a vowel sound. The indefinite articles
can be used only with the things that can be counted.
1.  This is a table. 2.  The boy is sitting on a chair.
3.  She is eating an apple. 4.  A cat eats meat.
The Definite Article
The is called definite article. It is used:
i)  When we speak of a particular person or a thing.
1. He has gone to the canal for a walk. 2.  She went to the club an hour ago.
3.  The book, he wants, is out of print.
ii) When a singular noun represents a whole class.
1.  The dog is a faithful animal. 2.  The rose is a sweet flower.

iii) With the names of rivers, seas, oceans, groups of islands and mountain ranges.
1.  The Indus is the longest river in Pakistan.
2.  The West Indies is known for great cricketers.
3.  The Indian Ocean lies to the south of India.
4.  Mount Everest is one of the peaks of the Himalayas.
iv) Before the names of books and newspapers.
1.  The Dawn is published from Karachi.
2.  The Muslims follow the teachings of the Holy Quran.
v) Before common names which are names of unique things.
1. The moon shines in the sky.
Use a, an or the where necessary:
1. ______ cat is a loving animal. 2. ______ table is made of wood.
3. ______ child drinks milk. 4.  We eat rice with ______spoon.
5. ______mango has _______sweet taste. 6.  I want ______ cup of coffee.
7.  We write on ______ paper. 8.  Please give me ______ piece of paper.
9.  _____ door of _____ room is broken. 10.  There is _____ chair in _____ corner.
11.  We write with _____ pen. 12.  We write ______ letter.
13.  I like _______ butter. 14.  I eat ______ bread.
15.  I am eating ______ piece of bread.
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation
the person or thing indicated by it stands in regard to something else:
1.  He is fond of tea. 2.  He is ashamed of his behaviour.
3.  He was angry with me. 4.  She was absent from the class.
5.  Let us hope for the best.
Words Followed by Appropriate Preposition
1.  Players must abide by the rules of the game.
2.  He was absent from the class.
3.  He was accused of theft.
4.  You must act upon the advice of your teacher.
5.  I agree with you in this matter.
6.  She was angry at my behaviour.
7.  They were angry with me.
8.  He will appear before the judge.
9.  The train arrived at the Lahore station in time.
10.  You should be ashamed of your behaviour.
11.  She assured me of her help.
12.  He was not aware of my difficulties.
13.  The children were begging for alms.
14.  Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah.
15.  These books belong to her.
16.  A son was born to her.
17.  He was born in a rich family.
18.  He does not care for me.
19.  He is very careful about his health.
20.  The teacher made a complaint against his son.
21.  He has no confidence in his parents.
22.  She was confident of her success.
23.  She congratulated me on my success.
24.  He is not conscious of his weakness.
25.  They have no control over their son.
26.  Pakistan is very dear to us.
27.  The whole family depends on her for its living.
28.  This letter was delivered to me only yesterday.
29.  He died of cancer.
30.  We should always be prepared to die for our country.
31.  I could not dream of these comforts.
32.  He is eligible for this post.
33.  She was engaged to a rich man.
34.  He is entitled to these facilities.
35.  This angle is equal to that.
36.  Pinky failed in mathematics.
37.  We must have faith in Allah.
38.  They are faithful to her.
39.  Lahore is famous for its historical buildings.
40.  I feel for the poor.
41.  We must fight for the basic human rights.
42.  Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.
43.  The police opened fire at the demonstrators.
44.  She is fond of reading novels.
45.  Please forgive him for his misbehaviour.
46.  The basket was full of flowers.
47.  She was glad at her success.
48.  I am grateful to you for your kindness.
49.  I was grieved at his loss.
50.  He was guilty of stealing.
51.  What has happened to him?
52.  I was sorry to hear about his sad death.
53.  We must always hope for the best.
54.  There is hardly any hope of her recovery from her illness.
55.  She is not ignorant of her shortcomings.
56.  She is incapable of doing any harm to anybody.
57.  I am inclined to believe her.
58.  Her name was not included in the list of prize winners.
59.  She is indebted to Shabana for her guidance.
60.  He is indifferent to all kinds of advice.
61.  They were informed of my expected arrival.
62.  Smoking is injurious to health.
63.  She takes no interest in studies.
64.  Her mother had an interview with the Principal.
65.  You are intimate with him.
66.  She introduced me to her friends.
67.  She invited her friends to her wedding.
68.  Do not be jealous of others.
69.  He is junior to me in age.
70.  Hard work is the key to success.
71.  We must be kind to children.
72.  I knocked at the door several times.
73.  Do not laugh at anybody.
74.  This road leads to the Shalimar Garden.
75.  She delivered a lecture on interior decoration.
76.  She has a special liking for this dish.
77.  Please listen to me.
78.  He is loyal to the country.
79.  This chair is made of wood.
80.  She was married to her cousin.
81.  He is negligent in his work.
82.  He did not object to my proposal.
83.  I am obliged to you for your help.
84.  This is a good opportunity for him.
85.  They are opposed to each other.
86.  These lines are parallel to each other.
87.  He will not part with his wealth.
88.  Women are very particular about their dress.
89.  You must be patient with the patient.
90.  You must have pity for the poor.
91.  He is polite in his behaviour towards others.
92.  She is very popular with her pupils.
93.  We should pray to Allah for success.
94. I prefer to walk instead of going by bus.
95. We should be prepared for the worst.
96.  The headmaster presented books to the Chief Guest.
97.  She takes pride in her work.
98.  He has made a lot of progress in his studies.
99.  It is not proper for you to behave in this manner.
100. He is proud of his scholarship.
101.  He was punished for stealing.
102.  I hope he will recover from his illness rapidly.
103.  The matter was referred to the headmaster.
104.  I have great regard for your feelings.
105.  I am related to her.
106.  He always relies on his own efforts.
107.  He sent a reply to my letter after a long time.
108.  He got four seats reserved for us in the Tezgam.
109.  He has no respect for his elders.
110.  He will retire from service next year.
111.  I am satisfied with her progress in the class.
112.  Please send for the doctor immediately.
113.  I was shocked at the news of the accident.
114.  I am sorry for what I have done.
115.  This building is not suitable for residence.
116.  She is sure of her success.
117.  I am surprised at your behaviour.
118.  We sympathise with you in your bereavement.
119.  I have no taste for music.
120.  I am thankful to you for your kindness.
121.  Trust in Allah and do the right.
122.  He is unfit for this job.
123.  She is weak in mathematics.
124.  What do you wish for?
125.  He works in this office.
A verb is a word that tells or says something about a person or thing. We cannot make
a sentence without a verb. It is, therefore, the most important word in a sentence. For
Roshana takes her meals in the afternoon.
The sun rises in the east.
She has learnt her lesson.
Girls were singing.
He speaks the truth.
A verb may refer to:
1.  Present time 2.  Past time 3.  Future time
Ÿ A verb that refers to the present time is said to be in the Present tense.
Ÿ A verb that refers to the past time is said to be in the Past tense.
Ÿ A verb that refers to the future time is said to be in the Future tense.

Present tense has four forms:
a) Present Indefinite:
Present indefinite tense is used to express general statement and to describe acts that
are habitual or usual.
1.  It rains in winter. 2.  They work hard all day.
3.  The sun sets in the west. 4.  I do not take my meals at night.
5.  Do you go to school everyday?
b) Present Continuous:
Present continuous tense describes an action that is taking place at the time of
1. It is raining. 2. The boys are doing their home task.
3. The girls are playing net ball. 4. Are they sitting idle?
Put the verbs in the correct form of the present tense (indefinite or continuous).
1.  She (love) her cat very much. 2.  He (go) to school everyday.
3.  It (rain) at present. 4.  They (take) tea every morning.
5.  Good students always (work) hard. 6.  The earth (revolve) around the sun.
7.  She (learn) French at present. 8.  They (not do) their work regularly.
9.  Shahida (sing) a sad song today. 10.  They always (come) back home late.
11.  She (speak) English now. 12. She (speak) English quite well.
13.  The baby (cry) for milk now. 14.  They (go) to sleep at ten.
15.  He (not keep) me waiting.
Present continuous tense is also used to announce a future event which is already
1.  She is leaving for London tomorrow. 2.  They are coming to dinner on Sunday.
3. He is coming back next week.
The following verbs are not generally used in the continuous form:
see, hear, smell, taste, notice, recognize, remember, recollect, forget, know, understand,
believe, feel (that), think (that), suppose, mean, gather (that), want, wish, desire, refuse,
forgive, care, matter, own, love, hate, dislike, seem, appear, possess, consist of
c) Present Perfect:
Present perfect tense is used to indicate an action that has completed by a given time
or to connect a completed action with the present.
1.  I have read the two books. 2.  She has not sent him back.
3.  They have lived in this house for ten years. 4.  I have known him for a long time.
d) Present Perfect Continuous:
Present perfect continuous tense is used to indicate an action that began in the past
and is still continuing.
1.  She has been playing the piano since 2 o'clock.
2.  I have been waiting here for two hours.
3.  The packet has been lying there since morning.
The words since and for are commonly used with the present perfect and present
perfect continuous tenses. Since is used to indicate the point of time when the action began
and for to indicate the period of time lasted up till now.
Put the verbs in the correct form of the present perfect or present perfect continuous
1.  I already (take) three cups of coffee. 2.  I (not see) you since Monday.
3.  My brother (not write) to me for ten years. 4.  She (learn) French for over two years.
5.  The book (lie) on the table for weeks. 6.  He (not speak) to me since March.
7.  She (sleep) since morning. 8.  How long you (wait) here?
9.  He (stand) in the sun for an hour. 10.  She (work) in this office for seven years.
11.  They (not eat) anything since morning. 12.  They already (do) their home task.
13.  I already (post) the letter. 14.  The fire (burn) at night for two hours.
15.  You (rest) since morning.
Past tense has four forms:
a)  Past Indefinite:
Past indefinite tense is used to indicate a single act or an action in the past.
1.  I had a cup of tea in the morning. 2.  She went to school an hour ago.
3.  Quaid-e-Azam worked very hard. 4.  He sold newspapers for living.
5.  She shut the door softly.
b) Past Continuous:
Past continuous tense represents an action which was going on at some point in the
1.  She was doing her home task when the guests arrived.
2.  I was reading a book when the bell rang.
3.  They were going to school when the storm broke.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the past tense (indefinite or continuous).
1.  It (begin) to rain an hour ago.
2.  How long ago you (come) here?
3.  She (not hear) any noise.
4.  He (ride) a bike when he (meet) an accident.
5.  He (leave) twenty minutes ago.
6.  I (go) to airport when I (see) her.
7.  The light (go out) when we (have) dinner.
8.  She (sing) a song when I (enter) the room.
9.  I (meet) her in the plane.
10.  I (make) tea when the door bell (ring).
11.  He (not reply) to my letter.
12.  I (buy) this motor bike only a month ago.
13.  I (not listen) when you (talk).
14.  The farmer (plough) the field when it (start) raining.
15.  The bus (move) while I (board) it.
c)  Past Perfect:
Past perfect tense is used to describe an action completed at some point in the past.
1 I had left the house before it started raining.
2. They had taken their meals before the guests arrived.
d) Past Perfect Continuous:
Past perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action which had been going on
for some time and finished at some definite time in the past.
1.  She had been working since morning.
2.  It had been raining since last night.
3.  They had been playing cards for six hours.
4.  He had been coming here since 1970.

5.  She had been visiting Europe since childhood.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form either past perfect tense or past perfect
continuous tense.
1.  After you (leave) I went to sleep.
2.  They (take) their breakfast after they had washed their hands.
3.  I (work) on this assignment for a month.
4.  Ali (prepare) for his examination since October.
5.  She (ask) why we had wanted to leave early.
6.  I asked her what places she (visit) in Europe.
7.  The sun (not rise) before we were ready to leave.
8.  I had never seen snow before I (go) to Murree.
9.  Aslam (swim) for three hours.
10.  The bus (stop) before we stepped out.
Future tense has four forms:
a) Future Indefinite:
Future indefinite tense is used to describe a single act that is yet to take place.
1.  They will leave for London tomorrow.
2.  The court will give its verdict on Thursday next.
3.  I shall see him next Monday.
b)  Future Continuous:
Future continuous tense is used to describe an action going on at some point in future
1.  She will be taking her English lesson in the morning.
2.  I shall be reading the paper then.
3.  They shall be playing hockey at that time.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the future tense (indefinite
or continuous).
1.  You (no understand) it. 2.  This watch (not cost) very much.
3.  She (work) hard for the competition. 4.  I (finish) this exercise in an hour's time.
5.  I (not have) much money. 6.  What you (do) at four?
7.  They (travel) all night. 8.  I (wait) for you at the usual time.
9. She (learn) her lesson in French in the morning.
c)  Future Perfect:
Future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will be finished by a certain
future date.
1.  I shall have finished writing this novel by June next year.
2.  She will have stopped taking this medicine by March next.
3.  They will have left Pakistan before the end of the year.
d)  Future Perfect Continuous:
Future perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action which has been going on
continuously and has yet to be completed in the future.
1.  By the next March, I shall have been working on this project for ten years.
2.  By October next, I shall have been teaching at this college for twenty years. (This
tense however, is not often used.)
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form either future perfect tense or future
perfect continuous tense.
1.  She (finish) her work before the guests arrive.
2.  They (write) their exercise by the time the teacher arrives.
3.  She (return) from the tour of Europe by the middle of December next.
4.  The farmers (reap) the harvest before the rains.
5.  These mangoes (reach) the market by April.
6.  I (read) all the novels of Golding by the end of summer vacation.
7.  The meeting (end) by the time we gather.
8.  I hope it (stop) raining by the evening.
9.  She (take) her examination by the next fall.
10.  They (complete) their work by tomorrow.
With Time Conjunction
Present perfect tense is used instead of future perfect tense.
1.  I shall wait here until you have finished your work.
2.  I cannot do anything until I have taken my lunch.
3.  I shall take you around the fields when you have taken some rest.
Voice is that form of a verb which shows whether the subject does something or has
something done to it. There are two voices in the English language: Active voice and Passive voice.

Active Voice:
A verb is in the active voice when its subject does something.
1.  Khurshid (subject) helps Naushaba (object).
2.  The driver (subject) opened the door of the car (object).
3.  The boy (subject) makes the picture (object).
Passive Voice:
A verb is in the passive voice when something is done to its subject.
1.  Naushaba is helped by Khurshid.
2.  The door of the car was opened by the driver.
3.  The picture is made by the boy.
We see that the following changes take place when a sentence is changed from the
active into passive voice.
i)  The subject becomes the object and the object becomes the subject.
ii) The principal verb is changed into the past participle (if it is not already in that form)
and is preceded by some form of the verb be.
iii) The preposition by is placed before the object.
Following is a list of the sentences (in various tenses) changed from the active
into the passive voice:
1. The mother loves the children.
The children are loved by the mother. (present indefinite tense)
2. They are buying this house.
This house is being bought by them. (present continuous)
3. She has not beaten the dog.
The dog has not been beaten by her. (present perfect)
4. She bought five video films.
Five video films were bought by her. (past indefinite)
5. She gave me five films.
I was given five films by her.
6. Why did she write such a letter?
 Why was such a letter written by her?
7. She was teaching the students.
The students were being taught by her. (past continuous)
8.  They had gained nothing.
Nothing had been gained by them. (past perfect)
9.  He will write a letter.
A letter will be written by him. (future indefinite)
10.  We shall have killed the snake.
The snake will have been killed by us. (future perfect)
Sentences in the present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous and future
perfect continuous are not changed into the Passive voice.
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1.  She likes apples. 2.  The boy is climbing the wall.
3.  We did not hear a sound. 4.  They have bought a horse.
5.  The Board has given me a gold medal. 6.  He praised the boy for his courage.
7.  The teacher was helping the students. 8.  Why were they beating the boy?
9.  They have not done their job. 10.  A car ran over an old man.
11.  He will give you a box of chocolates. 12.  He had told me to do it.
13.  They had not done their home task. 14.  We shall have finished our work by
March next.
15.  He took away my books. 16.  The sudden noise frightened the child.
17.  We use milk for making cheese. 18.  Why is he mending the chair?
19.  The doctor asked her to stay in bed. 20.  They caught the thief.
An adverb is a word which qualifies (or adds to) the meaning of a verb, an adjective
or another adverb.
1.  She was walking slowly. 2.  You are a very clever boy.
3.  She was walking quite slowly.
Adverbs are of three kinds:
Adverbs of Manner
1.  She was walking slowly. 2.  He was reading clearly.
3.  They fought bravely. 4.  Do not walk so fast.
Adverbs of Place
1.  They followed her everywhere. 2.  Where are you going?
Adverbs of Time
1.  When will you learn to do it? 2.  Sheila sang at the concert on Sunday.
3.  The book was not available then.
The three adverbs in one sentence are placed in the following sequence:

Sheila sang beautifully (adverb of manner) at the concert (adverb of place) on
Sunday (adverb of time).
A conjunction is a word which is used merely to join together sentences and
sometime words.
1. She is a doctor and her brother is an engineer.
2. He is poor but honest.
3. Roshana and Naushaba are good singers.
4. He must get a good job or he will run away.
5. Two and two make four.
Some conjunctions are used in pairs.
6. Neither she nor her mother is present in the house.
7. Either he is a fool or a knave.
8. Both Aslam and Akram respect their teacher.
9. She does not care whether you eat or not.
10. He is not only a brother to me but also a friend .
11. No sooner did he leave the house than it started raining.
12. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Some compound expressions are also used as conjunctions.
1. He saved a lot of money so that his sons would lead a prosperous life.
2. Adnan as well as his friends was in the class.
3. He should be employed provided that he fulfills the basic qualifications.
4. He will be readmitted to school on condition that he submits a written apology.
5. She looks as if she were ill.
An interjection is a word which is used to express sudden feeling or emotion.
1. Hurrah! We have won the match.
2. Alas! He is no more.
3. Oh! You gave me shivers.
4. Hush! Do not make a noise.
5. Hello! What are you doing there?
Some groups of words are also used as interjections.
. Ah me! For shame! Good heavens! Well done!

We can report the words of a speaker in two ways:
1.  She said, “I am doing my home task now.”
2.  She said that she was doing her home task then.
The first way of reporting the speaker's words is called Direct Speech. While doing this we
have reproduced the exact words of the speaker and put them in inverted commas.
The second way of reporting what the speaker has said is called the Indirect (Reported)
Speech. While doing this we have made the following changes in the sentence.
1.  Conjunction that has been placed before the reported speech. (Indirect statement)
2. Pronoun I has been changed into she.
3. Verb am has been changed into was.
4. Adverb now has been changed into then.
Rules for Changing Direct Speech into Indirect
1.  When the reporting verb is in the past tense.
a.  a present indefinite becomes a past indefinite:
He said, “I am not a thief.” (DIRECT)
He said that he was not a thief. (INDIRECT)
b.  a present continuous becomes a past continuous
She said, “I am working hard.” (DIRECT)
She told that she was working hard. (INDIRECT)
c.  A present perfect becomes a past perfect
He said, “I have returned the books.” (DIRECT)
He said that he had returned the books. (INDIRECT)
d.  A past indefinite changes into a past perfect.
She said, “The patient died in the hospital.” (DIRECT)
She said that the patient had died in the hospital. (INDIRECT)
e.  Will/Shall changes into would/should
He said, “She will go there.” (DIRECT)
He said that she would go there. (INDIRECT)
2.  Pronouns of the first and the second person change into third person pronouns.
However, if the person addressed reports the speech, second person change into
She said, “I do not agree with you.” (DIRECT)
She said that she did not agree with him. (INDIRECT)
He said to the stranger, “I do not recognize you.” (DIRECT)
He told the stranger that he did not recognize him. (INDIRECT)
The teacher said to Mueen, “I have taught you and your sister.” (DIRECT)
The teacher told Mueen that he had taught him and his sister. (INDIRECT)
She said to me, “You are a lazy boy.” (DIRECT)
She told me that I was a lazy boy. (INDIRECT)
3. Words showing nearness change into words showing distance, as given below:
Word  changes into  Word Word  changes into  Word
this    that now    then
here    there thus    so
today    that day tomorrow   the next day
yesterday   the day before last night   the night before
ago    before
Change the following sentences into the indirect narration of speech.
1.  She said, “I like clouds in the sky.”
2.  He said, “I am unwell.”
3. He said to her, “I live in this building.”
4.  They said, “Our teacher is on leave.”
5.  Arif and Ayesha said to their mother, “We like mangoes.”
6.  She said, “I am helping my mother in the kitchen.”
7.  He said, “I am watering the plants in the garden.”
8.  Afshan said, “I am sewing mother's shirt.”
9.  He said, “They are not doing their duty well.”
10.  He said to me, “You are not running very fast.”
11.  They said, “We have done our duty.”
12.  The teacher said to us, “You have not completed your drawing.”
13.  She said, “They have not eaten their meals.”
14.  The teacher said, “I have often told you not to play with fire.”
15.  My brother said to me, “You have missed the point completely.”
16.  He said, “I completed my drawing half an hour ago.”
17.  She said, “I did not go to school yesterday.”
18.  He said, “She sang a beautiful ghazal at the concert last night.”
19.  She said, “He rang me up at twelve midnight.”
20.  He said, “The boys did not put up a good show last night.”
21.  She said, “I shall never do such a thing.”
22.  Afshan said, “They will wait for us for an hour only.”
23.  They said, “We shall never make a promise, we cannot fulfill.”
24.  He said, “I shall explain this to you only if you listen to me with patience.”
25.  He said, “I hope you will not repeat this mistake.”
4. In reporting questions:
a.  Beginning with a verb, we place whether or if after the object of the reporting verb; or
if the answer to the question is 'Yes' or 'No', we use whether or if after the object of the
reporting verb.
b.  Beginning with an interrogative word like what and why, we do not use any
conjunction. However, the reporting verb is changed to asked, enquired, etc.
a. He said, “Will you listen to me?” (Direct)
He asked me whether I would listen to him. (Indirect)
b. She said, “Are you going to Lahore today?” (Direct)
She asked me whether I was going to Lahore that day. (Indirect)
c. He said, “Do you agree with me?” (Direct)
He asked me whether I agreed with him. (Indirect)
d. He said to me, “What are you looking for?” (Direct)
He asked me what I was looking for. (Indirect)
e. She said, “Where do you live?” (Direct)
She enquired of them where they lived. (Indirect)
f. He said, “How many chapters have you done already?” (Direct)
He enquired of him how many chapters he had done by that time. (Indirect)
Change the following sentences into indirect narration.
1.  She said, “Is this your book?”
2.  He said, “Do you have any share in this firm?”
3.  They said, “Have you ever visited Murree Hills?”
4.  He said, “Aren't you ashamed of yourself ?”
5.  The teacher said, “Did you do your home task yesterday?”
6.  The mother said, “Didn't I ask you not to go there?”
7.  Rehana said, “Will you stop interfering in my work?”
8.  The mother said, “Shall we invite the Qureshis also?”
9.  Adnan said, “Had you left Karachi before writing this letter?”
10.  The judge said, “Have you anything more to say?”

11.  He said, “What do you want me to do?”
12.  The mother said, “How did you fail in your examination?”
13.  Raza said, “Where are you going?”
14.  The teacher said, “Whose book is it?”
15.  The teacher said, “Who is the author of this book?”
16.  The stranger said, “Which is the way to the Shalimar Garden?”
17.  The manager said, “How do you propose to solve this problem?”
18.  The boy said, “What do you want me to do?”
19.  The pupil said, “Where have I eased?”
20.  The teacher said, “Who is next on the list?”
5.  In Imperative sentences the mood of verb is changed into the infinitive and the
reported speech is introduced by some verb expressing command or request i.e.
tell, ask, order, request, beg, appeal, entreat, advise, etc.
a. The referee said, “Quiet, please.” (Direct)
The referee requested the spectators to be quiet. (Indirect)
b. The teacher said, “Do not make a noise.” (Direct)
The teacher asked the students not to make a noise. (Indirect)
c. She said to me, “Tell the truth.” (Direct)
She advised me to tell the truth. (Indirect)
d. She said to me, “Please lend me your camera for a day.” (Direct)
She requested me to lend her my camera for a day. (Indirect)
e. Roshana said, “Let us finish our work first.” (Direct)
Roshana proposed that they should finish their work first. (Indirect)
Change the following into indirect narration.
1.  He said to his sister, “Please say something.”
2.  She said to her friends, “Please have dinner with me tomorrow at eight.”
3.  The judge said, “Call the next witness.”
4.  Farhan said to his uncle, “Please help me in getting some job.”
5.  The doctor said to the patient, “Take complete rest and follow my directions.”
6.  The teacher said to the pupil, “Read the paragraph and explain it in simple English.”
7.  The mother said to her daughter, “Please tidy up your room.”
8.  She said to me, “Do not waste your time in idle talk.”
9.  The father said to his son, “Get up early in the morning and go for a walk.”
10.  Afshan said, “Let us go for a picnic on Friday.”
11.  He said to his friend, “Please lend me your bike for a day.”
12.  He said to her, “Please fetch me a glass of water.”
13.  The master said to the servant, “Go and fetch me a glass of milk.”
14.  The father said to his son, “Do not leave this room without my permission.”
15.  She said to them, “Let us not deceive ourselves.”
6.  In sentences expressing sudden and strong feelings or emotions and wishes, the
reported speech is introduced by some verb expressing exclamation or wish.
a. He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
b. He said, “Alas! I am ruined.”
He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined.
c. He said, “May Allah help me do my duty.”
He prayed that Allah might help him do his duty.
Change the following into the indirect form of narration.
1.  She said to her father, “May you live long!”
2.  She said, “May you prosper!”
3.  The mother said to her daughter, “May Allah bless you with a son!”
4.  She said, “Would that my father were alive!”
5.  The mother said to her son, “May you return successful!”
6.  She said, “What a beautiful piece of art!”
7.  He said, “How well she sings!”
8.  He said, “Alas! We cannot defeat our enemies.”
9.  She said, “What a pity you missed that function!”
10.  He said, “Hurrah! I have won the medal.”
7.  If the reporting verb is in the Present indefinite, Present perfect or Future
indefinite tense the reported speech retains the same tense as used by the
speaker. The pronouns, however, change as usual.
a. She says, “I hope I am not late.” (Direct)
She says that she hopes she is not late. (Indirect)
b. He says, “I want to speak to you.” (Direct)
He says that he wants to speak to him. (Indirect)
c. You have said, “They are waiting outside.” (Direct)
You have said that they are waiting outside. (Indirect)
d. You will say, “She is cranky.” (Direct)
You will say that she is cranky. (Indirect)
Change the following into the indirect form of narration.
1.  They say, “We have done our duty.”
2.  She says, “We have shifted to another house.”
3.  The teacher will say, “You have done your work very well.”
4.  He says, “She has written me a very encouraging letter.”
5.  She says, “We love and respect our neighbours very much.”
6.  She has said, “She is ready to accompany us to Karachi.”
7.  He says, “I have not heard the latest news about her.”
8.  The doctor says, “The patient is still in a state of coma.”
9.  The teacher says, “She has always been a good student.”
10.  She will say, “He did not come up to my expectations.”
1.  affect: This incident did not affect his health.
effect: It did not have any effect on him.
2.  advice: He gave me a good piece of advice.
advise: He advised me not to miss my classes.
3.  alter: We cannot force her to alter her mind.
altar: People brought the animals to the altar for sacrifice.
4.  altogether: It is altogether wrong to say that she came here yesterday.
all together: They went to watch the movie all together.
5.  angel: Allah sent His message through angels.
angle: A triangle has three angles.
6.  bale: There were a large number of bales of cotton in the room.
bail: His application for bail was not accepted by the magistrate.
7.  bare: Do not walk barefooted on the ground.
bear: I saw a bear in the zoo.
8.  berth: I reserved a berth in the Shalimar train.
birth: What is your date of birth?
9.  beside: Adnan is sitting beside Asif.
besides: Besides writing, I have to learn it by heart.
10.  brake: The brakes of the cycle failed on the way.
break: Handle it carefully otherwise it may break.
11.  cool: Cool breeze is blowing.
cold: It is cold outside.
12.  cloth: Samina bought some cloth from the market.
clothes: Saira is wearing colourful clothes.
13.  cell: The prisoner was brought out of the cell.
sell: They sell school books.
14.  compare: Can he compare himself with Faiz?
contrast: There is a contrast in what he says and what he does.
15.  device: Zakat is a good device to help the poor.
devise: We must devise ways and means to help the needy.
16.  denied: He denied having told a lie.
refused: Naila refused to help Najma in the hour of need.
17.  diary: What are you writing in your diary?
dairy: Hanif brought milk from the dairy.
18.  dew: Dew drops fell at night.
due: He could not come to school due to illness.
19.  die: Heroes never die.
dye: Please dye my shirt.
20.  dose: Have you taken a dose of this medicine?
doze: It is not right to say that I doze in class.
21.  droop: Branches of the plants droop in summer.
drop: Give me a drop of water.
22.  elder: Arif is my elder brother.
older: Lahore is an older city than Islamabad.
23.  eligible: He is eligible for the post of a clerk.
illegible: Farah's hand writing is illegible.
24.  except: Everybody was present except Tahir.
accept: Accept my congratulations on your success.
25.  expect: I expect to get good marks in the coming examination.
hope: We should never lose hope.
26.  feet: A cat has four feet.
feat: We saw feats of animals in the circus.

27.  flour: We make bread from flour.
floor: The floor of this room is very dirty.
28.  fair: Her complexion is fair. OR We must play fair.
fare: Sometimes passengers do not pay fare to the conductor.
29.  foul: We should not use foul language.
fowl: Fowls are kept in cages.
30.  gate: Children were standing at the gate of their school.
gait: She walks with a different gait.
31.  gaol: The prisoner was sent to the gaol.
goal: He is advancing towards his goal steadily.
32.  heel: The heel of this shoe is too high for me.
heal: The wound will heal soon.
33.  healthy: A healthy man can enjoy life.
healthful: Milk is healthful for our body.
34.  idle: Do not waste your time by sitting idle.
idol: The Hindus worship idols.
35.  invent: Marcony invented radio.
discover: Columbus discovered America.
36.  ice: People use ice in summer.
snow: Snow is falling on the mountains.
37.  loose: It is a fashion to wear loose shirts.
lose: Do not lose courage.
38.  lesson: The first lesson of our book is easy.
lessen: Please lessen the speed of the car.
39. letter: I have written a letter to my friend.
latter: Of wealth and health, the latter is the more important.
40.  liar: Akbar is a liar. He always tells lies.
lawyer: I want to become a lawyer.
41.  lovely: The rose is a lovely flower.
lovable: She is nice and lovable.
42.  medal: Atif has won a silver medal.
meddle: Do not meddle in other people's affairs.
43.  meet: My friend came to meet me at the airport.
meat: I like to eat meat.
44.  metal: Gold is an expensive metal.
mettle: The Pakistanis have yet to show their mettle.
45.  marry: Kamal is going to marry Najma.
merry: They are making merry.
46.  miner: He is a miner.
minor: The problem is a minor one. We can solve it easily.
47.  necessity: Bread is the basic necessity of our lives.
necessary: It is necessary for the students to do their homework.
48.  observation: Uzma has quick observation.
observance: Observance of laws is necessary for every citizen.
49.  pear: The pear trees are blossoming out early this year.
peer: He is respected and admired by his peers.
50.  populous: China is a populous country.
popular: Yasmin is very popular among her friends.
51.  principal: The principal of our college is very kind.
principle: Quaid-e-Azam was a man of principles.
52.  piece: Give me a piece of chalk.
peace: Let me do my work in peace.
53.  prey: The hunter ran after his prey.
pray: I shall pray to Allah for your success.
54.  people: People of Pakistan love their country.
peoples: Representatives of different peoples were present in the meeting.
55.  pore: There are many pores in our body.
pour: Pour some tea into this cup.
56.  quiet: Can't you keep quiet?
quite: Your answer is quite right.
57.  respectable: Nayab belongs to a respectable family.
respectful: Ahmad is respectful to his elders.
58.  rein: The horse man pulled the reins of the horse.
rain: It has been raining since morning.
59.  rob: The robbers threatened the woman and robbed her money.
steal: Sajida's jewellery was stolen by the thief.
60.  role: His role in the play was quite difficult.
roll: His name was at the top in the roll call.
61.  root: This plant has delicate roots.
route: This is the shortest route to our school.
62. story: It is not a true story.
storey: We live on the first storey of this house.
63.  sail: They opened the sails of the boat.
sale: This car is for sale.
64.  sink: The ship is sinking.
drown: The man is being drowned.
65.  stationary: The earth is not stationary.
stationery: Farid brought some exercise books from the stationery shop.
66.  sole: The sole of this shoe is very hard.
soul: Fifty souls were lost in a road accident. OR May his soul rest in peace.
67.  scene: She has painted beautiful scenes of rural life.
seen: I have seen her after a long time.
68.  teach: Mr. Junaid teaches us English.
learn: We learn English from Mr. Junaid.
69.  team: Our cricket team won the match.
teem: This well teems with insects.
70.  urbane: Her manners are fine and urbane.
urban: They do not have any urban property.
71.  vain: The thirsty crow searched for water everywhere but all in vain.
vein: Our body has countless veins.
72.  vale: The vale of Kashmir is famous for its beauty.
veil: She covered her face with a veil.
73.  wine: The Muslims are not allowed to drink wine.
vine: They went to a vineyard to eat grapes.
74.  waste: Do not waste your money on idle pursuits.
waist: His waist disappeared in the water while crossing the stream.
75.  write: Can you write a letter in English?
right: It is not right to call others names.
76.  wave: The waves of the sea followed one another silently.
waive: The age limit was waived in favour of the candidates.
77.  way: Can you tell me the way to the Allama Iqbal's tomb?
weigh: She weighs only a hundred pounds.
78.  weak: He is very weak in mathematics.
week: Seven days make a week.

5 Story Writing
A story has different parts. It is easy to remember by five finger retell





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A story has different parts. It is easy to remember by five finger retell.

1. Character: who were the creatures, animals or people in the story?

2. Setting: where and when the story took place?

such as; Once upon a time two very close friends lived in a village.
The setting of the story could be changed throughout the story.
3. Problem: What was the problem that needs to be resolved?

4. Events: What happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story?

5. Resolution: How was the problem resolved or fixed?

A story planner accompanies the students to build the story. It helps them to organise the
ideas into a meaningful text. Character, setting, events and resolution should be
organised to catch the reader’s interest.

Story Planner

.Introduction of the main characters
.Introduction of the setting of the story.

. Develop the characters and the setting
. The points that lead up to the conflict
or climax (high point) in the story

.The conflict or climax in the story
.How do the characters react?

. How is the conflict resolved and the
story ends?

Story Writing
Rubric for Story Writing
1. Structure of the story (Beginning, Middle and End)
2. Grammar
3. Vocabulary
4. Spellings
5. Tenses

The young and the old, all enjoy hearing and reading stories. Interesting stories
particularly appeal to everyone. Here are some important points which will go a long way in
making the story interesting and impressive:
1. It should be in the past tense.
2. It should be written in simple English.
3. Check for grammar and spelling errors.
4. Add dialogues to make it impressive.
5. Review and revise after writing the first draft.

Developing a story from a given outline is easier than writing one on a heading or a
moral. Whatever the case, the conclusion or the end should be handsomely drawn and moral
(if any) should follow in a natural and clear way.
Develop the following outline into a readable story:
A farmer had three sons --- they kept on quarrelling --- father advised again and again
but to no effect --- fell seriously ill --- sent for the sons --- asked them to bring a handful of
sticks --- tied them into a bundle --- asked them to break it turn by turn --- they all failed ---
untied the bundle --- asks them to break sticks one by one --- they easily broke --- lesson ---
united we stand, divided we fall.
Complete the Story
i. A Farmer and His Sons
Once a farmer had three grown-up sons. They always quarrelled among themselves.
Their father advised them to live in peace but it had no effect on them. He was worried about
their future. One day the farmer fell seriously ill. He sent for his sons. He asked them to
collect a handful of sticks which they did at once. He tied the sticks into a bundle.
Now, he asked them to break the bundle one by one. They tried hard to break it but
none could. At last, the farmer untied the bundle and asked each of them to break each stick.
They did so quite easily. Their father said, “My dear sons, you could not break the sticks as
long as they remained tied together but you broke each single stick quite easily. They were
strong in bundle but became weak when separated from one another. Never forget that united
we stand and divided we fall.”
This had a deep effect on the farmer's sons. They gave up quarrelling and began to
live in peace.
ii. The Kindness of Rasoolullah ( )
Once the Rasoolullah ( ) went out on a journey along with some of his
companions. Birds were singing and chirping joyfully. One of the companions of
the Rasoolullah ( ) saw a nest in a bush. It was the nest of sparrows and there were
two sparrow chicks in it. He picked up the young sparrow. All at once the sparrows came
crying and began to fly over his head. The Rasoolullah ( ) asked his companion why
the sparrows were circling over his head. He told the Rasoolullah( ) that he had
removed their young ones from their nest.
The Rasoolullah( ) was greatly moved. He ( ) felt sorry for
the poor little birds and advised his companion to put back the sparrow’s chick in its nest at
once, which he did. The sparrows felt happy and cried no more.
The Rasoolullah ( ) was kind and affectionate not only to human beings
but also to all creatures of the universe. For this very reason Allah Almighty was pleased to
bestow upon him ( ) the title of 'Benefactor of all the worlds.'
The Rasoolullah ( ) also said, “Allah will not be kind to him who is not
kind to others.”
iii. Robbers Turn into Good Citizens
Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani ( ‫ )ر ﷲ‬had to undertake a journey, when he
was yet a young boy. His pious mother stitched up forty gold coins in his shirt. She advised
her son to always speak the truth . He joined a caravan and set off on his journey. When the
caravan entered a forest, a gang of robbers fell on the travellers and deprived them of all their
While they were busy robbing everyone, a robber happened to pass by the young
boy. He said, “Do you have anything on you?” “Yes,” came the prompt reply, “I have forty
gold coins.”
The robber asked the young boy to show the money, which he readily did. The robber

took the boy to the leader of the gang.
Like all other robbers, the leader was also surprised. He said, “Why did you not deny
having money?” Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani ( ‫ )ر ﷲ‬told the robbers' Chief that
his mother had advised him to speak the truth always. This had a deep effect on the Chief. He
said, “Alas! I do not obey the commands of Allah while this little boy so faithfully follows
the advice of his mother.”
Remorse became a guideline to show him the right path. He made up his mind to give
up his bad ways of earning livelihood. He disbanded the gang and advised all the members to
live an honest life. Thus, the example set by Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gillani ( ‫)ر ﷲ‬
reformed all the robbers. He grew up to be a great religious leader and a pious saint. He is
held in great esteem by millions of his followers and devotees. He is popularly known as
Ghaus-ul-Azam Gillani.
Moral: Speak the truth always.
iv. The Muslim Brotherhood
Hazrat Muhammad ( ) united the Muslims into a
wonderful brotherhood. They were sincerely devoted to one another and made every
sacrifice for other Muslims whoever and wherever they might be. They laid down their lives
for their Muslim brethren.
Abu Jahan Bin Huzefa ( ‫ )ر ا‬told us a wonderful story. It is a true story, related to
the battle of Yarmook, which showed their great love and sense of sacrifice for one another.
He said, “I set out in search of my cousin who was fighting on the battle front. I carried a
water-skin to offer water to the thirsty soldiers. I found him lying seriously injured. He was
about to die. I asked him if he wanted water. My cousin nodded. I offered him a cup of water.
Just then there came a cry for water from Hisham ibn al-A’as ( ‫ )ر ا‬who was about to die.
My cousin asked me to give the cup to him. When I came to Hisham ( ‫ )ر ا‬, another cry
was heard from a mujahid, not far from the former two. Hisham ( ‫ )ر ا‬asked me to take the
cup to him. I, therefore, went to the third one but he had breathed his last before he could
drink. I hurried back to Hisham ( ‫ )ر ا‬. He ( ‫ )ر ا‬had also lost his life. Then I rushed
back to my cousin but he too had left for his heavenly home.” How great those good Muslims
were indeed! In true spirit of Islam, Muslims worry about their brothers selflessly.
v. A Foolish Stag
One hot summer day, a stag went to a pool to drink water. The pool water was clear. It
could see its reflection in the water. It felt proud of its beautiful horns. But when it saw the
shadow of its thin legs, it felt sad and hated them. While it was still thinking of its ugly legs, it
heard the sound of the horse's hoofs of a huntsman and the barking of hounds. It ran for its life
as fast as its legs could carry it. In no time it left the hounds far behind. Now it happened to
pass through a thick forest. As it rushed through, its horns got caught in the branches of a tree.
It struggled hard to free itself but all in vain. Meanwhile, the hunter and his hounds came
close. The hounds were about to catch it, the stag struggled and managed to escape. The legs
it hated had carried it away from the hounds. One of the horns broke but it managed to dodge
the hunter. After loosing the hunter, the stag was grateful of having thin legs and did not
repent the appearance again..
Moral: Be grateful of what you have
vi. The Donkey Trapped in His Own Trick
A villager had a donkey. He earned his living by transporting goods from place to
place on that donkey. One early morning, he loaded the donkey with salt and set off to the
town. A stream ran across his way to the market. As the donkey walked through the stream it
slipped and fell down. A good deal of salt was washed away and the donkey felt light. The
donkey thought it was quite a good trick to make the load light.
Next morning, the man again loaded it with salt. The donkey played the same trick
and got light. The master saw through the game and made up his mind to teach the donkey a
good lesson. Now, on the third day he put a bale of cotton on the donkey. The silly animal
tried the same trick once more. Soaked with water, the cotton load became much heavier than
when it was dry.
Moral: The foolish donkey was punished for his bad intention..
vii. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
Once upon a time two very close friends lived in a village. As time passed their
friendship grew stronger. Now they were grown up men. One day they decided to go and find
work. They set off. Before leaving their village, they promised to stand by each other through
thick and thin. They took oath of sincerity and assured each other of help in the hour of need.
They had to pass through a jungle. They had not gone far into the thick forest when they
found themselves face to face with a big bear. The beast began to move towards them. They
felt helpless and terrified. One of them knew how to climb a tree. He at once caught hold of a
strong branch and swung up the tree. The other could not climb. He had heard that the bear
does not eat the dead. So he lay down on the ground and held his breath pretending to be dead.
Meanwhile, the bear came to him and sniffed him. The beast left him. When the bear had
gone out of sight, the friend on the tree came down. He asked his friend, “Dear friend, what
did the bear whisper in your ear?” The other replied quickly, “The bear advised me not to
trust a selfish friend.” Saying this he left him and went away.

viii. A Faithful Friend
A hunter had a beautiful hound that always went hunting with him. The faithful dog
was a fast friend of the hunter's only son who loved to play with the dog. The master also
loved the hound for its friendship with his young son who was only ten years old. The master
of the house had no one else in the house.
One day, the hunter went out hunting but forgot to take the hound with him. His son
was still asleep in his bed. As he reached the edge of the forest he found that he had forgotten
to bring the hound with him. He decided to go back and bring the hound. He came home but
was afraid to see his hound all bloodstained standing at the gate. The hunter thought that the
hound had harmed his son. He got very upset and tensed and chained it..
He quickly walked into the house and looked high and low for his son. Just then, he
saw his son coming out of his room. The boy told his father that a wolf had come into the
house and was about to kill him when the hound pounced upon it and tore it to pieces. The
hunter began to cry and rushed back to the gate and took the hound to a vet. The hunter loved
the hound as his most loyal friend.
ix. A Big Reward
Once a hungry wolf was devouring his prey. In a bid to finish it quickly, he
swallowed a big bite of the flesh but a bone also went in and got stuck in his throat. It hurt him
very much. So he decided to go to a crane to get help from him. He said, “Well dear friend, I
am in a great trouble. Please pick out the bone in my throat.” The crane was afraid lest the
wolf should bite off his head. But the wolf assured him of safety and a big reward besides, for
the service.
At last, the crane agreed to do the needful. It put its long beak into the throat of the
wolf and pulled out the bone. The wolf was very happy now. The crane demanded the
promised reward for his service. The wolf, at once, said, “Isn't it a big reward that I have not
bitten off your head when it could not have escaped my teeth.”The crane hopped away
x. The Tailor and the Elephant
A tailor ran a shop in a town. He was a good natured jolly fellow. A man in the town
had a pet elephant. The elephant went drinking at a pool out of the town daily. It passed by the
tailor's shop. The tailor gave him a bun every day. In course of time, they became good
friends and were well pleased to meet each other. The tailor always waited for the elephant to
come to him and the elephant was also there at the usual time.
One day, the tailor had a dispute with one of his customers. He was feeling unhappy

and cross. Meanwhile, the elephant arrived and put his trunk into his shop through the
window to receive the friendly bun as usual. The tailor instead of giving a bun, pricked its
trunk with a needle. The elephant felt hurt at this but silently went his way to drink.
The elephant quenched his thirst and then filled his trunk with dirty, muddy water. It
came back quickly, put its trunk in, and emptied it. The whole shop looked as if it was
plastered with mud. All the fancy dresses and rich wedding robes were mud-stained and
badly spoiled. The tailor was sad but it was too late.
Moral: It is well said, “Look before you leap.”
xi. The Boy Who Cried “Wolf ”
There lived a shepherd boy in a village near a pasture. He collected sheep and goats
belonging to the villagers and took them to the pasture to graze. This went on for quite a long
time. All the villagers were well satisfied with the boy as he tended the flock carefully. Now
everyone trusted the boy. By now he had grown up into a fine lad.
One fine morning, when he was busy looking after animals, it came to his mind to
make fun of the villagers. So, he climbed upto the top of the hill and cried aloud, "Wolf!
Wolf!" the villagers rushed to the pasture to save the boy and the flock. They came armed
with sticks. When they saw the boy, they inquired about the wolf. The naughty boy began
to laugh. Everyone was angry with the silly boy and went back grumbling.
After few days, the boy repeated his trick. The worried villagers rushed for his help and
found the boy laughing on the villagers. This time the villagers were highly displeased by
him and decided again.
One day the boy took sheep and goats to the pasture as per the routine. This time
the wolf did come and he cried, 'Wolf' at top of his voice. The villagers could hear his
cries but they thought he was joking again. No one came to his help. The wolf not only
killed some sheep and goats, but had injured the boy. He learnt his lesson and never
tricked anyone again.
Moral: No one trusts a liar.

xii. The Jester and the King

Once upon a time a king had a jester in his court. The king was so fond of him that the
jester enjoyed every kind of liberty of speech. He did not even spare the lords and ministers.
So much so that he began to ridicule even the king but no one could dare to complain against
him. This made the jester bold and proud. He cared for none.
One day while the king was holding a court and was busy in serious state affairs, the

jester made fun of the king. Dead silence fell on the court. The king got highly offended and
sentenced the jester to treason. The jester bent down over his knees and begged for mercy but
the king was so angry that he turned down his request.
At last, when the jester pleaded for mercy again and again, the king said, “Die you
must but I grant you the freedom to choose the kind of death you like.”
The clever jester at once used his ready wit and took good advantage of the
concession saying, “Your Majesty! I choose to die of old age.” The king was impressed and
forgave the jester with a warning for future.
Moral: It never pays to overreach yourself.

Develop stories from the given outlines.
1. A dog steals a piece of meat ... runs away ... comes to a bridge ... calm and clear water
under the bridge … sees his reflection. Thinks another dog with a bigger piece of
meat ... barks at it ... loses his own piece as well.
2. A hungry fox goes about in search of food ... reaches a garden ... bunches of ripe
grapes hanging down a high wall ... tries to reach again and again but cannot get at
them ... goes away disappointed.
3. A merchant earns a large sum of money by selling his goods ... has to go a long way ...
already getting dark ... a nail falls from his horse's shoe, the inn boy warns him ...
does not care … hurries away ... horse becomes lame ... robbers appear … kill him
and make away with the money.
4. A tiger kills a woman with a gold bangle ... keeps it ... one day a man comes there ...
stands on the bank of stream ... gets ready to cross ... the tiger appears ... man afraid
… tiger tells him that it has become pious and keeps praying ... offers the bangle …
the greedy man falls prey to the tiger.
5. A flock of pigeons comes flying to vast green fields ... look down ... see plenty of food
grain ... ask their chief to alight ... does not agree ... fears lest hunter should have set
net ... pigeons say fear imaginary only ... they land and are caught in the net ... they
cry, “O chief, what shall we do now?” he says “Well dear friends, now exert together;
pull the net up and fly away with it.” They follow the advice and are saved.
6. A kind hearted man passes through a forest ... finds a tiger caught in a trap. The tiger
begs for his help to get out ... the man afraid of the beast ... at last sets him free ... the
tiger knocks him down - the man calls tiger ungrateful ... both go to papal tree for

opinion ... the tree says man ungrateful ... they go to bullock ... it upholds the decision
of papal tree ... next they ask a jackal. It says how that big beast could be contained in
that small cage. The tiger jumps into the cage to prove. The jackal shuts ... the man
goes away thanking the jackal.
7. A farmer has four lazy sons ... do nothing ... he advises them to work ... they do not
follow ... the farmer falls seriously ill ... calls all the sons ... tells them of a treasure
lying buried somewhere in the fields and passes away ... his sons dig deep the field ...
bumper crop ... realize the wisdom of their father ... become rich.
8. A young cricket sings on merrily throughout spring and summer ... winter comes ...
snow covers everything ... no food for winter ... begins to starve ... goes to ant living
close by ... begs for food ... ant says, “We ants neither lend nor borrow.” The ant asks
why it did not store food for winter in summer, cricket replies, “I sang away the
summer.” The ant says, “Now dance away the winter. No work, no food.”
9. A rich man riding in a four horse carriage ... has his family and a servant with him ...
passes through a forest ... hungry wolves attack ... let's loose two horses one by one
but the wolves come up again ... the faithful servant draws his sword and jumps down
... fights with the wolves. The rich man and his family gain time and escape.
10. A lion kills many animals ... all animals terrified ... a hare offers to save them ...
reaches the den of the lion late ... lion asks in rage why so late? The hare tells the lion
of another lion who stopped him ... lion asks the hare to take him to the other lion ...
the hare takes him to a well ... lion sees his reflection jumps down and is drowned.

CHAPTER Letters, Applications
6 and Invitations
Ÿ Letter Writing
Letter writing is a skill which was practiced by almost everyone few decades ago.
There are several types of letters. They may be personal, official or business letters, but in
each case they are written in accordance with some set rules.
Every letter has several parts and it is important to follow the correct format. Any
omission is liable to effect the quality of the letter. The parts of a letter are given below:
a. address of the writer along with the date of writing
b. salutation or greeting
c. body of the letter
d. subscription or the close of the letter
e. signature
f. address on the envelope or postcard.
A chart which shows proper salutations and subscriptions is given here for guidance:


Relatives My dear ..... (relation), Yours affectionately,
Informal Friends My dear ..... (name), Yours sincerely,
Acquaintances Dear / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Yours truly,
Strangers Sir / Madam, Dear Sir / Madam, Regards,
Formal Officers Sir / Madam, Yours obediently,
Editors of Newspapers Sir / Madam, Yours truly,
Business concerns Dear Sir, Regards,

Letters are usually of two types:

1. Informal letters: Informal letters are written to relations and intimate friends in an
easy and conversational style.
2. Formal letters: Formal letters are official letters, written for different purposes like;

to make a complaint, to request for something, to make an inquiry, to apply for a job,
Parts of a Letter
a. Writer's address and date: Writer’s address is normally written at the top of the
letter as heading which informs the readers from where the letter has been written.
Just below the writer’s address comes the date when the letter is written. The date
must be written in either of the following ways:
January 1, 2017  1 January, 2017
Students should always remember to put a comma before the year. Omission of
punctuation marks shows the carelessness of the writer.
b. Salutation: In this part of the letter we greet the person whom we address. The words
should be used according to the status of the addressee and the degree of friendship
or intimacy that the writer enjoys with him. Students should refer to the given chart.
c. Body of the letter: It is the main part of the letter and may contain a number of
paragraphs. The opening sentence should be of general nature and may indicate the
continuity of correspondence with the addressee. Some suitable opening sentences
which may be used according to the occasion are:
i. It is quite a long time since I heard from you.
ii. I was very glad to receive your letter.
iii. My joy knew no bounds when I learnt of your success…
iv. I am much pained to hear that …
v. I am sorry to inform you that …
vi. You will be pleased to know that …
vii. Thank you very much for your letter …
The letter should be closed with a proper phrase. One of the following phrases may
be used according to the occasion:
i. With best regards,
ii. With love and best wishes to all at home,
iii. With best wishes,
iv. Hoping to see you soon,
v. Hoping for an early reply,
vi. Hoping to hear from you soon,

vii. Thanking you,
d. Subscription: After closing the body of the letter, we put subscription or close of the
letter at the bottom of the left hand corner of the page. Students should refer to the
given chart for using appropriate subscription.
e. Signature: This must come below the subscription as:
Yours truly,
Ahmad Ali
f. Address on the envelope or postcard: It is written on the envelope or the back of
the postcard. We write:
i. the name of the person in the first line
ii. the name of the house and the street or the name of the village in the second
iii. the name of the city/district in the last line
1. Mr. Nisar Ahmad Khan, 2. Syed Mujahid Hussain Shah,
House No. 5, Peoples Colony, Foodgrain Market,
Faisalabad. Sheikhupura.
Ÿ Informal Letters
i. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health.
2, Old Hostel,
March 23, 2017
Dear Mother,
I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you are fine. I was running a
fever due to bad throat. But it was a temporary ailment. I have recovered now.
You need not worry about my health. I am perfectly all right. I am taking good care of
my diet and exercise regularly. I hope that after these assurances you will stop worrying
about me.
Pay my regards to all at home.
Yours affectionately,
Naveed Ahmad
ii. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.
2, Old Hostel,
January 25, 2017
Dear Father,
From Ali's letter I have come to know that mother is suffering from high blood
pressure. I am really worried about her. I hope that she is taking precautionary measures to
bring it to normal. Please ask her to take her medicine regularly and also inform me about her
present condition as early as possible.
Anxiously waiting for your reply,
Yours affectionately,
iii.  Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her success in the exams.
15 – C Wahdat Colony,
March 28, 2017
Dear Najma,
Your letter brought the happy news of your excellent result in the final examination
of class 9. I am very happy to learn that you have gottem an outstanding result. I am very
proud of you. You have always been a hard working student and I hope you will work even
harder next year to maintain a high standard.
Accept my heartiest congratulations on your success. Pay my compliments to Naila
and other friends.
Yours affectionately,
iv.  Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken.
92, Boys’ Hostel,
Gulberg, Lahore.
February 06, 2017
Dear Mother,
I am sorry, I did not write you earlier as I was busy preparing for my test of physics. It
was held yesterday. My performance in the test is satisfactory. I hope to get full marks in it. I
attempted eleven questions. The answer to one question was wrong. But it was an extra
question. I hope that you are satisfied with my explanation now.
Pay my regards to everyone at home.
Yours affectionately,
Khalid Ahmad
v. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some extra funds for
the payment of hostel dues.
16, Crescent Hostel,
Gulberg, Lahore.
March 15, 2017
Dear Father,
I have been planning to write you for many days but could not find time to do so. My
exams are drawing near and I am busy preparing for them. I have already revised my course.
You need not worry about my studies.
The only problem that I face these days is that I have run short of money as I bought
some books which has upset my budget. I shall be very grateful if you send me at least ten
thousand rupees to pay my hostel dues and to meet my other needs.
Yours affectionately,
Anas Ali
vi. Write a letter to your brother about the importance of the study of science
10 - Jail Road,
March 01, 2017
Dear Asif,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. You have now been
promoted to class nine. It is time for you to decide whether you would like to study
humanities or science subjects. The world has progressed very much in the field of science. If
we want to keep pace with it, we must keep our knowledge of science up-to-date. Everyone
should know the basics of science so I would advise you to study science at least up to
matriculation level.It will broaden the horizon of choice that you can make for higher studies

Also, there are many new fields in science that might catch your interest. Please think
carefully before making a final decision.
Convey my salaam to your friends.
Yours affectionately,
Adnan Bashir
vii. Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her birthday.
18-Tariq Block,
Garden Town,
January 29, 2017
Dear Iram,
I am specially writing this letter to congratulate you on your birthday. I owe you a gift
and you will get it when you come to Lahore. I was going to send it to you by post but then I
was informed that you plan to come to Lahore. So I decided to give it to you personally. I am
waiting for you.
Convey my respects to aunt and uncle.
Wishing you the best,
Yours sincerely,
viii. Write a letter to your friend requesting her to spend her spring holidays with
13 - C, GOR-III,
February 6, 2017
Dear Sadia,
You know that our spring holidays are approaching. I would like you to spend these
holidays with me. In your last letter you promised to come to me during these holidays. Now
it is time to fulfill your promise.
We shall visit our common friends and do some shopping. Inform me as early as
possible about the exact date of your arrival so that I may make further arrangements
With love,
Yours sincerely,

ix. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on the marriage of his sister.
24 - Usman Block,
Garden Town,
March 06, 2017
Dear Rizwan,
I am very pleased to learn about the marriage ceremony of your sister. Accept my
heartiest congratulation on this occasion.
I have received your invitation card but I do not think I will be able to attend the
ceremony as I will be busy in my exams. I really feel sorry for that.
Convey my congratulations and best wishes to all the members of your family.
Yours sincerely,
x. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books.
4, Sanda Road,
April 2, 2017
Dear Tahir,
My examination is over and I haven't much to do these days. I am thinking of
improving my English. You talked once about your fine collection of English novels and
plays. I want to borrow a few novels from you. I hope that you will not refuse. I assure you
that I shall take care of your books. I shall try to return these books as early as possible.
Pay my compliments to your parents.
Yours sincerely,
Arif Munir
xi. Write a letter to your friend thanking her for the hospitality during your visit
to her house.
793, Raza Block,
Iqbal Town,
April 15, 2017

Dear Saba,
I reached home last Sunday. I had a comfortable journey and reached home safe.
I spent very good time with you. I enjoyed your company. I shall never forget the taste of
delicious food that you cooked for me. I must thank you for the trip to Murree that you
specially arranged for me. I will miss you very much.
Convey my thanks to aunt and uncle for their kindness and love. They really made
me feel at home.I will never forget this trip.
With love,
Yours sincerely,
xii. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother.
4/5 - II - E, Nazimabad,
March 21, 2017
Dear Aamer,
I have just received the news of your mother's death. I am really shocked to hear it.
She was a very noble lady. I had special attachment to her. She loved me as her own son. But
the laws of nature are absolute. We have to bow before them.
All my sympathies are with you. I hope that you will bear this loss with patience and
courage. May her soul rest in heaven!
Yours truly,
xiii. Write a letter to your brother advising him to take steps to improve his
B - 22, GOR - I,
March 20, 2017
Dear Hamid,
I met Munir last night and he informed me that you were over worked in your studies.
You stay awake till late night and have become very weak. I appreciate your love for
knowledge but it must not be allowed to damage your health. First, take care of your health,
then of your studies. Try to sleep early and develop a habit of taking morning walk. I suggest

you have a light exercise in the morning also.
I hope that you will give attention to my advice.
Yours affectionately,
xiv.  Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift.
Shaheen Academy,
January 2, 2017
Dear Rukhsana,
I hope that you are in good health. I received your gift of a wrist watch on my
birthday two days ago. It is a beautiful watch. I needed it badly too as I happened to lose my
watch in a mishap a few days ago. I promise that I shall take care of it. It will also help to make
me punctual.
I thank you again for this precious gift.
Yours affectionately,
Nazir Ahmad
xv.  Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the books he lent you.
4 - Sanda Road,
March 27, 2017
Dear Tahir,
I received the books you lent me the day before yesterday. I am really grateful to you
for this. I have already started reading these and hope to return them very soon.
Thanking you again,
Yours truly,
Arif Munir
Ÿ Formal Letter
xvi. Write a letter to a book seller requesting him to send you some books
per V.P.P.

85 - Qasim Street
November 26, 2017
The Manager,
United Publishers,
The Mall, Lahore.
Dear Sir,
I shall be glad if you may provide me with the following books as early as possible:
Civics for class - X    1 copy
Economics for class - X   1 copy
Zindan Nama by Faiz Ahmad Faiz  1 copy
I hope you will allow me the special concession for students. Please send these books
to me by V.P.P.
Yours faithfully,
Atif Hafeez
· Formal Invitations / Replies
1. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sukhera
request the pleasure of the company of
Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Chaudhry
to dinner / lunch / tea
on Sunday, the 2 October, 2017
at 8.00 p.m. / 1.00 p.m. / 5.00 p.m.
Venue: 4-Sanda Road, Lahore.
Tel: 38412352
i. Reply (accepting)
Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Chaudhry thank Mr. and Mrs. S. Sukhera for their kind invitation
to dinner / lunch / tea on October 2, 2017 and accept it with pleasure.
7 – B, GOR-II,
ii. Reply (declining)
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Chaudhry thank Mr. and Mrs. S. Sukhera for their kind invitation
to dinner / lunch / tea on October 2, 2017, but regret that they would not be able to attend it,
owing to a previous engagement.
7 - B, GOR - II,
2. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Khan
request the pleasure of the company of
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Awan at a reception
on the occasion of the wedding of their beloved son / daughter at
Cosmopolitan Club
on Sunday, the 2 October, 2017 at 8.00 p.m.
i. Reply (accepting)
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Awan thank Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Khan for their kind invitation to the
reception on October 2, 2017, and accept it with great pleasure.
19-E, Model Town,
ii. Reply (declining)
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Awan thank Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Khan for their kind invitation to the
reception on October 2, 2017, but regret that they would not be able to attend it owing to a
previous engagement.
19 - E, Model Town,
Ÿ Applications
A formal request to be considered for a position or to be allowed to do or have
something, submitted to an authority, institution or organisation.
i. Application for leave
The Headmaster / Principal,
Government High School,
This is inform you that I am suffering from diarrhyea after eating fast food from a
local restaurant.
Kindly grant me leave for two days with effect from December 2 to 4 , 2017.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Arsalan Bashir
Roll No. 212
Class - X
December 02, 2017
ii. Application for fee-concession/stipend
The Headmistress/ Principal,
Government Girls’ High School,
Mian Chanuu.
Respectfully, it is submitted that my father is working as a restorer in the Municipal
Committee library. His salary is not enough to meet the family needs and cannot pay for our
education. He supports a large family consisting of five daughters and three sons. In fact, the
household worries have caused a deterioration in his health, and has been on medical leave
on and off.
In the light of the facts stated above, it is requested that I may kindly be granted full
fee concession and a stipend . I am in dire need of this financial relief, otherwise I will have to
discontinue my studies. My father’s income certificate is attached for your kind perusal.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Haseena Moeen
Roll No. 112
Class - IX
September 7, 2017
iii. Application for a character certificate
The Headmaster,
Garrison High School,
Respectfully, it is submitted that I have been a bonafide student of the Garrison High
School during the session 2016-17. I secured second position in the school in the

examination conducted by the Lahore Board of Secondary Education.
I am at Salalah (OMAN) these days and plan to study further at the Intermediate
College being run by our embassy here.
I am enclosing a reply-paid envelope, and it is requested that a character certificate
may kindly be issued to enable me to seek admission for further studies.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Ammar Aslam Moghul
P.O. Box No. 18026
SALALAH (Sultanate of Oman).
December 9, 2017
iv. Application for a job
The Manager,
Sunshine Biscuit Factory,
G. T. Road, Lahore.
Respeted Sir,
I found out through the advertisement columns of the Daily “Jang” Lahore about the
job vacancy of a clerk available in your factory. I offer myself as a candidate for this position.
My particulars are: rst

Age:   18 years
Qualification:  Matriculate 1 Division, Diploma holder in type and short-hand
Marital Status:  Unmarried
I reside at Baghbanpura and the factory is not far from my house. I assure you that I
will serve the organisation devotedly and diligently.
Attested photocopies of the required documents are attached.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
Farooq Abdullah
310 - Shalimar Road,
Baghbanpura, Lahore.
March 10, 2017

Dialogue Writing
Dialogue Writing
Rubric for Dialogue Writing
1. Adherence to the topic
2. Relevant Conversation
3. Grammar
4. Punctuation
5. Vocabulary

Basic Rules of Dialogue Writing

Use quotation marks before and after the speaker’s exact words.
Use a comma to separate the speaker from the quote.
Put periods, question mark and exclamation points inside the quotation marks.
Start a new paragraph whenever a speaker switches.

i. Dialogue between a teacher and a student

Teacher : Hello Fauzia! You are a bit late today.
Fauzia : Yes, Madam, I am sorry.
Teacher : Well. What happened?
Fauzia : The school bus was right on schedule. It was about to cross the canal bridge when
it came to a halt with a jerk. The tyre had gone flat.
Teacher : I see. It is not your fault.
Fauzia : One thing more, Madam. The driver had no jack with him. He waved to other
vehicles but they would not stop. Nobody seemed willing to oblige at this rush
Teacher : Well. What did you do then? You came by another bus. Didn't you?
Fauzia : No, Madam, we left the bus where it was and walked up to school all the way.
Teacher : Well done! You are a brave girl indeed But remember, always be careful while
crossing roads. Now, girls let us get going with our lesson.
ii. Dialogue between two students regarding Salat
Osama : Well, now I'd like to take rest for a while. I've had my meal, you know.

Salman : Ok. You take rest while I fix this picture of a landscape on the wall. Where is the
sticky tape?
Osama : Out there in the drawer.
Salman : Well, I think this picture needs to be a bit higher up. How do you like it Osama?
Osama : Lovely! Good, well done. It looks nice up there. Now let us go for namaz to the
Salman : I am going to the market. I shall not be long.
Osama : No, namaz first. Have you heard the moezzin's call for salat? Haven't
Salman : Sure, I have but I am going out. It's very urgent. My motor bike is out at the gate.
Osama: There is nothing in the world that ought to be more urgent than a namaz.
Salman : I don't really understand it. Art is long and life is short. There is so much to do in
the world. There is so much fun-games, sports, T. V., cricket, world cups, videos,
feature films, fun-fairs, shopping, loitering and break and break and break. Sorry,
I am going.
Osama : Dear me! Who am I to hold you back? Dear as you are to me, I sincerely wish that
you offer namaz. Namaz gives us peace, freshness, balance, courage, hope,
goodness in our short life here on the earth, and eternal goodness in the life
Salman : Oh, I am sick of your sermons, Osama!
Osama : See, Allah has given us eyes, ears, heart, hands, legs and brain. Salman, you see
such a lovely world is there around us. Great gifts are they! Aren't they? We must
thank Allah - the Merciful, the Sustainer. As Muslims we offer namaz and this is
how we thank Allah.
Salman: All right. I must thank Allah for the blessings that He has bestowed upon me.I
love Him, too. I'll go with you.
iii. Dialogue asking one's way
A: Excuse me for troubling you sir, but can you tell me the way to the museum?
B: Certainly. Keep straight on along this road, take the first turn to the right, and that
will take you to a green square with flagpoles. That is Istanbul Square; cross it,
and you'll see a corner of a red-brick building with a couple of domes. That is the
A: Thanks very much indeed.
B: My pleasure.
(A goes on walking and takes the wrong turn. He wanders around a good deal.
Tired and upset, he talks to a passer-by.)
A: Pardon me, sir, does this road lead to the museum?
B: I am sorry, sir. I don't know. I am a complete stranger here myself.
(Another gentleman C on hearing this, stops.)
C: Yes. Keep straight this way for over a mile and a half until you come to
Chowk Azadi, then turn to the left. But it is a good way.
A: How far, do you think?
C: Over two miles, I should say. I'd take a bus, if I were you.
A: What number or route please?
C: Take number 117 when you come to Chowk Azadi. That will take you to the
A: Thanks.
iv. Dialogue between a brother and a sister concerning time
Ali: What is the time?
Fatimah: It is nearly five minutes to eight by my watch.
Ali: Upon my word, we must hurry up, if you are to catch that train to Rawalpindi.
Fatimah: Why, when is it due out?
Ali: At quarter past nine exactly.
Fatimah: Oh, never mind. We have plenty of time.
Ali: I am not so sure of that. What on earth have you been doing? What time did you
get up?
Fatimah: I woke up before half-past five. Then I performed ablution and offered my
morning salat. Now breakfast is ready. Don't look at me like that.
Ali: For Heaven's sake, get ready! We have not a minute to lose. Time flies, you know.
v. Dialogue between a tailor and a customer
(Father is about to set up the tape-recorder, he calls aloud Yasser, Anne). Come
over here. Hurry up! (They show up in a minute.)
Father: You are going to hear a dialogue on the tape now.
Yasser: Father! What is it about?
Father: Well, see this picture. (There is a picture of a tailor and a customer. Father
switches on the tape-recorder. They listen with attention.)

Tailor: Good morning, Sir, what can I do for you?
Customer: I should like to be measured for a suit.
Tailor: With pleasure, Sir, kindly step this way. What style and shade would you
Customer: I want an ordinary lounge suit made of brown tweed. How much would the
stitching cost?
Tailor: I could make you a suit for Rs. 2000/-. It is quite reasonable, sir.
Customer: That's right.
Tailor: Could you manage to call in sometime next week for the try?
Customer: Yes, just give me a ring. Here is my card.
Tailor: Very good, sir. Good morning. (Father takes out the plug and talks to his kids.)
Father: What do you say to that, kids?
Yasser: Very interesting, Dad.
Anne: Father I'll hear it again and then we will practise it. Yasser will act out as the
tailor, and I shall be the customer.

CHAPTER Comprehension
8 of a Passage

Comprehension of a given passage means a complete understanding of it. We are required to

answer certain questions at the end of the passage to show that we understand it. To answer
these questions correctly, we should;
i. read the passage carefully till we understand it well
ii. understand the given questions clearly
iii. answer the questions in the same tense and person as used in the passage
Here are some solved examples.
Read the following passage and answer the questions at the end:
One day a wolf felt hungry. He wandered here and there in search of food but could
not find anything to eat. At last, he saw a flock of sheep grazing in a pasture. He wanted to eat
one but they were guarded by a hound. The shepherd's son was also tending the flock
vigilantly. The wolf found himself helpless. At last he hit upon a plan. He hid himself in the
skin of a sheep and safely went into the flock. The hound could not find out the wolf in
disguise. He killed a sheep and ate it without being caught. In this way, he ate up many sheep
and their number began to fall everyday. The shepherd was greatly worried but could not find
out the thief.
1.  Why did the wolf wander about?
2.  Did he find anything to eat?
3.  Why was the wolf helpless?
4.  How did he get into the flock?
5.  Why was the shepherd worried?
6.  Did he find out the thief ?
1.  The wolf wandered about in search of food.
2.  No, he did not find anything to eat.
3.  The wolf was helpless as the flock was guarded by the hound and the vigilant
shepherd’s son.
4.  He put on the skin of a sheep and went into the flock unchecked.
5.  The shepherd was worried as the number of sheep began to fall everyday.
6.  No, he did not find out the thief.
On a hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty. He went about in search of water but
could not find water. At last, he reached a well and peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slipped
and fell into the well. A goat happened to pass by the well and looked into it. “What are you
doing here, uncle?” The cunning fox replied, “Dear niece! I am enjoying a swim down here.
It is very pleasant; come down and enjoy yourself too.” The goat was also thirsty; she jumped
into the well.
1.  What happened to the thirsty fox?
2.  Who passed by the well just then?
3.  What did the goat do?
4.  What did the goat say to the fox?
5.  What did the fox say in reply?
6.  Why did the goat jump into the well?
1.  The thirsty fox slipped and fell into the well.
2.  A goat passed by the well just then.
3.  The goat looked into the well.
4.  The goat said to the fox, “What are you doing here, uncle?”
5.  The fox said in reply, “I am enjoying a swim as it is very pleasant down here.”
6.  The goat jumped into the well as she was taken in by the cunning fox.
Once a stag was drinking at a stream. He happened to see his reflection in the water.
He was pleased to see his beautiful horns, but when he saw his thin legs, he felt sad as he
thought they were ugly. Suddenly, he saw a pack of hounds at a distance. He ran as fast as his
legs could help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a thick forest
of bushes. His horns got caught in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in
vain. By now the hounds had come up. They fell upon him and tore him to pieces.
1.  What was the stag doing?
2.  What did he see in the water?
3.  Why was he pleased?
4.  What made him sad?
5.  Why did he run?
6.  How did his legs help him?
1.  The stag was drinking water.
2.  He saw his reflection.
3.  He was pleased to see his beautiful horns.
4.  His thin legs made him sad.
5.  He ran for his life.
6.  His legs helped him to run fast.
King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland. He had been defeated many times by the
English army. He ran for his life and hid himself in a cave. He had lost all hope to win. As he
lay there thinking if he should give up his struggle or not, he saw a spider trying to reach its
cobweb in the ceiling of the cave. It fell down again and again but did not give up its effort. At
last the little creature reached its home in its ninth attempt. This gave courage to King Bruce.
He made up his mind to fight and this time he won the battle.
1.  By whom had Robert Bruce been defeated many times?
2.  Where did he hide himself ?
3.  What did he see in the cave?
4.  After how many attempts did the spider succeed?
5.  What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider?
1.  King Robert Bruce had been defeated by the English army many times.
2.  He hid himself in a cave.
3.  He saw a spider trying to reach its cobweb up in the ceiling of the cave.
4.  The spider succeeded in its ninth attempt.
5.  King Bruce learnt the lesson, “Try, try again till you succeed.”
For three years, the master and all his relatives lived in this valley. Many of the
Muslims also joined them. All supplies to the valley were cut off. The Makkans saw to it that
no food or drink reached the Banu Hashim. The Banu Hashim had to live on the leaves and
roots of trees and bushes. The condition of the children was particularly pitiable. At last,
some kind-hearted Makkans took pity on the Banu Hashim. They tore to pieces the
agreement hanging in the Kaaba. The hunger stricken Banu Hashim were thus able to come
back to their homes.
1.  Who lived for three years in the valley?
2.  Who joined the master and his relatives?
3.  What did the Makkans do?
4.  How did the Banu Hashim live?
5.  What was the condition of the children?
6.  Who took pity on the Banu Hashim?
1.  The master and all his relatives lived in the valley.
2.  Many of the Muslims joined them.
3.  The Makkans cut off the supplies of food and drink to the Banu Hashim.
4.  They lived on the leaves and roots of trees.
5.  The condition of the children was pitiable.
6.  Some kind-hearted Makkan leaders took pity on them.
We see a kind of milk in tins. It is powdered milk. All the water in this milk is
evaporated. When fresh milk stays in a dish for a little time, the thick part of the milk comes
to the top. It is the cream of the milk. From this cream people make butter. If milk with the
cream on it is made into powder, it is called ‘Full Cream Milk Powder’. When something
floating is taken off from the top of a liquid, we say, it is skimmed. When the cream is
skimmed from the milk, the thin milk that stays is called 'Skim Milk'. Skim milk is good milk
but it has no fat in it. It is not good for very young babies.
1.  Is the milk in tins powdered or liquid?
2.  What becomes of the water in the milk?
3.  What comes to the top of the fresh milk when it stays for a little time in a dish?
4.  What does the thick part of the milk have in it?
5.  What is cream?

6.  What do people make from cream?
1.  The milk in the tins is powdered.
2.  The water in the milk evaporates.
3.  The thick part of the milk comes to the top.
4.  The thick part of the milk has fat in it.
5.  Cream is the fat of the milk which comes to the top of it.
6.  People make butter from cream.
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed ( ‫ )ر ا‬was extremely kind-hearted and just to the
people. His army had strict orders not to do any harm to the farmers, aged persons, women,
children and other civilians. “They are the real strength of the society,” he said, “They should
always be treated with kindness and respect.” This was something new for the conquered
people, who felt very happy now. The Iranian and Byzantine officers were very hard on them.
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed's ( ‫ )ر ا‬treatment won their hearts so much that they began to
hate their cruel old masters.
1.  How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed ( ‫ )ر ا‬treat the people?
2.  What were the orders given to the army?
3.  What did he say about the farmers and civilians?
4.  How had their former masters treated them?
5.  How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed ( ‫ )ر ا‬win the hearts of the conquered people?
6.  Why did the people hate their old masters?
1.  Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed ( ‫ )ر ا‬was kind and just to them.
2.  The orders were not to harm the farmers, aged persons, women, children and other
3.  He said, “They are the real strength of the society.”
4.  Their former masters had been hard on them.
5.  He won their hearts with kindness.
6.  The people hated their former masters for their unkind treatment.
The age of steam has yielded place to the age of electricity. We have harnessed and

introduced it into the service of man. The electric telegraph bears our message to and brings
us news from all quarters of the world.
Who is not familiar with the electric bell? Who has not used telephone? Who is not enjoying
electric light? Electric motors, wireless telegraphy, electric railways, electric modes of
construction and destruction, all attest to the great power of electricity. Electricity has
developed and created many industries. It has enabled man to conquer land, sea and air.
1.  Why do we call the present age the age of electricity?
2.  Which age has yielded place to the age of electricity?
3.  How do we send and receive messages?
4.  State some important uses of electricity.
5.  What do you think is the future of electricity?
1.  We call the present age the age of electricity, as a lot of things are done with the help
of electricity.
2.  The steam age has yielded place to the age of electricity.
3.  We use telegraph, telephone and wireless to send and receive messages.
4.  Railways, factories and mills work with the help of electricity.
5.  Electricity promises a bright future for mankind.
A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company
of those who keep playing all the time. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their
homework because some other fellow students do the same. There are hardworking students
also, who work while others play. They know when to study and when to play. They play
when it is time to play. They enjoy the games of their choice because they know that playing
games is essential for health. A sick student is not so quick in learning his lesson as is a
healthy one.
1.  What kind of company should a good student keep?
2.  Why do some students miss their classes?
3.  Why do good students enjoy good health?
4.  Why are games necessary for students?
5.  What factors may bring success to a student?

1.  A good student should keep good company.
2.  They miss their lessons because some other fellow students do the same.
3.  Good students enjoy good health because they work and play at proper times.
4.  Games are necessary for students because games keep them healthy.
5.  The success of a student lies in following a timetable of work and play.
Newspapers keep us constantly in touch with the whole of mankind. In old days, a
man's world was limited to his own village and one or two neighbouring villages. It was
difficult for him to know what was going on in other parts of the country. But today the press,
assisted by rapid means of communication, brings us news from the farthest corners of the
globe. The press is also responsible for educating the public opinion. The laws of a nation are
really shaped by its press. In fact, the public receives guidance from the newspapers. Thus,
their power in modern times is undeniable.
1.  What good do the newspapers do to us?
2.  Why in older days could a man not know what was going on in far off places?
3.  What is the responsibility of the press today?
4.  How are the laws of a country shaped nowadays?
5.  How are newspapers a source of public guidance?
6.  What is your opinion about the power of the press?
1.  Newspapers keep us in touch with the latest world affairs and happenings.
2.  In older days, man could not know what was taking place at distant places due to lack
of means of communications.
3.  Today the press is responsible for educating the public opinion.
4.  Newspapers play a great part in shaping the laws of a country.
5.  Newspapers bring us full information relating to all aspects of the society.
6. The press has great power.
Exercises EXERCISE – 1
About sixty years ago, the question of choosing a profession was not taken up
seriously. A son generally followed the trade of his father. But nowadays one can take up a
trade that one likes. The students who make the right choice of profession are always

successful. For the right choice of a profession there should be some definite aim.
The students who do not have any definite aim suffer a lot in the end as they have a
difficulty in finding employment. In choosing a profession the teacher and the parents play a
very important part. The teacher keeps an eye on his pupils. He studies their habits. So he can
guide his pupils to the right path of life.
1.  What were the conditions about the choice of a profession sixty years ago?
2.  Why did the people not choose the profession seriously?
3.  Can a student of the present times choose his profession freely?
4.  What is the advantage of a right choice of a profession?
5.  How can a student choose his profession rightly?
6.  What will be the difficulty of a student who is reading without a definite aim?
7.  How can a teacher help his pupils in making a choice of profession?
Making pottery on the potter's wheel is called ‘throwing’. The thrower is a very
skillful workman. But there is another method of shaping articles out of clay, ‘moulding’. A
plaster mould is made and the clay is pressed into it. This is a quicker and less difficult way to
make things like handles, but all the most beautiful pottery is thrown. When a piece of pottery
is taken off the wheel, it is put aside to dry, after which a design may be painted on it with
special colours that will stand great heat; it is then ready to be fired. This is done in a large
oven or kiln. The pieces of pottery are placed in earthenware tubs called 'saggers' so that the
flames cannot touch the pots.
1.  What is ‘throwing’?
2.  What is the other method of shaping articles?
3.  What is the advantage of ‘moulding’?
4.  How does the potter make designs on the pieces of pottery?
5.  How are the pieces of pottery baked in fire?
The Sultan sent agents to all parts of the East to buy rare manuscripts and to bring
them back to Cordova. His men were constantly searching the booksellers' shops at Cairo,
Damascus and Baghdad for rare volumes for his library. When the book could not be bought
at any price, he would have it copied; and some times when he heard of a book which was
only in the author's brain, he would send him a handsome present, and begged him to send the
first copy to Cordova. By such means, he gathered no fewer than four hundred thousand
books and this at a time when printing was unknown, and every copy had to be painfully
copied, in the fine clear hand of the professional copyist.
1.  Why did the Sultan send his agents to all parts of the East?
2.  Where and why did they search the booksellers' shops?
3.  What would he do when any book could not be bought at any price?
4.  What would he do when the author had not yet written the book?
5.  How many books had he gathered?
6.  Why was it difficult to collect so many books in those days?
Musa was commander-in-chief, and the gates were in his charge. They had been
barred when the Christians came in view, but Musa threw them open. “Our bodies,” he said,
“will bar the gates.” The young men were kindled by such words, and when he told them,
“We have nothing to fight for but the ground we stand on; and without that we are without a
home or a country,” they were ready to die with him. With such a leader, the Moorish
cavaliers performed feats of bravery in the plain which went down in the annals of history in
golden words.
1.  Who was the chief commander and what was in his charge?
2.  When were the gates barred?
3.  Who threw them open?
4.  What did Musa say?
5.  What effect had his words on the young men?

Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start of our day's work. We gain
time while the late risers are asleep. The early risers have another advantage, that is, they
enjoy good and sound health. Those who are out of bed early have plenty of time to do their
work carefully, steadily and completely. They do not have to put off anything to the next day.
The early riser is always happy, fresh and smart. He enjoys his work while those who get up
late, find their duty dull and dry and do it unwillingly. Early rising is therefore, a key to
success in life.

1.  What kind of habit is early rising?
2.  Why can an early riser do more work than the late riser?
3.  What kind of health do early risers have?
4.  Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry?
5.  What is the key to success in life?
Some ants are social insects. It means that they live in societies, cooperate with one
another and do only the work assigned to them. They go out in search of food in an orderly
fashion, marching in lines and columns like soldiers. Different groups of social ants have
different jobs to do. They manage their affairs through division of labour. Some ants guard
and protect their community. They fight with the other insects who attack them or raid their
colony. They are called soldier ants. Another group gathers food for the whole community.
The social ants have not learnt this division of labour. They have inherited it.
1.  What do we mean by social insects?
2.  Why are some ants called social insects?
3.  How do the ants cooperate with one another?
4.  What principle do they follow while doing their work?
5.  Why are the members of a certain group called soldier ants?
6.  How have the ants learnt the principle of division of labour?
Allama Muhammad Iqbal is not only the greatest poet of our age, but also one of the
greatest poets of all times. There are not many poets who wrote as many great poems as he
did. He did not write poetry for poetry's sake. He was in fact much more than a mere poet. He
was a learned man. He was a great scholar and philosopher. He was a political leader of great
importance. But more than anything he was a Muslim who had a great love for Allah and His
Rasool ( ). He wrote poetry to express the great and ever lasting truths
of philosophy, history and Islam. He wrote poetry to awake the Muslims of the whole world
from the deep sleep and asked them to unite.
1.  Why isAllama Muhammad Iqbal considered to be one of the greatest poets of all times?
2.  Did he write poetry for poetry's sake?
3.  How can you say that Allama Muhammad Iqbal was much more than a mere poet?
4.  What kind of Muslim was Allama Muhammad Iqbal?
5.  With what aim did he write poetry?
6.  What was Allama Muhammad Iqbal's call to the Muslims of the whole world?
One day a girl found a coin. It rolled away before her broom when she was sweeping
the yard, and fell with a little clatter against the wall. She ran and picked it up. Some one had
dropped it while crossing the yard and perhaps had not even troubled to look for it. It was
worth little. But it seemed a whole fortune to her, who never had anything of her own before.
She rubbed it clean on the sleeve of her blue cotton jacket and put it into her pocket.
1.  What did the girl find?
2.  When did she find it?
3.  How had the coin been dropped there?
4.  What was the worth of the coin?
5.  Why was it a whole fortune for her?
6.  How did she clean it?
7.  What did she do after cleaning it?
In December, 1930 Dr. Muhammad Iqbal was invited to preside over the annual
meeting of All India Muslim League at Allahabad. In his address, he openly opposed the idea
of power-sharing between Hindus and Muslims as one nation. He declared that the
movement to apply one constitution to both the Hindus and Muslims would result in a civil
war. He wanted to see the Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as a single
state for the Muslims, so that they should live according to the teachings of Islam. We can say
that Allama Iqbal was the first thinker to give us the idea of a separate homeland for the
Muslims of India i.e. partition of the subcontinent into two sovereign states. The Muslims
soon realized the importance of the demand for two separate states. It was then, the Pakistan
Resolution was adopted in 1940.
1.  Where was the annual meeting of All India Muslim League held in 1930?
2.  Who was invited to preside over the session?
3.  What idea did Allama Iqbal oppose?
4.  Which provinces did he want to be included in the Muslim state?

5.  On what grounds, did he demand a separate state for the Muslims of India?
6.  When was the Pakistan Resolution adopted?
The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 by a liberal English man Mr.
A.O. Hume. He had joined the Indian Civil Service in 1849 and retired from service after
shouldering different responsibilities. He had been watching the ugly law and order situation
in the country. He was of the opinion that the high-handed rule of the Britishers was paving
way for any unexpected outburst of violence. His plan was to put a safety valve to minimize
the mounting sentiments against the British rule. It was meant to provide an outlet which
could ventilate the revolutionary spirit. Mr. Hume had put his plan before Lord Duffrin.
1 Who founded the Indian National Congress?
2 Who was Mr. A.O. Hume?
3 When was the Indian National Congress founded?
4 Why did Hume think of founding this political organization?
5 With whom did he discuss his plan?
There was once a man whose doctor gave him medicine, which was quite black. His
servant who was illiterate made a mistake and poured out a dose of ink in place of the drug.
He gave it to his master who drank it. After the patient had taken the dose of ink the servant
somehow realized his mistake. He ran back to his master and said, “Sir, I have given you a
dose of ink instead of the medicine as both were equally black. What should be done now?”
The master replied softly, “Now give me a piece of blotting paper to swallow.”
1.  What was the colour of the medicine?
2.  What did the servant give his master?
3.  When did the servant come to know of his mistake?
4.  What did the servant do?
5.  What did the master say to his servant?
There lived a monkey in a forest. One day he was going about in search of food as he
was very hungry. At last he entered the house of a farmer. There was nobody in the house. The
monkey found a hard vessel with a narrow opening. He put his hand into it. It had grains in it.
He took a handful of these and tried to pull his hand out but he could not do so with his closed
fist. After some time the owner of the house came up. His dog was also with him. The dog fell
upon the monkey and tore him to pieces. Thus, the monkey met his fate due to his greed.
1.  Where did the monkey live?
2.  Why did he enter the house of a farmer?
3.  What did he find there?
4.  What was in the vessel?
5.  What did the monkey do?
6.  Why could he not pull his hand out of the vessel?
7.  How did the monkey meet his fate?
A tailor ran a shop in a bazaar. An elephant used to go to the river through that bazaar.
The tailor gave him a bun everyday. One day the tailor pricked a needle into the trunk of the
elephant. The elephant became angry but went away. On return, he filled his trunk with
muddy water. On reaching the shop of the tailor, he put his trunk into it and squirted the dirty
water into the shop of the tailor. All the fine and new dresses of his customers were spoiled.
He was very sorry for annoying the elephant but it was no use crying over spilt milk.
1.  Where did the elephant go everyday?
2.  What did the tailor give him?
3.  What mistake did the tailor make one day?
4.  What did the elephant do after drinking water?
5.  How did the elephant punish the tailor for his mistake?
6.  What is the moral of the story?
A professional player is quite different from an amateur. His main aim is to make
money. He plays the game to earn money or win a name. On the other hand, the amateur
player has no such aim. He plays because he gets pleasure in playing. Games not only give
him recreation but also physical exercise. He enjoys good health and a sound physique. He
plays the game as he should. He observes all the rules and regulations of games. The amateur
player plays honestly. He becomes a disciplined gentleman and a responsible citizen. He
accepts defeat but does not resort to cheating or other unfair means to win. If he wins a game
he feels happy but he is not sad at losing one.

1.  What is meant by professional player?
2.  With what aim does he play games?
3.  What makes an amateur player a responsible citizen?
4.  What qualities of true sportsmanship does a professional player lack?
5.  How does an amateur player differ from a professional player?
6.  How does an amateur player take his defeat?
7.  Who plays a game for the sake of the game?
The camel is rightly called the “ship of the desert”. It is the best means of transport in
deserts. Camels go slow. But they go on walking for hours on the burning sand and in the
blazing sun. Camels carry heavy loads, much heavier in weight than any other beast of
burden can. While the other animals' feet sink into the sand, nature has made the
feet of the camel such that it is not at all difficult for it to walk on the sand. The camel is
superior to all other animals because it can go without food and water for days and weeks. It
can store food and water. Its hump is also a store of food, which the camel uses when it gets
nothing to eat and drink for many days. In deserts, only bushes grow here and there and the
camel can live on these.
1.  Why is the camel called the ‘ship of the desert’?
2.  Is it for its speed that it is called the ship of the desert?
3.  What difficulty do the other beasts of burden have to face while walking on the sand?
4.  Why does a camel walk easily on the loose sand of the desert?
5.  What special quality makes the camel superior to other animals used for transport?
6.  How does the camel go without food and water for days and weeks?
7.  What does the camel generally live on?


9 Paragraph Writing

Paragraph Writing
Topic sentence: Topic sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph. It is often but not
always the first sentence in a paragraph.
Supporting Details: Supporting details are statements, facts, and descriptions that
support the main idea of a passage.

Rubric for Paragraph Writing

1. Topic Sentence
2. Supporting Details
3. Transition Words (Conjunctions)
4. Capitalization and Punctuation
5. Grammar and Spellings

A paragraph on a theme or a subject is a short piece of meaningful composition. It

avoids elaborate details of the subject. A paragraph is a complete unit in itself. It is not split
up into different paras. In its brief, precise and to the point treatment of the subject, it has a
shape, format and a style of its own.
A paragraph like an essay, shows your command of vocabulary, grammar and
idiomatic expression. It also indicates your degree of knowledge of the theme or subject
under discussion. You are supposed to have an adequate knowledge and information
relevant to the subject. Your choice of vocabulary should be appropriate. You may have
come across many more words in magazines, fiction, newspapers, commercials and
advertisements. All this fund of vocabulary will surely make your paragraphs interesting as
well as original.

i. My School
My school is a place of great charm for me. Although its building is pretty old, it
seems to cast a spell on us. Some of the walls are massive and ceilings are very high. Even the
cruel summer fails to make our classrooms hot and humid. The location of my school is just
by the side of the historic fort. The high walls of the fort, scarred with signs of wind and
weather, look wonderful. They have a mystery of their own. We understand our history
lesson very well because of the nearness to the famous fort. The teaching staff at my school is
kind and devoted. A large playground with a row of evergreen tall trees faces the school
building. What is more, it is away from all the hustle and bustle of the main road. I am glad
that my school is far ahead of others in good results, sports, debates, library and scouting.

ii. Girl Guides

Girl Guides is a British organisation of girls. It was founded by Baden Powell and his
sister Lady Agnes in 1910. The main objective of this movement is to make teenage girls
conscious of their responsibilities. A member, a girl guide, is given a variety of programmes
that shape her character. She learns, in association with other girl guides, how to keep herself
clean and healthy. She is instructed how to build her moral and social character. She learns
the basic facts about courtesy and etiquette. Furthermore, a girl guide is taught how to
develop home making abilities. She learns household skills like cooking, knitting, stitching,
planning and maintenance.

iii. A Visit to a Museum

The Lahore Museum is an important place where works of art and other objects of
historical value are kept and displayed. It is an old imposing building with a high ceiling. The
incharge of the museum is called the Curator. Our well-informed teacher took us to different
sections of the beautiful museum. There were neatly arranged glass-cases which displayed
ancient swords, daggers, garments, ornaments, coins, bows and arrows. The items on display
had tags with brief descriptions. Paintings, pictures and clay models were exhibiting ancient
craftsmanship. The huge statue of Queen Victoria was laid in one room of the museum. There
were old manuscripts of the Holy Quran in another room. Full-size doors and frames with
primitive fittings were specimens of rare woodwork craftsmanship. The impressive display
in the museum gave us a wealth of information and insight into our past. It was a rewarding
visit indeed.

iv. A River in Flood
Last summer, I was in my village, about twenty miles south of Jhang. For over a
week, the wet spell had been a delightful experience. The rain was driven in sharp bursts by
the rushing wind. One morning, in the early hours there went up a cry “water! water!”. The
Chenab was in flood. There was water in our big courtyard. The low-lying part of the village
was under three feet of water. Panic gripped the whole village. There were bushels on almost
every head. Most of the folks started moving through the flooded fields towards the nearby
high mound. It was a scene of great misery. From the corner of the high mound, I had the first
glimpse of the river in flood. The entire area upto the far-off road bridge and even beyond was
just one sheet of muddy water. Logs were seen floating fast. The trees all around, with half of
their trunks in water, stood firm like unfolded umbrellas. Far below, we saw the floating
horses and cows. The water all around and the floating objects in it filled our heart with dread.

v. A Pleasant Dream
Last night, I went to sleep a little early than my habitual time. I was exhausted so I
fell slumbering immediately. In no time, I was in the land of dreams. I dreamt that I have
been selected for a scuba diving adventure with navy personnel. It was so exciting that I
could feel butterflies in my stomach. Next, I found myself in the designated area where
all the preparations took place. I was given my body suit along with a mask, an oxygen
tank and flippers. We all went to the boat. I was one of the trainees with navy officers.
They were pleasant but firm. The instructions were to be followed promptly. The boat
took us to the middle of the ocean where the water was on a deeper side. In reality, I did
not know how to swim well, but in my dream, I could swim like a fish. On a count of
three, we all dived in. To my surprise, I could see the underwater world really close.There
were beautiful fish, corals and other sea creatures. I was swimming between them
effortlessly. The sun could be seen through the water, shining brightly in the sky. The
leading officer soon instructed me to come out. I followed the lead and got back to the
boat. The head personnel was happy to see my stamina underwater. When he was about
to shake hands with me, the alarm rang and I woke up for my morning prayers. The
feeling of freshness was so real that I could experience it even after waking up. It was a
pleasant dream that made my day.

vi. How to Keep Our Town Clean?

Cleanliness is next to godliness. We must give a serious thought to this golden truth.
Neat and clean environment has a cheerful effect. It is a sure sign of civilization. Knowledge

is a great blessing of Allah. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to receive education. As
school going boys and girls, it is our responsibility to keep our town clean. We ought to
develop civic sense. We should not throw fruit and vegetable peels all over the street. A
banana or melon peel thrown carelessly on the road may cause a fracture or even death.
Plastic, polythene and wooden items should not be thrown into manholes. A choked gutter
spreads filth and stench all over the street. Life becomes miserable. Spitting is another
problem as it causes disease and insanitation. We can politely prevent one another from
spitting on floors. We should not throw hard things or stones into toilets. We should not be shy
of taking a broom and sweeping the littered portion of the street in front of our door. We
should take care of trees, plants and flower-beds in parks. If we happen to pass by an
unattended running water tap, we should stop and close it. As citizens, we should be vigilant
and should report to the municipality if its staff neglects its duty. We can also add to
cleanliness if we sprinkle water on our portion of the road. Dust and pollution can be
effectively controlled if everyone lends a helping hand. Allah loves people who practise
purity and cleanliness.

vii. An Industrial Exhibition

An industrial exhibition was arranged in Islamabad in March last year. The intention
of the organisers was to exhibit industrial products at one place. The trading community and
the general public showed keen interest in the products. Accompanied by my elder brother
and sisters, I went around the elegant and brightly lit stalls. Exhibits included textiles and
garments, electrical goods, household items, handicrafts, glass wares, furniture, sewing
machines and stainless steel. The Pakistan Railways and WAPDA had put up informatory
stalls. Heavy industrial goods, rollers, water pumps, tube-well equipment, motors, fertilizers
and machinery were also on display. Prices of consumer goods were quite reasonable.
Manufacturers were selling their products at reduced rates. Besides, there were food and
entertainment stalls which attracted the cheerful crowd.

viii. My Neighbour
Mr. Ashraf Minhas is my next door neighbour. He is a handsome, middle aged
scholar with a vigorous zest for life. He is a real gentleman with a lot of goodwill. You could
not wish to meet a better natured and hospitable man. He likes gardening. His garden is full of
flowers in spring. He invites his neighbours and entertains them warmly. He delights
everybody with fond details of lovely flowers and their blooming patterns. Mr. Minhas is an
optimist by nature, that is why he never worries himself over trifles. He has a remarkable

sense of humour, which helps him in getting along well with his neighbours. He has a son and
a daughter. They are known for their fine tastes and good manners.

ix. Kitchen Gardening, A Hobby

People have different types of hobbies that they like to pursue in their leisure
time. A healthy hobby keeps a person busy in a productive way. Also, it gives them
pleasure and keeps them mentally healthy too. Some of the hobbies include sewing,
trekking, photography, painting, etc. My hobby is kitchen gardening. It keeps me in
harmony with nature, plants, and other flora. I enjoy cultivating such fruits, vegetables.
and herbs in my kitchen garden which I need everyday. Kitchen gardening is not just
gardening, it cultivates a lot of good habits in me such as eating healthy home grown
fruits and vegetables, It also develops a great deal of patience in me, watching my plants
every day, caring them for a long period, watering and pruning them. Kitchen gardening
is a healthy hobby which keeps me active and give a
sense of accomplishment when my family enjoy fresh organic vegetables, fruits and

x. Pakistani Women
Women in Pakistan have begun to take an active part in different spheres of life. Job
opportunities for them in the past were few. By and large, women worked as lady doctors,
nurses, health visitors and teachers during the first ten years of Pakistan. But spheres for
women now are greater than ever before. They seem well on the way to become even more
active in the near future. They compete successfully in the Central Superior Services
examinations. They are holding responsible positions in administration, customs, income
tax, railways, foreign services, police and postal departments. Some of them are in the
assemblies as MNAs. Quite a number of educated women are in banks and businesses.
Pakistan had its first-ever woman Prime Minister in 1988 - 90 and again in 1994 - 1996.
The women of Pakistan are now more conscious of their social and political status in the
twenty-first century

xi. Computers
Computers are a vital part of our daily lives. Let's look at how computers are used
in numerous fields and why they are so essential. As a result of the computer's increasing
importance and necessity in modern life, performing numerous tasks and activities has
gotten simpler for us. Computers can be used for a variety of tasks, such as swiftly and
precisely solving mathematical equations, handling and processing data,storingn
formation, and researching virtually any subject online. This remarkable invention was
created in the second half of the twelfth century, and now it is essential to life. Calculators
were invented in 1642 to make simple arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction
easier. With every good, there comes evil. People misuse computers and create trouble
for other people and organisations. Such as; it is easy to invade someone's personal
space. Known people are easily distraught as their videos or information go viral on the
internet. Without any investigation, people start spreading information which has a
negative impact on that particular person's life. With great power comes great
responsibility. As much as computers liberate everyone and give access to the entire
world, one has to be responsible. Students can easily use computers to conduct research,
make an assignment, and take online classes and exams. Whereas, at offices, all of the
data is stored in computers which saves paperwork and the environment s eco-friendly.
There is no doubt that computers are essential but we should be careful and use them to
make our life better and easier not to overrun someone's privacy or spread rumours.

Exercises with Hints

Develop paragraphs from the following outlines:

1. A Fortune-teller
A footpath fortune - teller, books and cards in a basket and a pencil tucked on his ear
… a parrot in a cage. In fact, the parrot is the real fortuneteller. The fortune-teller is a big
fraud, who cleverly manipulates simple people - village men and women, who are his clients.
He poses to be a serious, knowledgeable man, pretends to know the movement of
stars-astrologer. The illiterate people feel satisfied when he tells them that they will have a
job, a wife, a son, a cart, a seven marla house, a twelve acre farm or a tractor.
2. A Picnic
The rainy season had set in …. All around it was lush green … out for picnic at the
Jallo Park …. It was a family affair … we cooked meals out there … a sprawling park … trees
and bushes all around … lakes - fascinating Canal Bank drive … flowering trees all along the
canal … unpolluted air … played badminton … ran around … inhaled fresh air... had sizzling
snacks with tea in the afternoon … enjoyed the return drive along the clean and green Canal

3. A Street Quarrel
Main street Gowalmandi ... I was having my evening meal ... heard a terrible noise
out in the street ... got up and looked out ... about fifty persons in front of a big shop ... . four
or five persons ran out of the shop ... exchanged violent blows ..... The cause was an old
enmity ... a sad spectacle ...

4. A Visit to a Historical Place

The Shalimar Garden ... main entrance closed to traffic ... entry tickets .... First
terrace ... vast and lush green …. Brief description of the garden at the entry door ... small
brick paths with a long row of fountains in the middle ... ornamental lights in flower beds.
Old mango trees on both sides .... The massive boundary wall ... the royal enclosure and the
marble throne on the second terrace .... A big pool of water with sidewalks and a middle path
connecting the two royal enclosures …. A rare specimen of the Mughal Architecture ... the
third terrace ... bushes and trees all around ....

5. A Visit to a Zoo
Visited the Lahore Zoo .... huge models of an elephant and three other animals
mounted at the main entry on Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam. A beautiful waterfall at the side of
animals’ cage ... renovated booking office with rock walls. Monkey cages with swings ...
visitors feeding them grams .... The elephant ride .... The monster like hippopotamus in a
huge pond ... it raised its large head and muzzled ... children ran helter-skelter .... The fearful
rhinoceros with two upright horns above the nose .... The lion and the lioness .... The king of
the zoo as well .... Big and strong cages .… Peacocks ... graceful zebra with black and white
stripes. Parrots, ducks and flamingos ... wonderful giraffe with a long neck.

6. Allama Iqbal
An eminent philosopher and poet ... born in 1877 at ... school and early college
education at Murray College ... Sayyed Mir Hassan ... inspiring teacher of Persian and Urdu
... Master's degree from Government College Lahore .... For higher studies to England and
Germany .... On return gave new direction to the Muslim thought ... wrote poems in the
praise of the Muslim culture .... Re-awakening of the Muslims ... idea of a separate Muslim
state in the sub-continent. Books like Bang-e-Dra, Bal-e-Jibril, Asrar-e-Khudi, Pyam-e-
Mashriq ... inspired the Muslims' imagination .... The nation pays glorious tribute to him
every year ... buried beside the Badshahi Masjid in Lahore.

7. The Teacher I Like the Best
It is but natural to have a strong liking for somebody ... respect and reverence for all
teachers ... but Mr. Mazhar-ul-Haq ... the teacher I like the best ... charming personality ...
elegantly dressed ... M.A. B.Ed ... punctual and diligent ... teaches English ... confidence and
correct pronunciation ... well-read ... patriot ... public spirited ... maintains perfect discipline
during lessons ... encourages students to ask questions ... does not lose temper ... praises hard
working students ... makes lessons interesting with anecdotes ... broad-minded ... and
dignified ... a beloved teacher indeed.

8. A House on Fire
It was a perfectly peaceful night ... winter had set in ... occasional bark of a street dog
.... Abrupt commotion out in the street ... echoing steps ... cries of fire, fire. I leapt out ... about
a hundred steps ahead, the upper storey of a house was on fire. Some women wailing outside
... billows of smoke ... dense and choking ... pails of water ... neighbours eager to lend a
helping hand ... inmates safely brought down .... Fire brigade arrived ... ladder and waterhose
... leaping flames subsided ... curtains, furniture, carpets, wooden almirahs completely burnt
... loss of property but no loss of life.


10 Writing an Essay

Essay Writing
Rubric for Writing an Essay
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
4. Sentence Structure
5. Vocabulary and spellings

An essay is an attempt to write meaningful sentences on a certain theme or subject. A

composition shows your range of vocabulary, its correct use in simple, idiomatic sentences,
and some knowledge of the subject.
You may be asked to write on an object like a house, a tree, an animal or a garden.
You begin to describe them as they are in their appearance, size, place, history and purpose.
On the other hand, themes or subjects like an incident, an accident, a journey, a fair, a
biography, a favourite book or a visit require you to write about them step by step. You know,
every situation has a beginning, a middle and an end. You have to develop each stage of the
essay in a paragraph of suitable length, containing relative details.
An essay is a reflection of your personal feelings and opinions. You should have the
courage to express your personal opinion in your essay. It should have the touch of
originality. It should not be a mere repetition of what others say. Come on, add something of
your own to the great beauty of the world. Write an essay. Why to hesitate?
i. My Last Day at School
The first and the last day at school are of unique significance for students. While the
first day at school may cause anxiety, fear and nervousness, the last day is surely a day of
hope, confidence and preparedness.
My last day at school is still fresh in my memory. I felt much relaxed because there
was no teaching work that day. My heavy satchel was off my back at last. It was a big relief. I
took the bus quite leisurely and got off at the school bus stop. I made my way through small
groups of school fellows, talking noisily and a good many embracing one another. Our

juniors of the ninth class hosted a farewell party and entertained us with a variety of
sweetmeat and tea.
Our worthy headmaster and kind teachers also participated. Formal farewell speeches
were made on the occasion. A boy sang a ghazal and delighted the audience with his
melodious voice. Finally, the headmaster addressed the gathering and advised the students to
work with devotion and be well-mannered to get success and prosperity in life. Before
dispersing, we thanked our juniors for their nice farewell.
ii. Sports and Games
Sports and games play an important role in the development of human personality.
They are no less important than food and fresh water. The developed countries like England,
Germany, France and the USA have made games an essential part of education at the school
level. It is interesting to note that there are many nurseries and training centers for games in
these countries. They admit boys and girls for necessary training to become future athletes,
gymnasts and sportsmen.
No doubt, games and sports are becoming popular in Pakistani schools as well. The
facilities, of course, are not adequate at present. This situation is expected to improve in the
near future.
The Pakistani schoolboys and schoolgirls know fully well the meaning of the
proverb: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” They know that their growing bodies
need regular physical exercise to keep themselves healthy and fit.
General sports include hunting, fishing (angling), riding, cycling, mountaineering
(mountain climbing), etc. Mountaineering is becoming a favourite sport of Pakistani
schoolboys in summer time among the mountains of Muree, Nathiagalli, Swat, Chitral,
Kaghan and the Karakoram Highway.
A number of school clubs and societies hold athletic contests. These contests
include walking, jogging, jumping, swimming, rowing, wrestling, boxing, hammer / disc-
throwing, lightweight lifting and gymnastics. An athlete is trained to be perfectly fit to
engage in such contests.
Moreover, football, hockey, cricket, tennis, badminton and table tennis are among the
favourite organized games in schools. All such sports and games certainly benefit both mind
and body. They create cheerfulness, discipline, fellowship, confidence and physical fitness.
iii. My House
A house, you know, is an important necessity. The quality of life improves when you
have a house of your own. It gives you an opportunity to turn some of your dreams into

reality. You decorate your rooms according to your own taste. You look after your plants and
flowers with a loving care.
I live in a small house not far from my school. The house is almost new. It is a little
way back from the road, and in front of it there is a small garden. A path leads from the gate to
the porch. A corner of the porch is evergreen with a lovely creeper that remains in brilliant
bloom round the year.
Downstairs there is a lounge, which is a general living room with television. This
room is used as a reception room for guests. There is a dining room and a kitchen. The
drawing room with a large window faces the front lawn. Upstairs are the bedrooms and the
children’s rooms. The rooms of my house are not large. The largest room is the lounge. It has
windows on both ends for proper light and ventilation.
My father and I love to work in the garden. We prune the bushes once a year and in
summer we get our fruit-trees sprayed every month. My mother loves roses and spring
flowers and looks after flower beds herself from time to time. I take care to keep the front
lawn tidy enough by using a lawnmower. One’s own house is a blessing indeed.
iv. Courtesy
Courtesy means excellence of manners or polite behaviour. It, of course, springs from
good breeding and kindness of heart. A courteous man is pleasant and polite to everybody.
He observes good manner on all occasions and always respects the feelings of others.
When people meet, they greet one another saying ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good evening’
according to the time of the day. Muslims greet one another, saying ‘Asslam-o-Alaikum’,
and they often ask about one another’s health and well being. A Muslim greeting is a kind of
wish, a prayer for mutual happiness, peace and security. The Holy Quran lays much stress on
this form of greeting in sura Al-Noor verse 61.
If you know two persons who happen to be strangers, it is your duty to introduce them
to each other. If both are men, you introduce the younger to the older: “Please meet my
elder brother ….” If both are women, but one married and the other single. You introduce
the latter to the former. If one is a man and the other a woman, it goes without saying
that you introduce the man to the woman, and not the other way round. You pronounce
both names clearly if they are males and the two persons shake hands, saying “How do
you do?”
Good manners demand that you make no attempt to jump the queue. In a crowded bus,
if you are physically fit, you give up your seat to an elderly person or to someone who is
blind, disabled or sick. You have to say ‘Thank you’ to those who are good to you. Courtesy

really makes everyday life more pleasant, more friendly and more meaningful.
v. Libraries
With the spread of literacy, libraries have become essential tools for learning. Public
instruction is making rapid progress everywhere in Pakistan. It is no more the privilege of the
well-to-do only to acquire knowledge as it was not so very long ago. There are schools and
colleges in almost every part of the country. The twenty-first century dawns with a sure
promise to be a century of peace and educational explosion.
Naturally, when there is thirst for knowledge, there is also an ever increasing demand
for books and magazines. Everybody does not have the means to buy books of all sorts. Mass
education programme is bound to suffer adversely if there are no free libraries for students.
Our school libraries are not functioning properly. There are practically no reading or
borrowing facilities. There is no whole time staff for libraries. Above all, there is no incentive
to read general books or fiction. The few books that may be there in the dusty old almirahs
stink awfully. This is mainly so for want of fresh air in the stuffy, locked cupboards. More
often the books are just old titles, moth-eaten and worn out.
Libraries obviously play an important role in creating a genuine love of books and
interest in current affairs. Their reading rooms promote a spirit of discipline, research,
enquiry and fellowship. Libraries with a variety of attractive titles have a healthy and
beneficial effect on the eager minds of students.
vi. Health
“Health is Wealth” is a well known proverb often quoted by our parents and teachers.
When people meet, they usually ask one another “How are you?”, “How are you getting
Health is precious and certainly a great blessing of Allah Almighty. Hygienic
environment, personal cleanliness, wholesome food and a regular way of life are conducive
to health. Early to bed and early to rise, meals at regular times, recreation and rest are sure to
make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Young people, who have plenty of energy, need to
take vigorous athletic exercises in the fresh open air.
In case we are run down, overworked or dreadfully sick we consult a good doctor. He
gives us a tonic or prescribes a special diet. “You are working too hard”, he may say, “that's
what the trouble is. You cannot go on burning the candle at both ends.”
Sometimes staying at one place, year in and year out, tends to make us weary and
stale. It is a signal that what we need is a complete change in our environment. If we go to
some other place on the hills or in the countryside, it does us a world of good. Change and

fresh air are better than all the tonics in the world. Eating out is generally avoided by health
conscious men and women. Home-made meals are the safest and the best in the world.
vii. The Monsoon / A Rainy Day
In the first week of July, the sky was heavily overcast and rain clouds swept across the
sky. Strong south-westerly winds that blew over the Indian Ocean, brought the monsoon
clouds which caused a lot of rain.
South-westerly monsoon is refreshingly cool and it brings relief to the gasping, heat
stricken people. So it did in July when the temperature rose alarmingly high. Newspapers
carried reports of deaths by heatstroke or exhaustion and the death toll was mounting
everyday. A night before, it had been oppressively hot and humid.
It was a dazzling sunrise and the moist dew on the grass glittered in the sunshine.
Surprisingly, the wind rustled through the swaying tops of trees that was splendid. The
humid heat was gone in no time. We saw the rolling mass of black clouds across the sky.
There was a flash of lightning, quickly followed by a clap of thunder. Large rain drops began
to fall. The moment they fell, the dry earth sucked them. It was followed by a heavy shower.
In the soothing shadows of dark clouds the streets were turned into streams. The high walls
were drenched, the leaves of trees sparkled in glee. Low-lying areas were flooded. The young
and the old alike ran up and down the flooded streets. There were scenes of jubilation all
It rained for about an hour. Light vehicles broke down on the flooded roads.
Motorcyclists slipped and fell in pools of water. Nobody felt sorry. You know, it does not rain
everyday. Does it?
viii. A Scene at a Railway Station
The British invented the railway and the locomotive. The rail-track was laid for the
trains to connect different towns and villages on the route. The train, drawn by heavy engine,
would stop briefly for the passengers at places called railway stations.
There are obviously typical scenes at a railway station. The smart, uniformed
stationmaster and his staff hurriedly move about when some train arrives or is about to leave.
The platform is thronged with passengers: men, women and children. Some stay close to
their piles of luggage; others just walk about looking at colourful ads. The vendors do a
roaring trade. Their brightly lit stalls or carts at different points attract passengers. There is
noise and clamour all around. Meals, fruits, books and magazines sell like hot cakes. The
prospect of long, arduous and tiring journey ahead worries the passengers. In summer,
pitchers and fans are in great demand. Water coolers and taps are the busiest spots.

Such a bustle follows when the train pulls in at the platform. Some people pick their
way politely along the crowded platform, while others bump into one another as they go
hurriedly from one compartment to another.
The porters in their red shirts are seen bustling about. A hawker hurries from door to
door, crying, “The Jang”, “The News”, “The Nation” and “The Nawa-i-Waqt.”
Such are some of the scenes at the railway station.
ix. A Hockey Match
I was delighted to witness a hockey match between Pakistan and Germany at Pakistan
stadium recently. The players of both the teams showed qualities of strength, speed, stamina,
agility and mobility until the final whistle. The Germans dominated in the beginning but the
Pakistani players fought back and coordinated remarkably. The Germans made strong
attempts but our goalkeeper made spectacular saves. The match was suspended briefly when
the home crowd fired crackers which caused a dense smoke all around.
The Pakistani forwards kept the ball in their possession and played like a team. The
only weakness, however, was in the striking of penalty corners. The team played with full
devotion. Pakistan opened its attack mostly from the flanks but speed and timely interception
of the Germans saved them.
Our left half took the ball from the German attackers and after running up a few paces,
sent in a through pass to the inside left. He dispatched the ball towards the goal with a flick.
Another Pakistani player who was closely following him, tapped the ball to score the goal.
The crowd went wild with joy at the victory of Pakistan.
x. A Cricket Match
A cricket match between the two leading teams is an event of great charm. It was quite
interesting to watch a match between two teams in the President's Gold Cup cricket
tournament. The Rawalpindi Greens took a brilliant start after wining the toss. Openers
Masood and Tariq together laid a solid foundation of 121 before being parted. Masood was in
top form and he hammered the D.I. Khan bowlers all around the vast field. He scored a
dashing 75 in only 81 deliveries which included eight sizzling fours and two towering sixes.
He was finally caught by Jahandad at long mid on off Sahir when attempting another big hit.
The D.I Khan fielders were not active enough and they dropped even easy catches quite
The Greens scored magnificent 381 runs and Javed impressed the spectators with his
strokes. He shattered the rival bowlers and hit his first century in the tournament.

D. I. Khan in reply were dismissed for 195. Some of their players cut a sorry figure.
Only Jamshed and Shakir played brilliantly and delighted the people with their strokes and a
couple of towering sixes.
xi. A True Muslim
To be a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah. It is indeed His mercy to make us believe
in Allah and His Ambiya (‫ ;) ا ّ م‬the final one being the Rasool Hazrat Muhammad
( ). The hallmark of a true Muslim is the magnanimity of heart.
A true Muslim believes that Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. He remains
conscious that Allah knows all the facts - even the innermost secrets of hearts. He believes
that man can grasp only that part of His knowledge which Allah wills. He spends good,
worthy things in the name of Allah. He knows that if he gives alms to the poor secretly, it will
be hopefully enough atonement for some of his sins.
A good Muslim is ever eager to seek knowledge. He is clean, brave and pure. He does
his duty well. He tries to attain excellence in every field of life. He offers namaz punctually
five times a day. A true Muslim believes that good deeds bear rich rewards in the hereafter. It
is indeed a great privilege to be a Muslim.
xii. Life in a Big City
Daily life in a big city like Lahore is ever so busy and exciting. The busiest parts of the
day are called peak hours. The rush of traffic in the morning, at midday and in the early
evening is at its peak. The big urban transport, buses, wagons, cars, coaches, private
transport vehicles, taxi cabs, motorcycles, tongas and carts pass up and down from morning
till late at night. At peak hours, the noise of the passing traffic is so high that two
persons cannot hear each other. The busiest and terribly noisy spots in Lahore are the
Minar-e-Pakistan, Badamibagh, Bhati Gate, Mochi Gate, Railway Station, Regal Crossing,
Laxmi Chowk, Ichra and Multan Road.
Important buildings of Lahore like Lahore High Court, G.P.O, Museum, Jinnah Hall,
Punjab University (old campus), Masjid Shuhada, the Assembly Chambers, WAPDA
House, Zoo, Al-Hamra, Quaid-e-Azam Library, Governor House, Aitchison College,
shopping centers and foreign banks are situated on the Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam (The Mall).
This main avenue is remarkably clean and green. There is practically no dust and its
pavements are crowded with people hurrying to and fro. Traffic policemen are always on
duty here and they regulate the heavy traffic efficiently. Well over a hundred thousand
vehicles and half a million people pass up and down this busy thorough-fare in a single day.

Local and foreign tourists’ traffic to ancient sites like Badshahi Masjid, Lahore Fort,
the Jehangir and Noor Jehan Mausoleums and the Shalimar Garden is also quite heavy.
Life in a big city like Lahore is a whirl of activities. On the other hand, broken streets,
stray dogs, ill-smelling slums, stagnation, sloppy administration, soaring crimes and
sickening pollution are the sore signs of city life as well.
xiii. Village Life
Village life is most of the time remarkably quiet. A village is made up of farmhouses,
mud houses, uneven dirt lanes and ponds. There are dunghills, heaps of rubbish and rows of
Inside the village there is practically no vehicular traffic. Occasionally, there is a
whirring tractor or squeaking bullock cart in some of the outer lanes. In some of the big
courtyards there are clusters of shady trees. Outside the village, there is usually a big Bunyan
tree along the pond. Village folks and some of their cattle take rest in its ample shade in
summer. The minarets of the village masjid rise high above the low skyline of a village.
There are cattle and cart-sheds, dark and ill-smelling, where cows and buffaloes are
kept. There are a couple of stables for horses and a few poultry houses. The chickens, ducks
and geese are free to run about in the open spaces as they please. When all the birds and
animals make their cries, the village becomes a noisy place for a while. The donkeys bray, the
cocks crow, the hens cackle and cluck. The ducks in dirty drains quack, the horses neigh, the
bulls bellow, the cows moo. The dogs bark and growl, the cats mew and the owls screech at
The farmer ploughs his fields in the morning. The harvest time is very busy. Men,
women and children work together at this time. A hard life indeed!
The village folks are really the backbone of our country. They are stout of hearts and
strong of limbs. They face harsh conditions in villages and around, but they seldom
complain. As compared to big cities, they seem to have stepped back into another century.
xiv. Television
Television is one of the marvelous inventions of science. Indeed it is a magic box;
pictures and images flick across the screen and delight the viewers. The world of news and
entertainment is moving very fast. Television and radio have come to stay in our lives.
Television programmes in general and drama in particular have always fascinated me
a lot. I should frankly admit that upto class VIII, I spent much of my time watching different
programmes. But now I am selective and see only what suits my taste.
I know that watching television for long is harmful for the eyesight. Too much
exposure to the flickering light damages the sight. Sitting before the set in an awkward
position also causes pain in limbs. Neck-bone and shoulders are also badly affected.
What I like most on TV is “The World of Nature”. No other programme can be that
wonderful. Each programme on nature, animals and landscape gives me a glimpse of the
beautiful world. I feel like discovering the world in which I live. I feel I know very little of the
vast and wonderful world of wonderful forms. “The World of Nature” programme gives me a
lot of information and understanding. Creation of so many moving creatures is one of the
sure signs of Allah Almighty. One of the divine names of Allah is “Al-Musawwir”. He is the
Creator, the Painter, the Originator of so many forms of beauty and their perfect proportions.
“The National Geographic” programmes on TV always bring to me a new glimpse of
natural beauty. I love it. It is amazing indeed.
xv. A Visit to a Hill Station
My love of adventure comes naturally to me. The degree of love varies from person to
person. My adventuresome spirit prompted me, and a friend of mine suggested to visit Naran
in Kaghan Valley. One July morning, we left for Abbotabad by bus and reached there in the
afternoon. The journey was tiring and we slept soundly for the night. Next morning, we left
for Balakot. On the way, we passed by Jangal Mangal and Jabba, over 20 kilometers from
Mansehra. Around Jabba, there was a thick forest and the beauty of the landscape was simply
breathtaking. There were very sharp, hairpin turns on the road near Batrasi.
We saw the conjunction point where the river Kunhar meets two other streams near
Garhi Habibullah. The hills around looked beautiful with clouds clung round their tops.
There was a rope bridge over the Kunhar near Shohan.
It was a strange experience to hear the noise of the rushing river water at Balakot. The
noise was all around. Everywhere, inside shops, houses, masajid and out on the roads, open
spaces and slopes, the noise dominated. At night when I woke up, I could hear this noise in
the hotel room also. In the evening, we visited Shah Ismail Shaheed's grave in the outskirts of
Balakot. Balakot was devastated by the severe earthquake on October 8, 2005. The site-plan
will give a new look to Balakot.
The road to Kaghan was in a bad shape. It was high in upper half of the high mountain
slope and the River Kunhar looked like a ribbon far below. There were many dangerous
turns. Our jeep crossed about eight glaciers from Kaghan to Naran.
Naran is 7890 feet above the sea level. It was very still in the woods around Naran.
There were logs in the river. There was a fast flowing ice-cold stream from Saiful-Maluk
Lake to the Kunhar at Naran. The sight was really breathtaking.

All around, there were summits and slopes and the noise of the rushing stream. The
Saiful-Maluk Lake is 10537 feet above sea level and over 12 km from Naran. There was a
huge glacier on the way up from Naran.
It was an extremely enjoyable and unforgettable trip. We were thoroughly refreshed
when we came back from Naran.
xvi. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
The bright star of the history of Pakistan is Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was the will of
Allah that the physically weakling son of Poonjah Jinnah would one day be the founder of
Pakistan. He was born in Karachi on December 25, 1876.
After his matriculation, he was sent to England for higher studies. He distinguished
himself over there as a keen and upright student. He qualified from the Lincoln's Inn as a
brilliant Barrister. On his return to India he joined the Indian National Congress. He was an
ardent supporter of the Hindu-Muslim unity. But the narrow vision of certain communal
leaders disappointed him. He decided to join the Muslim League.
He inspired the Muslims of India with his glorious vision. He worked hard for a
separate homeland for the Muslims. The odds were against him. The Hindus, the British and
a section of the Muslims were hostile to him. But he grappled with every problem. His aim
was high. He soared like an eagle. He organized Muslim League as a political party. The
Muslims rallied round him; the hostile forces had to retreat.
August 14, 1947 was the day of his triumph. Pakistan appeared on the map of the
world. He took an oath of office as the first Governor General of the new country.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the Quaid-e-Azam in the true sense of the word. His
health had been breaking down under a heavy pressure of work. He died in Karachi on
September 11, 1948. But founders and heroes like him never die. Do they?
xvii. Tolerance
The aptitude for tolerance is the recognition that some things in life are beyond your
control. It is the capacity to shrug off challenges and press on. It means not what you want
other people to be or do, but who you are , matters. Giving everyone the same chance you
would give yourself is what tolerance is. Although you are free to think for yourself and form
your own opinions, you must respect those of others. Acceptance and understanding are key
components of tolerance in schooling. If you acknowledge and comprehend that not
everyone thinks and perceives things the same way as you do, learning will be pleasurable.
Understanding that everyone has their own beliefs and methods of thinking is what is taught
to us in our religion. Accepting many points of view is what tolerance all about; it has nothing

to do with being right or wrong.
Tolerance will give you the ability to show empathy for others, it teaches you patience
and help you to recognise that things happen for a purpose.
Your ability to be tolerant will help you recognise that life is too short to waste time
being nasty or unkind. You will be able to let go of your anger and fully experience life when
you are tolerant.
Understanding that you cannot change another person but may alter your response to
them is what tolerance is all about. You will be able to form your own opinions on people
without external pressure if you are open-minded. Tolerance will offer your life meaning and
the chance to teach others , giving you a lifetime skill. The ability to accept and see
individuals for who they are is what tolerance is all about. Our religion also teaches us to be
tolerant towards others under all circumstances.
xviii. Boy Scouts
The Scouts Association was founded by Badan Powell, a Britisher, in 1910. The
movement spread very fast because its objectives were simple and noble.
A boy, wishing to become a scout is required to take an oath. He holds fast to his noble
promise under all circumstances. He fulfills his duty to Allah Almighty, to his country and to
the people in distress. Besides, he has a keen sense of loyalty to human and moral values.
A boy scout is expected to be a well-balanced person. His morals are without a
blemish. He enjoys a very sound physical and mental health. He is eager to help the injured,
the needy and the handicapped. He refrains from hurting the feelings of others.
Moreover, a boy scout has the qualities of leadership. He is firm and noble in
command. He is humble and willing in obedience. He learns useful crafts and skills. He is
efficient in using a knife and an axe, in trying to tie up various knots, in cooking food and in
pitching a tent.
In peace and emergencies, a boy scout shows courage, responsibility and self-


1. My Favourite Book
Books are so many and so very charming…. I like to read again and again “Tales of
the Punjab” edited by Flora Annie … a collection of about 40 stories …very absorbing
indeed .... Even in English translation the tales retain their rough, ready wit .… There is
drama and humanity in all of them … the tales are old yet ever new … “Raja Risalu”, “The
Wrestlers”, “The Barber's Clever Wife”, I like best … There are tales of wizards, princes,
serpents and talking beasts .... In these tales we recognize the universal evils and timeless
golden values of mankind …. Beauty, truth and honour conquer evil in the long run.

2. My Ambition
Progress, peace and prosperity are the outcomes of human ambitions …. My
ambition is to compete for a superior post in the C.S.S examination … not for vanity but for
setting a new trend of serving fellow citizens … we hear a lot about corruption … misuse of
powers… foul play … rudeness … red tapism … I pray to Allah Almighty for moral courage
… to serve in the best interest of my country … to create a personal example of fair play and
efficiency … to refrain himself from evil temptations … to live within my fair means … to
hate ostentation ... to decide cases on merit ... to implement schemes for general uplift ...

3. My Hobby
A hobby is an activity pursued for pleasure or relaxation but not as a main occupation
…. Kitchen work is my hobby where I make tea, wash up cups, saucers and the kettle …. If
the sink is greasy or dirty with bits of bones or crumbs … I clean it, wash it with soap or surf
… begins to sparkle ... I prepare potato chips in the frying pan … I share them with others
over a cup of tea … shami kabab, pakora, pulao and steamed rice, I cook better than anybody
else in the house … the gas flame, the boiling oil, the sizzling pakora or chips relieve me of
my strain of study … at leisure to do anything in the kitchen … feel well and fit again.

4. Our School Canteen

Canteen … a place of rest and refreshments. Our canteen manager is a retired clerk of
the school … tea, biscuits, bun and butter-some times Nan and Kababs also … utensils are

substandard … edges of cups and saucers broken … quality of tea-leaves inferior … flies
everywhere … wooden chairs and benches … kerosene oil stove … it affects the taste of tea
… canteen crowded during the recess…

5. My Best Friend
Devotion and sincerity are the true marks of lasting friendship.
… Adeel is my bosom friend … soft spoken, energetic, studious … a good player of
badminton and table tennis ... has a gentlemanly disposition …. His English vocabulary
is astonishing … reads fiction and magazines … polite and well mannered, fairly tall ... his
hand-writing is superb …. There is dignity about him … coming events cast their shadows
before … his teachers expect him to bring distinction to his school …. His ambition … to go
abroad for higher studies.

Write an essay on each of the following topics:

1. A Cricket Match 2. A Rain Storm

3. My School 4. My Best Friend
5. A Visit to an Industrial Fair 6. Our National Poet
7. How to Make Tea? 8. Physical Fitness
9. Picnic Spots 10. Street Crimes
11.What I want to become when I grow 12. Understanding the Holy Quran with
up? Translation
13. A Railway Journey 14. Prayer and its Meanings
15. Junk Food
16. Importance of Dictionary


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