Critical Evaluation of Nursing Programme 2
Critical Evaluation of Nursing Programme 2
Critical Evaluation of Nursing Programme 2
Keeping this in mind ,the Indian Nursing Council believes that the basic course
in nursing is a formal educational preparation ,which should be based on
sound education principles.The council recognizes that programme as the
foundation on which the practice of nursing is built and on which depends
further professional education.It also recognizes its responsibility to the society
as individual nurses and citizens.
The council believes that a basic course in Nursing should prepare nurses for
first level positions in Nursing both in the hospital and the community.
To achieve this the council is of the opinion that a good standard of basic
scientific principles ,principles of communication,and learning are essential,as
Nursing is believed to be a profession influenced by scientific and technological
Minimum Requirements
A.School with 150 studentd (annual intake of 50)
Instuctors .... 15
1.No school should be started with less than the intake of 20 students per yr.
2.Vice-Pricipal:Same as above.
Additional Staff:
b.Nutrition laboratory.
a.It should have comfortable seating arrangements for one-third of the total
no. of students and staff.
10.Room for audio- visual aids:For storing and use of the audio-visual
aids/slides etc.there should be a video section.
A well setup field –teaching centre with provision for accomodstion for
10 students and two staff members.
Transport facility should be provided.
It should have arrangements for securing of staff and students.
The hospital should provide all the learning experience required for the
students from a School of Nursing.
There shall be a minimum of 150 beds with a daily average turn over of
not less than 100 in-patients,and out-doors clinics and operating rooms.
Disributing of Beds
each shift
Surgical ward 1:3 1:25 -do-
24 hrs 1 departmental
Operation Theatre 3/shift per table 1 each shift 1 Dept sister/ANS for 4-5operation
Casualty and 2-3 S.N 1 each shift 1 dept. Sister/ANS for Emergency
the no.of
1.Need may vary from hospital to hospital depending on the size of the
hospital and services rendered.More staff than anticipated will be required.
2.Special attention is needed for supervision of patient care in the evening and
night shifts.
3.30%leave reserve posts are suggested because a nurse gets 2 off,30 EL,12
CL,24 days off in a yr.It has also been observed that on any working day 25% of
the staff is off duty on casual leave, stated earlier a nurse works for days
in a yr.whereas hospital requires
nursing services for 365 days and for 24 hours,which means that 1 nurse will
be required to depth and hence 30% leave reserve is needed.
When all the required clinical experience cannot be provided in the parent
hospital and the school has to affiliate with another institution a formal
arrangement should be made clearly indicating the purpose of such affiliation.
Hostel Facilities
There should be preferably be three students in one room with space for each
student being 70 sq.ft carpet area per student.The furniture provided shoukd
include separate sleeping,seating and storage arrangements for each
student.No additional electrical points other than the light to be provided in
the room.
Visitors’s Room
There should be a visitors room n the hostel with comfortable seating ,lighting
and toilet facilities.
Hygienic kitchen and dining hall to seat at least 50% of the students at one
time.Water coolers,refrigerators and heating facilities should be provided.
2.Minimum education –all students should have passed XII class ,or its
equivalent,preferably with science subjects.
Admission/Selection Committee
The committee should comprise tutors – nurse administrator ,
educationist/psychologist/nursing suptd.of the hospital.The Pricipal of the
school shall be the chairperson.
Health Service
There should be health service for students.This should include provision for:
Preliminary Period
Note: Six Sundays are already subtracted.These weeks are for six days for
______ ________
1165 3335
______ ________
First Year
Microbiology 30
Total 130
Psychology 60
Sociology 30
Total 90
Nutrition 30
Total 180
IV.Nursing ____
Second Yr.
(including pharmacology)
1.Medical/Surgical nursing 240
Paediatric Nursing 50
Total 350
Third Year
students 100
Management in Nursing 20
Total 250
Grand total 1165 Hours.
Students may be assigned for observing and practicing what they are learning
under careful supervision in the clinical area.
Hr Wk Hr Wk Hr Wk
Hr Wk
Basic Nursing in any area 288 (8) - - - - 288
Community health Nursin 216 (6) - - 360 (10) 576
Midwifery specialty
Night Shift:Students must under supervision of a registered nurse when assigned to night
shift.This assignment should not given until after first yr.and a total of eight weeks during
the entire course.
First Yr.
and chemistry)
Paper-II:Anatomy and Physiology & 100 25 75
(incl Nutrition,Psychology,Sociology,
Second Yr.
(incl Pharmacology)
Third Yr.
The following shall be the minimum records to be maintained for each student:
1.Admission records.
2.Health records.
3.Class attendance.
7.Leave record.
3.Asummary of the assessments for each subject and for the clinical field
experience should be used to determine the internal marks in the examination
listed below.
4.The internal marks for each theory and practical must be sent to the
council/Board before each council/Board examinations.
a.She/he has completed not less than eleven months of the course and that
her total performance has been satisfactory during that period.
b.She/he has attended 75%of the formal instructions given on each subject ad
75% field experience separately during the yr.However the total
fieldmexperience/clinical experience prescribed must be completed before the
final examination(3rdyr)but the Dipomas shall not be awarded until the student
has completed the fieldwork requirements.
d.The head of the school sends to the council/Board the internal marks for
each paper as well as practicals.
Board Examinations
Supplementary Examinations
Council /Board may hold supplementary exam after six months of the annual
a.If a student fails in one theory paper,she/he may be promoted to next yr.of
study.She/he wil sit for a supplementary exam held subsequently in the failed
b.After a second failure in the same paper(s)the students may continue in the
school at the discretion of the school authorities and she/he may appear for
the next exam subsequently.
c.If a student fails in two or more papers she/he shall repeat the whole yr.
d.Passing in practical exam is compulsory for promotion to the next yr.and two
supplementary exam each yr.
Students will be allowed to sit for one annual exam and two supplementary
exams each yr.
Board shall hold an annual examination and may hold a supplementary exam
after six months of the annual exam for each yr.of study.
Final Yr.Examination
a. a student will be allowed to sit for the 1st yr.annual exam as per eligibility
conditions laid down on “eligibility for admission to examination”of the
GNMsyllabus of INC.
If a student fails in any one theory paper in the 1st yr.annual exam,she/he may
be permitted to continue
with 2nd yr programme of study and she/he may appear in the failed subject in
the supplementary exam,to be held six months after the 1st yr annual exam.
c.If she/he fails to clear the failed subject in the above supplementary
exam,she/he will be allowed to sit again in the failed subject along with 2nd
yr.annual exam.
d.If a student fails in more than one paper and/or the practical exam in the 1st
yr.annual exam.she/he has to repeat the 1st yr.and will be eligible to sit for the
1st yr annual exam in which she/he has failed.After a second failure in the 1st
yr.exam,a student may continue at the discretion of the school authorities and
she/he may only appear in the next annual exam subsequently.
Second yr.Examination
a.A student will be allowed to sit for the 2nd yr.annual exam as per eligibility
conitions laid down in”eligibility for admission for examination”of the GNM
syllabus of INC.
b.If a student fails in any one theory paper(of either 1st or 2nd yr.exam)she/he
may be permitted to continue with 2nd yr.programme of study and she/he may
appear in the failed subject in the supplementary exam,to be held six months
after the 2nd yr annual exam.
c.If she/he fails to clear the failed subject in the above supplementary
exam,she /he will be allowed to sit in the failed subject again along with 3rd
yr.annual exam.
d.If a student fails in more than one paper and/or the practical exam in the 2 nd
yr.annual exam she/he has to repeat the 2nd yr.course of study for one
academic yr.and will be eligible to sit for 2nd yr.annual exam in which she/he
has failed.After a second failure in the 2nd yr.exam,a student may continue at
the discretion of the school authorities and she/he may only appear in the next
annual exam subsequently.
Third Yr.Examination
a.A student will be allowed to sit for the 3rd yr.annual exam,as per eligibility
laid down for “eligibility for examination”of the GNM syllabus,of INC.
b.If a student fails in any one theory paper of the second yr.or the third
yr.annual exam,she/he may appear in the failed subject in the relevant
subsequently exam.She/he shall however be allowed to avail of only two more
chances to clear the failed paper.
c.If a student fails in more than one paper and/or the practical exam in the 3rd
yr.annual exam,she/he has to repeat the 3rd yr.course of study for one
academic yr.and will be eligible to sit for the 3rd yr.annual exam in the paper
and/or the practical exam in which she/he has failed.After a second failure in
the 3rd yr.exam the student may continue at the discretion of the school
authorities and she/he may only appear in the next annual exam subsequently.
1. Aggarwal J.C, “ Principles, methods &Techniques of Teaching”, Vikas
Publishing House PVT Ltd, II Edn.
9.Joyce.B, etc, Models of teaching. Ed –4, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1986.