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CCRitical Evaluation Of Nursing Programme

General Nursing & Midwifery Training Programme

Philosophy: The international council of Nurses states that unique function of

the nurse “ is to assist the individual sick or well in the performance of those
activiries contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he
would perform un-aided if he had the necessary strength ,will or
knowledge.And to do this is in such a way as to hold him gain independence as
rapidly as possible”.

Keeping this in mind ,the Indian Nursing Council believes that the basic course
in nursing is a formal educational preparation ,which should be based on
sound education principles.The council recognizes that programme as the
foundation on which the practice of nursing is built and on which depends
further professional education.It also recognizes its responsibility to the society
as individual nurses and citizens.

The council believes that a basic course in Nursing should prepare nurses for
first level positions in Nursing both in the hospital and the community.

To achieve this the council is of the opinion that a good standard of basic
scientific principles ,principles of communication,and learning are essential,as
Nursing is believed to be a profession influenced by scientific and technological

The council reiterates the importance of clinical/field work in establishing a

sound nurseclient relationship and believes that a substantial portion of the
students learning experience should be acquired in the clinical/field areas.

The council recognizes nursing as a practicing profession inter-dependent on

allied professions and occupations for promoting,restoring and maintaining
health and in preventing diseases.
The Indian Nursing council recognizes the necessity of developing a deep pride
in the Nursing profession among students to enable further professional


The purpose of general nursing programme is to prepare general nurse who

will function as member of the health team beginning with competencies for
first level position in both hospital and community.

The programme is geared to the health needs of the country,the community

and the individual;and it will assisit nurses in their personal and professional
developments so that they may make their maximum contribution to the
society as individual citizens and nurses.

General Objectives of the Course:

The nurses competing this course will be able to:

1.Demonstrate awareness of,and skills required in the nursing process in the

provision of health care and nursing of patients.They will be competent to:

 Assess the nursing needs of individuals,families and communities

throughout life,from birth to death.
 Plan appropriate action to meet their needs through competent safe
nursing care.
 Take appropriate action to help people or sustain their best possible
level of health in all its aspects.
 Work with other members of the health team and community in
promotion of health,prevention of illness,restoration of health and
 Evaluate effectiveness of nursing and health care activities.
2.Apply relevant knowledge from the humanities biological and behavioural
sciences in carrying out health care and nursing activities and functions.

3.Show sensitivity and skill in human relationships and communication innher

daily work.

4.Demonstrate skill in the use of problem solving methods in nursing practice.

5.Gain knowledge of health resources in the community and the country.

6.Demonstrate leadership skills in working with the health team,community

and others in the provisio of health care.

7.Demonstrate understanding of and commitment to professional behaviour.

8.Demonstrate awareness of the necessity of belonging to professional


9.Demonstrate ability in self-awareness ,self-evaluation in personal and

professional life.

10.Promotion of health,precautions against illness,restoration of health and



Minimum Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements for recognition of a school of

Nursing for General Nursing programme.It should have teaching staff in
proportion to number of students and certain physical
facilities,laboratories,library and auditorium.

Administrative Head of the School should be gazetted officers.

A.School with 150 studentd (annual intake of 50)

1.Principal .... One

2.Vice-Principal .... One


Instuctors .... 15

B.For a school of Nursing with 60 students (Annual intake of 60 students)

1.Principal .... One

2.Vice-Principal .... One

3.Tutors/Clinical .... Six


For every additional 10 students there should be one tutor/clinical instructor.


1.No school should be started with less than the intake of 20 students per yr.

2.The teaching staff should include tutors with qualifications in community

Health Nursing Psychiatric Nursing ,Paediatric Nursing and Midwifery Nursing.

Qualifications Of Teaching Staff

1.Principal: Masters in Nursing with a minimum of 3 yrs teaching and

administrative experience ;if such a candidate is not available,a BSc.,Nursing
(basic or post –basic) with 5 yrs teaching and administrative experience;even if
a BSc,qualified candidate is not available,a diploma in Nursing and
administration or any equivalent post-basic diploma with 8 yrs of teaching and
administrative experience.

2.Vice-Pricipal:Same as above.

3.Tutors/clinical instructors:Masters of Nursing if not available BSc/Post-basic

BSc.even if this is not available a candidate with Diploma in Nursing education
and administration or any other equivalent post-basic diploma with 8 yrs of
teaching and administrative experience in Nursing.

In teaching institutions the Nursing Superintendent/Deputy Nursing

Superintendent/Asst.Nursing Suptd. Should have the same qualifications as the
Principal and Vice- Principal,Assistant Nursing Superintendent should have the
same qualifications as Tutors.

NB.Nursing service personnel should actively participate in instructing

,supervising ,guiding and evaluating students in the wards.There should be
close cooperation with the teaching staff of School of Nursing.

External Lecturers: There should be provision for external lecturer.

Additional Staff:

1.Stenographer ....... One

2.U.D.C/Cashier accountant ....... One

3.L.D.C / Typist ....... One

4.Librarian ....... One

5.Asst.Librarian ...... One

6.Lab.Attendent ...... One

7.Chowkidars ....... Four

8.Driver ....... One for each vehicle

9.Cleaner ...... One -- - do ---

10.Ppeons ...... Three

11.Sweepers ....... Three

12.Duplicating machine operator ...... One

Provision to be made for having staff in addition to regular staff according to


Budgets: School should have separate budget,i.e Principal –in-charge of the

School of Nursing should be the drawing and distributing officers and
empowered to plan for operating the funds in all different heads as per
Government rules and regulations and as deemed necessary for running an
educational instititution.


School of Nursing should have a separate school building.Minimum physical

facilities required are suggested below:

1.Class room: There should be at least four classrooms with a capacity to

accommodate the

number of students admitted in each class.The room should be well ventilated

with proper lighting system,builtin and portable back/green boards.


a.Nursing practice:There should be a demonstration room,large enough to

accommodate six beds.It should be fully equipped with built-in
cupboards,wash basins,electric fittings,etc.

b.Nutrition laboratory.

c.Community Nursing and obstetric laboratory.

3.Auditorium:It should be spacious enough to accommodate large preferably
double the number of current strength to have visiting faculty and senior
students.The auditorium should have proper lighting and arrangements for
using audio-visuals aids.


a.It should have comfortable seating arrangements for one-third of the total
no. of students and staff.

b.It should have proper lighting,heating and cooling arrangements depending

on the climate.

c.Sufficient no.of cupboards ,racks for proper storing of books,magazines,etc.

d.It should have up-to-date reference books textbooks,magazines and


5.Examination hall/multipurpose hall:

a.This should be able to accommodate the total no.of students.

b.It should be well ventilated with proper lighting and seating

arrangements,heating ,coling and toilet facilities.


a.For principal with attached toilet.

b.Minimum of 6 offices for teaching staff with toilet facilities.

c.Seperate office for office staff.

d.Equipment:Each office should be adequately furnished.There should be

typewriters,filing cabinets,duplicating machine,steel cupboards and telephone
facilities etc.
7.Commom Rooms:Minimum of three common rooms (one for faculty,one for
students & one for office staff).Sufficientspace with seating arrangements and
cabinets for each to lock their articles.

8.Record Room: Steel racks and built in shelves.

9.Store room to be provided.

10.Room for audio- visual aids:For storing and use of the audio-visual
aids/slides etc.there should be a video section.

1.Facilities:Drinking water such as(water cooler)and toilet should be available.


Field Practice Area:

 A well setup field –teaching centre with provision for accomodstion for
10 students and two staff members.
 Transport facility should be provided.
 It should have arrangements for securing of staff and students.


 The hospital should provide all the learning experience required for the
students from a School of Nursing.

 There shall be a minimum of 150 beds with a daily average turn over of
not less than 100 in-patients,and out-doors clinics and operating rooms.

Types of clinical Experience Available

 There should be a variety of patients of all age groups and at different

stages of illness in all the clinical areas.

Disributing of Beds

 At least one-third of the minimum no.of beds should be for medical

patients and one third for surgical patients.Ten beds should be for
gynecology,20 for paediatrics and 20 for obstetrics.Provision should be
made for clinics in family health and welfare and other preventive
medicine.The no. of beds for men patients should not be less than one-
sixth of the total no.of beds with a minimum of25.


1.Nursing Superintendent -1(for minimum of 150 beds)

2.Deputy Nursing Superintendent.

3.Asst.Nursing Superintendent-2(for every additional 50 beds one more (for

every additional 50 beds one more Assit.Nursing Superintendent.)

Out-Patient dept.-based on actual observation

1.Minor OT-1staff nurse for every 13 patients.

2.Injection room – 1 staff nurse for every 86 patients.

3.Surgical-1 staff nurse for every 120 patients.

4.Medical-1 staff nurse for every 140 patients.

5.Gynaecology-1 staff nurse for every 35 patients.

6.Paediatic-1 staff nurse for every 85 patients.

7.Orthopaedic-1 staff nurse for every 120 patients.

8.Dental-1staff nurse for every 120 patients.

9.ENT-1 staff nurse for every 120 patients.

10.Eye -1 staff nurse for every 86 patients.

11.Skin-1 staff nurse for every 100 patients.

Nursing Staff for Wards,Special units and out-patient Dept.



Medical ward 1:3 1:25 1 for 3-4 wards

each shift
Surgical ward 1:3 1:25 -do-

Ortho Ward 1:3 1:25 -do-

Paediatric ward 1:3 1:25 -do-

Gynaecology ward 1:3 1:25 -do-

Maternity ward 1:3 1:25 -do-

(incl newborns) 1:1

Intensive care unit 1:1 1 each unit

24 hrs 1 departmental

sisters/ANS for 3-4

Coronary Care 1:1 -do- units

Unit ( 24 hrs) clubbed

Nephrology 1:1 -do- together.

Neuro and 1:1 -do

Neuro –Surg special ward 1:1 -do-

Eye,Ent etc 1:1 -do-

Operation Theatre 3/shift per table 1 each shift 1 Dept sister/ANS for 4-5operation

Casualty and 2-3 S.N 1 each shift 1 dept. Sister/ANS for Emergency

emergency unit depending upon

the no.of



Similarly other out-patient departments need to be staffed based on actual


1.Need may vary from hospital to hospital depending on the size of the
hospital and services rendered.More staff than anticipated will be required.

2.Special attention is needed for supervision of patient care in the evening and
night shifts.

3.30%leave reserve posts are suggested because a nurse gets 2 off,30 EL,12
CL,24 days off in a yr.It has also been observed that on any working day 25% of
the staff is off duty on casual leave, stated earlier a nurse works for days
in a yr.whereas hospital requires

nursing services for 365 days and for 24 hours,which means that 1 nurse will
be required to depth and hence 30% leave reserve is needed.


When all the required clinical experience cannot be provided in the parent
hospital and the school has to affiliate with another institution a formal
arrangement should be made clearly indicating the purpose of such affiliation.

Hostel Facilities


There should be preferably be three students in one room with space for each
student being 70 sq.ft carpet area per student.The furniture provided shoukd
include separate sleeping,seating and storage arrangements for each
student.No additional electrical points other than the light to be provided in
the room.

Toilets and Bathrooms

Toilets and bathroomfacilities should be provided in each floor at the rate of

one bathroom and one latrine for six students.In addition geysers in
bathrooms and hand washing facilities should be provided.


There should be facilities for indoor and outdoor games.

Visitors’s Room

There should be a visitors room n the hostel with comfortable seating ,lighting
and toilet facilities.

Kitchen and Dining Hall

Hygienic kitchen and dining hall to seat at least 50% of the students at one
time.Water coolers,refrigerators and heating facilities should be provided.


One on each floor with water coolers and heating arrangements.

Washing and Ironing Room

One on each floor.


Warden should be a residential official.

Accomodation: Resendential family accommodation for teaching staff should

be provided according to their status.

Creche:There should be crèche,if possible,for the children of staff.

Canteen: There should be provision for a canteen.

Transport:School should have separate transport facilities.


Addmission- Terms and Conditions

1.Age or enterance shall be 17 35 yrs.For ANM/LHV age is relaxable upto

35 yrs.provided they meet the minimum educational requirements-12 yrs of

2.Minimum education –all students should have passed XII class ,or its
equivalent,preferably with science subjects.

3.Admission of students shall be once a yr.

4.Students should be medically fit.

Admission/Selection Committee
The committee should comprise tutors – nurse administrator ,
educationist/psychologist/nursing suptd.of the hospital.The Pricipal of the
school shall be the chairperson.

Health Service

There should be health service for students.This should include provision for:

a.An annual medical examination.

b.Vaccination against typhoid,cho;era and such other communicable disease as

considered necessary.

c.Free medical care during illness.

d.A complete health record should be kept in respect of each individual

student.The question of continuing the training of a student with long-term
chronic illness will be decided by the individual school.

Vacation and Holidays

Annual vacation – 30 days

Sick leave- 10 days per annum.

Preparatory holiday-7 days per annum.

Note:Sick leave cannot be accumulated from yr.


General Nursing Programme Course

Description of the Course

The course in General Nursing shall be of 3 yr’s duration as follows:

Two yr’s,theory and practice in General Nursing and One yr.Community health
nursing and midwifery.There will be alternate course for male students in lieu
of midwifery.The ANM/LHV who wishes to undertake theGeneralNursing
course will not be given any concession.The maximum hours per week per
student shall be 36 hrs.which includes instruction and clinical experience.

Preliminary Period

There should be a preliminary period of 12 weeks.During this time she will

attend the wards for observation and supervised practice not exceeding 16 hrs
per week.

An examination to assess the student’s ability to continue the course should be

held in the 11th or 12th week .Successful candidates will be allowed to continue
the course.

Yr.- wise distribution of weeks ,days hrs.are as follows:

1st year: 42 weeks 250 days

2nd year:42 weeks 250 days

3rd year:42 weeks 250 days

Note: Six Sundays are already subtracted.These weeks are for six days for

Annually:42 x 36 hrs = 1500 hrs approx.

It is recommended that hours of institution and clinical field experience be

divided as follows for each yr.

Instruction incl Clinical

Supervised practice(hrs) field experience


First Year565 935

Second Year 350 1150

Third Year 250 1250

______ ________

1165 3335

______ ________

Total Hrs: 4500.

Course Of Instuction And Supervised Practice

Instruction and Supervised practice Minimum Hours.

First Year

1.Basic science applied to Nursing 80

Physics and Chemistry 20

Microbiology 30


Total 130


II.Behavioural Sc.applied to Nursing

Psychology 60
Sociology 30


Total 90


III.Community health Nursing-1.

Nutrition 30

Hygiene –personal and environmental 40

Health educational and communication skill 10

Community health Nursing 100


Total 180


IV.Nursing ____

Fundamentals of Nursing 165


Total 565 Hrs.

Second Yr.

Instruction and Supervised practice

Medical/Surgical Nursing-1 Hours

(including pharmacology)
1.Medical/Surgical nursing 240


nursing ,eye,ENT,communicable diseases)

Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health 30

Paediatric Nursing 50

Advanced Nursing Practice 30


Total 350


Third Year

Midwifery/alternate course for male

students 100

Community health Nursing-II 100

Professional trends and adjustment 30

Management in Nursing 20


Total 250

Grand total 1165 Hours.


Students may be assigned for observing and practicing what they are learning
under careful supervision in the clinical area.

A careful and continuous assessment of a student’s knowledge,abilities and

attitudes will determine whether she/he should continue in Nursing after the
first months on successful completion of a formal school test.

Minimum clinical/field experience required and its suggested placements in

the curriculum is as follows.

Break-Up-Hours Of Clinical Experience


Clinical Area 1st Year 2nd year 3rd year

Total of each

Hr Wk Hr Wk Hr Wk
Hr Wk

Basic Nursing in any area 288 (8) - - - - 288
Community health Nursin 216 (6) - - 360 (10) 576

Medical/Surgical Nursing 287 (8) 718 (20) - - 1005


Paediatric Nursing 144 (4) 218 (8) - - 362


Psychiatric Nursing - - 144 (4) - - 144


Midwifery specialty

For male nurse - - - - 890+24 - 890+24


Total: 935 1080 1250 3265


Night Shift:Students must under supervision of a registered nurse when assigned to night
shift.This assignment should not given until after first yr.and a total of eight weeks during
the entire course.


Total Internal External



First Yr.

Paper-1:Fundmental Of Nursing 100 25 75


(incl first aid,emergency nursing,physics

and chemistry)
Paper-II:Anatomy and Physiology & 100 25 75


Paper-III:Community Health Nursing-1 100 25 75


(incl Nutrition,Psychology,Sociology,

Hygiene-personal & communication


Practical-1:Fundamentals of Nursing 100 25 75

Total400 100 300

Second Yr.

Paper-1:Medical /Surgical Nursing-1 100 25 75


(incl Pharmacology)

Paper-II:Medical/Surgical Nursing-II 100 25 75


(Incl Specialities eye,ENT,Gynaecology

Nursing,Communicable disease and orthpedic


Paper-III:Paediatric Nursing 100 25 75


Mental health and psychiatric Nursing.

Practical-II:Medical/Surgical Nursing 100 25 75

Practical-III:Paediatric and 100 25 75

mental health,psychiatric Nursing.

Total 500 125 375

Third Yr.

Paper-I:Midwifery/alternate course 100 25 75


for male students.

Paper-II:Community health 100 25 75


Nursing-II(incl Professional techniques,

management & supervision.

Practical-IV:Midwifery/alternate course 100 25 75

for male students

Total 300 75 225


The following shall be the minimum records to be maintained for each student:

1.Admission records.

2.Health records.

3.Class attendance.

4.Clinical and field experience.

5.Progress reports on asseeement in theory/practical.

6.Mark list.

7.Leave record.

8.Practical record book for each student.

9.Cumulative record.Final yr.summary at the end of the course.


1.Frequent assessment in each subject is recommended.

2.Students must be assessed for competency regularly in clinical/field


3.Asummary of the assessments for each subject and for the clinical field
experience should be used to determine the internal marks in the examination
listed below.

4.The internal marks for each theory and practical must be sent to the
council/Board before each council/Board examinations.

5.The Council/Board shall conduct written and practical examination at the

end of each yr.


A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the examination if:

The head of the school certifies that:

a.She/he has completed not less than eleven months of the course and that
her total performance has been satisfactory during that period.
b.She/he has attended 75%of the formal instructions given on each subject ad
75% field experience separately during the yr.However the total
fieldmexperience/clinical experience prescribed must be completed before the
final examination(3rdyr)but the Dipomas shall not be awarded until the student
has completed the fieldwork requirements.

c.Her/his record of practical experience is up-to-date.

d.The head of the school sends to the council/Board the internal marks for
each paper as well as practicals.

Board Examinations

Examinations shall be graded on the aggregate marks of the three yrs

programme as follows.

Distinction: 80% and above

1st division 70% -- 79.9%

2nd division 60% -- 69.9%

Pass 50% -- 59.9%

Supplementary Examinations

Council /Board may hold supplementary exam after six months of the annual
a.If a student fails in one theory paper,she/he may be promoted to next yr.of
study.She/he wil sit for a supplementary exam held subsequently in the failed

b.After a second failure in the same paper(s)the students may continue in the
school at the discretion of the school authorities and she/he may appear for
the next exam subsequently.

c.If a student fails in two or more papers she/he shall repeat the whole yr.

d.Passing in practical exam is compulsory for promotion to the next yr.and two
supplementary exam each yr.

Students will be allowed to sit for one annual exam and two supplementary
exams each yr.

Practical Examinations should:

a.Preferably be conducted at the same school of nursing,where she/he is a


b.Be conducted as far as possible in the actual work situation in a ward or at

the health centre or village rather than in a classroom.

Not more than 12 students should be examined per day.


Board shall hold an annual examination and may hold a supplementary exam
after six months of the annual exam for each yr.of study.

Final Yr.Examination

a. a student will be allowed to sit for the 1st yr.annual exam as per eligibility
conditions laid down on “eligibility for admission to examination”of the
GNMsyllabus of INC.
If a student fails in any one theory paper in the 1st yr.annual exam,she/he may
be permitted to continue

with 2nd yr programme of study and she/he may appear in the failed subject in
the supplementary exam,to be held six months after the 1st yr annual exam.

c.If she/he fails to clear the failed subject in the above supplementary
exam,she/he will be allowed to sit again in the failed subject along with 2nd
yr.annual exam.

d.If a student fails in more than one paper and/or the practical exam in the 1st
yr.annual exam.she/he has to repeat the 1st yr.and will be eligible to sit for the
1st yr annual exam in which she/he has failed.After a second failure in the 1st
yr.exam,a student may continue at the discretion of the school authorities and
she/he may only appear in the next annual exam subsequently.

Second yr.Examination

a.A student will be allowed to sit for the 2nd yr.annual exam as per eligibility
conitions laid down in”eligibility for admission for examination”of the GNM
syllabus of INC.

b.If a student fails in any one theory paper(of either 1st or 2nd yr.exam)she/he
may be permitted to continue with 2nd yr.programme of study and she/he may
appear in the failed subject in the supplementary exam,to be held six months
after the 2nd yr annual exam.

c.If she/he fails to clear the failed subject in the above supplementary
exam,she /he will be allowed to sit in the failed subject again along with 3rd
yr.annual exam.

d.If a student fails in more than one paper and/or the practical exam in the 2 nd
yr.annual exam she/he has to repeat the 2nd yr.course of study for one
academic yr.and will be eligible to sit for 2nd yr.annual exam in which she/he
has failed.After a second failure in the 2nd yr.exam,a student may continue at
the discretion of the school authorities and she/he may only appear in the next
annual exam subsequently.

Third Yr.Examination

a.A student will be allowed to sit for the 3rd yr.annual exam,as per eligibility
laid down for “eligibility for examination”of the GNM syllabus,of INC.

b.If a student fails in any one theory paper of the second yr.or the third
yr.annual exam,she/he may appear in the failed subject in the relevant
subsequently exam.She/he shall however be allowed to avail of only two more
chances to clear the failed paper.

c.If a student fails in more than one paper and/or the practical exam in the 3rd
yr.annual exam,she/he has to repeat the 3rd yr.course of study for one
academic yr.and will be eligible to sit for the 3rd yr.annual exam in the paper
and/or the practical exam in which she/he has failed.After a second failure in
the 3rd yr.exam the student may continue at the discretion of the school
authorities and she/he may only appear in the next annual exam subsequently.

1. Aggarwal J.C, “ Principles, methods &Techniques of Teaching”, Vikas
Publishing House PVT Ltd, II Edn.

2. Basavanthappa B.T, “Nursing Education”, Jaypee brothers,Edn I, 2005.

3. George Kurian Aleyamma, “Principles of Curriculum Development and

Evaluation”, Vivekanandha Press, 2002.

4. Bhatia, Kamala & BHATIA,B.D, Principles and methods of teaching, Doabra

house, New Delhi, 1970.

5. Billing, Diane M & HALSTEAD, Judith A: Teaching in Nursing: A guide for

faculty, W.B. Saunders, Company, Philadelphia, 1998.
6. Bloom, Benjamin S Ed, Taxonomy of educational objectives: cognitive
domain I David Mckay CO. Inc. New York. 1956.

7. Fuszard, Barbara: Innovating teaching strategies in Nursing, Aspen

Publishers Inc. Maryland.1989.

8. Neeraja K.P, “ Text book of Nursing Education”, Jaypee brothers.

9.Joyce.B, etc, Models of teaching. Ed –4, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey, 1986.

10. Sanatombi Elsa, “Manipal Manual of Nursing Education”, CBS Publishers

& Distributors, New Delhi, Ist Edn, 2006..

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