Technical Bid Zawar

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Government of Rajasthan

Water Resources Department

Bidding Document



Planning,Design and Construction of Zawar Anicut with feeder

channel and tunnel for diversion of water to Daya Dam Tehsil -
Sarada, Udaipur District in the State of Rajasthan India on
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (E.P.C) single
Responsibility turn-key basis,including8 years O&M.

E-NIB No.22/2023-24
Cost Rs 14296.00 lakhs

August -2023
Additional Chief Engineer
Water Resources Zone,
Udaipur (Raj.)
Bidding Document

Single Stage- Two Envelopes (Two Parts)

Bid Table of Contents


Notice Inviting Bids

Section-I : Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Section-II : Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section-III : Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Section-IV : Bidding Forms


Section-V : Procuring Entity‟s Requirements

Part A: Project Profile

Part B: Scope of Work
Part C : Technical specifications
Section-VIA : General Conditions of Contract

Section-VIB : Special Conditions of Contract/ Contract Data

Section-VIC : Contract Forms

Section – VII : Price bid and payment schedule

Section – VIII: Payment Stages

Section IX: Indicative Activity Schedule of Project

Section –X Indicative drawings

Section I: Instructions to Bidders

1. General
2. Contents of Bidding Document
3. Preparation of Bids
4. Submission and Opening of Bids
5. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
6. Award of Contract
7. Redressed of Grievances during Procurement Process (Appeals)
8. Appendix A : Grievance Handling Procedure during Procurement
Process (Appeals)
Important Instruction:- The Law relating to procurement “The Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Act, 2012” [hereinafter called the Act] and the “Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules,
2013” [hereinafter called the Rules] under the said Act have come into force which are available on the
website of State Public Procurement Portal Therefore, the Bidders are
advised to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the Act and the Rules before participating in
the Bidding process. If there is any discrepancy between the provisions of the Act and the Rules and
this Bidding Document, the provisions of the Act and the Rules shall prevail.

1. General
1.1 Scope of Bid 1.1.1 In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data
Sheet (BDS), the Procuring Entity as indicated in the BDS,
issues this Bidding Document for the procurement of works as
named in the BDS and as specified in Section V, Procuring
Entity‟s Requirements.
1.2 Interpretation 1.2.1 Throughout this Bidding Document:
the term “in writing” means communicated in written
form through letter, fax, e-mail etc. with proof of
if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice
versa; and
“Day” means a calendar day
1.3 Code of 1.3.1 Any person participating in the procurement process shall :
Integrity i. not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit
either directly or indirectly in exchange for an unfair
advantage in procurement process or to otherwise
influence the procurement process;
ii. not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to
mislead so as to obtain a financial or other benefit or
avoid an obligation;
iii. not indulge in any collusion, bid rigging or anti-
competitive behavior to impair the transparency, fairness
and progress of the procurement process;
iv. not misuse any information shared between the
Procuring Entity and the Bidders with an intent to gain
unfair advantage in the procurement process;
v. not indulge in any coercion including impairing or
harming or threatening to do the same, directly or
indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the
procurement process;
vi. not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement
vii. disclose conflict of interest, if any; and
viii. Disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in
India or any other country during the last three years or
any debarment by any other Procuring Entity.
1.3.2 Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest is considered to be
a situation in which a party has interests that could
improperly influence that party‟s performance of official
duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations, or
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict of interest with
one or more parties in this bidding process if, including but
not limited to:
i. have controlling partners/ shareholders common or
received or have received any direct or indirect subsidy
from any of them ;or
ii. receive or have received any direct or in direct subsidy
from any of them, or
iii. have the same legal representative for purposes of this
Bid or
iv. have a relationship with each other, directly or through
common third parties, that puts them in a position to have
access to information about or influence on the Bid of
another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the
Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process; or
v. the Bidder participates in more than one Bid in this
bidding process. Participation by a Bidder in more than
one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in
which the Bidder is involved. However, this does not
limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not
otherwise participating as a Bidder, in more than one Bid;
vi. the Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a
consultant in the preparation of the design or technical
specifications of the Works that are the subject of the
Bid; or
vii. the Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is
proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity as Engineer-
in-charge/ consultant for the Contract.
1.3.3 The Bidder shall have to give a declaration regarding
compliance of the Code of Integrity prescribed in the Act, the
Rules and stated above in this Clause along with its Bid, in the
format specified in Section IV, Bidding Forms.
1.3.4 Breach of Code of Integrity by the Bidder:-
Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter IV of the
Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, in case of
any breach of the Code of Integrity by a Bidder or prospective
Bidder, as the case may be, the Procuring Entity may take
appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of sub-
section (3) of section 11 and section 46 of the Act.
1.4 Eligible 1.4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-
Bidders owned Entity or, where permitted in the Bidding documents,
any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an
agreement or under an existing agreement in the form of a
Joint Venture [JV], Consortium or Association. In the case of
a Joint Venture, Consortium or Association:-
In the event the Bid of Joint Venture, Consortium or
Association is accepted, either they shall form a registered
Joint Venture, Consortium or Association as company/ firm or
otherwise all the parties to Joint Venture, Consortium or
Association shall sign the Agreement.
Any eligibility, qualifying criteria, condition or requirement
applicable to bidder shall be applicable to all the constituent
partners in case of Joint Venture, Consortium or Association.
1.4.2 Bidder and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the
nationality of India. In case of International Competitive
Bidding or Joint Venture, Consortium or Association [where
permitted], the nationality of the Bidder and all parties
constituting the Bidder shall be of India or an eligible country
declared as such by Government of India. A Bidder shall be
deemed to have nationality of a country if the Bidder is a
citizen or constituted or incorporated, and operates in
conformity with the provisions of the Laws of that country.
This criterion shall also apply to the determination of the
nationality of proposed Sub Contractors or suppliers for any
part of the Contract including related services
1.4.3 A Bidder should not have a conflict of interest in the
procurement in question as stated in the Rule 81 and this
Bidding document.
1.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be
eligible to participate in any procurement process undertaken
by any Procuring Entity, if debarred by the State Government;
and a Procuring Entity, if debarred by such Procuring Entity
1.4.5 The Bidder must be an enlisted Contractor and in case of Joint
Venture, Consortium or Association, all its constituent/
partners must be enlisted in appropriate class with any State
Government/Central Government department.
Necessary proof of such enlistment shall have to be furnished
by the bidder, failing which the bid is liable to be rejected.
1.4.6 i. Any change in the constitution of the firm etc., shall be
notified forth with by the Bidder in writing to the
Procuring Entity and such change shall not relieve any
former partner/ member of the firm, etc from any liability
under the Contract.
ii No new partner/partners shall be accepted in the firm by the
Bidder in respect of the contract unless he/they agree to
abide by all its terms, conditions and deposit with the
Procuring Entity a written agreement to this effect. The
Bidder‟s receipt for acknowledgement or that of any
partners subsequently accepted as above shall bind all of
them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the
purpose of the Contract.
iii The status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint
Venture, Consortium or Association as a major stake
holder shall not change without the consent of the
Procuring Entity. New major stake holder must agree to
abide by all terms and conditions of the Contract.
1.4.7 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued
eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity, should the
Procuring Entity request.
1.4.9 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid except in case of
alternative bids, if permitted.
1.4.10 No Bidder who is not registered under the GST Act prevalent
in the State of Rajasthan shall bid. The GST Registration
Number should be quoted and a GST Clearance certificate
from the Commercial Taxes Officer of the Circle concerned
shall be submitted without which the Bid is liable to be
rejected. He is also required to provide proof of Permanent
Account Number (PAN) given by Income Tax Department.
2. Contents of Bidding Document
2.1 Sections of 2.1.1 The Bidding Document consists of Parts I, II, and III, which
the Bidding include all the Sections indicated below, and should be read in
Document conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance with
ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document].
Part I: Bidding Procedures
Section I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Section IV. Bidding Forms
Part II: Requirements
Section V. Procuring Entity‟s Requirements.
Part III: Contract
Section VI A. General Conditions of Contract [GCC]
Section VI B. Special Conditions of Contract [SCC]
Section VI C. Contract Forms
Section VII Price bid and payment schedule
2.1.2 The Invitation for Bids (NIB) issued by the Procuring Entity
is also part of the Bidding Document.
2.1.3 The Bidding Document shall be uploaded on the e-
procurement portal, along with
the Notice Inviting Bids. The complete Bidding Document
shall also be placed on the State Public Procurement Portal; The prospective Bidders may
download the bidding document from these portals. The price
of the Bidding Document and processing fee of e-bidding
shall have to be paid to the Procuring Entity in the amount and
manner as specified in Bid Data Sheet and e-procurement
2.1.4 The Procuring Entity is not responsible for the completeness
of the Bidding Document and its addenda, if they were not
downloaded correctly from the e-procurement portal or the
State Public Procurement Portal.
2.1.5 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms,
terms and specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure to
furnish all information or authentic documentation required by
the Bidding Document may result in the rejection of the Bid.

2.2 Clarification 2.2.1 The Bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the
of Bidding conditions, specifications, size, make and drawings, etc. of the
Document Works and Related Services to be provided. If any Bidder has
and Pre-Bid any doubts as to the meaning of any portion of the conditions
Conference or of the specifications, drawings etc., it shall, before
submitting the Bid, refer the same to the Procuring Entity and
get clarifications. A Bidder requiring any clarification of the
Bidding Document shall contact the Procuring Entity in
writing or e-mail at the Procuring Entity‟s address indicated in
the BDS. The Procuring Entity will respond in writing or e-
mail to any request for clarification, within seven days
provided that such request is received no later than ten (10)
days prior to the deadline for submission of Bids as specified
in ITB Sub-Clause 4.2.1[Deadline for Submission of Bids].
The clarification issued, including a description of the inquiry
but without identifying its source shall also be placed on the
State Public Procurement Portal and should the Procuring
Entity deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a
result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure
under ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document]
through an addendum which shall form part of the Bidding
2.2.2 The Bidder or his authorized representative is invited to attend
the Pre- Bid Conference, if provided for in the BDS. The
purpose of the Pre- Bid Conference will be to clarify issues and
to answer questions on any matter related to this procurement
that may be raised at that stage. If required, a conducted site
visit may be arranged by the Procuring Entity.
2.2.3 The Bidder is requested, to submit questions in writing, to
reach the Procuring Entity not later than 7 Days before the
date of Pre-Bid Conference.
2.2.4 Minutes of the Pre-Bid Conference, including the text of the
questions raised, and the responses given, without identifying
the source, will be transmitted promptly to all Bidders who
attended the Pre-Bid Conference and shall also be placed on
the State Public Procurement Portal and the e-procurement
portal. Any modification to the Bidding Document that may
become necessary as a result of the Pre-Bid Conference shall
be made by the Procuring Entity exclusively through the issue
of an addendum (part of Bidding document) and not through
the minutes of the Pre-Bid Conference.
2.2.5 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids,
the Procuring Entity, suo motto, may also amend the Bidding
Document, if required, by issuing an addendum which will
form part of the Bidding Document.
2.2.6 Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference will not be a cause
for disqualification of a Bidder.
2.3 Amendment 2.3.1 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document
of Bidding and shall be uploaded on the State Public Procurement Portal
Document and the e-procurement portal.
2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take
an addendum into account in preparing their Bids, the
Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for
the submission of the Bids, pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause 4.2
[Deadline for Submission of Bids], under due publication on
the State Public Procurement Portal and the e-procurement
portal and newspapers.

3.0 Preparation of Bids

3.1 Cost of 3.1.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the
Bidding preparation and submission of its Bid, and the Procuring
Entity shall not be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
3.1.2 The Bidder shall furnish the scanned attested copies of
following documents with its Bid:
i. Partnership Deed and valid registration certificate issued
by the Registrar of Firms in case of Partnership Firms.
Power of Attorney in favour of the partner signing the
Bid, authorizing him to represent all partners of the firm.
ii. VAT/Sales Tax /GST registration and clearance
certificate from the concerned Commercial Taxes Officer
and Permanent Account Number (PAN) given by the
Income Tax Department.
iii. Address of residence and office, telephone numbers e-
mail address in case of sole Proprietorship.
iv. Certificate of Registration and Memorandum of
Association issued by Registrar of Companies in case of
a registered company. In case of any other statutory or
registered body, certificate of incorporation or
registration issued by concerned authorities. Power of
attorney in favour of the person signing the Bid.
v. Where permitted to bid as Joint Venture, Consortium or
Association, letter of formal intent to enter in to an
agreement or an existing agreement in the form of a Joint
Venture, Consortium or Association.
vi. Copy of registration with Department.
vii. Scanned copy of payment of Bid fee, Bid security and
RISL processing fee.
3.2 Language of 3.2.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents
Bid relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the
Procuring Entity, shall be written in English/ Hindi or a
language specified in the BDS. Supporting documents and
printed literature that are part of the Bid may be in another
language provided they are accompanied by an self attested
Accurate translation of the relevant passages duly accepted
by the Bidder in English/ Hindi or the language specified in
the BDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the
Bid, such translation shall govern.

3.3 Documents 3.3.1 The Bid shall comprise of two covers, one containing the
Comprising Technical Bid/ Proposal and the other the Financial or Price
the Bid Bid/ Proposal.
One more cover containing scanned copies of proof of
payment in form specified in Bid Data Sheet, of the price of
Bidding Document, processing fee and Bid Security/ Bid
Securing Declaration shall be enclosed separately.
3.3.2 The technical bid/proposal shall content following:
i. Technical Bid/ Proposal Submission Sheet and
Technical Bid containing the filled-up Bidding Forms
and Declarations related to Technical Bid, possession
of required qualifications and Code of Integrity given
in Section IV [Bidding Forms];
ii. proof of payment of price of Bidding Document,
processing fee and Bid Security in accordance with
ITB Clause 3.10;
iii. written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the
Bid to commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB
Clause 3.11;
iv. documentary evidence in accordance with ITB Clause
3.7 establishing the Bidder‟s eligibility to bid;
v. documentary evidence in accordance with ITB Clause
3.8 establishing the Bidder‟s qualifications to perform
the contract if its Bid is accepted;
vi. Drawings/ designs in support of the Works to be
vii. the Notice Inviting Bids;
viii. any other document required in the BDS; and
ix. Others considered necessary to strengthen the Bid
3.3.3 The Financial Bid/ Price Proposal shall contain the
Financial Bid/ Price Proposal Submission Sheet and the
applicable Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB
Clauses 3.4, 3.5;
Any other document required in the BDS.
3.4 Bid 3.4.1 The Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid
Submission using the Bid Submission Sheets provided in Section IV
Sheets and [Bidding Forms]. These forms must be completed without
Price any alterations to their format, and no substitutes shall be
Schedules accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the
Information requested.
3.4.2 The Bidder shall submit as part of the Financial Bid, the
Price Schedules for Works, using the forms provided in
Section IV [Bidding Forms].
3.5 Bid Prices 3.5.1 i. In case of Item Rate Contracts, the Bidder shall fill in
rates and prices for all items of the Works described in
the Bill of Quantities. Items against which no rate or
price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the
Procuring Entity but will have to be executed and shall
be deemed covered by the rates for other items and
prices in the Bill of Quantities.
ii. In case of Percentage Rate Contracts, combined single
percentage above or below the total amount of the Bill of
Quantities must be quoted by the Bidder for all items.
iii. In case of Lump Sum Contracts, only Total Price which
the Bidder wants to charge for the entire Works with all
its contingencies in accordance with drawings and
specifications shall be quoted by the Bidder. A Schedule
of Rates shall be specified in the Bid Data Sheet in order
to regulate the amount to be added to or deducted from
the fixed sum on account of additions and alterations not
covered by the Contract. Payments shall be linked to
various stages of completion of the Works specified in
Activity Schedule given in Bid Data Sheet.
3.5.2 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the
Bidder‟s Performance of the Contract and not subject to
variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the
BDS. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation
shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected,
pursuant to ITB Clause 5.7 [Responsiveness of Bids].
However, if in accordance with the BDS, prices quoted by
the Bidder shall be subject to adjustment during the
performance of the Contract, a Bid submitted with a fixed
price quotation shall not be rejected, but the price adjustment
Shall be treated as zero.
3.5.3 All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the Bidder
under the contract, or for any other cause, shall be included
in the rates and prices, and the total Bid Price shall be
Submitted by the Bidder.
3.6 Currencies 3.6.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder
of Bid. entirely in Indian Rupees unless otherwise specified in BDS.
All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees only, unless
otherwise specified in the BDS.
3.7 Documents 3.7.1 To establish their eligibility in accordance with ITB Clause
Establishing 1.4 [Eligible Bidders], Bidders shall:
the Eligibility complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission
of the Bidder Sheet and Declaration Form included in Section IV [Bidding
if the Bidder is an existing or intended Joint Venture [JV],
Consortium or Association in accordance with ITB Sub-
Clause 1.4.1 [Eligible Bidders], it shall submit a copy of the
Agreement, or a letter of intent to enter into such Agreement.
The respective document shall be signed by all legally
Authorized signatories of all the parties to the existing or
intended JV, Consortium or Association as appropriate; and
the existing or intended JV shall authorize an individual/
partner in one of the firms as lead partner of the JV to act
and commit on behalf of all the partners of JV for the Bid.

3.8 Documents 3.8.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract, the
Establishing Bidder shall submit as part of its Technical Proposal the
the documentary evidence indicated for each qualification
Qualifications criteria specified in Section III, [Evaluation and
of the Bidder Qualification Criteria].
3.9 Period of 3.9.1 Bids shall remain valid for 90 days or the period specified in
Validity of the BDS, after the Bid submission deadline date. A Bid valid
Bids For a shorter period shall be rejected by the Procuring
Entityas non-responsive.
3.9.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the
Bid validity period, the Procuring Entity may request
Bidders to extend the period of validity of their Bids. The
request and the responses shall be made in writing. The Bid
Security or a Bid Securing Declaration in accordance with
ITB Clause 3.10 [Bid Security] shall also be got extended
for thirty days beyond the dead line of the extended validity
period. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting
its Bid Security or a Bid Securing Declaration. A Bidder
granting the request shall not be permitted to modify it bid
3.10 Bid Security 3.10.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall
furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security for the amount
specified in the BDS.
3.10.2 For bidders, Joint venture, consortium or associations which
are Registered with the Department, the bid security shall
be 0.5% of the value of works indicated in the NIB.

For eligible Bidders, Joint Venture, Consortium or

Association which are Not registered with the
Department, the bid security shall be 2% of the value of
work indicated in NIB.

The bid security shall be in Indian Rupees.

3.10.3 The Bid Security may be given in the form of a banker‟s
Cheque or demand draft or bank guarantee of a Scheduled
Bank in India in specified format, in favour of the Procuring
Entity, or deposited through eGRAS/ net banking, if
3.10.4 In lieu of Bid Security, a Bid Securing Declaration shall be
taken from Government Departments and State Government
Public Sector Enterprises, Autonomous bodies, Registered
Societies, Cooperative Societies which are owned or
controlled or managed by the State Government, Public
Sector Enterprises of Central Government. For the Bid
Securing Declaration, the Bidder shall use the form included
in Section IV [Bidding Forms].
3.10.5 Scanned copy of Bid Security instrument or a Bid Securing
Declaration shall necessarily accompany the sealed Bid. Any
Bid not accompanied by Bid Security or Bid Securing
Declaration, if not exempted, shall be liable to be rejected.
3.10.6 Bid Security of a Bidder lying with the Procuring Entity in
respect of other Bids awaiting decision shall not be adjusted
towards Bid Security for this Bid.

The Bid Security originally deposited may, however be

taken into consideration in case Bids are re-invited.
3.10.7 The issuer of the Bid Security and the confirmer, if any, of
the Bid Security, as well as the form and terms of the Bid
Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity.
3.10.8 Prior to submitting its Bid, a Bidder may request the
Procuring Entity to confirm the acceptability of a proposed
issuer of a Bid Security or of a proposed confirmer, if
different than as specified in ITB Clause 3.10.3. The
Procuring Entity shall respond promptly to such a request.
3.10.9 The bank guarantee presented as Bid Security shall be got
confirmed from the concerned issuing bank. The
confirmation of the acceptability of a proposed issuer or of
any proposed confirmer does not preclude the Procuring
Entity from rejecting the Bid Security on the ground that
the issuer or the confirmer, as the case may be, has become
insolvent or is under liquidation or has otherwise ceased to
be creditworthy.
3.10.10 The Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be refunded
soon after final acceptance of successful Bid and signing of
Contract Agreement and submitting Performance Security
by successful Bidder pursuant to ITB Clause 6.4
[Performance Security].
3.10.11 The Bid Security taken from a Bidder shall be forfeited in
the following cases, namely:
i. when the Bidder withdraws or modifies its Bid after
opening of Bids; or
ii. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement in
accordance with ITB Clause 6.3 [Signing of Contract]
after issue of letter of acceptance/ placement of
Work order within the specified time period; or
iii. when the Bidder fails to commence the Works as per
Work Order within the time specified; or
iv. when the Bidder does not deposit the Performance
Security in accordance with ITB Clause 6.4
[Performance Security]; in the prescribed time limit
after the work order is placed;
v. if the Bidder breaches any provision of the Code of
Integrity prescribed for Bidders in the Act and
Chapter VI of the Rules or as specified in ITB Clause
1.3 [Code of Integrity]; or
vi. if the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid
Price pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause 5.5 [Correction of
Arithmetical Errors].

3.10.12 In case of the successful bidder, the amount of Bid Security

may be adjusted in arriving at the amount of the
Performance Security, or refunded if the successful bidder
furnishes the full amount of Performance Security. No
interest will be paid by the Procuring Entity on the amount
of Bid Security.
3.10.13 The Procuring Entity shall promptly refund the Bid Security
of the Bidders at the earliest of any of the following events,
i. the expiry of validity of Bid Security;
ii. the execution of agreement for procurement and
Performance Security is furnished by the successful
iii. the cancellation of the procurement process; or
iv. the withdrawal of Bid prior to the deadline for
presenting Bids, unless the Bidding Document
stipulates that no such withdrawal is permitted.
3.10.14 The Bid Security of a Joint Venture, Consortium or
Association must be in the name of the Joint Venture,
Consortium or Association that submits the Bid.

If the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association has not been

legally constituted at the time of Bidding, the members of
the proposed consortium or JV shall enter in to an
Agreement that they shall form a legally constituted JV after
the issue of Letter of Acceptance/ Letter of Intent to them
and shall also declare a partner as the lead partner in whose
Name the Bid Security may be submitted.
3.11 Format and 3.11.1 All pages of the Technical and Financial Bid shall be signed
Signing of by the Bidder or Authorized Signatory on behalf of the
Bid Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a written
confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be attached to
the Bid.

4. Submission and Opening of Bids

4.1 Sealing and 4.1.1 Bidders shall submit their Bids to the Procuring Entity only
Marking of electronically on the e-procurement portal,
Bids In submission of their Bids, the
Bidders should follow the step by step instructions given on
the e-procurement portal.
4.1.2 The Bidder shall enclose the Technical Bid and the Financial
Bid in separate covers. The scanned copies of proof of payment
of price of Bidding Document, processing fee and Bid Security
Shall be enclosed in third cover. The price of Bidding
Document and Bid Security shall be paid in the name of the
Procuring Entity while the processing fee shall be paid in the
name of M.D., R.I.S.L.
4.2 Deadline for 4.2.1 Bids shall be submitted electronically only upto the time and
Submission date specified in the Notice Inviting Bids and BDS or an
of Bids extension issued thereof.

4.3 Withdrawal, 4.3.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its Bid after it
Substitution has been submitted by submitting electronically on the e-
and procurement portal a written Withdrawal/ Substitutions/
Modification Modifications etc. notice on the e-procurement portal, duly
of Bids digitally signed by the Bidder or his authorized representative,
and shall include a copy of the authorization in accordance with
ITB Sub-Clause 3.11.1 [Format and Signing of Bid]. The
corresponding Withdrawal, Substitution or Modification of the
Bid must accompany the respective written notice. All notices
must be received by the Procuring Entity on the e-procurement
portal prior to the deadline specified for submission of Bids in
accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 4.2. [Deadline for Submission
of Bids].
4.3.2 No Bid shall be withdrawn, substituted or modified in the
interval between the deadline for submission of the Bids and
the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified in ITB
Clause 3.9.[Period of Validity of Bids] or any extension
4.4 Bid Opening 4.4.1 The electronic Technical Bids shall be opened by the Bids
opening committee constituted by the Procuring Entity at the
time, date and place specified in the Bid Data Sheet in the
Presence of the Bidders or their authorized representatives,
who choose to be present.
4.4.2 The Bids opening committee may co-opt experienced persons
In the committee to conduct the process of Bid opening.
4.4.3 The Bidders may choose to witness the electronic Bid opening
Procedure online.
4.4.4 The Financial Bids shall be kept unopened until the time of
opening of the Financial Bids. The date, time, and location of
electronic opening of the Financial Bids shall be intimated to
The bidders who are found qualified by the Procuring Entity in
evaluation of their Technical Bids.
4.4.5 The Bids opening committee shall prepare a list of the Bidders
or their representatives attending the opening of Bids and
obtain their signatures on the same. The list shall also contain
the representative‟s name and telephone number and
corresponding Bidders‟ names and addresses. The authority
letters brought by the representatives shall be attached to the
list. The list shall be signed by all the members of Bids
Opening committee with date and time of opening of the Bids.
4.4.6 First, covers marked as “WITHDRAWAL Technical Bid”
shall be opened, read out, and recorded and the covers
Containing the corresponding Technical Bids and Financial
Bids shall not be opened. No Bid shall be permitted to be
withdrawn unless the corresponding withdrawal notice
contains a valid authorization to request the withdrawal and is
readout and recorded at Bid opening. If the withdrawal notice
is not accompanied by the valid authorization, the withdrawal
shall not be permitted and the corresponding Technical Bid
shall be opened.
Next, covers marked as “SUBSTITUTION Technical Bid”
shall be opened, read out, recorded. The covers containing the
Substitution Technical Bids and/ or Substitution Financial Bids
shall be exchanged for the corresponding covers being
substituted. Only the Substitution Technical Bids shall be
opened, read out, and recorded. Substitution Financial Bids
will remain unopened in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 4.4.4
No Bid shall be substituted unless the corresponding
substitution notice contains a valid authorization to request the
substitution and is read out and recorded at Bid opening.
Covers marked as “MODIFICATION Technical Bid” shall be
opened thereafter, read out and recorded with the
corresponding Technical Bids. No Technical Bid and/ or
Financial Bid shall be modified unless the corresponding
modification notice contains a valid authorization to request
the modification and is read out and recorded at opening of
Technical Bids. Only the Technical Bids, both Original
as well as Modification, are to be opened, read out,
and recorded at the opening. Financial Bids, both Original as
well as Modification, will remain unopened in accordance with
ITB Sub-Clause 4.4.4.
4.4.7 All other covers containing the Technical Bids shall be opened
one at a time and the following read out and recorded-
i. the name of the Bidder;
ii. whether there is a modification or substitution;
iii. whether proof of payment of Bid Security or Bid Securing
Declaration, if required, payment of price of the Bidding
Document and processing fee have been enclosed;
iv. Any other details as the Bids opening committee may
consider appropriate.
After all the Bids have been opened, their hard copies shall
be printed and shall be initialed and dated on the first page
and other important papers of each Bid by the members of
the Bids opening committee.
4.4.8 Only Technical Bids shall be read out and recorded at the bid
opening and shall be considered for evaluation. No Bid shall
be rejected at the time of opening of Technical Bids except
Alternative Bids (if not permitted) and Bids not accompanied
with the proof of payment of the required price of Bidding
Document, processing fee and Bid Security.
4.4.9 The Bids opening committee shall prepare a record of opening
of Technical Bids that shall include, as a minimum: the name
of the Bidder and whether there is a withdrawal, substitution,
modification, or alternative offer (if they were permitted), any
conditions put by Bidder and the presence or absence of the
price of Bidding Document, processing fee and Bid Security.
The Bidders or their representatives, who are present, shall
sign the record. The members of the Bids opening committee
Shall also sign the record with date.
4.4.10 After completion of the evaluation of the Technical Bids, the
Procuring Entity shall invite Bidders who have submitted
substantially responsive Technical Bids and who have been
determined as being qualified, to attend the electronic opening
of the Financial Bids. The date, time, and location of the
opening of Financial Bids will be intimated in writing by the
Procuring Entity. Bidders shall be given reasonable notice of
The opening of Financial Bids.
4.4.11 The Procuring Entity shall notify Bidders in writing whose
Technical Bids have been rejected on the grounds of being
substantially non-responsive and not qualified in accordance
With the requirements of the Bidding Document.
4.4.12 The Bids opening committee shall conduct the electronic
opening of Financial Bids of all Bidders who submitted
substantially responsive Technical Bids and have qualified in
evaluation of Technical Bids, in the presence of Bidders or
their representatives who choose to be present, at the address,
Date and time specified by the Procuring Entity.
4.4.13 All covers containing the Financial Bids, including Modified
and Substituted Financial Bids, if any, shall be opened one at a
time and the following read out and recorded-
i. the name of the Bidder;
ii. whether there is a modification or substitution;
iii. the Bid Prices;
iv. Any other details as the Bids opening committee
mayconsider appropriate.
After all the Bids have been opened, their hard copies shall be
printed and shall be initialed and dated on the first page of the
each Bid by the members of the Bids opening committee. All
the pages of the Price Schedule and letters, Bill of Quantities
attached shall be initialed and dated by the members of the
committee. Key information such as prices, completion period
etc. shall be encircled and unfilled spaces in the Bids shall be
marked and signed with date by the members of the Bids
opening committee.
4.4.14 The Bids opening committee shall prepare a record of opening
of Financial Bids that shall include as a minimum: the name of
the Bidder and whether there is a withdrawal, substitution, or
modification, the Bid Price, any conditions, any discounts and
alternative offers (if they were permitted). The Bidders or their
representatives, who are present, shall sign the record. The
members of the Bids opening committee shall also sign the
Record with date.
5. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
5.1 Confidentialit 5.1.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation,
y comparison, and post-qualification of Bids, and
recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to
Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with
such process until information on Contract award is
Communicated to all Bidders.
5.1.2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Procuring Entity in
its examination of qualification, evaluation and comparison of
the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the
rejection of its Bid, in addition to the legal action which may
Be taken by the Procuring Entity under the Act and the Rules.
5.1.3 Notwithstanding ITB Sub-Clause 5.1.2, from the time of
opening the Bid to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder
Wishes to contact the Procuring Entity on any matter related
tothe Bidding process, it shall do so in writing.
5.1.4 In addition to the restrictions specified in section 49 of the Act,
the Procuring Entity, while procuring a subject matter of such
nature which requires the procuring Entity to maintain
confidentiality, may impose condition for protecting
Confidentiality of such information.
5.2 Clarification 5.2.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of the
of Technical Technical or Financial Bids, the Bid evaluation committee
or Financial may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification
Bids regarding its Bid. The committee‟s request for clarification and
The response of the Bidder shall be in writing.
5.2.2 Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to its Bid
that is not in response to a request by the Bid evaluation
Committee shall not be considered.
5.2.3 No change in the prices or substance of the Bid shall be
sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the correction
of arithmetical errors discovered by the Bid evaluation
Committee in the evaluation of the financial Bids.
5.2.4 No substantive change to qualification information or to a
submission, including changes aimed at making an unqualified
Bidder, qualified or an unresponsive submission, responsive
Shall be sought, offered or permitted.
5.3 Deviations, 5.3.1 During the evaluation of Technical or Financial Bids, the
Reservations following definitions apply:
and i. “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified
Omissions in in the Bidding Document;
Technical or ii. “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or
Financial withholding from complete acceptance of the
Bids requirements specified in the Bidding Document; and
iii. “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the
information or documentation required in the Bidding
5.4 Nonmaterial 5.4.1 Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially
Non Responsive, the Procuring Entity may waive any nonconformity
conformities (with recorded reasons) in the Bid that do not constitute a
in Technical material deviation, reservation or omission.
or Financial
5.4.2 Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially
responsive, the Procuring Entity may request the Bidder to
submit the necessary information or documentation, within a
reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial
nonconformities or omissions in the Bid related to
documentation requirements. Request for information or
documentation on such nonconformities shall not be related to
any aspect of the Financial Proposal of the Bid. Failure of the
Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection
of its Bid.
5.4.3 Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially
responsive, the Procuring Entity will rectify nonmaterial
Nonconformities or omissions (with recorded reasons).
5.5 Correction of 5.5.1 Provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the
Arithmetical Bid evaluation committee shall correct arithmetical errors
Errors in during evaluation of Financial Bid on the following basis:
Financial Bid i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the
total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price
and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price
shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Procuring
Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal
point in the unit price, in which case the total price as
quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition
or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and
the total shall be corrected; and
iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the
amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount
expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in
which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to
(i) and (ii) above.
5.5.2 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not
accept the correction of arithmetical errors, its Bid shall be
disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid
Securing Declaration shall be executed.
5.6 Preliminary 5.6.1 The Procuring Entity shall examine the Technical or Financial
Examination Bids to confirm that all documents and technical
of Technical documentation requested in ITB Sub-Clause 3.3 [Documents
or Financial Comprising the Bid] have been provided, and to determine the
Bids Completeness of each document submitted.
5.6.2 The Procuring Entity shall confirm, following the opening of
the Technical or Financial Bids, that the following documents
and information have been provided:
i. Bid is signed, as per the requirements listed in the Bidding
ii. Bid has been submitted as per instructions provided in the
Bidding Document and e-procurement portal;
iii. Bid is valid for the period, specified in the Bidding
iv. Bid is accompanied by Bid Security or Bid Securing
v. Bid is unconditional and the Bidder has agreed to give the
required Performance Security;
vi. Price Schedules in the Financial Bid are in accordance
with ITB Clause 3.4 [Bid Submission Sheets and Price
vii. written confirmation of authorization to commit the
viii. Declaration by the Bidder in compliance of Section 7 and
11 of the Act; and
ix. other conditions, as specified in the Bidding Document
are fulfilled.
5.7 Responsivenes 5.7.1 The Procuring Entity‟s determination of the
s of Technical responsiveness of a Technical or Financial Bid is to be based
or Financial on the contents of the Bid itself, as defined in ITB Sub-Clause
Bids 3.3 [Documents Comprising the Bid].
5.7.2 A substantially responsive Technical or Financial Bid is one
that meets without material deviation, reservation, or omission
to all the terms, conditions, and specifications of the Bidding
Document. A material deviation, reservation, or omission is
one that:
(a) if accepted, would-
i. affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or
performance of the Works; or
ii. limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with
the Bidding Document, the Procuring Entity‟s rights or
the Bidder‟s obligations under the proposed Contract; or
(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position
of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive Bids.
5.7.3 The Procuring Entity shall examine the technical aspects of the
Bid in particular, to confirm that requirements of Section V
[Procuring Entity‟s Requirements] have been met without any
material deviation, reservation, or omission.
5.7.4 If a Technical or Financial Bid is not substantially responsive
to the Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the Procuring
Entity and may not subsequently be made responsive by the
Bidder by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or
5.8 Examination 5.8.1 The Procuring Entity shall examine the Bids to confirm
of Terms and that all terms and conditions specified in the GCC and the SCC
Conditions of have been accepted by the Bidder without any material
the Technical deviation or reservation.
or Financial
5.8.2 The Procuring Entity shall evaluate the technical aspects of the
Bid submitted in accordance with ITB Clause 3.3 [Documents
Comprising the Bid] and to confirm that all requirements
specified in Section V [Procuring Entity‟s Requirements] of
the Bidding Document and all amendments or changes made
by the Procuring Entity in accordance with ITB Clause 2.3
[Amendment of Bidding Document] have been met without
any material deviation or reservation.
5.9 Evaluation of 5.9.1 The determination of qualification of a Bidder in evaluation of
Qualification Technical Bids shall be based upon an examination of the
of Bidders in documentary evidence of the Bidder‟s qualifications submitted
Technical by the Bidder, pursuant to ITB Clause 3.8 [Documents
Bids Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder] and in
accordance with the qualification criteria indicated in Section
III [Evaluation and Qualification Criteria]. Factors not
included in Section III, shall not be used in the evaluation of
the Bidder‟s qualification.
5.10 Evaluation of 5.10.1 The Procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the
Financial Bids corresponding Technical Bid of which has been determined to
be substantially responsive.
5.10.2 To evaluate a Financial Bid, the Procuring Entity shall only use
all the criteria and methodologies defined in this Clause and in
Section III [Evaluation and Qualification Criteria]. No other
criteria or methodology shall be permitted.
5.10.3 To evaluate a Financial Bid, the Procuring Entity shall consider
the following:
i. the Bid Price quoted in the Financial Bid;
ii. price adjustment for correction of arithmetical errors in
accordance with ITB Clause 5.5 [Correction of
Arithmetical Errors];
5.11 Comparison of 5.11.1 The Procuring Entity shall compare all substantially
Bids responsive Financial Bids to determine the lowest-evaluated
Financial Bid in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 5.10
[Evaluation of Financial Bids].
5.12 Negotiations 5.12.1 To the extent possible, no negotiations shall be conducted
after the pre-Bid stage. All clarifications needed to be sought
shall be sought in the pre-Bid stage itself.
5.12.2 Negotiations may, however, be undertaken only with the
lowest Bidder under the following circumstances-
i. when ring prices have been quoted by the Bidders for
the subject matter of procurement;
ii. when the rates quoted vary considerably and considered
much higher than the prevailing market rates.
5.12.3 The Bid evaluation committee shall have full powers to
undertake negotiations. Detailed reasons and results of
negotiations shall be recorded in the proceedings.
5.12.4 The lowest Bidder shall be informed about
negotiations in writing either through messenger or by
registered letter and e-mail (if available). A minimum time
of seven days shall be given for calling negotiations. In case of
urgency, the Bid evaluation committee, after recording
reasons, may reduce the time, provided the lowest Bidder has
received the intimation and consented to holding of
5.12.5 Negotiations shall not make the original offer made by the
Bidder inoperative. The Bid evaluation committee shall
have option to consider the original offer in case the Bidder
decides to increase rates originally quoted or imposes any
new terms or conditions.
5.12.6 In case of non-satisfactory achievement of rates from lowest
Bidder, the Bid evaluation committee may choose to make a
written counter offer to the lowest Bidder and if this is not
accepted by him, the committee may decide to reject and re-
invite Bids or to make the same counter-offer first to the
second lowest Bidder, then to the third lowest Bidder and so
on in the order of their initial standing in the bid evaluation
and work order be awarded to the Bidder who accepts the
counter offer.
5.12.7 In case the rates even after the negotiations are considered very
high, fresh Bids shall be invited.
5.13 Procuring 5.13.1 The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any
Entity‟s Right Bid, and to annul the Bidding process and reject all Bids at any
to Accept Any time prior to Contract award without assigning any reasons
Bid, and to thereof and without there by incurring any liability to the
Reject Any or Bidders.
All Bids
6. Award of Contract
6.1 Procuring 6.1.1 If the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of
Entity‟s Right procurement or procures less than the quantity specified in the
to Vary Bidding Document due to change in circumstances, the Bidder
Quantities shall not be entitled for any claim or compensation except
otherwise provided in the Bidding Document.
6.1.2 Order for additional quantity of an item of the Works upto 50
percent of the original quantity of that item in the Bill of
Quantities and for extra items not provided for in the Bill of
Quantities may be given but the amount of the additional
quantities and extra items, taken together, shall not exceed 50
percent of the Contract Price.
6.2 Acceptance of 6.2.1 The Procuring Entity after considering the recommendations
the successful of the Bid Evaluation Committee and the conditions of Bid, if
Bid and award any, financial implications, samples, test reports etc., shall
of contract accept or reject the successful Bid.
6.2.2 Before award of the Contract, the Procuring Entity shall
ensure that the price of successful Bid is reasonable and
consistent with the required specifications.
6.2.3 A Bid shall be treated as successful only after the competent
authority has approved the procurement in terms of that Bid.
6.2.4 The Procuring Entity shall award the contract to the Bidder
whose offer has been determined to be the lowest in
accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the Bidding
Document if the Bidder has been determined to be qualified to
perform the contract satisfactorily on the basis of qualification
criteria fixed for the Bidders in the Bidding Document for the
subject matter of procurement.
6.2.5 Prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the
Procuring Entity shall inform the successful Bidder in writing,
by registered post or email, that its Bid has been accepted.
6.2.6 If the issuance of formal letter of acceptance (LOA) is likely
to take time, in the meanwhile a Letter of Intent (LOI) may be
sent to the Bidder. The acceptance of an offer is complete as
soon as the letter of acceptance or letter of intent is posted and/
or sent by email (if available) to the address of the Bidder
given in the Bidding Document.
6.3 Signing of 6.3.1 In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to the
Contract successful Bidder, it shall also be requested to execute an
agreement in the format given in the Bidding Document on a
non-judicial stamp of requisite value at his cost and deposit the
Performance Security or a Performance Security Declaration,
if applicable, within a period specified in the BDS or where the
period is not specified in the BDS, then within fifteen days
from the date on which the LOA or LOI is dispatched to the
Bidder. In case the successful bidder is a JV still to be legally
constituted, all parties to the JV shall sign the Agreement.
6.3.2 If the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a
written procurement contract or fails to furnish the required
Performance Security or Performance Security Declaration
within the specified time period, the Procuring Entity shall
forfeit the Bid Security of the successful bidder/ execute the
Bid Securing Declaration and take required action against it as
per the provisions of the Act and the Rules.
6.3.3 The Bid Security, if any, of the Bidders whose Bids could not
be accepted shall be refunded soon after the contract with the
successful Bidder is signed and his Performance Security is
obtained. Until a formal contract is executed, LOA or LOI
shall constitute a binding contract.
6.4 Performance 6.4.1 Performance Security shall be solicited from the successful
Security Bidder except State Govt. Departments and undertakings,
corporations, autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-
operative societies which are Owned or controlled or managed
by the State Government and undertakings of Central
Government. However, a Performance Security Declaration
shall be taken from them. The State Government may relax the
provision of Performance Security in particular procurement.
6.4.2 (i) The amount of Performance Security shall be ten percent,or
as specified in the BDS, of the amount of the Work Order. The
currency of Performance Security shall be Indian Rupees, if
otherwise not specified in BDS.
(ii) If the Bid, which results in the lowest evaluated bid price,
is seriously unbalanced or front loaded in the opinion of the
Procuring Entity, the Procuring Entity may require the Bidder
to produce detailed price analysis for any or all items of the
Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate the internal consistency of
those prices with the construction methods and schedule
proposed. After evaluation of the price analysis, taking into
consideration the schedule of estimated Contract payments, the
Procuring Entity may require that the amount of the
performance security be increased (to a maximum of 20% of
the bid value of such items) at the expense of the Bidder to a
level sufficient to protect the Procuring Entity against financial
loss in the event of default of the successful Bidder under the
(iii) (a) In addition to Performance Security as specified in rule
75, an Additional Performance Security shall also be taken
from the successful bidder in case of unbalanced bid. The
Additional Performance Security shall be equal to fifty
percent of Unbalanced Bid Amount. The Additional
Performance Security shall be deposited in lump sum by
successful bidder before execution of Agreement. The
Additional Performance Security shall be deposited through
e-Grass, Demand Draft, Banker''s Cheque, Government
Securities or Bank Guarantee (Inserted by Finance
Department Order Dated October 22,2021)
Explanation: For the purpose of this rule, -
i. Unbalanced Bid means any bid below more than fifteen
percent of Estimated Bid Value.
ii. Estimated Bid Value means value of subject matter of
procurement mention in bidding documents by Procuring
iii. Unbalanced Bid Amount means positive difference of
eighty five percent of Estimated Bid Value minus Bid
Amount Quoted by the bidder.

(b) The Additional Performance Security shall be refunded to

the contractor after satisfactory completion of entire work. The
Additional Performance Security shall be forfeited by the
Procuring Entity when work is not completed within stipulated
period by the contractor. Provision for Unbalanced Bid and
Additional Performance Security shall be mentioned in the
Bidding Documents by the Procuring Entity.
6.4.3 Performance Security shall be furnished in one of the
following forms as applicable-
i. Deposit through eGRAS; or
ii. Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank
in India; or
iii. National Savings Certificates and any other script/
instrument under National Savings Schemes for
promotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in
Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged under the
relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their
surrender value at the time of Bid and formally
transferred in the name of the Procuring Entity with
the approval of Head Post Master; or
iv. Bank guarantee. It shall be got verified from the
issuing bank. Other conditions regarding bank
guarantee shall be same as specified in ITB Sub-
Clause 3.10 [Bid Security]; or
v. Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank. It
shall be in the name of the Procuring Entity on
account of Bidder and discharged by the Bidder in
advance. The Procuring Entity shall ensure before
accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt that the Bidder
furnishes an undertaking from the bank to make
payment/ premature payment of the Fixed Deposit
Receipt on demand to the Procuring Entity without
requirement of consent of the Bidder concerned. In
the event of forfeiture of the Performance Security,
the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with
interest earned on such Fixed Deposit.
vi. The successful Bidder at the time of signing of the
Contract agreement, may submit option for deduction
of Performance Security from each running and final
bill @ 10%/as per clause 1 of GCC.
vii. In case of amendment order regarding
Performance Security issued by Finance
department, shall be binding to contractor.
6.4.4 Performance Security furnished in the form of a document
mentioned at options i. to v. of Sub-Clause 6.4.3 above, shall
remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of
completion of all contractual obligations of the Bidder,
including defect liability period, operation and/ or maintenance
Period, if any.
6.4.5 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned
Performance Security or sign the Contract shall constitute
sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the Bid Security. In that event the Procuring
Entity may either cancel the procurement process or if deemed
appropriate, award the Contract at the rates of the lowest
Bidder, to the next lowest evaluated Bidder whose offer is
substantially responsive and is determined by the Procuring
Entity to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
6.4.6 Forfeiture of Performance Security: Amount of
Performance Security in full or part may be forfeited in the
following cases:-
i. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement
in accordance with ITB Clause 6.3 [Signing of Contract]
within the specified time; after issue of letter of
acceptance; or
ii. when the Bidder fails to commence the Works as per
Work order within the time specified; or
iii. when the Bidder fails to complete Contracted Works
satisfactorily within the time specified; or
iv. when any terms and conditions of the Contract is
breached; or
v. Failure by the Bidder to pay the Procuring Entity any
established dues under any other contract; or
vi. if the Bidder breaches any provision of the Code of
Integrity as specified for the Bidders in the Act, Chapter
VI of the Rules and this Bidding Document.
Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture
of Performance Security. The decision of the Procuring
Entity in this regard shall be final.
7. Grievance Handling Procedure during Procurement Process (Appeals)
7 Grievance 7.1 Any grievance of a Bidder pertaining to the procurement
handling process shall be by way of filing an appeal to the First or
procedure Second Appellate Authority, as the case may be, as
during specified in the BDS, in accordance with the provisions of
procurement chapter III of the Act and chapter VII of the Rules and as given
process in Appendix A to these ITB.
FORM No. 1
[See rule 83]
Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012

Appeal No ………of ……………

Before the ………………………… (First / Second Appellate Authority)

1. Particulars of appellant:

(i) Name of the appellant:

(ii) Official address, if any:

(iii) Residential address:

2. Name and address of the respondent(s):
3. Number and date of the order appealed against and name
and designation of the officer / authority who passed the
order (enclose copy), or a statement of a decision, action or
omission of the Procuring Entity in contravention to the
provisions of the Act by which the appellant is aggrieved:
4. If the Appellant proposes to be represented by a representative,
the name and postal address of the representative:
5. Number of affidavits and documents enclosed with the appeal:
6. Grounds of appeal:
……………………………………………… ..................... (Supported by an affidavit)
7. Prayer:
Appellant's Signature
Section II: Bid Data Sheet
This section consists of provisions that are specific to each procurement and supplement theinformation or
requirements included in Section I: Instructor to Bidders

1. Introduction

2. Bidding Documents

3. Preparation of Bids

4. Submission and opening of Bids

5. Evaluation and comparison of Bids

6. Award of contracts

7. Appeals
To be filled in by the Procuring Entity
1. Introduction
ITB 1.1.1 NIT No: - E NIB No. 22 / 2023-24
The Procuring Entity is :
Administrative Department (ACS, Pr. Sec. /Secretary)
ITB 1.4.1 The Joint Ventures are permitted.
Maximum 3 parties are allowed to enter into a Joint Venture.
ITB 1.4.2 Both bidder /JV Partner in case of JV shall be an Indian Firm.
ITB 1.4.3 The Bidder/ each partner of bidder in case of JV shall have to submit copies of a
GST Registration certificate, latest GST return submitted, valid taxes clearance
certificate from the concerned taxation authority and the permanent account
Number (PAN) issued by income tax department of Idia.

ITB 2.1.3 The price of Bidding document is Rs. 30000.00 and it has to be paid in the
following manner:
Bidding Document Price Rs 30000/- being non-refundable in the form of deposit
through eGRAS/ demand draft/ banker‟s cheque in favour of Executive Engineer
Water Resources Division Salumber
Processing fee of Rupees Rs 2500/- being non-refundable in the form of deposit
Through eGRAS/ demand draft/ banker‟s cheque in favour of Managing Director
Rajasthan Comp Info Services Limited (MDRISL).
ITB 2.2.1 On behalf of procuring entity, following shall be authorized to issue any
clarification, if required :
Additional Chief Engineer
Water Resources Zone,
PIN Code – 313001
Telephone 0294-2414794
Email address :

2. Content of Bidding Document

ITB 7.1 Electronic -Procurement System
The Employer shall use the following electronic-procurement system to manage
this Bidding process :
Request for clarification should be received by the Employer no later than date of
pre-bid meeting up to 6:00 pm.
ITB 7.4 A Pre-bid meeting shall take place.
It will be held at office of Additional Chief Engineer, Water Resources Zone
Udaipur, near Akashwani, Chetak Circle 0294-2414794 (O), Udaipur on date
05.09.2023 at 11:00 pm.

3. Preparation of Bids
ITB 3.2.1 The language of the bid shall be English
ITB 3.3.2 The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents with its Technical
i. Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be
in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate
translation of the relevant passages in English language attested &
authenticated by competent authority in India/or an agency appointed by
GoI/GoR/other State Government for such certified translation works.

ii. If the Bidder has submitting any documents, created or originating from
outside the Republic of India, such as work experience certificate(s),
financial detail(s), power of attorney(s), undertaking(s), documentary
evidence(s), qualifying document(s), etc. (collectively “Foreign Documents”)
then the Bidder, before any such Foreign Document(s) are sent to India for
the purpose of applying towards this Project, shall be required to get each and
every page of such Foreign Document(s), duly authenticated/ embossed/
legalized/ notarized from the Indian Embassy/Indian High Commission
situated in the country from where such Foreign Document(s) were created
or are originating from. Such authentication/ embossment/ legalization/
notarization from the Indian Embassy/Indian High Commission shall also
apply to all such document(s) that are in a language other than English,
which shall compulsorily be required to be translated (as the true translated
copies of the original) by a duly certified/ authorized /qualified Translator,
supported by the affidavit of the said translator, certifying the correctness of
the English translation. In case of any inconsistency between the original
Foreign Document and its English translation, the latter shall prevail and be
held binding on such Bidder.

iii. However, in the case of Foreign Document(s) created or originating from

countries that have signed, ratified and have made operational the Hague
Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public
documents, 5 October, 1961 - "Hague Legalization Convention, 1961", the
Bidders may affix an 'Apostle" sticker on each and every page of their
Foreign Document(s) [including all commercial document(s) duly notarized].
Thereafter, the Bidder shall be compulsorily required to get all such
"Apostilled" Foreign Document(s) approved, certified and attested from the
Indian Embassy /Indian High Commission in that country where the 'Foreign
Document(s)' were created or are originated from or the Ministry of External
Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi .
iv. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Bid, the certified
English language translation shall prevail.

Technical Schedules
i. Tech Schedule-1: Method Statement
ii. Tech Schedule-2: Construction Schedule
iii. Tech Schedule-3: Sub Contracting for Sub Contractors
iv. Tech Schedule-4: Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan
v. Tech Schedule-5: Safety Plan
vi. Tech Schedule-6:Environmental Quality Management Plan
ITB 3.3.3 The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents with its properly
bound Financial Bid
The Price Bid consists of four parts as follows, schedule wise rate justification
for each part required:
i. The Bidder shall quote its lump sum cost for Design Build and O&M for
implementing the Project as envisaged in Bid document more precisely as
defined in Employer‟s Requirements for the Project. (The payment schedule
shall be as per the provisions described under SCC)
ii. The defect liability period of this scheme is five year after completion of
work and the Bidder shall quote O&M cost for eight years as follows:
The Bidder shall quote Annual O&M Cost of the Project components. This
shall be a lump sum amount to be quoted at price level prevailing 28 days
prior to Bid Due Date. (However, it is clarified that the actual payments by
Employer during the Operation & Maintenance Period shall be made as per
the provisions described under PCC) During project implementation on
turnkey basis and O&M over 08 year period, all state and central duties,
taxes, and other levies shall be paid by the Bidder/ Contractor and shall be
factored in the Price Bid to be submitted by the Bidder.
ITB 3.4.1 The bidder shall submit the technical bid using the bid submission sheets
provided in section IV(Bidding forms) and financial bid using price bid and its
scheduled as per section VII and are mandatory to be filled by the bidder.
ITB 3.4.2 The bidder shall quote lump sum price in price bid abstract given in price bid.
ITB 3.5.2 The prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed.
ITB 3.6.1 The unit rates and the prices be quoted by the bidders in Indian Rupees only.
ITB 3.9.1 The bid validity period shall be 90 days from deadline for submission of bids.
ITB 3.10.1/ A Bid Security / Bid- Securing Declaration shall be required. A Bid security
3.10.2 declaration shall be required on value of Rs.50/-Stamp issued as under clause(30
of Rajasthan stamp Act 1998.)
(i) For Registered eligible contractor with the department shall be required to
deposit 1/2% of estimated cost of the work i.e INR Rs 71.50 lakhs (Rs
Seventy one lacs fifty thousand) as bid security while bidding
(ii) For eligible registered contractor with other department, 2% of estimated
cost i.e Rs 286.00 lakhs (Rs. Two hundred Eighty six Lacs only) bid security
shall be required to be deposited as bid security while bidding.
(iii) Bid- Security shall be deposited in the form of deposit through eGRAS/
demand draft/ banker‟s cheque, bank guarantee in the specified format from
a Scheduled Bank in India,

ITB 3.11.1 The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall
consist of: Registered Power of Attorney on Judicial Stamp Paper.
4. Submission and Opening of Bids
ITB 4.2.1 The deadline for bid submission is:
Date: 12.09.2023 Time: 06:00 PM
ITB 4.5.1 The online bid opening will be on 13.09.2023 , 3:00 PM onwards at:
Office of Additional Chief Engineer, Water Resources Zone
Email address:,

5. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

6. Award of Contract
ITB 6.4.2 The period within which the Performance Security is to be submitted by the
successful Bidder and the Contract Agreement is to be signed by him from the
date of issue of Letter of Acceptance is 15 Days.
7. Redressal of Grievances (Appeals)
ITB 7.1.1 The designation and complete address of the First Appellate Authority is:
(1) Chief Engineer,
Water Resources Department, Rajasthan Jaipur
The designation and complete address of the Second Appellate Authority is:
(2) Additional Chief Secretary,
Water Resources, Rajasthan Jaipur
Telephone 0141-2227609
Email address:,
Section III: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
A. Evaluation Criteria
1.1 The successful bidder will be the lowest evaluated responsive bid which qualifies
technical evaluation.
1.2 Adequacy of Technical Proposal
Evaluation of the Bidders technical proposal will include as assessment of the bidders technical
capacity to mobilize key equipment and personnel for the contract consistent with its proposal
regarding work methods, scheduling and material sourcing in sufficient detail.

B. Qualification Criteria
The Procuring Entity may include other qualification criteria also as per the requirement of the
nature of the concerned Works.
1. Eligibility:

Compliance Requirements
Joint Venture Documents
Single Entity All Partners Each Lead
Criteria Requirement Submission /
Combined Partner partner Requirements

i) Nationality Nationality in accordance with ITB Must meet Existing or Must meet Must meet As per forms ELI 1,
sub-Clause 1.4.2 requirement intended JV must requirement requirement ELI 2 with
meet requirement attachments.
ii) Conflict of No conflicts of interest in accordance Must meet Existing or Must meet Must meet Letter of Bid(As
Interest with ITB Sub-clause 1.4.3 requirement intended JV must requirement requirement per circular date
meet requirement 04.02.2013 of
ure A&B should
be inserted in the
iii) Debarment/ Must declare Must declare Must declare Must Must declare Declaration form
Transgression by ITB Sub-clause 1.4.4 shall prevail declare given in the Bidding
any Procuring Document
2. Pending Litigation:

Pending Continuous pending litigation history Must meet Not applicable Must meet Must meet Form LIT -1
Litigation means litigation initiated before a court of requirement by requirement by requirement by
law within last 7 years (2016-17 to 2022- itself or as itself or as itself or as
23) ending on the date last day of partner to past partner to past partner to past
previous month (31.07.2023) prior to date Or existing JV Or existing JV Or existing JV
of invitation of NIB

Note:- In case of pending litigation for 3 or more different works with respect to agreements, such bidders shall be treated as non – responsive.

3. Financial Requirement:
Compliance Requirements Documents Submission /
Joint Venture Requirements
Single Entity All Partners Other Lead
Combined Partner partner
(i) Historical Submission of audited accounts for the last 5financial Must meet Not Must meet Must Form FIN-1 with
Financial years (years 2017-18 to 2022-23) to Demonstrate the current requirement applicable requirement meet attachments
Performance soundness of the Bidders financial position and its requireme
(positive net prospective long-term profitability. As a minimum, a nt
worth) Bidder's net worth calculated as the difference between total
assets and total liabilities must be positive.
(ii) Average (a)Average Annual Turnover over the last 7 financial years Must meet Must meet Must meet at Must Form FIN-2
Annual should not be less than 35% of bid value amount Rs 50.03 requirement requirement least 15% of meet at
Turn over Crore. the least 51%
Total financial turnover during last 7 financial years (2016-17 to requirement of the
2022-23) on current price level shall be worked out as under
Financial year
Annual turnover at …………current year price
Annual Turn Over

2016-2017 A 1.6 A
2017-2018 B 1.5 B
2018-2019 C 1.4 C
2019-2020 D 1.3 D
2020-2021 E 1.2 E
2021-2022 F 1.1 F
2022-2023 G 1.0 G

(b).The applicant shall have experience of successfully and satisfactorily Must meet Must meet Must meet at Must meet at Form
completion,as contractor or sub-contractor duly authorized by the requirement requirement least 15% of least 51% of FIN-2
department,to the contract(s) of a nature and complexity comparable to the the the
proposed contract within last 7 years (2016-17 to 2022-23) ending on the requirement requirement
last day of previous month (31.07.2023) prior to date of invitation of NIB.
Present value of work (Bid) shall be updated to current value which will be
worked out which is as under:-
Year Value of Present value of work at
work 2023-24 current price level
2016-17 A 1.6 A
2017-18 B 1.5 B
2018-19 C 1.4C
2019-20 D 1.3D
2020-21 E 1.2E
2021-22 F 1.1F
2022-23 G 1.0G

Specific Construction experience

(i) One similar nature completed work costing not less than 80% of bid
value i. e. Rs.114.36 Crore and quantities as per following table at 3(II)
(ii) .Twosimilar nature completed work each costing not less than 50% of
bid value i. e. Rs. 71.47 Crore and quantities for each work as per
following table at 3(II) (c).
(iii) Threesimilar nature completed work each costing not less than 40% of
bid value i. e. Rs. 57.18Crore and quantities for each work as per
following table at 3(II) (c).

Within last 7 years (2016-17 to 2022-23.) ending on the date last day of
previous month (31.07.2023) prior to date of invitation of NIB which have
been completedworks of similar nature complexity and methodology.
(c) Construction Experience in Key Activities
From the above or other completed contracts of similar nature and complexity executed during last seven years (2016-17 to 2022-23) ending on the date last day of
previous month 31.07.2023 prior to date of invitation of NIB, a minimum construction experience is desired in the following key activities:
S. No. Description Quantity Qty executed under Qty executedunder each of Qty executedunder each of
Single completed work. (60%) Two completed works.(40%) Three completed works (30%)
1 2 3 4 5 6
i RCC 38259 cum 22955 cum 15303 cum 11478 cum

Ii Plain CC 26825 cum 16095 cum 10730 cum 8047 cum

iii Steel 2843119 kg 1705871 kg 1137248 kg 852936 kg

iv Tunnel Exacavation 67822 cum 40693 cum 27129 cum 20347 cum
v Tunnel Lining 22759 cum 13655 cum 9104 cum 6828 cum
 Each JV partner should fulfill at least two of the above key activities in case of key activities being 5 or more than 5 and one key
activity if less than 5 key activities.

1. In case allotted work is not completed within stipulated time period and the delay has been attributed to contractor as per time extension sanctioned by competent authority, the
eligible cost and quantities of such work(s) shall be considered as 75 % value of the work(s).
2. Works which have been substantially completed i.e. physically and financially completion is more than 75 % of allotted work within stipulated time period shall be considered as
completed for the evaluation purpose.
3. Completion Certificate Issued by Executive Engineer or equivalent of State Government / Central Government /PSU , giving item wise detail of contract completed
successfully/satisfactorily should be appended. The status of time extension granted if any and delay attributed to contractor should be clearly mentioned in the certificate.For works
as per note no 2 (which have been substantially completed 75%),the relevant certificate has to be verified & counter signed by concerned Superintending Engineer.
4. The bidder shall identify & submit statement of completed works so as to establish the item wise fulfillment of the abovementioned qualification criteria(form No EXP - 2(a) & 2(b)).
5. For specific construction experience(Clause 3.(II).b & c), nature and complexity is further clarified as below:
a) In case of earthwork for embankment the work shall be treated of similar nature and complexity which involve watering and compaction.
b) Concrete (P.C.C. / R.C.C./PCC Block) executed canal lining, dams, spillways, anicuts, WHS, canal aquaduct, syphon and its components as any other water retaining
structures will be treated of similar nature.
c) In case of item of excavation in hard rock requiring blasting / control blasting the quantities executed for excavation of foundation of dams, spillways, anicuts WHS, canal
aquaduct, syphon and its components and any other water retaining structures will be treated of similar nature.
d) For excavation of tunnel work Quantities executed for tunnel excavation shall be considered.
e) For Masonry work: - Masonry work of spillway, retaining wall, non over flow, CD works,dams, anicuts WHS, canal aquaduct, syphon and its components and any other
water retaining structures will be treated of similar nature.
6. Any specified item will only be considered as key component if its estimated cost is at least 10% value of whole work.
7. For pressure distribution pipe network experience of pressure distribution network (PDN)both irrigation and water supply work shall be considered as similar nature work.
8. For laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of HDPE / DI / MS pipes for Main pipe line , experience of laying Main pipe line both irrigation and water supply work shall be
considered as similar nature work.
9. For steel gate work, experience of fabrication and installation of gates of spill way / sluice / regulator / CD shall be considered as similar nature work.
10. The cost and quantum of work executed as a JV partner shall be considered only to the extent of percentage proportion and share as in respective JV agreement.
11. MOU:- Bidder or lead bidder may submit MOU with manufacturer having experience in supply, installation, commissioning and satisfactory operation record of at least 2 years
for specified works i.e. SCADA, Pumps, Solar etc., when such provision has been specifically kept in the bid document.
Compliance Requirements Document
Single Joint Venture s
Entity Joint Other Lead Submissio
Venture Partner Partner n/
AllPartners Requirem
Combined ents
iii) Financial Resources Using Forms FIN-3 and FIN- 4 in Section IV (Bidding Must meet Must meet Must meet Must meet at Form FIN-
Forms) the Bidder must demonstrate access to, or requireme requirement at least 15% least 51% of 3
availability of, financial resources such as liquid nt of the the
assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and requirement requirement
other financial means, other than any contractual advance
payments to meet:
The bidder must have access to bank credit limit (1fund
and non-fund based) to the extent of a minimum Rs
11.91 Crore. The certificate of credit Limit issued by
bank shall be of period within 3 Months from date of
submission of pre-qualification bid.
The bidder/ joint Venture Partner (in case of JV) shall be
a profitable firm at least 5 out of 7 financial years. Also,
the Bidder/ each JV partner shall not be under Corporate
Debit Restructuring / Statutory Debit Restructuring
during last 7 financial years. A declaration duly certified
& signed by the Chartered Accountant shall be submitted
by the bidder along with the price bid.
Net worth (latest) Must meet Must meet Must meet Must meet at
The bidder/one partner must have a minimum positive requireme requirement at least 15% least 51% of
net worth of Rs 14.29 Crore. (10% of bid amount). A nt of the the
declaration duly certified and signed b charted requirement requirement
accountant shall be submitted.
4. Experience:
Compliance Requirements Documents
Single Joint Venture Submission /
Criteria Requirement
Entity All Partners Each Lead Requirements
Combined Partner partner
(i) General Experience under contracts in the role of contractor and Must meet Not Must meet Must meet Form Exp-I
Construction subcontractor for at least the last seven year (2016-17 to 2022- requirement applicable requirement requirement
Experience 23)ending on the last day of previous month (31.07.2023) prior to
date of invitation of NIB.

5. Bid Capacity
Bidders who meet the minimum qualification criteria shall be qualified only if their available bid capacity at the time of bidding is more than the total
estimated cost of the works for which bid is submitted. The available bid capacity shall be calculated as under:
Assessed Available Bid Capacity = (A*N*2 – B)
A = Maximum value of works executed in any one year during the last seven years (updated to the current price level 2023-24) taking
into account the completed work as well as works in progress;
N = completion period of the Works for which the bid has been invited in number of years, and

B = Value at current price level of the existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the next N years.
4. Personnel:
S. Position Educational Qualifications Experience on Mandated by Mandated by bidders in JV Total
No. required similar work years / the Single one Partner- Partne Personnel
No bidder partner I r-II
1 Project Team Leader Graduate/ post graduate in Engineering + 10 years on various Must meet Must Not Not 1
desirable: project qualifications. Engineering requirement meet applicab applic
Management works(Specilist in requirem le able
2 Project Management expert Graduate/ post graduate dam related work) ent 2
3 Structure Engineer (for civil work Graduate/ post graduate in 10 yr experience on 2
design) Engineering major projects
4 Civil Engineer/Quantity evalution Graduate/ post graduate in 10 yr experience on 2
engineer Engineering major projects
(Specilist in dam
related work)
5 Electrical Engineer Graduate/ post graduate in 10 yr experience on 2
Engineering major projects
6 Mechanical Engineer Graduate/ post graduate in 10 yr experience on 2
Engineering + major projects
7 Safety Engineer/officer Diploma 5 yr 4
8 Electronics/ Instrumentation Graduate/ post graduate in 10 yr experience on 1
Engineer Engineering major projects
9 DGPS surveyor Diploma in civil Engineering 5 years 4
10 Site Engineers BE (Civil ,Electrical, Mechanical) 5 years 4
11 Quantity surveyor Diploma in civil Engineering 5 years 5
12 Quality Control Engineer Engg.+ safety 5 years 5
13 Public relation officer Master in journalist and mass 5 years 2
1. If Project Manager is himself/ herself is a Subject Matter Specialist, then a separate Subject Matter Specialist will not be required
2. After commissioning of the project, the bidder shall have to continue engaging as elaborated in scope of work for O&M period.
3. The bidder shall submit a declaration in this respect regarding engagement of such professionals during execution of work, if the same are presently not
employed. Declaration to be given in Dec-1.
Suggestive Duties:
1. Project Manager: Overall project coordination and monitoring to ensure completion in time and
given cost. He will be Contractor‟s authorized representative at the Site. He will be a Civil/
Mechanical or Electrical / Electronics Engineer.

2. Subject Matter Specialist: to be a project specialist on designs, i.e., structural engineer for
buildings/ bridges, Mechanical Engineer for Industrial projects and Electrical or Power transmission
Engineer for Power sector projects, Civil or Mechanical Engineer for water supply and sewerage
projects, Irrigation Engineer for dams and canals etc.

3. Materials/ Quality Investigation Engineer: Civil Engineer good at materials and all kinds of
subsoil/ geo tech investigations. Sampling, testing, compliance to Quality Assurance Plan, surveys,
investigations, Compliance to specifications, drawings and designs.

4. Quantity Surveyor cum safety Engineer: Estimating, billing, variations, safety at site operations,

5. Others: Other as required as per subject matter of the Works.

[For works costing more than Rs 25 crore: An Architect ( B. Arch.) with 5 years’ experience
for building works, an electrical and a water supply and sanitary Engineer on requirement
call, a pre-stressing engineer for bridges, a Bitumen Engineer for highways, Foundation
Engineer for Industrials works etc. be included.]

6. Machinery & Equipment:

(a) Suggestive list of equipment required in the field laboratory
S.N. Equipment Min. Nos.
For Building Construction Projects
1. IS sieves set complete in all respect with lid/pan: 5 set

2. Cube moulds 70 mm for mortar 10

3. Cube moulds for CC 150 mm 81
4. Compression testing machine 200t 3
5. Electronic/digital balance 1 kg with least count of 0.01g 3
6. Electronic / digital balance 5 kg 3
7. Pan balance with weight box 5 kg. 3
8. Enameled tray 30
9. Oven (300oC) thermostatically controlled, sensitivity 1oC 3
10. Slump cone 20
11. First Aid Box 5
12. Vicat Apparatus 3
13. Room cooling equipment for temperature control 6
14. Atterberg Limit Apparatus 3
For Road Construction Projects:
1. Additional -IS sieves with lid/pan: Size in mm: 125, 106, 75, 50, 40, 2set
31.5, 25, 22.4, 20, 16, 12.5, 10, 8.6, 8, 6.7, 6.3, 4.75,2.8,5.6, 125, and
38 micron,
2. Balance 20 kg with 1 gm accuracy 5
3. Proving ring 10kg, 50kg,100kg capacity 5 each
S.N. Equipment Min. Nos.
4. Dial Gauge 25 mm, 50 mm travel (sensitivity 0.01 mm /division) 3 each
5. Water bath (Electrically operated and thermostatically controlled) , 3 each
water still ( capacity 4 lit/hour)
6. Thermometers:-Metallic type (Mercury in steel) with 300mm stem 20
for near and distant readings.
Glass type ( mercury in glass) range of 110oC to 250oC
7. Glassware: Flasks, beakers, Graduated cylinders, spatulas, wire gauges, 3 sets
scoops, steel scales, measuring tapes (30m, 15m, 5m), filter paper, glass
marking pencils, heat resistant hand gloves, vernier calipers etc. Table
8. Camber boards 3 m long 6
9. Straight Edge 3 m long 3
10. Thickness gauge 3
11. Precision Level and staff, total station/theodolite 2 set each
12. Rapid moisture meter. 2 set
13. Liquid limit device 2
14. Post hole auger (100 mm dia) 2
15. Sampling Pipette 10 ml. 2
16. B.S. Compaction apparatus 2
17. Sand replacement equipment. 6
18. Lab CBR equipment 3
19. Core 100 mm cutter. 6
20. Flakiness and Elongation gauges 3
21. Aggregate Impact value apparatus. 3
22. Digging tools pickaxe, pan, axe, shovels, LS
23. Uppal‟s Syringe for PI 3
24 Pocket Penetrometer 3
25. Tack coat trays 10
26. Bitumen extraction apparatus with consumables. 3
27. Bitumen viscometer. 3
28. Thread 500m
29. Sieves for wet sieve analysis. 3set
30. Sieve shaker 3
31. Steel tapes 50 m 6
32. Steel tapes 5m 20
33. All relevant BIS, IRC or AASTHO codes, 3 copy each
34. Computer, printer , modem and internet 3 set.
35. Others if required:

(b) Suggestive list of Machinery & Equipment required (not more than 5 years old) :For works
costing more than Rs 10 crore
S. N. Equipment Quantity of equipments

General Equipment
1 Excavators , adequate No and suitable capacity 10 No
2 Tippers, 12-40 T 10
3 Tractors with or without tankers/ trolleys. 10
4 EOT Crane as per required 5
5 Mechanical Mortar mixers 5
6 CC batch Mixer plant 30 cum/hr 5
7 CC joint cutter 3
8 Transit mixers for CC 10
9 Steel centering shuttering and interlocking in sqm 4000
10 Scaffolding Yes
11 Erection equipment Yes
12 Construction site safety equipment sufficient
13 Welding equipment Yes
14 Needle vibrator 10 Nos.
15 Tools and tackles Yes
16 First aid kit and equipment /doctor on call Yes
17 Firefighting equipment Yes
18 Telescopic Gantry for tunnel lining 3 nos.
19 Trench less piping Augor Boring Machine 5
20 Mobile crane 20 MT 2
21 Mobile crane 5 MT 4
22 Water Tanker 5000 lit. 10

(c) Suggestive list of survey equipment required

S. No Survey Equipment Minimum No. required.
1. DGPS 2
2. Total Station 5
3. Auto Level with staff 10
4. Measuring Equipment As required.
5. Measuring Tapes 30m 100
6. Steel tape 5m 100
Section IV: Bidding Forms
S. No Particulars Page No.
4.1 Technical Bid Check List
4.2 Letter of Technical Bid
4.3.1 Bid Security (Bank Guarantee Unconditional)
4.3.2 Bid Securing Declaration
4.4.1(a) Form PER-1
4.4.1(b) Form PER-2
4.4.2 Equipment
4.4.3 Site Organization
4.4.4 Method Statement
4.4.5 Mobilization Schedule
4.4.6 Construction Schedule
4.5.1 Form ELI-1
4.5.2 Form ELI-2
4.5.3 Form LIT-1
4.5.4 Form FIN-1
4.5.5 Form FIN-2
4.5.6 Form FIN-3
4.5.7 Form FIN-4
4.5.8 Calculation of Available Bid Capacity
4.5.9 Form EXP-1
4.5.10 Form EXP-2(a)
4.5.11 Form EXP-2(b)
4.6 Sample format for evidence of access to or availability of credit facilities
4.7 Declaration by the Bidder under Sections 7 and 11 of the Act
4.8 Letter of Financial Bid
4.9 Bill of Quantities / Activity Schedule
4.1 Technical Bid [With reference to Section III] Check List
The Technical Bid/ Proposal must necessarily contain scanned copies of all the filled-up forms of
Technical Bid along with attested copies of the relevant referred documents as proof:
1 Letter of Technical Bid.
2 Details of Registration/ Incorporation of the Bidder as firm/ company/ society etc. including
complete address, telephone/ fax/ mobile numbers, e-mail address etc. (enclose copies of
certificate of registration/ incorporation issued by concerned authority like Registrar of Firms,
Registrar of Companies, Registrar of Societies, etc., Memorandum of Association/ Partnership
Deed/ By-laws/ others.
3 Power of Attorney/ Authority authorizing the person signing the Bid.
4 Enlistment details with address and contact details of the enlisting authority (enclose copy of
Enlistment Certificate of appropriate class).
5 Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card issued by Income Tax Department.
6 GST Registration Certificate and GST Clearance Certificate issued by concerned commercial
Taxes Authority of Rajasthan ,valid up to .............................................(mention the required
Date) .
7 If Joint Ventures are allowed, document specifying formal intent to enter into an
agreement or an existing agreement in the form of JV.
8 Instrument of Bid Security/ Bid Securing Declaration instrument.
9 Receipt/ instrument of cost of Bidding Document.
10 Receipt/ instrument of bid processing fee.
11 Audited Statements of Accounts for the past 7 Financial Years
12 Declaration by the Bidder regarding Code of Integrity, Conflict of Interest,
Qualification and Eligibility.
13 Bid capacity statement.
14 Any modifications, substitutions, or withdrawal in the Bid.
15 Financial details (except the Financial Bid) of the Bidder, as requested
16 List of key personnel with recent signed CVs (along with recent colored photograph).
17 List of mechanical and other equipment (owned or leased), as required, with proof of
ownership or confirmed lease.
18 List of laboratory equipment and personnel.
19 Quality Assurance plan including ISO inspections.
20 Mobilization Schedule.
21 Construction Schedule (on MS Project or other similar software).
22 Qualifying works experience.
23 Construction safety plan (subject to safety audit).
24 Method Statement.
25 All Technical Bidding forms duly completed and digitally signed.
26 Others considered necessary to strengthen the bid.

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.2 Letter of Technical Bid

Technical Bid Submission Sheet

Date: NIB No.:
Alternative No., if permitted:

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Addenda No.
(b) We declare that we fulfill the eligibility and qualification criteria in conformity with the
Bidding Document and offer to execute the following Works as per designs, drawings,
specifications, terms and conditions:
(c) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for the bid submission
deadline in accordance with the Bidding Document, and it shall remain binding upon us and may
be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
(d) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amount of
………percent of the Contract Price, or get it deducted from our running and final bills, or
shall submit a Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be, for the due performance of
the Contract;
(e) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities
of India or other eligible countries;
(f) We are not participating, as Bidder, in more than one Bid for this Works in this bidding
process, other than alternative offers, if permitted, in the Bidding Document;
(g) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the
Contract, have not been debarred by the State Government or the Procuring Entity;
(h) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract is
prepared and executed;
(i) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that
you may receive;
(j) We agree to permit Government of Rajasthan or the Procuring Entity or their representatives to
inspect our accounts and records and other documents relating to the bid submission and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by them;
(k) We declare that we have complied with and shall continue to comply with the provisions of the
Code of Integrity including Conflict of Interest as specified for Bidders in the Rajasthan
Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012, the Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Rules, 2013 and this Bidding Document during the procurement process and
execution of the Works till completion of all our obligations under the Contract;
(l) Other comments, if any:

In the capacity of:
Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf of:
Complete Address
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
4.3.1 Bid Security (Bank Guarantee Unconditional)
Form of Bid Security
[insert Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]
Beneficiary: [insert Name and Address of Procuring Entity]
Date: [insert date]
BID GUARANTEE No.: [insert number]
We have been informed that [insert name of the Bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder")
has submitted to you its bid dated [insert date] (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the
execution of [insert name of contract] under Notice Inviting Bids No. [insert NIB number]
(“the NIB”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid
At the request of the Bidder, we [insert name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any
sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of --
-------- [insert amount in figures][insert amount in words] upon receipt by us of your first
demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of
its obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder:
(a) has withdrawn or modified its Bid after deadline for submission of bids, during the period of bid
validity specified by you in the Bid Data Sheet (hereinafter “the BDS”);or
(b) having been notified during the period of bid validity specified in the BDS, about the acceptance
of its Bid by you,
(i) failed or refused to execute the Contract Agreement within the time period specified in the BDS,
(ii) failed or refused to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders (hereinafter “the ITB”) within the time period specified in the BDS, or
(c) has not accepted the correction of arithmetical errors in accordance with the ITB; or
(d) has breached a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in the RTPP Act, RTPP Rules
and the ITB.
This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the
contract signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the
Bidder; and (b) if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy
of your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty days after the
expiration of the validity of the Bidder‟s bid.
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at theoffice on or
before that date.
[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]
[insert complete name of person signing the Bid Security]
In the capacity of:
[insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid Security]
Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of
[insert name of the Bank]
Dated on day of ,
[insert date of signing]
Bank‟s Seal
[affix seal of the Bank]
[Note: In case of a Joint Venture, the Bid-Security must be in the name of all partners to
the Joint Venture that submits the bid.]
4.3.2 Bid Securing Declaration
Form of Bid Securing Declaration

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)]

Bid No.: [insert number of bidding process]

Alternative No, if permitted. [Insert identification No if this is a Bid for an alternative]

To: [insert complete name and address of Procuring Entity]

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing

We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract
with you, [insert designation of the Procuring Entity], for the period of time of [insert number of
months or years, as required by the Procuring Entity] starting on [insert date], if we are in breach of
our obligation(s) under the bid conditions, more specifically, if we:
(a) withdraw or modify our Bid after deadline for submission of bids, during the period of bid
validity specified in the Bid Data Sheet (hereinafter “the BDS”); or
(b) having been notified during the period of bid validity specified in the BDS, about the acceptance
of our Bid by you,
(i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract Agreement within the time period specified in the BDS,
(ii) fail or refuse to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders (hereinafter “the ITB”) within the time period specified in the BDS,
(c) not accept the correction of arithmetical errors in accordance with the ITB; or
(d) Breach a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in the RTPP Act, RTPP Rules and the ITB.
We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon
the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii)
thirty days after the expiration of our Bid.

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon
the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii)
thirty days after the expiration of our Bid.

Signed: _
[Insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]
[Insert complete name of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration]
In the capacity of:
[Insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration]
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: _
[Insert complete name and address of the Bidder]
Dated on day of ,
[Insert date of signing]
Corporate Seal _
[Affix corporate seal of the bidder]

[Note: In case of a Joint Venture, the Bid-Securing Declaration must be in the name of all
partners to the Joint Venture that submits the bid.]
4.3.3 Bill of Quantities (Activity Schedule in case of Lump Sum Contract)
1. The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) shall be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract
(General and Special), Technical Specifications (including BIS and IRC), design and
2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to
provide a common basis for bidding, The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of
work ordered and carried out by the Contractor and as measured and verified by the
Engineer- in-charge and valued at the rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of
Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates and prices as the Engineer-in-
charge may fix within the terms of the Contract.
3. The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except in so far as it is
otherwise provided under the Contract, include all constructional plant, labour supervision,
materials, machinery & equipment, T&P, quality assurance, erection, defect liability,
maintenance, insurance, profit, taxes and duties, together with all general risks, liabilities and
obligations set out or implied in the Contract.
4. The rates and prices shall be quoted in the units indicated and entirely in Indian Rupees.
5. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the
items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities, including miscellaneous items involved in the
concerned item, and items not mentioned in the BOQ but required to be executed will be
considered as variation items.
6. General directions and descriptions of works and materials are not necessarily repeated or
summarized in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the contract
documentation shall be made before entering rates or prices against each item in the Bill of
Quantities. The execution of various items shall be in full conformance to the relevant
specifications and codes, drawings and designs as confirmed through sampling and testing
and the third-party quality inspection as per ISO 17020.
7. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be in accordance with IS
8. In case of Lump Sum Contract, the payments shall be linked to completion of various stages
of the Works as per design, drawings and specifications.
9. For works for which a maintenance period is also specified in addition to the defect liability
period. The regular maintenance may become a part of the BOQ of the Contact as a lump sum
amount per annum to be paid on quarterly basis.

4.4 Bid/Proposal
A bid must necessarily contain the following:
1. Proof of payment of bid security.
2. Proof of payment of cost of bidding document.
3. Proof of payment of bid processing fee, in case of E-procurement.
4. Bid capacity stipulations.
5. Any modifications, substitution or withdrawal.
6. Mobilization schedule.
7. Construction schedule.
8. Construction safety plan(subject to safety audit)
9. Method statements
10. Completed bid document as procured or downloaded beginning with contain,
properly bound page number, each page signed by the authorized signatory(including
original of the valid power of Attorney/authority) and theseal of the bidder
11. Others considered necessary to strengthen the bid.
4.4.1 Personnel
Bidders should provide the names of suitably qualified personnel to meet the requirements specified in
Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria). The data on their experience should be supplied using
the Form below for each candidate.

(a) Form PER – 1: Proposed Personnel

[As listed in Section III: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria]
S.No. Title and Name

Signature of Authorised Signatory

(b) Form PER – 2: Resume of Proposed Personnel (attach a recent passport size
coloured photo)

Personnel Name Date of birth

Professional qualifications (attach a copy of Degree/Diploma)

Present Name of Procuring Entity

Address of Procuring Entity
Telephone Contact (Manager /
Personnel officer)

Fax E-mail
Job title Years with present
Procuring Entity

Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate

particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project:-

From To Company / Project / Position / Relevant technical and

management experience

Signature of the person ……

Countersigned by the Bidder
4.4.2 Equipment

The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability to meet
the requirements for the key equipment listed in Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria). A
separate Form shall be prepared for each item of equipment listed, or for alternative equipment
proposed by the Bidder.

Item of Equipment

Equipment Information Name of manufacturer Model and power

Capacity Year of manufacture

Current Status Current location

Details of current

Source Indicate source of the

equipment (Owned or
Add the following information for equipment to be taken on confirmed lease by the bidder
Owner Name of owner
Address of owner
Telephone Contact name and title
Fax Telex /e-mail id
Agreements Details of rental/ lease /
manufacture agreements
specific to the project

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.4.3 Site Organization:
[Comment on site office, Quality Control Laboratory, Procuring Entity’s site office, labour
camps, safety plan, Security, storage of material, enabling services etc.]

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.4.4 Method Statement

[State the methodological process to execute the key items of works].

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.4.5 Mobilization Schedule

[Preferably in the form of a bar chart]

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.4.6 Construction Schedule

[On MS Project or other similar software indicating the critical path]

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5 Bidder’s Qualification
To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the corresponding
Information Sheets included hereunder.

4.5.1 Form ELI – 1: Bidder’s Information Sheet


Bidder‟s legal name

In case of JV, legal name of

each partner

Bidder‟s country of

Bidder‟s year of constitution

Bidder‟s legal address in

country of constitution

Bidder‟s authorized
representative (name, address,
telephone numbers, fax numbers,
Attached are attested copies of the following original documents:

1. In case of single entity, certificate of registration/ incorporation and

memorandum of association or constitution of the legal entity named above.

2. Authorization to represent the firm or JV named in above.

3. In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement.

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.2 Form ELI – 2 : JV Information Sheet

Attach the Letter of Intent to form JV or certificate of registration/ incorporation andmemorandum of

association or constitution of the legal entity, if JV is already in existence.

Each member of a JV must fill in this form


Bidder‟s legal name

JV Partner‟s or Subcontractor‟s legal


JV Partner‟s financial share in the JV

JV Partner‟s or Subcontractor‟s
country of constitution

JV Partner‟s or Subcontractor‟s year

of constitution

JV Partner‟s or Subcontractor‟s legal

address in country of constitution

JV Partner‟s or Subcontractor‟s
authorized representative
information(name, address, telephone
numbers, fax numbers, e-mail address)

Attached are attested copies of the following original documents:

1. Certificate of registration/ incorporation and memorandum of association

or constitution of the legal entity named above.

2. Authorization to represent the firm named above.

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.3 Form LIT 1- Pending Litigation

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

(To be certified by the statutory auditors of the Bidder)

Pending Litigation

• No pending litigation in accordance with Section III (Evaluation and Qualification


• Pending litigation in accordance with Section III (Evaluation and

Qualification Criteria)
Year Matter in Dispute Value of Pending Claim Value of Pending Claim as
in INR a Percentage of Net Worth

Signature and notarized seal Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.4 Form FIN – 1: Financial Situation

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

(To be certified by the statutory auditors of the Bidder)
Year Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Year 7:
Item 2016-2017 2017-18 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023

Information from Balance Sheet in Rupees

(in case of bidders and JV partners from outside India, data to be converted at the exchangerate
prevailing 28 days prior to the deadline of submission of the bids)

Total Assests
Total Liabilities
Net Worth
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Other as required

Information from Profit & Loss Account/ Income & Expenditure Statement

Total Operating Revenues /

Profit /Excess of Income
over Expenditure before
Profit /Excess of Income
over Expenditure after Taxes
Others as required
Attached are attested copies of audited financial statements (balance sheets including all
related notes, and Profit & Loss Account/ Income & Expenditure Statement) for the last
……..years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions:
• All such documents reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or partner to a JV, and
not sister or parent companies.
• Historic financial statements must be audited by a chartered accountant.
• Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial
• Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed
And audited. (No statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

Seal and Signature of the Statuary auditors Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.5 Form FIN – 2 : Average Annual Construction Turnover in Rupees

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

(To be certified by the statutory auditors of the Bidder)

Annual Turnover Data for the last 7 years ( Construction works only)
Year Amount-Rupees







Average Annual

The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder or each member of a JV in
terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed, at the end of
the period reported. For JV partners from other countries, the conversion to Rupees shall at the rates
prevailing on the 31st. March of that year.

Seal and Signature of the Statuary auditors Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.6 Form FIN – 3 : Financial Resources - Rupees

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of
credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction
cash flow demands of the subject contract as indicated in Section III (Evaluation and Qualification


S.No Source of Financing Amount in Rupees

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.7 Form FIN- 4: Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress

Bidders and each partner to a JV should provide information on their current commitments on all
contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or
for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has yet
to be issued.


Procuring Monthly
Value of
Entity‟s Contact Estimated Invoicing
S.No. Name of Outstanding
Address, Tel., Completion during Last 6
Contract work in
Mobile, Fax, e- Date months
mail id (Rupees per

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.8 Calculation of Available Bid Capacity

Using the following formula the Bidder must calculate his available Bid Capacity:-

Assessed Available Bid Capacity: (A*N*2 – B)


A= Maximum value of works executed in any one year during the last seven years (updated to the
current price level 2023-2024) taking into account the completed as well as works in progress;

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are invited, and

B = Value at current price level of the existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during
the next N years (period of completion of the work for which bids have been invited)

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.9 Form EXP – 1: General Construction Experience

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form


Starting Ending Years Contract Identification and Name Role of Bidder
Month Month Name and Address of Procuring
Year Year Entity Brief Description of the
Works Executed by the Bidder

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.10 Form EXP – 2(a): Specific Construction ExperienceNote:
Please fill up one sheet per contract


Contract No.......... Contract Identification

Award Date Completion Date

Role in Contract Contractor / Management Contractor / Subcontractor

Total Contract Amount INR

If partner in a JV or subcontractor, Percent of Amount

specify participation of total contract Total

Procuring Entity‟s Name, Address,

Telephone Number, Fax Number, E-
mail address

Description of Similarity in accordance with criteria 4(ii) (a), Section III

Similarity, size, nature complexity

[The Procuring Entity should insert
here contract size, complexity,
methods, technology or other
characteristics as described in Section
VI (Procuring Entity „s
Requirements) against which the
Bidder demonstrates similarity in the
box on the right-hand-side.]

Signature of Authorised Signatory

4.5.11 EXP - 2(b) : Specific Construction Experience in Key activities


Contract No .............. of. Contract Identification

Award Date Completion Date

Role in Contract Contractor / Management Contractor / Subcontractor

Total Contract Amount INR

If partner in a JV or subcontractor, Percent of Total Amount

specify participation of total contract
Procuring Entity‟s Name, Address,
Telephone Number, Fax Number, E-
mail address

Description of the Key-activities in accordance with Criteria 4(ii) (b) of Section III

[The Procuring Entity should

insert here production rate(s) for
the Key activities in the subject
contract against which the
Bidder demonstrates in the box on the
right-hand-side. production
rate(s) achieved by him on
previous contracts)

Signature of Authorized Signatory

4.6 Sample format for evidence of access to or availability of credit facilities


FACILITIES (to individual firms or each partner of a JV by his bank)


Name of the Bank with Branch address …………………………………


This is to certify that M/s ............................................................ is a reputed firm/ company with a

good financial standing.

If the contract for the work, namely …………………………………… is awarded to theabove firm,
we shall be able to provide overdraft/ credit facilities to the extent of Rupees
………….. to meet their working capital requirements for executing the above contractduring the
contract period.



In the capacity of

Telephone No. Fax No. E-mail

Seal of the Bank

4.7 Declaration by the Bidder in compliance of Section 7 & 11 of the Act

Declaration by the Bidder

In relation to our Bid submitted to ........................................ [enter designation and address of

The procuring entity] for procurement of .......................................... [insert name of the Works]
In response to their Notice Inviting Bids No…………… Dated ................................ we hereby declare
Under Section 7 and 11 of the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012, that:

1. We are eligible and possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial
resources and competence required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring

2. We have fulfilled our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Central Government or
the State Government or any local authority, as specified in the Bidding Document;

3. We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have our affairs
administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have our business activities suspended and are
not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons;

4. We do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any criminal
offence related to our professional conduct or the making of false statements or
misrepresentations as to our qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period
of three years preceding the commencement of this procurement process, or not have been
otherwise disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;

5. We do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Rajasthan Transparency in Public

Procurement Act, the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules and this Bidding
Document, which materially affects fair competition;

6. We have complied and shall continue to comply with the Code of Integrity as specified in the
Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, the Rajasthan Transparency in Public
Procurement Rules and this Bidding Document, till completion of all our obligations under the

Date: Signature of Bidder

Place: Name:

4.8 Letter of Financial Bid

Financial Bid Submission Sheet

Date: NIB No.:

Alternative No., if permitted:


We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including
Addenda No.:-
(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Document the following Works:
(c) The total Price for our Bid, excluding any discounts offered, if permitted, in item (d) below

(d) The discounts offered, if permitted, and the methodologies for their application are:
(e) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared
and executed.
(f) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that
you may receive.
(g) Other comments, if any:


In the capacity of:


Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of:

Complete Address


Tel: Fax: E-mail:

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