20200910-XI-Economics-Indian Economu-1 of 2-Handout
20200910-XI-Economics-Indian Economu-1 of 2-Handout
20200910-XI-Economics-Indian Economu-1 of 2-Handout
Q.1) What is meant by Stagnant Economy?
Ans) Handicraft industries, Cotton & Jute Textile Mills, The Tata Iron
and Steel Company (TISCO) are some modern industries which
were in operation in our country at the time of independence.
Q.4) What were the Main causes of India’s agricultural stagnation during the
colonial period?
Ans) The stagnation of India’s agricultural sector was mainly caused by the
following reasons:
Q.5) Explain the Status of India’s agriculture during British rule.
Ans) During British rule, the handicrafts industries in India declined. These
handicrafts were very famous throughout the world. These traditional
handicrafts got set back during the colonial rule. The main reasons for the
decline was introduction of British made goods and ignorance of Indian
Handicrafts Industries.
The British followed the policy of De-industrialization to Ruin Indian
Handicraft Industries for their own benefit.
They transformed India to a mere exporter of raw materials for the upcoming
modern industries in Britain.
They captured India’s growing market for selling the finished products of
British industries.
In this way they exploited India, which resulted in decline of world famous
Indian handicrafts.
Q.7)Name some notable economists who estimated India’s per capita income during
the colonial period.
Ans) As the British government was never interested in upliftment of our country, so
they never took any initiative to measure India’s national and per capita income.
Though some of the economists tried to estimate India’s national income and per capita
income during the colonial rule, but the results are mixed and conflicting. The following
are some of the notable economists who were engaged in estimation of national
income and per capita income:
i. Dadabhai Naroji
ii. William Digbay
iii. Findlay Shirras
iv. V.K.R.V Rao
v. R.C. Desai
Out of these, V.K.R.V Rao's estimates are considered to be significant. Most of these
studies revealed that Indian economy grew at even less than two percent during 1900-
50 with half per cent growth in per capita output per year.
Q.8) Critically appraise some of the shortfalls the industrial policy pursued by the British
colonial rule.
Ans) The focus of the industrial policies pursued by the colonial government in India was to
make our country a mere supplier of Britain’s own flourishing industrial base. The policies
were concerned mainly with the advancement of the British economic and political power.
The industrial policy pursued by the British colonial administration had the following
(i)Neglect of Indian Handicraft Industries: The British followed a discriminatory tariff policy
under which they imposed heavy tariffs (export duties) on India’s export of handicraft
products while allowed free export of India’s raw material to Britain and free import of
finished products from Britain to India. This made Indian exports costlier and its
international demand fell drastically loading to the collapse of handicrafts industries. Also,
Indian handicrafts faced stiff competition from machine-made textiles of Britain.(ii)Lack of
Investment in Modern Indian Industries: The modern industries in India demanded
investments in capital goods and technology that were beyond the means of Indian
investors. British Government was least interested in investing in Indian industries as they
never wanted India to become self reliant. Thus due to the lack of sufficient investment, the
growth of Indian industries was severely constrained.
Q.9) Discuss three principal causes of backwardness of the Indian economy
at the time of independence.
Q.10) What were the main features/forms of colonial exploitation?