Ornl TM 2858
Ornl TM 2858
Ornl TM 2858
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T h i s report was prepared os an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States,
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Contract No. W-740%eng-26
APRIL 1970
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
operated by
for the
,5 Page
_- _. Abstract......................'....... 1
i Introduction . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Experimental Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 2
ExperimentalResults. . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Discussion~ofResults . . . . . . . . ...*.. . . . . . . . ..l2
Summary ., . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I@
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . :. . . . l . 20
Content, w-t $
Heat 5065. Heat 5085
Cr 7.2 7.3
Fe 3.9 3.5
MO 16.5 16.7
C 0.065 0.052
Si 0.60 0.58
co 0.08 0.15
W 0.04 0.07
MO 0.55 0.67 -
v 0.22 0.20
P 0.004 o.ooct3
S 0.007 0.004
Al 0.01 0.02
Ti 0.01 < 0.01
CU 0.01 0.01
B bpd 24, 3’7, 38
20, 10
0 0.0016 0.0093
N 0.011 0.013
molten fluoride salt, 65 LiF, 29.1 BeF2, 5 ZrFc, 0.9 UF4 (mole $), at
650°C. There is a control facility &n which the samples are exposed to
static "fuel salt" containing depleted uranium. The temperature follows
that of the MSBE. A second surveillance facility is located outside the
core in a vertical position about 4.5 in. from the vessel. The tempera-
ture is also 65O'C at this location and the thermal flux (< 0.876 Mev)
is 1.0 x 1011 neutrons c.mw2 sec'l and the fast flux (> 1.22 Mev) is
1.6 X 1011 neutrons cmw2 see-l. The environment is nitrogen with 2 to
5% 02, and the Hastelloy N samples have a thin oxide film after exposure.
In order to make fusion welds (no filler metal added) on the irra-
diated tensile specimens, it was necessary to design a special welding
fixture that could be operated remote.ly in a hot cell. We aimed for a
reasonable assurance of good penetration (high percentage of cross sec-
tion of specimen to be weld metal) without specimen distortion.
Figure 1 is a photograph of the welding fixture assembled for use in
the hot cell. As can be seen, the fixture consists of a rigid stand,
motor-driven chuck, specimen support, and a gas tungsten-arc welding
Fig. 1. Welding Equipment Developed for Making Remote Welds.
torch. The upper support has an internal curved surface that contacts
the fillet radius of the tensile sample and keeps the sample aligned
during welding. The torch was connected to a programmedwelding power
supply located outside the‘hot cell. The welding conditions were
adjusted to obtain penetration of about 754 of the sample cross section.
All samples were abraded with &O-grit emery paper and cleaned
with acetone.before welding. We did the final abrasion on each sample
with a clean piece of emery paper in an effort to minim&contamination.
The tensile tests were run on Instron Universal testing machines.
The strain measurementswere taken from the crosshead travel. The test
environment was air in each case.
* t c . cI
Table 2 (continued)
Group 1
0.05 56,600
0.002 40,700
8.6 z
0.05 52,900
0.002 36,900
0.002 38,000
Grow 2
5065 f 7959 b 25 0.05 52,700 55,300 2.5 4.3 19.6 C
5065 f 7957 none 650 0.002 35,400 48,800 6.1 6.8 19.2
5065 f 7958 b 650 0.002 32,700 55,100 10.9 11.3 10.8 :
5085 f 7992 none 25 0.05 48,600 104,200 40.2 40.4 33.2 d
5085 f 7990 b 25 0.05 47,300 112,800 40.5 40.8 26.8 d,e
5085 f 7994 none 650 12.9 13.1 C
5085 f 7991 b 650 0.002 33,100
32,700 55,700
62,300 ii:"2 18.6 13.9 d
Group 3
5065 % 4l58 b 25 0.05 63,700 138,700 43.2 43.4 30.3 C
5065 Q 4155 none 650 0.002 37,500 59,300 9.7 10.4 15.6 C
5065 I3 4162 b 650 0.002 43,200 80,300 19.5 20.1 16.0 c .
5085 g 10,086 b 25 0.05 49,800 105,900 29.9 30.0 15.7 C
5085 g 10,085 none 650 0.002 35,400 61,500 12.7 13.7 10.7 C
5085 63 10,087 b 650 0.002 30,400 70,600 33.3 34.5 18.0 C
c:‘i* . I, , v . c;
Table 3 (continued)
Group 4
5085 h 10,082 none 25 0.05 53,200 121,600 57.0 60.8 18.1 d
5085 h 10,081 none 650 0.002 29,400 56,100 14.5 15.5 14.0 C
Group 5 ',
5085 i 9010 none' 650 0.002 33,700 55,700 10.1 10.7 12.8 C
the fractures were located in the weld metal for the conditions investi-
gated. Group 4, Table 3, involves unirradiated samples welded in the
hot cell. Sample 10,081 is a duplicate. of 10,085 prepared outside the
hot cell and attests to the reproducibility of the welding technique.
Sample10,082 was not given a postweld anneal before testing at 25°C
as was sample 10,086 and the location of fracture changed from the weld
metalto the base metal. Sample9010, Group 5, Table 3, had been
exposed to fluoride salt for 4800 hr at 65O"C, and its good properties
show that no basic problem prevents welding componentsthat have been
exposed to salts.
The samples in Groups 1 and 2, Table 3, were welded after irradia-
tion. These samples generally have lower fracture strains than their
unirradiated counterparts shok in Groups 3, 4, and 5, Table 3. The
fracture strains for heat 5085 tested at 25°C are an exception, since
they are about equal for unirradiated and irradiated welds. The frac-
ture strains for samples from heat 5065 which were irradiated, welded,
and tested at 25°C are quite low (samples 7899 and 7959, Groups 1 and .
2, Table 3).
A comparison of the properties of the irradiated base metal, .
Groups 1 and 2, Table 2, with those of the samples irradiated and
welded, Groups 1 and 2, Table 3, shows that the welds generally have as
high a fracture strain as did irradiated base metal. The poor proper-
ties of heat 5065 at 25°C after welding are again an exception to this
generalization. The fracture strain of samples irradiated, welded,
annealed 8 hr at 870°C, and tested at 650°C is higher than for the
comparable irradiated base metal sample. Note that the fracture loca-
tion in the irradiated ssmple shifts from the weld metalto the base
metal following the postweld anneal of 8 hr at 87OOC. This is in con-
trast to the unirradiated welds where fracture occurred in the weld
metal of both as-welded and postweld annealed samples.
Several of the samples were examined metallographically. The frac-
ture of an unirradiated welded sample is shown in Fig. 2. This sample
was tested at 25°C without postweld annealing, and fracture occurred in
the base metal. The weld area has a larger diameter, indicating that
Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of Sample 10,082. Heat 5085, Unirradiated,
welded in the hot cell and tested at 25°C. Fracture occurred in the base
metal. (a) As polished. (b) Etchant: glyceria regia. 35X.
it is stronger than the base metal under these test conditions. The
fracture of an unirradiated weld sample is shown in Fig. 3. The frac-
ture is across the weld zone and the base metal fracture has both trans-
and intergranular sections. There is also some porosity in the weld
metal. The fracture of an unirradiated welded sample tested at 650°C
is shown in Fig. 4. This sample had been exposed to molten salt for
4800 hr at 65O"C, and the weld looks very sound with only a little
porosity. The intercellular cracks.in the weld metal indicate that the
weld metal did deform.
The fracture of an irradiated sample that fractured as it was .
removed from the welding fixture is shown in Fig. 5. There is some
porosity near the fusion line and some within the weld metal. The
microstructure of another sample that was welded after irradiation is
shown in Fig. 6. This sample was tested at 65O“C, and the fracture was
intergranular and located in the base metal. Again, .there is a large
amount of porosity near the fusion line and in the weld metal. Much
of the porosity near the fusion line is associated with the carbide
stringers that are present. Because of the similar chemical behavior
of carbon and boron, it is quite reasonable to suspect that these
stringers of carbides-would also be enriched in boron. Transmission
electron microscopy of this material shows that helium bubbles are
present in this material (Fig. 7), and the heating may allow enough
diffusion to occur near the fusion line for the bubbles to agglomerate.
and Postirradiation
Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy N Welds," Welding J. (N.Y.) g(5),
203-s-211-s (my 1969).
Cur studies have shown that fusion welds can be made in irradiated
Hastelloy N after exposure to fluoride salts. The rather meager statis-
tics indicate that acceptable welds are not obtained as frequently
in the irradiated material as in the unirradiated samples.
Samples that had been irradiated and welded were found generally
to have as good tensile fracture strain at 25 and 650°C as the base
metal. Welded samples that were given a postweld anneal of 8 hr at
870°C were even more ductile than the irradiated base metal. At 25°C .
both unirradiated and irradiated welds failed in the base metal in the
as-welded condition and in the weld metal after annealing 8 hr at 87O'C.
u o-TM-2858
1-3. Central Research Library 67. W. L. Carter
4-5. ORNL Y-l2 Technical Library 68. G. I. Cathers
Document Reference Section 69. J. E. Caton
6-25. Laboratory Records 70. 0. B. Cavin
26. Laboratory Records, ORAL RC 71. J. M. Chandler
27. ORNL Patent Office. 72. C. J. Claffey
28. R. K. Adams 73. F. H. Clark
29. G. M. Adamson, Jr. 74. H. D. Cochran
30. R: G. Affel 75. Nancy Cole
31. J. L. Anderson C. W..Collins
32. R. F. Apple R E. L. Compere
33. W. E. Atkinson 78. K. V. Cook
34. C. F. Baes 79. W. H. Cook
35. J. M. Baker 80. J. W. Cooke
36. S. J. Ball 81. L. T. Corbin
'37. C. E. Bamberger 82. B. Cox
38. C. J. Barton 83. J. L. Crowley
39. H. F. Bauman 84. F. L. Culler
40. M. S. Bautista 85. D. R. Cuneo
4i. S. E. Beall 86. J. E. Cunningham
42. M. J. Bell 87. J. M. Dale
43. M. Bender 88. D. G. Davis
44. C. E. Bettis 89. R. J. DeBakker
45. E. S. Bettis 90. J. H. DeVan
D. S. Billington 91. J. R. DiStefano
i;: R. E. Blanc0 92. S. J. Ditto
48. F. F. Blankenship 93. F. A. Doss
49. J. 0. Blomeke 94. A. S. Dworkin
50. E..E. Bloom 95. W. P. Eatherly
51. R. Blumberg J. R. Engel
52. E. G. Bohlmann ;;: E. P. Epler
53. B. S. Borie 98. 3. I. Federer
54. C. J. Borkowski 99. D. E. Ferguson
55. H. I, Bowers 100. L. M. Ferris
56. C. M. Boyd 101. A. P. Fraas
57. G. E. Boyd 102. J. K. Franzreb
58. J. Braunstein 103. H. A. Friedman
59. M. A. Bredig 104. D. N. Fry
60. R. B. Briggs 105. J. H Frye, Jr.
61. H. R. Bronstein 106. L. C. Fuller
62. G. D. Brunton 107. W. K. Furlong
63. 0. W. Burke 108. C. H. Gabbard .
&4. S. Cantor 109. R. B. Gallaher
65. D. W. Cardwell 110. R. E. Gehlbach
66. J. H. Carswell, Jr. 111. J. H. Gibbons
L. 0. Gilpatrick
G. Goldberg
165. M. S. Lin G
166. R. B. Lindauer
ll4. W. R. Grimes t
167. E. L. Long, Jr.
115. A. G. Grindell 168. A. L. Lotts
116. R. H. Gqymon 169. M. I. Lundin Q
117. J. P. Hammond 170. R. N. Lyon
118. R. L. Hamner 171. R. K. Macklin
119. T. H. Handley 172. H. G. MacPherson
120. B. A..Hannaford 173. R. E. MacPherson
121. P. H. Harley 174.. J.,C. Mailen
122. D. G. Harman 175. D. L. Manning
123. W. 0. Harms 176. C. D. Martin
l-24. C. S. Harrill ', 177. W. R. Martin
125. P. N. Haubenreich 178. R. W. McClung
126. F. K. Heacker 179-I-83. H. E. McCoy.
127. R. E. Helms l84. D. L. McElroy
128. P. G. Herndon 185. C. K. McGlothlan :
129. D. N. Hess X36. C. J. McHargue
130. J. R. Hightower X37. H. A. McLain
131-133. M. R. Hill 188. B. McNabb
wt. E. C. Hise 189. L. E. McNeese
135. B. F. Hitch 190. J. R. McWherter
136. H. W. Hoffman 191. H. J. Metz
137. D. K. Holmes 192. A. S. Meyer
138. P. P. Holz 193. R. L. Moore
139. R. W. Horton 194. C. A. Mossman
140. A. Houtzeel 195. D. M. Moulton
141. T. L. Hudson 196. T. R. Mueller
lA2. W. R. Huntley 197. M. L. Myers
143. H. Inouye 198. H. H. Nichol
l.44. W. H. Jordan 199. J. P. Nichols
145. P. R. Kasten 200. E. L. Nicholson
146. R. J. Kedl 201. T. S. Noggle
147. C. W. Kee 202. L. C. Oakes
l&3. M. T. Kelley 203. S. M. Ohr
149. M. J. Kelly 204. P. Patriarca
J-50. C. R. Kennedy 205. A. M. Perry
151. T. W. Kerlin 206. T. W. Pickel
152. H. T. Kerr 207. H. B. Piper
153. J. J. Keyes 208. C. B. Pollock
154. R. T. King 209. B. E. Prince
155. S. S. Kirslis 210. G. L. Rsgan
156. L. R. Koffman 2ll. J. L. Redford
157. J. W. Koger 212. J. D. Redman
158. H. W. Kohn 213. D. M. Richardson
159. R. B. Korsmeyer 214. M. Richardson
160. A. I. Krakoviak 215. G. D. Robbins I
161. T. S. Kress‘ 216. R. C. Robertson .
162. J. W. Krewson 217. K. A. Romberger
163. C. E. Lamb 2l.8. M. W. Rosenthal
164. J. A. Lane 219. R. G. Ross