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SYNOPSIS If two bodies A and B are in thermal equilibrium
independently with a third body C, then the
 THERMODYNAMICS: It is the branch of
bodies A and B will also be in thermal
physics that deals with the conversion of heat
into other forms of energy. equilibrium with each other.
 The zeroth law clearly suggests that when two
Thermodynamics is a macroscopic science.
The state of a gas in thermodynamics is systems A and B are in thermal equilibrium,
specified by macroscopic variables such as there must be a physical quantity that has the
pressure, volume, temparature, mass and same value for both. This thermodynamic
composition. variable is temperature.
 SYSTEM: Therefore, zeroth law of thermodynamics leads
A particular portion of matter or a restricted to the concept of temperature(T).
region of space under investigation is called Temperature is a measure of the degree of
system. hotness or coldness of a body.
If the state of a system is represented by Temperature determines the direction of flow
pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T) and of heat when two bodies are placed in thermal
Entropy (S) then it is called a thermodynamic
Heat always flows from the body at higher
 Open system: It is the system in which both
temperature(hot body) to the body at lower
heat and matter can be exchanged with temperature(cold body). It is analogous to
surroundings. electric current in electricity.
Ex: Plants, Animals etc., Temperature is a scalar quantity. Its S.I unit is

 Closed system: It is the system in which only kelvin(K) and C.G.S unit is degree
heat is exchanged with the surroundings. celsius( o C ). Its dimensional formula is
Ex: An electric vapour lamp, gas trapped in a
M 0 L0T 0 K 1 or M L T  .
0 0 0 1
cylinder piston arrangement with conducting
walls.  HEAT
 Isolated system: It is the system in which It is the thermal energy exchanges between

neither heat nor matter is exchanged with two systems due to the temperature
surroundings. difference.
Ex: Thermos Flask. Its SI unit is joule and C.G.S unit is calorie.
 Adiabatic wall is an insulating wall that Its dimensional formula is [ML2 T-2]
does not allow heat energy to pass through it.  Calorie: It is the quantity of heat required to
Diathermic wall is a conducting wall that
allows heat to pass through it. raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1o C .
 THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM: If two bodies  Standard(Mean) Calorie: It is the quantity of
are at the same temperature then they are said to heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of
be in thermal equilibrium. When bodies are in water from 14.5o C to 15.5o C .
thermal equilibrium, no exchange of heat takes
place. Its value is, 1calorie = 4.186J  4.2J .
 THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM:A  Heat is measured by using calorimeter.

system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium Heat is a path dependent quantity.

when it is in a state of thermal,mechanical and  INTERNAL WORK: It is the work done by

chemical equilibria. one part of a system on its another parts.
74 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
Ex: The work done by a gaseous system against  Work is a path dependent quantity
intermolecular forces.  SIGN CONVENTION:
 EXTERNAL WORK: When the work is done  If the work is done by the system, then work

by (or on)the system on (or by) the surroundings, done is (+) ve.
then it is called external work. (dv  0  w  o)
DIAGRAM: The graph drawn between
pressure of a gas on y-axis and its volume on x-
axis is called indicator diagram. This graph is
usefull to calculate external work done by the
system during thermodynamic change.
 WORKDONE BY A GAS DURING  If the work is done on the system, then it is
 When a gas expands, then for a small (dv  o  w  o)
change(Quasi-statically) in volume dv, small P

workdone is dw=pdv= Area of narrow strip

as shown in figure. Here pressure P is almost
If the volume changes from v1 to v2, the total V

external work done is  In a cyclic process(the system finally reaches

the same initial state), workdone is equal to
w  pdv =Area under P-V curve. the area enclosed by the cycle.
v1 It is +ve if the cycle is clockwise.
It is -ve if the cycle is anticlockwise.


W   ve W= - ve
 



HEAT (JOULE’SLAW): The amount of heat
 Area under p-v graph is equal to the external poduced is directly proportional to the amount
work done during the process. of mechanical work done.
If the volume changes from V to V at constant
1 2 HW or W=JH.
V2 J= where J= Mechanical equivalent of heat.
W  P  dv  P V2  V1  H
It is the amount of work necessary to produce

unit amount of heat engegy.

 J is not a physical quantity. It is simply a

conversion factor between mechanical work

and its equivalent heat energy.

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 75

 VALUES OF ‘J’:  When a block is dragged on a rough
The value of J depends on the units of work horizontal surface of coefficient of friction
W and heat H.  , then the rise in temparature of block is,
When W is in Joules, H is in Cal,then
J  4.186J / cal  4.2J / cal  
When W and H both are expressed in joules,
 If a bullet at a temperature lesser than its melting
 APPLICATIONS OF JOULE’S LAW point just melts when abruptly stopped by an
 The height from which ice is to be dropped to
obstacle and if all the heat produced is absorbed
melt it completely is by the bullet then
JL 1
h= J  ms  mL   mv 2
g 2
where L= Latent heat of ice.
 The rise in temperature of water when it falls Where L= Latent heat of the material
from a height h to the ground is, of the bullet
gh s= Specific heat
 
Js   rise in temperature before it melts.
where ‘s’ is specific heat of water  A metal ball falls freely on the ground from a

 When a bullet of mass m moving with a velocity height ‘h1’ and bounces to height ’ h2’. If the ball
v is stopped abruptly by a target and all of its absorbs all the heat energy generated, the rise in
heats energy liberated is retained by bullet , then temperature of the ball is
the increase in temperature is. g ( h1  h2 )
2  
v Js
 
2 Js  When a body rotating with angular speed  is
If the bullet absorbs x% of heat liberated, then suddenly stopped, if it asborbs all the heat
rise in its temperature is generated, then rise in temperature of body is

x  v2  I 2
     
100  2 Js  2 Jms
 When a block of ice of mass M is dragged Where I  M .I of body.
with constant velocity on a rough horizontal  A drilling machine drills a hole to a metal plate.
surface of coefficient of friction  , through a The machine is operated by a torque  with
distance d, then the mass of ice melted is, constant angular speed  and drills the hole in a
Mgd time t. If the heat generated is completely
m absorbed by the plate, then the rise in
temperature of the plate is
Where m=mass of ice melted.
In order to melt all the ice, the block completely t
the blcok should be dragged through a distance
 
JL Where, m= mass of the plate
d s= specific heat of the plate
 INTERNAL ENERGY: It is the energy
Now, the time taken to melt completely is given
possessed by the system due to molecular
d motion and molecular configuration. Internal
by t 
v energy of a system is a function of thermodynamic
76 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
 Internal Potential Energy: The energy present  Real gases consist of both kinetic energy
in a system on account of its molecular and atomic and potential energy due to intermoleculer
configurations is called internal potential energy. forces.
 Internal Kinetic Energy:  According to the kinetic theory of gases,

The energy present in a system on account of internal energy of a gas depends on 1)atomicity
translatory motion of its molecules due to 2) no. of moles 3)temperature
random motion and vibrations of atoms is defined It is given by
as internal kinetic energy.
 Internal energy of a given mass of gas depends U nRT
on its state described by specific values of 2
pressure, volume and temperature. It does not Where f= no. of degrees of freedom.
depend on how this state of the gas came n= no. of moles
about.Therefore, internal energy is independent R= Universal gas constant.
of path along which system is carried. It is a T=absolute temperature.
point(state) function. In case of gases, change in internal energy is

 The change in internal energy depends f

upon the initial and final states only. U  nRT = nCv T
U  U final  U initial  When a box containing a gas is given velocity,

 For an ideal mono atomic gas since there are then the KE of box as a whole is not included to
no inter atomic forces there is no potential energy. internal energy of gas.
Internal energy of this gas is only translational  FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS:
 All the heat added to a system is partly utilized
kinetic energy of atoms. According to kinetic
to do the external work and remaining to increase
3 its internal energy.
theory the internal energy is U  KT
2  The differential form of first law of

Where K= Boltzmann's constant. thermodynamics is

T= Absolute temperature of gas. dQ=dU+dW, where
For ideal di or tri atomic gases, molecules can dQ = heat added,
rotate and atoms in a molecule vibrate. For such dU = Increase in internal energy.
gases internal energy is dW= work done
U  Translational KE + Rotational Energy + Here dU is state dependent but dQ&dW are
Vibrational energy. path dependent quantities.
But dw  pdv
= KT  Rotational Energy + Vibrational  dQ  du  pdv
energy. for bulk changes Q  U  pdv
At absolute zero temperature(T= 0K ), U is

non-zero. This energy is called zero point energy.
 The internal energy of ideal gas depends only
 It defines the property of system called internal
on its tempertere T and is independent of other
variables pressure p, volume v. When T increases
 It is a consequence of law of conservation of
U also increases and vice versa.
 Internal energy of real gases depends upon
 This law is applicable to any process in nature.
temperature, pressure and volume.
 This law is applicable to all the three phases of
 Change in internal energy is zero in a cyclic
process. Because final and initial coincided.
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 77
 First law of thermodynamics doesnot  Specific heat depends only on the nature of

indicate the direction of heat transfer.It does material and temperature.

not tell any thing about the conditions under  Water has largest specific heat among solids

which heat can be transformed into work. and liquids.

 SIGN CONVENTION  Among solids, liquids and gases specific heat

 When heat is added (flows into) to the system is maximum for Hydrogen.
dQ is + ve(+dQ)  Specific heat slightly increases with increase of

 When heat is taken (flows out) from the temprature.

system dQ is -ve (-dQ)  In liquids specific heat is minimum for Mercury.

 When gas expands work is done by the gas,  The value of specific heat may lie between 0

dw is positive (+ dW) and  .

 When gas compresses work is done on the  Specific heat of water is maxium at 15 C and

gas, then work done by the gas dw is negative. minimum at 370C.

(-dW)  Specific heat of all substances is zero at 0K.

 When internal energy of system increases dU  Substances with highest specific heat are bad
is +ve (+dU) conductors of heat and with low specific heat
 When internal energy of system decreases are good thermal and electrical conductors.
dU is -ve(-dU)  The substance with large specific heat warms

 SPECIFIC HEAT: The ammount of heat up slowly and cools down slowly.
energy required to rise the temperature of a Specific heat of gas at constant
unit mass of a substance through 10C(or1K) is
called specific heat of the substance.  
pressure c p

1  dQ  It is the heat required to rise the temperature of

s   1g of gas by 1o C at constant pressure
m  dT 
dQ  msdT 1  dQ 
cp   
m  dT  p
Q  m  sdT
If s is temperature independent, then dQp  mc p dT
 Q  msT Q p  mc p T , if c p is constant.
S.I unit of s is JKg 1K 1
Q p  m  c p dT , if c p depends on
CGS unit is cal g -1  C
. temperature.
 Specific heat of gas at constant
1cal g -1  C
 4200 J Kg 1K 1 volume  cv 
Dimensional formula of specific heat is It is the heat required to rise the temperature of
1 1g of gas by 1o C at constant volume
ML2T 2  mol  K 1
 A gas will have two specific heats.
 cv   
m  dT v
a) Specific heat at constant volume (cv)
b) Specific heat at constant pressure( cp) dQv  mcv dT
78 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

Qv  mcvT , if cv is constant.  Cv, Cp AND  VALUES OF

Qv  m  cv dT , if cv depends on cp
S.No Atomicityof gas Cp Cv  
temperature. cv
 SI unit of both c p , cv is J/Kg/K 5 3 5
1. Monoatomic R R  1.67
2 2 3
CGS unit is cal/g/  C

7 5 7
2. Diatomic R R  1.4
 Molar specific heats of CP , CV of a gas 2 2 5
When the above specific heats c p , cv are defined 4
3. Tri non-linear& 4R 3R  1.33
per 1mole of gas, then they are said to be molar 3
and poly atomic
specific heats and represented by CP , CV . These
are 9 97
4. Tri linear R R
 1.29
2 72
1  dQ 
Cp      value is always greater than one.It
n  dT  p depends upon the atomicity of a gas. It
decreases with increase in atomicity.  is
1  dQ  1  dU 
Cv       , 1st law  maximum for monoatomic gas.
n  dT v n  dT    OF MIXTURE OF GASES: When n1moles
of a gas with specific heat at constant volume
SI unit of both molar specific heat is J/ mol/K CV1 is mixed with n2 moles of another gas of
 C is greater than C and, specific heat at constant volume Cv2 then
p V

Cp n1 c v 1  n 2 c v 2
(C v ) mixture 
  ( C ,C are molar specific heats ) n1  n 2
Cv p V

Cp - CV=R, where R is universal gas constant n1c p1  n2c p 2

(C p ) mixture  (C v ) mixture  R 
R= 8.314 J/ mol/K  2cal / mol / K n1  n2
R R C p (mixture)
Cp  and Cv 
 1  1 γ mixture 
C v (mixture)
 c p  cv  r
n1  n2 n n
Where r is specific gas constant and c p , cv are Also   1  2
mixture 1  1 1  2 1
expressed in J/Kg/K.
 For a gas having f degrees of freedom,
At constant pressure,fraction of heat
 f   f  absorbed that is converted into internal
Cv    R , C p   1   R
2  2 dU C v 1
energy is dQ  C  γ
2 p
  1
f  At constant pressure,fraction of heat
absorbed that is converted into external
dW R 1
workdone is dQ  C  1  γ
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 79
 Isothermal process is ideal. In nature, no
 QUASI-STATIC PROCESS: process is perfectly isothermal. But we can say
 A quasi static process can be defined as an
melting of ice, boiling of water are
infinitesimally slow process in which the approximately isothermal. In these two
system remains in thermal and mechanical processes internal energy increases even
(themodynamic) equillibrium with the temperature is constant.
surroundings at each and every intermediate  ADIABATIC PROCESS:
stage. i.e., temperature, pressure are almost  The pressure, volume and temperature of a

constant during infinitesimal small change in gas change but total heat remains constant i.e.,
the state of gas. It is an ideal process. In practice dQ=0 (Q=constant).
it does not occur. There should not be any exchange of heat

 ISOTHERMAL PROCESS: between the system and surroundings.All the

 In this process, the pressure and volume of walls of the container and the pistion must be
gas change, but temperature remains constant. perfectly insulating.
Hence internal energy is also constant. i.e., It is a quick process.
dT  0; dU  0 The internal energy changes certainly as
temperature changes.
 The system is in thermal equilibrium with In the adiabatic process P, V & T are related
the surroundings. as
 It takes place in a thermally conducting vessel.

Hence heat exchanges between system and PV  = constant

surroundings. TV  1 =constant
In this process dQ  dW P1 T  =constant
 It is a slow process. In this process specific heat is zero.
 It obeys the Boyle’s law i.e. PV=Constant Indicator diagram is
Specific heat is infinity. P

 Indicator diagram


Slope of adiabatic curve

Work dP P
tan    
V dV V
 Slope of isothermal curve, The slope of adiabatic curve is  times to
dP P that of the isothermal curve.
tan    The adiabatic elasticity of gas is  p.i.e
dV V
 times isothermal elasticity.
 The isothermal elasticity
The workdone by the system during the
dp adiabatic expansion is
  p
dv v
 The workdone during the isothermal change W (T -T )= nCv(T1-T2)= nCv T
 1 1 2
at temperature T for n moles of gas is
Cp p1v1  p2 v2
V  =n (T1-T2) =
W  2.303nRT log10  2    1
 V1 
 It takes place in a non conducting vessel.
 p1  Hence no exchange of heat takes place
=2.303 nRT log10  p  between and surroundings.
 2
80 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
Adiabatic expansion causes cooling and Work done :W1>W2
compression causes heating. Final pressure :V1>V2
Eg:- Sudden bursting of tube of bicycle tyre, Final temperature: T1>T 2
Propagation of sound in gases
 In this process dU  dW  When compressed to the same pressure from
 COMPARISON BETWEEN the same initial state.

 When expanded to the same volume from the

same initial state.

1 1-isothermal
2- adiabatic

Final pressure :V1<V2

V1 V2 V
Final temperature:T1<T2
Work done :W1>W2
Final pressure:P1>P2  ISOCHORIC PROCESS (OR)
Final temperature:T1>T2 ISOMETRIC PROCESS:
It is a process in which the volume of the system
 When compressed to the same volume from remains constant.
the same initial state. i.e., ΔV =0 for such process ΔW =0
P  In this process, the increase in internal energy
is maximum where as the work done is zero.
In this process Q  U
2- adiabatic
1 It obeys Gay-Lussac's law, K
V1 V2 Indicator diagram
Work done :W1<W2
Final pressure :P1<P2
Final temperature:T1<T2

 When expanded to the same pressure from

the same initial state.
Slope of isometric curve, 

 Specific heat is CV  R
 Bulk modulus of elasticity K  

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 81

 It is a process in which the pressure of the
system remains constant. i.e.,  P=o
 It obeys Charle's law ,  K
 Indicator diagram
Figure shows an insulated cylinder divided into
two parts by a thin massless fixed piston. Volume
of left compartment is filled with an ideal gas
and the right compartment is vacuum.If we release
Work the piston, gas fills the whole space of the cylinder
rapidly. In this expansion. No heat is supplied to
V1 V2 V the gas as walls are insulated.
 Q  0
 Slope of isobaric curve, 0 No work is done by the gas, W  0
and hence internal energy remains constant.
 f  U  0 , T is constant
 Specific heat is C p    1 R
2  Such an expansion is called "free expansion".
 Bulk modulus of elasticity K=0.  SECOND LAW OF
 Work done in isobaric process is given by THERMO-DYNAMICS - DIFFERENT
W  P(V2  V1 ) STATEMENTS:
 Claussius statement: It is impossible for a
W  nR(T2  T1 )  nRT
self acting machine unaided by any external
 Eg:- Boiling of water into steam.
agency to transfer heat from a cold reservior to
 POLYTROPIC PROCESS: In this process
a hot reservior. In other words heat can’t flow
the gas obeys an additional law in the form of
by itself from a colder to a hotter body.
PV x  constant,  Kelvin-Planck Statement: It is impossible
(where x is ve or  ve constant) along for any heat engine to convert all the heat
with ideal gas equation PV  nRT absorbed from a reservoir completely into useful
 In this process external Work done is work. In other words 100% conversion of heat
into work is impossible.
 nR T
W=  These two statements of the second law are
x 1 equivalent to each other. Because, if one is
 In this process Specific heat, voilated, the other is also automatically.
 C=
 1 x 1  A process which can be retraced back in
 COMPARISION OF P-V CURVES OF such away that the system passes through the
VARIOUS PROCESSES states as in direct process and finally the sys-
tem acquires the initial conditions, leaving no
change anywhere else,is called reversible pro-
cess. Any quasi-static process can be revers-

82 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

REVERSIBLE The device, used to convert heat energy into
(a) There should be no loss of energy due to mechanical energy is called a heat engine.
conduction, convection or dissipation of energy For conversion of heat into work with the
against any resistance, like friction, viscosity help of a heat engine the following conditions
etc. required.
(b) No heat should be converted into magnetic i) There should be a reservoir at constant higher
or electric energy.
temperature ‘ T1 ’ from which heat is extracted.
(c) The system must always be in
thermal,mechanical and chemical equilibrium with It is called the source.
the surroundings.(i.e the process must be quasi- ii) Working substance which undergoes to
static) thermodynamic cyclic changes(ex: ideal gas).
Examples : In practice, there is no
iii) There should be a reservoir at constant
reversible process. But approximately we can
lower temperature ‘ T2 ’ to which heat can be
give the following examples.
i) The process of change of state from ice into rejected. This is called the sink.
water is a reversible process.  The source and sink should have very high
ii) The process of change of state from water to thermal capacity.
steam.  Working of heat engine -
iii) The gradual extension and compression of an a) Schematic diagram of heat engine
elastic spring is approximately reversible. Source Engine Sink
iV) The electrolysis process is reversible if inter-
nal restance is negligibly small. T1 T2

v) Slow compression and expansion of an ideal Q1 Q2

gas at constant temperature.


 In this process the system doesnot pass b) Engine derives an amount ‘Q1’ of heat from
through the same intermediate states as in the the source.
direct process. c) A part of this heat is converted into work
All the processes occurring in nature are ir- ‘W’.
reversible. d) Remaining heat ‘Q2’ is rejected to the sink.
Thus Q1 = W + Q2
Examples or the work done by the engine is given by
1) Work done against friction W  Q1  Q2
2) Joule heating effect e)The energy Q2 is unavailable in the
3) Magnetic hysterisis universe, which causes increase in entropy of
4) Diffusion of gas universe.
 Efficiency of heat engine -
5) Disolving of salt in water
Efficiency of heat engine   is defined as the
6) Sudden expansion or compression of gas fraction of total heat, supplied to the engine
7) Rain fall which is converted into work.
8) Rusting of iron Mathematically -
 
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 83
Q1  Q2 Q2 Q2 T
or     1   1  1 2
Q1 Q1 Q1 T1
According to this , efficiency is 100% if
As T2 is always less than T1 , implies always
Q2 = 0, that is no heat is rejected to the cold
reservoir or sink that is the entire heat absorbed   1 . i.e., the value of  can never be equal
must be converted to mechanical work , which or greater than 1. When the temperature of
according to Second law of Thermodynamics sink T2 =0 K, then  can be 1 or 100% . But it
is impossible. is impossible.
For carnot engine  is independent of the
nature of working substance. It depends on
When the working substance is an ideal gas
and it is subjected to cyclic process consisting only the temperatures of source and sink.
of isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion,  For Carnot engine the source and sink
isothermal compression and adiabatic should have infinite thermal capacities.
compression, then such heat engine is called The efficiency of an irreversible engine is
Carnot engine. The cyclic process is called always less than or equal to that of reversible
Carnot cycle. engine when operated between the same
 Carnot Cycle temperature limits.
 Carnot cycle consists of the following four

stages :  always ir   r but, ir can not be greater

(i) Isothermal expansion (process AB), than r .
(ii) Adiabatic expansion (process BC),
(iii) Isothermal compression (process CD),  REFRIGERATOR:
(iv) Adiabatic compression (process DA).
The P-V diagram of the cycle is shown in the
figure :

The refrigerator is just the revesrse of heat

engine In refrigerator the working substance
extracts an amount of heat Q2 from the cold
reservoir (Sink)
at a lower temperature T2 . An amount of
In process AB heat Q1 is taken by the working external work W is done on the working
substance at constant temperature T1 and in substance and finally an amount of heat Q1 is
process CD heat Q 2 is liberated by the rejected to the hot reservoir at a higher
working substance at constant temperature T2.
The net work done is area enclosed by the temperature T1 . Hence
cycle ABCDA. After doing the calculations refrigetator is also known as a heat pump.
for different processes we can show that :
Q2 T2  Coefficient of performance of a refrigerator
Q1 = T1 Q2
Therefore, efficiency of the Carnot engine is W
84 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
 Change in entropy during temperature
Q2 change is
  = Q  Q [ W = Q1 - Q2]
1 2
s=m  , if s is temperature dependent.
Q2 T2 T
 For Carnot refrigerator Q = T . Thus
1 1 In a reversible process entropy increases if

heat is absorbed and vice - versa.

 Entropy of the universe always increases if
T1  T2 system undergoes an irreversible process.
 The relation between efficiency of a heat Entropy of universe can never be zero.
engine (  ) and coefficient of performance of At absolute zero temperature(0K), entropy
a refrigerator () working between the same becomes zero. But it does not occur.
temperature limits is

Let  and  are the efficiencies of heat engines 1 Water is used in car radiators as coolant
1 2
working between temperature limits T1, T2 and because of
T2, T3 respectively then the efficiency of heat 1. Its density is more 2. High specific heat
engine working between temperature limits T1 3. High thermal conductivity 4. Free availability
and T3 is 2. Of the following specific heat is maximum for
 =1- 1-1 1  2  1. Mercury 2. Copper 3. Water 4. Silver
3. Gas is taken through a cyclic process
 Entropy (s):- completely once. Change in the internal
 The thermodynamic coordinate or parameter energy of the gas is
that gives the measure of disorder is called 1. infinity 2. zero 3. Small 4. Large
entropy. We cannot measure entropy, but we can 4. Which of the following does not characterize
measure change in entropy during the thermodynamic state of matter
thermodynamic change. If ‘ds’ is the small change 1. volume 2. temperature
in entropy at temperature T, then 3. pressure 4. work
5. What will be the nature of change in internal
ds = energy in case of precesses shown below ?
Where dQ is exchange of heat between
system and surroundings at temperature T.
Now the total change in entropy is
dQ V V
s  
 Change in entropy during an isothermal change
is P P

Q W V 
s=   2.303nR log10  2 
 V1  V
1. + ve in all cases 2. – ve in all cases
 Change in entropy during phase change is
3. – ve in 1 and 3 and + ve in 2 and 4
mL 4. zero in all cases
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 85
6. Which of the following is incorrect regarding 3. conservation of momentum
the first law of thermodynamics ? 4. conservation of mass
1. It introduces the concept of internal energy 13. In given process dW = 0, dQ < 0 then for a
2. It introduces the concept of entropy gas
3. It is applicable to any process 1. Temperature – increases
4. It is a restatement of principle of conservation
2. Volume – decreases
of energy.
3. Pressure – decreases
7. The temperature of the system decreases
in the process of 4. Pressure – increases
1. free expansion 14. Thermodynamic system returns to its
2. isothermal expansion. original state, which of the following is NOT
3. adiabatic expansion possible?
4. isothermal compression 1. The work done is Zero
8. For a certain mass of gas Isothermal 2. The work done is positive
relations between ‘P’ and ‘V’ are shown by 3. The work done is negative
graphs at two different temperatures T1 and 4. The work done is independent of the path
T2 then followed
15. The temperature determines the direction
1. T1 = T2
of net change of
2. T1>T2 1. gross kinetic energy
3. T1 < T2 2. intermolecular kinetic energy
3. gross potential energy
4. T1  T2 4. intermolecular potential energy
9. Certain amount of heat supplied to an ideal 16. The direction of flow of heat between two
gas under isothermal conditions will result gases is determined by
in 1. Average kinetic energy 2. total energy
1. a rise in temperature 3. internal energy 4. potential energy
2. doing external work and a change in temperature 17. Heat is absorbed by a body . But its
3. doing external work temperature does not raised. Which of the
4. an increase in the internal energy of the gas following statement explains the
phenomena ?
10. A liquid in a thermos flask is vigorously
1. only K.E. of vibration increases
shaken. Then the temperature of the liquid
2. only P.E. of inter molecular force changes
1. Is not altered 2. Increases
3. no increase in internal energy takes place
3. Decreases 4. None 4. increase in K.E. is balanced by decrease in
11. The pressure P and volume V of an ideal P.E.
gas both increase in a process 18. Zeroth law of thermodynamics gives the
1. It is not possible to have such a process concept of
2. The workdone by the system is positive 1. Pressure 2. Volume
3. The temperature of the system increases 3. Temperature 4. Heat
4. 2 and 3 19. We need mechanical equivalent of heat
12. Heat cannot by itself flow from a body at because
lower temperature to a body at higher 1. it converts work into heat
temperature is a statement or consequence 2. in C.G.S system, heat is not measured in
of the units of work
1. Ist law of thermodynamics 3. in S.I., heat is measured in the units of work
2. IInd law of thermodynamics 4. of some reason other than those mentioned
86 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
20. When we switch on the fan in a closed 29. When heat is added to a system at constant
room. The temperature of the air molecules temperature, which of the following is
1. Increase 2. Decrease possible.
3. Remains Unchanged 1. internal energy of system increases
4. May increase or decrease depending on the 2. work is done by system
speed of rotation of the fan. 3. neither internal energy increases nor work
21. Which type of molecular motion does done by system
4. internal energy increases and also work done
contribute towards internal energy for an
by system
ideal monoatomic gas 30. The first law of thermodynamics is based on
1. Translational 2. Rotational the law of conservation of
3. Vibrational 4. All the above 1. energy 2. mass 3. momentum 4. pressure
22. In which of the process the internal energy 31. A given mass of a gas expands from the
of the system remains constant ? state A to the state B by three paths 1,2 and
1. Adiabatic 2. Isochoric 3 as shown in the figure. If W1, W2 and W3
3. Isobaric 4. Isothermal respectively be the work done by the gas
23. The internal energy of a perfect monoatomic along the three paths then
gas is
1. Complete kinetic 2. Complete potential
3. Sum of potential and kinetic energy of the
4. Difference of kinetic and potential energies of
the molecules
24. Which of the following is constant in an
isochoric process 1. W1 > W2 > W3 2. W1 < W2 < W3
1. pressure 2. volume 3. W1 = W2 = W3 4. W1 < W2, = W3
3. temperature 4. mass 32. A given system undergoes a change in which
25. How does the internal energy change when the work done by the system equals the
the ice and wax melt at their normal melting decrease in its internal energy. The system
points? must have undergone an
1. Increases for ice, decreases for wax 1. Isothermal change 2. Adiabatic change
2. Decreases for ice and increases for wax
3. Decreases both for ice and wax 3. Isobaric change 4. Isochoric change
4. Increases both for ice and wax 33. A closed vessel contains some gas at a given
26. In the free expansion of a gas, its internal temperature and pressure. If the vessel is
energy given a very high velocity, the temperature
1. remains constant 2. increases of the gas is
3. decreases 1. increases 2. decreases
4. sometimes increases , sometimes decreases
27. The internal energy of an ideal gas depends 3. may increase or decrease depending upon
upon the nature of the gas
1. only its pressure 4. does not change
2. only its volume 34. Unit mass of liquid of volumeV1 completely
3. only its temperature turns into a gas of volume V2 at constant
4. its pressure and volume atmospheric pressure P and temperature T.
28. On compressing a gas suddenly, its The latent heat of vaporization is “L”. Then
the change in internal energy of the gas is
1. increases 2. decreases
3. remains constant 4. all the above 1) L 2) L+P(V2 - V1)
3) L - P(V2-V1) 4) Zero
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 87
35. In aisobaric (constant pressure) process. the correct .R
ratio is 3. Cp =   1 4. Cp - Cv = 2R
1) Q : U = 1 : 1 2) Q : U =  : 
43. Two identical sample of gases are allowed
3) Q : U =  4)Q : U =  to expand to the same final volume (i)
36. In an isobaric process, the correct ratio is isothermally (ii) adiabatically work done is
1) Q : W = 1 : 1 2) Q : W =  :  1. more in the isothermal process
3) Q : W =   4)Q : W =  2. more in the adiabatic process
37. Air in a thermally conducting cylinder is 3. equivalent in both process
suddenly compressed by a piston, which is 4. equal in all process
then maintained at the same position. With 44. Which of the following is true in the case of
the passage of time : a reversible process
1) the pressure decreases 1) There will be energy loss due to friction
2) the pressure increases 2) System and surroundings will not be in thermo
3) the pressure remains the same dynamic equilibrium
3) Both system and surroundings retains their
4) the pressure may increase or decrease de-
initial states
pending upon the nature of the gas
4) 1 and 3
38. Which of the following states of matter have
45. The ratio of the relative rise in pressure for
two specific heats ?
adiabatic compression to that for isothermal
1. solid 2. gas 3. liquid 4. Plasma compression is
39. The specific heat of a gas in an isothermal
process is 1 1
1.  2. 3. 1   4.
1. infinity 2. zero  1 
3.negative 4.remains constant 46. Ratio of isothermal elasticity of gas to the
adiabatic elasticity is
40. Why the specific heat at a constant pressure
is more than that at constant volume 1 1
1.  2. 3. 1   4.
1. there is greater inter molecular attraction at  1 
constant pressure 47. The conversion of water into ice is an
2. at constant pressure molecular oscillation are 1. isothermal process 2. isochoric process
more violent 3. isobaric process 4. entropy process
3. external work need to be done for allowing 48. For the Boyle’s law to hold good, the
expansion of gas at constant pressure necessary condition is
4. due to more reasons other than those 1. Isobaric 2. Isothermal
mentioned in the above 3. Isochoric 4. Adiabatic
41. The ratio [Cp / Cv] of the specific heats at a 49. An isothermal process is
constant pressure and at a constant volume 1.slow process 2.quick process
of any perfect gas 3. very quick process 4. both 1 & 2
1. can’t be greater than 5/4 50. Two samples of gas A and B, initially at same
2. can’t be greater than 3/2 temperature and pressure, are compressed
3. can’t be greater than 5/3 to half their initial volume, A isothermally
4. can have any value and B adiabatically. The final pressure in
42. Which of the following formula is wrong ? 1. A and B will be same
2. A will be more than in B
R Cp 3. A will be less than in B
1. Cv =   1 2. 
Cv 4.A will be double that in B
88 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
51. In which of the following processes all three 59. If the temperature of the sink is decreased,
thermodynamic variables, that is pressure the efficiency of heat engine
volume and temperature can change 1) first increases then decreases
1. Isobaric 2. Isothermal 2) increases 3) decreases
3. Isochoric 4. Adiabatic 4) remains unchanged
52. During adiabatic expansion the increase in 60. An ideal heat engine can be 100% efficient
volume associated with if its sink is at
1. increase in pressure and temperature 1) 0K 2) 273K 3) 00C 4) 00F
2. decrease in pressure and temperature 61. If the temperature of a source increases, the
3. increase in pressure and decrease in efficiency of a heat engine
temperature 1) increases 2) decreases
4.Decrese in pressure and increase in 3) remains unchanged 4) none of these
temperature 62. When heat is added to a system of the fol-
53. A gas is being compressed adiabatically. The lowing is not possible?
specific heat of the gas during compression 1) Internal energy of the system increases
is 2) Work is done by the system
1. zero 2. infinite 3) Neither internal energy increases nor work is
3. finite but non zero 4. undefined done by the system
4) Internal energy increases and also work is
 pv 
54. The gas law  T  = constant is true for done by the system
 
63. A sink, that is the system where heat is re-
1. isothermal change only jected, is esssential for the conversion of
2. adiabatic change only heat into work. From which law the above
3. Both isothermal & adiabatic inference follows?
4. neither isothermal nor adiabatic 1) Zeroth 2) First 3) Second 4) Third
55. During adiabatic compression of a gas, its 64. The efficiency of a heat engine:
temperature 1) is independent of the temperature of the source
1. falls 2. rises and the sink
3. remains constant 4. becomes zero 2) is independent of the working substance
56. The work done on the system in an adiabatic 3) can be 100%
compression depends on 4) is not affected by the thermal capacity of the
1. the increase in internal energy of the system source or the sink
2. the decrease in internal energy 65. An ideal heat engine working between tem-
3. the change in volume of the system peratures TH abd TL has efficiency  . If
4. all the above both the temperature are raised by 100K
57. The ratio of slopes of adiabatic and isothermal each. the new efficiency of the heat engine
curves is will be:
1 1) equal to  2) greater than  3) less than 
1.  2. 3.  2 4.  3 4) greater or less than  depending upon the
 nature of the working substance
58. Two steam engines ‘A’ and ‘B’, have their 66. The efficiency of the reversible heat engine
sources respectively at 700 K and 650 K and
is  r , and that of irreversible heat engine
their sinks at 350 K and 300K. Then
1) ‘A’ is more efficient than ‘B’ is I . Which of the following relation is cor-
2) ‘B’ more than efficient than ‘A’ rect?
3) both are equally efficient 1) r   I 2) r  I
4) depends of fuels used in A and B
3)  r   I 4)r  1 and  I  1
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 89
67. In a heat engine, the temperature of the 74. A cubical box containing a gas with internal
working substance at the end of the cycle is energy U is given velocity V, then the new
1) equal to that at the begining internal energy of gas
2) more than that at the beginning 1) less than U 2) more than U
3) less than that at the beginning 3) U 4) zero
4) determined by the amount of heat rejected at 75. A cubical box containing a gas is moving with
the sink some velocity. If it is suddenly stopped, then
68. The adiabatic and isothermal elasticities B and the internal energy of gas
1) decreases 2) Increases
B are related as : 3) remains constant
B B 4)may increases or decrease depending on the
1)  2) B   time interval during which box comes to rest.
B 
76. Which one of the following is wrong
3) B  B   4) B  B   statement.
69. For the indicator diagram given below, 1) During free expansion, temperature of ideal
select wrong statement. gas does not change.
2) During free expansion, temperature of real gas
3) During free expansion of real gas
temperature does not change.
4) Free expansion is conducted in adiabatic
77. When common salt is dissolved in water and
1. Cycle - II is heat engine cycle
extracted again from the water. In this
2. Net work is done on the gas in cycle - I
3. Workdone is positive for cycle - I
4. Workdone is positive for cycle - II 1) entropy decreases 2) entropy increases
70. By opening the door of a refrigerator in- 3) entropy becomes zero
side a closed room: 4) entropy remains constant.
1) you can cool the room to a certain degree 78. A large block of ice is placed on a table when
2) you can cool it to the remperature inside the the surroundings are at 00C
refrigerator 1) ice melts at the sides 2) ice melts at the top
3) you ultimately warm the room slightly 3) ice melts at the bottom
4) you can neither cool not warm the room 4) ice does not melt at all
71. Which of the following will extinguish the fire 79. Which of the following at 1000C produces
quickly most severe burns ?
1. water at 1000C 2. steam at 1000C 1. hot air 2. water 3. steam 4. oil
3. water at 00C 4. ice at 00C 80. What energy transformation takes place
72. Which of the following is true in the case of when ice is converted into water
molecules, when ice melts 1) heat energy to kinetic energy
1. K.E is gained 2. K.E. is lost 2) kinetic energy to heat energy
3. P.E is gained 4. P.E. is lost 3) heat energy to latent heat
73. When two blocks of ice are pressed against 4) heat energy to potential energy
each other then they stick together 81. Which of the following laws of
(coalesce) because thermodynamics leads to the interference
1. cooling is produced 2. heat is produced that it is difficult to convert whole of heat
3. increase in pressure increase melting point
into work
4. increase in pressure, decrease in melting point
1. zeroth 2. second 3. first 4. third

90 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

82. Starting with the same initial conditions, an 89. Heat engine rejects some heat to the sink.
ideal gas expands from volume V1 to V2 This heat
The amount of work done by the gas is 1)converts into electrical energy.
greatest when the expansion is 2)converts into light energy.
1. isothermal 2. isobaric 3)converts into electromagnetic energy
3. adiabatic 4. equal in all cases
4)is unavailable in the universe.
83. The second law of thermodynamics implies:
90. For an adiabatic change in a gas, if P,
1) whole of heat can be converted into me-
V,T denotes pressure, volume and abso-
chanical energy
lut e t em per at ur e of gas at any t im e and 
2) no heat engine can be 100% efficient
3) every heat engine has an efficiency of 100% is the ratio of specific heats of gas, which
4) a refrigerator can reduce the temperature to jof the following equation is true?
absolute zero 1. T γ P1 γ  const. 2. T 1-γ P γ  const.
84. In the adiabatic compression the decrease
3. T γ-1 V γ  const. 4. T γ V γ  const.
in volume is associated with
1) increase in temperture and decrease in 91. PV versus T graph of equal masses of H2,
pressure He and CO2 is shown in figure. Choose the
2) decrease in temperature and increase in correct alternative
3) decrease in temperature and decrease in
4) increase in temperture and increase in
85. Which of the following is true in the case of (1) 3 corresponds to H2, 2 to He and 1 to CO2
an adiabatic process where   CP / CV ? (2) 1 corresponds to He, 2 to H2 and 3 to CO2
(3) 1 corresponds to He, 3 to H2 and 2 to CO2
1) P1 T   constant 2) P  T 1  constant
(4) 1 corresponds to CO2,2 to H2 and 3 toHe
3) PT   constant 4) P T  constant
92. If the ratio of specific heat of a gas at
86. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes an iso- constant pressure to that at constant volume
thermal change at temperature T so that is  , the change in internal energy of the
its volume v is doubled .R is the molar gas
mass of gas, when the volume changes from
constant Work done by the gas during this
V to 2V at constant pressure P, is
change is
1. R /(  1) 2. PV
1) RT ln 4 2) RT ln 2
3) RT ln1 4) RT ln 3 3. PV / (  1) 4.  PV (  1)
87. For an adiabatic process the relation be- 93. Heat is added to an ideal gas and the gas
tween V and T is given by expands. In such a process the temperature
1) TV   constant 2) T  V  constant (1) must always increase
(2) will remain the same if the work done
3) TV 1  constant 4) TV  1  constant
equals the heat added
88. The temperature of the system decreases
(3) must always decrease
in the process of
1) Free expansion (4) will remain the same if change in internal
2) Adiabatic expansion energy equals the heat added
3) Isothermal expansion
4) Isothermal compression
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 91
94. First law of thermodynamics states that 103. Heat required to raise the temperature
1. system can do work of one gram of water through 10 c
2. system has temperature 1) 0.001 K cal 2) 0.01 K cal
3. system has pressure 3) 0.1 K cal 4) 1.0 K cal
4. heat is form of energy 104. Heat capacity of a substance is infinite.
95. The material that has largest specific heat it means
is 1) heat is given out 2) heat is taken in
3) no change in temperture whether heat is
1. mercury 2. water taken in (or) given out
3. hydrogen 4. diamond 4) all of the above
96. The law obeyed by isothermal process 105. The temperature range in the definition
1. Gay-Lussac’s law 2. Charles law of standard calorie is
3. Boyle’s law 4. Dalton’s law 1) 14.5 0 C to 15.5 0 C 2) 15.5 0 C to 16.5 0 C
97. Which law defines entropy in termodynamics 3) 10 C to 2 0 C 4) 13.5 0 C to 14.5 0 C
1) zeroth law 2) First law 106. The heat capacity of material depends
3) second law 4) Stefan’s law upon
98. For the conversion of liquid into a solid is 1) the structure of a matter
1) orderliness decreases and entropy decreases 2) temperature of matter
2) orderliness increases and entropy increases 3) density of matter 4) specific heat of matter
3) both are not related 107. The pressure p of a gas is plotted against
its absolute temperature T for two dif-
4) orderliness increases and entropy decreases ferent constant volumes V1 and V2 ,
99. Among the following the irreverseble pro- where V1 > V2. p is plotted on
cess is the y–axis and T on the x–axis
1) free expansion of gas (1) The curve for V1 has greater slope than the
2) extension or compression of spring very curve for V2
slowly (2) The curve for V2 has greater slope than the
3) motion of an object on a perfectly frictionless curve for V1
surface (3) The curves must intersect at some point other
than T = 0
4) all of them
(4) The curves have the same slope and do not
100. Which of the following processes are
nearly reversible
a.Heat conduction b. Elelctrolysis 108. For an isothermal process
c. Diffusion d. Change of state 1) dQ  dw 2) dQ  du
1. Only a 2.Both b and d
3) dw  du 4) dQ  du  dw
3. Only c 4. All of the above
101. Heat is 109. du  dw  0 is valid for
1) kinetic energy of molecules 1) adiabatic process 2) isothermal process
2) potential and kinetic energy of molecules 3) isobaric process 4) isochoric process
3) energy in transist
4) work done on the system 110. A piece of ice at 0 0 C is dropped into
102. The thermal motion means
water at 0 0 C . Then ice will
1) motion due to heat engine
2) disorderly motion of the body as a whole 1) melt 2) be converted to water
3) motion of the body that generates heat 3) not melt 4) partially meelt
4) random motion of molecules

92 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

111. The PV diagram shows four different non-zero positive work W on the surround-
possible reversible processes performed ings during an isobaric (constant pressure)
on a monatomic ideal gas. Process A is process. After the processes are performed
isobaric (constant pressure). Process B on the gases in containers A and B, which is
is isothermal (constant temperature). Pro- at the higher temperature?
cess C is adiabatic. Process D is isochoric (1) The gas in container A
(constant volume). For which process(es) (2) The gas in container B
does the temperature of the gas decrease? (3) The gases have equal temperature.
(4) The value of the work W is necessary to
(1) Process A only (2) Process C only answer this question.
114. Which of the following conditions of the
(3) Only Processes C and D
carnot ideal heat engine can be realised in
(4) Only Processes B, C and D practice?
1) infinite thermal capacity of the source
2) infinite thermal capacity of the sink
3) perfectly non conducting stand
4) Less than 100% efficiency
115. A heat engine works between a source and
a sink maintained at constant temperatures
112. One of the straight lines in the figure T1 and T2 . For the efficiency to be greatest
depicts the dependence of the work 1) T1 and T2 should be high
done |W| on the temperature variations
T for an isobaric process. The two of 2) T1 and T2 should be low
following are the adiabatic curves for 3) T1 should be high and T2 should be low
argon and nitrogen. The isobaric pro-
cess which depicts both the gases is 4) T1 should be low and T2 should be high
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 116. The heat engine would operate by taking
heat at a particular temperature and
1) Converting it all into work
2) Converting some of it into work and rejecting
the rest at lower temperature
3) Converting some of it into work and rejecting
the rest at same temperature
113. Two completely identical samples of the 4) Converting some of it into work and rejecting
same ideal gas are in equal volume contain- the rest at a higher temperature .
ers with the same pressure and temperature
in containers labeled A and B. The gas in KEY
container A performs non-zero positive work CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS
W on the surroundings during an isobaric 1.2 2.3 3.2 4.4 5.4
(constant pressure) process before the pres- 6.2 7.3 8.3 9.3 10.2
sure is reduced isochorically (constant vol- 11.4 12.2 13.3 14.4 15.2
ume) to 1/2 its initial amount. The gas in 16.1 17.2 18.3 19.2 20.1
container B has its pressure reduced 21.1 22.4 23.1 24.2 25.4
isochorically (constant volume) to 1/2 its ini- 26.1 27.3 28.1 29.2 30.1
tial value and then the gas performs same 31.2 32.2 33.4 34.3 35.4
36.2 37.1 38.2 39.1 40.3

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 93

1. 4.15J/cal 2. 42J/cal
41.3 42.4 43.1 44.3 45.1
3. 420J/cal 4. 4200J/cal
46.2 47.1 48.2 49.1 50.3
51.4 52.2 53.1 54.3 55.2
56.1 57.1 58.2 59.2 60.1 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS
61.1 62.3 63.3 64.2 65.3
66.3 67.1 68.1 69.3 70.3
6. In a thermodynamic process with 2 moles
71.1 72.3 73.4 74.3 75.2
of gas 30 J of heat is released and 22 J of
76.3 77.2 78.3 79.3 80.4
work is done on the gas. Given that initial
81.2 82.2 83.2 84.4 85.1
internal energy of the sample was 20 J . The
86.2 87.4 88.2 89.4 90.1
final internal energy is
91.1 92.3 93.2 94.1 95.3
1.72 J 2.32 J 3.28 J 4.12 J
96.3 97.3 98.1 99.1 100.2
7. Find the change in internal energy of the
101. 3 102. 4 103. 1 104. 3 105. 1
system when a system absorbs 2 kilocalo-
106. 4 107. 2 108. 1 109. 1 110. 3
rie of heat and at the same time does 500
111. 3 112. 4 113.2 114.4 115.3
joules of work :
1. 7900 J 2. 8200 J 3. 5600 J 4. 6400 J
8. A cylinder of fixed capacity 67.2 litres
LEVEL - I contains helium gas at S.T.P. The amount
of heat required to raise the tempera-
JOULE’SLAW ture of the gas by 150C is
(R =8.31 J/mol/K)
1. From what minimum height a block of ice 1. 520 J 2. 560.9 J 3. 620 J 4. 621.2 J
has to be dropped in order that it may melt
completely on hitting the ground 9. A gas for which  is is heated at con-
mgh JL J
1. mgh 2. 3. 4. stant pressure. The percentage of heat sup-
J g Lg plied used for external work is
2. How much will the temperature of 100g of 1. 25% 2. 75 % 3. 60 % 4. 40 %
water be raised by doing 4200 J of work is 10. One gram of water on evaporation at at-
stirring the water? mospheric pressure forms 1671 cm 3 of
1. 0.010C 2. 0.10C 3. 10C 4. 100C steam. Heat of vaporisation at this pressure
3. A lead ball moving with a velocity V strikes a is 540 cal gm-1. The increase in internal
wall and stops. If 50% of its energy is con- energy is
verted into heat, The increase in tempera- 1. 250cal 2. 500cal 3. 1000cal 4. 1500cal
ture is (Specific heat of lead is S) 11. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round
1. 2V2 / JS 2.V2 / 4JS 3. V2 S/ J 4. V2 S/ 2J the cycle ABCDA as shown in the diagram.
4. Water falls from a height 500m, what is the The work done during the cycle is
rise in temperature of water at bottom if
whole energy remains in the water ? (J =
1. 0.960C 2. 1.020C 3. 1.160C 4. 0.230C
5. The difference between the two specific
heats of a gas Cp- Cv =2 cal. If R = 8.31 
107 erg/k/gm,the value of mechanical equiva- 1. PV 2. 2PV 3. 3PV 4. 4PV
lent of heat is
94 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
12. Air expands from 5 litres to 10 litres at 2 1. a = 16b 2. b = 16a
atm pressure. External workdone is 3. a = 4b 4. a = b
1 10J 2. 1000J 3. 3000 J 4. 300 J
13. A gas is at 1 atm pressure with a volume 19. For a gas  = . 800c.c. of this gas is sud-
800cm3. When 100J of heat is supplied to 3
the gas, it expands to 1L at constant denly compressed to 100c.c. If the initial
pressure. The change in its internal pressure is P, then the final pressure will
energy is be
1. 80J 2. -80J 3. 20J 4. -20J P 24
1. 2. 3. 8P 4. 32P
32 5
SPECIFIC HEAT,CP&CV 20. In an adiabatic change, the pressure P and
temperature T of a mnoatomic gas are re-
14. The molar specific heat of hydrogen at lated as P  Tc where C equals.
constant volume is 5 cal / mol 0C . Heat re- 5 2 3 5
1. 2. 3. 4.
quired to raise the temp. of 1 gm H2 gas by 3 3 5 2
10C at constant volume is 21. The heat supplied to a mono atomic
1. 2 cal 2. 2.2 cal 3. 2.5 cal 4. 4 cal 5

15. 3 moles of gas requires 60 cal of heat for ideal gas     in a process is 100
 3
50C rise of temperature at constant volume.
joule. The work done by the gas in
Then heat required for 5 moles of same gas
the process is 50joule on its surround
under constant pressure for 100C raise of
ings. The molar heat capacity of the
temperature is
gas ( R  universal gas constant)
1. 200 Cal 2. 400 Cal 3. 100 Cal 4. 300 Cal
1. R 2. 2R 3. 3R 4. 4R
16. If the ratio of sp.heat of a gas at constant
pressure to that at constant volume is  , 22. Find the change in internal energy in joule,
the change in internal energy of gas, when when 10g of air is heated from 30°C to 40°C
the volume changes from V to 2V at con- (Cv = 0.172 kcal/kg K, J = 4200 J/kcal)
stant pressure P is 1. 62.24 J 2. 72.24 J
3. 52.24 J 4. 82.24 J
1. 2. PV 23. When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at
 1
constant pressure, the fraction of heat
3. PV / (   1 ) 4.  PV /   1 energy supplied which is used in doing work
to maintain pressure constant is
17. For a gas the ratio of the two specific heats
1. 5/7 2. 7/2 3. 2/7 4. 2/5
is . If R = 2 cal / mol/K then the values of
Cp and Cv are
1. 5 ,3 cal / mol / K 2. 3 ,4 cal / mol /K
3. 4 ,3 cal / mol /K 4. 3.5 , 7 cal / mol /K 24. Heat energy of 2100 J is given to a gas at a
18. For hydrogen gas Cp-Cv= a and for Oxygen constant pressure of 105 Pa. The increase
gas Cp- Cv = b, where Cp and Cv are molar in internal energy if the change in volume is
specific heats. Then the relation between 5 x 10-3m3
1. 1500 J 2. 1400 J 3. 1600 J 4. 800 J
‘a’ and ‘b’. is
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 95
25. 70 cal heat is required to raise the tempera- 33. The figure shows P-V graph of an ideal
ture of 2 moles of an ideal gas at constant one mole gas undergone to cyclic process
pressure from 250 C to 300 C , then the ABCA, then the process B  C is
amount of heat required to raise the tem-
perature of same gas through same raise of
temp. at constant volume is
1. 50 cal 2. 70 cal 3. 90 cal 4. 60 cal
26. A polyatomic gas (  = ) is compressed to
of its volume adiabatically. If it’s initial
pressure is P, the new pressure will be
1. 8P 2. 16P 3. 6P 4. 2P
1. Isobaric 2. Adiabatic
27. A fixed amount of dry air at temperature of
3. Isochoric 4. Isothermal
1 34. An ideal gas of adiabatic exponent  at
270C is suddenly compressed to of origi-
9 pressure p is adiabatically compressed so
nal volume. Its final temperature is that its density becomes n times the initial
(  =1.5) value, keeping the no. of moles constant.
1. 6270C 2. 6000C 3. 1580C 4. 5270C The final pressure of the gas will be
28. A gas is compressed isothermally and adia- 1. n P 2. n P 3. n 1 P 4. n1  P
batically. The corresponding change in vol-
ume are found to be 51 c.c and 34 c.c. The 35. On a TP diagram, two moles of ideal gas
value of  for the gas is perform process AB and CD. If the work
1. 1.67 2. 1.4 3. 1.33 4.1.5 done by the gas in the process AB is two
29. In an adiabatic expansion, the temperature times the work done in the process CD
of 5 moles of gas  = 1.5 falls from 870C to then what is the value of T1/T2?
270C, then the work done is
1. 2400 Cal 2. 4980 Cal
3. 1200 Cal 4. 3000 Cal
30. P-V plots for two gases in adibatic processes
are shown in the figure. Plots 1 and 2 shold
correspond respectively
(1) 1/2 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 4
36. A diatomic gas obeys PV 1  constant
(where p=pressure, v=volume) during a
thermodynamic change. The molar specific
heat of gas during the process is
1) He and O2 2) O2 and He
3) He and Ar 4) O2 and N2 7R 5R
1) 2) 3) R 4) 3R
31. 0.1 moles of a diatomic gas at 270 C is heated 2 2
at constant pressure, so that the volume is 37. Two moles of an ideal gas undergoes an iso-
doubled. If R=2 cal/mol, the work done is thermal change at temperature 'T' so that
1. 150cal 2. 60 cal 3. 40 cal 4. 30 cal its volume  is doubled. R is the molar gas
32. The isothermal bulk modulus of a gas at at- constant. Work done by the gas during this
mospheric pressure is change is
1. 1.293 x 106 Nm-2 2. 1.013 X 105 Nm-2 1. 2RT ln 4 2. 2RT ln 2
3. 1x104Nm-2 4. All the these 3. 2RT ln 1 4. 2RT ln 3
96 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
38. In the figure given two processes A and B are 45. A Carnot engine works between 600K and
shown by which a thermo-dynamical system 300K. In each cycle of operations, the engine
goes from initial to final state . If QA and draws 1000 Joule of energy from the source
QB are respectively the heats supplied to at 600K. The efficiency of the engine is
the system then 1) 20% 2) 50% 3) 70% 4) 90%
1. QA  QB 46. A perfect Carnot engine utilises an ideal gas
A and works between the temperature 2270C
2. QA  QB
i f and 1270C. If the work output of the engine
3. Z QA  QB
is 104 Joule, then the amount of heat
4. QA  QB received from the source will be
1) 1 104 Joule 2) 3  10 4 Joule
3) 5  10 4 Joule 4) 4  104 Joule
39. A Carnot’s engine operates with a source at 47. A Carnot engine takes 100 calories of heat
500K & sink at 375 K. The engine takes in each cycle from the source at high tem-
600 K cal of heat in one cycle, the heat perature at 400 K and gives 80 calories of
rejected to sink per cycle is in to the sink. The temperature of sink is
1) 250 k cal 2) 350 k cal 1) 500 K 2) 300 K 3) 480 K 4) 320 K
3) 450 k cal 4) 550 k cal 48. A Carnot engine working between 270 C
40. A scientist says that the efficiency of his heat
and 1270 C takes up 800J of heat from the
engine which operates at source tempera-
reservoir in one cycle.Then how much heat
ture 127 0 C and sink temperature 270 C is
is rejected to the sink.
26%, then
1) 600 J 2) 500 J 3) 400 J 4) 300 J
1) It is impossible
49. In above question, what is the efficiency of
2) It is possible but least probable
the engine
3) It is quite probable 4) Data are incomplete
41. A carnot engine has the same efficiency be- 1) 10% 2) 15% 3) 20% 4) 25%
tween 800 K to 500K and x K to 600 K. The 50. A refrigerator is to maintain kept inside at
value of ‘x’ is 90 c . If room temperature is 360 c .Find the
1) 1000 K 2) 960 K 3) 846 K 4) 754 K coefficient of performance
42. A Carnot’s engine working between 270 C (a) 10.1 (b)10 (c)10.44 (d)9.9
and 1270 C takes up 800 J of heat from the 51. An ideal heat engine working between tem-
resevoir in one cycle. What is the work done perature T1 and T2 has an efficiency  the new
by the engine efficiency if both the source and sink tem-
1) 100 J 2) 200 J 3) 300 J 4) 400 J perature are double,will be
43. A Carnot engine has an efficiency of 40%
when the sink temperature is 270C. The 
1) 2) 3) 2 4) 3
source temperature will be 2
1) 100K 2) 300K 3) 500K 4) 700 K
44. A reversible engine takes heat from a KEY
reservoir at 5270C and gives out to the sink LEVEL - I
at 1270C. The engine is required to perform 1.3 2.4 3.2 4.3 5.1
useful mechanical work at the rate of 750 6.4 7.1 8.2 9.1 10.2
watt. The efficiency of the engine is 11.1 12.2 13.1 14.3 15.4
1) 10% 2) 30% 3) 50% 4) 70%

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 97


16.3 17.1 18.4 19.4 20.4 15. du = ncvdt

21.3 22.2 23.3 24.3 25.1 CV  4cal / mole K , cp = cv + R = 6 cal/mol/
26.2 27.1 28.4 29.3 30.2 K
31.1 32.2 33.4 34.1 35.3 Qp = ncpdt = 5 x6x10 = 300 cal
36.4 37.2 38.4 39.3 40.1
41.2 42.2 43.3 44.3 45.2 16. dU = ncvdt also c = 
46.3 47.4 48.1 49.4 50.3 v

51.2 c p  cv
=   1 i.e. cv =  1
17. cv =  1 cp- cv = R
LEVEL - I 18. Both are diatomic gases also
cp-cv = R for all gases
1. w = JH mgh = Jml 19. 
p1v1  p2 v2

2. w = JH w = Jmc 
20. T  p1  const
4200 = 4.2 x 100 x 1 x 
21. From first law
 = 100C
Q  u  w
1 2
3. mv  m  L  J 100 = nC1T  50
and Q = nCP T = 100
4. mgh  m  S  dT  J
 C  2Cv   3R
R  1
5. cp - cv = J = c c
J p v

22. dU  nC dT
6. dQ = du + dw = u2 - u1 + dw v
7. U  Q  W dw 1
23.  1
3 dQ 
8. Q = ncvdT = 3 x x 8 .31x 15 = 560. 9 J 24. du = dQ - pdv
dw  1 25. nCv dT  n C p  dT   R  dT  
9. x 100 = 1   x 100
dQ   70 - ( 2 x 5 x 2)
70 - 20 = 50 Cal
10. dQ = du + dw
 
mL = du+pdv 26. p1v1  p2 v2
du = mL -pdv 27. TV γ-1 =constant
11. work done = Area under rectangle
12. W  P (V2 V1 )  dv   dv 
28.   Isothermal =    Adiabatic
 v   v 
13. W  PV
=(1x105Nm-2)(1000-800)x10-6m3=20J nR
29. w= (T - T )
U  Q  W  1 1 2
U =100J-20J=80J where R = 2 cal mol-1 k -1
14. dQ = ncvdt pv
30. w and
 1
98 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
5 40 300
 mono  43.  1
3 100 T1
 dia  T2
5 44.   1
31. Work done (w) = (T - T ) T2
γ 1 2 1   1
45. T1
32. Isothermal elasticity = P
33. In AB - isochoric process W T2
P0 TA 46. Q1  and   1  T

PV = RT  2 P  T  TB  2TA

0 B
Q2 T2
From CA 47. 
Q1 T1
0 0 T
 A  TC  2TA TB  TC
2 PV
0 0 TC 48. W  Q1  Q2
 BC is isothermal process W
34. In adiabatic process PV  = constant 49.   100
 
m m  T2
p    pf  ns   p f  n p 
S   50. T1  T2
35. Conceptual
R R 51.  1
36. C  T1
 1 x 1
Where PV x  constant.
V 
37. W  nRT log  2 
38. Conceptual
Q1  Q2 T1  T2 1. The height of water fall is 210 m. Assuming
39.  that the surface on which the water is falling
Q1 T1
is perfectly insulated and all the kinetic en-
T2 ergy of water is dissipated as heat. Find the
40.   1 rise in temparature of the water. (g = 10 m/
s2, Specific heat of water = 1000 cal.Kg-1C-1
T2 , J = 4200 J/K. cal)
41.   1
T1 1. 0.10C 2. 0.50C 3. 10C 4. 0.250C
2. A steel drill is making 180 revolutions per
42.  1 2 minute under constant couple of 5 Nm. If it
Q1 T1 drills a hole in 7 sec. in a steel block of mass
600 gm, rise in temperature of the block (
S= 0.1 cal/gm/K)
1. 2.60C 2. 1.30C 3. 5.20C 4. 30C
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 99
3. A steel ball of mass 0.1 kg falls freely from 1. 460 J, 4200 J 2. 4200 J, 460 J
a height of 10m and bounces to a height of 3. 1000 J, 4200 J 4. 460 J, 1000 J
5.4 m from the ground. If the dissipated 9. An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic ther-
energy in this process is absorbed by the modynamical process through four steps.
ball, the rise in its temperature is (Specific The amounts of heat involved in these steps
heat of steel = 460J/kg/0C, g= 10ms-2) are : Q1  5960 J , Q2  5585J ,
1. 0.010C 2. 0.10C 3. 10C 4. 1.10 C Q3  2980J , Q4  3645 J ; respectively,
4. A lead bullet of mass 21 g travelling at a The corresponding works involved are
speed of 100 ms-1 comes to rest in a wooden W1  2200 J , W2  825 J , W3  1100 J
block. If no heat is taken away by the wood,
and W4 respectively. The value of W4 is :
the rise in temperature of the bullet in the
1) 1315 J 2) 275 J 3) 765 J 4) 675 J
wood nearly is (Sp. heat of lead 80 cal/kg/
0 10. A gas under constant pressure of 4.5  105
Pa when subjected to 800KJ of heat,
1. 250c 2. 280C 3. 330C 4. 150C changes the volume from 0.5 m3 to 2.0m3.
The change in the internal energy of the
5. A bullet of mass 10  103 kg moving with a gas.
1. 6.75  105 J 2.5.25  105J
speed of 20 ms 1 hits an ice block  0 0 c  of 5
3. 3.25  10 J 4.1.25  105J
990 g kept at rest on a frictionless floor and 11. A diatomic gas is heated at constant pres-
gets embedded in it If ice takes 50% of sure. The fraction of heat energy used to
K.E,the amount of ice (in grams melts) ap- increasethe internal energy is
proximately is :(J=4.2 J/Cal) (Latent heat 3 3 5 5
of ice =80 cal/g) 1. 2. 3. 4.
5 7 7 9
1) 6 2)3 3) 6  103 4) 3  103 12. In a thermodynamic process, pressure of a
fixed mass of a gas is changed in such a
6. A man of 60kg gets 1000 cal of heat by eat- manner that the gas releases 30J of heat and
ing 5 mangoes. His efficiency is 28%. To 18 J of work is done on the gas. If initial
what height he can jump by using this en- internal energy of the gas was 30J, what will
ergy be the final internal energy?
1) 42 J 2) 12 J 3) 10 J 4) 18 J
1. 2m 2. 20m 3. 28m 4. 0.2m 13. A Sample of ideal monoatomic gas is taken
7. A lead bullet travelling at 210m/s enters a round the cycle ABCA as shown in the fig-
block of wood and is brought to rest. As- ure. The work done during the cycle is
suming 75% of heat absorbed by the bullet,
calculate the increase in temperature (Spe-
cific heat of lead 0.03X 103 cal/kg/c0 and J=
4.2 X 103 J/K.Cal) nearly
1. 13.10C 2. 10.00C 3. 310C 4. 690C

1. Zero 2. 3PV 3. 6PV 4. 9PV


8. 1kg of water and 1kg of steel are heated

through 1K. The change in their internal
energies are (Specific heat of steel = 460 J/
kg/K ; Specific heat of water=4200J/kg./
100 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
20 Forty calories of heat is needed to raise
the temperature of 1 mol of an ideal
 5 monoatomic gas from 200C to 300C at a con-
14. Two moles of monoatomic gas   1   is
 3 stant pressure. The amount of heat required
mixed with three moles of diatomic gas to raise its temperature over the same in-
 7 terval at a constant volume
  2   , then the value of  of the mixture
 5 (R=2calmol-1K-1) is
1. 3 2. 2 3. 1.5 4. 1 1. 20cal 2. 40cal 3. 60cal 4. 80cal
15. When a heat of Q is suppiled to one mole 21. The temperature of 5mol of a gas which was
of a monoatomic gas ( Then the held at constant volume was changed from
molar heat capacity of the gas at constant 1000C to 1200C. The change in i n t e rn a l
volume is energy was found to be 80J. The total heat
1) 3R 4 2) 5 R 4 3) 7 R 4 4) 3 R 2 capacity of the gas at constant volume will
16. Two cylinders A and B fitted with pistons be equal to
contain equal number of moles of an ideal 1. 8JK-1 2. 0.8JK-1 3. 4JK-1 4. 0.4JK-1
monoatomic gas at 400 K. The piston of A 22. The molar specific heat of oxygen at con-
is free to move while that of B is held fixed.
Same amonunt of heat energy is given stant pressure CP = 7.03 cal/mol 0C and
to the gas in each cylinder. If the rise in tem- R = 8.31 J/mol0C. The amount of heat taken
perature of the gas in A is 42K., The rise in by 5 mol of oxygen when heated at constant
volume from 100C to 200C will be approxi-
temperature of the gas in B is    5 / 3
1) 21K 2) 35 K 3) 42 K 4) 70 K
17. If for hydrogen cp - cv = m and for nitrogen 1. 25cal 2. 50cal 3. 250cal 4. 500cal
cp - cv =n, where cp and cv refer to specific 23. A diatomic ideal gas is heated at constant
heats per unit mass respectively at constant volume until the pressure is doubled and
pressure and constant volume. The relation again heated at constant pressure until the
between m and n is
volume is doubled. The averagemolar heat
1.n = 14m 2.n = 7m 3.m = 7n 4.m= 14n
18. For a gas the difference between the two capacity for the whole process is
specific heats is 4150 J/kg K. The specific 13R 19 R 23R 17 R
heats at constant volume of gas if the ratio of 1. 2. 3. 4.
specific heat is 1.4 is 6 6 6 6
1. 8475 J/kg K 2. 5186 J/kg K
3. 1660 J/kg K 4. 10375 J/kg K
19. In the given elliptical P - V diagram DIFFERENT THERMODYNAMIC

24. One mole of an ideal gas requires 207 J heat

to raise the temperature by 10K when
heated at constant pressure. If the same
gas is heated at constant volume to raise
1. The work done is positive
the temperature by the same 10K, the heat
2. The change in internal energy is non-zero
required is (R=8.3 J/mol/K)
  
3. The work done =   4   P2  P1 V2  V1  1. 187J 2. 29J 3. 215.3J 4. 124 J
 
4. The work done =   V2  V1 2    P2  P1 2

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 101

25. A system changes from the state (p1,v1) to 31. An ideal gas at a pressure of 1 atmosphere
(p2,v2) as shown in the diagram. The and temperature of 270C is compressed adia-
workdone by the system is. batically until its pressure becomes 8 times
the initial pressure, then the final tempera-
 3
ture is--------    
 2
1. 6270C 2. 5270C 3.4270 C 4. 3270C
32. At 270C a gas compressed suddenly such
that its pressure becomes 32 of original pres-
sure. Final temperature will be
(  = 5/3)
1. 4200K 2. 3000K 3. 9270C 4. 3270C
33. The heat energy absorbed by a system in
1. 12x104J 2. 12x108J 3. 12x105J 4. 6x104 J going through a cyclic process shown in fig-
26. A given mass of a gas is compressed iso- ure is
thermally until its presssure is doubled. It is
then allowed to expand adiabatically until its
original volume is restored and its pressure
is then found to be 0.75 of its initial pres-
sure. The ratio of the specific heats of the
gas is approximately
1) 1.20 2) 1.41 3) 1.67 4) 1.83
27. The tyre of a motor car contains air at 150C.
If the temperature increases to 350C, the
approximate percentage increase in pres-
sure is (ignore the expansion of tyre)
1) 103  J 2) 10 2  J 3) 10 4  J 4) 107  J
1) 7 2) 9 3) 11 4)13 34. The temperature of a one mole of diatomic
gas changes from 4T to T in adiabatic
 7 process.If R is universal gas constant. Then
28. 5 moles of hydrogen     initially at
 5 work done
S.T.P is compressed adiabatically so that 15 RT 15 RT 3RT 12 RT
its temperature becomes 4000 C.The 1) 2) 3) 4)
3 2 15 5
increase in internal energy in kilojoules is
(R = 8.30 J/mole/k) 35. A thermodynamic system is taken through
` 1.21.55 2.41.5 3.65.55 4.80.55 the cycle PQRSP process. The net work
29. A gas for which  = 1.5 is suddenly com- done by the system is
1 P
pressed to th of its initial volume then
4 S
300kPa R
the ratio of the final to initial pressure is
1. 1:16 2. 1:8 3. 1:4 4. 8:1
30. I mole of an ideal gas with  = 1.4 is adiabati- P Q

cally compressed so that its temperature rises 100cc 300cc

from 270C to 350C. The change in internal en-
ergy of the gas is (R= 8.3 Joule mole-1 k-1) 1. 20 J 2. – 20 J 3. 400 J 4. – 374 J
1. -166J 2. + 166J 3. -168 J 4. + 168
102 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
36. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle 40. A gas is expanded from volume V0 to 2V0
ABCA as shown in fig. If the net heat sup- under three different processes. Process 1
plied to the gas in the cycle is 5J, then the is isobaric process, process 2 is isothermal
work done by the gas in the process C to A process, and process 3 is adiabatic. Let
U1 , U 2 and U 3 be the change in
internal energy of the gas in these three
Processes. Then

1. -20J 2. -15J 3. -10J 4. -5J

 5
37. Two moles of a mono atomic    
 3
ideal gas has volume V0 at 27 C. To
1. U1  U 2  U 3
increase its volume to 2 2V0 adiabati
cally it should be heated to a tempera 2. U1  U 2  U 3
ture ‘t’ then (R=8.3JK-1mol-1)
3. U 3  U1  U 2
1. t = 13.60C 2. t  K 4. U 2  U1  U 3
3. t  150 2 K 4. t=150K
41. A refrigerator placed in a room at 300K has
38. An ideal gas is taken through
inside temperature 200 K. How many calo-
A  B  C  A , as shown in figure. ries of heat shall be delivered to the room
If the net heat supplied to the gas in the for each 2K.Cal of energy consumed by the
cycle is 55J, the work done by the gas in
refrigerator ideally
the process C  A is
1) 4 K.Cal2) 2 K.Cal 3) 8 K.Cal4) 6 K.Cal
42. A Carnot engine works between 2000C and
00C. Another Carnot engine works between
00C and
-2000C. In both cases the working substance
absorbs 4 kilocalories of heat from the
source. The efficiency of first engine will be
100 200 173 273
1. -5J 2. -10J 3. -15J 4. -20J 1) 2) 3) 4)
39. A container of volume 1m3 is divided into 273 473 273 373
two equal compartments by a partition. 43. In the above problem, the output of second
One of these compartments contains an engine is
ideal gas at 300K. The other compartment 1) 2.93  103 Caloire 2) 12.3  103 Caloire
is vacuum. The whole system is thermally
isolated from its surroundings. The parti- 3) 12.3  103 Joule 4) 29.3  103 Caloire
tion is removed and the gas expands to oc- 44. In the above problem, the ratio of outputs
cupy the whole volume of the container. Its of two engines is
temperature now would be 1) 0.577 2) 0.377 3) 0.777 4) 0.177
1. 300K 2. 250K 3. 200K 4. 10K
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 103
45. A heat engine operates between 2100 K and 51. Two Carnot engines A and B are operated
700K. Its actual efficiency is 40%. What in succession. The first one, A receives heat
percentage of its maximum possible from a source at T1 = 800 K and rejects to a
efficiency is this ? sink at T2K. The second engine B receives
1) 33.33% 2) 66.67% 3) 60% 4) 40% heat rejected by the first engine and rejects
46. A Carnot engine, whose sink is at 300k, has to another sink at T 3 =300K. If the
an efficiency of 40%. By how much the efficiencies of two engines are equal, then
source temperature should be changed so the value of T2 is
as to increase the efficiency to 60% ?
1) 250K increase 2) 250 K decrease 1) 489.4K 2) 469.4K 3) 449.4K 4) 429.4K
3) 325 K increase 4) 325 K decrease
47. A refrigerator works between 30C and 400C. 52. The efficiency of a Carnot engine is 1/6. In
To keep the temperature of the refrigera- reducing the sink temperature by 65K, the
tor constant, 600 calories of heat are to be
removed every second. The power required 1
efficiency becomes . The initial and final
is 3
1) 33.78 watt 2) 337.8 watt temperature between which the engine
3) 7.77 watt 4) 10.77 watt works, are
48. A perfect Carnot engine utilises an ideal gas
as the working substance. The source tem- 1) 1170 C,520 C 2) 2170 C,520 C
perature is 2270 C and sink temperature
1270 C . When 10,000J of external work is 3) 3170 C,520 C 4) 170 C,520 C
done, then the heat released to the sink is
53. A reversible engine takes heat from a
1) 1.2  104 J 2) 2.5  104 J
reservior at 527 0 C and gives out to the sink
3) 5  104 J 4) 4  104 J
49. A carnot engine uses first an ideal at 1270 C . The engine is required to perform
monoatomic gas    5 / 3 and then an ideal useful mechanical work at the rate of
750W. How many calories per sec must the
diatomic gas    7 / 5  as its working sub- engine take from the reservoir.
stance. The source and sink temperatures 1) 357.1 cal/sec 2) 257.1 cal/sec
are 4110 C and 690 C respectively and the
engine extract 1000J of heat from the source 3) 157.1 cal/sec 4) 57.1 cal /sec
in each cycle. Then: 54. A Carnot engine has efficiency of 40% when
1) The efficiencies of the engine in the two cases
are in the ration 21:25 sink temperature is 270 C . Inorder to
2) The area enclosed by the P-V diagram in the increased efficiency to 50%, the source
first case only is 500J temperature will have to be increased by
3) The area enclosed by the P-V diagram in both
1) 100K 2) 125K 3) 75K 4) 102K
cases is 500J
4) The heat energy rejected by the engine in the 55. A carnot engine operates between 3270C and
first case is 600J while that in the second case 270C. How much heat (in joules) does it take
is 714.3J from the 3270C reservoir for every 100 J of
50. A cannot engine has efficiency 40% (sink work done?
at 27 0 C ). To increase efficiency by 10% ,
1) 100 J 2) 200 J 3) 300 J 4) 400 J
the temperature o the source has to be in-
creased by
1) 15.7 K 2) 25.7 K 3) 50.7 K 4) 35.7 K
104 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

KEY U f  Ui
LEVEL - II U  U f  U i  0
1.2 2.1 3.2 4.4 5.4 F .L.T .D
6.1 7.1 8.2 9.3 10.4
Q  U  W
11.3 12.4 13.2 14.3 15.4
16.4 17.4 18.4 19.3 20.1 1040  0  275  W4
21.3 22.3 23.2 24.4 25.3 W4  765 J
26.2 27.1 28.2 29.4 30.2
31.4 32.3 33.2 34.2 35.2 10. U  Q  W and W  P  V
36.4 37.4 38.1 39.1 40.1 11. dQ=dU+dW
41.4 42.2 43.1 44.1 45.3
for diatomic gas dQ= CP dT
46.1 47.2 48.4 49.3 50. 4
51.1 52.1 53.1 54.1 55.2 and du = CV dT
12. We know that
U  W
HINTS so the heat is released by the system
Q  20 j
LEVEL - II  work is doen on the gas
W  8 J
1. mgh = Jms
20 j  U  8 J U  12 J
2. c  J ( mst ) ; θ  2 nt
(or) U f  U 2  12 J
3.. mg  h1  h2   m  S  dT  J
U f  U I  12  30  12  18 J
4.  s  T  J 1
4 13. W  Area of the loop 2 AC  BC
1  1  Mm  2 n1 c p 1  n 2 c p 2 n1 1  n1 2
5.  V   JxLi    
2  2  m  M   14. n1 c v 1  n 2 c v 2 n1  n2
x = Mass of ice melts. R
15. CV 
2.8  Q  1
6. J =mgh
16. dT2    dT1
1 2 75
7. mv   m  s  T  J 17. c p  cv  r 1gm of gas 
2 100
 n  no. of moles 
8. Q = ms  t M
9. Q  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4 18. C p  Cv  4150
= 5960  5585  2980  3645  1040J
C 
W  W1  W2  W3  W4 Cv   p  1  4150
 Cv 
 2200  825  1100  W4
For cyclic process , Cv 
 1
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 105
19. The work done = area of P - V diagram 
V   3 
V2  V1 P P 2 P     P  .V 
a ,b 2 1  2 4 
2 2
  1.415
 V V   P  P  27. PT
W    2 1   2 1 
 2  2 
T P
But the cyclic process is anticlockwise.   100 =  100
Hence, the work done is negative.
20. At constant pressure P 125
  100 =
 Q  P  CP T  1 CP  (30  20)  40 P 18
 C P  4cal / mol  K   100 = 7 (approximately)
 CV  CP  R  4.2  2cal / mol  K
Now 28. U  W and W  T  T 
  1 1 2
 Q V  CV T  1 2   30  20   20cal
 
21. At constant volume total energy will be 29. p1v1  p2 v2
utilised in increasing the temperature of gas R
i.e., 30. U  W and W  T  T 
  1 1 2
1  
1  

 Q V  CV T   CV 120  100   80 31. P1 T1  P2 T2

1  
1  
80 32. P1 T1  P2 T2
  CV   4J / K
20 33. From P-V diagram
This is the heat capacity of 5 mol gas work done by systam in cyclic process is
22. Q=nCv  T=n(Cp-R)  T equal to area of the loop then Heat atsorbed
23. Total heat absorbed by 1 mole of gas =Workdone = area of the loop
Q  Cv (2T0  T0 )  C p (4T0  2T0 )  30  10 
= r     =   102 j
Q  2 
Molar heat capacity =
T R
34. W= [ T2 - T1]
5 3  1
24. cp = R cv = R
2 2 35. Work done = area between the cycle
Qv 36. For cyclic process
Q p = 5 here Qp = 270 J , Qv = 124 J  U total  0 and dQ  du  dw
25. W=Area of triangle + Area of rectangle   Q total   wtotal
26. For isothermal process PV
1 1  PV
2 2
 5  10  0  WCA since WAB = 10
PV  2 PV
. 2
WBC  0
V2  V / 2  WCA = -5J
For adiabatic process  1
37. In adiabatic process TV
1 1  T2V2 1
 
1 1 2 2 2
(300)(V0)2/3 = T2 2 2V0   3

106 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

300 W
T2   150 K  ; Q  ?
2 Q1 1

38. dU=0 Q2
  1 ; Q2  ?
 5  dWA B  dWa c  dWc  A Q1

 5=10(2-1)+0+ dWc A TL 342 1

49.   1  1 
 dWc A =-5J TH 682 2
39. Q=nC  T W 1 W
now    or  
Q 80 Q 2 100
nC=   4J / K
T 12  100 W  500 J
40. Conceptual
T2 40 T2 3
T 50.   1   
41. Q2  W  Q1 and   1 2 T1 100 T1 5

T2 T 2  300k  T1  500k
42.   1
T1 New efficient
 T1  T2  10 300
 40  40   44%  1   0.44
43. W    Q1 =  T  Q1 100 T1
 1 
W1 T1 ' T11  535.7 K
44. W2 = T1 T11  T1  535.7  500  35.7 K
T2 1 40 T2 T
45.   1
and   1  1 3
100 51. T1 T2

This  ' is 60% of its actual efficiency T2

52.   1
46.   1  T1  ?
T1 W T
53.  1 2
Q T1
 '  1
T1 ' T2
54.   1
T1 ; T1  ?
T1 '  ?
T  T1 ' T1 10 T
 '    1 2 ; T '  ?
100 T1 ' 1
Q2 T2
47.   Then T  T1 ' T1
W T1  T2
W ? 55. W  Q1  Q2 ;
W Q1  Q2 T1  T2
P =?  
t Q1 T1
  1  T 
48. T1  Q1   1  W  600  100  200 J
 T1  T2  600  300

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 107

5. The relation between internal energy U,
LEVEL - III pressure P and volume V of a gas in an
adiabatic process is : U  a  bPV Where
‘a’ and ‘b’ are constants. What is the value
1. Certain amount of an ideal gas is contained of the ratio of the specific heats?
in a closed vessel. The vessel is moving with a b 1 a 1 b
a constant velocity v. The molecular mass 1) 2) 3) 4)
b b a a
of gas is M. The rise in temperature of the
6. Three samples of the same gas, x, y and z,
gas when the vessel is suddenly stopped is for which the ratio of specific heats is 
(  =ratio of specific heats R= universal gas have initially the same volume. The vol-
constant J=mechanical equivalent of heat) ume of the each sample is doubled by adia-
MV 2    1 mV 2    1 batic process in the case of x, by isobaric
1) 2) process in the case of y and by isothermal
2 RJ M 2 RJ process in the case of z. If the initial pres-
sure of the sample of x, y and z are in the
mV 2 MV 2
3) 4) ratio 2 2 :1: 2 then the ratio of the their
2 RJ 2 RJ
final pressures is
2. A 42 kg block of ice moving on rough hori- 1) 2 : 1 : 1 2) 1 : 1 : 1 3) 1 : 2 : 1 4) 1 : 1 : 2
zontal surface stops due to friction, after 7. A thermodynamic process is shown in the
some time. If the initial velocity of the de- figure. The pressure and volumes corre-
celer at ing block is 4 m s-1, the mass of ice sponding to some points in the figure are
(in kg) that has melted due to the heat gen-
erated by the friction is (latent heat of ice is
3.36  105 Jkg 1

1) 103 2) 1.5  103

PA= 3X104 Pa VA= 2X10-3 m-3
3) 2  103 4) 2.5  10 3 4
PB= 8X10 Pa VB= 5X10-3m-3
3. A drilling machine is used to drill a hole in a In the process AB, 600J of heat is added to
10 kg metal block. Power of the drilling the system and in process BC, 200J of heat
is added to the system. The change in in-
machine is 1 KW and it is used for 5 minutes.
ternal energy of the system in process AC
If 40% of the work done by the drilling
would be
machine is converted into heat in the metal 1) 560J 2) 800J 3) 600J 4) 640J
block, the rise in its temperature is (specific 8. Two rigid boxes containing different ideal
heat = 0.115 cal gm-1 0C–1 and J = 4.175 J/ gases are placed on a table. Box A contains
Cal) one mole of N2 at temperature To, while box
10 200C 2) 250C 3) 350C 4) 500C B contains one mole of He at temperature
7/3 To. The boxes are then put into thermal
4. When 1 gm of water changes from liquid to contact with each other and heat flows
vapour phase at constant pressure of 1 between them until the gases reach a
atmosphere, the volume increases from 1cc common final temperature [Ignore the heat
to 1671cc. The heat of vaporisation at this capacity of boxes]. Then the final
pressure is 540 cal/gm. Increase in internal temperature of the gases Tf. interms of T0
energy of water is is
(1 at mospher e = 1.01 x 106 dyne/cm2) 5 3 7 3
1) Tf = To 2) Tf = To3) Tf = To4)Tf = To
2 7 3 2
1) 4200J 2) 8200J 3) 1200J 4) 2100 J
108 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
9. A monoatomic ideal gas, initially at 13. Pressure versus temperature graph of
temperature T1, is enclosed in a cylinder an ideal gas is an shown in figure
fitted with a frictionless piston. The gas is
allowed to expand adiabatically to a
temperature. T2 by releasing the piston
suddenly. IF L1 and L2 are the lengths of the
gas column before and after expansion
respectively, then T1/T2 is given by
2 2
 L 3 L1 L2  L 3
1)  1  2) L 3) L 4)  2  Corresponding density    versus
L2  2 1  L1  volume (V) graph will be
10. n moles of an ideal gas undergoes a process
A  B as shown in the figure maximum
temperature of the gas during theprocess
is 1. 2.

3. 4.

14. Two Carnot engines ‘A’ and ‘B’ are

3P0 V0 9P0 V0 operatured in succession. The first one, A
1) 2)
2nR 4nR receives heat from a source at T1  800 K and
9P0 V0 9P0 V0 rejects to a sink at T2 K . The second engine
3) 4) B receives heat rejected by the first engine
2nR nR
11. When a system is taken from state i to a state and rejects to another sink at T3  300 K . If
f along path iaf, Q = 50J and W = 20 J. Along the work outputs of two engines are equal,
path ibf, Q = 35J. If w = – 13J for the return
then the value of T2 is
path fi, Q for this path is
1) 33J
P 1) 100 K 2) 300 K 3) 550 K 4) 700 K
a f 15. An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic ther-
2) 23 J
3) – 7 J modynamical process through four steps.
4) – 43 J b The amounts of heat involved in these steps are
12. The minimum attainable pressure of V : Q1  5960 J , Q2  5585 J , Q3  2980 J ,
one mole of an ideal gas if during its
Q4  3645 J ; respectively, The corresponding
expansion its temperature and volume
works involved are W1  2200 J ,
are related as T  T0   V 2 is
(T0 and  are positive constants) W2  825 J , W3  1100 J and W4
R respectively.Find The value of W4 and efficiency
1) T0 2) R T0
2 of the cycle:
2R 1) 1315 J, 10% 2) 275 J, 11%
3) T0 4) 2R T0
3 3) 765 J, 10.82% 4) 675 J , 10.82%

Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 109

 8 Tf  1 2 T0  Tf  T0

LEVEL - III  1  1
9. TV T V
1)1 2)1 3)2 4)4 5)2 11 2 2
6)2 7)1 8)4 9)4 10)2 10. Since PV graph of the process is a straight line
11)1 12)4 13)2 14)3 15)3 and two points (V0, 2Po) and (2V0, P0) are
known, its equation will be.
 2Po  P0 
HINTS (P - P0) =  V  2V0 
(V0  2V0 )

 P - P0 = V  2V0  V 

1 2 m R P0 V
1. mv   Cv  dT  J and Cv 
2 M  1  P = 3P0 - V

1 2 According to ideal gas equation.

2. W mv and W  m  L  J
PV  P0 V  V
40 T = nR  3P0  V  x nR
3. Jms  Pt  0 
4. dQ=mL; dW  P V2  V1  ; dU=dQ-dW 
 3P V V  P V 
0 0 0

- (1)
5. 0=du+p.dv nRV0

6. For adiabatic process PV 
 P2  2V  dT
1 For ‘T’ to be maximum 0
3/ 2
V  3P0V0 - 2P0V = 0
P2  2 2   =1
 2V  3V0
Isobaric process P1  P2  1 2
Putting this value in equation (1)
For isothermal process PV
1 1  PV
2 2
 3V0  9 2
PV Tmax = 3PoVo    P0  V0  nRV0
P2  1 =1  2  4 
9P0 V0
7. State AB is a isochoric process, so no work is  Tmax =
done BC is Isobaric process there work done=PB 4nR
(VD-VA)=240J 11. U  constant in two cases
dQ= 600+200=800J Q  U  W
Now dQ= dU+dW
12. pv=RT
dU= 800-240=560J
8. U = 0 R
T0   v2 
 U1  U 2  0
 5    3  7  For p to be min 0
1x  2 xR   Tf  T0    1x 2 Rx  Tf  f 3 T0   = 0 dv
      

 5Tf  5T0  3Tf  7T0  0 T0


110 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
RT 2. Consider the following two statements and
 pmin = choose the correct answer :
A) If heat is added to a system its tempera-
13. Process AB is an isothermal process, i.e P  ture must always increase
I/V and since  1/ V ,   V graph will be a B)If positive work is done by a system in
rectangular hyperbola pressure is increasing: thermodynamic process its volume must in-
therfore volume will increase. Process BC is an crease
isochoric process. Therefore V=constanct and 1) Both (A) and (B) are correct
since  =m/V, density is also constanct i.e  -V 2) (A) is correct but (B) is wrong
graph is dot process CD is inverse process 3) (A) is correct but (B) is wrong
of process AB and process DA is inverse is BC 4) Both (A)and (B)are wrong
3. Assertion (A) : Zeroth law of thermodynam-
T1  T2 WA
14. A   ics gives us the concept of energy
T1 Q1
Reason (R) : Internal energy is dependent
T2  T3 WB on temperature
B  
T2 Q2 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
Q1 T1 T2  T3 T1 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but
  
Q2 T2 T1  T2 T2 reason is not correct explanation of Asser-
 W A  WB tion.
3) Assertion is true but reason is false
T1  T3
T2  4) Assertion is false but reason is true
4. Assertion (A) : Two systems which are in
14. Cyclic process U  0 thermal equilibrium with a third system are
Qnet  Wnet in thermal equilibrium with each other.
Reason (R) : The heat flows always from a
Q1  Q 2  Q3  Q 4  W1  W2  W3  W4 system at higher temperature to a system
Efficiency  = at a lower temperature
total workdonein the cycle 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
 100 reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
Heat absorbed by the gas during the cycle 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but
reason is not correct explanation of Asser-
 W  W2  W3  W4 
 1   100 tion
 Q1  Q 4  3) Assertion is true but reason is false
4) Both assertion and reason are false
LEVEL - IV 5. Assertion (A) : According to the principle of
conservation of energy all heat can be con-
verted into mechanical work
1. A) First law of thermodynamics specifies the Reason (R) : Due to various losses, it is
conditions under which a body can use its impossible to convert all heat into mechani-
heat energy to produce the work. cal work
B) Second law of thermodynamics states that 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
heat always flows from hot body to cold body reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
by itself 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but
1) Both A and B are true reason is not correct explanation of Asser-
2) Both A and B are false tion.
3) A is true but B is false 3) Assertion is true but reason is false
4) A is false B is true 4) Both assertion and reason are false
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 111
6. Assertion (A) : According to Joule, heat and 10. Consider the following statements and
work are related choose the correct answer.
Reason (R) : For every 1 cal. of heat we can Statement - I: If heat is added to a system,its
get 4.186 J of mechanical work. temperature must always increase.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Statement - II: If positive work is done by a
reason is correct explanation of Assertion. system in thermodynamic process,its volume
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but must increase.
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion. 1) both I and II are true
3) Assertion is true but reason is false 2) I is correct,but II is wrong
4) Both assertion and reason are false 3) I is wrong but II is correct
7. Statement - I: Reversible systems are diffi- 4) both I and II are wrong
cult to find in real world 11. According to second law of thermodynamics
Statement - II:Most proceesses are dissi- Statement - I:All heat can be converted into
pative in nature work
1) If both the statements are true and the state- Statement - II: The efficiency of a heat
ment-II is the correct explanation of statement-I engine is always lesser than unity
2)If both the statements are true but the state- Statement - III:It is not possible to transfer
ment-II is not the correct explanation of heat from lower to higher temperature by it
statement-I self
3)If statement -I is true but statement -II is false 1) both I and II are true
4)If statement -I is false but statement -II is true 2) both II and III are true
8. Statement - I:Thermodynamic process in 3) both I and III are true 4) I, II, III are true
nature are irreversible 12. Consider the statement (1) and (2) and
Statement - II:Dissipative effects can not be identify the correct answer.
Statement-I: First law of thermodynamics
1.If both the statements are true and the state- specifies the condition underwhich a body
ment-II is the correct explanation of statement - can use its heat energy to produce the work.
I Statement-II: Second law of thermodynamics
2.If both the statements are true but the state- states that heat always flows from hot body
ment-II is not the correct explanation of state- to cold body by itself
ment-I 1) Both I and II are true
3.If statement -I is true but statement -II is false 2) Both I and II are false
4.If statement -I is false but statement -II is true 3) I is true , II is false 4) I is false but II is true
9. Consider the following statements:
Statement - I: Heat given to an ideal gas
13. The second law of thermodynamics is the
generalisation of the fact that
under isothermal conditions is used
completely to do external work. Statement - I:Heat always flows from hot
Statement - II: The change in internal energy body to cold body by itself
in a thermodynamic process is independent Statement - II:Heat can flow from cold body
of the path. to hot body itself
1) I and II are true Statement - III: It is impossible for a self
2) Both are false acting machine un aided by any external
3) I is true and II is false agency to transfer heat from cold body to
hotter body
4) I is false II is true
1) I & II 2) II & III 3) I & III 4) I, II & III
112 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
14. According to second law of thermo 18. STATEMENT -1: Two vessels A and B
dynamics are connected to each other by a stopcock .
a. All heat can be converted into work Vessel A contains a gas at 300 K and 1
b. The Efficiency of a heat engine is atmosphere pressure and vesselB is
always lesser than unity evacuated. The two vessels are thermally
c.It is not passible to tranfor heat from insulated from the surroundings. If the
lower to higher temperature by itself stopcock is suddenly opened, the expanding
d.When heat changes to other forms gas does no work.
energy is conserverd STATEMENT – 2 : Since  Q = 0 and as
1) Both a and b are true
the gas expands freely so W = 0 and
2) Both b and c are true
from the first law of thermodynamics it
3) Both a and c are true
4) Both c and d are true follows that  U is also zero for the above
15. The second law of thermodynamics is the process.
generalisation of the fact that 1) both I and II are true, I explains II
I.Heat always flows from hot body to hot 2) both I and II are true, I doesn't explain II
body to cold body by itself 3) I is wrong but II is correct
II. Heat can flow from cold body to hot 4) both I and II are wrong
body itself 19. Read the following and write the correct
III. It is impossible for a self acting ma- pairs. Pressure temperature graph of n
chine un aided by any external agency to moles of an ideal gas is shown (  - density).
transfer heat cold body to hotter body
1) I & II 2) II & III
3) I & III 4)I,II,III&IV
16. Choose the correct statement
A:It is impossible to derive continuous
supply of work by cooling a body to a
temperature lower than that of the cold-
est of its surroundings
B: Heat engine can convert whole of the Column I Column II
heat energy supplied to it into useful work
1. Only A 2. Only B
3. Both A & B 4. Both A & C A)  -V graph p)
Monoatomic, diatomic and polyatomic
gases are adiabatically compressed
adiabatically separately to equal
B)P-V graph q)
 P2 
compression ratio  P  . Then
 1
monoatomic gas will have maximum
final volume out of these three gases. C)  -P graph r)
Monoatomic gas has least degree of
1) both I and II are true, I explains II D)V-T graph s)
2) both I and II are true, I doesn't explain II
3) I is wrong but II is correct 1)A-s, B-q, C-p, D-r 2)A-p, B-r, C-q, D-s
4) both I and II are wrong 3)A-q, B-r, C-p, D-s 4)A-r, B-q, C-p, D-s
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 113
20. The V–T diagram of an ideal gas for the 24. An ideal gas under goes a thermodynamic
process A  B  C (straight lines) is as cycle as shown in fig. Which of the following
shown in the figure. In the process A  graphs represents the same cycle?

A) pressure is always increasing

B) for some interval pressure decreases but
finally pressure is more than initial pressure
C) pressure first increases then remains constant A)
D) graph AB is unpredictable about pressure
1) A, B, C are correct 2) B, D are correct
3) C only correct 4) B only correct
Read the question to answer Q. 414 to 416 :
A monoatomic ideal gas sample is given heat
Q. One fourth of this heat is used as work
done by the gas and rest is used for increas-
ing its internal energy. B)
21. The molar specific heat for the gas in this
process is
3 R
(1) R (2) (3) 2R (4) 3R
2 2
22. The equation of process in terms of
volume and temperature is
V V C)
(1) = constant (2) = constant
(3) VT = constant (4) V T = constant
23. The P V diagram for the process is

1) 2)

3) 4) 1) A, C 2) B,D 3) A,D 4) B,C

114 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy

25. An ideal monoatomic gas under goes a 28. Choose the correct P–T diagram for the
reversible cyclic process as shown in T-P given cyclic process.
diagram. Match the List I with List II.
Process 1-2 is given by TP= constant,
process 1-3 is given by TP2= constant . 1) 2)
2-3 is isothermal

3) 4) None of these

29. Choose the correct V–T diagram for the

given cyclic process.

Column I Column II 1) 2)
a) Process 1-2 p) W positive
b) Process 2-3 q) W negative
c) Process 3-1 r) Q positive
d) Complete cycle s) Q negative 3) 4)None of these
t) U positive
1)a-q,s b-p,r c-p,r,t d-q,s Questions No. 30 to 33
Two cylinder A and B having piston
2)a-q b-p c-r,t d-q
connected by massless rod (as shown in
3)a-s b-r c-p,t d-q,s
figure). The cross-sectional area of two
4)a-q,s b-p,r c-r d-s
cylinders are same & equal to ‘S’.
Question No. 26 to 29 Thecylinder A contains m gm of an ideal gas
The figure shows P–V diagram of a at Pressure P & temperature T 0 . The
thermodynamic cycle cylinder B contain identical gas at same
temperature T0 but has different mass. The
piston is held at the state in the position so
that volume of gas in cylinder A & cylinder
B are same & is equal to V0. The walls
& piston of cylinder A are thermally
insulated, whereas cylinder B is maintained
26. The work done by the cycle is at temperature T0 reservoir. The whole
system is in vacuum. Now the piston is slowly
1) 2P0V0 2) 3P0V0 3) P0V0 4) 6P0V0
released and it moves towards left &
27. If TA, TB , TC and TD are the respective
mechanical equilibrium is reached at the
temperature at A, B, C and D. Then, choose
state when the volume of gas in cylinder A
the correct statement if TA = T0
1) The maximum temperature during the cycle V0
becomes . Then (here  for gas = 1.5)
occurs at C. 2
2) TD = 3T0 3) TB = 2T0
4) all the above
Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 115
30. The mass of gas in cylinder B
1) 2 2 m 2) 3 2 m 1.4 2.3 3.4 4.1 5.2
3) 2 m 4) m 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.3
31. The change in internal energy of gas in 11.2 12.4 13.3 14.2 15.3
cylinder A 16.1 17.1 18.1 19.4 20.3
21.3 22.2 23.2 24.1 25.1
1) ( 2 – 1) PV0 2) 2( 2 – 1) PV0 26.1 27.4 28.1 29.2 30.2
PV0 31.2 32.3 33.3 34.4 35.2
3) 4) zero
( 2  1) LEVEL - IV - HINTS
32. If work done by gas in cylinder B isWB &
work done by gas in cylinder A is WA then 1 to 15 - Conceptual
16. P1V1  P2 V2
1) WA = –WB 2) |WA| > |WB|
V2  1
3) |WA| < |WB| 4) we can’t say anything (P2 / P1 ) 

33. What will be the compressive force in

connecting rod at equalibrium V2 is high when  is high
1) PS 2) 2 PS 3) 23/2
PS 4) zero and  is high for low D.O.F.
Question No. 34 to 35 17. Since the system is thermally insulated from the
surroundings, no heat flows into the system or
The dot in figure represents the initial state
out of it, i.e. Q = 0,
of a gas. An adiabat divides the p-V
W = 0,  U = 0.
diagram into regions 1 and 2 as shown. 18. Conceptual
19. Process A  B , pressure increases
Process B  B, pressure constant.
20 to 22. Conceptual
23. Process AB in the given figure is an isobaric
process. During this process V  T
But pv  nRT  or  PV  T
34. For which of the following processes, the Therefore during this process pressure P
corresponding heat supplied to the system remains constant. Process BC is an
Q is positive isochoric cooling . During this process,
1) the gas moves up along the adiabat, volume decreases and temperature remains
2) it moves down along the adiabat, constant . Hence, pressure increases during
3) it moves to anywhere in region 1, this process. Hence, on P-V diagram,
4) it moves to anywhere in region 2. process AB will be a straight line parallel to
V-axis and BC will be a straight line parallel
35. As the gas moves down along the adiabatic, to P-axis and CA will be rectangular
the temperature hyperbola. Hence C is correct while D is
1) increases wrong.
2) decreases On P – T diagram, process AB will be straight
3) remains constant line parallel to T-axis, during which temperature
4) variation depends on type of gas increases, process BC will be a straight line
116 Narayana IIT/PMT Academy
passing through origin, during which temperature
and pressure both decrease and process CA will
be straight line parallel to P-axis during which
pressure increase.
Hence (A) is correct while (B) is wrong.
24. Process 1  2  Polytropic  n= ,
 1
Process 1  3  Polytropic  n  
 3
W1 2  Ve, W23  Ve, W31  Positive
U 1 2  Ve, U 23  0, U 31  Positive
Q12  Ve, Q23  Ve, Q31  Positive
25 to 28. Conceptual
29 to 31. Conceptual
31 to 35. Conceptual


Narayana IIT/PMT Academy 117

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