Disaster Readiness - LAS 15
Disaster Readiness - LAS 15
Disaster Readiness - LAS 15
Expanded Project
Name: Score/Mark:
Grade and Section: Date:
Strand: ABM ICT HE-Cookery HE-Tourism
Subject: Disaster and Risk Management
Type of Activity: Concept Notes Skills: Exercise/Drill Illustration
Performance Task Essay/Report Others:
Activity Title: Disaster risk reduction
Learning Target: To identify the causes of risk
CBDRRM in school
Form disaster risk reduction management team to take charge of first aid, rescue, security,
evacuation, and communications. Designated overall coordinator.
Perform activity before proceeding. The DRRM team should inspect the school grounds and
buildings for unsafe conditions in case of earthquakes.
Before starting to work on the school earthquake evacuation plan, each team and its members
should get a copy of the school maps.
1. Designated a specific open area for each class as their assembly points. These should be
safe from failing objects that may cause injuries.
2. Indicate on the maps the dangerous points which should be avoided during evacuation.
3. Indicate by arrows, the route students should follow from their respective rooms to their
designated assembly points.