Twin Time

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To immediately dispel the misconception that flight safety is always greater in a twin
engine airplane, think of it this way: Flying a twin means you are now twice as likely to lose
an engine, and of course that can happen in any phase of flight. With effective training, you
will learn to engage the emergency of engine loss effectively while extracting the most
performance remaining from your airplane. Training in a twin engine aircraft is less about
learning to fly a more complex aircraft with two engines, but rather learning to effectively
control and manage that aircraft when only one engine is operating.

The number 1 fallacy in many students’ minds when first exposed to twin engine aircraft:
When you lose an engine, you lose 50% of its performance.
Wrong. With those two engines producing all that power, comes two engines producing all
that drag as well. When you lose an engine on a twin-engine aircraft, you lose 50% of the
power the airplane normally produces, and you lose 80‐90% of excess thrust
(performance). An airplane’s climb performance is a production of this excess thrust. Also,
in certain situations, climb performance may also be regarded as the “least sink rate.”
To put this performance reduction in perspective, if you’re normally climbing at 1200 fpm,
with one engine, you’re now climbing at 200 fpm. Given enough altitude, the emergency is
mitigated somewhat, but consider what that looks like on a takeoff from an airport with
surrounding obstacles. Also at 5000’ or greater density altitudes, or you’re close to gross
weight, you are now most likely descending with only one engine operating.
When an engine’s power is lost, the remaining performance is not the difference between two
engine performance and level flight. Rather it’s the difference between two engine
performance and a zero power descent.

When both of those engines are pulling equally, thrust is nice and symmetrical. With only 1
engine pulling, asymmetrical thrust develops adverse yaw. There is also a component of
asymmetrical lift. The wing with the dead engine now has less airflow over it, resulting in a
roll to that side. Without the pilot’s effective management of control surfaces and speed, the
airplane can quickly become unstable and enter an inverted spin. These aircraft are not
known for having good spin recovery time.
The Piper Aztec is a conventional twin. This means both propellers turn as you normally
see them‐ clockwise when looking at them from the cockpit. On a conventional twin, the left
engine is the critical engine. Simply put‐ that means the loss of that engine would most
adversely affect the handling and performance of the aircraft.
There are some training twins that have counter‐rotating props, the result is no (or
minimal) critical engine… but again, common sense would tell you any engine is critical.
Also, not to forget: An engine can be either performance critical, system critical or both as
the left engine is on our Aztec. The Aztec’s left engine is the power producer for the
hydraulic pump that operates the landing gear and flaps. Now you are manually extending
gear and flaps without that system.

So why do we talk about critical engines if they’re both critical?

Losing the left (critical) engine means greater adverse yaw. Greater adverse yaw means
there is even a smaller margin for error in controlling the airplane.

And why the left engine?


On high angles of attack, the descending blade (right blade) produces more thrust than the
ascending blade (left blade). The descending, right blade on the right engine has a longer
arm from the CG than the descending (right) blade of the left engine, creating a yaw force to
the left. P‐ Factor causes a conventional twin to yaw to the left. Failure of the left engine will
cause more loss of directional than loss of right engine because of the longer arm of the
right engine's thrust from the CG.
Accelerated slipstream

As a result of p‐factor, stronger induced lift is produced on the right side of the right engine
than on the left side of the left engine by the prop wash. In case of a left engine failure, there
would be a strong moment rolling the plane to the left. Also on a failure of the left engine,
less negative lift will be produced by the tail, resulting in a pitch down.

Spiraling Slipstream

The spiraling slipstream from the left engine hits the tail from the left. In case of a right
engine failure on a conventional twin, this tail force will counteract the yaw towards the
left dead engine; but in case of a left engine failure, the slipstream does not hit the tail to
counteract the yaw, so there is more loss of directional control.

For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction (Newton 3 law of motion). As a
result of the propellers turning clockwise on a conventional twin, there is a left rolling
tendency of the airplane. If the right engine fails, this left roll tendency will help us
maintain control and resist the right roll towards the right, dead engine, caused by
asymmetric thrust; but if the left engine fails, the left roll tendency by torque will add to the
left turning force caused by asymmetric thrust, making it much more difficult to maintain
directional control. This makes the left engine critical. On a counter‐rotating twin, No
matter which engine fails, torque will oppose the roll created by asymmetric thrust.
All this leads us to a new V speed in your repertoire, and the most important to understand
during twin engine training:

Vmc – The redline at the lower end of the ASI

Now for the formal definition…
Vmc (minimum control speed) is the calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical engine
is suddenly made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the airplane with that
engine still inoperative, and thereafter maintain straight flight at the same speed with an
angle of bank of not more than 5 degrees. The method used to simulate critical engine
failure must represent the most critical mode of powerplant failure expected in service
with respect to controllability. (FAR 23.149) What this means to you is it is extremely vital
to always be cognizant of your airspeed in the event of an engine failure. If Vmc is reached
with only one engine operative, there is good chance that the aircraft will become
uncontrollable. At this speed, the rudder loses its effectiveness to overcome adverse yaw.
Vmc is dynamic. (Dynamic – means it changes). Although the FAA (FAR 23.149) sets the
parameters in which Vmc must be determined for aircraft certification, the airplane’s
configuration and atmospheric conditions during flight make the speed a moving target.
The certification regulations level the playing field between manufacturers so that falsely
low Vmc aren’t published (increasing sales). Having a good idea under what conditions an
aircraft’s Vmc must be certified gives the pilot a good idea of what actual Vmc may be for a
given flight. However, always assume this redline is a never go below speed, just as the
other redline is a never exceed speed.
Vmc certification conditions, FAR 23.149. Airplane Flying Handbook p. 12‐28
1. Standard atmosphere. (FAR 23.45)
2. Most unfavorable CG and weight.
3. Out of ground effect.
4. Critical engine INOP.
5. Bank no more than 5° towards operating engine.
6. Max available takeoff power on each engine initially.
7. Trimmed for takeoff.
8. Wing flaps set to takeoff position.
9. Cowl flaps set to takeoff position.
10. Landing gear retracted.
11. All propeller controls in takeoff position. (INOP engine windmilling)
12. Rudder force required by the pilot to maintain control must not exceed 150 pounds.
13. It must be possible to maintain heading ±°20.

The relationship between performance and Vmc can be misunderstood:

It is essential that the pilot understands directional control of the aircraft and its
performance are two different things. Factors that lower Vmc and improve directional
control are not necessarily good for performance. For example:

Increase in density altitude

 Decreases Vmc (good)
 Decreases Performance (bad)
Increase in weight
 Decreases Vmc (good)
 Decreases Performance (bad)
Windmilling prop (vs. feathered)
 Increases Vmc (bad)
 Decreases Performance (bad)

Aft CG
 Increases Vmc (bad)
 Increases Performance (good)
Flaps extended
 Decreases Vmc (good)
 Decreases Performance (bad)
Gear retracted
 Increases Vmc (bad)
 Increases Performance (good)
Up to 5° Bank towards good engine
 Decreases Vmc (good)
 Increases Performance (good)

So after all the talk about Vmc, the safest way to react in the event of an engine failure
is not to think of Vmc, but rather the speed to shoot for is Vyse The Blue Line.
Vyse: best climb performance on a single engine. This best climb performance in the
specific conditions may still only be a descent, but it’s the best shot we have at the most
time in the air so that we may proceed to a safe landing spot.

 Maintain directional control: counteract that adverse yaw; RUDDER!
 Mixtures / Props / Throttles forward: BALLS TO THE WALL
 Flaps up / Gear Up : decrease drag
 Pitch for Vyse (blue line) or better.
Now just slightly less immediate, but critically important:
 Identify dead engine: Dead foot, dead engine. (The rudder you are not pushing)
 Verify: Slowly bring back throttle on what you presume dead engine is. Bring this
one to full idle. The DPE or MEI wll adjust for simulated single engine.
 Decide: Troubleshoot or Feather: If plenty of altitude, run checklist to see if issue
can be remedied. (Possible fuel issue). If level flight cannot be maintained and at low
altitude, Feather immediately:
 Feather: Touch prop lever, saying to yourself out loud which engine is dead and
verifying your hand is pulling back that prop. The DPE or MEI will stop your
movement when they deem its close enough to feather.
 Secure: Always speaking out loud to yourself which side you’re pulling back and
verifying that it’s the correct side. Mixture off, fuel selector off, cowl flap closed,
alternator off, reduce electrical load.
 Take care of good engine: Set power setting for blue line, watch temps, and adjust
cowl flaps as necessary.
 Take care of that directional control. Bank into the good engine least 2‐5 degrees.
Ball should be halfway out on good engine side so that you are “raising the dead”
engine. Trim as required to reduce your work load and keep leg day at a limit.
 Remember: more than that 5 degrees bank may be necessary, but the more you
bank, the more vertical lift component you lose.

Although we are steadfast in our training, the weather may not be. We make certain that
you are prepared for your check ride, but please realize each flight is at the mercy of your
preparation and the weather; multi engine training requires a higher ceiling than most of
your previous training. Remember, while training can possibly be done in a few short hours
there’s no “cramming” for the multi engine rating. We train for you to be a competent pilot
with a multi engine rating.
The Piper Aztec (PA‐23‐250) is a conventional twin. There is much good to be said about
the “normal” training twin that most of the other flight schools use; mostly the good to be
said is they are a good stepping stone or easy to learn in… The bad is that they’re easy to
learn in and not best grounds for learning real world applications. The Aztec is a much
more real world twin in the respect of a critical engine, and it is also a “real” twin in the
realm of a giant leap in aircraft power and application. This plane was not designed to be a
trainer, but for actual use in freight, and passenger carrying applications. We teach not only
multi‐engine flying, but also we teach you to stay ahead of the airplane. You will find the
Aztec demands attentive management and will stretch your capabilities unlike a normal
light training twin. It is quick and subtly complex, but after the completion of your training,
the Aztec will be as docile to your touch as a Cessna 150. It is also just exciting to feel the
power and strength of the plane as it takes you to new horizons.

Study the checklist for your aircraft. We have created one for our specific plane as many
schools often do. Ours does include some specific tips that work with our particular
aircraft. Like all machines they tend to have their own quirks and personalities. The Examiner
is going to expect you to understand the systems of the aircraft. Like any future pilot job
you are given training materials to study and learn plus the training to execute the
knowledge and skills. And a checkride to determine you understand the aircraft, its
systems, its performance limitations and aerodynamic and handling of the aircraft. We are
training you to a level we would trust the lives of your family, friends and future customers
in your skills. Generally it will be expected through insurance requirements to have more
hours than what it takes to pass a checkride, so the level we speak of is more that you
understand the new risks and take the extra care to practice the good habits and setting
your personal minimums as you gain more experience.

CLIMB Initial FULL Full

Climb above 500’ 25 2500 GEAR/FLAPS UP 88-102
Cruise Climb 24 2400 GEAR/FLAPS UP 102-125
TRAINING 20 2400 CLEAN 160
INITIAL 20 full CLEAN 130
INTERMEDIATE 18 full FLAPS 1/4. 120
FINAL 16 full GEAR DWFLAPS 1/4 120
TOUCHDOWN As Req. full GEAR DWFLAPS 4/4 80-75

HOLDING 20-22 2300 CLEAN 140

ZERO THRUST 1100 2100 Usually set by CFI/DPE -

DOWNWIND 15-20 full GEAR DWFLAPS 1/4 120+
BASE 15 full GEAR DWFLAPS 1/2 110
FINAL (300 AGL) 14-As Reg. full GEAR DWFLAPS FULL 102-90

DIRTY As Req. full GEAR DWFLAPS full 75

STEEP TURNS 20-22 23-24 CLEAN 140



Single Engine
CLIMB FULL Full CLEAN 88-blue line
INITIAL 23 full CLEAN 130

HOLDING 23 2400 CLEAN 110

DOWNWIND 22 full CLEAN 130

GO AROUND FULL full CLEANUP 88-blue line

V –Speeds in MPH

Va 149 Vmc 80

Vfe (1/4) 160 Vso 68

Vfe (1/2) 140 Vsi 74

Vfe (full) 125 Vx 107
Vle 140 Vy 120
Vne 249 Vyse 102
Vno 198 Vr 85

Brief the “passenger” on takeoff procedures prior to clearance for takeoff. Complete appropriate
checklists. Align with runway centerline and increase engine manifold pressure to 22 inches. Check
all engine instruments. Smoothly release brakes (if held) and continue advancing the power to
takeoff power. At Vr initiate a smooth rotation to the appropriate pitch attitude (10° to 15°
depending on weight and temperature). Lift-off and accelerate to climb at Vy (120MPH).
NOTE: Vr shall never be less than Vmc + 5kts. When safely airborne and passing through 500’
AGL complete the "After Takeoff Checklist" and comply with the normal climb schedule.
ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: V speeds are minimums and should be controlled
within +10 and -0kts,

A crosswind takeoff is made in the Aztec in the same manner as in any other aircraft. Aileron is held
into the wind during the takeoff roll to keep the upwind wing from lifting off early. Less aileron
input is required as airspeed increases. Rudder is used to keep the aircraft aligned on the
centerline of the runway. Airspeeds, power settings and trim settings used during a crosswind
takeoff are the same as those used for a normal takeoff. The maximum demonstrated crosswind
takeoff is 15 MPH.

This takeoff is to clear a 50ft obstacle. Unlike many aircraft from your training we do not add flaps
for this takeoff, part of learning your aircraft and the various types of flaps. These are plain flaps
which cause more drag than lift. The best method is to line up on the centerline of the runway as
close to the end as possible. Hold brakes as smoothly add power to full. Release brakes rotate at
85mph and maintain 88-95mph in climb till clear of obstacle raising gear as soon as practical.
Lower the nose to accelerate to normal climb (usually after 100ft or clear of obstacle.)
To practice controlling the aircraft during one of the most critical flight emergencies, It requires
the pilot to quickly recognize and identify a foiled engine, be aware of the proper V speeds and
emergency procedures, and to apply correct control forces to compensate for resultant power
Rudder input/blocking by during initial takeoff roll may be applied by instructor to simulate
engine not powering up. Chop the throttles to idle immediately and rudder plane straight and
apply brakes. The aircraft will be placed in takeoff configuration at an appropriate altitude, and
takeoff power applied to both engines. At or above 500’ agl either throttle will be retarded to idle
by the instructor, simulating engine failure after takeoff. The pilot will maintain directional
control with rudder and aileron. If the gear is down land the plane, if gear is up the pilot will
establish a positive rate of climb and will accelerate to Vxse or Vyse (102 MPH) as appropriate.
The pilot will perform the "Engine Failure After Takeoff Checklist/flow" as conditions permit,
and while maintaining control of the aircraft. When the pilot has simulated feathering the
propeller on the "failed" engine, the instructor will set the power on that engine to zero thrust.
ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Maintain positive aircraft control. V speeds are
considered as minimum and should be controlled within +10,-0 KTS.

Initial climb after takeoff will be made at takeoff power setting. Full Throttle Full Prop and
maintained until 500' AGL while the gear is raised. Initial climb airspeed is 102 MPH (safe single
engine climb speed), accelerating to best rate of climb airspeed of 120 MPH. Normal climb
above 500" AGL will be made at climb power setting, 25" MAP 2500 RPM, 102 MPH. Cruise Climb
will be made at climb power setting, 24" MAP 2400 RPM . and 135 MPH until reaching cruise
altitude. The mixture should be leaned in the climb to give the desired fuel flow 15-16 GPH,
which is approximately best power mixture. ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES:
Maintain positive aircraft control. V speeds are considered as minimum and should be controlled
within +10,-0 KTS.
This maneuver affords practice in controlling the aircraft with greater than normal bank angles.
Speed is stabilized to 149 MPH and a smooth entry to a 50° bank is accomplished. Like other
aircraft use your visual indication outside. Using rudder and aileron smoothly roll the plane to the
steep bank. Apply back pressure and or relaxing grip as required to maintain the sight picture, and
decrease bank angle to stop a altitude loss and increase bank angle to reduce a climb. Pulling back
on the yoke to stop altitude loss will only cause the turn to steepen which is often noted with more
G force felt in maneuver. This would lead to a death spiral or accelerated stall if slow enough.
NOTE: Practice at other speeds may be utilized at the instructor pilot's discretion. ACCEPTABLE
PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Altitude +/-100', Airspeed +/-10 KTS, Heading +/-5°, Bank +/-5°.


Demonstrate the degree of controllability available while in close proximity to the pre-stall
buffet. These maneuvers provide the opportunity to practice control response and requirements in
the low speed regimes encountered during takeoffs, landings, and engine-out emergency
situations. This maneuver should be accomplished at a minimum of 3000' above the terrain in
various configurations and at appropriate airspeeds. Set up as if setting up for landing. Take it one
step at a time. Reduce power to 15” MAP. Boost pumps on, add first set of flaps (about a 1.5
second count on flap handle down then return handle to neutral, lower gear (our plane has a
quirk which occasionally the lights do not always light up which a quick on and off of the post light
switch usually fixes it. It’s a random quirk within the dash console area.) add the rest of the flaps
and continue reducing or adjusting power to allow plane to slow to 75-80mph while preventing
altitude loss. The following are recommended minimum speed practice maneuvers which
develop control touch and feel: Turns to specific headings, utilizing specified banks of not more
than 20°, Climbing or descending turns to specified headings and altitudes, Banks of 10°
while turning alternately to a point 15° either side of specified heading. Emphasis will be
placed upon coordinated flight and control usage as well as prompt corrective action in response
to undesired airspeed or altitude trends. ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Maintain
positive aircraft control. Altitude +/- 100 feet, Airspeed +5, -0 KTS, Headings +/- 5 degrees,
when appropriate, Clearing turns prior to starting maneuver.
This maneuver is practiced to familiarize you with the recognition of initial stall buffet and aircraft
handling characteristics and to provide training in proper stall recovery techniques. Approach to
landing stalls should be practiced at a minimum altitude of 3000' above terrain, with the aircraft
in dirty configuration, full flaps and gear down, Props full RPM, mixture full rich and boost pumps
on. Consider it the same as doing a landing set up. Some altitude loss may be experienced on the
stall buffet recovery; however, the loss should be kept to a minimum.

Lower the gear and full flaps. Slow aircraft to near rotation. Quite possibly will already be in slow
flight demo Maintain wings level, on constant heading, can keep throttle idle up to 11’ MAP when
below 80 MPH and continue to decrease speed by keeping back pressure on yoke as if keeping it
from sinking. A tail buffeting vibration will occur prior to the stall light flashing, this buffet is
intimidating at first, but we promise the plane will actually not fully stall yet. Initiate recovery
from the first stall indication by applying maximum allowable MAP and decreasing pitch attitude.
(Some examiners will want to see the stall light others will accept the buffet as first sign you can
verify their preference during the ground portion of the exam.) Retract flaps to the approach
position ¼ about a 1.5 second count on flap handle then return to neutral position. When a
positive rate of climb is attained, retract gear and remainder of the flaps. This maneuver shall be
considered complete when the aircraft is at the starting altitude and 102 MPH.(Vyse) or above.
ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Heading +/-50, unless recovering from a bank.
Maintain positive control of aircraft. Recovery should be sufficiently smooth to prevent secondary
stall buffet. Altitude will be kept to a minimum. Clearing turn may not be required if transitioning
from a slow flight to a stall.

Takeoff stalls should be practiced at a minimum altitude of 3000' above terrain, with the aircraft
in clean configuration. Some altitude loss may be experienced on the stall buffet recovery;
however, the loss should be kept to a minimum. The maneuver shall be started, power set at flight
idle or 1000 MAP. Bleed off speed till near rotation speed, maintaining wings level and a constant
heading or, maintain an angle of bank max. Add power up to 20’MAP and pitch to climb slightly
steeper than normal to further reduce speed till first indication of stall (buffet, stall light). Recover
by lowering the nose to near horizon to increase speed and return to normal climb. Occasionally
the stall light will flash at initial addition of power, but it is usually preferred to wait for the tail
buffet during checkride.
Reduce airspeed generally 20-30mph about 85-95MPH above stall speed. Bank aircraft into
45° and add back pressure to induce stall indication generally the excessive g force is the
first indication of the stall. Recover at first indication, level wings b. Pitch for horizon and
throttles full forward Airspeed increase for 90 or blue line. Then return to cruise power

At controlled airports, an altitude of 1,000' above airport elevation is used for pattern altitude.
Prior to entering the pattern, complete the "Before Landing Flow/Checklist," except landing flaps.
One Quarter approach flaps are extended below 160 MPH, and landing gear is extended below 150
MPH. First set of flaps allows you to slow the plane to ready for gear extension speed. Abeam the
runway threshold maintain minimum 120 MPH, On base and below 140 MPH. extend one half
flaps maintain 110 MPH, After turn is made to final and below 125 MPH select full landing flaps as
required and establish stabilized approach at 102 MPH. on short final with landing assured you
can begin to slow to 90mph. (Consider blue line as that safe go around speed just in case that
engine fails during that phase.) Vertical speed should be controlled with power while airspeed is
controlled with elevator. Power should be reduced smoothly to idle just prior to or during flare,
as appropriate. Maintain required back pressure to hold plane level or slight nose up to reduce
speed and land generally below speed of 80mph. After touchdown apply brakes as required. Full
flaps should always be considered when landing at a short field or with a no/light wind situation.
ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Touchdown should be made on the centerline of the
runway, Touchdown is not short of desired point, nor excessively beyond, Altitude +/- 100 feet on
the downwind leg, Airspeed +/- 5 KTS.
For practice purposes, engine failure will be simulated by placing the throttle and propeller of the
simulated affected engine to zero thrust position. Single engine best rate of climb speed (88 KTS)
should be kept firmly in mind, since in the event of a go-around from the final descent, this
airspeed provides the best climb gradient. The single engine Before Landing checklist should
be completed if conditions permit before beginning the approach. The approach should be set up
to be flown steep, and will be flown at 102 KTS or better (always remaining above Vyse), until
landing is assured, slowing to 90mph on short final. The landing gear will be extended as in a
normal approach, but often lowered early to simulate the loss of the hydraulic pump if a left engine
failure and the drag that apply hand pumping gear down which is as many as 50 cycle of the hand
pump. Flaps would remain up. If simulated a right engine failure then normal usage of gear and
flaps would be applied. (this may only apply to your aircraft other aircraft may have other systems
and you should learn the system that applies to the aircraft you fly at that time.) NOTE: Landing
with one prop feathered requires special attention due to the increase in drag brought on by the
flattening of blade angle on the operating prop if throttle is reduced to idle. More rudder
may be required if actual failure occurs even calling for a tow if unable to taxi. ACCEPTABLE
PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Altitude +100 feet on downwind, Airspeeds are considered
minimums and should be controlled
within +10 KTS, Maintain positive aircraft control.

The instructor pilot or ATC shall clear the trainee for an instrument approach from any
position. The Nav #1 is generally used for almost all approaches which is a Garmin 430W,
connected to the HSI. Nav #2 should be used for back-up or as needed for fix identification
or missed approach. Check for warning flags. Prior to starting the outbound if doing the
procedure turn or intercepting the approach, or the final approach fix, the appropriate
parts of the Before Landing checklist shall be accomplished, the flaps extended to 1/4 (if
appropriate) below 160mph and airspeed stabilized closer to 120mph. Instrument
approaches are the same as in prior instrument training. Landing gear is normally
extended when glide slope indicates “one dot above” glide slope interception. Rest of flaps
can be added as appropriate or landing assured. At decision height you shall complete the
landing or execute a missed approach, as instructed. ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINE:
Altitude +50 feet except while on glide slope. Deviation from the glide slope should be held
to a minimum. Do not descend below DH until the instructor pilot calls, "Runway in Sight,”
airspeed +/-5mph.
The instructor pilot or ATC shall clear you for an approach from any position. Generally you will
choose a precision approach. The Nav #1 is generally used for almost all approaches which is
a Garmin 430W, connected to the HSI. Nav #2 should be used for back-up or as needed for
fix identification or missed approach. Check for warning flags. Prior to intercepting the
approach course, or the final approach fix, the appropriate parts of the Before Landing
checklist shall be accomplished. The landing gear will be extended as in a normal approach, but
often lowered early to simulate the loss of the hydraulic pump if a left engine failure and the drag
that apply when hand pumping gear down which is as many as 50 cycle of the hand pump. Flaps
would remain up. If simulated a right engine failure then normal usage of gear and flaps would be
applied. This may also mean in real application pumping the gear down before reaching
final approach fix or planning a gear up if aircraft will not maintain altitude/speeds need to
reach airport. You should choose an appropriate airfield usually with longer runway for a
no flap landing. (Also consider in real situation an airport with emergency crews that can
be at the ready. Never be afraid to request emergency crews in these kinds of situations.
Paperwork may be involved at the request of ATC but better a couple pieces of paper than
an unexpected fire and worse.) Airspeed will be maintained 120mph with flaps up. Verify
DH/DA prior to crossing the FAF. Note: Single Engine go around may not be possible under
certain conditions depending on altitude and weight. Our specific training in most piston twins is
this will not be an option. This also would apply in real world applications. After localizer
interception, the airspeed will be reduced to 120 KTS minimum and the landing gear will be
extended. The flaps will be extended only when landing is assured if is a right engine
failure. ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Altitude +100 ft. -0 at DH/DA, Any deviation
from the glide slope should be held to a minimum. Remaing slightly high is acceptable. Do not
descend below DH until the instructor pilot calls, "Runway in Sight,” airspeed +/-5 KTS.
The circling approach follows a descent to circling minimums. The configuration of the airplane
shall be: Gear-down, Flaps- approach. The minimum airspeed to maintain while circling will be
110mph. Full flaps will be extended when landing is assured. A normal pattern will be established
from the instrument approach flown to circle to the appropriate runway. Maneuver along the
shortest path to the base or downwind leg, as appropriate, considering existing weather
conditions. There is no restriction against passing over the airport or other runways. The aircraft
should be kept at circling altitude until it is a position from which a descent to landing on the
intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent. In the event of a missed approach,
the pilot should make an initial climbing turn in the direction of the runway, and continue that turn
until established on the missed approach course. Thereafter, fly the prescribed missed approach
procedure. ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Altitude +100 feet, -0 feet, Airspeed +/-5
This maneuver affords training in recommended procedures for establishing the highest practical
rate of descent available during emergency conditions arising from an uncontrollable fire, or
from any other situation demanding an immediate and rapid descent.

PROCEDURE: Gear and Flaps Retracted, (Optional to extend gear if speed appropriate to increase drag
allowing to descend quickly). Throttles to Idle, prop controls full forward (to increase drag) Dive at
198MPH if clean, 149mph if in rough air, or 140mph if gear extending. Cowl flaps closed (generally
would be if in cruise), for training purposes they can usually remain open if not a long descent
planned. ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Maintain positive aircraft control. Do not
exceed designated maximum speeds. Maintain positive "G" forces. NOTE: For training purposes as
soon as the aircraft is configured properly, all prescribed procedures are completed, and the
descent is established and stabilized, this maneuver shall be terminated.

PROCEDURE: Gear and Flaps Retracted. Power: Left engine simulated failure by pulling to idle
good engine 12” MP prop to full, both mixtures to full and boost pumps on. Reduce speed below Vmc.
Push power of right engine till loss of control. (Heading) and full rudder applied. Note that if allowed to
slow further the right wing begins to rise which induces the pilots to apply more right aileron.
Recover.: reduce power on good engine, lower nose, also known as chop (power, which immediately
drops right wing to level) and drop (nose to regain speed to blue line) once speed is developed and
control regained then add power. At this point both throttles can be advanced back to 15-20” MAP.
ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES: Maintain positive aircraft control. Do not exceed
designated maximum speeds. Maintain positive "G" forces. NOTE: As soon as the aircraft is
configured properly, all prescribed procedures are completed, and the descent is established and
stabilized, this maneuver shall be terminated.
Multi Engine Add on Checklist

Checkride Requirement
Lessons Introduced Practice Proficient
proficient met

Checklist Usage

Weight and Balance

Performance and Limitations

V Speeds

Operation of systems

Before takeoff checks

Normal Takeoffs

Normal Landings

Crosswind Takeoff/landings

Go Around/rejected Landing

Short Field takeoff/Landings

Steep Turns

Slow Flight

Approach to landing Stall

Takeoff Stall

Accelerated Stall

Spin Awareness

Emergency Descent

VMC Demo

Engine failure during takeoff roll

Engine failure after rotation (sim)

Approach and landing with engine

failure (500agl)
Engine failure cruise (instrument
Maneuvering one engine

Engine shut down and restart

Instrument Approach. Single

Systems/equipment malfunctions

Parking and Securing

GPS usage and approaches

Prepatory Dual within 60 days

A thorough knowledge of Vmc is probably the most important subject on the oral exam.
Be able to define Vmc.
How does the manufacturer determine Vmc speed?
What happens to Vmc if the aircraft is loaded aft of the CG limit?
How is Vmc Determined?
Critical Engine? Be able to define critical engine. How is it determined? Why do some
airplanes have a critical engine and some don’t? Does the Aztec have a critical engine?
Performance Charts
Weight and Balance
Be able to show a W/B but be prepared for them to relocate passenger or cargo in
reference to that Vmc knowledge.
Know your systems! - Fuel system, Landing gear, Hydraulic, Electrical system, Constant
speed, full feathering props, Heater system. Every flight training on any aircraft will always
have intense requirement of knowing your aircrafts various systems including the basic
heater or A/C system, emergency procedures and memory items.
What causes a minimum controllable airspeed?
How do these criteria affect Vmc?
 Maximum takeoff power
 Critical engine inoperative
 Inoperative engine windmilling
 Sea level conditions
 Most unfavorable legal weight (lightest weight)
 Most unfavorable legal center of gravity (aft c of g)
 Out of ground effect
 Gear retracted
 Cowl flaps open
 5˚ of bank into the operating engine.

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