Aircraft Performance PDF
Aircraft Performance PDF
Aircraft Performance PDF
Civil airplanes are certificated under part 23 or part 25 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
Normal, Utility, and Aerobatic category aircraft are certified under FAR part 23. These
aircraft have a maximum gross takeoff weight of less than 12,500 lbs, and are normally
propeller driven. FAR part 23 airplanes require only one pilot. Transport Category airplanes
are certificated under FAR part 25. They usually have a maximum gross takeoff weight of
more than 12,500 lbs, require two pilots, and in some cases, a Flight Engineer. The Certificate
of Airworthiness will tell us under which category a specific airplane has been certified.
FAR parts 23 and 25 specify criteria that airplanes must meet to obtain certification. These
regulations contain many standards relating to materials, construction, performance, flight
characteristics, and more.
In a normal category airplane such as a light twin, the regulations do not require that the
aircraft be able to climb, or even maintain altitude if an engine failure occurs during the
departure. In fact, if the failure occurs between rotation and Vyse, you may find yourself
unable to stop on the runway, AND unable to continue. The result will likely be a controlled
Transport Category aircraft, if operated within their limitations, never depart at a gross
weight such that the failure of one engine will leave the pilot without the performance
capability to either stop on the remaining runway, or continue the takeoff with the remaining
engine(s). Similar weight limitations exist for landing. If operated at legal weights, the part
25 aircraft can always execute a go around or missed approach with an inoperative
Transport Category aircraft have two sets of weight limitations. "Certificate Limitations"
such as Maximum Takeoff or Landing weight, and "Performance Limitations" such as
Maximum Takeoff Weight permitted by climb requirements, or Runway Limited Takeoff
Weight. Compliance with BOTH limits is mandatory. The certificate limits remain constant,
but the performance limits vary as the altitude, temperature, runway and wind change. A hot
day, high elevation or short runway can limit your Max Takeoff Weight to a figure well below
the Max Certificated Takeoff Weight. Remember, in FAR part 25 (Transport Category)
aircraft, performance limits are OPERATING LIMITATIONS, not just "Good Information".
There are some terms and definitions one must know if the FAR part 25 performance data
presented in most Flight Manuals is to be understood. We will define them now.
V mcg
The minimum speed at which directional control can be maintained on the ground with the
critical engine windmilling and the remaining engine(s) at takeoff thrust. (Max rated sea level
power.) Only aerodynamic controls are used during Vmcg determination, as nose wheel
steering and differential braking may have no effect on a wet or icy runway.
V mca
The minimum speed at which directional control can be maintained in the air with the critical
engine windmilling and the remaining engines(s) at takeoff thrust. The rudder input is
considered to be maximum while aileron input is limited to whatever it takes to establish 5º
bank angle into the operating engine or engines.
V be
Maximum brake energy speed. The maximum speed, (IAS) from which the aircraft may be
stopped with the brakes without exceeding the brakes' capacity to dissipate the heat
generated. Exceeding the brake energy limit usually results in flat tires due to melted fuse
plugs in the wheels, and/or brake fires. Refer to the Maximum brake energy speed and
minimum turnaround time charts in the AFM.
Takeoff decision speed. (Formerly, critical engine failure speed.) If an engine fails before V1
is reached, the takeoff is aborted in any case. Aborted takeoffs at or after V1 are only
advisable in the case of catastrophic failure. An engine failure or systems malfunction does
not constitute a catastrophic failure on a Part 25 Aircraft. There is no performance data
available nor is there performance criteria established for any takeoff aborted after V1 is
reached. You are much safer continuing the takeoff than attempting an abort after V1. This is
not opinion, but documented fact.
Rotation speed. The speed at which rotation to takeoff attitude is initiated. Gross weight and
takeoff flap setting are the variables used to determine Vr. Some aircraft charts also consider
altitude, but the changes in Vr due to altitude are usually small.
Takeoff safety speed. V2 is the speed flown in the case of an engine failure during takeoff or
initial climb. V2 is reached by 35 ft AGL, and maintained to 400 ft AGL such that the second
segment climb performance criteria will be met. V2 is never less than 1.1 x Vmca, or 1.2 x
stall speed in the configuration used for takeoff. V2 is not Vxse or Vyse, these speeds can be
30 to 60 knots higher. V2 will assure that the aircraft performs as stated in the flight manual.
If an engine is lost at a speed greater than V2, you will be above the minimum required
takeoff flight path. V2 speed is set as somewhat of a compromise between what would be
optimum for takeoff, and what would result in the most optimum climb performance. V2
varies with weight and flap setting. Less flaps means better climb performance, but usually
will require a longer runway.
The speed used for climb during the 4th or final segment of a departure with one powerplant
failed. This speed will be close to best rate of climb speed with one engine failed and the
wing flaps and leading edge devices retracted.
V ref
V ref is the minimum safe approach speed in landing configuration. It is equal to 1.3 times
the power off stall speed in landing configuration.
V ac
The speed flown during the initial phase of a missed approach or go around with one engine
inoperative and the flaps in the approach position.
Balanced Field Length
The distance required to accelerate to V1, and stop; or accelerate to V1, lose an engine, and
reach a speed of V2 at an altitude of 35 ft AGL, or at least 115% of the distance required to
reach V2 and 35 ft AGL with all engines operating, whichever is greater. If the accelerate stop
distance and accelerate go distances differ, the longest distance will be used. The term
Takeoff Field Length would be used to describe the required takeoff distance in this case.
High speed aborts have their share of horror stories. If you have to make one in the first
place, your day is not going as well as it could. The major cause of accidents during high
speed aborts is, in my opinion, lack of proper decision making and hesitation on the part of
the crew. They can be done safely, if you use the V speeds as they were intended. Initiate the
abort at a speed no higher than V1. Don't hesitate when you initiate the abort. Throttles to
idle, speedbrakes, lift dump, ground spoilers, or whatever they call the drag devices on your
airplane should be deployed immediately. Apply maximum reverse thrust, and apply the
brakes aggressively if runway length is a consideration. Be decisive, and don't change your
mind in the middle of the procedure.
I had the pleasure of performing this procedure once when I was departing Monterey
California headed for Hawaii in a Westwind II. A few knots below V1, the right engine went
"BANG". We were full of fuel and within a few pounds of maximum takeoff weight.
Without hesitation, Throttles Idle, Lift Dump, Deploy, Reverse, Deploy, Brakes as necessary,
and within a few moments we were stopped. I pulled off the runway and performed the shut
down procedure on both engines. I looked into the tailcone of the right engine and it looked
as if Don King's hairdresser had been there. They wound up totaling the engine, but there
was no damage to any other part of the airplane. The end result was a bit of inconvenience
and a few moments of ass clenching excitement for the passengers. The safe outcome was
never in doubt. This is most often true when you do not try to brake the laws of physics.
A gradient is a means of answering the question "How steep is it?" Gradients can be
expressed in terms of "percent". During a drive through the mountains we will likely see a
sign that says " 6% Grade next 5 miles Trucks use low gears". A gradient is the ratio between
a horizontal distance and a vertical distance. Hills with a 6% grade will change elevation six
feet for every 100 feet of horizontal distance traveled.
First Segment
This segment begins liftoff and ends when gear retraction is complete and you are at
least 35 feet AGL and have attained a speed of V2. The first segment is generally not the
one that is limiting.
Airspeed Accel to V2
Engines 1 Failed at V1
Thrust Takeoff
Gear Retracting
Flaps Takeoff Setting
Minimum Climb Gradient Positive Rate
Second Segment:
This segment begins at the end of the first segment and ends at a minimum height of
400' above the runway. This is the always the most restrictive climb segment for all two
engine jets currently certificated. It may not be the most limiting for some older
airplanes who's engines have a substantial difference between Take-Off, and Maximum
Continuous power. One example of this is the Jetstar -6. The engines have 3,000 lbs
thrust for takeoff, and 2,575 lbs at maximum continuous. The power reduction at the
end of the third segment results in a substantial reduction of thrust. In this case, the 4th
or final segment climb can be the one that is limiting. If your aircraft has a chart like
"Maximum Takeoff Weight Permitted by Climb Requirements", you need not know
which of the segments is actually limiting.
Airspeed V2
Engines 1 Failed
Thrust Takeoff
Gear Retracted
Flaps Takeoff Setting
Minimum Climb Gradient 2.4%
Third Segment:
This segment extends from the end of the second segment to the completion of flap
retraction and acceleration to Venr. Meeting the 3rd segment requirements means that
you can start at V2 and flaps takeoff, and accelerate to Venr or Vfs, retracting the flaps
during the appropriate part of the acceleration, all without any loss of altitude.
Airspeed Accelerating to Vfs
Engines 1 Failed
Thrust Takeoff
Flaps Retracting to 0 deg
Minimum Climb Gradient 0.0%
Fourth Segment:
This segment begins at the end of the third segment (flaps retracted), and ends at a
height of 1500 feet AGL. This segment completes the takeoff path.
Airspeed Vfs
Engines 1 Failed
Thrust Max Continuous
Flaps Retracted
Minimum Climb Gradient 1.2%
Airspeed Vref
Go Around
2 Engines
Flaps Full
Minimum Climb
Approach Climb:
This segment begins when the gear is retracted, flaps are in the approach position, one
engine windmilling and the remaining engine(s) at go around thrust.
Airspeed Vac
Engines 1 Failed
Flaps Approach
Minimum Climb Gradient 2.1%
Climb Limit
The climb limit is the maximum weight at a particular altitude and temperature, at which the
aircraft can meet the FAR part 25 climb gradient requirements for takeoff (First, second, third
and fourth) or for landing (Approach and balked landing climb). Climb limited weights are
lower if engine anti-ice is used because of the reduction in available engine power. Climb
limits do not consider runway length, gradient or surface condition, only atmosphere,
configuration, and use of systems requiring bleed air. (Engine or airframe anti-ice and
pressurization.) The Approach climb and the landing climb limits are established to insure
that the aircraft has the capability to successfully execute a "Go around" from as low as 50 ft
AGL with all engines operating, and/or a missed approach with an inoperative engine if
initiated soon enough. Fly a part 25 certificated airplane within it's operating limitations, and
you are not likely to encounter a situation where the aircraft's lack of performance capability
will kill you in the event of an engine loss.
Runway Limit
The runway limit is the maximum weight at which the aircraft may takeoff from, in the case
of the takeoff weight limit, or land on, the case of the landing weight limit, on a given runway
at a specified temperature, altitude, and runway condition. Runway limits consider any factor
that will influence the ability of the aircraft to accelerate, and/or stop. Altitude, temperature,
configuration, wind, runway gradient, runway clutter, and inoperative aircraft systems are all
considered. Runway limit is expressed in terms of weight, because unless you are building
your own airport, your concern is not "How much runway do I need?", but "How heavy can I
operate using the runway available?"
Certificate Limit
The maximum weight at which an aircraft may be operated with respect to a specific
situation, (Takeoff, landing, zero fuel weight). These weights are NEVER exceeded, even if
all performance requirements are met or exceeded.
Brake Energy Limit
The maximum speed from which the aircraft may be stopped in the case of a rejected takeoff,
(expressed in KIAS), or the maximum weight at which the aircraft may be landed and
stopped with brakes without exceeding the capability of the brakes to dissipate the resulting
heat without damage. Reverse thrust may NOT be considered when computing ANY Part 25
takeoff or landing data. Brake energy may limit the maximum landing weight of the aircraft,
or limit the maximum value of V1, thereby limiting the maximum takeoff weight for a given
runway in some cases. On most aircraft, brake energy will only be limiting when high V
speeds and minimum flap settings are used to meet climb segment requirements. Brake
energy limits which apply to landing usually occur only under high density altitude and high
landing weight.
If the least understood airplane subject areas were listed, brake energy would surely be
among them. This need not be so, as brake energy is not complicated. It merely involves
some simple physics. (Yes, there is such a thing as simple physics.)
As we learned in our old high school science classes "Energy can't be created or destroyed,
only changed." Mankind has built many machines that "change" energy from one form to
another to suit our needs. Take for instance the automobile. Chemical energy within the
gasoline is changed to heat, causing expansion of gasses within the engine. The energy in
these expanding gasses is converted to mechanical energy used to turn the engine's
crankshaft. Through the use of gears, this energy is finally used to make the car go. When the
car is in motion it has what is called "kinetic energy". When you need to stop the car, you
must convert this kinetic energy into another type of energy so the car will stop. We use
devices called "brakes" to do this. The brakes convert the kinetic energy into heat. This heat
will be absorbed by the atmosphere as the brakes cool.
The brakes can only handle a certain amount of heat. If they are forced to exceed this limit
they may be damaged, and the intense heat generated may damage other nearby equipment.
If the brakes convert too much kinetic energy into heat in the process of stopping the
airplane, they will heat the wheels and tires. If the wheel & tire assembly gets to hot, they
could catch fire, or worse yet the tire could explode. The tires used by large aircraft are
usually inflated to pressures in the 100 - 200 PSI range. This can make for a bang large
enough to seriously damage an airplane and possibly really bugger up your day..
In order to avoid this, "fuse plugs" are installed in the wheels. The cores in these fuse plugs
will melt and release the pressure within the tires prior to the tire failing or catching fire due
to the heat. It is far better to have a flat tire during taxi or parking than to risk an explosion.
The best way to deal with all this is to check the Aircraft Flight Manual for brake energy
limitations and do not exceed them in the first place.
Brake energy and its limitations may be expressed in a number of ways. Maximum takeoff or
landing weight may be restricted as a result of brake energy. In this case, the brake energy
limit is expressed in pounds. You might also see brake energy expressed in knots indicated
airspeed. This addresses the question: How fast can I be going at a given weight, altitude and
temperature and still stop without exceeding the brake energy limit? (V1 can NEVER be
higher than this figure, as you must be able to stop from V1).
Lets examine the relationship between speed and energy as to better understand what the
brake energy charts tell us.
Kinetic energy is equal to half the mass times the square of the velocity of the
aircraft. From this we can see that the Energy is proportional to the square of the
Lets say that a particular aircraft with a speed of 100 KTS has "one unit" of brake
energy. (We are defining our own units here to keep it simple.) The energy for a
given speed will be as follows: