Prepared in accordance with the Cash Basis of Accounting Method under the International Public Sector
Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The mandate of the Fund as derived from sec (3) of NG-CDF Act, 2015 is to:
a) Recognize the constituency as a platform for identification, performance and
implementation of national government functions;
b) Facilitate the performance and implementation of national government functions in all
parts of the Republic pursuant to Article 6(3)of the Constitution;
c) Provide for the participation of the people in the determination and implementation of
identified national government development projects at the constituency level pursuant to
Article 10(2)(a) of the Constitution;
d) Promote the national values of human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality,
human rights, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalized pursuant to Article 10
(2) (b) of the Constitution;
e) Provide for the sustainable development of all parts of the Republic pursuant to Article 10
(2) (d) of the Constitution;
f) Provide a legislative and policy framework pursuant to Article 21 (2) of the Constitution for
the progressive realization of the economic and social rights guaranteed under Article 43 of
the Constitution;
g) Provide mechanisms for the National Assembly to deliberate on and resolve issues of
concern to the people as provided for under Article 95 (2) of the Constitution;
h) provide for a public finance system that promotes an equitable society and in particular
expenditure that promotes equitable development of the country by making special
provisions for marginalized groups and areas pursuant to Article 201 (b) (iii) of the
i) Authorize withdrawal of money from the Consolidated Fund as provided ' under Article 206
(2) (c) of the Constitution;
j) Provide mechanisms for the National Assembly to facilitate the involvement of the people
in the identification and implementation of projects for funding by the national
government at the constituency level; and
k) Provide for mechanisms for supplementing infrastructure development at the constituency
level in matters falling within the functions of the national government at that level in
accordance with the Constitution
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Equitable Socio-economic development countrywide
To provide leadership and policy direction for effective and efficient management of the Fund
Core Values
1. Patriotism – we uphold the national pride of all Kenyans through our work
2. Participation of the people- We involve citizens in making decisions about programmes
we fund
3. Timeliness – we adhere to prompt delivery of service
4. Good governance – we uphold high standards of transparency, accountability, equity,
inclusiveness and integrity in the service of the people
5. Sustainable development – we promote development activities that meet the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The Functions of the NG-CDF Committee is as outlined in section 11 of The National Government
Constituencies Development Fund Regulations, 2016.
The DADAAB Constituency NGCDF day-to-day management is under the following key
The key management personnel who held office during the financial year ended 30 th June
2021 and who had direct fiduciary responsibility were:
No Designation Name
1. A.I.E holder Ahmed I.Mohamed
2. Sub-County Accountant Bosco Kilonzo
3. Chairman NGCDFC Haron Mohamed
4. Member NGCDFC Adow Mohamed Jama
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) of NGCDF Board provide overall fiduciary
oversight on the activities of DADAAB Constituency NGCDF. The reports and recommendation of
ARMC when adopted by the NGCDF Board are forwarded to the Constituency Committee for action.
Any matters that require policy guidance are forwarded by the Board to the Cabinet Secretary and
National Assembly Select Committee.
Auditor General
Office of the Auditor General
Anniversary Towers, University Way
P.O. Box 30084
GPO 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
office adm
primary projects
secondary projects
security projects
social security
During the financial year the committee received amount of Kshs.173, 198,536.10 from the board
that includes balances during last financial year 2019/20 and half of the allocation for 2020/21.
The committee further managed to disburse funds to both pmcs and other contractors and the
expenditure is as follows:
During the financial year there were several emergencies that occurred but the committee through its
discretion managed to solve.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
3. Made several emergency interventions that affected several schools within the constituency.
Lack of water in most of the settlements established through ngcdf funds might be closed thus
affecting the learning programs in schools within these settlements.
Poor road infrastructure:
The committee experienced difficulties in monitoring process during the rainy season thus affecting
implementation period of projects.
Project implementation
The committee experienced difficulties in implementing projects due to delay in disbursement of
funds by the NG-CDF board.
The government to clearly educate youths on protective measures on covid19
NG-CDFC to liase with NG-CDF board in order to find out whether the committee
can establish boreholes in schools in order to provide water that will reduce the
migration of communities leaving in those areas.
Implement road projects in areas where ng-cdf projects are proposed to be
implemented so that monitoring can be done easily.
The board should try to release funds in time for ease of implementation.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The Accounting Officer confirms that the entity’s financial statements have been prepared in a form
that complies with relevant accounting standards prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards
Board of Kenya.
The NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency financial statements were approved and signed by the
Accounting Officer on 28/8/ 2020.
________________________ ________________________
Fund Account Manager Sub-County Accountant
Name: Ahmed I. Mohamed Name: Bosco Kilonzo
ICPAK Member Number:
Section 81 (2) (f) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 requires that, at the end of each
financial year, the Accounting officer when preparing financial statements of each National
Government entity in accordance with the standards and formats prescribed by the Public Sector
Accounting Standards Board includes a statement of the national government entity’s performance
against predetermined objectives.
The key development objectives of NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency’s 2018-2022 plan includes the
following to:
Strategic Area One: Education
Broad Objectives: To improve education outcomes at all levels of learning within Dadaab
learning parameters.
Specific Objectives: To be among top performing constituencies in both academic and co-
Curriculum activities
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Specific Objectives: Improved security and reduce insecurity as well as diminish number of
youths joining terror groups.
Improve border security and strengthen security establishment.
To improve morale of security personnel hence better services.
To conduct regular patrols undertaken to preempt terror attacks.
Broad Objectives: To improve sports outcomes and talents at all levels of youths.
Specific Objectives: To improve sports facilities geared towards not only promoting
football but also other sports such as athletics.
To develop youth talents.
To improve sports performance at the constituency level and at least
win one awards at county level.
To repose grabbed sports facilities.
To have economically engaged youth and increase employment
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Broad Objectives: To improve Dadaab constituents access to other national government services.
Broad Objectives: To plan for unforeseen emergencies and disasters at constituency level.
To improve timely response to unforeseen events.
To establish and improve disaster response and mitigation plans.
To offer proactive advise as well as action on draught mitigations efforts.
To offer effective response to wildfires.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Management of wildfire.
For purposes of implementing and cascading the above development objectives to specific sectors, all
the development objectives were made specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound
(SMART) and converted into development outcomes. Attendant indicators were identified for
reasons of tracking progress and performance measurement: Below we provide the progress on
attaining the stated objectives:
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
NGCDF – DADAAB Constituency exists to transform lives. This is our purpose; the driving force
behind everything we do. It’s what guides us to deliver our strategy, which is founded on social
sector, namely; Education & Training, Security Sector Support, Environment, and Sports. This pillar
also makes special provisions for Kenyans with various disabilities and previously marginalized
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Environment Policy and Action Plan Protection of the environment in which we live and operate is
part of Dadaab NG-CDF initiatives Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an
important aspect in the way in which carry out our operations. Our Environmental Policy
During projects implementation the office transfers funds to the Project Management Committees
who are thereafter guided during tendering process, to ensure that the locals benefit competitively in
the provision of services and materials to the projects.
Payments to suppliers are done promptly upon presentation of requisite supporting documents
Advertisement for tenders is done publicly and no form of discrimination is applied to unfairly lock
out interested bidders
In order to safeguard consumer rights and interests, the Dadaab NG-CDF came up with a service
charter and the complaints handling policy, principles and procedures brochure. The service charter
points out our commitment in ensuring that we provide quality services to our customers with high
level professionalism, dignity, integrity and courtesy, whereas complaints handling policy, principles
and procedures shows our commitment to consistent, fair and confidential complaint handling and to
resolve complaints as quickly as possible
Public Participation in Project Identification and Implementation and Monitoring
The NG-Constituency Development Act 2015 stipulates in part 5 section 27 subsection 1 and 2 that
the chairperson of the NG-CDFC shall, within the first year of the commencement of a new
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Parliament and at least once every two years thereafter, convene open forum public meetings in every
ward in the constituency to deliberate on development matters in the ward and in the constituency.
The NG-CDFC shall then deliberate on project proposals from all the wards in the constituency and
any other projects which the Constituency Committee considers beneficial to the constituency,
including joint projects with other constituencies, consider the national development plans and
policies and the constituency strategic development plan, and identify a list of priority projects, both
immediate and long term, out of which the list of projects to be submitted in accordance with the Act
shall be drawn from. There after the list of proposed constituency based projects to be covered under
this Act shall be submitted by NG-CDFC to the Board.
Public participation is the process that directly engages the concerned stakeholders in decision-
making and gives full consideration to public input in making that decision.
Covid-19 Mitigation Measures
Taking into consideration the current Corona Virus epidemic, in line with the Governments directive
on reducing the chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19, the office resolved in aiding by
taking the following precautionary measures by distributing 150 bottles of 500mls sanitizers to the
community free of charge, purchased 75 hand wash tanks (50 liters) with metal stand to the
Government offices within the constituency.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Section 81 (1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2013 requires that, at the end of each financial
year, the accounting officer for a National Government Entity shall prepare financial statements in
respect of that entity. Section 81 (3) requires the financial statements so prepared to be in a form that
complies with relevant accounting standards as prescribed the Public Sector Accounting Standards
Board of Kenya from time to time.
The Accounting Officer in charge of the NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency is responsible for the
preparation and presentation of the entity’s financial statements, which give a true and fair view of the
state of affairs of the entity for and as at the end of the financial year (period) ended on June 30, 20XX.
This responsibility includes: (i) maintaining adequate financial management arrangements and ensuring
that these continue to be effective throughout the reporting period; (ii) maintaining proper accounting
records, which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the entity; (iii)
designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair
presentation of the financial statements, and ensuring that they are free from material misstatements,
whether due to error or fraud; (iv) safeguarding the assets of the entity; (v) selecting and applying
appropriate accounting policies; and (vi) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the
The Accounting Officer in charge of the NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency accepts responsibility for
the entity’s financial statements, which have been prepared on the Cash Basis Method of Financial
Reporting, using appropriate accounting policies in accordance with International Public Sector
Accounting Standards (IPSAS). The Accounting Officer is of the opinion that the entity’s financial
statements give a true and fair view of the state of entity’s transactions during the financial year ended
June 30, 20XX, and of the entity’s financial position as at that date. The Accounting Officer charge of
the NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency further confirms the completeness of the accounting records
maintained for the entity, which have been relied upon in the preparation of the entity’s financial
statements as well as the adequacy of the systems of internal financial control.
The Accounting Officer in charge of the NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency confirms that the entity has
complied fully with applicable Government Regulations and the terms of external financing covenants
(where applicable), and that the entity’s funds received during the year under audit were used for the
eligible purposes for which they were intended and were properly accounted for. Further
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The accounting policies and explanatory notes to these financial statements form an integral part of the
financial statements. The NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency financial statements were approved on
28/8/2021 and signed by:
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Accounts Receivable
Outstanding Imprests 11 - -
Accounts Payable (Deposits)
Retention 12A - -
Gratuity 12B - -
NET FINANCIAL ASSETS 24,300,180 1,652,536
Fund balance b/fwd 13 1,652,536 4,977,307
Prior year adjustments 14 - -
Surplus/Deficit for the year 22,647,644 (3,324,771)
The accounting policies and explanatory notes to these financial statements form an integral part of the
financial statements. The NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency financial statements were approved on
28/8/2021 and signed by:
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The accounting policies and explanatory notes to these financial statements form an integral part of the
financial statements. The NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency financial statements were approved on
28/08/2021 and signed by:
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Actual on Budget
Receipt/Expense Original Final % of
Adjustments Comparable Utilisation
Item Budget Budget Utilisation
Basis Difference
Opening Previous
RECEIPTS balance(C/BK) outstanding
and AIA Disbursements
- -
Compensation of 3,97 41, 487,77 4,499, 3,90 5
Employees 0,467 002 7 246 9,113 90,133
Use of goods and 8,36 4,637,98 13,005, 8,27 4,7
services 7,531 - 8 519 0,311 35,208
Transfers to
Government 58,87 1,611, 24,773,92 85,255, 55,97 29,2
Units 0,000 534 8 462 5,514 79,948
Other grants and 65,55 116,760 82,39 34,3
transfers 7,908 - 51,203,024 ,932 5,954 64,978
Acquisition of 95, 9
Assets - - 95,819 819 - 5,819
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Budget utilisation difference totals
Less undisbursed funds receivable from the Board as at 30 June 2021 (44,765,906.00
Add Accounts payable
Less Accounts Receivable
Add/Less Prior Year Adjustments
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the FY 2020/2021
The NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency financial statements were approved on 28/8/ 2021 and signed by:
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Opening Previous
2020/2021 balance(C/BK outstanding 2020/2021 30-06-21
) and AIA disbursment
Kshs Kshs Kshs Kshs Kshs
n and
3,970, 41,0 487,7 4,499, 3,909, 590,1
467 02 77 246 113 33
of employees
1.2 Committee 1,594, 979,3 2,574, 1,399, 1,175,2
allowances 865 - 89 254 000 54
1.3 Use of
2,660, 1,158,5 3,818, 2,538, 1,280,2
goods and
000 - 99 599 311 88
1.4 Capacity 500,0 500,0 500,0
Building - - 00 00 - 00
8,225, 41,0 3,125,7 11,392, 7,846, 3,545,6
332 02 65 099 424 75
2.1 Capacity 1,370, 1,000,0 2,370, 1,220, 1,150,8
building 888 - 00 888 000 88
2.2 Committee 1,370, 500,0 1,870, 1,751, 119,8
allowances 889 - 00 889 000 89
2.3 Use of
1,370, 500,0 1,870, 1,362, 508,8
goods and
889 - 00 889 000 89
4,112, 2,000,0 6,112, 4,333, 1,779,6
666 - 00 666 000 66
3.1 emergency
- - - - - -
3.2 primary 7,192, 563,2 7,755, 11,250, (3,495,3
schools 207 - 41 448 813 65)
3.3 secondary
schools - - - - - -
3.4 tertiary
institutions - - - - - -
3.5 security
projects - - - - - -
3.6 others
- - - - - -
7,192, 563,2 7,755, 11,250, (3,495,3
207 - 41 448 813 65)
4.0 Bursary
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
and Social
4.1 Primary
Schools - - - - -
4.2 Secondary 14,216, 12,544,9 26,761, 19,414, 7,346,3
Schools 110 - 66 076 700 76
4.3 Tertiary 14,366, 408,7 14,774, 18,114, (3,339,8
Institutions 111 - 28 839 700 61)
Universities - - - - - -
4.5 Social 6,000, 6,000,0 12,000, 12,000,0
Security 000 - 00 000 - 00
34,582, 18,953,6 53,535, 37,529, 16,006,5
221 - 94 915 400 15
5.0 Sports
5.1 sport 2,741, 2,747,3 5,489, 2,737, 2,751,3
activities 778 - 54 132 800 32
2,741, 2,747,3 5,489, 2,737, 2,751,3
778 - 54 132 800 32
6.1 abdisugow
913,9 913,9 913,
boarder police
26 - - 26 926 (0)
6.2 alango
913,9 913,9 913, 9
arba police
26 - - 26 000 26
6.3 abdisugow
913,9 913,9 913, 9
boarder police
26 - - 26 000 26
6.4 saretho 457,8 457,8 457,8
primary sch - - 92 92 - 92
6.5 dadaab 457,8 457,8 457,8
primary school - - 92 92 - 92
6.6 liboi 457,8 457,8 457,8
primary school - - 92 92 - 92
6.7dagahley 457,8 457,8 457,8
primary school - - 92 92 - 92
6.8 damajaley 457,8 457,8 457,8
primary school - - 92 92 - 92
6.9 kulan 457,8 457,8 457,8
primary school - - 92 92 - 92
2,741, 2,747,3 5,489, 2,739, 2,749,2
778 - 52 130 926 04
7.0 Primary
7.1 damajaley 1,800, 1,800, 1,800,0
primary school 000 - - 000 - 00
7.2 dertu 700,0 700,0 700,
primary school 00 - - 00 000 -
7.3lix sheel 700,0 700,0 700,0
primary school 00 - - 00 - 00
7.4magudo 700,0 700,0 700,
primary school 00 - - 00 000 -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
- - - - -
10.0 Security
10.1 assistant
county 2,000, 2,000, 2,000,0
commissioner 000 - - 000 - 00
10.2 dertu 3,299, 3,299, 3,134, 164,9
police station 925 - - 925 929 96
10.3 5,000, 5,000, 4,800, 200,0
abdisugow 000 - - 000 000 00
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
boarder police
10.4 alango
5,000, 5,000, 4,750, 250,0
arba police
000 - - 000 000 00
1,500, 1,500, 1,500,0
000 - - 000 - 00
10.6 labasigale
assistant sub-
1,500, 1,500, 1,500,0
000 - - 000 - 00
10.7 dadaab
deputy county 5,000,0 5,000, 4,846, 153,9
commissioner - 00 000 059 41
s office
10.8 alango
3,000,0 3,000, 2,850, 150,0
arba adm
- - 00 000 000 00
police camp
10.9 liboi 2,000,0 2,000, 2,000,0
police camp - - 00 000 - 00
10.10liboi 1,000,0 1,000, 1,000,0
police camp - - 00 000 - 00
3,400,0 3,400, 3,230, 170,0
- - 00 000 000 00
2,900,0 2,900, 2,900,0
- - 00 000 - 00
10.13 deputy
county 2,900,0 2,900, 2,850, 50,0
commissioner - - 00 000 000 00
10.14 dadaab
600,0 600,0 600,0
deputy county
- - 00 00 - 00
10.15 liboi
600,0 600,0 600,0
deputy county
- - 00 00 - 00
600,0 600,0 600,0
- - 00 00 - 00
600,0 600,0 600,0
- - 00 00 - 00
600,0 600,0 600,0
- - 00 00 - 00
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
13 tertiary
sebcounty 200,0 200,0 200,
education - - 00 00 000 -
200,0 200,0 200,
00 00 000
GRAND 136,765, 1,652, 81,198,5 219,616, 150,550, 69,066,0
TOTALS 906 536 36 978 892 86
(NB: This statement is a disclosure statement indicating the utilisation in the same format as the
entity’s budgets which are programme based. Ensure that this document is completed to enable
consolidation by the National Treasury)
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The principle accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are set
out below:
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Cash-basis International Public
Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) as prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards
Board (PSASB) and set out in the accounting policy note below. This cash basis of accounting has
been supplemented with accounting for; a) receivables that include imprests and salary advances
and b) payables that include deposits (gratuity and retentions).
The financial statements comply with and conform to the form of presentation prescribed by the
PSASB. The accounting policies adopted have been consistently applied to all the years presented.
2. Reporting Entity
The financial statements are for the NGCDF-DADAAB Constituency. The financial statements
encompass the reporting entity as specified under section 81 of the PFM Act 2012
3. Reporting Currency
The financial statements are presented in Kenya Shillings (Ksh), which is the functional and
reporting currency of the Governmentand all values are rounded to the nearest Kenya Shilling.
The accounting policies set out in this section have been consistently applied by the entity for all
the years presented.
a) Recognition of Receipts
The entity recognises all receipts from the various sources when the event occurs, and the
related cash has actually been received by the Entity.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Other receipts
These include Appropriation-in-Aid and relate to receipts such as proceeds from sale of
tender documents, rent receipts, interest earned on bank balances, hire of
Plant/Equipment/Facilities, Unutilized funds from PMCs among others.
All unutilized funds of the Project Management Committee (PMC) are returned to
the constituency account. Unutilized funds from PMCs are recognised as other
receipts upon return to the constituency account.
External Assistance
External assistance refers to grants and loans received from local, multilateral and bilateral
development partners. In the year under review there was no external assistance received.
b) Recognition of payments
The Entity recognises all payments when the event occurs and the related cash has actually
been paid out by the entity.
Compensation of Employees
Salaries and wages, allowances, statutory contribution for employees are recognized in the
period when the compensation is paid.
A fixed asset register is maintained by each constituency and a summary provided for
purposes of consolidation. This summary is disclosed as an annexure to the financial
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
5. In-kind contributions
In-kind contributions are donations that are made to the constituency in the form of actual goods
and/or services rather than in money or cash terms. These donations may include vehicles,
equipment or personnel services. Where the financial value received for in-kind contributions can
be reliably determined, the constituency includes such value in the statement of receipts and
payments both as receipts and as payments in equal and opposite amounts; otherwise, the
contribution is not recorded.
7. Accounts Receivable
For the purposes of these financial statements, imprests and advances to authorised public officers
and/or institutions which were not surrendered or accounted for at the end of the financial year
are treated as receivables. This is in recognition of the government practice where the imprest
payments are recognized as payments when fully accounted for by the imprest or AIE holders. This
is an enhancement to the cash accounting policy. Other accounts receivables are disclosed in the
financial statements.
8. Accounts Payable
For the purposes of these financial statements, Deposits (gratuity and retentions) held on behalf of
third parties have been recognized on an accrual basis (as accounts payables). This is in recognition
of the government practice of retaining a portion of contracted services and works pending
fulfilment of obligations by the contractor and to hold deposits on behalf of third parties. Gratuity
earned on monthly is held on behalf of the employee and later paid at the end of the contract
period. This is an enhancement to the cash accounting policy adopted by National Government
Constituencies Development Fund as prescribed by PSASB. Other liabilities including pending bills
are disclosed in the financial statements.
9. Pending Bills
Pending bills consist of unpaid liabilities at the end of the financial year arising from contracted
goods or services during the year or in past years. As pending bills do not involve the payment of
cash in the reporting period, they are recorded as ‘memorandum’ or ‘off-balance’ items to provide
a sense of the overall net cash position of the entity at the end of the financial year. When the
pending bills are finally settled, such payments are included in the Statement of Receipts and
Payments in the year in which the payments are made.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
use in the subsequent financial year to fund projects approved in the respective prior financial
years consistent with sec 6(2) and sec 7(2) of NGCDF Act, 2015
11. Budget
The budget is developed on a comparable accounting basis (cash basis except for imprest which is
accounted for on an accrual basis), the same accounts classification basis, and for the same period
as the financial statements. The original budget was approved by Parliament on 30 June 2020 for
the period 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021 as required by law. Included in the adjustments are Cash
book opening balance, AIA generated during the year and constituency allocations not yet
disbursed at the beginning of the financial year.
A comparison of the actual performance against the comparable budget for the financial year
under review has been included in the financial statements.
14. Errors
Material prior period errors are corrected retrospectively in the first set of financial statements
authorized for issue after their discovery by: i. restating the comparative amounts for prior
period(s) presented in which the error occurred; or ii. If the error occurred before the earliest prior
period presented, restating the opening balances of assets, liabilities and net assets/equity for the
earliest prior period presented.
During the year, errors that have been corrected are disclosed under note 14 explaining the nature
and amounts.
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Total - -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Interest Received - -
Rents - -
Receipts from sale of tender documents - -
Hire of plant/equipment/facilities - -
Unutilized funds from PMCs - -
Other Receipts Not Classified Elsewhere - -
Total - -
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
NG-CDFC Basic staff salaries 3,014,187.00 2,681,514.00
Personal allowances paid as part of salary
House Allowance -
Transport Allowance -
Leave allowance -
Gratuity paid to contractual employees 760,926.00 809,462.00
Employer Contributions Compulsory national social security 134,000.00 134,200.00
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Committee Expenses 3,473,528.00 3,000,000.00
Utilities, supplies and services 4,072.00 -
Electricity 10,000.00 12,060.00
Water& Sewerage charges 92,550.00 -
Office rent 630,000.00 980,000.00
Communication, supplies and services 62,500.00 -
Domestic travel and subsistence 1,384,400.00 350,000.00
Printing, advertising and information supplies & services 106,000.00 -
Rentals of produced assets - -
Training expenses-Capacity building - 100,000.00
Hospitality supplies and services 44,700.00 200,000.00
Insurance costs - -
Specialized materials and services - -
Office and general supplies and services 712,600.00 88,205.00
Other operating expenses- Postal Corporation 55,350.00 730,000.00
Fuel, oil &lubricants 378,097.00 729,787.00
Bank service commission& charges 35,513.65 69,665.00
Routine maintenance – vehicles and other transport equipment 49,000.00 -
Routine maintenance – other assets 12,000.00 -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Bursary – secondary schools (see attached list) 19,414,700.00 2,235,800.00
Bursary – tertiary institutions (see attached list) 18,114,700.00 14,387,238.00
Bursary – special schools (see attached list) - -
Mock & CAT (see attached list) - -
Social Security programmes (NHIF) - -
Security projects (see attached list) 28,138,015.00 16,912,500.00
Sports projects (see attached list) 2,737,800.00 2,177,980.00
Environment projects (see attached list) 2,739,926.00 1,150,000.00
Emergency projects (see attached list) 11,250,813.00 6,635,000.00
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Purchase of Buildings - -
Construction of Buildings - -
Refurbishment of Buildings - -
Purchase of Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment - -
Overhaul of Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment - -
Purchase of Household Furniture and Institutional Equipment - -
Purchase of Office Furniture and General Equipment - -
Purchase of ICT Equipment, Software and Other ICT Assets - -
Purchase of Specialized Plant, Equipment and Machinery - -
Rehabilitation and Renovation of Plant, Machinery and Equip. - -
Acquisition of Land - -
Acquisition of Intangible Assets - -
Total - -
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Strategic plan - -
ICT Hub - -
- -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Kshs(30/06/2021) Kshs(30/06/2020)
First community bank-Garissa branch
Account no.95767. 24,300,180.45 1,652,536.00
Total - -
[Provide cash count certificates for each]
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Date Imprest
Name of Officer or Institution Taken Amount Taken Balance
Kshs Kshs Kshs
Name of Officer dd/mm/yy - - -
Name of Officer dd/mm/yy - - -
Name of Officer dd/mm/yy - - -
Name of Officer dd/mm/yy - - -
Name of Officer dd/mm/yy - - -
Name of Officer dd/mm/yy - - -
Total - - -
2020-2021 2019-2020
KShs KShs
Retention as at 1st July (A) 917,110.00 632,873.00
Retention held during the year (B) 689,922.00 430,149.00
Retention paid during the Year (C) 917,110.00 145,912.00
Closing Retention as at 30th June D= A+B-C 689,922.00 917,110.00
2020-2021 2019-2020
KShs KShs
Gratuity as at 1st July (A) 760,926.00 809,462.00
Gratuity held during the year (B) - -
Gratuity paid during the Year (C) 760,926.00 809,462.00
Closing Gratuity as at 30th June D= A+B-C - -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
(1st July 2021) (1st July 2020)
Kshs Kshs
Bank accounts 24,300,180.45 1,652,536.00
Cash in hand - -
Imprest - -
** The adjusted balances are not carried down on the face of the financial statement.
(Entity to provide disclosure on the adjusted amounts)
2020-2021 2019-2020
KShs KShs
Outstanding Imprest as at 1 July (A) - -
Imprest issued during the year (B) 5,732,000.00 5,475,340.00
Imprest surrendered during the Year (C) 5,732,000.00 5,475,340.00
closing accounts in account receivables D= A+B-C - -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
Construction of buildings - -
Construction of civil works - -
Supply of goods - -
Supply of services - -
- -
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
NGCDFC Staff - -
Others (specify) - -
- -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
2020-2021 2019-2020
Kshs Kshs
PMC account balances (see attached list) - -
- -
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Outstanding Balance Outstanding Balance Balance
Name 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 Comment
Kshs Kshs
1.0 Administration
and Recurrent
1.1 Compensation of
employees 590,133.00 487,777 - Pending Disbursement
Subtotals 590,133.00 487,777
2.3 Use of goods and
services 4,735,208.00 4,637,988 - Pending Disbursement
Subtotals 4,735,208.00 4,637,988
7.0 Primary Schools
Lix Sheel Primary
School 700,000.00 1,800,000 - Pending Disbursement
Marothiley Primary
School 700,000.00 1,800,000 - Pending Disbursement
Dertu Primary School 43,667.00 3,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
Magudo Primary
School 1,700,000 - Pending Disbursement
Bula Kheir Primary
school 350,000.00 1,700,000 - Pending Disbursement
Damajaley primary
school 1,800,000.00 - Pending Disbursement
8.0 Secondary
Schools Projects
Nasib Secondary
School 2,500,000.00 4,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
Alikune Secondary
School 50,000.00 3,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
Alikune Secondary
School 1,500,000.00 1,700,000 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Secondary
school 1,500,000.00 3,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Secondary
school 1,611,534.00 1,611,534 - Pending Disbursement
Damajaley secondary
school 900,000.00 892,647 - Pending Disbursement
Damajaley secondary
school 300,000.00 0 - Pending Disbursement
Dertu Secondary
School Admin Block
PMC 469,747.00 469,747 - Pending Disbursement
al hidaya sec sch 2,600,000.00 0 0 Pending Disbursement
dadaab sec sch 135,000.00 0 0 Pending Disbursement
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
3.0 Emergency
Emergency (3,495,365.00) 563,241 - Pending Disbursement
4.0 Bursary and
Social Security
4.2 Secondary Schools 7,346,376.00 12,544,966 - Pending Disbursement
4.3 Tertiary
Institutions &
Universities (3,339,861.00) 408,728 - Pending Disbursement
4.5 Social Security 12,000,000.00 6,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
5.0 Sports
Sports 2,751,332.00 2,747,354 - Pending Disbursement
6.0 Environment
Abdisugow boarder
police camp 926.00 Pending Disbursement
Alango Arba Police
Camp 926.00 Pending Disbursement
Saretho Primary
School 457,892 457,892 - Pending Disbursement
Dadaab primary
School 457,892 457,892 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Primary school 457,892 457,892 - Pending Disbursement
Dagahley Primary
school 457,892 457,892 - Pending Disbursement
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Damajaley secondary
school 457,892 457,892 - Pending Disbursement
Kulan Primary School 457,892 457,892 - Pending Disbursement
10.0 Security
Dadaab Deputy
Office 5,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
Alango Arba
Administration Police
Camp 250,000.00 3,000,000 - Pending Disbursement "
Liboi Police Camp –
Officer Commanding
Station 600,000.00 2,000,000 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Police Camp –
Officer Commanding
Station 600,000.00 2,677,027 - Pending Disbursement
Assistant County
Labasigale 2,000,000.00 3,400,000 - Pending Disbursement
Assistant County
Commissioner Saretho 600,000.00 2,900,000 - Pending Disbursement
Deputy County
Commissioner dadaab 600,000.00 2,900,000 - Pending Disbursement
Dadaab Deputy
county commission 153,941.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Deputy County
Commissioner 600,000.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Assistant County
Commissioner Saretho 2,900,000.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Assistant County
Commissioner Liboi 600,000.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Assistant County
Labasigale 1,500,000.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Police Camp –
Officer Commanding
Station 2,000,000.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Liboi Administration
Police Camp 1,000,000.00 600,000 - Pending Disbursement
Sinan Development
Group 114,356.00 114,356 - Pending Disbursement
dertu police station 164,996.00
Abdisugow boarder
police camp 200,000.00
kumahumato Deputy
county commission 1,500,000.00
alango arba police
camp 150,000.00
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Assistant County
Labasigale 170,000.00
Liboi Deputy County
Commissioner 50,000.00
Assistant County
Labasigale 600,000.00
Subtotals 34,364,979.00 51,203,024
11.0 Acquisition of
11.3 Purchase of
furniture and
equipment 95,819.00 95,819 - Pending Disbursement
Subtotals 95,819.00 95,819
12.0 Others
12.2 Innovation Hub - - - Pending Disbursement
Subtotals - -
TOTAL 69,066,087.00 81,198,536
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
Bank Bank
Account Balance Balance
PMC Bank number 2020-2021 2019-2020
DADAAB Constituency
National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NGCDF)
Reports and Financial Statements for The Year Ended June 30, 2021
The following is the summary of issues raised by the external auditor, and management
comments that were provided to the auditor. We have nominated focal persons to resolve the
various issues as shown below with the associated time frame within which we expect the
issues to be resolved.
Status: Timeframe:
Reference Focal Point
Issue / (Resolved / (Put a date
No. on the Management person to resolve
Observations Not when you
external comments the issue (Name
from Auditor Resolved) expect the issue
audit Report and designation)
to be resolved)