Modelling of A Windcatcher For Natural Ventilation
Modelling of A Windcatcher For Natural Ventilation
Modelling of A Windcatcher For Natural Ventilation
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Abbas Elmualim on 08 February 2016.
Interest in employing new natural ventilation technologies for the provision of a comfortable internal
environment has been growing in northern Europe for the past number of years. These new
technologies have the potential of reducing energy consumption and the release of destructive
emissions into the environment. The windcatcher system is one of these novel technologies which has
been installed in many buildings in the UK. A windcatcher is a device, installed on a roof, which
utilises both stack and dynamic wind pressures to deliver ventilation air to a building. Wind tunnel,
explicit, implicit and CFD modelling techniques were used to assess the potential of windctacher
systems. Wind tunnel and smoke visualisation tests were conducted on full-scale model of a square
section windcatcher. Pressure coefficients distribution, internal air speed and volumetric air flow were
measured for various wind speeds and directions. The Cp’s were correlated with CFD results and then
used in the explicit and implicit models to further validate the air flow measurements due to
windcatcher. It is concluded that windcatchers will contribute towards the ventilation of spaces. The
flow rate through the windcatcher increases with the increase in wind speed and is dependent on wind
direction. The results obtained using explicit, AIDA and CFX code correlate relatively well with the
experimental results at lower wind speeds and with wind incident at angles of 0-15°.
1. Introduction
Increased global warming and deterioration of the ozone layer have stimulated interest in the use of
renewable energy systems. Natural ventilation is increasingly being employed in modern buildings to
minimize energy consumption and the release of harmful emissions to the environment. Innovative
natural ventilation techniques such as the windcatcher and solar chimney have facilitated the effective
use of natural ventilation in a wide range of buildings for increasing the ventilation rate. In addition to
bringing energy savings, these environmentally friendly technologies also help create healthier
interiors for occupants. The windcatcher systems were employed in buildings in the Middle East for
more than three thousands years. They are known by different names in different parts of the region
(Bahadori 1994, Battle, Zanchetta et al. 2000, Elmualim and Awbi 2002). They were traditionally
constructed from wood-reinforced masonry with openings at height above the building level ranging
from 2 m to 20 m. Taller towers are capable of capturing winds at higher velocities and with less dust
(Bahadori 1994). In the modern design of windcatchers, the two ventilation principles of wind tower
and passive stack are combined in one design around a stack that is divided into two halves or four
quadrants/segments with the division running the full length of the stack. Recently, the windcatcher
systems are increasingly being installed in buildings around the UK. In most of these modern
installations the windcatchers terminate at the ceiling level with four quadrants acting as
supply/extract for the air. Some of these buildings have had great attentions in the recent years, such
as the Queen’s Building at Demonfort University, the Inland Revenue building in Nottingham, a
shopping mall building, Solihull, the Jubilee Campus at Nottingham University and the BRE office of
the future (Elmualim and Awbi 2002). Although windcatchers are becoming more favourable with
architects, services engineers, and researchers, their performance is yet to be evaluated for application
in temperate climate such as the UK. In this paper wind tunnel, CFD, implicit and explicit modelling
were used to evaluate the performance of a commercial windcatcher.
2. CFD and Wind Tunnel Modelling
2.1 Wind tunnel experimental set-up and measurement procedures
The wind tunnel experimental investigation was carried out using an open working section wind
tunnel located at the laboratories of the Building Services Research and Information Association,
BSRIA, Crowthorne, UK. The wind tunnel is purpose designed for testing natural ventilation devices.
It consists of three main sections; one circular section with 1.250 m diameter and two octagonal
fanned shaped sections (2x2m) connected together with a total length of 17.5 m approximately. The
open working section of the wind tunnel, where the windcatcher was positioned is about 3.6 m long.
The wind tunnel was built on metal frame and raised approximately 3 meters above ground floor
level. The tunnel is powered by a variable speed axial fan located at the entrance to the tunnel.
2.1.1 Experimental set-up
A square glass reinforced plastic (GRP) windcatcher of side 500 mm and length of 1.5 m was
connected to a cubic model test room of side 2.48 m (15.25 m3 in volume). The model room was
erected beneath the wind tunnel and silicon sealant and duct tapes were used to seal the test room from
the laboratory. The windcatcher was divided into four equal quadrants each with an area of 0.063 m2.
The quadrants ran the full length of the windcatcher. The windcatcher and the model test room were
positioned centrally within the wind tunnel in order to maintain a uniform wind profile over the
windcatcher (Figure 1). Tests were performed for nominal wind speeds of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 m/s.
The wind direction was varied in the range of 0 – 45° with an interval of 15° by rotating the
windcather on a turn table (Figure 2).
Wind Wind Wind Wind
tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel
Figure 3 shows the measured and predicted volumetric airflow through the windcatcher quadrants for
a wind direction of α = 0°, case 1. In this case, quadrant 1 was identified as the supply while
quadrants 2, 3 and 4 were acting as the extract quadrants. The airflow increases with external wind
speed and no short circuiting was observed. A volumetric airflow of 0.101 m3/s (101 l/s) was achieved
through the main supply quadrant for an average wind speed of 3 m/s. The flow reached a volume of
approximately 0.135 m3/s (135 l/s) for an external wind speed of 5.4 m/s. The measured and predicted
results for this case (case 1) correlate well particularly at lower wind speeds of 1-3 m/s. AIDA
(Liddament 1996) gives slightly higher results than the other methods when using the Cp’s measured
in the wind tunnel. By applying the Cp’s measured using CFX in AIDA much higher air flow were
obtained. This suggests that the variation in the Cp’s directly affect the calculated air flow rate which
emphasises the importance of establishing accurate Cp’s for windcatchers.
Figure 4 shows comparison between the measured volumetric air flow using wind tunnel tests and
CFD modelling for various wind speeds for all the cases, 1-4. Variation between the measured and
predicted air flow results were observed at incidence angle of 30 and 45° and higher wind speed of 3-
6 m.
The CFD code gives reasonably air flow rate compared with wind tunnel results but not Cp’s. There
was inherent difficulty in establishing the Cp’s in wind tunnel due to the measured low pressures and
also in the inaccuracy of the manufacturing of the windcatcher. CFX was valuable in showing the
flow pattern in and around the windcatcher and inside the test room. It provides information not
available when using other predictions methods namely wind tunnel, explicit and implicit models.
Air flow rate (Q) m3/s
0.200 1
Case 1
0.150 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wind speed m/s
Figure 3: Measured air flow through the windcatcher system for case 1 (α = 0°) for various
prediction models
Wind tunnel wind at 0° Wind tunnel wind at 15° Wind tunnel wind at 30°
Wind tunnel wind at 45° CFX-Wind at 0°-ave CFX-Wind at 30°-ave
CFX-Wind at 45°-ave CFX-Wind at 15°-ave
0.250 4
Air flow rate (Q) m3/s
0.200 3
Case 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wind speed m/s
Figure 4: Variation of air flow with wind speed and wind direction using wind tunnel and CFD
4. Conclusions
Several prediction models were used to assess the performance of the windcatcher for natural
ventilation purposes in buildings. Wind tunnel and smoke visualisations tests, explicit, AIDA implicit
model and CFX CFD code were used in this investigation. The experimental testing in the wind tunnel
was carried out for a square sections windcatchers (500 x 500 mm and a height of 1.5 m). The
windcatchers was connected to a test room in open section wind tunnel at BSRIA. The tests were
conducted for various wind speeds and directions. Air flow, pressure coefficient and internal air speed
were measured. The wind tunnel configuration was then simulated using commercial CFX CFD codes
to investigation the suitability of such model in predicting the ventilation rates due to windcatcher
applications. The measured pressure coefficients and pressure losses for windctachers were then
applied into the explicit and AIDA models to establish the air flow.
The windcatcher performance depends greatly on the direction and speed of the wind in relation to the
windcatcher quadrants. In all cases examined, the wind tunnel tests showed that the ventilation rate
increases with wind speed and slightly decreases with the increase of the angle of wind direction in
the range between 0-45°, particularly at lower wind speeds. The results obtained using explicit, AIDA
and CFX code correlate relatively well with the experimental results at lower wind speeds and with
wind incident at angles of 0-15°. However, CFX gives higher results at wind incident angle of 30 -
45°. This was attributed to the difficulty in accurately measuring the air flow due to the geometrical
and meshing complications for the simulated cases in CFX. The optimum position for the windcatcher
for maximum ventilation is when the wind is incident directly on to a complete quadrant (α = 0o).
Experimental investigation using wind tunnel testing is vital in establishing the performances of
windcatchers for natural ventilation in buildings particularly on large-scale models. Experimental
results have much credibility in the research community as well as the industry. However, they are
expensive to acquire and demanding in terms of time and personnel. The wind tunnel testing is
indispensable in measuring Cp and pressure losses required by the widely used explicit and implicit
models. The CFD modelling results should be considered with care particularly in the absence of
experimental data.
5. Acknowledgment
The author would like to acknowledge the support of BSRIA, Ansys CFX and Monodraught Ltd in
carrying out this investigation.
6. References
AEA Technology (2002) CFX-5 User Manual, Harwell, UK: AEA Technology,
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BSI BS 6399-2 (1998) Loading for Buildings, Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads, London: British
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