Design Procedure of A Permanent Magnet

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 5 Issue 02, February-2016

Design Procedure of a Permanent Magnet D.C.

Commutator Motor
Ritunjoy Bhuyan,
HOD Electrical Engineering
HRH the Prince of Wales Institute of Engg & Technology (Govt.),
Jorhat, Assam, INDIA

Abstract - Electrical machine with electro magnet as excitation system the motor to have narrow teeth, enlarged poles, and small air gap
has many problems out of which, less efficiency is a major one. Self length than conventional dc commutator motor.
excited dc machine has to sacrifice some power for excitation system
& as a result, power available for useful work become less. This The field structure and the shape of yoke of PM dc
problem can be solved to some extent whatever may be the amount ,
by using permanent magnet for the excitation system of dc machine
commutator motor depend on the type of permanent magnetic
and there by contributing towards the conservation of conventional material used. This ultimately determines the overall volume of
energy sources which are alarmingly decrease day by day . Using of the motor. With same capacity, the PM dc commutator motor
permanent magnet in the electrical machine helps in burning of less with Samarium cobalt as magnetic material has lesser volume
conventional fossil fuel and contributes indirectly in conservation of than the one using ferrite as permanent magnetic material.
air-pollution free environment . With permanent magnet dc motor,
the efficiency of the machine also rises up considerably. This paper is 1.2. Calculation of Design of Small d.c. permanent
an effort to give a computer aided design procedure of permanent Magnet Motor:
magnet dc motor.

Key words: Permanent Magnet Dc Motor, Yoke, Pole Pitch, The calculation of small d.c. permanent magnet motor
Commutator, Magnetic Loading ,Electric Loading ,Output Coefficient. is sub-divided into the following stages-

INTRODUCTION (i)Determination of the main dimension of the motor.

It can be stated without any dispute that for the ever (ii) Calculation of armature winding.
developing modern civilization electric motor become an (iii)Size of armature winding conductor teeth and slot.
unavoidable part both in industries as well as in domestic (iv) Losses and temperature rise of the armature.
applications. But ever since the growing threat of running out of (v) Calculation of size of brush, commutator, losses
the conventional energy source used by the mankind by the and temperature rise of commutator.
middle of the next century, the scientists have very desperately (vi) Calculation of efficiency.
engaged themselves for last few decades in molding suitable (vii) Calculation of magnetic system.
devices for conservation of different form of conventional energy.
Electrical energy, being the most refined form of energy out of its (a)length of air gap.
all counterparts, also needs conservation process and one of such
process is the construction of electrical motor with better and (b) Size of the yoke.
better efficiency. The application of permanent magnet in
(c) Size of the permanent magnet.
electrical machine, or more precisely in electrical motor, can play
a vital role in electrical energy conservation process. Because,
with permanent magnet excitation system, the energy consumed 2. DETERMINATION OF MAIN DIMENSION OF THE
for field excitation become totally absent and the consumption of SMALL PERMANENT MAGNET D.C. MOTOR:
fossil fuel is reduced to some extent as well as the rate of
environmental pollution may decrease. 2.1. Main Dimension: The armature diameter(Da ) and armature
core length (Lc ) of rotating machine is called main dimension of
1. PM dc commutator Motor: the machine.
PM dc commutator machines are generally designed in
a similar manner to that for any other d.c. commutator machine. 2.2. Loading: There are two main loadings to a rotating machine
The armature of the PM excited machine is similar to the wound viz. (i) magnetic and (ii) electric loading.
field dc machine.So, the armature of PM dc commutator machine
is designed by the same rule of winding layout as in general dc 2.2.(i) Magnetic loading: the total flux around the armature
shunt motor with constant field excitation. The number of slot and periphery at the air gap is called total magnetic loading.Magnetic
poles, slot geometry, commutator and brush layout, parallel path, loading / area of flux path at the air gap is named as specific
winding layout are identical for both type of machines. magnetic loading and denoted by Bav.

The determination of air gap flux density and the 𝐵𝑎𝑣 = (𝑃𝜙/𝜋𝐷𝑎 𝐿𝑐 ) = (𝜙/𝜏𝐿)
mechanical design of field structure and stator yoke are different Where
for PM dc commutator machine and wound field dc commutator 𝑃 = number of poles
motor. The permanent magnetic materials are not able to carry
high flux density and hence usually the air gap flux density is kept 𝜙 = flux per pole
lower than that of counter part wound field motor. This permits
𝜏 = pole pitch

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 5 Issue 02, February-2016

2.2.(ii) Electric Loading: The total number of ampere conductor The core loss is directly proportional to the flux density
around the armature periphery is called total electric loading. The in the iron part and hence on the value of specific magnetic
ratio of electric loading to armature periphery at the air gap is loading.
called specific electric loading and denoted by Ac .
4.2. Choice of Specific Electric Loading: Heat dissipated per unit
Ac = Iz Z/πD area of armature surface is proportional to specific electric
Where loading.
Iz = current in each conductor Specific electric loading = (Temperature/𝜌𝛿𝐶)
Z = number of conductor. 𝜌 = resistivity of conductor
𝛿 = current density
3. Output Equation: The output of a machine can be expressed in 𝐶 = cooling coefficient
terms of its main dimension Sp magnetic and Sp electric loading. With a better quality insulating material, the higher
Power developed by armature in K w = Pa . valued specific electric loading can be used.
With smaller cooling coefficient high specific electric
Where loading can be used.
The ampere conductor per unit length is directly related
Pa = e.m.f. generated × Armature current × 10−3 ….[3.1] to the space factor i.e. the ratio of bare conductor area to total slot
area. For high voltage this space factor is low which requires a
e.m.f. E = (𝜙𝑍𝑛 𝑃/𝑎) ……………………….[3.2] low electric loading with fixed ratio of slot width to slot pitch,
fixed current density and fixed slot depth. Moreover, for constant
so, Pa = (𝜙𝑍𝑛 𝑃/𝑎)𝐼𝑎 × 10−3 current density and space factor, Sp electric loading is
proportional to diameter.
= (𝜙𝑃 × (𝐼𝑎 𝑍/𝑎) × 𝑛 × 10−3 With the increase of Sp electric loading the value of
armature reaction m.m.f. becomes high.
Pa = (total Mag. loading)(total elect. loading) Commutation is effected by high ampere conductor.
× (𝑟. 𝑃. 𝑆 × 10−3 ) ……….[3.3] Because, with high ampere conductor the number of turns of the
coil increases and also the height of the slot. The inductance of
𝐵𝑎𝑣 = (𝑃𝜙/𝜋𝐷𝑎 𝐿𝑐 ) the coil and armature increases leading to poor commutation.
4.3. Selection of Pole:
AC = (ac/ 𝜋𝐷𝑎 ) Selection of number of poles is done on the basis of the
frequency of flux reversal which is given by = (𝑃𝑁/120) , P=
Putting equation [3.1] and [3.2] in [3.3] number of pole and N = speed in rpm. Selection of frequency of
flux reversal for small d.c. machine should be 25Hz to 75Hz in
Pa = 𝜋𝐷𝑎 𝐿𝑐 𝐵𝑎𝑣 × 𝜋𝐷𝑎 𝐴𝐶 × 𝑛 × 10−3 normal case.
4.4. Selection of type of Winding:
= ( 𝜋 2 𝐵𝑎𝑣𝐴𝑐 × 10−3 )(𝐷𝑎2 𝐿𝑛𝑐 ) In two-pole small d.c. machines, the lap and the wave
winding are identical. For four-pole machine the choice of type of
𝑃𝑎 = 𝐶𝑜 𝐷𝑎2 𝐿𝑛𝑐 …………..[3.4] winding depends on the armature current. For armature current up
Where to 400A, wave winding is preffered. In general for small
𝐶𝑜 = 𝜋 2 𝐵𝑎𝑣𝐴𝑐 × 10−3 machines, the wave winding is a normal choice though lap
winding can also be used on customers’ demand.
= output coefficient of the motor. 4.5. Selection of Number of pole:
(a) Bi-polar Machine: For bipolar machine the slot pitch
4. FACTOR EFFECTING SIZE OF THE ROTATING is 0.01 meter to 0.04 meter so that number of slot varies from
MACHINE: (𝜋𝐷/0.04) to (𝜋𝐷/0.01) . The number of slot should be as high
as possible to reduce the commotional voltage and should be odd
The size of the rotating machine is affected to eliminate cogging torque, but without increasing the labour
by (i) speed (ii) output coefficient. cost too much.
4.(i) Speed: The volume is inversely proportional to the speed (b) Wave Winding: With the slot pitch from
keeping in view the limit of mechanical stress, the speed can be 0.01 Mtr. to 0.04Mtr.,there is a range of number of slots. The
increased to highest practical value and thereby the volume and selection is done on the basis of the fact that (i) number of pole
hence the cost can be decreased. slots should not be a multiple of pair of poles (ii)number of poles
4.(ii) Output Coefficient : Higher the output coefficient smaller 1
per pole arc should be an integer (+ ) .
will be the volume , 𝐶𝑜 can be increased by increasing either 𝐵𝑎𝑣 2
or AC. (c) Lap Winding : In case of lap winding the number of
4.1. Increase of 𝐵𝑎𝑣: The value of Sp magnetic loading depends slots should be (i)a multiple of pair of poles and (ii)slots per pole
on arc is an integer (+ ).
(a) Maximum flux density in iron part 4.6. Number of Coils and Turns per Coil:
(b) Magnetizing current The minimum number coils is given by
(c) Core loss. Cmin = (EP/15)
To keep the teeth root density within a certain limit, the Where, E= induced voltage and P is the number of poles. The
specific magnetic loading is selected within certain limit. In case turns per coil is Tc = Z/2Cmin .
of permanent magnet d.c. machine magnetizing current is not For wave winding the total number of coil is so chosen
required. that 𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑙/𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑡 is an integer and should not be multiple of pair of

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 5 Issue 02, February-2016

For lap winding 𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑙/𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑡 is an integer and should be 7. DESIGN OF PERMANENT MAGNET:
multiple of pair of poles. The choice of the permanent magnet depends on the
4.7. Slot Area: cost factor, availability, mechanical design (hardness and strength
To calculate slot area the following points should be requirements), available spaces in magnetic circuit and magnetic
considered carefully and electrical performance specification of the circuit.
i. Current density
ii. Height/width ratio. After selection of the type and shape of magnet, a
The flux density in the core and teeth (particularly at the suitable magnet length is assumed and estimate total mmf that can
teeth root)and the copper loss depend on the area of the slot and be delivered by the magnet. Armature demagnetizing mmf is
current density. estimated by considering necessary brush shift angle.

4.8Temperature Rise: The total field mmf is found out and the air gap mmf is
Temperature rise depends on the class of insulation. For considered as 65% to 70% of the total field mmf. The air gap
F class insulation the temperature rise may be allowed up to length is calculated and is to be checked, if it is within 1.5% of
1000 C for totally enclosed machine. the pole pitch.If this limit is exceeded, the magnet length is
reassumed and the process is repeated. It is to be noted that the
5. CHOICE OF PERMANENT MAGNET: operating flux density of the magnet is at the maximum energy
A permanent magnet with high maximum energy point or very near to the maximum energy point to keep the
product is generally selected. The operating point or operating volume of the magnet minimum.
flux density is chosen in the vicinity of the maximum energy
product. The armature is designed for a small air gap flux density 8. DESIGN OF YOKE:
corresponding to operating flux density of the permanent magnet. The dimension of yoke is determined by the value of
flux carried by the yoke. The yoke carries half of the total flux.
6. COMMUTATOR AND BRUSH: The flux density of yoke for permanent magnet machine is
The number of commutator segments are equal to normally taken as 0.8 wb/m2 . The cross-sectional area and length
number of coils or segments. The minimum number of segments of the yoke is estimated and finally the height of the yoke is found
is (E×P/15) where E = induced voltage, P = number of poles. out.
The diameter of the commutator is generally lies PM dc motor is excitation loss free and hence some amount of
between 0.6 to 0.8 of armature diameter. For small machine this contribution is given to the conservation of energy as well as air
value can be extended up to 0.9 . The peripheral speed can exceed pollution control by the out put power /volume is high and better
up to 30mtr/sec. dynamic performance is available with this motor. Construction
The commutator bar segment pitch or thickness of the and maintenance is also simple. The majority of PM dc motor
commutator should not generally be less than 4mm. for factional with slotted rotor use Ferrite PM .Barium and strontium Ferrite
lop machine this value can be lowered up to 2.5m. length of the PM dc motor are going to be used extensively in Auto mobile
commutator depends upon the space required by the brushes and sector. With the advent of rare earth PM material like Samarium
upon the surface required to dissipate heat generated by cobalt, Nedium iron boron, the brushless PM motor become more
commutator loss. The number of brush spindles are equal to efficient than Induction motor. In servo mechanism also
number of poles. The number of brushes in each spindle are such maintenance free brush-less PM dc motor replace the
that brush current does exceed 70 amp. Each brush spindle current conventional servo motor. In Germany PM Brushless motor upto
is equal to (2Ia /ρ) thickness of the brush is (Number of 1KW is already designed .It is well accepted fact that there are
coils/number of slot)-1 commutator bar pitch. always some losses associated with energy conversion process
from any energy to electrical energy .These losses plays an
Temperature rise of the commutator is calculated by important role in determining the cost of electrical machine in
calculating total loss in the commutator and brush. There are general and motor particularly. Here lies the relevancy of
generally two loss – Brush contact and Brush fictional loss. Permanent Magnet Motor which can save at least some amount of
energy or rather can conserve some amount of fossil fuel
Temperature Rise= (Total loss/ dissipating area × heat indirectly for future generation.
transfer coefficient)
𝜃 = (𝑃𝑐 + 𝑃𝐹 )/(𝜋 × 𝐷𝑐 × 𝐶𝐿 × 𝐹𝑐 ) [1] A.J.Dekker,” Electrical Engineering material” Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Delhi
𝜃 =Temperature rise in degree centigrade [2] A.K.Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical Machine Design” Dhanpot
Rai & Sons ,Delhi.
𝑃𝑐 =Brush contact loss in watt [3] A. Shamugasundaram,G. Gangadharan,R. Pilani, “Electrical
machine Design Data Book” Tata MC-Graw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd.
𝑃𝐹 =Brush friction loss in watt
[4] A.E.Clayton and N.N.Hancock, “The Performance And design of
direct Current Machine” OCBS Publishers, India.
𝐷𝑐 =Commutator length in mtr. [5] A.F.Puchstine, “The Design Of Small Direct Current Machine”
Jhon Wilery and Sons. INC, New York, London.
𝐹𝑐 =Heat transfer coefficient in W/m2 0C [6] E.Balaguruswamy, “Programme in Basic” Tata MC- Graw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
Commutator temperature rise can be allowed up to 1550 C [7] J.F.Giers and M Wing , “ Permanent Magnet Motor Technology-
Design Application” Marcel Dekker INC, New York.
[8] L.Greenwood, “Design of Direct Current Machine” Macdonald &
Co Ltd.,London.
[9] Michel Liwscitz Garik, “DC & AC Machine” Brooklyn , New York.

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 5 Issue 02, February-2016

[10] N. P. Yarmolin, “Small Electrical Machine” Rajkamal Prokashon

Private Ltd.,Delhi.
[11] P. K.Chakravarty, “Basic Illustrated Guide to Programme in Basic”
[12] S.N. Subramanium, “Programme in Basic” A.H.Wheeler & Co
[13] T Kenjo and S. Nagmor, “Permanent Magnet And Brush Less DC
Motor”,Oxford University Press, New York.

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