The document summarizes Schubert's cash flow budget, income statement, and balance sheet for the year.
The cash flow budget shows opening cash balance, cash from operating activities like sales and purchases, cash used like purchases and expenses, net cash from operations, cash used in investing like assets, and cash from financing like debt and capital.
The income statement shows operating revenues from product sales, operating expenses like costs of goods sold and expenses, financial revenues and expenses, and net income or loss.
The balance sheet lists assets like equipment and inventory, liabilities like debt and payables, and equity like capital and retained earnings at the start and end of the period.
The document summarizes Schubert's cash flow budget, income statement, and balance sheet for the year.
The cash flow budget shows opening cash balance, cash from operating activities like sales and purchases, cash used like purchases and expenses, net cash from operations, cash used in investing like assets, and cash from financing like debt and capital.
The income statement shows operating revenues from product sales, operating expenses like costs of goods sold and expenses, financial revenues and expenses, and net income or loss.
The balance sheet lists assets like equipment and inventory, liabilities like debt and payables, and equity like capital and retained earnings at the start and end of the period.
Original Description:
Template Exercise for Accounting Fundamentals (Balance Sheet Construction)
The document summarizes Schubert's cash flow budget, income statement, and balance sheet for the year.
The cash flow budget shows opening cash balance, cash from operating activities like sales and purchases, cash used like purchases and expenses, net cash from operations, cash used in investing like assets, and cash from financing like debt and capital.
The income statement shows operating revenues from product sales, operating expenses like costs of goods sold and expenses, financial revenues and expenses, and net income or loss.
The balance sheet lists assets like equipment and inventory, liabilities like debt and payables, and equity like capital and retained earnings at the start and end of the period.
The document summarizes Schubert's cash flow budget, income statement, and balance sheet for the year.
The cash flow budget shows opening cash balance, cash from operating activities like sales and purchases, cash used like purchases and expenses, net cash from operations, cash used in investing like assets, and cash from financing like debt and capital.
The income statement shows operating revenues from product sales, operating expenses like costs of goods sold and expenses, financial revenues and expenses, and net income or loss.
The balance sheet lists assets like equipment and inventory, liabilities like debt and payables, and equity like capital and retained earnings at the start and end of the period.
Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales Purchases of raw materials Sales of finished products Cash received from trade receivables (see preceding balance Change in inventory of raw materials (B-E) Change in inventory of finished products (E-B) sheet) External expense (Where E = ending and B = beginning) Cash paid for purchases Taxes (other than income tax) Cash paid for trade payables (see preceding balance sheet) Personnel expense Income tax payable Depreciation expense Taxes (other than income tax) Personnel expense Financial expenses Financial revenues Rent expense Advertising expense Auditing fees Financial expenses Subtotal Subtotal Income tax Net cash flows from operating activities (2) Net income Net loss Cash flows from investing activities Total Total Acquisition of non-current assets BALANCE SHEET (in 000 of CU) Net cash flows used in investing activities (3) Assets Beg + - End Equity and liabilities Beg - + End Non-current assets Shareholders’ equity Cash flows from financing activities Manufacturing equip. (net) Capital Increase in capital Accumulated retained New debt earnings Repayment of debt Current assets Net income/loss Dividends paid Inventories Subtotal • Raw materials • Finished products Liabilities Net cash flows used in financing activities (4) Trade receivables Debt Bank overdraft Net increase (decrease) in cash (5)=(2)+(3)+(4) Cash at bank Trade payables Income tax payable Ending balance (6)=(1)+(5) Total Total