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Pharmacology: Paper I

General Pharmacology

Factors governing choice of Routes of Drug Administration - state, Transdermal

Therapeutic Systems
1. Routes of Drug Administration - mention with one example for each route
2. Subcutaneous Route of Drug Administration - advantages and
disadvantages, examples (8)
3. Kinetics of Drug Administration
4. Intravenous Route - four drugs, advantages and disadvantages (8)
5. Generic drugs(copy)
6. advantage of writing generic name in prescription writing(copy)
7. Idiosynercasy(96)
8. Sub lingual administration advantage and disadvantage(7)
9. Inhalational route of drug administration (8)

1. Bioavailability* - define*, factors* affecting with examples; Bioequivalence

Pharmacokinetics (Chapter 3)


1. Prodrug - define, explain advantages with examples

2. Microsomal Enzyme Induction**, clinical consequences with two examples*;

implications with examples

3. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - define, significance, Four Drugs having Narrow

Therapeutic Index - list
4. Plasma Half-Life - define, clinical significance, examples
5. Prolongation of Drug Action - four methods with examples


1. Biotransformation* - define*, reactions involved with examples, enumerate factors

affecting Biotransformation; Phase 1 and Phase 2 Drug Metabolising Reactions -
enumerate with examples, Enzyme Induction and Enzyme Inhibition - clinical


1. Drug Antagonism - with examples

2. Competitive Antagonism - describe features with examples
3. Four mechanisms by which a drug may alter the absorption of another drug - with


1. Drug Interactions - classify, Beneficial Drug Interaction - note with examples

2. Mechanisms by which Drugs produce their Actions in Body - with examples
3. Drug Antagonism - various types with examples



1. Define:
i) Tachyphylaxis or Acute Tolerance ii) Reason
for development iii) Tachyphylaxis and Tolerance -
three differences
2. Drug Tolerance - define, types, underlying mechanism, examples


1. Factors affecting Drug Action** - describe with clinical relevance; enumerate,

describe with examples*
2. Fixed Dose Combinations - pros and cons with examples
Adverse Drug Effects


1. Adverse Drug Reactions - classify with examples


1. Pharmacovigilance - define, Adverse Drug effects - discuss various types with


Autonomic Nervous System

Cholinergic System and Drugs


1. Rationale behind use of atropine with neostigmine

2. Cholinergic Drugs - classify, Myasthenia Gravis - treatment
3. Anticholinesterases* - classify*, therapeutic indications with examples; three
therapeutic uses
4. Reversible and Irreversible Anticholinesterase, Explain Why they are Classified as
Reversible and Irreversible, State Conditions in which this Property is Exploited


1. Organophosphate Compound Poisoning*** - management; drug treatment*;

General Principles of Acute Poisoning Treatment
2. Anticholinesterases* - classify* [sub-question]
3. Cholinergic Drugs - classify, Neostigmine* - pharmacological actions, clinical uses*;

Anticholinergic Drugs

1. Atropine and Tropicamide as mydriatics - compare and contrast therapeutic
2. Atropine substitutes** - important uses; therapeutic indications, drug of
choice for each
3. Atropine - four clinical uses

Adrenergic System and Drugs


1. Adrenaline in treatment of Anaphylactic Shock - pharmacological basis

2. Adrenaline** - four therapeutic uses* with justification*; with pharmacological
basis; dose and route of administration

3. Vasopressor Agents - enumerate four, Adrenaline contraindicated in Hypotensive

Shock - explain why


1. Adrenaline** - pharmacological actions*, therapeutic uses**, adverse effects;

precautions while administering
2. Classify Adrenergic Drugs [sub-question]

Antiadrenergic Drugs and Drugs for Glaucoma


1. Drugs used in Glaucoma* - mention, MOA

2. Beta Adrenergic Blockers* - classify, Therapeutic Uses - enumerate; Non
Cardiovascular Uses
3. Propranolol and Atenolol - eight clinically relevant differences
4. Alpha Adrenergic Blocker - uses, adverse effects
5. Atenolol and Propranolol - compare and contrast


1. Propranolol - therapeutic uses with rationale

2. Drugs used in Glaucoma* - classify, MOA, adverse effects of any one;
pharmacological rationale for each drug

3. Beta Blockers* - classify, cardiac, non-cardiac uses, examples with rationale;

therapeutic uses

Drugs Acting on Peripheral Nervous System

Skeletal Muscle Relaxant


1. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants* - classify* on basis on MOA, Succinylcholine - MOA,

adverse effects, therapeutic uses; Curare Alkaloids - uses

Cardiovascular Drugs

Drugs Affecting RAS and Plasma Kinins


1. ARB with ACE Inhibitors - compare adverse effects

2. Drugs acting on RAAS - enumerate, note on any one
3. Use of ACE Inhibitors in CHF - rationale, four uses
4. ACE Inhibitors - adverse effects
5. Enalapril and Losartan - compare and contrast with respect to MOA,
therapeutic indications, adverse effects
6. Enalapril - pharmacological basis for use in CHF


1. ACE Inhibitors** - MOA , therapeutic uses, adverse effects**; indications*,

drug interactions*; contraindications
Cardiac Glycosides and Drugs for Heart Failure


1. Use of Spironolactone in CHF patient - rationale, Possible Drug Interactions

2. Digitalis Toxicity - drug treatment
3. Use of Digoxin in CHF - pharmacological basis
4. Digitalis - MOA
5. CHF - enumerate drugs, Any two groups useful in CHF - MOA


1. Treatment of CHF* - therapeutic objectives, drugs used**, pharmacological basis of

use; Use of ACE Inhibitors and Cardiac Glycosides - pharmacological basis

Antiarrhythmic Drugs


1. Antiarrhythmic Drugs - classify, MOA, Propranolol - antiarrhythmic effects,

therapeutic uses

Antianginal Drugs


1. Calcium Channel Blockers - mechanism of action in Angina Pectoris, adverse effects

2. Nitroglycerin - therapeutic uses, routes of administration, adverse effects
3. Coronary Steal Phenomenon - explain, clinical significance
4. Nifedipine and Verapamil - compare and contrast
5. Nitrates - MOA


1. Calcium Channel Blockers* - MOA, adverse effects*, therapeutic uses*

2. Myocardial Infarction - drug management
Antihypertensive Drugs


1. Antihypertensive drugs***** - classify*****, Management of hypertensive

emergencies and urgencies - describe; Thiazide diuretics - MOA, Combination
Therapy in Hypertension

Drugs Acting on Kidney



1. High-Ceiling Diuretics - uses

2. Diuretic Therapy - therapeutic use, complications


1. Furosemide* - MOA, indications, adverse effects*; four therapeutic uses

2. Use of Furosemide in treatment of Left Ventricular Failure - pharmacological basis

Drugs Affecting Blood and Blood Formation

Haematinics and Erythropoietin


1. Parental Iron Preparations**** - enumerate*, indications****; adverse effects*;

Iron Preparations - enumerate, uses, adverse effects, Iron Poisoning - antidotes
2. Two Oral, Two Parenteral Iron Preparations

1. Oral Iron Preparations - enumerate, adverse effects, Iron Deficiency Anaemia -
drug treatment

2. Oral and Parenteral Iron Preparations - enumerated, Parenteral Iron Therapy -

indications, Treatment of Iron Poisoning

Drugs Affecting Coagulation, Bleeding, Thrombosis


1. Conventional/Unfractionated Heparin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin -

2. Warfarin - MOA, therapeutic uses
3. Low Molecular Weight Heparins - MOA, therapeutic uses
4. Streptokinase and Alteplase - compare and contrast
5. Anti-Platelet Drugs
6. Fibrinolytic Agents - mention, impotence in clinical use


1. Thrombolytic Drugs - enumerate, Alteplase - indications, adverse effects

Hypolipidaemic Drugs and Plasma Expanders


1. What are Plasma Expanders, uses

2. HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor


1. Statins - MOA, therapeutic effects, adverse effects

Gastrointestinal Tract
Peptic Ulcer and GERD Drugs


1. H. Pylori positive Gastric Ulcer - treatment regimens

2. Omeprazole as Anti-Ulcer Drug - MOA
3. Ranitidine - indications, adverse effects
4. Peptic Ulcer - drugs used
5. Omeprazole in treatment of Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome - pharmacological basis


1. Drugs used in Peptic Ulcer** - classify*, pharmacological basis of use; Omeprazole*

- MOA*, adverse effects

Antiemetic, Prokinetic, Digestant Drugs


1. Metoclopramide - MOA, therapeutic use

2. Prokinetic Agents - define, examples, therapeutic uses, adverse effects

Laxatives and Purgatives


1. Lactulose - mechanism of action, therapeutic uses

2. Ispaghula as laxative - MOA
3. Laxatives* - classify, therapeutic uses, contraindications*; indications


1. Laxatives*-Purgatives - classify, MOA*, indications* of any two classes;

Miscellaneous Drugs

Chelating Agents


1. Desferrioxamine - mechanism of action, therapeutic uses

2. Dimercaprol
3. Chelating Agents in clinical practice - list, elaborate briefly



1. Antioxidant Vitamins and Uses

2. Vitamin A - daily requirement, therapeutic uses


1. Explain why Folic Acid is started from First Trimester but Iron is started from
Second Trimester of Pregnancy, even if Hb Level is normal
2. Catecholamines and Non-Catecholamines - compare and contrast
3. Drug Use in Children - general principles
Pharmacology Paper II

Autacoids and Related Drugs

Histamine and Antihistaminics


1. Second Generation Antihistaminics* and Conventional Antihistaminics - compare and

contrast; Non-Sedative Antihistaminics - enumerate, advantages, two indications
2. H1 antihistaminics* - uses*, adverse effects*
3. Antihistaminics - classify, four uses

5-Hydroxytryptamine, Its Antagonists and Drug Therapy of Migraine


1. Prophylaxis of Migraine* - enumerate four drugs*, adverse effects of any one of them;
Sumatriptan – MOA, adverse effects

Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Platelet Activating Factor


1. Prostaglandin Analogous* - therapeutic uses during pregnancy and labour; Conditions

where Prostaglandins are preferred for Induction of Labour
2. Prostaglandins - four therapeutic uses with agents of preference for each

Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs and Antipyretic-Analgesics

1. NSAIDS - classify, important uses, two adverse effects
2. Opioids and NSAIDS - major differences depending on MOA, uses, adverse drug
3. Diclofenac sodium - write in brief


1. Aspirin and COX-2 Inhibitors - compare and contrast with respect to pharmacological
actions, therapeutic uses, adverse effect profile
2. NSAIDS* - classify, Aspirin* - MOA*, uses*, adverse effects, contraindications; NSAIDS -
MOA, Selective NSAIDS - advantages, disadvantages

Antirheumatoid and Antigout Drugs


1. Gout - enumerate drugs used, MOA

2. Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis - pharmacological basis
3. Methotrexate - four uses with pharmacological basis of each

Respiratory System Drugs

Drugs for Cough and Bronchial Asthma


1. Bronchial Asthma** - describe drugs, mechanism of action of any one drug; enumerate
groups of drugs with one example and MOA; classify drugs, two adverse effects of any
one of them
2. Beta 2 Agonists* - enumerate four, four important adverse effects*, MOA;
Bronchodilators - classify*
3. Mucolytic Agents* - name two, indications, MOA; enlist, role as antitussive agents
4. Cough*** - four drugs**, pharmacological basis of their use*; Rationale for use of
various drugs in management; Bromhexine - MOA, dose
5. Aminophylline - MOA, adverse effects
6. Budesonide/Inhalational Corticosteroids in Bronchial Asthma* - pharmacological basis
7. Antitussives - describe, Non-Opioid Antitussive Drugs - mention two, uses

Hormones and Related Drugs

Thyroid Hormone and Thyroid Inhibitors


1. Propranolol in treatment of Thyrotoxicosis - pharmacological basis

2. Radioactive Iodine - advantages and disadvantages


1. Antithyroid Drugs - classify, Carbimazole - therapeutic uses, adverse effects

Insulin, Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs and Glucagon


1. Insulin Preparations and Analogues - ennumerate, Diabetic Ketoacidosis - outline

2. Metformin - MOA


1. Oral Hypoglycemic Agents**** - classify****, Biguanides* - MOA*, adverse effects*,

uses; Sulfonylureas* - MOA, adverse effects; Thiazolidinediones - MOA, pharmacological
actions, adverse reactions
2. Insulin - name different sources, indications, Human Insulin over Conventional Insulin -


1. Corticosteroids - four therapeutic indications, four contraindications 2.

Steroids - topical use in dermatological conditions


1. Corticosteroids* - classify; describe anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant actions,

therapeutic uses, adverse effects
2. Glucocorticoids**** - therapeutic uses**, contraindications, adverse drug reactions**;
classify, precautions; actions

Estrogens, Progestins and Contraceptives


1. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators* - therapeutic uses*; name, adverse effects

2. Progesterone - four uses, adverse effects
3. Emergency Contraception - enlist regimens, Mifepristone - MOA, uses


1. Oral Contraceptive Pills* - classify, MOA*, four adverse effects, four non-contraceptive
health benefits, dosage schedule; Postcoital Contraception - outline management

Oxytocin and Other Drugs acting on Uterus


1. Oxytocics* - classify*, uses, adverse effects; enumerate, clinical indications of each

agent; Oxytocin and Prostaglandin Analogue - compare and contrast as oxytocics
2. Ergometrine in PPH - pharamacological basis, Contraindications to use of Ergometrine
3. Oxytocin and Ergometrine - compare and contrast***
4. Why is Oxytocin used for Induction of Labour and not Methylergometrine
Drugs Acting on Central Nervous System

General Anaesthetics


1. Pre-anaesthetic Medication*** - name drugs*, pharmacological basis* for use of any two
agents; Purpose of each drug; Four examples from different classes; MOA of any two

Ethyl and Methyl Alcohols


1. Drug Dependence, Chronic Alcoholism - management



1. Benzodiazepines - why preferred over Barbiturates*** as sedative and hypnotic agents,

four uses; Barbiturates - classification
2. Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates - compare and contrast


1. Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs - classify, Benzodiazepines over Barbiturates - advantages,

Benzodiazepines - MOA, therapeutic uses

Antiepileptic Drugs

1. Antiepileptic Drugs****** - classify***** (on basis of clinical utility with examples; on
basis of MOA), Phenytoin*** - MOA**, uses*, adverse effects**, Status Epilepticus -
outline management; Sodium Valproate** - MOA**, adverse effects** therapeutic
uses*; important drug interactions; Principles of Treatment of Epilepsy - enumerate;
Grand Mal Epilepsy/GTCS* - enlist drugs*, Carbamazepine - MOA, adverse effect,
therapeutic uses

Antiparkinsonian Drugs


1. Levodopa and Carbidopa combination in Parkinsonism* - two advantages* and

disadvantages*; Parkinsonism - drugs used


1. Antiparkinsonian Drugs - classify, Levodopa wirh Carbidopa - rationale of use

Antipsychotic and Antimanic Drugs


1. Atypical Antipsychotics - enumerate, advantages over older neuroleptics

Antidepressant and Antianxiety Drugs


1. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

2. Antianxiety Drugs - name, MOA

1. Antidepressants - classify, SSRI - therapeutic uses, adverse effects

Opioid Analgesics and Antagonists


1. Pethidine over Morphine - advantages

2. Morphine* and other Opioids - uses* (four), Why is Morphine contraindicated in Head
Injury; Acute Morphine Poisoning - treatment
3. Opioids and NSAIDS - major differences depending on MOA, uses, adverse drug
4. Opioid Antagonists* - classify*, therapeutic uses*


1. Opium Alkaloids - enumerate, Morphine - MOA, adverse effects, clinical uses

Antimicrobial Drugs

Antimicrobial Drugs: General Considerations


1. Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
2. What is Chemoprophylaxis, how is it achieved in Rheumatic Fever


1. Various Factors involved in Selection of an Antibiotic for a given Infection

Sulfonamides, Cotrimoxazole and Quinolones


1. Fluoroquinolones - classify, four therapeutic uses, two adverse effects

2. Cotrimoxazole - MOA, four therapeutic uses
3. Typhoid Fever - four drugs effective, Carriers - treatment


1. Fluoroquinolones - classify, compare and contrast First and Second Generation with
respect to spectrum of activity, advantages, adverse effects, indications

Beta Lactam Antibiotics


1. Bacterial Resistance to Penicillin - mechanisms, Clavulanic Acid with Amoxicillin - basis of



1. Third Generation Cephalosporins - enumerate, Parenterally Used Third Generation

Cephalosporins - therapeutic uses, adverse effect; Cephalosporins** - classify*, MOA*,
adverse effects*, therapeutic uses*; enumerate generations with examples
2. Penicillins* - classify*, MOA, adverse effects, therapeutic uses; Ampicillin - MOA, adverse
effects, therapeutic uses
Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol


1. Macrolide and Tetracycline Antibiotics - compare and contrast depending on spectrum,

uses, adverse reactions, precautions to be taken for use

Aminoglycoside Antibiotics

1. Aminoglycoside Antibiotics* - enumerate, common features*; Streptomycin - four
therapeutic uses


1. Aminoglycosides** - enumerate*, MOA, clinical uses*, adverse effects*; describe

common properties, shared toxicities
2. Streptomycin - MOA, adverse effects, therapeutic uses

Macrolide, Lincosamide, Glycopeptide and Other Antibacterial

Antibiotics; Urinary Antiseptics


1. Macrolide and Tetracycline Antibiotics - compare and contrast depending on spectrum,

uses, adverse reactions, precautions to be taken for use

Antitubercular Drugs


1. Antitubercular Drugs* - classify*; MOA, Indications for Chemoprophylaxis in

Tuberculosis; XDR TB - list drugs
2. Tuberculosis - enumerate drugs, DOTS - describe in short


1. Antitubercular Drugs* - classify*, Rifampicin - antimicrobial actions, pharmacokinetics,

adverse effects*; Failure of Drug Treatment of TB - causes, MDR TB - treatment

Antileprotic Drugs

1. Multibacillary Leprosy - treatment, Rifampicin - adverse drug effect, other therapeutic

Antimalarial Drugs


1. ACT - indication, advantages over other antimalarial drugs, any one ACT regimen
2. Antimalarial Drugs - classify, Chloroquine - four therapeutic uses
3. Antimalarial Drugs - enumerate, Artemisinin Derivatives - MOA, uses, adverse effects


1. Antimalarial Drugs - enumerate, Artemisinin Derivatives - MOA, adverse effects,

Artemisinin Based Combination Therapy
2. Terms used to describe Antimalarial action of Drugs in relation to Life Cycle of P. vivax,
Uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria - various ACT regimens, Combining two drugs
together in ACT regimens - justification
3. ACT in Acute Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria - rationale, ACT regimens - describe any
4. Malaria - name drugs useful, Chloroquine - MOA, therapeutic uses

Antiamoebic and Other Antiprotozoal Drugs


1. Metronidazole** - four uses** and adverse effects*; Four therapeutic uses with respect
to place in therapy, dose frequency, route of administration, duration of treatment

Chemotherapy of Neoplastic Diseases


1. Alkylating Agents used in Cancer Chemotherapy

2. Methotrexate - four uses with pharmacological basis of each
Miscellaneous Drugs

Immunosuppressant Drugs


1. Calcineurin Inhibitors - enumerate two, MOA, four indications

2. Immunosuppressants - enumerate four classes, MOA, examples, therapeutic uses
3. Methotrexate - four uses with pharmacological basis of each

Antiseptics, Disinfectants and Ectoparasiticides


1. Scabies - four drugs, merits and demerits of each

Vaccines and Sera


1. Antisera - define, four different antisera with indications

2. Vaccine* - define*, BCG Vaccine - write in brief; Viral Vaccines - four examples

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants


1. Skeletal Muscle Depolarizing Blockers - enumerate four, MOA

1. Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs - classify, Peripherally acting Neuromuscular Blocking
Drugs - drug interactions, therapeutic uses

Pathology: Paper I

General Pathology

Introduction to Pathology


1. Telepathology (Pg. 7)

Injury, Cellular Adaptations and Cellular Aging


1. Calcification*** - types*; Dystrophic Calcification; Dystrophic and Metastatic

Calcification - differences*

2. Apoptosis*** - define**, examples, enumerate morphological changes;

mechanisms; physiological and pathological causes
3. Endogenous Pigments*
4. Necrosis*** - types***; examples, mechanisms; Caseous Necrosis - morphology;
Coagulation and Liquefactive - write in detail with examples
5. Reperfusion Injury - define, mechanism 6. Define and give examples -

a) Metaplasia

b) Hypertrophy and Hyperplasia

c) Atrophy
7. Atrophy - define, Brown Atrophy of Heart - morphology, causes


1. Necrosis* - define*, types* with examples*

2. Fatty Change - etiopathogenesis, Fatty Liver - morphology
3. What are Free Radicals, Free Radical-Induced Cell Injury - describe

4. Pigments - classify, Disorders associated with Hemoprotein-dervied Pigments -

Immunopathology Including Amyloidosis


1. Hypersensitivity* Reactions - define*; classify, discuss; Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions -


2. Amyloid***** - define, classify*, molecular structure, special stains***; physiochemical

3. Sago Spleen; Amyloidosis of Spleen - gross, microscopic features
4. Autoimmune Disorders - mechanisms
5. Neoplasms found in patients with HIV infection


1. Autoimmunity - define, pathogenesis

2. AIDS - etiology, routes of transmission, natural history (phases), diagnosis

Derangements of Homeostasis and Haemodynamics


1. Infarct - define, types

2. Oedema* - define*, classify, Transudate and Exudate - differences*

3. Virchow's triad* - role in thrombus formation; Thrombus - gross, microscopic features

4. Pathways leading to Systemic Oedema from Primary Heart Failure - draw figure

5. Embolism - define, Pulmonary Thromboembolism

6. Liver and Spleen in Right Sided Heart Failure - gross, microscopic features


1. Oedema* - define*, types, pathogenesis, Pulmonary Oedema - pathophysiologic

mechanism, gross, microscopic changes

2. Embolism** - define, types* with examples; pathogenesis, morphological

appearance, fate; Embolus - define, types, Air Embolism

3. Thrombus - define, pathogenesis*, types, fate*, complications; Thrombosis - define

4. Normal Hemostasis - discuss, Thrombosis - factors causing

Inflammation and Healing


1. Factors affecting Wound Healing*** - enumerate*; complications

2. Chemotaxis and Phagocytosis - describe

3. Lepromatous Leprosy* - gross, microscopic findings
4. Primary Tuberculosis - pathogenesis
5. Inflammation* - chemical mediators*

6. Ridley and Jopling Classification of Leprosy

7. Acute Inflammation*** - cellular events*; define, vascular events; types

8. Granulation Tissue - gross, microscopy, Delayed Wound Healing - enumerate causes

9. Wound Healing by Primary Intention [sub-question]; Wound Healing by Secondary


10. Primary Tuberculosis - common sites, Primary Complex - components, Evolution of

Tubercle - draw schematic diagram
11. Ghon's Complex - gross, microscopic features, fate


1. Inflammation* - define*, enumerate cardinal signs, Acute Inflammation - describe

vascular events; cellular events
2. Healing of Simple Fracture of Bone - describe, enumerate complications

3. Regeneration and Repair - explain, Factors affecting Wound Healing, Healing of

Fracture - write in detail


1. Precancerous Lesions
2. Tumour Markers - role in diagnosis

3. Anaplastic Tumor Cells - morphology

4. Oncogenic Viruses - enumerate, example of cancer caused by each

5. Laboratory Diagnosis of Cancer - describe in brief
6. Paraneoplastic Syndromes*; examples
7. Chemical Carcinogenesis - explain process with examples


1. Cancer - laboratory diagnosis

2. Benign and Malignant Neoplasms - differences****, Malignant Neoplasms - routes of
spread* with examples; Neoplasia******* - define*******, classification, laboratory
diagnosis*; Modes of Metastasis; Teratoma*; Chemical Carcinogenesis* -describe,
with examples; Pathways of spread of Malignant Neoplasms* - discuss
3. Major Chemical Carcinogens* - enumerate*, MOA; classify
4. Metastasis - define, mechanism, routes

Genetic and Paediatric Diseases


1. Down's Syndrome

2. Trisomy 21
3. Klinefelter's Syndrome

Introduction to Haematopoietic System and Disorders of Erythroid


1. Megaloblastic Anaemia - haematological findings

2. Megaloblast
3. Sickle Cell Anemia* - etiopathogenesis, laboratory investigations; peripheral blood
smear findings


1. Megaloblastic Anaemia** - laboratory investigations; peripheral blood smear**, bone

marrow findings**

2. Anaemia******* - define**, classification******, Iron Deficiency Anaemia**** -

laboratory diagnosis****; Anemia - morphological classification with examples

3. Hemolytic Anaemia - laboratory investigations*

4. Macrocytic Anaemia - causes (sub-question)

Disorders of Platelets, Bleeding Disorders and Basic Transfusion



6. Haemophilia
7. Prothrombin Time - principle of test, causes of increased PT

8. Causes of Thrombocytopenia - enumerate

9. Major Fractions of Blood - utility; Blood Components - name four


2. Bleeding Disorders - define, classify, screening laboratory tests to investigate

3. Write different Transfusion Reactions [sub-question]
4. Blood Component, Blood Transfusion Reactions - describe

Disorders of Leukocytes and Lymphoreticular Tissues


1. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - peripheral blood smear and bone marrow

aspiration findings
2. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia* - peripheral blood picture*; clinical features
3. Acute Leukemias - FAB Classification

4. Acute Myeloid Leukemia - FAB classification, peripheral smear, bone marrow


1. Leukemia* - define*, classify*, CML - peripheral blood smear, bone marrow findings;
Acute Leukemia - FAB classification, cytochemical stains, laboratory findings



1. Criteria for selection of Blood Donor****

2. Coomb's Test* - indications for direct and indirect

3. Postmortem changes in body after death

4. Investigation of suspected Blood Transfusion Reaction

5. Atherosclerosis - etiopathogenesis
6. Uterine Leiomyoma - gross, microscopic features, complications


1. Investigations done in a case of Blood Transfusion Reaction [sub-question]

Pathology: Paper - II

Blood Vessels and Lymphatics


1. Atherosclerotic Plaque - risk factors, morphology (Pg 373, 377)

2. Aneurysm - types, causes, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - gross features (Pg 386)
3. Atherosclerosis* - complications; Risk Factors
4. Atherosclerosis of Aorta - pathogenesis, gross, microscopy


1. Atherosclerosis* - pathogenesis, morphology, pathology, complications



1. Acute Myocardial Infarction* - complications; Laboratory Diagnosis (Pg. 409, 414)

2. Hypertensive Heart Disease - morphology (Pg. 417)
3. Extracardiac Lesions in Rheumatic Heart Disease (Pg. 423)
4. Rheumatic and Bacterial Endocarditis - differentiate (Pg. 426)


1. Rheumatic Heart Disease - etiopathogenesis, extracardiac lesions

2. [Define Infarct, enzymes used in diagnosis of MI, gross and microscopic features as
per age of infarct]* (Pg. 412, 414)
3. MI** - laboratory evaluation, consequence, complications; morphological changes;
pathogenesis, gross, microscopic appearance (Pg. 409-415)
4. Causes of Vegetations in Heart, Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis (Pg. 426)
5. Ischemic Heart Disease - classify, MI - gross, microscopy (Pg. 407)

Respiratory System

1. Lung abscess* - etiology* and morphology; clinical features (Pg. 457)
2. Lung Carcinoma* - histologic classification, clinical presentations, Small Cell
Carcinoma - morphology (Pg. 477, 480)
3. Pathogenesis of Emphysema*; Gross, Microscopic features (Pg. 459)
4. Bronchiectasis* - morphology, complications, gross, microscopic features (Pg. 465)
5. Lobar Pneumonia - stages, microscopy, gross of each stage (Pg. 449)


1. Lung Tumors - WHO classification, etiopathogenesis, morphology (Pg. 477)

2. Lobar Pneumonia - etiopathogenesis, gross, microscopic features, complications (Pg.

Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands


1. Pleomorphic Adenoma of Salivary Gland (Pg. 516)

Gastrointestinal Tract


1. Gastritis - classification, Acute Gastritis - etiologic agents

2. Gastric Carcinoma* - morphology; Gross, Microscopic appearance (Pg. 538)
3. H. Pylori Gastritis (Pg. 530, 531)
4. Ulcerative Lesions of Small and Large Intestine*
5. Chronic Peptic Ulcer - enumerate risk factors, pathogenesis (Pg. 533)
6. Difference between Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease* (Pg. 552)
7. Typhoid and Tubercular Ulcers of Intestine - differentiating features (Pg. 553, 554)
8. Benign and Malignant Gastric Ulcer - differentiate (Pg. 543)
9. Role of H. Pylori in Peptic Ulcer (Pg. 533)


1. Ulcerative Lesions of Bowel* - list, morphology of any one; Ulcerative Colitis -

gross, microscopic features (Pg. 550)
2. Carcinoma of Rectum (Pg. 570)
3. Carcinoma Colon - etiology, gross, microscopic findings, spread (Pg. 570)
4. Gastric Carcinoma* - etiopathogenesis, gross, microscopic features (Pg. 538)

Liver, Biliary Tract and Exocrine Pancreas


1. Alcoholic Liver Disease - morphological lesions

2. Acute Viral Hepatitis - morphologic features (Pg. 595)
3. Tabulate differences in LFT in Hemolytic, Hepatocellular, Obstructive Jaundice
4. Primary Carcinoma of Liver - pathogenesis, morphological features (Pg. 618)
5. Obstructive Jaundice - laboratory findings
6. Fatty Liver - etiopathogenesis (Pg. 606)
7. Describe sequence of Serologic Markers for Hepatitis B Viral Hepatitis in Acute
Infection (Pg. 592)
8. Amoebic Liver Abscess - clinical presentation, gross, microscopic features (Pg. 600)


1. Define/Classify/Causes of Jaundice*, Obstructive Jaundice - laboratory diagnosis;

Laboratory Approach* in a case of Jaundice
2. Alcoholic Liver Disease**** - pathogenesis*, morphology*, histology, complications;
Cirrhosis - define, classify* (Pg. 603)
3. Post Necrotic Cirrhosis - etiopathogenesis, morphology (Pg. 609)

Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract


1. Renal Cell Carcinoma* - gross and microscopic features (Pg. 681)

2. Classify Glomerular Diseases, describe morphology of Membranous Glomerulopathy
(Pg. 647, 656)
3. Chronic Pyelonephritis* - gross, microscopic appearance of kidneys (Pg. 669)
4. Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis - classification, pathogenesis (Pg. 654)
5. Nephrotic Syndrome - features (Pg. 648)
6. Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis - etiology, gross, microscopic features (Pg.

1. Glomerulonephritis - classify, Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis - types, gross,
microscopic features (Pg. 652, 663, 654)
2. Glomerular Syndromes - enumerate, Acute Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
etiopathogenesis, morphology, clinical course (Pg. 647)
3. Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis - etiopathogenesis, morphology, clinical
course (Pg. 652)

Male Reproductive System


1. Teratoma of Testis - gross, microscopic features

2. Seminoma***** - gross and microscopic features; Labelled diagram; Classical
Seminoma - morphology, modes of spread (Pg. 697)
3. Classify Testicular Tumors* (Pg. 695)
4. Teratoma - define, classify, Extragonadal sites of appearance (Pg. 699)
5. Testicular Germ Cell Tumors - ennumerate, describe any one

Female Genital Tract


1. Fibroid Uterus - gross, microscopic, complications

2. Germ Cell Tumors of Ovary - classify, Dysgerminoma - gross, microscopic findings
(Pg. 735, 737)
3. Teratoma - define, classify, Extragonadal sites of appearance (Pg. 735)



1. Fibroadenoma Breast** - gross and microscopic features (Pg. 748)

2. Prognostic, Predictive factors in Carcinoma Breast (Pg. 757)
3. Classify Breast Tumours* (Pg. 751)


1. Breast Carcinoma* - classify*, Grading, Staging, Prognostic Factors; risk factors,

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (Pg. 750, 752)


1. Squamous Carcinoma Skin - pathogenesis, morphology (Pg. 774)

2. Melanoma of Skin* (Pg. 777)

Endocrine System


1. MEN Syndromes (Pg. 819)

2. Oral GTT (indications, interpretation of result) (Pg. 817)
3. Tumors of Thyroid - classify, Colloid Goitre (Pg. 800, 797)
4. Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Pg. 818)
5. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - gross, morphologic features, complications (Pg. 795)


1. Diabetes Mellitus - diagnostic criteria*, Diabetic Glomerulosclerosis - pathogenesis,

morphology; Diabetic Nephropathy (Pg. 816, 664) 2. Oral GTT - indications, method,
interpretation (Pg. 817)
3. Diabetes Mellitus*** - laboratory investigations**; etiology, classification;
Investigations with their significance; Classify* (Pg. 816, 809)

Musculoskeletal System


1. Osteogenic Sarcoma*** - radiologic, gross*, microscopic* findings (Pg. 832)


1. Rheumatoid Arthritis (Pg. 843)

2. Primary Bone Tumours - classify*, Osteosarcoma* - morphology, clinical course (Pg.
3. Osteomyelitis - define, Pyogenic Osteomyelitis - gross, microscopic features, clinical
course (Pg. 822)
Nervous System


1. Tabulate differences in CSF examination in Pyogenic, Tuberculous*, Viral Meningitis;

CSF findings in Meningitis (Pg. 868)
2. Meningioma** - gross, microscopic features (Pg. 882)
3. Acute (purulent) Leptomeningitis - morphology, CSF findings (Pg. 868)


1. Pyogenic Meningitis - aetiology, indication of CSF examination, CSF findings in

Pyogenic and Tuberculous Meningitis (Pg. 867, 868)

Cell Injury, Cellular Adaptation and Cellular Aging


1. Fatty Liver - etiopathogenesis (Pg. 19)

2. Classify Pigment, Disorders of Melanin Pigmentation - describe (Pg. 22)

Immunopathology Including Amyloidosis


1. Classification of Amyloidosis (Pg. 70)

Inflammation and Healing


1. Difference between Acute and Chronic Inflammation (Pg. 137)

2. Pulmonary Tuberculosis - morphological features of lesions (Pg. 143)


1. Paraneoplastic Syndromes (Pg. 225)

2. Utility of Frozen Sections (Pg. 227)


1. Neoplasia - define, etiopathogenesis of Neoplasms (Pg. 184)

Disorders of Leucocytes and Lymphoreticular Tissues


1. Classify Hodgkin's Lymphoma**, Mixed Cellularity type - two important features;

Classify Lymphoma, Types of Hodgkin's Lymphoma - describe in short; Describe a
Reed Sternberg Cell and its variants; Gross, Microscopic Features (Pg. 348)
2. Splenomegaly* - list associated diseases; Classification (Pg. 367)
3. Classify Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Pg. 348, 352)

Microbiology: Paper I
General Microbiology

Introduction and Bacterial Taxonomy


1. Robert Koch*** - four contributions**, Koch's Postulates - discuss

2. Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes - four differences
3. Louise Pasteur - contributions in Microbiology

Morphology and Physiology of Bacteria

1. Types of Microscopes - enumerate, Dark Ground Microscope
2. Bacterial Growth Curve** - diagram
3. Bacterial Spore*
4. [Bacterial Capsule - describe, Capsulated Bacteria - name two, Detection of Capsule -
two methods]*
5. Cell Wall of Gram Positive Organisms - describe, Functions of Cell Wall
6. Bacterial Flagella - define, types with examples, demonstration - two methods


1. Bacterial Cell Wall - structure and function

Sterilization and Disinfection


1. Gaseous Disinfectants - describe with uses

2. Tyndallisation - define, principle, when is it used


1. Sterilization and disinfection - define****, enumerate methods*, Dry Heat

sterilization - enumerate methods*, two methods with principles, Hot Air Oven - role
in sterilization; Autoclave** - principle**, types, applications*, working, operational
complications, diagram, four items sterilized in autoclave; Moist Heat Sterilization -
enumerate methods
2. Four Chemical Agents used for Disinfection, Properties of an Ideal Disinfectant

Culture Media


1. Culture Media - classify* with examples, Enriched Media - examples; Selective Media
2. Enrichment Media* - describe with two examples; How it differs from Enriched
Media, Solid Culture Media without Agar - two examples

Bacterial Genetics

1. Mutational and Plasmid-mediated (Transferable) drug resistance*** -four differences,
six differences
2. Transduction
3. Conjugation
4. Mutation - define [sub-question]


1. Gene Transfer in Bacteria - ennumerate methods, any one in detail


1. Streptococcus***: Streptococcus pyogens infection - non-suppurative sequelae; non-

suppurative complications*; S. Pneumonia and S. Viridans - differentiate* (8
2. Clostridium******: Clostridium botulinum infection - pathogenicity, prevention; Gas
gangrene**** - pathogenesis**, laboratory diagnosis; Immunoprophylaxis of
Tetanus; Nagler Reaction** - principle, procedure, use
3. Salmonella**: Salmonella Typhi - Enteric Fever - laboratory diagnosis; Widal Test;
Laboratory Tests to diagnose Enteric Fever in first week, Co-Agglutination Test - role
in diagnosis
4. Neisseria: Non-gonococcal Urethritis [NIGU]
5. Staphylococcus*: staphylococcal wound infection - laboratory diagnosis;
Staphylococcus aureus - four diseases, staphylococcal food poisoning - describe
6. Corynebacterium diphtheria*: Diphtheria - pathogenicity; Metachromatic Granules;
Toxigenicity Tests
7. Vibrio cholerae****: - Gardner and Venkataraman's classification; Classical vibrios
and El Tor vibrios - differences**; Laboratory Diagnosis*; Halophilic Vibrios* -
describe, two examples, Kanagawa Phenomenon*
8. Chlamydia trachomatis**: four diseases*, laboratory diagnosis of any one of them;
Differentiate Chlamydia from virusus, Serotypes* of Chlamydia - ennumerate,
mention infections* caused by them
9. Shigella*: Shigella dysentery - pathogenicity, laboratory diagnosis; Shigella - classify,
how do these organisms produce dysentery
10. Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Four methods of detection with principles;
Tuberculosis - pathogenesis
11. Spirochetes***: Leptospira - laboratory diagnosis; Syphilis - serological diagnosis;
Leptosprosis - pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis; VDRL - principle, applications,
advantages, limitations
12. Haemophilus*: X and V factors, Satellitism - describe with diagram; H. Influezae - four
13. E. Coli*: Enterotoxigenic E. Coli; E. Coli - types causing diarrhoea, one laboratory test
to diagnose each type
14. Streptococcus pneumoniae: Pneumococcal vaccine; morphology, cultural
15. Atypical Mycobacteria: Runyun's classification, two examples of each
16. Mycobacterium leprae*: Morphology, Tuberculoid and Lepromatous Leprosy - four
differences; Lepromin Test - describe, four uses


1. Pulmonary Tuberculosis*** - laboratory diagnosis***; pathogenesis; with special

reference to recent advances; M. Tuberculosis* - morphology*, cultural
characteristics*; laboratory diagnosis
2. Spirochetes*** - classification, Treponemal tests for diagnosis of Syphilis* - discuss;
enumerate Spirochetes and diseases caused, Primary Stage Syphilis - lab diagnosis*;
Diagnosis of Syphilis - specific and non-specific tests; Serological Diagnosis of Syphilis
- describe, advantages, disadvantages of each test
3. Chlamydiae: classify, Chlamydial infections - pathogenesis, complications, laboratory
4. Enterobacteriacea - classify, Enteric Fever**** - laboratory diagnosis****;
pathogenesis**; Salmonella - enumerate rate diseases caused
5. Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) - classify with examples, Buruli's ulcer 6.
Vibrio cholerae* - pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis*
7. Corynebacterium diphtheria* - [organisms/four bacteria causing sore throat,
Diphtheria - laboratory diagnosis]*
8. Anaerobes - define, classify [sub-question]
9. Clostridium*: Gas Gangrene* - pathogenesis*, laboratory diagnosis*; Post-Operative
Wound Infection - enumerate rate organisms causing
10. Neisseria Meningitidis*- Meningitis - laboratory diagnosis*
11. Neisseria Gonorrheae - morphology, cultural characteristics, pathogenicity,
laboratory diagnosis

Applied Microbiology

1. Biomedical wastes* - define, categories*, method of disposal; colour code system of

bags for disposal
2. Hospital-Acquired Infections - define, mention two organisms
3. Segregation of Hospital Waste

1. Hospital Acquired Infections

Clinical Microbiology

1. Zoonotic Diseases - mention four with causative agents

2. Urinary Tract Infection - four organisms
3. PUO - list organisms that causes, Diagnosis of enteric fever in 1st week of infection
4. Pyogenic Meningitis - laboratory diagnosis*


1. Lower Respiratory Tract Infection*** - enumerate bacteria causing** [sub-question]

2. Urinary Tract Infection**** - enumerate organisms causing****, laboratory
diagnosis****; Significant Bacteruria - define
3. Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO)* - define, enumerate etiological agents of
infections of PUO, approach to diagnosis of PUO due to infectious causes; Four
Bacteria Causing PUO
4. Meningitis*** - organisms causing**, Pyogenic Meningitis*** - enumerate bacteria
causing*, laboratory diagnosis**, Meningococcal meningitis - laboratory diagnosis;
Acute Bacterial Meningitis - causative agents
5. STD* - enumerate organisms causing* [sub-question]
6. Bacterial Food Poisoning - bacteria responsible, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis




1. Exotoxins and Endotoxins* - four differences

2. Modes of Transmission of Infectious Agents - describe with examples

1. Microbial Pathogenicity and Microbial Virulence - define, Determinants of Bacterial

Virulence - discuss with examples


1. Blood Culture
2. Swarming - explain, two bacteria producing it, two methods to inhibit Swarming 3.
Universal Safety Precautions

Microbiology: Paper II




1. Define: i) Carrier
ii) Contact carrier
iii) Paradoxical carrier
iv) Convalescent carrier


1. Innate Immunity*; mechanisms

Antibody – Immunoglobulin


1. Immunoglobulin G* - structure, function

2. Immunoglobulin - labelled diagram, IgM*** - enumerate properties**;

functions; structure*
3. Define/classify Antibodies [sub-question]
4. IgA – diagram


1. Antibody - define, Immunoglobulins - name classes, sub-classes, IgG - structure,


Antigen-Antibody Reactions


1. Agglutination and Precipitation - difference with two examples of each test

2. ELISA with applications

3. Agglutination* reactions - enumerate, define*, Widal Test - describe; principle,

application of Tube Agglutination
4. Passive Agglutination tests


1. Antigen-Antibody reactions - name*, Prozone Phenomena, Agglutination

Reactions - principle, applications
2. Antigen-Antibody reactions - types, Precipitation reaction* - principle, applications;
describe with examples
3. Antigen-Antibody reactions - define*, Agglutination reaction - types with examples

4. Antigen-Antibody reactions - enumerate general features, Tube-Agglutination

reactions - describe two

Complement System


1. Classical Pathway of Complement*

2. Complement Cascade and its biological effects

Immune Response


1. Cell Mediated Immunity - tests for detection*



1. Hypersensitivity reactions - classify, Type III* hypersensitivity - describe

2. Hypersensitivity - define*, Type IV hypersensitivity - describe
3. Anaphylaxis - briefly describe


1. Hypersensitivity - define**, three types of Immediate Hypersensitivity

reactions with examples
2. Type I hypersensitivity - describe
3. Hypersensitivity - classify, pathogenesis, Type IV hypersensitivity


1. Autoimmune diseases - four features


1. [Autoimmunity - define, Various Mechanisms of Autoimmunity]*


General Properties of Virus


1. Egg Inoculation Method for Viral Culture

2. Methods of detecting viral growth in cell cultures/tissue cultures*** - different
methods of observing growth of cell lines
3. Stages of Viral Multiplication
4. Embryonated Hen's Egg* - cross section, routes of inoculation, one example of each
route; uses, Enumerate various methods of cultivation of viruses

Virus-Host Interactions


1. Negri bodies - short note

2. Inclusion Bodies**** - short note, mention two intracytoplasmic and two

intranuclear inclusion bodies


1.Hepatitis B - laboratory diagnosis

2.Rhabdoviruses** - immunoprophylaxis**, dosage schedule, non-neural vaccines

and schedule
3. Influenza Virus and HIV - diagram
4. Type-A Influenza Virus - antigenic variations and significance
5. Merits and demerits of Salk's and Sabin's vaccines

6. Classify Herpesviridae, mention virus included in subfamilies and one

infection caused by each
7. HIV** - pathogenesis, mention two opportunistic infections*; laboratory
HIV Testing in India - strategies
8. Four Oncogenic Viruses 9. Epstein-Barr Virus


1. HIV** - define window period, laboratory diagnosis**, etiology, pathogenesis,

diagram of HIV; Enumerate organisms causing STDs*

2. Hepatitis***** - classify, laboratory diagnosis****, pathogenesis of HBV*;

morphology*, enumerate serological markers; enumerate viruses, mode of
transmission; prophylaxis

3. Herpes Virus* - classification, Varicella zoster - clinical features, laboratory

diagnosis; Herpes simplex - lesions, laboratory diagnosis
4. Polio Viruses - pathogenicity, immunoprophylaxis, laboratory diagnosis

5. Influenza Viruses** - morphology**, antigenic variations*, pathogenesis of

Influenza; classification; Antigenic Shift - mechanism, significance


General Aspects

1. [sub-question] Classify medically important Fungi
2. Classify Fungi, one example each*; give morphological classification


1. [sub-question] Morphological Classification of Fungi*, one example of each

Superficial and Subcutaneous Mycosis


1. Subcutaneous mycosis

2. Mycetoma - enumerate causative agents, Eumycetoma - laboratory diagnosis

3. Dermatophytes* - classify*, Dermatophytosis - laboratory diagnosis* based on
microscopic findings


1. Dermatophytes** - classify, pathogenicity, laboratory diagnosis*; morphology, clinical

presentation, pathogenesis

Systemic and Opportunistic Mycoses


1. Histoplasma Capsulatum - morphology, growth characters, pathogenesis

2. Opportunistic mycoses* - short note
3. Candida albicans*
4. Aspergillosis in humans*
5. Describe Reynolds Braudes phenomenon
6. Cryptococcal meningitis** - laboratory diagnosis**

7. Fungi causing Opportunistic Infection in HIV infected individuals - enlist; Candida albicans
- laboratory diagnosis

1. Four fungi causing Opportunistic Fungal Infections, laboratory diagnosis of




1. LD Bodies [Leishmania donovani]

2. Acute Giardiasis - laboratory diagnosis, findings


1. Leishmania donovani - life cycle, Kala Azar* (visceral leishmaniasis) - pathogenicity,

laboratory diagnosis*; life cycle



1. Malaria - laboratory diagnosis

2. Plasmodium falciparum* infections - complications*; laboratory diagnosis


1. Malignant Tertian Malaria - life cycle of parasite, complications, laboratory diagnosis

2. Plasmodium vivax - morphology, life cycle, laboratory diagnosis

Cestodes or Tapeworms


1. Hydatid Cyst** - causative agent, sites affected, cross-section structure

2. Echinococcus granulosus - life cycle

3. Taenia saginata and Taenia solium - four differences**, Taenia solium - tissue cyst;
Why is it necessary to differentiate between them

1. Cestodes - classify, Cysticercosis - pathogenesis

2. Cestodes affecting man - ennumerate, Taenia solium - morphology, life cycle,

pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis



1. Strongyloides stercolaris hyperinfection

2. Guinea worm - life cycle
3. Occult filariasis
4. Wuchereria bancrofti - morphology, laboratory diagnosis
5. Ectopic Ascariasis


1. Intestinal nematodes - name***, [Ascaris lumbricoides - life cycle** and laboratory

diagnosis*; pathogenicity, morphology, complications*]***
2. Enterobius vermicularis - life cycle, pathogenicity, laboratory diagnosis
3. Nematodes - classify [sub-question]
4. Hookworm* - life cycle, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis
5. Ancyclostoma duodenale* - morphology, life cycle* (with diagrams), pathogenicity,
laboratory diagnosis; four parasites causing anemia

Diagnostic Procedures


1. Stool Concentration Methods (Pg. 240)

Parasites detected in blood smear - name [sub-question]
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Forensic Medicine

Introduction and Legal Procedures

Courts and Their Powers


1. Subpoena* (Pg. 5)
2. Cross Examination (Pg. 7)
3. Recording of Evidence in a Court of Law (Pg. 6)



1. Inquest


1. Inquest - types prevalent in India, Medical Examiners System (Pg. 10)

Medical Evidence


1. Medical Evidence - define, types, Documentary Evidence - write in detail (Pg. 14)
2. Dying Declaration (Pg. 18)

Medical Jurisprudence
1. Privileged Communication** - define, Circumstances where disclosure of professional
secrets is justified*
2. Infamous Conduct* in professional respect (Pg. 36); Professional Misconduct - define,
six examples
3. Functions of MCI (Pg. 28)
4. Euthanasia (Pg. 54)
5. Consent (Pg 50)
6. Vicarious Liability (Pg. 41)
7. Res Ipsa Loquitur* (Pg. 38)


1. Negligence in Medical Practice*** - define, Civil and Criminal Negligence -

differentiate**, Defences available to Medical Practitioner against Charge of
Negligence**; Essential Elements, Defences against Medical Negligence
2. Duties of a Registered Medical Practitioner* (Pg 28)
3. Consent in Medical Care - define, classify, Doctrine of Informed Consent - describe in


Identification of Living and Dead


1. Gustafson's Method of Dental Examination - age determination (Pg. 64)

2. Anthropometry System of Identification (Pg. 71)
3. Forensic DNA Fingerprint* - describe steps (Pg. 79)


1. DNA test - four indications, material used, DNA Typing - describe procedure

Forensic Thanatology

1. Adipocere Formation (Pg. 110)

2. Postmortem Cooling* - role in determination of Time since Death* (Pg. 95)
3. Brain Stem Death* - how to diagnose (Pg. 88 Singhal, Pg. 129 Reddy)
4. Cadaveric Spasm* (Pg. 103)
5. Stiffness in Dead Body - conditions causing, Instantaneous Rigor - describe (Pg. 100,
6. Early Signs of Death - enumerate, Rigor Morris - factors affecting, medicolegal
importance (Pg. 94, 100)
7. PM Changes seen by Examination of Eyes, give Medicolegal Importance
8. Suspended Animation (Pg. 87)
9. Late Signs of Death (Pg. 93)


1. Estimating Time Since Death - different parameters

Violent Asphyxial Deaths



1. Sexual Asphyxia* (Pg. 125)

2. Ligature Mark in Hanging


1. Violent Asphyxial Deaths* - define*, classify*, Complete Typical Hanging* - PM

findings on Face and Neck; Hanging - define, types, PM features of each type
2. Complete Typical Hanging with a Drop using Soft, Stretchable Ligature material -



1. Garoting - define, enumerate PM findings on Face and Neck (Pg. 129)

2. Death due to Strangulation by a ligature

1. Strangulation - define*, types*, Throttling - PM findings (Pg. 127, 128); Ligature
Strangulation - PM findings



1. Choking - define, describe (Pg. 134)



1. Drowning - enumerate types, postmortem findings, medicolegal importance


Mechanical Injuries


1. Suicidal and Homicidal Cut Throat* - differentiate

2. Shotgun Cartridge - labelled diagram, Ricocheting of Bullet - describe
3. Split Laceration and Incised Wound* - differences (Pg. 182)
4. Ammunition used in Smooth Bore Guns (Pg. 190)
5. Entry and Exit Wound in Rifled Firearm - differentiate (Pg. 195)
6. Bomb Blast Injuries*; Mechanism of Injury in Bomb Explosions


1. Section 44 IPC - define, Mechanical Injuries - classify, Stab Wounds - medicolegal

2. Entry Wound of Revolver in a Victim - specific features at different ranges
3. Mechanical Injuries - classify, Contusions

Thermal Injuries

1. Joule Burn (Pg. 206)
2. Causes of Death due to Burns


1. Burns - define, classify*, Ante-Mortem and (Post-Mortem Burns)** - differentiate,

Causes of Death due to Burns* (Pg. 199); Medicolegal Aspects of Burns
2. Lightning Injury* - mechanism, Death due to Lightning - autopsy appearances (Pg.
208 Singhal, Pg. 312 Reddy); Lightning Fatalities

Regional Injuries


1. Punchdrunk Syndrome (Pg. 268 Reddy)

2. Fracture of Skull* - classify*, describe*


1. Skull Fractures - five types, causative mechanisms, Estimate Age of Fracture (Pg. 210)
2. Head Injury, Intracranial Injuries

Physical Torture


1. Torture - various methods

Medicolegal Aspects of Injuries

1. Defence Wounds (Pg. 194 Reddy, Pg. 225 Singhal)

2. Grievous Hurt* (Pg. 229)
3. Homicide - define, types (Pg 223)
Medicolegal Aspects of Sex, Marriage, Family Planning
and Infanticide

Impotence and Sterility


1. Impotence and Sterility in both sexes - causes, Artificial Insemination - guiding

principles (Pg. 240, 259)



1. Probable Signs of Pregnancy (Pg. 251)

2. Parous and Nulliparous Uterus - differentiate at Post-mortem Examination
3. Pseudocyesis (Pg. 252 Singhal, Pg. 371 Reddy)



1. Battered Baby Syndrome (Pg. 280)

2. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Pg. 280)


1. Live Birth - enumerate signs, Hydrostatic Test (Pg. 273, 275)


1. MTP Act 1971 (Pg. 265)

Sexual Offences

1. Consent in relation to Examination of Victim of Sexual Assault (Pg. 388 Reddy, Pg. 286)


1. Amended Section 375 IPC - define*, How will you collect evidences in Victim of Rape*
(Pg. 286)

Forensic Psychiatry

1. Testamentary Capacity* (Pg. 320)

2. Delusion* - define, types* (Pg. 312)
3. True and Feigned Insanity* - differences (Pg. 317)
4. McNaughten's Rule (Pg. 321)
5. Mentally Ill Person - enumerate civil responsibilities, Testamentary Capacity


1. Insanity and Murder (Pg. 320)

2. Personality Disorders - features, Mentally Ill Person - civil responsibilities (Pg. 319)


1. Exhumation

1. Post-Mortem Artefacts

Viscera Preservation

1. Negative Viscera Report from Chemical Analyser (Pg. 35 Singhal, Pg. 474 Reddy)
2. Preservation of Viscera for Chemical Analysis (Pg. 35)


1. Hyoid Bone - Medicolegal Importance (Pg. 72, 322, 441 Reddy)

2. Redressal Mechanisms for Civil Negligence - describe
3. "Ideal" Identification Mark
4. Radiography of a Dead Body - indications


General Toxicology

1. Duties of Doctor in Poisoning Cases

2. Chelating Agents in Treatment of Poisoning (Pg. 21)
3. Antidotes (Pg. 20)


1. Duties of Doctor in cases of Poisoning (Pg. 15)

2. Poisons - classify with examples, Factors Modifying Actions of Poisons on Body -
describe (Pg. 9)

1. Poisoning by Corrosive Mineral Acids - post-mortem appearance of Stomach

2. Carbolism*; Carboluria
3. Corrosive Poisons - classify, Vitriolage
4. Oxalic Acid Poisoning - describe


1. Plumbism*
2. Treatment of Snakebite Victim


1. Chronic Lead Poisoning* - sources, clinical features*, management*

2. Poisons - classify, Venomous and Non-Venomous Snake - differentiate, Cobra Bite -
treatment (Pg. 76); Manage a Case of Poisonous Snakebite; Steps for Identification of
Poisonous Snake, Viperine Bite - features
3. Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning - clinical features, treatment, PM appearances,
medicolegal aspects

Neurotoxic Poisons

1. Ethyl Alcohol Poisoning - symptoms, PM appearances; Alcohol Intoxication - stages

2. Run Amok (Pg. 116)
3. Hallucinogenic Agents - name four, Cocainism - describe, medicolegal importance
4. Methyl Alcohol Poisoning


1. Classify Poison*, Opium Poisoning** - clinical features**, treatment**, medicolegal

importance*; differential diagnosis, PM features
2. Drunkenness - define, Methanol Poisoning - symptoms, treatment
3. Strychnine Poisoning - signs, symptoms, differentiate from Tetanus
4. Barbiturate Poisoning - symptoms, signs, treatment, medicolegal aspects (Pg. 111)
5. Organochlorine - discuss toxicology (Pg. 107)
6. Organophosphorous Compound Poisoning - clinical features, treatment, PM findings
(Pg. 101)

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