The White Bat - The Alchemy of Writing
The White Bat - The Alchemy of Writing
The White Bat - The Alchemy of Writing
Now, upon his arrival in Transylvania in 2013 and twenty-four years after the
dream, Peter is spontaneously informed that a white bat had unexpectedly
just appeared in a cave sacred to the blue goddess Machandi, a tantric dakini
who gave Radu Cinamar a “terma” — a “hidden treasure” in the Tibetan
tradition. ;This terma has unleashed a series of apocalyptic events revealing
that there are ancient artifacts and mile long tunnels of pure gold beneath
Sarmizegetusa, the ancient capital of Transylvania, all of which has
commanded the attention of the world’s political and military elite as it holds
the keys to the destiny of Mankind.
by Peter Moon
Spandau Mystery
Transylvania Sunrise
Transylvania Moonrise
Mystery of Egypt — The First Tunnel
by Stewart Swerdlow
by Alexandra Bruce
by Wade Gordon
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What happened with this particular story, entitled The White Bat,
provides a window into the concept that the human mind is a time
machine, an idea that I first contemplated as a result of the writings of
my friend, Dr. David Anderson, a time control scientist. In order to
facilitate a better grasp on this concept and how it might work, I will
first describe key events in my life, which happened years apart, and
how they eventually impacted my consciousness in a way that
precipitated the aforesaid dream and resulting story. As for the story
itself, The White Bat has a very specific theme. It has to do with
transmutation of black into white and/or
darkness into light, but it all began with my first encounter with the
genre we know as horror movies.
Whenever one of these movies would air, word would fly through the
kid’s grapevine in a way that would certainly affect any young person
who heard it. It would begin with the older kids, most of whom had
already seen the movie, and would filter down to the little ones, like
myself, who would learn about Dracula or horror for the first time. If
you did not watch it, you were chicken. If you did watch it, you were
prepared to be afraid. Looking back, it was certainly one of the
psychological challenges of childhood. It was also a great deal of fun.
So it was one day that I sat in our living room on an early Saturday
evening when the classic movie Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi, came on
the television. My father happened to be at home and could not help but
notice what I was watching. The first scene in the movie Dracula is
rather gripping. It shows Dracula’s English real estate agent, Mr.
Renfield, as he arrives at a peasant village. There are mountain props in
the background which are supposed to be the Transylvanian Alps. Even
though I was just a young boy, my father gave me a knowing look and
said words to the effect of, “Don’t you know what that is? It is
Transylvania and that is where we all come from.”
Although I had no idea what my father meant at that time, a fleeting but
distinct discussion occurred at the first commercial break. My
grandfather had grown up under the reign of the Austrian-Hungarian
Empire, prior to World War I. He was fascinated with history and
passed his books as well as his knowledge to my father. While World
War I effectively broke up the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, which was
its purpose, Transylvania had already been relegated to the newly
created country of Romania as a result of the Crimean War. Prior to that,
Transylvania was under the territorial domain of Hungary. Our
discussion about Transylvania and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire,
however, somehow led me to a long enduring misunderstanding that
Transylvania was in Hungary as opposed to Romania.
Quite oddly, it was just prior to the writing of The White Bat when I
happened to read an article in the New York Times stating that
Transylvania was in Romania, not Hungary. I was rather flabbergasted
that I, who did not try to make a habit out of being ignorant about world
matters, had been so firmly entrenched with a false datum. Perhaps this
revelation of truth regarding Transylvania’s territoriality, courtesy of the
New York Times, is what inspired the dream that led to me writing The
White Bat. I do not know. It is not always easy to ascertain the precise
significance of the hidden aspects of the subconscious. Only years later
would I eventually learn some of the true historical significance of our
ancestors originating from Transylvania. By “our” I am not referring
only to my family but rather to most of the human race and not to any
particular nationality, ethnicity or race.
For those of you who have already followed my writing, you already
know that Transylvania has deeply influenced my life and soul journey.
The events presented here are some of the seeds that precipitated the
manifestation of that amazing territory into my life. One of these
included the manifestation of one of my greatest childhood fears: Count
When I was twelve, I threw up after a little league baseball game and
became so ill that I could not consume any beverage or food for a week.
During my sleep, I was tortured by either nightmares or the probing of
my brain by an exterior source. I cannot tell you which, but it is
noteworthy that it occurred at the onset of puberty. It felt like all the data
in my head was inherently recorded on old-fashioned tape reels and that
someone was ransacking it to download all of it. The reels started and
stopped in exactly the same way that old computers used to work. At
some point during that week, I awoke to see something in my bedroom
closet. The sliding door of the closet was open, and I could see, lurking
amongst my hanging clothes, a full visual image of the movie version of
Count Dracula as portrayed by Bela Lugosi. My body and mind were
both overwhelmed with fear. I screamed out so loud that my father came
in to see what was the matter. It was over as quick as it had happened,
but I learned to sleep with the closet door shut after that experience.
Later, I would attribute this hallucination to a lack of B vitamins
compounded by taking in virtually no nutrition during my illness. All in
all, this incident suggested that Dracula was one of my greatest fears.
The next key event that precipitated the writing of this story was not
unpleasant at all. It occurred while I was reading the novel 2001: A
Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke. This was in July of 1969 during the
time of the Apollo 11 moon landing. In that novel, David Bowman has
left the mothership in his space pod and is moving through space and
into a monolith on Iapetus, a large moon of Saturn. As Bowman
approaches the monolith, it manifests as a star gate and he goes through,
seeing stars in almost every direction. Then, he experiences what
registered in my own mind as something extremely novel and
exhilarating. The stars and the sky changed. Instead of seeing white stars
in a dark sky, he was witnessing dark stars in a milky white sky. For
whatever reason under the sun, this one little incident woke up my entire
soul. It was an inversion, a reversal. Although I have never really
thought about it until writing these words down at this moment,
Bowman goes through a morphogenetic transmutation of the highest
order. He is processed, enlightened, put in touch with his most naturally
divine aspects, and returned to earth as a star seed. While I was certainly
inspired by what happened to David Bowman, most of the exhilaration I
experienced while reading that passage occurred at the precise point
where the colors of the stars and sky reversed themselves. To this day, I
have never forgotten that moment. It was something I have taken with
Less than two months later after reading 2001: A Space Odyssey, I
began my initiation as a writer by choosing to take a course in creative
writing during my junior year of high school. The first thing we learned
in that class, from a very lovely teacher named Hilde Clark, was to keep
a journal so as to tap into the stream of consciousness. This represents
the collective consciousness, including the unconscious, of life itself.
Nowadays, it might be better expressed as the continuous stream of
thoughts, data, etc. emanating from the morphogenetic grid. The idea
was to tap into the stream with your journal and use that as a
springboard for more linear types of writing that might include a short
story, poetry or even a novel.
Ms. Clark told me that I was by far the most prolific of any of her
students, but it was mostly journal writing that I did in that class. My
first, best, and only real complete story was about an inspired leader
who was a very wise man who used his knowledge of astrology and a
solar eclipse to stun the plebeian folk and thus gain an exalted reputation
as a messiah. He was wiser than all of them and had good intentions but
found it expedient, as did his colleagues or disciples, to make them think
he was far more adept than he actually was. Besides that story, and often
written within the contents of the journal itself, there were other attempts
at writing different stories, but none of them developed into a completed
form or anything that I think is worthy of mention. The class ended after
a semester, but I kept the journal and used it sporadically, just not too
At some point after finishing the class in creative writing, I read Dracula
by Bram Stoker. After having seen different movies that borrowed from
that book, I wanted to see what the original myth was all about. As far as
dramatic fiction goes, it was one of the best books I have ever read as far
as creating memorable dramatic suspense that held my attention so
much that I still remember it to this day. I recall feeling quite frantic
when Van Helsing insists to Lucy’s mother that, no matter what, she
must not allow Lucy to remove the garland of garlic around her neck. At
that point, Lucy had been almost sucked dry of blood from Dracula, and
she could not take another attack without becoming a full-fledged
vampire herself. After insisting up and down and getting the mother’s
pledge not to remove the garland, Van Helsing warns her again and
musters enough courage to leave Lucy alone. In almost no time at all,
Lucy proceeds to talk the inept woman out of doing her duty. The
mother’s will is easily overcome, the garland is removed, and Lucy is
easily overcome by the vampire. I bring this vignette from the book to
view because it is so demonstrative of how damaging people’s actions
can be when they do not recognize the potential for evil.
Nearly two decades later, when I would read the aforementioned article
in the New York Times about Transylvania being in Romania and not
Hungary, I recalled the errant passage in that short paragraph I had
written so long ago. I do not like to be wrong. While I do not remember
that time period specifically, it was probably that article and the memory
of my long ago aborted short story that incited my imagination to
generate a dream that would result in The White Bat, the story you are
about to read. Before you read the story and the magical or mysterious
manifestations that seemed to ensue from it, however, I want to share
with you that I also intend to use this book as a platform to respond as
positively and efficiently as possible to various inquiries that have been
made to me, particularly in recent times, with regard to the nature of the
method by which I write
While you will get a glimpse into what I term the alchemical process of
my own writing style as you read this book, I am also including some
very cogent practical advice on how you can utilize the writing process
to facilitate your own personal alchemy. By alchemy, I am referring to
the process by which base metals (representing lower consciousness)
can be transmuted into gold (representing higher consciousness).
Accordingly, I would advise you to take notes while reading this book.
That begins with a pen, note pad or a computer. Alchemy is about doing
and actualization. Reading too often results only in realization.
Realization is nice, but it does not necessitate action. I fully realize that
many of you reading this book read for enjoyment or curiosity and will
not be inclined to put the effort into either writing down your
impressions or even getting up to get a pen and paper. That is fine. You
can still read the book without doing so, but as you continue reading,
you might regret later that you did not do so. In other words, you might
later on find yourself compelled to start writing by the nature of what I
am describing. This is, after all, a magical text. It is designed so that you
might find the magic in yourself, and this involves self-expression:
Peter Moon
Long Island, New York
February 13, 2013
Chapter One — The White Bat
Transylvania is an odd place to strangers.
While suffering a bumpy ride on an unpaved road in an old car, I was stunned
by the polished beauty of the woods. The dark greens were stimulating yet
very forbidding. In the background, the Carpathian Mountains were even
more ominous.
As I looked into the forest, it seemed to look back. I found this unsettling to
say the least, whereupon I began to miss the comfort of the quaint inn I had
stayed in the night before. Instinctively and immediately noticing my
discomfort, the driver looked at me directly.
“Ah, you see the forest,” he said. “It penetrates the soul does it not? Like a
lance piercing a shield. The trick is to take down the shield. Then there is
nothing to pierce.”
He said nothing more and we remained quiet. Already agitated, I was even
more unnerved by his innate comprehension of my uneasiness. Although I
am ashamed to admit it, I became afraid. Jumping into a state of mind that
was becoming increasingly paranoid, the fear in my mind began to play tricks
on me. I began to think of the movie Dracula and how the coach driver was
Dracula himself. I could not help but think if this was the case with the
driver. Of course, this could not be. Although I did not discuss it with him, it
was obvious to me that he was a gypsy. I knew for a fact the driver had a
regular tourist business and was well known at the hotel. Even so, we were
headed toward Poienari Citadel, the fortress that Vlad Tepes effectively used
to keep out invaders. Who wouldn’t have a tinge of fear at the thought of that
and the legends that had been spawned over the centuries? I decided that I
could not, however, let my paranoia run any further. Remembering what I
had learned in psychology, I took stock of the fact that communication has a
tendency to make fears dissipate. I decided to strike up some conversation
with this dark-haired, dark-eyed gypsy.
“Tell me, do you come out here often with tourists?” I asked.
“In the day time, yes,” he laughed, “but not in the evening.”
I began to ask myself the same question, but it was no time to turn back. It
was not in my character to prove to myself that I was a chicken, particularly
over what I knew was just a little mind-generated fear. I decided to answer
the driver.
“I met an old man from your country when I was in New York. He told me I
would discover things that I thought were impossible.”
“I’m a writer,” I replied. “I like to discover things and write about them.”
As a writer, I consider that it is my first principle to break the truth and report
it as I see it. It was my conviction to this that led me to the pursuit of
vampires and the grandiose legend erected around Dracula.
He was a short man with white hair. I noticed right away that he was from a
different land. When he spoke, I asked about his accent and he revealed that
he was Romanian. As I had always been a fan of the old Dracula movies, I
could not help asking him about the legends of Transylvania and what he
thought about them. I really did not know what to expect as an answer, but he
looked at me very directly.
“What is a legend but a blend of facts and myth?” he asked rhetorically. “In
my culture, the legends of vampires have abounded as long as anyone can
remember. As your country is steeped in the tradition of freedom and
capitalism, so is my country steeped in the tradition of spirits that thrive on
the life blood of others. It runs deep in our blood. My people are an elemental
people, close to nature, uncomplicated by technology. A far cry from your
I was personally fascinated by his different cultural views, and I knew right
away that I wanted to know and understand more of his culture. I still did not
take the vampire question too seriously, but I was definitely interested in
what he had to say about vampires.
“For those who know, it is taken for granted and generally not spoken about,”
he answered.
“But, if they really believe in this sort of thing, doesn’t the fear or excitement
generate conversation?”
“No. In the same way you have, time after time, many unsolved murders in
the same areas of New York, you do not talk obsessively about them. In fact,
reporters cease to report certain routine murders as public outrages. In the
same way, my people do not tread where they know they should not. They
keep to themselves. And remember this, my friend, to speak of the vampire is
to give credence to the vampire. It will also rankle his attention.”
“Yes,” I replied, “but have you ever seen a vampire?”
I was genuinely interested in his story, and I was curious if what he was
saying could be substantiated, even from just a cultural perspective.
“Do you know where I could perhaps find some proof?” I asked.
“Oh, but there are many stories, both in print and by word of mouth, just like
UFOs in your country. It took thousands of reported sightings before most
people actually began to believe them, but they are there.”
“Do you mean that if I were to go to Transylvania and check the legends and
literature that I could find substantiation of what you say and possibly
produce tangible evidence?”
I was now incredulous and felt I was holding a very live wire for a good
story. I knew the feeling when I had a live wire, and this one was on the
“Yes,” he nodded.
“But,” I thought out loud, “there are many rich legends of vampires in
Transylvania, but I am not talking about the different variations of
Hollywood movies. I am talking about indications and evidence suggesting
there is truth behind the legends, and if these experiences are so prevalent, or
at least mentioned from time to time, why have they not been pursued
“It is not a comfortable subject,” he replied. “Besides, who would believe it?
The people there don’t care, and the people here won’t buy it. Even if you
make a headline story, it will tend to be forgotten with the next headline. But
I tell you, I must go now. It has been nice talking to you.”
When the old man left, I thought about it and wrestled with the idea. I was
confident that by travelling to Transylvania, I could come up with a plausible
story line even if this man’s data was bogus. A fictional format could work
just as well. In a worst case scenario, I could “verify” that there was no
evidence whatsoever of vampires. Somehow, I doubted this would be the
case. I figured that there would at least be a watered-down version to report.
There was always the old historical Count Dracula to rehash as well.
Little did I know how unusual things would turn out to be. And one thing I
did indeed learn. The more I thought about all this, the more I believed that
there was something out there to reconcile with. In my estimation, the legend
had some teeth, and I wanted some answers.
As I reflected upon the events and circumstances that had drawn me to this
foreign and very remote land, the driver continued on through the woods
towards Poeinari Citadel, the fortress in the mountain that had been built by
the prisoners of Count Dracula and whom he later impaled. Some say that the
spirit of Count Dracula is rumored to dwell at Poeinari Citadel. While the
driver was slow and cautious to avoid the bumps, rocks, and holes in the
road, I began to sense the emotional devastation and trauma that had taken
place in this region so many centuries ago. The only other time I had felt like
this was on a battlefield from the Civil War. Whatever the truth of the
legends, it was a historical fact that thousands upon thousand of soldiers had
died here, many of them being impaled. This was enough horror in itself. I
did not need vampires.
The driver eventually parked his car. For a price, I had arranged for him to
camp with me at some point near the base of the final ascent to the citadel. It
would be a half hour uphill walk to finally reach it. Before long, the final
twinkle of dusk had receded and brilliant stars towered in the black sky.
The gypsy made a fire and set up camp. We were not too far away from the
castle but not too close either. We ate dried beef and drank a garlic tea which
he said would help prevent attacks from evil spirits. As we sat and ate, I
began to feel a bit of comfort. The fire warmed me. My comfort, however,
was rather short-lived. Once again, the gypsy looked at me very directly. This
in itself got my nerves rattling again. His eyes were quite piercing.
This shocked me even though what he said had already been clearly stated by
him at the outset of our journey. His confirmation of our agreement was
nevertheless more than I wanted to hear. On another level, I felt lucky that I
was at least able to camp close enough so that I could make a midnight ascent
to the citadel. The pictures of the citadel I had seen had shown it to be
forbidding and in disrepair. For some reason, however, it did not strike the
terror in me that walking up through the steep mountain forest did. Even
though the gypsy had shocked me with his comment, I still had plenty of
reserve and felt that I could break through my current discomfort into a state
of mind that was more brave and challenging. I decided to make a jaunt for it
and just get the experience over with. Rising to a standing position, I spoke to
the gypsy.
“Excuse me now, please. I’m going to get my flashlight and walk towards the
“Wait, my friend. You are much safer in the waning hours of the night. By
that time, the hungry spirits will have fed themselves and hunger not for your
blood. Wait.”
I am not sure whether I was responding to his insistence or his logic, but I
heeded his advice. We had some more tea and he entertained me with stories
before we slept. Later in the evening, I set the alarm on my digital watch for
4:00 A.M. and tried to get to sleep. Keeping my eyes shut very tight, I
blocked out my fears as much as I could. I was soon asleep.
Waking to the sound of light beeps emanating from my digital watch, I let all
twenty beeps run their course rather than shutting it off. The sound of
civilized noise comforted me somewhat. I was also halfheartedly hoping it
would wake the gypsy. At least he was still there and had not gone off to
shape-shift into a fabulous monster.
Wanting to get this over with as fast as possible, I grabbed my coat and
flashlight and began to walk as fast as I reasonably could up the path to the
citadel. The walk was arduous and seemed as if it was never going to end.
The forest had a wild feel to it, and I definitely found it intimidating.
Eventually, I could see the bright rays of the moon shining on the castle.
Although the citadel had a vacant and haunted look to it, it did not strike the
terror in me that the wild forest did. Feeling safety in the light, I walked
toward it. Finally, upon reaching Poeinari Citadel, I turned around to notice
that my path back to camp was not at all clear in the dark. A bothersome
worry, I contemplated remaining under the moonlight, protected from the
wind by the castle wall, until daybreak. Then, I could easily find my way
“home” to the camp. It was quite clear that I might get lost if I tried to find
my way back in the dark.
Before I could make any further conclusions or plans, I was suddenly struck
by fear when I heard a wolf begin to howl in the distance. As soon as I
recovered from the shock, another wolf — this one much too close for
comfort — howled in return. My fear was now turning into terror. Trying to
secure my own safety, I jumped and struggled to climb up to a promenade
that circled the castle walls. There were some ancient steps, but they had long
since crumbled. As far as wild animals were concerned, I felt a lot safer from
this vantage point.
To hell with vampires I thought! The wild is plain scary enough! At this
point, I reached a mental calm and what psychologists like to call abnormal
perception. I was no longer afraid. I felt incredibly light. I had studied where
a high volume of terror can do one of two things. It can shock a person into a
permanent or temporary catatonia, or it can knock a person into a state of
altered or super-consciousness. This was how I felt.
I then heard a small army of bats fly inward to the citadel. Instead of feeling
afraid, I could feel their rhythm. I tried to follow their path, but they were
quick and there were too many corridors.
I walked until I heard noises. They were not the kind of noises one would
normally hear, but they were the noises of what were similar to the sighs and
breaths of a living human being. The sounds were very subtle and almost
inaudible. First, I heard the sounds of what would be like normal inhalation
and exhalation. Then, the sounds sounded a trifle sensitive and sensuous in
nature. Again, I could feel their rhythm. It was not unpleasant. I followed the
sounds, trying to find their source. Finding the sounds emanating from a
small opening in the citadel, I climbed through and used the flashlight to
negotiate some thin corridors. Pursuing these sounds, and before I was too
taken in by them, I began to realize that what I was hearing were actually the
sounds of seduction. As soon as I thought about this, it occurred to me that
these sounds were possibly meant to seduce me into the fold of vampires.
Perhaps my increased mental acumen was part of the same trap.
Then it dawned on me! I had tapped into the psychic energy of the vampire
by osmosis. I had always been fascinated by the extreme supernatural ability
and affected elegance of Dracula in the vampire stories. I always thought that
he would be a very grand and powerful character if he would rid himself of
his evil agenda. It was now up to me to keep myself from being seduced into
this nest of evil. Intuitively, I felt that the energy I was getting from him was
opening up my own closed doors of perception.
No sooner had I completed the above thought than I came to an open balcony
that overlooked a palace drawing room. Down below was a small throng of
female vampires writhing in expectation, hoping to be fulfilled. It reminded
me of the feeding frenzy of sharks, only it was much more subdued and
intangible. On the whole, the vampires were beautiful and not the motley
savage creatures I had seen in some horror movies. All had a transparent
ghost-like quality. Some were more sharply defined than others. They all
writhed in expectation of fulfillment.
I then thought about the wisdom that the gypsy had shared with me. Go in the
morning, he had said. That way they will be fed. He was right as far as I
could see. None of them appeared to be hungry for blood, at least for the
moment. For all I could tell, I had gone unnoticed. They were all preoccupied
with their own ritual.
At this point, a huge bat flew into the room. I could tell without a second
thought that it was Count Dracula himself. He transformed into human shape
and kept the broad wings of his cape extended. The frenetic writhing of the
females now began to pick up in pitch. They began to swim up in the air and
around him like ghosts. They appeared much more vaporized and swam
under him, around him and through his legs. He stood still. His eyes and his
body radiated strong energy. It appeared to be energy that they lived off of.
Shrieking sounds of euphoria replaced the panting of desire.
Then, one of the spirits on the outside appeared to splice off from the orb. It
came straight towards me. As it came closer, its definitions became clearer
and much more female. I was now being confronted by a most enticing
female apparition. Before I could think or resist, I was overcome by a
magnetic force that concentrated on me. Black hair, red lips and an almost
white face. Suspending herself before me, she stood in a gown of gossamer,
thrusting it open to reveal pearl-white breasts, pining with desire. I could now
feel a pulsating energy enveloping me. But instead of physical contact, the
apparition moved toward me like a soft magnet. Feeling sensual urgings,
there was no opportunity to respond to them. The apparition began to move
through me, very slowly, but convincingly. As she reached midway through
me, I began to feel a climaxing sensation, only this was a climaxing sensation
of the spirit and not the body. We both began to shake; and almost just as
suddenly, she passed through my body and it was over.
I had not lost an ounce of my own consciousness, but I was surprised by what
had happened. I looked behind me and saw the apparition soar into the sky. It
turned into a bat and flew back through the balcony and back to the spectacle
below. As she reached the swirling mass, it began to disperse. Everyone was
now calmer and the magnetism was dying down. Dracula, however, looked
up in my direction. He did not look like he was happy.
Perhaps I had violated his territory, or perhaps he had read the mind of the
apparition and knew where I was. I did not know, but I quickly ran off of the
balcony, through the corridors and outside again. Moving quickly down the
promenade, it did not take me long to part from the citadel altogether.
Realizing that I could make a fast downhill run back to the camp with the
gypsy, I quickly headed in the direction of the forest. Before I could enter,
however, I saw the same giant bat that I knew was Dracula. It was waiting for
me at the exact point where the forest started, as if he knew my plan of
escape. To my good fortune, and before I could think about being afraid, I
noticed that it was now daybreak. I felt strong and could hear the screeching
of bats flying into the citadel. The giant bat then transformed into a wolf and
began to run back towards the castle. I ran after it at full pace. As soon as I
could see that it could clearly outrun me and was starting to speed up, I dived,
reaching for its hooves. As I grabbed both hooves, they began to disintegrate
in my very hands. The wolf had transformed into a purely white bat that
began to hover over my prone body. As I began to rise, the white bat
transformed once more, only this time it turned into the shape of a man. I
could not believe what I was seeing. It was clearly the same character I had
identified as Dracula minutes before, only this time he was dressed in a
brilliant white suit and cape.
“Oh, yes. But not the same Dracula you think of. I am the white force
“You may have been surprised no doubt to find spirits haunting this citadel.
Many people were killed here; but tonight, you have witnessed something
that few will either have the chance or nerve to see. You have come out with
your life, and this makes you unique.”
“But many people visit here and come back alive,” I responded.
“Yes, but they do not enter the realm where they can see me. This requires an
ability that all men possess but do not utilize. It is rare.”
“I mean to say that Dracula is more than a dark force. I am the white faction,
and I promote good and limit evil, not unlike a guardian angel. Many of the
souls who died here linger, waiting for reconciliation. They were all killed
brutally, but it was not an accident that they had this experience. It was in
return for something they themselves had done.”
“Karma?” I asked.
“Yes,” he nodded. “The dark version of who I am savagely killed them, but it
was not me. I am here to help them reconcile their fate and to correct their ill-
conceived behavior. ”
“I am a reflection of your soul. If you did not make the trip, however, you
would never have seen me.”
I was a bit confused. Setting out looking to prove whether or not vampires
existed, I came out with an experience that was completely different.
“Do you not think,” he continued, “that if Dracula was all black and truly a
king of the vampires that he would not have consumed the entire Earth and
created vast colonies of vampires?”
“I never looked at it that way,” I replied. “I wasn’t even too sure that
vampires existed before tonight. But, I’d always wondered why they could
never take over the entire world.”
“Checks and balances, my friend,” he laughed. “Even the dark and white
forces must bow to the will of mother nature, for she is supreme.”
Upon completing his sentence, he extended his cape, changed back into a
white bat and flew off.
I made my way back to the camp in the early daylight of dawn. As I walked, I
thought about what I might write about. As far as what I had experienced thus
far, there was no scientific proof I could bring back with me. It did not matter
to me, however, for I had experienced something far greater. I had walked
into a forbidden territory that virtually no one was allowed to see. That was at
least what my so-called “guardian angel” was trying to tell me. This gave me
a new authority, but I also realized it was an authority that most people would
not recognize. Somehow, and in some way, I would have to reconcile what
had happened and choose the best possible method by which to write about it.
When I was most of the way down the mountain from the citadel, I looked at
my digital watch and saw that it was 5:45 A.M.. As it had been a short night
on sleep, and I was a little tired, I wanted to get as much sleep as possible
before the gypsy was going to wake up. When I reached the campsite, I
immediately got inside of my sleeping bag and quickly fell asleep.
“Looking for this?” he said, smiling as he lifted my watch out of his pocket.
“As soon as you went to bed last night, I took it from your wrist after you fell
sound asleep. You are my responsibility on this adventure, and I did not deem
it wise for you travel alone at night.”
I was confused. Having just looked at my watch before I went to sleep, what
he said made no sense. He could not have removed my watch last night.
His question confused me even more. What was he saying and why was he
saying it? I wanted to know how my watch had ended up in his pocket. Then,
it came to me as I began to wake up a little more.
“Wait,” I said. “I just has an incredible experience. I was headed down the
mountain and was looking at my watch. What time is it now?”
“Eight-thirty,” he replied.
“If you took my watch off last night and not this morning, then I must have
had some incredible dream.”
“That is what I hoped would happen,” said the gypsy. “The tea we drank last
night is particularly good for dreaming.”
As we ate breakfast, I told him my story and his eyes darted, revealing a
sharp interest in what I said. It was clear to me that my experience was
equally unique and strange from his perspective. The more I talked, the more
I felt a feeling of mutual respect generating from him. The way he responded
to me, I began to feel that I was one of very few people who could walk on
his ground with authority.
Chapter Two — Fundamentals
During the time you were reading the previous story, The White Bat, it is
more than likely that you had different impressions. Hopefully, your mind
was excited in a creative way. Using your note pad, I invite you to write
down the impressions that you had. This is an important step. In Chapter
Three, I will discuss how writing down the impressions of my own dream not
only transformed into the story you have just read but also served as a
platform for a series of experiences that not only evolved into a writing and
publishing career but continue to swirl around my life to this day. It should be
noted that this process is based upon actually writing down the thoughts that
come into your mind whether it be from your dreams, fantasies, or
experiences in life.
Quite literally, psychology means “the study of the psyche.” Any writer
should know something about psychology, if only the state of mind of his
prospective readers and how they will respond to what he or she has written.
It would also behoove a writer to also take one step further and do his best to
become as expert as he or she can in the subject of psychology. If becoming
an expert in psychology seems intimidating to you, at least make a goal to
become fluid and competent with the subject. A good start in this direction is
to examine the etymology of the word psyche.
psyche (n.)
1640s, “animating spirit,” from Latin psyche, from Greek psykhe “the soul,
mind, spirit, breath, life, the invisible animating principle or entity which
occupies and directs the physical body” (personified as Psyke, the lover of
Eros), akin to psykhein “to blow, cool,” from PIE root bhes- “to blow” (cf.
Sanskrit bhas-). The word had extensive sense development in Platonic
philosophy and Jewish-influenced theological writing of St. Paul. In English,
psychological sense is from 1910.
When we consider that the psyche is the animating spirit of life, it becomes
obvious that when a writer is expressing his own personal psychology
through whatever literary vehicle he chooses, he is also animating life or at
least a particular niche or aspect of life itself. It is self-reflective. A writer is
writing about life. If you want to take your journey as a writer one step
further and explore the above themes, it is easy to get lost in the various texts
that have been written on the subjects of psychology, life, and philosophy.
While some of these texts might have some value to you, it is easiest to
reduce life and human psychology to their lowest common denominator, and
this would be the study of archetypes. Let us first examine the definition.
archetype (n.)
“original pattern from which copies are made,” 1540s, from Latin
archetypum, from Greek arkhetypon “pattern, model, figure on a seal,” neuter
of adjective arkhetypos “first-moulded,” from arkhe- “first” (see archon) +
typos “model, type, blow, mark of a blow” (see type). Jungian psychology
sense of “pervasive idea or image from the collective unconscious” is from
Carl Jung was a famous psychologist who dedicated much of his work
towards a study of archetypes. You can read his work for further information,
much of which was based upon the Tarot and/or Tree of Life. The schematic
for the Tree of Life is actually based upon the structure of DNA. Jung also
interpreted the Chinese book known as the I Ching or Book of Changes. This
book also consists of archetypes, but it is a different lens than Western
versions of the Tarot or Tree of Life. While the I Ching is also imitative of
DNA, it is also suggestive of computer code in that it deals with a binary
system. Whereas a computer code deals with binary digits consisting of 1’s
and 0’s, the I Ching utilizes lines and broken lines. Whether anyone wants to
admit it or not, all religions, philosophies, and mythologies are based upon or
are reflexive of the Tree of Life. There is really a very simple reason for this.
Religion, philosophy, and mythology are all based upon life, and life, at least
that which is physically animated, is based upon DNA; hence, the Tree of
idea (n.)
late 14c., “archetype of a thing in the mind of God; Platonic ‘idea,’” from
Latin idea “idea,” and in Platonic philosophy “archetype,” from Greek idea
“ideal prototype,” literally “the look of a thing (as opposed to the reality);
form; kind, sort, nature,” from idein “to see,” from PIE wid-es-ya-, suffixed
form of root weid- “to see” (see vision). Sense of “result of thinking” first
recorded 1640s.
word (n.)
Old English word “speech, talk, utterance, word,” from Proto-Germanic
wurdan (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian word, Dutch woord, Old High German,
German wort, Old Norse orð, Gothic waurd), from PIE were- “speak, say”
(see verb).
In practical life, words and ideas tend to go hand-in-hand, but experience will
tell you that this is not always the case. Everyone has encountered double-
speak or instances when words seem to mean one thing but really mean
another. This is the realm of deceit such as is witnessed with false advertising
or fine print and craftily misleading phrases in legal contracts. When you
study the original word meanings of words, it becomes rather obvious that
words are patterned after or evolve from ideas, the latter being a purer
essence than what is being described.
It is also noteworthy that the word archetype has been defined as something
emanating from the mind of God. God is a very curious word as it is has been
used in language, and this curiosity has not gone unnoticed by religions who
pretty much unilaterally state that whatever word is used to describe God is
not really an accurate one. While God always refers to the Creator of
universal reality, modern definitions of the word all clearly state or directly
imply that either a condition of worship or rulership applies. In other words,
it is not enough that God created the world, but He must also be revered and
worshipped for this act. If you are not willing to buckle under to that, you
have to at least acknowledge his rulership or authority. There is no question
that the word God has been defined in such a way that the observer is pigeon-
holed with regard to how he should view God. If God is viewed through this
construct, we are but agents working upon his easel if we are not the pigment
and brushes themselves.
First and foremost, a writer is going to concern himself with words and ideas.
While an idea by its very nature is pure or absolute, a word is always going to
be a deviation from such. When a word is at its best, it is a clear
approximation of a particular idea. In such a case, the difference between the
word and the idea is negligible. Words, however, can also create havoc. If
you study the etymology and history of the words word and weird, you will
find they have a common denominator in the way they were both once
spelled: wyrd. Weirdness is a deviation of what is expected. Once again,
words distort the actuality of what they are describing. This very principle is
really just a shadow aspect of what makes up words: spelling. Here we have
the concept of conjuring and casting spells through the subtle art of spelling
words or creating grammar as in grammaton which gives rise to words such
as tetragrammaton, pentagrammaton and hexagrammaton. This obviously
goes further back in history to the more esoteric ancestral aspects of our
modern language, but every writer should know as much as possible about
the tools of his trade or art. With the concept of wyrd and conjuring in mind,
let us now examine the definition of the word weird.
weird (n.)
Old English wyrd (n.) “fate, destiny,” literally “that which comes,” from
Proto-Germanic wurthis (cf. Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt “fate,”
Old Norse urðr “fate, one of the three Norns”), from PIE wert- “to turn,
wind,” (cf. German werden, Old English weorðan “to become”), from root
wer- “to turn, bend” (see versus). For sense development from “turning” to
“becoming,” cf. phrase turn into “become.” The modern sense of weird
developed from Middle English use of weird sisters for the three fates or
Norns (in Germanic mythology), the goddesses who controlled human
destiny. They were portrayed as odd or frightening in appearance.
While the identification of the word weird with fate or destiny takes us in a
certain direction, I would like to focus on the relationship of weird to wert or
“to turn, wind or bend.” If we consider an absolute state of perfection in the
of “mind of God” as is alluded to in the aforementioned etymology of idea,
the words weird and word both suggest a twisting or aberration. If we
consider the undisturbed entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum to be
representative of the absolute, we gain an insight into the plausibility of how
the universe evolved into what it is. This is especially so when we consider
that the Old English definition for wer was related to “becoming” or
“turning” as in the sense of “turning into” (something). This is akin to the
very concept of birthing and creation itself.
Logos (n.)
“the divine Word, second person of the Christian Trinity,” from Greek logos
“word, speech, discourse,” also “reason,” from PIE root leg- “to collect”
(with derivatives meaning “to speak,” on notion of “to pick out words;” see
lecture (n.)); used by Neo-Platonists in various metaphysical and theological
senses and picked up by New Testament writers. Other English formations
from logos include logolatry “worship of words, unreasonable regard for
words or verbal truth” (1810 in Coleridge); logomania (1870); logophobia
logic (n.)
mid-14c., “branch of philosophy that treats of forms of thinking,” from Old
French logique (13c.), from Latin (ars) logica, from Greek logike (techne)
“reasoning (art),” from fem. of logikos “pertaining to speaking or reasoning,”
from logos “reason, idea, word” (see logos). Meaning “logical
argumentation” is from c.1600.
lecture (n.)
late 14c., “action of reading, that which is read,” from Medieval Latin lectura
“a reading, lecture,” from Latin lectus, past participle of legere “to read,”
originally “to gather, collect, pick out, choose” (cf. election), from PIE leg-
“to pick together, gather, collect” (cf. Greek legein “to say, tell, speak,
declare,” originally, in Homer, “to pick out, select, collect, enumerate;” lexis
“speech, diction;” logos “word, speech, thought, account;” Latin lignum
“wood, firewood,” literally “that which is gathered”).
From the above etymologies, you can see that the very concept of the Logos
has everything to do with “tying things together.” Whether it be the
application of logic, an invocation of the Logos, or administering a lecture,
one is trying to synchronize elements of an ideal that is of an absolute nature.
While that is an over-simplification of the Logos, it is a very useful and
expository over-simplification. For a writer, he or she must pick out what he
is going to communicate and decide how to communicate it. Words are not
only key, they mimic and employ the birthing or creative process itself. What
you communicate and how you do it is not only up to you, it is a reflection of
who you are. To be more specific, it refers to your psyche.
The idea that Psyke and Eros are inextricably intertwined together not only
explains why Freud, the so-called father of modern psychology, was so
fascinated with the sexual impulse but also gives some credence to his idea
that sex is the underlying fundamental issue with regard to all human
psychological problems. This idea, in a more general manner, is also
exposited in Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law where the primary
mandate is Do What Thou Wilt Shalt Be the Whole of the Law; Love Under
Will. In the latter, the Will compares to the psyche while Love is equatable to
Eros. While the relationship of Psyke and Eros can be viewed as the
underlying principle of psychology, it can also be viewed as the underlying
foundation of Western occultism. It is important to point out, in both respects,
that love does not necessarily have to translate into sexual lust or desire.
There are long traditions of ascetic practices that involve the non-sexual
aspects of Eros. While these might seem more high-minded, they are too
often filled with the vampiric traps that also accompany the Left Hand Path
of physical tantra. In any event, contemplating the relationship of Psyke and
Eros in an archetypal sense will most definitely feed your muse as a writer,
and this applies whether you are going to write about romance or the ascetic
practices of a pious lama.
Psyke and Eros were archetypal entities long before the Greeks renamed and
contoured them, but the latter did so in an intriguing and particular fashion.
Instead of just writing about them as they might any other myth, Psyke and
Erose were included in a work known as The Golden Ass in a way that
subsequent artisans would refer to as mise en abyme, a French phrase that
literally means “placed into abyss”. Most often, mise en abyme refers to the
“barbershop mirror-effect” or the visual experience you have when you stand
between two mirrors and see a virtually infinite reproduction of one’s image.
Mise en abyme, however, has other meanings in literature and the creative
arts. More specifically, it refers to an image which contains a smaller copy of
itself, the sequence appearing to recur infinitely. In literature, it refers to a
vignette within a story or a story within a story. The myth of Psyke and Eros
appears within a bigger work in a somewhat similar manner, but the
implications are far more subtle than in a visual work. It is particularly
appropriate for Psyke and Eros to appear this way because these two
archetypal forces are the very essence of reproduction, and mise en abyme is
the epitome of reproduction.
At this stage of my career, just over twenty years since The Montauk Project
was published, the effect that this book has had on humanity has resulted in
many people becoming aware of the sludge inside of them as well as the
sludge that is within the collective consciousness. This includes an admixture
of mind-control programming with psychic awareness, if not abilities, and a
consciousness of deep emotional wounds that have had a tendency to escalate
the more they are brought to view and discussed. This has resulted in a
certain and not insignificant portion of the population rallying around this
phenomena and seeking to make themselves poster boys or girls for such.
While the desirability of one wanting to become a poster boy/girl for mind-
control phenomena is highly questionable if not downright insane in itself,
what these people are resonating with is the mis en abyme of their own
consciousness. The horrors of such trauma have to be acknowledged and
discharged before they can move on with their lives. Becoming a poster
boy/girl only continues and reinforces the trauma-based thought forms.
Discharging such emotional trauma can be very challenging, but it all begins
with the realization that one is ultimately responsible for one’s karma,
particularly as it relates to their future life. This requires accessing the
creative aspects of one’s consciousness and will complement any therapeutic
techniques. It can even serve as the senior therapy if one can learn to be agile
with their mind.
With regard to myself, the dream that inspired the story you have read in this
book, The White Bat, all occurred prior to my knowledge of the material that
is written in The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. In this regard, it is
the a priori factor which has set the tone for so much that has happened in my
writing career. The dream itself was playing off of the original inspiration
and cognition I had experienced when reading the novel Dracula as I realized
the potential, if not the plausibility, of such a powerful character using his
powers for good instead of evil. This struck a chord inside of me that
resonated throughout the entirety of my being. It was not, however,
something I thought too much about as I recognized the story to be fiction. It
did, however, stir up the archetypes residing in my own psyche. Without
getting too complicated, I had made the decision that if I had been confronted
with such powers, I would choose to transmute the negative into the positive.
For some reason that reached well beyond my own ordinary day-to-day
thinking processes, this theme was reenergized and displayed itself to me in a
penetrating dream two decades later. Essentially, I was being initiated into
the primary principle of alchemy: to turn the base into the noble, i.e. to turn
base metal into gold.
With all of this in mind, I once again invite you to write down your own
impressions and creative ideas. While the so-called “movie” of my life has
proven itself to be of interest to others, the process I am inviting you to
engage in (and mentioned at the beginning of this chapter) is about your
movie. These writing exercises can enable you to detect and identify key
ingredients in your own personality or consciousness that can bridge the gaps
between yourself and the physical universe. In the Tarot, this archetypal
experience that I am suggesting to you is actually represented by the Major
Arcana card known as the Last Judgment. In the Thoth Deck, Aleister
Crowley identified this card as The Aeon where he had a baby Horus
depicted as the Babe in the Abyss. The Hebrew letter shin is attributed to this
path which is highly significant as it represents the full and complete
integration of the left brain with the right brain. In ancient times, these two
functions were known as the Left Eye of Horus and the Right Eye of Horus.
Horus, the son of Osiris, represents the manifestation of the Divine in the Age
of Aquarius, the astrological age we are now in. By doing the writing
exercise I have suggested — just writing down your impressions and ideas —
you are taking the first step towards becoming the director of your own
I will now share what happened in my life as a result of writing down the
dream I had about the white bat.
Chapter Three — Aftermath
As soon as I finished writing The White Bat, I shared it with my wife and she
was very impressed. There was definitely something special about the story,
and I attributed that to the natural influence of it having come from a rather
extraordinary dream. When I told some friends of mine, they got excited
about the story without having even read it. They immediately encouraged
me to submit it to a literary agent that they knew and had done some work for
in the past. These two friends were a couple and were big science fiction fans
who knew many if not most of the classic science fiction authors.
Due to their enthusiasm and prodding, I submitted the story to this particular
agent but soon received a form letter back in the mail. His agency had grown
to great proportions since they had last worked with him, and he now wanted
a fee of $200 to review any story. Both of my friends were surprised and put
off by that response. Even so, due to the momentum that had been generated
by the story and against my better judgment, I resubmitted the story with the
fee requested. I could easily afford the fee at the time so the money issue did
not bother me. The principle of it, however, did not give me a good feeling. I
soon received a very well thought out rejection letter that was very well typed
by one of the agent’s assistants. Essentially, the story was praised beyond
belief, but it was rejected because it was not like the work of Stephen King. It
was obvious that this agent was using his considerable reputation in the
literary field to make an ancillary income off of fledgling authors. To say
something was not worthy of the market because it was not like Stephen
King, however, was ludicrous. It is important, however, to realize that
Stephen King was the best selling author of that era. He was the guiding
standard of the industry, at least as far as commercial sales. While this might
be considered wrong or unjust, it is a very important lesson for anyone
aspiring to commercial writing. The industry wants what it wants and hungry
readers determine the market. Name recognition is not only very important, it
is even more than very important. My friends even explained to me the
reason that some or much of Ray Bradbury’s published writing was poor.
Once he had made a name for himself and was a sellable author, the publisher
would solicit his old material, stories that had failed to sell previously or that
the author was not happy with in the first place, and slap his name onto it and
sell it. Such is the adoration for certain authors that this despicable practice
did not really hurt their fan base. Instead, it left a deeper hunger for the
vintage Bradbury or whatever author this applied to.
As I am a very pragmatic person, I did not pursue this any further. My wife
and I had a thriving advertising and design business at the time, and this
excursion into creative writing was a side activity I could leave alone, at least
for a while. This had been my first attempt to try and get my own writing
published, and it was not a lost cause in the long run. My pragmatism told me
that if I wanted to sell anything, I would have to have a market of ready
readers who were interested in a particular subject. Accordingly, I mused
over subjects that would interest people. As I was primarily interested in
writing about the spiritual or metaphysical aspects of life, particularly from a
scientific reference frame, I ended up focusing on Atlantis. As a matter of
fact, I had never been particularly interested in Atlantis up to that point.
When that subject came up in my reading, I was always more interested in
Lemuria, a culture that was much more obscure and advanced. What I noticed
about Atlantis, however, was that our culture has been obsessed with Atlantis
ever since the stories of it found their way into literature. People like to
debate about it, wax romantic or to engage in psychological drama
concerning how it is playing out in society today.
Thus it was that I wrote a manuscript that began with the last days of Atlantis
that was primarily right out of my imagination. I cannot locate the manuscript
at this time, and although it was never completed, I had gotten at least one-
quarter into the story, maybe even a little more. The story was written a while
after The White Bat, and one of the more intriguing aspects of the story to me
included a crystal clear pyramid located in the Atlas Mountains of Northern
Africa in or near today’s Morocco. It was not a huge pyramid like the Great
Pyramid but was rather small and exuded many different colors in a
holographic manner. The pyramid was accompanied by the sudden and
inexplicable appearance and disappearance of various creatures or characters.
Another aspect of the story included a cylinder artifact with obscure markings
that sent out beams into space when activated. It beamed out to either a space
ship or to Mars. I do not quite remember, but the activation of this cylinder
resulted in a visit from Martians who were humanoid as opposed to being
little green men or the like. All of this is interesting to me because it came
right out of my imagination. I had yet to learn of the ancient and esoteric
histories or theories of the Elder Race or Blue Race who had come from
Mars. Holograms and pyramids were just interesting fodder for a story. At
the time, I had no idea that so much of my future writing, if not all of it,
would embrace or run parallel to these various themes.
The so-called quantum relic was a 1909 playbill from The New Montauk
Theatre which featured the Ziegfield Follies. Years later, I would discover
that two pictures of Christ on Mount Olive had been hidden within the
cardboard backing of the framed playbill. The pictures of Christ actually fell
out as I handed them to Duncan Cameron, the main psychic from the
Montauk Project who, according to the readings of himself and Preston, had
been trained to become the Antichrist. My extensive research into the olive
theme is described in The Montauk Book of the Living, but it ended up with
the discovery that the original archetypal character who gave the olive to
Mankind was Antinea, the blue queen of Atlantis, also known as a Kahena,
who settled in an area in the Ahaggar Mountains of present day Algeria. The
Greeks adopted her and transliterated her name into Athena.
While I will revisit this thread with the Elder Race later on, it is important to
highlight the fact that I stumbled into and acquired all of this information as a
natural consequence of executing my desire to write a creative fictional story
about Atlantis. The dream that inspired The White Bat was actually the a
priori factor in the drama that was unfolding. As will be demonstrated, both
stories were feeding off of each other in the way things evolved in my life
and writing.
To me, The White Bat was just a story based upon a dream. While it was also
a mis en abyme of how I chose to view the world, I had no great aspirations
for it to manifest as far as it has. As you will read in this book, the theme of
this “innocent dream or story” has reached a remarkable degree of
manifestation in my life and work. It is important to emphasize that creativity
is the gateway to manifestation. Do not underestimate your own ability in this
regard. I will now relate some of the key factors that occurred which
demonstrate that the dream I had was prophetic if not a suggestion of the
human mind being a time machine.
There are also a couple of other factors I should mention that influenced my
Montauk investigation as well as the theme that is brought forth in The White
Bat. One was a procedure I read about when I studied Scientology in 1971. In
a book, which was really a pamphlet at the time that cost 80 cents, entitled
Scientology 8-80, it stated that one could rehabilitate or fix any condition in
an individual by having the person view black spots in his own energetic field
and then turn them white. What I have said is a paraphrase based upon
memory, but it was referred to as black and white processing. In regular
Scientology counseling as practiced by the Church of Scientology, it was
almost never done. It was, however, considered a valid and powerful process.
The book even stated that it could raise the dead. Although it really amounted
to an anecdotal part of the discovery process of Scientology when it came to
day-to-day matters, I never forgot it.
The second factor which reinforced this theme occurred over a year later after
I had made my way to L. Ron Hubbard’s yacht, the Apollo, which had
become my new home. My father wrote to me and asked if there was
anything he could get for me. Yes, I told him. There was a book I had begun
reading entitled Lords of Light by Roger Zelazny. It was popular amongst the
local Scientologists and had been passed around a lot. It was about a
colonized planet, a monkey named Siddartha and featured psychotronic
devices which were called prayer machines. I cannot tell you much about the
book beyond that as I never did finish reading it. My father did his best to
find the book, but he could not locate a copy. Instead, he sent me another
book by Zelazny entitled Jack of Shadows. My father had assumed, quite
incorrectly, that I was a Zelazny fan. I was not but was merely interested in
that one book. Nevertheless, I read the book. Although the book did not
particularly appeal to me, it had a strange resonance with me. Much of it had
to do with the fact that my father had tried his best to do something for me,
and it was a gift from him. He thought I would like it so he sent it to me. The
next thing I knew, I was reading the book and was deeply entrenched in the
mind-set presented which would become a major theme of my life.
Jack of Shadows is a story that takes place on a planet that does not rotate.
Like the moon, one side of the planet is in darkness while the other remains
in light. In the world of light, science rules the day. In the world of night,
magic is the ruler. In the day world, the protagonist is a university professor
and is nobody too special. In the darkness, however, he is known as
Shadowjack, and he possesses a very peculiar and special ability. While the
magical people of the night world derive their power from a specific fixed
location, he is different as his power derives from shadow. When faced with
either complete darkness or complete light, he is lost or powerless, but give
him a bit of shadow and his potency is unmatched.
In the strangest way, this book gripped me. If I examine not only why it
gripped me but why it became a major operating theme in my life, I can offer
myself a rather precise answer. At the same time that the book took me into a
world that was dark and hellacious beyond belief, it presented a
psychological reference frame with how to survive it. Many people have
asked me how I survived the crazy world of Scientology and came out
unscathed from the experience. I really cannot attribute it all to the reading of
Jack of Shadows, but it certainly did help me to navigate through the shadow
world of that organization. More importantly, however, it enabled and
encouraged me to navigate my way through the extensive shadow world of
Montauk and its occult connections.
Looking back, the entire experience is a classic case of asking for the light
and receiving the dark. It is an old saw that if you seek the dark, you will find
the light and vice versa. I find it ironic that this book not only passed through
the hands of my father, but that he was actually the point of origin. He cared
for me very deeply and was not happy at all with my life decision to become
a full-time Scientologist. Although he was not a religious man, I can imagine
that he prayed for me, at least in his own way. Although he had no idea how
much he contributed to my life in this regard, he gave me a gift which would
forever influence my life in a positive way. The expression of love in a gift
can create amazing results at times.
With the book Jack of Shadows in my arsenal, I not only learned how to
navigate the shadow world but to create shadows as well. I worked in the
shadow of L. Ron Hubbard, a man who definitely operated in the shadows.
As a member of his personal office, I was privy to all sorts of information
that the rank and file of Scientology were completely unaware of. I would
eventually learn, however, that he was operating over the undercurrent of
someone who cast a much larger shadow: Aleister Crowley.
shadow (n.)
Old English sceadwe, sceaduwe, oblique cases of sceadu (see shade).
shadow (v.)
late Old English sceadwian “to protect as with covering wings” (cf. also
overshadow), from the root of shadow (n.). Meaning “to follow like a
shadow” is from c.1600 in an isolated instance; not attested again until 1872.
shade (n.)
Old English sceadu “shade, shadow, darkness,” also “shady place, protection
from glare or heat,” from Proto-Germanic skadwo (cf. Old Saxon skado,
Middle Dutch scade, Dutch schaduw, Old High German scato, German
Schatten, Gothic skadus), from PIE skotwa, from root skot- “dark, shade” (cf.
Greek skotos “darkness,” Albanian kot “darkness,” Old Irish scath, Old
Welsh scod, Breton squeut “darkness”). Meaning “grade of color” first
recorded 1680s (cf. French nuance, from nue “cloud”). Meaning “ghost” is
from 1610s.
It is interesting to note that root words or phonemes like kot, scato, skot, and
scatos are equivalent to the word cat. As the cat represents the feminine
energy, this tells us something very significant about the nature of the
shadow. In particular, it tells us that the concept of shadow is fundamental to
the function of creation. Creation, if visualized in the form of the monochord
or in the pure and unadulterated aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum, only
occurs when the pure form (such as pure light) is blocked, obfuscated, or
otherwise played around with or manipulated. After that takes place, you
have creation in all of its myriad forms.
Much ado has been made about holy vessels such as the Ark of the Covenant
or the Holy Grail, both of which shut out light and are metaphors for the
womb which is itself the cauldron of creation and is designed to host an
operation that occurs in darkness. Every individual comes into this world
through the womb. In the birthing process, there is an inextricable
relationship between the principle of the shadow and the barbershop mirror
effect known as mise en abyme. What actually manifests as a human being is
a reflection or shadow of many different factors with the personality acting as
the front man or representative.
As a human being, you yourself have a shadow. It represents all of the hidden
aspects of your consciousness, some of which you are aware of and others
which you are not. While your shadow might contain negativity, it also
contains far more and that includes the positive. The shadow not only
contains your hidden potential but also the potentiality of the entire known
and unknown universe(s) which might or might not be able to manifest some
day. As this book is meant to be a work book on writing, I am trying to put
you in touch with your own shadow. It is your own womb of creation. While
virtually everyone has shallow or petty thoughts, there is also a deep reservoir
inside of yourself that can be tapped. That is why I have encouraged you to
note down your thoughts as you read this book. I want you to tap the mother
lode if possible. One of the most efficient ways that you can tap this mother
lode is by writing, a practice which has been employed for millennia.
Not everyone is going to be a commercial author, but that is not the point. In
our current culture, most everyone has a website or other means of
expression. A business card would represent the irreducible minimum with
regard to the necessity of writing. While you might not be writing books,
most people want a resume or synopsis that represents their vocation or role
in society. A resume or profile is how you express yourself to the world. The
implications of what I am suggesting here, however, go way beyond one’s
vocation. It also has everything to do with your personal psychology.
In ancient Egyptian myth, the goddess Isis had a dark twin sister named
Nephtys. She represents the shadow. The Hebrews have Lilith. There is also
the concept of the devil, a word which is expressed in Latin as diabolus and
in Spanish as diabolo, both words referring to “double” and alluding to the
shadow self. You can study further about all these shadow archetypes if you
want to. It is certainly not a new idea.
At this point, I will not elaborate on the shadow any further. You might want
to read a little or a lot about it on your own. The only thing else I will say for
the time being is that it is your personal reservoir and it is a very powerful
resource to tap. It is that which remains within you, without manifestation,
and is the womb of creation. As this book is partially a work book, I will now
give you some exercises to tap your shadow.
Step 0 — Find yourself a dark room, and by that is meant a room that is
completely dark. All cracks or leaks of light must be covered with a towel,
dark tape or whatever. An army blanket sometimes works for larger
windows. A walk in closet can be ideal, but you can use a pantry, a closet, a
hallway or even a bathroom. This first step of finding a dark room can be
very challenging to many people. The inertia you have to overcome to find a
dark place is a great task master in itself. It is an obstacle to overcoming your
own shadow side and getting it to work for you.
Step 1 — Go inside the dark room for fifteen minutes a day. You can stand
or sit in a chair if you like. Relax. Sit up straight and elongate your neck at
the shoulders so that you have correct posture. Using your imagination, scan
downward from the crown of your head down to your toes. Always scan
downwards, and as you do, clear away all your mental, emotional, and
physical blockages or disabilities. This is a very powerful exercise, but most
people will not get this far. Do this two or three times a day, but only do it for
fifteen minutes at a time. Do not do it for fourteen or sixteen minutes. Set an
alarm. This step is to be done for one week.
Step 2 — For the second week, continue to go into the dark room two or
three times a day (again, fifteen minutes at a time), but be completely still.
Do this also for one week.
Step 3 — For the third week, do joint manipulation in the dark room. This
means that you are moving your body in whatever way it wants to move. You
are getting the kinks out of your system. It is important to breathe in, as
slowly as possible, through your nose and exhale equally slowly through your
mouth. Do this for one week for fifteen minutes at a time two or three times a
Step 5 — Most people will not get this far. If you do, however, you are a
possible candidate for Chi Gong training and have demonstrated that you can
tap the mother lode. This dark room exercise, if you continue it, will enable
you to do incredible things, particularly if you do further training. If you get
this far, write to me while you are on step 4, and I will prepare you for step 5.
At this writing, I have been a diligent practitioner of Taoist Chi Gong for
over six years under the tutelage of Grand Master Roosevelt Gainey of
Brooklyn, New York. For the purposes of this book on writing, I have
included the dark room exercise because it will help you tap your own
potential through the medium of writing. So that you understand its power, I
will point out how important this step of the dark room is.
When I started Chi Gong class in May of 2007, there were many students.
They were very advanced, but not too many of them are around anymore. In
particular was one lady who practiced very hard and could do remarkable
things. She could overcome masters and even levitated off of a table once.
Although I did not see this nor did I attempt to chronicle her
accomplishments, she was an inspiration to us all for what she had achieved.
Despite her skills, she had never done the dark room despite the dictates and
encouragement of our teacher. In the end, she could not handle her abilities
nor further instructions. She is no longer with us. My teacher said her mind
had gone. According to what she had told me personally, she had never done
the spiritual work I had done. The dark room would have fixed her.
Many of my fellow students do not do the dark room. It makes you take a
look at yourself at a deep level. You might not like what you see. The
response, however, is to overcome your attitudes and not be pushed around
by them or what others might think of you. The dark room will definitely put
you in touch with your shadow self and also the better part of you.
The next exercise can be done in conjunction with the dark room or by itself
and completely separately. It involves the process of writing and connects
both of the hemispheres of your brain.
Step 1 — Write your name exactly as you did when you first learned to write
it (when you were in the first grade or whenever) and do this as slowly as
possible. After you write your name, think of a time when you were hurt. As
you think of the time when you were hurt, visualize that you are now under a
waterfall and change the problem of the past that caused this to happen.
Dissolve all the charge. Repeat this step three times and do it for an entire
Step 2 — The second week, write something nice about yourself. Visualize
yourself going to a waterfall and tell yourself that you will now do everything
in a like manner. In other words, you are going to carry that nice quality with
yourself forever. Repeat this step three times and do it every day for one
Step 3 — For the third week, write (using printing as opposed to cursive
writing) down as slowly as possible, “I FORGIVE ALL THOSE WHO
HAVE EVER HURT ME.” Think of an instance where you were hurt, go to
an imaginary waterfall and dissolve all the emotional charge connected with
it. Repeat this step three times and do it every day for one week.
Step 4 — For the fourth week, write (using printing as opposed to cursive
writing) down as slowly as possible, “I FORGIVE MYSELF FOR ALL THE
THINGS I HAVE EVER DONE WRONG.” Think of an instance where you
did something wrong, go to an imaginary waterfall and dissolve all the
emotional charge connected with it. Repeat this step three times and do it
every day for one week.
Step 5 — Write whatever you want. This might include whatever you want
to accomplish. Repeat any of the above steps if you feel it is necessary.
If you actually do the above exercises, they will change your life substantially
and get you in touch with your own mise en abyme factor. While it is
expected that you might not like either some or much of what you see in
yourself, this gives you the opportunity to change. It is also a route to
creating internal happiness. Your future is determined by YOU.
If you can go into complete darkness and create, you are not only emulating
the Creator, you are getting in touch with the deepest aspect of who you truly
are. This is the smithy of an artist whether you are a graphic artist, a writer, a
martial artist or pretty much anything else.
As I found and dusted off the original manuscript for The White Bat and
looked it over, I had a stunning realization that my many trips to Romania
were actually preceded and precipitated by an entire series of stunning
synchronicities. The only reason I even travelled to Romania at all was a
result of my association with Dr. David Anderson, the time control scientist.
As a result of his research into time, he collected an entire library on the
subject. This included The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time which, he
said, woke him up spiritually. Consequently, he took a further interest in the
subject and became a subscriber to the Montauk Pulse newsletter. In 1999, he
was in Germany when he was asked to speak in Romania. This was to be at
Atlantykron, an annual conference of writers, artists and scientists who meet
on an island in the Danube adjacent to the ancient ruins of Capidava. David
was deeply moved by what he experienced there, particularly the highly
intelligent people he met. Upon returning to his Time Travel Research Center
on Long Island, one of his first orders of business was to attend Montauk
Night, a monthly meeting that was hosted by Preston Nichols and myself.
This is how I met David, and we went to lunch soon afterwards. David talked
a lot about Atlantykron and how he wanted me to meet certain people. He
was also quite passionate about creating a charitable foundation for
Romanian artists, writers, and scientists. His dedication towards helping
Romanian youth as well as youth in general eventually resulted in the
establishment of the World Genesis Foundation, a charitable organization
which he founded and is registered in the state of New Mexico. Getting me to
Romania, however, was not so easy. Although I met David in 1999, he was
not able to get me to Romania until 2008. Just as my adventures with him
have had a lot of unexpected twists and turns, so have there been other events
in my life which enabled all of this to happen. What I would emphasize at
this point, however, is that my dream was either a beckoning for me to come
to Romania or a subconscious recognition of the future.
How David actually arrived at Montauk Night is a little sketchy and strange
to say the least. According to a friend of mine who attended the meetings, he
found out about our meetings through her in a chat room where the Montauk
Project was the topic of discussion. This friend, who I will refer to as Debbie,
said that she engaged him about coming to the meetings. I then received an e-
mail from him asking about them and if it was all right to attend. According
to Debbie, David would not admit to having been the one in the chat room
although it was rather obvious to her. Debbie is a psychic astrologer whose
business is often focused around putting soul mates together. She had a lot of
contact with David in the dream state before ever encountering him in the
chat room or in person. I mention this as it suggests if not outright
demonstrates a strong connection between David Anderson and the R.E.M.
realm. It is important to keep the R.E.M. realm in mind because this entire
book is based upon a dream. In that regard, I will also advise you to integrate
the dream world into your own writing, art or creativity. By advising you, I
mean that I intend to share specific techniques to assist you in this process,
but that will be done in the subsequent chapter.
From the outside, it might seem that the only reason I made it to Romania is
due to my connection to David Anderson and our mutual interest in time
travel and the Montauk Project. At first glance, I thought it was that simple
myself until I began to look further into the actual dynamics of everything
that has happened. That not only includes my adventures in Romania but also
the events that precipitated my involvement in The Montauk Project. The
Montauk Project did not fall into my lap by accident. It was based upon a
series of life events and explorations of consciousness that were precipitated
by all sorts of studies. These included the Tree of Life but also the themes we
have already visited thus far in this book. While some of these aspects have
been discussed in previous books, I will share some aspects of these which I
have never particularly written about. It has everything to do with the study
of archetypes.
For those of you who are not already familiar with my previous books, I was
deeply involved in Scientology from 1972-1983 and worked in the Personal
Office of L. Ron Hubbard. I wrote about my general experiences in The
Montauk Book of the Dead, published in 2005. Scientology is a controversial
subject as well as a double-edged sword in many respects. What was good
about it, if you were lucky enough to enjoy the circumstances by which you
could avail yourself of it, was the quiet time it allowed for you to go deep
inside of your body-mind-soul complex and explore the hidden depths. I
spent literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours deeply exploring the caverns
of my own body-mind-soul interface. This was virtually “alone time” with no
one telling me what to think or believe about myself. Ultimately, it is up to
you to make your own conclusions. How well you interface with the physical
universe afterwards is a testament to how well you did the work. I mention
this because people often explain dismay, wrath, or condemnation that they
were not helped by Scientology. Under the circumstances, I can certainly
understand why they were upset, but I will share a few secrets with you.
Neither Scientology or any other system under the sun is going to help you.
This can only be done by you exploring and excavating the caverns of your
own soul yourself. A system is only a protocol towards this end.
In the case of Dianetics and Scientology, that system was a theory based
upon clearing the dysfunction of your own mind, not unlike clearing a hard
drive in a computer that has viruses, faulty indexes and bad blocks. Hubbard
used the metaphor of an adding machine with held down sevens. In other
words, no matter what numbers you would add up, an extra seven or more
would always work its way into the final sum and give a wrong answer. By
suggesting a computer, I have used a more modern analogy to give a more
embracing concept for modern times. Any system, Scientology or not, that is
designed to clear up the mind is not unlike a disk utility program for a
computer. There are different utility programs for repairing a hard drive, but
you are the one who has to choose the utility program and do the work. The
ultimate test is whether or not you are able to interface with your
environment in a functional manner and without the pitfalls of held down
sevens or any other analogy you might want to use to describe this principle.
After one clears out their own mental debris, one is not free from the
paradigm of dysfunction. Theoretically, one re-emerges into a world where
most everyone, to put it politely, has a less than ideally functioning mind.
Unfortunately, the world is not so constructed that a jolly functional man can
step out into the world without any cares and have everyone slap him on the
back and greet him in a brotherhood of solidarity. If one has truly cleared out
one’s mental debris, there is a definite vulnerability. If one emits a positive
charge into a sea of negative charges, one has the potential to be an attractor
of negative energy or to be consumed by it. It is like being a bright flame in
the darkness that attract moths. The upper levels of Scientology were
dedicated to banishing the moths.
If you have ever had occasion to read scandals or claims of fraud about the
upper levels of Scientology, you will read that Scientologists believe in an
evil alien war lord named Xenu. This, quite understandably, makes
Scientology sound like a candidate for being the nuttiest thing on the planet. I
would be quick to counter this claim, however, because I think that the
political system of this planet, which is often dedicated towards destroying
life, is far nuttier. In any event, it is not quite accurate to say that
Scientologists believe in Xenu. Personally, I never heard the term Xenu until
I was in Scientology for eight years. After that, I do not think I ever heard the
term iterated by anyone; perhaps once or twice at most. As the name Xenu
only appeared in highly confidential material, it remained or remains
unknown to most Scientologists as even a concept. On a personal level, I
never paid but scant attention to Xenu. In order for you to have a more inside
understanding of what was actually at work in this scenario, I will first
explain some trade secrets about L. Ron Hubbard, his clearing techniques and
what was at work in the equation. L. Ron Hubbard based much of
Scientology upon his imagination, but let me first share a couple of quotes
from Albert Einstein on the subject.
The entire criterion of being declared “Clear” in Scientology was based upon
one’s ability to imagine. Many ex-Scientologists are disabused when they
discover the truth about the “clear cognition” as it was called. In Scientology,
preclears were only allowed to attest and be declared Clear if they stated
words to the effect that they realized that they were the creators of their own
reactive mind. Such aforementioned people get upset because they felt that
they should have been told that in the first place. It would have saved them
the money and effort. Such people, however, obviously received no benefit or
they would not be complaining. In actuality, most people are not up to
creating what is going on in their own mind. If they were, they would not be
seeking out solutions that would help them in this sphere of operation. The
entire trick or secret here is to examine what is in your mind that makes you
tick and to eradicate what needs to be eradicated and to enhance what needs
to be enhanced. If you are so insightful to see that you were imagining or
creating your own past mental trauma or debris by not being fully aware of
what you were doing, you are in a position to take back your own power.
What you create mentally is now the faculty of your own domain.
Hubbard went so far as to say that a clear was capable of creating his or her
own universe. This was a highly imaginative state, and he most certainly
exhibited that type of thinking, all of which was part and parcel of his
assertion that Xenu was the evil leader of the Galactic Confederacy and had
engaged in the mass implanting of spirits which resulted in virtually all of
humanity being possessed with body thetans. In Scientology, a thetan is the
word for spirit. Body thetans were considered to be attached to the body or
ganglia with independent minds of their own that could cause illness,
unwanted mental patterns or otherwise wreak havoc upon an individual.
In any event, if you were properly trained and prepared, the object of the
upper level procedures was not to believe in Xenu. To me, Xenu was an
abstract concept at best who might or might not have some tangibility to
ordinary reality. What you were supposed to do was to go trolling, with the
help of a biofeedback device known as the e-meter, for disembodied spirits,
entities, unit of consciousness or whatever you want to call them. The body
itself was usually the strongest indicator of such phenomena. For example,
you might feel a pain or sensation in the body that was accompanied by a
discharge on the e-meter. This is like a fish biting. You pursue it and you just
might find the meter reading again with a spirit manifesting itself , either in
your own mind or in an etheric frame of reference. What manifested could be
ordinary or quite bizarre. It could be a clown from Elizabethan days, a
repressed nun from the Crusades or a warrior who worked for Xenu and is
upset about having been slaughtered. In such a scenario, the sky is the limit.
When one reaches this realm, however, you are not just dealing with your
personal imagination. You are, in fact, dealing with the imagination of the
universe itself. We are talking about the collective unconscious and beyond.
When one engages a spirit under such a circumstance, one has to counsel or
help the spirit in order to come to a reconciliation. If it was attached to you or
in your sphere of influence, there was a reason. Under the best of
circumstances, one releases the spirit which would be accompanied by a
discharge on the e-meter and emotional relief of both parties. Much of this
communication could or would occur telepathically.
As you might readily understand, a person could go crazy doing this if they
were not properly prepared or in the right frame of mind. There are also a
number of people who have bemoaned or disparaged this procedure because
they felt no significant change in their life. While some faked it at the time
they did it for status reasons, there are others who caught no significant “fish”
for whatever reason. The value of such a procedure, whether a Scientology
procedure per se or not, is whether or not you were able to accomplish
anything. The ultimate test of the procedure’s value is if one can take their
experience and then integrate it in a meaningful or useful way into their own
personal life. If you are adept it at, you can even considerably change the
moods and attitudes of people around you in a positive way. The reason for
this is that spirits often contaminate an entire office or area of people.
While this level met with varying degrees of success or failure with various
individuals, the stated objective of the entire procedure was to arrive at a
point where one was a completely self-determined individual without
influence from other-determined entities. You might find this an absurd
proposition if you consider how suggestible or other-determined certain
Scientologists and ex-Scientologists have demonstrated themselves to be.
Beyond this level, the upper levels of Scientology were originally designed to
extrovert one from the restrictions and fixated introversions that accompany
living in the physical universe and eventually being able to exteriorize (travel
outside of one’s body). While these objectives were met with either varying
or perhaps limited degrees of success in different individuals, and I want to
be considerate and careful not to minimize what certain people might or did
achieve, the entire process was short circuited. The reason for this is that
there were hidden booby traps that remained unseen. I will touch on this a bit
more later, but there was a second factor which curtailed any further potential
progress in using the upper levels of Scientology. It had to do with a
development that was designed to enhance the identification and vanquishing
of body thetans. It was called New Era Dianetics for OTs (the acronym for
such being NOTS) and was basically the refinement of processes that were
developed and utilized to save Hubbard’s life. Independent of Hubbard, these
procedures were corrupted and the proof is in the pudding. If you take what I
have said here at face value and without being judgmental, it is clear that
body thetans are parasitic on the individual. If you study the history of
Scientology and the level known as NOTS, you will see that every individual
who ever did it had an even bigger parasite connected to it: the Church itself.
It has taken some people ten, twenty or even thirty years to realize that the
only significant parasite inside of them was the Church of Scientology.
Due to all of the knowledge I had acquired in over a decade, I left
Scientology forever in 1983. It was very clear to me that none of this was
going to come to a very good end. I even ran into direct and personal conflict
with one of the facilitators of these incorrect procedures. He ended up in “The
Hole,” a prison that many former Scientology executives have been relegated
to. It consists of two huge trailers that are closed to the outside with prison
bars on the doors and windows. There are indeed consequences for one’s
actions. This person I am referring to did what he did for prestige and money,
severely compromising his integrity in the process.
Besides my own integrity and common sense, another reason I did not fall
prey to any of this nonsense had to do with my own personal discovery of
phenomena that came up in my own auditing experiences. They showed up
on the e-meter, too. I saw that there were similar spirits or thetans within the
structure of the physical universe itself, and these had to be addressed as well.
Scientologists consider that the physical universe is comprised of Matter,
Energy, Space and Time. Consequently, I referred to these as MEST thetans.
I readily recognized these to be similar to the nature spirits said to reside in
inanimate objects in the Shinto religion of Japan. These could be further
broken down into Matter Thetans, Energy Thetans, Space Thetans and Time
Thetans. You are now beginning to get a rough idea of how I stumbled upon
Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, David Anderson and other interesting
characters. There is considerably more to the equation, but I have to be very
simple in this narrative so as not to get lost in what might prove to be a very
intriguing distraction.
If you are so lucky as to be able to clear yourself of all such entities as I have
alluded to, whether they are real or imaginary, you may have peeled off more
of the onion, but you are still in a new predicament. You are not quite like the
flame attracting moths because you can repel the moths and other
determinisms away from you. You are, however, under the influence of the
Demiurge. This not only refers to the agents of creation as stated above but
the resultant creation itself. These spirits/agents have a history and agenda
that is as old as the concepts of heaven and hell themselves. Basic theology
will tell you that a spirit cannot possibly overcome the restrictions of the
MEST or physical universe without any limitations without dealing with the
agents of the Demiurge, jinn or whatever you want to call them. This is
noteworthy with regards to Hubbard’s Scientology schematic because he
always said that Scientology did not intrude upon the Eighth Dynamic which,
in Scientology parlance, refers to the realm of the Creator. In my estimation,
and to put it mildly, this was a rather extreme oversight on his part.
While Hubbard had arguably created a first step towards either a potential
reconciliation with or overcoming of the Demiurge, he certainly ended up
with far less than such. Nevertheless, he was far from clueless with regards to
either the subject or scenario at hand. His early work with Jack Parsons was,
amongst other things, an attempt to emulate the magical work of John Dee
and Edward Kelly who invoked Enochian angels. Dee and his angels claimed
that these angels were, in fact, the same forces or jinn that King Solomon had
worked with. Bringing King Solomon into this paradigm is important because
he is considered noteworthy for having been unique in his ability to
command the jinn as well as to heal. He did this through a secret word, shin,
which has not only been adopted by Freemasonry but is the keystone upon
which all of creation rests. Originally, shin referred to the moon and was used
to name the capital city of Babylon which was known as Shinar, and it is
where we get the word shine. The Hebrews adopted it because their totem,
the wild boar, had teeth that were shaped like a crescent moon. To this day,
shin means “tooth” in Hebrew, but it is also recognized to mean “spirit” or
“change” in esoteric Judaism. In the Age of Pisces, shin was co-opted to
convey the name Yeshua (Jesus) which is actually a transliteration of the
Hebrew letters yod he shin vau he. This concept was utilized by the creators
of Christianity to name the savior or solvent to the predicament of Mankind.
The earlier matriarchal traditions of this planet, however, also utilized this
principle and symbolized it with the pentagram, each point of the star
representing one of the five letters and standing for Fire, Water, Spirit, Earth
and Air. The pentagram is also symbolic of life because virtually all
molecular structures in biochemistry are pentagonal in nature whereas
molecular structures in ordinary (non-life based) chemistry are six-sided.
I was not in a position to quell the shadows that cast their darkness over the
environment I was in during my last days in Scientology. I took what I had
learned and moved forward. Rather than shining a mirror or casting a shadow
on anything, I grounded myself in the business world. Four years later, I
would discover the depths of L. Ron Hubbard’s fascination with Aleister
Crowley and the occult and decided to seriously study these subjects myself.
During these studies, however, I was always attempting to transmute any
negative elements I discovered to a higher level. People who study this work
are usually obsessed to selfishly use whatever they discover to their own
immediate advantage. While this is understandable, it cuts off the elements
and fruits of higher learning. When I read Aleister Crowley’s Book of Thoth,
I realized their was something missing from the Scientology paradigm. I am
referring to positive spiritual entities in and about the universe. Accordingly,
I began to invoke positive entities. I soon realized from my occult studies that
most of this could, would or should have to do with the concept of the
Goddess. It was during this period when the dream of the white bat came to
me. Positive characters, all of whom were in the realm of operating spirits,
began to appear. I have written about them in my many books, but I am quick
to add that their positive qualities are only a part of their entire make-up.
Characters like Preston Nichols and David Anderson have only so much to
offer, and we can neither expect nor depend upon them to explain everything.
In both cases, they have been agents of a positive force which has sought to
help Mankind understand the intricacies of as well as the predicament of
While the runway to get me to Romania was a long and slow wind-up
process, most of my recent research has involved that country. I will recount
how all of that transpired later on; but first, I want to once again emphasize
that shin was the underlying principle at work. I am referring to the reflective
quality of shin when it is meant to represent the moon. This is, once again,
mis en abyme.
When you dream, you are accessing a part of your mind-brain-complex that
is not only tied to your deeper emotions and archetypes but is also tied to
what Jung called the collective unconscious. In other words, all beings share
a common thread of consciousness of the ecosystem that is reflected in the
brain which is acting like an antenna. That is where the equation becomes
extremely interesting to an astute observer. When spirits from various
factions seek to influence various individuals, it is this aforesaid part of the
brain apparatus that is being used in order to make their inroads. Different
individuals attract different spirits from various places.
Dick’s own conclusions, all based upon his rather wild experiences, led him
to equate shin as being representative of the corpus callosum of the human
brain. Scientifically, the corpus callosum is the primary but not exclusive
region of the brain that allows communication and coordination to take place
between the two hemisphere of the brain. Understand that I am not
encouraging you to do what Phil Dick did but rather to grasp the role of shin
as it relates to the integration of opposites. In this case, we are talking about
the two parts of the brain which represent the linear and non-linear aspects of
reality. As far as writing goes, you are simply trying to integrate the creative
portion of your brain with the linear aspect. This is you activating your own
microcosmic orbit. In the bigger scheme, shin represents the path of the Tarot
known as either the Last Judgment or the New Aeon which is where the spirit
of all Mankind reunites with the Creator. It is akin to reconciling the earth
realm with that of heaven. It is mis en abyme all the way. The “Mirror of
God” is now coming into a clearer view if not a full view. In this respect, it is
the Creator finding itself by way of reconciling the shards of the lens that
were separated. Any work of art features divine inspiration, but everything
depends upon how much mirror you can or choose to reflect.
It could be readily argued that the ultimate book would bring everyone back
to the Creator and reconcile all unresolved issues. One can, of course,
consider the Bible and question how that work fits into the equation. Rather
than commenting on the book itself, I would rather you just consider how
people have utilized the Bible to wreak havoc. What they are doing, however,
is holding up a mirror of themselves. The “God” such people seek to unleash
upon the masses is an equal reflection of them. One can also use the Bible in
a positive direction. As the Bible is not foolproof from being misused, so
does it tell us that its authors were far from perfect. The fact that shin does
not manifest itself in the Bible other than in the most hidden context also
suggests something about the nature of the Creator itself. There are aspects
that are hidden or occulted.
These hidden or intangible aspects of shin also fit into the realm of dreams.
Just as dreams are an effort of the organism to reconcile its linear experiences
in life so is shin a principle by which Mankind can reconcile with the Creator.
This correspondence, however, suggests that shin equates to an effort on
one’s part, just as a dream employs effort to reconcile a situation in life. It
should be noted in respect to this that the symbol for shin, long before it ever
became a Hebrew letter, evolved out of the three-pronged trident which is
identified with Poseiden or Neptune. This is an important correspondence
because, in astrology, Neptune is considered to be the ruler of dreams.
To give a little more perspective on the archetype of Neptune and its role in
the realm of dreams, it is also considered to represent the higher octave of
Venus as well as recognized to be the ruler of all spirituality, illusion and
deception. It is very easy to see how this works if you see someone who is
frustrated by Venus. In order to satisfy their longing, they will daydream
about someone as if they are unconsciously or consciously appealing to
Neptune, the ruler of the dream world. The connection between Neptune and
Venus reflects back to the archetypes of Cupid and Psyke which we
examined earlier in Chapter 2. Love, represented by Cupid, and the
individual will, represented by Psyche, are not only bound to each other
archetypally, they represent the essential ingredients of the created world.
The Hindus refer to the created world as maya and it is illusionary. Illusions,
once again, are the realm of Neptune. Nevertheless, the duality inspired story
of Cupid and Psyke was deliberately portrayed through the principle of mis
en abyme in a written fashion that was a story within a story. Whether a
person’s world is delusional or a construct of the reality-based illusion called
maya, it is not an accident that creation revolves around the yin and yang of
relationships. The creation of DNA is a mis en abyme of the prior or older
DNA that precipitated it. All DNA is a mis en abyme of all other DNA with
sex being the engaging or mirroring of two separate mirrors to create a third
It will also help your understanding if you consider that the human mind can
be likened to a time machine. If you imagine yourself walking down Main
Street, the non-linear functions of the brain receive perceptions
indiscriminately and without respect to linear functionality. This means that
time is not necessarily processed with regards to all the perceptions that are
taken in. One readily sees this aspect with hallucinogenic drugs and other
altered states of consciousness, both of which are sometimes cited or utilized
in brain experiments. In this respect, all the stores on Main Street can be
rearranged in any way you might imagine. The linear functions of the brain,
however, provide an index of a time line where most everything makes sense.
There are, however, other indexes that operate without respect to time and
that includes the smells you smell and everything you think, feel, see, hear
and so on. If you do the Dark Room exercises I suggested earlier in this book,
you are opening the door to non-linear perception. The Dark Room is an
unlimited gateway, and it should not be underestimated. How successful you
will be is only restricted by the limitations you yourself impose upon your
own imagination.
Step 0 — Get yourself a dream journal and write down your dreams.
Step 1 — During your regular day to day activity, make a practice of noticing
particular details in the environment. Such details could include anything.
Notice such details at least thirty times a day.
Step 2 — When you become lucid (self-aware that you are dreaming) in a
dream, seek to maintain the lucidity and begin to breathe deeply with long
slow breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Step 3 — As you continue to breathe, do a chi gong exercise. This will help
you maintain your lucid state. If you do not know any chi gong, learn some.
Use a book or the internet.
Step 1 — Every time you see a clock or time piece during the day, ask
yourself the following three questions: 1) What time is it? 2) Is this a dream?
3) Can I fly?
Step 2 — When you become lucid, repeat Step 2 from Dream Exercise 1.
Once again, you are seeking to maintain the lucidity by breathing deeply with
long slow breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Step 3 — As you continue to breathe, do a chi gong exercise. This will help
you maintain your lucid state. If you do not know any chi gong, learn some.
While these exercises will help you, never consider that you should be a slave
to your dreams. They are a window into the past, present, future and also to
other worlds. What you do in life is more dependent upon you than anyone
else or any system. Dreams are a reflection of yourself, your environment,
and the collective unconscious.
When you are dreaming, it is very important to understand that you are
experiencing a stimulation of the visual cortex. Interestingly, there is a visual
cortex on the left side of the brain which receives input from the right and a
visual cortex on the right side which receives input from the left. Essentially,
the visual cortex receives input from the retina. It also, however, receives
input from other sources, particularly when you are dreaming. While I will
not elaborate on that here, you can easily realize what is being alluded to.
If you do such exercises, you will sooner or later encounter phenomena that
is out of the ordinary. If you do this and suddenly find yourself with an
overwhelming need to tell someone about your experiences, you had best
learn how to ground yourself. In Chi Gong, we do a stance referred to as
Equilibrium. One does this by holding one’s arms around a large but
imaginary beach ball. While one is holding this imaginary beach ball, one
also sits on a large imaginary beach ball. The coccyx rests on the top of the
imaginary ball. The knees are slightly bent, and the neck is elongated at the
shoulders. The chin moves back so that the head is directly in alignment with
the spine. One is in effect putting one’s body in what is called natural
alignment. It takes a lot of practice. This stance can be done in five minute
increments for a total of twenty minutes a day (optimal). It grounds one to the
earth and also does wonders for the entire body in terms of circulation as well
as many other “mysterious” processes that will escape the traditional Western
The visual cortex is also the realm of remote viewing, a term which has
created considerable excitement as well as opportunities for unscrupulous
people in the seminar business. It has accordingly acquired a very dubious if
not outright bad name. The field of remote viewing has produced all sorts of
claims and a lot of bragging but very little meaningful tangibility. The armed
services have utilized countless people in this endeavor. Tibetan sects have
also practiced such techniques for millennia. One has to ask oneself: Has the
use of these techniques bettered the world or done otherwise? I will leave you
to be the judge. If remote viewing worked and was being used with good
intent, you would not see all the problems we have in the world.
In any case, remote viewing does stimulate the visual cortex, even when it is
downright wrong. There are, of course, wars being waged to control,
stimulate and steer your visual cortex. There are dream wars, ELF wave wars,
and a host of other technologies designed to limit or otherwise compromise
your own ability to “see.” Ultimately, you are the only one who can shut off
the noise that might get in your way. This is best done via the Dark Room.
Keep in mind that the Chinese word for heart is shin. As shin, the heart is the
ultimate point of integration for your dreams and creative work. If you want
to make your dream come true, put your heart into your dream. Do not be
discouraged if it does not happen overnight. Some things take time and you
have to integrate time into your heart as well. In Chi Gong, anything that is of
value takes time.
Chapter Seven — The Time Reactor
As I said earlier, there were never any particular desires or realistic
expectations on my part to ever visit Romania. The first time it was ever even
considered was when Dr. David Anderson suggested it rather passionately
upon our first meeting. Even so, it was neither a firm invitation nor
something I thought would necessarily take place. He was new to Romania
himself at that point. My main interest in David Anderson at that juncture
was primarily with regard to his time control technology. Even so, it took me
a while before I could consider him too seriously as having any sort of
meaningful role in my life. While it was obvious he was very well connected
in government circles, his technology was seemingly in a stage of infancy. I
say seemingly because the past, present and future are all intricately
connected when you arrive at the more esoteric and fundamental aspects of
time research. Yesterday can soon turn into tomorrow and vice versa. In my
estimation, to make a state- ment of finality about his early research is
At our first meeting, David discussed his time reactor technology. As I have
already discussed this in some depth in other books, I will only give a brief
summary here. At that time period, in 1999, he owned a company called the
Time Travel Research Center located in an industrial park in Hauppauge,
Long Island, New York.
As the time reactor went through its various stages of development, a rather
astonishing side benefit was noticed. The twisting of spacetime results in a
tremendous amount of stored potential energy that is separated by the
different regions of twisted or curved spacetime. This observation is in
alignment with Einstein’s theory of general relativity which predicted that
rotating bodies drag space-time around themselves in a phenomenon known
as frame-dragging. In what amounts to a rough metaphor, imagine the air
swirling around a tornado that displaces dust and air that moves around it. So
does the actual fabric of space- time move when a planet rotates but very
slightly. Although the twisting of spacetime is very small, a huge rotating
body like the earth contains enormous levels of potential energy by reason of
the tension in the fabric of spacetime that is caused by inertial frame-
I have included David’s patent filing for at least a couple of reasons. First, it
substantiates what I have just written about the time reactor; and second, it
was reportedly removed from the U.S. patent rolls. I was not able to find it on
Google Patents. There are also several patents that David has filed, but I do
not have further information upon them.
When one patents technology that is crucial to the defense of the United
States, the Defense Department often establishes a partnership with the
inventor. This is the case with David. Regular procedures do not necessarily
apply. At one point, where the patent application for the time reactor might
still remain, it was filed in the public domain. This was once the subject of a
very mysterious coded post card I once received from David that was sent
from Bethlehem in Palestine. He had been involved in some sort of high level
conference and perceived the eventuality that perhaps he would not survive
and that his inventions might be lost to humanity. As a potential precaution,
he gave me a coded message on where to find them in the public domain.
You can read more about the time reactor in my books and newsletters as
well as David’s latest website which is There is,
however, another reason why I included this data about the time reactor. If
you go back to Chapter One of this book and review the story about the white
bat, you will see that it features a circumstance which is reminiscent of a time
reactor. Of particular note is the disturbance around the boundary layer.
“At this point, a huge bat flew into the room. I could tell without a second
thought that it was Count Dracula himself. He transformed into human shape
and kept the broad wings of his cape extended. The frenetic writhing of the
females now began to pick up in pitch. They began to swim up in the air and
around him like ghosts. They appeared much more vaporized and swam
under him, around him and through his legs. He stood still. His eyes and his
body radiated strong energy. It appeared to be energy that they lived off of.
Shrieking sounds of euphoria replaced the panting of desire.
It is also noteworthy that the female spirit spliced off of the orb on a tangent,
not unlike the tangential factors of the time bubble created by the time
reactor. In certain key respects, my dream was mimicking certain aspects of
the time reactor. This might be a worthy coincidence in and of itself, but it
takes on a deeper significance when you consider that it was David Anderson
who brought me to Romania.
There are, however, other aspects of this scenario in this dream that at first
glance do not appear to have anything to do with the time reactor. I am
referring to the observation that it is Dracula himself that generates the entire
ensemble through his magic; and further, this seems to be part and parcel of
the magnetic attraction he possesses over his brides. While David’s approach
is through science and engineering, Dracula’s approach is through will and
magic, and his sphere is laden with beings. All of this begs us to ask different
questions. Is there a great power or being that is working behind the scenes of
David’s research? Is there a force that is working in concert between the two
of us? Any thoughts you might have on this topic are best noted in your own
journal. There are many different pathways to explore.
For those of you who are familiar with the archetypes of the Cabala, it is
interesting to contemplate where the time reactor or any time machine fits
into the equation of consciousness. If you are not familiar with the Cabala or
its terms, it is an excellent study in archetypes, and I encourage you to do so.
Accordingly, I have written a rather brief primer on it in Appendix A for
those who are new to it.
The most obvious cabalistic identification for the time reactor would seem to
be the pathway known as The Chariot. In The Book of Thoth, The Chariot is
the path of the throne energies (also known as the supernals or upper triad)
beginning their first stage of manifestation. It is essentially the first or primal
efforts of the Creator making a home for itself. For this reason, it is assigned
to Cancer which represents the hearth and is ruled by the moon. This card
also represents the beginning of emotions in the Tree of Life. As the moon
equates to shin, we have the principle of mis en abyme showing itself once
again. This is the “first” reflection of the Creator or Shekinah.
The Charioteer is therefore the driving force of the Shekinah or Divine Will.
He is driving the elements and forcing them or forging them into an existence
by his will which is an expression of divinity. It is especially interesting to
consider that this metaphorical expression would include the paws of the
sphinxes hitting the ground. This, in a sense, is an archetypal representation
of shin as pentacles hitting or touching the ground and forging themselves
through the sepiroth of severity (Geburah) and eventually falling down to the
sepiroth of Hesod, the ruler of which is Mercury, the god of commerce and
hermetic wisdom. The path from Geburah to Hesod is The Hanged Man who
cares nothing about money at all for he is unattached to materiality. From
Hesod/Mercury, these metaphorical coins fall down to the Earth (Malkuth)
via the path card known as The Last Judgmemt or New Aeon which is,
accord- ing to the attributes of the Thoth Tarot, ruled by shin. Pentacles are
depicted as coins with a pentagram on them in the Rider-Waite Tarot, and
they are referred to as coins in the Thoth Tarot. Thus it is that shin is the coin
of the realm. The fact that a coin is double-sided is also not an accident.
One aspect I would like to add to the concept of The Last Judgment is that
people often view this in a questionable if not outright wrong fashion. It is
typical for most people, even if they are not Judaic-Christian, to view the
concept of a Last Judgement as something they have to prepare for in what
will eventually amount to a reconciling of a karmic balance sheet. While it is
highly advisable to remain accountable for one’s actions and to not dismiss
such a notion, the path of The Last Judgment also applies in the past tense. In
other words, you ended up on the earth plane (Malkuth) by reason of the fact
that you were already judged and assigned a place in the world. It is your life
— your movie. The pentacles (coins) you have or do not have are a direct
result of this judgment. I am quick to point out, however, that pentacles are
not just currency in the monetary sense but also currency in the spiritual
sense. Having abundant wealth can be a test for various individual who have
it. What is important is that you have been rendered a life by a higher power,
and it is your task to live it. As this is a highly personal subject, I will not
comment further. Working with the Tree of Life is called path work, and it
will put you right into your element. It is also great for inspiring creativity.
I have discussed these aspects of the Tree as it gives some archetypal insight
into the province of David Anderson and how he fits into the scheme of my
own “movie,” particularly in regards to his facilitating my first trip to
Romania. Before that had happened, however, The Montauk Project had been
published in the Romanian language. As David had a presence in Romania, I
asked the publisher to dedicate the Romanian version to him. Independent of
this request, my publisher had an opportunity to meet David. I eventually
confused the circumstances and incorrectly thought that David had arranged
for the publication of The Montauk Project in Romanian. What had actually
happened was that a man by the name of Sorin Hurmuz was working as an
editor in a Romanian publishing house and was asked by his boss to review
The Montauk Project and to assess whether or not they should publish it.
After reading it, his response was an affirmative yes, but the publisher
declined to take the advice. Sorin then negotiated with me for the Romanian
language rights and created his own publishing company, Daksha Publishing,
with The Montauk Project as his lead-in to the business. Shortly after the
book was published in Romanian, he received an email from Radu Cinamar
who asked him if he would like to publish his work. This was a manuscript
for what is now titled in English as Transylvanian Sunrise. After Sorin agreed
to publish Radu’s book, he had it translated into English and sent it to me to
see if I would publish it in America. Although I found the book interesting, I
could not finish reading it due to other pressing commitments and issues. It
stayed at the bottom of a pile on my desk for four years.
In the meantime, there had been a lot of drama surrounding the Time Travel
Research Center. I will not recount it in this book, but the upshot was that
David had to shut it down in 2003 due to pressures put upon him. He went to
work at Bosch Industries in Rochester, New York and began to work in high
security laser systems which included the most advanced technology in
biosensory devices. Some of his work during this time was in India.
Not long after David moved to Rochester, he called me and asked if I would
take the remaining library and archives of the Time Travel Research Center.
His plans for utilizing these as part of a time travel museum had changed, and
he had no need or place to store these belongings. Accordingly, I went to
Rochester with Preston Nichols and we loaded all of David’s materials into
Preston’s van and moved it to Sky Books. At that meeting, David told me
that he would not be able to work with me again for five years. That was the
last I heard from him except for an occasional post card, and there was at
least one phone call. One post card was from China where he had studied
Tibetan monks and their concepts about time.
Over the years, Radu Cinamar’s manuscript remained at the bottom of my
desk. In 2007, a friend was staying with me and I asked him to read the
manuscript. He loved it and encouraged me to publish it. After finally read-
ing the manuscript, I began negotiations which lasted for several months and
concluded with an agreement in March of 2008. Shortly after that agreement,
and it struck me as a timed response, I received my first email from David in
a long long time. It was now five years later, and he asked if I would like an
all-expenses paid trip to Romania in order to visit Atlantykron and also enjoy
a three day cultural tour of the country. Personally, I was a little flabbergasted
that he was so punctual with regard to the five years.
So it was that, in April of 2008, it was arranged for me to visit Romania at the
end of July. As David arranged my travel personally, we had a few
discussions. Part of these included just personal chatting. In one of these
conversations, I asked if he knew about Radu Cinamar’s work. It took David
a while to realize who I was talking about. After all, Radu is not his real
name. When he did realize who I meant, David specifically stated that he
knew who I was talking about but that he did not want to discuss it on the
phone. This gave me the definite impression that David knew much or at
least something significant about Radu’s writings. So that you understand
what I was anticipating to learn from David and all the excitement that this
prospect generated, I will now give you a brief summary of what Radu
Cinamar’s first book, Transylvanian Sunrise, is about.
Although he did not trust Massini one bit, Cezar knew that, if he resisted this
request, he would soon be replaced in Department Zero. As the Romanian
President and the head of security were the only ones outside of Department
Zero to know of its existence, Cezar realized that Massini must have very
special connections indeed for him to even know who Cezar was.
Accordingly, he felt the smartest thing to do was to play along.
Although this was the most remarkable discovery ever made in the history of
archeology, the politics around the situation became highly strained with the
Romanians, the Americans and the Italian Freemasonry all vying for control.
Despite the extreme political tension, Cezar Brad arranged for Radu Cinamar
to visit the hidden chamber and the projection hall itself in order that he could
write about it. This resulted in the book Transylvanian Sunrise.
Transylvanian Sunrise ends with Radu Cinamar being allowed to have a short
visit to the holographic chamber beneath the Sphinx. At that point, the
chamber had only been under investigation for about a month. While some of
the technology had been figured out, the entire potential of what they had
discovered remained virtually untapped.
Instead of receiving any sort of information of any kind, we were thrown into
very chaotic circumstances that made the trip rather challenging to say the
least. It started with our flight being delayed which resulted in the hotel
cancelling our reservations. We had no place to stay our first night and the
guide for our scheduled cultural tour never showed up due to the mix-ups.
Despite knowing nothing of the Romanian language, however, I was able to
figure out how to ride a local bus from Sinaia to Buşteni and then take the
breathtaking cable car ride to the Romanian Sphinx.
Going to the Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains was most definitely the
highlight of the entire 2008 trip. It is located above the treeline and is
surrounded by spacious views of beautiful mountain scenery. The general
energy of the area was peaceful, and it gave me a sense of forever. The
Sphinx has suffered wind erosion since its formation, allegedly some 50,000
years ago. Although it has no obvious paws, I made my way to the area in
front of the Sphinx which would serve as being between its paws. As is
apropos for a meeting with a sphinx, I asked a question: “What is the
connection between David Anderson and Radu Cinamar?”
When I finally got to Atlantykron,three days after our arrival in Romania,
David was not about to provide any sort of answer. He was under security
silence. I would eventually get out of him that one of his Romanian
colleagues once told him that he met Radu under a different name. David also
told me that he would be going back into the time travel business but that no
news would be officially released until winter.
As the years have gone by and after at least five additional trips to Romania, I
would eventually figure out what the connection is between Radu Cinamar
and the time travel technology of David Anderson. It is the person who is
writing these words: myself. Through the mysterious vehicle of the white bat,
I was being pulled to Romania by forces that were beyond any ordinary
explanation. They first showed themselves in the magical dream that is
relayed in the first chapter of this book. As you will learn later on in this
book, magical forces were working through mysterious channels to
precipitate my arrival at a particular locale in Romania at a future date in
2014. David initiated my presence in Romania by providing the first
invitation and plane ticket in 2008. Radu and his guides provided me with an
intriguing story and a rather exotic paradigm to explore. There have also been
various other people who have helped me and guided me to understand and
explore this utterly remarkable country and some of its most potent esoteric
secrets. It would, however, take a long time and several trips for that
mysterious country to open up and share the secret of the white bat.
Chapter Eight — Archetypes
Whether or not you have heeded my advice to note down your impressions
on paper as you read this book, you are at least noting them in your mind.
The impressions are there whether or not you write them down. Even if you
do not particularly agree with what has been written, the visual cortex and the
creative/intuitive part of your brain is being stimulated. When you write it
down, however, it is a synthesizing process that grounds the experience.
As this book deals with so many elements which are either new or exotic to
most of the reading audience, I would advise you to compare and evaluate the
more novel aspects of what you read with archetypes; in particular, those
which are depicted in the Cabalistic Tree of Life. I have already given a
rather involved example with David Anderson’s time reactor, and this can
serve as an introduction to thinking in such a manner. You might find other
correspondences that I either missed or did not mention.
Let us now evaluate the archetypal nature of what was presented in the last
chapter with regard to the holographic chamber beneath the Romanian
Sphinx. In my estimation, this fits into what is depicted in the Tarot as The
Magician, a path which travels from the throne energies of Kether, ruled by
Pluto, to the structural blueprint room of Binah (ruled by Saturn). Saturn is
also identified as Mother Mary and the blossoming of the Shekinah which
later passes through The Chariot as discussed in Chapter Six.
On the outside, The Magician represents the stage magician, the master of
illusion and deception. Even if you do not accept the loftier ideas presented
by Radu, his story fits into the archetype of The Magician.
The esoteric aspect of The Magician expresses the ability to bridge the gap
between heaven and earth. This was the designed role of the Pharaoh, but it
degenerated considerably over millennia The infinity sign over the
magician’s head symbolizes a divine presence through accessibility of the
infinite mind. This is the same as tapping one’s full potential.
The Magician follows The Fool who has learned just enough about the world
to make himself dangerous. This is an aspirant who thinks of himself as a
powerful force in the world. The Magician guides The Fool out of the cave
and into the light of the sun and is bringing darkness into the light.
Embracing and embodying the doctrine of “as above, so below,” The
Magician teaches that mastery in one realm may bring mastery in another.
While The Magician also symbolizes unification of all planes of existence, he
warns that it is dangerous to apply the lessons from one realm to another.
Above all, The Magician transcends duality as a result of having learned the
fundamental elements of the universe which are represented in the four suits
of the Tarot.
It is for the above reasons that you will see the trace of The Magician on
other pathways of the Tree, only two of which are The Sun and Alchemy
(also known as Art) as well as the cards of the Minor Arcana. When
consulting the Tree, it is always wise to remember that The Magician is at the
inception of the Tree itself and is always present, either as a resource or as an
adverse component.
Learned scholars over millennia have given great warnings to those who
would aspire to reach the divine realm of Kether. One is advised to keep
one’s thoughts pure, display no hardness, always turn one’s ears so that one
should hear good, and to distance one’s eyes from looking at evil. This,
however, should not be misinterpreted to suggest that one should not face up
to evil situations when one is confronted with them in life, particularly when
it is one’s path to face and deal with such. Rather, it is advisable to seek out,
augment, and promote goodness. This dissipates the negative. This is one of
the trickiest aspects of UFOlogy. People think they are uncovering secrets
and “the truth” when they are really leading themselves down a black hole,
all the way encouraged by Q’lipothic entities. This is a technique whereby a
mystery is created so as to attract moths to a flame. There is currently in our
culture an endless marketing of conspiracies and New Age mysteries. While
it is not impossible for these to be benign or instructive, it is mostly an
endless game that leads nowhere. In the case of UFOlogy and abductions, it
perpetuates a mind-set that is degenerative without any redeemable or
transmutative experiences. The answer is to reach above the foray and aspire
to the consciousness of infinity, or what we call the infinite mind in Chi
Gong. From this perspective, you can forge your own magic wand and go
about the business of creating your life in the image you would choose.
Anyone can reach outward or inward and make contact with the most divine
aspects of their own soul. For some, it can be a fountain of miraculous and
inexhaustible energy that emanates through them. For others, it might be a
more subtle inspiration that one chooses to bring to mind whenever one
chooses. However it manifests for an individual, this is the realm of the
magician and you should recognize it in yourself. There are many names for
it and some, correctly or incorrectly, would be identified as the Lord, Jesus,
Kundalini, the Divine Ray, or a host of other names. Many people are
inspired for many different reasons and through many different systems of
interpretation. Such experiences, however, are not unique to any particular
spiritual system.
Earlier, I made a suggestion that one should not be too enthusiastic about
sharing one’s greater enlightenments with others. I am reiterating this now.
The more enlightenment you experience, the less others around you are able
to understand. Even a so-called “supportive” spiritual group can come down
on you when you make a big breakthrough. A true breakthrough does not
require a validation by another human. There are some who might understand
and who might even give you further insights, but do not expect this as a
general rule. The more you can be your own judge and jury, at least with
regard to the internal aspects of your own psychology, the better off you will
be. This is, of course, providing that you are not creating a cacophony of
chaos to those in your environment. Discretion is always a good idea.
Working with archetypes is not only fun, it can be very instructive with
regard to situations and the general drama of your own life. When we take on
more grandiose circumstances, such as the tales of Radu Cinamar, archetypes
give us invaluable insight, particularly in regards to not going off of the deep
Chapter Nine — Sacred Journey
Although my cultural tour on my first trip to Romania was short-circuited, I
was introduced to some key features of the Romanian culture. This occurred
at Atlantykron where I met different professors and other key people who
were kind enough to teach me about their ancient heritage.
Throughout history, Romanian culture and history has been very poorly
understood. Sometimes, this has been a deliberate attempt by those who have
a vested interested in restricting knowledge for political reasons. There are
many different names for the ancient people who occupied the land that is
now called Romania. These include but are not limited to the Dacians,
Dracians, Thracians, proto-Thracians, Gettae, Goths, Scythians, and
Hyperboreans. The most exalted god of the ancient Dacians, at least in terms
of popularity, was Zalmoxis. When the Greek historian, Herodotus, visited
the Scythians, he learned about Zalmoxis and was told that he had been a
disciple of Pythagoras who had transformed himself into a god. Quite
correctly, Herodotus concluded that the relationship between Zalmoxis and
Pythagoras might have been the other way around. Pythagoras learned his
esoteric knowledge in Egypt who learned it from Zalmoxis. This is an ancient
tradition that goes back at least to the Age of Gemini (8,000-6,000 B.C.) as
Gemini is the hidden esoteric name or synonym for Zalmoxis. In the Tree of
Life schematic, Zalmoxis fits very nicely into the path known as The Lovers,
sometimes also referred to as the Twins or Gemini.
If you look at the swastika on the right (at the bottom of the previous page),
you will see that it can be construed as 666. Specifically, when the swastika
is turned around and whorled (“whorl” is one of the meanings of swastika) or
whirled, it reveals “6” as it moves from one position to another. 666 refers to
our carbon-based material universe for the simple reason that the carbon atom
has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons.
When we go back to the swastika on the left, we can see that it can be
construed to represent two numeral “2’s” or the number 22, a master number
in numerology. 22 represents the life path of a “master builder.” This is not
only a Masonic reference, but 22 is highlighted by the fact that the Tarot
features 22 major arcana which are the pathways connecting the sephiroth (or
spheres) of the Tree of Life.
While the swastika represents 22, we can also see the numeral 5 in its
construction (on the right) along with the 6 already referred to. 5+6 represent
11 (designated as the number of Abrahadabra by Aleister Crowley) or the
hexagram over the pentagram (see The Montauk Book of the Living for a
detailed diagram) which reveals the pattern of the Cabalistic Tree of Life
which, when turned or twisted, represents the mobius strip of DNA. Two of
these strands equals 11 + 11 or 22. These two strands of DNA represent, once
again, Gemini, which means germinate.
Although I have shared much with you, I did not learn so much about
Zalmoxis during my first journey to Atlantykron. At that time, all I
understood was that he was the patron deity of the Dacians and was said to
have transformed into a god after retreating to the Inner Earth via a cave and
emerging four years later. To understand the Romanian culture, however, I
was told I would have to understand Zalmoxis and the religious capital of
ancient Dacia in what is now known as Transylvania: Sarmizegetusa.
Nicole and I also met with other people who gave us further information and
tips about Sarmizegetusa. Besides being told that it was a sacred journey, we
were told that fifty percent of the experience is in the journey itself. Most
importantly, we were told by two important esoteric sources that one should
spend three days at Sarmizegetusa in order to have the full experience.
Unfortunately, this last bit of news came too late for us to change our
As Cristina shared her personal knowledge with me, we were joined in our
conversation by Bica Marinik, a very special man and professor who was the
resident astronomer of Atlantykron. An expert on the archeology of
Sarmizegetusa, he had lectured on it a few nights earlier. As his lecture was
in Romanian, I was unable to retain any of it. In the bus, however, he spoke
extensively about the area to me and particularly about the ancient history of
the Dacians. Although he speaks decent English, he chose to speak in his
native Romanian and have Cristina translate his words into English. Bica was
always generous with his knowledge and was very popular with the students.
As his life came to a dramatic end in conjunction with my third sacred
journey to Sarmizegetusa in 2013, I have chosen to dedicate this book to him.
I will explain that later on in the book, but it turned out to be more than a
little ironic that he was positioned as a gatekeeper on my first sacred journey.
When Nicole finally returned to the bus and everyone was aboard, we took
the short bus ride to Cernavoda. Once there, we had to wait some six hours
before the train to Bucharest would arrive. This exhaustive waiting was only
the first challenge on our journey. Remember, we were told that half of the
experience is in the journey itself. As Nicole did not have the foresight to buy
our tickets early so that we would not have to change seats, we had many
more adventures. This included changing trains in the middle of the night,
jumping from the train itself onto huge chunks of gravel and running to the
next platform before the next train would leave. This included carrying
sizable luggage in relative if not pure darkness.
With only a couple hours of sleep for myself, we finally reached our first
destination in Orăștie, a city in Hunedoara County. Located in southwestern
Transylvania, Orăștie is within an hour of Sarmizegetusa. Nicole had
arranged for us to stay in the local monastery of the Old Orthodox Church. It
was here where I experienced a rather remarkable synchronicity. After we
had settled in and slept, a monk was showing us the grounds and vegetable
garden. He explained that the first stone for this monastery had been laid on
the day of a solar eclipse, August 11, 1999. I was amazed because I knew
very well that this was the day that Dr. David Anderson had walked into my
life in order to attend a Montauk Night lecture on Long Island. The August
11 date not only fits precisely into the time period of the annual biorhythm
upon which the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project were based
(which is August 10th through the 14th), August 11, 2009 was the actual day
we would travel and explore Sarmizegetusa. If you break down the
numerology of August 11, 2009, it equates to 8-11-2009 or 8-11-11. This can
be readily interpreted as 8 equating to infinity with 11-11 representing the
two mobius strips of DNA. 11-11, of course, also equates to 22, the number
of Zalmoxis or Gemini as discussed above. There are also 22 letters in the
original Hebrew alphabet which have been chosen to designate the 22
pathways of the Tarot.
If this sacred journey I was taking was indeed to the spiritual home of
Zalmoxis, Sarmizegetusa, there was no question that all of my cumulative
adventures of synchronicity had led me to this ancient locale. As time would
tell, there was more mystery here for me to explore than I could easily
imagine, but it would choose to unveil itself over a period of years.
The only other part of the journey I will mention is a lucid dream I had while
I slept during the early morning of August 12, 2008. In the dream, I was
completely outside of my body. There was a bright blue sky and I could look
over the entirety of Romania. Suddenly, I saw ominous black helicopters
approaching a tall edifice which represented the central government or a
similarly related institution. There was a huge dark cloud over this building
that clearly represented a very dark cloud over Romania. These were not my
conclusions, but it is simply how the information was presented to me in the
dream. It was extremely dramatic and spoke of the truth. At least that was the
context I was given. While experiencing the great freedom of an out-of-body
experience, I was suddenly confronted with the opposite: mind control
operations and worse in the archetypal form of a black helicopter. In the same
vein, a flash of truth went through my mind that told me I was not connected
to this dark cloud in any way. In other words, there was no danger. The
cloud, however, was still a part of the landscape.
After a day-long but pleasant train ride back to Bucharest, I flew home the
following day. I would await a meeting with David Anderson that was
supposed to take place some two months later. He was very happy with my
participation at Atlantykron and hoped I would continue in the future.
Chapter Ten — The Muse
Everything that a writer writes stems from his or her muse. This statement is
true whether we are writing fiction or non-fiction. While one could write a
whole book on the subject of the muse, I will keep it as simple and practical
as possible. What follows is the etymology and definition of the word muse. I
have put the important part of the etymology in bold type.
The Muses (Ancient Greek: Μοῦσαι, moũsai: perhaps from the o-grade* of
the Proto-Indo-European root men- “think”) in Greek mythology, poetry and
literature, are the goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the
arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for
centuries in the ancient culture that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths.
[ * The term zero grade is from linguistics and refers to vowel alteration that
is used for different words. When different forms of a word root or word
elements appear with a vowel (as in sing, sang, sung, song), it is called full
grade. When no vowel is used, it is called zero grade.]
The key to utilizing this definition of muse is the root men being equated to
“think.” Let us now take a quick look at the etymology of the word think.
Again, I have put the important part of the etymology in bold type.
think (v.) Old English þencan “conceive in the mind, think, consider, intend”
(past tense þohte, p.p. geþoht), probably originally “cause to appear to
oneself,” from Proto-Germanic thankjan (cf. Old Frisian thinka, Old Saxon
thenkian, Old High German denchen, German denken, Old Norse þekkja,
Gothic þagkjan); Old English þencan is the causative form of the distinct Old
English verb þyncan “to seem or appear” (past tense þuhte, past participle
geþuht), from Proto-Germanic thunkjan (cf. German dünken, däuchte). Both
are from PIE tong- “to think, feel” which also is the root of thought and
thank. The two meanings converged in Middle English and þyncan “to seem”
was absorbed, except for archaic methinks “it seems to me.” Jocular past
participle thunk (not historical, but by analogy of drink, sink, etc.) is recorded
from 1876.
When we reduce the idea of the muse to simply thinking or causing to appear
to oneself, we have to look no further than the concept of the barber shop
mirror effect that we call mis en abyme. It is simply a reflection of what you
are perceiving. This is what the Dark Room exercise I previously gave to you
is all about. It will put you in touch with your muse and stimulate it as will
most every suggestion I have thus far given you in this book.
Step 1 — Put your attention on the primordial mind. This is the exact spot on
your head near the cowlick of your hair except that it is in the center of the
head. Another way of describing it is in the exact center of where a Jewish
person would wear a yarmulke.
Step 2 — Once you have your attention fully on your primordial mind, now
move it slowly to the frontal lobe or the area which is sometimes called the
Third Eye. As you move your attention, notice where your mind goes. Pay
attention to your thinking processes.
Step 3 — When you are in the frontal lobe, now go back to the primordial
mind and pay attention once again to where your mind goes, paying attention
to your thinking processes.
Step 4 — Repeat this fifty times daily. Never stop for the rest of your life.
This exercise might seem innocuous at first glance. It is, however, extremely
powerful. There is far too little written about the primordial mind, but it is a
stronger and more primal part of you that is not complicated. The frontal lobe
or processor is filled with all sorts of figure-figure and is where complex
equations or thinking is accomplished. Both have their uses, and going back
and forth will give you the best of both worlds. If you ever have occasion to
muscle-test yourself, you will find that you are much stronger when your
attention is on your primordial mind. Most importantly, this will also put you
in touch with your own muse. Done in conjunction with the Dark Room
exercise, you will have even more access to your muse.
The whole idea of moving your attention from one part of the brain to
another will increase your alertness and also make you smarter as you will be
paying far more attention to what you are thinking as well as the way you are
thinking. There are no limits to this exercise and it can be expanded upon. If
you wish, you can follow up on this angle of the primordial mind by reading
about primordial essence in the Tibetan Bön tradition where Dzogchen is
referred to as the primordial state or natural condition. One seeks
enlightenment through accessing this primordial state. Dzogchen is one’s
ultimate nature and is pure and all-compassing primordial clarity. It is
timeless. In Dzogchen, one’s nature is viewed as a mirror which reflects with
complete openness but is not effected by the reflections, not unlike a crystal
ball. When one actualizes this mirror-like clarity, one achieves rigpa or
knowledge. Once again, we have the principle of mis en abyme. A primordial
freedom comes from grasping one’s mind. The opposite is ignorance.
The main idea here is for you to access your primordial mind in order to
stimulate your muse. You can read all about it if you want, but you must
exercise it in practice. In ancient Greece, there was the Valley of the Muses.
It featured activities and competitions to promote the muse, but the most
important aspect was that of creating a sacred space. Every writer or artist
best writes from a sacred space. The word sacred refers to that which is holy,
pure and is integrated or “whole.” You can contour this concept any way you
want, but there is really nothing more pure and unadulterated than the Dark
Room itself and the essence of your own unadulterated reflection. One can
also cultivate the Inner Smile and have it radiate outwards as you smile into
all your conflicts and problems. As you write, keep an energetic connection
to your own sacred space. It is also important to note at this juncture that it is
the heart that integrates the higher functions of the mind with the worldly
aspects of existence.
Before I leave you to cultivate your connection to your own muse, I would
like to point out that the ancients viewed the poetic voice as kingship. In
other words, only the king would have enough breadth of vision to write a
poem that would be worthy of describing the cosmic paradigm that everyone
lived by. There were even competitions for such. He who could see or grasp
the situation the best would be the most worthy to rule. This is how the
Mystery Schools such as the Eleusinian Mysteries originated. It began with
people explaining and dramatizing various metaphors for existence.
The problem with such a contest as vying for kingship through writing has
everything to do with game theory as offered by Dr. John von Neumann.
Applying game theory to such intractable subjects as the weather and the
stock market, von Neuman indicated that the only thing you can reliably
count on in any game is that someone is going to cheat. When you apply this
concept to religion, you see that there are certain texts that are revered
beyond all others. While some of these may or may not make reasonably
decent attempts to explain the cosmic paradigm, you will definitely find that
many of them have been reinforced with mental manipulation or threat of
violence. This is, in effect, the same as cheating. In other words, they are not
good enough to stand on their own. Whether or not such texts have merit or
not is really beside the point. In its own way, life will use its own processes
to write and rewrite its experience in seeking to explain the cosmic paradigm.
This is why so many ancient texts, some of them being discovered only
recently, are being reexamined and reinterpreted.
This should be your impetus as you do your own writing. By that, I mean that
you should look at who you are and what you either reflect or represent by
looking into the magic mirror or mis en abyme of your own soul. What you
thought in the past or what you think today is certainly subject to
modification and rewriting at any given moment in the future, but it is you
who will choose it. If society at large is rewriting their own history, there is
no reason why you cannot rewrite your own history or at least the paradigm
by which you live by, if only towards your own advantage.
Before you read further, I would first invite you to note down your thoughts
and also pay some attention to your own muse. Listen to what it tells you. If
you are lucky, it will be talking up a storm by now. Even so, one can make
the most progress by qualifying and refining what you hear. That is what
quiet time and the Dark Room are for. Silence is golden.
This was the first opportunity I had to show David the video footage I had
taken at Atlantykron as well as Sarmizegetusa. He was very interested.
Additionally, I had him listen to the audio CD from Radu Cinamar.
Afterwards, he said that he was impressed at how much Radu had trusted me.
He also told me the story of how he had tried to go to bat for me with the
Romanian government and get me an audience with Radu. In the end, they all
referred him back to Sorin Hurmuz, my Romanian publisher who had
personally hand delivered the audio CD to me. From this meeting, I soon
concluded that David had never met Radu. Eventually, however, I realized
that if David was privy to any of the secrets about the Bucegi Mountains that
it might be at a higher level of command channels than Radu operated on, at
least at that time. I wondered if David possibly knew the lama, Repa Sundhi.
My e-mail requests to David on this point have remained unanswered.
The most exciting aspect of the meeting with David was when he said that he
would publicly release the information that he had lectured and shared with
me at Atlantykron that year. In addition to that, he told me that he would soon
be releasing other information, all of which you already have been exposed to
in Chapter Seven (with regard to the time reactor). That winter, David
revealed further information about the time reactor, including the fact that it
had now been developed to the point where humans could be placed within
the self-contained field and thereby experience either the slowing down or
speeding up of time. To those in the field, however, the experience would
seem like a normal passing of time. It would only appear to be speeded up or
slowed down to those on the outside. Besides commenting that India was the
most advanced country in time technology, there was also a discussion of
something called a Time Tremor Detector. His research into time alteration
was such that he had developed instrumentation that would detect when
someone was engaging in experiments that manipulate time. This evolved
into a device called a TTD or Time Tremor Detector. While all of his
developments are very interesting, what I know of them has already been
discussed in other books and the Montauk Pulse. This was a very interesting
time with many new revelations from David, many of them conveyed in radio
broadcasts with myself as well as with others.
While all of this was going on, there was another development taking place.
An event was being planned for the Montauk Medicine Man, Artie Crippen,
also known as Red Medicine, to return to Montauk for the first time in thirty
years. The whole effort attracted a lot of challenges and problems. This
included various people attacking the event as well as the potential venues for
the event.
A short time before the event, I had a dream where I found myself walking
through the balcony or mezzanine level of a hotel looking for David
Anderson. I soon saw a well-dressed woman who said she was his wife, but
she walked away to take care of her own business. I then looked down to the
lobby and saw a man who said David would arrive soon. This man said his
name was Sully. I then turned around and walked over to a table at a
restaurant on the mezzanine level and had breakfast with David Anderson
and one other.
Soon after this dream, I received an e-mail from David indicating that he
would be coming to New York soon and would like to have a face-to-face
meeting with me. Asking how I would like to arrange this, I told him that I
would be occupied at Montauk but that he was more than welcome to come.
David warmed to this idea but had a question. He wanted to know if it was
suitable for him to make a presentation to the group. Everyone, including
myself, was amenable to this development. It was a complete surprise, and no
one knew what to expect. I decided, however, to keep his appearance at the
event a secret. Although it would boost attendance considerably, I knew that
it could attract and bring out some of the lower characteristics of humanity.
Besides those who had already signed up for the event, only close friends
were invited but most of them could not make it.
In some strange way, or perhaps it was not so strange, the Medicine Man’s
presence was synchronously tied to David Anderson giving his first public
viewing of the time reactor. The whole weekend event was rather enigmatic
with elemental overtones. Although some people had flown in, the weather
was absolutely foul on Friday evening. The wind and sea were blowing
harshly. There were only about six or seven people, and I was the only
presenter there. All I could do was give them a summary of how we had all
gotten here by reason of my various investigations along with a promise to
deliver a surprise the very next evening. At the end of the evening, I revealed
that the surprise was to be a presentation from David. It was very exciting.
The next day, April 10th, was filled with energy, events and all sorts of
different people arriving from different places, two of which were David
Anderson and the Medicine Man. Synchronicity had smiled upon our
gathering. The evening event, which featured David, turned out to be the
climax of the entire weekend. He showed us a video of an early version of the
time reactor. Inside the time-warp field of the time reactor was a tightly-
closed bud of an amaryllis plant. Horticulturists ordinarily project a four-day
window for such a plant to bloom fully. During this video presentation, it
bloomed in under 3 minutes. David also mentioned that they were able to
“reverse” its stage of blooming — to regress it back almost into a bud again
— however, the field became unstable at one late point in the regression, and
it was exposed to high-level gamma rays which destroyed the plant life.
Although we did not see the regression, David said they had remedied the
unstable boundary field. It should also be mentioned that there was a
professional photographer in attendance whom I know, and he commented
that what we saw could not possibly have been “time-lapse” photography due
to the saturation of colors that was displayed in the video. Keep in mind that
this particular video is several generations behind the more advanced work
that has been going on in recent years. As David has said many times, the
Government is always ten to fifteen years ahead of what it informs the public
It was a breathtaking event. David also indulged the audience by taking all of
their questions afterwards. This was a very rare opportunity for people to
Q&A with David, and it all came courtesy of the Medicine Man’s return to
Montauk. This last point should not be underestimated. The chances of the
Medicine Man and David Anderson coming to Montauk by themselves were
not good at all. That they should show up at the same time during a
presentation of time control technology is all the more significant.
At some point during the evening, I had asked David what it was he had
originally wanted to talk to me about. He said that he would like to do that
the following morning, after which he would return to Rochester. So, I took
him to breakfast the next morning at the health food store in Montauk. When
he told me why he had wanted a face-to-face meeting, I was kind of taken
aback. All he wanted to know about was what I would like to present at
Atlantykron that summer. I say I was taken aback because it was not at all
necessary to have a face-to-face meeting over this subject. Although I had no
idea that it was happening at the time, our conversation was taking a very
magical turn which would unfold in its own time over the next several years.
Responding to David, I told him that I was rather tired of hearing myself talk
about the same old subjects. This not only includes the Montauk Project but
the events in Transylvania Sunrise as well. While I do find the subjects of
great interest, there is a certain saturation point when you keep talking about
them to different audiences who do not have the same familiarity. I then told
David about an event that had occurred at Atlantykron the previous summer.
I had woken up from a nap in the middle of the afternoon. As I emerged from
my cabin door, I saw two students sitting at a table and writing. When I asked
what they were doing, they told me they were writing a movie script but were
having some difficulties. I sat down and helped them resolve their
difficulties. Later in the day, I saw them again and they asked me to be in
their movie. Personally, this was the last thing in the world I wanted to do. As
they were students, however, and I was there to help them, I agreed.
I did not think about it at the time, but as soon as I arrived home, I was under
the influence of a magical current that dovetailed precisely with the recent
events at Montauk. This had to do with my friend, Tantra Bensko, who had
accompanied me on my first trip to Romania. Tantra, who had also visited
Montauk with me prior to our trip to Romania, was sending me carbon copies
of an e-mail correspondence she was having with Eve Lorgen, the author of
Love Bites and The Dark Side of Cupid. This correspondence concerned
Transylvania Colony, an area designated by many of the Founding Fathers of
the United States which was proposed to be the fourteenth colony of the
United States. Although I probably learned about this in school, I had no
recollection of Transylvania Colony and was very intrigued by how that
name had been acquired. The history of Transylvania Colony is as follows.
I wondered if the area where these Blue Fugates were from was the same part
of Kentucky that was part of the Transylvania Purchase. Sure enough, I found
that the Blue People of Kentucky were located right in the heart of what was
once referred to as the Transylvania Purchase. I also learned on the internet
that a native by the name of Blue Otter stated that, according to his people,
there was once an ancient race of Blue People who lived underground. It
should be noted that Kentucky is studded with some of the most extensive
and beautiful caves in the world. They were so special that Aleister Crowley
himself made mention of these caves in his autobiography and went out of his
way to visit them.
Contemplating these facts, I learned that there was another extreme element
of synchronicity at play. The woman who was the event coordinator for our
recent event at Montauk just happened to be from Kentucky. When I called
her to tell her about the Blue people of Kentucky being connected to the
Fourteenth Colony, she informed me that she was moving back to Kentucky
that very week. Ironically, her father’s land was right in the middle of this
“Blue Blood Country” although she knew nothing about this until I informed
her of it. She soon found that there were artifacts on the property of an
ancient civilization and that some rogue archeologists had been removing
them. I also contacted my friend Mary Sutherland who told me an earful.
Mary has a whole thread on the Blue People of Kentucky on her website and
she has also visited the area. There is even a picture of her with a very large
pre-Columbian statue of a Caucasian head who is referred to as the “Serpent
Prince” and is recognized as either Sumerian or pre-Sumerian. She has said
that there are a multitude of artifacts in plain sight but that only the locals
know where they are and they are not that friendly with outsiders. She
subsequently introduced me to Rick Osman by teleconference who is
preparing an extensive video documentary on the pre-Columbian settlements
of Prince Madoc. He has witnessed all of the old fortifications which are
plainly in sight and were erected on previous fortifications from even more
ancient times.
All of this is fascinating in and of itself, but it still does not explain how the
name Transylvania came into play. Despite extensive searches, I have found
no logical etymology and only a few admitted speculations. Transylvania is
most often said to mean “across the woods” or “beyond the woods.” The
Hungarians, who once occupied Transylvania, called it Erdély which was
derived from Erdő-elve, meaning “beyond the forest”). Erdő means
“mountain deep forest” with the elve suffix being a derivative of the older
form elü (meaning beyond). What I would point out in all of this is how it
might have transmogrified into the English word elf.
Following this thread further, I looked to see if there was any common
denominator between the Transylvania Colony in Kentucky and the region in
Europe that we know as Transylvania. This led to a rather astonishing
discovery about St. Germain (Rákóczi is his real family name), the famous
Prince of Transylvania. According to Manly P. Hall’s Secret Destiny of
America, St. Germain was present in America during that time period and
instigated the Declaration of Independence as well as the American
Revolutionary War itself. Hall also asserts that St. Germain was a
reincarnation of Francis Bacon, the author of The New Atlantis (as well as
Shakespeare’s plays) which positions America as the new Atlantis. Bacon
and St. Germain were both Rosicrucians.
What you have just read is what I was able to find out about the namesake of
the Transylvania Colony. Besides the converging tangents just mentioned, it
is also important to note that I have written rather extensively, albeit on a
separate research line than mentioned here, on the Blue Race. This
information is mentioned in The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan
Connection which focuses on the blue-skinned gods of the Egyptians and
Tibetans; and The Montauk Book of the Living which focuses on the Amazigh
Berbers and Taureg of North Africa and their ties to Queen Antinea, an Rh-
negative blue queen of the Amazons whose ancestry has been historically
traced to islands in the Atlantic identified with Atlantis. The Montauk Book of
the Living also features the first plausible scientific theory of
parthenogenesis, meaning a virgin birth, in humans. The name Antinea was
transmogrified by the Greeks into Athena, and she was recognized as a virgin
goddess with the Parthenon, a word which symbolizes parthenogenesis, being
erected in her honor.
After my conversation with David Anderson, I had agreed to write some sort
of script so that the students could make a movie. There was no agenda on
my part nor even any clear idea of what we should do. The research thread
you have just read, however, made it a no-brainer. My muse was telling me to
integrate the theme of the Blue People of Transylvania Colony in Kentucky
with those of Transylvania in modern day Romania. As David Anderson had
helped precipitate all of this, I decided to throw his time travel technology
into the mix as well. Besides that, I would draw upon the local geography as
there was no budget for much else.
There was one other aspect which inspired the story you are about to read
(which was to be put into a film). It has to do with two of my dear Romanian
friends that both made very distinct impressions upon me. One was Stefan, a
man from Brasov who lives in Rome, Italy. When I first met him, Stefan had
very long hair and a substantial beard that I thought made him look like the
Russian mystic Rasputin. I voiced this when I first met him, and it generated
a lot of laughter. When I video-taped him, Stefan would even act like
Rasputin for me in certain respects, happily expressing certain aspects of the
lower chakras. Others and myself found it quite amusing, and although he
was clearly clowning for us, it fit with his personality. The other Romanian
friend that inspired me had an opposite character. Her name is Cristina Jalba,
and she approached me after hearing a lecture that I had done with David
Anderson. She had read The Montauk Project in the Romanian language and
was also interested in Chi Gong. We became friends, but I was very struck by
the fact that she looked like an elf. To me, she looked so much like an elf that
I even video-taped her pretending to be an elf. She enjoyed the idea; and
because there are so many Cristinas on the island, I started referring to her as
Cristina the Elf so as to distinguish her from the other Cristinas. As I found
Cristina and Stefan to be rather opposite in nature, I wanted to write the
movie treatment around both of them. Accordingly, my muse told me to write
this story about a magical island where vampires and elves, both of whom
had evolved from the ancient Blue Race, would find themselves in a dramatic
conflict. The conflict would come into view by a descendant of Rasputin
whose ancestors had migrated to Kentucky but would find his way back to
his Romanian homeland.
What you are about to read, My Kentucky Cousin, is the script that I put
together to do the promised movie. Shooting the movie was quite an
experience on the mundane level, but nothing about the experience was
ultimately very mundane. Most importantly, my entire education and
experiences with regard to seemingly diverse threads were synthesizing
through the creative process. David Anderson, in some mysterious way, was
serving as the catalyst for this synthesis to take place. What is even more
significant is that this catalyzing process was serving a more exalted agenda
that was being fostered by characters, embedded into the mythos of
Transylvania itself, that I had not even encountered yet. You might say that
the white bat itself was flying over me and steering me in a specific direction.
Chapter Twelve — My Kentucky Cousin
(she smiles at him seductively.)
(reciprocating her greeting)
“Hello......Who are you?..... Do you speak English?”
Yes...and my name is Xina. Welcome to Romania.
Thank you. Maybe you can help me. I am a student of archeology
and have come all the way from America, from Kentucky.”
You look Romanian.
Yes, that is why I am here. I come from Transylvania
University in Kentucky where I study archeology. My family
has ancient roots in this country.
I can see that in your eyes.
(looking very serious)
I come from a large but poor family. We suffer from rare
blood diseases, all of them related to an inability to properly
process copper. My family has saved their money to put me
through school and to come here and find some answers.
My uncle can help you. He is a professor and
he knows about these things. Come with me.
Xina makes a dramatic motion with her cape and they walk off together.
(Speaking inappropriately, not the way you would speak to a guest)
You look like Rasputin!
My family tells me I am related to him.
How so?
My great grandfather was a bastard son of Rasputin.
His mother knew him in Russia and she escaped
during the Russian Revolution and she eventually came to
America and married into the Blue People of Kentucky.
Ah.....(he says showing recognition)....
the Blue People of Kentucky. Rh negative.
You have heard of us?
Yes, I have studied about strange biology.
What do you know?
They suffer from different diseases such as methemoglobinemia,
porphyria and Wilson’s Disease, all having to do
with the biochemistry of copper in the blood.
Vampires are shown outside who begin to get curious and eavesdrop on the
conversation between Flavio and Gregori. They are trying to listen in by
whichever way they can.
Yes! This is what I want to discover.
Why do we suffer from such diseases. Is there a cure?
Yes, these are very curious questions.
Yes, and there is also a strange history.
What else can you tell me about the history of my people?
It will help if you first tell me what you know already. And why
do you come to Romania to get these questions answered?
Because there is a high incidence of these blue-blood or copper-
related diseases in Kentucky, I studied the history of the area and
I found out that most of Kentucky was part of what was called the
Transylvania Purchase of 1775. American frontiersman, Daniel
Boone, was hired to help negotiate this purchase from the Cherokee
Indians and he also helped settle the territory. It was supposed to be
turned into the 14th Colony in America and was to be called Transyl-
vania Colony, but it was overruled. But this is why I come to Romania.
The history books do not give me an adequate reason as to why this
colony was called Transylvania. There must be a connection to your country.
Yes, it would seem so.
There is also a peculiar coincidence at work in this equation.
What is that?
The Transylvania Purchase was revoked by North Carolina and Virginia
because they claimed the territory for themselves, but they were only able
to overrule it because King George III had a rule against purchasing lands
from Indians. This is ironic because King George III suffered from porphyria,
a blue-bloods’ disease. This is a common disease in blue-blood royalty and
there is a huge case study on King George who was a descendant of Mary
Queen of Scots whose ancestry was traced back to Transylvania. This is why
I am find some answers to this mysterious legacy and to get help
for my family.
Yes, I agree that this is very curious.
In America, those to whom I have spoken to always suggest that
these diseases might have something to do with shape-shifting,
particularly when I mention the connection to Transylvania, such
as in the story of Dracula.
(Show vampires eaves-dropping again.)
(becoming angry)
Stop! Do not talk of Dracula!
He was the prince of Wallachia, not Transylvania.
Yes, but he was born in Transylvania.
But that is only because his father was under house arrest.
He spoke a different language and that was Romanian.
There is too much nonsense from Hollywood movies. He was
not a shape-shifter nor a vampire. He was a stern ruler who
used cruelty to enforce his rules.
OK, but I still want to know why our land in Kentucky
was called Transylvania. Do you know?
The connection is through St. Germain. He was a prince of
Transylvania who was present in your country in 1775 and
he instigated the American Revolution. He presided over
the Declaration of Independence.
How do you know this?
I read it in a book.
What else do you know? Can you help me?
He was a Rosicrucian as was Benjamin Franklin. They would
have known about the Blue Bloods of Kentucky because King Arthur
visited there also. The Blue People lived underground in caves. They
fit it into the mystery of the Holy Grail. That is why King Arthur went there.
I am talking about the real King Arthur and his brother, Prince Madoc.
Yes, there are many deep caves in Kentucky. But what is
this about the Holy Grail? I have not heard this before?
I cannot tell you any further because this is a bigger
secret than I am able to share or even fully know.
(Show vampires eaves-dropping again.)
But what I can do? Where can I go to understand this?
Although I cannot help you any further, I can send
you to a secret society who meets once a year.
A secret society? The Rosicrucians?
No....more secret than that. My niece Xina can give you directions
and take you part of the way, but first you will need a secret code to gain
It is a secret, but I will place the code on your palm. It is just
a number, but is also the secret number of the Illuminati.
(Flavio then writes the number “23” on the palm of Gregori)
Now go. See Xina and she will take you to a secret island
where this secret society will meet and teach you about
rare blood and other questions you might have.
When Gregori leaves the room with Flavio, Xina sticks her head in the door,
revealing vampire fangs. Camera shows Flavio then revealing his own
vampire fangs as they both laugh in a mad/frenetic sort of way. Xina then
(without fangs) takes Gregori outside. She then runs ahead of him, moving
ahead on the path and gesticulating in a provocative and seductive manner so
as to encourage him to follow. It is mostly inappropriate because Gregori is
on a mission and has a firm purpose. He moves ahead stoically as if not to
pay her too much attention.
Scene #3: On a road or path within a short distance or possible view of the
island. As they approach the island, they confront a man who looks at them
(looking very concerned and bewildered)
Where are you going?
To that island (He points to it).
(looking more concerned)
That is known as Vampire Island. You should not go there.
God has put me in your path to warn you.
The man makes the sign of the cross and runs away, clearly frightened.
Vampires who were eavesdropping now leave, run away or disappear.
Do not worry about him. He is full of superstition.
Just show them the secret code on your hand and
you will not be harmed. I will see you on the island.
Xina throws off her cape and jumps into the water and disappears. Scene
fades out.
Scene #4: The island. Gregori comes to the island (either by boat or by
foot...whatever is logistically easier to accomplish). He is greeted by
someone who looks imperious. Gregori stops before him and the man raises
his hand, exposing his palm. Gregori does the same, revealing the 23 on his
palm. Camera focuses on the palm. The man looks at the palm and nods in
(looking solemn and professional)
You are welcome on the island. Come with
me and we will prepare for your safety.
This man leads Gregori to the nurses tent where he meets the nurse.
Scene #5: The Nurse’s tent. The nurse looks at him seriously and
professionally as he reveals his palm with the number “23” on it. She inspects
it carefully.
Welcome to the island. You have a rare blood type. For your
own protection and for study, we will need a sample of your
blood. The nurse begins to bring or prepare apparatus to take
Gregori’s blood. As she does this, camera shows Gregori
who is looking bewildered and somewhat upset.
My blood! Why do you need my blood?
(trying to sound comforting but not too convincing)
Don’t worry. You were given this sign, the number 23, to tell
us to protect your blood. We cannot only study it to answer
your questions, but it is a rare type of Rh negative blood that
you have and we need a sample in case of emergencies on the island.
The nurse then jerks her hand as if making a hypnotic gesture and Gregori
falls limp as if hypnotized. She then takes a pint of blood or enough to fill a
glass. The prop can be Kool-Aid or whatever is available from the snack bar
that is red. Scene does not require actual needle poking, but a needle can be
shown and then the nurse holding the blood and putting his name on it before
placing it with other blood samples. Glasses can be used. Gregori is then
shown sleeping.
The nurse then goes outside of the tent where there are vampires (ideally
clothed in cloaks and with fangs) sitting at a table. There are already glasses
of blood there, like cocktails. Again, Kool-Aid or red juice can be used. (If
the right drink is available, we can even make Gregori’s blood blue in color
but this is not too important). The nurse then brings what is Gregori’s blood
to the table. She speaks.
I have a new sample for you to try. It is Rh-negative, type B.
The vampires get a little frenetic and are eager to try the blood. Each one sips
a bit and nods in approval. Camera now switches back to Gregori who is
awaking from his stupor. He looks around and gets up, walking out of his tent
and is surprised when he sees the vampires. A close-up of his name on the
glass is seen by the camera and then he sees it. There is a look of shock on his
face and the camera captures that.
That is my blood! What are you doing? You are
drinking my blood! Camera now focuses on the
vampires, who are smiling. One of them speaks up.
You are becoming one of us!
The vampires descend upon Gregori as he falls to the ground and the nurse
goes to his neck and begins to bite it as the scene fades out.
Scene #6: It is day time and Gregori is sleeping. He wakes up and looks
around, looking disoriented. “Where am I?” he asks to himself. He sees a
path on the island and begins to follow it. Before long, he sees an elf who is
moving rocks around in a circular pattern.
What are you? You are not a vampire!
(looking irritated)
What do you think?! (she asks adamantly) That there are only
vampires in Romania! There are many strange things in this
country and especially on this island, and they are not all vampires. I am an
I came to this island and it was full of vampires. I
was bitten by one last night or had a dream that I was.
(almost scolding him)
So you think vampires are the only strange things on this island?
I don’t know what to think. I was told there was a secret society
on this island but when I came here yesterday, my blood was taken,
and I was bit by a vampire. I just woke up and don’t know
what to think. Now, I meet you. What is happening?
You are at Atlantykron.
I was told I would find a secret society here,
but someone said yesterday this was Vampire Island,
and I certainly did run into many vampires.
You have entered an overlap between two realities.
You mean Atlantykron by day and Vampire Island by night?
Something like that.
Tell me, what is Atlantykron? Is it a secret society?
It is a place where science fiction becomes reality....
where scientists meet with writers, artists, and students.....
and also strange creatures like myself!
You are one of us now! Come!
Cristina the elf then motions her hands so as to stop the vampire dead in his
tracks. He freezes in response to her magic and then falls down.
What did you do?
I can handle vampires.
Where did he come from? I thought they only came out at night.
The circle I was making is not finished because you interrupted me. This is a
medicine wheel of stones. I have placed it in an area where there is a great
surge of energy entering the Earth from outside. These occur all over the
The stones ground the energy and distribute it in an even manner. I need to
place a stone in the center. The vampire came in because
I had not finished. (She puts a stone in the middle and finishes).
There. That is done now.
Suddenly, two elves come running up to them with a device that is a
Temporal Tremor Detector (prop can be a cell phone or ideally something
ELF #1
Cristina, the TTD is giving a signal.
What is a TTD?
It is a Temporal Tremor Detector, a device developed by the
Anderson Institute who has a presence here on the island.
ELF #2
Yes, they have developed time control technologies
and are experimenting in time.
Where does the TTD indicate that something is taking place?
It is coming from across the river, from the ruins at Capidava.
We must go.
Scene #7: The ruins at Capidava. Get a long distance shot of the elves and
Gregori making their way to the ruins. Have the elf with the TTD (Temporal
Tremor Detector) pointing the correct direction to go in. As the elves
approach, a single vampire comes from behind a rock and begins to attack
ELF #2
Look, a vampire!
Do not worry. I will take care of him. Cristina makes magic
motions with her hands. Her energy is enough to stop
the vampire who falls down inert.
ELF #2
Maybe the TTD was signifying that a
vampire had penetrated this dimension.
ELF #1
No, the TTD is still going off. Something is over there.
ELF #1 points in the direction of some rocks. As they approach, they see a
runestone. A close-up of the runestone is focused upon. The runestone is a
prop which will have runic type writing on it. The group gathers around the
stone as Cristina picks it up. She speaks.
This is a runestone. It is an artifact from ancient Atlantis and ties
to a network of other stones placed along ley-lines that tie across
Romania and the entire world. They are like memory chips in a
computer becoming activated, but they are telluric forces of
the earth that are activating consciousness. These include the
Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains and Sarmizegatusa in Transylvania.
ELF #2
But why does it appear now, just as we
have discovered a displacement of time?
Energy comes out of the earth here and this stone holds many
keys. It is like a keystone in a building as it will explain many things.
Maybe it will explain the rare blood disease in my family
who are from Transylvania, Kentucky - and why I
ended up on an island of vampires in Romania.
It is not an island of vampires. Only by night and then only
sometimes. During the day, there is a secret society called Atlantykron
and you now have the key to admission by finding this runestone with us.
Atlantykron means “Time of Atlantis”. We are activating the consciousness
of ancient Atlantis and fitting it into modern reality. Our theme is where
Science Fiction Becomes Reality. We are also studying time and how
to shift from one dimension or reality to another. We study something
called the space-time interval which teaches us that all factors of
time can be converted to distance. We have a time travel research
group here who have studied how to manipulate time. They are
still learning but they can do amazing things and can
move forwards and backwards in time.
As this explanation comes to a close, Elf #1’s Time Tremor Detector goes off
indicating another alert. Scene then fades away.
ELF #1
The TTD is giving us a signal again. There’s a big disturbance
back on the island. We’ve got to get back there.
Fine. We will go.
Scene #8: Elf #1 and Elf #2 run over to the Tesla Coil where a deluge of
vampires are flooding in. The vampires come out of or nearby the Tesla Coil
in quantity. As the elves neutralize them with their “magic hands” by
shooting energy at them, there soon become too many. Then Count Dracula
himself comes out.
ELF #2
Cristina, there are more vampires than we can handle.
I am afraid there are too many.
You might be right. I can only do so many at once.
Cristina is captured by the vampires who take her to where she is tied up. The
vampires then began to goad her as they ignore the other two elves.
You are helpless, there is nothing you can do.
Yes elf, you are quite helpless and now we can feed off of your blood.
(speaking to the elves)
Go to the Time Travel Research Group on the island and
see if there is anything they can do to change this outcome.
It might be our only hope! Hurry!
The elves run off while the vampires continue to goad Cristina. There are
several vampires around her.
You think the time travel group can save you?
No, you are now in our clutches.
Where are your scientist friends now?
We are going to bite your neck, drink your
blood and take all of your energy!
All the vampires begin to goad and mock in unison as Cristina struggles to
get away but she cannot.
(collectively and in a mocking tone)
Time Travel Group!?.....Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Camera then shifts to Count Dracula who
is searching around looking for the blood.
Where is the blood? I understand there is new blood already waiting.
Scene #9: The remaining elves run to an office that says “Atlantykron Time
Travel Research Group”. There will be a sign outside of a tent. ELF #1
speaks to a representative at a technical setting. Perhaps the music tent would
be serviceable for this.
ELF #1
Cristina has been caught by vampires and they are taking over the
island. She wants to know if you can use time reactor technology to change
the outcome by controlling a field generator of closed time-like curves.
Scene #10: Nurse’s tent as before. Count Dracula is there to sample the
blood. The blood he samples has Gregori’s name on it. When he drinks
Gregori’s blood, he begins to react differently and starts to lose his power.
This can be dramatized as suitable.
What is this blood? Something is wrong with this blood.
Where did it come from?
Rasputin! You are Rasputin! This is bad blood! It is from the
genetics of Rasputin. I cannot take it. It has magic
in it and I am losing my power!
By this time, all the other vampires are circling him and wondering what to
do. Some of them are losing their power. Elf #1 and Elf #2 come and free
Cristina and they all come and subdue the vampires with their magic hands
until all the vampires are still.
Are they dead?
No. They will remain dormant for a good while.
But what do we do with them?
ELF #1
We were told to make sure you continue reading the runestone, Cristina.
Do not worry for now. We will read the runestone.
(ELF #2 comes forth with the runestone. Do close-up of runestone.)
ELF #2
Here it is. You can read it now, Cristina.
(reading the runestone)
It says that we must study the past to see the future;
then it says we must study the future to see the past.
What does that mean? It sounds circular.
It is, but it means that the answers to the future lie in the past and
vice versa. I should also tell you here this is also the real secret of
The ancient stones point to a time in the future when Atlantis would
and with that, all of its ancient knowledge. But also, as we look into the
and begin to understand the technology of time control, we discover that
things were also known in our ancient past.
ELF #2
It is a balancing act between the past and the future.
Exactly, and when you can balance the past and the future you
are mastering the present and that is your every day life.
But what about those vampires? Are they dead? And what of
my questions about my own family?
These are very delicate questions. Once again, balance is
very important. Let me see your palm.
(Gregori shows his palm which displays the number 23 on it.)
This number, number 23, is also displayed on the runestone and
we can now call it the biological secret of Atlantykron.
ELF #2
What does it say?
It says there are 23 gene-pairs in ordinary
human beings but there used to be 24.
I have studied biology. It means 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Yes, and this 23rd gene-pair is sometimes errantly but colloquially
referred to as the 23rd chromosome. It is the sex chromosome which
makes human beings. The runestone calls it the magic chromosome
or gene pair because it was fused together long ago in the history of
man. Originally, men were more like elves. They had 24 gene pairs
instead of 23.
ELF #2
What else does the runestone say?
It says that to look into the human body is to look into a time
machine. It also says that there are time chromosomes.
What does that mean?
Look at it this way. The two chromosomes of the 23rd gene pair
are like guardians. When they separate and create a new gene pair,
which is really representative of an the original template of the human body,
the 24th gene pair, it gives rise to multiple realities and different
permutations than ordinary humans of today would be used to.
ELF #1
You mean like shape-shifting and other paranormal phenomena.
Yes, there are infinite possibilities.
But what about my family and their diseases?
When chromosomes combine with each other in ordinary biological
functions, it results in disease. I am referring to the chromosomes of
one gene combining with that of another. Diseases, including
hereditary disease, are the result of an admixture of chromosomes.
It therefore becomes apparent that if the magical 23rd sex “chromosome”
is really the result of two collapsed or fused gene-pairs, then this
affliction is representative of a master disease in the human body that is
shared by virtually all of humanity. This is what the runestone says.
So my family has this disease?
Your relatives have an over-active pair of chromosomes as do the
vampires; but they both express themselves in different ways. As I
already said, there are many other potentialities from this as well.
What do I do for my family, and what do we do about the vampires?
The runestone gives us a solution. It refers to something called Mania
or sometimes Manna, and this represents a way to access our ancestors
through our DNA. It is monatomic white gold, sometimes called Manna from
heaven, but in ancient days, it was known as Mania and was the active
spirits of our ancestors. It is part of the name of Romania. It also has to be
mixed with other sacred substances and is an alchemical formula we can
give the vampires, one by one, to heal their DNA, and teach them to find
balance within themselves so they do not have to suck energy or seek it
from others outside of themselves.
Scene #11: Cristina is preparing a formula which she gives to the elves who
start feeding it to the vampires who begin to recover and lose their fangs.
The exact formula can be a bit different for each one as everyone is
an individual with different needs. (She then makes a healing motion
over one of the vampires before speaking.) He will be healed in three days.
ELF #2
We just got a message saying that Atlantykron Time Travel Research
Group has located artifacts from the past which require a DNA sequence....
called a method sequence....which is a key to protecting the planet.
What does this mean?
It is something we are going to have to study. (She turns towards the
camera and speaks to the viewing audience). We do not know everything
here but we have a good head start. Remember, at Atlantykron we
study the future to understand the past and we study the past to
understand the future. And if you can balance the past and the
future, you will be in the eternal present of NOW. We hope that you
can come to Atlantykron and learn this for yourself. And if you
are lucky, maybe we can bring Atlantykron to your country.
Chapter Thirteen — Movie Magic
Before you read My Kentucky Cousin, I mentioned that my entire education
and experiences with regard to seemingly diverse threads were synthesizing
through the creative process. I did not intend it that way. Atlantykron has its
own magic, and many of the people who attend the camp, particularly those
who attend year after year, often comment upon it. They do not necessarily,
however, write about it; and if they did, it would not be in English.
After a few days, one of the elves I had recruited — and it took a lot of
flattery and convincing to get this shy girl to play Elf #2 — stepped on a
thorn during filming. The thorn drew blood, and I could not help but consider
the symbolism. In all of my time at Atlantykron, I have never seen someone
step on a thorn to this extent. I bodily carried her to the medical tent.
Although she would be fine, she no longer wanted to be in the movie.
When I spoke of the troubles and resistance we were having in shooting this
film, one of my esoteric friends on the island said that if two people go down
during the shooting of the film, it is not a coincidence. There were plenty of
other challenges I will not relay for brevity’s sake, but losing these two
people was representative of a culmination of other frustrating incidents.
In the meantime, we had decided that Veronica would not only play Xina but
Cristina as well. As there was really no one else, I changed the script a little
to merge the two characters into one character with a good and evil side. It
turned out to be a serviceable if not a very good idea. If it were not for
Cristian and Veronica, this movie would have died right there.
I made nightly reports to David who was not at the camp that year. In
addition to David, I wrote to a friend who works in the theater in New York.
She advised me that anytime there is a production of either Dracula or
Macbeth, there are similar problems. Cast members fall ill or become injured.
Well, I wish I would have known. I only had a cameo appearance of Dracula,
and this was only done to tie in as many threads as possible with regard to
Romanian history. Even though this Dracula was based upon the Hollywood
representation, it was intended to be a fictional synthesis of various themes
concerning Romanian history. I even asked for permission to include this
representation of Dracula as it can be a touchy subject with certain
Romanians. Vlad Tepes is, after all, considered a national hero for protecting
his people from the slavery of the Turks.
The morning after we had lost Elf #2, Veronica came to me and was very
upset. Her face had swollen up as an allergic reaction to the makeup. This
was extremely odd as the makeup was hypoallergenic. She said that this had
occasionally happened to her before, even with hypoallergenic makeup. It
looked as if this would be the final frustration that would shut things down
for good. As we were finally ready to call it quits, Veronica came to me and
said she had put so much effort into this film that she wanted to finish it. This
was great news, and we went across the river to the ruins of Capidava. It
turned out to be a completely extroverting experience for everyone. I think it
was the best day of Atlantykron for those of use who participated on this
adventure. I know it was for me. Everything came together on that day. There
were only a few more scenes to do, and some of these we were able to do at
night. A lot of it required chopping up the script, rewriting at the last minute,
and especially consolidating some of the long-winded passages.
While I some day hope there will be a finished product, I have let it go. What
is more interesting to me, however, is that the themes in the movie have
carried on in my own adventures. This includes the appearance of a “real elf”
as well as a member of the blue race. Both of these creatures are inextricably
connected as you will learn later on in the book. Before I discuss the more
esoteric aspects of what transpired after I wrote My Kentucky Cousin, I will
first give a few basics with regard to screen writing. I am not at all a seasoned
screenwriter, but I will share what I do know.
As an author and publisher, I have had several run-ins with Hollywood, but I
will concern myself here only with the alchemy of the writing process. If you
have any aspirations of becoming a screenwriter yourself, I suggest you read
a book on that specific topic. There are several on the topic and they will
assist you in the protocol that is required by the industry.
Those who are already familiar with screen writing will notice that My
Kentucky Cousin does not conform to the current bureaucratic protocol of
script writing. Personally, I just did not have the time. In actuality, the script
was also serving as a treatment. For those of you who are unfamiliar, a
treatment is basically a short story style description of what is to be filmed. It
contains directional details. It is the first draft of what will be eventually be a
movie or taped show. There are also adaptations of the original treatment
called a presentation treatment for purposes of selling a story to the industry.
A real film would require outlines and story boards, all of which is an
extensive and time consuming process.
Hollywood has been around for about a hundred years and has developed into
a very bureaucratic industry, and this includes all the various aspects of what
is required to make a film. It means employing and paying all the various
casts of characters and guilds who have their hand out. While one can debate
the pros and cons of guilds and unions, there is a key challenge to anyone
who works in Hollywood and that is creativity. There is so much money at
stake that the process has become cumbersome and has turned the average
director into a traffic cop rather than a creative player. Changing a script is
not just something one can do before moving on to the next scene. The
easiest way to get around this is to be the writer and the director yourself. If
you can finance the picture, all the better. For all of its remarkable ability to
make magic, Hollywood suffers from a tremendous lack of artistic creativity.
This is to be expected in any industry. It has very specific standards, and
while this is understandable, it incurs tremendous liability with regard to
creativity. With this in mind, look at the definition of creativity below.
creativity (n.)
the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the
like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations,
etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in
modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.
Whether you think these statements are correct or incorrect, they have been
my experience. The same could be said about any author. Life is a series of
experiences, all of which revolve around a certain pattern of different
archetypes. The fact that we have these archetypes at all is a testament to
their recognized existence. The elements I have encountered happen to be
particularly rich archetypes. None of these experiences, however, would have
ever happened if I did put my experiences into writing.
When I studied the Blue Race during my research for The Montauk Book of
the Living, I was immersed in the realm of occult biology. There is a certain
point where regular science just cuts off. From all of the data I had
researched, however, there was a very obvious conclusion to make. As
disease is caused by an irregular combinations of different chromosomes, it
was logical to intuit that the devolution of Mankind from a Blue Race was the
result of a master disease. All of this dovetails with the very sound theory of
Mankind once having twenty-four gene pairs with two of these gene pairs
eventually collapsing or fusing into one gene pair. While my basic statement
remains a hypothesis to the conventional world of science, there are pockets
of information indicating it is far more than a hypothesis.
It was now two years later (2010), and I was going to spend ten days in
Bulgaria. After being picked up at the airport in Sofia, we drove about two
hours to Plovdiv, a large city that is known as the intellectual capital of
Bulgaria. It is modern but also quaint and beautiful. If you turn the page and
look at the map (just below this paragraph for the ebook version), you will
see that Plovdiv is more or less in the southern central part of Bulgaria. Like
the city of Rome, Plovdiv is built upon seven hills. The Roman style ruins are
still there amongst the hills. Plovdiv is also known as the city of cats, and you
will find cats most everywhere. For the most part, they seem to be honored
and respected.
A small country geographically, Bulgaria is sandwiched between Romania
the northern border and Greece and Turkey to the south. Macedonia and
Serbia are on the western border while the Black Sea is to the east.
Travelling back and forth from the mountains to the Black Sea, we visited
many ancient sites, and there are many stories and legends to tell. In this
book, I will give only a very short synopsis of ancient Bulgarian culture
before focusing on what I consider to be the most exciting part of the trip: a
visit to the Tomb of Bastet, broadly recognized as the cat goddess of Egypt.
Bulgaria is due south of Romania, the two countries being divided by the
Danube River. The Black Sea is to the east and Turkey to the southeast.
Greece is due south with Macedonia to the southwest and Serbia to the west.
Bulgaria is the home of many mysteries, all of which have been kept secret
for political reasons. The Bulgarian language has been improperly
categorized and undervalued by academics, mostly because they do not
understand the language. It is a root Indo-European language. By this, I mean
that it is so fundamental to so many languages that it is sometimes construed
to be either synonymous to the original Indo-European language or at least
very close to it. For those who think the Romanian language is difficult to
understand, Bulgarian is much more challenging. Much of this has to do with
the fact that they use the Cyrillic alphabet. Although many academics might
have a fit over this statement, it is not a stretch to state that Bulgarian is the
original language upon which the other Cyrillic languages are based. It is far
older, and this has to do with the mostly unrecognized fact that Bulgaria was
situated at the crossroads of the ancient world and served as its capital, once
ruled by a priest-king named Sham. It is from Sham that the word shaman
was derived. This alone should give you some idea of the impact the ancient
“Bulgarians” had upon cultures as geographically and culturally diverse as
the Mongols and the Native Americans, both of whom used the word
Many of the intriguing cultural ties to ancient Bulgaria are tied to the proto-
Thracians, the prehistoric people who preceded the Thracians. The term
Thracians refers to the people from Thrace, an ancient territory with vague
and varying borders that occupied most of today’s Bulgaria as well as some
of Turkey. Historians consider the Trojans to be the first Thracians recorded
in history. The words Thrace and Troy are both related to the word three, the
most obvious explanation for this being the concept of the triple goddess
(crone, mother and virgin) that was recognized by the ancients.*
While the Thracians are an interesting people, we are concerned here with the
proto-Thracians who were a very advanced forerunner civilization that
occupied extensive caves throughout Bulgaria. It should be pointed out that
these caves extend right up through Romania with Transylvania being the
ancient root source of such a civilization. It is from the proto-Thracians that
many of the great traditions of Mankind emerged. These include the Vedic
civilization of India, Zoroastrianism of Persia, Lao Tse of Ordos (a northern
province of China), and also various pyramid-building civilizations that
extended across the globe.
I realize that what I have just written might shock the sensibilities of many,
but it is true and can be verified historically. The man who is often identified
as Lao Tse (which means long-living wise man in Mandarin) was of
Bulgarian extraction. The province where he was an administrator, which was
known for its orderliness, was Ordos, and this is where we get the English
word order. Bulgarians have been known to visit this region of China; and
when they mention that they are Bulgarian, they are accordingly dealt with a
great deal of respect. The third letter of the Bulgarian alphabet is pronounced
vede and is meant to signify “knowledge.” It was adapted by those who
migrated to India and wrote the Vedas. Ayurvedic medicine, as practiced in
India, is based upon Bulgarian folk medicine.
Although what has been said here is virtually unknown to the general public,
it has never been so to those who control the world stage. Like Romania,
Bulgaria has huge gold deposits. As soon as the Iron Curtain of communism
fell, the United States began establishing military bases around these
deposits, all of which have hidden esoteric significance as well. None of this
should be too surprising if you take stock of the fact or remind yourself that
Bulgaria or Thracia was situated at the straits of the Bosphorus and
Dardanelles and ruled the ancient trade routes. The obfuscation of Bulgaria’s
extremely rich history is a deliberate effort to reduce its political significance
and cultural influence.
As I already alluded to, there is also an argument to be made for the
Bulgarian language being the original Indo-Aryan or Indo-European
language or at least very close to it. Convincing scholarship has also
indicated that Romanian is closer to the original Indo-European language
than others. It is challenging for me to reconcile the differences and
similarities between the two languages because I am not fluent in either.
Although I know different Bulgarians and Romanians, I have yet to find
someone who has such a command of both languages that they can give me a
better understanding of these matters. The two countries have remained rather
friendly with each other for years and English serves as an easy bridge
language between the two peoples. Although the Romanian language uses the
Latin alphabet, it originally used the Cyrillic alphabet until the Crimean War
changed that. Instigated by the British and French over a dispute about a
chapel on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, the Crimean War set the
boundaries of Romania and made it a nation. Changing the alphabet to Latin
helped perpetrate a fiction that Romanian was not an original language but
was instead derived from Latin.
In more recent times, the land we know as Bulgaria was known as the origin
point for the people we know as Cathars or Bogomils. Although they clearly
originated in Bulgaria as a form of alternative Christianity to the Church, the
Cathars are more known for their history in France. In the name Cathars, you
have a direct reference to the phoneme cat, and it is not an accident. As I
have elsewhere covered the ubiquitous reference and adulation to the cat
throughout history, I will keep it simplified in this particular work.
Let us first consider the word Thracian or Thrasian which can easily be
construed and converted into Tirasians, a phonetic combination of TAO + IR
+ ASIANS. When we consider the actual history of this land, this phonetic
iteration is not a coincidence. Asia is from an old Akkadian word asu
meaning “to go out, to rise” and refers to the land of the sunrise. The iteration
su refers to “source” and that is why it has been adopted as an expression for
the sun. Ir is an expression for the word cat, and the Erie (IR + EE) Mound
Builders or “cat people” are just one example. The continent of Asia or where
it borders Europe, the Caucasus area, is where historians have always
considered that the human race as we know it arose from. As Leo is both the
astrological symbol for the cat and the sun, the word Thracians, when we
interpret it as TAO + IR + ASIANS, can be construed as either “the Rising of
the Cat”; “the Way of the Rising Cat”; or the “Way/Source of the Cat.” Those
of us in the West commonly associate Asia as the land of the rising sun.
When we also consider that the Akkadian word asu means “to go out,” the
word Asians can also be construed as those who emerged from the
The word Taurus consists of tau and rus where tau represents the ankh or tau
cross, the symbol for everlasting life, and rus signifies “red” or “blood.”
Besides this being considered the red cross or blood cross, it could also be
considered the Rosy Cross. The tau cross or ankh also represents the cross of
space-time turning into a curved space-time or vice versa. In addition to all of
this, the ankh also represents the yoke placed around the neck of an ox or
bovine creature. This is the harnessing of the bestial energy. Mundane
etymologies suggest that the word yoga derived from yoke. Yoga is also
known to mean “union,” but we cannot dismiss the concept of a yoke for the
very reason that the practice of yoga is designed to harness or control the
bestial energy of a human. Yoga fosters and cultivates the Tao.
The Thracians have an intriguing but mostly lost history that is equal to the
various etymologies presented above. When we consider the Precession of
the Equinoxes, the seeds of this legacy took place during the Age of Taurus.
So that you have a clearer perspective of ancient history and what the Age of
Taurus represents, I will now delineate how certain astrological signs played
out in the drama of human civilization. Each age represents approximately
2,000 years or a little more.
The Age of Pisces signifies the dying god, most often identified with Christ
but also Osiris. The Age of Pisces is symbolized by the Vesica Pisces which
represents two interlocking spheres or realms.
The Age of Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and represents war in the name
of monotheism and is represented by the ram. This age is strongly identified
with the Hebrew religion and Rama in India.
The Age of Gemini is identified with the god Mercury or Hermes including
communication and trade. We also know to identify it with Zalmoxis, the
swastika, and the Hyperboreans, those beings that the Greeks referred to as
The Age of Cancer represents the great flood of antiquity. Water represents
the emotions and the matriarchal nature of this time period. It was a time of
sea-faring but also settling into homes or that which represents the hearth.
This included the domestication of animals. When we consider the great
flood and the legend of Noah, we can consider that Sham, the ancient priest-
king of Bulgaria, is identifiable with Shem, the son of Noah in the Bible and
also the father of Melchizedek.
The Age of Leo represents the cat but also great heat, something the
Egyptians identified with Sirius. This time represents global warming and the
melting of the ice prevalent during the preceding Age of Virgo (a cold sign
which can be identified with the Ice Age).
Above is Golyamo Gradishte, the pyramid mountain and highest point in the
Strandzha Mountains in southeastern Bulgaria, only a short distance from
border with Turkey. The site of ancient Thracian ruins, this is the area where
the ancients are said to have buried Bastet, the famous “cat goddess” who is
more commonly thought to be of Egyptian roots.
I will now share how this information came into the hands of our first “exotic
woman” that I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. Her name was
Lyudmilla Zhivkova, and she probably enjoyed more freedom than any other
women on earth at that particular time. Lyudmilla was the daughter of the
Bulgarian communist dictator, Todor Zhivkova. Treated like a virtual
princess by her father, she not only had money to spend, she could travel
throughout the entire world. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, it was not possible for
people in the free world, particularly women, to travel to and from the
Communist Bloc countries. As a dignitary, she would not only have been
able to travel throughout the capitalist world but also amidst the communist
countries as well. In any event, she graduated with a degree in history from
Sofia University, studied History of the Arts in Moscow and finished her
studies at Oxford. It was at Oxford that Lyudmilla met a man from MI6 who
told her about the Ultra Long Frequency wave scans indicating there was a
hollow cube beneath the Strandzha Mountains of her home country. It was a
curiosity but nothing more at that point. For the most part, the information
was forgotten until further developments took place.
It is obvious that Lyudmilla was not only a culturally diverse woman but also
a powerful one. Her father appointed her as Minister of Culture, and she
created a powerful Committee of Culture. She then opened up Bulgaria
culturally with an array of international exhibitions and events. High profile
artists, musicians and writers from all over the world visited Bulgaria as a
After Lyudmilla suffered a very serious car accident, she developed a very
strong interest in occult matters and physics. She even refused modern
medicine in favor of Eastern medicine with good results. This resulted in
frequent trips to Tibet and India where she became very close friends with
Indira Gandhi. Her strong interest in these Eastern cultures led to her being
initiated into several different disciplines.
Lyudmilla was not only an exciting, intriguing and highly intelligent
character, she was extremely popular with the people. One of her most
famous initiatives was the Flag of Peace. Many times, she would have large
contingents of children from across the world come to Sofia and gather
around a specially constructed children’s train, each placing and tolling a
small bell that represented their respective country. This and all of her other
remarkable characteristics and activities stuck in the craw of the ultra-
restrictive politics of the Soviet Union, and they marked her as a dangerous
enemy. Here was a woman in the Communist Bloc exhibiting more freedom
and progressive activity than might be imagined. It was certainly not
something any “good communist man” was going to do. She further
aggravated the Russians by associating herself very closely with the Ryorih
family. The Ryorih’s were a Russian family that developed a philosophical-
social system called Agni Yoga. It was heavily persecuted through at least
Vanga lost her sight when she was struck by lightning at a very young age
whereupon she acquired strong prophetic abilities whose accuracy still makes
people marvel to this very day. Probably the most famous Bulgarian of all
times, throngs of people would gather outside her door to receive readings
from her. There has always been much hyperbole and either inaccurate or
false writings surrounding Vanga, and even though she has long since passed,
many books are still written about her. One aspect of her life that might tend
to be overlooked is that she was regularly visited by various heads of states
and important political figures. In this respect, she was something akin to the
Bulgarian version of Father Arsenie Boca, the Romanian priest who was
often consulted for his ability to see into people’s future lives.
Overhearing their conversation in the next room, Vanga’s niece was not
happy to hear any of this. Feeling under-qualified to interpret these figures,
her observation of the paper soon confirmed what she had thought. Patiently
listening to the man, she suggested that they copy the writing so that she
could show it to various professors that she knew. He agreed and soon left.
The niece’s name is Krasimira. When she next saw Vanga, they enjoyed
small talk whereupon the subject of the “map” came up. When it did, Vanga
took an unexpected and very keen interest in the text, saying it had been
copied many times for many years. This had gone on for generations, but no
one was able to decipher it. According to Vanga, this was not about a treasure
but was rather a written language unknown to this world. It is, she said, a
script from the inner walls of a stone sarcophagus that was buried deep into
the Earth thousands of years ago. Even if they found this sarcophagus, she
said, they would not be able to read the script which includes the history of
the world, two thousand years into the past and two thousand years into the
future. The sarcophagus, she said, was buried and hidden in these lands by
men who came from Egypt. There were slaves, warriors and high priests and
they walked with camels. One night, under full darkness and silence, the
sarcophagus was buried with large quantities of earth, and the people who
took part in this work were all killed on that same spot. In this way, the secret
was cemented with streams of innocent blood in order to wait for the time
when it will be found and exposed to the world and deciphered by the people.
This was thought to be a one thousand year old message with immeasurable
Despite Vanga’s enthusiasm and Krasimira’s own awe over Vanga’s reading,
Krasimira was skeptical. After showing it to some of her colleagues, they
concluded it was a joke and Krasimira tore the paper and destroyed it. When
she met with her aunt again, Vanga showed continued interest in this matter
but said that no one would be able to read the map because the time had not
come yet come. Then, after seeing some other people, Vanga was again alone
with her niece and began to vividly describe an area in the mountains. She
was going into detailed descriptions of the area before saying that they had to
arrive there on May 5th.
When asked why, Vanga said, “Because of the celestial bodies. You have to
look for the first rays of the Sun and Moon.”
Vanga then said that she never wanted to speak of this again.
As a result, Krasimira and four colleagues made their way to the mountain by
May 4th. Following Vanga’s instructions, they noticed that her descriptions
of the area were impeccable, and they knew they were not lost. Specifically,
there was a rock on the northern side of the meadow that they had been
guided to. After suffering two hours of heavy rain and getting wet, they
decided to light a fire and spend the night. All of this, however, was against
the better judgment of Krasimira. The next morning, as they gathered around
the fire and chatted, the sky cleared itself of clouds as the sun began to make
its presence felt. Without even realizing why, they ran across the meadow
and stood at the foot of the rock. The previous day, however, one of her
friends had noticed that the upper end of the rock had been carved with three
“solar” circles. They were about the size of a small coffee plate; and together,
they formed a triangle with a sharp peak pointed at the Earth.
After about a half hour, one solar ray played upon the rock and came down to
the solar circles and began to move on them left to right, depicting a solar
triangle. They witnessed this play of the light for about twenty minutes until
most of the whole rock was in sunlight. The fact that Vanga had told them to
observe the first rays of the Sun exactly on May 5th, that very same day,
offered a strange proof that they were onto something.
They talked about what happened for the rest of the day, patiently waiting to
see what the rays of the moon would reveal. In some respects, it was a
repetition of the previous day. It rained heavily again but the skies cleared
again at the last moment. Skeptical that they might see anything else, they
soon saw the first star in the evening sky. At this moment, the lunar ray
repeated the play of light of the solar one they had witnessed in the morning.
It was nine o’clock in the evening and it was dark everywhere. The lunar ray
touched the tip of the rock and then again touched the solar circles from left
to right for about fifteen minutes. Once again, it depicted a triangle with a
sharp angle pointing downwards. The ray soon disappeared, and they all
stood silent in the darkness, two or three meters away from the rock.
Soon after, the smooth southern side of the rock, in front of which they stood,
began to glow from within, emitting a color of bright gray as though it were a
television screen. Two huge figures then emerged on the screen, occupying at
least fifteen square meters. The figures were so real that Krasimira felt they
were actually going to disembed themselves from the rock and approach their
party. They were all petrified with fear. In the foreground, there was an old
man standing. He was in a robe that reached the ground and his hair was
shoulder length. His left hand was resting along his body, but his right one
was extended forward and hiding some object, an unknown device that was
something round like a ball but was not a ball. In the background, elevated
higher and a bit to the right, there was a second figure who was sitting. For
some reason, it appeared to Krasimira as a pharaoh. This figure was a young
man sitting in something like a coach with his hands and feet collected
together and resting along his body. His hands were resting on the hands of
the chair. He was also wearing a tall hat, but there were things above his ears
that were sticking out like antennae. The figures remained on the rock long
enough to be studied and well remembered. After that, the rock “switched
off” and everything became dark again. After they recovered, they reasoned
that the whole event had taken place in twenty minutes. As if under some
unspoken command, they packed up and headed back to the city using only
flashlights. When they started talking again, they all agreed they had seen the
same thing.
Krasimira went to Vanga the next day and told her what had happened in
detail. Vanga, however, did not make any further comment. Krasimira
wondered if this spot was the place where the sarcophagus was buried. She
remembered well that Vanga had said, “The time of the ‘miracles’ will come
and science will make great discoveries in the field of the immaterial. All the
hidden gold will come on the surface of the Earth, but all the water will hide.
This is pre-determined!”
For various reasons, little has actually been revealed about Lyudmilla’s
expedition up this point. We do know that the expedition included the
following personnel:
A local man, Iliya Petkov, who was a participant in the events of the time
period — he was the party secretary and also known as a local “collector of
stories” — has provided further information on the expedition. Saying that
the mining began slowly, the expedition first discovered a wooden winch and
also a copy of an old Russian Pravda newspaper. It turned out the Russians
had excavated this area in 1940-1950 as the result of old documents from a
hermitage in St. Petersburg. At the very least, they found torsoes of statues
and also stone inscriptions, all of which were transported back to Russia.
Sometime around the 1800’s, when the Ottoman Empire ruled over Bulgaria,
two high-ranking and very knowledgeable priests were sent from Istanbul to
the same spot. They arrived with a group of workers who worked both at the
Tomb of Bastet and a nearby area for six months. What they found was
believed to have been taken back to Istanbul as well as Greece.
There were also two groups of Nazis stationed in the area during World War
II. The activities of one of the groups included the installation of an antenna
on Golyamoa Gradishte. Their ostensible reason for being there was that they
were monitoring the telephone lines, but with the Nazi’s predilection for
ancient artifacts and their cozy relationships with the Tibetans and the prior
German collaboration with the Ottoman Empire, it is probable that the Third
Reich was knowledgeable about the Tomb of Bastet and desirous of any
artifacts or information regarding it. Verbal reports indicated that all of the
excavations done by the Nazis in Strandzha were transported to Germany
where they remained, even after the war ended.
Lyudmilla’s team then came to an entrance that looked like a mining gallery
which led to a deep tunnel that had been sealed with a constructed rectangular
stone. Inside the tunnel, they found a pulley and the decomposed wooden
handles of cutting tools. There were also two stones of black garnet. One was
flat with the profile of a male engraved upon it. The other was spherical with
twelve sides. Garnets are known to serve the same function as microchips as
they can store information. The expedition’s findings were sent to Germany
with specific instructions from Lyudmilla, but there is no further information.
The expedition team also made other unusual discoveries. Two meters
beyond the entrance, there was a circular well on the floor that was filled with
stone pieces. In the meantime, on the peak of Gradishte, they found signage
on the rocks which was actually ancient script just like that found on the map
that had been presented to Lyudmilla and Krasimira. These enabled the team
to find another entrance to the underground complex from the southern side.
On the eastern side, they found a huge cave with amazing acoustics.
During the excavations, some border officers were employed to help with the
digging, but they experienced severe physical reactions which included the
whites of their eyes turning blue and paresis of the limbs. Rumors indicated
that some of them went crazy and died. After this, no more outsiders were
used. It was later determined that there was a very high level of radiation at
the site. It was speculated that this could either be from alien technology or
perhaps a defense shield set up by the ancients who constructed the complex.
One of the more interesting reports concerned the finding of a scepter made
of “alien matter” which depicted different holographic images based upon
where one would hold it. This was allegedly illegally exported as an artifact
and ended up in Vienna where it was sold to a Western space agency,
presumably NASA. Whether this is true or not, we do know that America has
assumed a dominating military presence in Bulgaria. Part of these finds in the
Strandzha Mountains also included bones that belonged to a giant.
Not too much more is known about the expedition, and most of this is due to
the untimely death that Lyudmilla suffered just a few days before her fortieth
birthday. Due to her “obstructive” presence in the Communist Bloc, it gave
rise to speculation of her death being a political assassination by the KGB or
others. It is known that, just four days before Lyudmilla died, a Russian
academic by the name of Stanislav Shtalin — a man who was soon to
become Michael Gorbachev’s right-hand-man — arrived in Malko Tarnovo
with an entire party of subordinates. Malko Tarnovo is a small village of only
a few thousand people that is a reasonably short drive from the archeological
site. For these people to go to Malko Tarnovo is something akin to the Queen
of England sending a contingent of MI6 Oxford academics to a small village
on Prince Edward Island in Canada. One is forced to ask,
When Lyudmilla died, her excavation team was just about to return to Sofia
in order to analyze what they had found. As they now had no patron,
Krasimira turned to the Minister of Mineral Resources, an engineer by the
name of Stamen Stamenov, who promised to provide them with men and
equipment so that they could get to the bottom of this ancient site. As soon as
the team returned from Sofia to Malko Tarnovo and emerged from their
vehicle, they were approached by the mayor.
Krastyo Mutafchiev, who was a part of the excavation team, then had a
nightmare where steam emitted from his body as an eagle flew above him in
the sky. Based upon similar dreams experienced by those who had dug up
King Tut’s tomb, he took this as a warning to stop the digging. During that
same year, the architect who studied and laid out the terrain for the
excavations suffered a near fatal car crash.
Despite the security surrounding the expedition, rumors and reports had
circulated and caught the attention of the Bulgarian State Security Agency.
The expedition was suddenly terminated, and the site was placed under the
guard of the Bulgarian Army’s border patrol and members of the special
forces. The area was soon surrounded by a “live fence” with poisonous
After the deaths of Lyudmilla and Stamenov, her policy line was not
inherited by anyone and most of her initiatives were discontinued. All of the
materials from the expedition were locked in the safe of Leonid Katsamunski,
a cousin of one of Lyudmilla’s staff. He is the former chief of police whose
title translates as “Main Police Inspectorate Directorate General.”
In March of the following year, a court case was lodged against Krastyo
Mutafchiev of the expedition and others for illegally confiscating and
embezzling state properties. Others named in the suit included the former
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zhivko Popov, who also was a general
from the First Main Directorate of State Security. Mutafchiev was sentenced
to fifteen years in prison. The entire matter was sealed and the file was
stamped: “Strictly Confidential! State security!” Those members of the
excavation party who were not imprisoned have remained silent for a very
long time.
Mutafchiev served over eleven years before being released upon the fall of
communism in Bulgaria. Before he died from cancer, Mutafchiev regretfully
admitted that he felt that he had unwittingly killed his close friend, Stefan
Haritanov, a film director he had invited to shoot footage of the mysterious
tomb complex. Mutafchiev attributed Haritanov’s death to a “pharaonic
curse” as the director later caught a fever of 106º Fahrenheit, suffered
hallucinations and became unconscious. Haritanov’s film and all material
evidence revealing the existence of the Tomb of Bastet were hidden away in
a safe as per above, save for one exception. It is a triangular pediment
featuring a relief of two outspread hands. It decorated the portico of the
corridor leading to the tomb, and is now a major exhibit in the Malko
Tarnovo History Museum.
Five years after the trial, it came to light that the Cultural Heritage
Department was being used as a cover for a large-scale misappropriation of
funds under the direction of General Mircho Spasov, the director of the Staff
Unit of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party. These
funds were being spent on improper or illegal activities, all of which
benefited certain intellectuals. Besides Mutafchiev, none of the other above-
mentioned members of the expedition were charged.
There are many conflicting theories. What we do know is that the area has
long been recognized as the Tomb of Bastet, a cat-headed goddess who was
returned by the Egyptians to her homeland in the Strandzha Mountains. There
was also an expedition which uncovered material and/or phenomena that was
so highly sensitive, it created one of the most intriguing stories in Eastern
Europe if not the entire world. Most Westerners and Europeans, however,
have never heard about this story nor the persistent but obscure legacy behind
Besides the above, there is also the story of Krasimira, Vanga’s niece. With
regard to the revelations concerning this incredible find, Krasimira said that it
will be revealed in the future, but it is not yet time. Vanga has long since
passed away, but as each second ticks on the clock, the time is coming closer.
I will now share the story of my own visit to the Tomb of Bastet which, much
to my surprise, plays into the future revelation of this great mystery.
Chapter Sixteen — Bulgaria
I am the first to admit that the legends and stories of Bastet’s Bulgarian roots
appear to be obscure and enigmatic. If they were not, there would be no need
for me to even write about them. Plenty has been written about Bastet from
an Egyptian reference point. My travels into Eastern Europe, however, have
taught me that Mankind’s understanding is significantly lacking when it
comes to the influence upon Egypt from northern cultures. Although I was
armed with the data you have just read, supplied to me by my Bulgarian
publisher, I had neither great hopes nor aspirations of unraveling this mystery
any further. Visiting the site of the tomb, even though it had been blown up
so as not to leave a trace, was of great interest to me.
I flew from Bucharest to Sofia on a propeller plane and it took about an hour.
Upon my arrival in Sofia, I was picked up by my publisher and driven for
two hours to his home in Plovdiv. His friend, Michael, who would serve as
our driver, met with us there and the three of us would spend all of the next
week together. Michael, who was a student in Scotland at the time, had the
use of his father’s Mercedes and this was to afford us optimum transportation
as we crisscrossed the country.
Our first night was in a mountain chalet which was breathtakingly scenic,
very comfortable, and cost about $30.00 a night. The economic disparity
between America was astonishing. I was told that one could buy a decent
house there at that time for just over $10,000. Many Brits choose to retire or
to have a second home in Bulgaria. I found Bulgaria to be an extremely
beautiful country that features fertile plains and many mountainous regions.
There is also a coastal area on the Black Sea.
Guardian of Belintash
Our next destination was the Strandzha Mountains and the little town of
Malko Tarnovo. This was an arduous all day drive. The countryside of
Bulgaria was absolutely breathtaking. Personally, I find the terrain of
Bulgaria to be less intense than Romania. Both are beautiful but Bulgaria has
a more gentle beauty. I also observed that the personalities of Bulgarians tend
to be less intense than that of Romanians. During our trip to and through the
Strandzha Mountains, we did not encounter any of the strange phenomena
that is attributed to it and arrived at our hotel at Malko Tarnovo without any
fanfare or disturbances. Having not eaten much all day, we went to a
sidewalk cafe where they offered us a large menu with all sorts of different
pizzas on it. When I chose one and my request was translated to the waitress
in Bulgarian, I was informed that they had only one of the pizzas so I simply
ordered that.
When I asked why they had so many pizzas on the menu but could only sell
me one, my publisher said, “This is Bulgaria.”
What you take for granted in America or Europe cannot be taken for granted
in Bulgaria. They do not accept credit cards, at least at the time when I was
there. When I later wanted to cash a traveller’s check from American
Express, my publisher said to forget it and that I would not be able to. On the
internet, I did find four banks in the large city of Plovdiv that would
accommodate me, but it is not like Paris, Munich or even Bucharest. Bulgaria
is a cash economy, and I share this with you in case you decide to travel
there. Do your research and do not assume anything.
Another point about visiting Bulgaria is safety. David Anderson, who had
travelled alone to Bulgaria in 2008, was very concerned about my safety and
monitored my activities throughout the entire journey. I wrote to him via
email every chance I got and told him about our activities. There was not one
incident of any concern, and I attribute this to the fact that I had excellent
hosts. I think when you to do not speak the language in any country and are
not familiar with the customs, you are vulnerable. If you are travelling to
Bulgaria, I would highly recommend that you travel in the company of
Bulgarians that you are familiar with and can trust. You should also purchase
travel insurance in case of any unfortunate incidents.
After sleeping in Malko Tarnovo, we awoke early in the morning and had
breakfast with Stefan and his lady. Stefan is a Bulgarian who lives in London.
He was kind enough to make arrangements with the historical museum where
the five of us joined regular tourists who were also making the journey to
visit the Tomb of Bastet. If you want to go to this area, you contact the
historical museum at Malko Tarnovo and tell them you want to see the Tomb
of Bastet. I think we paid something just under $20 per person for the guided
We all got in an old but very functional jeep that was originally intended as a
personnel carrier. It was a carry-over from the communist days and was built
in the Soviet Union. The roof had a huge propeller with vents to counter-act
the supreme heat of this area in the summer. While the fan makes it
comfortably cool, it was also extremely loud. It took about 45 minutes to get
to the border area. The tour guide, who was female, was accompanied by a
male border guard the entire time. He wore military pants and a T-shirt and
was extremely friendly, even taking us on a short excursion for a quick snack
where we picked ripe plums off of a tree.
The area where the tomb itself had been excavated had a very special energy.
There were concave repositories that were black but not quite caves as one
could not descend into them. Existing cracks that would enable a lizard or
snake to enter the underground were too small for humans. The only evidence
of the expedition or mining operations that I saw were remnants of stanchions
that had been used in conjunction with pulleys.
We spent a lot of time in the area and walked around the entire area as well. It
was definitely a special place, but it is hard to say anything concrete or to
relay any proof of the remarkable accounts you have read. The area itself is in
“no-man’s land” and is between the fenced borders of both Turkey and
Bulgaria. After all of the scandals settled and the communist era was over,
the controls on the area were loosened, and it is now a limited tourist
Turkey was geographically so close that if I had a baseball and bat, I could
have hit the ball over the fenced border. There is a long-standing prediction
that Turkey will someday retake this land and assume ownership of the
ancient Tomb of Bastet. It is assumed that such a development would prohibit
any further investigations.
Not far from the Tomb of Bastet is a Thracian complex that was much more
interesting in terms of finding tangible ruins. It included a cupola-like tomb
surrounded by low circular walls and sacrificial basins. It has been dated,
correctly or otherwise, to about 40 BC, and it seems to have been honored by
the Romans as well as by occupiers in later times. It is possible that there was
something in common between the Thracians and Romans here. According to
legend, Aeneas founded the Roman Empire by escaping the siege of Troy
with the Trojan women and bringing the flame of Electra to what became the
sanctuary of the Vestal Virgins. This signified the eternal flame of the Eternal
City. I would also like to note that the very spot in Rome where Julius Caesar
was stabbed is now overridden with cats to this very day. Perhaps the last
laugh belongs to Bastet.
It is apparent that the area in and around the Tomb of Bastet is psychoactive
and that the technology within is similarly aligned with if not from the same
source that created the technology in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania.
While it is impossible to make a final conclusion, the Tomb of Bastet appears
to be a huge multi-level complex that once served as the repository of a very
ancient civilization with remarkable technology. Such repositories are often
the result of one civilization being erected upon another. They usually feature
a necropolis because the wisdom it represents is from the ancients.
My publisher and I contemplated the above and hypothesized that there might
be a Bulgarian Radu Cinamar in the mix who was destined to come forward.
After all, Bulgaria is loaded with underground sacred complexes. The Tomb
of Bastet was only the second of many other astonishing sacred sites I would
visit in Bulgaria. Asking my publisher if there was anything we should do at
any of these sites, he said we should just visit them to perceive the energy.
His non-assertive wisdom on this point was very profound, but I did not
realize how profound at the time. We just went about our business and visited
the Black Sea and a nearby sanctuary and eventually made it up to the
Madara Horseman in the north and later to the very impressive Temple of
Orpheus in the south, only a short distance from Greece. There were many
other sites and adventures, but they are not so important to tell right now.
What is important is that my trip to the Tomb of Bastet was to play a very
strange dividend many years later. I had written about Bastet in the past, and
travelling to her tomb was the most efficient way I could honor her within the
context that I have to work with. It was also hard for me to believe that such a
story did not somehow play into the drama described by Radu Cinamar in his
Little did I know, the White Bat was flying over me and keeping out a
watchful eye. I was in for a big surprise, but it would not surface for another
four years. In the meantime, I was left with many pleasant memories of
Bulgaria and the land that was once known as Thracia. I still long to return.
Chapter Seventeen — Art
As this book is designed to be creative and interactive, I feel it significant to
relay a dream I had as I finished the chapters on Bulgaria. In the dream state,
I found myself amidst ruins that were reminiscent of the Tomb of Bastet. I
saw Dracula, and he was the same Hollywood version I had dreamt about
years earlier in my dream about the white bat. This time, however, he was
strictly evil and sinister looking. He was accompanied by an assistant of some
sort who I will refer to as Renfield. The assistant did not look like Renfield
from any of the movies. Before I could contemplate any horror, Dracula had
suddenly and unexpectedly acquired a Siamese twin version of himself. They
were joined together at the side. Surprisingly acting like a vampire himself,
Renfield then bit the neck of the Siamese twin version of Dracula which
began to shrivel up like an old corpse. Dracula was so horrified and confused
by what had happened that he did not know what to do. There was so much
confusion going on between the three entities that it was like an explosive
pinball game. I was able to exit without being noticed.
I then found myself on an athletic field with a friend. I could not recognize
his face nor identify him in anyway. I only knew that he was a friend. It was
nighttime, and I am not sure whether we were in Romania or America. It
could have been a combination of the two. We then saw two phosphorescent
green streaks in the sky which we recognized as UFOs that were probes sent
to look for us. Telling my friend that we should move so that they could not
find us, he said they would find us anywhere we would go. The green streaks
then became recognizable as skyrockets, and one crashed and exploded into
flames about twenty yards in front of us. Despite the flames, nothing caught
fire and the apparent probe had utterly failed. The other sky rocket fell far
away and was even more harmless. We were free and unencumbered.
After sharing with you what I already have about the Tomb of Bastet, I feel
the dream signifies an exorcism surrounding certain events that took place
during the excavations and aftermath of the Strandzha expedition. This
suggests, along with other experiences I have had, that we might indeed
receive some revelations and further information about the expedition.
With regard to what the Bastet expedition suggests, the only pragmatic
explanation I can give is to evaluate it against all of my previous work. In the
past, I have written considerable information (thanks to the scholarship of Sid
Catlett) about the importance of the cat and how the name Moor derived from
the Old Greek Mauresh, a hybridization of mau, the Egyptian word for “cat”
and resh, the Hebrew word for “king” or “head.” The implication of the
expedition combined with the legends of Bastet herself suggest that this
highly revered goddess either had the head of a cat or a cat-like head. Further,
her own genetic configuration is suggestive of being a by-product of the
DNA bank beneath the Romanian Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains. It is
important to remind you that Bastest was considered to be the Mother of All.
She smiled upon all forms of creation and DNA experiments. This is the
essence of who Bastet was as an archetype. In this respect, she would be a
prime suspect for being a progenitor, rather than a by-product, of a complex
like the one beneath the Romanian Sphinx which is, after all, part griffin or
lion (if viewed from the right or eastern profile). As you will learn, I do not
think it was an accident of fate that circumstances were such that I would be
afforded an opportunity to visit her tomb. I will say, however, that this
experience was so intense that it has taken me four years to utter a word
about it publicly save for a scant mention in the Montauk Pulse newsletter
and perhaps on a radio show or two. The significance of my actual
experience took years to sink in.
What I found most interesting about this book was the data presented,
particularly in the first chapter. Prior to that, however, Transylvanian
Moonrise actually begins with an Editor’s Note from Sorin Hurmuz which
includes all sorts of excerpts from the Romanian news media that
corroborated aspects of Transylvanian Sunrise. The Romanian people,
particularly those who had retired from the intelligence community, were
telling the editor that the story in the book was true.
With regard to the first chapter of the book itself, it left me rather awestruck,
and I should be quick to point out that I am not easily awestruck. Being in the
profession I am in, people frequently send me all sorts of strange or far-out
data. Most of it is rather “more of the same” and while it might or might not
be true, it does not garnish much serious interest on my behalf. This first
chapter of Transylvanian Moonrise, however, really made me stand up and
take notice. It was about a subject that has been much written about but never
well understood: alchemy. While I had written cutting-edge revelations, at
least in terms of popular thinking, about alchemy in books such as The Black
Sun and The Montauk Book of the Living, this work was on a different track
than any others I had seen before.
The first chapter starts out with Radu’s editor, Sorin Hurmuz, receiving
persistent phone calls from a man named Elinor, which is a pseudonym, who
wants to talk to Radu. As Radu has given Sorin specific instructions to
deflect all such communications, Elinor is turned down. His persistence,
however, finally encourages Sorin to ask why it is so important for him to
talk to Radu. Elinor then tells him that he is speaking on behalf of a Tibetan
lama who would like to meet him. Sorin feels obligated to communicate this
to Radu who is surprised that a lama would like to meet him. An arrangement
is soon made for Radu to meet with the lama at Elinor’s house in an exclusive
area of Bucharest. I should add in here that I have come to know Sorin well
over the years. As we have spent significant time together and done various
favors for each other, we have become good friends. Sorin has verified for
me that Elinor is indeed a real character who called him on the phone to make
the aforesaid arrangement. He told me that Elinor had a regular voice but that
he has not had any further communication with him since.
When Radu arrives at Elinor’s home and meets him, he is informed that the
lama will be late. This affords the two to have a conversation which I found
to be the most remarkable aspect of the book. I am referring to their
discussion about alchemy. Although Elinor is over sixty-years-old, he has a
youthful appearance and looks like he is twenty-seven. His driver’s license
indicates he is over sixty. Elinor explains that he has been initiated into a
rarefied alchemical tradition facilitated by an ancient ancestor. It is a fantastic
and intriguing story.
This ancestor of Elinor’s was born hundreds of years previously and was
initiated into this tradition himself after a series of misadventures that began
when his father, a trader of renown on the Asian trading routes, and mother
were killed when their caravan was attacked. Travelling with the caravan and
still a young boy of fourteen, the ancestor was subsequently awarded to a
small time Persian king. When the king was visited by a travelling maharaja
from India, the latter took the boy back to India where he met a magician
friendly to the maharaja. With the maharaja’s blessing, the magician became
the ward of the boy, Elinor’s ancestor. After twenty-three years of
preparation, the magician apprenticed him into a very secret science whose
profound mysteries were known only to the truly wise. It was an alchemical
tradition which would prolong his life for hundreds of years. Before he parted
with him forever, the magician gave Elinor’s ancestor a very strange object
made out of a special metal alloy. He had been told that as long as he
remained around that object, he would never grow old and live for thousands
of years. Not only did he not grow old, he became younger than when he
received the mysterious alloyed object. During the four centuries that passed,
he experienced a profound change in his perspective and way of perceiving
the world. His consciousness was greatly elevated and his priorities totally
changed. Part of his initiation included learning how he could obtain the
special alloy for such a longevity device as well as precise directions on how
to construct one. Eventually, he was contacted though occult channels by
representatives of a superior civilization. At the same time that this occurred,
he achieved the ultimate desire of any genuine alchemist: the Philosopher’s
Stone. It would not have been possible, he said, had he not first been able to
grasp a profound understanding of the essence of life and the universe as well
as other mysteries of knowledge that had been revealed to him during his
What I have said here is only a tight summary of what is involved in the first
chapter of Transylvanian Moonrise, but the content and the way it was
written peaked my interest in a way that no other book ever has. While there
are plenty of details omitted, it was apparent that they were discussing an
actual alchemical tradition and not simply spouting off at the mouth about it
as is the case with most pontificators on this subject. There was also an aura
of maturity in the approach to the subject that was accompanied by a genuine
knowledge that would preclude accomplishing such a feat.
In order to make you better appreciate what I am saying about people not
being ready, I will give you an example. On those rare occasions when I give
a lecture for forty-five minutes about Chi Gong, people typically learn more
pragmatic information than they have ever heard before about Chi Gong and
the healing applications of the martial arts. This sounds good except for the
fact that everyone is more inclined to walk away like Humpty-Dumpty
bloated with information. It does them no good if they do not apply it and do
the routines on a daily basis. It is better to talk for five minutes and have them
work for forty minutes. People, however, are generally predisposed to their
own pre-conceived ideas and might prefer a power-point presentation,
particularly if they do not have to do any real physical work. The natural
tendency in popular workshops and seminars is to make snazzy presentations.
These are appealing to the visual centers of the brain, and while you can
certainly learn data, there is something wrong with this equation when it
comes to Chi Gong. It takes work, and it has to be done every day and for a
considerable amount of time. Ten minutes of exercise, however, can do a
great deal of good, too, but it will not get you to the higher levels. Even so, it
is an acceptable starting phase.
There is nothing wrong with going to seminars that teach you how to
organize, how to do public relations or any manner of other subjects. That,
however, is not the type of learning I am talking about. Serious longevity is a
subject that has never really been taught to any significant extent. It requires
that you drastically change your viewpoint of how you approach life. People
will usually tell you they do not have time. While this is readily
understandable from a normal human perspective, there is one gaping hole in
this mind-set. If you learn and practice a genuine tradition of longevity, you
will have a lot more time in which to live your life. In other words, you are
buying time by taking time. When faced with such logic, one is prone to
visualize their personal foibles and what they would have to sacrifice or do in
order to engage in such training. This will cause both a mental and emotional
reaction inside of you which will be accompanied by resistance. This
resistance has force behind it. You can either yield to the force and ignore the
call or you can martial your energies and overcome the force. This, in
essence, is your first lesson in martial arts. You are overcoming an internal
force that is working against you. The next step is getting such force to work
for you, and this begins by engaging in an actual breathing posture and/or
routine that will circulate energy throughout your entire system. I could go
on, but I am just trying to give you an example of what serious training
After a lengthy discussion about the yidam, the lama finally apologizes and
introduces himself as Repa Sundhi, an official lama who had once served in
the palace at Lhasa but escaped prior to the Chinese invasion in the late
Fifties. After further discussion, the lama reveals that he is also known as Dr.
Xien, the same man who had created Department Zero and was the mentor of
Cezar Brad. Having important political connections throughout the entire
world, the lama had somehow reinvented himself as a doctor in Communist
China who was recognized to have extensive experience in the paranormal.
Unbeknownst to Radu, the lama had prepared to take him on an exotic
journey to a very remote and rarefied area of Tibet.
Chapter Eighteen — The High Priestess
When we contemplate either the pathways or archetypes of the Tree of Life,
there is a rather remarkable correspondence with regard to the previous
chapter and what was to ensue in regards to Radu’s experiences. I referred to
the last chapter as “Art” as this is the name used in the Thoth Tarot for the
card that is called “Alchemy” in the Rider-Waite Tarot. Earlier in this book, it
was said that The Lovers (also symbolizing Gemini or Zalmoxis) is
considered to be the precursor to Alchemy, but it should also be pointed out
that the latter is, in turn, the precursor to the High Priestess.
To be a little more specific with regard to the Tree of Life, Alchemy is the
path that leads from Yesod (symbolic of the moon or astral realm) to Tipareth
(symbolic of the sun as either Mithras, Apollo or Christ and also represents
the harmonious beauty of nature). It is from Tipareth to Kether that we have
the card or pathway known as the High Priestess. After Radu is introduced to
Elinor’s alchemical tradition, he is led on a path that takes him directly to the
High Priestess. Art imitates life and vice versa. This principle alone should
encourage one to face the prospect of taking alchemy seriously as well as all
the others aspects of the Tree.
The parchment was written by one of Guru Rinpoche’s closest disciples and
at his direction. More commonly known as Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche
is one of the most exalted personas in the history of Tibetan Buddhism and is
known as the Divine Sovereign Sage of the Three Worlds. Guru Rinpoche,
sometimes spelled Rimpoche, is considered to be an emanation of the
Buddha and is regarded by the Nyingma school to be the Second Buddha.
The Nyingma are also known as the Red Hats and were centered in the area
of Tibet known as Kham. (Note the phonetic similarity to Khem, the ancient
name for Egypt).
As Radu finishes with Machandi, she tells him that he will meet her again in
several days time for a very special initiation but this time in his country.
With the manuscript in hand, Radu then returns to Transylvania via another
space-translation and then back to Bucharest, accompanied by Elinor and the
lama. The yidam has other business to attend to and departs by means of
dematerialization before their eyes.
After their return to Bucharest and the manuscript has been determined by
Repa Sundhi to be written in an ancient Tibetan script, the three soon return
to Transylvania in Elinor’s SUV. Their destination is Gugu Peak, a holy site
to Romanians that is a very important energetic center of the country. As they
arrive in Transylvania and set out on their long hike to Gugu, they encounter
a group of young Romanians, mostly in their early twenties. All of them are
there because of a series of initiatory dreams they have had with the goddess
Machandi. She is the one who told them when and where to go. Repa Sundhi
had already advised Radu that they would meet these people and further
stated that they would all play an important role in the amazing
transformations of the nation of Romania. Each one of these young people
experienced their dreams with Machandi independent of each other.
On their way to Gugu Peak, they have been joined by the yidam who
materialized. He is there to protect them from the rather severe and negative
forces which soon besiege them. Part of these negative forces include thunder
and lightning. When they finally get to Gugu, a spectacular event occurs
when the entire group becomes draped in a sort of light that covers and
completely isolates them from the terrible atmospheric phenomena. Not even
the pouring rain penetrates this bubble of light. Thundering “apocalyptic”
lightning and flying shrubbery is seen, but they remain unperturbed in a safe
bottle of protection. The stone of the mountain then becomes transparent and
reveals a great cave inside the peak. Machandi then appears from inside of
the cave and comes outward. Her presence subdues the storm, and Radu
refers to this as a “wonderful apparition of the goddess.” The experience then
becomes rather subjective as Radu then receives a transmission from
Machandi offering them all precious teachings about humanity and the way
they have to act in order to be completely successful in their missions.
Machandi then comes forward and places her hand on Radu’s head and he
goes into a profound state of consciousness that I can only compare to
something called the Great Stillness in Taoist Chi Gong. He feels that he
becomes one with everything and has touched eternity. When he finally
opens his eyes, Machandi and the young people are long gone, and he finds
out that he was absorbed for more than seven hours. His friends, Repa Sundhi
and Elinor, are waiting for him, and he is told that the very special experience
he has just gone through will have great importance in his spiritual evolution.
Radu’s narrative ends here. I asked him to write an epilogue for the American
edition, and he did so. He reiterates that the experiences were indeed real and
mentions what a profound experience it all was. After a good period of time,
he mentions a meeting with Repa Sundhi who is accompanied by his
assistant, Shin Li. We learn in The Secret Parchment that Shin Li will help
him understand the subtle aspects of the parchment itself so that he can write
a book to explain it.
What you have just read is a summarized version of a much more involved
and very fantastic tale by Radu Cinamar from the book Transylvanian
Moonrise. While I enjoyed the narrative about Machandi very much, it did
not move me in quite the same way that the meeting with Elinor did. Perhaps
this is due to the fact that his journeys to see Machandi required me to stretch
my mind even further in order to accept the proposition that what Radu said
did indeed happen.
These phonetic etymologies tell us that the two pillars before the Temple of
Solomon represent two core aspects of existence. Boaz is faith, the faith we
experience every day when we wake up, walk out into the world and trust it
will be pretty much the same as yesterday. This sort of faith is more
fundamental than the ordinary concept of religious faith which has to do with
belief. Every creature who has awoken to find himself juxtaposed in space-
time is faced with the conundrum of existence. He or she not only has faith
that he or she is in this self-propagating continuous paradigm but that there is
perhaps a method to create a better circumstance. This gives rise to prayer
and a conversation with the a priori Creative Principle. This interaction
between man and the Creator, through prayer or intent, gives rise to the
theater of life and is symbolized by the two pillars of Joachin and Boaz.
This interaction of Joachin and Boaz manifests on the path of the High
Priestess, and it is actually representative of all the myriad crisscrossing of
opposites that the mind can imagine, all flowing down the Tree of Life to
Tipareth. This realm, assigned to Christ by cabalists because it is meant to
signify ultimate harmony, includes the reconciliation of opposites, whether
they be black or white. I choose to emphasize black and white in Tipareth,
not only because it is mentioned in classical interpretations but as it is also a
central theme of this book. This embracing of one’s opposite nature is the key
to transcendence and is represented well in the archetype of Zalmoxis where
we have transcendence from a man to a god. As I would eventually learn, this
is also the message of the flapping wings of the white bat.
Chapter Nineteen — Integration and Editing
I am choosing to write this chapter at this juncture for a few reasons. First,
prior to the last several chapters, every other chapter was about the mechanics
of writing as opposed to the content itself. This was an arbitrary structure that
I created which flowed with the points of view I was trying to get across. As I
got more into the narrative aspect of this book, the story took off and I felt
like it was best to follow it and abandoned the arbitrary structure that I had
become comfortable with. Whatever one is writing has to have a structure. If
not, it just chaotic information. Whether or not one wants to conform to the
generally accepted formats of either fiction or non-fiction, one has to choose
how they are going to present their information. One has to become
circumspect about what one is writing as well as who one is writing for.
Many books can easily conform to a standard format. Others can be tricky,
particularly when you are writing about the topics that I typically write about.
I have designed this particular book to have a certain 360º aspect. By that, I
mean that I am very circumspect about what I am writing, why I am writing
it, and who I am writing it to. This includes the mis en abyme principle.
There are mirrors or virtual mirrors placed all around the consciousness
If you have not already noticed, there are five major threads in this book: 1)
the original dream that inspired this book as well as the other dreams and
stream of consciousness that flows with all of this; 2) my personal narrative
and experiences; 3) Radu’s stories; 4) the theme of writing and how to do it;
and 5) the Tree of Life as a working model or mirror of life. While there are
other sub-threads, all of these major threads are interactive and crisscross
with each other.
Whatever you are writing, unless it is just simple and straight forward,
delineate your various threads. This is a matter of identifying what it is you
are actually writing about. It has to be clear in your mind, particularly if you
are writing about a complex subject. Any good attorney has to be very astute
at this as legal cases can be more complex than nuclear physics.
edict (n.) late 15c., edycte; earlier edit, late 13c., “proclamation having the
force of law,” from Old French edit, from Latin edictum “proclamation,
ordinance, edict,” neuter past participle of edicere “publish, proclaim,” from
e- “out” (see ex-) + dicere “to say.”
Other than to clarify the meaning of what an editor actually is, I have
included these words because they show the relationship of edit and editor
with the word edict. An edict is a very forceful word which is quite literally a
law. While the word law conveys a rather somber and heavy tone, it basically
means to lay down something. What these words show, however, is that
when you write you are essentially making a proclamation. While you might
or might not think of it as law, it is your own truth, at least for the moment
you are writing it. The editing process is different than the writing process. In
the writing process, you have unlimited capacity to experiment and play. You
can test ideas all you want. When you edit, you are writing it down in a much
more permanent and serious fashion. It extends a mirror out into the world. If
you do it lamely, with hesitation, or hoping an editor or someone else can
improve the content, you are fluttering in the wind. Do not expect others to
pick up or correct your mistakes. Even so, it is advisable to have others read
your manuscript and help out and make comments. This is always very
helpful. One of the worst disservices I have ever seen, however, is when
people read another’s work and tell them how good it is when it really is not
an appropriate comment. Although the manuscript might be “good” or even
interesting to the person who made the comment, I have too often seen
instances that while the writing in question might have some excellent
qualities, it has no potential whatsoever for being sold. This is perfectly fine
if you do not want to sell what you are writing, but such comments by people
who are not in the publishing world can give false hope or encouragement to
someone. Therefore, if people like your work, that is fine. In most instances,
do not count on them for professional advice with regard to the marketability
of what you have written. They might, however, have some good points or
astute comments about the marketing of your manuscript, so while you
should not discount them utterly, be careful about becoming overly
enthusiastic about such endorsements.
There are plenty of good writers in the world. Many, if not most, college
graduates are fully capable of writing clear and concise literature of almost
any type. Those who will get their material sold is an entirely different
prospect. We currently live in an age where the technology of print-on-
demand has created more published authors than there has ever been in the
history of the world. Anyone can publish these days, but marketing and
selling is an entirely different matter. Counting on others to do this is also
quite risky. Writing and the marketing of what you write are two separate art
None of what I said should discourage you from writing. Ideally, your
writing should be chronicling the adventure of your soul. If you are writing a
resume, you are writing down the aspects of your soul that you want others to
recognize so that you can integrate your talents with the world. A teacher or
instructor can write to share his knowledge and make learning fun for his
students. If you are a CEO, you can totally change the mood of your
organization in an upbeat way by firing out carefully thought out memos and
edicts through your secretary. If done callously or stupidly, it can ruin
morale, create confusion, and lessen the productivity of everyone.
Those of you who do not have any particular professional aspirations for your
writing might be the luckiest of all. First, you will not have to deal with the
prospect of failure. More importantly, as said before, you can begin to
chronicle the adventure of your soul. Why? Well, if you do, you will be
transferring information from one side of the brain to the other, and you will
also have a record that you can refer back to. This also stimulates your
creative thinking, and creativity applies not just to writing but to all aspects
of life. We all need to be more creative in the kitchen, with our families, and
with our various life projects. Just as a sports coach or an engineer does better
when he puts things down on paper, so will you.
According to conventional history, the first writing was done on papyrus. The
Egyptians were big on writing, and their mystery schools included the Right
Eye of Horus and the Left Eye of Horus. These were two separate paths, but
one needed to learn both in order to fully integrate both sides of the brain.
According to their religion, a fusion of the two hemispheres of the brain
would demonstrate itself by an isotope of white gold emitting out of the
forehead. This was a testament to the Third Eye having been activated, but
this exceptional ability was only achieved after a full integration of both sides
of the brain. This means the intuitive aspect of consciousness was
synchronized with the linear aspect. Do not forget that the Hebrew letter shin
is also symbolic of the unification of both hemispheres of the brain. It is the
key secret of the universe, bridging the higher and lower aspects.
With regard to editing, I will give you an anecdotal story from my own life
about the most important technique I ever learned and how I learned it. This
concerns a colleague I had acquired during my days in the computer and
advertising businesses. Her name was Odette, and she was a native Parisian
who became a medical doctor in France. A very versatile woman, she was an
artist who emigrated to America where she hosted a French radio show in
New York. I believe it was called the Voice of France. Odette had also
worked as an editor for a major publisher of science fiction. I think it was
Bantam Books. An interesting side note about Odette is that her radio show
was piggybacked with a show of Ayn Rand, the famous author of
Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand, according to Odette, was a
strong believer in UFO’s emanating from the inside of the earth. Rand talked
about this subject adamantly. I do not recall, however, if it was just in private
conversations or on the radio. If I recall correctly, it was broadcast on the
radio. UFOs are what Odette remembered the most about Ayn Rand.
Odette also told me about working with most of the prominent science fiction
authors of the day. She said that most of them were either in tears or close to
tears as they would complain that their publisher would not put any
marketing efforts behind their books. This is a pitfall to any author. Publicity
and marketing budgets are seldom viable unless it is a big named author with
a built-in audience, such as a president writing his memoirs. Marketing is
even more difficult in today’s publishing world save for the internet which is
everyone’s easiest route to success.
When I was working on the original draft for The Montauk Project, I
remember speaking to Odette one day about what I was working on. In her
French accent and in an adamant voice, she told me to bring her the book. To
my surprise, she was in a hurry, and I was not even done with the book. I
thought her eagerness was odd, and it had nothing to do with her being
interested in the subject. It was like the jinn were propelling me to get the
help of a professional editor. She gave me very good advice over the phone
and said not to change anything. Everything I had written up to that point
were simply transcriptions of taped interviews with Preston Nichols. It
included none of my own reconstruction of Preston’s very complicated and
sometimes challenging explanations of space-time phenomena. She was
insistent that I not change anything because this would make me
psychologically immune to any criticism she might offer. Odette said she
would introduce me to the technique of line editing. When I finished
transcribing all of Preston’s data, I took a two hour drive to her new home in
New Jersey.
Line editing consists of one person, her in this case, reading out loud to
another person (myself). She would read out a sentence, and more often than
not, she would have a problem with it. As we were dealing with Preston’s
spoken English, the existing format was not even how he would express
himself in written form. One just listens to what is being said and evaluates
whether it makes any sense or could be said better. Almost all of what we
accomplished was her talking out loud and making corrections. It was my job
to write them down and make the actual written corrections later. As she
spoke out loud, only occasionally would I pitch in and deal with specific
issues that required further scrutiny and explanation. After an entire
afternoon, we were only half way done. It was a grueling and laborious
process, but it was edifying. I returned in a couple weeks after making the
necessary corrections. We then went over the second half of the book. After a
little more of this, I realized I had long since grasped the actual process and
the nuances of it. It then turned into a grind, and I no longer needed her help.
I was done. What I learned during this process, however, was invaluable.
I already had a good sense of how to write and edit before I learned about
line editing, but I cannot over emphasize how enlightening and helpful this
process was. When one writes, one has to be very conscious of everyone who
might pick up your book. You have to assume the viewpoint of how they
would or might receive the information as you are presenting it. A good way
to deal with this aspect is to turn on the television and channel flip for a long
time. As you do, write down all the different characters you see on different
shows. This might include a mother, a soldier, a banker, an actor, a truck
driver, a foreign national, and anything else under the sun. As you write
and/or edit, keep such people in mind. Think if they could understand what
you are saying and how they might relate to it. When you read out loud, even
if only to yourself, it will objectify your writing and enable you to perceive it
from a different perspective. It is ideal to have someone to read it to, and
particularly someone who knows language and grammar. If you are
beginning this process, it might also help to have them read to you and listen
to their input.
Looking back, it appears to be in the hands fate that put me together with
Odette, a woman who had hobnobbed with so many of the great science
fiction authors. When I was young, these people were my friends, at least in
my own mind, even though I did not know them. They were frequenting the
same noosphere that I was interested in. It seems that the creative process put
me together with Odette. She was very helpful and also very creative herself.
One of the most beautiful aspects of the creative process is that it can be used
to integrate disparate factors of existence. It can take desolation or failure and
turn it into something better. This is alchemy. Remember, The White Bat was
originally a failure as a story, at least in commercial terms. It has taken over
two decades for it to bear fruit.
The next morning, I received a phone call from Marta Thomas, a tour
operator whose business is known as Body Mind Spirt Journeys, and she
wanted to know if I would be her guide in Romania. Marta had read
Transylvanian Sunrise and understood the importance of the area and what I
was doing. There was, however, too little time left for her to gather a group
who might want to go with us. She offered to pay for my flight and transport
as well as Nicole’s transportation throughout Romania. I told her Nicole was
vital as we needed someone to negotiate the language. The prayer worked! If
it was not the prayer, one could not deny the synchronicity.
Nicole greeted both myself and Marta at the airport. We stayed at a nearby
hotel. The next day, we took a bus to Bușteni and checked into a hotel where
four of my Bulgarian friends had checked in. Bușteni is a mountain village
where one can take a cable car to the Romanian Sphinx. Another man from
America and a couple of other Romanian ladies joined us, and we had a team
of people for the adventure. It was a lot of fun for all of us.
The most notable part of the adventure was when we went to the Sphinx the
first morning. As is typical, we were prepared to wait for two hours to get on
the cable car that would take us there. One of our Romanian friends instead
secured the driver of a van who took us up there for about thirty dollars each.
It was well worth it. I did not know previously that one could make their way
up the mountain via a road, the last part of which is extremely bumpy and
best suited for an SUV.
When Lenutz said good-bye, two of my Bulgarian friends were sitting on one
of the “gateway” rocks. In their own way, they were dowsing and feeling the
energy. They said we must go to the valley below. We had hoped to hike
northward to Mount Omu, the mountain of humanity, but we learned it would
take at least three hours to arrive there. There was no way we could get back
in time to take the cable car. Instead, we decided to take the cable car to
Iaolomita Valley where there was also a cave. This cave turned out to be the
highlight of the entire trip.
When we emerged from the cable car, we had to walk for maybe three
quarters of a mile to get to the cave. The first thing I noticed, however, was a
nice hotel, the Pestera Hotel (pestera means cave in Romanian). It is a spa,
and I was happy to learn of this. If one has a car, van or SUV, one can travel
to the Pestera Hotel and take the nearby cable car to the sphinx. It is so much
easier than going via Bușteni, mostly because there is no or very little human
tourist traffic. It is also very beautiful. On this trip, we only had time to visit
Iaolomita Cave.
In front of the cave is a huge wall that was built by a monastery. They
regulate traffic in and out of the cave, and you are expected to make a small
donation. One can also stay overnight in the modest rooms at the monastery.
The cave itself is absolutely magnificent. You could drive about three tanks
into the beginning of the cave. It then becomes smaller, and one follows a
lighted path that leads about a half mile into the earth. Some of the passage
ways become rather small, and you have to crouch low to get through.
Passages that are very awkward have been facilitated with wooden steps and
planks that make the cave navigable. As you travel, there are at least two
huge spaces that are picturesque and unlike anything I have ever experienced.
The cave is also supplied with a continuous water source. The path diverges
at one point. After a short walk, you find an underground river or brook with
a flowing pool of water. When you get to the very end of the cave, it does not
really end. The man-made boarded pathway ends, and there is a very slim
opening. You can feel the energy but that is about it. A few days later, I
would arrive at Atlantykron where I met a man who had gone beyond the so-
called end to the cave. Using boards and lighting, he made it about eighty
yards beyond the point where tourists are wise to stop. He said there is water,
and one has to account for that. After eighty yards, he said the cave opens up
and one would need spelunking equipment to go any further. This, quite
literally, is supposed to be a path to the Inner Earth. There are many such
caves in Romania.
After examining and experiencing this cave, it is very easy to imagine or feel
the reality of what Radu Cinamar writes about in Transylvanian Sunrise. This
spectacular cave is just a short distance from the Sphinx itself which is on top
of a mountain. The entire area itself is studded with underground pockets of
natural phenomena.
The following day, we had hoped to return to the mountain and climb to
Mountain Omu, but it rained and was not to be. I went with the Bulgarians to
the Julia Hasdeu Castle. This castle is the result of a true story about actual
spiritual phenomena. Julia was a remarkably talented progeny of Bogdan
Petriceicu Hasdeu, an extremely brilliant and internationally recognized
writer of Romanian nationality who was originally born in the Ukraine. B.P.
Hasdeu was a philologist who knew 26 languages. Philology is the study of
language in written historical sources and is a combination of linguistics,
history, and literary criticism. Hasdeu’s daughter, Julia, was reading and
writing at age four and graduated the conservatory at age eleven, majoring in
piano. She was slated to complete her doctorate at Sorbonne in France but
died of tuberculosis at age eighteen. To say that he was tragically affected by
his daughter’s death is a severe understatement.
Hasdeu turned to the spirit world and received a commensurate answer to his
grief. Julia appeared to him and conversed frequently. She dictated the plans
for Hasdeu Castle, a unique structure which is said to be a combination
temple-castle, and the only one of its kind. Visiting the castle is not a light
experience, and while it is said to be the only one of its kind in Romania, it
somehow seems typical of Romania. It is hard to explain.
Neither Marta nor Nicole went with us. Despite my strong admonitions not to
do so, they visited Bran Castle, more popularly known to tourists as Castle
Dracula. I do not recommend this to anyone, and I have never gone myself. It
is not Dracula’s Castle, but it is a tourist attraction that is designed to imprint
one with a very negative vibration. There are lurid stories about what goes on
there as well. These also have nothing to do with Dracula and are not shared
with the general public. Romania is a land that is full of primeval spirits. If
you go on a journey, you are going to be tested. It is not wise to start off by
putting yourself in a suggestible or vulnerable position. There are far more
positive angles to purse. Nicole, who has a very pure natural energy, was
energetically discombobulated when she got home, and I spent some time
doing a Chi Gong technique on her. She definitely felt the difference. Marta
was in even worse straits. She came to the realization that her expensive
video camera had been stolen in Bosnia, and there were other elements
connected to her recent trip to that country that were now coming to a
negative culmination. While Bran Castle did not cause those factors,
everything came to a head after her visit there. She was up late into the night.
Go at your own risk.
The next morning, the Bulgarians drove back to Bulgaria while Nicole,
Marta, and I took the train to Bucharest and then to Cernavodă where we got
a ride to Capidava and attended Atlantykron. There were only a few days left
at Atlantykron, but this was a new experience for me. I soon found myself
communicating and networking nonstop. Over the last three years, I had
made so many friends and contacts that I felt like a major transformation had
taken place. The landscape was becoming more and more familiar;
nevertheless it was a short trip, and I would soon be back in America.
Like all of Radu’s books, Mystery of Egypt is different than the others
although the background story and context remain consistent. The book
begins with Elinor, the alchemist, having to leave the country for security
reasons. Repa Sundhi suggests to him that Radu might stay in his house as a
custodian where he will have access to Elinor’s extensive occult library.
Elinor accepts the suggestion but does not give Radu access to his rather
extensive, exotic and classical alchemical laboratory in the basement. Before
he leaves the country, however, Elinor facilitates a transformative experience
for Radu by giving him two drops of a “yellowish copper-colored” elixir.
This substance creates a profound reaction in Radu which resulted in him
feeling “reborn” with his soul flooded with joy.
Soon thereafter, as he read from Elinor’s library, Radu found himself longing
for Cezar, his old mentor, in order that he could answer his questions. It had
been a long time since he had last seen Cezar. Much to his surprise, and by
pure synchronicity, Cezar called him and said he wanted to meet with him
that very night. Overjoyed, they soon meet and Radu is recruited to join
Department Zero on a journey with Cezar into the mysterious “first tunnel” in
the Projection Hall of the Bucegi complex. This tunnel leads to a hidden
chamber beneath the Giza Plateau in Egypt.
While Radu’s entire adventure is high sci-fi, the story is both entertaining and
plausible. To me, the most exciting aspects were Radu’s descriptions of the
advanced American technology required for the journey through the tunnel to
Egypt. This included rubberized suits with biosensors and high tech vehicles,
but the most interesting technology was in the hands of a gawky American
savant named Aidan who has a laptop computer that projects holographic
readouts. It was a super-genius device that tied into an even bigger
holographic computer at the Pentagon. Aidan explained that he felt
empathically “wired” into the circuitry of the computer itself.
Radu and Cezar are accompanied on their mission to Giza by Aidan, another
American and another Romanian. This was a follow-up mission to a previous
one two years earlier. A a result of intense feedback submitted from the
original expedition to research and design labs working for the Pentagon, a
remarkable high-tech vehicle was designed. With an optimum cruising speed
of 125 km per hour and a capability of reaching up to 200 km per hour, the
vehicle was designed so that the cruising speed could remain constant, even if
ascending or descending slopes in the tunnel. The design included an
aerodynamic flow of air on the body, redundant laser guidance systems,
control systems for the outer atmospheric parameters, cabin pressurization
with oxygen reserves, and even a sophisticated system that could artificially
support life for a certain period of time in case of serious accidents.
The target of the expedition was to recover neatly organized slate-like tablets
that are in fact a type of ancient “DVD” that project holographic “memories”
of the history of the world. The tablets do not require a projector and are so
numerous that they could only hope to return a portion of them to their home
base, after which they would be sent to America for detailed study. Even
though they could not recover everything in one mission, what they did
retrieve would take a team of viewers a considerable amount of time to view.
Another intriguing aspect of the time device is that there is a certain amount
of censorship present. When Cezar attempts to project his consciousness into
time in order to see who created the device, he encounters blockages. While it
is informative and useful in certain respects, it contains mysteries which it
does not want penetrated, at least at this particular time.
At the same time as I was finishing the editing of Mystery of Egypt, rioting
began to break out in Cairo. I could not help but think that what was going on
was due to political infighting behind the scenes and that it might have to do
with the intrigue Radu writes about beneath Giza. After all, the Egyptians
were realizing that Romanians and Americans had access to an area on their
territory that they did not. Radu confirmed my suspicions in a letter; but he
also told me something else that was of far more interest. He said I could
expect a short meeting with Elinor in the next ten months. This was exciting.
Perhaps my feelings about receiving a personal initiation into this ancient
tradition were going to come to pass. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever
contemplated an actual meeting with Elinor.
Chapter Twenty-one — The Secret Parchment
Quite specifically, I was told to expect to meet this remarkable man within a
ten month time frame. In other words, it would take place by the end of
October 2012. It was to be only a ten minute meeting or so, but I would have
the opportunity to extend it to thirty minutes if I wished. Not much more was
said other than the location of the meeting place. I viewed such a meeting as a
window of opportunity to find out more about as well as possibly participate
in the esoteric tradition of alchemy that Elinor was a part of. If we can judge
by the data as has been presented, this was not an opportunity of a lifetime
but rather an opportunity of many lifetimes.
Jonette was an executive in the business world before she started channeling.
I found her not only to be a big sweetheart but that she was also extremely
practical and functional when it came to planning what we would do. Asking
for my input, I was insistent that we avoid Bran Castle and that we go to
Sarmizegetusa for three days. When I told her the story about the so-called
Dracula’s castle, she definitely got the message, but she was not able to
accommodate my request for three days in Sarmizegetusa. While there were
valid logistical reasons for this, I was a bit disappointed; but only because it
had been ground into my head from my Romanian friends that you must
spend three days to get the full experience. Most special of all, however, was
that Jonette and her husband, Ed Oakley, generously accepted my invitation
to attend Atlantykron before we departed on the spiritual journey itself. I
therefore got plenty of time to get to know both of them better.
The Secret Parchment begins with a power struggle over Department Zero.
For some time, certain members of the Romanian parliament have been
attempting a coup to take over control of Department Zero in order to get
their hands on the accompanying technology that it was created to protect.
Cezar’s boss, General Obadea, avoids this crisis by utilizing a loophole based
upon their working agreement with the Americans. By sending Radu to
America for a very special training program in remote viewing, diplomatic
stipulations mandate that Department Zero must stay intact as it is. Radu not
only gets to visit America, but he excels in the remote viewing program and
is one of only five people who are allowed to remain in the program. As soon
as he achieves this status, he is interrupted by a phone call from Romania. It
is Cezar telling him he must return immediately on the next plane out.
The secret parchment itself is rather short and sweet, but it required much
study and dialogue between Radu and Shin Li before he was ready to present
the translation and commentary. The commentary is very important and
should be read for a full understanding. In the epilogue of The Secret
Parchment, I took the liberty of summating the parchment in the format of
crib notes for fast ready reference. At the same time, I commented that one
should also read the full text as written by Radu. My personal and
individualized summary of what the parchment contains is as follows.
2) All we are is a result of what we have thought — what you think is what
you get. This is also representative of the principle of quantum affinity or the
Law of Affinity.
5) Will — Align yourself with your own Higher Will and the Divine Source
of Creation.
These are simple but potent precepts which can create tremendous harmony
in your personal life, particularly if they are reviewed on a daily basis as you
continually cultivate and refine the finer aspects.
Just after Radu completes his translation, and it is being prepared for release
to the world in the Romanian language, a stunning development takes place
that reunites the Romanians and Americans as it begins to explain the
mystery that the Americans were so upset and distrusting about. The
Americans report that not far from their Macor Base in Antarctica, a huge
antenna-like structure began to reveal itself through an internally driven
process which facilitated the melting of the snow and ice it had been wrapped
up in for millennia. Nobody was quite sure what it was, but it appeared to be
a device that was placed there in ancient history for a specific purpose. What
the Americans did notice, however, was that it was facilitating signals that
revealed a triangulation between three areas: Jupiter’s moon Europa,
Sarmizegetusa in Transylvania, and an area near Mount McKinley in Alaska.
As the Americans are seeking help, Radu joins a remote viewing team and
travels to Antarctica. General Obadea comes out of retirement and also joins
the team, eventually becoming a liaison to the Joint Chiefs of Staff with an
office at the Pentagon.
We finally learn what is behind all the drama when Cezar reveals to Radu the
contents of the thin file previously referred to. Up to that time, it had been the
top state secret of the Romanian government, a topic that was even more
sensitive than the holographic technology chamber beneath the Sphinx. Cezar
showed Radu the file and also explained it to him.
The golden tunnels they pursued eventually led to a bed-like edifice made of
pure gold. Accompanying it was a slab with hieroglyphics that was
eventually studied by three major universities and reduced to the lowest
common denominator and interpreted as follows:
Based upon what was offered at the universities, Cezar explained to Radu
that KR signified Cronos, the god of time and that this mysterious locale
signified the holy place of Cronos. It is where the god Cronos is alive and
present and unites the worlds. As such, this site represents the origin of time.
A pointed and rather impeccable scholarly discussion ensues to demonstrate
that this area of the Carpathians, modern day Transylvania, was the cradle of
all civilizations and nations now existing and that the language they spoke
was the source of the primordial language, the Romanian language. Cezar
sites one of the greatest contemporary linguists as saying that it is the only
natural language in Europe; and further, that it is exactly what scientists look
for and do not find: the Indo-European language which is common to all
nations which make up our modern civilization.
What was just stated above is not only considered controversial in academic
circles, it is downright rejected by virtually all academics outside of
Romania. The Romanians know better for they, as a people, have been
witness to the politics that has surrounded the attempt to dominate their
resources as well as their very ancient culture. They possess an unbroken
memory, at least in some quarters. Cezar tells us about the political
motivations for undermining the true history of the Romanian language.
There is also an interesting history that should shed any doubt for those
without prejudice.
In the 18th Century, certain academics went to the bizarre lengths of creating
their own word, protochronism, in order to explain away and undermine the
incredibly spectacular legacy of Romanian history. Quite ingeniously,
however, typical academic scholarship blames the creation of this word on
the Romanians themselves. Here is a definition from Wikipedia:
I cannot tell you how laughable and insulting this is to Romanians, especially
when their nationals have contributed so much to science. Henry Coanda and
Herman Oberth are just two examples. Romanians are not void of initiative at
all. If the Dacian presence was wiped out, how come there is such a strong
identification in the Romanian people that has persisted for centuries? Did
they just look around one day, see how the modern world surrounded them
and say, “Gee, we have to make up a history about ourselves
to explain why are not as good as the rest of the world?” In actual fact,
Romanians are some of the most brilliant people you will ever meet. There is,
however, considerably more behind this story.
The groundwork for modern Europe was laid, in many respects, with the
Revolution of 1848 in Europe. In what has been called the most widespread
revolutionary wave in European history, this was an uprising of the peasant
and middle classes against the national governments and especially any
remaining monarchies. It was basically set into motion by the Jesuits in
conjunction with the Freemasons. Part of this was the Communist League
who authorized the publication of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.
The entire communist ideal was based upon a Jesuit community in Paraguay.
Romania comes into the picture with the Crimean War in 1853. This was
theoretically caused over a dispute about a chapel on the Mount of Olives in
Jerusalem. Said to be the precise spot where Jesus ascended to heaven, the
French and English wanted access, but it was in the custody of the Russians.
There were, of course, other political issues at stake, and much of it had to do
with reducing or removing the influence of the Ottoman Empire over the
Holy Land. The Crimean War, however, literally gave birth to the nation of
Romania as we know it. The boundaries of this new country were based upon
the primary uniformity of language spoken by the people, i.e. Romanian.
[ * Junimea is derived from the Romanian word juni which refers to youth.]
Up until the Revolution of 1848, the people of what we now know as modern
Romania, save for a minority of Hungarians and a few others, identified
themselves with the old Dacian empire and spoke what is referred to as
archaic Romanian or archaic Dacian. After this, there was a major
restructuring and alteration of the language, largely under the French
Masonic influence. This included changing the Romanian alphabet from
Cyrillic to Latin and eventually, after the Union of Transylvania with
Romania on December 1st 1918, the final establishment of modern literary
Romanian. Accompanying this was the deliberately created fiction that
Romania and the other Romance Languages derived from Latin as opposed to
archaic or classical Romanian.
While the language conspiracy is profound and its impact upon the culture of
Mankind is too easily underestimated, it almost pales in comparison to the
abundant and remarkable archeological finds in Romania. Archeologists have
barely scratched the surface. The implications of these are enormous and are
capable of completely turning the world’s view of itself upside down. You
will often see people getting excited over Egypt, Turkey, Bosnia as well as
other sites of ancient culture. This is all well and fine, but it is sort of like
getting excited about all the toys, diapers, bassinet, and other accoutrements
of a new baby without examining the baby itself.
Let me now revisit what I said earlier about this magical location signifying
the holy place where Cronos was alive, present and united the worlds. It
should be noted here that long before the legends of St. Nicholas, the
Romanians also recognized Cronos in his more cheery aspects as Santa
Claus, the god of time, who appeared at the end of the calendar and ushered
in the new year. This concept was later borrowed by the Greeks and
transmogrified into Saturn by the Romans who celebrated their Saturnalia
festivities. It is really important here to reiterate that this locale was quite
literally considered to represent the origin of time. This, in turn, is indicative
that this area, Transylvania, is the cradle of all civilizations and nations
existing now and that this is the source of the primordial language. There is
more to Cezar’s story, but so that you better understand it, let me give you an
John von Neumann, the brilliant mathematician who is also recognized for
his engineering of the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project, is also
the father of game theory. Studying the weather, stock market, as well as
games in general, von Neumann stated that no matter what theory you devise
with regard to games, it will always be subordinate to the eventuality that
someone is going to cheat. Cheating is a way of life in this world and you see
it all the time in the stock market, pro sports, politics, insurance fraud, and so
on. In any endeavor that you undertake, you have to be aware of the potential
of being cheated and take it into account in your planning. What I am going
to suggest to you right now, however, is a concept you might not have
thought about in the above context. I would also tell you that this concept of
cheating applies to the field of physics and/or quantum physics. In other
words, the perception of quantum phenomena and all the infinite potential
that it represents, the Many Worlds Theory being just one prime example, has
been manipulated to the point where people, and that includes scientists,
cannot even think clearly on the subject. Physicists work mostly in a box; and
when they do venture outside, they are continually frustrated by their failure
to ascertain the ultimate resolution to the proposition of the physical universe.
The reason for this is that either their perceptions and thinking capacity have
been shut down in some regard or they are being denied information which
would lead to a resolution.
While we cannot precisely state at this juncture what those thrones represent,
they are suggestive of the archetypal Throne energies. While these are most
popularly depicted in Western culture as relating to the Abramic religions,
most of what has been exposited by writers has been rendered in a Christian
context. Even so, there is much diversion of opinion and commentary.
Accordingly, my following description is an attempt to reduce this to the
lowest common denominator based upon archetypal function.
Thrones are angels of the Third Order (first sphere).* Beings of tremendous
power and movement, Thrones are keepers of the higher, more expanded
energies. It is their job to ensure that these higher energies maintain
connectivity and flow throughout the different realms of existence. Thrones
create, channel and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies. It is also
their job to pass messages to men and the subordinate angels.
[ * The first sphere of angles are the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. The
Seraphim are the highest angelic class and serve as the caretakers of God’s
(think of God as the Prime Mover) throne and continuously exalt or
recognize God. Cherubim are the next class of angels; and they are said to
have four faces representing the fixed signs of the zodiac: one each of a man,
an ox, a lion, and an eagle. Cherubim guard the way to the Tree of Life in the
Garden of Eden and the Throne of God, actually sustaining the latter.]
Like the Cherubim, Thrones come the closest of all angels to spiritual
perfection and emanate the light of God with mirror-like goodness. Due to
the fact that these angels are living symbols of God’s justice and authority,
these angels are called Thrones. They send healing energies to victims while
shining a light on injustice and bring it to our attention. Despite their
greatness, they are intensely humble, an attribute that allows them to dispense
justice with perfect objectivity and without fear of pride or ambition.
What is particularly interesting with regard to this narrative, as you will soon
read, is that Thrones are assigned to planets. They are also direct conduits to
the physical universe. Thrones are often depicted as eyes as is described in
Ezekiel’s vision of the chariots.
Gazing into this ellipsis, Professor Constantin then began to lose his normal
reference frame for consciousness. Looking into the empty space, he
saw another universe. Looking at black cosmic space and the glitter of the
stars, he said it was like looking through the porthole of a space ship at the
surrounding cosmos. The difference was that the respective ‘porthole’
actually did not exist, but the access was free, as if through a fountain.
Downwards and a bit to the side, Professor Constantin noticed a great planet
with formations similar to the ones on Earth when seen from space. He
compared the size of that planet with that of Earth as seen from the moon.
The difference was that the color of that planet combined blue with different
shades of yellow and orange.
A team was sent to investigate the tunnels once again as Professor Constantin
showed the way. The R.I.S. people were in shock, and one of them died
during the exploration. It was immediately decided that the entrance to this
incredible find should be covered up. A cement mixer was hired to fill the
area, but the man driving it became crazy and left. He was, however, always
kept a safe distance from the site so he never knew exactly where it was. The
R.I.S. people were able to cement up the opening themselves. They had taken
four photographs and the professor had taken five. At least this is how many
actually revealed anything, including the thrones and golden bed.
After leaving Professor Constantin under house arrest with the local police,
the remaining three R.I.S. agents took a file with the photographs and headed
back to Bucharest in a car. They did not make it, however, because they
suffered a fatal car crash. All three died in the accident. In the meantime,
General Obadea had ordered Cezar to go to the scene and investigate what
had happened. Although all of these spectacular events were in the
jurisdiction of Department Zero, they did not quite have the political clout
that they would later develop, particularly after the Bucegi discovery. All
Cezar was able to do was to recover the file from the crashed car. A thorough
investigation indicated that the accident was not a human conspiracy. Fate
had stepped in.
Cezar was also able to interview Professor Constantin and tape record their
conversation. Although the professor was in shock, he gave Cezar what
information he could. After being interviewed by Cezar for only a couple of
hours, the R.I.S. took Professor Constantin away, and he has never been
heard of again. Cezar gave the agents the tape recorded interview but made
notes of everything that he heard, and these ended up in the file with the
photograph. This file became Romania’s top state secret. There is more about
the file and its implications in The Secret Parchment.
This is pretty much where the story ends, at least in terms of Radu’s
published works. I have, however, received considerable correspondence
from him since that time. While regretting and apologizing at the same time
that he could not provide more substantial proof, he took considerable lengths
to sincerely convey to me that these events in his book were indeed real and
not merely fiction. Many people have been quick to question Radu’s sincerity
as well as to suggest that his work is the collaboration of a team. None of
these people, however, have had the experience or circumstance to deal with
Radu on any sort of personal level, nor to critically examine his writing style,
particularly in his personal letters. There are also tangible and intangible
factors concerning Radu, his existence, and what all of his writings might
mean. Based upon my experiences with him, which cover a period of about
six years now, I can tell you the following with confidence. Radu is a real
person with his own personality who uses a pen name. His published works
have always been subject to a filter of censorship. Whether this censorship is
from a committee or Cezar Brad, I cannot say.
For those of you who wish to write with the purpose of publication, I want to
relay an important story with regards to your potential audience. Keep in
mind that any writing has an audience, even if it is only intended for yourself
to read at a future date. Never disregard that fact and always think of your
audience when you write.
Although I had never heard of Sheckley’s later successes in life, I had read
some of his early science fiction in high school and found it very special. To
this day, I remember reading a story of his about a character who was very
thirsty for water on the parched desert of the planet Venus. Even though I
knew there was no such desert on Venus, he told the story with such reality
that I felt transported into the story itself. I thought he was a good writer, and
I think that is what any reader wants: to be transported into another world that
is not his own. Now it was about forty years later, and here I was meeting a
man who actually knew Sheckley.
Roberto was impressed that I even knew who Sheckley was. As I said, his
name earns you a blank stare from most people. Roberto explained to me that
Sheckley had a huge fan base in Russia, and he would be driven around in a
special limousine when he toured the country. Sheckley was also popular in
Romania. I did not fully understand, however, the whole story between
Roberto and Sheckley until a few years later.
In 2012, I was asked to take part in a seminar with Roberto and Sorin
Repanovici, the director of the camp. Each of us were to give a ten to fifteen
minute talk on dreams which would be followed by a question and answer
discussion with the students. It was very interesting for me to hear their
stories. Sorin talked about how his father took him fishing on this island
when he was a young man. He had big dreams and as he got older, he and his
friends would camp out on the island and have discussions about science
fiction. It grew and grew to the point where Atlantykron is just about to have
its 25th anniversary. It is now an international event.
Roberto told the entire story of his involvement with Sheckley and how he
had once written him a letter. As Sheckley had moved, it was returned to
Roberto about a year later after having found its way through both the U.S.
and Italian postal systems. Although it is easy to get discouraged under such
circumstances, Roberto was able to trace Sheckley’s address to Oregon. It
required both good luck and good fortune. The two took up a correspondence
which resulted in Sheckley visiting and staying with Roberto for some time.
They toured together through Europe and Russia. It also facilitated
Sheckley’s visit to Atlantykron. When Sheckley passed away, the latter’s
wife made a comment to Roberto that he was really his only friend. What is
more important than the mechanics of all of this is the story Roberto
eventually wrote and published. While it was not received particularly well in
terms of sales or getting much attention of any kind, it did get the attention of
one man in Bucharest who absolutely loved it. As this person was also
computer savvy, it created a circumstance whereby he was able to facilitate a
regular income for Roberto. Although it was not intended to be that way, the
book essentially had an audience of one person. None of it, however, would
have happened without Roberto’s experiences with Sheckley. It completely
changed Roberto’s life. The moral of this story to any writer is pretty clear.
Do not limit yourself and do not underestimate what your writing might do.
Even if what you have to say is not going to be consumed by the masses, it
might have a more potent effect if it reaches either one or only a few people.
When it was my turn to address the group during this seminar, I had not
prepared anything to say; but it was clear to me that the only reason I was
even at Atlantykron was a result of following my dream to be a writer. My
dream had propelled me into Sorin’s dream which was Atlantykron itself.
Roberto was creating a further link, and he had already facilitated the filming
of my story My Kentucky Cousin. Atlantykron is a place where dreams either
come true or are facilitated. It was only after David (while he was in
Germany) was invited to Atlantykron (as a last minute substitute for a
German speaker who had cancelled) that he contacted me and brought me
into his very unique world. Despite my recognition about pursuing my dream,
however, I was overlooking The White Bat and how the dream that inspired
that story was an underlying catalyst behind all of my involvement in
At the same time I tell you not to get discouraged, I want to repeat that most
people write what they write for themselves. If you have a great message to
teach people, you are most likely engaging in an act of self-discovery and
personal exploration. Write for yourself and do not be ashamed of it. At the
same time, be very aware of and respectful, at least as far as possible, to
anyone who might pick up your book and read it. If you are writing about
politics, religion or ethnicity, it is almost impossible not to offend someone.
What you want to do, however, is state what you have to state in the most
subtle and inoffensive manner as possible. People will still be offended, but
such people are really more interested in squashing your freedom of speech
than they are in tolerating or learning about views other than their own.
Once your writing is ready for publication, it has to be put into an acceptable
format for being viewed. If it is a regular book, you would need typesetting
software such as InDesign® by Adobe software. If it is an ebook, you can
download a free epub (which stands for ebook publication) generator such as
Sigil. Both of these programs have free tutorials. You can learn them with
some patience. One can always hire someone to do such, but I do not
recommend this if you do not have a generous budget. A good book that will
guide you step-by-step from production to marketing is The Complete Guide
to Self-Publishing by Tom and Marilyn Ross. There are other books, and it is
recommended that you study up on such if you are going to produce
something for actual publication. I am not going to cover this subject in any
detail because extensive books have been written about it. Not only will they
tell you whether or not you should be in the publishing business on any level,
you will find out what to expect as an author. Such books are good to read in
any event as you learn about the environment of publishing in general. I do
not recommend that you attend any seminar on such subjects as you will pay
far too much money for far too little information. Read the books.
I entered the publishing arena in 1992 and was able to garnish just enough if
not a lot of attention at the American Bookseller’s Association (now called
Book Expo America) in Anaheim, California. There were a number of
reasons I was able to succeed, and a lot of it had to do with timing and good
luck. What was even more important was that I had a quality book, The
Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, that had intriguing content and an
equally attractive cover that was rendered in a strategically commercial
format that was recognizable and appealing to the industry. My ex-wife, who
was a highly talented commercial artist, was an integral part of making this
happen. Another important factor was that the topic had been seeded to a
certain extent by various lectures of Preston Nichols and Al Bielek. In
addition to this, everyone who had ever heard of the Philadelphia Experiment
was a seeded audience. My contribution was not only having the patience and
mental acumen to write the book with Preston, it was being able to recognize,
understand, and put together all of the associated marketing angles.
Another point I will share with you from experience is that one person
phoning a sizable book store every week and asking for your book is not
going to create any meaningful impression on either the book store or a
distributor. It will take numerous calls or in store requests PER DAY for it to
register on their ordering and stocking meter. Further, you do not want one
more book in a book store than will be sold. Why? If you are a publisher, you
can expect unsold books to be returned. This can be a nightmare to a small
publisher. A few years before I wrote The Montauk Project, I had a friend
who used to work for science fiction publishers. He told me that if I was ever
lucky enough to write and publish a book that would be accepted by the
publishing industry that I could expect an order of maybe 30,000 books and
then to have 25,000 of them returned. That sounds terrible, but it can happen,
and many of those books will be in less than perfect condition. To deal in
such levels, you need a warehouse.
None of this is meant to scare you away from the publishing industry, but it is
the reality of the publishing industry. Most of the publishers and distributors I
saw and did business with back in 1992 are now long gone. When they go
broke and do not pay you, you also have to bear that burden.
On the other hand, ebooks and print-on-demand enable you to publish a book
with very little capital investment whatsoever. You can also advertise your
book on the internet. While this is not a pathway to riches, you can find your
target market and also do internet radio shows to publicize your work. If the
book has real potential in terms of a big market, this is not a bad place to start
and test the waters. Go carefully and find your way. It is also important to
point out that you will make far more money by selling 100 books that you
self-publish in ebook or print-on-demand format that you would by selling
3,000 books with an already established publisher.
Books often serve best as a calling card or introduction to who you are and
what you have to offer. Make sure that you have your purpose fully in mind
when you write. Keep your dreams in mind, too, and never neglect them.
Chapter Twenty-three — The Valley of the Golden
As previously indicated, I was very interested to get the The Secret
Parchment translated before my trip to Romania with Jonette Crowley. I
wanted both of us to read it so that we would have a full appreciation of the
bigger picture as stated by Radu Cinamar. There were no particular
expectations for the trip itself. My only disappointment was that the schedule
did not provide us an opportunity to spend the prescribed three full days at
Sarmizegetusa. As already stated, this is one of the most important criteria for
a sacred journey to Sarmizegetusa.
In the second part of the English language version of The Secret Parchment, I
gave a detailed account of the journey from my own perspective. I will not
repeat it here, but it was quite an adventure. Much of it focused on sacred or
prognostic dreams that I experienced. If anyone has any sort of spiritual
aptitude or is a true seeker, one is going to forge some very deep connections
on a journey to Sarmizegetusa. My dreams and various meetings with people
were no exception. In this chapter, I will focus primarily on our journey to
Fete Alba. This was the Dacians last stronghold against the invading Romans
and there are still some ruins of it located high on a mountain. It is probably
only a mile or two from Sarmizegetusa as the crow flies. We, however, were
taking a circuitous path up the mountain so we would enjoy a minimum
incline. It would take about an hour and a half from the paved road we
departed from.
Through good fortune and spontaneity, we had met a guide at our local hotel,
the Cotiso in Costesti, and he offered to take us to Fete Alba. He did not live
far from the area. This was convenient as there was one point where we
would pass through some private property that belonged to one of his
neighbors. He said he had permission, and this was all very nice. When we
got to the top of the mountain, we took a short break to take in the beautiful
scenery. As we did, a local woman came out with a bushel of apples for us to
enjoy. It was here that I learned for the first time about an ancient order of
wizards with special knowledge and abilities. They are known as Solomonars
and are often linked to the ancient Dacian priests. Also known as Zgri or
Hultan, agenda driven literature will tell you that they were later name
Solomonars by Christian priests who named them because they were
comparable to the supernatural jinn in the legends of King Solomon. This is
not true and is pure propaganda. The name Solomonari (plural) existed long
before the legends of King Solomon. Both names refer to the sun (sol) and
the moon (mon), and the whole concept is intertwined with the Lovers card in
the Tarot. This equates to Gemini or Zalmoxis.
A very important part of this tradition is that children born with special signs,
including those with the placenta on their head, might become a Hultan. Such
children might be stolen by a Hultan and taken to a school in “Crugul
Pamantului” where they are trained until the age of 20. “Crugul Pamantului”
can be translated as “the middle of the Earth” and is sometimes expressed as
being “raised in the middle of the wolves.” This also alludes to Romulus and
Remus, two twins of the virgin Vesta, courtesy of the god Mars, who were
raised by wolves. It is not only ironic that Cezar Brad was born with a special
sign, in his case a very large umbilical cord, but that his later life was in
Department Zero under the tutelage of Dr. Xien. It further evolves into Cezar
becoming an ambassador to the people of the Inner Earth. This gives us all
cause to wonder if Dr. Xien is of the order of the Hultan himself. In any
event, I find it fascinating that Cezar Brad’s personal life story, whether
intended to or not, parallels the legends of ancient Romanian mythology.
Although I had heard the legend about beggars in Romania, this was really
my first introduction to the Solomonari. I would say that our guide was
indeed a Solomonari, but he is also very much human. This is how the people
who live in this area can be. It was as if he came down the mountain to guide
us to our destination and teach us about the Solomonari. After his short talk,
he took me aside and spoke through a translator.
Pointing down to a deep valley below, he said, “That is the Valley of the
Golden Thrones.”
I was rather dumbstruck. You mean it really exists? That was the question I
asked myself. Not in a million years would I have expected to be guided
anywhere near to the very area where Professor Constantin had discovered
these remarkable golden tunnels, especially without trying to find them. I did
not realize that my aptitude for synchronicity was in overdrive. Even if all of
this is viewed only as a myth, it was now clear to me that the mythology of
this area runs far deeper than what Radu has stated thus far. Radu alludes to a
very deep mystery in The Secret Parchment but has not yet elaborated
beyond what is said in that book, the summation of which you have already
read. I was now learning that there are indeed more legs to this story but did
not realize that a baton was literally being passed to me.
The Valley of the Golden Thrones is a beautiful valley that leads into pure
wilderness. I was told that, within this valley, there is an entrance leading to
the caves or tunnels described by Cezar. If you follow the tunnels long
enough, they will eventually take you to the golden thrones mentioned in that
same chamber. Those are the thrones that, according to Professor
Constantin’s account as relayed by Cezar, surround an elliptical vortex to
another world.
Asking our guide if he knew about Professor Constantin, he said that he had
known him. I privately wondered what the odds were of me serendipitously
finding such a person. All of this was remarkable to me, and I knew right
then that this was the climax of the entire trip, at least for me. I did not expect
anything to be more spectacular than this revelation, and I was indeed correct
on this point. It was crystal clear to me that my next step was to make a
separate journey to explore this valley. I was warned, however, that one must
ask permission of the spirits and not to expect to enter the tunnels themselves.
The spirits will communicate through the caves. If they ever deem that you
are worthy to visit the tunnels, you will be guided. As this tour with Jonette
had all been planned in advance and there was a schedule to keep, there was
no opportunity for me or anyone else to take such an excursion at this time.
As we made our way to Fete Alba, the citadel of the White Faces, our guide
made a rather off-handed comment that he had once encountered Radu
Cinamar in this area. This was also a surprise. Questioning him further, he
said that Radu himself had been making a trip to Fete Alba — perhaps it was
his own special pilgrimage of a sort — and that he saw him get out of a car.
The guide said that he recognized Radu immediately, and that it was a
spiritual identification. Radu did not admit to the recognition, but he did fit a
proper description that I have for him. I am sure that he did meet the real
person who is Radu. While this is not particularly important in terms of
pragmatism, it has much more to do with quantum resonance and it suggested
I was on the right track. When I detach myself from this experience with our
guide and think about the actual circumstances, it is not at all unusual that he
could have met Radu. As Radu has an interest in sacred Romania and has
important esoteric business with such, it is likely that he would visit Fete
Alba at some point. If he did, the area is so remote and as our guide lives on
the easiest accessible path, it is likely that they would encounter each other,
particularly if their psychic antennae were extended to any degree.
Fortunately for me, there was one other person who also heard what our
guide had to say about the Valley of the Golden Thrones. While she had not
yet read The Secret Parchment, she totally picked up on the energy of the
valley as she was right there and could see and feel it. She also wanted to
come back. Her name is Vanda Osman. Although she is the proprietor of Joy
Travel and has organized and led sacred journeys since the early Eighties,
Vanda was just a fellow journeyer on this trip. She wanted to come back and
made a point of it. We agreed to talk about this upon our return.
There was more to our journey with Jonette, and I while I do not mean to
minimize it, I will focus here on the Valley of the Golden Thrones. All I care
to relay about what happened after that are my comments at our farewell
dinner on the group’s last night in Bucharest. After all the official
acknowledgements and good-byes were done, Jonette thanked me publicly
for my part in making this particular trip possible. Not having any prepared
words to say, I reflected upon the moment and had a few interesting
realizations. The trip to Sarmizegetusa, I said, would not have been possible
if it were not for the earlier sacred journey I had taken with Nicole
Vasilcovschi and Cristina Balan. I thought about the rough conditions we
endured as we made our way on a train in the middle of the night. What had
begun three years ago with the valiant effort of three people had now
transmogrified into another journey with over forty people on it. I saw this as
a dynamic spiral moving upwards and said I would return again and hoped to
see everyone again on a higher spiral. My final words were that none of these
journeys would have been possible if it were not for me being brought to
Romania in the first place by a time travel scientist, Dr. David Anderson.
A few months after our return, Vanda and I began to have serious discussions
about returning to Romania to see the Valley of the Golden Thrones and
spend some time there. As Vanda is a professional in this area, I left her to
make all of the arrangements. This was an excellent idea except for one thing.
After she made initial inquiries with regards to costs, accommodations, and
so on, no one would ever call her back with any meaningful dialogue. In
other words, it was literally impossible for her to deal with any Romanian
agencies or their derivatives. They would not follow up. Actually, this did not
surprise me as I have experienced similar frustrations with Romanians, even
when they are my friends. In about three decades of experience with
international travel, Vanda had never experienced anything like this in her
life. It was unfathomable. This is where my experience and contacts came
into play. I had made the acquaintance of a translator who had attended one
of Jonette’s workshops on our last day in Bucharest. As she is a professional
communicator in her work, she extended this courtesy to me, and we had
many dialogues by email. Her name is Catalina, and she was very interested
in learning more about sacred Romania as she was more used to taking sacred
journeys to other locations outside of her own country. I put her in touch with
Lenutz, the woman who I had met on my first trip to Sarmizegetusa, and she
found another woman, Iulianna. This was all good fortune as Iulianna and
Catalina were already familiar with each other. Vanda now had some people
she could work with; and together, they all made our journey happen. Even
so, there was much confusion as to schedules, availabilities, and it was a
rugged experience for Vanda. In the end, Vanda probably worked harder to
make this trip happen than for any other trip she had ever done. And for
what? It was a spiritual mission, and she knew that. Although we secured
enough people to make the trip happen, both Vanda and I had to cover certain
expenses. This was not a disappointment, however, because we had both
vowed to make the journey even if we went only by ourselves. We both
recognized the trip as being that important. Our primary objective was to
explore the Valley of the Golden Thrones. Many times though, we had to
reiterate and insist upon this point. It always seemed that there was some
force or predisposition at work to deter us from our appointed destination.
What I would tell you is that the Solomonari are task masters when it comes
to entering their territory. They test you. Vanda passed the test, and I am very
grateful for all of her tireless work. In the end, we ended up with about
eighteen people.
About a week before we left, I received an unexpected phone call from a man
who I did not know. He said his name was Dimo, and he spoke in English
with a thick accent that I immediately recognized was from Eastern Europe.
He wanted to wish me good luck and offer his prayers that I might have a
successful journey to Romania. It was public information that I was
travelling, but he had a rather unusual if not abstract grasp of the importance
of what I was doing. It was all very important to him. When I asked about his
accent, he first said he was from Macedonia; but as he began to explain his
life in a very summarized fashion, he told me that he had grown up as a
young boy in Bulgaria and began to talk about the Strandzha Mountains. To
his surprise, I told him that I had been there and also knew about the
expedition to the Tomb of Bastet. He then went on to explain that he was
raised by a woman named Vanga. He did not expect me to recognize or even
react to the name Vanga either. As I said, most Americans are oblivious of
her. At this point in the conversation, I stopped him and told him that I knew
who Vanga was and also about her niece’s involvement in the expedition.
This was like opening a genie bottle with hundreds of colorful paper dragons
streaming out of it. Dimo and I had several conversations before I left.
Dimo not only grew up with Vanga and knew her on an intimate basis, he
was a part of the actual expedition to the Tomb of Bastet and personally
knew all of the various players involved. This was a rather remarkable
coincidence that was really not a coincidence. Now, I made a point of rapidly
sending all of the information I had on the Bastet expedition to Vanda. At the
same time, I was coordinating to have my Bulgarian publisher and translator
meet us at Sarmizegetusa. I was hopeful that Vanda could some day expand
her journeys with Joy Travel to extend to Bulgaria.
Dimo explained to me that he was lucky to have escaped from Bulgaria with
his freedom and his life. Warning him, Vanga had instructed him to go to
America and to be patient. Eventually, he would meet a man in America who
would help him tell his story but only when the time was right. In the
meantime, Dimo found himself a successful career in the technology sector.
He keeps a low profile for the most part.
When I told my Bulgarian friends about Dimo, they had never heard of him
nor of the existence of any such person. It would make sense that he would
have escaped any mention in any publications, official or otherwise. Besides,
my friends were rather tired of hearing about Vanga. There are probably
more books in Bulgaria about Vanga than on any other topic. In addition to
that, my translator’s family had a bad experience with Vanga when her
almost fully deaf and blind grandfather visited her and asked for help. Her
bedside manner and advice were not too charming to say the least. What
Dimo had to say, however, was data about Vanga that they had never heard
about at all. It seems to me that the Bulgarian obsession with this lady had
missed the forest for the trees.
I learned from Dimo that Vanga had worked extensively with the Communist
Bloc government(s), and that she was extremely well paid for what she had
done. We are talking in the millions of dollars, and this was all in a country
that was extremely poor by Western standards. One of the projects she
sponsored with her funds was the construction of a church. There is
apparently far more to this woman than any of her adherents or followers
might have imagined. It also fits into the paradigm of what might be called
Bulgaria’s own Department Zero. My publisher and I had long speculated
that a “Bulgarian Radu” might surface. Now, here he was, surfacing in the
personage of Dimo.
Dimo also told me that at least part of his interest in my work was based upon
a friendship he had acquired with a Romanian man by the name of Constantin
Dragan. Before his death, Dragan was one of the wealthiest Romanians ever
and had erected the famous statue of Decebel, the Dacian King, on the
Danube. This is roughly Romania’s equivalent of Mount Rushmore.
Constantin Dragan had taught Dimo much about the ancient Dacians and how
the history of Romania had been obscured. There was also another prophecy
from Vanga that Dimo wanted to share with me. Vanga also told Dimo that,
in the future, an American would reveal the truth about Romania to the
I had not even begun on my sacred journey and here I was communing with
the seeds that had been planted from past sacred journeys. It seemed that
destiny and fate were entering the mix as well and that Vanga had seen me
coming from somewhere out of time. There are other Americans, not too
many, who write about Romania; but I am writing about it at the deepest core
level possible. It is from the mirror of time and all that the seven golden
thrones and the parallelepiped represent. There are tomes of paradigm
changing information available that can be either translated or written about
the culture of Dacians, Thracians and proto-Thracians. I will leave that for
others. All I choose to do is offer the core thread around which the academic
orbit will eventually find itself.
I will also be quite frank with you. There have been several people who have
approached me from Romania who can offer various leads and what not to
further substantiate the claims of Radu Cinamar. If pursued, I could show you
roads, military installations and other facts that would demonstrate a trail that
would corroborate and make a case for his stories being accurate. None of
this, however, would ultimately prove anything other than there is a secret
department with secret facilities. For myself, and I would hope the same for
you, I am more interested in the core psychological and transformative
experience of what is being offered. If I access any of the highly secure
locales, I want it to be by invitation from the likes of Cezar or Radu, not as an
outsider trying to prove something for a sceptical public.
Earlier, I mentioned that I was scheduled to meet with Elinor, but it did not
happen as of the writing of this book. While there might well have been
security reasons that prevented this visitation, there was also another factor at
work. For personal reasons, I was not ready to meet Elinor. I will not
elaborate on this as it is personal, but I sent out a mental message that I did
not want it to happen until a certain series of events would first take place in
my own life. While I gladly would have met with him had the arrangement
been offered as suggested, it seems that my own penetration of the subtle
energies had done their trick. I still look forward to meeting Elinor, but he is
no longer in Romania so I do not expect to meet him there, at least on my
next journey.
When I first witnessed the Valley of the Golden Thrones from the mountains
near Fete Alba, I was told that one simply goes to the tunnels and meditates
or otherwise dialogues with the energies of the Inner Earth. Although I had
seen the valley, I had not yet accessed or even been too close to these
particular caves. The Solomonari, however, could not have helped but notice
my presence. I had only learned about them on the last trip. My intention was
to simply visit the Valley of the Golden Thrones in pursuit of the mystery
presented by Radu in The Secret Parchment. I would not even have pursued
that had it not been dropped into my lap by synchronicity. Perhaps this entire
backdrop is an illusion created by the Solomonari to draw me into their fold.
It is obvious that there are many threads weaving their way into this scenario
from many different perspectives. My personal pathway is simply one of
these threads. It is unwieldy to think that all of Radu’s books were written to
serve my personal journey. One thing in this scenario, however, is clear.
There is a great mystery behind the writing of all of Radu’s books, and I was
penetrating the mystery. As things would turn out, I would pursue and
penetrate this mystery much further than I had ever even desired. The reason
for this is that the mystery was also pursuing me.
Chapter Twenty-four — Return of the White Bat
I met up with Vanda as we boarded the plane at JFK airport in New York.
We visited Atlantykron for several days before meeting our fellow travellers
in Bucharest and embarking on our journey. We arrived at our hotel in
Transylvania, the Cotiso, on August 10th, the beginning of the annual
biorhythm that runs from August 10-14 and when the star (system) Sirius is
at its closest position to the earth. This biorhythm is also known for the dates
of the Philadelphia Experiment (1943) and the Montauk Project (1983). Most
of my trips to Romania have been during this period so as to coincide with
Atlantykron’s schedule which is purposely designed to avoid the flooding of
the Danube River. While it is indeed a synchronicity that most of my magical
moments in Romania have been during this period, it was always a matter of
happenstance and never a result of specific planning.
The evening we arrived was a very suitable way to celebrate the beginning of
the biorhythm. All sorts of people were gathering at the Cotiso Hotel, and it
would far exceed the forty plus people from Jonette’s trip. We had about
eighteen on our bus and were joined by three of my Bulgarian friends. There
were also at least a dozen Romanian friends who had followed us. To my
great surprise, Nicole and her fiancee were there. This was another
coincidence because they do not live in the area and it was now four years to
the day Nicole and I had arrived in Transylvania to make our first pilgrimage
to Sarmizegetusa. Besides the people following our group, there were others
coming to hear a Romanian musician who was playing New Age music he
had composed. It was a festive atmosphere, and I felt sheer joy to see so
many of my friends from across the world and diverse cultures gather
together as a result of my pilgrimage to this magical area. Unfortunately, I
missed the highlight of this gathering when my Bulgarian translator was
singing Bulgarian folk songs which would be followed by my friend Maria’s
singing of a Romanian folk song. This went on playfully, back and forth, but
I did not get it on video as I was called away.
After our late arrival and dinner that evening, I was approached by two young
men who wanted to talk to me. This created quite a stir within our group
because they were very noticeable and no one knew who they were. They
were students and friends of Tatiana Maassen, a woman of German
extraction who is a General Colonel in the Romanian Army and was a
quantum physics professor at the Aviation Army Unit. Of considerably more
interest than this was that her teacher was Hermann Oberth, the mentor of
German rocket scientist Werner von Braun. Oberth was a native
Transylvanian who was recognized as the father of modern rocketry. After
World War II, he was a prominent scientist in the American rocket program.
Those who have pursued the mystique of repatriated Axis rocket scientists
have often declared Oberth to be the most enigmatic and mysterious of them
all. The most senior of all early rocket scientists in terms of age and
experience, the enigmatic characterization of Oberth is due to his interest and
participation in occultism. Although it is not well known to popular authors, I
have learned from Tatiana that much of his occult associations had to do with
Months before I departed for Romania, Tatiana had written several emails to
me and had made friends with me online and had generously invited me to
stay at a local hotel and speak to her friends. Unfortunately, I was not able to
commit to any such excursions because I had obligations with the group
Vanda and I had put together and also a tight schedule. Nevertheless, Tatiana
stopped by the Cotiso Hotel upon the evening of my arrival and was hoping
to meet me. When I spoke to her students, Teo and Danny, I told them that
our agenda was to visit the Valley of the Golden Thrones the next day, and
that our sights were set on doing nothing but that. Very familiar with the term
I was using, they seemed a little puzzled and said that the Valley of the
Golden Thrones is really a state of mind. It was not really a location as such.
I was equally puzzled. Soon afterwards, they led me out to a very dark
parking lot while my friends sang in the lounge. As there were no street
lights, the environment was very dark. When I saw Tatiana, she greeted me
with a big smile as I stood about ten feet in front of her. Oddly and quite
unmistakably, I felt a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head. I turned
around and saw nothing there.
Tatiana nodded and walked to the exact spot where the spirit had occupied. It
was exactly where I would have said the spirit had gotten my attention. She
had either sensed it or seen it. Months later, I would deconstruct what had
happened and only then was I able to visualize an angelic feminine spirit that
had sort of passed a magical wand over me so as to welcome and
acknowledge me in what could best be termed an initiatory process. I did not
realize it at the time, but I was being greeted by the Solomonari, and this one
had been assigned to me.
In the meantime, our hired guide did not show up, and this threw off all of
our plans to visit the Valley of the Golden Thrones the very next day. He was
getting drunk and partying with his girl friend. Our guide was the same man
from the year before, but this time we were hiring him to take us to the
valley. While this did not please anyone, I have come to expect such
obstacles en route to a sacred journey in Transylvania. It is par for the course.
Without our guide, we decided to utilize our time by visiting Sarmizegetusa
the next morning. Before we left, however, our guide showed up. As he
introduced me to several of his friends, I told them, through a translator, that I
had realized that I was being pulled to their country long before I had ever
gotten involved with the Montauk Project and then proceeded to tell them
about my dream with the white bat. As soon as I told him about the white bat,
our guide became very excited. He said that a girl had seen a white bat in
Machandi’s Cave just three days earlier. I had no idea there was such a place
as Machandi’s Cave. As surprising as this was to me, I was far more moved
by the fact that this girl had witnessed a white bat. It was a great
synchronicity, and I knew that I now had the ending to my book that was
already being written. This made me very happy. Whatever else would
happen on this trip, I had already achieved more than I could have expected.
A white bat appearing in Machandi’s Cave was pretty spectacular. My
journey had come full circle; but as with all my experiences with
synchronicity in the past, this experience prompted new questions to
investigate. Where was Machandi’s Cave? Was it named such before Radu’s
book came out? I then realized that it was only the morning of our first day of
the journey. It was August 11th, and I was already riding the crest of the
wave of the biorhythm.
We soon went to Sarmizegetusa. During a guided tour of the area, our guide
said that the key to Sarmizegetusa is the Book of Zalmoxis, and you have to
access it to learn all of its secrets. I had never heard this term before, but it
was one more step of initiation into the Dacian tradition. After a meditation
conducted by my Romanian friend, Dr. Teodore Vasili, everyone split up to
explore the area. A Romanian woman who was not part of our group
approached me privately and said that the Book of Zalmoxis is not a physical
book. All you have to do to open it is to ask, but she warned that you must
not misuse the power or you will have to pay for it. Wandering and looking
around, I instantly made a decision to open the metaphorical Book of
Zalmoxis. After making the decision, things began to be very placid and still.
Although there were plenty of people around, I only noticed the trees and
stones. I felt totally alone and had the “sure” feeling that nothing whatsoever
would happen. The universe seemed empty and quiet.
The next thing I knew, the paper dragons were flying out of their box. It
began when I saw my friend Cristina. She had driven my Bulgarian friends
from the Cotiso Hotel. I was especially happy to be with her at this location,
and I told her so. As I did, our guide strolled by, and I took this opportunity
to ask him my questions about Machandi’s Cave. It was extremely fortuitous
that I was with Cristina as she could translate for me. Our guide told me that
this cave was indeed known as Machandi’s Cave and that the name was
independent of Radu’s book. I would later figure out, from rereading
Transylvanian Moonrise, that it was the very same cave that Radu describes
on his second visit with Machandi. The first was in Tibet but the second was
in Transylvania near Gugu Peak when Radu had to persevere intimidating
weather and strong energies with the help of the yidam. Machandi emerged
so as to quell the bad weather and appeared before Radu’s party. As I talked
with my guide, however, I did not have all of these pieces of the puzzle clear
in my head. Everything was happening very fast and it did indeed take me
months to put everything together.
I then told our guide that I would like to meet the girl who saw the white bat
in Machandi’s Cave. To my surprise and delight, he said that she was right
over there as he pointed to a circle of people twenty yards away. Her name is
Lavinia, a young lady from Bucharest who is an actress. Lavinia is very
unique, and I would describe her demeanor as cheery and chirpy. She speaks
virtually no English however. As Lavinia was called over, my friend Nicole
appeared out of nowhere. This was another amazing synchronicity as I did
not know she would be with us again on this day, four years to the day of our
first sojourn to Sarmizegetusa on August 11th, 2009.
Nicole translated for Lavinia, and it was like a dream to have her talking once
again into my ear with her warm and very familiar voice. Lavinia told me
about her encounter with the white bat and said that she was inside the cave
and had seen it and that it was unmistakably white. It was not the result of a
play of light and shadow. I then asked our guide about the logistics of getting
to Machandi’s Cave. He said it was a day’s drive and a day’s hike to get
there. I was obviously not going to go on this trip on this journey, but I was
already to make plans to return. He said I should come alone without all of
these people, and I could then visit the cave.
Not long after noon, we returned to the Cotiso for lunch. Afterwards, there
was an optional question and answer session with our guide in the lounge.
Before long, someone asked our guide about the Valley of the Golden
Thrones, and he began to look rather sad as he explained that many people
come to this locale and look for this valley. He repeated what Tatiana’s
students had said to me the night before. It was a state of mind and not a
physical location as such. This was in complete contradiction to what he had
told me the year before on our journey to Fete Alba. After he finished
speaking, I carefully reminded him about our conversation from the year
before. I still did not get an adequate response. This sort of confusion is par
for the course when dealing with jinn or Solomonari. I then narrowed down
the parameters of our previous conversation. Instead of asking him about the
valley, I asked him to point to where his house was. He pointed to a
mountain. It was then easy for me to orient him to the conversation we had a
year earlier and remind him that he had pointed to a valley which we all
clearly saw and that he said was the Valley of the Golden Thrones. This was
the keystone. He understood exactly what I was getting at and said that he
was pointing to the valley we were now in. It soon became evident that we
were already in the Valley of the Golden Thrones and that the Cotiso Hotel
was as good as in the center of it. Although the valley he had pointed to
looked mostly like raw nature, there were signs of civilization in the remote
distance. It was only my assumption that the valley he had pointed to was
more remote than it was. This area, with its population of about 3,000 people,
is still very remote. I was now very pleased. Without even realizing it, we had
arrived at the Valley of the Golden Thrones and had reached our planned
destination. We had arrived physically the night before but the full mental
realization did not occur until this revelation. I was very happy. I had
experienced the white bat in the morning and now this. The Valley of the
Golden Thrones had lived up to the magic that I had projected, and it was
now easy to embrace the state of mind than I had been told about.
When our guide was done, Tatiana came in with four of her students and we
sat down and had a long conversation. Telling her of my desire to return and
to visit Machandi’s Cave, she told me of a better entrance to the cave where I
would have easier access and also see more. She also told me about
Zalmoxis’ Cave which has a direct link to Sarmizegetusa where it emerges
through a tree. Her two male students, Teo and Danny, were accompanied by
two ladies, Oana and Paula. Oana had lived in Brooklyn so we have a lot in
common in terms of a New York connection. Paula and I met briefly at
Sarmizegetusa, and we both recognized each other in a very strange way.
Over ten years earlier, I experienced a dream within a dream wherein a
beautiful friend of mine appeared in a business suit in the marriage corner (as
per Feng Shui) of my house. Although this friend has a last name similar to
the name Solomonari, my ex-wife addressed her in the dream as Paula. My
brain, through the R.E.M. realm, was apparently recognizing Paula as well as
the Solomonari themselves. Paula was only one year old at the time I had my
original dream of the white bat, but as you will read, we have been brought
together by destiny if not Machandi herself. Even so, I spent no time with
Paula on this trip.
After I finished talking to Tatiana and her students, my old friends Lenutz
and her husband came into the lounge. For me, it was almost like a Romanian
version of the television program This Is Your Life. When I told Lenutz and
her husband, through a translator, about the white bat, I was in for another
surprise. Her husband, Mihai, had been with Lavinia when she witnessed the
white bat in Machandi’s Cave. He, however, insisted that the bat was black
and that it only appeared gray or white because of the play of light and
By the time I was finished in the lounge, it was rather late. The New Age
musician had returned and was playing on the lawn and there were many
more people who had come to listen to him. There was also an inventor
speaking in the conference room who had a device with a large crystal that
would emit light to a person sitting in a chair. He was lecturing to many of
our party. When I entered, I stood in the back and noticed Lavinia by the
wall. I motioned her over. Even though she does not speak English, I was
able to get across to her what my friend Mihai had said about the bat being
black and not white. Lavinia, who is a rather jolly person, understood me
very clearly and then said vehemently in clear but strongly accented English,
“That is because his heart is black!”
I was moved by her conviction that the bat was unequivocally white. There
was no doubt in her mind. While I would not be so harsh about Mihai — he
has been a wonderful friend — this divergence of opinion is symptomatic of
so much phenomena that occurs in the spirit world. When you are dealing
with the Solomonari and their influence on native Romanians, experiences
can be loaded with contradictions and booby-traps. It is actually quite
suitable to the phenomenon at hand that there would be dichotomous
perceptions, particularly when it comes to such an important spiritual issue.
The contradiction, regardless of who is right, is a sign that one is on the trail
of the Solomonari.
The next day, August 12th, our group went to visit the grave of Father
Arsenie Boca, the priest who had predicted the Bucegi discovery to Cezar
Brad. I was asked to leave when a nun saw me doing Chi Gong in the vicinity
of the grave. As I walked by hundreds of people who were coming to visit the
grave, I saw many with limps and afflictions who were obviously seeking
relief from their human suffering. I thought about how much I could help
them with fifteen or twenty minutes of personal Chi Gong instruction tailored
to their specific needs, but it would only happen if they would listen and
I was very touched by Sonia but also by a primary question that Tatiana and
her students asked about me as a writer. Very specifically, they wanted to
know how I write what I write. In other words, they were specifically asking
me about the process I use in writing the books I write. The book you are
reading is a very specific answer to that question. I was, however, writing on
this topic even before they asked me. These people from Transylvania, my
dream of the white bat, and my writing are all on the same frequency. Later
on, I would learn that they had gotten a copy of my book Synchronicity and
the Seventh Seal and read it to the entire group with Teo translating it
verbally into Romanian. I was highly amused over how they might convey
the Tar Baby, a primary character in that book, into Romanian. Paula even
told me that she took the time to look up all the bastardized English
contractions that were a staple of the Tar Baby’s speech. She wanted to
understand the nuances of what was being said. This was a Roberto Quaglia-
Robert Sheckley moment for me, and it demonstrates the powerful potential
of writing. Here were people in a far off foreign country appreciating my
writing in a way that most Americans are not likely to.
Their interest in Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal is not a coincidence, and
it has to do with the bigger picture in Romania. That book focuses to a large
degree on Solomonic magic, particularly as it was exercised through the
Enochian calls given to John Dee. The angels who gave him his magic ring,
which featured the letters PELE, said it was the very ring that King Solomon
had used to rule or subjugate the jinn. In The Secret Parchment, I stated that
the Romanian news media has encouraged reports that Prince Charles of
England will succeed King Michael as the next King of Romania. Whether
this happens or not, Prince Charles has been a constant presence in
Transylvania and this fits hand-in-hand with the British Empire being an
instrument of John Dee’s Enochian magic which was, in turn, an instrument
of Solomonic magic. Keep in mind that the same Freemasons who sought
control of the Bucegi holographic chamber base their esotericism upon the
template of Solomon’s Temple. After all of my Romanian adventures, it is
now apparent to me that the Solomonari are the underlying current of all of
these traditions and is the template upon which they were based. Both black
and white in their manifestations, the Solomonari are closely linked to the
dualistic nature of the universe.
If you study the Rider-Waite Tarot and Thoth Tarot, you will find that duality
originates or first emerges via the path of the High Priestess. This is the
virtual or literal inception of black and white, Solomonari, jinn, or whatever
name you want to give to these dualistic forces which eventually transmute
into more complex manifestations such as the Goetia described in
Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal. The ancient people of Romania were
known as the Gettae which is phonetically no different than Goetia; and this
is where the term Goths was derived from. Keep in mind, the history of the
Goths was destroyed or hidden and admittedly so. History does say, however,
that their god was Zalmoxis. The term Solomonari, an ancient designation
that has not been properly acknowledged by historians, is a name based upon
the sun (Apollo) and the moon (Diana) which flows (in the Tree of Life
schematic) into Gemini (Zalmoxis or The Twins) via Tipareth, the crowning
glory of manifestation. Tipareth, designated as beauty, is the realm assigned
to Christ by Christian cabalists as it represents an interaction between the
Creator and the “human.” Tipareth is a little bit tricky because its inverse is
the dualistic Baphomet which becomes the pathway of the Tarot card known
as The Devil. The Devil is the path between Hesod (Mercury or the realm of
Hermetic wisdom) and Tipareth, the latter being where negative polarity is
reconciled and transmuted into beauty. This is the station of the white bat and
is symbolic of what I experienced in my dream. If you extrapolate the two-
dimensional rendition of the Tree of Life into a three-dimensional rendition
of two DNA strands, you will find that Tipareth exists within the shape of a
Vesica Pisces, a symbol of the Age of Pisces which was designated as the
Christ. This is where the white bat flies out of, and it represents the
reconciliation of dark forces.
My last day in Transylvania was August 13th, and our guide took our group
on a long hike where we would visit one of the many tunnels that lead to the
Inner Earth. The objective was to simply go to the cave, meditate, and
experience the energies that would manifest from the subtle planes. On the
way of what was a rather long hike, I once again saw Lavinia, the girl who
had witnessed the white bat in Machandi’s Cave. She said that she had a
message for me from Machandi but that it had been blocked by Tatiana.
Asking her how she knew that Tatiana had blocked it, Lavinia told me that
after she had been contacted by Machandi, all she saw was a picture of
Tatiana. What had occurred here was complex and hard to figure out at the
time. Tatiana had power, but who has the power to block Machandi? This did
not make sense to me. Eventually, but only after I got home, would I figure
out the situation and realize that Machandi was directing me to Tatiana.
Lavinia eventually went off with some others as I went with our core group
to the cave and engaged in a guided meditation. The cave was inaccessible
unless you had a rope and other spelunking equipment. After fifty feet, it
leads to a narrow path over water and then to an ancient stone chair from the
proto-Thracian days. It has been explored by others. As we did our
meditation, Lavinia returned with some of our other friends but they all
remained apart from us, about seventy yards away, as they did not want to
interrupt our meditation. As we meditated, there was a true Solomonari
experience. A shepherd came down to Lavinia and directed them to two more
caves. This is exactly true to the legend of what Solomonari are known to do.
I recognized immediately what was happening and would have gone off with
them, but it would have been irresponsible as I was committed to staying
with my group. In the final analysis, I could not complain as I had more than
enough experiences for the last three days.
On the way back from the cave, we stopped once more at Sarmizegetusa. To
my surprise, I ran into Nicole again. She was with a group from Suceava. I
also saw Bogdan, a friend from Atlantykron who had replaced Bica, the
resident astronomer. During our good-byes to each other over the years, Bica
had said repeatedly to me that when my heart told me to return to Romania
that I should listen to it. When I mentioned Bica to Bogdan, he told me that
Bica was there, too. I was happy with this synchronicity but as our group was
getting set to leave, I only got to have a few words with Bica. They were the
last words we would ever share.
“We are going to take back Dacia!” he said with utter conviction and
enthusiasm. His passion to revivify the knowledge and power of the ancient
Dacians was infectious. I was happy for him and believed in his mission.
When I returned to New York, I received an email from Nicole who was by
that time working at her new job as an economics professor in China. She
told me the very sad news that Bica had died shortly after seeing me. He had
gone to Zalmoxis’s Cave, the same cave that Tatiana had told me about. Bica
was standing on a steep incline and taking pictures of the cave from above.
While doing this, he slipped and fell to his death. I could not help but think
that Bica had become a sacrifice in the tradition of Zalmoxis. It occurred to
me that perhaps his mission to take back Dacia might be more effectively
performed outside of his human body. He will be missed by all of his friends
at Atlantykron. The synchronicity of our last meeting and how it tied to his
death at the Cave of Zalmoxis made me reflect on what he had said about
following my heart. He was talking about me coming to live in Romania.
While I do not know if that will happen, it is true that I have developed a
stronger and stronger bond with that mysterious and very potent country.
After all, I did open the Book of Zalmoxis and paper dragons were flying as
never before.
There was a lot to digest upon my return. Opening the Book of Zalmoxis was
not a casual thing. Right after I had performed this mental task at
Sarmizegetusa, one of my friends noticed my auric field and said that I had
definitely experienced a major activation, but it would take six months for me
to integrate it all. He was very right as it turned out. I have only been able to
write what you have read here after piecing it all together month after month.
Much of this revelation was enabled by my new friend, Paula, the lady I had
recognized from a dream within a dream. I found out that Paula was not only
a student of Tatiana’s but is also her adopted daughter. She explained to me
that Tatiana has lectured on Machandi for a long time, and this is completely
independent of Radu Cinamar’s reference to this goddess. This made it very
clear to me that the transmission Lavinia had received from Machandi was
directing me to Tatiana and to pay attention to her. The fact that it was
transmitted in a confusing and convoluted manner is par for the course when
you are dealing with the Solomonari or jinn. White means black and black
means white — sometimes.
Paula is a very good looking lady, and I told her that she would have been
perfectly cast as an elf when we did the production for My Kentucky Cousin.
She then sent me a picture revealing that her left ear is actually pointed in a
way that is reminiscent of an elf. I not only found this feature of hers
adorable, but when we consider the concept of the alchemy of writing, it
demonstrates that what I had written for Atlantykron was actually coming to
I also consider it significant that Paula was born in Piatra Neamt at the foot of
a sacred mountain. Every August 6th two mountain peaks in this region form
a shadow early in the morning that blends with the morning mist from the
flora and creates a virtual hologram of a giant pyramid that is quite similar to
the Great Pyramid of Giza. Many believe that the actual Great Pyramid was
constructed based upon this phenomena in Romania. The Orthodox Church
celebrates this occurrence every August as the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Paula had more magic in store for me that was, once again, symptomatic of
working with the energy of the Solomonari. When I told her that I wanted to
go back to the cave where the white bat had appeared to Lavinia, Paula made
an off-handed comment that Machandi appears there every year between May
21-24 with a white bat which is her mascot. This was astonishing to me. It all
seemed to come out of thin air, but Paula had said it with off-handed
conviction. Why had she not said it before?
A couple of weeks later, I told Paula that I wanted to return the following
May and go to the locale where Machandi is said to appear with the white
bat. Paula, however, denied saying any such thing. We had an argument
about it as I was sure I had not mistaken what I had heard. After all, I would
not be so intent on making plans to go in May if I had not received such a
strong message. It is far easier and less expensive for me to go in August
when it is warmer and I am already in Romania for Atlantykron.
While Paula still denied that she had said anything about Machandi or the
white bat appearing in May, she did say that May 21-24 is when the white
lilac appears and that it is a symbol of Machandi. She further explained that
liliac is the word for both lilac and bat in Romanian. I then said that she
might have confused the two, but she said it was not the case. When informed
of my disagreement with Paula, Tatiana said that human beings cannot
always see or recognize the mysterious way that spirit works through them.
Paula finally conceded that she might have been a medium in this regard. As
for me, I know what I heard her say. Just like Lavinia, Paula had been
utilized by Machandi to convey a message to me.
The result of all of this is that I am scheduled to return to Romania and visit
Machandi’s Cave during the May 21-24 period. Although I was specifically
given this date through spiritual means, this is a time when neither tourists
nor the local shepherds visit the area due to rainy weather and poor
conditions of the mountain itself. It is dangerous and unpleasant. I have no
expectations for what might happen, and this includes the possibility of either
seeing Machandi or a white bat. All I know is that I have been in
communication with a higher order that has directed me to this location.
Instead of Radu, Cezar, Elinor or Repa Sundhi, I am being guided to the force
that has guided them. All of this involves dialogue with the energies and
mythos of the Inner Earth. After making my decision to return, this
proposition was reinforced immediately.
The next thing I heard from Paula was that there had been a major earthquake
in Transylvania on September 8th that was centered in the Valley of the
Golden Thrones, right near Sarmizegetusa. This date marked the onset of
Ganesh Chaturthi, the Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of the elephant
god Ganesh by Parvati, another name for the Durga. Machandi, a goddess
who is considered to be the composite of all goddesses, is also known as the
Durga in the Hindu tradition as an exemplary archetype of a divine source of
compassion. Durga means “invincible” or “inaccessible.” The earthquake was
said to be a response from Gaia herself in regards to the intent of Gabriel
Resources, a Canadian Company, to use a cyanide extraction process in order
to mine an area in Romania known as Rosia Montana. This will create
horrific environmental degradation and also permanently block a major
access point to the Inner Earth. Satellite surveys have revealed 75 conical
holes of different sizes, some with diameters up to 70 meters, extending over
a surface area of about four square kilometers. These conical tunnels lead to
the nearby mountains, one of which extends under the sanctuaries of
Sarmizegetusa. Besides gold, Gabriel Resources also plans to extract
tellurium, a rare metalloid or semi-metal originally placed on the periodic
table of elements after its discovery in Transylvania in 1782. Tellurium is
abundant in the universe but not on earth, and it is more valuable than gold
for its use in nuclear power and photovoltaic cells that power spacecraft.
While some of you might relegate all of these happenings to tales of fantasy,
it is far more than that. Others might think I have gone off the deep end, but
this is not the case either. I have been in the deep end of the pool for a long
time and am more of a lifeguard than a regular swimmer.
Tatiana and Paula have graciously offered to host me during my visit and will
also accompany me on my journey to Machandi’s Cave. While Tatiana is
actually a spokesperson for Machandi, I am propelling her to return to
Machandi’s lair itself. Note the following quote from Transylvania Moonrise:
If Machandi picked this locale for a reason, it seems that she also picked me
for a reason. What I will learn or experience, I cannot say. As per what I
wrote at the end of the book Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal, any
temptations for power will be turned down. Temporal power is misleading.
Whatever I experience will be the mis en abyme reflection of the white bat. It
will be a reflection of myself and my thoughts, just as was described in the
second precept of the secret parchment (what you think is what you get).
So, as I write these final words, it is May of 2014; and I will soon be
boarding a plane for Italy and then Romania as I literally send this book to
the printer. Will there be a sequel? I would expect so, but it will take me at
least a year to complete it.
I hope you have enjoyed this book, and I hope that you have learned how to
write in a manner that will assist you in integrating both sides of your
consciousness, the intuitive and the linear. While my personal journey might
be interesting, it is not really so important with regards to yourself. What is
important to you is whether or not you have been inspired. If so, I would once
again invite you to write down your own inspirations and either begin or
continue your own integration process.
The Cabalistic Tree of Life includes ten sepiroth or sephiraat which is the
Hebrew word for “sphere.” These ten sepiroth are ten emanation points of life
and flow from one to the other. To some degree, it is like a fountain or spring.
Each one of these sepiroth conform to a numeral as well as a fundamental
archetype of consciousness. As a single unit of life evolves into what it is
eventually going to become, it passes through each one of these sepiroth and
emphasizes some more than others. A male peacock, for example, stresses
beauty while a more ferocious animal might draw more from the well of the
martial energies in this so-called template. The philosophy of this template is
such that it includes all aspects of potential life.
The Cabalistic Tree of Life
Each sepiroth is designated by a number (also used in numerology),
the Hebrew letter used to describe it, and the planet which is
assigned as the primary influence of that sepiroth. Other
texts should be consulted for a more in-depth study.
There is also a mysterious eleventh sepiroth which deals with all hidden or
occult operations. It is postulated to be there because you can see its results or
manifestations, but there is no visible evidence of it. It is known as Da’ath.
While not a part of this tree of life structure per se, there is another designated
repository into which life also flows with regard to certain circumstances. It
is, however, a darker side to life and is referred to as the q’lipoth. This is
somewhat like a sewer because it is the repository into which flows all things
that did not work out in the experience of regular life. In other words, the
q’lipoth is the receptacle for that which has been rejected, for one reason or
another, by the processes of the morphogenetic grid. For example, the
memory of life organisms which did not succeed are relegated to this area of
consciousness. This would include the memory of dinosaurs, mastodons,
saber-tooth tigers, and a lot of other creatures that might be considered
extinct. It is known from experience that this region includes monstrous type
manifestations which can literally frighten the living daylights out of occult
practitioners or naive explorers who penetrate this realm. I have personally
noticed that those who either study or are preoccupied with the phenomena of
the q’lipoth often become either obsessed or possessed by it without even
realizing that it is consuming more of their attention than is healthy.
It should be noted that almost all Western versions of the Tree of Life have
been interpreted through a patriarchal lens. Kenneth Grant, now deceased,
would be an exception, and he has done some very interesting work on the
Afrikan Q’abalah which deals with the feminine current underlying all such
phenomena. In this book, I have kept mostly to conventional interpretations
as this is what most readers are familiar with. The Tree of Life in any form is
a life-long study. It is the ultimate mis en abyme and is inclusive of all.
Appendix B — The Book of the Law
The Book of the Law contains three chapters, each of which was allegedly
written down in one hour, beginning at noon, on April 8, 9 and 10 in Cairo,
Egypt in the year 1904. Crowley claimed that the author was an entity named
Aiwass. Crowley, who never claimed to fully understand the book and stated
he had spent his entire life trying to do so, wrote the following about it:
“Certain very serious questions have arisen with regard to the method by
which this Book was obtained. I do not refer to those doubts—real or
pretended—which hostility engenders, for all such are dispelled by study of
the text; no forger could have prepared so complex a set of numerical and
literal puzzles...”
Crowley believed that The Book of the Law proclaimed the arrival of a new
stage in the spiritual evolution of humanity, to be known as the “Æon of
Horus.” Unbeknownst to Crowley, the book actually demonstrates and
predicts the characteristics of DNA long before it was ever understood in
academic circles. It also directs our attention to the ancestry of the human
race coming from the planet Mars. The book itself was transmitted and
written during the zodiacal period of Aries which is ruled by Mars. Aries is a
homonym for Ares, the Greek name for the god of war that the Romans
called Mars.
This identification with the planet Mars should not be underestimated. Cairo,
where the book was written, is derived from the Egyptian word for Mars
which is Al Kahira. The archetype of Mars (Geburah in the Tree of Life) also
has everything to do with the more horrific aspects of The Book of the Law,
and it is these which sometimes prompt people to identify it with satanism or
the like. The horror I am alluding to has to do with the mundane aspects or
outer shell of the book which sometimes emphasizes the indiscriminate and
rapacious forces of evolution. It is important to take stock of the fact that the
evolutionary processes of nature are indiscriminate and sometimes downright
ruthless and cruel, at least from the perspective of our ordinary human mores.
While it is humane to care for the feeble, aged and handicapped, it is a luxury
when it comes down to issues of raw survival. The story of evolution is most
definitely not a nice story of how those organisms who can’t quite adapt are
patted on the back and made to feel good about themselves. This strife or
severity which occurs in the normal processes of life is designated as
Geburah by the Hebrews. Out of this strife, life reinvents itself and adapts to
the changing environment. Fortunately or unfortunately, it the hallmark of
evolution, and this also includes the aspects of the mysterious radical or
mutant gene. Evolution is the key to The Book of the Law.
When it is properly decoded, The Book of the Law reveals that The Key to It
All is centered around the eleven lettered Abrahadabra which refers to the
magical manifestation of life in the “Shape of a Beast.” The fact that
Abrahadabra has eleven letters is not a coincidence. Crowley named his
system of magic as magick because the letter k is the eleventh letter of the
alphabet. Taken a step further, this decoding explicitly reveals that eleven
specifically refers to 5+6 which symbolizes the 5:6 magical or mystical ratio
of the buildings blocks of life. This is a very important ratio and you will
soon understand why it is considered magical or mystical. In biochemistry,
inorganic compounds are six-sided or hexagonal while organic compounds
are five-sided or pentagonal. While this is an observable laboratory fact of
life, there is a much more esoteric aspect to 5+6 and this has to do with the
pentagram and hexagram. When you place a pentagram upside down and
beneath a hexagram (Star of David), you then have the basic template for the
Cabalistic Tree of Life. When this template is twisted, it then represents a
Mobius strip which is the pattern of a strand of DNA. 11-11 therefore
represents two strands of DNA. Just as importantly, 11-11 also represents 22
or the Major Arcana of the Tree of Life. It is equally important to state here,
if it is not already obvious to you, that the Tree of Life is actually an
analogous map of DNA.
Keep in mind that when Crowley transmitted this information, it was 1903
and the academic world had no clue as to what DNA even was. Mystery
Schools and Cabalists had templates for the Tree of Life, but its connection to
DNA was known only by a select few if at all. This, however, is not where
the mystery of the key ends. Of further importance is that the Great Pyramid
itself is also constructed with specific reference to the 5:6 ratio. The capstone
is 1/56th the size of the Great Pyramid which is 1/56th the size of the Giza
Plateau which is 1/56th the size of Africa which is 1/56th the size of the
earth. Whoever built the Great Pyramid built it in a manner and in a location
that reflects the building blocks of life as expressed in DNA.
Although it was the focal point of his life, Crowley admittedly never fully or
properly understood The Book of the Law. The book itself stated that
someone would come after him who would. While it was no secret that the
book was written in a code, no one could ever figure out the code. It puzzled
occultists for over a century and no one was more puzzled than Crowley
himself. Crowley was a virtual switchboard for different entities that
interacted through him. You might say that lights were going on and off
around him all the time, but he was overshadowed by a much greater force
than he himself could understand.
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Since "The Montauk Project" was published in 1992, there have been many
interesting developments and several sequels chronicling the investigation to
determine whether or not the Montauk Project did, in fact, exist. Preeminent
in this quest has been the Montauk Pulse, a quarterly newsletter that has been
written by Peter Moon since 1993. It has never missed an issue, and there has
never been a lack of interesting things to report upon, and these include Peter
Moon’s adventures with Dr. David Anderson (see, a scientist who has excelled in understanding
the actual mechanics of time and has made remarkable breakthroughs with
time control technology. Dr. Anderson’s work is all based upon hard science.
If you are interested in subscribing to the Montauk Pulse or receiving past
back issues, you may visit the Sky Books website or follow the ordering
instructions at the very end of this ebook. The Sky Books website also
features all of our sequels to "The Montauk Project" and other titles which
are all available in hard copy format. We are also currently working hard to
get all Sky Books titles into ebook format as well, including the back issues
of the Montauk Pulse which now features three separate volumes comprising
six years worth of newsletters each. The Sky Books website is as follows:
The adventures had only just begun by this point. It was now 1995. After all
of this information came out, Preston Nichols then revealed that he had
mysterious UFO experiences as a young child and also as a teenager. This
resulted in a new book which blends the history of physics and UFOlogy with
Preston’s personal experiences and gives unprecedented insight into the
technology of flying saucers and their accompanying phenomena in:
By the time "Encounter in the Pleiades" was published, Peter Moon had also
accumulated considerable information on intriguing connections between the
Montauk Project and the Nazis which also extended to the latter’s mysterious
connections to Tibet via occult master-mind Karl Haushofer. Peter’s
collection of information on this subject culminated with a visit from world
renown author, Jan van Helsing, who allowed him to publish (for the first
time in America) his photos of the mysterious German flying craft built
before and during World War II in connection with the Vril Society. There is
much to read in:
When "The Black Sun" was completed, a very interesting man surfaced who
was mentioned in "Montauk Revisited" by the psuedonym of Stan Campbell
who had gone to prison for refusing to cut his ties to Preston Nichols.
Preston’s revelations concerning Montauk were very hot at the time and
“Stan’s” involvement in the Montauk Project was a very sensitive issue to the
authorities. When he was eventually released from prison, he no longer had
anything to lose and went public under his real name, Stewart Swerdlow, and
When "Montauk: The Alien Connection" was completed, Peter Moon helped
Stewart put together a compendium on his healing work which features an
interdimensional language of symbols in:
Having known Preston Nichols for many years at this point, Peter Moon had
heard many stories of Preston’s intriguing involvement in the music industry
where he worked as a sound engineer for many popular rock groups of the
Sixties and Seventies. At the same time, Preston became involved in some
very hot political water over the legal case concerning John Ford, the founder
and president of the Long Island UFO Network. John was put targetted by
government forces and was incarcerated ever since without ever having
received a trial. Read about both of these intriguing aspects of Preston’s life
With all the literature that had been produced thus far, the subject of the
Montauk Project was very popular and intriguing to the public but its
controversy raised many questions and attacks by those who were upset by
the data and disillusioned by their own belief systems being shattered. Peter
Moon sought out additional sources to verify aspects of the general story of
the Montauk Project that were not connected to Montauk Project per se. The
first book of this nature from Sky Books was:
One of the most interesting research threads Peter Moon had ever
encountered occurred right after completing "Montauk Revisited", but it took
years for him to meet the man who was responsible for circulating this
mysterious legend of quantum research on the internet. his name is Joseph
Matheny. Together, they collaborated to put this into a hard copy book:
After "Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal" was finished, Peter Moon wanted
to complete a trail of investigation that he had pursued for many years and
this had to do with occult phenomena surrounding a “quantum relic” he had
been mysteriously handed when writing about the Montauk Pharoahs in
"Pyramids of Montauk". This “quantum relic” was so interwoven into the
fabric of his life that he realized that, in order to present a complete picture,
he would have to write two books instead of one. The first book was
autiobiographical and includes an in depth look at Peter Moon’s personal
association with L. Ron Hubbard. It was deemed necessary to write this book
before he could address the topic of the “quantum relic.”
When "The Montauk Book of the Dead" was completed, Peter Moon would
finally correlate information and experiences he had accumulated for twelve
years, all of which surrounded a mysterious “quantum relic” which was, in
fact, a 1909 playbill from the New Montauk Theatre that contained cryptic
occult messages which are expounded upon in full in:
Although intriguing follow-ups had been done with the data uncovered in
"Montauk Revisited" and "Pyramids of Montauk", there was also an equally
fascinating trail of data with regard to the Nazi-Tibetan connection
researchedin "The Black Sun". This research is so controversial and so
proprietary to the Government that it is virtually impossible to pursue beyond
a certain point if one is going to use routine journalism. Taking solid threads
that are based upon hard facts of journalism, Peter Moon opted to penetrate
the unknown or occult aspects of the Nazi-Tibetan story through an intuitive
stream of consciousness in:
by Peter Moon
Spandau Mystery
A historical novel by Peter Moon which reveals how the mysterious deaths of
General George Patton and Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess were intertwined
through the Nazi’s secret flying saucer technology.Directed by Tibetan
elders, the Germans sought to harness the Vril, an energy so powerful that it
can change the very nature of the elements themselves. To succeed, however,
a major change was required in the evolutionary development of the human
species. A dramatic scenario of events unfolded, however, which not only
ensured that this endeavor was sabotaged but included an undertaking
designed to prevent humanity from ever discovering its ancient heritage and
the secrets of the Vril. It was against this backdrop that two of the most
colorful characters of World War II, Rudolph Hess and George S. Patton,
became immersed in an age old battle involving the legions of light and
darkness. The end of World War Two precipitated more intrigue and struggle
for power than the war itself. Much of this centered around the secret projects
sponsored by Rudolph Hess which included not only the Antarctic project but
the construction of Vril flying saucers. Patton’s job, as the war came to a
close, was to recover the secret technology of the Germans and safeguard it
for American use. After accomplishing his mission and compiling a German
history of the war, General Patton was killed in a dubious accident, the
mystery of which has never been solved and has been magnified by
government refusal to declassify the file on the investigation of his death. Far
more conspicuous and powerful than Patton was Rudolph Hess, the Deputy
Fuhrer of Germany, who flew to England in 1941 as an envoy of peace and
was imprisoned for life and suspiciously killed just before his imminent
release. The current of intrigue and power which permeated these two
individuals and led to their downfall was the same current which led to a
repatriation of the U.S. Government and an undermining of a constitutional
government that is run by and for the people. Besides technology, much of
this intrigue centered around the banking files the Nazis confiscated from the
Freemasons. The effort to keep this secret is still a factor in today’s politics. It
was thus that Patton and Hess wore different uniforms but shared common
interests and held within their grasp a force so powerful that, if harnessed, it
might raise the ancient civilization of Atlantis itself. It was for this power that
both were killed and so begins our mystery. "Spandau Mystery" is an
historical novel and murder mystery featuring 350 pages of fast and easy
reading which penetrates one of the greatest intrigues surrounding the Nazis
and their occult interests in Tibet: the ancient Dropa civilization, a group of
“little people” who claim to descend from the stars and whose corroborating
artifacts have been studied by scientists for over half a century. If you would
like a new view of world history, order and read this book today.
350 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-0-9678162-4-1
As all of the aforementioned books were written and Peter Moon continued
to report on various aspects of the Montauk phenomena, he met a very
unusual and intriguing scientist, Dr. David Anderson, an engineer and
physicist who had his own Time Travel Research Center on Long Island.
This was a serious laboratory where time could be slowed down or speeded
up in a self-contained field. Dr. Anderson also had a research center in
Romania and eventually invited Peter to that country to lecture at a United
Nations camp for youth. During this time, "The Montauk Project" was
translated into the Romanian language and was ultimately responsible for
creating a brand new publishing company in Romania, Daksha Publishing,
which subsequently published what is arguably the most amazing story in the
history of Mankind. It is intertwined with Peter Moon’s adventures with Dr.
David Anderson in:
by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon
Transylvanian Sunrise
A mysterious scientist by the name of David Anderson made an eventful trip
to Romania in 1999. Dr. Anderson, who is credited by the U.S. government
as having developed advanced time-warp field technology, established
diplomatic connections on this trip to Romania where he also set up an
advanced research facility dedicated to studying the mathematics of time
travel. Upon his return to the United States, Dr. Anderson visited Preston
Nichols and Peter Moon, internationally known authors of “The Montauk
Project: Experiments in Time,” and introduced himself. At Dr. Anderson’s
suggestion, a collaboration with Peter Moon began which was brief, tenuous
and eventually aborted due to security considerations as a result of a
logistical attack on a similar time research center that had been set up on
Long Island. Dr. Anderson’s continued journeys to Romania eventually
resulted in connecting Peter Moon with a Romanian publisher and Radu
Cinamar, a member of the Romanian Intelligence Service’s occult
department. The purpose of this collaboration has to do with what is arguably
the most significant archaeological discovery in the history of Mankind: a
mysterious holographic hall of records that utilizes technology far beyond the
concepts of modern science. "Transylvanian Sunrise" is the story of this
mysterious discovery and the political intrigue surrounding it, all capably told
by Radu Cinamar. After Peter Moon secured the publishing rights to this
remarkable story, Dr. Anderson invited him to Romania where he has
pursued these mysteries one step further. The story is inside this book and
waiting to be read.
288 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-0-9678162-5-8
by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon
Transylvanian Moonrise: A Secret Initiation in the Mysterious Land of
the Gods
Radu Cinamar rose to prominence for his role in exposing the most
remarkable archaeological discovery in the history of Mankind: a secret
chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx containing holographic records of
Earth’s history, bio-resonance imaging technology, and three mysterious
tunnels leading to the deepest secrets of the Inner Earth. Despite the political
intrigue, turmoil and restriction around this great discovery, the leader of the
expedition enabled Radu Cinamar to visit and explore these artifacts. Ever
since, Radu’s life has been a labyrinthine adventure of strange events,
clandestine liaisons and extraordinary people and circumstances. In
"Transylvanian Moonrise", Radu is sought out by the mysterious Tibetan
lama who orchestrated this discovery while working under an alias as Dr.
Xien, a secret agent for the Chinese government. The enigmatic lama
introduces Radu to a creature known as a yidam, an energetic and physical
being who is created by a sand mandala ritual and can literally warp the
space-time continuum and takes Radu on a mystical journey from
Transylvania to the mysterious Land of the Gods in Tibet where he receives a
secret initiation from the blue goddess Machandi. This is not only a
remarkable story, but it is an initiation of the highest order that will benefit
anyone reading it."Transylvanian Moonrise: A Secret Initiation in the
Mysterious Land of the Gods" will take you far beyond your ordinary
imagination in order to describe events that have molded the past and will
influence the future in the decades ahead.
288 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-0-9678162-8-9
"Mystery of Egypt — The First Tunnel" begins with Radu becoming the
guardian of Elinor’s exotic villa in Bucharest which contains a remarkable
alchemical laboratory in the basement. Radu is soon thereafter recruited for
Department Zero, Romania’s most secret intelligence unit, by his old friend,
Cezar Brad, and becomes part of an expedition to explore a mysterious tunnel
which leads from the chamber beneath the Romanian Sphinx to a different
type of chamber beneath the Giza Plateau which contains a bioresonant
device through which one can visit past and future events.
This amazing expedition includes an American from the Pentagon with a top
secret laptop computer he is intuitively connected to that not only displays
intricate holograms but is also linked to Hilbert (interdimensional) Space.
Ancient archeology meets future science in this true life adventure that
penetrates the secrets of Egypt in a way that has not been previously
conceived of in our society.
224 pages, $22.00, ISBN 978-1-937859-08-4
The Secret Parchment — Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques tells the story of
the detailed political intrigues behind this remarkable find and also how these
matters have been subject to intervention by superior spiritual forces, one of
which concerns the arranged discovery of an ancient Tibetan manuscript
which is revealed and explained in this book.
Now, upon his arrival in Transylvania in 2013 and twenty-four years after the
dream, Peter is spontaneously informed that a white bat had unexpectedly
just appeared in a cave sacred to the blue goddess Machandi, a tantric dakini
who gave Radu Cinamar a “terma” — a “hidden treasure” in the Tibetan
tradition. ;This terma has unleashed a series of apocalyptic events revealing
that there are ancient artifacts and mile long tunnels of pure gold beneath
Sarmizegetusa, the ancient capital of Transylvania, all of which has
commanded the attention of the world’s political and military elite as it holds
the keys to the destiny of Mankind.
A newsletter by the name of the Montauk Pulse went into print in the winter
of 1993 to chronicle the events and discoveries regarding the ongoing
investigation of the Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon. It
has remained in print and been issued quarterly ever since. With a minimum
of six pages and a distinct identity of its own, The Pulse will often comment
on details and history that do not necessarily find their way into books.
Through 1995, the Montauk Pulse has included exciting new breakthroughs
on the Montauk story as well as similarly related phenomena like the
Philadelphia Experiment and other space-time projects. Consequently, the
scope of the Pulse was expanded to embrace any new phenomena concerning
time travel or related events. It has been the leading publication when it
comes to covering the work of Dr. David Anderson and his time travel
research. The cost for a subscription to the Montauk Pulse is $20.00. Do not
ad a shipping/handling charge, however, unless you are outside the USA. In
such a case, please add $12.00. Back issues are available in three volumes of
24 issues each (spanning six years). Each individual volume is $30.00 each.
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