3.2 Traction Theory
3.2 Traction Theory
3.2 Traction Theory
Fig. 1(a)
Fig. 3 Net traction (pull)-torque-slip relation for wheels on soil. (From Wismer and Luth, 1974 .)
Fig. 4 (a) Fig 4 (b)
Free body Free body
diagram of a diagram of
towed wheel. a driving wheel.
Traction Parameters
Travel Reduction Ratio (TRR)
Travel reduction ratio (TRR), commonly called "slip" and expressed in percent.
Zero travel reduction can be defined using any of four methods (ASAE Standards,
Fig. 10 Performance of 20.8R42 dual tires on three surfaces (8300 kg axle load, 83 kPa tire
Fig. 13 Performance of single tire (Goodyear 520/85R46 DTR) at two weights with correct
pressures in tilled (loose) tractive conditions.
Fig.14 Net traction and motion resistance ratio as a function of slip for a variety of surface
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Tyre Parameters
d rim diameter
Rim diameter is given in tire book or can be estimated by 1.06 times
the nominal rim diameter. Nominal rim diameter is the second number
in the tire size designation. Example: 0.965 m (38 inches) for an 18.4-
38 tire.
-Loaded tire deflection (m). Deflection is equal to:
static loaded radius
Static loaded radius for the maximum rated load is standard information in tire data
books. Tire deflection versus tire load curve can be obtained from tire companies.
r- rolling radius on hard surface (m). This can be measured or can be estimated as :
2.5 static loaded radius
r 2
1.5 static loade radius
W- Vertical load on tire (kN). Vertical load (W) is the dynamic tire load resulting from
the static load plus any dynamic load transfers to or from the tire.
Cone index
Table 1
Dimensional analysis
Torque Ratio
Pull R atio P
Deflection R atio
Slip S
Mobility Number
Torque Ratio
0.1 Bn The mobility number (Bn) controls the maximum value of the torque ratio,
e which is attained at high slip. The mobility number and thus, the torque
ratio, increases when:
- Soil strength (CI) increases
- Tire diameter (d) or section width (b) increase
- Load (W) decreases
- Deflection ratio h increases
- Width to diameter ratio (b/d) decreases
7.5S The constant 7.5, which may be called a gripping or surface factor controls
e the rate of torque ratio increase with slip.The factor is smaller than 7.5 on a
wet surface and significantly larger for staked wheels or tracks
The constant 0.04 approximates the torque ratio at zero slip for all conditions.
0.04 On a hard surface, zero slip occurs when the wheel is in the self propelled
state. Under this condition torque is required only to overcome motion
resistance due to tire flexing and scrubbing
Fig. 17
Motion Resistance Ratio
. 1 e ( 0.3 Cni )
fr 0.04
CI b d
(Wdr /2)
COT g fr
COT 1 i
COT f r
This approach holds good for the conditions where, b/d 0.30, /h 0.20, r/d 0.475.
Brixius approach (1987)
For Bias ply tyres