0478 Scheme of Work (For Examination From 2017)
0478 Scheme of Work (For Examination From 2017)
0478 Scheme of Work (For Examination From 2017)
Scheme of Work
Cambridge IGCSE®
Computer Science 0478
For examination from 2017
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1: Introduction to computer systems......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2: Numbers, processors and operating systems..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3: Data communications and networking................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
4: Data integrity and security.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
5: Binary logic......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
6: Practical problem solving – structure diagrams, algorithms and flowcharts........................................................................................................................................ 24
7: Practical problem solving – pseudocode............................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
8: Programming concepts....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
9: Databases........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
10: Use of pre-release materials............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Cambridge IGCSE® Computer Science 0478 – from 2017 Scheme of Work
This scheme of work has been designed to support you in your teaching and lesson planning. Making full use of this scheme of work will help you to improve both
your teaching and your learners’ potential. It is important to have a scheme of work in place in order for you to guarantee that the syllabus is covered fully. You can
choose what approach to take and you know the nature of your institution and the levels of ability of your learners. What follows is just one possible approach you
could take.
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The up-to-date resource list for this syllabus, including textbooks endorsed by Cambridge, is listed at www.cie.org.uk
Endorsed textbooks have been written to be closely aligned to the syllabus they support, and have been through a detailed quality assurance process. As such, all
textbooks endorsed by Cambridge for this syllabus are the ideal resource to be used alongside this scheme of work as they cover each learning objective.
Teacher Support
Teacher Support https://teachers.cie.org.uk is a secure online resource bank and community forum for Cambridge teachers, where you can download specimen
and past question papers, mark schemes and other resources. We also offer online and face-to-face training; details of forthcoming training opportunities are posted
online. This scheme of work is available as PDF and an editable version in Microsoft Word format; both are available on Teacher Support at
https://teachers.cie.org.uk. If you are unable to use Microsoft Word you can download Open Office free of charge from www.openoffice.org
This scheme of work includes website links providing direct access to internet resources. Cambridge International Examinations is not responsible for the accuracy
or content of information contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or
the site's owners (or their products/services).
The website pages referenced in this scheme of work were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other aspects of the sites were not checked and only
the particular resources are recommended.
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How to get the most out of this scheme of work – integrating syllabus content, skills and teaching strategies
We have written this scheme of work for the Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science 0478 syllabus and it provides some ideas and suggestions of how to cover the
content of the syllabus. We have designed the following features to help guide you through your course.
1.2.3 Internet Show understanding of Examination of browser screen to identify key components; comparison of two or more browsers.
principles of the role of the browser
operation Learner individual work – design a simple web page/website to distinguish between HTML structure and
Distinguish between presentation. (I) study (I) gives
HTML structure and your learners
presentation Web design: www.teach-ict.com/gcse_new/software/web_design/home_web_design.htm the opportunity
Extension activities provide your also: www.w3schools.com/
to develop their
more able learners with further Extension activity: Learners could create a mini website with several linked pages, including hyperlinks to own ideas and
challenge beyond the basic content of external websites. Learners could also write Flash animations or write Java scripts. (I) understanding
the course. Innovation and with direct input
independent learning are the basis of Flash website: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash.html
from you.
these activities. Browsers could include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at https://teachers.cie.org.uk (F)
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Teacher provides quiz or card sets, each set comprising the range of devices listed in the syllabus and
their associated functions.
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Discuss the need to communicate with a computer and physical ways of doing this. Ask learners to identify
common features of input, processing, data storage and output by completing a gapped handout.
Specialist devices such as sensors and actuators used in monitoring and control systems and those
designed for disabled people, devices for interfacing with virtual reality systems, etc. this needs to be
explained by the teacher.
Learners are divided into small groups; each group investigates one specific input device and produces a
report/poster/leaflet on:
how it works
typical applications
why it is used in these applications; its advantages and limitations.
Each group prints enough copies of their reports to provide a copy for each learner. If learner work is
stored on an intranet, copy files into each learner account.
Describe how a range of sensors Teacher introduction explaining the distinction between:
can be used to input data into a monitoring, in which system acquires data at intervals from sensors and, where necessary,
computer system, including analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) and how software processes the input data to provide the
light, temperature, magnetic field, user with information for monitoring physical or chemical quantities (such as temperature, flow rate
gas, pressure, moisture, humidity, or oxygen concentration) and warning signals if stored limits are exceeded
pH and motion. control, in which input data may also be used as feedback from a system being controlled so that
software can compare feedback with stored set-points or upper and lower limits to decisions about
Describe how these sensors are the outputs required to, where necessary, digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) and actuators,
used in real-life scenarios, for such as heaters or motorised valves.
example: street lights, security
devices, pollution control, games, Learners work in groups; each group investigates one specific sensor and produces a report / poster /
and household and industrial leaflet on:
applications. how it works
typical applications
why it is used in these applications; its advantages and limitations.
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Notes on sensors:
1.3.4 Output Describe the principles of Learners work in groups to investigate one specific output device and produce a report / poster / leaflet on:
devices operation of the following output how it works
devices: inkjet, laser and 3D typical applications
printers; 2D and 3D cutters; why it is used in these applications; its advantages and limitations.
speakers and headphones;
actuators; flat-panel display http://computer.howstuffworks.com/
screens, including Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) and Light-Emitting Reports / posters / leaflets to be prepared using software such as DTP, presentation software, intranet /
Diodes (LED) display; LCD internet pages etc. Each group gives a five-minute presentation on their device.
projectors and Digital Light
Projectors (DLP). Each group prints enough copies of their reports to provide a copy for each learner. If learner work is
stored on an intranet, copy files into each learner account.
Describe how these principles are
applied to real-life scenarios, for
example: printing single items on
demand or in large volumes; use
of small screens on mobile
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Learners convert denary numbers into binary and binary numbers into denary. (I)
Reinforce with a game such as the Cisco binary game. This provides formative assessment of
Recognise the use of binary Teacher presents the concept of the byte; class discussion about how the byte is used to measure
numbers in computer systems. memory size by introducing the concept of KB, MB, GB, TB.
1.1.2 Represent positive numbers in Teacher presentation on hexadecimal notation and its relationship to binary notation. Demonstration of the
Hexadecimal hexadecimal notation. conversion of binary and denary to hexadecimal.
Show understanding of the Learners convert positive hexadecimal integers to and from binary and to and from denary. (I)
reasons for choosing
hexadecimal to represent Class brainstorm to show understanding of the reasons for choosing hexadecimal to represent numbers,
numbers. e.g. those stored in registers and main memory.
Convert positive hexadecimal Learners answer previous exam/textbook questions on hexadecimal representation. (I)
integers to and from denary (a
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1.3.2 Show understanding of the basic Teacher presents basic concepts of computer architecture, including registers, and the fetch-execute cycle
Computer Von Neumann model for a followed by demonstration via projector of the LMC.
architecture computer system and the stored
and the program concept (program Notes/presentation on computer architecture:
fetch-execute instructions and data are stored http://web.eecs.utk.edu/research/cs100modules/module1/index.html
cycle in main memory and instructions
are fetched and executed one Notes and animations of fetch-execute cycle: www.eastaughs.fsnet.co.uk/cpu/execution-cycle.htm
1.1.1 Binary after another).
systems Learners carry out simple low level tasks using LMC software – paired work is probably most effective.
Describe the stages of the fetch-
execute cycle, including the use Little Man Computer web based: www.yorku.ca/sychen/research/LMC/
of registers and buses.
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Learners use their findings to create a short role play activity that demonstrates how each of these works
Learners need to make their own notes on each of these after they have been acted out. (I)
Class brainstorm to review learners’ previous experience of operating systems with graphical user
interfaces (GUI) and introduce the idea of a command line interface.
Discuss the main differences between command line interfaces and GUIs and their respective advantages
and disadvantages.
Pairs of learners devise their own quiz questions (and answers) on this unit
Teacher selects one or two quizzes to test understanding of operating systems and their function.
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Explain how parity bits are used Example of simplex, duplex and half duplex: http://www.iec-usa.com/Browse05/DTHFDUP.html
for error detection.
1.2.3 Internet Show understanding of the role of What is a network? Class brainstorms the concepts of local area network (LAN), wide area network
principles of the browser. (WAN), shared resources, communications.
Show understanding of the role of What is a network?: www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/datacomm/
1.1.2 an Internet Service Provider
Hexadecimal (ISP). Learners construct a virtual network. Simulated network builder:
Show understanding of the
concepts of MAC address, Teacher presentation of the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture ‘Untangling the Web’ – about 35 minutes
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1.1.3 Data Show understanding that sound Brainstorm to identify common file standards associated with the internet such as JPG, GIF, PDF, MP3,
storage (music), pictures, video, text and MPEG. Also address other file types mentioned in syllabus such as Musical Instrument Digital Interface
numbers are stored in different (MIDI).
Teacher summarises these, then looks at issues of error detection and correction.
Identify and describe methods of
error detection and correction, Lossy and lossless compression notes: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/file-compression3.htm
such as parity checks, check
digits, checksums and Automatic Teacher presentation to explain the importance of compressing files that are transmitted via the internet:
Repeat reQuests (ARQ). describe the differences between lossy and lossless compression
describe methods of error detection and correction e.g. parity checks, check digits, checksums,
Show understanding of the Automatic Repeat reQuests (ARQ).
concept of Musical Instrument
Digital Interface (MIDI) files, Notes on ARQ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_repeat_request
JPEG files, MP3 and MP4 files.
Learners complete a multiple-choice quiz. (I)
Show understanding of the
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1.2.3 Internet Show understanding of the role of Examination of browser screen to identify key components; comparison of two or more browsers.
principles of the browser.
operation Learner individual work – design a simple web page/website to distinguish between HTML structure and
Distinguish between HTML presentation. (I)
structure and presentation.
Web design: www.teach-ict.com/gcse_new/software/web_design/home_web_design.htm
also: www.w3schools.com/
Extension activity: Learners could create a mini website with several linked pages, including hyperlinks
to external websites. Learners could also write Flash animations or write Java scripts. (I)
Browsers could include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.
1.2.2 Show understanding of the Learners work in groups to research and create a leaflet/web pages on internet safety, addressing:
Security security aspects of using the viruses, spy-ware and hacking and report the internet risks associated with these
aspects internet and understand what what methods are available to help minimise the risks
methods are available to help how anti-virus and other protection software help to protect the user from security risks
1.4 Security minimise the risks. the use of passwords, both entered at a keyboard and biometric.
Show understanding of the Notes on network protection:
internet risks associated with www.teach-ict.com/gcse_new/protecting_systems/protecting_systems/miniweb/pg10.htm
malware, including viruses,
spyware and hacking. Information on computer security: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/computer-internet-security-
Show understanding of how data
are kept safe when stored and
transmitted, including:
o use of passwords, both
entered at a keyboard and
o use of firewalls, both software Teacher input to describe technical/practical issues around use of firewalls both software and hardware,
and hardware, including proxy including proxy servers; use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
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1.4 Security Show understanding of the need In pairs or individually, learners research and create posters to explain safety from phishing and pharming;
(1.4.3) to keep online systems safe from other security issues that are down to user carelessness. (I)
attacks including denial of service
attacks, phishing, pharming. Notes on phishing and pharming:
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Teacher adds those that the class has not identified (need to cover range checks, length checks, type
checks and check digits).
Calculation of check digits using ISBN (for example) by teacher demonstration and learner completion of a
worksheet with a selection of graded problems – both calculating check digit and checking given ISBN
codes for validity. (I)
Class brainstorm and reflect the importance of verification when data is transferred between media and
discuss possible strategies for verifying input.
1.4 Security Show understanding of the need Brainstorm possible malicious actions (including unauthorised viewing, deleting, copying and corruption).
(1.4.1) to keep data safe from malicious
actions, including unauthorised How to prevent computer misuse:
1.5 Ethics viewing, deleting, copying and www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/legal/1dataandcomputermisuserev2.shtml
Each group of learners researches one of the issues and does a short presentation to explain the
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1.4 Security Show understanding of the need If learners have already worked through Unit 3, this will be revision in pairs or individually. (I)
(1.4.3 and to keep online systems safe from
1.4.4) attacks including denial of service Learners research and create posters to explain safety from phishing and pharming; other security issues
attacks, phishing, pharming. that are down to user carelessness.
If Unit 3 has not been covered yet, the activity above (phishing and pharming) can be incorporated here.
1.5 Ethics Show understanding of computer Teacher introduces issues of copyright and plagiarism. Class brainstorms these issues leading to short
ethics, including copyright issues notes.
and plagiarism.
Quizzes/tests to assess understanding of the issues raised in Unit.4. (I)
Distinguish between free
software, freeware and A range of quizzes are available at http://quizlet.com/subject/computer-ethics/
They can be used online, as matching cards or for revision.
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5: Binary logic
Learners use appropriate hardware or simulation software to develop understanding of the functions of the
NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR (EOR) logic gates.
More functions available, but uses square boxes for gates: www.neuroproductions.be/logic-lab/
Learners can observe the output produced from all possible combinations of inputs to construct each
gate’s truth table. (I)
Extension activity: Learners work out the simple logic circuits required to create NAND and NOR gates
using AND, OR and NOT gates and test them. (I)
Produce truth tables for given Learners should perform a range of graded practical exercises, using additional columns for intermediate
logic circuits. outputs, to produce truth tables for given logic circuits (maximum of three inputs and 6 gates). (I)
Produce a logic circuit to solve a Learners should perform practical exercises to design, build and test a simple logic circuit from a given
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Work out how to create NOT, AND and OR gates using only NAND gates and test the solutions.
Work out how to create NOT, AND and OR gates using only NOR gates and test the solutions. (I)
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A tutorial on how to draw structure diagrams using SmartDraw, of which a free, trial version is available at:
Use top-down design, structure Learners are introduced to the need for algorithms in developing software solutions. In pairs they can
diagrams, flowcharts, identify the sequence of operations required to carry out a simple multi-stage everyday process such as
pseudocode, library routines and making a cup of tea/coffee, preparing a meal, etc. (I)
An introduction to algorithmic thinking: http://raptor.martincarlisle.com/Introduction%20to
Work out the purpose of a given %20Algorithmic%20Thinking.doc
Teacher presents a simple flowchart to show:
Explain standard methods of flow of control/ data
solution. explanation of terminator, input/output, process and decision boxes.
Use of formal or informal variable names and mapping of values (e.g. x ← 3 means the value 3 is written
as the new value stored in the memory location labelled x, x ← y means the value stored in the memory
location labelled y is copied to the memory location labelled x)
use of conventional mathematical operators
(+, -, *, /).
Learners carry out analysis of prepared flowcharts to work out purpose. The difficulty/ complexity of the
flowchart can be increased to make it more challenging where necessary. (I)
Some self-checking flowchart exercises, with outline structure and available operations:
Brainstorm to consider the limits for input data in any system; identify possible different types of input data
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Learners identify examples of each type for a range of given situations, as test data.
Teacher explains need for validation checks to prevent input of incorrect data; teacher provides list of
common applications (e.g. car registrations, test marks, learner names, temperatures, salaries) and
learners identify possible validation rules.(I)
Teacher adds those that the class has not identified (need to cover range checks, length checks, type
checks and check digits).
Teacher demonstrates introduction of validation checks with decision boxes in a sample flowchart;
learners add validation to existing flowcharts.
Calculation of check digits using ISBN (for example) by teacher demonstration and learner completion of a
selection provided. (I)
Brainstorm the importance of verification when data is transferred between media (design flowchart for
double entry of e.g. password).
Teacher demonstrates design and completion of trace table for dry runs of a simple flowchart.
Learners carry out exercise on flowcharts (opportunity for differentiation by complexity of flowchart). (I)
Learners use a trace table to analyse a flowchart for an incorrect algorithm and identify the source of the
error. (I)
Produce an algorithm for a given Learners should perform practical exercises to demonstrate solution design such as:
problem (either in the form of finding the average of a set of input numbers
pseudocode or flowchart). finding largest and smallest numbers in a set of input numbers calculating the frequency
distribution of ranges of numbers in a set of input numbers (e.g. when a series of temperatures T
Comment on the effectiveness of are input, how many are in each of the ranges -20 T < 0, 0 T < 20 and 20 T < 40?)
a given solution.
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These could be followed by case studies and questions. For example, an automatic supermarket stock
control system for calculating stock levels and automatically re-ordering items. (I)
Extension activity: Learners answer more complex questions on the case study.
Learners’ capability in generating an algorithm and presenting it as a flowchart, and their analysis of
prepared flowcharts, can be assessed by completion of some test questions before moving on to
pseudocode in Unit 7. (I)
RAPTOR, free program flowchart interpreter software that allows learners to draw a flowchart and check
its functioning by executing it: http://raptor.martincarlisle.com/
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2.1.2 Understand and use pseudocode, Introduction of FOR … TO … NEXT loop command by teacher.
Pseudocode using the following loop
and structures: Learners use this (for example) to input specific number of items to calculate the average. Stress the
flowcharts FOR … TO … NEXT need to initialise variables before the loop and to output results after exiting the loop. (I)
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Learners identify which type of loop is most appropriate for about six different scenarios; explain rationale
to class, who agree (or otherwise) on choice and rationale.
Teacher introduces nested loops; learners design algorithms using nested loops.
Summative testing of learners’ capability with pseudocode can be made using exam-type questions.
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8: Programming concepts
Show understanding of the need Learners research the characteristics of high-level languages; the need for compiler and/or interpreter
for compilers when translating translation programs for these languages; why they are preferred for many applications. (I)
programs written in a high-level
language. Introduction to high-level language: www.teach-ict.com/gcse_computing/ocr/216_programming/
2.2.1 Understand and use the concepts Introduction to programming with Scratch – teacher presentation should cover:
Programming of sequence, selection, repetition, different data types and their declaration
concepts totalling and counting. iteration, counting and totalling – implementation of some examples previously devised as
pseudocode representations
Use predefined calling procedures/functions/sub-routines.
‘Scratch’ – simple programming language that makes it easy to create animations, games, music,
interactive stories, etc. without complex syntax: http://scratch.mit.edu/
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Followed by a range of learner practical activities. These can be differentiated by task to provide
appropriate challenge for learners. (I)
Control programming:
2.2.2 Data Declare and use one-dimensional Learners write programs from algorithms developed in the previous unit (Unit 7), to read values from a
structures; arrays, for example: A[1:n]. data source (data statement, keyboard) into a specified array and calculate e.g. average, largest, smallest.
arrays These will have been tailored to give appropriate challenge to learners. (I)
Show understanding of the use of
one-dimensional arrays, including Notes on arrays:
the use of a variable as an index www.teach-ict.com/2016/GCSE_Computing/OCR_J276/2_2_programming_techniques/
in an array. arrays_solve_problems/miniweb/index.php
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9: Databases
Assess learners’ understanding with a quiz or similar activity. A pre-prepared set of questions can be
used, or groups of learners could produce their own questions to test others. (I)
Class brainstorm to identify appropriate contexts for learners’ own database design, relevant to their
experience and interests e.g. school register, clubs, library, video hire, stock in small shop.
Learners select a context, identify fields, calculate field lengths, data types in each field, consider coding
and validation for each field. (I)
Learners create a sample database in a sensible context; each learner needs to add about 20 records
(enough to search later), so a data identification/ collection exercise will be needed. This could be done as
homework. (I)
Use software to create this database. Learners will need instruction on using the software if they have not
used it before. (I)
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Choose a suitable primary key for Learners look at database examples again; identify primary key in each case by class discussion.
a database table.
Quiz/short questions to identify key fields in five sample databases, of increasing difficulty. (I)
Perform a query-by-example from Teacher leads a discussion of query structure and strategies.
given search criteria.
Learners carry out examples of querying using specimen databases. Learners write and carry out
searches on their own databases. This is then repeated using other learners’ databases and they can give
constructive criticism of other learners’ work. (I)
In groups or pairs learners carry out searches using search engines, using Boolean logic, e.g. Google,
Learners’ understanding can be tested with questions from textbooks and/or past/specimen papers. (I)
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