General Conditions - Uap Doc 301
General Conditions - Uap Doc 301
General Conditions - Uap Doc 301
General Conditions
♦ Agreement
♦ General Conditions
♦ Special Provisions
♦ Specifications
♦ Drawings
1.02 OWNER: The person or entity, including his/its duly appointed successors or
authorized representatives, who orders the implementation of a project
1.04 ENGINEER: The person so named in the Contract Documents or his repre-
sentative duly authorized in writing to act for the Engineer.
1.06 CONTRACTOR: The person, firm or corporation whose proposal has been ac-
cepted and to whom the Contract has been awarded.
1.08 SURETY is the person, firm or corporation who provides the guarantee for the
Contractor’s Bonds.
1.09 PROPOSAL: The offer of a Bidder to perform the work as described by the
Contract Documents. This Bid is made out and submitted on the prescribed
Proposal Form, properly signed and guaranteed.
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1.10 PROPOSAL BOND: The cashier’s check or surety bond accompanying the
Proposal submitted by the Bidder as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into
a Contract with the Owner for the construction of the work, if and when the
Contract is awarded to him
1.12 PAYMENT BOND is the approved form of security furnished by the Contrac-
tor and his Surety as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to
pay all obligations arising from the Contract.
1.14 AGREEMENT is the contract between the Owner and the Contractor under-
taking the project as described in the Contract Documents, including all sup-
plemental agreements thereto and all general and special provisions pertaining
to the work or materials therefor.
1.18 DRAWINGS are graphical presentations of the work involved in the project.
These include all supplementary details and ship drawings.
1.20 SPECIAL PROVISIONS are instructions, which may be issued prior to the
bidding to supplement and/or modify Drawings, Specifications, and/or General
Conditions of the Contract.
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1.25 WRITTEN NOTICE: Written notice means any information, advice or notifi-
cation pertinent to the project, which may be delivered in person or sent by
registered mail to the individual, firm or corporation
1.26 TIME LIMIT. Time Limit is the duration of time for the completion of the
project as stipulated in the Contract.
1.28 LOCAL LAWS applies to all laws, ordinances and other governmental regula-
tions applicable to the project and its undertaking.
1.29 WORK: The term “work” of the Client or Sub-Contractor includes labor or
materials or both, as well as equipment, transportation, or other facilities, ne-
cessary to commence and complete the construction called for in the Contract.
1.30 FURNISH: The term “furnish” shall be understood to mean purchase and/or
fabricate and deliver to the job site or other location so designated.
1.31 INSTALL: The term “install” shall mean to build in, mount in positions, con-
nect or apply any object specified ready for the intended use.
1.32 PROVIDE: The term “provide” shall be understood to mean furnish and install
1.35 SINGULAR OR PLURAL: In all cases where a device, item or part of equip-
ment is referred to in the singular number, it is intended that such reference
shall apply to as many such devices, items or parts as are required to complete
the work.
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called for by all. The intent of the Drawings and the Specifications is to pre-
scribe the complete work to be undertaken to comply with the Contract. The
intention is to include all labor, materials, equipment and transportation neces-
sary for the proper execution of the work.
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3.03.b If, in the Contractor’s opinion, any work indicated on the Drawings, or speci-
fied in such a manner that it will be impossible to produce a first-class work,
he shall refer this matter to the Architect for interpretation before proceeding
with work. If the Contractor fails to make such reference, no excuse will the-
reafter be entertained for failure to carry out work in the most satisfactory
3.04.a If there is a variance between the Drawings and the Specifications, the provi-
sions of the specifications shall control. In case of conflict between the Gener-
al Conditions of the Contract or any modification thereof and the detailed spe-
cifications requirements shall control.
3.04.b Any discrepancy found between the Drawings or Specifications and site condi-
tions or any error or omission in the Drawings or Specifications shall be im-
mediately reported to the Architect or Engineer, who shall promptly correct
such discrepancy, error, or omission after his investigation. Any work or cor-
rection involving such discrepancy shall be done at the Contractor’s risk.
3.05 ADEQUACY OF THE DESIGN : The Owner shall bear the responsibility
for the adequacy of the design and for the sufficiency of the Drawings and
Specifications. The Owner, through the Architect or Engineer, or the Architect
or Engineer, acting as representative of the Owner, shall supply the Drawings
and Specifications, which shall set forth the complete requirements or the
work to be performed under the Contract. The Drawings and Specifications
furnished shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents and shall be a
true and accurate development thereof.
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Shop drawings shall be dated and contain (a) name of project, (b) descriptive
names of equipment, materials, and classified item numbers, (c) location at
which materials or equipment are to be installed in Work.
5.05.a The Contractor shall make the required corrections and changes and re-submit
shop drawings in duplicate until the Architect’s approval is obtained.
5.05.b Upon receipt of approval, the Contractor shall insert date of approval on trac-
ings and promptly furnish the Architect with three additional prints of ap-
proved drawings.
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5.05.c No work called for by shop drawings shall be executed until the Architect’s
approval is given.
5.05.d If shop drawings show variations from Contract requirements because of stan-
dard shop practices or other reasons, the Contractor shall make specific men-
tion of such variations in his letter of submittal.
6.01 LAWS AND REGULATIONS: In general, the Contractor shall comply with
all the laws, city and municipal ordinances, and all building codes, standards,
rules and regulations, in so far as they are binding or affecting the parties here-
to, the work, or those engaged thereon. He shall also comply with regulations
of firms furnishing utilities such as water, gas, telephone and electricity for the
If the Contractor performs any work contrary to such laws, ordinances, build-
ing codes, standards, rules and regulations without such notice to the Architect,
he shall bear all the costs arising therefrom.
6.02 SITE CONDITIONS: Before the bidding and the awarding of the contract, the
Contractor is expected to have visited the locality of the work, and made his
own estimates as to the facilities that may be required and the difficulties that
may arise upon execution of the proposed contract. He must also consider local
conditions and all other contingencies. No extra compensation and extension
of time will be given due to negligence or inadvertence of the Contractor.
7.01 PERMITS AND LICENSES: All construction permits and licenses necessary
for the execution of the work or of any temporary work and easements in rela-
tion thereto should be secured, and the corresponding required fees paid for by
the Contractor. The cost of such permits and licenses may, however, be reim-
bursed by the Owner to the Contractor, if specifically stipulated in the prior in-
structions of the Owner or the Architect.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for his actions should he start the
construction before acquiring the necessary permits and licenses.
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The Contractor shall also secure the final occupancy permit, but he shall not be
responsible for the non-issuance or the delay in the issuance thereof through no
fault of the Contractor.
7.02 TAXES: Wherever the law of the locality of the building site requires a sales,
consumer, use, or other similar tax related or pertinent only to the construction
of the project, the Contractor shall pay such tax.
7.03.a The Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimensions as indicated
on the Drawings. He shall report any error or inconsistency to the Architect
before commencing work.
7.03.b The Contractor shall provide and maintain well-built batter boards at all cor-
ners. He shall establish benchmarks in not less that two widely separated plac-
es. As work progresses, he shall establish benchmarks at each floor giving ex-
act levels of various floors.
7.03.c As work progresses, the Contractor shall lay out the exact location of all parti-
tions as a guide to all trades.
7.04 SERVICES OF LICENSED SURVEYOR: The Contractor shall pay for ser-
vices of a licensed surveyor, when so required, to confirm and certify the loca-
tion of column centers, piers, walls, pits, trenches, pipe work, culvert work,
utility lines and work of similar nature required by the Contract. A copy of
such certification shall be furnished to the Architect. It is the intention that the
Surveyor’s Certification shall represent an independent and disinterested veri-
fication of such layout.
7.04.a The Contractor shall furnish certifications from licensed surveyor that all por-
tions of work are located in accordance with Contract requirements and at ele-
vations required thereby.
7.04.b The surveyor shall promptly verify and certify the lines and levels of any por-
tion of subdivision of work at any time it may be deemed necessary by the
Architect. Any deviation from the Drawings shall be certified to the Architect
within 24 hours from the discovery of such deviation.
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9.01.a The Contractor shall furnish the Owner and the Architect or Engineer with a
complete list of proposed substitutions prior to the signing of the Contract, to-
gether with such engineering and catalog data.
9.01.b The Contractor shall abide by the Architect’s and the Engineer’s judgments
when proposed substitute items of equipment are judged to be acceptable and
shall furnish the specified item of equipment in such case. All proposals for
substitutions shall be submitted in writing by the General Contractor and not
by individual trades or material suppliers. The Architect and the Engineer will
approve or disapprove proposed substitutions in writing within a reasonable
time. No substitute equipment shall be used unless approved in writing.
9.02 EQUIPMENT APPROVAL DATA: The Contractor shall furnish three copies
of complete catalog data for every manufactured item of equipment and all
components to be used in the work, including specific performance data, ma-
terial description, rating, capacity, working pressure, material gauge or thick-
ness, brand name, catalog number, and general type.
9.02.a This equipment data shall be compiled by the Contractor and approved by the
Architect and the Engineer before any of the equipment is ordered.
9.02.b Each data sheet or catalog in the submission shall be indexed according to spe-
cification section and paragraph for easy reference.
9.02.c After written approval, this submission shall become a part of the Contract,
and may not be deviated from except upon written approval of the Architect
and Engineer.
9.02.d Catalog data for approved equipment does not in any case supercede the Con-
tract Documents. The approval of the Architect and the Engineer shall not re-
lieve the Contractor from his responsibility for deviations from Drawings or
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9.02.e It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that items to be fur-
nished shall fit the space available. He shall make necessary field measure-
ments to ascertain space requirements, including those for connections, and
shall order such sizes and shapes or equipment that the final installation shall
suit the true intent and meaning of the Drawings and Specifications.
10.01.a No manufacturer will be approved for any materials to be furnished under this
Contract unless he shall be of good reputation, shall have a plant of ample ca-
pacity and adequate quality control and shall have successfully produced simi-
lar products.
10.01.c In asking for prices on materials, the Contractor shall provide the manufacturer
or dealer with complete information from the Specifications and Drawings, and
shall inform the manufacturer or dealer of all pertinent contract requirements.
10.01.d The manufacturer or dealer shall properly code or identify all the materials,
equipment, fixtures, appliances or other fittings supplied by him in accordance
with the existing standards to indicate class grade or quality.
10.02.a Unless otherwise specified, three samples of materials of adequate size, show-
ing quality, type, color, range, finish and texture shall be submitted.
10.02.b Each sample shall be labeled, bearing material name and quality, the manufac-
turer’s name, date, project name, and other pertinent data.
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10.02.e Transportation charges to the Architect’s office must be prepaid on all samples
10.02.f Materials shall not be ordered until a written approval is received from the
Architect. All materials that shall be furnished must be substantially equal in
every respect to the approved samples.
10.03.b No substitution shall be made for any material, article, or process required un-
der Contract unless approved, in writing, by the Architect.
10.03.c Materials and articles installed or used without such approval shall be at the
risk of subsequent rejections.
10.03.d Samples of materials for use in reinforced concrete work such as steel bars,
cement, aggregate and their certificates of origin are to be approved by the
The decision of the Architect as to quality and quantity of work and materials
shall be final and precedent to the Contractor’s right to receive any money he-
10.06.a The Contractor shall allot suitable space to sub-contractors for storage of their
materials and for erection of their sheds and tool houses.
10.06.b All cement, lime, and other materials affected by moisture shall be stored on
platforms and protected from weather. Materials shall be properly stored, en-
suring the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work, shall be so lo-
cated as to facilitate prompt inspection.
10.06.c Should it be necessary, the Contractor shall move materials, sheds, or storage
platforms at his own expense.
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10.07.a The apparent silence of the Specifications, Drawings, Special Provisions and
Supplementary Specifications on any detail or description concerning any
point shall be regarded as meaning that only the best general practice is to pre-
vail and that only materials and workmanship of first class quality are to be
10.07.b Failure or neglect on the part of the Architect, or any of his agents, to condemn
or reject bad or inferior materials shall not be construed to imply an acceptance
of the materials, if said bad or inferior materials are discovered at any time
prior to the final acceptance of the work by the Owner and the release of the
The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees on all patented materials
and processes furnished by him. He shall defend all suits or claims corres-
ponding thereto for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner
from loss on account thereof.
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14.01 LIMITATION OF USE: The contractor shall confine his equipment and appa-
ratus, the storage of materials, and the operations of his workmen to limits in-
dicated by the law, ordinances, permits, or directions of the Architect and shall
not unreasonably encumber the premises with his materials.
14.02 SAFEGUARD FOR STRUCTURE. The Contractor shall not load nor permit
any part of the structure to be loaded with a weight that will endanger its safe-
ty. The Contractor shall enforce the Architect’s instructions regarding signs,
advertisements, fires and smoking.
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15.09 TEMPORARY ELEVATORS AND HOISTS: The Contractor shall install and
operate an adequate number of hoists and elevators. No hoists shall be con-
structed on locations that will interfere with or affect construction of floor
arches (or work of other Contractors). They may be located at exterior sides of
structure and extend upward adjacent to line of window openings. They must
be located at a sufficient distance from exterior walls and be so protected as to
prevent damage, staining, or marring the permanent work.
The Owner shall have the privilege of such temporary or trial usage, for such
reasonable length of time as the Architect shall deem to be proper. No claim
for damage shall be made by the Contractor for injury to or breaking of any
parts of such work, which may be caused by weakness or inaccuracy of struc-
tural parts or by defective material or workmanship.
If the Contractor so elects, he may, at his own expense, place persons satisfac-
tory to the Architect to make such trial usage.
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16.01 SAFEGUARD MEASURES: The Contractor shall put up safety measures and
continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage. He
shall protect the Owner’s property, as well as all materials furnished and deli-
vered to him by the Owner. He shall make good any such damage, injury or
loss, except such as may caused by agents or employees of the Owner, or due
to causes considered as Act of God.
16.01.a The Contractor shall provide reliable and competent watchmen to guard the
site and premises, from the commencement of operations until the building is
fully completed. All doorways must be provided with locks, and the Contrac-
tor shall lock doors at the close of each day’s work. In the event that the Arc-
hitect, at any time, deems watchmen service inadequate or incompetent, the
Contractor shall increase or change the watchmen personnel to the Architect’s
16.01.c The Contractor shall provide and maintain barrels of water and fire buckets on
premises for fire protection. Such equipment shall not be used for any other
16.01.d The Contractor shall provide and maintain in good working order an adequate
number of fire extinguishers.
16.02 OLD MATERIALS: All old materials of value found by the Contractor at the
site of the work shall be carefully piled and stored at a place designated by
Owner or the Architect, and the Contractor shall be responsible for the same
until final acceptance of the work.
16.03 TREES AND OTHER PLANTS: Existing trees, plants, shrubs, etc., which are
to remain shall be boxed and otherwise protected from damage. No trees with-
in site or located outside building lines shall be cut or removed without specific
approval from the Owner and the Architect.
16.03.a All trees and other plants that need to be transplanted elsewhere within fifty
(50) meters from the building lines shall be done by the Contractor at his own
expense in accordance with instructions from the Architect or from the authori-
ties concerned.
16.03.b Undue damage to trees, plants, shrubs, streets, sidewalks, etc., resulting from
and in connection with the construction work shall be made good and/or re-
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placed by the Contractor at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Owner
and the Architect.
17.02 EXISTING UTILITIES: Existing utilities, which have been damaged due to
the negligence or fault of the Contractor, shall be repaired by the Contractor at
his expense.
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Architect may withhold payment which are or may become due, or may sus-
pend the work until such orders are compiled with.
The Contractor shall keep in his project site, during the work’s progress, a
competent Project Engineer or Superintendent and any necessary assistant,
who is satisfactory to the Architect.
20.01 METHODS AND APPLIANCES: The Contractor shall use such methods and
appliances for the performance of all the operations connected with the work
embraced under this Contracts that will produce a satisfactory quality of work
and rate of progress which, in the opinion of the Architect, will ensure the
completion of the work within the contract time.
20.01.a If, at any time before the commencement or during the progress of the work,
such methods or appliances appear to the Architect to be inefficient or inap-
propriate for producing the quality of work required, or insuring the required
rate of progress, the Architect may order the Contractor to increase the rate of
their efficiency, or to improve their system of operation. The Contractor must
comply with such order. Failure, however, of the Architect to demand such in-
crease of efficiency or improvement of character of methods and appliances
shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligation to turn out such quality of
work and rate of progress as called for in this Contract.
20.01.b The Contractor shall, if required, furnish to the Architect for approval full in-
formation and satisfactory evidence as to the name of the manufacturer of ma-
chinery, mechanical or other equipment, which he contemplates using, together
with the performance capacities and other pertinent information.
20.02 LAYING OUT THE WORK: The Contractor shall lay out the lines and grades
of the work as per conditions set forth under Article 7.03 (Construction Stakes
and Reference Mark) of the General Conditions.
All stakes, benchmarks, etc., placed by the Contractor in laying out the work,
as approved by the Architect, shall be carefully guarded and preserved by the
Contractor. In case such stakes or marks are displaced or rendered useless
through the carelessness or neglect of the Contractor or of his agents, em-
ployees, or workmen, they should be replaced by the Contractor at his own ex-
20.03 INSPECTOR OF WORK: The Owner, the Architect and their representatives
shall at all times have access to the work, whether it is in preparation or
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progress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and
for inspection.
20.03.a If the Specifications, the Architect’s instructions, laws, ordinances or any pub-
lic authority require any work to be specifically tested or approved, the Con-
tractor shall give the Architect and other parties, who are required to make the
inspection, timely notice of its readiness for inspection If any work should be
covered up without approval or consent of the Architect, it must, if required by
the Architect, be uncovered for examination at the Contractor’s expense.
20.03.b The Architect may order the re-examination of work, and the Contractor, for
his part, must uncover the questioned work. If such work be found not in ac-
cordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay the cost.
20.03.c The Contractor shall furnish promptly and without additional charge all rea-
sonable facilities, labor, and materials necessary for the safe and convenient in-
spection and tests that may be required by the inspectors. All inspection and
tests shall be performed in such manner that will not unnecessarily delay the
20.03.d If there are indications that the work done are not in accordance with the plans
and specifications, the Architect may, at any time before the final acceptance
of the entire work, make an examination of the work already completed. By
removing or tearing out the same, the Contractor shall, upon request, promptly
furnish all necessary facilities, labor, and materials. If such work is found to
be defective in any material respect due to fault of the Contractor or his sub-
contractors, he shall defray all the expenses of such examination and of satis-
factory reconstruction. If, however, such work is found to meet the require-
ments of the Contract, the actual cost of labor and materials necessarily in-
volved in the examination and replacement plus 15 percent, shall be allowed
the Contractor and he shall, in addition, be granted a suitable extension of time
if completion of the work has been delayed on account of the additional work
20.05 WORK DURING AN EMERGENCY: The Contractor shall perform any work
and shall furnish and install all materials and equipment necessary during an
emergency endangering life or property. In such cases, he shall notify the
Architect and the Engineer of the emergency as soon as practicable, but he
shall not wait for instructions before proceeding to properly protect both life
and property.
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derruns form the quantities in the Proposal do not exceed five percent. In case
of discrepancy, the matter shall be submitted immediately to the Architect, be-
fore any adjustment shall be made by the Contractor, otherwise it shall be at
his own risk and expense.
20.07.a CHANGES ORDERED BY OWNER: The Owner may at any time, without
invalidating the Contract and without notice to the sureties, order extra work or
make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work, as covered by
the Drawings and Specifications of this Contract and within the general scope
thereof. Such changes shall be ordered by the Owner in writing, and no
change or omission from the Drawings and Specifications shall be considered
to have been authorized without written instructions signed by the Owner.
20.07.c ADJUSTMENT OF CONTRACT: All work shall be executed under the condi-
tions of the original contract. If changes cause an increase or decrease in the
amount due under this Contract, or in the time required for its performance, an
equitable adjustment shall be made and the contract should be modified in
writing accordingly. The express consent of the sureties shall be obtained in
writing. In the event that the work involved is increased by such changes, the
Contractor shall furnish proportionate additional performance bond.
20.07.d VALUE OF EXTRA WORK: The value of extra work or change shall be de-
termined in any one or more of the following ways:
3) By actual direct cost plus fifteen percent (15%) for contractor’s profit,
overhead and contractor’s tax.
Under case (3), he shall keep and present in such form as the Architect may di-
rect, a correct account of the cost, together with vouchers. In any case, the
Architect shall certify to the amount including the fifteen percent allowance for
overhead and profit due the Contractor.
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arising under this Contract shall be decided by the Architect or his duly autho-
rized representative. Nothing, however, as provided for in Article 20.07, shall
excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the prosecution of the work so
20.08 CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST: If the Contractor claims that any instruction by
drawings or otherwise involve extra cost under this Contract, he shall give the
Architect written notice thereof within fifteen (15) days after the receipt of
such instruction, before proceeding to execute the work, except in emergency
endangering life or property, as provided for in Article 20.05 (Work During
and Emergency) of the General Conditions. No such claim shall be valid un-
less so made.
20.09.a All dirt, stains and the like on all finishing of floors, walls, ceiling, decorative
work, finishing hardware and fixtures must be removed.
20.09.b All woodwork, finishing hardware and all metal works must be cleaned and
20.09.c All glazing, marble and tile work must be washed and polished. The Contrac-
tor shall so clean the building site as shown in the Drawings and all areas that
the Contractor used in the operation of the project.
At no time shall any rubbish be thrown from windows or other parts of the
building without the use of rubbish chutes.
20.10 USE OF COMPLETED PORTIONS OF WORK: The owner shall have the
right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed por-
tions of the work, notwithstanding that the time for completing the entire work
or such portions may not have expired. Such taking possession and use shall
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In all cases, prior to the issue of said Certificate of Completion, the Contractor
shall execute a written undertaking to finish any outstanding work during the
Period of Making Good of Known Defects or Faults as defined in Article 20.12
If, in the opinion of the Architect, the defect or fault is due to the Owner or
Owner’s representative, the value of such work shall be ascertained and paid
for as it were additional work.
If the Contractor shall fail to do any such work as aforesaid, the Owner shall
upon written notice to the contractor be entitled to carry out such work by his
own workmen or by other contractors, and if such work which the Contractor
should have carried out is at the Contractor’s cost, the Owner shall be entitled
to recover from the Contractor the cost thereof, or may deduct the same from
any amount due or may become due to the Contractor.
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However, no such extension of time shall be granted for any alleged failure of
the Owner to furnish materials or information unless they be required in the
proper prosecution of the work in the order prescribed by the Architect and un-
less the Contractor shall have made written request for them at ten (10) days
before they are actually needed.
21.04.c If the satisfactory fulfillment of the Contract shall require the performance of
work in greater quantities than those set forth in the Contract, the time allowed
for performance shall be increased in the same ratio as that of the total cost of
work actually performed to the total cost in the Contract. However, if in the
opinion of the Architect, the nature of the increased work is such that the new
Contract Time as computed above is unreasonably short, the time allowance
for any extension and increases shall be as agreed upon in writing.
21.04.d If no schedule or agreement stating the dates upon which drawings shall be
furnished is made, then no claim for delay shall be allowed on account of fail-
ure to furnish drawings until two (2) weeks after demand for such drawings
and unless such claim be reasonable.
21.04.e If the work is interrupted for any reason, it must be promptly resumed upon the
removal or cessation of the cause of delay.
21.04.f The Contractor shall give written notice to the Architect at least ten (10) days
prior to beginning, suspending (except in case of accident), or resuming the
work to enable the Architect to make the necessary preparations for inspection
without delaying the work. All delays or losses resulting from failure of the
Contractor to give such notice will be at the Contractor’s risk, and all extra
costs to the Owner for such delay (said costs to be determined by the Archi-
tect) shall be deducted from the Final Payment.
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22.02 REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT: The Contractor may submit periodically, but
not more than once each month, a Request for Payment for work done. The
Contractor shall furnish the Architect all reasonable facilities required for ob-
taining the necessary information relative to the progress and execution of the
work. Each Request for Payment shall be computed from the work completed
on all items listed in the Breakdown of Work and Corresponding Value, less
the 10% retention, unless otherwise agreed upon, and less previous payments.
When 50% of the Contract has been accomplished, no further retention shall be
made on the balance of the Contract.
22.02.a In general, no payment shall be made for materials or items not incorporated in
the work. However, exception to this condition may be made in the case of
materials or items, which may require immediate acquisition and compensation
due to shortages or import or transportation difficulties. In the event of such
exceptions, payment shall be conditioned upon the submission by the Contrac-
tor of bills of sale or such other procedures as will establish the Owner’s title to
such material or item or otherwise adequately protect the Owner’s interest.
22.03.a. The photographs shall be 6” x 8”. At each period four exposures shall be tak-
en, one on each side of the building. Eight (8) prints dull finish, (2 copies for
each exposure) shall be delivered to the Architect and all negatives shall bear
the date of exposure and name of the work.
22.03.b No partial payment shall be considered for approval without the above men-
tioned prints accompanying the Request for Payment.
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22.05.c Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to sub-contractors for ma-
terial or labor.
22.05.d A reasonable doubt that the Contract can be completed for the balance then
When the above grounds are removed, payments shall be made for amounts
22.06.a The Architect shall estimate the value of work accomplished by the Contractor
using, as a basis, the schedule stipulated in the Breakdown of Work and Cor-
responding Value. Such estimates of the Architect shall be final and conclu-
sive evidence of the amount of work performed and shall be taken as the basis
for the full measure of compensation to be received at the time by the Contrac-
tor. Such Preliminary estimates of amount and quantity shall not be required
to be made by strict measurement or with exactness, but they may, at the op-
tion of the Architect, be approximate only.
Owner’s failure to pay the amount involved would be subject to payment of in-
terest based on banking loan rates prevailing at the time of the signing of the
If required, he shall furnish the Owner with a statement sworn to before an of-
ficer duly authorized to administer oath that all persons who have done work or
furnished materials under this Contractor have been duly paid. If such written
evidence is not furnished before the final payment under the Contract falls due,
said Owner may after due notice to and clearance by the Contractor, pay such
lawful claims in whole or in part to any person, firm, or corporation claiming
the same, and charge the amount thus paid to said Contractor, who will accept
the same as payment from the amount due on the Contract.
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and the work covered thereby shall not be liable for any claim or lien arising
from the failure of the Contractor to pay . The Contractor does hereby bind it-
self solely answerable for any such lien should the same arise.
If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work within a reasonable
time, fixed by written notice, the Owner may remove them and may store the
material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the
expenses of such removal within ten days’ time thereafter, the Owner may,
upon ten days’ written notice, sell such materials at auction or at private sale
and shall account for the net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and
expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor.
22.11.a Certificate of Final Building Occupancy unless such certificate cannot be ob-
tained through no fault of the Contractor.
22.11.c Original and three (3) sets of prints of “As-Built Drawings” of Electrical, Sani-
tary, Gas, Telephone and Mechanical works, if such works are within the scope
of the contract. “As-Built Drawings” are the working drawings showing the
system and actual locations of outlets, fixtures, services and equipment that
were installed.
22.11.d Three (3) copies of Directory of Panel Boards and list of circuits.
22.11.e Three (3) copies of Instructions and Manual for operating and maintaining of
fixtures and equipment.
22.11.g A Guarantee Bond, equivalent to thirty percent (30%) of the Contract Price
covering a period of one year after the Final Acceptance of the work which
guarantee the quality of the contract work and materials installed, may be re-
quired if the Owner, upon acceptance of the building, releases to the Contrac-
tor the Performance Bond and Payment Bond. The Guaranteed Bond shall be
in the form of securities as approved by the Owner.
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22.12.a The Owner shall then, except for causes herein specified, pay to the Contractor
promptly, after the execution of said certificate, the remainder of the sum due
to the Contractor, excepting therefrom such sum or sums as may be lawfully
retained under any of the provision of the Contract; PROVIDED THAT
PROVIDED, FURTHER that nothing here in contained shall be construed to
waive the right of the Architect to reject the whole or any portion of the afore-
said work, should the same be found to have been constructed in violation of
the Drawings and Specifications or of any of the conditions or covenants of
this Contract within the guarantee period.
22.12.b The making and acceptance of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all
claims by the Contractor.
22.13.a Neither the final certificate nor payment nor any provision in the Contract
Documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or
workmanship and, he shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any
damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period
of one year from the date of acceptance of work by the Owner.
22.13.b Neither foregoing nor any provision in the contract documents, nor any spe-
cial-guarantee limit, shall be held to limit the Contractor’s liability for defects
and damages and the right of the Owner under the provisions of the New Civil
Code, and all laws, regulations and ordinances applicable to the plans and con-
struction of the building.
22.13.c The Owner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness.
All questions arising under this article shall be decided by the Architect whose
decision shall be subject to arbitration.
22.14 RELEASE OF RETENTION: The amount retained by the Owner under the
provision of the Contract shall be released within three (3) months after the
date of final payment.
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24.02 CUTTING, PATCHING AND DIGGING: The Contractor shall do all cutting,
fitting or patching of his work that may be required to make its several parts
come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by work of other
contractors shown upon, or reasonably implied by, the Drawings and Specifi-
cations for the completed structure, and he shall make good after them as the
Architect may direct.
Any cost caused by defective or ill-timed work shall be borne by the party re-
sponsible therefor.
The Contractor shall not endanger any work by cutting, digging or otherwise
and shall not cut or alter the work of any other contractor, except with the con-
sent to the Architect.
To ensure the proper execution of his subsequent work, the Contractor shall
verify work already in place and shall at once report to the Architect any dis-
crepancy between the executed work and the drawings.
25.01 GENERAL: It is understood and agreed that the entire work called for by this
Contract shall not be sublet or sub-contracted. However, any part thereof or
any specialty work therein, may be sublet or sub-contracted, subject to the pro-
vision of Article 25.02. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall
create any contractual relation between any sub-contractor and the Owner.
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ter, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a list of his prospective sub-
contractors for approval.
26.01.a To be bound to the Sub-contractor by all the obligations that the Owner as-
sumes to the Contractor under the Agreement, General Conditions, the Draw-
ings and Specifications, and by all the provisions thereof affording remedies
and redress to the Contractor from the Owner.
26.01.b To pay the Sub-contractor, upon the payment of certificates, under the sche-
dule of values as described in Article 22 (Payments) of the General Conditions,
the amount allowed to the Contractor on account of sub-contractor’s work to
the extent of the Sub-contractor’s interest therein.
26.01.c To pay the Sub-contractor, to such extent as may be provided by the Contract
Documents or the sub-contract.
26.01.d To pay the Sub-contractor on demand for his work or materials, as far as ex-
ecuted and fixed in place, less the retained percentage, at the time the certifi-
cate should be issued, even though the Architect fails to issue it through no
fault of the Sub-contractor.
26.01.e To pay the Sub-contractor a just share of any fire insurance money received by
him, the Contractor, under Article 31 (Contractor’s Insurance and Bonds) of
the General Conditions.
26.02.b To submit to the Contractor application for payment in such reasonable time as
to enable the Contractor to apply for payment under Article 22 (Payments) of
the General Conditions.
26.02.c To make all claims for extras, for extensions of time, for damages, for delays
or otherwise, to the Contractor in the manner provided in the General Condi-
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tions of the Contract for like claims by the Contractor upon the Owner, except
that the time for making claims for extra cost is one week.
The Contractor may suspend work or terminate Contract upon fifteen (15)
days’ written notice to the Owner and the Architect for any of the following
27.a If an order of any court or other public authority caused the work to be stopped
or suspended for a period of ninety (90) days through no act or fault of the
Contractor or his employees.
27.b If the Architect should fail to act upon any Request for Payment within fifteen
(15) days after it is presented in accordance with the General Condition of the
27.c If the Owner should fail to act upon any Request for payment or certificate of
payment within (15) days after its certification by the Architect.
27.d If the Owner should fail to pay the Contractor any sum within thirty (30) days
after its award by arbitration.
The Owner, upon the certification of the Architect that sufficient cause exists
to justify his action, may without prejudice to any other right or remedy and af-
ter giving the Contractor and his surety, if any, fifteen (15) days’ written no-
tice, terminate the contract with the Contractor and take possession of the pre-
mises and of all materials, tools and appliances thereon and finish work by
whatever method he may deem expedient. Sufficient cause to justify termina-
tion of the Contract shall deem to exist whenever the Contractor does any of
the following:
28.a Declare bankruptcy, become insolvent or assign his assets for the benefit of his
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In case such materials and/or equipment do not belong to the Contractor, then
the Architect shall have the option to retain them for use in the project at the
cost of the failing Contractor, or pay reasonable rent for the use, chargeable
against the Contractor.
29.02 OWNER TO COMPLETE WORK: The Owner shall then take over the work
and proceed to complete the same by administration or otherwise, and use such
tools, appliances and materials of every description as may be found upon the
line of said work, or at point where materials are built or framed for the work
and also procure such other tools and materials for the completion of the work
as may be required.
29.03.a In the event that the total expenditures of the Owner upon completion of the
work, including all charges against the project prior to termination of the Con-
tract and compensation for additional architectural managerial and administra-
tive services, are not in excess of the Contract Price, then the difference be-
tween the said total expenditures of the Owner and Contract Price may be ap-
plied to settle claims filed, and the balance, if any, may be paid to the Contrac-
29.03.b No amount in excess of the combined value of the unpaid completed work, re-
tained percentage and usable materials taken over by the Owner at the time of
the Termination of the Contract shall be paid, nor shall any claim for prospec-
tive profits on the work done after termination of the Contract be considered or
29.03.c In case of suspension of work, all unpaid work executed, including expenses
incurred during suspension, shall be evaluated by the Architect and charged to
the Owner.
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In such case, the full extent of the damages for which the Contractor and/or his
sureties shall be liable shall be:
29.04.a The total daily liquidated damages up to and including the day immediately be-
fore the date the Owner effectively takes over the work.
29.04.b The excess cost incurred by the Owner in the completion of the project over
the Contract Price. This excess cost includes cost of architectural managerial
and administrative services, supervision and inspection from the time the
Owner effectively took over the work by administration or by re-letting same.
30.03 INDEMNITY: The Contractor shall indemnify and exempt the Owner from all
losses and all claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries, and judg-
ment of every nature and description brought or recovered against him, by rea-
son of any act or omission of said Contractor, his agents or employees, in the
execution of the work or the guarding of it.
Claims for payment and repairs for damages shall be settled by the Contractor
at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Architect and the parties con-
cerned. In the event of failure of the Contractor to repair at once such damag-
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es, and pay other claims, the Owner may repair the same and pay the claims,
and deduct the entire cost of such repairs and claims from the payments due
the Contractor.
31.05.a The Contractor shall, in case of work performed by his sub-contractors and
where guarantees are required, secure warranties from said sub-contractors and
deliver copies of same to the Owner upon completion of work.
31.05.b The Contractor shall and thereby warrants all work performed by him directly
and for which guarantee are required.
31.05.c The Contractor shall and thereby warrant and/or guarantee for a period of one
year, or for longer periods where so provided in Specifications, as evidenced
by date of final certificate issued by the Architect, that all materials and work-
manship installed under Contract to be of good quality in every respect and to
remain so for periods described herein.
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31.05.d Should any defects develop in aforesaid work, within the specified periods, due
to faults in material and/or workmanship, the Contractor thereby agrees to
make all repairs and do all necessary work to correct defective work to the
Architect’s satisfaction. Such repairs and corrective works shall be done with-
out cost to the Owner and at entire cost and expense of the Contractor within
five (5) days after written notice to the Contractor by the Owner.
31.05.e In case the Contractor fails to do the work, so ordered, the Owner may have the
work done and charge the cost thereof against any amount retained as provided
for in the Agreement and, if said retained monies shall be insufficient to pay
such cost, or if no money is available, the Contractor and his sureties agree to
pay to the Owner the cost of such work.
31.05.f All the foregoing are without prejudice to the right of the Owner under the
New Civil Code, and other laws now or hereafter that may be applicable.
Prior to the start of the construction, the Owner and the Architect shall give a
list of personnel assigned to the project who need to be covered by insurance
and with the corresponding amount of coverage.
32.02 OWNER’S OPTIONAL INSURANCE: The Owner, at his option, may main-
tain such insurance that will protect him from his contingent liability for dam-
ages, for personal injury, including death, which may arise from the operations
under this Contract, and any other liability for damages, which the Contractor
is required to insure under any provision of this Contract.
33.01 LIENS: Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained percentage shall
become due until the Contractor, if required, shall deliver to the Owner a com-
plete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in full in lieu
thereof and, if required in either case, an affidavit that, so far as he has know-
ledge or information, the releases and receipts include all the labor and mate-
rials for which a lien could be filed. The Contractor may, if any sub-contractor
refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full, furnish a bond satisfactory to the
Owner, to indemnify him against any lien. If any lien remain unsatisfied after
all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies
that the latter may be completed to pay in discharging such lien, including all
costs and a reasonable attorney’s fee.
33.02.a This Contract shall not be assigned in whole or in part by the contractor nor
shall any part of the work be sublet by the Contractor without the prior written
consent of the Owner and such consent shall not relieve the Contractor from
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full responsibility for the work hereunder and for the due performance of all
the terms and conditions of the Contract.
33.02.b The Owner’s consent to any subletting of work hereunder shall not be granted
in any event until the Contractor has furnished the Owner with satisfactory
evidence that the sub-contractor is carrying ample insurance to the same extent
and in the same manner as is herein provided to be furnished by the Contrac-
33.02.c If the Contract is assigned or any part thereof is sublet, the Contractor shall
exonerate, indemnify and exempt the Owner from and against any and all loss
or expense caused thereby.
33.02.d In case of any such transfer without the previous written consent of the Owner,
the Owner may refuse to carry out the Contract either with the transferor or
transferee; but all rights of action for any breach of this Contract by the Con-
tractor shall be reserved to and remain within said Owner.
33.03 DAMAGES: Should either party to this Contract suffer damages because of
any wrongful act or neglect of the other party or of anyone employed by him,
claim shall be made in writing to the party liable within a reasonable time of
the first observance of such damage and not later than the final payment, ex-
cept as expressly stipulated otherwise in the case of faulty work or materials,
and shall be adjusted by agreement or arbitration.
33.04.a The Architect shall, within a reasonable time, make decisions on all claims of
the Owner or Contractor and on all matters relating to the execution and
progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents.
33.04.b Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, all disputes concern-
ing questions of fact arising under the Contract shall be decided by the Archi-
tect, whose decision shall be final and conclusive upon the parties thereto.
33.04.c The Architect’s decisions shall be final, if within the terms of the Contract
33.04.d If, however, the Architect fails to render a decision within fifteen (15) days af-
ter the parties have presented their evidence, either party may then demand ar-
bitration. If the Architect renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have
been initiated, such decision may be entered as evidence, but shall not disturb
or interrupt such proceedings, except where such decision is acceptable to the
parties concerned.
33.05.a Notice of the demand for arbitration of a dispute shall be filed in duplicate, one
copy with the other party to the Contract and another copy filed with the Arc-
hitect. The demand for arbitration shall be made within a reasonable time after
the dispute has arisen. In no case, however, shall the demand be made later
than the time of final payment, except as otherwise expressly stipulated in the
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33.05.c It is mutually agreed that the decision of the arbitrators shall be a condition
precedent to any right of legal action that either party may have against the
other. The Contractor shall not cause a delay of the work during any arbitra-
tion proceedings, except by agreement with the Owner.
34.a The Architect shall be the Owner’s representative during the construction pe-
riod and he shall observe the work in progress in behalf of the Owner. He shall
have authority to act in behalf of the Owner, only to the extent expressly pro-
vided in the Contract Documents. He shall have authority to stop the work
whenever such stoppage may be necessary, in his reasonable opinion, to ensure
the proper execution of the Contract. The Architect’s failure to stop the work
does not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility of complying with the
Contract Documents and from the sole responsibility of protecting persons on,
about, or adjacent to the premises against injury and death, where work is be-
ing performed. It does not relieve him also of his responsibility of protecting
the Owner’s property and adjoining property against damage.
34.b The Architect shall decide any and all questions that may arise as to the quality
and acceptability of materials furnished, the work performed, the manner of
performance and the rate of progress of work. He shall decide all questions that
may arise as to the interpretation of the Drawings and Specifications, and all
questions as to the acceptable fulfillment of the terms of the Contract.
34.c As the Architect is, in the first instance, the interpreter of the conditions of the
Contract and the judge of its performance, he shall side neither with the Owner
nor with the Contractor, but shall use his powers, under the Contract, to en-
force its faithful performance by both.
34.d In case of the termination of the employment of the Architect, the Owner shall
appoint a capable and reputable Architect, whose status under the Contract
shall be as that of the former Architect. Any dispute in connection with such
appointment shall be subject to arbitration.
35.a The Engineers shall be solely responsible for their respective designs, compu-
tations and other professional services they rendered in connection with the
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35.b The Engineers shall inspect the work for conformance with the approved
Drawings and Specifications and shall report to the Architect any discrepancy
between such work and said Drawings and Specifications. They shall make
recommendations when necessary and as required consistent with the ethics of
the profession.
35.c The Engineers shall perform any professional service necessary for he accom-
plishment of the work subject to the terms and conditions of the inter-
professional agreement between the Architect and the Engineers or any exist-
ing contract affecting or relative to the project.
36.02 DUTIES: The duties of the Project Representatives, Resident Architects, Resi-
dent Engineers and Construction Inspectors are stipulated in the Special Provi-
sion of the Contract.
36.03 DISPUTES: In case of any dispute arising between the Project Representative,
Resident Architect, Resident Engineer, or Construction Inspector, and the Con-
tractor, they shall have authority to reject materials or suspend the work until
the question at issue can be referred to and decide by the Architect.
Nothing in the provision of this article will relieve the Contractor from the re-
sponsibility of performing the work in accordance with the Drawings, Specifi-
cations and other Contract Documents.
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