At 4 Clutch
At 4 Clutch
At 4 Clutch
- a further common cause of clutch trust / release bearing damage is if the clutch cable is not changed
over time, resulting in the clutch release / throw out bearing being in continual contact with the clutch
pressure plate. This will cause it to spin incessantly, drastically shortening its life.
2. What safety precaution must be taken while replacing clutch release bearing?
Even if it is imperceptible to the naked eye, dust and grime are detrimental to bearings. It is vital to keep
the bearings and their surroundings as clean as possible to prevent the introduction of dust and debris.
- Extreme Caution
Heavy shocks while handling may scrape or otherwise damage bearings, leading in their failure.
Excessive force can induce brinelling, breaking, or cracking.
When working with bearings, always use the correct tools and avoid using general purpose tools.
Keep your hands clean when handling bearings since perspiration and other impurities might cause
corrosion. If possible, put on gloves. Keep an eye out for bearing rust caused by corrosive gases.
3. List down at least five (5) possible causes and give their corresponding remedies or solutions to the
When a clutch burns out, the clutch disc must be replaced immediately. However, the clutch disc may
not be the only component necessary to solve the problem. To inspect the clutch components, a
technician must remove the manual transmission.
Oil does not simply sit on the surface of the friction material; it soaks in and embeds itself. Once the oil
gets into the clutch, there's no way to get it out without soaking it in a boiling solvent or caustic lye,
which would kill the clutch.
III. Uneven driven plate wear
Repair or replace
Renew clutch
4. Based on the you tube video entitled “How to Replace a Clutch in your Car”.
1. we need to clean the grease off the surface of the flywheel before we install the clutch, otherwise the
clutch could get grease on it and slit.
2. grab the clutch alignment tool, get a marker or a pen and draw a line on the top of the clutch
alignment tool so it makes a lot easier when installing the transmission.
3. grab the clutch alignment tool and clutch flat side towards the flywheel and spline it and install, and
we want the end of the alignment tool to go all the way into the pilot bearing and that’ll hold the clutch
in the middle and grab the pressure plate and align this onto the studs we hammered into the flywheel
2. spray down the clutch with water to get the dust wet which makes it less likely to get airborne and you
won’t breathe it in.
3. when unscrew the last bolt, hold the pressure plate with your other hand so it won’t just fall when you
unscrew the bolt all the way.