GCAA Air Leg Essay Questions

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4) What are the basic details for a weight and balance report?


This is required fo all a/c exceeding 5700Kgs MTWA.

The weight and balance report shall record such loading data as is essential to
enable the particular aircraft to be correctly loaded.

The weight and balance report shall apply to the aircraft in the condition it is to be
delivered to the user.

Copy of the weight and balance report shall be sent to the GCAA and contain:-

1) Reference number and date

2) Nationality and registration of the aircraft

3) Copy of the weighing record.

4) Copy of the weight and C of G schedule including the list of basic equipment.

5) Diagram & Description of datum points

6) Information on lever arms.

7) Details of any significant change on the aircraft C of G or any change in

26) A.M.O. carry out repairs and modification as per approved
data, What is meant by approved data? CAR145.45 (2)

A Maintenance organisation shall hold and use applicable current

maintenance data in the performance of maintenance.

Applicable means relevant to any particular A/C,component or process

specified in the organisations approval document.

Applicable means any of the following:

1) any procedure or operational directive issued by the responsible


2) any airworthiness directive issued by the responsible authority

3) Instructions issued by type certificates

4) any applicable standard that is recognized as good for a/c


5) any applicable modified data iaw procedures

6) Briefly explain the content of a log book (3)

“Aircraft Log Book”

The following entries should be included:

Name of the constructor, the type of the aircraft, the number assigned to it by
the constructor and the date of construction of the aircraft.

The Nationality and Registration Marks of the aircraft

Name and address of operator of the aircraft

Date of each flight and duration between take-off / landing or if more than one
flight on that day the total of the duration between take-offs and landings on that

Particulars of all maintenance work carried out on the aircraft or its equipment.

Particulars of any defects occurring in the aircraft or in any equipment required to

be carried therein and the action taken to rectify such defects including a reference
to the relevant entries in the technical log.

Particulars of any overhauls, repairs, and replacements and modifications

relating to the aircraft or its equipment
45) Requirements for UAE registered for ACAS and GPWS.
Airborne Collision Avoidance System:

An operator shall not operate a turbine powered aeroplane:

(a) from 1 January 2002, having a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of
15,000 kg or authorized to carry more than 30 passengers, and:
(b) from 1 January 2005, having a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of
5,700 kg or authorized to carry more than 19 passengers - unless it is equipped with
an airborne collision avoidance system with a minimum performance level of at least

Ground Proximity Warning System:

An operator shall not operate a turbine powered aeroplane;

(a) having a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of 15,000 kg or a

maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 30; or

(b) having a maximum certificated take-off mass in excess of 5,700 kg or a

maximum approved passenger seating configuration of more than 9; unless it is
equipped with a ground proximity warning system.

The ground proximity warning system required by this paragraph must automatically
provide, by means of aural signals, which may be supplemented by visual signals,
timely and distinctive warning to the flight crew of sink rate, ground proximity,
altitude loss after take-off or go-around, incorrect landing configuration and
downward glide slope deviation.
38) What is the requirement for validation / temporary (5)
authorisation licence?

A foreign license can be validated by issuance of a letter of validation in the form of

validation /temporary authorization, initial validity is 90 days and may be further
extended for another 90 days under extenuating circumstance.

Organizations requiring a validation for longer 90 days should apply for a UAE

It's the responsibility of the owner and foreign license holder to ensure the license
and recency requirements remain valid/current.

This validation will be automatically cancelled when either of the requirements are
no longer met or when a UAE license is issued or the holder fails the written
36) What is the requirement for an AME licence? (6)

Acceptance of an application for the grant/extension of a license requires that the


1) shall not be less than 18 years of age;

2) shall be able to read, write and communicate in English language;

3) shall provide evidence of acceptable experience and any training courses related
to the application

4) shall pay the appropriate fee

5) shall be conversant with the UAE GCAA requirements.

Subsequent grant/extension of the license requires that:

*The application submitted is acceptable in content and presentation;

*The applicant reaches a satisfactory standard in any examination required.

Experience Requirements

The application shall have had the following experience in the maintenance of an
aircraft for at least 4 years or 2 years if the applicant has satisfactorily completed an
approved training course.
37) Prerequisite for issuing the validation / temporary UAE (7)
licence authorisation for foreign licence

* Must have an ICAO Contracting State LAME licence and a Company Authorisation
to certify particular type of aircraft for more than two years, is required to provide the
GCAA the following additional documents as verification;

1) Licence verification letter from the issuing authority.

2) Proof from the Company/State that the candidate was certifying aircraft for two
years and more.

3) Training Course Certificate related to the certification qualification.

4)Evidence of having completed the GCAA approved air legislation course or,

Candidates having Basic LAME licence from their respective

country/authority, who is further authorized to certify aircraft for more than
five years, is required to provide to the GCAA following additional documents
as verification;

1) Licence verification letter from the issuing authority.

2) Certificate of Authorisation from the Company/State that the candidate was
certifying aircraft for five years and more.

3) Training Course Certificate related to the certification qualification.

4) Evidence of having completed the GCAA approved air legislation course.
5) As and when GCAA may impose additional requirement deem necessary.

Common factors for above;

Licence verification letter from issuing authority (ICAO or BASIC)
Proof of certifying 2 & 5 years (Company & State)
Training Course Certificates related to certification qualification
Completed GCAA Air Legislation Course
16) What is a CMR (8)

A CMR is a maintenance statement indicating that an aircraft together with its

engines,APU, equipment and radio station is maintained in accordance with a
maintenance schedule approved by the GCAA for that aircraft.

The CMR shall specify the date on which the maintenance review took place and
the date thereafter that the next review is due.

The certificate must be carried onboard the a/c and a copy retained elsewhere than
on the a/c.

For all a/c registered in the UAE with a valid C of A shall be subjected to a
maintenance review at intervals not exceeding 4 months.

CMR can be issued by;

1) A holder of a UAE A/C maintenance license valid in two categories,

appropriately type rated for the particular aircraft.

2) A person whom the GCAA has authorized to issue a CMR.

3) A person approved by the GCAA as being competent to issue such certificates,

and in accordance with that approval.
17) Certificate of release to service (9)


A CRS is issued for an A/C registered in the UAE with a valid C of A in force after
overhauls, repairs,replacements, modifications, mandatory inspection or any
scheduled maintenance inspection has been carried out in IAW a maintenance
schedule approved by the GCAA.

A CRS is not required for schedule maintenance if it reoccurs less than 2 days
unless it is classed as mandatory.

The CRS signatory must ensure that up to date manuals, drawing, specifications,
recommended tooling and test equipment in calibration and a correct working
environment has been adhered to prior to signing CRS

Who can issue a CRS?

1)The holder of a UAE AME licences, appropriately type rated for the particular
aircraft and authorised as being competent to issue such certification under the
terms of approval granted to an organisation by the GCAA.

2) A person whom GCAA has authorised to issue CRS to service in particular

case, and in accordance with that authority.

3) For aircraft below < 5700Kgs MTWA and operated in the private category the
holder of a UAE AME licence appropriately type rated for that aircraft.
5) Ferry Flight Permit by the U.A.E GCAA and its limitations. (10)

A Flight Permit may be issued by the GCAA:

*for an aircraft that may not currently meet applicable airworthiness requirements
but is safe to fly; or

*To authorise the operation of an aircraft at a weight in excess of maximum certified

take-off weight for flight beyond the normal range of water or over land area where
landing facilities or appropriate fuel is not available.

The excess weight that may be authorized under this section is limited to the
additional fuel, fuel carrying facilities and navigation equipment necessary for the

Operating Limitations: - F D E C
The GCAA may issue a Flight Permit to a UAE operator to allow the operator to;

1) Fly the aircraft to a base where repairs, alterations, or maintenance are to be

performed, or point of storage.

2) Deliver or export the aircraft to or from UAE

3) Evacuate aircraft from areas of impending danger

4) Conduct customer demonstration flights.


Applicant must submit statement to the GCAA indicating: Purpose of flight--

proposed itinerary--Required crew
Any way in which the aircraft does not comply with the applicable airworthiness
Any restrictions the applicant considers necessary for safe operation of the aircraft.
Any other info considered necessary by the GCAA for the purpose of prescribing
operating limitations.


A certificate of fitness for flight is issued to enable the operator to qualify the aircraft
for the issue or renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness or for the validation or
approval of modifications.

7 days and Issued in duplicate,one copy kept elsewhere than in the a/c

CFF Issued by;

a) a holder of UAE AMEL appropriately type rated for the particular a/c and
authorized as being competent to issue such cert under the terms of approval
granted to an organization by the GCAA.

b) a person whom the GCAA has authorized to issue a Certificate of release to

service in particular and in accordance with that authority;or

c) a person approved by the GCAA as being competent to issue such certificates,

and in accordance with that approval.
18) Duplicate Inspection Procedures: (12)

Duplicate inspection
An inspection first made and certified by one qualified person and
subsequently made and certified by another qualified person

Duplicate inspection of all Vital Points / Control Systems shall be made after initial
assembly and before the first flight.

Duplicate inspection must not be disturbed or readjusted after the first certified
inspection and the second part of the duplicate inspection.

It may be necessary for both parts of the inspection to be made simultaneously.

It is desirable that the inspections of a control system are made as near as is
practicable to the time of the intended flight.

If a Vital / Control System is disturbed after completion of the duplicate inspection,

that part which has been disturbed shall again be inspected in duplicate before the
aircraft flies.

Who can issue a duplicate inspection?

a) Aircraft engineers holding an appropriate UAE licence in categories A & C or X;

b) Members of a GCAA approved Organisation who are considered by the quality

manager qualified to make such inspections

c) Persons holding an appropriate GCAA authorization

Control system -
A system which the flight path,attitude or propulsive force of an aircraft is
changed,including the flight,engine and propeller controls,the related system
controls and the associated operating mechanisms.

Vital point –
Any point on an a/c at which single mal-assembly could lead to catastrophe,i.e.
result in loss of aircraft and/or failure
10) Documents required for C of A renewal (13)

Documents to be made available to the GCAA during survey shall include:-

1) Certificate of Airworthiness ,Registration and Noise Certificate

2) Aircraft station licence

3) Weight Schedule

4) Flight Test report and certificate

5) Flight manual or Operating Handbook

6) Mandatory Modification Compliance listing

7) Log books for airframe/ engine/ propeller and APU

8) Insurance certificate

9) Technical log book

10) Component life records,

11) Work sheet for previous maintenance checks.

14) Primary Maintenance Process of an Approved (14)
Maintenance Organisation.

On Condition:
(1) Periods at which the item shall be inspected, together with the type and degree
of inspection;

(2) Periods at which the item shall,as appropriate,be checked, cleaned, lubricated,
adjusted and tested.

Hard time:
(3) Periods at which the item shall be overhauled or replaced by a new or
overhauled item,expressed in terms of:

(i) criterion related to usage,e.g. a period of time,number of cycles,number of


(ii) criterion related to conditions.e.g. limits of wear, limiting dimensions.

(4) Mandatory life Limitations to which certain parts of aircraft, engines, propeller,
Auxiliary power unit and systems,the failure of which could have a hazardous effect
on the aircraft.

Conditioning Monitoring:
(5) Such other process as are agreed by the GCAA (e.g.) Condition Monitoring.

(6) The approved maintenance schedule shall include, when applicable, a

continuing structural integrity programme.
44) What are the documents required when replacing an IDG
back to service? (15)

A CRS shall only be issued for replacement of Generator, when the signatory is
satisfied that the work has been properly carried out.

Proper use of up-to-date instruction manuals drawings, specification, mandatory

inspections and company procedure
Example: Use of Aircraft maintenance manual, Aircraft Wiring Manual, illustrated
Parts Catalogue and Removal and Installation procedure with current effectivity of
that particular aircraft.

Recommended tools and tests equipments which are currently calibrated where
applicable Serviceable / Unserviceable label shall be properly completed with
recorded parts detail, serial number and reasons for removal IAW approved
company’s procedure.

Unserviceable label and U/S item shall be well segregated.

Technical log shall contain particulars of work done, depending upon the application
of the Certificate details of the aircraft type, registration, components type, part
number, serial number, Grn number with date and time and action taken for the
defect shall be recorded.

All additional tasks generated by rectification, Duplicate inspections, Functional

checks and Leak checks shall be recorded and certified as applicable.
The signatory shall record licence / approval authorisation reference number as
appropriate together with date and time.

Note: If applicable an entry shall be made in technical log stating that ETOPS
OPERATIONAL CHECKS TO BE CARRIED OUT once operational checks is
satisfied CRS to be issued after the arrival of the aircraft.
1) Who can register an aircraft in the UAE? (16)
The following persons or entities, and no other,shall be qualified to hold legal or
beneficial interest by way of ownership in an aircraft registered in the UAE or a
share therein.

1) Nationals of the UAE;

2) Corporate bodies having their principle place of business in the UAE.
3) Government Departments of the UAE.

4) For other persons residing or having a place of business in the UAE and holding
a legal or beneficial interest by way of ownership in an aircraft,or a share,the
GCAA,upon being satisfied that the aircraft meets all GCAA requirements,may then
register the aircraft in the UAE.

5) If an aircraft is chartered by demise to a qualified person,the GCAA may register

the a/c in the UAE in the name of the charter.

An aircraft shall not be registered or continue to be registered in the UAE if it

appears that,

An aircraft shall not be registered or continue to be registered in the United Arab

Emirates, if it appears to the Authority that:-
The aircraft is registered outside the United Arab Emirates.
An unqualified person holds any legal or beneficial interest by way of ownership in
the aircraft or any share therein.
The aircraft is lost, completely destroyed or withdrawn from use.
It would be inexpedient for the aircraft to be or continue to be registered in the
United Arab Emirates.

If any of paragraph (1.3) Nationality and Registration Marks as per CARs PART V
CHAPTER 1 requirement is violated.
15) What is the basic information that should be included in a
condition monitoring maintenance programme? (17)

It is a programme where data is collected,analyzed and interpreted on a continuing

basic as a means of implementing corrective procedures. (such a programme will be
a condition monitored maintenance programme and shall include,at least;

A) The objectives of the programme in respect to CMM;

B) Identification of those items in the schedule which are controlled by CMM;
C) a list of definitions of significant terms;
D) the sources of programme information and procedures for receiving it;.
E) A means of displaying the info gained from programme.
F) Method of examining, analyzing & interpreting the programme information.
G) Procedure for implementing and monitoring appropriate actions to correct any
reduction in reliability revealed by the programme. *Method of presenting to the
H) List of staff responsible for programme.
I) the method of presenting the programme to the GCAA.
J) Procedure for evaluating and reviewing the programme.

Condition monitoring is not acceptable as the primary maintenance process for any
items the failure mode of which can produce a hazardous,
1) Increase crew workload.
2) Degrade flight quality/performance of strength of aircraft.
3) fire;or
4) which can result in the necessity for an unscheduled landing or injury to
7) C of A required for which transport categories. (18)

The categories in which an a/c may be placed in the UAE are as follows;

*Transport category (passenger) – any purpose

*Transport category (cargo) – any purpose other than public transport of


*Aerial work category – aerial work only

*Private category – any purpose other than public transport or aerial work

Transport categories which do not require C of A are: -

*A glider, if it is not being used for public transport of passengers or aerial work
*Balloon, if it is not being used for public transport of passengers
*An A/C flying with a CFF or special flight permit
*an ultralight or microlight A/C
27) What is critical maintenance task???????????? (19)

Its issued to minimum the risk of the multiple errors and capture errors on critical
system, and to ensure that no person is required to carry out and inspect in relation
to maintenance task involving some element of disassembly and reassembly of
several components of the system type fitted to more than one system on some A/c
during a particular maintenance check.

However when only one person is available to carry out these tasks then the
organization work card or worksheet shall include an additional stage f or re-
inspection of the work by this person after completion of all the same task. Also a
duplicate inspection item is also a critical system item then both requirements
should be applied
43) Difference between unserviceable and unserviceable salvage
component and give e.g. of both (20)

Unserviceable component: - has defect and doesn’t meet the airworthiness

requirement, also it cannot perform the internal function. In addition it can be meet
the serviceable by procedures as including in CMM e.g. Inop VHF transmitter

Unserviceable salvage component: -

*components with non-repairable defects, whether visible or not to the naked eyes.
Component that do not meet design specification and cannot be brought into
conformity with such specification.

*Component subjected to unacceptable modification or rework that is irreversible.

*certified life-limited parts that have reached or exceeded their certified life limits, or
have missing or incomplete records. *components that cannot be returned to
airworthy condition due to exposure to extreme force, heat or adverse environment.
*components for which conformity with an applicable airworthiness directive
airworthiness directive cannot be accomplished. *components for which
maintenance records or traceability to that manufacture cannot be retrieved.
23) MOE and its contents As per CAR 145.70 (21)
MOE is a document or documents that contain the material specifying the scope of
work deemed to constitute approval and showing how the organization intends to
comply with this part.
It contains the following information;

1) Statement signed by the accountable Manager confirming that the MOE and and
any referenced associated manuals define the organizations compliance with this
part and will be complied with at all times

2) safety and quality policy as per CAR 145.65

3) titles and names of the persons nominated under CAR 145.30

4) duties of the persons nominated under CAR 145.30

5) an organization chart showing chains of responsibility – CAR 145.30

6) List of certifying staff and B1 and B2 support staff

7) manpower resources

8) description of facilities

9) scope of work relevant to the approval

10) procedures for organization changes – CAR 145.85

11) MOE amendment procedure.

12) the procedures and quality system established by the org. CAR145.25

13) a list of commercial operators to which the organization provides aircraft


14) a list of subcontracted organizations – CAR 145.75

15) a list of line stations – CAR 145.75

16) a list of contracted organizations

2) What is required for an aircraft to be registered in the (23)
UAE in the Transport Category or in the Private Category.


Prior to the import of an aircraft the applicant for a UAE Certificate of Registration
shall forward to GCAA, a copy of the Type certificate and supporting data sheets
issued by the State of Design, the Type certificate will comply with all the
standards of ICAO Annex 8 , PART III / PART IV.

A Type Certificate constitutes a statement that the design of the aircraft type to
which the certificate refers and of the variants specified on the Data Sheet, have
been approved by the respective authority of the State of Design.

If the aircraft is to be modified prior to importation into the UAE a Supplemental Type
Certificate copy shall be forwarded to the GCAA.

The Export Certificate of Airworthiness from the State of Registry of the aircraft shall
state the Type Certificate Data Sheet references of the aircraft, its engine and where
applicable, its propellers.
31) Documents to be carried on board on an aircraft (24)
by all categories.

CAR – OPS 1.125 , 1-B-8

Certificate of Registration ,Airworthiness ,Noise Certificate;

Original or certified true copy of Air operators Certificate and copy of operations

Aircraft Station Licence (issued by TRA - previously known as Radio Licence)

Insurance Certificate

Flight crew licences



Manuals to be carried, CAR- OPS 1.130

Operational Manual

Flight Manual
20) When do you carry out an airworthiness flight test? (25)


Flight tests shall be completed periodically to ensure that the aircraft flight
characteristics and the functioning in flight of the aircraft do not differ
significantly from those acceptable to the aircraft type and as approved by
the aircraft designer.

Airworthiness flight tests shall be completed:

1) Annually - within a time periods of 3 months.

2) As defined by a fleet testing programme as agreed between the

GCAA and the operator or his maintenance organization; and

3) If required, after major repair or modification.


21) Basic requirements/qualify for a fleet testing (26)

To be acceptable for a fleet testing programme the aircraft shall:-

a) Be of an acceptably similar type.

b) Certified in the transport category with MTWA exceeding 2730Kgs;

c) Be controlled by an organisation acceptable to GCAA;

d) Have produced consistently satisfactory results in previous airworthiness

flight tests for an acceptable period of time.
How do you manage a fleet testing programme?
The size and make up of each fleet shall be agreed with the GCAA.

For each aircraft fleet, a flight test programme shall be agreed.

The annual sample should be a minimum of 20% of the fleet or 3 aircraft whichever
is lesser but not less than 1.
The fleet test should be reviewed in the event of: -

a) A significant change to the aircraft in the fleet.

b) Any failure to maintain standard

c) Any failure to carry the programme

What are the limitations for fleet sampling?

Each aircraft of the type will be subject to an airworthiness flight test at the end of
every year, and if date from such tests proved to be satisfactory, considered as
eligible for setting up of a fleet test programme. If the data of a particular aircraft is in
sufficient to further airworthiness flight tests. An aircraft may be added to an
established fleet after one annual test, provided that the results of that test is
35) MMEL, MEL & CDL (27)


Master Minimum Equipment List is a document created by the aircraft

manufacturer and approved by the type certificating regulatory authority and lists all
the safety-related items for which revenue flights are permitted, even if the items are
inoperative at departure.

The MMEL specifies the dispatch conditions: the conditions to be fulfilled and the
procedures to be performed, in order to permit the revenue flights to be flown with
the inoperative item for a limited period of time. The MMEL serves as a basis for
Operators in developing their own MEL.

MEL: - A list which provides for the operation of aircraft subject to specified condition
are more restrictive than the MMEL established for the aircraft type.

Configuration Deviation List: CDL contains location, illustrations and

performance, information for all of the CDL items from the aeroplane flight manual.
*Operation of the aeroplane without certain secondary airframe and engine parts is
possible as indicated in the CDL. *Any part not included in the list must be
considered as necessary.

The CDL is a listing of FAA-approved non-structural external parts that may be missing but the airplane remains
airworthy. It is contained in an approved airplane flight manual (AFM) appendix. Consider qualifying a missing
refueling bay door on the underside of the wing. What is the air load imposed upon the fueling panel and in the wing
cavity behind the missing door? Will the refueling panel be damaged?
2. The effect upon airplane performance must be measured. What is the drag penalty imposed upon the airplane
when flying with the part missing? Will the missing part affect performance limited operating weights?
3. What is the combined effect upon the airplane when more than one CDL item is present on the airplane? Will
certain combinations of items result in a hazardous condition?
11) Certificate of Airworthiness for export. (28)

*The Certificate of Airworthiness for Export is not a statutory document.

The Authorities of a state concerned with selling an aircraft whether it may be new
or used aircraft may issue a Certificate of Airworthiness for Export, at the request of
the regulatory authority of the purchasing country.

*An Export C of A constitutes a statement from the airworthiness authority of the

seller, that the aircraft would be suitable and in a condition for the issue of C of A.

Any changes to the aircraft not covered in the Type Certificates

and any known defects, if acceptable to the importing countries authority, must be
detailed as exception / derogations on the export C of A.

Derogations from the requirements

Significant deviations from the approved build standard.

Derogations from GCAA requirements, additional requirements and special

conditions Mandatory Modifications / inspections with which compliances not shown.

Equipment which is fitted but has not been approved by the GCAA.

Equipment appropriate to the certification category where this is not fitted

24) What are the requirements by JAR145 organisation (29)
to issue or renew authorisation for B1 and B2?

Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff have an adequate

understanding of the relevant aircraft and or components to be maintained together
with the associated organisation procedures.

Organisation may only issue a certification authorisation to certifying staff In relation

to the basic categories or subcategories and any type rating listed on the aircraft
maintenance licence.

The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff and category B1 and B2
support staff are involved in at least six months of actual relevant aircraft or
component maintenance experience in any consecutive two years period.

The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff and category B1 and B2
support staff receive sufficient continuation training in each two year period to
ensure that such staffs have up-to-date knowledge of relevant technology
organisation procedures and human factor issues.

The organisation shall assess all prospective certifying staff for their competence,
qualification and capability to carry out their intended certifying duties in accordance
with a procedure as specified in the exposition prior to the issue or re-issue of a
certification authorisation.
25) CAR 145 - What is man power planned? (30)
How will you manage and review the expected deviation?

The maintenance man-hour plan should take into account any maintenance carried
out on an aircraft /aircraft components from outside the State and should also take
into account all work carried out outside the scope of the CAR 145 approval.

The maintenance man-hour plan should relate to the anticipated maintenance work
load except that when the organisation cannot predict such workload, Due to the
short term nature of its contracts, then such plan should be based upon the
minimum maintenance workload needed for commercial viability.

In the case of aircraft component maintenance, the maintenance man-hour Plan

should relate to the aircraft component planned maintenance.

The maintenance man-hour plan should be reviewed at least every 3 months and
updated when necessary.

Significant deviation from the maintenance man-hour plan should be reported

through the departmental manager to the quality manager and the account- Able
manager for review. Significant deviation means more than a 25% short- fall in
available man-hours during a calendar month for any one of the function.
39) Lapsed licence CAR PART II ,7.7.3 (31)

In case of lapsed licences the under mentioned procedures are to be strictly


1) A licence, which has lapsed for less than 1 year will be considered for renewal
without examination of the holder

2) A licence, which has lapsed for more than 1 year will not be considered for
renewal without examination.

3) A licence cannot be backdated and in the case of lapsed licences the re-issue will
only be effected after all requirements have been met.

Any lack of continuity in the validity of the licence will be recorded on the re-issued

4) The holder of the lapsed licence must submit a declaration letter to the GCAA
stating that no certification was done during the lapsed period.
40) Requirements for basic rating (32)

An application for the grant of Basic rating must be made on GCAA Licence. Form
No. 07, which relates to the information concerning the candidates experience
gained, the duration, any military services, apprenticeships, aeronautical
engineering courses or foreign licenses.

The application should be sent along with all the supporting documents together
with general aircraft work experience (schedule of inspection works) and fees to the
GCAA at the address shown in the form.

The licensing section will process the application and if accepted will inform the
candidates about the venue, date and time for the written examination.

The basic license does not in itself confer any certification responsibilities or
privileges. However it is a pre requisite for the grant of relevant Type Rating.

Experience Requirements
The application shall have had the following experience in the maintenance of an
aircraft for at least 4 years or 2 years if the applicant has satisfactorily completed an
approved training course.

Reference should also be made in CAR Part II, Chapter 7.5 to determine the
applicants experience requirements for grant / extension of license in Category A, C,
X and/or R.

Satisfactory completion of the GCAA approved Ab-initio course may vary in this
41) Requirements for Type rating (33)

Type ratings confer on the holder of license privileges and certification

responsibilities in respect of certain aircraft in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The application procedures to extend a license for a type rating is similar to the
outlines mentioned in basic rating except that the GCAA Form 07 must be
accompanied by a type rating schedule of inspection work as mentioned in
Appendix 2 of CAR Part II, Chapter 7.

An application for type rating will not be accepted unless a basic rating in the
appropriate category / sub division is held or has been applied for Type Rating shall
be designated as those published in GCAA Information Bulletin for specific
Airframes, engines, Rotorcraft, Instrument, electrical, Autopilots and Radios.
22) CAR 145 Facility requirements. (34)

Facilities are provided appropriate for all planned work ensuring protection from the
weather elements.

Specialised workshops and bays are segregated as appropriate to ensure that

environmental and work area contamination is unlikely to occur.

Aircraft hangars are available for planned maintenance and large enough to
accommodate a/c on planned base maint.

Workshops are available for planned work and large enough to accommodate the
components on planned maint.

Office accommodation is provided for management and certifying staff.

Temperature is maintained to an acceptable limit.

Dust kept to a minimum.

Lighting is such as to ensure each inspection and maintenance task can be carried
out in an effective manner

Noise shall not distract personnel from carrying out inspection tasks

Where a particular maintenance task requires the application of specific

environmental conditions different to the foregoing, then such conditions are

Working environment for line maintenance is such that the particular

maintenance or inspection task can be carried out without undue distraction.

Secure storage is provided for equipment, tools & material.


The UAE Noise Certificate issued by the GCAA constitutes a statement that the
designs of the aircraft type to which the certificate refers, and any modifications,
have been approved by the GCAA with regard to noise.

*Any aircraft which complies with the requirements of,

ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 3 meets the requirements of this Section.

The Noise Certificate will include the following information:

1) The country in which the aircraft is registered.

2) The manufacturer’s serial number of the aircraft.

3) The manufacturer’s type and model designation of the aircraft.

4) A statement of any additional modifications incorporated for the purpose of

compliance with the applicable noise certification standards.

5) The maximum weight approved for noise certification.

34) Contents of the Operation Manual? (36)

An operator shall ensure that the operation manual contains all instruction and
information necessary for operations personnel to perform their duties.

It contains the following:-

Part A – General / Basic non type related operational procedure and instruction
needed for safe operation

Part B – Aeroplane operating matters. All type related operational instruction and
standard operating procedure needed for same operation

Part C – Route & Aerodrome instruction & information

Part D – Training, All training instructions for personnel for safe operation.
19) Duplicate inspection, control system, vital points and (37)

Control System - A system which the flight path, attitude, or propulsive force of an
aircraft is changed, including the flight, engine and propeller controls, the related
system controls and the associated operating mechanisms.

Duplicate Inspection - An inspection first made and certified by one qualified person
and subsequently made and certified by another qualified person.

Vital Point - Any point on an aircraft at which single mal-assembly could lead to
catastrophe, i.e. result in loss of aircraft and/or in fatalities.

Persons qualified to make the first and/or second part of a duplicate inspection are
as follows:

*Aircraft engineers holding an appropriate UAE license in Categories A & C, or X;

*Members of a GCAA approved organization who are considered by the Quality

Manager qualified to make such inspections; or

*Persons holding an appropriate GCAA authorisation.

42) UAE Operators, operates a foreign registered aircraft, what
information should it submit to GCAA? (38)

The GCAA regulations require that when an applicant or holder of an AOC wishes to
use leased aircraft, the operator should provide GCAA:-

The aircraft type and serial number,

The name and address of the registered owner,

The state of registry and registration marks.

Certificate of Airworthiness and statement from the registered owner that the aircraft
fully complies with airworthiness requirements of the state of registry,

Name, address and signature of lease or person responsible for operational control
of the aircraft under the lease agreement,

Copy of the lease agreement or description of lease provisions Duration of lease.

33) Operators aeroplane Technical Log (39)


Technical Log should contain: -

1) Information about each flight necessary to ensure continued Flight


2) Current CRS.

3) Current CMR – Giving the aircraft maintenance status of what

scheduled and out of phase maintenance is next due.

4) All outstanding deferred defects that affect the operation of the


5) Any necessary guidance instruction of maintenance support


The aeroplane technical log system and any subsequent amendment

must be approved by the authority

Requirement of Tech Logs:

A Technical Log shall be kept for an aircraft registered in the United Arab
Emirates in respect of which a Certificate of Airworthiness in either the
transport or aerial work categories is in force.
The Technical Log shall contain details of the time the aircraft took off and
landed particulars of defects and any other information affecting the
airworthiness or safe operation of the aircraft.
The requirements of this Section are recommended for use by Private
Category Aircraft over 2730 kg MTW A.
12) Aircraft flight manual, purpose and its amendments. (40)

A flight manual is a document prescribed by the International Civil Aviation

Organisation and is intended for use by the flight crew.

The manual contains, limitations, recommended procedures and information,

such that adherence to it will enable the level of safety which is intended by the
airworthiness requirements of the air navigation legislation to be regularly achieved.

The flight manual forms part of the Certificate of


Flight manual is required for a/c MTWA > 2730Kgs.

Flight manuals are provided by the manufacturer and approved by the responsible
authority of the state of origin.

Changes which are initiated by an applicant other than the originator of the manual,
shall be sent to the GCAA for acceptance or approval either by means of a change
sheet or by a supplement.

Each change sheet or supplement shall, unless otherwise agreed by the GCAA,
be produced by, and shall be submitted for approval through, an organization
approved for the purpose.
8) What are the pre-requisites to obtain a UAE C of A? (41)

The issue of C of A to an aircraft is dependent on it being registered in the UAE and

will be subject to the type Certificate procedures outlined below:

* The radio apparatus needs to be in compliance with GCAA

regulations before C of A issue *

The applicant for every aircraft to be issued with a GCAA C of A will provide the

1) C of A issued from the state of design

2) Type Certificate

3) Flight manual

4) For new aircraft, an export C of A from the state of design and for used aircraft a
current C of A.

5) A noise certificate from the exporting country

6) A statement certifying that all mandatory inspection, directives and any other
requirements required by the GCAA have been complied with

7) The aircraft shall be weighed and all reports provided to the GCAA.

8) A certificate of fitness for flight shall be issued and the aircraft flight tested IAW
GCAA requirements.

9) Copies of all maintenance, overhaul, repair and crew manual shall be provided to
the GCAA

10) An insurance policy for aircraft crew, passengers and third parties.
9) C of A shall cease to be in force if; (42)

(a)The aircraft,or such of its equipment as is necessary for the airworthiness of the
a/c or of such equipment is overhauled, repaired or modified, or if any part of the
aircraft or of such equipment is removed or is replaced otherwise than in a manner
and with material of a type approved by the GCAA either generally in relation to a
class of a/c or to the particular a/c; or

(b) until the completion of any inspection of the a/c or any such equipment as
aforesaid,being an inspection made for the purpose of ascertaining whether the a/c
remains airworthy and;

(1) classified as mandatory by the GCAA; or

(2) required by a maintenance schedule approved by the GCAA in relation to

that a/c; or

(c) until the completion to the satisfaction of the GCAA,of any modification of the a/c
or of any such equipment as aforesaid, being a modification required by the GCAA.

(d) an aircraft has sustained damage,GCAA shall judge the damage is of a nature
such that is no longer airworthy as defined by the appropriate airworthiness
32) When is an aircraft weighed and the duration? (43)

An aircraft shall be weighed when all manufacturing process are complete and
IAW CAR OPS 1 & 3, subpart J and at such times as the GCAA may require.

Before weighing the aircraft shall be complete and in a condition so that all items are
fitted as listed in the basic equipment list associated with:-

The weight schedule

The C of G schedule

The load / distribution schedule

Aircraft with MTWA< 5700Kgs shall be weighed as and when the GCAA requires.

Aircraft with MTWA>5700Kgs shall be weighed as per Aircraft maintenance

28) What are the functions of an operator’s quality system in
aircraft maintenance CAR 145.65? (44)

An operator shall establish one quality system and designate one quality manager
who is responsible for monitoring compliance with the procedures.

The safety and quality policy should as a minimum include a statement committing
the organisation to:-

*Recognize safety as a prime consideration at all times.

*Apply human factor principles.

*Encourage personnel to report maintenance related errors / incidents.

*Recognize that compliance with procedures, quality standards, safety

standards and regulations is the duty of all personnel.

*Recognize the need for all personnel to cooperate with the quality
29) Privileges of maint organization (45)


a) Maintain any aircraft and/or component for which it is approved at the location
identified in the approval and in the maintenance exposition.

b) arrange for maintenance of any aircraft or component for which it is approved at

another organization that is working under the quality system of the organisation.

c) maintain any aircraft or component for which it is approved at any location subject
to the need for such maintenance arising either from the unserviceability of the a/c
or from the necessity of supporting occasional line maintenance.

d) maintain any aircraft or component for which it is approved at a location identified

as a line maintenance location capable of supporting minor maintenance.

e) issue certificate of release to service of completion of maintenance

30) What are the main parts of application of AMO ((approved
maintenance organisation) (46)

*All categories of A/c register in UAE shall be maintained by CAR145 AMO.

Maintenance requirements for private category A/c below 5700 kg MTWA are given
in CAR part 4 sub part M.
AMO shall establish a procedure to perform duplicate inspection and issue of
certificate of maintenance review (CMR) and certificate of fitness for flight (C of FF)
*Organization which is seek in GCAA approval as a CAR-145 AMO shall submit
MOE which specify the scope of work deem to constitute approval and fulfill
following requirement as per GCAA satisfaction: -
facility requirements.
personal requirements.
certifying staff B1 and B2 supporting staff.
tools, equipments & materials.
acceptance of components.
maintenance data.
production planning.
certification of maintenance.
maintenance records.
occurrence reporting.
safety & quality policy, maintenance procedure and quality system.

MOE. *privileges of the organization. *limitations to the organization. *changes to the

organization. *continued validity. *findings.

CAR V, CH2 , section 12

The Modification record book is a statement of the modification history of the a/c to
which it relates.

A modification record book must be kept for each aircraft of more than 2730 kg
maximum authorized weight,registered in the UAE.

Modification record books must be purchased from the GCAA,

The following shall be recorded in the Modification Book:

(a) modifications made to those parts of the a/c on which airworthiness
(b) modifications made to the a/c which affect modifications already listed in
the record book; and
(c) major repairs,which have significantly altered the design affecting the
airworthiness of the a/c.

The Modification record book shall be kept by the owner or operator of the aircraft
and shall be made available for examination.
35A) MMEL & MEL (48)

The Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) is a document created by the

aircraft manufacturer and approved by the type certificating regulatory authority
and lists all the safety-related items for which revenue flights are permitted, even
if the items are inoperative at departure.

The MMEL specifies the dispatch conditions: the conditions to be fulfilled and
the procedures to be performed, in order to permit the revenue flights to be flown
with the inoperative item for a limited period of time. The MMEL serves as a
basis for Operators in developing their own MEL.

A Minimum Equipment List provides for the operation of an aircraft in

airworthy conditions, although certain instruments or equipment are inoperative.

It lists the instruments and equipment that may be inoperative without

jeopardizing the safety of the aircraft.

It is developed for a specific aircraft by the Operator and type of operation and is
approved by the appropriate authority/ regulatory authority of the State of
Registry of the aircraft.

It also includes procedures for flight crews to follow when securing or

deactivating inoperative instruments or equipment.

The MEL is a document required by regulation, which must be created by the

Operator for each aircraft in an Operator’s fleet. It is based o n the aircraft
MMEL, and includes the specific requirements of each National Authority.
Furthermore, the MEL must be customized to take into account the specificities
of each aircraft: Weight variant, options installed, software upgrades, hardware
upgrades, retrofit status, etc. The MEL cannot be less restrictive than the MMEL.

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