Climate Change: Vulnerability & Adaptation Experiences From Rajasthan & Andhra Pradesh

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Climate Change

Vulnerability & Adaptation

Experiences from Rajasthan &
Andhra Pradesh


Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Confederation suisse
Confederazione Svizzera
cooperation Confederaziun svizra
Natural Resource Management Swiss Agency for Development
Rural Economy
Local Governance and Civil Society MSSRF and Cooperation SDC
Climate Change
Vulnerability & Adaptation
Experiences from Rajasthan &
Andhra Pradesh


I n t r o d u c t i o n

Climate Change
Vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate change in semi-
arid India
The use and sharing of information contained in the document is
encouraged, with due acknowledgment of the source.
Main text by Ms. Anna Bruderle, Dr. Othmar Schwank
Overall guidance
Ms. Rupa Mukerj
Inputs and Comments
Dr. K.R. Vishwanathan
Prof. Dr. T.N. Balasubramanian
Design, Layout and Printing
Divya Creations, Hyderabad - 500 044, M: 9440726907

This is a publication from the SDC supported Vulnerability Assessment

and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in semi - arid
India (V&A) Programme

V&A Programme (2009) Vulnerability and Adaptation experiences from
Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh,
SDC V&A Programme, India

Copies available from:

AFPRO INFRAS Intercooperation M S Swaminathan Research Swiss Agency for Development

Action For Food Production Binzstrasse 23 153/a, Sappers Lane Foundation and Cooperation,
25/1-A Pankha Road, P.O. Box 8045 Balamrai, 3rd Cross Street, Embassy of Switzerland
D-Block, Janakpuri, Zürich. Secunderabad 500003 Institutional Area, Chandragupta Marg,
New Delhi-110058 Tel +41 44 205 95 95 Tel: + 91 40 27906952 Taramani Chanakyapuri,
Tel: +91 11 28525452, Fax +41 44 205 95 99 Fax: + 91 40 27906954 Chennai - 600113, India New Delhi 110021, India.
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Email: Fax: +91 44 22541319 Email:
Acronyms 1
Foreword 2
Acknowledgements 5
Introduction 6
I n t r o d u c t i o n

AFPRO Action for Food Production

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GoI Government of India

IC Intercooperation

JIG Joint Implementation Group

MANAGE National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management

MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests

MSSRF M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

PRECIS Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies

SC Steering Committee

SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

SRI System of Rice Intensification

V&A Vulnerability and Adaptation


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) initiated a process oriented programme in
the semi-arid regions of India on Vulnerability Assessment and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to
Climate Change (V&A), in 2005. The aims of this programme include strengthening the resilience of local
communities to conditions of unfavourable weather, like adverse alterations in temperature and
precipitation leading to the more frequent occurrence of drought and to use the experiences for policy
development processes at various levels. Over 60 percent of the cultivated area in India is rain fed and
unfavourable and uncertain rainfall patterns will seriously affect the food, drinking water and livelihood
security of millions of children, women and men. Since the initiation of this project, the emphasis on
proactive research on adaptation mechanisms has increased at the national level.
The present decade may mark the beginning of a new climate era, characterized by extreme and often
unpredictable weather conditions and rise in sea levels. The recent Climate Conference in Copenhagen
unfortunately failed to get a global commitment to halt economic growth currently based on high carbon
intensity. The Climate Conference due to be held in Mexico in December 2010 will probably generate the
political commitment essential to restrict the rise in global mean temperature to not more than 2ºC. Even
a 2ºC rise will adversely affect crop yields in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, which already have a
high degree of prevalence of endemic hunger. It will also lead to the possibility of small islands getting
submerged. The greatest casualty of Climate Change will be food, water and livelihood security.
Farmers of the world can help to avoid serious famines by developing and adopting climate resilient
farming systems. 2010 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year of
Biodiversity. Biodiversity is the feedstock for a climate resilient agriculture. We should therefore
redouble our efforts to prevent genetic erosion and to promote the conservation and sustainable and
equitable use of biodiversity. This is the goal of another SDC supported project in the field of biodiversity
conservation being implemented by MSSRF in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Orissa.
2010 will also witness a major Conference at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, to review
the progress made since the year 2000 in achieving the U N Millennium Development Goals. The first
among these goals is reducing hunger and poverty by half by 2015. Unfortunately the number of hungry
children, women and men, which was 800 million in 2000, is now over a billion. This is partly due to a rise
in food prices globally, thereby making it difficult for the poor to have access to balanced diet at
affordable prices. There is no time to relax and the farmers of the world must redouble their efforts to
increase food production through an ever-green revolution pathway of increasing productivity in
perpetuity without associated ecological harm. Without the total commitment of the two billion farmers
of the world to produce more by adopting climate resilient farming systems, the goal of “food for all and
for ever” cannot be reached.
For the V&A study, the States of Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh were chosen for developing climate
change adaptation measures. The districts chosen were Udaipur in Rajasthan and Mehabubnagar in
Andhra Pradesh. The approach adopted was to bring about a blend of traditional wisdom and modern
science through farmer participatory research. The participatory research and knowledge management
systems adopted under this programme during the past five years have provided many useful insights

I n t r o d u c t i o n

for policies and strategies towards developing a climate resilient farming and livelihood security system.
Five of the meaningful V&A interventions were the following.
 Water conservation and sustainable and equitable use: Families in the desert regions of Rajasthan
have long experience in harvesting every drop of rain water and using it economically and
efficiently both for domestic and agricultural use. The traditional methods were reinforced with
modern scientific knowledge, like the gravity flow method of water management.
 Promoting fodder security: Livestock and livelihoods are intimately related in arid and semi-arid
areas. The ownership of livestock is also more egalitarian. The sustainable management of common
property resources, particularly pasture land, is essential for ensuring fodder security. Therefore,
high priority was given to the regeneration of pasture land and the equitable use of grazing land.
 More crop per drop of water: In areas where water for irrigation is the constraint, it is important that
agronomic techniques which can help to increase yield and income per drop of water are
standardized and popularized. One such method introduced under this project is the System of
Rice Intensification (SRI). SRI was popularized in Andhra Pradesh, since this system of water and
crop management helps to reduce irrigation water requirement by 30 to 40 percent. This method
thus helps to avoid the unsustainable exploitation of the aquifer.
 Weather Information for All and Climate Literacy: What farmers need is location specific
meteorological information at the right time and place. Generic weather data will have to be
converted into location-specific meteorological advice. For this purpose, mini-agro-meteorological
stations managed by the local community were established. This has helped to impart to Climate
Literacy as related to food, water and livelihood security.
 Strengthening Community Institutions: Effective implementation of adaptation measures will
need active group cooperation and community participation. Steps were taken to involve the
grassroot democratic institutions like Panchayats and Gram Sabhas. Also, Smart Farmers' Clubs
were organized to give the power of scale in water harvesting, soil health management and other
adaptation measures undertaken by farmers with small holdings.
The above interventions were supported by training and skill development and education and social
mobilization. A Training Manual was prepared by MSSRF for training one woman and one male
member of every Panchayat as Climate Risk Managers. Such local level Climate Risk Managers are well
trained in the art and science of managing weather abnormalities. The present project has highlighted
the need for location specific adaptation measures and for participatory research and knowledge
management. The V&A interventions have also highlighted the need for mainstreaming gender
considerations in all interventions. Women will suffer more from Climate Change, since they have been
traditionally in charge of collecting water, fodder and fuel wood, and have been shouldering the
responsibility for farm animal care and post-harvest technology. All interventions should therefore be
pro-nature, pro-poor and pro-women.
The last five years have been an extremely rewarding learning period. The results and experience have
shed light on the way forward. It is clear that to promote location specific and farmer-centric adaptation
measures; India will need a Climate Risk Management Research and Extension Centre at each of the 127
agro-ecological regions in the country. Such centres should prepare Drought, Flood and Good Weather

Codes what can help to minimize the adverse impact of abnormal weather and to maximize the benefits
of favourable monsoons and temperature. Risk surveillance and early warning should be the other
responsibilities of such centres. Thus the V&A programme has laid the foundation for a Climate
Resilient Agriculture Movement in India. The importance of such a Movement will be obvious
considering the fact that 60 percent of India's population of 1.1 billion depend upon agriculture for their
livelihood. In addition, India has to produce food and feed for over 1.1 billion human, and over a billion
farm animals. Scaling up the findings of the current project is therefore the pathway for a sustainable
food, water and livelihood security system in rural India.

We place on record our gratitude to the following for making this study possible.
 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for providing the financial and
intellectual support and guidance to this task.
 Local Communities of the project villages, field workers of local NGO partners, Sahyog Sansthan,
Vikas Sansthan from Rajasthan and Eco-club India from Andhra Pradesh for their untiring work
and enabling us to broaden our understanding of field realities.
 AFPRO field units of Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh for their efficient coordination and support
services in every stage of the project.
 MANAGE, Hyderabad, for their role in organizing Trainers' Training Programmes.
 INFRAS and Intercooperation for the backstopping support.
MSSRF for its invaluable inputs as the lead agency coordinating the project and providing technical

Martin Dahinden M S Swaminathan

Director General Chairman
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) M S S waminathan Research Foundation
Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Chennai
Bern Switzerland

I n t r o d u c t i o n


This publication would not have been possible without the active collaboration of several partners of the
Vulnerability Assessment and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Semi Arid Regions in
India or the ''V&A'' programme.
At the core of the programme are residents of the four pilot villages Amda and Kundai in Udaipur
district, Rajasthan; and Srirangapur and Kothur in Mehboobnagar district, Andhra Pradesh. We
gratefully acknowledge their partnership and hope the programme has contributed to a better
understanding and improved capacities to deal with climate variability and potentially, climate change.
The pilot projects were implemented with the active support of field NGOs - Sahyog Sansthan and Vikas
Sansthan in Rajasthan and Eco- club in Andhra Pradesh. These organizations could leverage their keen
understanding of natural resources and their rapport with the community to assess the vulnerability of
rural livelihoods to climate risks and implement a set of pilot activities that sought to minimize them.
The AFPRO field units in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh, ably supported by colleagues from Delhi,
provided coordination and technical support. We thank them for their support in data collection,
facilitating numerous field visits and for ensuring that field realities are well reflected in the
The M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), the National lead organization, was responsible
for project management, coordination, technical support and policy dialogue. Prof. M.S. Swaminathan,
as the Chairperson of the Project Steering Committee, provided the vision and continued guidance that
shaped this programme. We express our deep gratitude to him.
We thank the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for their dedicated support, both
in terms of financial assistance and intellectual contributions. We express our gratitude to Mr. Francois
Binder, the Country Director, for his whole-hearted support as also Dr. Jagannath and Dr. Viswanathan
who ably steered the programme.
Dr. Othmar Schwank, Executive Director INFRAS, the lead international consortium partner, energized
the team with ideas and insights on the links between climate science, development challenges and
global policies.
Lastly, we wish to place on record our gratitude to the Intercooperation team that contributed to the
technical content, monitoring and sound documentation of the experiences. Several colleagues from
India and Bern - Dr. Carmenza Robledo, Ms. Annet Witteveen, Mr. Vishnu Sharma and Dr. B
Ramkumar, worked closely over the past four years. Dr. C K Rao and Mr. Devanshu Chakravarti
provided valuable inputs to several case studies in this compilation. Ms. Sreelatha and her team
supported document production and quality control processes which are vital elements of such a task.
We hope you find this publication useful and it contributes, in a small way, to helping people deal with
the ''adaptation deficit'' in many rural regions of the world.
Rupa Mukerji Anna Bruderle

In recognition of the impending consequences and impact of climate change for rural communities in the
semi-arid regions of India, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) initiated a
process-oriented programme on 'Vulnerability Assessment and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Climate
Change in Semi Arid Regions in India' (V&A) in 2005.
The overall goal of the V&A Programme in India was to secure the livelihoods of rural poor and
vulnerable communities by promoting adaptation measures that enhance their capacity to better cope
with adverse impacts of climate change and by improving their disaster preparedness.
The programme had three specific inter-linked objectives:
 Objective 1: To build community level capacities with regard to best practices and technologies in
the agriculture, water and energy sectors.
 Objective 2: To optimise the service delivery system and services at selected sites in semi-arid areas
in India.
 Objective 3: To promote policy dialogue and advocacy at different levels.
In brief, the programme was aimed at reducing vulnerability of rural livelihood systems to climate risks
through selected pilot interventions in key livelihood sectors, with a view to informing and catalyzing
policy dialogues at different national and international decision levels using the emerging field
experiences. The programme has taken a multi-level action learning approach in order to reduce the gap
between realities of climate variability and change and respective adaptive strategies at community level
and decision-making around climate change adaptation at national and international levels (Figure 1).

Figure 1: V&A approach: Linking community-level findings to national and international policy


Governments National
Governments People & Livelihoods People & Livelihoods
People &


I n t r o d u c t i o n

Institutional partnerships
The programme is built on the collaboration among various actors with complementary strengths. It
aims at generating synergies with other relevant programmes and ongoing activities of SDC in India
as well as with relevant programmes of the Government of India (GoI) (Figure 2).
A National Consortium was formed to take the overall responsibility for managing and
operationalising the programme. The National Consortium comprised three partners, namely the M.S.
Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Action For Food Production (AFPRO), and the National
Institute of Agriculture Extension Management (MANAGE). ''The National consortium established,
guided and managed the field activities providing valuable scientific technical and operational support
to the field NGOs and communities''.
An International Consortium, constituted by Intercooperation (IC) and INFRAS, took a backstopping
role and provided services as per demand from SDC and the national programme partners. The
International Consortium contributed to the conceptual planning of the programme by bringing in
international experiences and global exposure, provided quality assurance throughout the programme
implementation, supported the development of an appropriate monitoring framework, and facilitated
continuous exchange with ongoing policy processes at the international level. In addition, the final
documentation and the development of the training curriculum was anchored in the International
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) provided financial support for the
programme, assumed a steering role, contributed to overall programme development, and facilitated
linkages with the GoI.
Figure 2: Institutional set-up, approach and main objectives of the V&A programme.

International Climate Change Policy Framework

National level steering commitee 2

Advisory Committees at State level 1

Community, village level Policy
Local empowerment, capacity building and
Best practices, knowledge Action learning on Advocacy
and technologies vulnerabilities and Optimize
coping mechanisms Delivery
Wate Enhance
resource adaptive
management capacity

Service delivery agriculture
rural energy
systems Food Security

Success and impact stories

Box 1 provides a brief profile of each of the agencies involved in the implementation of the programme.
Box 1: Agencies involved in the implementation of the V&A programme
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is Switzerland's international
cooperation agency within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and is responsible for the
overall coordination of development cooperation activities and humanitarian aid of the Swiss
Government. In India, SDC has been active since 1963. With India emerging as a global power, SDC's
programme today is moving away from traditional development cooperation towards collaboration
based on common interests and shared investments. The programme focuses on addressing the
global challenge of climate change, with the ultimate goal of reducing poverty. A key feature of this
new programme is the exchange of know-how and technologies between Switzerland and India as
well as the promotion of cooperation between developing countries. For more information, see
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) is a 20-year-old non-profit organization. The
vision of MSSRF is to link science and society. The basic mandate of MSSRF is to impart a pro-nature,
pro-poor and pro-women orientation to a job-led economic growth strategy in rural areas through
harnessing science and technology for environmentally sustainable and socially equitable
development. MSSRF has recognised strengths in scientific and social research, policy dialogue,
community action, capacity building and outreach and dissemination.
For more information, see
Action For Food Production (AFPRO) is an Indian socio-technical non-governmental organization
working for the development of the rural poor through effective natural resource management
solutions. It provides technical guidance, backup support and capacity building input to grassroot-
level NGOs for the implementation of environmentally friendly projects for water, food security,
livelihoods and allied areas. AFPRO has nine field units strategically located all over India. It has a
multidisciplinary team of professional staff, having a deep understanding of the rural settings, and
facilitates communities in problem identification and finding feasible, affordable and appropriate
options in the local context to sustain and multiply the outcome.
For more information, see
The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) is an apex national
institute set up in 1987 as an autonomous society under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of
India. MANAGE is the Indian response to the challenges of management in a rapidly growing
agricultural sector. As a management institute, MANAGE has a mandate to assist the State
Governments, the Government of India and other public sector organizations in effective
management of their agricultural extension and other agricultural management systems. MANAGE
facilitates the acquisition of managerial and technical skills by extension officers, managers, scientists
and administrators in all sectors of agricultural economy to enable them to provide most effective
support and services to farmers and fishermen for practicing sustainable agriculture.
For more information, see

Intercooperation (IC) is recognised for supporting partners in international and development

cooperation. It has had a lead role in the implementation of development programmes in the field of
natural resource management in various states, including in semi-arid regions of India. IC, as a NGO
accredited by the UNFCCC, has extensive experience and expertise in climate change. Climate

I n t r o d u c t i o n

change mitigation and adaptation projects and programmes at different levels in Asia and Latin
America have been a core part of IC's portfolio since the late 1990s. Currently, Intercooperation is
involved in designing tools for planning, implementing and monitoring adaptation measures at the
national and local levels. Through its longstanding involvement in SDC projects in Andhra Pradesh
and Rajasthan, Intercooperation has developed a network of local organizations in these areas,
besides in 5 other states of India.
For more information on Intercooperation in India, see For
information on Intercooperation's global portfolio, see
The INFRAS Consulting, Policy Analysis and Research Group (INFRAS) is a recognized
consulting company in Switzerland and abroad. INFRAS has long-standing experience in
development cooperation, including in the provision of technical assistance, facilitation of
technology and knowledge transfer, and development of strategies and proposals in the area of
global environment, especially climate change. INFRAS has been implementing research and
development projects in India for more than a decade. INFRAS also closely follows and contributes
to ongoing international policy dialogues and has access to relevant international fora. One element
of the role of INFRAS in the V&A programme therefore was to ensure that the programme design and
documentation was in line with and relevant for the concepts under debate in the UNFCCC process.
For more information see
For an effective steering of the programme and coordination among the different partners, the
programme set-up included a Steering Committee and a Joint Implementation Group (JIG) as a main
responsible body for programme implementation (see Figure 3). Responsibilities of the JIG included
operational decision-making, operational planning and budgeting, mandating implementing partners,
resource distribution, and monitoring and evaluation.

Figure 3: Institutional set-up for implementation of the V&A programme

Steering Committee:
SDC National Consortium, SDC India, Government of
GoI (Ministry of Agriculture, India
Ministry of Forests and
Environment, Ministry
of Water Resources)

Joint Implementation Group (JIG)

SDC, MSSRF, AFPRO, MANAGE, Intercooperation, Infras

Implementing agencies at field level (NGOs, CBOs)

Programme design and history
The V&A programme design was the outcome of an inclusive stakeholder process of consultations and
workshops at different levels. The local communities in the semi-arid areas selected for programme
implementation were the primary stakeholders and took a center stage in consultations for programme
design. The stakeholder body involved in the process also comprised local, state and central
governments, service providers, including line departments and government agencies in charge of
extension services, selected NGOs, CBOs, and relevant research institutions.
The V&A programme was implemented in three overlapping stages, with an initial stocktaking and
documentation period, an implementation period, and a period of consolidation, focusing on outreach,
networking and dissemination (Figure 4). It was also decided to analyse and document the most
important field experiences such that they feed into national policies and missions and international
frameworks. Five specific areas of V&A interventions were identified as most relevant for the ongoing
policy dialogues on climate change adaptation:
 improved water management;
 development of pasture land for ensuring fodder security;
 the System of Rice Intensification (SRI);
 the role of local community institutions for enhancing adaptive capacity; and
 mini agro-meteorological labs for local level weather monitoring.
The present set of case studies is a reflection of four years of programme implementation and the
Figure 4: Overlapping stages of V&A programme implementation 2005-2009.

Programme stages 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Stage 1: Stocktaking, situation
analysis, documentation, capacity
building in V&A assessments
Stage 2: Implementation of pilot
activities, improvement of
delivery systems, policy dialogue

Stage 3: Outreach and dissemination

Stage 4: Consolidation and


Geographic focus of the V&A programme

India's initial National Communication to the UNFCCC, 2004 highlighted that the livelihoods of the
majority of people living in India, notably in rural areas, are threatened due to the impact of climate
change. The livelihoods of rural communities are primarily based on climate-sensitive natural resources.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

At the same time, their endowment of physical, financial and human resources is low, which leaves them
with poor adaptive capacities and makes them highly vulnerable to the expected impact of climate
The main source of livelihood for the rural population is based on agriculture. Rain-fed agricultural
systems, which constitute over 60 percent of the country's crop area, are most directly impacted by
variability of rainfall and longer-term changes in precipitation patterns. Areas under irrigation will also
feel the consequences if the climate changes as projections indicate. Glaciers are expected to recede,
rainfall patterns are likely to change, with increased severity and frequency of droughts and higher
intensity of floods in some areas, all resulting in reduced quantity of available run-off and reduced
groundwater recharge. In addition, projections indicate that rising temperatures will enhance crop
water demand, resulting in increased water-pumping requirements and subsequent decrease in
groundwater levels.
Another major concern associated with climate change in India is the prospect of a significant
biodiversity loss. About 70 percent of the vegetation in India is likely to find itself less than optimally
adapted to its present location, making it more vulnerable to adverse climatic conditions. The impact on
forests will have adverse socio-economic implications for forest dependent communities and the
national economy.
Box 2: Climate change projections for India
High-resolution climate change scenarios for India, generated by PRECIS (Providing Regional
Climates for Impacts Studies, a high-resolution climate modeling system developed by the Hadley
Center), indicate a rise in annual mean surface air temperature for all parts of India. Temperatures
are likely to rise by 3-5°C and 2.5-4°C in A2 and B2 emission scenarios by the end of the 21st century,
with warming more pronounced over the northern parts of India. The warming is also expected to be
relatively greater in winter and post-monsoon seasons than in the summer monsoon season (Figure 5)

Figure 5: Projected changes in surface air temperature towards the end of 21st century, for A2 and B2 scenarios.

As regards precipitation, the model predicts increases for all parts of India, except for Punjab,
Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. A 20 percent rise in all India summer monsoon is expected for the period
2071-2100. In northeast India, precipitation is likely to increase more than the national average (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Projected changes in summer monsoon precipitation towards the end of 21st century, for A2
and B2 scenarios.
The all-round warming seen in the seasonal mean temperatures is reflected in the extreme
temperatures also. Both days and nights are expected to get warmer, with night temperatures likely
to increase at much higher rates than day temperatures. While the lowest minimum temperatures are
expected to be warmer by more than 5°C over most parts of the country, the highest maximum
temperatures show an increase of only 2°C.
In terms of extreme precipitation, there is a general increase in both 1-day and 5-day extremes. In
particular, there is a marked increase in the severe rainfall activities over an extensive area covering
the Western Ghats and northwestern peninsular India including Maharashtra and the adjoining
parts of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.
Source: Kumar et al (2006): High resolution climate change scenarios for India in the 21st century, in
Current Science, Vol. 30, No. 3.
When assessing the vulnerability of different regions in India, the arid and semi-arid areas are
considered to be among the most vulnerable (besides coastal zones). Annual rainfall amounts to only
100-400 mm in arid areas, and 400-800 mm in semi-arid areas in India, with a very high coefficient of
variation, ranging from 40 to 70 percent. Low and erratic rainfall coupled with extreme temperatures
and intense solar radiation results in frequent crop failures and considerably affects the agricultural
economy in these regions.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Figures 7 and 8 indicate arid and semi-arid regions of India and the degree and nature of water stress in
different regions. Andhra Pradesh in the south-east and Rajasthan in the north-west of India, are among
the areas that are likely to come under most pressure due to climate change. As available water resources
are already scarce, increasing variability of rainfall and risk of droughts will have severe consequences

Figure 7: Arid and semi-arid regions of India. Figure 8: Degree and nature of water stresses in different regions of India.
Source: Velayutham et al., 1999. Source: TERI GIS Database, 2001, based on Chitale, 1992.

Arid and semi arid regions of India

Jammu &
Inland drainage
Kashmir in Rajasthan

Himachal Pradesh
Punjab rivers of
kutch &
Haryana Brahmaputra
Kathiwar Ganga sub-basin
Delhi Arunachal Pradesh sub-basin
Uttar Sikkim
Rajastan Pradesh Assam Nagaland Mahi
Meghalaya ada
Bihar Narm
Jharkand Tripura Mahanadi
Gujarat Mizoram
Madhya Pradesh West Sabarmati
Bengal Godavari
Orissa rivers from
Maharashtra Tapi to Tadri Krishna
Bay of Bengal rivers between
Andhra Pennar Mahanadi & Pennar
Pradesh (692)
West-flowing rivers from
Tadri to Kanyakumari
Cauvery rivers between
Karnataka Pennar & Kanyakumari
Andaman & Nicobar (411)

Tamilnadu Arid ecosystem

Kerala Semiarid ecosystem Occasional water problem
Lakshdweep water strss
water scarcity
Absolute scarcity

for peoples' livelihoods. These areas were therefore selected for the implementation of the V&A
Specific districts and sites in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh were identified for programme
implementation through a multi-stakeholder process and a set of pre-defined criteria. The criteria
included (i) manifestation of climate hazards; (ii) evidence of social organization at village level; (iii)
presence of local partners and service providers. Climate data from the past 30 years were analyzed to
assess the climate risk situation in different districts in the two States, and a situation analysis was carried
out to map the biophysical and socio-economic profiles of the districts and to appraise the status of the
delivery systems.
Based on the findings, two villages in Mahabubnagar district in Andhra Pradesh, namely Kothur and
Srirangapur, and two villages in Udaipur district of Rajasthan, namely Amda and Kundai, were
identified for programme implementation.



Andhra Pradesh

Udaipur 10 0 10 Kilometers Kothur Mahabubnagar
Rajasthan Kodangal
Bomraspet Srirangapur
Gogunda Kondurg Shadnagar Andhra Pradesh
Doulathabad Keshampet
Mavli Kosgi
Damaragiada Nawabpet Talakondapalle Madgul
Maddur Hanwada
Jatcherla Kothur
Koilkonda Veldanda
Narayanpet Mahbubnagar
VallabnagarKundai Midjil
Girwa Bhoothpur Thimmajipet
Utkoor Kalwakurthy
Dhanwada Devarkadra Vangoor
Kona Addakal Ghanpur Tadoor
Makthal Chinna
Narwa chintakunta Peddamandadi Uppununthala
Magnoor Telkapalle Achampet
Jhodol Atmakur Kothakota Gopalpeta
Wanaparthy Balmoor Amrabad
Sarada Pangal Kodair
Gadwal Peddakothapalle
Sulambar Maldakal

Ghattu Kollapur
Kharwara Dhariawad Itikyal
Waddepalle Manopad
10 0 10 20 Kilometers

Figure 9: Location of Programme Villages.

Climate change impacts in Udaipur district, Rajasthan, and Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh
The following section provides a concise description of the current and projected future climate
conditions in the semi-arid areas selected for implementation of the V&A programme. It must be noted
that to date, high-resolution scenarios to predict climate change impacts at the scale of sub-national
regions are generally marked by high uncertainty and only offer vague information on the future
distribution of rainfall, particularly in variability and extremes. Scientists are working to further
develop downscaled climate models. The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology has applied the
regional climate modeling system PRECIS developed by the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and
Research, for India (Kumar et al., 2006), and the results are employed here to provide a notion of the
expected climate trends in the areas selected for implementation of the V&A programme.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

For an analysis of climate change impacts on natural and human systems, particular attention is to be
given to projected trends in the occurrence of extreme weather events, such as droughts, heat waves and
floods. Changes in average weather conditions, while important, often provide an incomplete or even
misleading image of future climatic conditions in a region. For example, even though annual rainfall in
many areas of India may be expected to increase, the risk of acute water shortages in the same areas is
also expected to increase, as rainfall will be more erratic and concentrated over fewer rainy days in the
Udaipur district, Rajasthan
Present climate conditions
Udaipur district in southern Rajasthan falls in the agro-ecological sub-region (AESR) 4.2, described as
the hot semi-arid region in the Northern Plain (and Central Highlands) that includes the Aravali
Mountains. The district is marked by low and highly erratic rainfall, with an average annual rainfall of
about 600 mm and droughts occurring almost every 3 years. More than 90 percent of the total annual
rainfall occurs during the 4 monsoon months from June to September (South West monsoon). Therefore,
the length of growing period is 90-120 days. Maximum daily temperatures range between 35°C and
45°C in summer, and between 20 and 24°C in winter. During cold spells in winter, night temperatures
can drop to below 5°C.
Climate change projections and impacts on the natural system
The mean annual surface air temperature in Rajasthan is likely to increase by 2-4°C towards the end of
the 21st century. Mean annual precipitation is predicted to decrease slightly, whereas the extreme
precipitation is expected to increase in frequency and intensity. Maximum 1-day precipitation is
expected to increase by 20 mm, and maximum 5-day precipitation by 30 mm in the period 2071-2100.
Figure 10 provides an overview of the projected changes in the annual precipitation cycle.
Figure 10: Baseline and future projections (2071 - 2100) of mean annual cycles of precipitation for
Rajasthan, as simulated by PRECIS
Rainfall (mm/day)

2 Baseline
A2 Scenario
B2 Scenario







Source: Kumar et al. (2006).

It should be noted that not all traditional rural water management practices are appropriate in the context of present day population pressures. Under the V&A
programme, only those traditional practices and techniques were considered for revitalization that provide feasible and sustainable solutions under current
Intense rain occurring over fewer days implies increased frequency of floods during the monsoon
season, as well as higher losses of rainwater as direct runoff and reduced groundwater recharge. Many
existing structures for rainwater harvesting and flood control may not be robust enough to withstand
more intense extreme weather events
The expected changes in the precipitation pattern are also likely to aggravate problems of soil erosion in
undulating and mountain areas of Rajasthan. Run-off during heavy rain spells is among the most
important factors causing soil degradation, taking away huge amounts of soil particles and nutrients
from sloping lands. With the occurrence of more torrential rains after longer intermittent dry and warm
gaps, sediment discharge from the dry and barren surface will be enhanced.

Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh

Present climate conditions
Mahabubnagar district in Andhra Pradesh falls in the agro-ecological sub-region (AESR) 7.2,
characterized by hot moist summers and mild and dry winters, with a length of growing period of 120-
150 days. Total annual rainfall in the district averages around 600 mm, whereby 70 percent of this is
received during the south-west monsoon period from June to October. The daily maximum
temperature during the period ranges from 17°C to 42°C, and the minimum temperature during the
winter season, i.e. from November to January, ranges from 17°C to 19°C.
Climate change projections and impacts on the natural system
The mean annual surface air temperature in the area is likely to increase by 2-3°C towards the end of the
21st century. Average daily precipitation is expected to increase throughout the annual cycle (figure 11,
with total summer monsoon precipitation (from June to September) expected to rise by 15-20 percent.
Extreme precipitation events are predicted to become more intense: Maximum 1-day precipitation is
likely to rise by 40 mm, and maximum 5-day precipitation by 60 mm in the period 2071-2100. At the same
time, the frequency and intensity of dry spells and droughts is expected to increase.
Figure 11: Baseline and future projections (2071 - 2100) of mean annual cycles of precipitation for Andhra
Pradesh, as simulated by PRECIS.
Andhra Pradesh
Rainfall (mm/day)


2 A2 Scenario
0 B2 Scenario







Source: Kumar et al. (2006).

I n t r o d u c t i o n

The trend towards more erratic and concentrated rainfalls will enhance the levels of surface run-off and
reduce groundwater recharge potentials in the area. Similarly, soil moisture is expected to increase
during the months of monsoon, but decline throughout the rest of the year (Lal and Singh 2001).
Assessment of vulnerability of the selected programme sites to climate variability and change
A comprehensive assessment of the vulnerability to climate variability and change of the communities
selected for implementation of the V&A programme was undertaken in the first programme phase.
There are different factors, which determine the vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate
change. Communities may experience similar manifestations of climate change in completely different
ways, depending on how sensitive their livelihoods are to climatic factors, and on the capacity of the
community to adapt to changes (Figure 12).
Figure 12: Vulnerability to climate change as a function of various factors

To what extent is the system
affected by climatic stress?

Character, magnitude, rate

of climate change Adaptive capacity
What are the specific impacts Can the community adjust
of climate change on the to the expected climate
natural system? change impacts?


Sensitivity considers the extent to which a system can be affected by climate change. Livelihood activities
that are based on climate-dependent natural resources, like water, soil, forests, etc. are more sensitive to
climatic stress than activities that involve climate-robust capital. For example, the agriculture sector is in
general much more sensitive than the manufacturing sector (although it can be affected by extreme
events, reduction in water supplies, power disruption etc.,). The livelihood systems of four villages in
which the V&A programme was implemented, are marked by high climate sensitivity, with agriculture
as the main source of income in all four villages.

The adaptive capacity of a community to changes in the natural system, including climate change, is again a
function of various factors, including
1. the community's endowment with physical, financial and natural capital;
2. access to technology;
3. access to information on climate variability and change, and skills to make use of the
information (i.e. human capital);
4. institutions and the degree to which a community is organized (i.e. social capital); and
5. equitable distribution of resources (societies with relatively more equitable resource distribution
will be better able to adapt than societies with less equitable distribution).
In other words, the higher a community's endowment with the 5 forms of livelihood capital - physical,
natural, social, human and financial - the higher its adaptive capacity. This also means that the level of
adaptive capacity tends to be positively correlated with the level of economic and social development.
Box 3: Definition of vulnerability by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of
climate change, including climate variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the character,
magnitude and rate of climate change to which a system is exposed, along with its sensitivity and
adaptive capacity.
Sensitivity is the degree to which a system can be affected, negatively or positively, by changes in climate.
This includes change in mean climate and the frequency and magnitude of extremes. The effect may be
direct (for example a change in crop yield due to a change in temperature) or indirect (such as damage
caused by increased frequency of coastal flooding due to sea-level rise).
Adaptive capacity is a system's ability to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and
extremes), to moderate potential damage, to take advantage of opportunities or to cope with
Source: IPCC, Fourth Assessment Report, 2007.
Accordingly, the assessment of adaptive capacity of the communities selected for implementation of the
V&A programme in the baseline year of 2005 was structured around the 5 categories of livelihood assets
or capital.
Tables 1 to 4 provide an overview of livelihood resources with which the communities are endowed and
associated special challenges and constraints to adaptive capacity.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Table 1: Endowment of livelihood resources of Amda, Udaipur district, Rajasthan (2005)

Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Human and Amda has a total population of 1931 (385 (-) High illiteracy especially amongst women, who
social capital households). play a key role in agricultural management -
The large majority of the population (83 percent) is major constraint to information dissemination
tribal. and involvement of key stakeholders in decision
The total literacy rate is 24 percent (33 percent
among the male and only 15 percent among the (-) Restricted knowledge around agriculture and
female population). land management.
Due to low agricultural productivity and lack of (-) Weakening of human and social capital through
employment opportunities, many young people out-migration.
migrate to Gujarat to gain income as agricultural
Knowledge among the villagers about appropriate
land management, options for irrigation
technologies, and alternative farming practices (e.g.
organic practices) is very low.

Financial Amda has 13 savings and credit groups (2 women (+) Relatively good structures in place to facilitate
capital and 11 men groups); all these groups are linked access to financial services.
with local commercial banks for credit activities; (-) Lack of market access.
165 households are associated with Self Help
There is no market in the village where small and
marginal farmers could sell their surplus products.

Natural Amda is located in the western Aravali mountain (-) High and increasing dependence on rainfed
capital ranges, characterized by hilly and rugged terrain. agriculture.
Of the total land area, 49 percent is forestland; (-) Land not suitable for agriculture, risk of further
irrigated land is only 1 percent, of the total land, 21 land degradation.
percent is unirrigated arable land.
(+) High biodiversity in forest.
The forest area is marked by a high degree of
biodiversity, with a wide range of varieties of trees, (-) Risk of deforestation with increasing population
grasses, medicinal herbs and wild animals; for about growth pressure.
3 percent of the total village population forest (-) Lack of fodder production to sustain the
products are the main source of livelihood; the forest livestock population of the village.
area is the primary source of fuel for cooking and (-) Groundwater scarcity, especially in summer.
domestic purposes.
Private and common pasture lands are marked by
high soil and vegetation degradation.
There has been a remarkable change in land use
pattern since 1990: about 40 ha of cultivable
wasteland have been turned into cultivated rainfed
area; in the same period, the area under irrigation has
further declined from 25 to 18 ha due to decline in
irrigation water availability.

Table 1: Endowment of livelihood resources of Amda, Udaipur district, Rajasthan (2005)
Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Natural Groundwater is available in very limited quantities

capital due to poor and restricted permeability of the
underlying compact banded gneissic formations;
the water level is generally 8-10 m below ground
level; during summers, the water level tends to sink
further resulting in shortage of water for human and
cattle consumption.
Marginal farmers with less than 1 ha land are about
54 percent, small farmers with 12 ha land are 30
percent, and only 16 percent have more than 2 ha
of land holding.
The most important crops cultivated in the kharif
season are maize, gawar, til, sorghum, arhar, rice,
pulses, ginger, turmeric and musli (medicinal
plant). The main rabi crops are wheat, mustard,
barley, gram, and sorghum.

Physical Seeds used are of rather poor quality. (+) High number of livestock, which serve as a
capital Almost all families keep animals; there are 1925 cows, secondary source of income and augment
770 buffaloes, 3850 goats, 1000 chicken; the cows nutrition, but also as a security for times of
are mainly of a local breed which has low yields of stress.
milk. (-) Low productivity of cattle.
There are 33 open wells and 9 bore wells in the (-) Lack of access to safe drinking water for some
village, most of which have water only for about 8 families.
months in a year.
(-) Lack of irrigation facilities; low efficiency of
There are 4 small low cost water harvesting structures
existing facilities.
with limited water holding capacity due to heavy
siltation of the water storage areas behind the (-) No access to modern energy in the village.
structures and breaks in the structures.
There are 2 traditional harren systems which facilitate
irrigation water distribution through earthen channels;
the harrens cover 1/3 of the total area under irrigation.
There are 13 operational hand pumps for drinking
water in the village; a total of 28 families have no
access to these pumps and fetch drinking water from
small ponds along the bank of river, which tend to get
muddy during the rain season.
There is a lack of animal health care facilities.
People cook on unimproved stoves mainly with
firewood, dry shrubs and dry cow dung. Women walk
on an average 4-5 km per day for collecting firewood
in bundles which weigh 20-25 kg.

Source: Primary data from the V&A programme Situation Analysis (2006).

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Table 2: Endowment of livelihood resources in Kundai, Udaipur district, Rajasthan, 2005

Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Human and Kundai has a population of 150 households. (+) Relatively good education levels among female
social capital youth.
The community is heterogeneous with several
families belonging to scheduled castes and (+) Education and health care facilities are relatively
scheduled tribes. good.
The village has a middle school, a primary health (-) Restricted knowledge around agriculture and
center, and a cooperative society office. land management.
School attendance among girls in the village is (-) Weakening of human and social capital through
above average level in the area, with at least one girl out-migration.
from almost every household completing secondary
Due to a lack of employment opportunities, young
people often migrate to nearby towns for wage
Knowledge among the villagers about appropriate
land management, options for irrigation
technologies, and alternative farming practices (e.g.
organic practices) is very low.

Financial There are 4 active Self-Help Groups (SHGs) for (+) Very good market access for the sale of milk.
capital savings and credit activities in the village, 2 of them (+) Relatively good market access for the sale of
women SHGs, one men group and one mixed group.
surplus agricultural products.
There is a local market for the sale of surplus
agricultural products in a nearby village.
There is a milk collection centre of Udaipur Dairy
Cooperatives in the village.
The block headquarter (Bhinder) for sale and
purchasing of grains, meat and wool is at a distance
of 15 km.

Natural Kundai is located in the eastern plain of Udaipur (-) High dependence on rainfed agriculture.
capital district, which is characterized by a leveled (-) Lack of fodder production to sustain the
topography with occasional outcrops of older rocks.
livestock population of the village.
There is no forest land in the village. The share of
irrigated land is 10 percent of the total land area, (-) high incidence of insect pests.
unirrigated cultivable land 16 percent, and private (-) Limited groundwater availability for drinking and
uncultivable land and government wasteland almost irrigation, especially during summers.
50 percent of the total land area. This land is (-) shortage of firewood.
generally barren and spread over low-lying ridges.
(+) High number of livestock, which serve as a
Private and common pasture lands are marked by
secondary source of income and augment
high soil and vegetation degradation, and productivity
of pastures is very low; there is shortage of fodder
nutrition, but also as a security for times of
especially during low rainfall years and during stress.
summer months.

Table 2: Endowment of livelihood resources in Kundai, Udaipur district, Rajasthan, 2005
Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Natural Groundwater availability is dependent on annual

capital rainfall; the underlying gneissic complex rocks are
hard and compact. Average depth of open wells is 20
m, and pre-monsoon average water level is 1516 m,
and post monsoon is 5-6 m. Quality of groundwater
is good, suitable for irrigation and domestic purposes.
Insect pests have lately caused enormous damage to
crops, but also to trees and other plants.
The large majority of households in the village are
small and marginal farmers.
The most important crops cultivated in the kharif
season are maize, gawar, til, sorghum, arhar, rice,
pulses, ginger, turmeric and musli (medicinal plant).
The main rabi crops are wheat, mustard, barley, gram,
and sorghum.

Physical There are 353 cows, 237 buffaloes, 573 goats and (-) Lack of irrigation facilities; low efficiency of
capital 223 sheep; the number of cows and buffaloes has existing facilities.
increased significantly in the village over the last (-) Lack of access to safe drinking water for some
years; the cows and buffaloes are predominantly of families.
local traditional non-descript breed which have low
yields of milk. (-) No access to modern energy.
The major source of irrigation in the village is (-) Low productivity of cattle.
groundwater; of 107 wells in the village, 64 are in (+) Dairy development is on the rise in the village.
operation; 10 of these are electrified, 4 use diesel
pumps and 50 use bullock motes.
There are 4 old small water-harvesting structures in
the village which help to recharged nearby open
dug wells, the water holding capacity in these
structures is however limited due to siltation; the
Gram Panchayat has constructed two new water
harvesting structures under the National Food for
Works Programme.
There are also 13 hand pumps in different localities
of the village, not all of which are operational;
drinking water is also drawn from open wells,
which tend to go dry in summer.
People cook on unimproved stoves mainly with
firewood, dry shrubs and dry cow dung. Women
walk on average 4-5 km per day for collecting
firewood in bundles which weigh 20-25 kg.

Source: Primary data from the V&A programme Situation Analysis (2006).

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Table 3: Endowment with livelihood resources of Srirangapur, Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, 2005
Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Human and Srirangapur has a total population of 923 (187 (+) Income opportunities in close proximity to the
social capital households). village low migration - comparatively low risk
The majority of the community belongs to of human capital outflow.
Backward Castes (BC) and Scheduled Castes (SC);
there is no tribal population in the village.
Most of the children go for middle and secondary
schools and colleges in nearby towns. The overall
literacy rate is 50 percent (62 percent among men
and 38 percent among women).
188 marginal and small farmers earn their income
primarily from agricultural labour. Only 24 persons
migrate on a seasonal basis for labour in
construction and agriculture; only four villagers
have migrated permanently.

Financial There are 8 women Self-Help Groups and 5 Rhythu (+) Relatively good structures in place to facilitate
capital Mithra Sangham Groups in the village. access to financial services.
Srirangapur is located at a distance of 80 km from (+) Excellent market access for a range of
Hyderabad and only 45 km from the new horticulture and floriculture products;
international airport, which was opened in 2008 and opportunities for diversification of agricultural
has triggered a rapid urbanization process in the activities.
area with a drastic surge in land prices, new (+) Employment opportunities in manufacturing
employment opportunities and new marketing sector for income diversification of households.
opportunities for agricultural products; accordingly,
several farmers have started cultivating vegetables
like tomatoes, chilies and brinjal; some farmers
have also taken up floriculture. There is also a
mango orchard of 2 ha in this village.

Natural The net sown area in the village constitutes 80 (+) Fertile soils.
capital percent of the total land area; only 9 percent of the (+) Groundwater availability is good; 100 percent
cultivated area are sown more than once; a small subsidization of electricity for the operation of
portion of the total land area is under miscellaneous pumps for irrigation and high dependence on
tree crops and groves (1 percent), which means groundwater for irrigation call for careful
that there is no land available for forest and pasture monitoring of groundwater levels.
(-) Lack of availability of common land / grazing
Soil types in the village are mainly red soils and (60 land posing a constraint to livestock rearing.
percent) and black cotton soils (40 percent), which
are suitable for growing diverse crops.
The majority of farmers are marginal and small

Table 3: Endowment with livelihood resources of Srirangapur, Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, 2005
Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Natural Traditional crops are redgram, castor, jowar and

capital others; there has been a shift to commercial crops
like cotton and maize over the last 20 years, and of
late also to vegetables like tomatoes, chilies and
Srirangapur is marked as a “safe” groundwater
zone; however, agricultural activities are highly
dependent on groundwater irrigation; groundwater
exploitation will therefore have to be carefully
Traditionally, livestock rearing is an important
element of most families' livelihood portfolio.
However, the number of families rearing milk
animals has come down over the last 10 years due
to decreased availability of grazing land.
Drinking water is available throughout the year
through 2 hand pumps.

Physical The construction of the new international airport (+) Good and improving transport and other
capital (located only 45 km form Srirangapur) has triggered a physical infrastructure in the area.
rapid urbanization process in the area, accompanied
(-) Functionality of tanks is heavily compromised
by expansion and upgrading of transport and other
physical infrastructure.
due to poor maintenance.
There are a several open wells in the village; however, (-) Non-affordability of modern energy for cooking.
75 percent of them are dry; farmers are increasingly
dependent on borewells as primary irrigation sources;
out of the 80 borewells that have been drilled, only 60
are functional. The average depth of borewells has
increased from 70 feet in 1990 to 150 in 2005, and
some borewells are up to 350 feet deep.
There are 6 tanks in Srirangapur; even though tanks
played an important role as irrigation sources
traditionally, their water holding capacity has been
reduced over the last decades due to poor
Electricity for the operation of pumps for irrigation is
100 percent subsidized by the government.
Most families burn fuel wood for domestic cooking;
fetching firewood involves substantial amount of
women's time; 65 families use LPG for cooking,
however only on an irregular basis, as LPG refilling
costs are too high.

Source: Primary data from the V&A programme Situation Analysis (2006).

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Table 4: Endowment with livelihood resources of Kothur, Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh (2005)
Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Human and Kothur has a total population of 1462 (224 (-) High illiteracy amongst women, who play a key
social capital households). role in agricultural management - major
The majority of the community belongs to constraint to information dissemination and
Backward Castes (BC) and Scheduled Castes (SC); involvement of key stakeholders in decision-
there is no tribal population in the village. making.
The village has a primary and a middle school and (-) High percentage of landless households.
most of the children go to school. The overall
literacy rate is 43 percent (57 percent among men
and only 29 percent among women).
255 men and women make a living from
agricultural labour; only few people migrate on a
seasonal basis for construction and agricultural

Financial There are 15 women Self Help Groups (SHGs) for (+) Relatively good structures in place to facilitate
capital savings and credit activities in the village. access to financial services.
Very few farmers cultivate vegetables for market (-) Lack of market access for vegetables.
sale due to a lack of market access. (+) Good marketing facility for milk.
Dairy is a major livelihood activity and there is a
milk collection centre in Kothur.

Natural 70 percent of the total land area (680 ha) are under (-) High loss of cultivable land as soils are turning
capital cultivation, out of which 25 percent are sown more alkaline.
than once. The village has no forest and pasture (-) Overexploited groundwater resources.
(-) Reduction of livestock population due to
Almost 30 percent of land area is marked by sandy recurrent droughts leading to fodder shortage;
soils, and around 50 percent by black soils. Most of loss of livelihood asset and security.
the cultivable waste lands (22 percent of the total
area) have turned alkaline due to continuous
irrigation and high evaporation conditions. This
area is marked by a fast spread of prosopis juliflora.
The majority of farmers are marginal and small land
Traditional crops are redgram, castor, jowar and
others; maize has become a preferred commercial
crop over the last decades.
Consecutive droughts over the last 2 decades have
reduced the productivity of the pastures, which has
resulted in fewer families keeping livestock.
Drinking water is available throughout the year
through hand pumps and through an overhead tank
which is filled through pipes.

Table 4: Endowment with livelihood resources of Kothur, Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh (2005)
Capital Situation Adaptive capacity: Special constraints
and strengths

Natural The groundwater resources of the village are

capital marked as “over exploited”; drilling new wells is
accordingly prohibited.
Livestock is an important asset for to cope with
drought situations, and for a majority of households
livestock is an important element of their
livelihoods. However, the number of animals in the
village has decreased, most significantly in buffalos,
bullocks and cows, over the last 2 decades due to
recurrent droughts.

Physical Kothur has 40 open wells, which formerly had good (-) High dependence on groundwater for irrigation,
capital recharge potentials during monsoons and were but limited capacity of borewells due to
used as irrigation sources. Now only 24 of the groundwater overexploitation.
open wells are functional for a few months after the (-) Functionality of tanks is heavily compromised
monsoons. Farmers are increasingly dependent on due to poor maintenance.
borewells as primary irrigation sources: the village
has a total number of 120 borewells, out of which (-) Non-affordability of modern energy.
only 70 are functional. The average depth of
borewells has increased from 70 feet in 1990 to
150 in 2005.
There are 8 tanks in Kothur, out of which 3 are non-
functional; even though tanks played an important
role as irrigation sources traditionally, their water
holding capacity has been reduced over the last
decades due to poor maintenance.
Electricity for the operation of pumps for irrigation
is 100 percent subsidized by the government.
Most families burn fuel wood for domestic cooking;
fetching firewood involves substantial amount of
women's time; only 35 families are using LPG gas
connections; for the majority of households, LPG
refilling costs are too high.

Source: Primary data from the V&A programme Situation Analysis (72006).

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Field activities implemented under the V&A programme

The pilot activities carried out under the V&A programme at the community level in the villages in
Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan were of diverse nature and took different approaches and entry points
for enhancing the adaptive capacity of the communities in response to the constraints identified. The
programme included interventions for improved land and water management, energy conservation,
promotion of best agronomic practices, introducing systems for improved weather-based farming
decisions and awareness creation.
Measures for adaptation to climate variability and change can be categorized through different
frameworks, and institutions working in the area of climate change adaptation have highlighted various
parameters along which adaptation approaches can be classified. The measures taken up under the V&A
programme can generally be characterized as follows:
a. The V&A interventions have sought to build response capacity and improve management of
climate risks:
McGray et al. (2007) discuss the difficulties of defining ''adaptation'' considering the significant
overlap between activities for development and adaptation. They suggest a continuum for framing
adaptation approaches, ranging from a development to an adaptation end, with measures falling
into the following four broad categories: (i) addressing drivers of vulnerability; (ii) building
response capacity; (iii) managing climate risks; and (iv) confronting impacts of climate change. As
the explicit and primary objective of the V&A programme was to build resilience against climate
risks, and as all measures addressed patterns of current climate variability, they fall into categories
(ii) and (iii) of this framework.
b. The V&A interventions were no-regret rather than climate-justified measures:
Given the considerable uncertainty about how exactly climate change will manifest itself at the scale
of sub-national regions in India, the V&A programme was designed in a way that all interventions
will benefit the communities independent of the character and magnitude of climate change, even
under a scenario where climate variability will continue to range within the current spectrum. The
programme thus also accounted for the fact that strengthening capacities of communities to cope
with current climate variability and extremes and supporting adaptation to expected future climate
change tend to be mutually supportive.
c. The V&A programme included interventions building on traditional knowledge, but also the
introduction of advanced knowledge systems:
The V&A pilot programme recognized the value of traditional systems that were developed over
decades, in some cases over centuries, to sustain agricultural activities in the face of climate
variability. Climate variability and erratic rainfall patterns have always been a major concern for
agriculture-based livelihoods in semi-arid areas in India. The programme design therefore took
traditional coping strategies of communities and adapted traditional technologies as an entry point
for identifying measures to help increase the resilience of the communities' livelihood systems
against future climate risks (e.g. the renovation of traditional water harvesting structures and the
revitalization of traditional community-based institutions for sustainable management of natural
resources). However, some interventions of the V&A programme employed innovative strategies

and provided the communities with access to modern scientific achievements and new
technologies (e.g. germplasm management such as improved goat breed and introduction of mini
agro-meteorological labs for local-level weather monitoring).
Figure 13 provides a full picture of the set of activities piloted under the V&A programme. It indicates
that the programme took an integrated approach, comprising biophysical interventions, strengthening
of institutions and social capital, and transfer of know-how for enhancing the communities' endowment
with human capital. The biophysical interventions enhanced the adaptive capacities of the communities
through adjustments in resources and technologies, whereas strengthening of social capital can be
classified as adaptation through adjustments in behaviour. Transfer of know-how to the communities
results in adjustments in technologies as well as in behaviour.
Several biophysical interventions were complemented through efforts to strengthen the communities'
capacities to manage the physical resources created or enhanced through the programme. These
interventions are placed in figure 13 at the intersection between the two categories of adaptation.
Figure 13: Overview of activities piloted under the V&A programme

Figure 13
Overview of activities
piloted under the
V&A Programme

10 13

Biophysical 15 Strengthening
Adjustments interventions 9 of institutions,
in resources social capital
1 behaviour
technologies 7
14 5
3 Transfer of know- 2
C how, strengthening of D
human capital

I n t r o d u c t i o n

1. Awareness raising campaigns on climate change through community events, wall paintings etc. (D)
2. Formation of Smart Farmers Clubs (see case study 4) (B+D)
3. Introduction of village agro-met observatories and training of community members as climate risk
managers who develop and communicate agro-advisories for crop and livestock management
based on the local level weather data (see case study 5) (A+C)
4. Revitalisation of tanks, application of silt to fields for enhanced soil water retention capacity and soil
fertility, and formation of water user groups for management and maintenance (in Kothur and
Srirangapur, Mahabubnagar district, AP; see case study 1) (A+B)
5. Participatory crop water budgeting exercise for creating awareness around unsustainable levels of
groundwater use (in Kothur and Srirangapur, Mahabubnagar district, AP; see case study 1) (D)
6. Treatment of alkaline soils with charcoal (in Kothur, Mahabubnagar district, AP) (A+C);
7. Treatment of hillside lands for soil and water conservation (in Amda, Udaipur district, Raj; see case
study 1) (A+C)
8. Renovation and upgrading of small water harvesting structures for enhancing water storage
capacity and groundwater recharge (Amda and Kundai, Udaipur district, Rajasthan; see case study
1) (A+B)
9. Upgrading of traditional harren system (open diversion channels) for improved water distribution
efficiency and formation of water management committees for management and maintenance of
the harren (Amda, Udaipur district, Rajasthan; see case study 1) (A+C)
10. Introduction of efficient irrigation technology, i.e. sprinklers and drip-irrigation (Kothur,
Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh; see case study 1) (A);
11. Installation of a water bank for enhanced water distribution efficiency and formation of a water
management committee (Kundai, Udaipur district, Raj; see case study 1) (A+B);
12. Promotion of the System of Rice Intensification (in Kothur and Srirangapur, Mahabubnagar district,
AP; see case study 3) (D);
13. Promotion of improved chullahs (A);
14. Improvement of goat breeds and training of community members as buck managers / goat
breeders (Amda and Kundai, Udaipur district, Raj) (C);
15. Development of common and joint private pastures and formation of pasture management
committee (Amda and Kundai, Udaipur district, Raj; see case study 2) (A+B).
Monitoring and Evaluation
Towards developing conceptual clarity around the various field level interventions, a set of site specific
hypotheses for different sectors were developed in June 2007 which facilitated the development of a
monitoring and evaluation framework:
 Hypothesis Energy: Biomass based energy production offers an alternative coping strategy for
households vulnerable to climate change impacts in semi arid areas.
 Hypothesis Water: Community's access to weather monitoring and prediction data combined with

community managed water resource systems can lead to greater water use efficiencies and
improved adaptive capacities.
 Hypothesis on Land Use: Village level land use maps can provide a basket of options for different
rainfall scenarios (drought, normal, excess). They can lead to stabilisation of yields from rain-fed
farming, greater food and economic security.
 Hypothesis Livestock: Livestock rearing is an important coping strategy in the face of enhanced
climate variability. Buffer stocks of fodder (including tree fodder) and good breeds of livestock can
be important risk reduction strategies and can enhance adaptive capacities.
The experiences and outcomes of some of the interventions in this pilot programme are reflected in the
set of five case studies in this compilation. While each experience is presented in short individual
booklets, the interventions are closely interlinked and build upon each other, working through the same
set of community institutions.
The titles of case studies are:
1. Vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate change in semi-arid India - Water Resource
2. Vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate change in semi-arid India - Pasture Land
3. Vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate change in semi-arid India - The System of Rice
4. Vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate change in semi-arid India - Community-based
5. Vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate change in semi-arid India - A Weather-based
Farming Model for Communities

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (2004): India's Initial National
Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
McGray, H., A. Hamill and R. Bradley (2007), Weathering the Storm. Options for Framing Adaptation
and Development. World Resources Institute, Washington.
Velayutham M, D K Mandal, C Mandal, and J Sehgal. 1999. Agro-ecological Subregions of India for
Planning and Development. NBSS Publication 35. Nagpur: National Bureau of Soil Survey and
Land Use Planning. 372 pp.
Chitale M A 1992. Population and water resources of India, In Gowarikar V ed. The Inevitable Billion
Plus: Science, Population and Development. Pune: Unmesh Communications. 452 pp.
IPCC (2001), -Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability-, Working Group II
Contribution to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, -
Chapter 18: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development and Equity-,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 877-912.
Lal, M. and S.K. Singh (2001), Global warming and monsoon climate, Mausam, Vol. 52, No.1, pp. 245-262.


Case Studies:
Vulnerability Assessment and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to
Climate Change in Semi Arid Regions of India (V&A) Programme

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