Semiconductor Physics
Semiconductor Physics
Semiconductor Physics
Unit IV
7 Not an example for intrinsic semiconductor 14 ………… band contains valence electrons.
a) Si b) Al a) Valence
c) Ge d) Sn b) Conduction
c) Forbidden
8 Which is the correct ordering of the band gaps d) Both valence and conduction
within the group 14 elements? e)
a) Diamond > silicon < germanium 15 ………… band does not contain electrons.
b) Diamond > silicon > germanium a) Valence
c) Diamond < silicon > germanium b) Conduction
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
34 Which of the following has minimum band gap 42 Which of the following is not a semiconductor?
energy ? a) Silicon
a) Tin b) Silicon c) Germanium b) Germanium
b) Carbon in diamond form c) GaAs
c) d) Carbon
35 Pure semiconductors are known as …………..
a) intrinsic 43 Valence band of a semiconductor at 0 K will be
b) doped ………………
c) extrinsic a) completely filled
d) compound b) partially filled
c) completely empty
36 Impure semiconductors are known as ………….. d) either completely filled or completely empty
a) intrinsic
b) doped 44 Valence band of a semiconductor at
c) extrinsic temperatures above 0 K will be ………
d) compound a) completely filled
b) partially filled
37 The donor impurity levels lie ………. c) completely empty
a) just above the valence band d) either completely filled or completely empty
b) just below the conduction band
c) at the centre of forbidden band 45 Conduction band of a semiconductor at 0 K will
d) just above the conduction band be ………………
a) completely filled
38 The acceptor impurity levels lie ………. b) partially filled
a) just above the valence band c) completely empty
b) just below the conduction band d) either completely filled or completely empty
c) at the centre of forbidden band
d) just above the conduction band 46 Conduction band of a semiconductor at
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
d) Bose-Einstein gas at 0 K is
2 5 3
a) EF b) EF c) EF
50 According to classical free electron theory the 5 3 5
electrons …………… in absence of external electric d) EF
a) remain at rest 56 Which of the following, when added as an
b) move randomly impurity, into the Silicon, produces n-type semi
c) have drift velocity conductor
d) none of the above a) Phosphorous b) Aluminum
c) Magnesium d) both ‘b’ and ‘c’
51 Identical particles which are so far apart that
they can be distinguished and their wave 57 When arsenic is added as an impurity to Silicon,
functions do not overlap obey …………….. the resulting material is
distribution for energy. a) n-type semiconductor
a) Binomial b) p-type semiconductor
b) Maxwell-Boltzmann
c) n-type conductor
c) Fermi-Dirac
e) Insulator
d) Bose-Einstein
58 To obtain a p-type germanium semiconductor, it
52 Identical particles with zero or integer spins with
must be doped with?
overlapping wavefunctions which can not be
a) Arsenic b) Antimony
distinguished obey …………….. distribution for
energy. c) Indium d) Phosphorus
a) Binomial
59 Which of the following when added acts as an
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
63 In intrinsic semiconductors, number of free 70 A piece of copper and other of germanium are
electrons is __________ number of holes. cooled from the room temperature to 80K, then
a) Equal to b) Greater than c) Less than a) resistance of each will increase
d) Can not define b) resistance of copper will decrease
c) the resistance of copper will increase while
64 In n-type semiconductors, number of holes is that of germanium will decrease
__________ number of free electrons. d) the resistance of copper will decrease while
a) Equal to b) Greater than c) Less than that of germanium will increase
d) Can not define
71 At low temperature, the resistivity of a metal is
65 In p-type semiconductors, number of holes is proportional to ………………
__________ number of free electrons. a) T
b) T c) T
d) T
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following. c) 10-10(Ω-m)-1
a) in conductors the valence and conduction d) 10-8(Ω-m)-1
bands may overlap.
b) Substances with energy gap of the order of 5 81 Unit for electric field strength is
eV are insulators. a) A/cm2 b) mho/meter
c) The resistivity of a semiconductor increases c) cm2/V.s d) V/cm
with increase in temperature.
d) The conductivity of a semiconductor increases 82 Flow of electrons is affected by the following
with increase in temperature. a) Thermal vibrations b) Impurity atoms
c) Crystal defects d) all
75 What is the conductivity of semiconductor if free
electron density = 5x1012/cm3 and hole density = 83 Mobility of holes is ___________ mobility of
8x1013/cm3? [μe = 2.3 and μh = 0.01 in SI units] electrons in intrinsic semiconductors.
a) 5.634 b) 1.968 c) 3.421 d) 8.964 a) Equal to b) Greater than c) Less
than d) Can not define
The76 Difference in the variation of resistance with 84 The conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor is
temperature in a metal arises essentially due to given by (symbols have the usual meanings):
the difference in a) σi = eni2 (µn – µp)
a. type of bonding b) σi = eni (µn – µp)
b. crystal structure c) σi = eni (µn + µp)
c. scattering mechanism with temperature d) None of the above
d. number of charge carriers with temperature
85 In an intrinsic semiconductor, the mobility of
77 The difference in the variation of resistance with electrons in the conduction band is:
temperature in semiconductor arises essentially a) Less than the mobility of holes in the valence
due to the difference in band
a) type of bonding b) Zero
b) crystal structure c) Greater than the mobility of holes in the
c) scattering mechanism with temperature valence band
d)number of charge carriers with temperature d) None of the above
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
a) E > EF b) E < EF c) E = E F
128 The effective mass is same as its mass for d) E >> EF
a) near the bottom of conduction band
b) near the top of valence band 136 Fermi energy level for intrinsic semiconductors
c) in the valence band lies
d) in the forbidden band a) At middle of the band gap
b) Close to conduction band
129 The effective mass of an electron is positive c) Close to valence band
……………. d) None
a) near the bottom of conduction band
b) near the top of valence band 137 Fermi energy level for p-type extrinsic
c) in the valence band semiconductors lies
d) in the forbidden band a) At middle of the band gap
b) Close to conduction band
130 The Fermi-Dirac probability distribution function c) Close to valence band
is ……………… d) None
P (E) = ( E- E F ) /kT
1+ e 138 Fermi energy level for n-type extrinsic
1 semiconductors lies
P (E) = ( EF - E ) /kT a) At middle of the band gap
1+ e b) Close to conduction band
P ( E ) = ( E- EF ) /kT c) Close to valence band
e d) None
d) P ( E ) =
1- e ( E- EF ) /kT 139 Fermi level for extrinsic semiconductor depends
131 The value of Fermi Function at 0K for E < EF is a) Donor element
…………. b) Impurity concentration
a) 0 b) 1 c) 0.5 d) 0.75 c) Temperature
d) All
132 The value of Fermi Function at 0K for E > EF is
…………. 140 The density states of electrons between the
a) 0 b) 1 c) 0.5 d) 0.75 energy range E and E + dE is proportional to
a) E b) E c) E d) E
12 2 32
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
154 The cause of the potential barrier in a p-n diode b) lowers the potential barrier
is ? c) raises the potential barrier
a) Depletion of positive charges near the d) increases the majority carrier current
b) Concentration of positive charges near the 162 Application of a forward bias to a p—n junction
junction a) widens the depletion zone.
c) Depletion of negative charges near the b) increases the potential difference across the
junction depletion zone.
d) Concentration of positive and negative c) increases the number of donors on the n
charges near the junction side.
d) increases the electric field in the depletion
155 In forward bias, the width of potential barrier in zone.
a p-n junction diode?
a) increases b) decreases 163 On increasing the reverse bias to a large value in
c) remains constant pn junction diode the current:
d) first increases then decreases a) Increases slowly
b) remains fixed
156 A depletion layer consists of? c) Suddenly increases
a)electrons b) protons d) decreases slowly
c)mobile ions d) immobile ions
164 The number of …………….. charge carriers
157 The part of depletion layer in the p-type contains increases with increase in temperature in n-type
……….. semiconductor.
a) holes b) positive ions a) minority
c) free electrons d) negative ions b) majority
c) both minority and majority
158 The part of depletion layer in the n-type contains d) neither minority nor majority
a) holes b) positive ions 165 The number of …………….. charge carriers
c) free electrons d) negative ions increases with increase in temperature in p-type
159 In a junction diode, the holes are due to a) minority
a) protons b) extra electrons b) majority
c) neutrons d) missing electrons c) both minority and majority
d) neither minority nor majority
160 In an unbiased p-n junction
a) The potential of the p and n sides becomes 166 The electrical resistance of depletion layer is
higher alternately large because:
b) The p side is at higher electrical potential a) it has no charge carriers
than the n side b) it has large number of charge carriers
c) The n side is at higher electrical potential c) it contains electrons as charge carriers
than the p side d) it has holes as charge carriers
d) Both the p and n sides are at the same
potential 167 In forward biased p-n junction the current is of
the order of
161 Reverse bias applied to a junction diode a) ampere b)milliampere
a) increases the minority carrier current c) microampere d)nanoampere
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a) more in n-type
168 When p-n junction diode is reverse biased the b) more in p-type
flow of current across the junction is mainly due c) same in both
to d) none of the above
a) diffusion of charges
b) depends on nature of material 175 The potential difference across an open circuited
c) drift of charges p-n junction is known as ……………..
d) both drift and diffusion of charges a) knee voltage
b) cut-in-voltage
169 The number of …………….. charge carriers c) potential barrier
increases with increase in light incident on n- d) none of the above
type semiconductor.
a) minority 176 The dominant mechanism for motion of charge
b) majority carriers in forward and reverse biased silicon p-n
c) both minority and majority junction are
d) neither minority nor majority a) drift in both forward and reverse bias
b) diffusion in both forward and reverse
170 The number of …………….. charge carriers c) diffusion in forward and drift in reverse
increases with increase in in light incident on p- d) drift in forward and diffusion in reverse
type semiconductor.
a) minority 177 If VB is the barrier potential, the energy
b) majority difference between the conduction bands of n-
c) both minority and majority type and p-type in open circuited p-n junction
d) neither minority nor majority diode is ………………
171 Application of forward bias to the p-n junction a) eVB b) B c) e + VB
a) increases the number of donors on n side
d) e - VB
b) increases electric field in depletion region
c) increases potential difference across the
depletion region 178 If VB is the barrier potential and V is the
d) widens the depletion zone applied voltage, the energy difference between
e) the conduction bands of n-type and p-type in
172 Within depletion region of the p-n junction forward biased p-n junction diode is ………………
diode a) eVB b) eVB + eV
a) p side is positive and n side is negative c) eVB - eV d) V - VB
b) p side is negative and n side is positive
c) both sides are either positive or negative 179 If VB is the barrier potential and V is the
d) both sides are neutral applied voltage, the energy difference between
the conduction bands of n-type and p-type in
173 Barrier potential of p-n junction does not reverse biased p-n junction diode is ………………
depend on a) eVB b) eVB + eV
a) temperature b) forward bias
c) eVB - eV d) V - VB
c) reverse bias d) diode design
174 For the same electric field and density of doping 180 Under equilibrium conditions in a p-n junction,
in two identical semiconductors, one p-type and the Fermi level in n-type is at ………… level
the other n-type, the current will be …………….. than/as that in p-type.
a) higher
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Engineering Physics UNIT 4: Semiconductor Physics Multiple Choice Questions
207 The Hall coefficient of an intrinsic semiconductor 213 The Hall coefficient of (A) at room temperature
is: is 4×10–4 m3 coulomb–1. The carrier concentration
a) Positive under all conditions in sample A at room temperature is:
b) Negative under all conditions a) ~ 1021 m–3
c) Zero under all conditions b) ~ 1020 m–3
d) None of the above c) ~ 1022 m–3
d) None of the above
208 If the Hall coefficient of a material is 1.25 × 10
m3 / C and charge of an electron is 1.6× 10-19 C, 214 The generation of an e.m.f. across an open
the density of electron is …………… per m3. circuited p-n junction when light is made
a) 2×1029 b) 4×1029 c) 5×1029 incident on it is known as ………………effect.
d) 2×1024 a) photoemissive
b) photoconductive
209 Hall effect is observed in a specimen when it c) photovoltaic
(metal or a semiconductor) is carrying current d) none of the above
and is placed in a magnetic field. The resultant
electric field inside the specimen will be in: 215 The output from a solar cell is ……………
a) A direction normal to both current and a) a.c.
magnetic field b) d.c.
b) The direction of current c) can be either a.c. or d.c.
c) A direction anti parallel to magnetic field d) none of the above
d) None of the above
216 A solar cell consists of …………….
210 When ne and nh are electron and hole densities, a) alkali metal
and µe and µn are the carrier mobilities, the Hall b) pure semiconductor
coefficient is positive when c) an extrinsic semiconductor
a) nh µh >neµe d) p-n junction
b) nh µh2> neµe2
c) nhµh<neµh 217 When the load resistance connected across the
d) None of the above solar cell is infinite, we get …………….
a) open circuit current
211 Measurement of Hall coefficient in a b) open circuit voltage
semiconductor provides information on the: c) short circuit current
a) Sign and mass of charge carriers d) short circuit voltage
b) Mass and concentration of charge carriers
c) Sign of charge carriers alone 218 When the load resistance connected across the
d) Sign and concentration of charge carriers solar cell is zero, we get …………….
a) open circuit current
212 Hall coefficient is given by the relation . b) open circuit voltage
1 c) short circuit current
a) RH = - neJ b) RH = d) short circuit voltage
1 - 1 219 Ideal diode equation is,
c) RH = - d) RH = F
a) I0 = I (e -1)
Jne ne F
b) I = I0 (e +1)
c) I = I0 (e -1)
d) 1 = I0 (e -1
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Unit IV
Answer Key
Q. No ANS Q. No. ANS Q.No. ANS Q.No. ANS Q.No. Ans Q.No. ANS
1. c 41. b 81. d 121. a 161. c 201. d
2. a 42. d 82. d 122. b 162. c 202. b
3. b 43. a 83. c 123. c 163. c 203. a
4. c 44. b 84. c 124. d 164. c 204. a
5. a 45. c 85. c 125. b 165. c 205. b
6. d 46. b 86. a 126. a 166. a 206. d
7. b 47. c 87. d 127. b 167. b 207. d
8. b 48. b 88. a 128. a 168. c 208. c
9. a 49. c 89. c 129. a 169. c 209. a
10. b 50. b 90. a 130. a 170. c 210. a
11. a 51. b 91. c 131. b 171. b 211. d
12. c 52. d 92. c 132. a 172. b 212. d
13. b 53. c 93. a 133. c 173. d 213. c
14. a 54. b 94. a 134. c 174. b 214. c
15. c 55. c 95. d 135. b 175. c 215. b
16. d 56. a 96. b 136. a 176. a 216. d
17. b 57. a 97. a 137. c 177. a 217. b
18. c 58. c 98. a 138. b 178. c 218. c
19. c 59. a 99. d 139. d 179. b 219. c
20. d 60. b 100. b 140. a 180. c
21. b 61. d 101. d 141. b 181. a
22. a 62. c 102. b 142. d 182. b
23. b 63. a 103. b 143. a 183. b
24. c 64. c 104. a 144. c 184. a
25. c 65. b 105. b 145. b 185. d
26. a 66. c 106. c 146. a 186. c
27. d 67. b 107. c 147. b 187. a
28. a 68. b 108. c 148. c 188. a
29. a 69. d 109. b 149. a 189. a
30. a 70. d 110. a 150. b 190. a
31. c 71. c 111. a 151. a 191. a
32. b 72. b 112. b 152. b 192. b
33. d 73. b 113. d 153. a 193. b
34. a 74. c 114. b 154. d 194. c
35. a 75. b 115. a 155. b 195. a
36. c 76. c 116. c 156. d 196. b
37. b 77. d 117. c 157. d 197. c
38. a 78. b 118. d 158. b 198. a
39. a 79. b 119. d 159. d 199. b
40. c 80. a 120. a 160. c 200. d
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