Chemical Bonding (Class Ix Icse) Telco
Chemical Bonding (Class Ix Icse) Telco
Chemical Bonding (Class Ix Icse) Telco
1. Regular arrangement in which atoms are (d) malleability
closely packed together is called a..... 9. On which factor, conductance of metals is
(a) Tetrahedral structure responsible?
(b) lattice (a) ions (b) delocalized electrons
(c) atomic structure (c) atomic kernel (d) number of atoms
(d) none of the above 10. The difference between the number of
2. Representation of bond by a single, atoms in a unit cell of a BCC crystal and an
double or triple line is done in ........ FCC crystal is.
(a) metallic bond (b) co-ordinate bond (a)1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6
(c) covalent bond (d) ionic bond 11. When partial positive end of one
3. Covalent compounds are ....... molecule is attracted weakly to partial
(a) good conductors of electricity negative end, then the force between them
(b) non-conductors of electricity is ......
(c) poor conductors of electricity (a) electrostatic force
(d) none of the above (b) dipole-dipole interaction
3. Resulting a loss of electrons (e) forms ....... (c) ionic bond
(a) Anodes (b) cathodes (d) none of the above
(c) negative ions (d) positive ions 12. Tendency of atoms to acquire eight
4. Molecules which have permanent dipole electrons in their valence shell is ………
are known as ....... (a) octet rule (b) duplet rule
(a) Polar (b) dipolar (c) triplet rule (d) all of the above
(c) non-polar (d) tripolar 13. To form anion, non-metal atom
5. Electrovalent bond is another name of ...... (a) looses electrons (b) gain electrons
(a) metallic bond (b) covalent bond (c) looses protons (d)gains protons
(c) ionic bond (d) co-ordinate bond 14. When two identical atoms share
6. When molecule is formed by chemical electron pairs and exert force on each other
bonding then ...... then the band formed is
(a) nucleus of combining atoms participate (a) non-polar covalent bond
(b) Valence electrons of combining atoms (b) polar covalent bond
participate (c) double covalent bond
(c) Valence electrons and inner cell electrons (d) ionic bond
participate 15. Crystal lattice is actually.......
(d) None of the above (a) sum of points (b) array of points
7. Which statement is incorrect for metallic (c) lines of points (d) triangles of points
bond ? 16. In crystal lattice, particles are arranged
(a) there is attraction between delocalized in
electrons and atomic kernel (a) two dimensions (b) four dimensions
(b) directional property is shown by metal (c)three dimensions (d) single dimension
(c) delocalized electron can change their 17. Unit cell is the smallest building unit of
position easily in crystal (a) crystal lattice (b) liquids
(d) explanation of metallic bond can be given (c) gases (d) none of the above
by 'electron sea model 18. Which of the following is an amorphous
8. Which of the following characteristic does solid?
not possess by the metal ? (a) diamond (b) glass
(a) luster (c) sodium chloride (d) none of the above
(b) ductility 19. The co-ordination number of BCC
(c) increase in conductance by increase in structure is ......
temperature (a) 4 (b)8 (c) 2 (d) 12
20. The sharp melting point of crystalline 29. Atoms of the elements with eight
solids is due to ....... electrons in their valence shell are
(a) A regular arrangement of constituent (a) chemically stable
particles observed over a short distance in the (b) chemically unstable
crystal lattice (c) chemically reactive
(b) A regular arrangement of constituent (d) chemically stable and chemically unstable
particles observed over a long distance in the 30. Atoms of the elements has less than
crystal Lattice eight electrons in their valence shell are −
(c) Same arrangement of constituent particles (a) chemically stable
in different directions (b) chemically unstable
(d) Different arrangement of constituent (c) chemically reactive
particles in different directions (d) both (b) and (c)
21. Solids which have array of positive and 31. The tendency of an element to pull the
negative ions arranged in a characteristic electron towards itself is known as −
pattern throughout the crystal lattice are (a) electropositivity
known as (b) ionization potential
(a) ionic solids (b) covalent solids (c) electron affinity
(c) molecular solids (d) metallic solids (d) electronegativity
22. The lattice site in a pure crystal cannot 32. The tendency of an element to donate
be occupied by ....... the electrons easily is known as -
(a) molecule (b) ion (a) electropositivity (b) ionization potential
(c) electron (d) atom (c) electron affinity (d) electronegativity
23. A force that acts between two or more 33. Correct electronic distribution in Mg
atoms to hold them together as a stable atom is −
molecule is known as − (a) 3, 8, 1 (b) 2, 8, 2
(a) Atom (b) molecule (c) 1,8,3 (d) 8, 2, 2
(d) valence electron (d) chemical bonding 34. Correct electronic configuration of Na
24. Total number of electrons present in atom is
valence shell is known as (a) 3, 8, 1 (b) 2, 8, 2
(a) valency (b) valence electron (c) 1, 8, 3 d) 8, 2, 2
(c) octet (d) all of these 35. An element has
25. The tendency of atoms to acquire eight (1) Atomic number = number of protons +
electrons in their valence shell is ……….. number of electrons
(a) Octet rule (b) Duplet rule (2) Mass number = number of protons +
(c) Triplet rule (d) all of these number of neutrons
26. The following statement is always (3) Atomic mass = number of protons =
correct for an atom − number of neutrons
(a) an atom has equal number of electrons and (4) Atomic number = number of protons =
protons number of electrons
(b) an atom has equal number of electrons and (a) (1) and (2) (b) (1) and (3)
neutrons (c) (2) and (3) (d) (2) and(4)
(c) an atom has equal number of protons and 36. The bond between two different H-F
neutrons molecules due to electronegativity
(d) an atom has equal number of electrons, difference is
protons and neutrons (a) Covalent bond (b) ionic bond
27. The tendency of atoms to acquire two (c) hydrogen bond (d) vander waals bond
electrons in their valence shell is 37. The bond between two different HCl
(a) Octet rule (b) Duplet rule molecules due to electronegativity
(c) Triplet rule (d) all of these difference is
28. The atom excluding the valence electron (a) Covalent bond (b) ionic bond
is called- of the atom. (c) hydrogen bond (d) dipole-dipole bond
(a) anion (b) kernel
(c) delocalized electron
(d) kernel and delocalized electron