LT-4208 Brochure For Caravan Lumatech
LT-4208 Brochure For Caravan Lumatech
LT-4208 Brochure For Caravan Lumatech
208B Caravan
How the LumatechTM 4208 LED Caution Warning panel saves money and Improves Safety
LEDs – Lifetime Reliability Zero Maintenance Cost
All Lumatech systems incorporate solid-state LEDs while your You will never replace another lamp or cap assembly again. Except
existing incandescent panel wastes 80% of its power generating for some unforeseen accidental damage, your only maintenance
destructive heat, instead of light. LEDs generate almost no heat, so going forward will be with a dust rag. Imagine the money to be saved
they can last up to 60,000 hours – virtually the life of the aircraft. with a LumatechTM display that will never cause an annunciator or
lamp related flight delay again. And we back this up with our
Bright Sunlight Readable Legends
bumper-to-bumper Five Year Warranty.
Luma's proprietary single piece cast legend plates provide high
contrast crisp and even lighting which is truly sunlight readable. The Plug and Play Installation
panel's legend has a modern anti-reflective coating for sharper Luma's LED Caution Warning panel is installed via STC as a one for
contrast when illuminated and totally dead-front when not. The one replacement on all Cessna 208 and 208B models. Installation is
lettering is laser crisp and will never get fuzzy or change color from plug-and-play and easily done in less than a day and can be
heat or age. Each panel is certified to meet FAA requirements for combined with other routine scheduled maintenance.
legibility, aviation color differentiation, and most importantly that
An Investment that Pays for Itself
they be clearly visible in direct, full-sun conditions.
Luma's Goggle Ready LED Caution Warning system will quickly pay
Goggle Ready for NVIS Operations for itself with direct savings in maintenance costs, fewer dispatch
Each panel also includes proprietary filtration that assures NVG delays, and improved safety. And the initial cost is at least half that
compatibility for current or future NVIS installations. Every cell of cost of your existing unit (now fully amortized and off warranty).
delivers unmistakable Aviation Colors while having no significant Also, LED panels from Luma are proven to increase the value and
impact to goggle sensitivity during NVIS operations (still requires appearance of your aircraft. So why go on wasting money on your
third-party NVIS certification). obsolete Caution-Warning system? Start saving money right now by
installing a LumatechTM LED system
Fail-safe Circuits
Each LumatechTM Caution Warning system utilizes a proven "series- Give us a call today: 425-643-4000, x305
parallel" redundant fail-safe circuitry with an added proprietary
feature so that even with multiple single point failures, all legends
remain brightly lit.
Warranty & STC Data
Every panel ships complete with all necessary installation data and a
full Five Year Warranty from the date of installation, including LEDs.