Criminology Notes II
Criminology Notes II
Criminology Notes II
What is Crime:
An act or omission declared (codified) as “Crime” under the Law.
A human conduct which violates the Criminal Law of the state.
“An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law”.
(Oxford Dictionary)
The Oxford Dictionary of Sociology defines the Crime in following manner:
“Crime is an offence which goes beyond the personal and into the public sphere, breaking
prohibitory rules or laws, to which legitimate punishments or sanctions are attached, and
which requires the intervention of a public authority.”’
The definition by Sir William Blackstone emphases upon the same point as given
in the preceding definitions i.e violation of Law. The Term public rights and duties
are the ones as codified in the Law and violation whereof constitutes an Offence.
For Instance Kite Flying is an offence for the same has been declared so in
“Prohibition of Kite Flying Ordinance 2001”. However according to William
Blackstone, one who flies kites actually violates the public rights and duty
enshrined in this Law. This makes us to conclude that the definition given by Sir
William has the same meanings as given in other definitions.
Elements of “Crime”
Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on The Laws of England
Actus Reus means Criminal Action. The concept of Crime has evolved over the time. In
Ancient and Medieval ages, normally this was the sole criterion to establish Criminal
Liability with little regard to the facts and circumstances leading to such cases.
Criminal Intent (Mens Rea)(R Vs Faulkner 1877).
In modern Criminal Jurisprudence, The first case where concept of Mens Rea was applied
in the case reported as R Vs Faulkner 1877. Faulkner was a sailor who one day entered in
to ship to steal the “Rum’ during which he lit the match which caught fire subsequently
burnt the complete ship. He was charged for Arson in addition to theft. However the
court of Appeal quashed the charge of Arson for the accused had never intended at
burning the ship.
Causation (R Vs White 1910)
The outcome should be result of the criminal act in order to fix the criminal Liability. The
principle emerged in the Case reported as R Vs White(1910). White hatched a plan to kill
his mother by poising her milk which she used to take ahead of sleeping. However that day
the mother took only a few sips of milk which were insufficient to cause death. However
her mother died of heart attack. White was charged for attempt to murder instead of Murder
because the death was not caused by his act, although both actus reas and mens rea were
present in the case.
Concurrence (R VS SHERREE )
Sherree decided to kill her husband through a handgun and discussed the plan with her
friends. Few days latter , she was driving her car when her husband suddenly stepped before
and died at the spot. In this case , both actus reus and mens rea present. The causation
was also present because the death was caused by her act. But , it was held, that she not
intended to murder her husband that way at that time meaning thereby the actus reus and
mens rea should happen at the same time, a principle called Concurrence.
a. Mala In se i.e Wrong in itself e.g example Murder
b. Mala Prohibita i.e prohibited by statute. E.g kite flying
Literal Meaning: Study of Crime and Criminals
Definition of Criminology in the views of Different Scholars:
Edwin Sutherland
Criminology is the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social
phenomenon. It includes within its scope the processes of making laws,
breaking laws and reacting towards the breaking of law. (From the above
definition it is apparent that criminology is a combination of how the society
defines and deals with crime within a social and legal context).
Donald Taft
Criminology may be divided into two branches:
Criminology in a general sense is the study of crime and criminals. In a
specific sense it seeks to study criminal behavior its goal being to reform
Professor Dejorde 2
Criminology is an independent science which by making use of the
knowledge and research procedures of other sciences (sociology,
psychology and alike sciences dealing with human behavior and
community) empirically studies the criminal phenomenon, i.e., the crime,
the perpetrator and the victim of the crime, criminality, as well as the way
in which a society reacts to criminal behavior.
Donald Cressey
The term” Criminology was coined by an Italian jurist and criminologist, Raffaele
Garofalo, in 1885 ( “criminologia” in Italian Language).Raffaelae was student of Ceasare
Lombroso, who is considered to be “Founder of Modern Criminology”3. A French
physician Paul Topinard ued similar French term “criminologie”.
However Criminology as a distinct field of study owes its origin to schaolrs of different
disciplines who studied various aspects of Crimes. Todd Clear and Natsaha Frost has
thrown light on evolution of criminology in following words4:
Criminology began as a theoretically oriented field of study. Notably, the early criminologists were
drawn from various disciplines (sociology, psychology, medicine) and would likely not have self-
identified as “criminologists.” Nonetheless, early writers about the social science of crime, such as
Textbook of Criminology, 12th Edition
NATASHA A. FROST Northeastern University
Émile Durkheim (in the field of sociology), sought to explain the existence of crime in society.
Durkheim and others also set out to explain patterns of crime through the examination of crime
across time and place. Shortly afterward, writers sought to explain why some people engaged in
crime when others did not. In the late 1800s, Cesare Lombroso, who is often referred to as the
“founder of modern criminology,” launched the science of criminology through his explorations
into differences between criminal and noncriminal populations
Scope of Criminology
i. Crime, Response, Causes and Prevention
ii. Scientific Study of Criminal Behaviors
iii. Deviance and Socially disapproved behaviour
iv. Child Delinquency
v. Criminal Justice
vi. Bio Criminology
vii. Criminalistics
viii. Penology
ix. Sociology of Law
Importance of Criminology
i. Aids in understanding causes of Crimes
ii. Policy formulation vis control of Crime
iii. Provide theoretical base for enactment of Criminal Law
iv. Rehabilitation and Treatment of Offenders
v. Planning, Operation, Evaluation and Revamping of Criminal Justice System
vi. Reformation of offenders
vii. Study of Social factors instilling criminal behavior
viii. Aids in study of juvenile delinquency and measures to address the same.
Criminology in Pakistan: As Academic Discipline
“It was assumed that a degree in criminology has some charm and adventure having links
with a prestigious organization and forces of the state. But, unfortunately, the government
has no role in it despite its importance round the globe.
The University of Sindh produced anumber of criminologists, but they are still jobless. It
is very surprising that no vacancy is announced by organizations such as the army, the
police and the the Anti-Narcotics Force.”
The criminal justice (police, court, and corrections) must appoint/induct criminologists into
areas like criminal justice coordinator, police psychologist, police trainer, police reformist,
private detective and community police officer.
The prison systems and institutions need services of criminologists in positions like prison
governor, correctional officer, prison reform officer, prison security manager, legal aid
officer and probation/parole officer.
The criminal investigation wing in public and private organisations can engage
postgraduates in criminology as crime scene investigator, chief interrogator, crime pattern
analyst, character verification officer, forensic expert., etc. The policing, investigation and
countering of organised crime, violence and terrorism could be the other relevant fields
where criminal intelligence officer, counter-terrorist personnel, anti-human trafficking
officer, human rights expert, cyber crime specialist, anti-corruption officer and security
consultant could be recruited.
University campuses could be secured through the expertise of qualified campus security
officers. The university, prison institution and human development department require
criminologists as teachers, trainers and counselors. The incidents/events of hostage
situations compel us to apply professional skills of the criminologist as hostage negotiator.
The home department should create the post of child protection officer to safeguard
vulnerable children in our society. Community and institutional setups should
professionally launch offender-victim mediation programmes. Crime reporting is the other
vital domain where knowledge and skills of criminologists could be best capitalised.
e.g Recently Pakistan has decriminalized attempt to suicide . Likewise numbers of acts have been
criminalized such as benami Transactions and Harassment of women.
Socially disapproved behavior i,e violation of social norms. Deviance can be criminal when the e
conduct is violative of criminal law such as murder, robbery or theft. It is non-criminal when it
doesn’t violate the criminal law such as “telling lies” or being extravagant.
Violation of divine law or religious injunctions. A sin may or may not attract criminal liability.
For instance, disrespecting elders may be a sin under religious code but not a crime. On the other
hand murder is a sin as well as a crime.
Anything that is considered harmful to the society and social order. An evil may or may not
symbolize a crime. For instance, extravagance is an evil but not a crime. Contrarily, corruption is
an evil as well as a crime.
Practices which manifest evil or immorality such as drinking and smoking. The former may
attract criminal liability in Pakistan while the latter is not designated as a crime.
When criminals join hand to form a group in order to commit a crime are series of criminal
transactions generally through fraudulent means.
The Nature, Impact and Prosecution of White Collar Crime. Washington: U.S. Gavenunent Prlfitincj
Corporate Crimes:
The Australian criminologist John Braithwaite defined corporate crime as10:
"The conduct of a corporation or employees acting on behalf of a corporation, which is
proscribed and punishable by law.
Crimes by the corporate entities. Such as Money Laundering, Tax Evasion , Violation of Consumer
Regulations, insider trading , related party transactions etc.
John Braithwaite, Regulatory Capitalism: How it Works, Idea For Making It Work Better, Edward Elgar
Publishing (2008).
Biological make defines ones, deviant and criminal behavior. There major theories on biological
explanation are given hereunder.
Cesare Lomrose :
Criminals have a peculiar bodily construction. After having studies the physical features of Prisoners in
Italy, he found following traits.
• Facial asymmetry
• Monkey Like ears
• Large Lips
• Twisted Nose
• Excessive Cheek Bones
• Wrinkles on the Skin
• Large Jaw
• Large Chin
Males with five while female with three of the above characteristics can be held as borne
William Sheldon
According to William Sheldon, there are three body shapes corresponding to the
personality type.
Endomorphic: Fat and Soft
Ectomorph: Thin and Fragile
Mesomorphic: Muscular and Hard
Rose J has described the William Sheldon view on the personality traits of these body
types in following manner11.
Sheldon took his underlying ideas and terminology of types from the fact that a human begins life
as an embryo that is essentially a tube made up of three different tissue layers, namely, an inner
layer (or endoderm), a middle layer (or mesoderm), and an outer layer (or ectoderm). Sheldon then
constructed a corresponding physical and mental typology consistent with the known facts from
embryology and the physiology of development. The endoderm gives rise to the digestive viscera;
the mesoderm, to bone, muscle, and tendons of the motor – organ; the ectoderm to connecting tissue
of the nervous system, skin, and related appendages. Sheldon’s basic type characteristics of
physique and temperament are briefly summarized in the following scheme.
Physique Temperament.
11 ..
Out heavily.
Nervous system; lean, fragile, delicate body; sensitive to noise and distractions; shrinks from
Criminal Behaviors is outcome of individual factors such as inadequate socialization and
negative early child hood experiences.
Social construction or societal factors have a bearing upon criminal behavior of
Social Disorganization theory
Structure of Neighborhood and culture has a role in criminal behavior(Clifford Shaw and
Henry Mckay). Community disorganization and deprivations lead to criminal and deviant
Strain Theory:
When individuals are subjected to pressure to attain socioeconomic goals, it may result in
deviant behavior. Strain may be individual or structural.
Social Control Theory
Social bonding such as relationships and affiliations serve as deterrent for individual to
commit crime. Therefore socially isolated individuals are more prone to crimes.
Learning Theory
Criminal behavior is learnt through individual associations, interactions, observations and
Behavioral Definition
• Frequent disapproved behavior of children and youth
• Conduct by a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is
beyond parental control
➢ Elopement
➢ absenteeism
➢ Lethargy
➢ ill-mannered
➢ Sexual Activities
➢ Theft and Stealing
Legal Definition
• Behavior that violates the criminal code and is committed by a youth who
has not reached the specified adult age.
Sexual Activities
Theft and Stealing
Individualistic Reasons
One who has done some thing which is ordinarily not considered a crime - except
when done by a minor.
Age of Criminal Liability in Pakistan
Section 82 PPC: Nothing is an offence, which is done by a child under seven years of
Section 83 : nothing is an offence done by a child between seven and twelve years
old“ who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge of the nature and
consequences of his conduct on that occasion.”
Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan
Functions of Police
• Law Enforcement
Problems of Policing
PILDAT Police Budget in Punjab 2016
Transparency Int p.9
Judiciary :
Procedure of Trial
i. Submission of Police Report
ii. Commencement of Proceedings
iii. Framing of Charge
iv. Examination of Witnesses
v. An opportunity to accused to tender statement
vi. Argument
vii. Order/Judgement/Verdict
• Huge Back log of Cases (3 Million Cases Pending15)
• Acute Shortage of Judges
• Corruption mostly in lower ranks(6th most corrupt department16)
• Adjournments
• Non Professional Conduct of Bar
• Lack of effective Accountability
• Outdated Legal Framework
Literal Meaning:
The Act of testing
Release of an offender by the judge instead of sending him to the jail in anticipation that
the offender will mend his way and become healthy individual of the society.
Origin and History:
Started in England in middle ages when offenders were conditionally set free in
anticipation of good behavior.
John Augustus is said to be the father of Probation. He offered voluntary probation
service to rehabilitate and reform the offenders. In 1841 he rescued an offender who was
convicted on the charge of drinking. The offender was given three weeks to mend his
ways. When he appeared in the court after three weeks , his look was completely
Law and Justice Commission Report 2016
Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960
i. First time offender(Not given in the law but evolved traditionally)
ii. Not applicable for the offences punishable with death and life imprisonment
for male offenders.
iii. Not applicable for the offences punishable with death for female offenders
iv. Submission of Bond to the effect of not repeating the offence
v. Fixed Place of residence or occupation in local jurisdiction
vi. Placement under the supervision of a probation officer
vii. Revocation of the Order on repetition of offence
viii. The Court can alter terms and conditions of Bond
ix. The offender is not discharged from conviction
Release of a prisoners before completion of sentence in order to place him under an
Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act 1926
i. Good Conduct
ii. The offender is not discharged from conviction
iii. The period of parole should be equal to the remaining part of sentence
iv. Awarded by the Government
v. Consultation with Jail Superintendent
vi. Placed under an employer and the supervised by a “Parole Officer”
vii. Undertaking to meet condition of license
Probation Parole
Governed under “Probation of Offenders Governed under “Good Conduct Prisoners
Ordinance 1960” Probational Release Act 1926”
Not applicable for male offender Applicable in all case except death
sentenced to life imprisonment penalty
Awarded by a Judge Awarded by the Government
Awarded through a “Probation Order” Awarded through a” License “
The Offender is not sent to jail. A specific portion of sentence must be
No employment is involved The offender is placed under employment
No restriction on free movement The offender cannot move freely
Charge is quashed as if the accused was Charge is not quashed, and the offender
never sentenced remains guilty
The probation can run for any period of The period of sentence has to be
time at sole discretion of Judge completed
irrespective of the quantum of punishment
A lawyer who conducts criminal proceedings on behalf of the state.(Oxford)
A lawyer who acts for the government against someone accused of a crime in
Duties of Prosecutor
i. Institution of Criminal Proceedings on behalf of the state in the court(Police
Report/Challan is submitted through prosecutor)
ii. Represent the state in criminal appeals at higher courts
iii. Scrutiny of Police Report
iv. May call a report in connection with investigation
v. To receive copy of every FIR
vi. Assist the court
vii. Guide the police in completing legal formalities
Problems of Prosecution
i. Lowest Conviction rate in the World(8.6%, India 37, US:85%)17
ii. Shortage of Manpower
iii. Low Budget
iv. Lack of Training
A place in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have
committed or while awaiting trial.
Functions of Jails
i. Execution of Sentence
ii. Maintenance and Care
iii. Discipline
iv. Rehabilitation
v. Reformation of prisoners
vi. Welfare of prisoners
vii. Enforcement of Jail Laws
6 C Model of Prison Management18
• Custody: Safe placement
• Care: Proper lodging and sanitary
• Control: Discipline
• Correction: Rehabilitation
• Cure: Medical and psychological Treatment
• Community : Socialization
Problems of Jails
i. Overcrowding (102114 against capacity of 50709 across the Pakistan19)
ii. Corruption
iii. Shortage of Jail Staff20
iv. Lack of sanitation and health facilities,
v. Violence against prisoners particularly women and children,
vi. Lack of proper food, external oversight mechanism,
vii. lack of educational and skill training facilities etc.
South Asian Studies
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
It is process of collection and analysis of information and evidence to identify and prove
the guilt of an offender.
I. "A lawful search for people and things to reconstruct the circumstances of an
illegal act, apprehend or determine the guilty party, and aid in the states
prosecution of the offender"21
II. “The collection of information and evidence for identifying, apprehending, and
convicting suspected offenders22”.
Objectives of Criminal Investigation
The criminal investigation is aimed at achieving the following purposes.
• To identify the offender: The principle purpose of the investigator is to
identify the person who committed the crime.
• Collection of Facts incidental to the Case: The investigation is required
to collect all relevant facts incidental to the case.
• To sift the wheat from the chaff: This is sort the valuable things and
discard the irrelevant ones.
• To Preserve the Evidence: Evidence is preserved in order to prove the case
• To Draw Conclusions: Investigators draw conclusions from available facs.
• To establish the Guilt in Court of Law: The entire exercise is rendered
useless if the offender’s guilt is not proved before the court of LAW.
Bruce L. Berg and John J. Horgan: Criminal Investigation, 3rd ed.(Westerville:
Glencoe/Mc GrawHill) 1998.
Elinor Ostrum, Roger B. Park and Gordon P.WhitaKer: Patterns of Metropolitan Policing (Cambridge:
MA: Ballinger, 1978) p.131.12
Nazir Ahmed Razvi: Our Police Heritage, (Lahore: WAPDA ,Printing Press 1961) p.113.
Ibid, p114
Ibid , p115
However the fact remains that the legal provisions to the contrary notwithstanding, the
polie excessively employs torture in certain cases in very inhumane and disgracing
According to an Article titled “The Investigation in Pakistan: Reality and Trends”,
Pakistan Vision , Volume 10 No 2 p. 175-17928, the author observed that:
“There are various physical tortures used by police during criminal investigation
including slapping on the face, beating by stick on any place of body, torture by fan belt
on the ground by laying upside down or hanged by ropes in the tree or roof of the building,
The Investigation in Pakistan: Reality and Trends”, Pakistan Vision , Volume 10 No
2 p. 175-17928
keeping person long time to wake up by using various tactics, pulling out the nails or
crossing/pricking of needle below nails, apply of electric current on the genitals, pushing
of the legs in opposite directions by force that joint between two legs is cracked, passing
the iron ring through the nose to rope with roof or tree for long time, use of chilly and
petrol in anus, pour of lime stone and tobacco water mixed in the nose, compel to take
human urine and stool by mouth etc”.
Preliminary investigation implies initial scrutiny of the allegation ahead of registration of
case. In order to ascertain availability of sufficient grounds indicating commission of an
Legal Position as to Preliminary Investigation in Pakistan
Our Laws doesn’t provide for conducting preliminary investigation and the process of
investigation starts after Registration of Cases
However there are certain exceptions to the general rules
• Rulings of Courts 2006 P Cr. L J 1191, 1991 P Cr. L J 2167, 1977 P Cr. L J 2)
• Non- Cognizable Offence
• Special Laws(Anti-Corruption, FIA, NAB)
• To prevent false and fallacious complaints
• To prevent the accused from agony
• To substantiate the allegation
• To confirm occurrence of an offence
• To avoid unnecessary litigation
i. Trail
ii. Preservation
iii. Technical
iv. Evidentiary Value
Evidentiary Value of Digital Evidence
Article 164 Qanoon e Shahdat Order(QSO) 1984 extend legal cover to Evidence collected
through Modern Devices. Electronic Transactions Ordinance(ETO) 2002 further
strengthened the digital evidence. Certain amendments were introduced in QSO 1984
through ETO(2002).
Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016 has further provided methods and technics of
forensic investigation.
Forensic Investigation Techniques
1. Audio Visual Analysis
2. Digital Forensic
3. Crime Scene & Death Scene Investigation
4. DNA Testing
5. Forensic Photography
6. Toxicology
7. Trace Chemistry/Evidence
8. Polygraph/Narco Test
9. Fire Arms & Tool Marks
10. Latent Fingerprints
11. Questioned Documents
Interrogation: Interrogation on the other hand is directed at the Suspect with the
objective of establishing his guilt.
Interview Interrogation
Non Accusatory: The person being Accusatory: The person being
interview need not be accused. interviewed is subject to accusation..
Generally Less Formal Generally Formal
Good Cop Bad Cop: This is a psychologically manipulative technique wherein one
official /cop earn antipathy of the suspect through hostile behavior while the other one
extend sympathy through friendly conduct. The suspect is made to divulge information
through this tactic.
Pros Cons
Widely used Not Morally Sanctioned
Often proves effective Emotionally Manipulative
Simple Suspect may be aware of such tools.
RIED technique is named after its author, John E REID, who has got it registered as a
trademark “REID Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation”29. Kozinski, W. (2017).
has observed that30
“The Reid Interrogation technique has been the dominant method used by police in the
United States and Canada to interview suspects of crime. This method is commercially
marketed to police departments and other law enforcement agencies with the promise that
80 percent of those interrogated will confess. However, there is growing evidence that the
Reid technique results in a significant number of false confessions, especially among the
young, the mentally impaired and those of low intelligence. Other countries, especially
England have rejected the Reid technique in favor of other methods that work equally
well in obtaining confessions but without the risk of false confessions. In the United
States, too, there is growing suspicion of the Reid technique and other hard interrogation
tactics such as those employed in interrogating suspected terrorists at Guantanamo and
Abu Ghraib”
1. Factual Analysis: A provisional profile of the offender is drawn from the facts of
the case. It is intended to shortlist According to Joseph P. Buckley31
“This represents the collection and analysis of information relative to a crime scene, the
victim and possible subjects. Factual analysis helps determine the direction an
investigation should take and offers insight to the possible offender.”
Kozinski, W. (2017). The Reid interrogation technique and false confessions: a time
for change.
This factual analysis is also intended to “identify characteristics about the suspect and the
crime which will be helpful during an interrogation of the suspect believed to be guilty[,]”
such as motive or the suspect’s personality type.
Following factual analysis , the suspects are shortlisted on the basis of characteristics
identified during the process. According to Joseph P. Buckley33
The second stage of the process is the interview of possible subjects. This highly structured
interview, referred to as a Behavior Analysis Interview, is a non-accusatory question and
answer session intended to elicit information from the subject in a controlled
environment. The clinical nature of the interview, including the asking of specific behavior
provoking questions, is designed to provide the investigator with verbal, paralinguistic and
nonverbal behavior symptoms which either support probable truthfulness or deception. A
significant portion of training in The Reid Technique is devoted to the interpretation of a
subject's behavioral responses during the structured interview.
The accused persons who are shortlisted from the second stage , are subjected to Interrogation
which is accusatory in nature and intended at procuring confession. According to James
Orlando34, there are nine steps of interrogation.
1. The positive confrontation. The investigator tells the suspect that the evidence
demonstrates the person's guilt. If the person's guilt seems clear to the investigator, the
statement should be unequivocal.
2. Theme development. The investigator then presents a moral justification (theme) for the
offense, such as placing the moral blame on someone else or outside circumstances. The
investigator presents the theme in a monologue and in sympathetic manner.
3. Handling denials. When the suspect asks for permission to speak at this stage (likely to
deny the accusations), the investigator should discourage allowing the suspect to do so. The
Reid website asserts that innocent suspects are less likely to ask for permission and more
likely to “promptly and unequivocally” deny the accusation. The website states that “[i]t is
very rare for an innocent suspect to move past this denial state.”
4. Overcoming objections. When attempts at denial do not succeed, a guilty suspect often
makes objections to support a claim of innocence (e.g., I would never do that because I love
my job.) The investigator should generally accept these objections as if they were truthful,
rather than arguing with the suspect, and use the objections to further develop the theme.
5. Procurement and retention of suspect's attention. The investigator must procure the
suspect's attention so that the suspect focuses on the investigator's theme rather than on
punishment. One way the investigator can do this is to close the physical distance between
himself or herself and the suspect. The investigator should also “channel the theme down to
the probable alternative components.”
6. Handling the suspect's passive mood. The investigator “should intensify the theme
presentation and concentrate on the central reasons he [or she] is offering as psychological
justification . . . [and] continue to display an understanding and sympathetic demeanor in
urging the suspect to tell the truth.”
34 34
8. Having the suspect orally relate various details of the offense. After the suspect
accepts one side of the alternative (thus admitting guilt), the investigator should immediately
respond with a statement of reinforcement acknowledging that admission. The investigator
then seeks to obtain a brief oral review of the basic events, before asking more detailed
Peace technique has been developed by in England and Wales during 1990s. This technique
is said to have been developed in response to allegation of false confessions through Reid
Technique. This technique is meant to conduct interrogation in transparent and ethical
manner. According to Durham College36, it is:
A situation where a police official being suspicious of an individual detains the person an
d runs
his hands lightly over the suspect's outer garments to determine if the person is carrying a
concealed weapon. It is also called Terry Operations because the term evolved after the an
American named Terry was stopped and then booked on account of possessing illegal
weapon. The act of police was challenged for flouting the guarantees as to personal liberties
and protection against undue search as enshrined in US Constitution vide Fourth
Amendment to US’ Constitution. However the US Supreme Court found it Lawful on the
part of Police to stop and check someone randomly towards discharge of the duties
entrusted upon the Police. The case was reported as Terry Vs Ohio State( 1968)
Snap Checking in Pakistan:
It is permissible in Pakistan under section 125 of Police order 2002 in following manner.
Section 125 of Police Order 2002
Power to search suspected persons or vehicles in street, etc.– When in a street or a place
of public resort a police officer on reasonable grounds suspects a person or a vehicle to be
carrying any article unlawfully obtained or possessed or likely to be used in the commission
of an offence, he may search such person or vehicle; and if the account given by such
person or possessor of the vehicle appears to be false or suspicious, he may detain such
article after recording in writing the grounds of such action and issue a receipt in the
prescribed form and report the facts to the officer in-charge of the police station for
informing the court for proceeding according to law against the person.
However these powers are not meant go be used recklessly rather section 156 of the same
Act duly protects against unreasonable search in following manner.
“Protection against Unnecessary Search
156. Penalty for vexatious entry, search, arrest, seizure of property, torture, etc.– Whoever,
being a police officer–
(a) without lawful authority, or reasonable cause, enters or searches or causes to be
entered or searched any building, vessel, tent or place;
(b) vexatiously and unnecessarily seizes the property of any person;
(c) vexatiously and unnecessarily detains, searches or arrests any person; or
(d) inflicts torture or violence to any person in his custody;
shall, for every such offence, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term,
which may extend to five years and with fine.”
Features of Stop and Frisk Operations
• A necessity for Law and Order
• Lawful procedure as sanctioned under Police Order 2002
• Open to Abuse
• Arbitrary
• Often evokes resentment amongst the people
• A cause of Public Grievances against Police.
• Not regulated by specific SOPs
• No practical remedy against misuse
Definition: To take or keep in custody by authority of law.
Who Can Arrest:
Official authority as to arrest and detention rests with following three officials
• Magistrate
• Police
• Justice of Peace
However, under section 59 CPC, arrest can be made by a private person in following
59. Arrest by private persons and procedure on such arrest.
(1) Any private person may arrest any person who in his view commits a non-
bailable and cognizable offence, or any proclaimed offender, and without
unnecessary delay, shall make over any person so arrested to a police-officer or,
in the absence of a police-officer, take such person or causes him to be taken in
custody to the nearest police-station.
(2) If there is reason to believe that such person comes under the provisions of
section 54, a police-officer shall re-arrest him.
(2) Resisting endeavor to arrest. If such person forcibly resists the endeavor to arrest him
or attempts to evade the arrest, such police-officer or other person may use all means
necessary to effect the arrest.
(3) Nothing in this section gives a right to cause the death of a person who is not accused
of an offence punishable with death or with [imprisonment for life.]”
Search and Seizure
“A hunt by law enforcement officials for property or communications believed to be evidence ofc
rime, and the act of taking possession of this property.”(Black Law Dictionary)
• Interim Disposal(Superdari)
• Final Disposal
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the
Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) is a United Nations regional institute, established in
1962 by agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Japan, with the
aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual
cooperation in Asia and the Pacific Region.
Major Role
Research and Advisory Body
Operational Mechanism
Training Courses
Research Studies
Two Annual International Training courses
Criminal Justice
Crime Prevention
Treatment of Offenders
Lyon, France
Official Languages.
English, Arabic, French and Spanish
1914- International Criminal Police Congress: First International Police Congress was
held in Monaco in 1914 in a bid to establish an organization for cross border police
cooperation but the attempt could not elicit wider response.
1923-Creation of the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC): With
headquarters in Vienna, Austria, this was precursor of the current Interpol. However the
ICPC went in to control of Nazi Germany when
1956- Reframing of Constitution of ICPC and Establishment of International
Criminal Police Organization. Following the adoption of a modernized constitution, the
ICPC becomes the International Criminal Police Organization-INTERPOL, abbreviated to
ICPO–INTERPOL or just INTERPOL. The Organization becomes autonomous by
collecting dues from member countries and relying on investments as the main means of
Major Functions
➢ Secure Global Police Communications Services
➢ Operational Data Services and Databases for Police
➢ Operational Police Support Services
Type of NoticePurpose
Red Notice To seek the location and arrest of wanted persons with a view to
extradition or similar lawful action.
Yellow Notice To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify
persons who are unable to identify themselves.
Blue Notice To collect additional information about a person’s identity, location
or activities in relation to a crime.
Blue Notice To seek information on unidentified bodies.
Green Notice To provide warnings and intelligence about persons who have
committed criminal offences and are likely to repeat these crimes in
other countries.
Orange Notice To warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing a
serious and imminent threat to public safety.
UNSC Special Issued for groups and individuals who are the targets of UN Security
Notice Council Sanctions Committees.
Orange Notice To seek or provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices
and concealment methods used by criminals.
In addition to the notices mentioned hereinbefore, the Interpol circulate certain requests
internally without making them public. The corresponding NCBs extend cooperation but
the request is not made public.
The Diffusion has been defined under Article 1 of the INTERPOL’S RULES ON THE
PROCESSING OF DATA, in following manner.
“Diffusion” means any request for international cooperation or any international alert from
a National Central Bureau or an international entity, sent directly to one or several National
Central Bureaus or to one or several international entities, and simultaneously recorded in
a police database of the Organization.
The purpose of Diffusion is given in Article 97 in following manner:
Source: Interpol
1- Targeting Political Opponents and Dissidents by Dictatorial Regimes
There are number of instances where Interpol issued Red Notices on the request of
countries with checkered record of human rights. For instance, Shahram hamyoon, a critic
of Iranian Govt who left his home country to settle in USA where he is running a Satellite
TV, remains on red notice on the request of Iranian Government. A recently published
article in Financial Times observes tha38t:
Fair Trials, a UK-based rights campaign group, says it has seen troubling cases from all
over the world, ranging from Turkey and central Asia to Djibouti and Venezuela. One
person it previously worked with was an airline cabin crew member whose US visa was
revoked because of an Interpol red notice issued after a cheque she had written as security
for a loan for a car in the United Arab Emirates bounced — a criminal offence under the
national law. Other cases highlighted by Fair Trials and others include Dogan Akhanli, a
dissident Turkish-born German writer and critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who
was temporarily arrested in Spain last year after Ankara issued an Interpol request. Another
is Nikita Kulachenkov, an aide to Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader. Mr
Kulachenkov was detained for almost three weeks in Cyprus in 2016, because of a Russian
Interpol diffusion.
“Interpol’s deal with FIFA is just the tip of a fiscal iceberg. Since 2011, Interpol has signed
deals with a large number of private “partners,” including tobacco giants, pharmaceutical
firms and tech companies — such as Philip Morris International, Sanofi, and Kaspersky
Lab — the proceeds of which have swollen its operational budget by almost a third.
This pecuniary relationship between international policing and big business has passed
largely below the radar in recent years. Interpol enjoys an unparalleled global reputation,
and as a truly international organization has largely escaped sustained journalistic scrutiny,
which tends to put stories of national interest first.
In October 2013, its relationship with tobacco firms was criticized by Mediapart, a French
investigative and opinion publication, and its links with the pharmaceutical industry
were blasted by Die Zeit, the German weekly. But its deal with FIFA has gone mostly
unexamined, particularly in the English-language media, and the issue as a whole has failed
to command widespread public attention.
Now, however, given that FIFA’s dark corners are being opened to daylight by the US
Department of Justice and the Swiss attorney general’s office, serious doubts are arising
about Interpol’s private sector strategy, which has made the organization financially
dependent upon corporate interests”.
3- Political Cases
The Article 3 of the Constitution of the Interpol prohibit from taking up political cases, but
the organization has on many times issued red notices in such cases.
4- No defined process of Appeal
The appeal against issuance of Red Notice , though can be filed to Commission for Control
of Files yet there are no clear cut principles and procedures spelled out on this count.
5- Abuse of Diffusion System
The Diffusion system has been subjected to wide criticism for being non-transparent. The
person whom the Diffusion has been initiated against is caught unaware and has no remedy
to challenge the same..
UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime.
Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control
Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in all
regions of the world through an extensive network of field offices. UNODC relies on
voluntary contributions, mainly from Governments, for 90 per cent of its budget.
• Field-based technical cooperation projects to enhance the capacity of Member
States to counteract illicit drugs, crime and terrorism
Section IV
Use of violent means against civilians, state institutions and non-combatants for
achieving religio- political objectives.
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in
furtherance of political or social objectives. (FBI)
A view which advocates extremist measures to achieve socio-political and religious
‘The phenomenon of people embracing opinions, views and ideas which could lead to
acts of terrorism’.(European Union)
Causes of Terrorism and Radicalism in Pakistan: Internal Causes:
A- Socio Economic( Social Injustice, Under development, Poverty , illiteracy,
unemployment, Governance Deficit etc) Political (Instability, religion based politics ,
Law enforcement) Religious( Intolerance, Distortion of Islamic injunctions etc)
External causes ( GWOT, Soviet War, Iranian Revolution, Rise of Alqaida , Daesh etc)
War on Terror
The GWOT is the name ascribed to the US - led military operations to eradicate
international terrorism, which means “terrorism entailing citizens or the region involving
more than one country.
Media Representation of Crime and Criminals:
Negative Role: Negative attitude on behaviors and attitudes thereby prompting criminal
tendencies(Imitation, Desensitization, Transmission of knowledge on Criminal tools and
techniques, Temptations for undesirables, Portraying incompetence of police)
Positive Role: (Awareness, Counseling, Promotion of compliant behaviors, Negative
Portrayal of Criminals)
Intelligence Led Policing:
“Intelligence-led policing emphasizes analysis and intelligence as pivotal to an objective,
decision-making framework that prioritizes crime hotspots, repeat victims, prolific
offenders and criminal groups. It facilitates crime and harm reduction, disruption and
prevention through strategic and tactical management, deployment and enforcement.
168. Citizen Police Liaison Committees.– The Government may establish Citizen Police
Liaison Committees as voluntary, self financing and autonomous bodies, in consultation
with National Public Safety Commission or Provincial Public Safety Commission, as the
case may be, for–
(b) developing mechanism for liaison between aggrieved citizens and police for
providing relief; and
(c) assistance to Public Safety Commissions, Police Complaints Authority and the
police for the expeditious and judicious discharge of their duties.
CPLC Details
Karachi CPLC was initially established at four Police Stations vide
the Commissioner’s Administrative order No. HMS/JUB-
1/10(982)89 dated 31.08.89. Sindh Government amended
the Police Rules vide notification # VIII (3)/SOJ/90 dated
15/04/90, to institutionalize the CPLC concept In 1996
CPLC was given a charter by Governor Kamal Azfar that
provided a stronger legal status and a permanent board of
governors to oversee its affairs. The charter was approved
on 24th October 2003.
Faisalabad CPLC Faisalabad was established on 16 December 2001
and gained legal ground via Section 168 of Police Order
2002 promulgated on August 2002. Official notifications
• Cost Reduction
• Sense of Empowerment amongst masses
• Social Cohesion
• Informal Resolution of Disputes
• Less focus on petty issues
➢ Budgetary provisions must be made and staff for community policing must be
efforts initiated by police leadership do not go in vain due to untimely and abrupt
➢ As per the spirit of devolution, police powers must be delegated so that local units
have the freedom to act, with the provincial police playing a supervisory role.
maintained police service, saying that: “In Pakistan we have political policing
inBritain and USA. But the bait is that in these societies local government system
is very strong. In Pakistan, Chief Ministers would not allow local governments to
department aims to inculcate community policing philosophy in the long run then
it becomes necessary to select people who are more likely to adopt the approach;
Public Private Partnership signifies collaboration between Public and Private Institution
for financing, building or operating public projects: According to IPDF, PPP is defined as
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) involve the financing, development, operation and maintenance
of infrastructure by the private-sector which would otherwise have been provided by the public
sector. Instead of the public sector procuring a capital asset and 3 providing a public service, the
private sector creates the asset through a dedicated standalone business (usually designed, financed,
built, maintained and operated by the private sector) and then delivers a service to the public sector
entity/consumer in return for payment that is linked to performance. Therefore the public sector is
able to redirect its efforts to serving other urgent social and economic needs. A PPP may include an
equity joint venture between GOP and the private sector.
• Encouraging the private sector in innovative design, technology and financing structures
• Real financial benefits, and a better utilisation and allocation of public funds
In addition to above, following benefits also accrue from Public Private Partnership
• Synergies are created by combination of Public and Private Sector
• Meets the paucity of resources by the Government
• Enhances confidence of the Private Sector
• Brings more transparency
• Governance Deficit
• Corruption
• Bureaucratic Hurdles
• Trust Deficit
• Legal and Judicial System
• Political Uncertainty
Organized Crime:
The unlawful activities of the members of a highly organized, disciplined association
engaged in supplying illegal goods and services, including but not limited to gambling,
prostitution, loan sharking, narcotics, labor racketeering, and other unlawful activities of
members of such organizations.
Characteristics (i)Organized crime is a conspiratorial crime. (ii) Organized crime has
profit as its primary goal. (iii) Organized crime is not limited to illegal enterprises or
unlawful services but includes sophisticated activities as well. (iv) Organized crime is
predatory, using intimidation, violence corruption and appeals to greed. (v) Organized
crime’s conspiratorial groups are well disciplined and incorrigible. (vi) Organized crime
is not synonymous with the Mafia but knows no ethnic bounds. (vii)Organized crime
excludes political terrorists, being politically conservative, not radical.
Money Laundering
The Process of concealing origin of illegally earned money by integrating it in the
legitimate financial System. According to Crimes and Conduct Commission, Australia ,
the Money Laundering is defined as under
The term ‘money laundering’ refers to the activities and financial transactions that are
undertaken with the specific aim of hiding the true source of income. Usually the money
involved has been derived from an illegal enterprise and the goal is to give that money the
appearance of coming from a legitimate source. Sometimes, however, money legitimately
obtained can also become the subject of money laundering; it may, for example, be disposed
of in such a way that it evades lawful taxation.
(a) acquires, converts, possesses, uses or transfers property, knowing or having reason to
believe that such property is proceeds of crime;
(b) conceals or disguises the true nature, origin, location, disposition, movement or
ownership of property, knowing or having reason to believe that such property is
proceeds of crime;
(c) holds or possesses on behalf of any other person any property knowing or having
reason to believe that such property is proceeds of crime; or
(d) participates in, associates, conspires to commit, attempts to commit, aids, abets,
facilitates, or counsels the commission of the acts specified in clauses (a), (b) and (c).
Whoever commits the offence of money laundering shall be punishable with rigorous
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but may extend to ten
years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to one million rupees and shall also
be liable to forfeiture of property involved in money laundering or property of
corresponding value.
• Develop, review and oversee the implementation of national strategy to fight money
laundering and financing of terrorism.
• Determine offences existing in Pakistan that may be considered to be predicate offences
for the purposes of this Act.
• Provide guidance and sanction in framing of rules and regulations under this Act.
• Make recommendations to the Federal Government for effective implementation of this
Act and framing of national policy to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism.
• Issue necessary directions to the agencies involved in the implementation and
administration of this Act;
• Discuss any other issue of national importance relating to money laundering and financing
of terrorism
• Undertake and perform such other functions as assigned to it by the Federal Government,
relating to money laundering and financing of terrorism.
2. General Committee
Headed by the Secretary Finance, the General Committee is required to assist the NEC in
discharge of the statutory functions. The Composition of General Committee is given
Section 6(2) provides great deal of autonomy to the Financial Monitoring Unit in following
The FMU shall have independent decision-making authority on day-to-day matters coming
within its areas of responsibility.
Other functions and powers of Financial Monitoring Unit are given in the Act in following
Members of FATF
Currently there are 35 countries and two Regional Organizations(GCC&EU) who are full
members of the FATF. Saudi Arabia , Israel and Indonesia are observers of FATF.
FATF conducts a review to identify the countries with weak intuitional Framework. Such
countries are placed in to two categories
High Risk Countries/ Countries subject to Call for Action
Such jurisdiction are exposed to misuse of their financial system and FATF calls upon its
members to apply counter measures to deal with such countries. Currently DPRK and Iran
or categorized under this list.
(MVTS); (4) demonstrating that authorities are identifying cash couriers and enforcing
controls on illicit movement of currency and understanding the risk of cash couriers being
used for TF; (5) improving inter-agency coordination including between provincial and
federal authorities on combating TF risks; (6) demonstrating that law enforcement agencies
(LEAs) are identifying and investigating the widest range of TF activity and that TF
investigations and prosecutions target designated persons and entities, and persons and
entities acting on behalf or at the direction of the designated persons or entities; (7)
demonstrating that TF prosecutions result in effective, proportionate and dissuasive
sanctions and enhancing the capacity and support for prosecutors and the judiciary; and (8)
demonstrating effective implementation of targeted financial sanctions (supported by a
comprehensive legal obligation) against all 1267 and 1373 designated terrorists and those
acting for or on their behalf, including preventing the raising and moving of funds,
identifying and freezing assets (movable and immovable), and prohibiting access to funds
and financial services; (9) demonstrating enforcement against TFS violations including
administrative and criminal penalties and provincial and federal authorities cooperating on
enforcement cases; (10) demonstrating that facilities and services owned or controlled by
designated persons are deprived of their resources and the usage of the resources.
General Committee
(Headed by Secretary Finance)
Meant to Assist the NEC
DG(Intelligence and
NAB Investigation), FBR
Following objectives have been mentioned for the NAB in the Law.
• Detection, investigation, prosecution and speedy disposal of cases involving corruption, corrupt
practices, misuse/abuse of power, misappropriation of property, kickbacks, commissions and for
matters of similar nature
• Recovery of outstanding amounts from those persons who have committed default in the repayment
of amounts to Banks, Financial Institutions, government and other agencies
• Recovery of state money and other assets from those persons who have misappropriated or removed
such assets through corruption, corrupt practices and misuse of power and/or authority
Head of Bureau:
NAB is headed by a Chairman appointed by President in consultation with PM and
Opposition leader for a term of 4 years which is not extendable.
• Retired judge of supreme court or retired Chief Justice of High Court
• Retired Armed Forces Officer to the Rank of Lieutenant General
• Retired Civil Servant BS-22
Removal of Chairman:
Can be removed only by Supreme Judicial Council.
• Politicization
• Witch Hunting
• Selective Accountability
• Scope
• Lack of internal Accountability
• Plea Bargain and Voluntary Return
• Remand Period
• Appointment of Chairman
• Centralized Power
• Lack of requisite Capacity to deal with technical cases
• NAB should ensure that the reference prepared and successfully tried in the Accountability
Courts should be upheld in all subsequent review petitions in High Courts and Supreme
Governing Law: The Anti-Narcotics Force Act 1997
Enquiry and investigation of offences relating to narcotics and Narcotics Trafficking
• To inquire, investigate and prosecute all offences related or connected with intoxicants,
narcotics and precursors.
• Trace and freeze the assets.
• Coordinate elimination and destruction of Poppy cultivation.
• Provide assistance to other law enforcement agencies and share information with all
national and International agencies on drug related matters.
• Arrange and coordinate training of own staff and members of other law enforcement
agencies related to narcotics.
• Maintain liaison with all international narcotics control authorities and represent Pakistan
in conferences and seminars.
• Perform any other related functions that may be assigned by the Federal Government.