ITST 306 Reviewer
ITST 306 Reviewer
ITST 306 Reviewer
- Usability is concerned with enabling users to achieve iterative process in which we seek to
their end objective with a product effectively and understand the user, challenge assumptions,
efficiently. A computer game which requires three sets and redefine problems in an attempt to identify
of control pads is unlikely to be usable as people, for the alternative strategies and solutions that might
time being at least, only tend to have two hands. not be instantly apparent with our initial level of
3. Findable about believing we can make a difference and
- Findable refers to the idea that the product must be having an intentional process in order to get to
easy to find, and in the instance of digital and new, relevant solutions that create positive
information products, the content within them must be impact.
easy to find, too. The reason is quite simple: if you Human-Centered – solving problems through a
cannot find the content you want in a website, you’re perspective and emotions of a human being.
going to stop browsing it. Collaborative – solving problems through
collaboration and exchanging ideas and
thoughts with others.
4. Credible Optimistic – solving problems with an optimistic
mindset to carry through repetitive experiments
but still have a hope or aim to get a positive 1. List Possible topics - Finding opportunities for design
results. often comes from noticing problems. An experienced
Experimental – solving problems through a trial Design Thinker maintains a mindset which instinctively
and error, experimenting various ways to reframes problems into opportunities.
achieve a more efficient process to solve the
2. Frame the Problem - Rewrite the problem
statements into “how might we” questions in order to
What is Design Process? frame the problem as a possibility.
The design process is what puts Design Thinking into 3. Keep it Simple - Describe your challenge simply and
action. It’s a structured approach to generating and optimistically. Make it broad enough to allow you to
evolving ideas. It has five phases that help navigate the discover areas of unexpected value and narrow enough
development from identifying a design challenge to to make the topic manageable.
finding and building a solution.
4. Sketch out end Goals - Define your goals for
Design Thinking’s Phases undertaking this design challenge. Be honest about
determining a realistic scope of your project both
1. Empathize – with your users. regarding time and output. What will you work to
2. Define – your users’ needs, their problem, and your produce? Where do you expect to get at the end of this
insights. process?
3. Ideate – by challenging assumptions and creating 5. Define Measures of success - What else are you
ideas for innovative solutions. working toward? What will make this work successful?
What are the measures of success?
4. Prototype – to start creating solution.
6. Establish Constraints - It is crucial to define
5. Test – solutions. constraints and get specific on the problem or question
you are trying to address. Does it need to fit into a
certain timeframe? Can it be integrated with an existing
Design Thinking is an Iterative and Non-linear Process structure or initiative? Make a list of the constraints you
need to manage.
7. Write a brief - A clearly defined challenge will guide
your questions and help you stay on track throughout
the process.
Define a Challenge