Test 1

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Reading for number 1-4

Heart disease is Western society’s number-one killer. It accounts for one -third of all
deaths in America and for well over half the deaths among middle-aged men. Heart disease was
relatively rare in America at the turn of the century, but it has risen dramatically since then,
with a slight downturn in 1960.
Heart disease is often viewed as a disease of modern living, spurred on by the habits
and the stress of industrialized society. Evidence for this idea comes from the fact that non-
Western societies have relatively low rates of heart disease. And there is a higher rate of heart
disease among immigrants to America, such as Japanese Americans and Chinese-Americans,
than among those who remain in their native country, suggesting that something about the
Western environment promotes the development of the disease.
Heart disease usually involves the formation of a fatty substance called plague in the
walls of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. If the arteries become narrowed
enough or blocked, the person may suffer a heart attack that is death of a region of heart muscle
Among the many factors that have been found to be related to the risk of developing
heart disease are high blood pressure, a history of heart disease among one's close relatives,
cigarette smoking, being relatively overweight, and a high level of a fatty substance called
cholesterol in the blood. In addition to all of these well- established risk factors, it is now clear
that stress can have a major impact on the development of heart disease. People who continually
undergo a great deal of stress - and who lack the ability to control it - are at a significantly
greater risk for disease than people who undergo less stress or who can manage stress
successfully. Jobs that impose high psychological demons but that provide the worker with the
little control - such as a cook, waiter, and hospital orderly - seem to breed heart disease.
(Adapted from SPMB 2005 Regional III)

1. There is a higher number of heart patients among Japanese and Chinese immigrants in the
U.S. because
A. U.S. has the highest rate of heart disease in the world
B . they might not have been able to cope with the stress of living in an industrialised
C. the food in U.S contains too much cholesterol
D. they are often unjustly treated in their adopted home country
E. they work hard to create a better life for their children

2. A person gets a heart attack when...

A. plague is formed in the walls of the arteries
B. coronary arteries are blocked by a fatty substance
C. smoking cigarettes causes hypertension
D. a region of heart muscle tissue is dead
E. heart disease is genetic among close relatives

3. The third paragraph tells us about a person can get a heart attack …..
A. the process
B. how much
C. the reason
D. what time
E. how long
4. "Well-established risk factors' in line 18 are risk factors which …..."
A. have been proved real
B. are related to the environment
C. show a contagious disease
D. are formed by the disease
E. create a belief among people

Reading for number 5-9

Measles, a childhood disease, has caused sufferings to mankind for thousands of years.
However, the search for an effective measles vaccine, lasted two hundred years and has finally
ended in success. Now, for the first time, easels is a preventable disease. You may ask, 'How is
this important to children? Every year measles kills twice as many Americans as polio now
does. More children die from measles than from any other common childhood disease. Also
complications of some degree occur in about one child out of six. Most complications include
pneumonia and ear disorders. Another after effect of measles - brain damage is less common,
but it can have such serious consequences that it deserves special attention.
Brain damage due to easels sounds like something far away from our experience. In
reality, it is no. Like any other injury, damage to the brain can be very slight or very severe. It
is quite possible that we have never seen or heard a child who has severe brain damage - the
child would either have died or would be in an institution. However, in medical research a
relation has been found between measles and such things as behavior problems, personality
changes and dulling of mental ability. For example, a child may be bad-tempered or a little slow
to learn after he has recovered from measles.

5. The main information of the text is that....

A. measles has been a disease for thousands of years
B. after 200 years of research an effective measles vaccine was found
C. measles is a serious disease greatly neglected in the past
D. a lot of research was done on the complications of measles
E. measles may have bad effects on children who get the disease

6. Which of the following statements is TRUE about measles?

A. The number of children in the USA killed by measles is smaller than that killed by
B. Medical research revealed that measles may cause brain damage
C. In the USA children with brain damage have all been measles patients,
D. Research findings show that pneumonia and ear disorders may cause measles
E. Children who get measles will have pneumonia and ear disorders at the sometime

7. One of the important findings of the research on measles is that....

A. children who have got measles may become difficult to handle because of their
B. in reality, there are no measles patients who get brain damage
C. personality changes already occur at the time a child has measles
D. measles can cause children to become physically handicapped
E. measles is the first killer of childhood diseases in the world
8. "Which of the following in NOT an after-effect of measles?
A. Polio
B. Ear disorders
C. Personality changes

9. 'or would be in an institution' (paragraph 3).

The underlined word means
A. an orphanage
B. a rehabilitation centre
C. a hospital
D. a company
E. a public school

Reading for number 10-14

Everyone likes to group things. Language students group word as verbs, nouns and so
on; collections of words are classified as phrases, or clauses, or sentences, and these again are
reclassified according to their function. In the same way, botanists classify plants as algae, or
fungi, or gymnosperms, etc. Zoologysts classify animals as vertrebrates and invertebrates. The
vertebrates can be further classified as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, etc. Classification enables
us to keep hold of more information and, if it is based on the right data, enables us to understand
better the ideas we are studying.
Chemists are no exception. The chemical classification of materials, if it is based on a
good system, should enable us to understand better the many substances which exist in our
word. What is to be the basis of our classification? Perhaps the most obvious one is appearance.
Materials could be classified as solid, liquid or gas with some mixed types as, for example, mud
being solid/liquid material and steam a liquid/gas material. Appearance could enable us to
subdivide our main classification groups a little further; the solid may be green, or black,
powdery or crystalline; the liquid may be colored, oily, thick, or free flowing; the gas may be
colored. However, we soon realize that many probably quite different materials have the same
appearance. Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas, are colorless, odorless gases, but we
would not like to group them as the same thing. Many different liquids are colorless, water-like

10. The examples provided in paragraph 2 clarify that ... .

A. many kinds of liquid should be grouped as one
B. different kinds of gas can be colorless and odorless.
C. Materials in chemistry should be classified differently
D. Chemistry materials have more complicated classification.
E. Taxonomy can be made and applied further to other areas.

11. Paragraph 2 exemplifies the idea about classification that ... .

A. chemicals may be solid, liquid, and gaseous.
B. Appearance is not a useful basis in chemistry.
C. The use of colors is better than that of appearance.
D. Both colors and appearance should be considered
E. Colors should be included for identifying appearance.
12. The sentences “Chemist are no exception” (paragraph 2 line 1) could possibly be restated
as ... .
A. chemical materials can also be put into classification.
B. Classification of chemical materials is without exception.
C. Chemists may also classify materials using certain criteria.
D. When appearance is the basis, chemist are not involved.
E. In material classification, chemicals should not be included.

13. The paragraph following the passage most likely deals with the classification of ... .
A. flora and fauna
B. human sounds
C. liquids and gases
D. human behaviors
E. words and phrases.

14. How does the author organize the ideas ?

A. Putting the main idea with examples.
B. Presenting causes followed by effects
C. Interpreting different ways of classifying
D. Presenting the strengths ways of classifying
E. Exposing supporting details chronologically
Reading for number 15-18
Passage A

Second-hand smoke is the smoke that is exhaled or that comes from the burning end of a
cigarette, pipe, or cigar. Second-hand smoke can come in through cracks in the walls. It can
hang around in hallways and doorways where people have been smoking. Breathing someone
else’s smoke can be deadly, especially if you live or work in a place where people smoke. That
is why it is so important for smokers to go all the way outside if they want a cigarette. When
one person smokes inside, it can cause problems for everyone else. Children who are around
tobacco smoke in their homes have more health problems like asthma and ear infections. They
are sicker and stay in bed more. They miss more school days than children whose homes are
smoke-free. Babies who live in homes with second-hand smoke are more likely to die as infants
than other babies.

Passage B
The first conclusive evidence on the danger of passive smoking came from Takeshi
Hirayama’s study in 1981 on lung cancer in non-smoking Japanese women married to men who
smoked. Although the tobacco industry immediately launched a multimillion dollar campaign
to discredit the evidence, dozens of further studies have confirmed the link. Research then
broadened into other areas and new scientific evidence continues to accumulate. The risk of
lung cancer in non-smokers exposed to passive smoking is increased by between 20 and 30
percent, and the excess risk of heart disease is 23 percent. Children are at particular risk from
adults’ smoking. Adverse health effects include pneumonia and bronchitis, coughing and
wheezing, worsening of asthma, middle ear diseases, and possibly neuro-behavioural
impairment and cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. A pregnant woman’s exposure to other
people’s smoking can harm her fetus. The effects are compounded when the child is exposed
to passive smoking after birth.

15. Which of the following themes is mainly discussed in the passages?

A. The illnesses linked to passive smoking.
B. The disadvantages of smoking.
C. The danger of becoming smokers
D. The benefit of being a non-smoker
E. The danger of being a passive smoker

16. The idea of Passage A is similar to that of Passage B, in that it is ... .

A. a chance to escape from several deadly illnesses due to smoking.
B. A good decision for smokers to live without smoking habits.
C. A great benefit for pregnant woman to live without smoking.
D. An unfortunate for non-smokers to live without smoking habits
E. A list of several health risks for non-smokers who live with smokers.

17. Both passages can be best summarized as which of the following?

A. Smokers and non-smokers are likely to get smoking-related diseases.
B. Children and pregnant women tend to get various diseases
C. Children of smoking pregnant women will be likely to smoke.
D. Many smokers will not have serious health problems in their life.
E. Non-smokers living with smokers are likely to get health problems.
18. Based on the passages, it can be hypothesized that ... .
A. by avoiding passive smoking, chances of getting deadly illnesses are lesser.
B. More people will surely die in the environment of smokers.
C. Home settings determine whether somebody will smoke or not.
D. A baby born from a mother who smokes will tend to be a smoker.
E. Evidence of lung cancer will be greater in the baby of a smoking mother.

Reading for number 19-23

What causes bulimia nervosa is not clear, but it may be due to a combination of family
history, certain personality traits (such as perfectionism) and social values (such as admiring
thinness). The risk for developing bulimia intensifies if your parent or sibling has the condition.
Stressful events such as divorce or the death of a loved one can trigger bulimia in some people,
mostly teenagers and young women. Also, many young women have unhealthy attitudes toward
eating and toward their bodies so they may socially allow and promote destructive behaviors
like extreme dieting or binging and purging.
If not properly treated, bulimia can lead to long-term health problems. Health problems
caused by bulimia include electrolyte imbalances and heart problem, tooth decay, osteoporosis,
dehydration and kidney problem, inflammation, swollen saliva glands, fainting, abnormal
heartbeat, low body temperature, suicide risk, etc. There are also other mental health problems,
such as depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
panic attacks and phobias.
Like all eating disorders, bulimia is a complex physical and psychological condition that
requires appropriate treatment. The treatment focuses on the change of behavior and deals with
the deeper attitudes and feeling in order to avoid the binge-purge cycles. The treatment may be
in form of psychological counselling (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy CBT, or
interpersonal therapy) or antidepressant medicine. Both are long-term treatments that may need
weeks or months to work.
There are also other treatments which may be helpful. Nutritional councelling may help
avoid unhealthy diets. Group councelling may enhance individual therapy. Family therapy may
also help family member as it teaches about the disorder and the way to help. Stress
management techniques (such as exercising, writing, relaxation) may also create better self-

19. Which of the following best states the topic of this text?
A. The combination of causes of bulimia
B. The cause and treatment of bulimia
C. Bulimia among young women
D. Series of long-term eating disorder
E. Physical and mental health problem

20. The main idea of this text is that ...

A. Bulimia is a complex condition
B. Bulimia has no clear cause
C. Bulimia needs proper and long-term treatment
D. The condition can create physical and mental health problem.
E. Physical counselling and antidepressant medicine can cure bulimia.
21. Implied in the text is that the bulimia may cause ...
A. type 1 diabetes
B. weight gain
C. medicine overuse
D. vomitting
E. toothaches

22. Which of the following treatment is not related to bulimia?

A. Group counselling
B. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
C. Sport and exercise
D. Vaccine
E. Prozac

23. The following information is true about bulimia mentioned in the text, EXCEPT that
A. Mostly affects young women and teenagers.
B. Can create other health problems.
C. Cannot be treated at home.
D. Is related to socially acceptable destructive behavior.
E. Has binge-purge cycles.

Reading for number 24-26

On the other hand, stereotyping can create problem because it, researchers suggest, may
result in racial discrimination. In its most overt form, racial discrimination occurs as we
attribute the same negative characteristics to all members of a group, regardless of individual
differences. It is usually based on misconceptions, incomplete information and/or false
Researchers have found that stereotypes exist of different races, cultures, or ethnic
groups and racial stereotypes always seem to favor the race of the holder, and belittle the others.
In 1933, for example, Katz and Braly gave a list of 84 personality traits and asked American
university students to pick out five or six traits which they thought were typical of each
nationalities/ ethnic group. The result shows that there was considerable agreement in the traits
selected. White Americans, for example, were seen as industrious, progressive, and ambitious,
while African Americans were seen lazy, ignorant, and musical.
In other research, Lowery examined just how readily people associate particular social
groups with certain kinds of feelings. In a subliminal word-association exercise, black people’s
faces were more quickly associated with negative words, while white faces were linked with
positive words.
Another research proves that even people who disavow prejudice can fall into racist traps.
Since negative stereotypes about various racial groups bombard us every day in the mass media,
they deposit their residue deep into our minds. Even among the most well-intentioned and
consciously egalitarian people, nonconscious association about ethnic groups still have an
effect on behavior and attitudes.
24. Paragraph 1 of the text mainly discusses about ...
A. The problem caused by stereotyping
B. Discrimination
C. The definition of racial discrimination.
D. The overt form of discrimination
E. False generalization

25. It can be inferred from the text that what we should do is ...
A. To avoid the use of stereotype.
B. To be aware of the disadvantage of stereotyping.
C. Not to practice prejudice and racial discrimination.
D. To fall into racist trap.
E. To have further research on stereotyping.

26. The word ‘it’ in “..., It is usually based on misconceptions...” (line 4) refers to ...
A. Stereotyping
B. Racial discrimination.
C. Problem.
D. Group member.
E. Individual difference.

Reading for number 29-33

Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe
that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs
in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question
of, 'What is education?' However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to
educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order
to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents
and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers
may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is
granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such
as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.
As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt
to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched
EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year
2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues some before improving
the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries
around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The
answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations to compete
with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and
narrowing the ever widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology
can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at a
disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their
families, and their community.
(SNMPTN 2009)

27. The author's main concern in the first paragraph of the passage is that.........
A. there is no exact definition about education.
B. education is a fundamental individual's right.
C. everyone has the right to get quality education.
D. education occurs in any place not just schools.
E. development can be gained through education.

28. If the author is right concerning the role of education, the following might be predicted to
take place, EXCEPT.........
A. longer life expectation
B. lesser birth rates
C. improved welfare
D. better quality living
E. more job opportunities

29. The following sentences reflect the author's opinions in the passage, EXCEPT .......
A. everyone has the right to get education.
B. education cannot be easily defined.
C. EFA provides quality education by 2015.
D. education is basic to human development.
E. The EFA goals are faced with serious challenges.

30. The situation the author shows in the passage is best described as a follows ........
A. quality education fundamentally ensures quality living in all sectors.
B. education is essentially everyone's right yet it still has its challenges.
C. there are problems in education in spite of its significant role.
D. as long as nations compete, education cannot progress.
E. absence of an exact definition causes problems in education.

31. The part following the passage above would likely discuss .........
A. lack of access to technology in developing countries to support educational practices.
B. needs of modern digital technology to back up the implementation of EFA in education.
C. roles of technology in providing individuals with cheap and accessible quality education.
D. inability of developing nations to compete with developed countries in technology.
E. government's roles and responsibilities in managing education for their citizens.

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