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Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

Tips on How to Answer:
1. Read the beginning of each paragraph, and connect/understand them with your logic
2. Find the main subject/topic of what you have read
3. To make sure, skim the text to find what is mostly mentioned/talked about
4. Look at the answers and eliminate certainly wrong answers and choose the best answer

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, refers to a group of diseases that cause
airflow blockage and breathing-related problems. It includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Symptoms of COPD include frequent coughing or wheezing, excess phlegm, mucus, or sputum
production, shortness of breath, and trouble taking a deep breath.
Chronic lower respiratory disease, primarily COPD, was the third leading cause of death in the
United States in 2014. Almost 15.7 million Americans (6.4%) reported that they have been
diagnosed with COPD. More than 50% of adults with low pulmonary function were not aware that
they had COPD, so the actual number may be higher. These groups were more likely to report
COPD in 2013; women, people aged 65 to 74 years and ≥75 years, American Indians/Alaska
Natives and multiracial non-Hispanics, people who were unemployed, retired, or unable to work,
people with less than a high school education, people who were divorced, widowed, or separated,
current or former smokers, and people with a history of asthma.
In the past, COPD was often thought of as a man's disease, but things have changed In the past
couple of decades. Since 2000, more women than men have died from COPD in the United
States. In 2017, chronic lower respiratory disease, primarily COPD, was the third leading cause
of death among US women. The age-adjusted death rates for COPD have dropped among US
men, but death rates have not changed for women. More women than men are also living with
COPD in the United States.
There are several reasons why COPD might affect women differently than men. Women tend to
be diagnosed later than men, when the disease is more advanced and treatment is less effective.
Women also seem to be more vulnerable to the effects of tobacco and other harmful substances,
such as Indoor air pollution. For example, tobacco smoke is the main cause of COPD In the United
States, but women who smoke tend to get COPD at younger ages and with lower levels of
smoking than men who smoke. There
also appear to be differences in how women and men respond to different treatments. In the
United States, tobacco smoke is a key factor in the development and progression of COPD.
Exposure to air pollutants in the home and workplace, genetic factors, and respiratory infections
also play a role. In the developing world, indoor air quality is thought to play a larger role than it
does in the United States. People should try to avoid inhaling tobacco smoke, home, and
workplace air pollutants, and respiratory infections to prevent developing COPD. Early detection
of COPD may change its course and progress.
1. The last paragraph talks about....
A. the effects of COPD
B. the causes of COPD
C. the studies about COPD
D. the development of COPD in the US
E. the impacts of tobacco smoke on COPD development
Sustainability standards for oil palm, a wonder crop that has lifted tens of millions of people in
Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand out of poverty but has become the most controversial vegetable
oil, dominated a big conference held immediately after the ASEAN Summit in Bangkok last week.
But the timing of the conference was only a coincidence. The occasion was the three-day 17th
annual meeting of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a multistakeholder body of
almost 4,400 plantation companies, refiners, lenders, consumers, and green groups from 90
countries that promotes the development of socially and environmentally sustainable palm oil.
Oil palm trees yield five to 10 times more than all other vegetable oil crops, which grow in
temperate- zone countries, thereby making it easier and cheaper to manage and enable more
efficient use of land. Yet more wonderful, its fruits are processed for ingredients in thousands of
food, cosmetics, and other consumer products, and have even been increasingly used for biofuel.
The effluent of palm oil refineries also has been used to generate electricity in rural areas.
However, massive campaigns by environmentalists in Europe and the United States since the
early 2000s have succeeded in influencing a big segment of the public opinion to associate palm
oil development with deforestation and forest fires, which cause huge carbon emissions. In March,
the European Union restricted the volume of biofuels made of palm oil that may be counted toward
the bloc's renewable-energy goals. By 2030, the EU aims to stop all imports of palm oil. Then, on
Aug. 14, the EU reintroduced tariffs, ranging from 8 to 18 percent, on palm oil imports. The tariff
and nontariff barriers certainly hurt Indonesia as the world's largest palm oil producer with a total
output of more than 40 million tons last year.
2. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The environmental harms of palm oil plantation
B. Indonesia as the world's largest palm oil producer
C. The causal effect between poverty and palm oil production
D. The advantages of palm oil on people in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
E. The controversy of palm oil development.
Herd immunity may be achieved either through vaccination or infection and recovery. Vaccination
creates immunity without having to contract a disease. Vaccines train our immune systems to
create proteins that fight disease, known as 'antibodies', just as would happen when we are
exposed to a disease, but vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected
from getting the disease in question and passing on the pathogen, breaking any chains of
transmission. In addition, vaccination can also keep vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccinated
(e.g. due to health conditions like allergic reactions to the vaccine) safe and protected from the
disease. To safely achieve herd immunity against Covid-19, a substantial proportion of a
population would need to be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of Vi able to spread in the
whole population.
Another way to achieve herd immunity is through natural infection. This relies on enough people
being infected with the disease and recovering from it, during which they develop antibodies
against future infection. However, many experts say that herd immunity with natural contamination
is very risky. Not only does it cause Illness or disease, but individuals affected by natural infections
also can become agents of transmission. These conditions will increasingly take many casualties
until the stage of transmission can stop after the remaining individuals can survive and have
resistance. Since this way of achieving herd immunity isn't recommended, we now can only rely
on the vaccine-administered to achieve herd immunity to end Covid-19 pandemic.
3. What is the text about?
A. The significance of establishing herd immunity
B. The impact of vaccination on herd immunity
C. Herd immunity formation through different ways
D. Development of herd immunity promoted by natural infection
E. Protection from potential Illnesses by creating herd immunity
Tertiary education in Australia is different to many other countries in that it is divided into two
sectors: Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education.
All countries have a higher education sector which people usually associate with universities, but
Australia is one of just a few countries that have a vocational education sector where a trainee is
assessed by his or her acquisition or competencies, and focuses on the development of skills
relevant to a trade or field of skilled specialization. In fact, Australia's VET sector is internationally
recognized as providing world's best practice in vocational training, qualifications from Australia's
VET institutions are recognized worldwide. The VET sector comprises public and private training
institutions, referred to collectively as Registered Training Organizations (RTOS). Government-
funded or public training institutions are known as colleges or Institutes of Technical and Further
Education, or TAFE for short. All TAFE institutes offer a range of training courses from Certificate
level through to Advanced Diploma and an increasing number now also offer undergraduate
degree (Bachelor) courses.
Australia's higher education sector is world class and all Australia's universities have highly active
and comprehensive international programs. Universities in Australia have been welcoming
international students for more than a century, and today most campuses boast an ethnic mix in
the student body of 50 or more nationalities. Cultural sensitivity, tolerance of religious observance
and freedom of expression are proudly promoted and encouraged by all Australian universities.
Although every Australian university is autonomous and sets its own standards and course
offerings, each belongs to a unified national system which ensures that at undergraduate level,
all Australian university degrees are nominally of equal quality. Australian universities are not
officially ranked, as in some countries, but instead are characterized by the types of courses they
While some are more traditional and place great emphasis on research, others are more actively
engaged in practical teaching, producing workforce-ready, skilled graduates. Some universities
also specialize in course and research programs according to their location.
4. What is the topic of the passage?
A. Tertiary education in Australia and in other countries
B. Types of tertiary education in Australia
C. Two sectors of tertiary education
D. Specialization in Australian tertiary education
E. Australian world class education systems
Tight budgeters beware: Skip the coffee before shopping
If you're trying to scale back on impulse purchases, then you may want to hold off on drinking that
coffee. An international study led by the University of South Florida (USF) found that caffeine
Impacts what you buy and how much you spend when shopping.
The research team ran three experiments in retail stores, an industry that's increasingly been
adding coffee bars near their entrances. In their study published in the Journal of Marketing, they
found that shoppers who drank a cup of complimentary caffeinated coffee prior to roaming the
stores spent about 50 percent more money and bought nearly 30 percent more items than
shoppers who drank decaf or water.
"Caffeine, as a powerful stimulant, releases dopamine in the brain, which excites the mind and
the body. This leads to a higher energetic state, which in turn enhances impulsivity and decreases
self-control," said lead author Dipayan Biswas, the Frank Harvey Endowed Professor of Marketing
at USF. "As a result, caffeine intake leads to shopping impulsivity in terms of higher number of
items purchased and greater spending."
The experiments consisted of setting up an espresso machine at the entrances of a retail chain
and home goods store in France and a department store in Spain. Upon entry, more than 300
shoppers were provided a complimentary cup, with about half offered coffee that contained about
100 mg of caffeine and the others decaf or water. They then shared their receipts with the
researchers as they exited the stores. The team found that caffeinated individuals purchased a
significantly higher number of items and spent more money compared to those who had decaf or
Researchers found that caffeine also impacted what types of items they bought. Those who drank
caffeinated coffee bought more non-essential items than the other shoppers, such as scented
candles and fragrances. However, there was a minimal difference between the two groups when
it came to utilitarian purchases, such as kitchen utensils and storage baskets.
They set up a fourth experiment in a lab and received similar results, this time regarding online
shopping. They split the study pool of 200 business school students between individuals who
consumed caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee and asked them to pick which items they'd
purchase from a preselected list of 66 options. Those who consumed caffeine picked more items
considered to be impulsive purchases, such as a massager, while others selected more practical
Items, such as a notebook.
"While moderate amounts of caffeine intake can have positive health benefits, there can be
unintended consequences of being caffeinated while shopping," Biswas said. "That is, consumers
trying to control impulsive spending should avoid consuming caffeinated beverages before

5. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Caffeine affects consumer behavior when shopping.
B. Any type of coffee can make consumers spend more money.
C. Entrepreneurs in the mall should locate coffee shops at the entrance.
D. It is important to avoid Impulsive shopping behavior.
E. Caffeine impacted what types of items consumers bought when shopping
Kemampuan Penalaran Umum
6. Kunci agar tetap sehat mental di tempat kerja adalah dengan menjaga keseimbangan
antara kehidupan pribadi dengan pekerjaan. Psikolog menyebutkan bahwa banyak pekerja
tidak sadar pentingnya keseimbangan antara kehidupan pribadi dengan pekerjaan.

Manakah pernyataan berikut yang memperlemah pendapat psikolog tersebut

A. Banyak perusahaan yang tidak menerapkan kebijakan yang berpihak kepada kesehatan
mental pegawainya
B. Banyak pekerja yang brkonsultasi ke psikolog tentang tekanan pekerjaan
C. Banyak pekerja yang menetapkan batasan yang jelas tentang jam kerja dan keluarga.
D. Banyak pekerja yang mengeluhkan kondisi kesehatan mentalnya di tempat kerja.
E. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa tingkat stres pekerja meningkat karena tuntutan
pekerjaan yang tinggi.
7. Banyak penelitian pada bidang kesehatan menggunakan hewan sebagai objek uji coba.
Obat yang baru tidak diujikan langsung pada manusia untuk mencegah terjadinya
kegagalan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan organ, kecacatan, bahkan kematian.

Manakah simpulan yang PALING DIDUKUNG oleh bacaan tersebut?

A. Penelitian dengan menggunakan hewan sebagai objek uji coba dapat mencegah risiko
kegagalan yang meyebabkan kematian.
B. Khasiat obat yang dihasilkan dari penelitiaan dengan hewan sebagai uji coba akan
sama dengan manusia sebagai uji coba.
C. Penelitian pada produk kesehatan yang diujikan langsung pada hewan memiliki tingkat
keberhasilan yang lebih tinggi.
D. Hewan yang digunakan sebagai objek uji coba dalam penelitian bidang kesehatan akan
mengalami kegagalan organ.
E. Obat yang efektif digunakan pada hewan uji coba belum tentu efektif jika diberikan pada

8. Banyak orang menyukai makanan pedas karena makanan pedas terasa lebih nikmat dan
menggugah selera. Namun, terlalu banyak mengonsumsi makanan pedas dapat
mengakibatkan gangguan lambung dan iritasi usus. Makanan pedas dapat memicu naiknya
asam lambung dan mengakibatkan tenggorokan menjadi panas. Orang disarankan untuk
membatasi konsumsi makanan pedas agar terhindar dari gangguan pencernaan.

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, manakah pernyataan berikut ini yang PASTI SALAH?
A. Makanan pedas terasa lebih nikmat sehingga mendorong orang makan lebih banyak.
B. Makanan pedas dapat memicu gangguan pencernaan sehingga tidak menggugah
C. Tenggorokan panas terjadi karena asam lambung naik akibat mengonsumsi makanan
D. Mengonsumsi makanan pedas secara tidak berlebihan aman bagi kesehatan
E. Orang yang mengonsumsi makanan pedas berpotensi mengalami gangguan iritasi usus.
9. Pada tahun 2012, jumlah mobil listrik yang digunakan masyarakat sangat sedikit. Pada
tahun 2020, lebih banyak mobil listrik yang ditemukan di jalanan dibandingkan pada
tahun 2012.
Manakah pernyataan berikut yang PALING MUNGKIN menjelaskan perbedaan kedua
kondisi tersebut?
A. Pada tahun 2020, jumlah penjualan mobil lebih banyak dibandingkan pada tahun 2012
B. Sejak tahun 2012, banyak produsen mobil listrik yang memasarkan produknya.
C. Pada tahun 2020, pemerintah memberikan insentif pajak pada mobil listrik.
D. Mobil listrik dianggap sebagai mobil mewah untuk kelompok konsumen tertentu.
E. Pemasaran mobil listrik pada tahun 2012 lebih sering dilakukan dibandingkan pada
tahun 2020.

10. Grafik berikut menunjukkan data jumlah pasien positif, persentase pasien sembuh, dan
pasien dirawat di ICU karena virus XX di sebuah rumah sakit sejak bulan April sampai
dengan bulan Agustus.

Berdasarkan data dalam grafik tersebut, manakah pernyataan PALING TEPAT untuk
menggambarkan kondisi pasien Virus XX di rumah sakit tersebut pada bulan September?
A. Jumlah pasien Virus XX meningkat dibandingkan dengan bulan Agustus.
B. Jumlah pasien Virus XX sembuh lebih besar daripada bulan Aguatus.
C. Jumlah pasien Virus XX yang dirawat di ICU lebih besar daripada bulan Agustus.
D. Persentase pasien Virus XX yang dirawat ICU lebih kecil daripada bulan Agustus.
E. Persentase pasien Virus XX sembuh lebih besar daripada bulan Agustus.

Penalaran Kuantitatif
11. Diketahui terdapat penambahan biaya pengemasan sebesar Rp3.000,00 untuk setiap
pengiriman. Jika Anggun ingin mengirim dua barang sekaligus dan satu barang terpisah,
biaya termurah yang dikeluarkan Anggun adalah..
A. Rp44.650,00 D. Rp32.500,00
B. Rp43.750,00 E. Rp20.150,00
C. Rp37.400,00
Soal untuk Nomor 7 dan 8
Aurel Laundry menerapkan biaya mencuci baju untuk kelipatan 1 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg, dan 7 kg
sebagai berikut:

Berat (kg) Harga

1 Rp 6.000,00
3 Rp 20.000,00
5 Rp 30.000,00
7 Rp 40.000,00

12. Jika Hannah hendak mencuci pakaiannya sebesar 16 kg, maka biaya cuci paling minimum
yang harus dia keluarkan adalah sebesar …
A. Rp 70.000,00 D. Rp 92.000,00
B. Rp 80.000,00 E. Rp 96.000,00
C. Rp 90.000,00
13. Suatu hari, took tersebut memberikan diskon untuk orang yang mencuci pakaiannya
minimal 3 kg. Diskon tersebut adalah batas toleransi berat pakaian sebesar 1 kg. artinya,
jika berat pakaian adalah 4 kg, maka harga yang dikenai hanyalah untuk 3 kg saja. Hannah
mencuci pakaiannya seberat 16 kg. Namun, saat itu ia hanya membawa uang sebesar Rp
50.000,00. Ia menghabiskan semua uangnya untuk biaya cuci, berat pakaian minimal yang
harus dikurangi adalah sebesar …
A. 4 kg B. 5 kg C. 6 kg D. 7 kg E. 8kg
14. Seorang pedagang durian membeli 100 buah durian dengan harga seluruhnya Rp 600.000.
penjual tersebut menjual 40 buah dengan harga masing-masing Rp 7.000; menjual 52 buah
durian dengan harga masing-masing Rp 6.000; dan sisanya ternyata busuk. Berapakah
besarnya kerugian atau keuntungan pedagang tersebut?
A. Untung Rp 8.000 D. Rugi Rp 18.000
B. Untung Rp 18.000 E. Tidak untung tapi juga tidak rugi
C. Rugi Rp 8.000
15. Dalam suatu kelas terdapat 12 murid laki-laki dan 16 murid perempuan. Rata-rata nilai
ulangan Matematika di kelas tersebut adalah 80. Setelah melihat hasil tersebut, guru
Matematika memberikan kesempatan kepada 4 murid, dengan nilai masing-masing 52, 56,
62, dan 66, untuk melakukan remedial. Diketahui bahwa nilai rata-rata peserta remedial naik
7 poin.
Jika sebelum remedial, rata-rata nilai ulangan murid laki-laki di kelas tersebut adalah 78,
rata-rata nilai ulangan murid perempuan adalah?
A. 80,5 B. 81 C. 81,5 D. 82 E. 82,5
Kemampuan Matematika
16. Nilai dari

A. 9/2 C. 18 E. 9
B. 2/9 D. 1/18

17. Perhatikan tabel berikut

Diagram di atas menyajikan data banyaknya desa di kabupaten A dan B berdasarkan

banyaknya produksi kedelai.
Berapakah dari pernyataan berikut yang bernilai benar berdasarkan informasi di atas?
1) Rata-rata banyaknya produksi kedelai kabupaten A lebih kecil daripada kabupaten B.
2) Median banyaknya produksi kedelai dari data gabungan adalah 30.
3) Median banyaknya produksi kedelai kabupaten B dua kali kabupaten A.
4) Modus banyaknya produksi kedelai data gabungan adalah 40

A. 0 C. 2 E. 4
B. 1 D. 3

18. Jika b =27 dan 3log b+a = 1, maka nilai adalah …..

A. 0 C. – 1/18 E. 3/18
B. – 3/14 D. – 3/18
19. Diketahui hasil panen jagung dua petani selama lima bulan terakhir disajikan dalam tabel

Rata-rata hasil panen petani A ditambah dua kali median hasil panen petani B sama dengan
dua kali jangkauan hasil panen petani B ditambah 8.
Berdasarkan informasi tersebut dari pernyataan berikut yang bernilai benar sebanyak….
1) Nilai A lebih besar dari rata-rata hasil panen petani B.
2) Jangkauan hasil panen petani A sama dengan median hasil panen petani B.
3) Modus gabungan data hasil panen petani A dan B adalah 30.
4) Median gabungan data hasil panen petani A dan B sama dengan median hasil panen
petani B.

A. 0 C. 2 E. 4
B. 1 D. 3

20. Jia { a ≤ X ≤ b } adalah himpunan penyelesaian dari pertidaksamaan (0,004) f(x)
≤ (0,2)𝑥 ,
maka berapakah nilai a-b?.
Putuskan apakah pernytaan (1) dan (2) berikut cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.
(1) a + b =f(0) =1
(2) f (x-6) = − 2

A. Pernyataan (1) SAJA cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi pernyataan (2) SAJA
tidak cukup
B. Pernyataan (2) SAJA cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi pernyataan (1) SAJA
tidak cukup
C. DUA pernyataan BERSAMA-SAMA cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi SATU
pernyataan SAJA tiak cukup
D. Pernyataan (1) SAJA cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, dan pernyataan (2) SAJA
E. Pernyataan (1) dan Pernyataan (2) tidak cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan

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