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Lesson Plan

Day: Thursday Date: 7 / 12 / 2023

Subject: English Title: Unit TWo Class: Year 1 - 2 Period: 1

Writing: a descriptive text
with repeated form.

Standards: Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information, and make
comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others.

Procedures Objectives


Show flashcards of toys. Ask "What is it? What colour 5m By the end of this lesson
is it?" students will be able to:

Identify capital letters at the

beginning of sentences.
Identify question marks at the
end of sentences.

Dan's box 15m Strategies Applied

Ask a child to read Dan's bubble.
Discovery by learning
Ask another child to read the sentences.
Communicative Approach
Write it on the board class read.
Group Work
Volunteers circle the capital letter and question mark.
Pair work
Activity 1

Ask what is in the first picture.

Write the complete sentence on the board.
Ask what colour it is. Write the second sentences on
the board.
Class reads.
Do the same for the second and third picture.
Ask different children to read the sentence on the 10m Aids & Materials
Smart Board

Class reads all the sentences. Flashcards

Body Language

Children complete the sentences in their books. 5m Resources Needed


Go around helping and monitoring as they work. Pupil’s Book

Teacher's Guide

Workbook, exercise 1 and 2, page 19. 5m


Ask children "What is it?" 5m

Children answer "It is a capital letter".

Ask again "What is it?"

Children answer "It is a question mark".

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