Self - Rating Competency Chjecklist

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GURO 21-Course 1
Kapalong East / Davao del Norte
Region XI


Directions: The following checklist contains a list of competencies covered

in this module. For each competency, there are four possible levels of
mastery (Novice, Apprentice, Practitioner, Expert). You will use this
matrix to rate your level of mastery of each competency prior to studying
the module (PRE), and after you complete the module (POST). For each
competency, place a check mark (p) under the appropriate “PRE” column
which best describes your level of mastery prior to studying the lessons
of the module. You will place a check mark (p) under the appropriate
“POST” column when you have completed the module. Comparing your
two self-ratings on the PRE and POST columns will tell you whether you
have improved your competency level or not.

I cannot I am I can do this I can

do this learning how but I need to do this
yet to do this learn more very well
(Novice) (Apprentice) and improve (Expert)
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
1. Describe
the critical
attributes of p p
21st century

2. Discuss the new

parameters for
teaching and p p
learning in the
21st century.

Equipping Teachers with Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values for the 21st Century 10
3. Explain the
four pillars
of learning
framework for p p
21st century

Equipping Teachers with Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values for the 21st Century 11
I cannot I am I can do this I can
do this learning how but I need to do this
yet to do this learn more very well
COMPETENCY (Novice) (Apprentice) and improve (Expert)

Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

4. Explain the
of lifelong
p p
learning in
the 21st
5. Identify the
core themes,
literacies, and
p p
of the 21st

6. Determine ways
to improve
skills, attitudes,
and values p p
(KSAVs) on
21st century
life and
career skills.
7. Promote peace
and respect for
cultural diver- p p
sity as a 21st
century teacher.

8. Demonstrate
the leadership
attributes of a p p
21st century

Equipping Teachers with Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values for the 21st Century 12
I cannot I am I can do this I can
do this learning how but I need to do this
yet to do this learn more very well

COMPETENCY (Novice) (Apprentice) and improve (Expert)


Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

9. Integrate In-
formation and
p p
tions Technol-
ogy (ICT) in the

Equipping Teachers with Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values for the 21st Century 13

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