CVS 217 Qa
CVS 217 Qa
CVS 217 Qa
CVS 217
Cardiovascular module
1. Pericardium:
a. Examine the boundaries of the transverse and oblique
sinuses of the pericardium.
b. Write on the dotted lines the marked features.
1. The Heart:
a. Examine the shape, position, external features, borders
and surfaces of the heart.
b. Examine the internal structures of each chamber of the
c. Compare between right and left ventricle.
d. Detect the origin of the right and left coronary arteries
and their course and branches.
e. Detect the coronary sinus of the heart and its tributaries.
f. Write on the dotted lines the marked features.
2. Large vessels of the thorax:
a. Detect the beginning and the level of bifurcation of the
pulmonary trunk.
b. Examine the beginning of the ascending, arch and
descending thoracic aorta and their branches.
c. Examine the level of union of the right and left
brachiocephalic veins to form the SVC and their
d. Write on the dotted lines the marked features.
3. Large vessels of upper limb:
a. Trace the beginning, course and end of the axillary ,
brachial, radial and ulnar arteries and their branches.
b. Examine the important relations of the previous arteries.
c. Examine the site of the superficial and deep palmar
arches in the hand.
d. Trace the axillary, cephalic and basilic veins and their
e. Notice the median cubital vein and its deep relations.
f. Write on the dotted lines the marked features.
4. Large vessels of lower limb:
a. Trace the beginning, course and end of the femoral,
popliteal posterior tibial, peroneal, anterior tibial and
dorsalis pedis arteries and their branches.
b. Examine the important relations and branches of the
previous arteries.
c. Trace the course of the long and short saphenous veins
and the accompanied nerves.
d. Trace the course of the femoral and popliteal veins and
their tributaries.
e. Write on the dotted lines the marked features.
Self-Assessment Questions
A. Short assay questions:
4. What are the parts of the heart which form its sternocostal
and diaphragmatic surfaces.
7. Give the origin and branches of the right coronary artery.
9. Determine the location of the S.A. node and the A.V. node
and their arterial supply.
10. Give the surface anatomy of the borders and valves of the
11. Give the areas of the heart supplied by the left coronary
13. Give the location and branches of the superficial cardiac
16. Give the course and branches of the descending thoracic
19. Give the branches of the second part of the axillary artery.
22. Determine the branches of the arteries sharing in the
anastomosis around the elbow.
25. Give the beginning, course, branches and end of femoral
26. Mention the deep relations of the popliteal artery and its
28. Give the course, tributaries and termination of the long
saphenous vein.
31. Explain the congenital anomalies related to bulbus cordis.
B. MCQs:
1. Regarding the fibrous pericardium, it is innervated by:
a. The cervical plexus
b. The vagus nerve
c. The phrenic nerve
d. The sympathetic chain
2. Regarding the function of the pericardium, one of the following
statements is correct:
5. Regarding the oblique sinus of the pericardium, one of the following
statements is correct:
11. Regarding the arch of aorta, choose the correct answer:
a. It begins at the 3rd right sternocostal junction
b. The right brachiocephalic vein runs along its upper border
c. The left brachiocephalic vein runs along its upper border
d. The left anterior aspect is related to the recurrent laryngeal nerve
12. Regarding the descending thoracic aorta, choose the correct answer:
a. It begins at the level of T12
b. It descends in the posterior mediastinum
c. It gives origin to the first posterior intercostal arteries
d. It gives the right bronchial artery directly
13. One of the following branches arises from ascending aorta:
a. Right coronary artery
b. Right common carotid artery
c. Right subclavian artery
d. Subcostal arteries
14. Regarding the beginning of arch of aorta, choose the correct answer:
a. It begins opposite the left 3rd intercostal space
b. It begins opposite the right 3rd intercostal space
c. It begins opposite the right 2nd sternocostal junction
d. It begins on the left side of the disc between T4-T5
15. One of the following branches arises from arch of aorta:
a. Posterior intercostal arteries
b. Right coronary artery
c. Left coronary artery
d. Left common carotid artery
16. Regarding the brachiocephalic veins, choose the correct answer:
a. They unite together to form the S.V.C behind the upper border of the
1st right costal cartilage
b. They unite together to form the S.V.C behind the lower border of the
1st right costal cartilage
c. They unite together to form the S.V.C behind the upper border of the
2nd right costal cartilage
d. They unite together to form the S.V.C behind the lower border of the
2nd right costal cartilage
a. It measures about 2 inches
b. It measures about 3 inches
c. It measures about 4 inches
d. It measures about 5 inches
18. One of the following branches arises from the ulnar artery:
24. The following artery doesn't share in the anastomosis around the
a. Radial recurrent artery.
b. Anterior circumflex humeral artery.
c. Anterior ulnar recurrent artery.
d. Posterior ulnar recurrent artery.
25. The radial artery in the anatomical snuff box passes on, choose the
correct bone(s):
a. Scaphoid.
b. Pisiform.
c. Trapezoid.
d. Capitate.
26. Branches of ulnar artery in the forearm, choose the correct answer:
a. Anterior ulnar recurrent.
b. Ulnar collateral artery.
c. Superficial palmar branch.
d. Nutrient branch to humerus.
27. Regarding the ulnar artery at the wrist and hand, mark the correct
a. Gives a deep palmar branch.
b. Gives radialis indicis artery.
c. Continues as anterior carpal arch.
d. Continues as deep palmar arch.
28. The subscapular artery, choose the correct answer:
a. Arises from the 2nd part of axillary artery.
b. Gives the posterior circumflex humeral artery.
c. Shares in anastomoses around surgical neck of humerus.
d. Gives circumflex scapular artery.
29. The brachial artery, choose the correct answer:
a. Starts at the distal border of teres major muscle.
b. Ends opposite the head of radius.
c. Descends on the medial side of the humerus.
d. It descends medial to ulnar nerve and bicipital aponeurosis.
30. Profunda brachii artery, choose the correct answer:
a. Arises from third part of axillary artery.
b. Passes with the ulnar nerve in the spiral groove.
c. Descends between medial and long heads of triceps.
d. It supplies biceps brachii muscle.
31. Anastomosis around the lateral epicondyle of the elbow, choose the
correct answer:
a. Between brachial artery and both ulnar and radial arteries.
b. Anterior interosseous artery shares in the anastomosis.
c. Present on the front of the lateral epicondyle only.
d. Maintains free blood flow when the elbow is fully flexed.
32. Ligation of the posterior tibial artery at its origin would affect the
following branches:
a. Dorsalis pedis artery.
b. Lateral plantar artery.
c. Obturator artery.
d. Femoral artery.
33. Concerning the dorsalis pedis artery, choose the correct answer:
a. It is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery.
b. It enters the sole of the foot by passing between the two heads of the
second dorsal interosseouus muscle.
c. It can be palpated on the dorsum of the foot between the tendons of
tibialis anterior and the extensor hallucis brevis muscles.
d. It joins the medial plantar artery.
34. The peroneal artery is a branch of which artery:
a. Anterior tibial artery.
b. Popliteal artery.
c. Posterior tibial artery.
d. Arculate artery.
35. The arterial pulsation in the lower limb could be felt in:
a. Femoral artery just below and lateral to the pubic tubercle.
b. Popliteal artery when the knee joint is fully flexed.
c. Posterior tibial artery below and behind the lateral malleolus.
d. Dorsalis pedis artery on the dorsum of the foot.
36. Regarding the veins of lower limb, choose the correct statement:
a. They are devoid of valves.
b. Small saphenous vein drains into great saphenous vein.
c. Femoral vein lies lateral to the femoral artery at the base of the femoral
d. Great saphenous vein pierces cribriform fascia to enter femoral vein.
37. Regarding the veins of the lower limb, choose the correct answer:
a. Venae commitantes accompany the popliteal and femoral arteries.
b. The long saphenous vein ascends behind the medial malleolus.
c. Drainage of blood from deep veins is helped by contraction of the calf
muscles and arterial pulsation.
d. The perforating veins possess valves which direct the blood flow from
the deep to superficial veins.
38. Aortic arch IV forms the ……….on the right side of the embryo and
the ……….on the left.
39. During fetal life, in which of the following structures is the percent
hemoglobin/oxygen saturation level of fetal blood the lowest?
a. Right Atrium
b. Inferior Vena Cava
c. Umbilical Vein
d. Descending Aorta
40. Regarding the development of the heart tubes, mark one correct
41. Regarding the development of the heart, mark one correct statement:
a. Ostium secundum lies between the lower free margin of the septum
primum and the endocardial cushions.
b. Ostium primum appears in the upper part of the septum primum.
c. Septum secundum is an incomplete septum.
d. Septum primum and septum secundum fuse together after birth.
42. Regarding the development of the atria, mark one correct statement:
a. The rough part of the definitive right atrium is derived from the
absorbed part of sinus venosus.
b. The smooth part of the definitive right atrium is derived from the
absorbed pulmonary veins.
c. Foramen secundum is located in the upper part of the septum primum.
d. Foramen ovale allows passage of blood from left atrium to right atrium.
43. Regarding the development of the heart, mark one correct statement:
44. Regarding the development of the bulbus cordis, mark one correct
45. Regarding the development of the heart, mark one correct statement:
47. Regarding the development of aortic arches, mark one correct
a. The definitive adult aortic arch develops from the third left arch.
b. The fourth arch disappears completely during development.
c. The pulmonary arteries grow out from the sixth arches.
d. The ductus arteriosus is the dorsal part of the right sixth arch.
48. Regarding the development ofarteries, mark one correct statement:
a. Each aortic arch arises from the aortic sac and terminates in the dorsal
b. The maxillary artery is derived from the second arch.
c. The distal part of the right sixth aortic arch persist as ductus arteriosus.
d. The left fourth aortic arch forms the proximal segment of left subclavian
49. The common carotid artery develops from:
a. The umbilical artery.
b. The third aortic arch.
c. The first aortic arch.
d. The vitelline artery.
50. Regarding the development of the arterial system, mark one correct
a. Originally, there are six pairs of aortic arches.
b. The sixth arch disappears on both sides.
c. The right fourth arch forms part of the arch of aorta.
d. The subclavian artery is derived from the second aortic arch.
51. Regarding the development of the arteries, mark one correct
a. Postductal coarcitation of aorta is usually accompanied by patent
ductus arteriosus.
b. The second aortic arch forms the common carotid artery.
c. The left 7th cervical intersegmental artery forms the maxillary artery.
d. The external carotid artery arises as a bud from the 3rd aortic arch.
52. The annulus fossa ovalis is a remnant of the:
a. Truncal septum.
b. Septum secondum.
c. Septum primum.
d. Inter ventricular septum.
53. The fossa ovalis is a remnant of the:
a. Truncal septum.
b. Septum primum.
c. Conus septum
d. Inter ventricular septum
1. The axillary artery begins at the outer border of the …………… and
ends at the lower border of the ……………
2. The third part of the axillary artery gives the …… , …… and ……
3. The anastomosis around the scapula is formed of ……, …… and ……
4. The brachial artery begins at the lower border of ….. as the
continuation of …….
5. The brachial artery ends in the cubital fossa at the level of the neck
of the ……. by dividing into ….. and ….. arteries.
6. The anastomosis in front of the lateral epicondyle is formed of ……
and …….
7. The anastomosis in front of the medial epicondyle is formed of ……
and …….
8. The anastomosis behind the lateral epicondyle is formed of …… and
9. The anastomosis behind the medial epicondyle is formed of ……,
…… and …….
10. The cephalic vein pierces the deep fascia at the……groove, then
pierces the …… fascia to end in the …… vein.
11. The basilic vein begins at the …..…..… side of the dorsal venous arch
of the hand. It unites with the………… at the lower border of teres
major to form …………….
12. The ulnar artery continues in the hand as the …...……palmar arch,
while the radial artery continues as the …………. palmar arch.
13. The superficial palmar arch lies at the level of the ……….... border of
a fully stretched (extended) thumb. The deep palmar arch lies at the
level of the ………….. border of a fully stretched (extended) thumb.
14. The ulnar artery descends ……......... to the flexor retinaculum, while
the median nerve passes ……………. to the retinaculum.
15. The ulnar artery shares in the anastomosis around the elbow by
……….. and …………… while the radial artery shares in the
anastomosis around the elbow by ……………..
16. The femoral artery enters the thigh behind the inguinal ligament at a
point midway between the …………… and …………………
17. The dorsalis pedis artery lies between the tendons of ………………
and …………..
18. The popliteal artery begins at ……………. and ends at
19. The femoral artery has 3 superficial branches: ………………………,
……………………… and ………………………
20. The femoral artery has 2 deep branches ……………………… and
21. Anterior tibial artery begins at ……………………… and ends at
22. Anterior and posterior tibial recurrent arteries are branches from
…………………. artery while the peroneal artery is a branch from
……………………… artery.
23. The pericardium of the heart is formed of two parts …………… and
24. The sinuses of the serous pericardium are …………………… and
25. The interventricular septum is supplied by two arteries
…………………… and …………………
26. The right coronary artery arises from …………………… aortic sinus
while the left coronary artery arises from …………………… aortic
27. The right coronary artery gives ……………………
28. The left coronary artery gives …………………… and
29. In 80% of individuals the AVN receives its arterial supply from
……………………………… while in 20 % the AVN receives its arterial
supply from …………………… artery.
30. The AV bundle passes within ………………………… and its arterial
supply arise from …………………………
31. The cusps of the mitral valve are…………………… and
32. The cusps of the tricuspid valve are…………………, ……………… and
33. the coronary sinus is ……………cm in length and opens in
……………… atrium.
34. the coronary sinus drains the following tributaries …………………,
………………… and …………………
35. In the fetal heart, the foramen ovale allows the passage of blood from
the ……………. to the……………
36. The right horn of the sinus venosus forms the ……………… while its
left horn forms the ……..........
37. The truncus arteriosus is divided by a spiral septum into …………
and …………..
38. Persistent atrioventricular canal is always accompanied by both
…………….. and ……………... septal defects.
39. The third aortic arch gives the ………….. artery and the proximal part
of the ……………. artery.
40. The right limb of the aortic sac forms the ………….. artery, while its
left limb forms part of the …………….
41. The right fourth aortic arch forms a part of the …………… artery,
while the left fourth aortic arch forms a part of the …………….
42. The oxygenated blood coming from the placenta is carried to the
fetus by the ………… while the deoxygenated blood from the fetus is
carried to the placenta by the ……………
1. Select from column (B) the branch of the artery in column (A):
Column A Column B
(A) (B)
3. Ductus venosus C. Transmits blood from the right to the left atria.
4. Umbilical vein. A. Transmits oxygenated blood from the left
branch of portal vein to the inferior vena cava
CVS 217
1. Aorta is:
a) An elastic artery
b) A muscular artery
c) A medium sized artery
d) An arteriole
8. A medium sized artery:
a) Has thick tunica media
b) Is rich in elastic fiber content
c) Contains longitudinal smooth muscle
d) Lacks vasa vasora
15. Medium sized artery is characterized by
a) Collapsed lumen
b) External elastic lamina
c) Thick tunica adventitia
d) All of the above
22. The media of the femoral vein is characterized by having:
a) Internal elastic lamina
b) External elastic lamina
c) Smooth muscle fibers
d) Vasa vasorum
1 A
2 A
3 D
4 C
5 C
6 B
7 D
8 A
9 D
10 C
11 D
12 A
13 C
14 C
15 B
16 D
17 B
18 C
19 A
20 D
21 B
22 C
Compare the structural difference between elastic artery and muscular artery
Compare the structural difference between medium sized artery and vein
Endothelial cell form complete lining around the lumen Endothelial cell form an interrupted lining around the
Endothelial cells are not fenestrated The endothelial cells has fenestrae or pores
Endothelial cells are joined by zonula occludens Endothelial cells are joined by fascia occludens
The endothelial cells have few pinocytotic vesicles The endothelial cells has many pinocytotic vesicles
There are no clefts between the endothelial cells There are clefts between the endothelial cells
Describe the microscopic structure of the endothelial cell
Endothelial cells
With LM:
- Single layer of flat cells.
With EM:
- The cells are held together by tight junctions "fascia occludens" with intercellular
clefts inbetween.
- Many pinocytotic pits and vesicles.
Give reasons for:
1. Presence of fenestrae or holes in the elastic membrane of the arterial wall
To permit passage of nutrients to the wall of the artery
2. Presence of longitudinal muscle in the adventitia of IVC
To support the wall of the IVC
3. Capillaries are responsible for transport of nutrient to the tissues
As they are formed of only endothelial cells which have the following means of transport:
o Diffusion
o Intercellular clefts
o Pinocytosis
o Transcytosis
o Fenetestra in fenestrated capillaries
o Diapedesis
4. Abundance of elastic membrane in the wall of elastic arteries
o Minimizing fluctuations in blood pressure during systole & diastole.
o Acts as a secondary pump
5. Abundance of smooth muscles in the wall of muscular arteries
Control the blood flow to different parts of the body.
The thick muscular media is supplied and under the control of ANS
CVS 217
1) Concerning the cardiac muscle:
a. Is striated
b. Has myosin but not actin filaments
c. Have intercalated discs inside the muscle fiber
d. All the above are correct
6) Sino-atrial node:
a) is present in the left ventricle
b) is the normal pace-maker of the heart.
c) activity is increased by vagal stimulation,
d) activity is increased by cooling.
11) The function of the AV node is to:
a- Excite the left and right atrium
b- Prevent the atria and ventricles from contracting simultaneously
c- Repolarize the heart after systole.
d- None of the above
15) Prepotential:
a) is present in ordinary ventricular muscle fibre.
b) is due to increased permeability to K+
c) slope is decreased by sympathetic stimulation
d) is essential for the rhythmicity
b) Catecholamines due to decrease in the permeability of SA node to K+
c) Excess extracellular calcium
d) Digitalis which increases K+ permeability
20) The following data are obtained from a patient: The end diastolic
volume 130 ml, the end systolic volume 70 ml and the cardiac output
4800ml/min. From these data, one can determine that heart rate
a- 70 beat/minute
b- 80 beat/minute
c- 90 beat/minute
d-100 beat/minute
c. End diastolic volume - end systolic volume
d. (End diastolic volume - stroke volume) x heart rate
27) The cardiac output increases:
a) With an increase in HR (>220 beats/min)
b) In hypovolemic shock
c) Due to stimulation of parasympathetic
d) None of the above is correct
30) If the systolic and diastolic blood pressure are 140 mmHg and 80
mmHg respectively. The mean arterial blood pressure will be:
a) 20 mmHg
b) 100 mmHg
c) 160 mmHg
d) 60 mmHg
b) is calculated as the diastolic pressure plus 1/3 the systolic blood
c) is equal to the cardiac output plus the total peripheral resistance.
d) is higher in women than in men under 50 years.
33) Baroreceptors:
a- Are a type of stretch receptors
b- Are located in the aortic and carotid bodies
c- Control the mean arterial pressure from week to week
d- Produce sensory signals which stimulate the vasomotor center and
vagus nucleus in the medulla
34) The difference between the systolic and the diastolic pressures is
known as the:
a- Blood Pressure
b- Pulse Pressure
c- Mean Arterial Pressure
d- End-ventricular Pressure
35) Which of the following is the correct formula for mean arterial
blood pressure:
a- Histamine
b- Bradykinin
c- Nitric oxide
d- Atrial natriuretic peptide
42) A functional syncytium of the cardiac muscles means that they:
a. Are striated.
b. Are involuntary.
c. Have a short refractory period.
d. Work as a unit mechanically and electrically
a. It has the fastest rate of rhythmicity.
b. It has both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations.
c. It lies in the right atrium.
d. Activation of K+ channels occurs more rapidly in this region
52) Myocardial contractility is increased by all of the following,
a- Catecholamines
b- An increase in heart rate
c- An increase in end diastolic volume
d- An increase in parasympathetic nervous system activity
53) The left ventricle has a thicker wall than the right because:
a- It has to eject a greater stroke volume
b- It has to eject blood with lower velocity
c- It has to eject blood through narrower valve
d- It has to do more work against high pressure
56) The Purkinje tissue cells in the heart are characterized by all of
the following, except:
a- Are responsible for short duration of QRS
b- Are the more rapid conductor in the heart
c- Lead to excitation of the base before the apex of the heart
d- Are larger than ventricular myocardial cells
57) Which of the following is not a method of removing cytosolic Ca
following contraction of cardiac muscle:
a- Na-Ca exchanger transports Ca3f out of the cells
b- ATP-dependent sarcolemma Ca pump removing Ca +out of the cell
c- Ca diffuses passively out of the cells via calcium channels
d- ATP-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump removing Ca2+ into SR
62) Which of the ion channels is responsible for the inward current of
plateau phase of the cardiac action potential:
a- Cl- channels
b- K+ channels
c- Na+ channels
d- L-type Ca3+ channels
64) Prepotential:
a- Is present in ordinary ventricular muscle fiber
b- Is due to increased permeability to K+
c- Slope is decreased by sympathetic stimulation
d- Is essential for the rhythmicity
65) Concerning L-type Ca2+ channels in cardiac muscle fibers, all the
following is true, except:
a- Are voltage-gated channels.
b- Are opened during the plateau,
c- Conduct outward current.
d- Are inactivated very slowly.
b- The period of rapid ejection occupies the first 70% of ventricular
ejection time
c- The normal PR interval is about 0.16s
d- The QT interval is the duration of ventricular relaxation
68) The opening of the AV-valves occurs at about the same time in the
cardiac cycle as the:
a- Beginning of diastole
b- Beginning of systole
c- End of isovolumetric contraction
d- First heart sound
69) The reason the T wave has the same direction as the R wave is:
a- Atrial wall repolarizes in the same direction it depolarizes
b- Atrial wall repolarizes in the opposite direction it depolarizes
c- Ventricular wall repolarizes in the same direction it depolarizes
d- Ventricular wall repolarizes in the opposite direction it depolarizes
c- It occurs simultaneously with ventricular depolarization and is masked
by the QRS complex
d- It does not travel through body fluids e- It is too small to be picked up
by external recording electrode
78) The diagnosis of a first-degree heart block is made if:
a. The PR interval of the ECG is increased
b. The P wave of the ECG is never followed by a QRS complex
c. The P wave of the ECG is sometimes followed by a QRS complex
d. The T wave of the ECG is inverted
79) The closure of the AV-valves occurs at about the same time in the
cardiac cycle as the:
a- Beginning of diastole
b- End of isovolumetric relaxation
c- First heart sound
d- Second heart sound
b) Is the end of ventricular systole
c) Ends by closure of the mitral valve
d) None of the above
86) Which of the following is associated with the first heart sound?
a- Rushing of the blood into the ventricles due to atrial contraction
b- Closing of the A-V valves
c- Closing of the pulmonary valve
d- Opening of the AV valves
89) During the isovolumetric contraction phase:
a) A-V valves are closed but semilunar valves are open
b) A-V valves are open but semilunar valves are closed
c) A-V and semilunar valves are closed
d) Both A-V and semilunar valves are open
91) The "a" wave of the jugular venous pulse tracing is caused by:
a) ventricular systole.
b) blood flow into the pulmonary veins
c) atrial systole
d) none of the above.
93) The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by:
a) Closure of the mitral valve
b) Closure of the tricuspid valve
c) Closure of the aortic valve
d) Closure of the pulmonary valve
c) The closing of the aortic value is delayed
d) The stroke volume of the left ventricle is increased
100) The strength of contraction of left ventricular muscle increases
a) End diastolic volume rises
b) Serum potassium level rise
c) Blood calcium level falls
d) The initial length decreased
105) If the systolic blood pressure is 120 mmHg and the pulse
pressure equals 30 mm Hg, the mean arterial blood pressure would be:
a- 100 mmHg
b- 90 mmHg
c- 80 mmHg
d- 70 mmHg
111) Which of the following will not Increase stroke volume?
a. Increased end-diastolic volume
b. Increased contractility of the heart
c. Increased end-systolic volume
d. Increased stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers during ventricular filling
c- Decreased parasympathetic tone
d- Decreased antidiuretic hormone release
a) nitric oxide (NO)
b) endothelin-1.
c) increased sympathetic discharge to skeletal muscle.
d) increased local temperature.
127) All about the bulk flow across the capillaries is true except:
a) A passive process
b) The mechanism by which the plasma proteins pass to interstitial fluid
c) Increased by arteriolar dilatation
d) Decreased if the interstitial hydrostatic pressure increases
128) All about net capillary filtration is correct, Except:
a- Increases when the plasma protein concentration is increased
b- Increases as capillary pressure increases
c- Increases as the capillary permeability to protein increases
d- Is more likely to occur at arteriolar than the venular end of a capillary
c) Inhibition of the sympathetic
d) Hemorrhage
137) Veins:
a- Have a sympathetic vasoconstrictor innervation
b- Respond to distension by contraction of their smooth muscles
c- Are considered a high-pressure system
d- Contain 15% of the total blood volume at rest
139) Venous return to the right atrium is increased by all the
following, EXCEPT:
a) increased cardiac sympathetic tone.
b) increased minute ventilation.
c) increased venous tone.
d) deep expiration with closed glottis.
144) Concerning the coronary blood flow, the following are true,
a) it is about 225-250 ml/min.
b) it can increase 4 folds during strenuous exercise.
c) the right coronary artery supplies right ventricle and posterior part of
the left ventricle.
d) flow is equal in right and left coronary arteries in 50% of individuals.
d- Is auto- regulated
d- Is characterized by decreased blood volume
Key Answers of MCQ
No Answer No Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1 A 25 C 49 C 73 C 97 C
2 D 26 D 50 D 74 C 98 D
3 C 27 D 51 D 75 C 99 D
4 B 28 C 52 D 76 B 100 A
5 A 29 C 53 D 77 D 101 D
6 B 30 B 54 A 78 A 102 B
7 B 31 D 55 C 79 C 103 D
8 B 32 A 56 C 80 B 104 B
9 C 33 A 57 C 81 B 105 A
10 C 34 B 58 D 82 B 106 C
11 B 35 C 59 A 83 A 107 D
12 B 36 B 60 C 84 D 108 D
13 C 37 A 61 A 85 B 109 D
14 C 38 B 62 D 86 B 110 C
15 D 39 A 63 D 87 C 111 C
16 B 40 D 64 D 88 C 112 C
17 D 41 B 65 C 89 C 113 D
18 A 42 D 66 B 90 C 114 D
19 D 43 D 67 C 91 C 115 C
20 B 44 B 68 A 92 D 116 C
21 B 45 A 69 D 93 C 117 D
22 D 46 C 70 B 94 B 118 A
23 D 47 A 71 A 95 A 119 C
24 A 48 d 72 C 96 c 120 C
121 C 129 B 137 A 145 B 153 B
122 B 130 D 138 C 146 D 154 A
123 A 131 C 139 D 147 A 155 C
124 D 132 C 140 C 148 D 156 B
125 A 133 B 141 D 149 D 157 A
126 A 134 B 142 C 150 A
127 B 135 C 143 D 151 B
128 A 136 D 144 D 152 B
CVS 217
Medical Biochemistry
Cardiovascular Module :Metabolism of
d- It is used for early diagnosis of myocardial infraction
2. Which of the following cardiac biomarkers is recommended to evaluate
patients with suspected acute MI?
A. Troponin I
C. Creatine kinase
D. Myoglobin
B. Adipose Tissue Sensitive Lipase
C. Monoglyceride lipase
D) Have no role in lipid absorption
E) Consists of 27 carbon atoms
6. The key enzyme of bile acids synthesis is :
A. HMG-CoA reductase
B. HMG-CoA lyase
C. 7-α hydroxylase
D. Thiokinsae enzyme
7. For the synthesis of bile acids we need the following vitamin:
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin E
D. Vitamin D
E. Vitamin B
10.In post-prandial hyperlipaemia which of the following will be responsible for the
characteristic milky plasma?
a- phospholipids
b- Chylomicrons
c- B-lipoproteins
d- Cholesterol
e. LDL
11.Reverse cholesterol transport is helped by:
a. LDL
c. IDL
d. Chylomicrons
14.HDL lipoprotein:
a. Provides a vehicle for distribution of cholesterol to peripheral tissues.
b. Helps in mobilization of cholesterol from peripheral tissues.
c. Contains more TAG than other types.
d. Helps in mobilization of cholesterol from liver.
e. Needs ACAT for its activity.
15.Lipoproteins with high TAG content have a high density.
A. True
B. False
B. False
a. has the same density as chylomicrons.
b. contains B-48 as its major apolipopprotein.
c. transports exogenous (dietary) lipids.
d. its major lipid is triglyceride.
e. has the same density as LDL.
20.Lipoprotein lipase:
a- is present in the coat of VLDL and chylomicrons.
b- is induced by insulin in adipose tissues.
c- has a role in reverse cholesterol transport.
d- is induced by insulin in muscle.
e- is activated by apo B48.
22.The oxidized LDL triggers the process of atherosclerosis. Which of the following
structures are components of LDL:
a) ApoB 48
b) ApoB 100
c) Apo C
d) Apo E
e) Apo A
25.The term "bad cholesterol" is referred to:
a. stored cholesteryl esters
b. cholesterol content of LDL
c. cholesterol content of HDL
d. membrane cholesterol content
e. coprastanol
26.The characteristic apoprotein of chylomicrons is:
a. A1
b. A4
c. B100
d. B48
e. C1
27.A 34- year old female has been diagnosed as type IIa hyperlipidemia, which of
the following lipoproteins is elevated in such disorder?
b) Chylomicrons
c) LDL
d) HDL
e) All of above
28.Type I hyperlipoproteinemia is caused by:
a. hormone sensitive lipase deficiency
b. pancreatic lipase deficiency
c. lipoprotein lipase deficiency
d. apo B-48 deficiency
e. apoE deficiency
29.In Tangier disease, which kind of lipoprotein is deficient:
a) LDL
c) HDL
d) Chylomicrons
e) Free fatty acid
30.All the following represent risk factors for atherosclerosis except:
1- Hypercholesterolemia.
2- Hyperthyrodism
3- Diabetes mellitus
4- Coffee drinking
5- Cigarette smoking
31.Premenopausal women are at higher risk for atherosclerosis than
postmenopausal women
a) True
b) False
Quiz on energy supply
1 C
Quiz on biomarkers of acute MI
1 C
2 A
fatty acid synthesis
1 c
2 a
3 e
4 a
Quiz on triglycerides
1 B
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 C
Quiz on cholesterol
1 D
2 B
3 B
4 D
5 A
6 C
7 B
8 C
9 A
10 B
11 B
12 C
13 A
14 B
15 B
16 B
17 B
18 B
19 D
20 D
21 B
22 B
23 A
24 C
25 B
26 D
27 C
28 C
29 C
30 B
31 B
32 C
CVS 217
Theoretical Revision on Cardiovascular System
1-A 70-year-old woman presented with shortness of breath and fever390 C. on
auscultation a diastolic murmur was heard. History revealed a cardiac valve
replacement five years earlier. 3 consecutive blood cultures taken during febrile
periods revealed catalase-positive and coagulase-negative Gram positive cocci.
Which of the following organisms is the most likely cause of this infection?
a) Staphylococcus epidermidis.
b) Enterococcus faecalis.
c) Staphylococcus aureus.
d) Staphylococcus saprophyticus.
2- A 22-year-old man presented with high grade fever and fatigue for the past 3
days. On examination, a new diastolic murmur was detected. Blood culture
revealed beta hemolytic, coagulase positive Gram positive cocci. Which one of the
following is the MOST likely causative organism of this infection?
a) Staphylococcus epidermidis.
b) Staphylococcus aureus.
c) Viridans streptococci.
d)Streptococcus pyogenes.
3- A 43-year-old man is presented to the emergency department with fever, chest
pain, and shortness of breath after mild exertion. He reports a flulike illness 2
weeks previously. A biopsy was taken after the patient began to show signs of
heart failure, revealed mononuclear infiltration in the myocardial tissue. PCR assay
identified a viral cause. What is the most likely etiological agent causing this
patient’s condition?
a) Adenovirus.
b) Parainfluenza virus.
c) Measles virus.
d) Coxsackievirus B.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
1-Which one of the following is the most accurate regarding the replication of
a) The protease cleaves cellular ribosomal proteins inhibiting protein synthesis.
b) Integrase enzyme integrates copies of viral genome into the progeny virions.
c) Reverse transcriptase transcribes the genome RNA into double-stranded DNA.
d) p24 protein interacts with the CD4 protein on the cell surface.
2-To design a vaccine against HIV infection that prevent the attachment of the
virus to helper T lymphocytes. Which of the following molecules in the virus
might best be targeted in the prepared vaccine?
a) gp41.
b) p17.
c) p24.
d) gp120.
3-An HIV-positive patient with a drop in his CD4 T-cell count from 240 to 50/μL
presented with dry cough, low-grade fever and shortness of breath. On
examination, his temperature was 38.5°C. Pulmonary examination revealed
decreased breath sounds and rhonchi in all fields. A chest x-ray showed a bilateral
interstitial infiltrate with a “ground-glass” appearance. microscopic examination of
bronchial alveolar lavage revealed cysts. Which of the following is the most likely
stage of this patient’s HIV disease?
a) Acute stage.
b) Middle latent stage.
c) Late stage (AIDS).
d) Stage unknown.
4-Which one of the following is the most accurate regarding the laboratory
diagnosis of HIV?
a) The initial screening for antibodies is done by the complement fixation test.
b) A confirmatory Western blot assay should be performed after a positive screening
c) Viral load is the amount of virus produced by patient’s CD4 T lymphocytes in cell
d) After infection, Antibodies can be detected before the PCR can detect the nucleic
5-Which one of the following is the most accurate regarding the mode of action of
antiretroviral drugs?
a) Maraviroc acts by inhibiting the reverse transcriptase in the virion.
b) Zidovudine is a nucleoside analog that inhibits mRNA synthesis of HIV.
c) Lamivudine inhibits the growing polypeptide chain by causing misreading of mRNA.
d) Raltegravir inhibits the integration of HIV DNA into host cell DNA.
Epstein–Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus &Parvovirus B19
1-Which one of the following is the most accurate regarding the pathogenesis of
infectious mononucleosis?
a) The infection starts in the skin and then spreads to the blood.
b) The atypical lymphocytes in the blood of patients are EBV-infected T helper
c) The viral DNA is integrated into cellular DNA of latently infected cells.
d) EBV enters the latent state primarily in B lymphocytes.
2-An 18-year-old female presented with fever, sore throat, fatigue, and myalgia.
Physical examination revealed enlarged tonsils and cervical lymphadenopathy.
patient’s peripheral blood showed atypical lymphocytes and negative Monospot
test. Which of the following organisms is the most likely cause of this condition?
a) Epstein-Barr virus.
b) Cytomegalovirus.
c) Adenovirus.
d) Influenza virus.
3-A 5-year-old male is presented with fever and a new skin rash. On examination,
temperature is 38.2°C, His cheeks appear as if they had been slapped with
erythematous, maculopapular rash on his extremities. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis of this patient’s condition?
a) Erythema infectiosum.
b) Scarlet fever.
c) Roseola infantum.
d) Hand-foot-and-mouth disease.
4- Which of the following is a target cell for infection by parvovirus B19?
a) Blood monocytes.
b) Erythroblasts.
c) B lymphocytes
d) CD4 T lymphocytes.
5-A 17-year-old female presented with sore throat and fever 390C. On examination,
enlarged tonsils with cervical adenopathy and splenomegaly, patient’s blood
smear showed atypical lymphocytes and a positive Monospot test. Which of the
following organisms is the most likely cause of this infection?
a) Cytomegalovirus.
b) Adenovirus.
c) Influenza virus.
d) Epstein-Barr virus.
Viruses causing Hemorrhagic Fever
1- Which of the following viruses is associated with hemorrhagic fever?
a) Yellow fever virus.
b) Coxsackie virus.
c) Echo virus.
d) West Nile virus.
2-Which of the following best describes the pathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic
a) Allergy to Aedes mosquito bites.
b) Immune-complex hypersensitivity.
c) Increased release of dengue hemolysins.
d) Previous immunity to a different serotype of dengue virus.
3-Which one of the following best describes the mode of transmission of Ebola
a) Contact with patient’s blood and body fluids.
b) Bite of Aedes mosquito.
c) Inhalation of aerosols of rodent’s feces and urine.
d) Ingestion of contamination of food or water with mice urine.
4- Which of the following best describes the genome of Hantavirus?
a) Segmented, single stranded, positive sense RNA.
b) Non-segmented, single stranded, positive sense RNA.
c) Double stranded RNA genome.
d) Segmented, single stranded, negative sense RNA.
5-A 9-year-old boy presents with a migratory rash with central clearing on the
back of his neck. The child had recently been on vacation with his family and had
gone hiking. The child’s pediatrician observes the rash and suspects erythema
migrans. Which of the following is the most likely causative organism of this
a) Borrelia recurrentis.
b) Borrelia burgdorferi.
c) Borrelia hermsii.
d) Borrelia miyamotoi.
6-A 20-year-old man presented with fever and an erythematous macular rash on
the right arm for the past 4 days. He reported hiking recently. You suspect the
rash is erythema migrans. Which one of the following is the best approach to
confirm your clinical diagnosis of this patient?
a) Beta hemolytic colonies on blood agar.
b) Agglutination reaction with capsular polysaccharide of the organism.
c) Direct demonstration of the organism in stained smears of peripheral blood.
d) Detect IgM antibodies in an ELISA assay.
Autoimmune disease
1. Regarding immunologic tolerance, which one of the following is the most
a) Clonal deletion occurs with T cells but not with B cells.
b) Tolerance to self-antigens occurs by negative selection of immature T cells in the
c) The presence of B7 on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell is one of the
essential steps required to establish tolerance.
d) Tolerance is easier to establish in adults than in newborns.
4.Regarding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, which one of the
following is the most accurate?
a) In myasthenia gravis, antibodies are formed against acetylcholine at the
neuromuscular junction.
b) In Goodpasture’s syndrome, antibodies are formed against the synovial
membrane in the large weight-bearing joints.
c) In autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the red cells are destroyed by tumor necrosis
factor produced by activated macrophages.
d) In Graves’ disease, antibodies bind to the receptor for thyroid stimulating
hormone, which stimulates the thyroid to produce excess thyroxine.
Model answer of theoretical revision on Cardiovascular system
Question Answer
1 D
2 B
3 A
4 B
5 D
Question Answer
1 A
2 D
3 A
4 D
CASE Study Activity
I.A 15-year old boy with congenital heart disease presented with fever, fatigue and
night sweats for 2 weeks after tooth extraction. On examination, his temperature is
38.5°C and a new loud systolic murmur heard over the heart. Blood cultures grew
optochin resistant, alpha hemolytic, Gram-positive cocci in chains.
1.What is your provisional diagnosis of this boy’s presentation?
2.What is the most likely causative organism of this boy’s condition?
3. Mention the predisposing factors in this patient.
4. What is the BEST approach for prevention of infection caused by the etiologic
agent in this boy’s condition?
II. A well-known HIV-positive patient with CD4 T-cell count 150/μL presented with
multiple dark purple nodular lesions on his sole and oral cavity. On examination
these lesions are firm on palpation and several of them appear to be growing
together into larger confluent plaques. A biopsy specimen from one of the lesions
revealed neoplastic cells.
1.What is your provisional diagnosis of this patient’s presentation?
2.What is the most likely etiologic agent of this patient’s condition?
3. Mention the clinical stage of this patient’s HIV disease?
4. What is the cell of origin of the neoplastic cells examined by biopsy specimen?
III. A 25-year-old male presented with sore throat anorexia, fatigue and fever. On
examination, his temperature is 38.50C with enlarged tonsils, cervical
lymphadenopathy, and enlarged spleen was palpable on abdominal examination.
Patient’s peripheral blood smear showed atypical lymphocytes and a positive
Monospot test.
What is your provisional diagnosis of this patient’s presentation?
2.What is the most likely etiologic agent of this patient’s condition?
3.What is the target cell for infection by the etiologic agent of this patient’s
4. Infection with the etiologic agent is associated with certain malignancies,
Mention these malignancies.
Practical Work Sheets
A 20- year-old drug addict presented with fever of 390C and fatigue of 4 days
duration. On auscultation a heart murmur was heard. Microbiological culture
results revealed beta hemolytic, coagulase positive Gram-positive cocci in
1.What is your clinical diagnosis of this patient’s condition?
2.What is the appropriate specimen to be collected from this patient?
3. Mention the MOST likely etiologic agent of this patient’s condition.
4.Mention the expected result and the importance of performing catalase test for
the causative organism.
A 45-year-old man with mitral valve replacement two years ago presented with
fever 38.5°C and fatigue 3 weeks after tooth extraction. On heart auscultation a
murmur was heard. Microbiological culture results revealed alpha hemolytic,
Gram-positive cocci in chains.
1.What is your clinical diagnosis of this patient’s condition?
2. Optochin sensitivity test was performed. What is the expected result of this test
according to the MOST likely causative organism?
3. Mention the MOST likely etiologic agent of this patient’s condition.
-Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology (2022) Warren L, 17th edition by
McGraw- Hill Education.
-Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology (2019) Riedel S, Morse SA,
Mietzner TA, Miller S, 28th edition by McGraw-Hill Education.
-Case files Microbiology (2015) Toy EC, Debord CR, Wagner A, Mackenzie C, Pillai
AS, Kettering JD, 3rd edition by McGraw-Hill Education.
CVS 217
1. Acute rheumatic fever classically develops in children 1 to 4 weeks after
a group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the
a. Aorta
b. Heart
c. Lungs
d. Pharynx
e. Tongue
circumflex artery what is the area of the myocardium which is
affected by infarction ?
a. Anterior wall of left ventricle
b. Anterior portion of interventricular septum
c. Apex
d. Lateral wall of left ventricle
10. Chylous pericardial effusion is caused by:
a. Generalized edema.
b. Bacterial infection.
c. Lymphatic obstruction.
d. Viral infection.
e. Tuberculous infection.
c. It may lead to pyemia.
d. It may be complicated by mycotic aneurysms
b. Fallot’s tetralogy
c. Fallot’s triology
CVS 217
1-Spironolactone is:
a- A loop diuretic
b- A thiazide diuretic
c- An antiarrhythmic drug
d- A potassium sparing diuretic
8-Concomitant administration of furosemide with the following agent can induce severe
a- Captopril
b- Propranolol
c- Acetazolamide
d- Gentamicin
16-Sugar molecules in the structure of glycosides influence:
a. Cardiotonic action
b. Pharmacokinetic properties
c. Toxic properties
d. All the above
17-All the following statements regarding cardiac glycosides are true EXCEPT:
a. They inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase, so increase intracellular Ca++ in myocardial cells
b. They cause a decrease in vagal tone
c. Children tolerate higher doses of digitalis than do adults
d. The most frequent cause of digitalis intoxication is concurrent administration of
diuretics that deplete K+
24-All the following drugs are used in the treatment of severe congestive heart failure
a. Verapamil
b. Digoxin
c. Dobutamine
d. Dopamine
27-All these drug groups useful in angina both decrease myocardial oxygen requirement
(by decreasing the determinations of oxygen demand) and increase myocardial oxygen
delivery (by reversing coronary arterial spasm), EXCEPT:
a. Nitrates and nitrite drugs (Nitroglycerin, Isosorbide dinitrate)
b. Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Nimodipine)
c. Beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs (Atenolol, Metoprolol)
d. Potassium channel openers (Minoxidil)
28-This drug group useful in angina increase myocardial oxygen delivery (by reversing
coronary arterial spasm) and does not decrease myocardial oxygen requirement (by
decreasing the determinations of oxygen demand):
a. Beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs (Atenolol, Metoprolol):
b. Myotropic coronary dilators (Dipyridamole)
c. Calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Nimodipine)
d. Potassium channel openers (Minoxidil)
29-Which of the following nitrates and nitrite drugs is used for prevention of angina attack?
a. Nitroglycerin, 2% ointment
b. Nitroglycerin, oral sustained release tablet
c. Isosorbide mononitrate
d. All of the above
31-Side effect of nitrates and nitrite drugs are, EXCEPT:
a. Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia
b. Ototoxic effect
c. Throbbing headache
d. Tolerance
37-This drug reduces blood pressure by acting on vasomotor centers in the CNS:
a. Labetalol
b. Clonidine
c. Enalapril
d. Nifedipine
38- All the following are central acting antihypertensive drugs EXCEPT:
a. Methyldopa
b. Clonidine
c. Moxonidine
d. Minoxidil
46-This drug is a Class IC antiarrhythmic drug:
a. Flecainide
b. Sotalol
c. Lidocaine
d. Verapamil